Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 22, 1868, Image 3

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    iaftewan'j ftrornat
CLEARFIELD, PA., JAN. 22, 1868.
Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad.
I mta leave Tyrone at : t" : : : 9.20 a m
Arrives at Philipibnrg at : : 11.20 a. m.
Iritn leaves Philipsburg a : : : 2.05 pm.
Arrive at Tyrone at : : : ; 4.00 p.m.
Religious. Divine services will be held
next sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows :
By Rev. Archer (Presbyterian), the
Court Hou.e, mo- ninfr and evening.
By Rev. Sembower in the Baptist churen.
in the morning. .
By Rev. Guyer in the Methodist church,
in the evening. J
FOR Sale. A few copies of "The Trib
une Almanac," at this office. Price, 25cts.
Da. A. M. IIll.LS desires us to say, that
he will be in Philipsbur? during the firt
week in February, (from the third to the
8th inclusive,) to attend to all cal's in Den
tistry. Rooms at Lloyd's Hotel. jal5 3t.
TCe. The present cold pnap having hsid
the effect to form most exeollent ice on the
river, tome of our citizens are embracing
the opportunity to fill their if e houses. AM
who desire to have a supply of eood ice du
ring the coming summer, should not negVct
to obtain it now, as the present is the test
of the season it being clear aud free from
all foreign matter.
Court. The January term of our Courts
was held, in this place, during the pn-t
weei IJoo. G. R. Barrett, presiding. Bu
siness was dispatched with con.ideiaM ce
lerity, and yet the Court continued in ses
hion until late on Saturday night. Judge
Barrett acquitted himself, so far as we are
aware, to the general satisfaction of all par
ties concerned in litigation.
Tuk I. O. of G. T. of ClearBdii District,
will bold a Quarterly Convention in Cur
Weusviile, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb.
4th aud 5th, 1SG8, at J o'clock, p. in.
Each lodge is entitled to four delegates.
Putlic uieeiiugs wiil be held on the eve
mug of each day. All are invited to atteud.
Able speakers are expected to be sent by the
Grand Lodge. W. 11. Whitney, D. D.
Winter. Thy weather was very cold du
ring last week, with a fall of a few inches of
6uow, which hal the effect to put the roads
iu excellent traveling condition. The at
mosphere moderating on Monday night snow
began to (all, and on Tuesday morning it
had reached a depth of one foot, to which
feveral inches was aided during the day a
rufficicDt quantity for al". purposes of haul-inS-
A Fine Delegation. On Monday morn
ing Sheriff Howe started to Allegheny-city,
accompanied by four "delegates" to the
Western Peniteutiaiy, to wit : Thomas Gor
don, F.aak Little and S. Bradley, who were
convicted on a charge of maiming, by cut
ting with a knife in a most horrible and fien
dish manner, a horse and two mules; and
D. II. Paulhamus, who was convicted on a
charge of perjury.
The Cocntt Financial Statement.
For some years past, there has been more or
leas complaint as to the indefinite character
of the "Receipts and Expenditures" of the
county, as published by the County Audi
tors. The custom has been to present to the
tax-payers a number of indefinite debits in
the aggregate balanced by a like number of
scarcely less indefinite credits, which have
proved entirely unsatisfactory to the great
mass of people in the county. This being
the case, would it not be well to publish a
more detailed statement, setting forth dis
tinctly for what objects the funds of the coun
ty have been expended ? The peop'e seem
to demand such an exhibit of the county fi
nances. Then, would it not be prudent f'r
the Auditors to gratify their wishes, even if
it should cost a little more to do so? But,
the matter is entirely in the hands of the
County Auditors, and with their decision
the people must be content.
