Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 12, 1868, Image 2

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    fa., JUtgusf 12, 1868.
Raftsman's fmrntaL
ron ntisirJisT.
Gen. JOHN F. HAETKANFT, of Moctg'y.
Col. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, of Cambria.
GLENKI "W. SCOFIELD, of Warren Co.
O MoMtisox CoateS. ol Philadelphia.
Tbohas M. Marshall of Pittsburg.
1 Wm. II. Barnes.
2 Wm J. Pollock,
3 Richard Wilder,
4 Oeorge W. Hill.
5 Watson P M'Oill.
6 John H Binghurst
7 Frank- Hooter,
8 Isaac Eckert,
f9 Morria Hoopes.
19 David M Kunk,
II Wm Davis.
13 Samuel Knorr
14 B. F Wignnseller,
15 Cbas II Mullcr.
IS George W. Klaer,
17 John Stewart.
18 A (1 Ulmitcid.
19 .lames (Mil.
20 Henrv C. Johnson,
21 J. K. F.wing,
22 Wm. Trew.
23 A M. Crawford,
24 J S Rutan.
12 WinthropW Ketchuui
Reduced. In three years the Republi
can "despotism, " has reduced the Army
from 1,005,516 men, to less than 40,OfH3,
and the reduction is still going on. What
an awful tyranny ?
RECONSTRUCTED. Of the eleven States
which went into the rebellion, eight have
been restored to their proper relations to
the Union, and are represented in Congress..
These are the governments which Frank
Blair wants to "disperse," and which the
Copperhead Platform denounces as uncon
stitutional and void.
Where IT west. Seymour and his sup
porter have the impudence to ask what has
become of the public money, after inaugn
niost gigaritlc reftemon tne world ever saw.
The money went to put down the Demo
cratic rebellion, to pay the soldiers, and
provide for the widows and the orphans,
and as far as money can, to heal the wounds
made by Democratic treason. Well they
know where the money went.
Where it wotiD go. The Sevmourn
crs ak where the public money went. It
is not difficult to tell where it would go if
they had the power. It would go to puy
the rebel debt, to compensate rebel saerifi
ces to destroy the Government, to pay pen
sions to rebel soldiers, and their widows and
orphans. It would go, where it went before
when they had the power, into the pockets
of such Democratic thieves as Floyd and
Cobb, et id genus omne.
Magnanimity. Gen. Grant has recom
mended to the President the remission of
the remainder of the sentences and the re
lease of all persons now in confinement under
the sentence of military commissions organ
ized under the Reconstruction Acts. This
shows the magnanimity of the man. While
his enemies and the enemies of the nation
are spouting treason and threatening revolu
tion, he shows that in his mind there is no
malice to those whom he regards as mistaken
in their policy.
Louisiana. Governor Warmouth, of
Louisiana, informs the President that a se
cret organization exists in the State, found
ed for the purpose of subjugating tue color
ed people, and aiming at civil war. He as
serts that its leaders intend to assassinate
the presiding officers of the Legislature ;
that they drill openly in the streets of New
Orleans, and meditate a bloody revolution.
Mr. Johnson is asked to send troops to pro
tect the State Government. To this con
dition has Louisiana been brought by the
promises of the New York Convention, and
the speeches of such blatant rebels as
Hampden, Toombs, Vance, and others.
What might we not expect if Seymour and
Blair were elected?
Gold on the Eise.
On the day the Rebel Convention asset,
bled in New York, Gold was quoted at
1.40i. In one month after the promulga
tion of their ticket and repudiation platform
and the utterances of Hampden, Forrest.
ance and Toombs in support of them, gold
has gone np to 1.49 ! Just as during the
war, rebel excesses and temporary victories
Put np gold and depreciated Government
securities, so now, rebel repudiation plat
forms and threats of a new rebellion have a
s.m.lar effect It there was tny reasonable
prospect ol Seymour ,nd Blalr-S efcctioDi
gold would go np at once to 2.S5 what u
was hen they met in Chicago aud'decfared
the war a failure in 1S4.
Seymour Accepts.
The 'long expected coiue at last' letter
of Horatio Seymour, accepting the Demo
cratic nomination, occupies two columns of
an ordinary newspaper, and is far more re
markable lor whut it does not, than for what
it does contain. The financial question is
dropped 'like a hot potato' not a word
about "payment i" greenbacks." Like a
"Stated-man" he dudies this difficulty, and
leaves the '"plow holders" in the Y'est and
the "bloated bond holders" in the East, to
fight it out on any '"line" they please.
