V if -y f 1 ' 1 i v: 1 1 U BY S J. EOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEMESMI, JUNE 3, 1868. VOL. 14.HY0. 39. A MOTHER'S LOVE. Many friends may gather round thee, With sweet word of love and cheer, - Promising their lasting friendship. Friendship which you prize so dear. Beautiful and loving creatures May profess a 1 sting love ; Tendering their sweet affections, Asking you their truth to prove. , Comrades also will stand by thee In the hour of help and need, Pledging their good wor9 to help thee, Promises as good as deeds. - These are beautiful to think on, Very pleasing 'tis to say I bave friends, if I should need them, I eould call them any day. Very sweet may be their friendship, ery long they may love thee. But there's one who loves the longer. One whose love can never flee. 'Tis thy mother loves thee dearly, :Tis thy mother's sweetest voice Cheers thee onward in life's pathway, Oh ! indeed thou shoulds't rejoice. Think on many a sad. lone orphan, Weary of this world of care No one to relieve or cheer him, Xone to drop a pitying tear.. Oh ! then love thy mother fondly, Care for her in every way. For whate'er thou dost to cheer her, Her love you never can repay. A TALE POB WIVES. "Now this is "what I call comfort," said Mrs. Hurley, as she sat down by her neigh bor's tire one evening ;, "here you are, at your sewing, with the kettle steaming on the hob.and the tea things on the table, expect ing every minute to hear your husband's Mep, and see his kind face look in .at the door. Ah ! if my husband was like yours, Janet!" "He is like mine in many of his ways," paid Janet, with a smile, "and he would be Mill more like him if you took ,more ains to male him comfortable." '"What do j'ou mean?" cried Madge, "our house is as clean as yours ; I mend my husband's clothes and cook his dinner as carefully as any woman in the parish, yet he never stays at home of an evening, while you two sit here by your cheerful fire night alter night as happy as can be." "As happy as can be on eYirYt'jsaid her friend gravely; "yes and I shall "tell you the secret of it, Madge." "I wish you would," said Madge, with a deep sigh ; "it's misery to live as I do now." "Well, then," said Janet, speaking slow ly and distinctly, "I let my husband see that I love him still, and that I learn every day to love him more. Love is the chain that binds him to his home. The world may call itiollv, but the world is not my lawgiv er." "And do you realy think," exclaimed Madge in surprise,- "that husbands care for that sort of a thing ?" "For love do you mean?" asken Janet. "Yes, they don't feel at all as we do, Ja net.and it don't take many years of married life to make them think of a wife as a sort ' or maid of all work." "A libel, Madge," said Mrs. Matson, laughing, "I won't allow you to sit in Wil liam's chair and talk so." "No, because youf husband is different and values his wifes love, whilst John cares for me only as his housekeeper." "I don't think that," said Janet, "al though he said to my husband the other day that courting-time was the happiest of a man's life. William reminded him that there is a greater happiness than that on arth,if men but give their hearts to Christ. I know that John did alter his opinion, but he went away still thinking ot his courting time as of a joy too great to be exceeded. ' "Dear fellow," cried Madge, smiling throug her tears. "I do believe he was hap py then. I remember I used to listen for him as I sat with my dear mother by the fire longing for the happiness of seeing him." "Just so," said Janet. "Do you ever feel like that now ?" Madge hesitated. . "W ell, no, not exact ly." "And why not?" "Oh,I don't know." said Madge; 'mar ried people give up that sort of thing?" "Love, do you mean?" asked Janet, a second time. ' ' . "No, but what people call being senti mental," replied Mrs. Harley. "Longing to see your husband is a very proper sentiment," replied Janet. "But some people are rediculous foolish before others." reasoned Madge. "This proves they want sense. I atu not likely to approve of that, as William will won tell you ; all I want is that wives should let their