Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 25, 1868, Image 2

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r 1
Gen. JOHH F. HARTRAITrT, of Montg'y.
Col. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, of Cambria
The Vice Presidency.:
When the name of Speaker Colfax for
the Vice Presidency was presented before
the Indiana Republican State Convention,
that of the gre Senator from the same
State, Hon O. P. Morton, was" suggested
in the same connection. ,. Having originally
determined not to allowhip. friends to make
him a candidate for that or any other posi
tion, the Senator hearing tha.fc the effort was
nevertheless made, telegraphed from W ash
ington that he hoped none of hid friends
would offer any objections to the endorse
merit of Colfax. The result was the enthu
siastic nomination of the latter. 1 his ex
ample so characteristic of the generosity
and magnanimity . of Governor Morton, is
" worthy of imitation in every section of the
Union. " " :-
In the history of both the great . parties
of Pennsylvania no candidate has ever been
presented to the suffrage 6f a national con
vention with more enthusiasm than Gover
nor Curtin. When a great State, after full
deliberation,' presents the name cf a distin
guished citizen for a high offioo, it should
be the common duty of all the members of
the party not simply to accept but to honor
the decree.', ;
As many as ten persons have been desig
nated, by the Republicans of as many dif
ferent states,-for the Vice Presidential nom
ination of the Chicago National Convention.
It is probable that half a dozen more names
will yet be added to, the list. Of course,
only one of these can be taken. Who that
one will be, it is idle to conjecture. This
however, ia certain, that the National Oon-
vention will choose with the greatest circum
spection. Three stupendous betrayals by
Vice Presidents stand out conspiciously in
the history of the politics of the United
States., The point of danger is disclosed.
A new and untried man in the Republican
ranks will not be accepted. Nor yet a man
who has' evinced any degree of uncertainty
in his course. The place demands an indi
vidual who is a Republican not from poKcy
but from conviction , who has exhibited
marked, steadiness in his career, and a
promptness and certainty which has not
been baffled or turned aside. . The Republi
can masses will accept only such a candidate,
and there is not the slightest probability
that the Convention will entertain for one
moment the idea of selecting one that doe3
. not meet the requirements of the case. .' ,
The President's 'Policy." The line
of the President's defense, it is said, will be
the submission of a demurrer taking the
ground that the matters charged against
him are frivlous, and that if true would
not warrant impeachment. It will next be
intended that the Senate is not a constitu-
tional court, certain States being unrepre
sented ; and it will be contended further
more that certain members having express
ed an opinion are not constitutionally qual
ified to act as judges. It is said in Demo
cratic quarters that Mr. Stanbery tells the
President that he will not be convicted, and
that he bases his opinion chiefly on the be
lief that opposition to Mr. Wide will-clear
him. .
- The Latest Horror. By the explosion
of the steamer Magnolia,, near Cincinnati on
' the 18th, over.one hundred persons almost
instantly perished. It is said that of one hun
dred and sixty persons on board, passengers
and crew, only fifty-four lives are known to
have been saved. No plausible explanation
of the cause of this terrible disaster has yet
appeared, but we trust there may be a strict
investigation made, and that any living par
ties who may prove to be responsible for
such wholesale slaughter will be held to
the tJosest accountability.
Tue Elections of 1868. The next po
litical eontesifc is that in Connecticut, and
preparations have been made for a thorough
canvas of the State. The Republicans,
though the odds are against them, have
good reasons to hope tor success: Among
others who will visit Connecticut in a few
days to assist in the contest ia Ex-Governor
3 iSCurtiQ, of this State, who will render effec
'ii9flryice. " 'Ah Additional Judoship. Governor
Geary. Wednesday, March 18th, appointed
D. Watson Rowe, Esq., of Chambersburg.
Franklin county, an additional Judge of the
Sixteenth J uditiai : District. The appoint
ment was solicited by the members of the
Bar, aod will therefore give satisfaction. -
Why Seymour Declines.
The Ohio State Jovrnal makes the fol
lowing statement in explanation of Ex-Gov
ernor Seymour's refusal to be a candidate
for the Presidency : '
"We happen to know that there is on file
in the State Department sworn evidence of
Horatio Seymour! s complicity with the re
bellion, tor the reason mat it Decatoe our
duty while serving in an official capacity ' to
prepare autl transmit to the Government
evidence to which we, refer. Mr. Seymour
is probably aware that should he ever De
come a candidate for the Presidency, -the
statements of reliable witnesses will convict
him of having been, in the tali ot lbb4, m
confidential correspondence with Clement
IT T T 1 1 . il r.l
U. Ulay and James 1'. iiojcouukj, uieinu-i.-
mg.as Commissioners oi me oouiueru
States in Canada. It is a somewhat singu
lar but at the same time a significant fact,
that the direct proof of Seymour's treason
able correspondence with the enemy has
never been made known to the pubiic.''.
This positive statement seems to demand
attention. If there is any such evidence ou
file in the State Department it ought to be
published ' at once.' . A call from Congress
would probably bring it forth. -
A New Gold Field. An immense gold
field has been discovered in Peru, the; metal
being so abundant that the Indian, with the
simplest and rudest mechanical aid, is able
tn author twopml ounces of cold in a few
hours.. The region is situated in Northern
Vprn. iinnn the tinner waters of the rivers
M.-irannn an.i Morona. tributaries of the
Amazou,and has hitherto been known, since
the earliest occupation of rem Dy tue Spaniard.--,
as the "Land of the fierce Indians."
The native race is still war-like and barbar-
rvna in thn OTtrnnlK an.-l tha fixnfklition which
haa resulted ia the public knowledge ot the
pjilt.li of that territory in the
precious metal, which has jut returned to
report to the Peruvian government, was at-
Tifk rwwf ovnrtQiirpa nn hn7firflf4.
cunt, oa tn inHijati thnf snifill n:rt5s (f ex-
plorers would find the greatest difficulty in
securing a position tnere. lut tne iaouiou3
qualitios of gold existing there will tempt
and insure a speedy removal of all the ex
isting obstacles.
The Way of the World. The editor
ot the Rochester (New York.) Democrat
asserts that scarcely any ot the writers tor
the New York World ore Democrats at
heart but generaly Republicans. They con
duct that-journal on Democratic principles
just as a lawyer dcienda criminal lormon
ev. Thev found a numerous body of Dcm
Ocratic clients in and around New York sad
ly in want of an advocate without any body
to state their case in a proper manner or
Dlead for them before the bar of public o
pinion. They got hold of the World and,
on speculation, made it a Democratic organ
and did the best they could to get a verdict
for their client. It should be added, tliat
as men of principle they are entitled to but
little respect.
Ttie Connellbville Railroad. There
seems to be a fair prospect ot this company
realizing their lone deferred expectations.
Since the favorable action of the Council of
Baltimore, we understand the ' Baltimore
and Ohio Company have taken ot the Con
nellsville bonds one million of dollars ; and
as to the individual subscriptions, we are
assured that in Baltimore tbev are very lib
eral, and that equally liberal oners have
been made alon? the line ot the road. There
seems to be no doubt that the condition of
the two millions attached to the action of
Raltimore city will be early complied with,
when work will be resumed and vigorously
prosecuted to completion.
General Reynolds, who, until n successor
to General Hancock is "appointed, will suc
ceed him in command at New Orleans, is
an able man. and an accomplished soldier,
and entertains view3 quite different from
some which General Hancock has avowed
and attempted to enforce. That be wiil car
ry out the retirin General's orders in eve
ry respect, is hardly probable, but will be
disposed to return rather to the policy of
General Sheridan. It is hardly probable
that he will be permitted long to hold the
position, unless indeed the President is too
much occupied or feels his own oflicial life
too short to remove him.
The Texas papers speak ot the appear
ance of grasshoppers in great numbers. The
Colorado Valley,in the neighborhood of La
grange swarms with them. They are now
very small, not half as large as a common
fly, but seem to cover the whole fiice of the
earth. A private letter from Bastrop says
that the whole country is covered with them
in countless numbers. What is to be the
result seems to be a matter of mere conjec
ture. Some think that their early appear
ance affords a hope that they will disappear
also early, and perhaps before they have
done much damage to vegetation.
A whLskey rebellion, on a small scale, is
carried on at Richmond, near Philadelphia,
and United States Marshal Ellmaker and
assistants find raids on the rebels both in
teresting and profitable. On Wednesday
morning March 18th, the authorities made
a second descent and succeeded in captur
ing twelve stills, some of them in operation
at the time, and others which had ceased
work but a short time before. Most of
these stills were of small capacity, hut all
the more.- dangerous from the fact, as their
owners could readily remove them to a place
of safety in time of danger.
A Good Proposition. Mr. Bromwell,
of this State, has introduced a joint resolu
tion, which was referred to -the Committee
on Expenditures, providing that every Sen
ator and member of the House shall be
charged ten per cent, of the cost of report
ing and publishing in the Globe all remarks
and speeches made daring the sessions of
the Senate or House in the Committee of
the Whole ; provided, that the same shall
not appiy to one hour of the time occupied
by the Senator or member who reports a bill
or other matter for action.
The whole plan of Radical reconstruction
originated with Andrew Johnson, and it is
among the providences of these extraordi
nary times that, while his defrntinn has de
layed the enforcement of his own doctrines,
that defection was so gross and inexcusable
that it united the whoje Republican partv
as one man upon nis once iavonte measure,
and is now carrying it to assured triumph.
March 23. At one o'clock Mr. Wade
left the chair, and Chief Justice Chase took
. . . 1 J " I . 1 A V A A 1
it. The house nad oeen nouutsu mat iuc
Senate was ready to proceed with the im
peachment, and the members were soon
present., '
The entrance of the 1'resident 3 counsel
attracted general curiosity, as some ques
tions had arisen as to the relations between
Judge Black and one or two others men
tioned as retained by the President, and the
presence or absence of these were expected
to supply an answer. It was at once notic
ed that Judge Black was absent, and that
Win. Groesbeck.of Cincinnati, was present.
, It is known that Judge Black had urged
the President to resign, and that his advice
ia this matter reached the verge of open
rupture.'" There were also other points of
marked difference between them as to the
line of defense, and as these could not be
satisfactorily arranged, J udge Black refused
to act' The withdrawal of Judge Black is
considered as most favorable to the trial
coming to an end without, at least, interrup
tion from violence.
Gerrit Davis, objected to the Senate sit
ting as a Court because ten States were not
represented. The question was referred to
the Senate for decision, by the Chief -J U7-
tice, when all voted "No," except Davis
and M'Creery.
The counsel for the President then pro
ceeded to read Mr. Johnson s answers to
the artielesof impeachment, which have not,
as yet been published.
T7hat a Democrat Eays.
We do not dispute that the Senate i3 a
political court, and has the power, if not
the riftht, to condemn an Executive that
has violated the plainest principles cf states
manship. For example, if, as President,
the officer has refused or neglected to exe
cute the laws passed by Congress, then,
though he has broken no law, he is amtiua
ble tor high crimes and misdemeanors in
neglecting to ex-, cute them. Louisville
Whenever Democratic journals of char
acter, and respected for their caDdor and
ability, attempt to examine the principles
involved in this impeachment, they must
follow the same reasoning, and come inevi
tably to the same conclusion, as our Louis
ville cotemporary above quoted.
The President and his two daughters
Wednesday March ISth, attended the fun
eral of Win. Slade (colored,) late the stew
ard of the Executive Mansion. The flow
ers on the coffin were contributed by the la
dies. The Mayor of Washington and the
attending physicians, together wifh other
white citizens, were present. Both white
and colored ministers (4 the gospel officia
ted at the ceremonies. The pall bearers were
in part white. The deceased was deserved
ly resp2cte l by all who knew him, and had
accumulated considerable property.
In the Ohio Legislature a few days since,
Chistophci Hughes, of Butler county, in
the old Vallandigham district, got off the
following imoious passage in a political ha-
rangue: 1 would rather trust trie JJemo
cratic party in political matters than God
Almisrhtv !" Hughes is said to be a candi
date for Congress in the Third District,now
represented by Gen. fechenck. A3 the Ke-
publicans have a majority of nearly "two
thousand m the district, it is not probable
that Mr. Hughes will succeed in his aspi
rations. i
When the political pot boils so furiously,
as it has within tbe last month at Washine-
ton.thcre is sura to be much froth and scum
on its agitated surface. The last queer thing
to turn up to the daylight is the existence
of a few Radical gentlemen who don't like
Gen. Grant, and want Wade and Wilson to
be the ticket. When these Senators were
informed of the contemplated honor, thev
declined to be counted in, and the froth has
apparently subsided. The new movement
perished in its birth.
"Among the iter&s of the State appropia
tion bill we find one of $400, (XO for pension i
to the soldiers of 1812. allowing the pen
sions, to be one hundred dollars apiece
which is a high estimate it is difficult to
see how there should be, a half a century af-
tsr the war closed. four thousand pensioners.
We do not knowjatthis moment the quota of
Pennsylvania to the volunteer army of 1812-
181 4, but certainly tour thousand men must
have been an immense proportion of it.
Hon. David Wilmot died at his residence
in Towanda, on Monday, March 1 6th, after
an illness of hix davs. To those who have
been observant of him during the past half
dozen years the announcement of his de
cease will cause no surprise, as it was mani
fest that his health was gradually wasting
under a severe nervous prostration. He
was born in Bethany, Wayne county, in this
State, January 20, 1814.
Along" the Schuylkill river, between the
Falls and Norrstown dam, a distance of ten
'miles, there are 104 manufactories, employ
ing nearly 10,00$ workmen, and the annual
products of which-are nearly $24,000,000.
Of these 59 are cotton and woollen mills, 13
iron manufactories, aud 10 paper mills.
When the Democratic leaders' and jour
nals offer their nomination for the Presiden
cy to Chief Justice Chase, Admiral Farra
gut, and others not infected with the lepro
sy of Democracy, they prove that they are
as badly in need of a candidate as Mr.
Johnson is of some one to brevet
The fate of the Alaska bargain is very
doubtful. So strong an opposition to any
appropriation for the purchase-money has
been developed in the House, that, if carried
f li .An rrl, of oil it will Ka rmltr eftVArl Krr UA
plea of necessity.in our actual assumption of
control over the territory.
Howard, the New York Bohemian who
got into Fort Lafayette for forging a proc
lamation, recently applied to a publisher for
Advertisements setup uitarge type, er out ef platn
sty I Ay will be eutrged double usual rates. No tuts.
The co partnership heretofore existing
between George S. rer.y aDd C.E. Hilton, in tbe
Mercantile and Lumber runness at Usceola, Mer
cantile and Lumber business near Curwensville,
and the Lumber business at Julian Furnace. Cen
tre county, Pa., is this day (March 18, 1SA3) dis
solved by mutual consent. Tbe books and papera
are in tne bands oi u. o. ferry lor setuemeuc
Persons havinz claims against the firm will pre
sent them for payment, and those indebted are
requosted to call and setuo. i.
March 25, 1S68. PERRY ir HILTON.
The business will be carried on hereafter nndor
the name of George S. Perry, at Osceola; who,
thankful fur past patronage, hopes, by strict at
tention to business, and by selling goods cheaper
than elsewhere, to solicit a further continuance
of the sme . March 25, ISoa-at.
S,, - T A
"U. S.'Assbssok's Office. 19th District, Pa.,
. Office, Cnrweusville, Clearfield co:, Pa.
Notice is hereby given that the assessment lists,
valuations and enumerations made and taken
within the Nineteenth Collection District, Pa., by
the Assistant Asa-evnors, under the law of the U
nited States, w ill remain open to all persons con
cerned for examination for the space of ton days
from the lentil day of April, A. D., ISbS, at tne
Assessor s.Omue, in the Borougn or curwensville.
At the time stated above tbe Assessor will re
coive, hear, and determine all appeals relative to
any erroneous or excessive valuations or enumer
ations by the assistant assessors. ,
In reirard to appeals, the law provides, "That
"tho questfon to be dermined by the Assessor, on
" an appeal respecting the valuation or enumera
tion of property, or objects liable to duty or
"taxation, snail be wnetner tne valuation com
" plained of be or be not in a just relation or pru
" portion to other valuations in the same assess-
" ment district, and whether the enumeration be
"or be not correct And all appeals to the as-
sesaor as uforesaid,.shall be made in writing.and
"shall specify the particular cause, matter, or
" thing respecting which a decision is requested ;
" and shall, moreover, state the ground or prinei-
"oi inequality or error complained ot
m26. Assessor lytb Collection' District
SURVEYOR. The undersigned offers
hia sprvinps tn tViA mi hi in. as a Survevor.
He may be found at his residence in Lawienoe
township, when not engaged;' or addressed Dy
letter at Clearfield, Peno a.
March Cth, lSG7.-tf. J 4MES MITCHELL
12G Market Street, Philadelphia, are the largest
Manufacturing Confectioners and Who legale .uoal
ers in Fruits, Nuts, tc , in the United States. .
March 4, lS67-ly. .
wTfiAM SAW MIJjU tor sale, an ex-
cellent Steam Saw Mill, with stationary
engine of Twenty horse power, with Lath Mill
and all the necessary fixtures lor maRing lumoer
All in good repair. For further information ad
Mr.l8,'C3-3t Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa.
ters of Administration on the estate of
S. N. Spencer, late of Lumber City borough, Clear
field county, Pa.. dee'd. having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to s iid estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those navintr claims against the same will pre
sent them, nrooerly authenticated, for settle
ment. 11. W. SPENCER,
March 11. 1863-fitp. Adm'r
I liUti! lilWti!! Ldmestone, ot a good
-L quality, being more 'abundant in this
county than isgenerally supposcd.a man of twen
ty years experience in the business proposes to
opon quarries and bnrn lime for farmers, and all
others who may desire his services, on reasonable
tertw. lie will engage to produce a pood quuli
ty tu lime, both for building purposes and for
fertilizing. For further particulars inquire at
the Joursa'. office. March 1 1, lB63-4f
The co-parinership heretofore exist
ing between Archie Montgomery and Daniel
Hartsock, in the Mercantile business, in Curwens
ville, was dissolved by mutual consent, on Janu
ary 16th, 1863. The books and papers are in the
hands of Mr. Hartsock. Persons having claims
agamat tbe firm will present them for adjustment,
and those- indebted are requested to oall and set
tie wiiuoui ueiay.
IMPORTANT. Farmers, Look to Your
Interests. Save Money when you can..
Corn! Corn!! Corn!!!
Call and see Fie?! ft Oanoe's great labor sav
ing and most perfect and even Coax Plaster an
entire new machine just patented. With this
planter one person can do as much work as two
on the old plan, save corn and plant much more
accurately. Can be regulated according to your
desire. Agents are employed to distribute and sell
the machines. FLEGAL & GAiNOK.
Philipsburg, February 19, 1S63.
I71EED the cheapest in the county, at
May 29. MOSSOP'S.
FLOUR the cheapest in the county, at
May 29, '67. MOSSOP'S.
T) AFTMEN can get all size raft rope, rafting
augoia, imiiug axes, wiia sieei poies, hi
' March 4. J. P. KRATZER'S.
The Insurance Company of North
America, Philadelphia.
Capital Oldost Stock Insurance ) Incorpora-
$500,000 ( Co in tne United States I ted 1794
' 519,000,000 LOSSES PAID IN CASH.
ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1863, $2,001,266 72.
Applications received and polioies issued, for any
lengtn oi time, wiinoui neing sudjoci to assess
ments, oy juiiiN u.. tiiututnv, Agent. Ulcar
field, Pa. February 19, 1863-6m
John Hall & Co.,
Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har
rows and -Union Mowers,
No. 121 A 123 Liberty St., corner of Pitt St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa,
N. B. Our eastings and points being made in
an air furnace are in every way superior to those
made by other manufacturers. Feb.l2,'631y.
-L Vegetable and Flower Seed.
Pittsburgh, Pa., opposite the Post Office,'
Art-prepared to fill orders for Fruit and Orna
mental trees, Grape Vines, Roaes, Evergreens, Ac
Vegetable and Flower Seed of best quality, Onion
Setts, Early Goodrich, Ha-rison and other varie
ties of Seed Potatoes, Garden Implements and
Greenhouse plants. We will send by mail when
desired, all orders for seeds to the amount of one
dollar or upwards, except Corn, Beans and Peas.
Catalogues sent on application, pad all ordors
promptly attended to, (Jan. 29-3m.
acb Home Indttstry. The uudersign-
ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike,
nan way between JurwensvilI and ciearneia
Boroughs, ia prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit
trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen'1. Shrub
bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black
berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also,
SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rheu
barb, sc. Orders promptly attended to. Address
Aug 31,1864. J.D. WRIGHT:- urwensville,
Hartsock & Goodwin,
One door East of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel,
. 1 P.iiDwt.avrf f w Pi
v ; . ,
Ha vine just received a full and well selected
assortment of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing,
Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Drags Hard
ware, Queensware, Tinware. Cedar and Willow-
ware, Brooms, Grooeries,' r lour," nsn, &ait, etc,
to which they ask the attention of the public. '
. Our assortment is complete in every department,
and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon
examination by purchasers. . - - -
Goods will be sold cheap for oash.orexcnangea
for country produce. . DANIEL HARTSOCK, .
ieb. 12. 1863. . - JSD liUUDWUl.
L W A . iY S K K W,
J O H N I It V I N,
Has just received and opened at the old stand
in Curwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and
Winter Goods, which he will sell very cheap for
cash. His stock consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Roots and .
- Shoes, Hats, Cape, Ready
made Clothing, etc.
The public generally is regpecfully invited to
give him a call ; see his stock and bear his prices,
and purchase from him if you find it will be to
your advantage, rov. ia, ioo
F. N A U G L E
Theundersiened respectfully informs his old
customers and the public, that he has on hand,
(and constantly receiving new additions,) a large
stock of Uloc&s, watches and jeweiry.
CLOCKS, a larsre variety from the best Man
ufactory.oonsisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour
spring and Weight, and lievers, lime, striie ana
Alarm clocBS.
WA TCHESnfino assortment, Isilver Hunt
ing and open case American patent Levers, plain
and fall jeweled. ,
GOLD rENS. an elegant assortment, of the
best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk
SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and
near sight, colorpd and plain glass.
JEWELRY of every variety, from a single
piece to a full set. -
ALSO, a. fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but
ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata.
All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry oare
fully repaired and Warranted .
A continuance ot patronage is solicited.
Nov. 2Sth, 1365. H. F. NAUGLB.
J. SHAW & SON. :
Have just returned from the easl and are now
pening an entire new stock of good in the room
formerly occupiod by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market
Street, which tbey now offer to the publio at the
lowest cash prices. '
Their stock consists of a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods,
Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc
in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store
can be had by calling at this store,' er will be
procured to order. . - '
Their stock is well selected,, and consists of the
newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest
styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash
- f
or exchanged for approved country produce. .
Bo sure and call and examine our stock before
making your purchases, as wo are determined to
nlease all who may favor us with their eustom.
May 8, 18G7. J. SHAW A SON.
wm. p. jOHNgos. : : : : : : j. h. bailbt
Some two months ago it was formally announced
that Pcnnville was "Right side up.
Recent events have proven the announcement
premature. Another "Flop" recently occurred
and chief among the improved, "interesting, and
important peases presented, is tne one portray
Hocsk, of
who have just returned from the East with
large and tare fully selected stoci of seasonable
goods of greater variety, and of better quality.
man nave uereioiore oeen oucrea in tuis seeciOB
of the county. Call at the New Store Roon
and you will find : .
Dry Goods and Groceries,
Hats, Caps, Boots '- and Shoes,
Hard-ware, Queens ware, Hollow-
ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oils,
Paints and Varnishes, Glass, Putty,
' Ready made Clothing, Clocks,
Confectionary, Cheese, Flour,
Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock of
Hardware will bear inspection, as it is full and of
me oest qnaiitu uur stock of Boots and shoes
Lis unequalled in quality and low prices.
10 tne laaies.we would say we intend to mace
the Notion and Dress department worthy their
patronage. Articles not on hand will be specially
ordered, to Huit our customers.
- The striking feature in the "Flop," and the one
we would keep before the people is, the vert.
lic are invited to give us a call. Bring on your
Produce, your Boards, Shingles. Grain, Pork,
Butter. Eggs, Dried Apples, Rags. Ac. Our motto,
"Cheapest A Best. JOHNSON A BAILEY.
Pennville, August 28, 1867.
TOVES of all sorts and sizes, constantly on
RON. IRON!! Best bar iron, for sale at the
GUNS, Pistols and sword canes to be had at
June, '66. MERRELL A BIGLEll'S.
