l)e Skffeincm' gourttaf, katfdb, a.; ufi) 29, 1868. Raftsman? gournat TXRFIELP. PA., JULY 29.J86& -" Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad. iAvm Tyrone mt : : : : : 9 20 a m l""5 pbillpiWt : : 1120 a.m. .-; Lives Philipsborg a : : : 2 05 p m, ' Arrives at Tyrone at : : 4 00 p. m. 'vTnwrs Divine services will be held BeVRev. Nisdorff in the Lutheran church ,u morning and evening. Br Rev Archer (Presbyterian), 13 the p-m'rt House, mo ning and evening. Bv Rev. Guyer in the Methodist church, "Bv BeTfees, in the Baptist Church, in the evening. ADJOtTKlsrED f 01MV CONVENTION. The late County Convention havin g adjourned to re-assemble at the call of the Chairman of the County Committee for the purpose of nominating a county ticket, on consultation with the mem bers of the Committee, I designate TUESDAY, the 1st Jy of SEPTEM BER, for the re-assemLling of the Convention, in the Court House, in Clearfield, at 2 o'clock, P. M. II. B. SwoOPE, July 2f).2t. Ch'n. Co. Coin. The Columbia BriIhie. The eleventh span of the new bridge across across the l iv er at Columbia is nearly completed. The whole briJge will consist of twenty-eight spans, each 20 feet in length. It will cost $3u0,0O0. Tiie Normal School. Th Normal i School which has beenin progress in the town hill for eleven weeks pa,-t, closed on Wed ntlay last. The Literary Society met in the afternoon. A number of essays were rraJ, s eeches delivered, tc. We are glad to learn that the school was in all respects a decided success. Harvest. Our people have great rea fcn to be thankful to the ''God of the Har vest," fur the abundant crops with which their barns are filled. Never have we had m lountiful aharvest in this county. We have raided at least half enough to supply all our inhabitants for the coining year. Clearfield never approximated this before. ri.r.Aiinri.D Academy. We ask the es pecial attention of parents who have chil ' Iren to .-enj o school to the advertisement of this iiutituiion, which appears in our jiaj'er. There is no necessity for sending ehiM.-en great distances from home, when we Lave, 'close at hand, a school conducted V.- --.'and efficient a teacher as Professor It i) he tuk Wot xi). We gave a breif account in our lust paper of the di.-tressing occurrence between Mr. Morrison an 1 John II iruins, at Reed's Mill near Oscc-ala, in which the latter received a dreadful gash in the neck from an axe. On Thursday last he du d from the wound. Morrison i.s now iu jail, and will be indicted and tried for niurlcr at the September court. A M an Sib it. On J on Jay evening, after the bands on Zimmerman &. Co s Mill near l'hilipLurg had qui: work and were on their way home, a pistol in the h nds of one of the men went oiT accidentally and lodged a W.lrt iu the thith of George Yingling, in ?'.vt;ne a serious wound. It was purely ac c: lental. Mr. Yingling iscomfurtable. The Wilct was extracted by Dr. T. P. Potter. ' t R l'.Ail.KOAIiS .... , , , . .. i 1 he track has ueen ialii fr-.tii I'Lii'ip, almost t., the F.bie Kail. I The cars cm rcn to that point this week. Tbe ei!gin.-;- are at woik on the road to Morri-'ia!e. A gang of thirty hands are ae tivcjy at w.irk on the extension of the road h.'iu O.-vohi to Madera. At the rate the 's procrc-.v-ing the three roads will be en 1;. completed within t he next six months. I (,-,. . . ...,,,,. . : ' ' "i oei). in "i oi iihin ;UrJware.Queeiisware.Tiii-ware,liootsanl atioes. have ea.icht the spi. it ol improve- i iU'' M"J Cap.. ,eudy made Clothing, and . gcu ' i eral assortment of Xolious, etc. ftut. The to w Prehvtcri-in C'ilfJr.-ll of i They always keep on band the best quality of .... " " Flour, and a varietj. of Feed, "one in the li..ilne style is raj. idly a;- j All goo Is sold cheap for cash, or exchanged Tor . ,i - , . , .,, 1 approved country produce, lulling colnplelion. Two planing mills; Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are ire in nrf n .r..,; i i , ! predarcJ to saw all kinds of lumber to order, in procos ot erection. an,l a large foun- Kr,,,r, s,ioirPd. and punctually filled. and machine shop has just been built lite a number of new dwellings are g olng in 1 altogether Curwen.vi!le is looking j 3 ive, prosperous, and happy. ' 'Hot.A. of the most thriving and Viperous towns in our County is O-ceola. " is improving rapidly, and is destined to iuc an iniportantiioint.when the branch Ti'-iroad to l'useyville is couij)Ieted. And "'s of the bet fellows in it, is George S. trTy" wli o keeps a niamoth store, furnish- U,i evlTJthing desirable in the way of ''oods. ar.; and luerchandisc.' his vertiscment in mother column. Iike l. I'uii.ipsm rg. Hie large frame saWe, enneetci with Kepler's Hotel in 1'tilipsburg, Was discovered to be on fire at !ate h uur en Friday night. When first nthe roof was falling in, and allefforts to 4Tst tLe progress of the flames were abor- .,, it a entirely consumed, with all Us ! Olntvot- L' ... ,- 1 lrJls. tortunately the horses Were all ut ln Pture. Several coaches, two bug- 'nts' a 'arse lot of harness, and a supply of W an ! grain Were destroyed. The loss was "JUt $3,OX. There was a partial insur-Dce- A small building, io which a Mrs. "len resided, near by, was also burned l': tbe ground. A Fresh stock of stamped goods just re ceived at Keed & Co' a. The Normal School at Edinboro has a good reputation. The State assists those who intend to teach. The instruction given at the Normal School, Edinboro, is systematic, suggestive and accurate. A single term at such a school is often of great value. The courtiers at the Court of Queen E lizabetb were wont to gain royal favor by praising the beauty of the Queen's hair. Many modern ladies, by the use of'Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative," not only re ceive praise from their acquaintances, but gain as well the homage of all who behold their beautiful tresses. Cleveland Herald. Camp