Is It F.ua? Vlu general impression is
prevalent, tint it is thi ditfj of printers to
pui'iUIi all notices anJ proeeJitus of wh it
are called "charitable" and "pubiie'objeets
free of charge, besides contributing their due
proportion to defray the expenses of such
meetings. Nor is this all. Some of the.se
institutions or associations, when they have
work to do, to which pay is attached, they
are sure to send it to a city and have it
J-'ne. Now, is there anything inorj unjust
than such a course to ask your home prin
ter to do part of your work for nothing, and
give the city printer the work to whi h
fiy is attached? But you ak, "Is this
o?'' We answer. It is! We could cite
"two cases of the kiud which occurred recent
ly, were we disposed to do sq ; but we for
btar mentioning them. But now, as a mat
to of protection to our business, and in jus
tice to those dependent upon our labor for
5rPport, we intend to pursue a different
course in the future. Hereafter we will
charge our usual advertising rates for ad
calls for political, temperance, school, rail
Wad, or other meetings; and jice cent a
fce for all resolutions or minutes of pro
ceedings c mnected with such objects for,
if therj U any benefit derived from the pub
lication of these matters, they are worth
Ping for. "The laborer is worthy of his
hire" is a Scriptural maxim, and there is no
Pxd reason why it should not apply to prin
aS Well as to all other classes of labor-
January Term, 1353.
Court convened on Monday, J anuary 1 5th,
1868 Hon. G. R. Barrett, presiding. Be
low we give a brief resume of the business
transacted :
Mary Ann Irvin. ad iir'x James Irvin,
vs. Eliza Ediiiundsoii Ejectment. Tried.
Verdict for Plaintiff for $1,635 25.
Com'th, ue of minor children of Isaac
Pusey, vs. E l. Perks et. al. Summons in
debt. Tried. Verdict for J lain tiff tor
$3,752 8J.
Com. vs. J. N. McCracken, J. W. Has
lett and M. Miller. M isdeiueanor. Truo hill.
C"tn. vs. Wm. Evans. Peijury. True
bill. Continued.
Com. vs. W. O' Harrow. Larceny. True
bill. Recog''ZiHiee foifeited sihsoluie.
Com. vs. Gen. .Shank Lireeny felony.
True bill. Rj-iii'1-d until next term.
Ch;i. vs. dacjb Thar!m. Luietiy fll i
ny. 1 rue bid. I'mmine I until n-.x; term.
Coin. vs. 1) II I'.mlhaiuti-. lVij..ry,
nii.-deiiieanor. True bill. I'au.-u tried.
! Verdict, gui ty-in maimer and lurni as he
i stand-in iicte 1. Sentenced to inv co.-ls of
' suit, one hundred dl!;n Hue, and iiinh-ro
un impt i-oiniieiit in the We.-tein Peniten
tiary of one year a 1 1 ul'ij m nitli..
Com vs. Cliarle Groom Foniieation.
: Truj bill. District Attorney enter.- a nolle
tjoni v-. Henry tjne. Uirceny lelony.
True bill. Ca i-e trie I. Ve.diei.iio guilty.
Com. vs. t'a-per L-ipoKJr. Disorderly
hmi e. True bill. C u-'e Tried. N t guil
ty, but to pay all co.-rs.
Com. v. J. L ving-to'i Fi.viMe entry,
misdemeanor. True bill. Respited to next
Com. vs. U Th -ii:i-n wili-n M -
I Carttiey) et. a!. Lirci-ny. Tiu.tbill. Re
: eon.zjuce lit' fii. uncoil foifeited thu other
partte.- respited until next ie; in.
Com vs. P. S'egner. Lucenv. True
bill. Pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay a
tine of v5 a i I co-ts of prosecution, rc.-tore
the go.wl-i or pay full value, and undergo an
iuipriMtiimciit of six month in e Mutj jail.
Com. vs. Noah M. F-tnveii. Larceny fel
ony. True hid. IJ.-iu-h warrant.
Com. vs. Thomas Gordon, Fia ik Little
and S. IJ .a lley. M lik-inu Mi-ciiiul'. True
biil. Tried. Verdict, jniilty. Sentence.
Gordon to pay a fine of SCUO.Oi), eots of
prosecution, and undoriro two years an I nine
; in mills solitary cotifiiieim-nt aud labor in
Western ieniten;iary; I-rank Little to pay
a tine id' S51KMK), eo.-ts of prosecution, and
undergo one year and nine morths soliiaty
confinement and labor in Western peniten
tiary; andS. Bradley to pay an"neof'$5;X.00,
costs of prosecution, and undergo one year
and nine months solitary confinement in
Western penitent i iry.
