'"I 3 tin 3 J .7 : CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 18, 1867. HAVING A LOVEE. Somebody loves me I am sore, I think 1 love him too ; If foolish actions are a proof, ' Our evidence will do 1 I thought we both had common sense, Yet manage as we may, We never say he thing we mean, Nor mean the thing we say. We sat, but yestereve, alone . With twilight soft and dim. And though he only mused or me, And I of only him ; He asked me for my thoughts,and said That his were with his youth ; Of course, I answered him without A lavish waste of truth. And always, when he takes a kiss, Nay, never frown at me ! I know that you' ve been kissed at least, I know you've wishod to be ! Yet such very wicked things Are shocking to the good, I try to look as horrified As any lady should. I wonder if the wedding ring Would bind or break the charm, I can't see how, in such a case It could do any harm. And then I know that married folk;, Though how I cannot say, Do manage with their love so well, It's never in the way I The very thought afflicts my mind With such desponding fits, That if I part with him, I fear 1 11 part with half my wits; And ii the priest should make as one, In name and spirit, too, I know I'd be beside myself, So what am I to do ? A young lady went out with a rather tim id beau sleighing one evening, and compla cently remarked to him that she seldom went out Weighing but what she got chaps on the lips. The young man took the hint and chapped. "Sam," said one little urchin to another, "does your schoolmaster ever give you any rewardof merit?" "I suppose he does," was the reply; "he gives me a likin' regu lar, every day, and says I merit two." There is an old saying that "a fellow feel ing makes us wonderful kind." But that is not always the case. When we find a fel low feeling for our watch, we are by no means inclined to be wonderous kind. We always thoucht Zero an excessively low fellow, but we hear that in Minnesota, Mercury is twelve below Zero. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. "INFORMATION. Information guaran teed to produce a luxurunt prowth of bair upon a bald bead or beardless race, also a recipe for the removal of pimples, blotches. Erup tions, etc., on the skin, leaving the Fame soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing THOS F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 823 broadway, N. Y. TERRORS OF YOUTn. A Gentleman J-J who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by whi jh he was cured. (Sufferers wishing to prefit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, May 15, '67-1 y. 42 Cedar Street, New York. fTO CONSUMPTIVES. The Rev. Ed ward A. Wilson will send(free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the di rections for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of lung affection and that dread disease consumption. His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every offerer will try this prescription as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILbON. May 15, '67 ly. Williamsburg. Kings co N.Y. QLOTIIINGI CLOTHING!! GOOD AKD CHEAP H! Men, Youths and Boys can be uplpied with full uitf of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RElZEJSSTEIft BROS & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The aniversal satisfaction which has - been given, has induced them to increase their stock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's &. Co., 8ell goods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. - Their store is conveniently situated. . They having purchased their stock r t reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an otHers. For these and other reasons persons should buy their elothing at REIZENSTEIN BKO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, 1864. TMPORTANT to PENSIONERS. The Act of Congress approved June 6, 1866, gives additional pension to the following class of persons : 1. To those who have lost both eyes or both ha Eds, or are totally disabled in the same so as to require constant attendance, the sum, per month, of $25.00 2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con stant attendance, - $20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or so disabled as to render them unable to per form manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, the sum, per month, of SI 5 00 4. Perrons deprived of their pensions under Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored. 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for their pension had been filed, and before the certificate was issued, and who have left widows or minor children, will be enti tled to receive arrears due at the death of the pensioner. 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. In all of these cases, new applications must be made The undersigned is prep ned, with th proper blanks, for the speedy -rccurement of these pensions. Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and claims for local bounty under State law, promptly collected. H.B.SWOOPE.Att'y at Law. Jelyll, 18 Olaarfield, Pa. EW SPRING STOCK! J. SIIAW k SON. Have just returned from the east and are now cpening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wni. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exehanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined to Please all who may favor ns with their custom. May 8, 1SS7. J. SHAW A SON. JJ F. NAUGLE, WATCH MAKES, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that be has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. WA TCIIESA&ue assortment, of silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders. SPECTACLES, a large assortmantl far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted . A continuanoe ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2-Sth, 1835. 11. F. NAUGLE COMETH ING NEW, IS SHAW'S ROW, FRANK A STOUGHTON, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw's How. one door east of the Post Office, and having just returned from the eastern cities with a large aad elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Beavers, &c., and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wear, are now prepared to make up to orderCLOTHING.from a single article to a full suit, in the latest styles and most workmanlike manner Special atten tion given to custom work and cutting out lor men and boys. We offer great bargains to custo- share of public patronage is solicited . Call and examine our goods. M A. FRANK, Oct 16, 1S67. E. It. L. STOUUnTON. QjOMETniNG NEW IX ANSONVILLE, Clearfield county, Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which he offers to the public at prices to suit the times His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from $10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and for sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods in proportion. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and eren Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Examine my stock be fore you buy elsewhere. October 30. 1867. II . SWAN. JJO! THIS WAT!! NEW STORE IN MADERA ! James Foiiest A Sow, would respectfully in form the public, that they have just opened, in Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire new stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpacas, De laines. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties ; Cas simeres, Satinets and Flannels, too numerous to mention; Ready-made clothing of the beat qual ity; Boots and Shoes of the very best makes; a complete stock of Groceries. Ac In short, every thing usially kept in a country store. Consumers ! Look to your interests. Call and examine our stoca and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Lumber and grain of all Kinds taaen in exchange for goods. Rememberthe place; Madera, Clearfield county. Oct. 30, '67. . JAMES FORREST A SON. SOMETHING NEW in CLEARFIELD. Carriage and Wagon Shop, Immediately" in rear of Machine shop. citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds, Ac, on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Or- aers prorapiiy auenaeu to. Yt UL. Jtt'KNIGHT. Clearfield. Feb. 7, 1866-y. COLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A recent hill has passed both Hon.-tsof Congress.and signed by the President, giving three years' sol diers S100 and two years' soldiers $50. bounty. Soldiers wounded in line of duty, who did not serve two or three years. are entitled to the bounty. lILsounties and Pensions collected by me for thoseentitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 15th, 1866. Clearfield, Pa. T3ANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE OF McGirk a perks. Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., Philipsbitro, Centre Co., Pa. Where all the business of a BanKing House will be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 20.-tf. J.P.M GIRg. EWP.PEBKS. QIIORTLIDGE & CO., Proprietors of Rellefonte Lime Kilns, Bel'lefonre, Pa. Wood or coal burnt lime forwarded by Rai!road, and constantly on hand and for sale, at the kilns. June 23. 1867-Cmp B EST GROUND ALUM SALT for S3 25 at August 7, 1867. H. W. SMITH'S. FIRST quality of Mackerel. $7 00 peni bbl, at Augnatr. - h. w. evrratii. VVJJ J - - - C -" ' I kJ 1 )n tka S.Virw-il 7i.w-.L-a .,trAxr I II tl V U iUl rule llic ijvuvw . - w . mvv,ijr adopted by the School Convention,4at introducto ry prices. Also any other book that may be wanted. Nov. 6. 1IAKTSWICK A IRWIN". p RAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leading hardy varieties of iirst quality. Concord Cuttings, $1.00 per hundred. Orders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation, by A M. HILLS. Aug. 21, '67. Clearfield, Pa. "P STRAY. Strayed away fro scriber, in Chest township, from the suh- on or about the 20th of October last a two-year old sorrel colt, with one white foot and a dim star in the fore head. Any person giving information, as to its whereabouts, that will lead to its recovery, will be liberally rewarded. Newburg. Nov. 13 '67. LEWIS J. HURD. OCOTT' HOUSE, MAIN STREET, JOnNSTOWN, PA. A. ROW & CO., RRO PR I ETORS. 