Meeting. The friends of Camp Meeting are requested' to meet on the Camp Ground, rear of Centre Church, on Satur day, August 8th, 1SG8, for the purpose of preparing the ground and selecting sites for tents. A large attendance is desired, as a great deal of work is yet to be done. Camp to commence August 21. July 29 2t. A. W. GcYESt, Pastor. The PiTtsbcrq Female College. The lost catalogue of this institution shows an attendance of three hundred and forty seven young ladies, gathered from twelve different states. The Faculty consists of twenty-two teachers. The curriculum em braces all the solid and ornamental branches ot education, while the charges are scarcely one a''' tnose Dla'iy schools possessing fewer teachers and more limited facilities. The Fall term commences on the 2d of Sep- tember. Catalogues end information can be obtained by addressing the Rev. J. C. Pershing, Pittsburg. MARRIED : On Thursday, July 2;5d, KS6S, by Bev. A. W. Guyer, lr. SlLAS 1. Carey, and Miss Alice McCtLLocou.both of Clea field Pa. On Thursdav, Julv 23d, 1S0S, bv James Kiddle, Esq., Mr. LD. Rankin, of Indi ana county, and Miss Mary C Rt FFOUD, of Buruside town'p, Clearfield county. DIED -. In Pike township July 23d 13fS, Isaac Puni.ap, ae.ed 02 years 8 months and 12 days. At Kylertown. on Friday, July 17th, ISCS, Edith, only child of Dr. J. and" Sallie Litz, ai:ed 2 years, 1 month and IS davs. LA KG K lot of Fly Nets, Team Siaze Harness, Horse Collars, Gai and arths. Surcingles aud Saddlery Hardware, just received ami fur sale by the lirm t It 11 . Z.1.1 L!-. It Cr CO. SOMETHING NEW ix CLEARFIELD. Carriage and Wagon Si. op, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. Tfao undersigned wouM respectfully inforni the citizens of Clearfield, aud the pub;ie in general, that he is prepared to do nil kinds of work on carriages, baggies, woguns. sleigh? sleds. Ac on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Or ders promptly attended to. Wil. M IvNI'iilT. Clearfield. Feb. 7. IsGB y. F E! F I R E ! ! FIRE!!! The Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia. Capital I Oldest Stock Insurance ) Inenrpora S500.000 J Co in the Lnitcd States j ted 17-J4. SIS. 000. 0011 LOSSES PAID IN CASH ASSETS. JANUARY 1. ISOS. S2.00l.2o8 72. Applications received and policies issued, for any length of time without being subject to assess ment, by JOHN 11. FILFOKD, Agent. Clear field. Pa February !9. ISfiS-fim. LIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Pcnn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 121 ClIESTSl-T STRKET, PhIl'A. Insures I.Ives on favorable terms, and will issue I'oiicie.-on any of the approved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid pioinpt 1; Premiums may be paid in cash; annually, semi-annually or quarterly; r one-half in casn, and oue-baif in note By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate in all Divider.!.' or Surplus Scripccrtificalef up to January. I S53, inclusive, are now receivable in P?'n' 0LTOUJ2, field, Pa Vt J. i. liartewick, Mudicnt Kxnini- TEW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, ClearSeld county. The undersigned, having opened a large and well selected stock ot gwos. ai liain inn.-, viear 1 field county, respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods. Groceries. j Suv.20, 1657. F. B. A A. IRWIN jj O ! T II I S. W A 1 ! ! NKYY STOKE IN MADE It A ! Jamks Forest A Son, would respectfully in form the public, that they have just opet.ed. in Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire now stock of SPRING AND SL'MMKU GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Their stiKjk consists of Alpacas. le Iaincs. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties; Cas simeres. Satinets aud Flannels, too numerous to mention; Beady made clothing of the best qual ity; Boots and Shoes of the very best makes; a complete stock of liroceries. 4c In short, every thing us-ially kept in a country store. Consumers! Look to your interests. Call and examine our stocn and prires before purchasing elsewhere Lumber aud grain of all Kinds taKen in exchange for goods. Keineiuberthe place; M.idcra.Clearfield county. Oct. 30, '67. JAMES FOKKKST A SOX. s O M E T II I N G N E W IN ANSONVIM.E. Clearfield county, Pcnn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large aud commodious store room, is now engaged in tilling it up with a new and select assortment of Kail and Winter goods, which he offers to tbe publio at prices to suit the times His st ick of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual- i . . : I '. , . A". . ... I niiulnm... at frntn ij extensive, u,j ia ' " 10 toS20 for a whole suit. Flour, Salt-and Uro ceries. of every kind, a complete assoitment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Moet. Hats and Caps, id great variety : L.aiirs dress goods, furs, aud other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on bind, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 111 rents a yard. and other goods in proportion x0w is the nine o buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods ; and even Ureenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Examino my stock be fore you buy elsewhere. October 30, teof. u. a Ar. Q.RAPE VINES FOR SALE. -AH the leadintr hardy varieties of first quality. Concord Cuttings, $1.00 per hundred. Oiders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in -oration, by AM. HILLS. Aug. 21. '67. Clearfield. Pa. QIOARS AND TOBACCO. ADOLPII SCIIOLPP, Mascpactdber and Y, holesalb anb Ketail 1EALBR 11 ClQARSI AND TOBACCOS, CLEARFIELD. PA., Would respectfully announce that he has remov ed to the large and cuntnodious store-room op posite the residence of II B Swoope, Esq., where he has opened a general assortment of Tobacco, Cigars.eto.. which he is prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, at reasonable prices. His cigars are made of the very best material, and in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment. He has always on hand a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di rects the attention of - lovers of the weed." Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county supplied at tbe lowest wholesale prices. I Call and examine his stock when you come to Clearfield. June 10, 1 jtSS. II. R A U G L E WATCH JSAKEE, GRAHAM S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and tbe public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, et nsisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike aud Alarm clocks. WA TCHES a fine assortment. o isilver Hunt ing and open caao Auioricau patent Levers, plain and full toweled GOLD PEI'S. an elegant assortment, of tbe best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortmant, far and near siirht. colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full sot ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ter Knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted A continuance of patronage is solicited. Xov. I'stli, lstjj. II. K. NALGLE rji O THE AFFLICTED !! KK.VI! HEAD! HEAD! THE GitEAT AMESICAN EE2IEDIES Persons subjiictto various ailments, frequently ssk the question. ' What shall. I do to relieve mc?'' To such we would say, try the fallowing iuvulua ble preparations, which have but recently been introduced to the public, although they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. AMERICAN VEGETABLE BITTEBS. This Vegetable Compound is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver. Carbuncles. E ruptionsof the Skin, Canker in tbe Stomach, etc. A benefit is always experienced from the use of our bottle, and aprrfrrt cure warranted when the patient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity. In some cases from two to three bottles will effect acure. No change of diet is necessary Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough of it. AHEKICAN LUNG B.EST0BATIVE. This preparation ifl a Vegetable Compound an Indiancurc for Lung Diseases. Coughs, Colds. Tightness of the ( hast. Pain in the Ureast, Asth ma, lironchitis. etc This Medicine has a most happy effect in the abovecomplainta. when taken ccording to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances, and tbe pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta tieous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAN LIKIKENT. This compound contains the most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in uso It is a spi-ody. snfe and mm m mttm 1 fc li in.-- W.. B.rMi., Toothache. Sore Throat. Stiff Neck, Spinal Oisca scs. Pain in Tic Itreast. Side and Kidneys ; Dizzi ness. Uurni-. Scalds. Chilblains. Cuts I'ruises, Sprains. Old Pores, II unrounds. Felons. Cholera Morbus. Colic, etc. No family siould be with'' it. as it is truly an indispensable and valuui ' remedy. AjIBICAST G0ITES CTJ2E. This is an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the troirrr. or swelled neck It is simple in itscomposition. yet pnwertul in its effect Us ed internaly and externally Persons afflicted in this way should not beiitate to obtain the rem edy at the e-irltHSt possible moment, and be re liuvcd from their unplensant complaint. All the above remedies are prepared and Sold by M. A. FRANK A CO Clearfield. Pa. Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices. II E C II E AI'ES T GOODS - ARE SOLD BY II I CHARD MOSSO P, SEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. MaBKET 8TRKET, CLEABFIKI.D, PA. AVirf the folloirtngltst of goods and prdfitthtrehy Cheap t TQS. THE LADIES. Ckeap'' ., . , . , . (roods Cheap: A'w7" on hand a largestock of La-Goods CWn dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Uoods Chrup, I'riots thimKerchicfs.Nu- :(fooJt CA r.ap j b,eg- I!o"e. cloves, etc. Goods Vtruy FOR GENTLEMEN, Hiuodt CJtrap Always on hand Black. Blue. Brown !700,a i-keap' nd iirey Cloths. Fancy and Black Goud Ctw1 Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinets, HZoori -urap lieap Cirap Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest- Goods ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. iGoors KEADY-MADE. Goodt Vfirap Such as Coats, Pacts, ests, I'nder-K'00' hrnp thirls, and other Flannel shirts, Goods Vtrap, Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps, Neck- (iood JiKip ties. (um Bootsand Shoes. and Goods hrap a variety of other articles. Good-i )l';rar Hors;iioLiMooi)s. fud rj"a Such as Unbleached and Bleached '00' .,"'! Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen ,,'''y ybrap, a.,,1,,,,,,011 tablecloths. Oil cloth, 'CJV Linen aud hemp towis. car- j.-, pets, curtains, fringe, eto 'Goods HAP.DWAKK. AC. Goods If you want Nails or spikes. Manure ' Goods or other fork Saw-miil or other (ouds cans. Sinootc ng irons. Locks, Cuo fs Hinges, etc. go to Mussop's Goodt where you n buy cheap. Gni,l C hrap Ctrajtf Cheap Chettji j Cltrrtp Cheap CittapX hfap IF YOU WANT Goods C)i C.'ieap' Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Cheap1, and hemp ropes. Ink. Paper or Chr.api Pens. Powder. Shot or Lead, Cheapl etc., buy them at Jlujjup'a. Vi,r.ip' IF YOUVANT Cheap Shoe Last or Pecs, Palm or Fancy Cheap Soap. Starch, Wail Paper or Win- Chr,ip dow Shades, Lamps. Lamp tubes Cheapl or Wicks, coal oil. etc . go to Che.ap Mossop's cheap cash store. eap 'heap i? YOU WANT Ch,an' , f, TTV.-. (mods " I Itooa extra imuiiv rmur. uiiq wr t.l.enn- . , l IJ '"i Cheap Drown sugar, hams, shoulders or iods Goods "(wood j Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods i Goods , Goods 'Goods j Goods "'' I iaes- coffee; Imperial. Young I heap iiygon or blacK tea. hey them Cheap at Mossop's cheap for cash. khniv IF Y0U WAST (j.'JjTallow candles, fine or coarse salt ...'