E.ually silent is this letter on the subject of i
"a white man's government," negro su
premacy, and "ntager equality." Although
his supporters all over the conntry are ex
claiming against the negro, and declaring to
their de'nded followers that eight millions
of white men in the Suth are to be kept
down and desraded by three millions of
negroes, not one word hasthe "Statesman,"
in all his prolix epistle, to say on th; favor
itc theme. A.trnin, we have searched the
elaborate production from one end to the
other, to ascertain his views on the proposi
tion of his 'confederate' F. P. B!a:r, to dis
perse the "carpet bag governments" in the
South, but not a word could we find. On
the subject of Blair's new revolution, the
letter is as silent as the grave. Whether
he too, 'ike liiair, Hampden, Forrest, and
others, proposes to nullify the laws of Con
gress and resist, by the bayonet, their en
forcement, we are wholly left to conjecture.
What the letter does contain is simply an
ii'dietment of the party in power for endeav
oring to reconstruct the states lorn asunder
by the Democratic rebellion. Kvery thing
done by Congret-s is wYorg, in the esti
mation of Mr. Seymour. It was all wrong
in I SO I to prevent the rebels from going out
of the Union on their own terms, and it is
all wrong in 1S("S to permit them to come
back on any terms but their own. Mr. Sey
mour would have them do just as they
please, and hence he protests most stren
uously against "radical violence !" But as
he has been protesting against it for the last
eight years, it has got to be an old song.
He declared, four years ago, that radical vio
lence was a "failure," and of course we
would not expect so consistent a 'statesman'
to change his opinion. He has nothing to
say, however, about the "violence" of the
"Ku Klux Klan," murdering and robbing
Union men all over the South orabout the
threats of Blair, Wade Hampden, Vance,
Perry, Toombs and Hill that they will over
turn, by force, the existing governments in
Presidency. His elaborate disertation on
"violence" might with perfect propriety
be addrts-ed to his colleague t n the tick
et, and to his supporters who are threat
ening a second rebellion and civil war. If
he is so much in favor of peace, and j uiet,
and order, why does he not boldly and open
ly disown thesehomesof Blair ami Hampden
to piunge this country into a second bloody
struggle I If he is too w k : ml ! o timor
ous to repudiate these schemes now, would
he not lack the will, the judgement, and the !
resolution to prevent their consummation if j
elected? !
It isi ea-y to find fault wbh Congress and
the Republican party i0r the manner in
which the war was conducted and the
states reconstructed, but it is not so easy to j
demonstrate hw the nation is to bedeliver- j
ed from the evils brought upon it by the '
Democratic rebellion, and restored to aeon
dition of perfcet and enduring peace and pros
perity. Mr. Seymour can pick flaws, but
why doesjie not propose a remedy ? He
offers no solution of the financial problem,
and no plan by which the Southern states
can be reconstructed. He says "vote the
Democratic ticket-elect me to the Presi- I
dem y," and then what ? Why "the election
of a PuiMjcratie Executive and a
majority j
of Democratic members to the House 0f
Representatives trould not girethat parti or
ganisation the jmirrr to male sudden or vio
lent changes " What a plea for a 'States-
man ?' If he were elected, wit h a H nise of
Representatives to back him, he would have
no power to remedy the evils he deplores!
Then why elect him ? Have we not, for the
last three years. een enough of a want of
harmony between the different departments
of the Government ? It must be perfectly j
plaitr. lrom his own .-howing, that whatever 1
difficulties and troubles press" upon this I
country, no relief is to be obtained by the
election of Horatio Seymour.
This pitiful, begging, egotistical and lying
letter, has added nothing to the strength of
the Tammany ticket, but has only served to
weaken the force of Blair's manifesto with
those who made both ticket and platform
the rebels in the South. Its sophUtry will
deceive no Republicans, while its irresolu
tion will disgust many of his own party. It
"'"""""y the production of a political
trickster, fiotmaering in a sea of uncertainty i
uncertainty !
and doubt, lacking iKe courage to express '
ms nonest convictions, and endeavoring to
conceal a past record of which js ashamed.
SjV$' e1ec,io "m eff ! were d,fe.
el. and Mil er. Demoerat.and Hill a decent K?..
And Hill "the decent white man," im
mediately made a speech, at Atlanta, for
Grant and Colfax, and declared his inten
tion to take the stump for them until the
"They cant get the Cop. to gamble '-Repniliran
No, not outside of the Court House.
Facts and Figures.
Taking their cue from the speech ot their
candidate just before the New York conven
tion, the Copperheads expect to blind the
people to the issues in vc lved in .Jis con test, by
presenting an imposing array of figures to
show not only the enormous taxation of the
country, but the extravagant waste of the
public money by the party in power. Over
looki ng.or concealing the fact that when they
had control of the Government, under the
administration of Buchanan, the Treasury
was robbed until it was empty, and ti e
public credit was so low that thetr financiers j
could not borrow money at twelve per cent., I
so that when Mr. Lincoln was inaugurated
he found the Government bankrupt alike in
assetts and in credit, they point to the
enormous amount of the national debt, and
affirm that it has been swelled to its gigantic
piopcrtions by the wasteful extravagance of
Congress. It might be a sufficient answer to
remind them, that whatever the debt may
be. and however buthensome to the people,
it was brought upon the country by a Dem
ocratic rebellion a rebellion growing out of
Democratic teachings, fostered and encour
aged by Democratic leaders, inaugurated
under a Democratic Administraion, fought
by Democrats in arms aided and assisted by
their compatriots throughout the North,
and carried on with arms, munitions, and
money stolen by Democrats from the Gov
ernment they were attempting to destroy.
