. . . ... . ' ' '- ' . '. ' . ' ,. . ' ' : : -- " 1 " . BY S. J., ROW. I i CLEARFIELD, PA., WEMESDAY-IAY 20, 1808. VOL. 11 NO. 37 gttitt ?w . . THE GBEAT HAEVESTEE. There in harvester brave and bold, ' . Who harvests in many lands, -And all his help in the harvest time Jf the uelp oi his two white hands. I - His two white hands, as soft and white ' As the wintr's driven snow, . 1 " ' ! Yet ever he brings his harvest home . To the garner down below. J """ . Sickle and eradle and swinging scythe Are all the same to him, . And stead j he goes from field to field, Stroking his gray beard gim. , Stroking his leard as he clips the grain," Binding it up in sheaves, . And pitj the gleaner who thinks to thrive On the grain that the harvester leaves. Death is the harvester brave and bold, Who harvests in many lands, -And lite is the grain he eats and sheaves, - With the help of his two white hands. - The tender grain is the cradle's share The child is the lap of time '. he sickle gathers the age ripe stalks, r The scythe is for manhood's prime. Gently the childhood field is dipt, And softly the age-ripe grain, . ' Bat the bearded stalks of manhood's prime 1 bend to the scythe in pain. By quiet hearth's, and soft beds of down, . -- The harvester's swath is east And many a blood-red field he reaps : To the eonof the battle's biast. . Over the earth and. sea he goes ' The harvester bold and brave " Kor ever shall rest while a grain is left " rorhis garner, the clay-cold grave. The American Girl. ... Whoever wrote the following would do well to continue in a similar strain. It is from an exchange paper : . It is , the belief of certain well-meaning men, who were not born in Constantinople, that if tho American girl were called on to meet a proportion of her expenses by her own labor, she would be publicly a greater blessing, and personally healthier, wiser and iiappier. It is even believed that her out lay, instead of increasing would diminish. Practiced in the . mystery of keeping ac counts, aware by experience of the difficulty of earning monoy, she would be clever enough to save it. With something to do, the would put less mind, time, and purse, into the pursuit of pleasure. Mta l.ct with a poor man, (so many are incorrigibly vicious that way ! ) she would share his bur tne and the can! win rose men lUnt lets snmmons. with lasty room, den rather than crush him with it.' If all women now were thus, we would have no cause to cry, as we are sometimes tempted to do oh, for , the slow but cheap girl of thirty years since L Whether democracy is capable of Home such self-saving miracle as we have indicated,' remains to be seen. ; ; A Sharp llETORT.-rOn the evening of election day, the Republicans of Hornells ville, N. Y,, held an impromptu jollification meeting in the village park, which was ad: dressed by the Hon. Horace Bemus and oth ers. " In the course of his remarks Mr. Be mus altaded to the magnanimity of the De mocracy, and stated that he never knew so generous a set of men. "Why," said he, "although we've whipped them out and out, they bear ua no ill-will. ; I have learned this evening that several of them have been pre senting our men with sacks of flour and other provision, new hats, etc., and lots of mon ey, and " ' !'Go to h 11 !". exclaimed an infuriated Democrat,' who had chanced to stray into the crOwtL . " , . . . - "And you have all heard,". continued the ppeaker, "that., one - of our opponents has this moment invited me down to his house." Endorsing a Sxoki :A Yankee riding in a railroad car seemed particularly dispos ed to astonish the passengers with bis tough dories. At last h8 mentioned that one of his neighbors owned an immense dairy, and made a million pounds of butter, and a mil lion pounds of cheese, yearly. The story produced some sensation, and the Yankee, perceiving that his veracity was in danger of being questioned, appealed to a friend of his,' as follows : ,"True, isn't it, Mr. P- ? I speak of Deacon Browu." "-e-s," re plied the friend, "that is,' I know Deacon Brown, though I don't know as I ever heard precisely how many pounds of butter and cheese he made a year. But I know that he has twelve saw-mills that &U go by butter milk." . ... . - -. Negro Ethics. Fred Douglas tells the following:' ., When he was a slave in Maryland he ob served that an old negro, named Sandy.had the appearance of being always well fed,and and looked very fat. He asked Sandy if he would explain hpwit happened so. "Wall,' say Sandy; ft steals it.'