3 1 - "I CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 24, 1S63. Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad. 1 rain leaves Tyrone at : : : : : 9.20 a m Arrives at Philipabnrs at : : 11.20 a. m. 1 riin leaves PhilipJurg at . : : : 2.05 p m. Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : 4.00 p.m. Rftjoious. Divine services will beheW next sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows I By Rev. Nixdorff in the Lutheran church in the morning and evening. By Rev. Archer (Presbytr'an), in the Court Ilouse. movninsr and evening. By Rev. W. H. Dill, in the Methodist church, in the eveninfr. By Rev. Hayes, iu the Baptist Church, in the morning. . Young persons desiring to study German or Latin, will find good instruction at the Normal School. Gopey's Lady's Book. The July num ber of this superb ladies magazine has been received. It i3 full of good things. No Paper next Week. In accordance with our annual custom, no paper will be is- sued from this office next week July 1st. Lady's Friend. This excellent maga Eine for July is out, and contains its nsua! variety of interesting reading and illustra tions. 2 The Fourth. Are we to have a celebra tion on the Fourth, in this place? If so, it iB tune some move was made in that direc tion. Our national holiday occurs on Satur day, this year. The State Normal School, at Edinboro,is the best place for the young people of Wes tern Pennsylvania to obtain an education. Its advantages are surpassed by no similar institution known to us. Lost on the 22d or 23d inst., in Clear field, a small Gold Locket, attached to a piece of velvet, and having on it the initials O. J. W. The finder will be suitably re warded by leaving it at this office. Strawberries asd Ice-Cream. Sirs. A. M. Hills will give a Strawberry and Ice--cream Festival, at her house, on to-morrow evening, ' (Thursday) the proceeds to be donated to the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. All are invited to attend. Handsome Collection. A collection was taked up in the Baptist Church in Cur wensville on Sabbath last, to assist in defray ing the expenses of the recent repairs to the building. It resulted in a contribution of over four hetidred dollars. A highly cred itable collection. - Removal. By" reference to our advertis ing columns," it wilt be kch that JEu. Mack has removed his boot and shoe shop to the building Leretofore occupied by J. L. Cut tle, Esq., ao a law office nearly opposite the residence of II. B. Swoope, Esq. where he will be glad to have his customers call. In a"Bad Condition. The bridge across the Run at Foley's, and the one across the Run near the mill, in the Southern part of the Borough of Clearfield, are in a danger ous condition. The Borough "dads" ought to have them repaired without delay other wise serious accidents may be the result. . IIorfcE BrRXEP. We learn that the "house of John Beck, of Burnside township, together with all his household effects and one hundred and six dollars in money, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday evening, June 17th. Mr. B. and family were absent from the house at the time the fire occurred. Admitted. Willis Washburne, Esq., was cxamiued in open court on Friday last, and duly admitted to the Bur. lie is a young man of more thin ordinary promise, and if he recovers his health, will no doubt suc ceed in making his mark in the profession which he has chosen. We wih him success. Ask any responsible druggist what hair preparation he would most strongly recom mend, and he will tell you that "Barrett's Vegetable lair Restorative" is pre-eminently the best ; aed to otherwise prove the fact, it received the hrghest premium at the New Hampshire State XVir. in 1SG6. Baltimore American. Camp Meeting. A Camp Meeting will be held, commencing Augst 21st, "to con tinue one week, on the ground of Judge Barrett, rear of Centre Church.