Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 15, 1868, Image 3

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    Hf;c taffeitmn' gonrnaf, glcarftcfb, a., ufi; 15, isos.
Raftsman gournat
rlJARFIELD, PA., JULY 15, 1868.
Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad.
fmiB leaves Tyrone at : : : : : 9.20 a m
Arrives at Philipsburg at : : 11.20 a. m.
inisl PhiUpsburga : : : t.Oip m.
Arrives at 'Tyrone at : : : : 4.00 p. m.
Prttmors. Divine services will be held
ext sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows :
fly Rev. Nixdorff in the Lutheran church
in the morning and evening.
fiv llev. Archer (Presbyterian), in the
Court Hou?e, moiniriK and evening.
By Rev. Guyer in the Methodist church,
in the morning. ;
By Rev. Hayes, in the Baptist Church,
in the evening. .
"'oxe name thee but to praise," should
leinfcrilcd upon every bottle of "Barrett's
Vegetable Hair Restorative ;' for among
all its would-be compeers it stands alone,
unarproached and unapproacLable.- Watch
man and Reflector.
Cottage Cyclopf-pia. This valublc
work is now being delivered in parts of this
count? bytheag.?"t, John Dunlavey, and
u!! comes up to what it was represented
to be. It. is a book of general information
for the people, and should be in every house
hold. Subscribe for it by all means.
"arrow Escape. A lad named John
Watson, of this place, made a narrow es
cape from death last week. He fell from
one of the shade trees at the Academy,
striking his head on the side walk. He
was insensible for some time, and it was
feared fatally injured, but we see he is on
his legs again.
Accident. Master Elmer Frank, sou of
M. A. Frank, Ei-, ot thU place, broke his
arm near the wrist, while bathing in the
rireron Friday last. The fi acturc was suc
cessfully reduced by the physicians, and he
i- recovering. Boys oujrht to be very care
ful how they turn summersaults and hand
springs into the 'water. It is dangerous
Ku'T ix Kyi.ertow.v. The Democratic
Primary Election wound up on Saturday
evening, in Kyh rtown, in a blaze of glory.
They had a grand and magnificent riot. The
gentry from Morrisdale went in "heavy on
their muscle" they fought, cursed, swore,
Krramed, howled, yelled and played smash
generally. Kepple's whiskey is of the
"ffi'liting" sort and stirs up wonderfully
the latent .Democratic propensities.
A FniHT. The usual finale of the Demo
cratic Primary election occurred at Entres
Wt-r Beer Saloon on Saturday evening.
Johii J'eeney, Distiller and Irish Democrat,
in, the pivotn) character in the melee. A
r.mnd him the unterriSed clustered, while
John manifested his desire to "smash''
thins? generally. In vain the Constable
called on his Democratic friends to assist him
in taking John to jail ; not a man of them
w.mld lend a hand. After some time John
mbpided, no srioun damage was done, the
' ball" went on, the lager flowed, the rot
tut eihaled, and the copper bottomed Sey
Wourites were "gay and happy."
Riot Among Uaftmex. The Minnesota
raitmen are a much more merry crowd than
out West Branch boys. On tho 7th inst.,
M. Mioa in that State, a riot oecured which
resulted in the death of the Sheriff, and sev
eral other persons. A raft, struck on a bar,
wung round across the river, and closed
the channel. While the men were working
f open the course a disturbance arose, and
a reneral fijrht ensued. The Sheriff and Jiis
deputy interfered, but both were shot dead,
vi l several ctiins wounded. This aroused
tie citizens, andanning themselves they at
tacked the rafttnon and drove them from
'he town killing two or three of their num
ber. Ai;mni.TrtiAt.. The Executive Com
mittee of the Clearfield eour.ty Agricultural
Nteicty, wish to call the attention of the
H'l!e to the premium list for the 7th An
li'Kxhibiiionof said Society to be held in
"c through of Clearfield, eouiiiieiiein,' on
T-i;xIay the 13th day of October 1S0S, and
continue four days. It is to be hoped
"'it the citizens' ot the county will put forth
'r'0 effort to make this Fair as interesting
'd i-.iifying as possible, by placing their
1tiw products on exhibition. If any of
r,tif farmers have by proper attention iin
Pfovcl their stock, orsucceded in increasing
tleir farm product by superior tillage and
indu-try, they should by all means place
hen on exhibition and thus be the means
ft 'Iriseminating- much valuable information
"t 'he lx n.-lit of their neighbors, and the
c"'i'imty at large. The mechanics and
artn-.-ti t.,o.sh,iuld brin their manufactures
'Hie Fair, and thus add to its interest, as
"!.-to Wt tne people know of thesuperiori
' t f their workmanship. All can do some
thing yea nmeh, to adl to the interest and
'ess f tl? exhibition.
!' a careful perusal of the premium list,
u I seen that the executive committee
' "ir pr.!iuuiiis that will warrant the farm-
in bringing his stock and grain and vege
tihles and fruits', and the mechanic and arti
Wl the work of his handicraft, to the Fair.
in let all go to work at once, and not
their efforts to make the coming cx
'tion one that will be a credit, as well as
kaefit, to the people of Clearfield county.
e so-called Democratic soldiers are
on the Greyback ticket and Greenback
tform. They cant swallow both.
The Eight Honr Law.'