.! Douglas remonstrating on that poirU.,San 3y replied, ( pointing to a pig. ) "D'ye see dat ere animile dere "Yes.? "Wall, dat arn lnassa's property an I am ffiassa's ; property ; derefore, put dat dere Property in dis property, and it's all right." A Scotch laird " had a servant named Thomas, who had been with him for many years, and the, master was 'present at the servant's funeral, ..- As' they were lowering the body i into the grave the master" was Jtoved even to tears, and said with a sob, ''0, Tammas, Taramas, I could have trust ed you wir untold gold!" but immediately appeared to recollect, he added, wiping his eyes, "but not wi' unmeasured whiskey." t i .m . . A teacher had been explaining to his class the points of the compass, , All were drawn up in front towards the north. , ,. "Now what is before you John?" "The north, sir." '- ' -' ' " What is behind you, Tom ?" . - "My coat tail, sir,", said he, trying at the aie time to get a glimpse at it. . HETTY'S YIOTOEY. ' Ah me 1 how the systematic housekeep ers in this busy,bustling .vorld of ours man age to get a long I should like to know !" sard Mrs. Hetty Gay, the bride of the year, while a scowl gathered and settled upon the white forhead and spread itself down to the sweet mouth, chasing the dimples all away and leaving an ugly frown, almost the first in all her lite, in their stead.- - "I declare its just enough to drive one mad this housekeeping indeed it is!" and the sweet voice quivered just a little at first, then a great sob swelled up from the inexperienced little heart, which fluttered and beat like a frightened bird's aud at last the tears would and did come as the red murmured between tho sobs: "And dear Alf is so particular, and such an epicure, and like so many dainty things. Oh i what shall I do ( What shall I do ?" and Hetty sunk down in dismav in the old kit:mr chair which Bridget had so recently acated. .mere were au tne breakfast dishes to washed not so many to be snre, for only two had breakfasted from off the dainty chi na which looked such a prodigious pile to mue eves the whole house to h swpnt dusted (Hetty had three rooms besides kitchen) and dinner to pot ff'o twn) And, oh dear! the mercy only knows what all ! I never can do it. indeed I never she sotted over-and over a?iun. Now, Hetty Gav was not si foolish, wak- minded little woman, as Derhans the riinVr ii . i . imagine, but ciuite the contrarv. Nev er, in all her life, had such a weight of cure rested unon her vounc shr.nli1.ira nA Qo it up before her in such prodigious pro portions, she did what many another would have done in like circumstances. "If I could Onlv learn." she 'at. Lmcrfli whispered through her tears, "but how can I ? There is no one here to show me, and acir All win see how- awkward 1 am. is worst of out I here was a rinsr at the door, aud FTettv sprang up, bathed her eyes, gave one dubi ous look back at the huge pile of china, aud oru.ning away the golden mist of the ring irom her lace, prepared to obey the 'Oh? I do hone it is onlv the. htitofr the roast." she murmured, irivincr a glance at the mirror in the dining where a pair of swollen eves and a rontilnrl fau oanfuu.i .xi.. "Oh, Lou ! where did you come from?" cried Mrs. Hetty eagerly the dimples all coming back and the ugly scowl vanishing like a dream when she encountered the smiling face of Lou Burton at the door. The friend of all others whom she wished most to see at this particular juncture was this same Lou Burton, and she had thought of her at least a dozen of times since Brid get's abrupt leave-takiug, but then she liv ed so far away, and it was no use, she thought. "But, dear Lou, how did you happen to come just now?" she said. "My good gen ius must have sent you here today, I'm sure, for I was so wretched. Bridget left this morning, you see, and I'm all alone and have been crying like a.baby this half hour! I'm 0 stupid, you know, and as ignorant of housekeeping matters as a two days oid ba by, which I wouldn't have Alt' know