, Com. vs. J. A. Sfine. Assault and bat
tery. True bill. Pleads guilty. Sentenced
to pay a fine of $1 and cos's.
Com. vs. George M. Brisbin. Assault.
Plead guilty to an assault, and was sentenced
to pay a fine of 10 and costs.
Coin. vs. E. liakestraw. Action to com
pel defendant to support his wife. After a
full hearing, the Court ordered and decreed
that he, the said Elam Rake.-traw, pay the
costs of this action, and pa,, or cause to be
paid, to Mrs. Kakestraw, hi.s wife, the sum
of six dollars per month from the 18th day
of December, A. D., 1K67.
Petitions. For a road from near Michael
Yingling's to Bridee on the Susquehanna
river at Langdon's mill, in Burn.-ide tw'p.
Viewers: O. Smead, Wm. Irvin, James
M 'Murray.
For a road from Indiana county line to
near Langdon's mill, in Burnside tp. View
ers ; Mat. Irvin, J no. Mahatfey, Fred. Shep
herd. For re-view of road from near John Mitch
ell's brrn to Little Beaver-dam inn, in Burn
side tp. Viewers: Mat. Irvin. D. Buckley,
S. F. M Closkey.
To varate part of road between the Gel
nett road and Shaffer's bridge, iu Brady tp.
Viewers: A. Liddle, J. Seiler.L. L. Ogden.
Confirmed Absolute. A road from
Wm. H.-Wilbelm's to Lvi llubler's, in
Graham towi ship.
Confirmed Nl Si. A road fioni near
Men ill'.-field to ibe Catholic cemetery in
: Lawrence lown-bip.
I Election of ffici ks At a meeting of
1 the Ciea.lijl I Coii ity Aj.icultu s 1 Soek-ty,
held at tin Court II m-e. on Wednesday
evening. Jansnry J5fh, l.os, ibe toliowing
offi ;ers were elected fr ilm eii-uin jear :
Pusi.lmt. Hon. (i. R. B,i:i:iTT.
Vice P,e-idenrs. G. W. Cil lvvell B.-cca-
ria ; -iolri ti.r. UjU ; John a.mili. lilnotu ;
Iljvi I A l.i ni. jr:. Ko -irs; ll.iniel Stewart,
f J.a it'oid ; Fretferiek Ivdiler. lohn Maliaf
f y. Bir j-id-s L J. Hur l, Che.-t ; Robert
M.tchell, Ciea tieid B irongli ; -obii Riter.
Covimrtoii ; .laiiiesTlio:npHon.Curweii.-ville;
R. I. Slmwa.ter. Deeatui ; W. .M'Ciaekep,
Ferguson; G S. 1 lines. Fox; Alex. Mur-
itiv laiiuril : Tltomi) on Iteed. Giliell : 1.
II. Fiw), Graha n ; J!ph try. tMielich ;
Iavid Tlr, ILi-tui : Joseph Patterson,!
Jordan; Coiir-id Baker, Knox; L. IK-it line, j
Kartlinu ; llrti:y Gueliib. Lawrenee; A. ;
lit t Lninl rr try : Ij-oi aid rvyier, .lor-
A M ( 'ii.iiniiii '-i X.-w Wa-liiiiL-ton :
G. M. B.isiiiu. l)-eeo!a; Eii-hi Feiiton,
Peon: d. A. B:ootu. Pike; L;vi It. Dress
ler. Unior ; Thos. lleiiderxni. Woodward,
i Executive Committee, L. F. Irvin, A, C.
rr, -I 1 r: l.l I I I.'l I
latf, iiaiiianiei iiimivi, . u. x icai.
B- Jordan.
Recordioff Secretary. A- C Fl inijraj.
C-rre-poud ng Sjc.-etary, R. II. Shaw.
Treasurer. A. M- I litis.
Librarian. John II. Fulford.