.l Svrun or molasses, cheese, dried Cueap Cheap' Cheap apples or peaches, water or so do cracKers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IP YOU WANT Cheap Port wino for Medical or Pacramcn- Good Chen-n tal uses. Sw-et wine, old Monon- .Good' Cheap- gahela or rye whisxy. Cherry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Cheap' Mossop's cheap cash store. ;,,,i' i v vnir iv a vt (tooH Good Good Cheap Raiscns, Figs. Trur.es or dried Cur- 0 Cheapo rants: filberts, cream, pecan or t"d' i:... t: : '(roods Cheap', or Liquorice root, buy them Cheapt at Mi.ssop'scheap and good. Cheap ip vol I WANT Goods Goods Goods Good L"P To buy anv other article cheap, be Ooods ,.,v sure to go to Mossop. for be sells aodt W"'' cheaper for cash than any other Goods ,-lP person in Clearfield county. Gaodx Cr"av' November 27. 1S61. p27 59 .Good. Approved rtv.'trt, prod nre o f every shnd taken at the ttmat market prires in exrhange for trnnd CVRVND AND 17KGROUND SPTCES. Citron T F.nglisb Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar o the best quality, for sale by .., Jan. 10. HARTSWICK A IRW IN- CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of tbe next S-'holastio year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 7th day of September, 1S6S Pupils can ener at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the olose of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. r The Principal having had the advantage" of much experience in bis profession, assumes pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms ok Twtios : Orthography, Heading. Writing and Primary Arithmttic, per session, (11 weeks.) $5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Ilisto ry. S6.00 AlgebrA,Gaometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany-, and Physical Geoera phy. SSI.OO Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches. $12.00 f?No deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. n. July 31.1867 Principal. O. L. REKD, J.F.WEAVKR TV. POW ELL, o. r. hoop. NOTICE, t JONES. W.UKTTS CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL H I G II T . Messrs. HOOP. WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely rcfi:ted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute u!l orders in thuir lino of business, such as Flooring, iVcatlierboardirig, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand, and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-balf inch pnnncl plank preferred Nov 6, '67. NEW HARDWARE STORE, riHLirSBURG, CENTRE CO., TA. Geo. II. Zeiglcr & Co., DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow 'H-ore, Tin ware, Stoves, Oil-i, Paints, Glass, lion, Nails, etc., etc., etc. Tbe attention of' Mechanics. Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of the SU --at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Matorials used by Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon mnkers. Join ers, ic, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Bailroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and tlarness material a good assortment; Hopes. Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain llollow ware in great vnriet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutler, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be fjund buck ets of every sizo, tin-cups, oil csns. sprinkling cans, dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measuras, nnl many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbofly. Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils. Bellows. Vices, sledges, ham mers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods- eto ; and with cast, sh nr. Fpring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers ja the United Slates, or of foreign manulacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in our establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes. Saws. Augurs, Hatchets, Hammers, Files, Chisnls. Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, io Farmers Will find eAerythipg in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eutive stock of wood and coal Stov res. Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Anti dust cook and parlor stoves of ail site ; Abo, The Ni agara cook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dew drop. Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. AH of the above goods will be sold cheap for Cash. G.I1 ZEIGLER A CO. Philipsbnrg Oct. lftth, lS!t7.-ly. o IL A PAINTS the cheapest in the county. May 29. MOMUl' o. 7TII ANNUAL EXHIBITION . o tub y v ; CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTU RAL SOCtETY. Will he hell on the Fair Groan-is, in liorrrtitrh of Clearfield. Pa., on Tuesday , W.eUttesday. Thursday and Friday, the 13tk, I4lh, 15A 6r 1'A ''".VJ f October, 1863. LIST OP PREMIUMS. Class 1 Sweepstakes, open to all breeds and rompeti tors. Best bull, SIS ; 2d best, $10; 3d best. 55 Best cow. 12; 2d best, 10 ; 3d best. 6 All breeds come together in this class and com pete with each other, to be judged by their good points, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, nd the stcck ibey will produce. Class 2 Grade rattle otvtied in eouuty. Best cow for milk. $10 ; 2d best, SS ; :M est, S5 Best heifer. 2 years old, 8; 2d best. S Best heifer. 3 years old. 8; 2d best, 5 Best calf, under 8 months old, 5. Claxs ZOxen. Best yoke of oxen, $10; 2d best, $5; 3d best, 52 Class A Fat Cattle, Beat Tat bullock, cow or heifer, $10 ; 2d best, S3 Class 5 Thoroughbred horses open to all. Best stallion, any breed, $15; 2d best, $10 Best mare aud colt, any breed, 10; 2d best, 8 Class 6 Riding, Draft and Farm Horses. Best saddle horse. 