In the face of such a record, complaints of
the size of the public debt, and the burthen
of taxation, come with a bad grace from
Democratic politicians.
But their imposing figures and charges
of extravagance, disappear when brougt to
the te.-r of investigation, like snow under
the rays of a tropical sun. Mr. Seymour
said, in the speech to which we have referred,
"Since the war closed in 1865 the Govern
ment has spent for expenses, in addition to
payment on the principal and interest of the
public debt, more than one thousand mil
lions of dollars, of this sum there has been
nearly eight hundred millions spent on the
army and navy and for military purposes.
This is nearly one third of the national debt,
and teas spent in tt time of peace." Now
mark the assertion. Let it not be misunder
stood a third of the rational debt has ac
cumulated since the close of the war,
and the country is paying for its army and
navy nearly $270,000,XM) per anum in a
time of peace ? This is what Mr. Seymour
would convey he means this or he means
nothing, and he must have Known when
must know when they repeat it, that it was
u'terlj fake.
Let us look at it for a moment. When the
war ended there were l.(XC,5I6 men in the
Lniou armies.and nearly Sve hundred vessels
in the navy, fully manned, blockading three
thousand miles of coast. Preperations were
immediately made to muster this vast fores
out of service. Money had to be raised, not
only for the back pay due the soldiers and
sailors, but lor the clo.-ing bounty, and for
the va.-t amount of prize money due in the
navy. It was raised (not by Seymour and
his party, for he boasts that he owned no
Government bonds) by the loyal people, and
within one hundred and seventy-four days
aftr Grant dictated the terms of surrender
" l'le "sts of tho rebellion, the Treasury
l'alJ "ut $G-j,lW0,000, or more than three
fourths of the whole sum stated by Mr.
Seymour as the army and navy expense
for the last three years ! Now this sum, the
necessary expense of mustering out the' vast
forces of the Union, deducted from Mr.
Seymours total of $S0O,000,ihK),Ieaves$I75,
OOO.tiOu, as the current and actual expenses
t''tne whole army and navy for the last
three years, or $5S.000,O(K) of dollars per
annum, instead of $-70,000,000, as he
assert,d. And included in this sum are the
bounties raid under the Act of 28 July lsOli,
to all soldiers.and the heirs of soldiers, who
served two and three years, and the pen
s'ons ,,:''J 10 J'-bled soldiers, and to widows
and orphans. If an ordinary man, and not
a "statesman" had made such an assertion
lie would have been branded as a li dem
agogue. When we compare these figures with the
expenses of'ths army and navy under the Ad-
ministration of Mr. Buchanan, when there
ua teen and was no war, we will be
prepared to appreciate the Democratic
promises of economy. In 1S5S the expenses
of the navy were $14,000,000, and of the
army $2(3,000,000, or for both S40,0O0,0u0
in gold ! The army consisted of 16,000,
men, and the whole force employed in the
navy was 7,f(,0. During the last three years
the army has necessarily been kept up to
about 50,000 men, so that under a Demo
cratic admistration it cost nearly as much
in gold, to maintain an army of lfi,000 men.
a3 it cost
as it costs, in paper, under the management
of Gen. Grant, to maintain a force of SO xh3 !
Let us hear no more about Democratic
So far from 'one-third of the national debt
having accumulated since the close of the j
of the war, as Mr. Seymour asserts, the
Principal of the debt has been largely and
rapidly diminished. When the war closed in
1S65, the total debt was set down in round
numbers at three thousand millions of dol
lars. By the official statement of the Sec-
retary of the Treasury, just published, the
total amount of the debt on the first day of
the present month, less cash in the Treasury
was 2,523,534,450,67, showing that it has
diminished in three years 5470, 4C5.5i 3,33.
It isevidont therefore that, though "figur
es don't lie," the same cannot be said of
Mr. Seymour and his advocates. It is pos
sible to quote figures, and by concealing or
distorting their true significance, produce
a false impression. It is the trick of a despic
able demagogue to deceive the people.in the
hope that his own treasonable record will be
kept in the back ground and forgotten, but :
it merits and will receive the contempt and
scorn of a!! honor-able men.
i -
The "Bigger"' Delegate.