Board of maiiaers, D ivbl Ureser.Chair
an ITio.,i, R,.!..j r Piii-tfT. Lawrence:
! J. B. Kycr.'M .n is; Wm. H ver. B.ad-
"ford: v. G. .Miller. Lleaineld ; IV iv. oni
rev. Goshen ;F. K. Ar,'',L Urady ; Isaac
CaldeU. Pike; -I. P. Krazer. Uloatnea;
Edsha Fentnn. Perm : II. W. Kerns, Cur
w'ensvilie; J. J. lW.Girard; Jacob Guclich,
Liwrenre; Thos. l. Foreey, Graham ; Mi
lo IJoyt, Oeola.
. . j.ti
The L vdt8 Friend. The .-February
number of this elegant Lady'? Magazine, is
received. The engravings and fashion plates
are beautiful, and the reading matter enter
taining. Price $2,50 a year. Address Dea
con k Peterson, 319 Walnut St. PhilV
Clippings and Scribblinga.
V3f The latest English dish Fenian broth.
. LT Discovered another tin mountain in Mis
souri. ' -
ty A successful breeder of short 'horns" the
whisky tax.
fr A work of art a young widow trying to
get a husband. ,
fy An Indian chief sained Es qaa-go-na-be
is dead. No wonder.
UST There are six times many liquor shops
as preachers in St. Louis.
fe' Rev. Baxter tays the Jews are to w lestor-
ed to Palestine this year.
CF" Why is the letter D like a drunkard's life?
Bemuse it always ends bad.
B"" A noJd fellow the chap who deeps in
church on Sunday evenings.
CF Amusing to Fee a lady, with large hoops,
Wfl'tij through twelve inches of snow.
fly Why i ibe country in winter like the Black
Cnxik ? Because there are so many bare limbs to
!; se-n.
- y A had --sampler' the fellow who went
home intoxicated, the other evening. .-Pity his
cm irrn.
I.IB II w to avoid hnving Iroub'ew me account
ti unt n the en i tf IS;-. Counuet.ce tow nl
pa V ytiu jfu.
Xu? to be lielieve l wi i who has a sweet
heart ii fiiie'l l.iie. for he is always teliinj; Lire
about everything.
t'V What is the difference between a barber
an i a tnotl.er ? Hi e hut razors to shave aud the
other h is bvers to rui.-e.
1 The Sriniiijic Am rim it clase mosquitoes
Mui Mii; uur iIoiucmic itiiiiiiiU U' iiit that
ra-'hes U'i fleas be iiinilsriy c'us.iUe-l
Uf -Ma. it yu will giv- in an i ple I will be
gMHi " -No. my chilli, you must not be good for
pay you oulii to be good fo.-nothing '
ITw .An exchange s-iys : 'It is 10 uiii mystery,
which will leiunin f -rever uiiexpl.iined '.ha', so
m ir.jr pvr.sons im--ig:ue they c.in write poetrj."'
ITC A line in one of M. Hire's song't reads thus:
"ur couch hMll be ro-cs be.-fmiijjle l with dow .
To hn-h - .'cn-ihle girl replied : :Twould give
u. i lie ilieuiu.iii-iii. and to it would you :
l This i- le;i-yeiir for the ladies We saw
if e trie oilier Jsr. leap a ;ro one of our alleys
It was a f lit. iuc. . .nd leu fe-t mI.-o Kit.t
i4.-ro-- the alley, an 1 he lw. she took with her
y "I"m atriid." aid a la ly to her husband,
iliat I'ui oing o have a stiff neck '; -Sot at
al improbable, my dear." replied the rpunse;
"I've rei-n ytrong sympt-jius of it ever since we
were married."
I'v" A man who had filed a petition for divorce
vt . u.f.iiuje I hy li iii counsel lb it his wife bad 6'e I
u ciims . -mi. hi."' as lawyers call it -A rrox
petition ! ' tii aimi l the hu-b i;nl. - that's j ist
tike her S le nevjr did a go't I tut ire.l thing in
her life.'"