- The sur rounding charges New Washington, Glen Hope, Karthaus, and Philipsburg a?e ear nestly solicited to join us with .their teufe. A. W. Guyer, Pastor. Coal. Persons in want of coal should not fail to give Mr. Nathaniel Rishel a call, who has recently opened a bank on hw land being of the same vein formerly known as "The Hanna Coal." It is of excellent quality, burns good, cokes well, is dug coarse and is free from slate and other foreign mut ter. A stock always on hand. . ' A Questionable Improvement. The "Mansion Ilouse" is having a third story added to it. We doubt exceedingly the propriety of such an addition. The own er and the workmen should be very confident tW the present walls are of sufficient strength to support a weight for which they were not originally designed, lest loss of life result from it. It 13 a splendid location for a first class hotel, and all our people would rejoice to see a new building going up instead of a new story. - Adjourned Sale. The sale of the prop- J erty of C. J. Shoff, has been adjourned to Saturday, the ISth day ff July, on which j day it will be sold on the premises at Fu seyville. , Grant and Colfax. We have received from H. II. 'Lloyd & Co., 21" John Street, Vew York, the well-known Map Publishers, a colored pictorial and statistical chart con taining very good likenesses of our candi dates, sketches of "their lives, the platform, letters of acceptance, portraits of all the Presidents, and very interesting statistics relating,, to former Presidential elections. This chart is designed for the masses, and sold so cheaply that all can have it. See advertisement in another column. Eepublican County Committee. The following named persons compose the County Committee, as appointed by the President of the County Convention, held on June 17th, 1863: II. B. Swoope, Chairman, Clearfield. Samuel Hegartv. Beccaria towuship. John W. Bel!, Bel! township. Algernon Holden, Bloom township. David Adams, Jr., Bogcs township. Wni. Hoover, Bradford township. Dr. II. V. Spackman, Brady township. Jack Patchin, Burnside township. Louis J. Hurd, Chest township. Joab Rider.. Covington township. Col. E- A. Irvin. Cuiwensville borough. Perry Mattern, Decatur township. Luther Barrett, Ferguson township. . II. Humphrys, Fox township. -Fred, liwin, Girard township. II. II. Morrow, Goshen township. J. Lucien Ward, Graham township. G. W, M'Cully, Guelifh township, A. Lueore,, Huston township. Wm. Thompson. Jordan township. Ed. M'Garvey, Karthaus-township. Abraham YV alker, Knox township. Milton Lawhead, Lawn nee township. G. il. Lytic, Lumber-city borough. Ed. 0. Brenner, MorrN township. Dr. S. M'Cune, N. Wa.-hington boro'. George II. Lung, O.-ceolo Borough. Elisha Fenton. IVnn township. Allen Hoover, 1 'ike township. Beufamin Harley, Union township. ( James Stott, Woodward town-hip. A Whole Congregation Poisoned. The Chicago Trilntue h;is a special dispatch from Napierville, about twenty miles west of that fcity, giving an account of the poi soning ot a whole congregation of the Dunk ard church at that place. The church was celebrating a love feast. The meat had been prepared in a copper kettle and allow ed to remain in it all day until the liquid had become oxidized. The scene that followed beggars description. In different portions of the church were the sufferers soma sit ting, some lying on the floor, suffering the mo.it excruciating pains. Medical assistance was at once summoned, but it was a long time beforo the entire number about l.'IO could be attended to. About twenty of the number were regarded as in a dangerous condition, but none have as yet died, and it is hoped that all will roovpr. AN ITEM FOR SOI.iiit.KS. Henry Clay Deane, the Iowa apostle of Democracy, made his appearance in Ottuaiwa last week. The Courif.r has this to say of his visit: "II. C. Deane is in this city; was here last night, and in front of one of the saloons near a comer on Main street was spouting treason to a knot of his protectives the faithful 'Democracy.' II 3 was overheard to say 'that these one-armed soldiers who are thrust under our noses as objects of charity are fit carcasses for the ffalloics."' Threatened Assassination. The Co lumbia, (Ga.,) Sun, published in the city where poor A-hburn was foully murdered at midnight by a gang of "well dressed gentle men" weariig maks, uttered this threat of assassination the day before receiving news of. the nomination of Gen. Grant, at Chica go: "We don't know who will be nomina ted; we don't c-u-e who may be. The un happy wretch who may be fallen upon will never wear Presidential robes." Information Wanted. My widowed daughter. Eliza Ray, was 'sent North by Gem Sherman in his raid through Georgia, from her home in Marietta, with her five children. Information of her whereabouts