husbands know they are still lov ed." "But jaen are so vain," said Madge, lthat it is dangerous to show them much attention." ' , . Her friend looked up.. "Oh T Madge, what are you saying? Have you then mar ried with the notion that it was not good for John to believe you love him ?" "No, but it is not wise to show that you are too much for them." "Say and him ; do not talk of husbands in general, but of yours in particular. '4Ie thinks quite enough of himseli al ready,! assure you." "Dear Madge," said Janet, smiling, "would it do you auy harm to receive &ht tle more attention from your husband?' "Of course not. I wish he'd try;" and Mrs. Harley laughed at the idea. "Then ym don't think enough of your self already ? and nothing would make you vain I suppose?" Madge colored and all the more when she perceived that William" Matson had come in l'uetly, and was now standing behind Jan et's chair. This of course put an end to he conversation. Madge retired to her "wn home to think of Janet's words, and to confess secretly that they were very wise. Hours passed before John Harley return ed home. He was a man of good abilities and well to do in the world, and having married Madge because he truly loved her, he had ex potted to have a happy home. But partly because he was reserved and sen sative, and partly because Madge feared to make him vain, they had grown cold to each other, so cold that John began to think the ale house more comfortable than his own home. That night the rain fell in torrents, the wind howled, and it was not until the mid night hour, that Harley left the public house and hastened home. He was wet through when he crossed the threshold. He was, as he gruffly muttered, "used to that:" but he was not "used" to the tone aiidIook with which his wife drew near to welcome him ; nor to find warm clothes by the crack ling fire and slippers on the hearth, nor to hear no reproach for the late hour, and ne glect, and dirty footmarks, as he sat in his arm chair. Some change had come to her he was very sure. She wore a dress that he had bought for her years ago, with a linen collar around her neck, and had a cap trim med with white ribbons, on her head. "You're smart, Madge. "he exclaimed,at last when he had stared at her for some lit tle time in silence. "Who has been hero worth dressing for?" "No one until you came," she said half laughing. ."I ? Nonsense, you did'nt dress for me," cried John. "You won't believe it, perhaps, but I did, I have been talking with Mrs. Matson this evening, and she Las given me some very good advice. So uow, John what do you want for supper?" John, who was wont to steal to the shelf at night and content himself with anything he could find, thought her offer too excel lent to be refused, and very soon a bowl of hot chocolate was steaming on the table. Then his wife sat down for a wonder at his side, and talked a little, and listened, and looked pleased, when at last, as if he couldn't help it, he said, "Dear eld Madge!" That was enough, her elbow somehow found its way to the arm of his chair.and she sat quietly looking at the fire. After awhile John said "Madge, dear, do you remember the old Jays when we used to ife -side iy idi your mother s kitchen I "Yes." "I was a younger man then, and as they told me.handsome ; now I am older, plainer, duller. Then you loved mo; do you love me still?" She looked up into his face, and her eyes answered him. It was like looking back to old days, to hear once again those kind words meant for her ear alone. She never once asked if it would make him vain, she knew, as if by instinct, that it was making him a wiser and a more thoughtful man. And after a happy silence he took down the Bible and read a chapter, andhe bowed her head and prayed. Yes, prayed for pardon, through the blood of Jesus Christ, and for blessings on her husband. She prayed and not in vain. A Telling Argument. A man on trial for murder was successfully defended by his counsel in the following argument: " 'Thou shalt not kill.'