3 00; 2d beat, S2 00 Best single family horse, 3 00 Best matched carriage horses, 3 00 Best guiding or mare for work, 5 !0 Best span of draught borsc-s or mares, 5 00 Second best. 2 00 The exhibitor is required to produce a state ment of at least three responsible neighbors as to orking qualities of draught horses for premiums in this class. Best colt. under 2 years old, $4 00 ; 2d best S2 00 Best 2-year old colt, S Oil ; 2d best. 3 (HI Best 3 ye.ir old colt, 6 110; 2d bett. 4 HO Thehorte that ui ves the heaviest load un the stone boat, according to his weight. without a whip, Youutt ou the horse aud 7 00 Class 7 Trotting hones, open to all. Best time, 'A in 5. trottii.g in single harnefS $i 00 00 No premium will be paid iu tbisolass uulc.-8 there are tun entries of j uO each. Each horse to trot against tiino. CIj.ss S Sweepstakes open to all Pacing in harness. Best 2 in 3. mile heats, against time. SlfioOO No premium wilt be awarded in thisclass unless there are six entries Entrance lee j 16. Class 9 Trotting in smelt harness fur horses owntd tn the comity at least Jif teen days before the i'air. Best 3 in S, mile heats, against time, SiO 00 No premium awarded in this cbss unless there are eiht entries. Entrance fee $.. lho horse winitit.,; the premium in class 7, cannot compete for the piiuiiuui in this class. Class 10 Trotting horses owned and raised in the comity. Best 2 in 3. on time, in harness. S-0 00 N'o premium uwarded in this class unless there are fire horses entered to compete for tbe same. F.ntrance free. Best trotting horse or mare under saddle, 53 00 Second best, 2 IK) Best trotting horse or mare in single harness 3 IMI Second best. 2 UO Best walking horse or mare. S5 ; 2d best, 2 5fl Class 11 Trotting rohs, raised in the cannty. not exceeding 3 years old, open to all. Best 2 inagaiust time. 520 00 There must be at least three entries in order to compete for this premium. Entrance free. Class 12 Sheep and Wool. Best buck, any breed, ; 2d btst, $3 00 Best ewe, any breed. 4 (it) Bust sheep, laltmed for mutton. 3 ( 0 Best lamb, 2; best ficece of wool, 00 Class 13 Strinf, open to all. Best bonr.nny breed.Young Farmer's Manual i Best breeding-sow. ar.y breed. " Second best, A riculluri-t for one year. Best hog. S3; 2d best 52 u - j i i I J " Clax i Poultry. Best coop spring chickens, not less than six. Bcumont's American Poultry Book .V "'0. Best 2 heaviest turkeys. " t- M. Best display of chickens, &1 00 Class, Ij Ploicittff. The man that plows green' sward the best, $20 00 Class 16 Plows, lioleis. Drills. Harrows and Cultivators. Best plow for stubble or sward, $1 00 Best tub oil pk,w, Barry's Fruit Garden 2 00 Best clod eru.-her and roller combined, 4 Oil Best grain ilriil. Discretionary Premium. Best threshing machine. Discretionary Premium. Best corn planter. Discretionary Premium Be.-t horse rake. Discretionary Premium. Best hay piiching machine, DiaeieCry Premium. Best stalk and straweutter, Jiseret:ry Pieuuiuui. Best horse-power. gen. purposes, Dtsc'y Premium. Best original invention or agricu'l implement, &5 Best side-tiiil plow, $1; best cultivator. 3 Best harrow, 3; best corn shel'er, 3 Best fanning mi!!, 4; best ox yoEe, 1 All articles enumerated in Ibis cltss. not made ntbecounty. but produced upon exhibition, if worthy of it, will be awarded a discretionary pre luiutu by tbe Executive Committee. Class 17 miscellaneous Farming Implements. Best bee hive, Griinley's Mystery of Bee Kr"g Bust 1 ill. hand rakes.SI ; Best gr:-"dle. SI (ill Best stump machine. & I Bt potato oiggur. 50 Best lot gaid ib, 1 " B dip'y fanning utensilsowncd by farmer 8 00 All articles (numerated in this class are subject to the same rules as closs Id. Class 18 Wheat, Eye, Corn, Barley, Oals !, r. Best acre of winter wheat, $10 Best busbc' of winter wheat, 4 Best bushel of rye, 3 Best acio of rye, 55 ; Best.buh. rorn cars, 3 Best acre of oats, 4 : Best bush potatoes, 5 Best acre buckwheat. 4 ; 2d best ' 3 Best acre clover seed. .t ; 3d bet " 1 Best i ao. broom corn, 2 ' Best ; acre peas, 1 Best uc ru abagas, ' ; Best! acre sorghum, 2 Best ucre turnips, 2; Best bushel turnips, I Best acre corn. K; B?st ucre carrots, 1 Best half ' ushul timothy seed. 1 Crops beiug equal, preference will bt given to those that yieid the largest net p-rotit Statements to be lurni.-lii'J bv the cibibiiors. They must be measured, or weighed, and a sample furnished at the lair Applicants for premiums must furt:ish the committee with a statement signed by them selves, under pledge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on tbe grouud entered fur a pre mium, and tnust state ns correctly as be can :l,e kii d and condition of the previous crops. the kind and quantify of ret-d sou n, and the time and mode of putting it in the ground. lVr.-ons enteiiiig field crops for exhibition, or intending to do so. may give notice to the execu tive committee at anytime, and have the field mtu.-ured and ciamited by the committee while growing. Class 19 Jirea-1 mid Cereal Poo l. Best loaf of wheat bread, Diploma mid 50 cents Best loaf of rye bread. Dipb uia aud CO cents Difilonui afcd 50 cents Diploma and iiii cents Diploma and Ml cents Diploma and 5(1 cents 50 cents Best loaf of corn bread, Best sponge cuke, Best jel'y cako. Best bachelor's cake, Be.-t nie. any kind. Best -.resere- and jelly. Diploma and 5u cents Best display jellyiV preserves. Diploma atui oil ets Best pound cake, Diploma and 50 cents He-t froit cake. Diploma ar.d 5ft cents Best coffee cake. Diploma aud SO cents Best Lady's cake. Diploma and 511 cents Best cake, Diploma Best jelly. Diploma Best icecream, Diploma Class 20 Butter and Oteesc. Best five pounds, or more, of butter, Best ten pounds of firkin butter, Bett cheese, made by exhibitor, Class Flour. Best EHy pound? wheat flour, Best Cf y pounds rye flour. Best fifty pounds spring w heat flour, Best fifty pounds corn meal. Best twenty pounds buckwheat flour. Class 22 Domestic Articles. Pest box or jnr of honey. rA.. hl hnnu.lanf mania SU?a,r. $3 00 i (ill 1 00 $1 no 2 (SO 1 00 1 00 2 00. $1 00 2 CO Best peaches put up airtight. Dip or Best tomatoes put up air tight, Dip or Best black berries put up air tight, Dip or Best currants put up air tight, Dtp or Best lancy jar of pkkies, Dsp or Krot ff.il. tvruD or sorghum, or each, 1 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 50 Beet cured ham (cooked) with mode of curing. Best dried beef with mode of curing Dip or Dip or Chiss 23 Domestic Manujactures. nt 10 vards flmnel. 