u TBI RAFT 400'ftNAi. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 23; 18C8. Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, t ruin leaves Tyrone at : : : : : 9.20 a m Arrives at Philipsburg at : :11.20 a.m. It tin leaves Philipsburg at : : : 2.05 p m. Arrives at Tyrone at : : ; ; 4 00 Religious.' Divine services will be held next sabbath,' in Clearfield, as follows : .By Rev; Nixdorffiatho Lutheran church morning and evening. . - . - - By Rev. Archer (Presbyterian), ia the Court House, mom in $ and evening. "' . By Rev. Sembower in the Baptistchurch in the evening. r , By Rei. Guyer in the Methodist church, in thetnorning. U. S: Taxes. The notice of Appeals, appears in another column, to-day. Read it. Dissolution. -In another column will be found the dissolution notice of Ferry & Hilton, at Osceola. UNSEATED LANDS. : In to-daya Journal will be found the list ol unseated lands, of fered for sale by Treasurer Wrigley, for the taxes of I860 and 1867. Godev. The April number of this su perb magszine is already before us.' The illustrations and fashions are unsurpassed by any other ladies magazine. -Send for it. LADr'i Friend. Thia beautiful and in teresting lady's magazine for April is out, and is worthy of a liberal support from the fair sex. Its embelishments and fashions are beautiful, and its literary contents good. A Correction. We have been reques ted to state that W. Albert & Bros, did not apply for licen.c at the March term, as would . appear front the published ' list of names they having rever. filed a petition to that effect. ."' . A Singular Freak of Nature. We are informed that, about the 1 5th of Febru ary, a cow, belonging to one of our citizens, gave birth to a calf, and that the same cow had a second calf last week about four weeks having intervened between the births of the. two calves. ... Such a singular freak of nature is surely of rare occurrence. Election. At an election held on March 17th, the following naiual, persons were choiten directors of the Madera Coal and Improvement Company: Dr. D. Iloutz, Jruiuel Hegarty, Thomas Groom, Wm. R. l-iuitb., Wru. Thompson, Zita Ferris, jr., aud C. J. Pusey. Dr. Iloutz was then cho sen President ; C. J. Pusey, Secretary and T reasarer, and Thomas Groom, Superinten dent. Every, effort is made.tas place the road under contract this spring. - - -.- ; . Newspaper Improvement. The Ilitis larg 'Gazette, last week made its appear ance in another entire new dress of clear and beautiful type.' . The form was also changed front a folio to a quarto, - whieh will accrue to he benefit of .advertisers. ' The Gazette is one of the best papers in the State, warm ly devoted to ihe reconstruction measures of Congress, the advocacy -of true Republican principleVandthe advancement, of the in terests of the Republican party. We wish it pecuniary as well as political success. - Rafting. The cold snap, the latter part of last week, caused a general suspension of the rafting' business; but; t"he . atmosphere having" once more moderate3,it"is presumed that operations will go forward with renew ed -vigor." However, as the ; waters have fallen below a rafting 'stage, and the-greater portion-of the snow had melted previous to the late cold .pelj,nt will now require copi ous rains to again raise the streams -high e nough for running lumber. So far, "bat few rafts have started for the lower market, and the prospects, for a large run. of lumber; at an early ilayt is not very flattering. What Maris a Bcshel. The follow ing table of pounds of various articles to make a bushel,may be of interest to some of our readers : Wheat 60 pounds to the bush el ; corn shelled, 5ft pounds ; corn on the cob, TO pounds; rye 56 pounds; oats, 32 pounds ; barley, 48 pounds"; ,buckwheat,52 pounds ;" Irish potaloes,50 pounds ; onions, 5o pounds; beans, 60 pounds; bran, 25 pounds; clover seed, 62 pouuds; timothy seed, 45 pounds; hemp seed, 42 - pounds ; blaegrass seed, 14 pounds; dried ; peaches, 33 pounds; flax seed, 56 pounds; castor leans, 46 pounds; dried apples, 25 pounds; toal, S5 pounds. - . . - Don't Buy an Organ Until you have ttard that wonderful musical triumph, the , Bardett Organ. " The performaene of even a child on that perfect instrument is more touching and musically entrancing than the Sourishes of practiced players upon most ether organs. The effects