I Sr In reply to Ike s qaesrion of -;wbt Mr
St w-rd lueani bvu be ku-I be wan'e I -St Thom
as for a rta'imr station Mrs. Partington, (after
lubb.ng herforeheud thoughttully for a ummeut
wiib t'io liw ot bjr silver spectacles) replied '-it
muht bu bi-cau.-u it shakes to. Miac and is there
lure a good place to xij't t ie wirs.''
Book Notice.
"Tub Blce Coats, and biw they Lived. Fought
and Died for ibe Uuion; with .Sueues and Inci
deuts iu the (ireat Rebellion." is tbe title of a
haudsoiue volume just issued by Joses Bnoru
eus A Co.. 1'hilud a, Pa.
There is a certain portion of the War that
wiil never go into the regular histories, nor
be embodied in romance or poetry, which is
a very real part of it, aud will, if preserved,
conviy to succeeding geueiatious a better i
dea of the spirit of the conflict than many
dry reports or careful narratives of events,
a. d this part may be called the eossip, the
fun, the pathos of the War. This illus
trates the character of our leaders, the hu
mor ot the soldiers, the devotion of women,
the bravery of men, tbe pluck ot our heroes,
the roniace 'and hardships of the service.
From the beginning of the war, the author
has been engaged in collecting all the anec
dotes connected with or illustrative of it,
and has grouped aud classified them under
appropriate heads, Mid iu a very attractive
form. The volume is profusely illustrated
with over li t) engravings, by the first artists,
and its contents include reminiscences of
camp picket, spy, scout, bivouac, siege.and
battle field, with thrilling feats of bravery,
wit, drollery, comical and ludicrous adven
tures, etc., eta Amusement as well as in
sruction may be found in every page, as
graphic detail, b iliia&t wit, and authentic
history, are skillfully interwoven in this
work of literary art. It is j ust such a vol
ume as will find numerous purchasers, and
just such a one as persons seeking to act as
book agents should add to their list.
In Curwensville, on Jan. 14th, by
Rev. J. E. Kearns. Mr. FRKD. !. CALD
WELL and Mis.-- Annie 13. Graff, both of
Ciiiwen-iville, 1'a.
On Jan. Ttb, lXtS. by lie v. W. M. Bnrch
field. Jajik 11. Caldwell. K-o., i-f Bloom
township. ati4 Mt.-s Hannah Caiiey", of
CleatSeld borough.
At the reid !iica of ti3 brida's parents.
Dee. :15th I SOT, by Rev. T. Van Sjovoe,
.-s.-i-ted hy Kev. Wiiliam Sliadrach. 1'. D.,
Mr. Jambs McCartney-, of Franklin coun
ty. Pa., and Mis Lizzie Van Scoyoc, of
hue townsliip. CamOri i county. Pa.
On January ICth. 1S6H, by J. R. Cald
well, Ksq.. Lieut. Milton McCixre and
Miss Mautha Caldwell, both of Piketp.
OIE3 :
On Sunday. January 5th, 1S63, Thomas
Mi;LLEN,'f lieccaria township, iu the 78th
year ot his aye.
pURK BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to
Eni-'lish white lead ; O Is. I aims and
Varni.-he of all kiuds; iold leaf in hoi ks and
broi.xes. tor sale by W M. A A. I SHAW.
Ucurtield, Uctuner 2.1 I8B7.
TRAY CALF. Came trespassing on the
iit-i'tii'wHH ot the subscriber, in Jordan
townrhip. ab ut the fir.-t of October last, a red
heilet calf, about feven or eight months old. Tbe
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty. pay charges aud take it away or it will be
sold s the law directs TU0MAS SfRONtf.
Jai.uary 8. 18Jj-3tp.
ters of A luiinistratioii on the estate of
Wui iidersn. late of Durnaije tp . Clo irfield
county. dee'd. having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons iudehted to said' estate
are ri quest-d to make luiuiediate payment, and
tboee having claims ugainst the same will present
them, properly auibenlicaled. or set'lement.
Pee 13. 1367-5t. Adin r.
X Clearfield, 1'enn'a.