will be thankfully received Address, Rev. Elijah Roberts," Sonierville, Ala. Papers will please copy the above for the benefit of a worthy poor man, who would pay their bills if he could. President Johnson vetoed the bill admit ting Arkansas into the Union. Both Hou ses of Congress passed the bill over the veto, on Monday last. The members from that State will be sworn in at once. Two new indictments have been found a guinst Surntt first for conspiring to mur der Mr. Lincoln, and second for conspiring to make the latter a prisoner. MARRIED : On Wednesday. February 12th, 1SGS, by Rev. J. E. Reams, Mr. John O. Holden and Miss Esther Jane Hiles, both of Pike township, Clearfield county. On Tuesday, June Jth, 180S, by Rev. J. E. Yearns, Mr. Columbus C. Sakvis, and Miss Uarv W. M'Mullin, both of Juni ata courrvy Pa. On Thunday, June II th, ISoS, by Rev. J. E. Kearns,'Mr. J. C. Roddev, of Shade Gap, and Mi.ssitA.TTiE Waters, of Shade Valley, lIuntiiigU, county, Pa. Closing Quotations of Goteram't Securities. " JAMES T. BRAD . a CO., (Successors to S. Jonclfj0) CORNER OP FOl'RTH A SI) WOOD STREETS. PitUburg, June 20, 1S63. bay. sell. ; v,v GOLD. 140 Hui 5-20s. Jan. '67 11.V U.S. fis., 1SSI, 116i 5-203. Jul. 67 113 5-20s, 1S02, 112 -112 .June, 7-30s, 10J 5-2(.1 StU, 110 '110i July. 7"-30s, loy S.9lla ISrt.T llfU 1103 Matfnnir. '(!M1J sell. !113x inn jl09i jllSl I0-40s. 106 J lOfi , Aus.Comp.'fi5,118i 5.20s, Jan.'fi5, 113 lloi Sept.Comp.r65.11S 5-20s, Jul. '65.,113 'll3, Oct. Comp. '65,117 s 71 11 Si IIS We are now converting 7-30s of the Juno and July series into Gold CoupoD 5-20 bonds of 18)5-7. A DMINISTRATOIl'S NOTICE. Let tors of Administration on the estate of Joseph Davis.Sr., late of Pena township, Clear field county, Pa.. dee'd. having been granted to the Undersigned, all persons indebted to s.iid estate are requested to mJse immediate payment, and tho?e having claims against the same will pre sent them, properly authenticated, for settle ment. Joseph Davis, Jr. June 3,-6tp. ELISHA DAVIS. Adni'rs. "PXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Tes- tamentary on the estate of Jason Kirk, late of Lumber-city Borough, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., dee d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated, lor settlement. ISAAC KIRK, SAM'L KIKK, Je.10, 1863-etp. JOHN KUSSEL, Ex'rsA ED. GRAHAM, DEALER IN DRY-GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINER, Y GOODS, CARPETS. OIL-CLOTH3, WINDOW-SHADES, CURTAINS, WALL-PAPER, CLOTHING, COOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS-WARE, HARD-WAKE, GROCERIES, SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH, MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. Mat 10, 1S67. rpIIE WESTERN HOTEL, J- s Clearfield. Penn'a. Tie undersigned, having taken charge of the abova named Motel, icenerallv known as :'The Lanich House," situate on the corner of Market and Second Streets Clearfield, Pa, desires to'in form the puolio that he is now prepared to accom modate those who may favor him with a call. The house has been re-fitted and re-furnished, and hence he flatter himself that he will be able to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner. Ounjl 12, latit. J. A. STINE. NEW STOCK! STRING GOODS! SPRING GOODS!! SPRING GOODS'." AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, Second St., Clearfield, Pa, BUYERS OF DRY GOODS, TRIM- MINGS, NOTIONS, HOISERY, GLOVES, FANCY QOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, CARPET CHAIN, TOILET QUILT, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, &c, &c, are invited to examine the most complete stock ev er brought to this market. We Challenge Competition. CASH BUYERS Will Find Rare Inducements. NIVLING & SHOWERS. Clearfield, Penn'a. April 8, 1S6S. JJ O M K INDUSTRY BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citisens of Clearfiel i and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite llartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair an ythi ng in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work wartanted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, suiicrb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. Juno 13th, IHtiP. 