. " : , - - HI 3'i It; itiV f SI! in 9 1t .- s .da, - ? Si . i - - ' " . f m -v TT CLEARFIELD,. PA-, JAN. 29, 1868. r , fT.; LITTLE MAIDEN'. , : ' - Naughty little maiden, - J Smiling at the boys, - : . Just as it' you counted ' Hearts but simple toys. - - Tossing raven ringlets 'I . ' From your shoukbrs white, . Flashing charming glances From your eyes so bright ; " Tell of what you're thinking, - t Saucy little sprite! ; V-. "7 Sober little maiden, . T : - ' Now you smile no more; . What has caused your pouting, Since we met before ? - Has your faithless lover ' Wakened all your fears ? ' Has he whispered softly Words in other cars? , ,- Reckless of your feelings, i . - Careless of your tears? Angry little maiden, Now you're not forlorn ; For your eyes are dartiDg Shafts of burning scorn ! ' Let the fickle lovers Have their selfish way, - , - There are many others Better far than they, Who will prize your glances, At some future day ! A .Pity to Have aa Empty Seat. A few weeks ao a gentleman was oblig ed to go to a distant depot, at an hour when there was no conveyance thither. " So, al though very weary, and not strong, he was obliged to set out on a walk of two or three miles. After he had gone a little way, . he was overtaken by a little boy in a carriage. The fine horse was at once reined in, and his owner said, with a smile, "I presume sir, .you are going but a short way; but this lit tle feliow insisted on my asking you to ride with us. t . I told him I had no doubt you were going to the next station ; but he said "The gentleman is a strang3r, father ; it is ; very easy to ask him. It always seems to - me such a pity to ride-withan empty Eeat." - ' Now, that ride which cost the gentleman neither money, time, nor trouble was a real blessing to a weary minister of Christ ; and he told him so when he thanked him and the dear boy who prompted the kind civili- . "It is a way he has, and always had sir," replied the father. "From his cradle, he could never enjoy what he could not share with others. It he has any new gift or pleas ure, his first thought is for those less favor ed. It is a way he got from his mother." It was truly a beautiful "way" that boy had ; and it should be a warning to all boys, and boy's mothers too, who hear of him. Remember this,you who have horses at your control to use as convenience or pleasure : "It is a pity to have an empty seat." Re member it mothers, when training your boys for lives of usefulness. The little things of to-day will grow into great things of years to come. The boy who jis seltksh with his i toys and hie comforts will be so with his money and his sympathies when a man ; for the heart grows harder rather than softer by the flight of time. ' ' ' ' A carriage is not the only place where it "is a pity to have an empty seat." It is a pity to have one in the church or . Sunday School; and there would be a less number so, if all the boys had the spirit of the little fellow of whom we have written. Say, with him, "It is easy to ask!" and then go a mong the boys you know, and urge them to fill an empty scat. You can do more in this way than your minister or your teacher can. Let every seat in the house of God and in Sunday School have a voice for you that 6hall send you out in the highways and hedg: es to compel less favored children to come in ; and in so doing, you yourselves will re ceive a blessing. The noble boy who insis ted on offering a ride to a stranger, thereby made a new friend who will never forget him, and who may return the kindness a hundred-fold, in ways he little dreams of now ; and better than this he pleased God, who commands us to be careful to entertain strangers, and reminds us that many in do ing so have entertained angels unawares. The wife of a Louisville lager beer brew er, about a year married, presented him with four sons at a birth, on Thursday. The happy possessor of this fruitful vine, when congratulated by hw friends, asks them to i drink and say nothing more about it, as he must dake soinedimes to know vedder he be'st glad or as mad as ter ty vel." Cultivate impudence impudence, is a good substitute for bravery only be a little keerful to pick your customers when yu try it. Was any simile ever more beautiful than that of Goethe whore he calls architecture "Frozen M asic. ' ' Why is a pine tree like the distance be tween Petersburg and llichmond ? Because it is not fir. EW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW & SON. Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at the lowest cash prices. . Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry, Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boats, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store ean be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. rTheir stock is well selected, and consists of the Bewest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, r exchanged for approved country produce. Bo sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determi ned to please all who may favor as with their custom.' ilay8,lSC7. J. gHAW & SON. NEW HAKDWARE STORE, : rinLrpsECRG, centre co.', pa. Geo. II. Zeigler & Co., DEALERS IS Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, ; ' Stoves, Oils, Faints, Glass, Iron,, Nails, etc., etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where In this part of tbeSts v at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers. Join ers, Ac., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Eailroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes, Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain Ilollow ware in great variet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, raiors, shears, scissers, shoo knives, and many other ar ticics. Also, dessert, tea and table-spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the be3t man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plaUd ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be found buck ets of every size, tin-cups, oil cuns, sprinkling cans, dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measuras, and many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by overbody Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows. Vices, sledges, hammers, horse and inulo shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods' etc ; and with cast, shear, spring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers in the United States, or of foreign manufacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in our establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes. Saws. ' . Augurs, - Hatchets, . Hammers, Files, Chisels. " - Hinges, ' Screws, Locks, - Bolts, r Pulleys, Sash, ' Cord. to. , Farmers Will find eAerything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns. Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and coal Stoves. Comprising Spear's justly colobrated Anti dust cook and parlor stoves of all sizes ; Aho.The Ni agara cook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dow urop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will bo sold cheap for Cash. G.H ZEIGLER & CO. Philipsburg. Oct. 16th, 13,'.7.-ly. A TEST STYLES, for Fall and Winter, Just received at the store of Mus. II. D. WELSH & Co., Dealers in Fancy Goods Millinery. Notions, Toys. Music and Musical Instruments. Second Street, next door to Fir3t National Bank, Clearfield, Venn"a. They also make to order Silk and Velvet Bonnets for : : : $1 00 Straw Bonnets tor :::::::: 75 All kinds of Hats for ::::::; 50 Materialsfurnisbcd on as reasonable terms as they can be had in the county. Call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. November, 6, 1S67. ATTENTION! BUYERS!! XaillPFIL.E Sc FAUST DEALERS IN FOBZIGN AND DOMESTIC DSY-G00DS, &C- MAIN STREET, CUHWESSVILLK, PA., Having just returned trom the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, i in ware, .uoois, snoes, llati and Uaps, Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times. They also deal in Grain, Pork, Shingles, Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a oall. Remember you can find us at the old stand on Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in eur line of business. . Sept. 6.I8C5. HIPPLE 4 FAUST. W n n t, K N j? a u x u v i j t-r ' . ' '" i .? Bn ;ntarf'( in the. Union Mills, in Union township. CJearucli county, we are prepared to card wool, manufacture and fin ish cloth, anddo all kinds of work in our line on short notice, in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms. Flour, feed, and lumber, also manufactured and tor sale.: ifrni.. Hock ton J nne 26TlS57 J. P. K B A T Z E R , ; Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer in Drv Goods. Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, Groceries. Hard-ware,Queens-waro, Stone ware, Clothing, uoots. inoes, bm, I't.nuui. Bacon, Fish. Salt. etc.. is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which be will disposo of at the lowest market prices, to cuetomers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock. Clearneld, August a, H O ! T II I S W A Y ! ! ' NEW STORE IN MADERA! Jabes Forest & Son, would respectfully in form the public, that they have just opened, in Madera. Clearneld county, n , an enure new stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cheap as "the cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpacas. De laines. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties; Cas simeres, Satinets and Flannels, too numerous to mention; Ready-made clothing of the best qual ity; Boots and Shoes of the very best makes; a complete stock of Groceries. &i In short, every thing usually kept in a country store. Consumers! Look to your interests. Call and examine our stocK and prites before purchasing elsewhere. Lumber and grain of all Kinds taken in exchange for goods. Rememberthe place; Madera, Clearfield county. Oct. SO, '67. JAMES IX)RRESX A fcON. SO M E T II IN G N E W , IN SHAW'S ROW, FRANK A S TOUGH TON, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw's Row. one door cast of tho Post Office, and having ju!t returned from the eastern cities with a large aud elegant assortment of Cloths Cassimnres, Vesting?, Beavers, &c, and all kinds of goods for men and toys' wear, are now prepared to tnuke up to orderCLOTIIINd.froni a siLgla article to a tun tsuu, in mc tuiei. eiyics ami most workmnnr.Ke manner epeeiai atten tion eiven to custom work and cutunir out lor men and boys. We offer greut bargains to custo mers, uad warrant cutire satisfaction. A liberal share of public patronago is solicited. Call and eiamine our goods. ivl A.stLAxn., Oct 1(5, 167. E. R. L. STOUGHTON O O M E T II I N G N E W 3 IN ANSONVILI.K, Clearfield count', Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, during tho past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engagodin rilling it up with a new and select assortmentof Fall and Wintergoods, which he offers to the public at prices to suit the times His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from 10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour, Salt, and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. .Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goods in nroponlon. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Lxamine my stock be fore you buy elsewhere. October 30. 1367. H. SWAN. IE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP, , DKALtR IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Head the following list of good and profittherrhy . Uheay FOB, THE LADIES. Goods (roods '.lAlways on hand a large stock of La- Goods (J I; eap (J heap Goods Goods Goods Alpacas, Do Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Chintz, Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Cloves, etc. - FOR GENTLEMEN, C- heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown and Crrey Cloths, I ancy and Black Casimeres. Satttnets, Cas??nets, Twecda, Plain and Fancy Vcst ings. Shirting, etc., eto. etc. Goods Cheap J Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods L-heap Cheap READY-MADE, Ch tap Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under- Kjheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap' Cheap Cheap Ch eap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties. Gum Bootsand Shoes, and a variety of other articles. householjTgoods, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Goods Muslins, Colored Musiius, Linen and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, eto HARDWARE, AC. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods rr . x- -1 ., it w jruu ivuuiiaiis Jl pies iuanure (JUOft or other forks Saw-mill or other ooli,is itieap Cheap Cheap, Cheap Bant, oujooiDi eg irona, iikb, Hinges, etc, go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks. Butcher Knives Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap fi, ', Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla Goods Goods Goods Goodt ! Goods Cheap Vheup Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap, Cheap' Cheap Cheap and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, etc., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Shoe Last or Tegs, Palm or Fancy Goods Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Goods dowShades, Lamps, Lamptubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to G-jods Goods (roods Goods Goods Gaods Goods Goods Goods Goods jMossop s cheap cash store. td vnir nr j yt Cheap ,l ' I A.E l.yjKJ )1 All 1 Y,,tp',Qoo& extra family Flour, White o u heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson orblacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Tall ow candles, fine or coarse t?d0odi O neap Cheap Cheap Cheap ojrrup or molasses, cneese, uriea apples or peaches, water or so il o cracxers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. ioods Goods Goods Goods Good (foods Une-ap IF YOU WANT CM'Port wine for Medical or Sacramen- Cheap Cheap tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon- Goods gataela or rye whissy, Cherry Goods and Cognac brandy, buy at 'Goods Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods IF YOU WANT )Goods Raiscns, Figs. Prunes or dried Cur-'000''4 rants; filberts, cream, pecan or Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheapl Cheap Cheap i ground nuts, canUmi. L,inuorif e r"oas or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop'scheap and good. Goods Goods Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Cheap To buy any other article cheap, be r U Cheap Cheap euro iwr ua Good cheaper for cash than any other .Oood person in Clearfield county. iCnn November 27, 1861. ap27'5.!,w, Cheap Cheap Approved country vrodv.ee. of every hind taken at th usual marle,t prices in exchange for soods BLASTER tho cheapest in the county, at May 2'J '67. MOSSOP'S. BANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE OF .-. " McGIRK .t PERKS, Successors to Foster, Perks, Wright Co,., Philipsbukg, Centre Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banning House will be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 20.-tf. J.D.M6IKK.. KWP.PEBK8. 0 c IT IS TIIE BEST CHANCE EVER OFPKRZD TO AGENTS ! One or two davs' time will secure a good SEWING MACHINE. WATCH. SILK DRESs, Revolver, or some other article ot equal value, Free of Cost ! Agents wanted everywhere, male andfeinale. for the best One Dollar 1'awnbroKer 8 Sale in the country. Send for Circular. S. C. THOMPSON 4 CO., 30 Hanover htreet. Boston, Mass.. Doo. 2, 18t7-3mp. GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS A3 J J 2iM YEARS. A suncrh stock of fine Gold and Silver Watches, all warranted to run. and thoroughly regulated, at the low price of S10 each, and satisfaction guaranteed. 11)0 Solid Gold Hunting watcbes, two w siouu 100 .Magia Cased Gold Watche.', 250 to 50i 100 Ladies' Watches, enameled, 100 to 300 200 Gold H"r Chronom'r Watches, 230 to 300 200 Gold Hunting Enlifh Levers, 200 to 200 200 250 liO 250 2:0 75 100 SO 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, 150 to 500 Gold Hunting AmericanWatcheSjlOO to 500 Silver Hunting Levers. 50 to 500 Silver Hunting Duplexes, . .7J to 500 Gold Lad ies' Watches, - 50 to 1000 Gold Hunting Lcpine. - 50 to 1000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches, 60 to 2000 Hunting Silver Watches, ' 25 to 5lH)0 Assorted Watches, all kinds, 10 to 75 The above stock will be disposed of on tbe pop ular one-price plan, giving every patron a fine Gold or Solid Silver Watch for S10, without re gard to value ' Wright Bro. & Co.. 161 Broadway,New York, wish to immediately dispose of the above mag nificent stock. Certificates.naroing tbe articlo.are placed insealedenvelopes.snd well mixed. Hold ers are entitled to the articles named in their cer tificate, upon payment of Ten Do'lars, whether it bo a watch worth $1,000 or one worth ess The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the articles named thereon, upon payment, irre spective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $10 is named on anycertilicate.it will at once be seen that tins id to lottery, but a straight forward legiliniato transaction, which may be participated in evon by tho most fastidious. A single certificate will bo sent by miil, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for 1. eleven for S2. thirty-three and elegant premium for So. sixty-six and more valuable premium for10.one hundred and most superb Watch for $15. To a gents or thofe wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted bu siness, duly authorized by the Government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Watches sent by Express, with bill for collection on delivery, so that no dissatisfaction can poseibly occur. Try us.. Address WRIGHT, RHO. A CO . oct30-3ml Imporiers. 161 Broad wiiy, New York tfOLIDAY DRY finops ! PllE S E N T S. FANCY GOODS ! ! JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, Worth over $2,000,000! .All to bo told for one dollar each. ' ARR AN PALE & CO., 162 Broadway, New York. Agents for European Manufacturers, announce that in consequence of the overstocking of the lvnglish inarKet, an im mense quantity at dry and fancy goods have been consigned to them with instructions to be cleared for immediate cah, at auy sacrifice. A. fc Co., have, thorefore, resolved to offer them according to their ordinary system of business at SI each, without resard to value. The following list shows tho origin! wholesale prices of some ot the articles wniun tnoy now ot ter at SI. " Bear, wolf.and buffalo robes.fro'm SI 5 00 to 50 00 Sets of furs, sable.crmine or mink. 20 00 to 100 00 Ladies' muffs, " Ladies' cellars," " Silk and satin dress patterns, Beruge and egyptian cloths, Alpaccaand uiualin delaines, French merinos and twills, Cambric, thihet and Mohair, Balmoral and cilipticskir's Silk and 'ace veils, Sets fine . ffs and collars. Pairs of ladies' corsets. 15 00 to 00 00 10 00 to 40 00 13 00 to 45 00 6 00 to 12 00 4 00 to 10 00 10 00 to 20 00 4 00 to 10 00 2 00 to 6 00 2 00 to 0 00 2 00 to 5 00 2 50 to '6 00 Handkerch iefs.silkplain. hemstitch ed and linen lawn, per dozen, 6 Ladies and gents' cotton, silk and woolen hose, per dozen pairs, 4 Ladies and gents' merino, cotton, A 00 to 00 to 13 CO 12 00 lined shirts fc under-shirts, each, 2 50 to 6 00 Coat, vest and pantaloon patterns, cloth, cassimere & doeskin, "3 00 to Linen and woolen table covers. 2 00 to White A, colored linen napkins, doi. 6 00 to Muslins,whi:e fc unbleached, peryard, 15 to 25 00 8 00 8 00 40 Flannels, shawls in woolen. silk and merino nu bias or clouds, woolen hoods, blankets, linen aud muslin sheets, velvet and morocco portmonaies, shopping bags, wallets, meerschaum pipes, four and six blade pocket knives, with pearl, tortoise and ivory handles, french clocks, gilt and bronxe musical boxes, revolvers, fowling pieces, fancy combs, hair nets, work boxes, silver card cases, albums, family and pocket bibles. opera glasses, 4c M'e have also received a splendid assortment of WATCHi.s, gold and silver hunting cases for gents, enameled do. for ladies, together with chains of every pattern and style. Sets ot jewel ry in every variety, sleeve buttons, thimbles, lock ets, crosses, rings of every kind, bracelets, gold Ptn"THK SILVERWARE DEPARTMENT comprises silver dining and tea sets, castors, ice pitchers, table spoons, forks, tea spoons, goblets, drinking cups, coffee urns, tea pots, cream pitch ers, sugar bowls, fruit baskets, cake baskets, card baskets.truit Knives,syrupcups.sa:vers.pie knives. fish knives. mustard and salt spoons, napkin rings, egg stands, wino nolders. card cases. Sc. All the above list of articles to be sold for SI each. The expenses are paid by the sale of coupons or certificates naming eaob article in the stock, and its value ; these certificates are enclosed in envelopes.mixed up. and sold at 25 CENTS EACH 5 FOR SI 11 FOR 52. Whatever article is nam ed in the certificate can be obtained at SI. The article will be shown to tho holder of the certificate and it will be at his option whether he pays the dollar and tak.s the article or not. In case articles sent by mail or express are not satis factory, they can bo returned and the money will be refunded Every certificate entitles the holder to some ar ticle of sterling value, worth much mote than a dollar. In prool of this READ THIS OFFER. Yon can have for any of ourcertifieates and SI any of tho following articles, so that if you are not pleased with the article or articles named on the certificate, you need not lose tbe 25 cents you paid for it : One silver plated 3 bottle castor, handsome sil ver plated butterdish with plate and cover. lady's shopping bag, a 50 picture Album bound in vel vet and gilt, set of tea spoons silver plated on white metal. set double plated table spoons or fanes, pants pattern, (2J yards cassimere,) pair Jouvin'ParisKid gloves.splendid real meerschaum pipOi or solid 16 carat gold plain ring. HEjrfcKENUliB. During the four years we have been agents for European manufacturers, we have received hun dreds of commendatory notices from the press, and letters from private individuals, expressing the highest satisfaction with our method of doing business. We have many of these testimonials with names and dates, printed in painplet form, and as wo have no space for them in this adver tisement, we will send copies free to any address. Whenever desired, we will send articles by Ex press, C. O. D.. so that the money need only be paid on delivery of the goods. We accept the entire respongibity of moneysent by Express, Post Office Order, or BanK Draft. We want agents everywhere to whom a liberal compensation pill be paid, which can be learned on application. Tane care to write your name and address in a clear, distinct hand, and address ARRANDALE A CO. 162 Broadway, New Yons. Post Office Box, 5235 For Sale in Clearfield, by Deo. 4, 'C7-3m 11 ODDER CUTTERS of a superior mk for gale at reasonaVIe pr'e. at MERRELL and BIGLER'S, Clearfiefd.Po. Noy. 14 A GENTS WANTED throughout the State of Pennsylvania, for the UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO.; of New York. " " ESTABLISHED IN 1850. ' I Capital Assets about .2,500,000. Apply to O. BARDEN WERPER, . General Agent for Penn'a., Nov. 13, '67-2mp. 422 Walnut St., Phil'. JIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. Tlie Perm Mutual Life Insurance Co., 821 Chestsct Stkeet, Phil'a. . , Insures Xdves on favorable terms, and will issue Policieson any of the approved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses .1,221,289 71. : Surplus divided Annually.' Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually, semi-annually or'qnarterly ; .r one-half in casii, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to January, 1S59, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums Af-encv.1 at the office of n. B.Swoor-E. Clear field, Pa. Dr J- G. Hartswick, Medical Exami ner ' August 21, lHt4. KEYSTONE ST0EE, Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. I) 11 Y GOO D S! DRY GOODS!! DRY GOODS!'.! " DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds and Vestings. Shaker, . Opera, Dress, Shirting, Jted, Blue, Yellow, and ' White Flannels. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, of all widths and qualities. - TABLE LINEN, TOWELS AND NAPKLN3. Hoop and Balmoral skirts in great variety. Shawls and Woolen Goods in ...every style. LADIES CO A T S. Gentlemen's furnishing goods. Threads and Sewing Siiks, all kinds, an J colors. Window Shades. Floor and Table, Oil Cloths. COR D3.TAS5ELS, RUGS. COUNTERPANES. Gloves, Hoisery, Collars. Cuffs, Braids, Ribbons, and an endless variety of small wares and fancy articles. Liidics', Misses', and Children' Shoes, a large assortment. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD - LOW FOR CASH. Call and examine the stock before maKing your purchases elsewhcYe, as we feel assured that we can please in both quality aud prices. It will be our aim to make the Ketstoxb tho popular place to buy Dry Goods. NIYLING & SHOWERS. , 1 Clearfield, Penn'a. Sept. 25, 1S67. ' L W A Y S N E W, WITHOUT FAIL. J O H'N I It VI N, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville. an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Drj' Goods, Groceries, . Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Uats, Caps, Ready made Clothingetc. The public generally is respecfully invited to give him a call ; see his stuck and hear his prices, and purchase from him if you find it will bo to your advantage, Nov. 15, 1 SCO U S T IN TIME! ; TnE NEW GOODS AT - K. WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD. PA., Having just returned from the eastern cities we are now opening a full stocK ef seasonable goods, ikt our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is beiDg sold very low for cash. The nock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Print?, Delames.Alpa cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached; Drillings. Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimcrs, Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ac. Ac. all of wHch will be sold low for cash. Also, a fine assortment of the best of MENS1 WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Uandkcrchicftl cravats, etc. Also, Raft Rope, Dog Rope, Raltina Angurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., eto Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hardware, Groce ries, and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually Kept in a retail store, all cheap' for cash, or approved country pproved country produce. Nov. 2S-jalO-nol3. WRIGHT A SONS. RUSS' ST. DOIMNGO, Ilubball's, Hoofland's German. Drake's, and Hostetter's fc Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by Jan. 10. IIARTS. ICK A IRWIN GROUND AND UNGROUND SPICES. Citron, English Currants, Essenco Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best quality, for pale by Jan. 10. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. r , . i . . . . COAL, Whale, and Linseed Oil. Family Dyes, Varnish and Paints of all kind ground in Oil, for sale by HARTSWICK A IRWIN. SALT ' SALT!! A prime article of ground al um silt, pat cp in patent facie, for sale cheap atthestuM U. MOSSOt. SL?U, BEI;LSr'A '"S '"ortmentof ,iei.n bells, for sale at 8" Dec. 25, 1867. - " MERRELL BlGLER s. SKATES! SKATES!: SKATES !!! A eeB eral assortmeat of Ladies' and Genti'SkitM just recei ved and for sale at ' uco. .m, iBO. MjiKKELiLi & BIOLER.S. QURYEYOR The undersigned offers , 1 , . . , , vui He may be found at his residence in LwimI township, when not engaged ; or addressed U letter at Clearfield, Penir. March 6th, lt67.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL INFORMATION. -Information g. teed to produce a luxuriant pronto nf hair upon a bald head or beardlefs face. i)!0 recipe for the removal of pimples, blotches. Eras tions. etc, on the skin, leaving the fam, clear, and beautiful, can be obtaioed with- charge by addressing -THO.S. F. CHAPMAN ChemUt, 823 broadway. N T ERRORS OF YOUTII.