. Now if you hang my client, you transgress the command as slick as grease and plump as a goose! s egg in a loafer's face. Gentlemen.murder wheth er committed by twelve jurymen or an hum ble individual like my client. You may bring the prisoner in 'guilty,' the hangman may do his work, but will that exonerate you ? No such thing. In that case you will be the murderers. WTbo among you is prepar ed for the braud of Cain to be stamped upon his brow to-day ? Who freemen? Who in this land of liberty and light? Gentlemen, I will pledge my word not one ot you has a bowie knife. No, gentlemeu, your pockets are odoriferous with the fumes of cigar cases and tobacco. You can smoke the tobacco ot rectitude in the pipe of a clear conscience, but hang my poor client and the scaly alli gators of remorse will gallop through the internal principles of your animal viscera, until the spinal vertibras of your national construction is turned into a railroad for the grim and gory goblins ot despair. Gentle men, 1 adjure you by the manumitted ghost of temporary sanity to do no murder. I ad jure you by the name ot woman, the main spring of the ticking time-piece of time's theoretical transmigration to do no murder. I adjure you by the American eagle, that whipped the universal game cock of creation and is now roosting on the magnetic tele graph of time's illustration of transmigra tion to do no murder. And lastly, if you ever expect free dogs to bark at you, it you ever expect to wear boots made of the free hide of the Rocky Mountain Buffalo and to sum up all, if you ever expect to be any body bat sneaking, low-flung, rascally-brained, small ends of humanity, whittled down into indistinctibility,' acquit my elient and save your country. The prisoner was ac quitted, of course. "Tights." Tight pantaloons are all the go the present summer. WV have had a sight of them already and such a sight 1 It really makes us nervous to think of it. Our young men actually seem to have no "visible means of support" For goodness sake let them wear false calves. How they expect to become anything in the world on such diminutive props, we are unable to comprehend. And how do they manage to get into them ? Their legs look as if they had been melted and poured in, and some how or other the big end of the material seems to have run down into the boots. 1 -T 1 T- 2 -!,- V.o.1 nut noseoil tTlA snl ATI U1U luuiau tuu - of whiskey for many years, said a barrel of .1 - i. ;.l a VMicanr1 wnnfo and fi f- ty fights. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS FOB TAXES For 1867 and previous years NOTICE is HEREBY eiVEic, that in pur suance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A.D. 1815. entitled 'An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in 1,1 ear- field county." will be exposed to Public sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the l'orougb of uiearneia, on me sec ond Monday in June, A. v. laoo . BECCABIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc: Taxes. 58 ' Joho Mailer, $27 20 8 Fred'k Ilubley, 6 24 109 96 John Beam, 79 33 176 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 76 65 186 87 Thomas Billington, 38 40 76 80 Michael Muaser, 35 89 100 James M'Murtrie . 36.85 80 Thomas Murgatory, 29 48 80 5fagnus Miller, 29 48 410 John Brady, 164 82 160 Willi mi Brady, 64 32 592 J. Blain, K. Blain, 237 98 399 John Witmor, 187 20 849 Henry Witmor, 163 75 181 William' Wilson, 8195 134 Jabob Krug, 62 85 104 John Gibson, ' 48 78 215 73 Robert Wilson, 101 03 433 153 William Gray, 2I3 28 433 153 John Miller, 203 41 94 91 Jeremiah Mosher, 44 22 161 116 TeterGetz, 77 58 330 153 Martin Fautz, 88 44 296 125 Jacob Fautz, 79 S3 328 153 George Musser, 87 90 74 32 Thomas Gibson, 34 84 433 153 David Barton, 87 10 433 153 John Ferdncy, 203 41 44 Brown & Fulion, 20 64 71 80 John Ketland, 33 50 55 102 Sarah Billington, 25 87 360 Jacob Kung, 1S8 84 30 Win. Plumket, 14 08 SELL TOWNSHIP. No. 4233 5620 5K20 5764 5618 42S7 42SS7 5706 5766 4286 4:89 3565 5904 5906 5907 5918 5919 5619 5909 5910 5911 5913 5915 5921 5619 42S7 5619 5906 5905 5907 4288 Ac. Per. 1000 oUO 500 1000 61 79 120 3.(0 78 307 59 113 71 S3 97 1000 ' 506 500 161 118 1000 758 800 955 93.3 433 242 825 320 247 106 607 1100 101 93 93 97 119 01 102 32 --,31 123 90 100 Taxes $230 00 115 00 115 00 230 00 14 03 18 17 "94 88 88 32 32 54 20 47 21 s9 230 00 116 33 143 75 55 54 Warrantees, etc. Henry Beck, Henry Bees, Henry Beck, Henry Beck. Henry Beck, Henry Beck. Henry Beck, Henry Beck, Henry Beck, Henry Beck, lUnrv Beak, Henry Beck, Henry Beck, Henry Beck, .Tnhn Nicholson. Nicklin A Griffith 230 00 Nicklin fc Griffith 174 34 Nicklin Griffith 184 00 Nicklin Griffith 219 65 Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 Benj. Gibbs, 124 54 Henry Beck, 55 66 Nicklin A Griffith 189 75 Nicklin Griffith 73 60 Nicklin A Griffith 56 81 Nicklin A Griffith 24 33 Nicklin AGriffith 139 61 Nicklin AGriffith 233 00 Henry Beck, 23 23 Henry Beck, 21 51 Henrv Beck. 27 37 Nicklin AGriffith 29 33 Nicklin AGriffith Nicklin A Griffith Henry Beck S 97 25 88 23 00 Ac. 41 196 234 76 408 76 413 440 429 41 429 41 100 109 90 132 70 427 427 31 400 266 95 146 49 205 100 404 404 404 427 160 B0GGS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Thomas, 58 31 John Thomas, 45 43 Joseph Drinker, ' 47 03 Joseph Drinker, 95 67 Wm. McCormick, 110 69 Nancy Boggs. 118 04 Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 John Eyers, 114 96 John Montgomery, 26 80 Barbara Snyder, 31 88 George. Hootman, 39 80 Henry Faunce, 18 76 George Ayres, 85 76 Wm. Troutwine, 85 76 John Kean, 80 40 Joseph Ball, 89 12 Richard Thomas, 15 70 Barbara Snyder, 13 13 Thomas Smith, 54 94 John Kephart, 26 80 Blair M'Lanahan, 81 21 Thomas L. Moore, 8121 Mary Mortis, 81 21 Jonas Steinheiser, 71 55 Richard Waple, 32 12 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 2004 400 Roberts A Pox, $102 40 3579 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 261 12 3573 81 33 Roberts A Fox, 20 73 3603 438 111 Roberts A Fox. 118 81 5959 93 133 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 5926 93 Nicklin A Griffith 23 81 5926 296 Nicklin A Griffith 75 78 50 George L. Reed, 12 80 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 56 84 Levi Cleaver, 26 83 250 David Irwin, 72 06 100 John P. Dale, 25 26 Ac. 324 102 159 250 437 109 48 30 225 100 64 50 50 85 85 175 No. 492 3612 3603 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Hugh Ely, 85 John Campbell, Hall & Buck, BUir M'Lanahan, 17 Polly M'Lanahan, Andrew Pettit, Matthias Slaymak Mattbew Forcee, James Duncan, ; Nehemiah Mains, David Mains, Daniel Graham, Horatio L. Hall, Wm. Graham, jr. John Hanna, John Vaughn, BRADY TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrentees. etc. Taxes 303 W. Kirknatrick,S103 IS 200 Roberts A Fox, 53 60 150 Roberts A Fox, 40 20 $42 76 20 18 20 99 49 50 57 65 35 90 , 9 50 7 92 37 22 'l9 80 12 67 1R 20 13 20 22 44 22 44 46 20 3614 140 1993 45 1997 2:0 1998 290 3574 402 626 215 5860 670 5877 5879 5881 5886 323 331 195 100 218 501 ; 2009 650 13 521 1994 . 365 2010 604 3580 995 2009 611 27 256 155 135- 275 472 92 83 124 JRoberU A Fox, 37 52 55 Roberts A Fox, 12 06 13 Roberts A Fox, 67 00 Roberts A Fox. 77 72 34 Roberts A Fox, 41 60 r Conrad Long, 69 23 Jona. B. Smith 404 01 846 Henry Wykoff, 330 09 . John Dunlap, r 181 41 Casper Stiver, 40 20 ' Christian Lower, 302 17 Roberts A Fox, 395 25 V Christian Lower, 310 93 .. Roberts A Fox. 217 43 - Roberts A Fox, 364 21 94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 , Roberts A Fox, 363 50 ' Benj. Henry, 154 37 Casper Stiver, 81 47 " Camper Stiver sr, 284 62 62 Georee Shaffer 50 11 80 r J. M. Millers (h's, 42 88 100 f Banm, 53 60 50 f MoGairy, . 26 80 1997 66 V Roberts A Fox, 18 09 199S 250 Roberts A Fox, 67 00 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. t , Ac. Per. Watrantees. etc. Taxes. 303 303 290 311 298 111 100 293 150 John Junes, . James Chapman, Benj. Trasnall, Towns'd Spackm Rebecca Brown, Christian Stake, Leonard Mollis, John Bnrcb, Jttlni Cumruingg, $137 80 137 80 130 50 an 202 15 193 70 43 30 39 00 133 38 68 25 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 100 153 John Boyd. $46 40 313 153 Joshua Hnynes, 145 00 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 200 91 298 153 William WiIsod, 158 27 258 James Ross, 119 71 433 153 John Cuiiuingharr, 150 80 433 153 John Cook, 150 80 433 153 Joseph Swing, 150 80 433 153 William Cook, 150 80 100 - Dvid Cithcart, 29 00 433 153 AlexHunter, 100 46 370 Pter Horse, 130 85 257 ' ilagb Bartley, 74 58 ! 83 . Joseph Pike, . 25 52 271 , George Page, 78 65 411 Hmry Page, 71 68 234 ' . James Noble, 67 87 433 153 John Musser, 200 91 190 164 ' Christian Rohrer, 88 16 256 " ' Miller 3t Crist, 118'78 22 Miller & Crist, 10 21 200 Mahafley& Mitchell, 46 40 433 Matbias Slougb, 100 46 147 - CJeorge Ross. 42 69 100 John Brenneman, 29 00 61 J. & H. Bretb, 28 80 433 Samuel Jackson, 71 45 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 1891 600 72 Morris A Stewart $90 24 1893 483 47 Morris A Stewart 63 09 3649 70 30 Morris A Stewart 9 87 1892 I 365 Morris A Stewart 51 47 1894 ) 15 Morris A Stewart 2 11 1 903 1 1 897 J 450 Morris A Stewart 3173 5377 1100 George Mead, 155 10 300 JohnBriel, 21 15 200 H. Burgett. 56 40 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes &91 Thomas P. Cope, 24 Thus. Edcnnndson, 67 96 Josepti Sansom, S91 159 Thomas Billington, $204 88 12 57 35 62 204 88 52 40 105 84 105 84 100 " .Thos. Stewartson, 02 Mary M'Lanahan, 404 Ann M'LaDahan, 100 i Stacy W. Thompson, 52 40 200 , Mary M'Lahahan, 104 80 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, - 44 02 108 Jacob Downing, 56 60 20 Joseph Sansom, 10 48 76 99 William Sansom, 39 82 241 22 William Evans, 126 28 50 Nancy Fauly, 26 20 333 147 Thos. Edmundson, .174 50 9U Jotin Drinker, io 200 Casper Haines, 104 80 281 Gilbert Vaueht, 147 24 195 Joseph Harrison, 102 18 198 Joseph Harrison, 103 74 60 Joseph Harrison, 26 20 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, 43 50 200 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 80 125 A. J. G..ss, 65 00 200 Sam'l. M'Clarren, 104 80 17 Joseph Sansom, 8 90 90 David Stewart, 24 58 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. laxes 233 159 John Hambrigbt, $69 96 50 Matthias Slough, la oo 8 Matthias Slough, 102 433 153 George Ross, 103 92 74 Lewis Jordan, u 50 , Hiram Pas&more, 12 00 100 Abraham Ogden, 24 OO 24 Henry Swan, 5 6 50 Benj. Hartshorn, 21 00 100 John Hambright, 30 00 100 Adam Reigart . 24 00 809 73 John Dougbton, 74 16 FOX TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes James Wilson, $71 46 James Wilson, wi 18 9 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 James Wilson, n e. 41 99 James Wilson, wi 41 66 James Wilson, 73 92 James Wilson, 110 83 James Wilson, i 50 40 Jamei Wilson, mid 49 06 for 1864 A 1865 45 82 James Wilson.w.p. 82 73 James Wilson, 262 51 James Wilson, 264 77 James Wilson, . 5 60 James Wilson, 163 00 James Wilson. 83 44 James Wilson, 62 50 James Wilsos, 24 64 James Wilson, 72 52 Evander Hyde, 25 20 Lane A Hyde, 23 00 Dan Kingbury,B.L25 00 J. S. Hyde,B.L. 8 40 Hyde A Co., Hulet 13 89 Firmin lot 23 97 Giles lot 11 20 28 00 4272 425 4200 330 133 140 4188 250 4181 495 4200 660 4182 990 4183 200 4188 350 4188 4271 495 4241 937 4233 947 1534 20 1535 600 4242 290 4399 372 4340 183 4398 216 75 100 90 25 62 107 50 4400 100 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ae Per. Warrantees, etc. 103 Morris A Stewart 120 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 100 Morris A Stewart 120 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 1921 203 1933 423 1934 318 3648 108 3647 10 6123 200 1924 508 1890 254 3647 10 1890 1939 160 5352 793 5376 1100 5353 1100 5357 1100 1925 345 1926 153 1937 123 1839 227 3648 232 1929 33 1890 1 187 138S 378 1917 346 3650 106 1837 455 1916 50 1926 105 Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meado, George Meade, George Meade, 62 Morris A Stewart 93 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 125 Morris A Stewart 56 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. 5314 760 George Meade, i 5315 1000 George Meade, 5316 1000 George Meade, 1909 137 Morri' A Stewart, 300 Wm.Mapes. 5325 100 Georgo Meade, 5325 100 George Meale, 1912 438 Morris A Stewart 1923 383 Morris A Stewart 1923 100 Morris A Stewart 1922 152 - Morris A Stewart 5324 1213 67 Georgo Meade, 5326 1100 George Meade, ' 5327 1113 120 George Meade, 53 29 1100 - Georgo Meade, 5330 1100 George Meade, 1911 100 Morris A Stewart GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Taxes $23 95 63 12 75 17 12 74 2 36 47 20 59 94 59 94 2 36 23 32 94 16 129 80 129 80 129 80 40 71 13 03 14 51 , 26 79 33 28 3 93 22 07 44 60 40 83 12 51 53 81 5 90 12 39 Taxes 1124 45 163 75 163 75 26 85 77 60 39 30 39 30 57 37 100 33 26 20 25 29 317 81 288 20 291 59 288 20 283 20 26 20 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 Thos. Pi Cope, $130 96 199 John Skyron, 87 76 145 T. Cpe, 42 63 103 Jas- Milligan, 30 27 109 Geo. Moore, 48 07 340 Joseph Simons, .118 95 348 Joseph Henry, 127 89 100 Charles Hall, 36 75 41 C. J. Allport, 18 09 100 Robt. Shaw, 58 80 100 Jno. Donaldson, 36 75 66 104 B. D. Scboonovar, 24 26 Ac 112 3C5 48 90 43 114 349 96 134 158 433 153 856 69 108 260 98 . 100 60 119 121 193 122 433 153 433 153 237 48 210 215 75 436 145 433 153 216 153 433 145 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Witmer, Geo. Baker, Benj. Wilson, Geo. Moore, Geo. Moore, Philip Gloninger, John M'Cahea, Edward Hand, Emanuel Reigart, Geo. Moore, John M'Cahen, John Lampblack, John Witmer, Benj. Wilson, Christian Stake, Matthias Young, briatian Hager, tjorge Musser, Thos. Yadler, Daniel Offley, Geo. Baker, Jr. Timothy Paxton, John Burge, John Musser, Jos. Aslibright, $44 14 119 87 35 37 18 86 137 17 52 67 62 09 99 56 81 60 24 76 102 18 38 51 39 30 9 83 46 78 75 85 170 80 170 SO 93 15 82 53 84 50 171 84 170 30 84 88 171 4 No. 3575 3583 3602 3605' 3606 3536 1936 1691 3595 5673 5674 5675 5066 507 4263 4264 4199 5672 4261 4902 4235 4226 4229 4230 4236 4225 4390 43S9 4902 4397 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 5061 5064 5065 5063 4228 4236 4265 5670 6671 5672 4899 5676 5677 5678 5672 5676 5677 3589 2000 2001 3592 1933 4902 3593 3601 3600 3578 3576 3594 3597 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes -961 Roberts A Fox, $335 72 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A FBx, 1049 129 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox. 403 Roberts A Fox, 408 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 200 J G. Kidder. 195 David Caldwell. 1041 Moore A Delany, 368 04 1041 Moore A Delany, 368 04 1041 Moore 6 Delany, 368 04 990 Win. Powers, 879 Wm. Powers, 990 James Wilson, 990 James Wilson. 990 James Wilson, 347 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 990 James Wilson, 249 99 420 Wilhelm Willink 143 47 986 James Wilson. 243 96 990 360 57 360-57 370 S 360 57 360 57 144 22 144 22 360 57 70 70 68 93 349 96 310 07 225 02 225 02 225 02 249 93 James Wilson, ' 243 72 507 James Wilson, 123 06 490 Janes Wilson, . 123 74 740 James Wilson. 136 85 124 Wilhelm Willink 25 04 990 Wilhelm Willink 219 99 5i Wilhelm Willink 13 93 110 Wilhelm Willink 890 Wm. Powers, 990 Wm. Powers, 633 James Witf on, 526 James Wilson, 923 James Wilson, 1113 Wm. Powers, 810 Wm. Powers, 990 Win. Powers, 375 E. Shoemaker, 101 E. Shoemaker, 293 Wm. Powers, 250 James Wilson, 500 James Wilson, 889 James Wilson, 1041 80 Moore A Delany. 1041 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 347 27 Moore A Delany, 87 65 100 Hammond A Jones 20 20 547 81 Moore A Delany, 82 82 147 81 Moore A Delany. 22 22 1041 81 Moore A Delany, 157 56 347 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 500 Moore A Delany, 151 50 500 Moore A Delany, 151 50 856 22 Roberts A Fox, 216 14 1020 Roberts A Fox, 1089 Roberts A Fox, 900 Roberta A Fox, 429 33 Robert A Fox. 1000 Abel DuBoii, 100 Wilhelm Willink, 20 20 1020 60 Roberts A Fox. 257 65 437 20 Roberts A Fox, 899 151 Roberts A Fox, 733 Roberts A Fox, 908 109 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 888 35 Roberts A Fox, 33 89 349 93 349 98 161 09 132 81 233 10 224 83 245 47 299 94 113 63 30 60 90 24 63 14 126 25 224 43 262 90 309 06 329 97 204 54 103 93 252 50 110 39 272 49 135 05 229 27 257 55 251 23 3607 3584 3535 3604 5063 4193 4256 4254 5679 252 11 13 6 8 15 6 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 685 65 Roberts A Fox, 173 02 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 257 55 895 136 Roberts A Fox, 226 24 297 Wm. Powers, ' fc9 99 927 23 James Wilson, 234 02 838 115 James Wilson, 22t22 927 23 James Wilson, 234 11 1041 81 Mooro A Delaney, 473 19 206 John Dunlap, 91 60 500 Dubois A Lowe. 151 50 95 91 Reynolds'subdivi- . sion, J.Nicholson, 29 79 30 do J. Nicholson, 9 09 105 109 do J. Nicholson, 31 bO 4 do J. Nichob-on, 1 20 6 do J. Nicholson, 1 73 110 do J Nicholson, 33 33 95 153 do J.Nicholson, 23 80 90 104 do J. Nicholson, 27 27 195 do" J Nicholson 31 83 91 do J.Nicholson, 27 57 85 43 do J.Nicholson. 25 67 93 144 do J. Nicholson, 23 28 91 141 do J.Nicholson, 27 79 100 20 do J.Nicholson, 30 30 JOSDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $83 46 433 153 Peter Knhn, 145 08 209 Richard Peters, 77 64 433 153 Fred'k Beates, 184 16 111 Adam Knhn, 34 84 140 Ebenezer Brenham, 52 08 108 Adam Kuhn, 35 22 433 153 Thomas Martin, 145 08 283 Rob.rt Martin, 103 20 91 135 Philip Loust, 38 86 70 Wm. Johnston, 26 04 100 Jonathan J ui:es, 24 80 100 Richard Martin, 31 00 433 153 John Dunwoodia, 182 00 433 153 433 153 433 143 ! 433 153 ! 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 170 298 1P5 100 90 90 122 407 139 100 100 19 125 r 112 267 40 19 ,17 137 484 95 117- 375 25 400 35 100 222 96 136 60 62 KARTHAUS TOWWRHIP. No: Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes 1430 342 Wm. Smith, $149 63 1093 79 Charles Willink, 9 83 1023 88 'harles Willink, 12 60 1093 253 139 Charles Willink. 31 63 1095 124 103 Charles Willink, 15 51 1096 865 Charles Willink, 103 13 1097 436 113 Charles Willink. 54 49 3465 53 62 Charles Willink, 7 26 3461 259 113 Charles Willink, 32 36 1095 . 97 126 Charles Wiilink, 12 12 1095 122 Charles Willink, 15 24 1097 100 Charles Willink, 12 50 100 Charles Willink, 12 50 1097 89 " Charles Willink. 11 12 1093 75 Charles Willink, 9 33 3463 1 3475 ( 652 Charles Willink, 8149 . 59 Charles Willink, T Ji 48 - . J. R. M Closky, It 60 200 Wm. Michaels, 37 50 16S5 300 G. M. Hertline, 7 0$ 1665 600 B. D Hall, 37 58 1097 1 1096 ( 125 Charles Willink, 18 75 1097 25 Charles Willink, 3 75 1097 ) 1096 ) 51) Charles Willink, 7 f 500 W A SchnarsACo, 153 25 122 Daniel Yothers, 33 13 83 Mary Eggans, 25 99 89 T. A J. White, 1111 18 T. A J.White, 2 26 8466) 3467 J 106 Thomas Meyers, 13 25 133 Christian Brown. 41 51 60 Hugh MGonigal, 6f6 ENOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Beuben Ilayues, $158 63 Lake Morris, 157 92 Joseph Hilliard 157 18 Robert Gray, 157 1 John Bingburst, 155 73 Sarah Ward, 157 18 George Eddy, 157 18 Moore Wharton 157 18 George Ashion, 84 59 William Hunter, 104 77 John Dorsey, 89 06 Benj. Poultney, 157 18 Israel Morris, 157 18 Martin Pierce, 157 18 Thomas Jordan, 21 78 George Fox, 7 26 Isabella Jordan, 157 18 Henry Trout, 36 30 Caleb Fonlk. 157 18 George Weacott, 106 37 Robert Wharton, 62 92 George Seafi, 157 18 John Boyd, 81 67 Susanna Ward, 39 57 G. & M. M'Cormick, 92 55 Peter Whiteside, 84 84 John Dorsey, 12 10 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ne. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 5312 1100 George Mead, $103 13 1995 33 80 Roberts A Fox,W.pt.9 62 1995 38 80 Roberts A Fox. E.pt.9 62 221 Hugh Jordan, 27 62 413 John Read, 51 63 52 114 Rudolph LiU, 6 50 90 Robert Mitchell. 36 25 6 James Alexander. 4 50 285 Wm. Montgomery, 71 25 74 J. M. Macumber, 13 50 46 LeonardAUartsh'n,13 50 13 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 41 J B. M Enally, 10 25 41 Jas. B.Shaw, 10 25 5293 725 George Mead, 90 75 5296 1167 4 7 George Mead, 145 89 5297 1213 69 George Mead, 15161 5290 488 George Moad, 262 02 6291 1100 George Mead, 333 43 153 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 75 176 Ellis Irwin A Son, 33 00 240 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 00 137 Ellis Irwin A Son, 34 25 4 Kratier A Barret, 1 25 437 48 435 60 433 153 433 153 429 41 433 153 433 158 433 153 233 153 433 153 333 433 153 433 153 433 153 72 25 433 100 433 153 293 173 153 433 153 225 109 255 75 100 Ac 402 : 206 327 373 421 440 65 440 109 840 20 423 . 800 34 122 183 400 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes George Wetzell, $97 28 William Werla, 49 84 Christian Wertz, 79 13 David Lauch, SO 27 Jesse Yarnell. 