Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 20, 1868, Image 4
CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 20, 18G8. - - GOOD TEMPER. ' . . .. There's not a cheaper thing on earth, -t 1 Nor yet one halt so dear ; ' 'Tis worth more than distinguished birth, Or thousands gained a year, It lends the day a new delight, 'Tis Virtue's firmest shield; ' : " 'r 7; .'" ' And adds more beauty to the night ; . - Than all tha stars can yield. 1 .: r Itmaketb poverty content, . " j . r ... ... . - To sorrow, whispers peace ; It is a gift from heaven sent ' For mortals to increase. It meets you with a smile at worn, . , . It tells you to repose; A flower for peer and peasant-born, An everlasting rose, j ' A charm to banish grief away, To snatch from brow-the care ; Turns tears to smiles, makes dullness gay, Spreads gladness everywhere ; And yet 'tis cheap as summer dew That gems the lily's breast ; . ; A talisman of love, as true As ever man possessed. As Mnile9 the rain-bow thro' the cloud, When threat'niog storm begins" ' As music 'mid the tempest loud,' i ; That still its sweet way wins , As spans an arch across the tide Where waves, conflicting, foam, So comes this seraph to our side, ' " This angel to our home. . - What may this wondrous spirit be. With power unheard .before This charm, this bright divinity ! Good Temper nothing more.. Good Temper 'tis the choicest gift That woman homeward brings, And can the poorest peasant lift To bliss unknown to kings. A lady asked a minister whether a person might not be fond of dress and ornament witnout being proud. "Madam," said he, "when you see a Fox's tail peeping out of the ho!e,ynu may be sure the fox is within." A dutchman carried two jugs to the milk- .mai, in place of one, as usual, and being asked the meaning or it, replied : l'is tor ' te millich, an' dis for te vater. an' I vill mix tern zo as to zute myself. "Charley, I was very much shocked to hear yoti singing 'Pop goes the Weazel' in cnurch." "Well, mama, I saw everybody singing and it was the only tune I knew." Never be disturbed by trifles. They are beneath your notice. Look at the elephant and rhinocerous in musquito time, and learn composureand philosophy. - Many a man thinks it is virtue that keeps him from turning a rascal, when it is a full stomach. One should be careful and not mistake potatoes tor principles. ' , , . " Whatever else you take an umbrella, coat, character, etc., don't take offense. It can be of no possible use, and is invariably inconvenient to carry about. 1 " i ; A Western editor says that in smoky Pittsburg men kiss each other's wives, and are able to tell which is their own only by the taste. " " : ' 1 ,; "Now that you are on my side.I hope you will stick to me,'.' as the patietft said to the . plaster. . ..... . , ' TAMES MULLEN, with I. P. Chalfant : V & Co., Auction Jobbers of Hoisery, No- . tions.Wbite Goods, Embroideries. Gents' Furnish . tng Good, eto., No 57 North Third street, Phila - delphia. Order golieited. Apr 22,'6d. WANTED, AGENTS. Soldiers, Teach- - ' ers, Enereeric Men and Wouien, for the life of Gen. U. S. Grant, by Hon. Henry C. '-Deming, Chairman of the Military Committee in -'-Congress. The only work -of the kind issued ' mnder the sanction and by the authority of Gen. Grant himself. It is official, and is (he most in tensely interesting; biogrophy ever published in America. The author is one of the most brilliant " writers in the country Agents will find this tho selling work of the season.. Terms, most liberal. - To secure choice of territory, apply soon to '.; PAH ME LEE A CO ."Publishe. i . a226fl 722 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Pa JJE W A R R A NGE M K N T. . A. I. S II A wy. PKCGGIST, ' (Seeond street, opposite the Court House,) : ; Clearfield, Pa. ' ' ..',.' Tfie subscriber would respectfully inform the ettixens of Clearfield county, that he oontinues ' to carry on the Drag business, at the old stand, and that he is now propared to furnish ' DRTJG9, PATENT MEDICINES, - Dye Staffs, Tebacco. Cigars, Confectioneries, Stationery, Ac, - . PHYSICIANS v Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete, and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices, SCHOOL BOOKS.' . ' ; ' ' Teachers and others will be furnished with class ical and miscellaneous books by express, at short notioa. - . . STATIONERY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neat stock ot Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ao. ...- . .- , . , . , . ! HOUSEKEEPERS " . -Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda, Soda Ash, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Ao. ' ' . LADIES AND GENTLEMEN . Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery, Hair Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Setta, Ao. " t : , -''' i SMOKERS AND CUEWERS Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing' and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Domestic Cigars, Enaff, Fine-cut, Ac. CARBON OIL, i . ' - . ' Of the best brands, always on hand. ' LIQUORS. 