Below we publish the law which proposes
to make eight hours a legal day's work in
Pennsylvania, on and after the first day of
July instant:
Sec. 1. Be it enacted etc., That on and
after the first day ot July.eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, eight hours ot labor between
the rising and setting of the bud, shall be
deemed and held to be a legal day's work, in
all cases of labor and service by the day
where there is no contract or agreement to
Sec. 2. This act shall not apply to or in
any way affect farm or agricultural labor or
service by the year, month or week; nor
shall any pcrsoM be prevented, by anything
herein contained, from working as many
hours over time, or extra work, as he or she
may see fit, the compensation must be
agreed upon between the employer and the
Sec. 3. All other Sets or parts of acts re
lating to the hours of labor which shall con
stitute a day's work in this State, arc hereby
We clip the following from the Editorial
columns of the "Leader." Cleveland. Ohio,
one of the most influential papers of the
West :
Hoofland's German Bitters. In call
ing the attention of our readers to this valu
able preparation, we do so whh a full con
viction that it is a highly scientific remedy
for Dyspepsia, and all diseases arising from
a disordered state of the. Liver or Stomach.
In making this assertion, we are sustained
by the testimony of many of the eminent
professional men of the country. Lawyers,
Physcians, and Clergymen, all bear witness
to its great usefulness. It contains na al
chohoHc stimulant, but is purely medicinal,
bein: compounded from the prescription of
one of the most celebrated physicians of his
day, and is well known and used by the
faculty of the present time. It has been be
fore the public in its present shape for over
twenty years, and during that time has be
come "known all over the world." To those
in need of a remedy of this character, we
would say procure it at once and do not waste
your time and money on the many worthless
compounds that now fl iod the market ; and
those who are not in immediate want of it,
wc would advise to be prepared to battle
with disease by keeping it always in the
Hooflands's German Tonic combines all
the ingredients of the Bitters with pure Santa
Cruz Bum, orange, anise, &c. It is used
for the same diseases as the Bitters, in cases
where Alcoholic stimulant may be necessary.
It is a preparation of rare value, and most
agreeable to the palate. Principal Office, 631
Arch Street, Phi'adephia, Pa. Sold everywhere.
At Luthcrshurg, on Sunday, July 5th,
1SCS, by R. IT. Moore, Esq., Mr. Winslow
Lanich, of Clearfield borough, and Miss
Bkckie Whitmor, of Bloom township.
Thomas L. Bailey has this dav retired
from the firm of IRWIN, BAILEY iV CO. The
business will bo hereafter conducted by the re
maining partners under the firm nt
I ick Run. June I, lSBS-jelUfiS.
class Smith Shop, with large custom,
and if required) a good dwelling bouse conve
nient to the nhop. are offered for rent by the sub
scribers. Would prcler to make an engagement
with a man possessed of some capital aud enter
prise, as such a man cuuld do a large business.
Curwensville, Jane 3 E. A IRVI.N A CO.
ters of Administration on the estate of
Christina ' Beyers, late of Beccaria township,
Clearfield county. Pa , dee d, having been grant
ed to the nndersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requeued to make immediate pay
ment, and these Laving claims against the same
will present them, properly authenticated, for set
tlement. JOHN BUYERS,
June 10, 186S-Ct. Admr.
enango County, PoBn'a.
Jy 8,'6-ly-l C. W. TWIST, Prof rUtor.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau
tioned against purchasing or taking an
assignment of a certain promisory note, dated in
August. 1SS7, and calling for one hundred tod
fifty dollars, given by the undersigned to Jacob
Helbrnn. (or Helbrn) of Jefferson county. Hav
ing recoived no Value for the said note 1 will not
pay the tame unless compelled to do so by due
process cf law.
Has the following good qualities:
1st. Accuracy. ) I 3d. Simplicity,
2d. Portability, J j 4th. Durability.
It is undoubtedly the best Barometer now in
use, and can be relied upon for accuracy
and durability. Any person whose
interests depend upon ibeir
knowledge of the
should hare one. as it will be of incal
culable interest to them in time.
Scud for Circular giving Description.
General Agents
56 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
July 8, 18GS-rm.
ucr.ship heretofore existing between
James M Murray and John Kime. under the firm
name of M'Murray V Kime, wm dissolved hy
mutual consent on tbe first day of May, IS6S.
All those baring unsettled accounts with said
firm will please call immediately and settle the
same. Kither of the uudorsigned will attend to
the settling of the book JAS, M'MURRAY,
Iiurnside, je21-4t. JOHN kl.ME.
ters of Administration on the estate of
Joseph Davis.br , late of 1'enn township, Clear
field county. Pa. -dead, having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to s.iid estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same will pre
sent them, properly authenticated, for settle
June3,-6tp. KLISHA DAVIS, Adin'rs.
tamentary on the estate of Jason Kirk,
late of Lamber-eity Borough, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deo'd, having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having clains against the same will present
them, properly authenticated, tor settlement.
Je.10, lS68-6tp. JOHN RUSSEL, Ex'ra.
"ANTED 10,000 pounds of WOOL, at the
KEYSroNC fcTORay Clear Held, Fa. jelO.
Will beheld on thr Fair Ground, in. tlii
Borousfk of Cltarfield, Pa., on Turiay,
Wednenday, Thursday and Frulay,
th lZtU, Utk, lith 4- 18A days of Oetober, 1868.
Class lStcerpstaies, open to all breeds and
rompeti tors.
Best bull, SIS; 2d best. $10; 3d best, $5
Best cow, 11; id best, 10; 3d best, 6
All breeds come together in tbiselaas and com
pete with each other, to be judged by their good
points, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and
the stock they will produce.
Class 2 Grade tattle otrtird in eotinty.
Best cow for milk, $10 ; 2d best, 3 ; 3d est, Si
Best heifer. 2 years old, 8; 2d best. &
Best heifer, 3 years old. 8 ; 2d best, 5
Best calf, under 8 months old, 5.
Class 3 Oxen.
Best yoke of oxen, 10 ; 2d best, 5; 3d best, f 2
Class A Fat Cattle,
Best fat bullock, cow or heifer, Sl ; Jd best, $8
Class 5 Thoroughbred horses open to all.