CANNED FRUIT, of best quality, for sale by
PALMER'S Patent unloading hay-forks, to be
THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag.
nnn. fnr mI. k. uciui?rT ft- -omr vd
CABLE CHAINS a good article, on band and
Lumber City, P.,
The undersigned vonU racnawtrnii.
eir eustemeri. and tha nnViii .......... i ... .
they' have Just received their Spring stock of
uvuo, uuuo.onug vi uij iTooai, uroceries, Booti
ihoeii. TTa.tii.CmnM Fih. Rait Finn. n.. - .. '
1 - - , ' r - --- ',' v u , H 1 j a
Paints, Oils, btoneware, Hardware. QneeDfwf'
uiukv.o, uv, vuuiuo- iuifct, wm cioiu, and a
general variety of such articles as are niuMlv
sell chiap fob cash.' r ; . " .
They weuld also direct attention to their laree
stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer
Lumber City, Pa., May 8, 1 867.
N. R We alsa mannfaetnra . ,
- - - - , wMor, uu con
stantly keep on hand, a general assortment of
uuulj iuu uuwo, ivi uvu. wuiobd. and children.
. Aitta a SPENCER.
Mea, Youths and Boys can be tunlnied with fnti
suits of seasonable "and fashionable clothing at
where it is sold at prices that will indue their
purchase.' The unirersal satisfaction which bag
been given, has induced ' them to increase thsir
s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any emb
liehment of the kind in this part of th Stat.
Reizenstein Bro's & Co., '
Sell goods at a very small profit, for eiak ;
Their goods are well made and fashianable.
They give every one the worth of bii mney.
They treat their eustomera all alike.
They sell cheaper than every body else.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced
prices they eaa sell cheaper tl an others.
For these and ether reasons persons should buy
their clothing at
Produce of every kind taken at tbe bigbait
market prices. May 1, lb64.
Are just opening at the Old Stand above the
A large and splendid assortment of Spring Goods,
which tbey are selling at greatly reduced prices.
Particular attention is invited to their steak of
(Cottage, common Iograia, a ad superior Eng
lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil
cloths, Window Shades and Wall .Papers
Especial pains haa ben taken in the selection
of Ladies' Dress Goods, JVhite Goods, Embroide
ries and Millinery goods.
They have also a large stock of Ready-made
elothing, and Boots and Shoes, which they will
sell at a small advance e city eost,
" Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt and Plastor, Apples,
Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand.
Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wines
for medicinal uses
; Also in store a quantity of large and small
clover seed. -
We isrend to- make it an object for Farmers
and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will
sell our goods as fow as they can be bought in
the county; and will pay tbe very highest price
for all kinds of eountry produce. We will also
exchange goods for School, Road nd County or
ders ;. .Shingles, Boards and every kind of maoa
factured Lumber. May 14, 1S67.
A. k. wrig;ht fc SONS,
Having just returned from tbe eastern cities
we are now opening a full stocK ef seasonable
goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which
they respectfully' invite the attention of tbt pub
lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed
in this section, and is being sold very low for
cash. . The tock consists in part of
of tbe best quality, such as Print". Dclamea.lfpa"
cas, Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and
unbleached; Drilling Tickings, cotton and woo)
Flannels, assimera. Ladies' Shawls, Coati, Nu
bias. Hoods, Hoop skirts, Balmorals. Ac. Ac all
of wHeh will be sold low ros cash. Also, a fia
assortment ef the best of -
M E-N-S1 --W E A R,
consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoe, Handkerchieftt cravats, ete.
Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltina Augurs
and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamp and
Lamp wick and chimneys, etc., etc
Also, Queensware. Ulawware. Hardware, Groce
ries, and spices of all kinds. In short, a general
assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail
store, all cheap, for task, or approved eountry
Not. 23-jal0-nol3. .' WRIGHT A SOSS.
Q. L. BE ED,
Messrs. HOOP. WEAVER A CO., Proprietors,
would respectfully inform the citiiens of tbe
county that tbey have completely refined and
upplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough,
with tha best and latest improved
. 5
and are now prepared to execute all ardors 'n
their line of business, such as
Flooring, Weatherboarding,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, anJ I
Moldings, of all kinds.
They have a large stock of dry lumber oa hand,
and will pay cash for olear stuff, one-aad-a-half
inch panne plank preferred , . Not 6,'67.-