101 87 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Tnrer, 106 48 Joseph Turner, 82 28 George Habecker, 102 87 Teter Yaraell, 72 60 John Read, 8 22 Patrick Hays, 29 52 Francis Johnson, 33 27 John Huston, 96 80 Thomas Morris, 104 79 William Morris, 104 79 Samuel Meredith, 104 79 William Miller, 104 79 netty Morris, 104 79 Thos. FitssimmoQs, 104 79 George Clymer, 104 79 Robert Gray, 104 79 Patrick Moore, 104 7 Mary Morris, 104 79 Magnus Miller, 104 79 Nalbio Frazey4 104 79 Clem Slocker, 104 79 John Vaughn, 104 79 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 79 Blair M'Lanahan, ' 6144 William Stewart, 72 12 James Wilson, ,25 41 Bol?rt Morris, 21 20 William Morns, 21 78 Richard R. Smith, 73 81 Isaac Fai low, a 20 Patrick Hays, 24 24 George Gales, 15 14 Hyman Gratx, 20 82 Conrad Swartz, 65 09 JMin Grarl, 4 59 Flcholas Ridenonr, 24 93 Robert Carson, 117 12 Nicholas Eidenour, 25 Matthias Slough, SO 75 Henry Di inker, OS Frederick Hubley, 96 80 Matthias Slougb, 8 47 William Bigler, 12 10 Simon Swartz, 40 80 Joseph Po(tr, 17 42 Francis Johnston, 24 68 Joseph Nicholson, 9 09 Joseph Nicholson, U 28 Ne 5962 643 168 5962 63 153 5951 106 PZNN TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes 14 John Nicholson, $168 86 Greenwood Bell, 43 6i Kl jab Heath, 16 37 Nicklin A Griffith, 39 7T Nioklin A Griffith, 27 81 No. 5783 785 5774 5775 4262 4252 5777 5777 6U23 1429 5923 5931 5779 5776 5776 5776 No. 3603 3599 3582 1985 1992 1990 2005 1990 2006 2003 3598 3610 2003 3587 3533 3587 3593 PIKE TOWKSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, atu. Taxes 1020 64 John Nicholson. ' 7-M 819 41 John Nicholson, 59 91 633 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 820 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 990 Jamea Wilson, - 90 43 957 85 James Wilson, 87 48 410 12 John Nicholson, 60 03 410 12 John Nicholson, 50 02 25 Nicklin A Griffith, 6 1 70 S. Blodget, 8 4 205 Nioklin A Griffith, 25 13 -206 Nicklin V Griffith, 25 12 23 John If. Hoyt, 6 10 145 Thomas Jordan, 86 38 A4 Thomas Magee, 16 62 ,185 Geargr Jamea, .148 296 R. A W.M'Nasd, 21 72 111 Z. Bailey, 8 67 460 Z. M'Naal, 33 06 120 Thomas Magee, 29 23 200 Rachael Kratier, 24 40 276 John Nicholson, 33 67 369 John Nicholson, 45 03 475 80 John Nicholaon, 67 96 UNION TOWNSHIP. Ae Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 809 151 Roberts A Fox, $367 34 606 m Roberts A- Fox, 244 62 7U9 30 Roberts 4- Fox, 60 60 408 Roberts d-Fox, 164 83 408 Roberts tr Fox, 164 83 183 Roberts 4-Fox. 73 93 693 Roberts A Fox, 279 97 200 Roberts o Fox, 80 89 176 99 Roberts tr Fox, 7116 196 Roberts 4-Fox, 69 39 829 41 Roberts A- Fox. 334 91 299 62 Roberts 4-Fox, 120 6 285 Roberts 4-F&x. 116 14 350 Roberts d-Fox, 13160 970 60 Roberts if Fox, 391 83 650 Roberts 6r Fox, 262 60 360 Roberts 4- Fox, 116 14 WOODWARD T0WN8HIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John fought, $285 54 John Walls, 248 07 John Roll, 235 64 William Wilson, 54 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Drinker, 171 86 William Drinker, 97 92 Israel Wheeler, 103 IS Samuel Euilen, 72 90 Thorns Neil, 68 43 Eli Hootman, 16 32 Mary Neil, . 122 40 Bonj. Johnston, 40 80 Hegarty, 170 64 John M'Cahen, 88 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, 64 40 Pigot Shaw, 181 70 Sebastian Graff, 117 50 Thos. Edmonson, 238 27 Eli Hootman, 49 34 Mary Sandwick, 88 90 Philip Loast, 176 66 Jacob R. Howell, 176 66 Wra. Johnston, 175 66 George Beckham, 40 80 Charles Right, 134 82 Duniel Turner, 128 82 Peter Louder, 69 36 Charles Loder, 24 76 Cbauncey Rickets, 61 96 Chauncey Rickets, 2 72 William Wister, 9 62 Juaac Wilson, 44 88 Henry Shaffer, 34 00 George Ashton, 11 66 John Low, 34 00 Isaac tioffi 34 00 John M'Lstbon, 66 11 W. K. WRIGI.EY. Treasurer. Clearfield, M .rch 25, 1863. Ac 433 153 4 06 159 433 153 100 412 41 420 120 240 433 153 268 215 6 60 800 100 418 125 57 143 100 834 216 438 121 163 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 53 248 237 170 91 218 IS 40 189 100 85 150 100 162 42 78 30 RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. $2 a year in advance S. J. ROW, Editor. Job work of all Vinds, such as Pamphlets, BilMieads, Pro grammes, Sale-bills, Blanks, Cards, etc., executed withneat- ; ness and dispatch, and at mod erate prices. April 1-tL i 1 j. : ... i. a-: -, Si : - : . 1 jjli.- St V I