2 00 Best 10 yards sattinet. Best 15 yards woolen carpet. Best 10 yards cloth, 2 00 2 no a oo Best 15 yards rs carpet woolen chain, 2 00 Best pair woolen blankets, 2 00 Best woolen c verlet. 2 00 Best wool fringed mits. Dip and 50 Best pair knit woolen stockings. Dip and 50 Best speo'n knotting knitting or nee dle work. by Miss under 1 1 yrs old. Dip and 50 Best pound linen sewing thread, Dip and 50 Best pound stocking yarn. Dip and 50 Best foot mat. 50e: Best tidy mat. 50 The premiums in this class are intended only for articles manufactured in tbe county. CV. 24Xeedle, Shell, Wax Work, etc. Best specimen needle work. Dip and 50 Best specimen needle work, machine. Dip and 50 Best speeimen flowers in worsted. Dip and .-0 Bevt specimen embroidery iu worsted. Dip nd 50 Best specimen embroidery in lace. Dip and oO Best specimen embroidery i muslin. Dip and 511 Best fpedmen of leather work, Dip and 50 Best specimen of wax floweis.. Din an-1 5u Best specimen of feather wurk. j,jp ana so- Best specimen of ornamental work. Iiip and 5C Best shirt made by Miss under 12 yrs, liip an,) so Best patching or mending. Hip nd 50 Class 25 Millinery and Dress Jll-jking. Best milinery, $3; Best dreso making. 53 Class 20 Artistic Work. Best daguerreotypes taken on the ground, Dip Best ambrotypes taKen eft the ground. Dip Best photographs taKen on the ground, . Dip Best lanscape painting, $2 (10 Hist penmanship. Dip Best architectural drawing, 3 0.1 Best painting in oil. 2 00 Beft portrait painting, 2 00 Best cattle painting. . . 2 Oil Best painting in water colors, . 1 110 Best ornamental painting of any Kind, 1 00 Class 27 Drsirjnx. Best design for farm house, barn, eirrinpe bouse and stable. Sloan'sOrnamenta! Home ,V I'll Best design for dairy bouse. Manual of (be Home Best design for ice bouse. 1 5c Best design for fruit house. 1 50 Best design for bridge, w iih plan span not less than 250 feet, 3 On Class 2S Metalie Fabrics and M ic.'ii.irry. Best cooKing stove, wood or coal, i t (10 Second best, 2 HO Third best. Dip Best j.arlor stove, S2 ; Bost rust iron fence 3 0J J Second best, I; Sccoud best, Dip i Best specimen or lot of tiuvvare, 2 (HI Second best Dip and 5(1 I Bt st specimen b!acKsmitliir.g 2 ou J Best specimen gunstnithmg, 2 01 t.'est sj cciiuen iron-turnip;.. 2 Oil Best pli'tc Cii-ting. 51; Itest shower bith I ('! Best original invention in county. J OU Best display of tabic and pocKet cutlery, A- luerican luanutacture, 1 fid Best display of edge .,ol.-.. 1 l) : j Best display ot f irming and field toots. 1 CO i The aoovf. ptemiuins are fit-red fur urtielfs man l nfai-turcd in the county Diphmn'S may In- hw ai-d- I ed f'iraiiy.of the above articles ou cxi-it.i'io:i. i without regard to tlieii pluce of uiaaufc: ore, ! ( 'lass 20 Vehicles of til kinds. Best family carriage, $4 : Best timber sled, $i ! Bistlmj-gy. 4; itctt horse cart. I 1 Best farm wagon. 4; Best wheelbarrow. 1 ' Best sleigh, 2 ; 1 be premiums, in this class r.re inten led ou'y for article? manufactured in the county. Class ,"() Caltinet ware in coiinhj. Be.-t Dressing bureau, $2; Pest set of chairs, S2 Be st extension table. 2; Rent sofa. 2 Best variety of chairs, 2; Best centre tabic, 1 Best bedstead, . I ; Best I.oiniie. 5e Best washstatid, 50c ; Best office ehuir, 5tle Best louKing glass. . 5flc Pest set of parlor furniture. St 110 Best display of cabinet-ware. Dip and 2 U0 Class 31 Cooteiina and Carpentering, m-iintfar- tnred in aunty. Best pine ware. tubs, stands, etc , Dip and $ 00 Best set of grain measures. 2 00 Best window blinds. $3; Best specitnor. sash. ' 00 Best lot basKetSj 1; Best panel door, 2 00 Be.-t lot Ij'icKeis, 1; Be -t pump. 3 00 Class ?,-2J!oot and Garden Vr.yefalle. Best i bu rutabagas 50c; Rc-t fi hMssi'-bsc..nj Best i bu carrots. 5l)e ; Host 2 h'-l c?i :fl 'is. ;"0., Best 4 stalKS celery. 5(ic; Best vanety melons 5oc Res! i bu tuiniitoes. b'-'c ; Best qashes. 50c Pest i bushel sweet potatoes, 5(c Best quart wi;:Jsor beans, 5iic Best J bushel table beefs. 5(lc raised by the exhibitor. C.cs33 C timers.Saddlers and Shoemakers. . Best gents' boots and shoes, 2 Be.-.t laiiys boots aud shoes. 1 Best display of boots and shoes, 2 Best ladys riding saddle. 2 Best riding bridle aud martingale, 1 Best side finished harness leaiher, Best robe made bv exhibitor. 1 Best carriage harness, $3; liest tug Ii-irnes. 2 00 Best single harness, 3; Best gents' s.iddle 2 (10 Best display saddlery. 4; Best travl trunK. 1 00 Br-st side Kip leather. 50c ; Best ea'f ssir. 5ll Best side sole loathe r, alio ; Best side ujiper le'r.il) Class 34 Tailors and Upho'stcrs' work. Best suit of clothes made by hand, $4 Best coat made by njladv, , , . I Best pants and vest iuale by a lad . , 1 Hi st busK mattress, S ; Best straw mattress, I Best hair mattress, 2; Class 35 Prin tint in coiinlij. Best newspaper, $1; Best handuiii, $1 Best blanK. 1 ; Be. tear 1, 1 Best ornamental printing, b Class 36 Stone tare. Best assortment an bst qu'.lity, $." Cla3' Chemicals and Chemical Acii'jii in Co. Best available mar uro at moderate cost. $1 Best available manure for farm products. 1 Bost material for g!uc,"'0e ; Best !i usee 1 oil, Sun Best tallow candles. 5tic; Best vinegar. 