CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY i7, 1868. Tyros and Clearfield Railroad. 1 tela leaves Tyrone at ; t.20 a m Arrives at Phllipsburg at : -: 11.20 a. m I tela leaves Philipsburg a : : 3.05 p. m Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : 4.00 p. m. KiLiaiocs. Divine services will be held text sabbath . in Clearfield, u follows : By Rer. Nixdorff in the Lntheran church cuorning and evening. By Rev. Archer (Presbyterian), in the Court House, morning and evening. By Rev. Gayer in the Methodist church, in the evening. By Rev. Hayes, in the Baptist Church, in the morning. "High Prices, up side down," is the heading of an advertisement which appears to-day. Read it. - 1 . St Literary. All the pictorial and weekly literary papers, and monthly magazines, for sale at the Post-office. GoDT'g Lady's Book. This favorite of the ladies, for June, is before us. It is a .beautiful and highly entertaining number. Price $3 a year in advance. Thk Lady's Friend. The June num ber of this valuable and neat Lady's Maga zine is out,' and is worthy the patronage of our lady readers. Price $2.50 a year. June Court. On Monday two weeks the regular June Court will commence. All the criminal cases are returnable to the June term. It will, doubtless, be a throng court. Steam Saw Mill. Ex Gov. Bigler&Son are erecting a large Steam Saw Mill, at the Southern end of town, just above the pres ent Flour Mill. It will be an important im provement. ' New Goods. We direct attention to the business notices of E. W. Graham, in our advertising columns. Mr. Graham is just receiving and opening a new stock of sea sonable goods, which he will sell at prices to suit the timed.' All are invited to call. Drowned. Henry Weser, a young man about 21 years of age, was drowned, last week, in the river near Farrandsville. He was in the log drive,' and was assisting to pet logs off a bar, at the time the accident happened. He was from Luzerne county. The - Executive Committee of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society, will meet at the Register's Office, on Saturday. June 5th, to consider the propriety of hold ing a'Fair'the coming' fall, and other business.- t N. Ribhel, Chairman. Highly Important. In to-day's paper will be found the card of the Great Western Insurauod and Detective Company. As the railroad is about to be finished to this place, owners of horses and cattle should not ne glect to have their stock insured against ac cidents and death. Run Away. We learn that Edward A. Biglcr, Etq.mct with an accident on Satur day', Something got wrong -with the har ness of his horse, which became frightened, awl ran away. The carriage struck a stump, and threw Mr. Bigler out. He was bruised and injured, but not seriously. "Down with the tyrant" of ignorauce that induces you to patronize worthless dyes and pomatums (lard.) Only "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" finds favor wherever it is used. That is the preparation to which a "silver medal" was awarded at the N. H. State Fair. Louisville Journal. Sudden Death. John Sloss, of Knox township in this county, died on Tuesday of last week at Lock Haven, of billious colic. ; He received a slight injury while at work on his raft the week before, and on Sunday morning was seized with the dis ease of which he died. He was in his 40th year, and leaves a wife and two children. His body was brought home by his brother. County Committee. The County Committee met, in response to the call of the Chairman, last evening. On motion of L. J. Hurd, Esq., the fol lowing resolutions were adopted : Resolved. That we have heard the result of the deliberations of the National Conven tion at Chicago with the utmost pleasure, and both candidates and platform meet our heartiest approbation. Resolved, That in Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, the hero of Vicksburg and Apponatox,and in Schuyler 'Colfax, the tried patriot and Christian statesman, we have candidates for President and Vice President worthy the support of all people who desiro rulers that will dignify tLe station to which they are called, and guide the country to a perfect restoration of happiness and order. Resolved, That we believe the impeach ment and conviction of Andrew Johnson was demanded by the best interests ' of the country, and we cannot condemn too strong ly the course of those, so-called, Republican Senatora who deceived their friends, betray ed their principles, and disappointed the just expectations of all the loyal people of the land. TT Resolved. That in Gan. J. F. Hartranft, and Gen. J. M. Campbell, we have Candi dates for State officers, who have been fulhr tried both in the Cabinet and in the field, and whose re-election will contribute to the prosperity and welfare of our noble Com monwealth. Resolved. That Wednesday, the 17th day of June be fixed for the meeting of the usu al County Convention. On motion of Elisha Fenton the Commit tee adjourned to meet at the office of II. B. Swoope,Eq.,on Wednesday the 17th June at 2 o'clock, P. M. Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities. JAMES T. BRADY A CO., Successors to S. Jones &r Co ) C0RR8R OT FOURTH AMD WOOD STREETS. Pittsburg, May 11, IS6S. bny.sell. buy. tell. GOLD. 139i;39 l5-20s. Jan. '67, 109;ll0 US. 6s., 1881.1133:114 M5.20s.Ju! "67 107i 1071 6-20s,1862,. 10Sri09f 5-20s,1864, 106il07 5-20s,1365, 107 107i 10-40s, 103 103 6.20s, Jan.'65. 1091 109 5-20s, Jul. '65. 109i;109t; J one, 7-30. July. 7-30. May Comp,'65, 105J 106 10."J,106 ,119 '119 Aofc-.Comp.'65,117 117i Sept.Comp.T65,U6i 117 Oct. Comp. '65,116 1116 We are now converting 7 -30s of tfae Jane and July aeries into Gold Coupon 5-20 bonds of 186S-7 HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jUaioq apisdfr paiunj, BENNETT, BLATTENBERGER & CO., (Successors to Lawshe, White A Co.,) WHOLESALE ARB RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OSCEOLA, PENN'A., Respectfully invite an examination of their large stock of Seasonable goods, purchased for cash, and selling at greatly reduced prices. i'- We Defy Competition. We sell better Goods at lower rates than any other hoage in the county. THE REASON' WHY: Because we bar for cash and buy close, and are thus enabled to gire our customers and pa trons the benefit of the greater portion of the profits they hare hitherto been paying ; and Because we sell more goods than any other house in Clearfield county. Our stock consists of Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Woodware, Willowware, Boots and Shoes, Hats. Caps. Clothiog. Furniture, Carpets and OilCIotbs, Provisions of all kinds, Feed, Vc. DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES, of every style. DRESS GOODS FOR CHILDREN, in neat and tasteful designs. DRESS GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN, in variety. .Ready-made Clothing at greatly reduced pri ces. Orders taken for suits of Clothing. Samples to select from always on hand. NOTIONS. From our large stock of Notions, every want in tnat line can be supplied, every desire gratified. Groceries and Provisions. Sugars of every grade, Syrups of every quality. 1 . T l . . rreservea rruiuana seines, lomtioci ana Peaches. Sugar Cured Hams. Shoulders and Sides. Mess Pork, Mess Beef. Dried Beef. Shad, Mackerel, Codfish, Round Herring?, Lake Trout. Extra Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Meal. Cash Paid for Country Produce. . PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDING and other HARDWARE. Tools for Carpenters and others. BestDooblo and Single Bitt Axes. Pick. Ropes and Cordage, Brushes, Mill Findings. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Finest brands of Cigars. Chewing and Smo king Sobacco. The celebrated Michigan Fine Cut in bulk. Ft? Country merchants supplied on as fair terms as can be had in the Eastern cities. T3T Goods ordered for our customers, and sat isfaction guaranteed, To buy to save, to buy to please. To buy to make, to buy with ease, To buy at all, as all must do, To the cheap cash store all should go. Bennett, Blattenberger & Co., Osceola Mills, May 27. '68-tf. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Situate in Clearfield borough, on the South-west corner of Cherry and Third streets, (being Rail road street) to wit; A lot with a good two-story plank buildinc thereon, 30 by 18 feet, one room on each floor, suitable for a store or other business- Also, the adjoining lot, with a two-story dwell ing house thereon, and several other townet. Also a lot of well-burnt brick, and a rood as sortment of stone-ware, such as crocks, jugs, jars, fruit cans, etc., at reduced prices. For further particulars inquire at the stone ware pottery of F. LEITZINGER, May 13. Clearfield. Pa. ttrpHE FLORENCE." The Florence is the test Family Sewing Machine made has reversible feed runs the work either way, at the convenience of the operator. Changing the length of stitch can be done whilst the Ma chine is in motion. The tension on the lower thread fs self-adjusting. The shuttle is much larger than in other machines, holding a much larger bobbin. Each machine has a complete outfit of Hemmer, Quilter, Self sewer. Braider, Corder ,Ac, is highly ornamental and is warrant ed to be all that is claimed for it. Machines can be seen at the house of the sub scriber, who has them on hand for sale, or oan furnish them on short notice at Manufacturers prices. ' THOMAS MILLS, May 13, 1863-3t. Clearfield, Pa. QRPHANS" COURT SALE. Valuable Timber Land. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, the undersigned, Adminis trator of the estate of James Morrison, late of Jordanttownship, Clearfield county, deceased, will offer at publio sale, at the Court House, in the Burough of Clearfield, on TuesdayJune 16th, 1868, the following real estate, late the property of said deceased, vis: A certain traot or piece of land, situate in Jordan township, aforesaid, being a part of a larger tract warranted in the name of David Brown, and described as follows: Beginnirg at a post at John M'Alliiter's land, thenee by land of Parker Strong North 51 degrees East 106 perches to a Hemlock, thence South 40 degrees East 160 perches to a White Oak, thence South 51 degrees West 106 perches to a post, thenee North 40 de grees West 160 perches to the place of beginning, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, and allow ance. The improvement on said prope-ty are as follows: A Plans: Dwel'ing House, 20 by 26, and a Log Barn. Good water convenient. Also, an orchard of thriving fruit trees. About forty aores of this land is cleared and under cultiva tion ; the balance is timber .d with Pine and Hem lock, having about eignt nunarea idouhqh icei of White Pine and about the same amount of first class Hemlock thereon. Whltmore run pass es through the ona side fcf the traot. Tbbms er Sale. One half in easb, on the con firmation of the sale by the Court, and the other half in one year thereafter with interest to be secured by Bond and Mortgage. . - May 20, 1868. JOHN L. M CULLY, Adm'r. "y ALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. John Hall & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF - Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har rows and Union Mowers, Nos. 121 A 123 Liberty St., corner of Pitt St., Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Our castings and points being made in an air f am ace are in every way superior to those made by other manufacturers. Feb.l2,'68-ly. JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth St., 1 door from Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, " DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware, French Clocks, Plated Ware of every description, Tea Setts, Spoons, Forks, irt. Watch makers Tools and Material,and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied assort ment of the very beet American made CLOCKS to be found in any city, east or west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own use, will find our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New York City. WATCH REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) we pay very special , attention. We employ a foice of the very best Artists in the country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care for the trade or individuals may r?ly on getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in by express or otherwise. REINEMAN, MEYKAN V SEIDLE, Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's. ap29- 42 Filth St., Pittsburgh. '63-ly. O J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist; Office on Thompson street, Curwensville, Pa. Teeth extracted by the application of local an aesthesia, and all kinds i-f modern dental work done. May 13. 1868-y. QAUTION. AH persons are hereby cau- tioned against purchasing or in any way meddling with the following property, now in possession of Nathaniel Ames, of Morris township, to wit: one sorrel horse, one gray horse, one set double harness, one two-horse wagon, one eamp spread, one pair spread chains, five eant dogs, five pair double grabs, as the same belong to us and are only left with him on loan, subject to our order at any time. May 6-3t. BRENNER, TRUCKS A CO. TERMS OF TI1K JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Journal is published on Wed uesday at $2.00 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of theyear. $2.60 will bo charged, and S3,U0 if not paid before the close the year. Advertisements will be inserted at 1,5 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) oounting a square. For every additional insertion 60 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til! all arrearages are paid,except at the option of the publisher. 