1ANIEL CONNELLY O M E T H I.N G N E W IN CURWESSVILJLE. DRUGS! DRUGS 1! DRUGS !!l Toe undersigned would respectfully announce to the publiolbat he has opened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the house of George Kiitlebarger. on Main street, Curwensrille, Pa., one door West of Hippie & Faust's store, where be intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectionaries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco and Cigars, .books, stationery, Pencils, Pens, inks, and a general variety of Notions; Barrett's Hair Restorative, Glass, Putty, etc., etc., etc. The want of a Drug Store hna long been felt in Curwecfiville, and aa that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new, and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roasonable priees Call and examine the goods, which cannot fail topleabe. JOSEPH R. IRWIN. November 8, 1S65. NEW A. ARRANGEMENT. I. S II A W, DRUGGIST, '(Seoond street, opposite the Court House,) Clearfield, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield county, that be continues to ;urrj on the Drug business, at the old stand, anl that he is now prepam) to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDISINES, Stuffs, Tobacco, Cigars. Con&ctionericf, Stationery, Ac. Dja PHYSICIANS Will Sod our stock of Drugs full and complete ami ut a very slight advance on Eastern prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will be furnished with class ical and mibcelliiueous books by express, at short notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap. Foolscap, Letter and Pi rfuined Note Paper, also, a very ncatstocK of Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens. Pencils, Ink, Ac. HOUSEKEEPERS Wilt End a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda, Soda Ash, Conccntiated Lye Soap, Ao. HDIE3 AND GENTLEMEN Are reouesiod to examine our stock of Perfumery, Hair Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, lirushea, Combs, Toilet Sett3, Ac. SMOKERS AND CH EWERS Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Domestic Cigars, Snuff, Fine-cut, Ao. CARBON OIL, Of the best brands, always on hand. LIQUORS. The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for mrtUcal purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. August 7, 1867. rp II E CHEAPEST GOODS AKESOLD Br RICHARD MOSSOl, SEALER IN' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &C, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Reatt the following list of goods and profittkereby. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goads Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goodn Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods (j)'f'tL' Always on ha'nd a largestock of La O' eau' dies Kood3 sucn as Coburg Cloth, Bheao -A'Pacas- Ee Luir.os, Ginghams, Cheap Prints, Chintz, Kerchiefs, N u Cheav bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc. ChoJp FOR GENTLEMEN, Cheap Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown Cheap ald Grey Cioths, Fancy and Black. Cheap Casimeres. Sattinets, Cassinets, 'Jhta-p Tweeds, Plain and Fancy V'ess Ckeup Dg8- Shirting, eto., etc. etc. Cheap - KEADY-MADE, Cheap Such as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under- Lfteapi shirts, and other Flannel shirts. Loots, shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Bootsaud Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins, Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton tabIecloths,Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. If you wautNails or spikes, Manure or other forks Saw-mill or other saws, Sniootni ng irons. Locks, Hinges, eto, go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ch eap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Is neap Cheap Cheap GV(?Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, , . . ' . c-i i i-. Li l- : a, ;n Cheeps Shoe and Stove blackin Manilla Goods stieap Cheap Cheap and hemp ropes. Ink i, Paper or iGood Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods etc., buy them at Mossop s. ' IF YOU WANT Cheap iheap Cheap' Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ch tap Cheap Ch:ap Chenp Cheap Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy Soap. Starch, W all Paper or Win dow shnaes, lamps, iamptuDeg or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT iooa ciirft laiujijr riuur, v '(jods brown sugar, hams, shoulders or Q00jt sides, coffee; Imperial, Young ' (jO0df Hyson or blucK