fr ail the world. Come with me, Lou that's a dear right out to this awlul kitchen, and give me my first lesson in housekeeping !" "But you are not going to work in that elegant cashmere wrapper are you, Hetty?" sail Lou Burton,' the practical little house keeper and economist that she was. ' "Oh, it won't hurt it, j-ist this once, you know, and " "But it will, Hetty," persisted Lou. Now, you go and slip on a plain calico," while Igo to the kitchen and commence operations." "Bat will you stay a whole week, dear, and help me through?" said Hetty,implor ingly. as she turned to obey. "Certainly, I will," answered Lou, in spite of herself, at Hetty's beseeching look. "Now, mind you don't do a thing till I come there; for I must learn you know," called out Hetty after her. Diuner time came.and with it "dear Alf, as "hungry as a bear," he said, for he had been out on a collecting tour, and was ready to "devour-a whole regiment." After a hearty welcome to Hetty's friend,he led the way to the little dining room. ' "Whew, Hetty !" he said, after survey ing the appointments with a critic's eye, "I do believe you beat Bridget alter all. Just look at this roast, now ; it suits me to a charm just brown enough, and done to perfection ; and these rolls are as light as a feather. How splendidly the table looks, everything just where it belongs. I declare, that Irish girl had a way of mixing up things that I didn't just like, after all. Hetty,this salad is prepared just as I used to like it when a boy I tell you it's delicious and a prince might covet that desert on the side table yonder. Really, Miss Burton, I never knew until to day that my little Hetty was such a model house-wife 1" Lou was amused. Hetty sat smiling through the tears a slight quiver about her sweet lips,and a deep flush on either cheek, but very busy with her thoughts. Days and weeks passed. Lou Burton was a constant at the Gay's, where no Bridget has yet ta ken the "place of her predecessor. By and by the weeks glided into months, and Lou only came occasionally, for Hetty had grad uated, and Alfred Gay never knew, until years afterwards, how bravely she had won ! A Captain who had a sound sleeping mate ca'ight an Irish boy in ths middle watch frying some- pork and eggs he had stolen from the ship's 9toresto whom the captain called out "You lubber, you.T 11 have none of that." "Faith, captain, I've none for ye," said the lad. ' 1 ; '' '.:'IS" Never tell a man he's a fool ; in the first place, he won't believe you ; in the next.you make him your enemy. TREASURER'S SALE OF U53EATED LANDS FOR TAXES For 18G7 and previous years NOTICE is hereby giver, that in par suance of ao Act of Assembly, passed the 12th dav of June, A. 1. 1315, entitled 'An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county." will be exposed to Publio sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in tne Borough of learneld, on toe Bee ond Monday iu June, A. I). 1863 r . BECCAKIA TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Ac. 58 8 109 176 186 76 John M-iiler, $27 20 Fied'k Hubley, 5 24 96 47 37 80 John Beam, 79 33 Jeremiah Mostier, 76 65 Thomas Billington, 38 40 Michaul Musser, 35 89 be 100 80 80 410 160 592 899 19 181 131 104 215 James M'Mnrtrie. 86 85 Thomas Murgatory, 29 48 Magnus Miller, , 29 48 John Bi-idy, 164 82 Willi mi Brady, 64 32 J. BIain,E. Blain, -237 98 Jobu Witrnor, 187 20 Heury Witmor, 163 75 William Wilson, 84 93 Jabob Krug, C2 85 John Gibson, 48 78 73 Robert Wilson, 101 03 William Gry, 203 28 John Miller,. 203 41 Jeremiah Mosher, 44 22 Peter G-t2, 77 58 MartiD Fautz, ' 88 41 Jacob Fautz, , 79 33 George Musser, '87 90 Thomas Gibson, 34 84 David B-irtun, 87 10 Johu Ferdney, 203 41 Brown & Fuiion, , - 20 64 John Ketlaud, . 33 50 Sarab Billington, 25 87 Jacob Kung, 1S8 84 Wru. Pluruket, 14 08 433 1.33 433 153 94 91 161 116 330 153 296 125 328 153 74 32 433 153 433153 44 71 80 55 102 360 30 BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 4283 1000 Ilcnrv Beck, $230 00 5620 600 Henry Bock, 115 00 5620 500 Henry Beck, 115 0(1 5764 lO'lO Henry Beck. 230 00 66IS 1 llenrr Beck. . li 03 4287 T 79 120 Henry Beck.- IS 17 'H7 38? 2-3 IleEry Bsc, 84 3 5766 113 Henry Beck, 32 54 71 Henry Beck, ... 20 47 a:l 97 Henry Beck, 21 59 5765 1000 Henry Beck, 230 00 4286 505 Henry Beck, 116 33 4 '89 500 Henry Beck. 143 75 3565 161 113 John Nicholson. 55 54 5904 1000 Nieklio A Griffith 230 00 500 -753 Nioklin A Griffith 174 34 907 800 ICicklin A Oriffith 184 00 5913 55 Xicklin A Griffith 210 65 5919' 93S " : Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 AAA Becj. Gibbs. 124 54 5619 2?2 . Henry Beck. 55 66 5909 825 ' Nickiin A Griffith 189 75 5910 320 Nicklin A Griffith 73 60 5911 247 Nicklin A Griffith 56 81 5913 1U6 Nicklin A Griffith 24 33 5915 607 . Nicklin A Griffith 139 61 5921 1100 Xicklin A Griffith 253 00 5619 101 OS Henry Beck, 23 23 4287 9.i 97 Henry Beck, 2151 i.fil9 119 01 Henry Beck, 27 37 5906 102 32 Xicklin A Griffith 29 33 5906 31 12S Nicklin A Griffith 8 97 5907 90 Kicklin A Griffith 2i 88 4286 100 Herry Beck, 23 00 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. " Taxes. John Thomas, $8 31 John Tliouias, ' . . 45 43 Ac. 41 196 234 408 413 440 429 429 100 109 132 70 427 427 400 266 95 49 205 100 404 404 404 427 160 76 76 Joseph Drinker, 47 03 Jt.seph Drinker, 95 67 Win. McCormick, 110 69 Nancy Bopgs. 118 04 Malcolm McDonald, 114 96 John Byers, 114 96 John Montgomery, 26 80 Barbara Snvdor, 31 88 Georgf flootman, 39 80 Henry Faunce, 18 76 George Ayres, 85 76 Wm. Troutwine, 85 76 Johu Kean, 80 40 Joseph Bill, 89 12 Richard Thomas, 15 70 Barbara Stiydcr, 13 13 Thomas Smith, 54 94 John Kephart, 26 80 Blair M'Lanaban, 8121 Thomas L. Moore, 81 21 Mary Mortis, 81 21 Jonas Steioheiser, 71 55 Richard Waple, 32 12 41 41 90 31 146 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 2004 400 Roberts A Fox, $102 40 3579 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 261 12 3573 SI 33 Roberts A Fox, 20 73 3608 5959 5926 5929 468 111 Roberts & Fox. 119 81 98 133 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 93- Nicklin Griffith 23 SI 296 Nicklin AJriffith 75 T8 50 George L. Reed, 12 80 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 56 84 Levi Cleaver, 26 88 250 David Irwin, 72 06 100 John P. Dale, 25 26 BRADFORD T0WHSHIP. Ac. Per.- Warrantees, etc. Taxes 324 Hugh Ely, $42 76 102 35 John Campbell, 20 18 159 Hall & Buck, 20 99 250 Blair M'Lanahan, 49 50 437 17 -Polly M'LanahaD, 57 65 109 Andrew Pettit, 35 90 48 Matthias Slaymaker, 9 50 30 MattbewForV.ee; '7 92 225 James Duncaa, 87 22 100 Nehomiah Mains, . 19 80 64 David Mains, 12 67 50 Daniel Graham, 13 20 50 noratid L. Hall," 13 20 85 Wm. Graham, jr. "22 44 85 John IJanna, ! 22 44 175 John Vaughn, 46 20 BRADY TOWNSHIP. , - No. Ao. Per. Warrentees. ete. Taxes 492 303 W. Kirkpatrick,$103 18 3612 200 Roberts A Fox, 53 60 3603 150 Roberts A Fox, 40 20 37 52 12 06 67 00 77 72 41 00 69 23 3574 102 ;Si Roberts A Fox, 62 ;215 vuurau iong, Jona. B. Smith 5860 . 670 404 01 5877 5879 5881 5886 323 195 213 2009 13 846 ' : Henry Wykoff, 330 09 -331 John Dunlap,, 1SI 41 Jj00 j. Casper Stiver, 40 20 501 Christian' Lower, 302 17 650 Roberts A Fox. 395 25 521 Christian Lower, 310 83 S65 r : Roberts A Fox, 217 48 1994 2010 3580 ! 2009. 604 ' Koberta A Fox, x 364 21 995 94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 611 Roberts A Fox, ' 363 50 256 " .Benj. Henry, 154 37 :135 : Casper Stiver, . 81 47 472 - Casper Stiver sr, 2S4 -62 27 155 275 92 US 6 George Shaffer 50 11 80 ; J. M. Millers (h's, 42 83 JM ' Baum; 53 60 50 '-- MoGairy, 26 80 ; 66 - Roberts A Fox, 18 09 250 . Roborts A Fox, 67 00 1997 lays BURNSIDS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Wairantees, etc. Taxes 303 J ' John Jones, S137 80 303 " ri James Chapman. 137 80 290 , ;r Benj.. Trasjiall, 136 50 311 , , ... Towns'd Spackinan 202 15 298 s Rebecca Brown. 193 70 111 Christian Stake, ' 43 30 100 Leonard llollis, ' 89 00 293 John Burch, 133 88 150 -. - John Cumruings, 68 25 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 100 153 ' John Boyd. $46 40 813 153 Joshua Haynej, 145 00 433,153 : Thomas Hamilton, 200 91 298 153 William Wilson, - 158 27 258 James Ross, ' 119 71 433 153 433 153 433 158 433 153 John Cunningharr, 150 80 John Cook, 150 80 Joseph Ewing, .150 80 William Cook, 150 80 David Cathcart, . 29 00 Alex. Hunter, ' , 100 46 Peter Horse, ' 130 85 Hugh Bartley, 74 53 Joseph Pike, 25 52 George Page, 78 05 Henry Page, 71 58 James Noble, . 67 87 John Musser, 200 91 100. , 433 153 376 257 88 271 . 411 234 433 153, 90 164 hrisUan Kohrer, fi - 8 16 Miller & Crist, 10 21 200 Mabaffev & Mitchell, 46 40 Mathias'Slough, 100 46 George Ross, ' 42 69 John Brenneraan,. 29 00 J. & H. Broth, 28 30 Samuel Jackson, 71 45 433 147 100 -SI 433 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. 3614 -140 124 Roberts A Fox, 1993 45 55 Roberts A Fox, 1997 250 ; 13 Roberts A Fox, 1993 290 " Roberts A Fox. No. Ac. Per. AVarrantees, etc. Taxes 1891 600 72 Morris A Stewart $90 21 1893 483 47 Morris A Stewart 63 09 3649 70 30 Morris A Stewart 9 87 1892 ) 365 Morris A Stewart 51 47 1R94 J 15 ' Morris A Stewart 2 11 1903 1 1897 J 450 Morris A Stewart 31 73 5377 1100 George Mead, 155 10 300 John Briel, 21 15 200 II. Burgett. ; 56 40 DECATUR T0WNSHI1 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 391 Thomas P. Cope, $204 88 21 Thos. EdmundsoD, 12 57 67 96 Joseph Sansom, .. 35 62 291 159 Tbomas Billington, 204 88 100 Thos. Stewartson, 52 40 202 ' Mary M'Lanahan, -105 84 404 Ann M'Lanahan, .105 84 1(10 . Stacy W. Thompson, 52 40 200 Mary M'Lahahau, ,104 80 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, ' 44 02 108 Jacob Downing, 56 60 20 Joseph Sansom, 10 48 76 99 William Sansom, 39 82 241 22 William Evans, 126 28 50 Nancy Fauly,. 26 20 333 147 Thos. Edmundson, 174 50 90 John Drinker, 47 16 200 Casper Haines, 104 80 281 Gilbert Vaught, 147 24 195 Joseph Harrison, 102 18 198 Joseph Harrison, 103 74 50 . Joseph Harrison, 26 20 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, 43 50 200 ' Jonathan Nesbit,. 104 80 125 A. J. G..ss, 65 00 200 Sam'l. M Clarren, 104 80 17 - : Joseph Sansom, 8 90 90 David Stewart, 24 58 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 233 159 John Hambrigbt, 50 Matthias Slough, 8 Matthias Slough, 433 153 George Ross, Taxes $69 96 12 00 1 92 103 92 20 04 12 00 ; 24 00 5 76 21 00 30 00 24 00 74 16 74 Jewis Jordan, Hiram Passmore, Abraham Ogdeo, Henry Swan, Benj. Hartshorn, John Hambrigbt, Adam Reigart 73 John Doughton, FOX TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. 50 100 24 50 100 100 309 No Taxes 4272.425 James Wilson. $71 46 4200 330 James Wilson, wf 1 4 4183 140 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 4183 250 James Wilson, n.e. 41 59 4181 495 James Wilson, wi 41 66 4200 660 James Wilson, . . 73 92 4182 990 James Wilson, 110 88 4183 200 James Wilson, 1 50 40 41S8 350 Jamei Wilson, mid 49 06 4183 for 1864 A 1865 45 82 4271 495 James Vilson,w.p. 82 .73 424 1 937 James Wilson, 262 51 4238 947 James Wilson, 264 77 1534 20 ' James Wilson, 5 60 1535 600 James Wilson, . 168 00 4242 290 . . James Wilson,. 83 44 4399 372 James Wilson, "? 62 50 4340 " 188 - James Wilson, " - 24 64 4393 216 James Wilson, 72 52 . . . 75 Evander Hyde, . 25 20 ;. 100 Lane A Hyde, 23 00 90 ' Dan Kinebury.B L25 00 ' 25 J.S. Hyde.B.L. - 8 40 - r 62 Hyde A Co, Hulet 13 89 107 Firminlot 23 97 50 Giles lot 11 20 4400 100 23 00 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. Ao Per. Warrantees, etc. 203 1 08 Morris & Stewart No. 1921 1933 1934 3643 3647 6123 1924 1890 3647 1890 1939 5352 5376 5353 5357 1925 1926 1937 1839 3643. 1929 1890 1383 1917 3650 IS87 1916 192S Taxes S23 95 63 12 423 120 Morris A Stewart 313 Morris A Stewart 75 17 - 12 74 2 36 47 20 103 . 10 200 . 508 100 254 120 10 1 160 . ; , 793 1100 1100 ' 1100 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 59 94 59 94 2 36 ; Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meade, George Meade, " George Meade, 62 Morris A Stewart .93 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 125 Morris A Stewart 56 Morris A Stewart ' Morris A Stewart ; . Morris A Stewart . . Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart ' Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart ' Morris A Stewart 23 32 94 16 129 80 129 80 129 60 345 153 i 123 227 282 40 71 13 03 14 51 26 79 33 23 ' 3 93 187 378 346 106 456 50 10 j '22 07 44 60 40 83 12 51 53 31 . -5 90 12 39 GDSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. 5314 5315 Ae. Per. 760 , . 1000 1000 137 800 ; 100 100 433 383 ieo . 152 : Warrantees, ete. Taxes George Meade, $124 45 George Meade, 163 75 George Meade, 163 75 Morris A Stewart, 26 85 Wm. Mape. 77 60 George Meade, 39 30 George Meade, ' 39 30 Morris A Stewart 57 37 Morris A Stewart 100 33 5316 1909 5325 5325 1912 1923 1923 1922 Morris A Stewart 26 20 25 29 317 81 288 20 IS! 59 233 20 233 20 Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meade, George Meade, George Meade, 5324 5326 5327 5329 5330 1911 1213 1100 67 1113 120 1100 1100 . 100 No. 1430 1092 1023 1093 1095 1096 1097 2465 3461 1095 1095 1097 Georse Meade, Morris A. Stewart, 26 20 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. : Warrantees, ete. Taxes. 297 j 199 Thos. P. Cope, $130 6 John Skyrou, . 87 76 T. Cope, ' 42 63 Jas- Milligan, SO 27 Geo. Moore, 48 07 , Joseph Simons, 118 95 Joseph Henry, 127 89 . Charles Hall, 86 75 C. J. Allport, ... 18 09 Robt. Shaw, 68 80 Jno. Donaldson,' 39 75 K , n.Kclinnnm.r. , , 742& 145, 103 109. 340 348 100 1097 41 1693 100 100 3463 3475 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. 1665 1665 1097 1096 1097 1097 1096 Ac. Per. 1121 305 . 48 90 Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Witmer, $44 14 Geo. Baker, - - 119 7 Benj. Wilson, " 35 37 Geo. Moore, . 18 86 Geo. Moore, 137 17 Philip Gloninger, 52 67 John .M Cahen, 62 09 Edward Hand, 99 56 Emanuel Reigart, 8160 Geo. Moore, 24 76 John M'Cahen, 102 18 John Lampblack, 38 51 John. Witmer, 39 30 Benj. Wilson, 9 83 Christian Stake, . 46 78 Matthias Young, 75 85 Christian Hager, 170 30 George Musser, 170 30 Thos. Yadler, 93 15 Daniel Offley, . -'. 82 53 Geo. Baker, Jr. 84 50 Timothy Paxton, 171 31 John Burge, " 170 80 John Musser, 84 88 Jos. Ashbrigbt, 171 34 48 114 349 96 134 158 433 153 356 69 S466 8467 108 260 98 100 50 119 121 193 122 433 153 433 153 237 . 48 210 215 75 436 145 433 153 216 153 436 145 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. 3575 3583 3602 3605 961 : Roberts A Fox, $335 72 ) 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, , 1049 129 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox. 403 .... , Roberts A Fox, 403 Roberts A Fox, ' 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 200 J Q. Kidder. 195 David Caldwell, 360 57 360 57 370 83 330 67 360 57. 144 22 144 22 360 57 70 70 63 98 3606 35S 1986 1691 3595 5673 1041 - Moore A DeUny, 368 04 1011 Moore A Delany, 368 04 1041 Moore A-Delany, 333 04 5674 5675 5066 507 990 Wm. Powers, 879 Wm. Powers, 9 '.10 James Wilson, 990 -James Wilson. 990 James Wiison. 347 27 Moore A Delany, 990 James Wilson,- . 349 96 310 07 225 02 225 02 225 02 105 14 249 99 4263 4264 4199 5672 4261 4902 4235 4226 4229 4230 4236 4225 No. 5312 420 M'ilhelm Willink 143 47 986 James Wilson. 213 96 1995 1995 990 - James Wilson, 249 93 243 72 965 123 James Wilson, 507 490 740 124 James Wilson, ' 1 2b 116 James Wilson, 123 74 James Wilson, 135 85 Wilhelm Willink 25 04 Wilhelin Willink 249 99 4S90 4889 4902 990 " 5S 110 990 990 638 526 923 1113 810 990 375 101 293 250 '600 689 1041 1041. 347 ' 100 547 147 1041 347 500 500 856 1020 1089" 900 429 1000 100 1020 437 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 Wilhelm Willink 58 89 4897 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 6061 Wm. Powers, 349 93 Wm. Powers, 349 93 James Wilton, 161 09 James Wilson, 132 81 James Wilson, 233 10 Wm. Powers, 224 83 Wm. Powers, 245 47 Wm. Powers, 299 94 E. Shoemaker, 113 63 ' E. Shoemaker," 30 60 Wm. Powers, 90 24 James Wilson, 63 14 James Wilson, 126 25 James Wilson, 224 43 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 27 Moore A Delany, 87 66 Hammond A Jones 20 20 81 Moore A Delany, 82 82 81 Moore A Delany. 22 22 81 Moore A Delany, 157 56 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 Moore A Delany, 151 50 Moore A Delany, 151 50 2r Roberts A Fox, 216 14 529.1 5296 5297 5290 5291 5064 5065 5063 4228 4236 4265 5670 6671 5672 4899 5676 5677 5678 5672 5676 5677 35S9 2000 2001 3592 133 4902 3593 3601 3600 3573 3576 3594 3597 421 440 440 840 Roberts A Fox, . , Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, 33 Roberts A Fox, . Abel DuBois, 309 06 329 97 204 54 103 93 252 50 Wilhelm Willink, 20 20 60 Roberts A Fox, - 257 55 SO Roberts A Fox, 110 39 : 899 151 Roberts A Fox, 733 Roberts A Fox, 903 109 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 883 3 Roberta A Fox, 272 49 185 05 229 27 257 55 224 23 3607 3584 3585 3604 5063 4193 4256 4254 5679 262 635 65 Roberts A Fox, 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 1020 64 Roberts A Fox, 895 136 Roberts A Fox, 297 Wm. Powers, 927 23 James Wilson, 883 115 James Wilson, ' 927 . 23 James Wilson. 1041 SI Moore A Delaney, 206 John Dunlap, 500 . Dubois A Lowe. 173 02 257 56 257 55 223 24 S9 99 234 02 224 22 234 11 473 19 91 60 151 60 29 79 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 170 298 105 100 90 407 100 95 91 Reynolds'sobdivi ' sion. J.Nicholson, 30 . .do J. Nicholson, 105 109 do J. Nicholson,. 4 do J.NicboIton, 6 do J. Nicholson, 110 do J Nicholson, 95 153 do J. Nicholson, 90 104 do J. Nicholson, 195 do J. Nicholson. 81 do J.Nicholson, 85 43 do J. Nicholson, 93 144 do J.NichUon, 91 141 do J.Nicholson, 100 20 do J.Nicholson, JORDAN TOWNSHIP. 11 13 6 8 15 6 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 9 09 31 80 1 20 1 78 33 33 23 80 27 27 31 83 27 57 25 67 23 28 27 79 SO 30 100 125 112 267 ; 19 137 484 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $83 46 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 145 08 209 Richard Peters, 77 64 433 153 Frod'k Beates, 134 16 111 Adam Kuhn, 34 34 140 Euenezer Brenbam, 62 08 103 Adam Kuhn, 35 22 433 153 Thomas Martin, 145 08 283 Robirt Martin, 103 20 91 135 Philip Loust, 83 85 70 , Wm. Johnston, 26 04 100 . Jouathan Joues, 24 80 100 Richard Martin, . 3100 433 153 John Dunwoodie, 132 00 875 25 400 85 100 222 96 136 50 62 No 5962 6962 5951 KARTHAUS TOWNRHIP. Ao. 342 79 83 2i3 124 865 436 . 53 Per. Warrantees, eto, Taxes Wm. Smith, $149 63 Cltarles Willink, 9 88 Charles Willink, 12 50 139 Charles Willink, 31 63 108 Charles Willink, 15 51 Charles Willink, 103 13 11S Charles Willink, 54 49 62 Charles Willink, 7 26 113 Charles Willink, , 32 36 126 Charles Wiilink, 12 12 Charles Willink, 15 24 t Charles Willink, 12 60 Charles Willink, 12 50 Charles Willink, 11 12 Charles Willink, 9 33 No. 5733 5785 5774 5775 4262 4262 6777 5777 5923 1429 5928 5S31 259 1 97 122 160 100 89 75 652 59 660 12S 26 50 500' 122 8 j 89 18 106 133 Charles Willink, ' 81 49 Charles Willink,. 3S -Tffl.MignSig,' af-BO a. M HerUine, 75 09 B. D Hall, . 37 50 Charles Willink, 18 75 Charles Willink, 3 76 5779 5776 5776 5776 Charles Willink, 7 5 W.A SchnarsACo,156 25 Daniel Yothen, li 13 Mary Eggaos, 25 09 T. A J. White, II U T. A J.White, 2 26 No. 3603 3599 3582 19.35 1992 1990 2005 1990 2006 2003 Thomas Meyers, 13 25 41 51 Christian Brown, . 60 Hugh M'Gonigal, 6 0S KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 437 48 Beuben Haynes, $158 63 485 50 Luke Morris, 157 92 433 158 Joseph Hilliard ' 157 18 433 153 Robert Gray, ' f 157 18 429 41 John Binghurat, 155 73 433 153 Sarah Ward, - 157 18 433 153 GeoigeEddy, 157 18 433 153 Moore Wharton 157 18 233 153. George Asbion, 84 59 433 153 William Hunter, 104 77 333 John Dorsey, 39 06 433 153 Benj. Poultney,1 157 18 433 153 Israel Morris, 157 18 433 153 Martin Fierce, , 157 18 72 Thomas Jordan, ' . 2178 25 George Fox,'" ' " 7 26 433 Isabella Jordan, 157 18 100 Henry Trout, 36 30 433 153 Caleb Foulk 157 18 293 ' George Wescott, 106 37 173 153 Robert Wharton, 62 92 433 163 George Sestt, 157 18 225 John Boyd. 81 67 109 Susanna Ward. 39 57 255 G. & M. M'Cormick, 62 55 75 " Peter Whiteside, 84 84 100 John Dorsey, 12 10 3596 3610 2003 3567 3588 3587 3593 Ac. 433 4 06 433 100 412 420 240 433 268 215 60 300 100 418 125 57 100 334 216 438 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 1100 George Mead, $103 13 33 80 Roberts" A Fox,W.pt.9 62 121 163 433 433 433 33 80 Roberts 1 Fox.E.pt.9 62 221 . Hugh Jordan, 413 John Read, 27 62 61 63 52 114 Rudolph Liti, 6 9 36 25 4 50 100 90 Robert Mitchell, 248 237 6 James Alexander 385 ' Wm. Montgomery, 71 25 74 J. M. Maeumber, I8 60 46 , Leonard AHartsh'n, 13 60 18 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 41 J. B. M Enally, 10 25 41 Jas. B.Shaw, 10 25 726 . Georg. Mead, 90 75 1167 47 George Mead, . 145 89 1213 69 George Mead, 151 61 433 George Mead, 262 02 1100 , George Mead, 333 48 153 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 76 176 Ellis Irwin A Son, -33 00 211 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 00 137 Ellis Irwin A Son, 34 25 . 4 Kratier A Barret, 1 25 170 91 218 .1! 40 189 100 85 150 100 162 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. 