Joseph E. Williams, of Tennessee, the
"nigger" delegate to the New York Conven
tion, is a black "cart et tagecr," having
been born and raised in Philadelphia, and
having resided in Washington at the out
break of the rebellion. What manner of
man this Williams is can be inferred from a
sketch of his subsequent career, which we
find in the Detroit Post. The writer, an
ex army officer, says : When Major George
Steams, of Boston, was sntby the Govern
or to Nashville, in 1S03, to raise and organ
ize colored troops, having become acquain
ted with Mr. WiHiams, he took him along
to assist in raising re ruiis. Not meeting
his expectations, Williams was a.-igned to
my regiment (Thirteenth U. S. C. I.) as
sergeant mnjor, f,om which position he was
reduced to the ranks- within two months,
"for incompetency and disobedience of or
ders." From that time forward the "guard
house report" will give his principal record.
He was court-martialed three times, and
sentenced to "hard labor with ball and chain,
and loss of pay ;" was sent to the guard
house dozens of times by his- commanding
officers for insolence and disobedience ; was
always taken sick when a march or a fight
was anticipated ; was never in any but fist
fights, in which he was always at fault and
sure to get whipped ; was missing at the
battle of Nashville and the subsequent
campaign against Hood, in which his regi
ment took a prominent part, and was held
in contempt by the lowest private in the
regiment." We always thought it would
take a veo1 mean "nigger" to be a delegate
to a copperhead convention, and we were
not mistaken.
National gr:ive-jar!s.ore-Jeed arid one-armed
men. widow and orphans every where ; tl.r-e
thousand millions of debt, a shuttered Union pros
trated trade and counuerce .... these things
are visible lit the nnKed eye and it is useless to
employ soothsayers to slime them over " lit-pitb-
1W.-oV You liav,"- -"J ; -'
laminar with tUeiu, the fruits of the Di
craiic rebellion. They will indeed, "contin
ue to stare the loyal people of the land in
thufac3,"and the recollection of the Cop
perheads and rebels who brought ti:em up
on the country will last "as long as history
shall endure." The waters of Lethe can
never wa.-h away the guilty stain from the
narnesoftho.se who turned theirguns against
their country, nor of those, worse than reb
els, who gave aid, encouragement and sym
pathy to the rebellion, while enjoying the
protection of the Goiernment they were
anxious to destroy.
Eon. Chas. Francis Adams. -Mr.
Adams, our late Minister to England,
in a letter declining an invitation to address
a Republican meeting in Quincy, Mass.,
avails himself of the opportunity to say that
his political sentiments are unchanged, and
the same as when he received his appoint
ment from Mr. Lincoln ; in other words,
the Republicans of Quincy in presuming he
is with them, made no mistake. Mr. Adams
is one of a class of public men of distinction
on whose support the Democrats counted,
in all of whom, thus far, they have been
egregiously mi taken.
Cam p.k;n" Pai-kii. The enterprising pro
prietor of the ' Ilarrisburg Telegraph" has
issued a campaign paper, called the "Cam
paign Telegraph," which he proposes to
furnieh until after the election for 30 cents,
and to clubs of ioity or more, at 25 cuts
each. It is an elegant little paper, full of
life and spirit; and ought to have a wide
'Ruehershould bo callcJ upon forthwith to ex
plain his friends out of this awkward dilemma."
As "Bucher" was in Ilarrisburg in March,
when you say the article appeared, looking
after a little business rendered necessary by
certain coffee colored naturalization papers,
he doesn't know anything about it. If it
requires any attention, though we don't think
it does, it will receive it when the editor
Seymour's "Peace." General E. W.
Hinks, who is commanding at Goldsboro,
North Carolina, writes to a friend in the
North that if Seymour and Blair be elected.
a. reign of injustice and terror will speedilq
ensue. The only motive now operating to
prevent it, viz. fear of hurting the election,
will not then be felt.
' One of the -pnrpo ot the Republican party
U to establish a militar; despotism "Rrpitbliratt.
. The reduction of the army from 1 ,000.000
f men t0 ,CSS tllan 40'000 render t "visi
b!e," very! You oueht to get a pair of
'spectacles,' George; the "sun at noonday"
is hard on your eyes.
Not a Doubt of it. Toombs said.in his
fate Atlanta speech, that "i tear was pro
duced by the defeated Democratic party in
1800. Joonibs was and is a Democrat. and
ought to know,
A Little of Everything.
The Chinese Embassy is at Buffalo.
The graveyard need attention badly.
The campaign i getting warm and active.
Woric as well as vote for Grant and Colfax.
Jeff. Davia endorses the Copperhead platform.
The Cathoiio Cbuteh in Tyrone is being frescoed.
The editor of the - Central Press" will consider
our -tile lifted.'
. The enlargement of the Tost-Office is an ac
ceptable improvement
The Pope has appointed six new cardinals all
from the Italian clergy.
Centre county has instructed for Hon. Wm. H.
Armstrong fi r Congress.
The r,epublii.-nns of Allecheny county are puh
ing the campaign vigorously.
It is xaid the Indiana Democrats won't allow
Frank Plair to speas in their State.