of the vox huma ' (human voice,) and celestial stops a kte invention, and found in perfection enly in tha Burdett Organ are touching and sympathetic in the extreme, and compara-tie-only to the heart-searching and tremu 'ou tones drawn from their violins by an "e Ball or a Vieux Temps. v The. Messr3 K'eber k Bro., 122 Wood street, Pitte Wgh, Pa., have the sole agency, and wiH k g!ad,no doubt,' to show these organ gems t all who may desire it. Mar.ll-6t. UlRRltD ; - Oi March 8th, 186S, by Frederick Hollo er, Esq., Mr. Philip. Arnold and Miss -Ialisda Swocpe, both of Brady t'wp. Reading matter will be found on all four ofthey2esof i -days paper. " V ; r ' The defeat of tlie proposition of Senator Grimes, of Iowa, to reduce the tariff on importations ten per cent., as an amendment to the bill exempting our manufactures from the five per cent, tax, is important. .The vote stood twelve for and thir ty-two against, and it may l e ac cepted as proof that the United States Senate is not yet prepared to go veryfarin support of the free trade . doctrine in the interest of which' Mr. Grimes' proposition was made. Its adoption would have completely neutralized the tax ex emption so far as American manu facturers are concerned, and amoun ted to a measure for the benefit of foreign manufacturers. The action of the Senate on this proposition is one of many indications of. the conviction that revenue can be ob tained only by stimulating home in dustry, and by giving it the first chance in our own markets. C. C. Burr, who - stumped New Hampshire, and is to stump Con necticut for the Democracy, talks in this wise in the Old Guard: "A hundred men of the pluck and pa triotism of Wilkes Booth, at the start of these' terrible despotisms, would have saved our country. The moment any man begins to play the despot, he forfeits his right to life. Just as many days as these infamous tyrants (Grant, Sherman, Schofield and the Radi cal members of Congress,) have lived since they began their despot ism, have they lived too long." When the Burr Democracy came into power the first thing they will do will be to erect a monument to Booth, It should bo borne in mind that this Burr is. one of the most acceptable stump speakers the party sends out, and, like Brick Pomeroy's paper, he appears to be in exten sive demand. The civil war in Japnn seems likely to end in the triumph of the allied Daimois over the Tycoon. The latter, it is reported, h&i been defeated in a severe engagement, and fled to Veddo. The Govern ment of the young Mikado has no tified the representatives of the foreign powers that Japan will faithfully adhere to the. treaties. Oo the other hand, however, a re port reaches us that all the foreign ers have left Ilioga and Osaca, and that one foreign vessel has been fir ed upon by the Japanese. How ever this may be, it is incredible that the Mikado - Government should ever seriously think of vio lating the treaties. The Japanese have, during the last ten years, seen and heard too much about the power and the civilization of for eign nations ever to make a serious attempt to return td their former insolation, - . w , Some interesting ' developments of frauds have recently been made in the Philadelphia Custom House. It has transpired that certain assis tant weighers have been carrying on for some time past a lucrative business in their line of duties. Several merchants of Philadelphia have been bribing these weighers to make light weight in the com modities ; passing through their hands for the assessment of import duty, thns defrauding the Govern ment of its just amount of duties. A close, scrutiny into these specula tions is now going foreward, and the result will doubtless be a clean sweep among this class of officials in the Philadelphia CustomHouse. - From - the official report of the Attorney General it. appears that the President has pardoned and let loose upon the community not less than ninety-two counterfeiters, who had been duly convicted and sen tenced during the last eighteen months. It ia really not surpris ing, with such an exhibition of Ex ecutive leniency, that this peculiar description of offense against 'the laws should have become, as it has, so alarmingly prevalent. The snow storm on Saturday last extended over all the northern and eastern States. Much suffering was experienced in consequence. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS; FOR TAXES For 1867 and previous years. NOTICE is hereby give, that in pur suance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of Jane, A. D. 1S15, entitled 'An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county." will be exposed to Publio Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Sce Otd Monday in Jane, A. D. 1363 :- BECCABIA TOWNSHIP. ... . Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. Ac. 58 8 169 176 186 76 Jobn Mailer, $27 20 5 24 79 33 76 65 38 40 35 89 36 85 29 48 , 29 48 164 82 64 32 237 98 187 20 163 75 84 65 62 85 48 78 101 03 203 28 203 41 44 22 77 58 88 44 79 33 87 90 34 84 87 10 203 41 20 64 Fred'k Hubley, John Beam, Jeremiah Mosber, Thomas Billingtoo, Michael Musser, James M'Martrie, Thomas Murgatory, Magnus Miller,. , John Brady, Willi im Brady, J. Blaio.E. Blain, John Witnior, Henry Witmor, William Wilson, Jabob Krug, John Gibson, Robert Wilson, William Gray, John Miller, Jeremiah Mosher, Peter Getz, Martin Fautz, Jacob Faotz, George Musser, -Thomas Gibson, David B.trton, John Ferdney, Brown & Fulton, 96 47 37 80 100 80 80 410 160 592 399 819 181 134 104 215 73 433 153 433 153 94 91 161 116 330 153 296 125 328 153 74 - 32 433 153 433 153 44 71 80 John Ketland, , 83 50 55 ll2 Sarah Billington, 25 87 30 Jacob Kung, 168 84 30 Wm. Flumket, 14 08 BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes 4233 1000 Henry Beck, $230 00 520 500 Henry BecK, 115 00 520 500 Henry Beck, 115 00 5764 1000 Henry Beck. 239 00 5618 1 Henry Beck, 14 63 4287 79 1 20 Henry Beck. 13 17 4287 330 78 Henry Beck, 94 88 307 59 Henry Beck, 88 32 5766 113 Henry Beck, 32 54 71 Uenry Beck, 20 47 1 93 97 Henry Beck, 21 59 5768 1000 Henry Beck, 230 00 4286 503 Henry Beck, 116 38 4i89 500 Henry Beck. 143 75 3565 181 118 John Nicholson. 55 54 5904 1000 Nicklin A Griffith 230 00 5906 753 Nicklin A Griffith 174 34 5907 800 Nicklin A Griflith 184 00 5918 955 Nicklin A Griffith 219 65 5919 938 Nicklin A Griffith 215 74 433 . Beoj. Gibbs, 124 54 5619 242 Henry Beck. 55 66 5909 825 Nicklin A Griffith 189 75 5910 32u Nicklin A Griffith 73 60 5911 217 ' Nicklin A Griffith 56 81 591 J 106 Nicklin A Griffith 24 38 5915 607 Nicklin AGriffith 133 61 5921 1100 Nicklin AGriffith 253 00 5619 101 98 Henry Beck, 23 23 42S7 - 93 97 Henry Beck, ll'bl 5619 119 01 Henry Beck, 27 37 5906 102 32 Nicklin AGriffith 29 33 5906 31 128 Nicklin AGriffith 8 97 5907 90 Nicklin A Griffith 25 83 4236 100 Henry Beck, 23 00 B0GGS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 41 John Thomas, 196 John Thomas, 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 408 76 Joseph Drinker, 413 Ww. McCormick, 440 Nancy Boggs. 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 429 41 John Byers, 100 Johu Montgomery, 109 90 Barbara Snyder, 132 George Hootman, 70 . Henry Faunce, 427 George Ayres, 427 31 Wm. Troutwine, 400 John Keao, 266 Joseph Ball, . 95 146 Richard Thomas, 49 .Burbara Snyder, 2U5 Thomas Smith, 100 John Kephart, 404 .BUir M Lanali.in, 404 Thomas L. Moore, 404 Mary Morris, 427 s Jonas Steinheiser, 160 Richard Waple, BLODM TOWNSHIP. Taxes. $8 31 45 43 47 03 95 67 110 69 118 04 114 96 114 96 26 80 31 88 39 80 18 76. 85 76 85 76 80 40 89 12 15 70 13 13 54 94 26 80 81 21 81 21 81 21 71 55 32 12 No. 2004 3i79 3573 3603 5959 5926 5923 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 400 - Koberts A Fox, SI 02 40 1020 60 Koberts A Fox, 261 12 81 33 Roberts A Fox, 20 73 '4"3 111 Koberts A Fox. 119 81 9H 138 Nicklin A Griffith 25 09 93 Nicklin A Griffith 23 81 296 .Nicklin AGriffith 75 73 50 George L. Reed, 1 2 30 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 56 84 Levi Cleaver, 26 SS 250 David Irwin, 72 06 100 John P. Dale, 25 23 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. ' Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 324 Hngh Ely, $42 76 102 85 John Campbell, 20 18 159 Hall & Buck, 20 99 250 Blair M'Lanahan, 49 50 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 57 65 109 Andrew Pettit, 35 90 48 Matthias Slay maker, 9 50 30 Mattbew Forcee, 7 92 225 James Dunca-., 37 22 1) Nehemiah Mains, 19 80 64 David Mains, 12 67 60 Dattiel Graham, 13 20 50 Horatio I j. nail. 13 20 85 Wm. Graham, jr. 22 44 85 John Hanna, 22 44 175 . John Vaughn, 46 20 BRADY TOWNSHIP. No. ' Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc.. Taxes 