7 ,"' The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for mtdioal purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully , ompoanded. August 7, 1S67. FODDER CUTTERS of afnptriormake for sale at reasonable prites. at MERRELL and BIGLER'S.Clenrfield.Pn. Nov. 14 TMPORTANT. Farmers, Look to Your Interests. Save Money when you can. Corn! Com!! Corn!!! THE GREATEST 1MPROA EMENT OF THE DAY. Call and see Flegal A Ganoe's great labor sav ing and most perfect and even Cok" Planteh an entire new machine just patented. With this planter one person can do as much work as two on the old plan-; save corn and plant much more, accurately. Can be regulated according to your desire. Agents are employed to distribute and sell the machines. FLEGAL A GANOE. Philipsburg. February 19, 1883.' ' afr p lit E ! FIRE 11 FIRE!!! The Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia. Capital 1 Oldest Stock Insurance ) Inoorpora $500,000 ( Co. in the LDitei States J tod 1794. 519,000,000 LOSSES PAID IN CASH ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1K6S, $2,001,266 72. Applications received and policies issued, for any length of time, without being subject ' to assess ments, by JOHN H. FULFORD, Agent. Clear field. Pa. ' ... February 19, la68-6in. T : GENTS WANTED for Dana's authori . zed and authentic life of Ulysses S. Grant, comprising a complete and accurate histo ry of his eventful and interesting career, with an authentic narrative of his invaluable military services, adding also an impartial estimate of his character as a Man, a Soldier, and a '.Statesman, by Hon. Charles A. Dana, late-Assistant Secretary of War. The Springfield Republican says: "Da na's life of Gen. Grant is sure to be the most aa thentio and best life of Grant published." For particulars apply to, or address, GURDON BILL V CO., Springfield. Mass., or W. D. Ml ERS, 41 Maiden Lane, N. Y. April 29-4 1. E W F.I R M ! Hartsock & Goodwin, , One door East of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel, ' CtTBWENSVILLE, Pi. Having just received a full and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Drugs Hard ware, Queensware, Tinware. Cedar and Willow ware, Brooms, Groceries, Flour. Fish, Salt, etc, to which they ask the attention of the public. Our ass irtment is complete in every department, and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination by purchasers. Goods will be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for country produce. DANIEL HARTSOCK," Feb. 12. 1803. ED GUODW1N. JJEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, ' ' ' Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have Just received their Sprinjr stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fish, Salt, Flour, Bacon, Nails, Paints, Oils. Stoneware, Hardware, Queensware, Baskets, Tubs, Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, all of which they .will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH. They weuld also direct attention to their large stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer for sale at a small advance upon cost. ' KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., May 8, 1867. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hand, a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children. KIRK. A SPENCER. G IGAK S AND. TOBACCO. . , ADOLPII SCIIOLPP, . Maxuvactcrer and Wholesale and Retail ' .Dbaleb is Cigars asd Tobaccos, . . CLEARFIELD, PA., ... , . Would respectfully announce that he has recent ly commenced the above business, in Clearfield, and solicits a share of patronage. His cigars are made of the very best material, and in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment. For the convenience of the public he has open ed a sales-stand in Mr. Bridge's Merchant Tailor ing establishment. where all can be accommodated who may favor him with a call. . He has always on . hand a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di rects the attention of '-lovers of the weed." . . .. Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. . - Call and examine his stock when yon come to Clearfield. Nov. 20. 1667. A GENTS AV ANTED for the Official His tory of the War, its causes, character, eonductand results. By Hon. Alexander II. Ste phens. A book for all sections and all parties. This great work presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the causes of the war yet published, and gives those ' interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only known to those high officers who watched the flood-tide of revo lution from its fountain Fprings. and which were so acces-ible to Mr, Stephens from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with appar ently similar productions, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and salutarv. and an in tellectual treat of the highest order. The great American warbasatlafct teund ahistorian worthy of its importance, and at whoe hands it will re ceive that moderate, candid and impartial treat ment which truth and justice so urgently demand. The intense desire everywhere manifebted to obtain this workits official character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best subscription book ever publish ed.: One agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscri bers in three days; one in Bot.on, Mass ,103 sub scribers in four days ; one in Memphis, Tenn.,106 subscribers in five days. Send for circulars and soe our terms, and a full description of the work, with Press notices of advance sheets. A-o. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 26 South Seventh street, Philadelphia. Pa. April 29-4t. N O T H E R BIG "FLOE!" wir.'F. johxsos. ' i : : ; : :; j. h bailey. Some two months ago it was formally announced that 1'ennville was "Right side. up." Recent events have proven the announcement piemature. , Another "Flop" recently occurred, and chief among the improved, -interesting, and important" phases presented, is the one portray ing THE "NEW, LARGE, A-SD COMMODIOCS STORK House, of . JOHNSON & BAILEY , who have just returned from the Earn, with a large and tareftMy selected sUek of seasonahle p-oodt of greater variety, and of better quality, than have heretofore been offered in this section of the eounty. Call at the New Store Ruoius, and you will find : ' - Dry Goods and Groceries, .- Ilats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware, Queens ware, Hollow ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, Glass, Putty, . Ready made Clothing, Clocks, ' i vi.fc' .Confectionary, Cheese, Flour, Hard ware, ?!U,"B generally. Our stock of tl J? , bear inspection, as it is full and of the best qn,y m our stock of Boots and Shoes is unequalled m quality and low prices. '.x. J ,adres. we woald say we intend to make the Notion and Dies-, department worthy their patronage. Articles not on hand will be specially ordered, to suit our customers ' The striking feature in the "Plop," and the one we wonld keep before the people is. the year LOWPEJCES AT WHICH WE ARE SELLPto" The pub lic are invited to give us a call. Bring on your Produce, yoor Boards, Shingles. Grain Pork Butter. Eggs, Dried Apples. Rags. Ae. Our motto' Cheapest A Best. JOHNSON A BAILEY ' -Pennville, August 23, 1867. q. O M -E THIN G N E W j : IN ANSONVILLE, Clearfield county, Penn'a. , , The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in tilling it up with ' a new and select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which be offers to. the public at prices to suit the times His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive; and is offered to customers at from $10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, lists and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goods in proportion. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will no be refused for any article in store. Examino my stock be fore you buy elsewhere. October 'M, 1S67.- . H. SWAN. q ALE OF SEATED LANDS for TAX . ES. In pursuance of the provisions of an Act of Assembly. passed the 2VHh day of April. A. !., 1844. to provide for the collection of taxes on lands wherever no personal property can bo found, and where the owner neglects or refuses to pay the taxes assessed, I. will expose to sale, at the Court House in Clearfield, on the Second Monday in June, A. D., 186S, (being the 8th day.) the following pieces of land in Clearfield county, cn which the taxes for 1S07, and previous yenrs, are unpaid : . , ..B EC CAR J A TO Wy SHIP. Aores. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 100 ;t By ers, B. A. 813 50 15S Evans, William 17 55 42 ' Gill, James Esq., 6 67 85 Kathermau, 8 93 91 Mutersbaugh. Eenj 13 02 50 M'Coy. Deunis jr. '-495 S04 J'boenix Lumber Co., 27 3fi 300 Weston, Thomas "37 13 70 Hagerty, William 12 00 " BELL TOWNSHIP. Acres. . -( Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 75i J ; Wechtley A Pantell, $S 75 75 Wechtley, S. A PanteU, J. 1125 100 . Sheisley, Jacoh, 8 01 60 ; ... . Brickley, Ellis 1 ' 3 60 BLOOM TOWNSHIP, Acres. - Warrantees, etc. . Taxes. 12 Nealy, Samuel N $ 90 112 Rodgers, D. . tf 72 BOGGS TOWNSHIP Acres. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. House A lot Wilkes, Amasa $7 29 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. 2 Underooffler, Henry $3 33 . BRADY TO WNSIIIP. Acres." Warrantees, eto. - Taxes. S6 Adams. James U. $3 10 80 Baum, Edward 33 00 50 Burns, Elijah for 1866, 6 75 115 Betts, George 60 49 55 Gathers, R, S. A J. 23 12 323 Cathers. Robert S. ' 135 65 20 Gelnet, Samuel 7 50 20 Ginter, Joel for 186S. 5 63 100 Hoover. Peter for 1365, 12 92 4T Hippie, Edward 14 10 740 - Kramer. Geo. A Charles, 142 13 105 Smith, James 22 50 50 Smith, James 11 25 141 Hand, Joseph 23 19 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 173 Gallaher. James for 1S66, S24 03 House A lot. Grossnichle, Jonathan 7 13 I0 King. John sr. Est., for 1866, 11 37 50 . - M'Cune. Samuel lor 1866, 5 00 100 Neff.JohnW. 