402 206 : 327 373 Warrantees, etc. Taxes George Wetzell, ' $97 28 William Wertz, 49 84 Christian Wertt, 79 13 David Lauch, 90 27 Jesse Yarnell, ' 101 87 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Turner, 106 48 Joseph Turner, v;. 82 28 George Habecker, 102 37 Peter Yarnell, 72 60 John Read, 8 22 Patrick Hays, ' 29 62 Francis Johnson, S3 27 John Huston, .96 80 Thomas Morris, 104 79 65 :o9 20 423 800 . 34 122 183 400 -433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 15S William Morris, 104 79 Samuel Meredith; ' 104 79 William Miller, 104 79 Hetty Morris, 104 79 Thos. Fitzsitnmons, 104 79 104 79 104 79 iieorge Ciymer, Robert Gray, Patrick Moored Mary Morris, Magnus Miller, , Nalbio Frazey, Clem Stocker, John Vaughn, ' Jonathan Nesbit,' Blair M'Lanahan, William Stewart, James Wilson, Bolmrt Morris, -William Morris, Richard R. Smith, Isaac Farlow; Patrick nays; George Gates, Hyman Grstz, Conrad Swartz; John Gran1, Ficholas Rideoouf, Robert Caison, Nicholas Ridenouf, Matthias Slough, . Henry Drinker, Frederick Hubleyj Matthias Slough, William Bigler, Simon Swartz, Joseph Potter; Francis Johnston, Joseph Nicholson, Joseph Nicholson, 104 79 104 79 104 79 m 7? 104 79 104 79 104 79 : 51 44 72 12 25 41 24 20 ( 21 78 73 81 - 24 20 24 24 15 14 20 82 65 09 24 99 117 12 5 90 75 6 05 96 8Q 8 47 12 10 40 80 17 42 24 68 9 09 11 28 19 40 ' 17 95 117 PINN TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 64S 14 John Nioholson, $158 66 Greenwood Bell, 43 68 Elijah Heath, . 16 ST Nicklin A Griffith, 39 TT Nicklin A Griffith, 27 81 168 63 1 IO'j PIKE TOWNSHIP. -Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto! Taxes' 1020 64 John Nicholson. S74 M 819 41 John Nicholson, 69 91 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 James Wilson, 90 43 86 James Wilson, 87 48 12 John Nicholson, 60 03 12 John Nicholson, 60 02 . Nicklin A Griffith, 6 19 8. Blodget, 8 64 Nicklin A Griffith. 25 II 633 820 V90 957 . 410 ' 410 25 70 206 206 23 146 64 r. Wi lli 460 120 200 276 SB 9 476 Nioklin 4-Griffith, 26 12 John r. HovL 6 10 . Thomas Jordan, Thomas Magee, li S8 16 62 - M 8 6T 33 09 29 28 24 40 ss er 45 03 67 9 Z. Bailey, 2. M'Natii, . Thomas Magee, . Raehael Kratxer, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, 80 John Nicholson, UNION TOWNSHIP. Ao Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 909 151 Roberts o Fox, $367 24 60 66 Roberts Fox, 244 62 799 30 Roberta j- Fox, 60 60 408 Roberts 4- Fox, 164 83 408 Roberts d Fox, 164 63 183 - Roberts 4-Fox. 73 93 . 693 - Roberts A- Fox, 279 97 200 ' Roberts 4" Fox, 80 80 176 99 Roberts (r Fox; 71 10 186 Roberts 4-Fox; 69 19. 829 41 Roberts 6- Fox, 334 91 299 62 Roberts 4- Fox, 120 89 235 Roberts 4-Fox, 115.14 35 0 . Roberts 4-Fox, 13160 970 60 Roberts 4-Fox, 391 88 650 RobsrU 4- Fox, 262 60 380 , . Roberta 4- Fox, ' 115 14 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP; , Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes. 153 159 153 41 120 153 John Vooght, $235 64 John Walls, 248 07 John Roll, - 233 64 William Wilson, 64 40 John Cannon, 178 10 Henry Drinker, 171 86 William Drinker, 97 92 Israel Wheeler, 103 16 Samuel Emlen, 72 90 Thomas Neilj 68 48 Eli Hootman, 16 82' Mary Neil, 122 40 Benj. Johnston,' 40 80 Hegarty, - 170 64 John M'Caben, . 88 21 Mary Connelly, 19 44 Roland Evans, 64 40 PigotShaw, 181 70 Sebastian Graff, 117 60 Thos. Edmonson, 23S 27 Ell noottnan, 49 38 Mary Sand wick, 88 90 Philip Loast, - 176 60 Jacob R. Howell, 176 Wm. Johnston, . 176 66 George Beckham; . 40 80 Charles Bight, 134 82 Daniel Turner, . 128 82 Peter Louder; 69 36 Charles Louder, . 24 76 Channcey Rickets, SI 96 Chauncey Rickets, 2 72 William Wister, 9 b2 Jsaac Wilson, . ' 44 88 nenry Shaffer, ' 84 00 George Asbton, 11 66 John Low, T 84 00 Isaac Gosa, ' 84 00 John M'Lathon, TO 11 5 : 143 42 78 153 153 153 58 80 W. K. WRIGLEY.Traasurer.'- Clearfield, Msreh 25, 1868. 153 153 143 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 - ;- BO 122 139 JAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. . $2 a j ear in advance. S. J. ; ROW, Editor; Job work of all kinds, such as Paffliptilets, Bill-heads, Pro grammes, Sale-bills, Blanks; Cards, etc., executed withneat Tiess and dispatch, and at mod erate price. April 1-tf: t f i ! 5. if,: I ! . " 1:! ii- ! f.