1 his house having been refitted and olegantly furnished, is now open for the reception and en tertainment of guests. The proprietors by long experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they can satisfy a discriminating public. Their bar ii supplied with the choicest brands of l.quor3 r.nd wine. July 4th, 1S66. JEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, opposite Hartswick's Drugstore, Clearfield, Pa., - Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinitv. that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the second story of 11.3 ouuuing occupied oy ji. linage, ana mat be is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the uiauulacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best qualiy, always on hnnj Give him a call. Aug. 28, '67. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. One d oor East of the Clearfield House, j Keeps on haid a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen. I'ndershirts, Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the Lest make, Fancy Cassimeres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, an! Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also aent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Co's Sewing Machines. November 1, 1S65. QLEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN T1JE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. The subscribers beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, that they have opened an extensive Marble Yard, on tiie South west corner of Market aud Fourth streets, Clear field, Pa., where they are prepared to make Tomb Stones, Monuments, Tombs, Box and Side Tombs, Cradle Toaibs, Cemetery Posts, Mantles, on very short notice. They always keep on hand a large quantity of work, nihed, except the lettering, so that per sons can call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also make to order any other style of work that may be desired ; and they flatter them selves that they can compete with the manufac turers outside of the county, either in workman ship or price, as they only employ the best of workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an swered. JOHN G UELICH . May 23, 1867-tf. HENRY G UELICH. gOMETIIING NEW IN CUItWEIVSVILLE. DRUGS ! DRUGS !! DRUGS !!l The undersigned would respoctfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the house of George Kittlobarger, on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faust's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery. Toilet Goods, Confectionaries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco and Cigars, Books, Stationery, Pencils. Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions ; Glass, Putty, etc., etc., etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict nttention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at reasonable prices Call and examine the goods which cannot fail to please. JOSEPH R. IRWIN. November 8. 1865. Q. L. REED, J. P. WEAVER W. I-OWELL, 8. P. HOOP. NOTICE, i JOXES. .W.BETTS CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand, and will pay cash for clear staff, one-and-a-half inch pannel plank preferred Nov 6. '67. GENTS Fine French Calf Boots (warranted) for S6 50, at H. W. SMITH'S. MEN'S Heavy Boots, for S3 CO. at "J' I: 11. W. SMITH'S. GOODS selling at less than present city prices at August T. H. W. SMITH'S. PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS. "PL OUR! PROVISIONS!! T. C. JENKINS, Commission Merchant, Wholesale Dealer aud Receiver or Floitr. Provisions, all kinds op PuooncB and Refined Oils, c. c Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. On hand all well known and reliable brand Quality of Flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal ers, and prices current sent each week. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St. Pittsburg. Pa. January 23d, lb07. RROBISON & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Pork packers. Dealers in Glass, Iron and Nails; Family Flourof best brands; Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shoulders ; Lard, Mess Poik, Dried Beef.and Cheese; Beans, Hominy and Dried Fruit ; Carbon and Lard Oil, etc. Red Frost, No. 255 Liberty Street Pittsburg, Pcun'a. March 6, 1887-ly E W ARRANGEMENT. The subscribers have entered into co-partnership, and are trading under the name of Irvin, Baity A Co.. in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of Lick Run. They would inform their friends, ana the world ij general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lum ber, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opened A NEW STOCK of well gelcctcd goods, suitable to tho season, con sisting ot every variety usually kept in country stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices, which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their customers One if their partners. Thomas L. Baily, resides near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the market- and make purchase! on the most favorable terms. Call and see us. ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BATLY, Goshen tp.,Dec.6,1S65. LEWIS I. IRWIN, ED. V GEAHAM, DEALER IN DRY-GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, CURTAINS, W ALL-PAPER, CLOTniNG, BOO T S AN D S II O E S, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS-WARB, HARD-WARE, GROCERIES, SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH, MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. Mat 10, 1867. GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS. A superb stock of line Gold and Silver Watches, all warranted to run. and thoroughly regulated, at the low price of $10 each, and satisfaction guaranteed. lfiO Solid Gold Hunting Watches, $250 to S1000 100 Magic Cased Gold Watche: , 2.'0 to 0l 100 Ladies' "iratchos, enameleJ, 100 to 300 200 Gold H'g Chronom'r Watches, 230 to 300 200 Gold Hunting Kngliih Levers, 200 to 25 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, JoO to 200 500 Gold Hunting AmericanWatches,100 to 250 500 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 150 500 Silver Hunting Duplexes, 75 to 250 500 Gold Ladies' Watches, 50 to 250 1000 Gold Hunting Lepines, 50 to 75 1000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches, 50 to 100 2500 Hunting Silver Watches, 25 to 50 5000 Assorted Watches, all kinds, 10 to 75 The above stock will be disposed of on the pop ular one-price plan, giving every patron a fine Gold or Solid Silver Watch for $10, withcut re gard to value Wright Bro. A Co., 161 Broad way, New York, wish to immediately dispose of (he above mag uificeni stock. CertiGcates.naming the article. are placed insealedenvelopes.ind wel mixed Hold ers are entitled to the articles nnmed in their cer tificate, upon payment of Ten Do'lars whether it be a watch worth $1,000 or one worth ess The return of any of our certificates entitl es you to the articles named thereon, upon payment- irre spective of its wsrth. and as no article va lued less than f 10 is named on anvcertificate.it wil! at once be seen that this is bo lottery, but a straight forward legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious. a single cenincate win ne sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents five for SI. eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for S5. sixty six and more valuable premium forSlO.one hundred and most superb Watch for $15. To a eents or those winhinz employment, this i a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted bu siness, duly authorized by the Government, and open to me mosi careiui scrutiny. Watches sent bv Express, with bill for collection nn delivnrv. so that no dissatisfaction can possibly occur. Try u - - v...., unv. CL . oct30-om Importers, 161 Broad way ,New York. p O-PARTNERSIIIP. Georce S. Perry V and C. E. Hilton have this day (Sept. IfWh. 1867) associated thomol.., c. - - U VI III U UlUi nf Perrv A Hilton, for thn rnimnunr nnl,,n;n a Dry Goods. Hardware Lumber and General r ruuuuo uuoiu.-i., umc oiu siana oi yjr. a rerry. The books of G. S. Perry are in the hands oi ferry a- ua or collection. Osceola Mills. ) Clearfield co., Sep. 20. ) PERRY A HILTON. CfJAL. Whale, and Linseed Oil. Family Dves. j Varnish and Paints of all kind ground in Oil. for sale by HARTSWICK A IRWIN CJWAIM'S PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical Dis covery, Hembold's P.uchu, Bake's Cod Liver Oil. Jayne's and Aycr's Medicines. for sale bv Jan. 10 HARTSWICK A IRWIN. LEATHER a good assottment for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. December 14.1 Mi. Clearfield P, JT E W ARRANGE M E N T. SIIAW & SIIAW, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, opposite the Court Heuse,) Clearfield, Pa. The subscribers having entered into partner ship in the Drug business, and purchased the en tire interest of Mr. C. D. Watson would respect fully inform the citizens of Clearfield ecunty, that they are now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Dye Stuffs, Tabacco. Cigars, Confectioneries, Stationery. Ae. PHYSICIANS Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete, and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will be furnished with class ical and miscellaneous books by express, at short notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap. Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neat stoc ot Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink. Ac HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda, Soda Ash, Concent: ated Lye Soap, Ac. LADIiSS AND GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery, Hair uilg. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Setts, Ac. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing and Smxking Tobacco. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Snuff, Fiue-cut, Ac. CARBON OIL, Of the best brands, always on hand. LIQUORS. The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for medical purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. August 7, 1S67. WM. M SHAW . - .- ..