tea, buy them Goods at Mossop's cheap for oash. Goods IF YOU WrANT Goods Tallow candles, fine or coarse eat, Goeds . , 1 . e : , 1 TI- L ' Goods C 'leap yrup or molasses, cneese, dried apples or peaches, water or so- Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goodt Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Isheap Cheap Cheap Ch tap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap do craciters, can at aiossop s where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Port wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap IF YOU WANT CAaj:Raisens. Figs. Prunes or dried Cur- isieop rants; filberts, cream, pecan or Cheap ground nuts, candies. Liquorice Cheap or Liquorice root, buy them Che.apf at Mossop'scheap and good. Cheap JF you WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods , P To buv any other article cheap, be hnnj. t-hTP sure to go to Mossop, for he sellFi00rf rleV!,' cheaper for cash than any other .Goods t"h.j person in Clearfield county. Goods CheTJ November 27, 1861. KVtVm.Good, Approved r jw'w r""" rvDyw iuc' c the usual market priees iA exchange- for goods LADIES' CLOAKS the cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S. : : a FLOUR the cheapest in the county, at May 29, '67. MOSSOP'S. GROCERIES the cheapest in the county, at May 29. MOSSOP'S. s PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS. y ALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. Jolm Hall & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF riows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har rows and Union Mowers. Nos. 121 4123 Liberty st., corner of Pitt et., Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Our castings and points being made in an air furnace are in every way superior to those made by other manufacturers. Feb.I2,?t5S-ly. JAMES T. BRADY fc Co7 (Successors to S. Jones A Co.,) Corner Fourth and "Wood Sts., Pittsburgh. Pa , BANKERS, Buy and sell all kinds of Government Securities, Gold, Silver and Coupons, ou most favorable terms. 7-30's Converted into the new 5-20 Coupon Bonds. Interest allowed on deposits. Money loaned on Government Bonds a lowest market rates. Orders executed for the pur chase and sale of Stock. Bond:) and Gold. m!3. JAMES T. BRADY A CO. 1 863. JEINEMAN, MEYRAN L SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth st..l door from Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa , Wholesale and Retail Dealers 5n FINS JEWELKY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware, French Clocks, P.ated Ware of every description. Tea Setts', Spoons, Forks, Ito. Watch makers Tools and Material, and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied assort ment of the very beet American made CLOCKS to be found in aay city, east or west. Person) in want of any article iu our line, either at wholesale or for their own use, will find our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New York City. WATCH REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being oursolves practical watch makers) we pay very special attention. We eo,ploy a foice of the very best Artists in the country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care for the trade or individuals nay rdy on getting tho utmost satisfaction, ffork may bo sent in by express or .itherwise. REINEMAX, MEYRAN A-SEIDLE, Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and tilvernuiith's. ap23- 42 Filth St., Pittsburgh. 'Od-ly. s OMET II I N G N E W , IN SHAW'S ROW, FRANK t S TO U GUT ON, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw's Row. one door -east of the Post Office, and having jut returned from the eastern cities' with a large aud elegant assortment of Cloths, Casi-iraeres, Vestings, Beavers, &e., and all kinds of goods for men aud boys' wear, are now prepared to make up to order CLOTHING, from a single article to a full suit, in the latest styles and mof t workmanlike manner. Special atten tion given to custom work and cutting out tor men and boys. We offer great bargains to custo mers, and warrant entire natisfactlon. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. Call and ccamine our goods. M A. FRANK, OU 16, 1K67. E. R. L. STOUGHTON. "A TEST STYLES, for Spring and Sumner Hats, fwmiCVA- i J PfailJolptltt "Also Trimmed patterns of clothing for Ladies and Children from Mme. Demorest, a full supply of whieh will be kept constantly on ( hand at the store of Mrs. II. D. WELSH & Co., Dealers in Fancy Goods Millinery, Notions, Toys. Muiio and Musical Instruments. Second Street, next door to First National Bank,4 Clearfield, I'enn a. They also make to order All kinds of Bonnets for : : : : 50 cts. All kinds of Hats for : : : : : 30 cts. Materials furnished en as reasonable terms as they can be had in the county. Call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. April S, 1863. D ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. DR. A.M. HILLS desires to inform his patients and the public generally, that he has associated with him in the practice of Dentistry. S. P. SHAW, D. D S , who is a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and therefore has the highest attestations of his Professional skill. All work done in the office I will hold myself personally responsible for being done in the most satisfactory manner and highest order of the pro fession An established practice of twenty-two years in this place enables me to speak to my patrons with oonfidenoe. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before the patient designs eotning. Clearfield, June 3. l!6.S-ly. LOOK AT Tins ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books ; Sheet Music for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and Promisory Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap; and Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAUL IN, AMEBIC 15 GOITER CrRE. This is an unfaiiing remedy for that loathsome) At the Post office, on Market Street, disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck It is simpl. ri...-M P. ' itscomposition.yet powerful in its effect U- Clearfield, Pa. (!d internal 'y and externally. Persons afffieted May 5, 1S63 -ln this way should not hesitate to obtain the rem- ' : : edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re- HOUSEKEEPERS can save money by buying jjeyed from their unpleasant complaint, their brooms, buckets, tabs, churns, wash- boards, clothes-pins, rolling-pins, pails, knife 11 the above remedies are prepared and Sold boxes, coffee mills, looking glasses, clocks, bed by M. A. FRANK A CO. cords. baskets. butter bowla,window sbades.carpets Clearfield, Pa. matting, oil cloths, Ac., at J. P. KRAJZER S Codntry Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices. STOVES of all sorts and sites, constantly on TOOTS SHOES the cheapest in the county, hand at MERKELL A BIGLER'S Jp at MOSSOP'S. ierN!!-MLi: FEMV2h9eche'pegtinthqcoooW's. pRM?;E2i-aqantity on &adM cL0M,"T-th' che,pe,t ln th' mTssLA pEeDpfEACHES-tbe s&i sSKyir QtEENSWARE-the c' Ojt' "SSSpV A1Ari. All. lv v.iri.'tis itf first niilitV- n , ... " . . - uui-uru i uiiiiigs, ti (iu per Hundred. Orders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation, by A M. H I LUS. Aug. 21, 'f,7.' Clearfield, Pa. T OST. Ou the 30th or Sit of May, I lost $1 hi) either at, or between New Mill port aud Curwenaville. of the following denomi nations : Two bills of $50 each ; two bill? of 20 each: and one bill of Jill). I offer TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS reward for the recovery of the whole amount. ABRAM PEOPLES. Jel0,-63. New Millport, Cleai field Co., Pa. BLACKSMITH WANTED. A firsf class Smith Shop, with iarge cnntorn, and (if required) a good dwelling house conve nient to the shop, are offered for rent by the sub scribers. Would prefer to make an-engagement with a man possessed of some capital and enter prise, as such a man could do a large business. Curwensville, June 3 E. A IRVIN A CO. T) ISSOLUTION. The partnership hcre--L tofore existing between James Irwin & Sons, in the Mercantile and Lainbering business, at Bald hills, was dissolved by the withdrawal of James Irwiu from the firm, by mutual consent. Tue business will be conducted by F. B. A A. Irwin at the old stand. JAMES IRWIN,. Bald HiU, Pa.. F.B IRWIN,. A IRWIN. June 10, lwG3-3tp. A dmln" tersot Christina L Clearfield cou ed to the und . said estate are ret, cient, and those Ln will present them, I tleuieut. June 10, l86S-Ct. ' vS AOTICE. Let 'on n the estate of J'.Jkcaria township, f aring been grairt orsons indebted to lake immediate pay Ana against thaaumo y authenticated, for set JOHN BEYERS, Adin'r. c IGARS AND TOBACCO, ADOLPII SCIIOLPP; M