Lewisburg has 2SS9 inhabitants and 5f7 fami
lies. 1157 attend church, and 932 do not.
McClellan is announced to tnkeihe'-apade" for
Seymour and Blair. lie fs to dig the grave !
Like many other Serpentine productions, the
riomoeratic ticket carries the sling in its tail.
The Central TaciSc Railroad is now built to
Humboldt river, 200 miles East of San Francisco.
One of the Atlantio cables has been broKen near
Sew Foundland,it is thonght.by a passing iceberg.
Judge M'Knally will hold his first Court in
Centre county. It will comnienceon the 24th inst
Gen. Kilpatrick will return from Chili this
month, and taKCthe tturnp for Grant and Colfax.
The Hon. John Cessna wilt be nominated fr
Coi.gress in the twenty-first District It will le a
good nomination.
All the Blairs are to hold a family conncil this
weeK over political matters. The fate of the na
tion will be settled.
"Sweet William'' complains that the Seymoor
and Clair -machine' ruus hard. It wants grease.
It screeches badly.
The Republicans in every township fhould or
ganize at once. To worK, if yon would nip in the
bud a second rebe'lion.
'Torpedo' Maury has been made a profe?or in
Lee's Virginia College It is a rebel nest, and a
nice brood they 'll ha'ch.
Senator Bucknlew is sp nken of as the next Dem
ocratic candidate for Governor Geary will lay
him out as he did Clyiner.
One hundred and thirty-three thcnstird emi
grants have arrived at New Yora siuoe January
first. A fine chance for Wallace.
The new bell for the M. E Church was raised
to the bellry on Saturday last, and placed in po
sition. It rings out clear and Urong.
Seymour is an -immenso' letter writer, but ho
doesn't know how to punctuate. The people will
bring him to a full stop in November.
A Democratic banner in a recent procession
read : ' To h 1 with F. B." Query: Did it mean
Freedmen's Bureau, or Frank Blair?
Valuable ores are being discovered in different
parts of our county . Wo have scarcely an inkling
cf the vast mineral wealth of this region
Gen Frans Seigel is President of tho Central
German Republican Club of the city of New York.
Thousands of liberty-loving Germans are going
to 'fight uiitSeigcl.'
Eoax Lucas, of Cu'tin townh;p. Centre county,
was illed while cleaning a well, last week. He
was being drawn up in the bucket, when he fell
and broKe his neck.
W.-J- , . - . ...
'white man s Government.' at Aiken, S. Carolina,
last week. His only assistants were two 'nigger
orators, and a 'nipger' procession !
Seymour says he was 'caught up by the whelm
ing tide.' The tide will ebb on the 3d of Novem
ber aud carry him back into the vast ocean of
political nothingness from whence he came
Don Piatt, of Ohio, says the Democratic party is
like "a blind horse in a bark -mill. that goes round
and round round and round perfectly indiffer
ent whether he grinds tan-bark or brimstone so he
g'tx hix oat.'
The Cops ought to ask Frank Blair theirfavor
ite question. "How would you like to have your
daughter marry a ni :ger ?" inasmuch ss Frank
savs he "would rather sleep with a nigger than
with a Democrat."
Sweet William is "bobbin around" among the
County Conventions, trying tp get men liomina-,
ted for the Legislature who will vote for him for
the U S. s:ccato- The coffee-pot Chairman is not
ambitious not any !
There is a '-nigger" Democratic Club in Meri
den. Louisiana, having over 300 members. Of
course they belong to the '-White man's party."
They are striving after "social equality" and find
it among the Copperheads.
There is a law suit going on in Lancaster for the
possession of three goslings, claimed by two dif
fercnt peisons. The costs alreadynmonnt to twen
ty dollais per gosling, and the case has only got
through the Alderman's jurisdiction.
A powerful Democratic speech by Senator Hen
dricks, at New Albany, Indiana, on Saturday last
was followed by a Republican gain of seven hun
dred votes at the municipal election on the Tues
day after. It was a logical tequer.ee.
We have no more enterprising citizen than Ex
Gov. Iiigler. He is indefatigable in bis efforts to
promote the prosperity and welfare of the town
We don't like his politics, but we do liice his pub
lic spirit, enterprise, liberality and plucK.
The Copperheads appear very anxious to know
what has bfcsino of the public money. They had
better begin to prosecute their inquiry by apply
ing to Floyd and Cobb, who can enlighten them
on the subject up to the time they vamoosed from
i resident Jo tin ton gtres Seymour and his
'friends'' a shot below the water Tine when he
says in his veto message, -it is well known that a
portion of th inhabitants of AVu, York and Vir
ginia were atie engaged in the rebellion. True
for once, Andy.
The Court House party has hang another flag
over the street They intend to monopolize all
the corners, and uiae up in flags what they lack
in votes The Clearfield bread-and-butter brigade
has a wonderful affection for flags with a dirty
smear at the end of them.