8. J. ROW. CIIERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued ut of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county .and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale at the Court bouse in the borough of Clearfield, on THURSDAY, the 24th day of MAY, 1868, at 2 o'clock p. at., the following desoribed Heal Es tate, to wit : Two certain Iota in the town of Glen Hope, and on tha plotof said town as No's 3 and 4, bounded as follows: fronting on main street 132 feet and back to spruce street 160 feet, more or less, on the east by lot No. 2 and on the west by an alley. A small house erected thereon. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of B. Rakestraw. May 13.1868. C. HOWE, Sheriff. $5000. ACCIDENTS. 5000. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS INSURANCE FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. FOR ONE DAY. Five Dollars per month and from $25 to $50 per year with weekly . compensation, in ease of total disability. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION IS MADS IN ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Policies and tickets, covering all kinds of acci dents, whether reoeived whilst travel ing or otherwise, told by ALFRED M. SMITH, Insurance Agent. Clearfield, April 1, 186S. U B L I C 8 A- L E Great Bargains in Real Estate. The subscriber intends to bring before the public his entire property of real estate. Citi sens, take notice that he intends to sell for the reason that he is going West therefore bargains will be given. Sid property is of the most val uable in Woodward township, and none ot which is more than one half mile from the railroad line a t Puseyville, on Clearfield oreek A Tavern Stand, (half or all) in Puseyville a corner lot, containing ha'f an acre, with four houses and a barn erected thereon ; and about 300 feet of bank leave for square timber and saw logs which rents for twenty-five cents per foot, yearly, without house privilege. Also the adjoining lot, sixty feet in front, on Main Street, and one hundred and fifty feet back, with two houses ereeted thereon one 2J story, railroad style, the other cottage style well sail ed for any public business. . . Also one two acre lot, one' and a-balt miles from Puseyville. situate on the road leading from Tyrone to Clearfield, in the village of Ameaville, with a two-story house and frame stable erected thereon, and all necessary out buildings in good condition. The lot is in a good state of cultiva tion. and the premises well suited for a mechanic of any kind. Also a tract of land situate half a mile from Puseyville, containing 153 acres and 113 perches of the very best coal land, as well as farming 50 acres of which is cleared, with a plank house and double log barn erected thereon. Also one hundred acres cf timber land, situ ate on Morgan's Run, one and a-half miles from Puseyville, and one mile above Albert's saw mill on the same run, with good road to said mill. Any p erson or persons wishing to examine any or all of said property will please call on the subscriber at Puseyville, or Amesville, who will be pleased to show them tha same and spare no pains or labor to vivo perfect satisfaction. The above named railroad is now located through to Puseyville, and as good as guaranteed to be com pleted by the First of January, 1870. The above property will be sold, in the Borough of Clearfield, on (court week.) Tuesday, June 16th, 1868. Citiiens,look to your interests, and please come and examine for yourselves, for I am determined to aH. To give any person a chance to purchase, who desires to do so, the money will not all be requited in hand, but in three payments, secured by Bond and Mortgage. Peed made at sale. Rare inducements are here offered to purchasers, as the subscriber cakes no reserve. Positive sales will be effected at said time. May 20, 1868. C J. SHOFF. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. One door last of the Clearfield Honse, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Var nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen. Undershirts, Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, eU , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the - Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimerea of the best make, Fancy Caasimeres, in great variety. Also, French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, an.l Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made up aeeording so the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Co s Sewing Machines. November 1, 1865. COMETHING KBW, IN SHAW'S ROW, FRANK A STOUGHTOJT, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw's Row. one door east of the Post Office, and having just returned from the eastern cities with a large and elegant assortment of Cloths, Caasimeres, Vestinjjs, Beavers, &c., and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wear, are now prepared to make up to order CLOTHING, from a single article to a fall suit, in the latest styles and most workmanlike manner. Speoial atten tion given to custom work, and cutting out tor men and boys. We offer great bargains to custo mers, and warrant entire satisfaction. A liberal share of publie patronage is solicited. Call and eiamine our goods M. A. FRANK, Oot 18, 1867. K. R. L. STOUGHTOX. QLEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLB FINISHED IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. The subscribers beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, that they have opened an extensive Marble Yard, on the South wept corner of Market and Fourth streets, Clear field, Pa., where they re prepared to make Tomb Stones, Monuments, Tombs, Box and Sid Tombs, Cradle Toaibs, Cemetery Posts, Mantles, Shelves, Brackets, etc., etc, on very short notice. They always keep on hand a large quantity of work, niihed. except the lettering, so that per tons can call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also make to order any other style of work that may be desired ; and they flatter them selves that they can compete with the manufac turers outside of the county, either in workman ship or price, as they only employ the best of workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an were J. JOHN GUELICH. May 22, 1887-tf. HENRY GUELIcn. T 1ST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Diiestie Merchandise in Clearfield co.. subject to the payment of license for the year 18S3: Class. ToPiy. Class. BRCCARIA 11 S.M Farland, $15 00 13 J. G. Glasgow, 10 00 13 W. S. Dickey, 10 00 14 A Montgomery, 7 00 U W. C Metf. 7 00 ' BURXKIOB. 12M'MurrytKime,12 50 I-WrO. Irwia, 12 SO 14 W. J. Neugent, 7 00 14 Horace Parch in, 7 00 11 Jack'nPatchin,7 00 . BELL. 1 Lewis Smith. 7 00 14 Rob't Mchaffoy, 7 00 14 Wm. Brady, 7 00 14 David Bell. 7 00 BOGGS. 14 P.' Gallagher, 7 00 ' BRADFORD. , 13 Alberta Bro 10 00 J3FinkGearhart,10 00 14 fa. Williams, 7 00 BRADT. 13 R. II. Moore. 10 00 13 L. B. Cnrlile, 10 00 13 CaG.5chwem.10 00 13 J. Terpe, 10 00 14 Varlile a Son, 7 00 14 Smith .CurryCo,7 00 14 Lobough k Co., 7 00 14 Q Goodlander, 7 00 CLKARriELD BOROCGB. 8 R. Mossop, 30 00 18 E. W. Graham, 20 0 12 J. P. Kratzer, 12 50 10 J.Shaw a Son. 20 00 12 Nivling co., 12 50 12 U Kratzer son,1 2 59 13 Wright a Sons, 10 00 13 Wm Cation. 10 00 14 I.L.Reizeasteih,7 00 14 Merrill a Bigler,7 00 14 A. I Shaw, 7 00 14 H. F. Naugle, 7 00 14 Hartswick a co, 7 00 14 H Bridge, 7 00 14 Mrs Welch a co, 7 00 14 Miss S. Reed, 7 00 CCRWasSVILLB BOBO'. 11 E.A.IrvInco,15 00 12 Hart sock a co ,12 50 12 Hippie a Faust, 12 aO U TenEyckco,IJ50 12 John Irvin. 12 50 14 Wm.M'Bride, 7 00 14 Joseph Irvin. 7 00 14 Fleming a Hool,7 00 CHKST. 14 Wm Hunter, 7 00 14 Hurd a M'Kee, 7 00 COVIHGTOH. 14 S. B. Cranston, 7 00 I RETAIL DBALBRS 13 FATSXT MEDICINES. Class. Liccstsb. 3 Hartswick & Irwin, Clearfield, $10 00 4 A. I. Sbaw, Clearfield, 6 00 4 Joseph R. Irwin, Curwensville, 6 00 4 Hippie & Faust, Curwensville, 5 00 4 E. A. Irvin & Co, Curwensville, 5 00 4 T. H. Forcee, Grahamton, 6 00 GROCERIES AICD COSFBCTIOSERS. 8 Y. Entres, Clearfield, 5 00 8 J. F. Koto, Clearfield, 5 00 8 John Stadler, Clearfield, 5 00 8 J. R. Jenkins, Curwensville, 5 00 8 Mrs. M.J. Radebach, Curwensville, S 00 8 Mrs. Catharine Graff, Curwensville, 5 00 8 L. D. Hile, Lumber city. 6 00 8 Weaver & Kuhn, Brady, 6 00 8 Miss M. A. Wright, Beccaria, 5 00 8 G. W. Weems, Woodward, 6 00 8 William Luther, Woodward, 5 00 8 L. Sykes, Pike, 5 00 8 W. B. Gunsaulns, Rartheus, 5 00 BREWERS. 