Best stallion, any breed, $16; 2d best, $10
Best mare and colt, any breed, 10; 2d best, 8
Class 6 Riding, Draft and Farm Horses.
Best saddle horse, ' 3 00 ; 2d best, $2 00
Best single family horse, 3 00
I!es( matched carriage horses, 3 90
Best gelding er mare for work, 5 00
Best span of draught horses or mares', 5 00
Second best, 2 00
The exhibitor is required to produce a state
ment ot at least three responsible neighbors as to
working qualities of draught horses for premiums
in this class.
Best colt. under 2 years old, $4 00 ; 2d best $2 00
Best 2-year old colt, & 00 ; 2d bet, 3 00
Best 3-year old colt, 6 00; 2d best. 4 00
The horse that mves the heaviest load on the
stone boat, according to bis weight, without
a whip, Yoaatt on the horse and 7 00
Class 7 Trotting hones, open to all.
Best time, 3 in 5. trotting in single harness ?i 00 60
fJo premium wilt be paid in tbiselaas Unless
there are ten entries of Si 00 each. Each horse
to trot against time.
Class 8 S iceepsiales open to allFacing in
Best 2 in .1. mile heats, against time. S100 00
No premium will be awarded in thiscTass unless
there are six entries. Entrance fee i 16.
Class P Trotting in stngls harness, for horses
owned im thr county at least fifteen days
before the Fair.
Best 3 in 5, mile heats, against time, S.10 00
Ho premium awarded in this class unless there
are eijiht entries. Entrance fee $5. The horse
winning the premium in class 7, cannot compote
for the premium in this class.
Class 10 Trotting horses owned and raised in
the county.
Best 2 in 3, nn time, in harness. $30 00
No premium awarded in this class unless tbere
are five horses entered to comnete for the same.
Entrance free.
Best trotting horse or mare under saddle, S3 00
Second best, 2 00
Best trotting horse or mare in single harness 3 00
Second best, 2 00
Best walking horse or mare, S5 ; 2d best, 2 50
Class 1 1 Trotting colts, raised in the county, not
exceeding 3 years otd.ojien to all.
Best 2 in 3, against time, $20 00
There must be at least three entries in order to
eompe'e for this premium. Entrance free.
Class 12 Sheep and Wool.
B-st buck, any breed, S5 ; 2d best,' $3 00
Best ewe, any breed. 4 00
Best sheep, fattened for mutton. 3 60
Best lamb, 2; best fleece of wool, 50
Class 13 Sicine, open to all.
Pert bonr unr bree-I.Yoang Pnni.r'i Manoal h Si
Best breeding sow, asy breed, $j
Second best, Agriculturist for one year.
Best hog, $3; 2d best. $2
Best pig. under 6 mo's old, Agriculturist 1 year.
Class 14 Povltn.
Best coop spring chickens, not less than six.
Beatnont's American Poultry Book iV 50.
Rest 2 heaviest turkeys. " " ir 50.
Best display of chickens, SI 00
Class, 15 Plowing.
The man that plows green sward the best, S20 00
Class 16 Plows, Rollers. Drills, Harrows and
Best plow for stubble or sward, $ 00
Best sub-oil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden lr 2 00
Best clod crusher and roller combined, 4 00
Best grain drill, discretionary Premium.
Best threshing maehine, Discretionary Premium.
Best corn planter, Discretionary Premium.
Be.-t horse rake, Discretionary Premium.
Best buy pitching machine, Disciet'ry Premium.
Best stalk and straw cutter, Discret'ry Premium.
Best horse-power.gen. purposes, Discy Premium.
Best original invention or agricu'l implement, ti
Best side-bill plow, SI; best cultivator, 3
Best harrow, 3; best corn shel!er, 3
Best fanning mi!!, 4; best ox yose, 1
All articles enumerated in this elass. not made
in tbe oounty, buc produced upon exhibition, if
worthy of it, will be awarded a discretionary pre
mium by the Executive Committee.
Class 17 Miscellaneous Farming Implements.
Best bee hive, Grim ley's Mystery of Bee Keeping
Best i dz. band rakes.SI ; Best grain cradle, SI 00
Best stump machijie; 5; Best potato nigger, 50
Best lot garden tools, 1 00
Best disp'y fainting utensils owned by farmer. 8 00
All articles enumerated in this elass are subject
to the same ruics as eloss 16.
Class 18 Wheai, Rye, Corn, Barley, Oatsr.
Best acre of winter wheat, S10
Ilest buBhet of winter wheat,
Best bushel of rye.
Best acre of rye, S3 ; Best bush, corn ears,
Best acre of oats. 4; Best bush, potatoes,
Best acre buckwheat, 4 ; 2d best-' "
Best acre clover seed. 3 ; 3d beot u "
Best t ac. broom corn, 2 ; Best acre peas,
Bestfac- rutabagas, t ; Best i acre sorghum,
Best acre turnips, 2; Best bushel turnips,
Best acre eorn, 8 ; Best acre carrots,
Best half bushel timothv seed.
Crops being equal, preference will be given to
those thai yield tbe largest net profit Statements
to be furnished by the exhibitors. They must be
measured, or weighed, and a sample furnished at
the fair. Applicants for premiums must furnish
the committee with a statement signed by them
selves, under pledge of veraoity, of the quantity
of grain raided on the ground entered for a pre
mium, and must stAte as correctly as he can tbe
kind and condition of the previouscrop,the kind
and quantity of seed sown, and the time and mode
of putting it in the ground.
Permits entering field crops for exhibition, or
intending to do so, may give notice to the execu
tive committee at any time, and have the field
measured and examined by the eommittee while
Class 19 Bread and Cereal Food.