-A Cei who suffered for years from N'ervous Debility, Premature Decay, and U the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the t&k, 0f ,ng-er. ing humanity, send free to all who dit. the recipe and directions for making thesim! rem edy by whi :h he was cured. Sufferers ihior to pmfit by the advertiser's experience, can d0 4 by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OODES May 15, '67-ly. 42 Cedar Street, New York. rpO CONSUMPTIVES. -The Rev. Ed- ward A. Wilson will send(free of charpe) to all who desire it, the prescription with the di. rections for making and using the simple remedj by which he was cured of lung affection and that dread disease consumption. His only object ii to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. May 15, '67 ly. Williamsburg. Kinga co N.Y. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well-known Hotel, having been re-fitted aud re-furnit-hed throughout, is now open for the accommodation of travelers, and the public ia general. Charges moderate. WM. M.JEFFRIES. August 14, 1867-tf Proprietor. AGENTS WANTED- J.. . FOR DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S Dictionary-of the Bible. Written by seventy of tho most distinguished Divines and Authors of Europe and this cca;itry. Illustrated with over 125 Steel and Wood Engra vings and valuable Maps. Complete in One Lare Octavo volume. Prie 3.50. Experienced Agents and others war, (e l to intro duce this valuable book into every family mi companion for the Bible. Agents will find this valuable work will meet with a ready sale among nil classes. For full particulars address t J. ROW, Clearfield, Pa. iDeei.Jso;. TM PORTANT to PENSIONERS. The -- Act of Congress approved June 6, Sff. gives additional pension to the following cl&zs of persons: 1. To those who have lost both eyes or both ha r.ds. or are totally disabled in the same so as to require constant attendance, the cum. per month, of r ' - $25.0(1 . 2. To those wh have lost both feet, or aro to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con stant attendance, $20 00 S. To those who have lost one hand or one toot,, or so disabled as to render tbem unable to per form manual labor equivalent to the lo of a hand or foot, the sum, per month, of $15 Ci 4. Persons deprived of their pensions under Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored. 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for their pension had beeu filed, and before the certificate was issued, and wh have left widows or minor children, will bo enti tled to receive arrears due at tbe death of tha pensioncr.- 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers, and brothers, the same as to mothers and sister-. In all of these cases, new applications must he made The nndersigned is pre- :d, with the proper blanks, for the speedy rteuremrnt ot thee pensions. - Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions. nd claims for local bounty under State law. promptly collected. H. B. SWOOPE, Att'y at Law. July 11, 1SSS. . Clearfield, Pa. QLOTIIING! CLOTIIIXG!! G003 AND CHEAP Men, Youths and Boys can be euplpied with full suits of seasonable and lashionable clothing at KE1ZE-NSTEIJS BROS' & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which h" been given, has induced them to increase their stock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's & Co., Seli goods at a very small profit, for easb; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money- They treat their customers all alike. : They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper than others For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at . . REIZENSTEIN BkO'S A CO. . Produoe of every kind taken at the hgbei market prices. Mayl8, Jse LEAR FIELD ACADEMY c The Second Session of the present Scholaitie year of this Institution, will commence on Moti: day, the 2d, day of December, IS67. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be, charged with tuition from the time they enter tc, the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything. Included in a thorough, practical and iceom-. plished education of both sexes. The Principal having bad the advantage f lnuch experience in bis profession, assures p-. rents and guardians that his entire ability energies will be devoted to the mental and mora training of the youth placed under his charge Teems or Tcitioh: Orthography, Reading, Writing andPriry Arithmttio, per session, (11 weeks.) 0"'- Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo Algebrj.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. Latin, Greek and French, with any of the -bove branches. $12,0"- CFNo deduction will be mad for absent. For further particulars Inquire of . Ret. P. L.HARRISON, a- Jnly 31,1867. Principal. BEST quality of Prints, for lo per yard, al August 7 H. W.BMIT1I. 00DS selling at less than present city pri' sat V August I. H. W. o.