10 13 50 Rainey, I.N. ' 5 63 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 52 . Branaman, Jacob for 1366 - S4 63 CO VING TON TO WNSIIIP. Acres. - Warrantees, eto. . Taxes 550 Edmonston. Eliia $41 25 2 H's 6r lots. Hegarty, Patrick for 1866, 11 43 60 Mary Weaver for 1866, 9 36 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 100 . - Kephart, Eliasfor 1366 , 15 75 100 Miller, Reuben for 1866, 16 33 12 Robison, John for 1866, 5 63 10 i . White, John G. for 1866, 4 50 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Acres.. ;.!. ' Warrantees, eto. Taxes 50 ! . rCurry, William for 1866, $4 50 laO Ferguson, J. 11. for 1866, 16 88 House Cjr lot. Tobias, Samuel for 1866, 5 63 200. White, Paul for 1866, 18 00 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. 124 Leisey, Fncis Est. ' - $13 95 so .... Luzier, Thomas ...... 7 CO - - . GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. . , , 104. .Flegal, Elizabeth for 1866, ,: $9 90 100 Green, Nealy for 18C8, 900 200 . Gourley, James 33 00 200 -'''J '' '- Gou'rley, James for 1835, 23 40 269 Coona, John for 1365, 25 28 . 70 ' . , Selfridge, George for 1865, 8 73 2 Shaw, W. L. Fleal 4- others,?65, 1 47 -.: GRAHA M ,TO WNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, eto. Taxes too . Jones, Edward $26 57 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. Mouse 4- lot Eyers, Solomon for lSb6, $3 33 125 Henderson, Robert, 14 10 100 .;, ..Nivling, Caroline " 7 50 333 Haslet, Tinner Co , 76 05 . i , JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, eto. Taxes House cr lot. Ross, Mary . $135 ' "' KALI THA US TO WNSIIIP. Acres. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 25-. r Conowav. Geo. ir.. for ISfiS. a aa 10 25 130 Iiaynes, David Est., for 1366, 3 60 ,L"Jlartsog, John Est., for 1866, 3 38 Long. Andrew for 1866 4- '67, 25 13 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. 97 . Chase. John M fur Ififift ' ! c 01 2 275 , . t 41 leecn James 75 . Patton, John for 1866, 15 75 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, etc Taxes ! . . Wood, T. .J-D. Ijj66, $1 ;ia LUMBER CITY BOROUGH. Acres. ; Warrantees, eto. Taxes ilots. Gray.G.W. $l b8 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Acres. , Warrantees, etc.. Taxes. 50 10 , " .-u .J 1 i 1 , 1 1 . . , - . yf J Smith, Wm. B. for 1866, 5 63 . ' Shubart, George fori 866, ' 6 30 I J ; ; PENN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. TO 171 . f? w f'J'nn. Jonn for 1SBB. . 1 28 Holland, Joseph for 1866, ' 3 78 femith, Robert for 1866, 2 70 23 PIKE TOWNSHIP. ; .: Warrantees, eto. .. Taxes. 430 - Carr. R. 4" Hall, G. for 1866, $16 80 UNION TO WNSIIIP. Acres. ' ; ' Warrantees, eto. Taxes. 60 Denning, Leander $20 40 V . ,, ; Ilorn, William Lv ,. .. 453 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. ' Acres. ' " Warrantees; eto. ' " : Taxes. 200 Whiteside, for 1866, . $15 42 W. K. WRIGLET, Treasurer. Clearfield, April 1 4868. NEW HARDWARE S T O E E, "- ' - ' ; , PHIUPSBITRG, CENTRE CO. , PA, Qeo.H. Zeigler & Co., SEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, - ' " . . t ' ; . Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron, ' ' . . Nails, etc., etc, eto. The attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is invited to - the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of the SU . at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers, Join era, Ac. together with a large stoak of Iron, Steel, Kails," Spikes,-Railroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes, Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws; Enameled, Finished, and'Plain Hollow ware in great jvariet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutlery, . Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticle?. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. AlsoJ Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be found buck ets of every size,, tin-cups, oil cuns, sprinkling cans, dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measuras, and many other artioles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbody. Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Vices, sledges, hammers, horse and male shoes, herse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods' eto ; and with cast, shear, spring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers in the United States, or of foreign manufacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in our establishment a superior and complete stock of ' Planes, , Saws. Augurs, Hatchets, Hammers, , Files, Chisels, . . ' Hinges, . Screws, Locks, ' Bolts, . Pulleys, Sash, Cord. Ao. Farmers Will find everything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns. Particular attention is direct ed to onr very ex eusive stock of wood and coal 1 Stoves. Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Anti dost cook and parlor stoves of all sizes ; Also, The Ni agara cook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dew drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will be sold cheap fer Cash. G.H ZEIGLER A CO. Philipsburg. Oct. 16th, 18W.ly. L W A Y S N E W, WITHOUT FAIL. JOIIX.IRVIN, Has just received and opened at the old. stand fn Curwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods which he will sell very cheap for CAsn. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hoots and . Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready ; made Clothing, etc. . : The pnblio generally is respecfully invited to give him a call ; see his stock and hear hi? prices, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage, Nov. 15, 1366 QLOTHING! CLOTHING!! GOOD AND CHEAP!!!: Men, Youths and Boys can be "uplpied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at REIZENSTEI.N BROS & CO.,' where it is sold at prices that win induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, nas induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now Tiot surpassed . by any estab lishment of the kirad ia this part of tha State.' Beizenstein Bro's & Co., Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. . .They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock ft reduced prices they can sell cheaper than others. . Kor these and other reasons peraons should buv their clothing at Produce of ever v kind taken at the biehest market prices. May 18, lb64. rIlAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leading hardy yarietiea of first quality. Concord Cuttings, $1.00 per hundred. Orders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation, by A M. HILLS. " Aug. 21, '67. . - --' Clearfield, Pa ' OOLEN FACTO 11 Y I . Having purchased an interest in the Union Mills, in Union township. Clearfield eounty, we are prepared to card wool, manufacture and fin ish cloth, and do all kinds of work in bur line on short notice, in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms. Floor, feed, and lumber, also manufactured and for sale. : Terms, cash. . F. K. A J. R. ARNOLD. , Rockton, June 26, 1857. ' . ED, W GRAHAM, DEALER IN - ; DRY -GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, CARPETS. OIL-CLOTHS, ' WINDOW-SHADES, . CURTAINS, WALL-PAPER, ' CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS-WARE, HARD-WARE, GROCERIES, SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH, MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. Mat 10,1367. rpHE WESTERN. HOTEL; J- Clearfield, Penn'a. The undersigned, having taken charge of the above named Hotel, generally known as uThe Lanich Hons,' situate on the corner of Market and Second Streets. Clearfield, Pa, desires to' in form the public that he is now prepared to accom modate those who may favor him with a call. The bouse has been re-fitted and re-furnished, and hence he flatters himself that he will be able to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner. A liberal thtra of patronage IB solicited. . June 12, 1S67. - J. A. STINE. NEW STOCK! SPRI NG GOODS! S P R I N G GOODS!.' . ' SPRINQ'QOODS!'1 AT THE KE YSTO NE ST O R E, . Second St., Clearfield, Pa. BUYERS OF DRY GOODS, TRIM - MISGS, NOTIONS, HOlSERf, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ' WALL PAPER, CARPET CHAIN, TOILET , QUILT, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, &c, tc; are invited to examine the most complete stock eY' er brought to this market. .We Challenge Competition. ' C-SU BUTER3 : T Will Filid Rare Inducementa. ',mVi!i$Gt &'sii'6Wers. Clearfield, Penn'a. ' April S, 1868. j JJ, O M i: I N D U S T R Y BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates.' Thenndersfgned would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Clearfield and vieini ty, to give him a ca.ll at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Uartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. ' Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. ', I have now on hand a stock 'of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac.,-that I will finish up at the lowest figures. ;-' Junel3th,18rtrt. ; DANIEL CONNELLY ' N AILS A SPIKES tho cheapest in the ecunty, t MOSSOP'S. t ,?ghs whlte Iead5 Oils, Paints and Varnishes of all kind. ; Gold leaf in books and bronxes, for sale by . , -. a I SH iw Clearfield, October 23, 1867. ' 611AW-' g URVE YORThe undersigned offer, his services to the public, as a Survevor He mav be fonnd at h - , su JuawifDM township, when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Clearfield. r,i'i 1 March 6th. lS67.-tf. JAMES MITCHTT r gOLDIERS- BOUNTIESA recent hX f has passed both Houses of Congress.and signed by the President, giving soldiers who en listed prior to 22d Julyv 1861, served one j ear or more and were honorably discharged, a bonntvr of S 1 00. i . J CSBounties and Pensions "collected by m for thoseentitled to them. - WALTER BARRETT, Atfy at Law Ang. 15th, 1866. Clearfield, Pa. a C O T T ... H O U-S E, , . MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. . A. ROW & CO., RROPRIETORS. This house having been refitted and legntly' furnished, is now open for the reception and ea tertainment of guests. The proprietors by !oni: experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they can satisfy a discriminating public. Their bart supplied with the choicest brands of Lquors an wineJ " July 4th, 1868. OOMETHIXG NEWin CLEARFIELD.