I'IPFACTI REH AND WlIOLESALK AND RETAIL.' DkALKK 1 ClGAUS AND ToBACCUfl, CLEARFIELD, PA., Would respectfully announce that he has remor ed to the lure and ommodious store-room, op posite the residence of 11 li Swoope, Esq., where he has opened a general assortment of Tobacco, Cigars, etc. , whion bo if prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, at reasonable prices. Hi? cigars are made of the very best material, and "in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment He has always on band a superior' article' of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to wbioh he di rects the attention of '-lovers of the weed." Merchants aud Dealers, throughout the county supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. Call and examine his stock when yon come to Clearfield. June 10, 1868. . EUREKA! STAR LIGHTNING ROD! The Best and the Cheapest ! The Star Galva.mzkd Ligiitsins Ror is supe rior to any in use, and will last tor generations. It in macie from Magnetic Iron jtbs square--gro'oved, spiral-twisted and galvanised, and con--nected with pure copper couplings, rendering-it equal to a copper rod. the whole surmounted with a Gold-plated cluster point of pure cepper'thua forming a continuous rod from the point to the ground the combination of metals forming' -galvanio battery in the rod. It is warranted always to remain brigv nd clean, and will never corrode or rust, tnui pre senting a neat ornamental appearance on the building, worth more than its eost aa a matter of ornament, to say nothing about its sure protection against lightning. To show the popularity of the Galvanised Star Rod, it is only necexsary to say that the propri etors have pulled off more than one hundred tons of old rusty irons, within twelve months, front colleges, academies, public buildings, barns, etc., and put up the Star Rod in their place. As the "Star" is better and sold at a less price than any other rod, is more durable and more or namental, persons should consult tneir own inter ests and safety to life and property, before- they nave a rod oreoted on their buildings: - All that is necessary to convince the public of the superiority of the Star Lightning Rod, is a thorough examination into its construction and scientific combination. The undorcigued, beice the ATenta for Clear field county, will put up r jds, for all whs may de sire them, on short notice end reasonable terms. Caland examine them at their store in Clearfield. Jttne 10, 1864. MERRILL A BIGLER. O THE AFFLICTED It RKAD! READ! F.SADf THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. ''What shall, I do to relieve me?" To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which have bu recently been introduced, to the public, although they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. AMERICAS' VEGETABLE BITTERS. This Vegetable Compound is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver, Carbuncles, E ruptionsof the Skin, Canker in the Stomach, eto. A benefit is always experienced from the nse of one bottle, and a perfect cure warranted when th Fatient perseveres la taking n sufficient quantity, n some caaes from two to three bottles will effect acure. No change of diet is necessary. Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough of it. AMERICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation ia a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds, Tightness of the Chest. Pain in the Breast, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc. This Medicine has a most happy effect in the above complaints, when taken according to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances, and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta neous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAN LINIMENT. This compound contains the most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It ia a spredy, safe and sure oure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Earache, Toothache. Sore Throat. Stiff Neck, Spinal Disea ses, Pain in the Breast, Side and Kidneys ; Diaai ness, Burn3, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts Bruises, Sprains. Old Sores, Runrounds, Felons, Cholera Morbus. Colic, etc. No family should be witbnnt it, as it is truly an indispensable and TaluaH -remedy. n-UAPE VINES FOR leading hardy varietie: 1 A 1 ir r,.