The "breezes of Heaven" visited the last Sey
mour and Blair flag rather 'roughly on Saturday.
It was blown down, sticKs and all, and lay in a
dirty heap on the Court House steps. The party
will be in pr -cisely the same condition, after the
whirlwind on the 3d of November.
The last thing the rebels did before the war was
to vote the Democratic ticket. Their first act
since the war is to vote the Democratic ticket.
There was but one step from Democracy to rebel
lion, and it is perfectly natural that there should
be but one step back from rebellion to Democracy.
Ihe Copperheads are very anxious that we
should deal with present and not with the past.
Let the ' dead past bury its dead" they say All
right, but we will erect a tomb stone to the mem
ory of -its dead.'. When the graves of three
hundred thousand loyal heroes, bntcbered by the
Democratic rebellion. are forgotten, then the tomb
stone can be removed , and not until then.
Clearfield has a large number of fine houses. and
among them one that might be worshipped with
out a breach ot the second commandment, for
there is nothing lite it "in the heavens above, or
in the earth benea'h, or in the waters under the
earth," and there never will be. It is ycleped
the -'Mansion House " It is now receiving the
'finishing touch' in the shape of a ben coop at
the Western end.
"The Drift of the Tide."
Wallace's "tide" still continues to "drift"
the wrong wsy. The prospects of Seymour
and Blair are "growing small by degrees,
and beautifully less." The following are a
few examples:
TheElmira Guzette., the only Democratic
daily paper in Chemung county.New York,
declares that Horatio Seymour cannot and
should not be elected, and accordingly runs
up the Republican nominees.
The Steubenville Herald states that "the
German Democrats of Ohio are abandoning
that party by thousands and enrolling among
the friends of Gran' and peace."
The Uepubh'c, the Washington organ of
the war Democrats, has hoisted the flae of
Grant and Colfax and is battling vigorously
lor the cause. It would have gone lor Chase
but it can't follow Wade Hampton's lead.
The Zanesville (Ohio) German!, the on
ly German paper published there, which
has hitherto been Democratic, in last week's
issue repudiates Seymour ami Dlair.
The Ualcigh (N. C.) Standard guarantees
50, 0(10 majority for Grant and Colfax in
North Carolina.
The Hon. David Kilgore, formerly r pre
sent ative in Congress from Indiana, and
during the past three years a nann support
er of the President, has repudiated the
Democratic nominations, and will take the
stump lor Grant and Colfax.
The Mahanoy (Schuylkill Co.) Gazette,
heretofore a neutral paper.last week run up
the Republican ticket, with the following
announcement :
We raise this week the Republican stand
ard. Now that the enemies of Republican
liberty have organized ; now that the adhe
rents of treason again show a bold front ;
now that the friends ot the "lost cause"
have in the South plucked up courage,
r-liperpd bv the substantial aid and comfort
extended "by the Copperhead Democracy of j
the North, who without the courage to tc
avowed rebels have, at the same time, all
the instincts of insidious traitors, we are
convinced that it is the time for every loyal
paper to show its colors.
The New York Journal of Commerce,
whieh speaks the m'n.ds of the solid men of
the party, gives up the contest, and says the
action of the Tammany Convention forfeited
the support of the honest portion of the
party. Had "two good Conservative Dem
ocrat s" been pre.tMcd, it says, "the ticket
could have been elected by an everwhelming
majority." As it is, however, there is no
hope. We quote :
"We shall not be surprised if the propor
tion of those who actually refrain from vo
ting should be of it -elf l eyond all former
precedent It might have been far
otherwise if there had been virtue and deci-i-ion
enons'h among those who are direct lv
responsible for the action of the Con vent ion."
This Democratic journal could not have
employed language better to indicate its be
lief that the election of Grant and Colfax is
already placed beyond a question.
Blair's opinion of Grant.
The Leavenworth (Ivy) 7is.of Sunday,
"1 1 tTO. -a,re 1 1 x-, ti.iiK 1 . , i i , oi
ler his speech in this city, in the presence
of a number of gentlemen, and in reply toa
remark that "Grant, was a fool," said:
"Sir, you are mistaken. Grant is no fool.
I know him well. I knew him before he
went into the army, and when he used to
haul wood into the city of St. Louis. I
met him often in the service. I know the
man. lie is, by , the greatest man of
the age. Sherman, Shridan, and Thomas
are .good men, but Grant is worth more
than all of them. Oliver Cromwell aud
Napoleon Donepartc were both great men,
but, sir, I tell you that Grant is a greater
man than both put together. He is no
talker, but he is one of the d est thinkers
in the worl 1. He is ambitious, but he don't
show it; and I tell you if he is elected, he
will set up a monarchy and establish him
self Lmperor. I tell you, that the people
are mistaken when they suppose Grant to
be a fool. They have good reason to fear
his greatness."