- Carriage and Wagon Shop, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned wonld respectfully inform tbf citizens of Clearfield, and the publio ia general that be is prepared to do all kinds of workoa carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, tledi, 4c.. en short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Or ders promptly attended to. WM. M'KNIOflT Clearfield. Feb. 7, 1866-y. J. P. K R A T Z E B. , . "; i Clearfield, Penn'a,' Dealer in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Millin7 Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, flour. Bacon, Fish. Salt, etc.", is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which he will dispose ot at the lowest market prices, to-customers. - Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock. Clearfield, August 28, 1667. EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, E D W A R D M A C K, Market Street, opposite Hartawick'a Drag Store, CLEARriELD, PA Would respectfully announce to the eitisens of Clearfield and vioinity, that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the second story of the building occupied by H. Bridge, and that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the ' manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best qualiy, always on hand. Uive him a call. Ag. 28, '67. QIIAIRS! CHAIRS !! CHAIRS nr JOIIN TRODTMAH Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his shop located on the let in the rear ot his residence on Market street, and a short distance west of tha Foundry, is prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a all. with every description ot Windsor chain, lie has a good assortment on hand, to which he directs the attention of purchasers. They are made of the very best material, well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the time Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield, Pa., March 13. IS68 EW. STORE AND 8AW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, .' ' Clearfield county. The undersigned, having opened a large and well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hills, Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share of publis patronage. Tbeir 'stock embraces Dry Goods. Groceries', Hardware. Queensware,Tin-waryBeots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, eady-made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, ete. They always keep on hand the test quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed. All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are Sredared to saw all kinds of lumber to ordr. rders solicited, and punctually filled. Not. 20, 1867- JAMES IRVIW A SONS. JIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Perm Mutual Life Insurance Co., 821 Chestsct Street, Fbil'a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will Policies on any of the approved plnLsof insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,269 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; nnnUy. semi-annually or quarterly; jt one-half in eaio, and one-half in note. By a supplement to tb charter, notes hereafter received will pariirij-ate in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificate up to January, 1859, inclusive, are now receivable ia payment of premiums Agency, at the office of H. B. Swoora. CIr field, Pa. Dr J. G. Hartswick. Medical Exami ner. August 24. 1664. H O ! - T ' H I S w a rn NEW STORE IN Mi DEE A ! L .James Forest t So, wonld respectfully la- form the public that they have just opecea. ia Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire new stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpacas. De laines. Prints and MuslinB, of all varieties; Cai siineres, Satinets and Flannels, too numerous te mention ; Ready-made clothirg of the best qual ity; Boots and Shoes of the very best makes; a complete stock of Groceries. Ae In short, every thing usually kept in a country store. Consumers I Look to your interests. Call ana examine our stocs: and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Lumber and grain of all ainds taken in exchange for goods. ' Remeinberthe place; Madera.CIearfield ooaBfj Oct, 30, "67. i . JAMES FORREST A SOS. V. FIRST PREMIUM &7 ji . BARRETT'S HAIR BTSTCRAIiVE f lU t'ur, hoMsu in IvuhM, 6pt. A I BAKEETT'I Yesetaole Hair Bestoratlte Krtnm Crav Flail to ! Kalnml Color l PT ' mow the irm-;b of tli Bair i chajirr n. jr :- nota to thir oririaal wui mtttm t rak-to csf- Dnndruff nd fiumom P"TBn -.- fcllm out t i m mperior Drpwnt ST It contain no injurjou inmdimta. fjK and it tb mnat popular and no- Tl aUe article tliuchout Uta ' 1 Tw Ea, Wert. North, ami W . V J. R. BARRETT A CO., Propria , MAJSCnfiSTEB, N. H. ' . . . . a -r ftljl t T. Sold by liartswica a. xrwis, vi.'- , r.i . c .1 J . T TO T 1 rnraDITllH.IM onaw, viearnniu. , - ,.a alt doaio.i in PatentMedieine. -