492 3612 3603 3614 1993 1997 1998 3574 626 5860 5877 5879 5881 5886 323 195 213 069 13 1994 2010 35S0 2009 27 v 92 308 W. Kirkpatrick,?103 18 200 Roberts A Fox, 53 60 150 Koberts A Fox, 40 20 140 124 Roberts A Fox, 37 52 Jb 55 Roberts A Fox, 12 06 260 13 Roberts A Fox, 67 00 290 Roberts A Fox, 77 72 102 34 Roberta A Fox, 41 00 215 Conrad Long. 69 28 670 Jona. li. Smith 401 01 346 . Henry Wykoff, 339 09 331 JohnDunlap, 131 41 100 Casper Stiver, 40 20 501 Christian Lower, 302 17 50 Roberts A Fox, 395 25 521 Christian Lower, 316 93 365 Roberts A Fox. 217 43 604 Roberts A Fox, 364 21 995 -94 Roberts A Fox, 600 05 611 Roberts A Fox, 363 50 256 Benj. Henry,. . 154 37 135 Casper Stiver, 81 47 , 472 Casper Stiver sr. 284 62 ' 83 62 George Shaffer 50 11 80 J. M. Millers (h's, 42 83 .100 Baum, 53 60 50 McGairy, 26 80 66 Roberta A Fox, IS 09 250 Roberts A Fox. 67 00 1997 1993 ETJB.NSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Watrantees, etc. Taxes. 303 John Jones, $137 80 303 James Chapman, 137 80 290 Benj. Trasnall, 1S6 50 311 Towna'd Spackman 202 15 298 Rebecca Brown, 193 70 111 - ' Christian Stake, 43 30 100 Leonard Uollis, 39 00 293 John Burch, 133 38 150 John Cummings, . 68 25 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. .Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 100 153 John Boyd. $46 40 313 153 Josbua Haynes, 145 OO 433 153 Thomas Hamilton,' 200 91 298 153 -William Wilson, 158 27 253 James Ross, 119 71 433 153 John Cunninghair, 150 80 433 153 John Cook, 150 80 43ff 153 Joseph Ewing, 150 80 433 153 William Cook, .150 80 100 David Cathcart, 29 00 433 153 .Alex. Hunter, 100 46 376 Peter Horse, 130 85 257 Hogb Bartley, 74 58 88 Joseph Pike, 25 52 271 George Page, 78 65 411 ! Deary Page, . 71 58 234' V James Noble, 67 87 433 153: John Mosser, 200 91 190 161 Christian Rohrer, 88 16 256 Miller & Crist, 118 78 22 Miller & Crist, 10 21 200 ' ' Mahafleyi Mitchell, 46 40 433 Mathiaa Slongh, 100 46 147 George Ross, 42 69 100 John Brenneman, 29 00 61 J- & H. Breth, 28 30 433 Samuel Jackson, 71 45 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes No. 1391 1893 3649 1392 1S9 1903 1697 5377 600 4S3 70 365 1 15 1 450 1IU0 300 200 72 Morris A Stewart $90 24 47 Morris A Stewart 68 09 30 Morris A Stewart . 9 87 Morris A Stewart 51 47 ilorris A Stewart 2 11 Morris A Stewart 31 73 George Mead, 155 10 JohnBriel, 21 15 H. Burgett. 56 40 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Thoma9 P. Cope, $204 88 Thos. Ednanndson, 12 57 96 Joseph Sansom, 35 62 159 Thomas Bitlington, 204 88 Thos. Stewartson, 52 40 Mary M'Lanahan, 105 84 Ann M'Lanahan, 105 84" Stacy W. Thompson, 52 40 Mary M'Lahahan, 104 80 137 Joseph. Whitehall, 44 02 Jacob Downing, 56 60 Joseph Sanaota, l() 48 99 William Sansom, 39 82 22 William Evans, 126 28 Nancy Fanly, 26 20 147 Thos. Edmandson, 174 50 . John Drinker, 47 16 Casper Haines, 104 80 Gilbert Vanght, 147 24 Joseph Harrison, 102 18 Joseph Harrisou, 103 74 Joseph Harrison, 26 20 136 Joseph Whitehall, 43 50 Jonathan Nesbit, 104 80 A. J. Goss, ' 65 00 Sam'I. M'Clarren, 104 80 Joseph Sansom, 8 90 David Stewart, 24 58 Ac. 391 24 67 391 100 202 404 100 200 84 108 .20 76 241 50. 333 90 200 281' 195 198 50 83 200 125 200 17 90 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per, Warrantees, etc. jTaxes 233 159 John Hambright, $69 96 50 Matthias Slough, " 12 00 8 Matthias Slough, 1 92 433 153 George Koss, 103 92 74 Lewis Jordan, 20 04 50 Hiram Passmore, 12 00 100 Abraham Ogden, 24 00 21 Henry Svan, 5 76 50 Benj." Hartshorn, 21 00 100 John Hambright, 30 f;0 UtO Adam Reigart 24 00 309 73 John Dougliton, 74 IS FOX TOWNSHIP. . Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 425 James Wilson. $71 45 330 ' James Wilson, w 13 49 140 James Wilson, pt. 23 52 260 James Wilson, n e. 4( 99 495 James Wilson, wi 41 66 COO James Wilson, 73 92 'J0 JamceWi son. 110 S3 201) James Wilson, i 50 40 350 Jamci WiIfon. mid 49 06 for 186t A 1865 45 S2 495 " James "ilson,w.p. 82 73 937 James Wilson, 262 51 947 James Wilson, 264 77 20 James Wilson, 5 60 600 James Wilson, 163 00 290 James Wilson, 83 44 372 James Wilson, 62 50 133 James Wilsun, 21 64 216 James Wilson, 72 52 75 Evander Hyde, 25 20 100 Lane A Hyde, 28 00 90 Dan Kingbury.B L25 00 25 J. S. Hyde, B. L. '8 40 62 Hyde A Co., Unlet 13 99 107 -i Firminlot 23 97 50 " " ' HGilos lot II 20 100 ' 23 00 No. 4272 4i00 4133 4133 4131 4200 4182 4133 4188 41S8 4271 4241 4233 1534 1535 4212 4399 4340 43s3 4400 GIRAB.D TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, eto. 203 103 Morris A Stewart 423 120 Morris A Stewart No. 1921 1933 1934 3348 3647 6123 1924 1390 347 1390 1939 5352 53T6 5353 5357 1925 1926 19U7 1839 3643 1929 1390 183S 1917 3650 188T 1916 1926 Taxes 523 95 63 12 75 17 12 74 2 36 47 20 59 94 59 94 2 36 23 32 94 16 129 80 129 80 129 SO 40 71 13 03 14 51 26 79 33 23 3 93 22 07 44 60 40 83 12 51 53 81 5 90 12 39 313 103 . 