The undersigned, having taken charge ''
above named llotel. generally known J
Laniuh House." situate on the corner of Marfcct
an i Seooni Streets Clearfield. Pa. desires ..to in
form tbe puolio bat he is now prepared to accoui
, mod ate those who may favW hiiu with el
Tbe bouse has been re-fitted and te fu-nisbed,
and benee he natters.bjniself that he will be able
to entertain customer in a satisfactory msnner.
A liberal share of patronage ia elicited- ..
Juo.H, 187. J. A. BTISt..
Pittsburg Prices Current,
DtaUr i Flour, Piodnee aud Refined OUt.
Pittsburg, Dee. 2Sth, 1S67.
Dayton SnowflakeS12 50 Brown, Hi a H
Jenkins' Eclipse, 12 25 Keflned. hard, 17
Qranto s: Kentucky 12 50: A Coffoe, 16J
Jenkin s Lilly, jl 25 B Coffee, 16
Rye Flour, bbl. 8 23ExtrC. 16
Corn Meal, bushel, 1 30 Tea, Black, 7o a, 1 25
Buckwheat Flour, 5 50 Green, "0 a 1 65
Wheat, 2 50 a 2 65 Syrups, 75 a 1 00
Rye, 1 40 Molasses, 75 a 85
Oats, 67, Sorghum, 50
Corn in ear, Kice. Si a I!
Corn shelled, (Dried Apples. 8
Parley. 1 55 a 1 60 Dried Peaches, 12
l'otatoes. bbl. 3 50 Salt. bbl. v2 50
Potatoes. P. Blows, 0 00 Candles, 14
Oiions. bbl.
5 00 Soap. 7 a 10
It 50, No 3 Mackerel.bbl IS 50
2 75 1 Lard, choice, 131
g OOlTallow, 101
2 2)!Bacw. Sides,
2 50 Shoulders. 121
Hominy, bbl.
Timothy seed,
Clover seed.
Flaxseed. '
Beans, prime navy, 3 50 Hams, sugar cured, 20
umttr. prime roll, Mess 1 or. Zl so
Cheese, lit Buckets, doi, 2 75
Kgg, 35. Brooms, dot. 3 25
Apples, bbl 4 l)0lteflnedOil,wbite. 4
Cider, bbl dull, 8 lln ("offee. 22 26
Pica.:- , per bbl 17 OulDressedV Ilogs, 71 a 8
Commission Merchant, Woolrsalb Dealer xxd
Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. On hand
all well known and reliable brand Quality of
Flour guaranteed. Inducements offored to Deal
ers, and prices current sent each week.
Checkered Front, 273 Li' erty St. Tittsburg. P.
January 23d. 1 867.
xv. Wholesale Grocers,
Pork packers. Dealers in Glass, Iron and Xails;
Family Flourof best brands; Bacon. Hams, Sides
and Shoulders; Lard Mes To k, Dried Beef.and
Cheese; Beans, Hominy and Dried Fruit ; Carbon
and Lard Oil. etc.
h ed Front, No. 255 Liberty Street Pittsburg,
Penn a. March 6. 1867-ly
Attention Lumbermen !
(All Gumming Avoided )
And Emerson's Parent Adjustable Swage
for Spreading. Sharpening and Shap
ing theTeetb of all Splitting Saws.
General Agents,
Pa. The subscriber would respectfully
solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old
lriends and customers at the -Clearfield House."
Having made many Improvements, be is prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor him with
their custom. Every department connected with
the house is conducted in a manner to give gen
eral satisfaction. Give him a call.
Nov. 4 1866. GEO. N. COLBURN.
Clearfield, Pa
Mav 10,1867.
Having refitted and removed to the room lately
occupied by Richard Mossop,on Market St., now
offer low for cash, a well selected assortment ot
Also, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa'nU. Oils,
Glass, Putty, Dye-stuffs. Statienary. Tobacco and
Sega.-s, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock
of virieties than ever before offered in this place,
and warranted to be ol the best the market af-
Ir'rds. Inspect their stock before purchasing
elsewhere, and, they feel warranted in saying that
jon will be pleased with; the quality and price of
their goods Remember- tBe-plaee Mossop s oia
A ----- BV. m 1 SBBBBSr '
' stand. n Markets .
ace Home Industkt. The undersign
d having established a Nursery, on the Pike,
halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fruit
trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen. Shrub
bery.Urape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ten Black
berry. Strawberry and Raspbeiry vines. Also,
SibrianCrab trees, (juinee and early Scarlet Rhea
barb. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Address
Aug 31, 1864 J.D. WKIG11T Curwensville,
Lumber City, Pa.,
Tbe undersigned would respectfully inform
their customers, and the public in general, that
they have Just received their Spring stock of
goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots.
Shoes, Hats. Caps, Fish, Salt. Flour, Bacon. Nails,
Paints. Oils. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware,
Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a
general variety of such articles as are usually
kept in a country store, alt of which they will
They weuld also direct ttcnton to their large
stock of Ready-made Clotnin. which they offer
for sale at a email advance upon cost.
Lumber City, Pa., May S, 18G7.
N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con
stantly keep on hand a general assortment of
Boots aod Shoes, for men. women and children.
(Sceond street, opposite tbe Court House.)
Cltai field, Pa.
The subscribers having entered into partner
ship In the Drug business, and purchased the en
tire interest of Mr C. D. Watson, would respect
fully inform the citizens of Clearfield Ciunty,
that they are now prepared to furnish
Dye Stuffs, Tvbacco. Cigars Confectioneries,
Stationery. Ac.
Will find onr stock of Drugs full and complete
and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices.
Teachers and others will be furnished with class
ical and miscellaneous books by express, at thort
Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap. Foolscap. Letter and
Perfumed Note Paper, also, a vty neat stoc ol
Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand.
Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac
Will find a full stock of Pure Spices. Soda. Soda
Ash, Concentrated Lye Soap. Ae.
Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery.
Hair Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, "rashes. Combs.
Toilet Setts, Ac.
Will find a full supply. of prime Chewing aad
Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Domestio Cigars,
Snuff, Fine-cut, Ac.
" Of the best brands, always on baad.
Tbe best quality of Liquors -always oh hand, for
mtaical purposes.
Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully
compounded. August 7, 1807.
Wlf. M SHAW. - - - - - ' - - - A t SflAW.
nil. f. jonxso. : : : : : : j. u. bailet.
Some two months ago it was formally announced
that Pennville was "Right side up."
Recent events have proven the tnnovneement
pieuiature. Another "Flop" recently occurred,
aud chief among tbe improved, --interesting, and
important'' phases presented, is the one portray
House, of
who have just returned from the East with a
large and tarrttily selected gtoei of seasonable
rooUt of greater variety, and of belter quality,
tban have heretofore been offered in this section
of the county. Call at tbe New Store Ruoais,
and you will find : ,
Dry Goods and Groceries,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Hard-ware, Queens ware, Hollow
ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oils,
Paints and VarnUhes, Glass, Putty,
Ready made Clothing, Clocks,
Confectionary, Cheese, Flour,
Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock of
Hardware will bear inspection, as it is full aud of
the best quality Our stock of Boots and Shoes
is uneqaalled in quality and low prices.
To the ladies. e would say we intend to make
the No-ion and Dress department worthy tbeir
patronage Articles not on hand will be specially
ordered, to suit our customers.
Tbe striking feature in the "Flop," and the one
we would keep before 'he people is. the vert
low pricks at which WE.IRI SfcLLlNG. The pub
lic are invited to gie as a call. Bring on jour
Produce, jour Boards. SbiBgles. Grain, Pork,
Butter. Eggs. Dried Apples. Rags. Ae. Our motto,
' Cheapest i Best. JOHNSON A BAILEY.
Pennville, August 23, 1867.
Are jnst opening at the Old Stand above tbe
.inueuj j,
A large and splendid assortment of Spring Goods,
which they are selling at greatly reduced prices.
Particular attention is invited to their stock of
(Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng
lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil
cloths, Window Shades and Wall Papers
Especial pains has been taken in the selection
of Ladies' Dress Goods. White Goods, Embroide
ries and Millinery goods.