Best loaf of wheat broad, Diploma and 50 cents
Best loaf of rye bread,
Diploma and 50 cents
Diploma aad 50 cents
Diploma and 50 cents
Diploma and 50 cents
Diploma and 50 cents
50 cent
Best loaf of corn breud,
Best spongo cake,
Best jelly cake.
Best bachelor's cake,
Best tie, any kind.
Best preserves and jelly.
Diploma and 50 cents
Bestdisnlav iellviV preserves. Diploma and 50 cts
Beat pound enke, Diploma and 50 cents
Best fruit cake, Diploma and 50 cents
Best coffee cake. Diploma aud 59 cents
Best Lady's cake. Diploma and 50 cents
Best eaka, Diploma
Best jelly. Diploma
Best ice cream, Diploma
Class 20 Butter and Clieete,
Best five pounds, or more, of butter,
Best ten pounds of firkin butter,
Best cheese, made by exhibitor,
CTms21 Flour.
Best fifty pounds wheat flour,
Best fifty pounds rye flour.
Best fifty pounds spring wheat flour,
Best fifty pounds corn meal,
Best twenty pounds bnckwheat flour.
Class 22 Domestic Articles.
Best box or jar of honey,
S3 00
6 00
1 00
$t 00
SI 00
Best 10 pounds of maple sngar,
Best peaches pat up air tight.
Beat tomatoes nut un air tight.
Dip or
Dip Or
Dip or
Dip or
Dsp or.
Best black berries put op air tight,
Best currants pnt op air tight,
Best lancy jar of pickles,
Beat gal, syrup or sorghuifa, or each,
Beat cured ham (cooked) with mode of
Best dried beef with mode of carina;,
Dip or
Dip or
Class 23 Domestic Manujacture.
Best 10 rards flannel. S
Best 19 yards sattinet.
Best 15 yards woolen carpet.
Best 10 yards cloth,
2 00
2 09
2 90
Best 15 yards rag carpet. woolen chain, 2 00
Beat pair woolen blankets, 2 60
Best woolen coverlet, 2 09
Best wool fringed mita. Dip ma& so
Best pair knit woolen stockings. Dip and 50
Best spec'n knotting. knitting or nee
dle work.by Miss under 11 yrs old. Dip and 50
Best pound linen sewing thread, Dip and 50
Best pound stocking yarn. Dip and 50
Best foot mat. 50c; Best tidy mat. 50
The premiums in this class are intended only
for articles manufactured in the county.
Class 24 Needle, Shell, Wax Work, etc
Best specimen needle worS, r-,'pDd 50
Best specimen needle work, machine, Dip and 50
Best specimen flowers in worsted. Dip and 30
Best specimen embroidery in worsted, Ilip and 50
Best specimen embroidery in lace. Dip and 50
Best specimen embroidery in muslin, Dip and 50
Best specimen of leather work, Dip and 59
Best specimen of wax fioweis. Dip and 59
Best specimen of feather work. Dip and 50
Best specimen of ornamental work. Dip and 5C
Best shirt made by Miss under 12 yrs, Dip and 50
Best patching er mending, Dip and 50
Class 25 Millinery and Dress Mating.
Best milinery, S3; Best dress making. S3
Class 26 Artistic Work.
Best daguerreotypes taken on the ground, Dip
Best ambrotypes taken en the ground. Dip
Best photographs taxen on tho ground, Dip
Best lanseape painting, $2 00
lisst penmanship. Dip
Best architectural drawing, 3 00
Best painting in oil, 2 00
Best portrait painting, 2 00
Best cattle painting. 2 00
Best painting in water colors, 1 00
Best ornamental painting of any Kind, 1 00
Class 27 Designs.
Best derign for farm house, barn, carriage bonse
and stable, Sloan'sOrnamental Houses $5 110
Best design for dairy house. Manual of tbe Home
Rest design for ice house. 1 60
Best design for fruit huuae, 1 50
Best design for bridge, with plan, span not
less than 250 feet, 3 00
Cla.'s 29 Ketalic Fabrics and Machinery:
Best cooKing stove, wood or coal, $3 00
Second best, 2 00
Third best, . Dip
Best parlor stove, $2; Best cast-irnft fence, 3 00
Second best, 1; Second best, Dip
Best specimen or lot of tinware, 2 Oil
Second best. D'j and 50
Best specimen blacKsmithing, 2 00
Best specimen gunsmithing, 2 00
Best specimen iron-turning, 2 00
Best plate casting. SI; ISestghower bath, I 00
Best original invention in county. 5 00
Best display of table and pocKct cutlery, A-
merican manufacture, 1 00
Best display of edge tools. ou
Best display of forming anil field tools, 1 00
Tbe abovt premiums are utTcred for ariiclcsn'isn
ufitctufed iu the county Diplomas may be award
ed fur any of the above articles on exhibition,
without regard to their place of manufacture.
Class 20 Vehicles of all kinds.
Bet family carriage, 54 ; Best timber sled, $2
Best bttirgy, 4; ltest horse cart, 1
Best farm wagon, 4; Best wheelbarrow, 1
Be?tsloigh, .2;
The premiums in this class are intended only
for articles tnanufactnred in the county.
Class 50 Cahinet ware in eonnti.
Best dressing bureau, $?; Best set of chairs, S3
Best extension table, 2; Best sofa. 2
Best variety of chairs, 2; Best centre table, 1
Best bedstead, I ; Best lounge. 50c
Best washstand, 50c; Beat office chair, 50c
Best looKing glass. 50o
Best set of parlor furniture, SI 00
Best display of cabinet-ware, Dip and 2 00
Class 31 Coopering andCarpentermg, manufar'-
tared in county.
Best pine ware, tubs, stauds.ete.. Dip and 35 00
Best set bf grain measures, 2 00
Best window blinds. S3 ; Best specimun sash. 1 00
Best lot basKets, 1; Best panel door, 2 00
Best lot bucKets, 1 ; Be-it pump, 3 00
Class 52 Hoots and Garden VegetaLles.
Best bu. rutabagas. 50c; Best ft h'ds cabbage,50c
Best J bu carrots, 50o ; Best 2 h'ds califl'is,50c
Best 4 stalKs celery. 50c; Best variety melons 50c
Best i bu tomatoes, 50c; Best " squashes, 50c
Best i busbel sweat potatoes, 60c
Best quart Windsor beans, 6lc
Best i bushel table beets, 50c
It most be shown that all vegetables hare been
raised by the exhibitor.
. Class 33 Curriers. Saildle'rs and Shoemalers.
Best gents' boots and shoes,
Befct ladys' boots and shoes.
Best display of boots and shoes,
Best ladys' riding saddle,
Best riding bridle and martingale,
Best side finished harness leather,
S2 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
liest robe made by exhibitor.
Best carriage harness, S3; Best tog harness, 2 00
Best single harness, 3; Best gents' saddle. 2 00
Best display saddlery. 4; Best travl. trunK, 1 00
Best side Kin leather. 50c ; Best calf BKin. 50
Best side sole leather,50o ; Best side upper le'r,50
Class 31 Tailors and Upholsters' irori.
Best suit of clothes made by hand, $4
Best coat made by alady, 1
Best pants and vest made by a lady, 1
Brat husK mattress, SI ; Best straw mattress, 1
Best hair mattress, 2;
Class 55 Printing in county.
Best newspaper, SI ; Best handbill, $1
Best blana, 1; Bet t card, 1
Best ornamental printing, 5
Class 56 Stone.-ware.
Best assortment and best quality, $5
Class 37 Chemicals and Chemical Action in Co.
Best available manure at moderate cost, $1
Best available manure for farm products. 1
Bost materiul fur glue,50e ; Best linseed oil, 50o
Best tallow candles, 50c; Bestrinegar. t0a
Best specimen of soap.50e; Best writing fnx, 50c
Class 58 Wood and Stone.
Best dressed stone, $1 I .Pest mill stone, $1
Best grind atone, 1; Butter bjwli Dip 50d
Best shingles, not less than 50i SI
Best turned article, 50c
Best floor boards, worced, $1
Best washing machine, 1
Best split or shaved hoops, Pip
Best butter ia I le. Dip
Best weather boards. Worked, $1
Class 59 Natural Minerals.
Best suit of useful minerals of Clearfield county.
including coal, i2
Best cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and ad
joining counties, to be the property of the
Best limestone, 50c; Best collection lossils, 1
Best fire clay, 50o ; Best burnt lime, 1
Best potter's clay, 50c; Best coal, 1
Class 40 Fntit.
Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap
ples, summer and winter, ii handtnan on A
merican Wines and $4 00
Second best, 2 00
Best display of pears, Cole's American Fruit
Book and 1 00
Best plums and cherries, Cole's Am Fruit Book
Best quinces, '1 00
Best specimen apples, 1 pecK. I 00
Best spec Ain'ican grapes, Manning's Fruit Book
Best natural grapes raised in county and wor-
thy of culturo, 50c
Best domestic vine and mode of manufacture.
Fuller's Grape Culture and SI 00
Best currant wine, Manning's Fruit Book V 1 00
Best blacKberry wine, " '" " j- I 00
Best gooseberries, Manning's Fruit Book
Class 41 Horsemanship, etc
To the lady who manages her horse best and sits
most gracefully. Dip
To the geutlcman who manages his hone best
and sits most gracelully. Dip
Best display of horsemanship, not less than
fire couple. Dip
Best driving on the course by a lady, Dip
Best company of cavalry. Dip
Best company of infantry. Dip
Best band with brass instruments, Dip
Best martial brnd, Dip; Best ten singers, Dip
Class 42 Nurseries.
Best nursery, containing the greatest variety of
fruits anil shrubs cultivated in tbe most approv
ed manner, the applicant to furnish written de
scription. the variety and mode of culture. S3 00
Second best, Barry's Fruit Garden
Class 45 General List.
Best di -play and greatest variety of flower. Dip
Best display and greatest variety of plants, Dip
Best display of floral ornaments, Dip
Best basset boquet, with handle, Dip
Best hand boquet, Dip
rS" Discretionary premiums will be awarded
for all article of merit exhibited by mechanics in
all the various branches, and it is hoped a gener
al exhibition will be made. Forall improvements
useful to tbe farmer, and having valuable proper
ties, discretionary premiums may be awarded by
tbe Executive Committee.
I. G. Baroer, A. M. Iltt.LS,
Secretary. Treasurer.
ExEcmvis Committee IJsthaniel Rishcl, S. B.
Jordan, L. F. Irwin. A C. Tata, J. A. L. Flegal.
Clearfield. July 25, 1868.
pTJRE BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to
English white lead; Oils, Taints and
Varnishes of all kinds ; Gold leaf in books, and
bronies, for sale by . A. I. SHAW.
Clearfield, October 23. 1867.
12S Market Street, Philadelphia, are tba larger
Manufacturing Confectioners and Wholesale Deal
ers in Fruits, Nuts, Jtc , in the United States.
March 4, l!6-ly.
aUKVErOR. The undersigned offers
his services to the public, as a Surveyor,
lie may be found at his residence in Iiwience
township, when not engaged ; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield. Penn'a.
March 6th. 18n7.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL.
M E Y E It,
Also agent for all the latest Improved Water
Wheels nd Portable Saw Mills. Jan.8'68-lyp.
has passed both llouf-esof Conpress.and
signed by the President, giving soldiers who en
listed prior to 22d July, 1861, served oneyear or
more and were honorably discharged, a bounty
of Sinu.