---A. I SHAW. A NOT HER BIG "FLOP!" WM. p. johnson. : : : : : : j. h. bailet. Some two months ago it was formally announced that Pennville was "Right side up." Recent events have proven the announcement piemature. Another "Flop" recently occurred, aad chief among the improved, "interesting, and important" phases presented, is the one portray ing THE SEW, LARGE, AND COM MODlOCS STORE HOGSE, of JOHNSON & BAILEY, who have just returned from the East with a large and tarefutty selected stoek of seaxonablt srood of greater variety, and of better quality, than have heretofore been offered in this section of the county. Call at the New Store Roouis, and you will find : Dry Goods and Groceries, LTats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware, Queens ware, Hollow ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Ready made Clothing, Clocks, Confectionary. Cheese, Flour, . . Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock of Hardware trill bear inspection, as it is full and of the best quality Our stock of Boots and Shoes is unequalled in quality and low prices. To the ladies, we would say we intend to make the Noiion and Dress department worthy their patronage Articles not on hand will be specially ordered, to Ruit our customers. The striking feature in the "Flop," and the one we would keep before the people is, the tert low prices at which we are selling. The pub lic are invited to give u? call. Bring on your Produce, your Boards, Shingles. Grain, Pork, Butter. Eggs. Dried Apples. Rags, Ac. Our motto, 'Cheapest A Best. JOHNSON A BAILEY. Pennville, August 23, 1SG7. KW SPRING GOODS. C. KRATZER & SON, Are just opening at the Old Stand above the Academy, A large and splendid assortment of SpriDg Goods, which they are soiling at greatly reduced prices. Particular attention is invited to their stock of CARPETS, (Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng lish lnjrraiiis. and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil cloths, Window Shades and Wall tapers Especial pains has been taken in the selection of Ladios' Dress Goods, White Goods, Embroide ries and Millinery goods. They have also a lare stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoes, which they will sell at a small advance on city cost, FI our. Bacon, Fish, Salt and Plaster, Apples, Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wines for medicinal uses Also in store a quantity of large and small clover seed. We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will sell our goods as low as they can be bought in the county; and will pay the very highest price for all kinds of country produce. We will also exchange goods for School, Road fnd County or ders; Shingles, Boards and every kind of manu factured Lumber. May 14, 1S67. "EW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have Just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fish, Salt, Flour, Bacon. Nails, Paints, Oils. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware, Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet, Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, all of which they will sell cheap for cash. They weuld also direct attention to their large stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer for sale at a small advance upon cost. KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., May 8, 1S67. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hand, a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children. KIRK A SPENCER. " LEAR FIELD NURSERY. E.vcotjr w ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also, SibrianCrab trees.Quince and early Scarlet Rheu barb. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug 1,186A. J.D. WRIGHT OurwensviUe, TERMS OF TIIE JOUR.AL. The Raftsmah's Jor-aaAL is publithd - . nesday at $2.00 pe, annum iBP adv.n?,0",?1. P.d a, the beginning of thevenr. $j?6 i . th7y8eeadr,.and $3' " Ki.5 Advertisements will be inserted at 1 ha square for three or less insertion s-T,TliW (or less) counting a gq we. yor eveV ,"'( " insertion 5U eenls wil be eh argeV A d eVuct?' willbe made to yearly advertiser. tteduin No subscription taken for a shorter time n. six month, and nn t j . n0 t-it it r-r ""i o Discontinued , tillall rrearages are paid,exeept at the opSL 5 the publisher. r e 7 .r of j. nun . PUM PS.-- Having located penDanenf.V in ClavvilJe, near Punxsutawney.Hir. and intend keeping, constantly , h J .1 ready for delivery, yellow and writ.'. d pumps, to suit wells of all depths The are well finished and painted, d art ?ha Sf! and most durable pumps in use. I will !ft and mnk pumps, or bore and lav DjDa ?J ' where ever needed the timber belnJ Tfr.3' lor further particulars call upon, ur address J- B. C0or June 12, lS67-6m. Tnnmuinlj en rpiIE WESTERN IlOTvT" -1- Clearfield, Penn'a. U' The undersigned, hajing taken charge of tb. above named Hotel, generally known as -Th Lanich House," situate on the corner of Market an.l Second Streets Clearfield, Pa, desires to in form the public that he is now prepared to aetom modate ibose who may favor him with a call The bouse has been re-fitted and re furnishfd and benee he flatters himself that he will beabU to entertain customers in a satisfactory mannr A liberal ehare of patronage is solicited June 12, 1667. J. a. STI5E. TOOLEN FACTORY! Having purchased an interest in the Union Mills, in Union township, Clearfield eounlv, are prepared to card wool, manufacture and" fa ish cloth, and do all kinds of work in our line on short notice, in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms. Flour, feed, and lumber. : manufactured and for sale. Terms, cash F. K. A J. R. ARXOLD. Rockton, June 26. 1S57. s USQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curwensrille, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICB. This well-known Hotel, having been re-6ttfj aud re-furnished throughout, is now open for tit accommodation of travelers, and the pnblio is general. Charges moderate. WM. M. JEFFRIES. August 14, 1367-tf Proprietor, fllE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE BOLD BT RICHARD MOSSOP, dealer IJf FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. kC. MARKBT BTBKET, G LEAK YIELD, FA. t,a folloimnghst of goods and profttherthj. FOR THE LADIES. , Goous Cheap Cheap Chiap. Cheap Cheap Cheap Always on hand a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines. Ginghams, Prints, Chintx. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. Croadt Goo' Gotii Got i Good' Cheap FOR GENTLEMEN, Gnoit Cheap Always on hand Black, Bine. BrownjGoeii and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Goods Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinete, 'Goods Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- :Gods - mgs. BDirclng, etc.. etc. etc. UieoHs READY-MADE. CW O heap Cheap xsntap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under-Goods snirta, and other f lannel shirts. )"ood Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Neck- GooJt ties. Gom Boor? and Shoes, and iGoeit a variety of other articles. Gouts HOUSEHOLD GOODS, K:09',' Such as Unbleached and Bleached M i : 1 j , i - ,- ,LxOOt L,heap C tea pi Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cttap C heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap1 Cheap -neap and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, eurtains, fringe, ete HARDWARE. AC. Goodi Goods Goods Got it . i JVU uu alio -' SjJIC?. ,1 U1J U V f 0 tO or other fork Saw-mill or other q0o-Ii rrA m.;i :i if. ... saws, oxduoib; Eg irons. LiOck., Ooods Hinges, ete. go to Mossop's Goods where you n boy cheap. Good' IF YOU WANT Goods Knives and forks. Batcher Knives, Goods Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goodt and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Good Fens. Powder, Sht or Lead, fiood etc., buy them at Mosup't. Good' heap is'ieap shcap iw vnrr watct iGoods yheap Cheap Cheap Shoe Last or Peg Palm er Faney."' Soap. Starch, Wall Paper or m dtow Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes or Wicks, ceal oil, etc , go te Moseop's cheap cash store. TO rftT? nmci Good Goods Good Good Goods Cheap Kshcop fsheap Goods Y,. p Good extra family Flour, Waite or,,, .j. iewn . v. u !.!-. .. , Cheap . - - I II Til H Tl I'.LI . Ultnia. BUDU UG1BU1 I - A t r- j ,111m' sides, coffee; Imperial, Young (jj Hyson or blaea tea, buy them Qmis at Mossop's cheap for eash. Goods IF YOU WANT ,Goods Tallow candles, fine or coarse tt.,Goodt Svrun or molasses, cheese, dried Goods Uheap Vheap Cheap Chrap Cknap Cm rap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ceap Cheap apples or peaches, water or so cio cracaers. call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IP YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goedr Good Port wine for Medical or Saeramen-i' Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap laiuses, ow. 1" AL ": I Goods gahela or rje rnm.j, v"j r.j, and Cognac brandy, buy at G Mossop's cheap cash store. qoJi tw vnit WANT A.Ji lP Raisenn, Figs, Prunes or dried Cut Gooi, Cheap, rantg. filberts, cream, pecan or Goo)ll 7,1 p ground nuts, candies. Liquorice qj, Cheap or Liquorice root, buy them (;oeJs Cheap, at Mossop's cheap and good. q00, P IF YOU WANT Goods .aPT. k other artiole chean. he.Goods y"!aP . . in to Mosson. for he sellf Chap Cheap Cheap ir quiv w b ' , ' i cheaper for eash than any other iGoods Derson in Clearfield county. Geodf November 27,1861. ap27 W-iGoodi Approved country produce of event kind taken ot the usual mariet prices in exchange for foods ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars A - 'er s sale at MDKKLLL - TL, Putty, Paints Glass and Nails. 1 ")? o Jane 'SO. MtRtllil.li a invj S TOVES of all sorts and siics. en?t,',.y50B band at MEKKELLjtw". IRON i 1ROF!! Best bar iron, for sale stthe store of MERRELL A BHLf. UNS, Pistols and sword canes to 1 he hi ' G June, '66. HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findinp f sale at MERRELL AEIGLtHi. ANNED FRUIT, of best quality, fX iJ c AUg. ii, Ml!,nKI.l.ii a. fi-j. ALMER'S Patent unloading hay-forU bad at MERRELL A BIGLELiL- THIMBLE-SKE1NS and Pipe-boxes, ti-r "' ons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLt, HORSE-SHOE8, and horse-nails. Vi Aug. 23. MERRELL A BIGLgK I RODDER CUTTERS of a superior mak'-.fI iale at reasonable pries: at MRRELL, " BIGLER'S. Clearfield, Pa. T710R SALE at ost 4 barrels of good faV J? flour, to close out the stock, at -Jaa. 1,IS. HICRRELL BIGLES ir