50j Best specimen of soap. 50c ; Best writing ins. 50o Class 3- Wood and -SV'(. Best dressed stone, SI ; Best mill stone, SI Best grind stone, I ; Duller bj-.vl, Uip i$- 5flo Best shingles, not loss than 50, SI Best turned article. - 50c lst floor boards, worced, $1 Best washing machine, 1 Best split or shaved hoops, Dip Pest butter la I le. Dip Best weather boards, worlied, $1 Class SOXalnral Minerals. Best suit of useful mineral-; of Clearfield county. including coal. S2 Best cubit.et of minerals of Clvarfi-.M and a l- jiiiiiiiig counties, to be the property of the . -ociety, 5 Best limestone, .'f'c; Best collection lotsils, 1 Best fire ol ay, 50c ; Best burnt lime, 1 Best potter c!:;y, 50c; Best coal, 1 Class 4') Fruit. Beat display and greatest viriety of grafted p ples. summer and winter. H iibaniltuan on A luerican Wines and 51 o Second best. 2 bO Best display of pears. Colo's American Fruit Book ar.d I 00 Best piunts and chciries, Colo's Am Fi u'tloo.K Bcst quinces. 1 I'O Best specimen apples, 1 pecs. 1 on Best spec Ain'ic ingrapes. A! a unit) it"? Fruit B-.iok Bust natural grapes raised m county and wor thy of culture, 50a Best domestic wine and mode of ic-inuiVMure. ir'uiler's tirape I'ultui- .in ! 5-1 I"1 Best currant wine. Manning's Fruit I'vjk V I Btst blacKberry wine, " ' "' ' J "'' Best gooseberries. Manning's Fruit IVoK Class -11 Ibirsrmaushit: ft :. To the lady who manages herboi-e beet and sirs most gracefully. ... ''P To tbe gentleman w ho manages his horse best ar.d sits most gracclully. Dip Best display of horsemanship, not less than fiveeouple. Best driving on the course by a lady, Best company of cava ry. Best company of infantry, " Best bund wilh brass ii lrurants. Beet maitial b; nd, Dip; Best ten fingers. Dip Dip Dip Dtp Din Dip C'a,s 42 Xnrsrries. Best nurfery. coi-.tairirg the greatest variety cf fiuitsaniishrubscuitivated iu the most approv ed manner.- the applicant to furnish written de scription the variety and mode ol culture s't 00 Second best, Barry's Fruit (iarden Class 43 General List. Best displav and greatest variety of flowers Best display and greatest variety of plants, Best display of floral ornaments, BestbasKet boquet, with handle, Best hand boquet, Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip 3J Discretionary premiums will be awarded for all articlesof merit exhibited by mechanics in all the various branches, and it is hoped a gener al exhibition will be made. For all improvements useful to tbe farmer. aud having valuable proper ties, discretionary premium! may be awarded by the Executive Committee. GEORGE K. BARRETT. Pres't. I. 6. Baroer, A.M. Hills, Secretary. . Treasurer. EiEcrnvR Comhiitee Nathaniel Rishel. S. B. Jordan. L. F. Irwin. A C. Tate, J. A. L. Flegal. Clearfield. July 15, ISO. , , Clearfield County Agricultural Fair. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Family Tickets, : : : : : : : $1 00 tingle" Tickets during Fair, : :" : : 50 Single Admission Tickets, : : : : : 25 Children under 10 years old. when accompanied by their pars nw or guardians, free. Children under -111 years of age not admitted unless accompanied by their parents. Checks will begiven at the door to persons de siring to pass out during exhibition, bat will not admit the holder to any other exhibition each half day counting an exhibition. Every person w Uhing to be enrolled as a, mem-, ber of this Society must apply on or before the first day of the fair, and on the payment of one dollar to the Tjeasurer shall receive a certificate of membership containing the name of the appli cant and endorsed by tbe Secretary. Every person becoming a member as above sta ted shall, on the presentation of his certificate, receive a ticket which will admit him free during the lair. Any person complying with tbe above regulations und paying S10, shall become a life member, and nhall be exempt from all contribu tions, and shi'll annually receive from tbe Secre tary a free family ticket. All persons must be provided with tickets, which can be bad from the Executive Committee, ireasurer. or Secretary, or at the office on tbe ground. Persons acting as judges are expected to become members of the Society. Persons from Other countiesean become members by complying with the above rules. Ladies can become mem bers by making application as above, and paying into tbe Treasury fifty cents when they will re ceive a ticket to admit them free. Exhibitors must become members of the Soci ety aud have their animals aad articles entered on tbe Secretary's books on or before the first day of the Fair; aud all animals and articles, except faorrcsfor p'ea.ure. and for the trotting prises, must be brought within the enclosure as early as Wednesday, at 3 o'clock, P. M.. and all per sons entering animals anJ articles for exhibition must procure eanis from the Secreiary with the class and number cf entry of said articles, pre vious to placing said ariicieson the ground. Hay and straw will he furnished gratis tor all animals entered for premiums, and grain will be furnish ed at cost for those that desire to purchase. N'o horse shall be entered or allowed a premi-. uui unless he is free from disease Horses w illba revived ui til Wednesday noon, but must be en tered previously. All persons who intend to ex hibit horses. cattle. she-p. or swiue or who intend to offer sti-ck or any other article for sale should notify the Secretary of such inteDtiun on or be fore the 1st nf October and have with him a list and full description ot tbe same. Tbe number and class, and tbe number in tbe class, with the name of the article will, appear on the curd attached ; but the name of the exhibit or w ill not appear. Premiums and diplomas will be paid on and after the first Monday after the Fair, and until tiie ist day of Dei-etnb-sr.ls-oS. after which all mon ey premiums unclaimed will be considered as a dn:atiu!i to the Society. The otfioers of the So ciety and m-uibers rf the -Jouimittee of Arrange ments must wenr a badge designating their oflice. and it will bo their duty as well as pleasure to at tend to the expressed wishes and wants of exhib itors and others if it is iu their power so to do. A select police force will i-e in constant attend ance for the preservation of order and protection of property. The trotting cour-o is level, well graded, and one-third of a mile iu circuit. Ample arrange ments wiil be made for the convenience uf ris i'ors. IssTRi'fTioNS To .TrDGE Xo animal to'receKe an award in more than one class. Judges are expressly required not to award pre miums to over-fed animals. No premiums are to be awarded to bulls, rows. or heiffers. which shall appear to have been fattened, only in tbe class of fat cattle, the object of the Society being to have superior animals of this description for breeding. Fat Cattle Tbe judges on tat cattle will give particular attention to the animals submitted for examination. It is believed all other things be ing equal those are the best cattle that. have the gicatest weight over the smallest superficies. The judges will require all in this class to be weighed . and will take measures to give the superficies of each, and publish the result with their reports. They will al.-o. before awarding any premiums, -require the manner and cost of feeding, as re quired by th regulation of the premium list. I f there is but one exhibitor, and he may show st.vor.-il aniu,als in one class, premiums will be awarded in accordance to the merits of tbe animal.- The superintendent will take every precaution in bis power, for the safety of stock and ai tides ou exhibition after their arrival, and arrange- ciety desires exhibitors to give personal attention to their animals and articles and at the close of the fair to attend to their removal as the Society cannot take further care of them. lU'Lts of Plowing. The name of the plowman must be given as well as the kind of plow to be used, at the time of entry. The quantity of ground to bo plowed by each team be k acre. The time allowed to do the work will be three fiours. The furrow slice in all cases to be lapped.; The teams to start Kt the same time and each plowman to do his without a driver or other assist ance. . The premiums offered by the Society will be awarded to the individuals, who. in the judgment of the committee. sha'I do their work in the bent manner, provided the work is done in the time allowed for its performance. Each plowi ran to strike his own land, and plow entirely independent of the adjoining land. Within the one-fourth of an acre plowed each plow man will be required to strike two back furrowed lands and finish with the dead furrow in the middle Any Information required In regard to matters of the Society can be gained by addressing the Executive Committee or the Secretary, who will be pleased to give any information in their pow er at any time. Any article not enumerated in the above class es and placed .on exhibition, if worthy of notice, wilPbe suitably awarded- The Executive Committee' reserve a discretion ary power to award diplomas in any case for 2d best articles, or for articles not entitled to premi. urns by the rules. All articles may be cnterjd free of ehargc. ex cepting horses for pleasure, an4 for the trotting premiums. TAKM EliS will find a lull and complete -- ifoc-k of Grass. Grain and Uriur Scyilics, Sicsles. Hay and Grain KaKes, ForKs, Scythe Stones. CruincricKS, Hay-rope. Are., at the Hard ware Store of U. 11. ZEIULtR A CO.. July 15. 1S08. ?!!iiHP!0"r?' COLD1EUS1 BOUNTIES. A recent bill has passed both llou-esof Congress.and signed by the President, giving soldiers who en listed prior to 22d July. lh(5l. served one year or more and weie honorably discharged, a bounty of -5 I IK). ."Bounties and Pensions collected by me for thise eutit led to them. WALT Mi BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 15th. 1806. Clearfield, Pa. GENTS W ANTED for "Wearing ot t ho Green." The most entertaining book published abounding in Romance, Humor and Wit. Agents say t U the best selling book out as people are tired of the repetition of dry details ai:J artnv reports. One agent sold 58 in one week ; uno'fier agent sold 92 in one week and one lc2 in teu days. Lioeral terms to agent. Send for circular. Also. Fan.ily Quarto Bibles Best edition published. W AI. FLINT, Publisher, 2j .-'ouiu 7th st.. Philadelphia. Pa. jysjlm. T OALSBU K G A C A 1 E M Y. li.otl-litirjr, Vntro County, Pa. The Fall Tee of this institution now in t flourihiist? condition will bee in on MONDAY, Ati;rST:M.aiid con'itincleL weeks. Both Mal and Female pupils received. Boalshurg is reached by stage from Ecllefotito, Spruce Creek, and Milrny. Tuition from ii to S7 per term. Boarding in private families at from $3.25 to $3.50 per weec. A Normal Class will bo formed. For further information address the Principal. a. W. LEISHER, jyl.VStJ (Formorly of Markleville, Perry eo ) VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRI- V ATE SALE. Toe undersigned offers at private sale bis farm in Lawrence township, about two miles South-east of Clearfield Borough. containing 120 acres sixty acrea of which is cleared aud in a good state ot cultivation. The buildings are a good frame house and barn with gm-d water convenient there to There is also on the premises an orchard of excellent fruit trees, pine and oak timber, an ex cellent stone quarry, and n abundance of co"' Any person desirous of purchasing a farm, would do well to call on the subscriber, residing on the premises.by whom the terms will be made known. Jnly2.'8S-4t. JOHN W TA1E. PAMP MEETING. There will l? a J Camp Meeting held on ew U asb ins ton Circuit. M E. Church. ?"S7 n J.u' 31st. is8. and closing August 6th or 7th. Any persons from a distance desiring to tent can have Hoards lurni-bed and tent, put up for first cost of labor and hauling bywrit.ngto J.il McMurr.y. New Washington Pa - ten days before the ileet-in-r There will be boarding tent on the -.round A good number of able Ministers from abroad are expeeted. All who believe in. and seek after, the old land-marks of Mthodism are illTited to come and worship with in this-Feast of Tabernacles." S . July i5, 1S0. J B. MOORE, Pastorc