10 200 503 100 254 120 10 1 160 793 1100 11 00 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart George Meade, George Meade, George Meade, George Meade, 1100 345 153 123 227 232 33 187 378 34 106 45S 50 105 62 Morris A Stewart 93 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart 125 Morris A Stewart 56 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris A b'tewart GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 760 George Moade, SI24 45 No. 5314 5315 5316 1909 5.125 5325 1912 1000 1000 137 300 100 100 433 3S3 ieo 152 12t3 George Meade, 163 75 George Meade, 163 75 Morris A Stewart, 26 65 Wm. Mapes. 77 60 George Meade, 39 30 George MeaJe, 39 30 Morris A Stewart 57 37 Morris A Stewart 100 33 Morris A Stewart 26 20 Morris A Stewart 25 29 67 Georee Meade. 317 SI i 1923 J 1923 ! 1922 ! 5324 j 5326 I 5327 j 5329 1100 , - 1 5330 1911 eSAHAJt TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 Thos. P. Cope, $130 96 199 John Skyron, 8 to 145 T. Cope, 42 63 J 103 Jas-Milligan, 30 27 : 109 Geo. Moore, 48 07 340 Joseph Simons, 118 95 i 348 Joseph Henry, 70 47 100 Charles iiau, 30 o 41 C, J. Allport, 18 09 100 ' Robt. Shaw, 58 80 100 ' Jno. Donaldson, 36 75 66 104 B. D. Schoonover, 24 26 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Witmer, $44 14 Geo. Baker, . 119 87 Benj. WHson, 35 37 .Geo: Moore, 18 86 Geo. Moore, 137 17 Philip Gloninger, 52 67 John M'Cahen, ' 62 09 Edward Hand, 99 56 Emanuel Reigart, 81 60 Geo. MoOre, 24 76 John M'Cahen, 102 18 John Lampblack, 38 51 John Witmer, . 39 30 Benj. Wilson, 9 83 Christian Stake, 46 78 Matthias Young, 75 85 Christian Hager, 170 SO George Musser, - 170 30 112i 3C5 48 90 48 114 349 96 134 158 433 153 356 69 108 260 93 100 50 119 121 193 122 433 153 433 153 237 43 Thos. laaier, 33 15 210 Daniel Offley, 82 53 215 75 Geo. Baker, Jr. 84 50 4-36 145 Timothy Paxton, 171 34 433 153 John Bnrge, 170 30 I 216 153 Jnn Musser, 84 88 V ... ... T 1 ,kli'.l.l 171 11 1113 120 George Meade, , 291 59 1100 George Meade, 2S3 20 1100 Georee Meade. 233 20 100 Morris A Stewart, 26 20 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 961 "Roberts A Fox, S135 72 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 360 57 1020 60 Roberts' A Fox, .330 57 1S95 No. 3575 3583 3602 3605 3606 3586 1936 1691 3595 19J5 iu4y iza liooeru a tax, 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Koberts A Fox. 403 Roberts A Fox, 403 Roberts A Fox. 1020 60 Roberts A Fox, 200 J. G. Kidder, 195 David Caldwell, 1041 Moore A Delany 370 8S 1914 360 57 S.i0 57 141 22 144 22 360 57 70 70 63 93 363 04 5673 5674 5675 5063 507 42.')3 4264 4199 5672 4261 4902 4235 4226 4229 4230 4236 4225 4890 48S9 4902 4897 5062 5069 4231 4234 4090 5061 5064 5065 5293 5296 5297 5290 5291 1041 Moore A Delany, 363 04 1041 Moore 4-Delany, 363 04 990 . Wm. Powers, 349 96 879 "Wei. Powers, 310 07 9M James Wilson, 225 02 990 James Wilson. 990 James Wi'son, 225 02 225 0: 347 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 990' James Wilson, ' 249 99 420 Wilbelm Willink 143 47 8B 990 ' James Wilson 243 96 249 93 243 72 - James Wilson. 965 123 James Wilson, Ac. 402 206 327 373 440 340 423 810 34 122 183 400 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 170 298 105 100 90 407 100 100 125 112 267 19 137 484 375 15 400 35 100 222 , 9b- 136 50 62 SOT 490 740 124 990 James Wilson. 12-3 06 James Wilson, 123 74 James Wilson, ' 136 85 Wilhelm Willink 25 04 W'ilhelm Willink 249 99 Wilhelm Willink 13 93 38 89 849 98 349 93 161 09 132 81 233 10 224 83 245 43 299 97 113 64 30 60 90 24 63 14 126 25 110 990 990 633 526 923 1113 810 990 375 101 298 250 500 889 1041 1041 347 100 547 147 1041 347 500 500 856 1020 10h9 900 429 1000 10O 1020 437 Wilhelm-Wilfink Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, James WiU on, James Wilson, James Wilson, . Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers, E. Shoemaker, K Shoemaker, Wm. Powers, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson. 5063 4223 4236 4265 5670 5671 5672 4899 5676 5677 5678 5672 5676 5677 3589 2000 2001 3592 1938 4902 3593 3.'.01 36i)0 35 7S 3576 3594 3597 3607 3384 3585 3604 506S 4193 4256 4254 5679 252 221 43 80 Moore A Delany, 262 90 eu Aloore A Uclany, 262 90 27 Moore A Delany, 87 63 Hammond A Jones 20 20 81 Moore A Delany, '82 82 SI Mooro Delany, 22 22 81 Moore A Delany, 157 56 27 Moore A Delany, 105 14 Moore A Delany, 151 50 Moore A Delany, 151 50 22 Roberts A Fox, 216 14 Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox. 33 Roberts A Fox'. Abel Dubois. 309 06 329 97 204 54 10 3 !TC 252 50 Wilhelm Willink, 2J 20 00 Koberts A Im.X, 2j7 f5 20 Roberts A Fox, 110 39 272 49 1H5 05 229 27 257 55 224 22 173 02 257 55 257 55 226 24 sa 99 234 02 224 22 234 if 899 151 Roberts A Fox, 733 Roberts A Fox, 903 109 Roberts A Fox, 1020 60 Roberts A Vox, 8S3 6-5 35 Roberta A Fox, 65 Robert A Fox, 64 Roberts A Fox, 64 Robert A Fox, 1020 1020 8U 133 Roberts A Fox, 297 Win. Powers. 927 23 James Wilson, SSrt 115 James Wilson, 927 23 James Wilson, 1041 206 500 95 30 I Moore A Delaney, 473 19 John Dunlap, 91 60 Dubois A Lowe. 151 50 91 Reynolds'subdivi- sion.J. .Nicholson, 29 79 do J.Nicholson, 9 09 II 13 8 15 0 8 2 11 10 12 14 16 105 10j do 4 do i do J. Nicholson, 31 80 J. Nicholson, 1 20 J. Nicholson, J Nicholson. 1 78 33 33 23 80 27 27 St 83 110 do 95 153 do J. Nicholson, 90 ii)4 do J.Nichelson, 195 do 91 do 85 ' 43 do 93 144 do 91 141 do J Nicholson.. J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, 27 57 25 67 23 28 J.Nichouon, 27 79 30 30 100 20 do J. Nicholson, J02DAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $83 46 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 145 08 209 Richard Peters, 77 64 433 153 Fred'k Beates, 134 16 111 Adam Kuhn, 34 34 140 Etenezer Brenbam, 52 08 103 Adam Knhn, 35 22 433 i53 Thomas Martin, 145 08 283 - Robjrt Martin, 103 20 91 135 Philip Loust, 83 85 70' Wm. Johnston, 26 04 100 Jonathan Jones, 24 80 100 Richard Martin, 31 00 433 153 John Dauwoodiej 132 00 EARTH A US TOWNRHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes 1430 342 Wm. Smith, f 149 63 1093 79 Charles Willink, 9 83 1023 83 Charles Willink, 12 50 1093 253 139 Charles Willink. 31 63 1095 124 103 Charles Willink, 15 51 1096 865 Charles Willink, 103 13 1C97 436 113 Charles Willink, 54 49 34S5 53 62 Charles Willink, 7 26 3463 259 113 Charles Willink, 32 36 1095 . 97 126 Charles Wiilink, 12 12 1095 122 Charles Willink, 15 24 1097 100 Charles Willink, 12 50 100 Charles Willink, 12 50 No. 3603 3599 3582 1935 1992 1990 2005 1990 2O06 3595 3fiI0 2003 3587 3583 3587 3593 1097 1093 h9 Charles Willink. 11 12 75 Charles Willink, 9 33 3463 3475 63 i 75 j 65 652 Charles Willink, 81 49 Charles Willink, 7 31 J. R. M CIosky, 12 50 Wm. Michaels, 37 50 G. M. Hertline, 75 00 B. D Hall, 37 50 Charles Willink, 18 75 Charles Willink, 3 75 59 43 200 300 600 ' j 125 25 ) 50 500 122 Hi 89 1665 1665 1097 1096 1097 1097 1095 Charles Willink, 7 50 W.A SchnarsACo, 153 25 Daniel Yothers, 38 13 25 99 11 11 2 26 Mary Eggans, T. A J. White, T. A J. White, Thomas Meyers, Christian Brown, Hugh M'Gonigal, 13 106 133 60 3466 i 3467 13 25 41 51 6 96 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxos 437 48 -Beuben Haynes, $158 63 435 50 Luke Morris, . 157 92 433 153 Joseph Milliard 157 18 433 153 Robert Gray, 157 13 429 41 John Binghurst, 155 73 433 153 Sarah Ward, 157 18 433 153 George Eddy, . 157 18 433 153 Moore Wharton 157 13 233 153 George Ashion, 84 59 433 153 William Hunter, 104 77 333 John Dorsey, 39 06 433 153 Benj. Poultney, 157 18 433 153 Israel Morris, 157 18 433 153 Martin Fierce, 157 18 i 72 Thomss Jordan, 21 78 I 25 George Fox, 7 26 433' Isabella Jordan, 157 18 100 " Henry Tront, 36 80 433 153 Caleb Fonlk - 157 18 293 George Wescott, 106 37 173 153 Robert Wharton, 62 92 433 153 George Seaff, 157 18 225 John Boyd, , 81 67 109. Susanna Ward, 39 57 255 G. t M. M'Cormick, 92 55 75 Peter Whiteside, 31 84 100 ' John Dorsey, 12 10 125 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. ' Taxes 5312 1100 George Mead, $ID3 13 33 80 Robert A Fox,W.pt.9 62 33 8S Roberts 1 Fox. E.pt.9 62 221 Hugh Jordan, 27 62 413 John Read, 51 63 52 114 Rudolph Lits, 6 50 90 Robert Mitchell, 36 25 . 