CSBonnties and Pensions eollected by me for
thoseentitled to them.
Aug. 15th, 18ti6. Clearfield, Pa.
1 his house having been refitted and elegantly
furnished, is now open for the reception and en
tertainment of guests. The proprietors by long
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
can satisfy a discriminating public. Their bari
supplied with tie choioest brands of liquors an
wine. July 4th. 1866.
Carriage and Wajrhn Shop,
Immediately in fear of Machine shop.
The undersigned would respectfully inform the
eitiiens of Clearfield, and the public in general,
that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on
carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds. fcc. en
short notice aud in a workmanlike manner. Or
ders promptly attended to. WM. M KNIGHT.
Clearfield. Feb. 7. ISrtrt-v.
P. K 11 A T Z E R ,
Clearfield, Penn'a,
Dealer in Dry" Goods. Dress Goods, 5TiI!in?ry
Goods, Groceries. Uard-wure,Quecus-ware. Stone
ware. Clothing, Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps. Flour.
Bacon . Fish. Salt. etc. .is eonstanti y receiving new
supplies from the cities, which he will dispose ot
at the lowest market prices, to customer. 1'efoie
purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock.
Clearfield, August 23, 1S67.
Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his
shop located on the let in the rear ot his residence
on Market street, and a short distance west of the
Foundry, is prepared to accommodate bis old
friends, and all others who may favor him with a
rail, 'with every description ot Windsbr chairs,
lie has a good assortment on hand, to which he
directs the attention of purchasers. They are
made of the very best material, well painted, and
finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be
sold at prices to suit tbe times Examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Clearfield, Pa., Maroh 28. 1S6
Clearfield coiinty.
The undersigned, having opened a large and
well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hills. Clear
field county, respectfully solicit a share of public
Their stock embraces Dry Goods. Groceries.
Hardware. Queenswure,Tin-ware,Root and ahoes.
Hats and Caps, eady-made Clothing, and a gen
eral assortment of Notions, etc.
They always keep on hand the best quality of
Flour, and a variety of Feed.
All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for
approved country produce.
Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, tbey.are
predared to saw all kinds of lamber to order.
Orders solicited, and punctually filled.
Nov. 20, 1867. F. B. A. IRWIN.
The Term Mutual Life Insurance Co.j
921 Chestnut Street, Phil' a.
Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue
Policieson any of the ipproved plans of iusurance
Assets liable to losses 1,221,2S9 71.
Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt
ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually,
semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half in cash,
and one-half in note. By a supplement to the
charter, notes hereafter received will participate
in all Dividends or Surplus. Scripcertificatei p
to January, 1859, inclusive, are now -ivaWein
payment of premiums
Agency, at tfa nce of II. B. SweorR. Clear
field. P ' "T J. G. HarUwick, Medical Exami
ner , August 24, 1SR4.
y .
James Fohest So, would respectfully in
form the public, that they have just npei ed. in
Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire new
stock of
.which they are prepared to sell as cheap as tbe
cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpacas. De
laines. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties; Cas
simeres, Satinets and Flannels, too numerous to
mention; Keady-made clothing of the best qual
ity; Boots and Shoes of the very best makes; a
complctcStock cf Groceries. tc In short, every
thing usnally kept in a country store.
Consumers ! Look to your interests. Call and
examine our stocK and prices before purchasing
elsewhere. Lumber and grain of all Kinds taKen
in exchange for goods.
Rememberthe place; Madera, Clearfield county.
Oct. 30, '67. JAMES FORREST 4 SON.
Clearfield county, Penn'a.
The undersigned having erected, during the
past summer, a large aud commodious store room,
is now engaged in filling it up with a new and
select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which
he offors to the public at prices to suit the times
Hit stock of Mens' and boys clothing is unusual
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from
$10 to $21) for a whole stilt. Flour. Salt, and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a complete assoitnient;
Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together
with an endless assortment of notions too tedious
to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very
cheap. Prints at 111 cents a yard. and other goods
in proponin. Now is the time to buy.
Country produce of every kind, at the highest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused
for any article in store. Examlno my stock be
fore yon buy elsewhere.
October 30, 18fi7. H. SWAW.
Or a. M'lvrr Medal
Er f! II Ftati" Acrcnttursl Sneirtr. at
Vegetable Ilair Eestoratlre
R'storM Crr Ilw t lt yfatwral Color t P"
jtt (lie ir'rvwth f the Uw i cUangr. C.e
roots to their onrinal orgenic ction l eradi-
. fitv? D'ndnitT and Humor, t pirvpnto
Imir ftlhnt; out ; i uiK-rinr Orr-Minr;. Jf
It contains n ltjrio inrrrdimU, W
M and is the moot popular and rcli-
rTk. able atl-i tlima-houC the
TtT E. WK North, and
Scuth. gL
4, H. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor.
Sold" by Hartswick A Irwin, Clearfield ; A. I.
Shaw, Clearfield ; J. K. Irwin, Curwensville, axid
all dealers in PatentMedicines. ap.l,'68-6m.
t'EEXSWARE tie cheapest in the county,
'John Ilall & Co.,
Pldws, Cultivators, JSIiovt'l-Plows, Har
rows stud Union Movers,
Noi. 121 12! Liberty st., corner of Pitt St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
K.rJ. Dor eastings and poftits Eefng made in
an air furnaro aTe jn everv way superior to those
made by other manufacturers. Feb I2.'BS ly.
2io. 42 Fifth St.. 1 for from Wood it .
Pittsburgh, Pa ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers ln
Pure Silver-ware. French Clocks, Plated
Ware of every description. Tea Setts,
Spoons, Forks. a-e. Watch makers
Tools and Material. and agency
of the celebrated
We also keep the largest and most varied assort
ment of the very best American made
to be found in any city, east o- west.
Persons in want of any article in our line, either
at wholesale or for their own use. will find
our price lower and our assortment lar
ger than any to be found west of New
York City.
To this branch of our trad-e being ourselves
practical watch makers) we pay very special
attention We employ a foice of the
very best Artists in theconntry,
and any and all fine, delicate
and difficult work entrusted to our Care for the
trade or individuals may rely on getting
tbe utmost satisfaction. Work may be
sent in by express or otherwise.
Wholesale and Retail Jeweler ami Silversmith's.
ap2it- 42 Filth St., Pittsburgh. 'lS-ly.
- tK
Successors to Foster. Perks, V? right & Co.,
I'tiiuifsni itG, Cknthe Co., Pa.
Where all the business of a Banicing House
will be transacted promptly and npon the most
favorable terms. March 211 -tf.
J. n. M'!lltK. EWK.rKKKS
Pa. Tlie siibsciilter would r.-iet-.tt filly
solicit a continushce of the patronage of his old
Iriends and customers at the "Clearfield House."
Having made many Improvements, he is proper
cd to accommodate all who may favor him wiib
their custom. Every depart nietit connected with
the hotise is condocied in maimer to give gen
eral satisfaction. Oivc him a call.
.Nov. 4 165. GK'. N. COLBVRX.
Y IKK! F I E E ! ! F IRE!!!
The Insurance Com jinny of North
America, l'hihi'leljthi.i.
Capital I Oldest Stocx Inslifance J Incorpora
SitlO.OOO j Co in the Lniled States, j ted 1 71)4.
ASSETS. JANUARY 1. 1S0S. S2.00l.2tin 72.
Applications received ami policies issued, for any
length of time, without being subject to assess
ments, by JOHN 11. Fl'LKoRD, Agent. Clear
field. Pa. tFebroary 19, lafiS-fim.
Huntingdon. Penn'a.
This old establishment baring been leased by
J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of the "Morrison
House." has been thoroughly renova'ed and re
furnished, and supplied with all the modern im
provemenls and conveniences necessary to a first
class Hotel. The dining room has been removed
to the first floor, and is now spacious and airy.
The chambers are all well ventilated, and the
Proprietor will endeavor to make bis guests per
fectly at home. J. MORRISON.
lluntingdon.June 17, ISOS. Proprietor.
JL . Cleat field, Penn'a.
The undersigned, haying taken charge of the
above named Hotel, generally known as 'The
Lanich House," situate on the corner of Market
an i Second Streets Clearfield , Fa. desires tn in
form thepuolic that he is now prepared toaecom
moJate thoro who may favor him with a call
The house has been re-fitted and re furnished,
and hence he flatters himself that he will be able
to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner
A liberal share bf patronage is solicited.
Juno 12, laf.7. JATIXE
Situate in Clearfield borough, on the South-west
corner of Cherry and Third streets, (b'ing Rail
road street) to wit: A lot. with a good two-story
plank building thereon. 3iby 18 feet, one room on
each floor, suitable for a store or other business-
Also, the adjoining lot. with a twa story dwell
ing house thereon, and several other town lots.
Also a lot of well-burnt brick, and a good os
sortment of stone-ware, such as erocks, jugs, jars,
fruit cans, etc, at reduced prices.
For further particulars inquire at the stone
waie pottery Of F. LEITZIXGEK. .
May 13. ClearflelJ. fa.
1R. A M. II ILLS desires to inform his patients
and the public generally, that he has associated
with him in the practice of Dentistry. S. P.SHAW.
D. D S , who is a graduate Of the Philadelphia
Dental Collere. and theretore has tbe highest
attestations of his Professional skill.
All work done in the office will hold myself
personally responsible tor being done in the most
satisfactory manuer and highest order of tbe pro
fession -
An established practice of twenty-two years in
this place enables me to speak to my patrons with
Engagements from a distance should be mide
by letter a few days before the patient designs
coining. . Clearfield. June 3. ISiiS-ly.
BOOK AGENTS WANTED to solicit or
der.sfor Ir. William Smith's Dietionary
of the Biblo. The only edition published in A
merica. condensed by Dr. Smith's own hand. In
one large Octavo volume, illustrated with over
l2os eel and wood engravings. Agents and sub
scribers see that you get she genuine edition by
Dr Sn. ith
The Springjti-M Republican says, this edition
published by Messrs. Burr 4 Co., is the genuine
thing The Congrrgationalist says, whoever
wishes to get, in the cheapest form, the best Dic
tionary of the Bible sbould buy tbis.
Agents are meeting with unparallellcd success.
We employ no General Agent, and offer extra in
ducements to canvassers. Agents will see the
advantage of dealing directly with the Publish
ers. For descriptive circulars with full particu
lars and terms.address the Publishers. J. B. HI RK
CO., Hartford, Conn june 310-t.
PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at
May 27. E. W. GRAHAM'S.
URRANTS the best and cheapest in the
county, at E. W.GKAUAMjv
ESSICATEDCOCOAXUTS fnrpica.puddings,
-r? IV f'U III 1 UN
etc , ior saio iu x, . u .
AXXED FRUITS all kinds, warranted good
. , d tr itltllllM,t
ana iresn. ai - -
UXS, Pistols and sword cur.es to lie had at
Juno,'6t. MfcUitf.iLi wuuii s.
srood artlrlr. on hand and
for sale by
ORSE-SI10ES. and horse-nails, to be had '
Aug. 23. .MHiiir. 1.1. A tiiii L.r.n r
IL. Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at
Jnne 'tin MhltlttLL tiinur.n c.
TOVES of all sorts and sites, constantly on
........... a LM
hand at ji c.ii.r.t.L.ti nn-ui." "
IROX. IRON" Best bar i'on. for sale at the
1NNED FRUIT, of best qntlity, for sale by
. wen nfei v. i. Pin t en
AUg. i,lLtl,iMM .......
I-sALMFR'S Patent unloading hay-forks, to be
- n,d at HERRELL t BIGLER'S.
THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boes. tor Wag
ons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER
ARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for
sale at MKUKELL iiltiLLli a.
ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars e., fer
gale at amttKi-.iLi a. Bniwa J-
FODDER CUTTERS of asnperior make for
sale at reasonaHe prises, at MERRELL and
BIGLER'S. Clearfield, Pa. KT-14
COAL, Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family Dyes.
VarnUh and Paintaof all iJ5 V?v
The Best and the Cheapest !
The Star G alt ajhkh Liannciisa Ror h supe
rior to any in use, and will last lor' generations:
It is made from Magnetic Iron (tba square
grooved, spiral-twisted and galvanixed, and con
nected with pore eopyter couplings, rendering it
eqmtt- ?o a copper rod. the whole surmounted with
a Gold-plated cluster point of pare copper, thns
forming a continuous rod from the point to Am
ground the combination of metals forming
galvanie battery in the rod.
It is warba.htbd always to remain bright mid
clean, and will never corrode or mst, tone pre
senting a neat ornamental appearance on' (her
building, worth more than its cost as a natter of
ornament, to say nothing aboat its sure protection
against lightning.
To show the popularity of the Galvanised Star
Rod. it is only necessary to say that the propri
etors have pulled off more than one hundred ton
of old rusty irons, within twelre months, from!
colleges, academies, pnblie buildings, barns, etc.,
and put up the Star Rod in their place.
As the ,4Star" is better and sold at a leaf price,
than any other rod, is more durable and more or
namental, persons should consult their own inter
ests and safety to life and property, before they
have fe rod erected on their buildings.
All that is necessary to convince the ptrblie of
the superiority of the Star Lightning Rod-, ia a
thorough examination into its construotion and'
scirnt.'fic combination.
The nndersigned, being the Ageata fof Clear
field county, will put up rods, for all who may de
sire them, on short notice and reasonable terms.
Call and examine them at their store in Clearfield.
A. I. S II A W ,
(Second street, opposite the Court rroase,)
Clearfield, Pa.
The subscriber would respectfully inform tho
citizens of Clearfield ccunty, that he continues
to err on the Drag business, at the old stand,
and that he is now prepared to furnish
Dye Stuffs, Tobacco. Cigars, Confectioneries,
Stationery, Ac
Will find our stock of Drags full and complete,
and at a very slight advance on Eastern price.
Teachers and others will ba furnished with class
ical and miscellaneous books by expross, at short
Consisting of Cnp, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and
Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neat stock ot
Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand.
Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac.
Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda, Boda
Ash, Conccnttated Lye. Soap, Ac.
Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery,
Hair Oils, Finn Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs,
Toilet Setts, Ac.
Will find a full supply, of prim Chewing and
Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Domestic Cigars,
Snuff, Fine-cut, Ao.
Of the best brands, always on band.
The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for
ni'dical purposes.
Physiciansprescriptlons protnpify and carefully
compounded. August 7, 1S67.
(Successors to Lawsha, White A Co.,)
wrolesa'.e and bet ail dealers ik -
Respectfully invite ah examination of their
large Stock of Seasonable goods, purchased for
cash, and selling at greatly redueed prices.
AVe Defy Competition. .
We sell better Goods at lowt r rates than any
other house in the county.
Because we bay for cash and bny close, and are
thus enabled to give onr customers and pa
trons the benefit of the greater portion of the
profits thehave hitherto been paying ; and
Because we sel I more goods than any other hoaso
in Clearfield county.
,Onr stock consists of
brf Gnaftg. Oroceries. Queensware, Ilaidware,
Woodware, Willowware. Boots and Shoes,
Hats. Cap. Clothing. Furniture. Carpeta
and Oil Cloths. Provisions of all
kinds. Feed, ire.
DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES, of every style.
in neat and tasteful designs.
Ready-mcde Clothing at greatly reduced pri
ces. Orders taken for suits of Clothing.
Samples to select from always on hand.
From onr large stock of Notions, every wmt in
that line can be supplied, every
desire gratified.
Groceries and Provisions.
Sugars of every grade. Srnps of every qnality.
Preserved Fruits and Jellies. Tomatoes and
Peaches. Sugar Cured Hams. Shoulders and
Sides Mess Pork,. Mess Beef Dried Beef. Sbd,
Mackerel. Codfish, Round Jierr't .Lake Trout.
J.xtra Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Meal.
Cash Paid for Country Produce.
Tools for Carpenters and others. Best Don bla
and Single Bitt Axes. Picks. Ropes and
Cordage. Brashes, Mill Findings.
Finest brands of Cigars. Chewing and Smo
king Sobacco. The celebrated Michigan
Fine Cot in bulk.
(7 Country merchants supplied on as fair
terms as can be had in the Eastern cities.
I sr"" Goods ordered for our customers, and sat
isfaction guaranteed, . .
To buy to save, to boy to please.
To buy to make, to bny with ease,
To buy at all. as all must do,
aTo tbe cheap cash store all should go.
Bennett, Blattenber;er & Co.,
Osceola Mills. May 27, '68-tf.
PARED PEACHES the best In market, at tba
.tor, of E.W.GRAHAM.
OOTS A SHOES the cheapest in the eoenty,.
at A""" "
F FED the cheapest in the county, at
iLOTUING the cheapest in theeonnty. at
LADIES'CLOAKS the cheapest in theeeantw,
F LOUIt the cheapest In the court? at '
May 29, '67. MOSSOP'S.