10 Casper Leipoldt, Clearfield, 15 00 10 W. Entres, Clearfield, 15 00 10 Solomon Sankraft, Morris, 16 00 KEEPERS OF BILLIARD IALOOK8 ARB TEH FIR ALLBVS' J. F. Rote, 3 tables, Clearfield, 50 00 G. F. M'Cabe, 1 table, Osceola, SO 00 Essington Kephart, 1 alley, Osceola, 30 00 BARKS. Clearfield County Bank, Clearfield bor, 30 00 An appeal will be held at the Commissioners Office, in the Borough of Clearfield, on Friday, the 29th day of May, A. D.,1868. when and where all parties feeling aggrieved will please attend aoeirding to law7 JOHN S. M'KIERNAN, May 6-4t. Mercantile Appraiser. To Paw 14 Cladius Barmoy.7 00 14 F. Coudriet, 7 00 14 L- M. Coudriet, 7 00 DKCATOR. 14 W.W.Betts Co,7 00 FERGOSOR. 14 L. J. Hurd, 7 00 GRABAlf. 13 T. H. Foreee, 10 OOELICH. 13 P a A. Flynn, 10 00 13 H. Alleman, 10 00 13 Elliott a Miller.10 00 GIRARD. 14 Aug Leconte, 7 00 14 R. 8 Stewart, 7 0 14 A. 8. Dickinson,7 00 GOSBER. 14 A. B. Shaw. T 00 14 Irwin a Bailey, 7 00 BOSTON. 12 Wood ward Co.! 2 50 JORDAN. 13 Henry Swan. 10 00 14 DavidM'Keehan,7 0C KARTRACS, 13HcfferaHurtlinelO0O 14 W. S. Sankey, 7 00 13 M'Closkeya co.10 00 K NOX. 14 Fox.Wise, a eo . 7 00 LUMBER C1TT BOROCGB. 13 Ferguson a co. 10 00 13 Ferguson Bro's. 10 00 12 KirkaSpeneer,12iO LAWRRHCR. 14 James Forest, 10 00 MORRIS. 13 StewarUMorris,10 00 11 Leonard Kyler.l 5 00 13 Brenner a co., 10 00 13 WD. Holt, 10 00 OSCEOLA BOROCGB. 6 Bennett a co., 50 00 10 G.S.Perry, 20 00 13 Stoneroad a eo.I2 50 14 D R. Good.M D, 7 00 14 W. S. Wells, 7 00 FEKR 14 Jonathan Wall. 7 00 13JohnsonaBaiIey,10 00 ONIOR. 14 J.aD.E.Brubaker7 00 WOODWARB. 12 Sam'l Hagerty,12 50 14 Forest a Son, 7 00 14 T. Henderson, 7 00 14 John M Chase, 7 00 14 A .Reed a eo., 7 00 R. WASHINGTON BORO. 10 M'Murry a eo.. 20 0 14 Sam'l M,Ewen, 7 00 T'HE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON A CO.. 126 Market Street. Philadelphia. are ths largest Manufacturing Conlectioners and W bolesale Deal ers in Fruits. Nuts, Ae , in the United States. March 4, 136:3-1 y. S. B. M E Y- E PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, ILESBCRe, CRRTRR COOKTT, PRPR'a. Also agent for all the latest Improved Water Wheels and Portable Saw Mills. Jan.8'o3-lyp. MISS SUSAN REED, IK PLAIN AND FASCY BONNETS, Misses and Children's Hats and Caps, Freaeh and American Flowers, Ribbons, Ae." Bleaching and Trimming done in Latest Styles. Opposite Mostop's Store, Market Street, ap22,'68 Clearfield, Pen ire. M I S S II. s. S W A N'S School for Girls, Clearfield, Pa. Tbe Second Term of Twentytwo weeks, will commence on MONDAY, February 17, 186S. TERMS OF TUITION: Reading, Orthography, Writing. Object Lessons, Primary Arithmetic and Pri mary geography per half term-(l 1 weeks) i 00 History .Local and Descriptive Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 6 50 Algebra and the Sciences, t 00 Clearfield, February , 1868. SAWS! SAS!! Attention Lumbermen ! EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORATED CROSS-CUTTING CIRCULAR AND LONG SAWS. (All Qumming Avoided ) And Emerson's Patent Adjustable Bwsge for Spreading. Sharpening and Shap ing tbe Teeth of all Splitting 8a ws. MERRELL k BIGLER, janS. General Agents, CLEARFIELD, PA. 1868. ATE ST STYLES. for Spring and Sumner Hats, from New York and Philadelphia Also Trimmed patterns of clothing for Ladies and Children, from Mme. Demorest, a full supply of whioh will be kept constantly en hand at the store of- Mrs. II. D. WELSH & Co., Dealers in Fancy Goods Millinery. Notions.Toys, Music and Mdsical Instruments. Seeond Street, next door to First National Bank, Clearfield, Penn'a. They also make to order AH kinds of Bonnets for : : : : Sects. All kinds of Hats for z : : : : 30 cts. Materials furnished on as reasonable terms as they can be had in the eounty. Call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. April 8, 1868. c LEARFIELD ACADEMY. ROUND AND UNG ROUND SPICES. Citron, VJT English Currants, Kssence i;onee,ana vine gar ot tbe best quality, for sale by Jan. 10. . HARTSWICK A IRWIN. The Fourth Session of the present Sjholastie year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 4th day of May, 1868. Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the tisae they eater to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, praetieal aad aeeesa plished education of both sexes. The Prineinal havinr had the advantace ef much experienee in his profession, assures pa rents and aruardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under hie eharge. Tbrms or Tditioh: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and ilisto ry. A1rabrA.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical .Geogra phy. M Latin, Greek and Freaeh, with any of the a- bove branches. $13,00 tTNo deduction will be made fer absence. For further particulars inquire ef Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. M. July 31,1867. ' Principal. a. L. RE so. j. r. weaver w. row ELL, NOTICE, i a. r. hoop. . JOHES. W.BETTS CLEARFIELD TLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the eitisens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, suoh as Flooding, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand, and will pay eash for elear stuff, one-and-a-half inch panne! plank preferred fNevO.'OT. QLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLZARrfti, ,. Pa. The subscriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old friends and customers at the "Clearfield House." Having made many Improve!, he is prepar s ed to accommodate all who may favor hint With their custom. Every department connected with tbe house is condaoted in a manner to give gen eral satisfaction. Give him a call. Nov. 4 1866. . GEO. . COLBCRN. QLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocr w ac Home Iwdustrt. The undersign ed having established Nnrsery. on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville aad Clesrleld Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds ef Frai trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen'. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ten Blaek berry, Strawberry aad Raspberry tine.- Also SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Searlef Rheu barb, Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug 31.1894. J.D.WRIGHT rwensille TTOOFLAND'S GERMAN, FITTERS, AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. TRB CJRRAT REREWBE For all diseases of the Liver. Stomach, or diges tive organs. - Hoofland's German Bitters Is composed of the pure iuioes ior. as thev are medicinally termed, extracts) of Roots. Herbs.and Barks, making a prep aration,highly Concen trated, and entirely free from alcoholic ad-. mixtore or any kind. HOOFL.iXD S GERMAN TONIC, Is a combination of all tbe ingredients of the Bit ters, with the purest quality of SantaCrtta Rum, Orange. Ac , making one of the most aleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the publio. i nose preterring a Mediciuefree from Alcohol ic admixture, will use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Those who have no objection to the combination' of the Bitters, ai stated, wilj pse UVUb LAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Thev are both PVi unl 1 v &nnA anrt Anntmin thm same medicinal virtues, tbie choice between "tbe two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonio being the most palatable. - the stomach, from a variety of eauses, suoh as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, ate., is very apt to have its functions deranged. The Liver, sympathising . as closely as itdoea witb the Stomach, then be eomes affected.the result of which is that the patient suffers from several or more of the following diseases: Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Head. Acidity or the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn. Diegut for Food, Fwlneea or Weight in the Stomaeh.Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pitof the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision.Dots or Webs before theSig. ht. Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspira tion. Tellowneasof tbe Skin and Eyes. Pain in tne bide, uacK.cnest, L.imbs. ete.,suatea ansa- es ot Heat. Burning in the Flesh , Constant im aginings of Evil, and great depression of Spirits. The sufferer from :hese diseases should exorcise the greatest caution in tbe seleotion of a remedy for his case, purchasing only that which be is as sured from his inves tigations and Inquiries possesses true merit, O is skilfully compound ed, is free from injurious ingredideirts, and has established for iteelf a reputation for the cure ef these disease. In this connneotion we weald submit those well-known remedies Hoofland's German. Bitters, and Hoofland's German- Tonie. pretared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Pftiadrfpfita, Pa. Twenty-two years since they were first Intro-; duced into this country from Germany, during which time they have endoubtedly psrformed more cures, and benefitted suffering humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public. These remedies will effectually euro Liver Com plaint, Jaundice. Dys peesia.Chronie.or Ner vous Debility, Chron' to Diarrhoea, Disease of tbe Kidneys, and all Diseases' arising from a dis ordered Liver, Stomach, or Intestines. DEBILITY. Resulting from any cause whatever; prostration of the iyttem. induced by severe labor, hardships, exposure, fevers, etc. There is no medicine extant equal to these Rem edies insuch eases. A tone and vigor is imparted to the whole system, the apnetite is strengthed, food is enjoyed,the stomach digests promptly, tbe blood is purified, the complexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and tbe wenk and nervous invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with all its attendant ills. will find in the use of this BITTEKS, or the TONIC, an elixer that will instil new life into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of mure youth ful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give h-alth and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE. It is a well established fact that fully one-half of the female portion of our population are sel dom iu the enjoyment of good health; or. to use their owa ex pros sion'neverfeel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extreme ly nervous, and have no appetite. To this class of persons the BITTERS, or tbe TONIC, is espe cially recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of these remedies. They will cure every case of MARAS MUS, without fail. Thousands of certificates have accumulated in the hands of the proprietor, but space will allow of the publication of but a few. will be observed, are men of note and of such standing that they must believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Grorgo W. Woodward, Chief Justice mj ths Supreme Court of Penn'a, writes : Philadelphia. March 18, 1807. "I find 'Hoofland's German Bitters' is a good tonic, useful in diseases of tbe diges tive organs, and of great benefit in eases of de bility, and want of nervous action in tbe system. Yours truly, GEO. W WOODWARD." Hon James Thompson, Judge of the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania f Philadelphia, April S3, 18fi. "I consider -Hoofland's German Bitters' a valu able median in ease tf attacks or Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experi ence of it. Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON. From Rrv. Joseph H. Kenuard. D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. Philadelpliia. Dr. Jarison Dear Sir: I have been frequent ly requested to connect my name with recommen dations ef different kinds of medicines, but re garding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all eases declined; but with a clear proof in variors instances and particularly in my own family, of tbe usefulness of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart fer once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, or general debility of the systsm, and especially for Liver Complaint, t safe and valuable preparation, la some cases it may fail, but usually. I doubt not. it will be very ben eficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. II. KENNARD.8th.beI Coatesst. FiomRev. E. D. Fendall. Assistant Editor Christian ChromirJs, Philadelphia. I have derived decided benefit from the mae ef Hoodands German Bitters, and feel it my privil ege to recommend them aa a most valuable tonic, to all whe are suffering from general debility er from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours truly, B. D. FEMDALL. CAUTION. Hoofland's German Remedies are counterfeited. See that the signature of C. M. JACKSON is on the wrapper of each bottle. All others are counterfeit Princi pal Office and Manufac tory at the German Medioine Store.No. 631 ARCH Street. Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES X. EVANS. Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON A Co. HooflanU'a German Bitters, rer bottle, $1 OA Hoofland's German Bitters, half dosea. a 00 Hoofland's German Touie put up in quart bottles, $1 SO per bottle, or half doseo for $7 SO. 17 Do not forget to examine well the artiele you buy. in order to get the genuine For sale by A. I. SHAW, Agent, Clearfield Pa April 22, lS8-Iy.