100 J. W. Smith, 12 50 6 James Alexander, 4 50 2S5 ' Win. Montgomery. 71'25 71 J. M Macumber, 18 50 46 Leonard Allartnh'n, 13 50 18 Jas. Irwin of John, 3 36 41 J. B. M Enally, 10 25 41 Jas. B.Shaw, 10 25 726 George Mead, 90 75 1167 47 George Mead, 145 89 1213 69 George Mead, 151 61 (33 George Mead, 262 02 1100 George Mead, 333 43 153 Ellis Irwin A Son, 23 75 176 Ellis Irwin A Son, 33 00 240 Ellis Irwin A Son. 45 00 137 Ellis Irwin A Son, 34 25 . 4 . Kratier A Barret, .1 25 MORE IS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes George Wetzelf, , William Wertz, -Christian Wertz, David Laucb, -Jcsso i'arneli; ' 65 Joseph Turner, 109 'Joseph Turner, 20 Joseph Turner, George Hanecker, , Peter Vat cell, John Read, Patrick Hays,' Francis Johnson, $97 28 49 84 79 13 90 27 101 87 106 48 106 48 82 28 102 37 72 60 8 22 29 52 83 27 96 SO 104 79 104 79 104 79 104 79 104 79 Peter Swartz, Thomas Morris, William Morris, Samuel Meredith, William Miller, Hetty Morris, 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 143 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 Thos. Fitzsimmons, 104 79 George Clymer, 104 79 Robert Gray, Patrick Moore, Mary Morris, Magnus Miller, Nalbio Frazey, 104 79 104 79 104 79 104 79 104 79 Clem Stocker, John Vaughn, Jonathan Nesbit, Blair M'Lanahan, William Stewart, James Wilson, Boliert Mo rss, William Morns, Richard R. Smith, Isaac Farlow, Patrick Hays, George Gates, Hyman Gratz, Conrad Swartz, John Gtfl, Ficholas Ridenour, Robert Carson, Nicholas Ridenonr, Matthias Slough, Henry Drinker, Frederick Hubley, Matthias Slongh, William Bigler, Simon Swartz, Joseph Pottnr, Frtncis Johnston, Joseph Nicholson, Joseph Nicholson, 104 79 104 79 104 79 61 44 72 12 25 41 24 20 - 21 78 73 81 24 20 24 24 15 14 20 32 05 09 4 59 90 122 139 19 40 17 95 117 24 S3 117 12 25 SO 75 6 05 96 SO 8 47 12 10 40 30 17 42 24 68 9 09 11 23 PENN TOWNSHIP. No Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc- Taxes 5962 643 14 John Nicholson, S158 85 163 Greenwood Bell, 43 68 5962 63 Elijah Heath, 16 37 153 Nicklin A Griffith, 39 77 5951 106 Nicklin A Griffith, 27 81 PIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes I 57S3 1020 64 John Nicholson, $74 66 5735 819 41 John Nicholson, 59 91 5774 633 64 John Nicholson. - 50 02 5775 820 64 John Nicholson, 60 02 4282 990 4 James Wilson. - - 90 43 4252 957 85 James Wilson, 87 4S 5777 410 12 John Nicholson, 50 02 5777 410 12 John Nicholson. 50 02 5923 25 Nicklin A Griffith, 6 10 1429 70 S. Blodget. 8 54 5923 206 Nicklin A Griffith, 25 13 5931 20i " Nicklin 0-Griffith, 25 12 23 John f. Hoyt. . 6 1(1 145 Thomas Jordan, 35 33 64 Thomas Magee, 15 62 ; 1 85 George James, 16 48 296 R. A W..M'Naul, 21 72 5779 111 Z. Bailey, 8 05 - 460 Z. M Naul, 33 67 120 Thomas Magee, ' 29 28 200 Kachael kratier, 24 40 5776 276 John Nicholson, 33 67 5776 369 Jhn Nicholson. 45 03 5776 475 " 80 John Nicholson, 57 96 UNION TOWNSHIP. Ae Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 909 151 Roberts 4- Fox, $367 24 606 66 Roberts 4- Fox, 244 82 7s9 30 Roberts ir Fox, 60 60 403 Roberts Pox, ' 164 83 403 . Roberts Fox, 164 83 183 Roberts tV Pox. 73 91 693 Roberts 4" Fox, 279 97 200 Koberts &r Fox, 80 80 178 99 Roberts ir Fox, 71 10 196 Roberts d-Fox, 59 39 829 41 Rober siJ-Fox. 334 91 299 02 Roberta Fox, 120 80 285 Roberts 4-Fox, 115 14 350 Roberts $ Fox, 13150 970 60 Roberts V Fox, 391 88 650 -Roberts V Fox, 282 0 380 Roberts Jf Fox. 115 14 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 433 153 John Vought, $235 54 248 07 235 54 54 40 178 10 171 36 97 92 103 16 72 90 58 48 16 32 122 40 40 80 170 54 33 21 19 44 54 40 181 70 117 50 233 27 49 86 38 90 176 66 176 66 176 66 .40 80 134 S2 123 82 69 36 24 76 4o6 159 John Walls, John Roil, William Wilson, John Cannon, Henry Drinker, William Drinker, Israel Wheeler, Samuel Emlen, Thoma. Neil, Ell Hootman, Mary Neil, Benj. Johnston, Hegarty, John M'Cahen, Mary Connelly, Roland Evans, Pigot Shaw, Sebastian GraS, Thos. Edmonson, Eli Hootman, Mary Sand wick, Philip Loast, : Jacob R. Howell, Wm. Johnston, George Beckham, 433 153 100 412 41 420 120 240 433 153 268 215 5 60 300 100 418 57 57 143 100 334 42 216 ' 438 73 121 103 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 53 248 237 170 91 218 If Charles Hight, Duniel Turner, Peter Londer, Charles Louder, Cbanncey Rickets, Channcy Rickets, William Wister, . Jsaac . Wilson, Henry Shaffer, George Ashton, -Jobn Low, Isaac Goss, 9 John M'Lathon, 51 96 2 72 9 52 44 88 34 00 11 56 34 00 34 00 w 11 40 183 100 85 . 