"'es,but don't you think that, he will be
controlled by such men as Sumner, Wilson
and Washburne?"
"Controlled? Controlled? Why, by ,
he would sweep them away like straw."
"But, General, don't you think that cir
cumstances have done a great deal for
"Why, h 11, the fellow has made the
circumstances. I tell you that it is .oo luck.
The man that can spring right up fro n
poverty and obscurity, and do uhat he has
done, is no mere creature of circumstances.
Circumstances dou't run so much in one
" I am a Democrat; but if General Grant
is such a great man as you sav he is. I am a
Grant man from this out."
"Well, if you want a despotism, vote f)r
him ; but if you want a Republican form of
Government, you will have to vote against
him. 1 know that he is a great man, and
. in saying so, I simply tell the
'Oen.lirant's brother contributed SI 000 to the
Seymour and Uiair Clubof Chicago.''-iJ,i,V
"We are authorized by .Mr, Grant himself
to say that the statement is utterly false.
He is a Republican, and intends to vote for
General U. S. Grant for 1'resident, not be
cause the General is his brother.but because
be is the standard bearer of the National
Republican party." Chicago Post.
Try again, Gorgie.
A Fraud. The Democratic papers have
been publishing what put ported to be a
speech made by Gen Custerat the Tammany
Convention. The General writes that he has
not been at New York in a year, and has
not made a speech within that time, there
fire so far as he is concerned the publication
is a fraud.
Unripentant. Since the New York
Convention, the rebels are as outspoken and
as violent as they were just before the war.
Ti, ..:i i . c , .
j cwui-Miij iiiuk lurwaru to anitftier re
bellion. The Charleston Mercury expresses
itself as follows :
Not one honest man South of Mason's
and Dixon's line, is ashamed of the musket
he bore or the sword he drew in d. fense of
the Confederate flag. The man who savs that
he is ashamed of it, lies. Let every honest
man at the North be sure of the faet, that
the man who says so, wants to swindle mon
ey out of somebody. IIe is a knave either
in the first or in the last step.
"A nigger and an ignoramus for Judge ' buch
is loyalty." Rrpubliean.
Why not "Judje" as well as delegate to
the Democratic Convention ? There was at
least one 'nigger,' and plenty of 'ignoram
uses' in that delectable body.
Tue Divferencf.. The three yearn of
war, brought upon the country by the Dem
ocratic Tarty, cost $3,000,000,000. The
three years ot peace have cost $300,000,
0O0. Who would not join with Gen. Grant
and say "7f tis hare peace."
The Public Debt.
The following is the statement of the pub
lie debt of the Uuited States on the 1st of
August, 1SCS :
Five per cent, bonds, $ 5S.8.400 00
Six percent, bonds, 1.SS1.2N.3.67G OO
Six per cent. 5-0 bonds, ,otf3,l(f..00 00
Total, $2,OsS,37 1,800 00
Three y'rcouip. int. notes, $21,604,890 00
Certificates at 3 per cent, 50.000.000 00
Navy pens' n fund at 3 per ct, 13.000,000 00
Total, $S4.G04,?90 00
Three vear 7-.".0"s due Aug. 1,
'67, 4 June July 15,'f8, $ 8,433,800 00
Compound interest notes ma
tured June ln.July 5, Au
gust 15. Oct. 15 k Dec. 15,
'f.7, & May 15. 'CW, 0,013,010 00
Bonds, Texas indemnity, "oti.OOO 00
Treas'y nntes.acts July 17, CI,
and prior thereto. 154,511 C4
Bonds April 15, 12. Jan. 28,
'47, i arch 31, 1S4S, 1,9'J5.941 SO
Treas'y notes March, 3, 1S03, 555,492 00
Temporary loan, 740. 52o 00
Certificates of indebtedness, "13.000 00
Total, $18,099,175 44
TJ. S. Note-,
Fractional currency ,
Gold certificates,
$350,021,073 Ot
31, 807. SIS 37
22.4I4.0OO IK)
$ 4IO.3ii2.S91 37
Grand Total,
$2,001,378,750 SI
Six per cent, lawful money
bonds issued to Pacific
Railroad Company,
$ 32.210,000 00
Total debt,
Am't in Treasury -Currency,
$2,033,588,750 M
n. $ S3.409.917 93
26,044,355 21
Total. $ 110,(54,276 14
Amount of debt Jess ca-U
in Treasury, $2,523,534,40 f.7
The foregoing is a correct statement of the
public debt, as appears from the books sir. 1
Treasurer's returns in the Department on
the 1st day of August, 1S08.
Signed II. McCulloch,
Secretary ot the Treasnrv.
iW dmtisicmcntri. .
A (wrtixrm'ntx xrt up in far;? typr, or out of pfai.t
tut.irill br rhan-,t rfout'1' usual late. iVotlitr.
CCMTTION. All per-ons are hereby cau
' tione.i against purchasing or meddling
with two horM and one wngon no.v rn possession
of U bert and V- illiaiu Wallace of t'licst town'p,
tm !, " '--' - J ami , 1 1; tt , i tr
said Wallace's on loan subjfwr to mv ordur
Aug I J. Os -3t. WM. W'KSroVKK
rjUOCEIl! ES at. reduced prices. Sugars
pulverized, granulated, crushed, sugar
house. Coffee, old government java. prime rio,
roasted Teas, japan. imperii! youne; by son.lilack.
.Violates. Lovtriug s syrup, extra golden, sugnr
bouse. Crackers, egg biscuit, wine oyster and
soda crackers. Vinegar, white wine and pare ci
der vinegar, at J. V. KKAT.KH S.
tamentary on the estate of James Al
bert, lute of Iectur township, Clearfield coun
ty. I'a.. deo'd. having been granted to tbo
undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate
are requcMed to make immediate payment, and
thofe having claims apainrt ihe same x" ill piescnt
them, properly authenticated, lor settlement
Aug 12, '6 -It WM Al.UtKT. Jr , fcieo'r.
ACTION. -All persons are hereby cau
tinned aeainst purchasing or meddling
with 1 cow. 1 two year old ttecf. 1 one-yeHr old
steer. .1 yearling heilers. 3 hend of f heep, 3 heed
cf bocs. 3 acres of corn in tbe ground. 3 aeresirf
buckwheat 40 bushels ol rye. 20 bushels of when'
3 tons of hay. and an ecro of potatoes in !be
ground, now in possession of Win. Ilasleton of
Chest tow i.'hip. as the tutu belong to me vi:d are
only left with said Iia-let-.n on loan, subject to
my order. l.ICHAKD MOIiKUON
i-ic.-.-ian i-uii'ii. one nine i.om Jv
lertown. commencing on Wednesday erenint;. Au
gust I '.Oh. and continue over ibe Sabbath follow
"'S There will be preaching each morning, at
IHJ n'elticK. and ea,:h evening ut ni o clock. tn
bbth there will be three preaching service.
Lev. M L. Jiicxson. of Cun, her land co.. and Ktv
M. L Osier, of Providence. K. I , will be present
to preich tbe word. Kev JacKson will commence
a aeries of Meetings at Messiah's ChuicU Cooper,
on Mednes ay evening August 12. to continue
till ibeljrove.Veetiiigeouiinenccs All areinvited.
JT A R D WAR E. For Bhu-ksmit h's-horse
shoes, horseshoe nails, nail rods, files,
rH?ps For Wajjonmakers thimble skeins and
pipe boxes, tire bolts, wrenches, carriage bolts.
1-or Carpenters planes, saws, augers, hatchets,
hammers, plane bitts squares. Guilders locks,
ninKes. ,l..or bells, nnils, screws, bolts, latches,
ssl fasteners. Lumbermen double bitt aiei,
rafting aies. mill saws, drawing knives House
keeper? knives and folks, spoons stoves and
pipe, flat irous. coflee mills cleavers. Cabinet
makers bed screws, ciis'ers, cupboard catches
furniture knobs drawer locks Fanners Scythes,
rakes, spades, shovels, forks hoes, scoops, at
AugiisU2 soa Im. J. P K K AI ZK It S.
STATEMENT of the finances of the Bor-
OUi-'h of t'lcmfiflil V.r ,!,. ,-..,,.
i i. i u t . . i t -
January 1st, Im',8.
Taxes credi:ed on MacAdamizing Streets. ri3 57
Excess of expenditures, J:j3 31
Total, si4r6 8S
Orders were drawn for
Taxes credited.
Orders were drawn :
$1433 31
31 57
SNfifi 6$
t or work done on streets,
for printing.
For stationery and services,
For removing enow-drift,
For preparing duplicate,
For rent of hog pound,
For high Constable s services.
For exonorations to collectors,
For office rent.
For bounty claims.
For lumber,
$359 71
34 50
5 00
10 00
2 50
5 on
5 00
8 50
io oo
975 00
13 10
$1433 31
Due from Collectors for 1S85,
Due on planking.
Cash in the Treasury,
Outstanding orders for year I85S,
Outstanding orders for year infill,
Outstanding orders for ear 1H5,
Outstanding orders for year 1866,
Ilue on .MacAdamizing,
Assetts over liabilities.
$12 00
29 34
S 8 00
. 3 22
23 67
4 50
122 29
176 63
We, the undersigned. Auditors of Clearfield
Borough. having examined the accounts of said
Borough, do certify tbem io be correct as above
stated. and that the above represents the financial
condition of said Borough ; and that the asserts
exceed tbe liabilities one hundred and seventy-six
dollars and sixty -three cents ($176 63.)
LG.Morga. W. S. BRADLEY, ....
Secretary C. B. SAKDFOHD,