They have a Wo a large stock of Readynade
.i..i,;nr mil Boots and Shoes, which thev w ill
sell at a small advance on city cost.
Flour, Bacon, Fish. Salt and Plaster, Apples,
Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand.
Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wines
for medicinal uses
Also in store a quantity of large and small
clover seed. .
We intend to make it an object for Farmers
awd- Mechanics to buy from us. because we will
"rtl our goods as low as they can be bought in
the county; and will pay the very highest price
for all kindsof eonntrv nroduce. We will also
exchange goods for School. Road nd County or
ders; Shingles, Boarde and every '' ' """
faotured Lumber. HirlklW
Geo.H. Zeigler& Co,,
Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery,
Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware.
Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron,
Nails, etc., etc., etCj.
The attcnti' of Mechanics. Builders, Farmers,
Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is invited to
tbe fact that we are now offering a better assort
ment of goods in our line than can be found else
where in this part of tte Stt i. at prices to suit
the times. Our stock comprises a general assort
nicnt of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters,
Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers, Jola
ers. Ac, together with a large stock of
Iron. Steel, Nails,
Spikes, Railroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery
and Harness material a good assortment; Ropes,
Chains. Grindstones, circular mill and eroes-et
Saws; Enameled, Fra-ished, and" Plain Hollow
ware in great variet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and
Lanterns; Lard. Linseed, Coat and Lubricating
oils; and an extensive and good selection of
Fine Cutlery
Comprising a general assortment of dining knives
and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving
knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, rators,
shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar
ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and
plated forks, in great variety and of the best man
ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated- ware.
In great variety, and of tbe best manufacture al
ways ou hand, among which will be found buck
ets of every size, fin-cups, oil cens. sprinkling
cans. dusting pans, miners1 lamps; gallon, quart
aud pint measures, aod many other article ia
the tin-ware line, which aro wanted by everbody.
Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows. Vices,
sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse
nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron,
nail rods' etc ; and with east, shear, spring and
blister steel, from the best manufacturers in the.
United States, or of foreign manufacture.
Carpenters "
And Bailders will find in our establishment a
: . - X , ... - ...... 1. c
Files, i
Cord. Aft.
Will find eAery thing in their line, and eheapev
than elsewhere in. this section of the State' cent
prising Household, horticultural, farming and
rafting implements, of the latest and most im
proved patterns Particular at tent fen fs direct
ed to our very ez eusive stock of wood and coal
Stoves. .
Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Antl dust
cook and parlor stoves of all sizes; Al,The Ni
agara cook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dew-
drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves.
All of the above goods will he sold ehesp fer
Philipibnrg. Oct. 16th, I3S7.-Iy.
Also agent ior all the latest Inrproved Water
Wheels nd Portable Saw Mills.- Jan.8'G8-lyp.
I ABLE CHAINS a good artirl. on hand ant
, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER
OOTS A SHOES the cheapest in tbe cosmty,
at aioo -ir a.
in tbe county, at MOSSOP'a
CLOTHING the cheapest in tie county! at
Ms y 2V. MoSsOP'S.
ISU, of all kinds the cheapest in tbe county,
LADIES'CLOAKS the cheapest in tbeconnty,
UEENSWARE the cheapest in the county,
at . - MOSUr"a.
GROCERIES the cheapest in tbe county, at
May 29. MOSSOP'S.
IL A PAINTS the cheapest in the countvv at
3lay 2J. .ii'joour o
XT AILS 4 SPIKES thechespeit intkectunty,
j at MOSSOP'S.
RY GOODS the cheapest ia tbe county, at
May 2H. '67. ausaur s.
LOt'R the cheapest in tbe county, at
29 '67.
FEED the cheapest in the county, at'
May 29. MOSSOP'S.
n INGLES; for $5 Ofli per thousand, at
August 7 h. vv. fjiiin a.
T7ANTED a servant, to cook, wash and iron.
Jan. 8. Applyjo H. w. SMITH.
f7K)R SALE a elegant sleigh, perfectly
V and ju:k Im. eJ th roach nuL Anr.lv tc