150 100 162 w K. WRIGLEY. Treasurer Clefield, March 25, 1S68. NEW IJiY&DVARE , STORE, PrftLlPSBCRQ, CENTRK C.O., PA.- Geo. H. Zeigler & Co., DBALSKS IK Foreign arid Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin- ware, Stoves, Oils,- Painta, Glass;- Iron, Nails,- etc.-, etc, eta The attention of Mechanics, Builders. Farmers, Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is Invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of tbe 5ta . at prices to rait the times. Our stock comprises a general mrt ment of Tools and Materials used by CarpeiiteTS, Blacksmiths, Carriage' and Wagon makers. Joiners.-Ao., together with a large stock of - Iron, Steel, Nails', Spikes, Railroad and Mining snpplies; Saddlery and Harness material a 6oil assortment ; Ropes, Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws; Enameled, Finished, ad Plain HoTlOw warein great variet; Cables. Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and as extensive and good' selection of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general Assortment of dining knives and farks, dessert knives and' forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, raiors, shears, scissers, shoe knives, and many ether ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table-spoons, s4 plated forks, ia great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also: Crittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be fud back ets of every site, tin-cups, oil cvns, eprinklifig cans, dusting pans, miners lamps'; gallon, quart and pint measures, and many ethe articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbody. Blacksmiths ' Can be sappliod with Anvils, BeTIows.- floes, sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, herse nails, and all kinds of flat and reued bar iron, nail rods' etc ; and with cast, shear, spring end blister steel, from tbe best manufacturers ia the. United States, or of foreign manuiser ttre.- Carpenters And Builders will find in our esUorisnaaent a superior and complete stock of Planes. .- , Augurs, Hammers,. Chisels. . Screws,, n Bolts,- Saws. Hatchets, Files, Hinges, Locks, ; Pulleys. Cord. Ae. Fanners Will find eaerythtng in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this seetien of tbe otate com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex ensive stock of weed and coal Stoves. J A Comprising Ppr's justly celebrated Ant! dust cook and parlor stoves of all sises ; Ah-o, The Ni agara eook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dew drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will be sold cheap for Ch. G. H ZEIGLER A CO. Philipoburg. Oct. loth, IS.-ly. ' . JATKST STYLES. for Fall and Winter, . . Just received at the store of Mrs. II. D. WELSH & Co., Dealers in Fancy.Goods Millinery. Notions, Toys, Music and Musical Instruments. Seeond Street, next door to First National Bank, Clearfield, Penn'a. Tbey also make to order Pilk and Velvet Bonnets for : : i SI 08 Straw Bonnets lor : : : : : : t ; 75 All kinds of Hats for :::::: J 60 Materials furnished on as reasonable terms as tbey can be had in the county. Call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere November, 6. 1S67. TTKNTIOKl BUYERS!! KCIIIIaIl 3c FAUST nBALfeft' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DBY-GOODS, AC Mis BTBBBT.cirawMsTii.i.a.ra., Ilaving juct returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire te invite the attention of their old customers aad friends. Their stock consists of Dry -Goods. Groceries. Hard ware. Queens ware, Tinware. Boots, Shoes, IlaU and Caps, - Clothing. Notions, etc., in great variety, which tbey now offer at prices for cash to rait tbe times. - They also deal in Grain, Pork, Shingles, Beards, and other lumWr, which will be received at lis highest market prices In exchange for goods. Persons desirous ef purchasing goods at fair rates are respeotfully requested to give as a call. Remember you ean find us at the old stand on Main Street where we are prepared to acCQJfce date 'customers with "anything in aur fce ef business. . : 8ept. ;1M5. HIPPI4B PAVST. !S.--' it-.-:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers