., . A - t i, - - Ji Clearfield, pa., dec. 4, 1867 Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, j Mio love Tyrone at : : : : : 9.20 a Arrives at Philipsburg at : : 11.20 a. i ilia leavea Philipsburg a.- -: J.D5 p Arrival at Tyrone at :' : : : 4.00 p. m m. m. m. ; RiLioibcsT-Divine services will be held next Sabbath, n Clearfield, as follows : - By Riv. Nixdorff in the Lutheran church morning and evening. By Kev. .Archer (Presbyterian), in the Court House, morning and evening. By Rev. Sem bower in the Baptist chnrch hi the evening. By Rev. Ouyer in the Methodist church, in the morning. ""'. -' ' r IIollidat "Fixings," at J. P. Kraft e'rY See advertisement in another column. Prkachinq. Divine services will be held in the Lutheran church, every evening dur ing the week. , . Vendue. In another column will be lound a notice of the sale of household gooda by Patrick Gallagher. ' ''-: ' The N. Y. Tribune.' In another col umn we publish the prospectus of the Trib une, to which we direct the attention of ur readers. , " ' '" " -' ' Thk Concert. The. Davis Troupe per formed in this place last evening (Tuesday) and, we leara, gave general satisfaction In act, some of their performances are spoken of as hein unsurpassed by those of any e th er krVuKn oow in the country. Eablf Rising. The only way to form the habit of early rising is' to jump out of bed the moment you awikeJ The man who Lesiutea when called,' is lost. The m'nd ihould be made up in a .minute,' for early rising is one'of thoe sultfects that admits of .luAXK.saivixi. The observance, of iliaukHgiying"day wan not an gtneral in IhU place, as heretofore. Why, we cannot ?ay Jtivme hervrtes were-Had iri several of the Lurches, but the attendance was -rather limited. Tlii is to be regretted. People should at leant devote a part of snch days to the semce of God, and give- thanks, for the Lletiiings h&toved upon them.,. - ; , j ., i .. New Cou.vty. Tyrone, it' seem?,' Is "preading" itself to such an extent, as to indue .the-people of that" place to beh'tve heya"r'e" really in want of. a county eat. ud. accordingly, are making a move for a new county out pi . part of Clearfield, Cen tre,' Huntingdon and Blair. Well, let them jfo ahead, but we presume; they'll find out in due time that they have undertaken a job 4'MeeJiugly. doubtful consummation. . CotD amp Ssfverj For five or six days tfet the atuWphere ' has been quite ' frigid io I Lin mouutaio regi-n. The mill-dam be lww iova, ir are informed, is frozen over.' jic mow nai also I alien at intervals cov ing the ground to ibe depth of about three i-hcs,,on Monday morning. But,notwith tsnding the" winterish appearance of all iH-doors- we still anticipate some mild and wet weather ;'o;hcrwie, there ' would be an unprecedented scarcity of water throughout the country, as, even ndw, many of the brings and wells are failing to flow their ac jiistomed supplyl ' ' A Disgraceful Fioar. On '. Monday Tt)iDg, Pec 2d, a disgraceful riot and fight tK)k place in our borough, the circumstan ce of which, as we are informed, arc as fo! W . Two Irishmen, "named Sweney and Peal, got int a fight, the former of whom t'eney) was 'urged on by several others, M backers-'At-this juncture, stranger poke up and' advised no interference, when Freney,-one' of the backers- of Sweney, truck the stranger, and a fight was the re u!t. A number of citizens observing the altercation run to the spot with the inten tion of parting the combatants, but were Prevented from .doiugso by Simons and Kenan, the other backers of Sweney, and friends of Feeney.i The' Sheriff being;in formed of the riot, came rip just as the fisrht s ended, and arrested Feeney. -.. Such di graceful and .brutal proceedings should b punished with the severest penalties of "he law, arid it is only to be regretted that 'he whole party was not arrested and bound gvw for their appearance at Court. ppttrious twenty-five cent notes are incir wjation. They are the best executed of '"is denomination yet manufactured, and re calculated to deceive the most careful ot)ey-takers , The ' bogus money aiiy be oown by the paper being a trifle, thicter lha the genuine, and the green on the back oicewhat lighter. The vignette of Fesen 'n is, at first glance, fully as correct as 'j-t in. the genuine, bat a close scrutiny !kiws that it i a good wood-cut, and pot a "el engraving. - : . ; , ' ,; ; j. i 1 " " . i i i . i i A Very distirmr, shi-w.W nf an farthnuake v felt at Salt Lake City on the Nov. 3d. 0 Wrge was done., Jo view" of the- dis ' promises concerning the fate of iniqui J?'w holes as Mormondom, the inhabitants lIlere would do well to heed this admonition ni 'flee from the Wrath to come." a " One Hcrriiann Schwartx arrived at Rich-' fM?v fginia, the other day, from the rt'i n"6""1 an atfempted to pass a'twen ! 1"ar Confederate note, not knowing, it m that the war was over. JVVV"1 John Milchell, the rrisK exile Mn V 1 ' inMt'tute a suit, against tren. H the 1 t ' '"or se- mP3Pn.ni'en' ,ur fhe official RepUbKeao uiajority of, Iowa e .OtKL thouirli Wolla thn Mnl a - fnr VH. wVa,:nl of Schools, rpcered a, ma- Wmo, - ' -" .jDlippings and.Scribblings.-, l Ltr . Down the priee of pork end beef.':!, r l fjy In demnoJ good butter and egg. 1 tW, Ditto greenback, grain and gobblers. Ef A beauty the chap who carrie a flk ia bUeoat pocket.-,, , ;.. , . ' W Progreming a protracted meeting ia the Lutheran Canrcn. ; iy aaot k Urge Ijnx. ia KemaUar , couatjr. xew iora, last week. t3T Very Polite the fellow who was bowing te a iign-potttne other night. , . tST A "turn bier" the ladj who fell en the pavement, on Monday laat. ' E7 Suspended 'building operation!, In thia placeon aeconnt of the cold weather. ' t JET" PreTailtng aearlet-rash, to some extent, in in i oorongn. no tatai caaea. bowever. ' -' T3T Why ii an old man's hat like rn Indian matron? , Because it keeps the wigwarm. Hr A man in Memphis ia named Africa Bailey. Wonder if hia children are all little Africana? UST" "One-Mule-Town" ia the unique legat des ignation of a place in Shasta county, California. HP" A man in Hartford, out of spite to his wife, sat down on a red hot stove; he stuck and she left . ' ry Rats have destroyed the great Swisscbeese at the Exhibition. Kate were not on how, so they sat inside and ate. ' XSf A awan was recently ahot in Kentucky measuring eight feet six inches from tip to tip, and weighing fifty-lour pounds. UT The flavor of ducks is said to be much finer if they are stewed alive. What? Stew 'em allvt ! J ever beard of such doings efore. C7' The Island of Tortugas was washed over by a heavy sea during the late hurricane. That can hardly be the Dry Tortugas now. - ty We understand that the great cheese at the great Exhibition, fell in being carried out and mil broken. llow have the mitey fallen." XW Dr. Hall says. "To be a great orator, a peer less beauty, or a star of social circles, whether a man or woman, is the next door to being lost." iy A Scotch gamekeeper has shot agplden ea gle, and the papers talk if it We know a man with a pocket full and nobody mentions the faet. I Zf The Prince of Wales, during bit six week sojourn in Germany, lost some twentv tbongan pounds at the gambling tables of Wiesbaden and iioinourg. Ij7"A XewTork pap'r thinks that it is all very well to talk of self made men, but they are jusi as uiicu ojuiy maue as inose wno aian t uies themselves. ... . ry To see a man with a re 1, swollen proboscis is otten not so much or a sign that he has bad hi nose punched, as that considerable punch hi pasted just beneath it.. Iy Tbe Penob-mot river has closed earlier thi season than it has fur fifty years. Is it not re markable how many peculiarities of weather and temperature occurred fifty years ago ! ry Tbe editor of the Savannah RepnUxraii pronounces ine prier ngdt'-lhe twin sister or uni versal suffrage.;' Why? Because tbe ballot and tbe bruiser both attain their ends by boxing rytien. Zachary Taylor, his wife, and. Old w fiitey. are all buried a few miles from Louis vine, without a atone or cross, or sculptured thing io leu me parsing traveller :nst he treads nea hallowed ground, ry Of all tbe para dexical things. we think stove is the most so., IiVcause to. keep it hot you muse Keep it -coaiea " And the more it is '-coal ed the hotter it grows This not a grate" joke those things are --barred." MARRIED : On November 21st, JKC7, by Rev. W R. Vhitney,at the house of Abraham Spen cer, in I'enn tp., Mr. Thomas L. Martin of Little Rock. Arkansas, and Miss Mary iu. fcPKNCER, ol Fenn tp., UJeartield co., P, . Pittsburg Prices Onrrent, ratriaeb wcbklt poBTna"KArTSMa!ii joca.tjLi' BY T. C. JENKINS, Dtalrr iH'FpHr, Piodurr. a ltd Rrjintd Oils. Pittsburg, Nov. 30th, 1867. ri.ora. scoana. Dayton Snow UikeSl 2 50 Brown, lliaH Jciikins' Eclipie. ;2 25 Refined, hard, 17) Uranto K Kentucky 12 j0 A Coffee, Jenkin s Lilly, 1 1 2i B Coffee, Rye Flour. hbl. ' 8 7SExtraC, 1 Corn Meal, bushel, 1 30IToa, Black, Buckwheat Flour, 5 50 lreeft,r ' -: ' . 16 161 16 7a a 1 20 90 a 1 65 75 a 1 00 75 a 85 50 Wheat, - 2 50 a 2 65 Syrups,' - ' Rye, 1 50 Molasses. Oats, -Corn in ear, Corn shelled. Barley. I l'otatoes. bbl. -' 70; Sorghum, VORicn. - - 1 15Dried Apples, 30 a 1 35Drii:d Peaches, 3 40 Salt. bbl. 9i a 11 12 50 2 Potators, P. Blows, Onions, bbl. . . .' Hominy, bbl. Timothy seed, Clover.seed, Flax seed, . . ' 0 00 Candles, 4 50 Sod, -i u'1' a in fi 50 No .1 Mackerel. bbl 1 50 2 75; Lard, choice. 13) 9 OOiTallow, 2 251 Baorn, Sides, 2 50 'Shoulders, . 10) Middlings, IS Beans, prime navy. 3 50 Harris eager cured. 20 auibT-i. piiiuw lull Cheese, - Apples, bbl Cider, bbl dull, Pical", per bbl 35 Mess Pork.: 21 50 1 Si Buckets, dos, 2 75 30,Brooms. dos. 3 25 4 001 Refined Oil.vrbite. 46 8 OH I Coffee. ' 22 a 76 17 00Dressed Hogs, 7i a 8 TX THE COURT of Common Fleas of Clearneld county DpntEV Blakcbard, ) ' vs. I Ft. pa y0: Tam,I867 A.J Autn: I Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court, to distribute the money in the; handsof the Boenn. arising from sale or personal property gives notioe that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his office, in the Borough of fit I 1 .. .... . . viearueiu. on oaturaay, tbe I4th, or December, mm. oetween tbe bours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and o oioca, it .' in., wnen ana wbere all persons in- icresioj may atiena. Witt. Al. UULLUUQH, Kov. 27, 1867-4t - - Auditor TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Eklah Rakestraw, )No.97.MarchTernj,1867. VS. !' . ' V'.. M.iisy J. Rakkstbaw. ) Sni. Snr Divorce. ' The undersined Commissioner.appointed by the Court, to take testimony in the above ease, gives notice that he will attend te the dutiesot said ap pointment, at his offioe, in the Borough oi Clear field, on Tuesday, the 17th day of December, 1867. between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M ., and 2 o' clock, P. M., when and where all parties Interest ed may attend and cross-examine ,1 i. WAT. M 11 CULLOUGH, Nov, 27, 1867, 41. . . Commissioner. - TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of x Clearfield comity . ' Auarsms Botlk, by 1 father a ad next friend, Ko. 107, Sep.Term1867 1 ' ft. A Mart Botlk. . J Suh. Sur Divorce. " The undersigned Commissioner, appointed by the Court, to taker-testimony in the above case, gives notice that he. will attend to the duties of said appointment, at bis office, in the Borough of Clearfield, on Saturday, the 21st of December, 1S67, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A M.raad 2 o'clock, P M., wjien and where all parties may attend and cross-examine. - ... . WM.M.M CDLLOUail., x -J Nov. 27. 1867-4t. ,- Commissioner J TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of -r Clearneld county : " Richardso.i V" No. Sept. Term, 186, RlCHARDSO.1. )-; ;i Siifmaatt Sur Divorce.' ( T The undersigned Commissioner, appointed tbe Court, to take testimony in the above e by gives notioe that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his office in the Borough oi Clearfield, on Thursday, the 19th of December, 1867: between the hours of 10 o'clock. AI M., and 2 o'clock! P. M., when and where all parties inter ested may attend and cross-examine. , . - - -'' WM. . M'CULLOUGH, ,i Nev. 27. ; - ' ' Commissioner.1 ADIES'FCRS! Muffs, Collars. Victorinea and Ji Bertha i a fine assortment just received at aor.ii iin.j- TU KEYSTONE STOHK CAKffciS AND OIL- CLOTHS a supply, in j late styles, just received and for sale, at low figures, at the KEYSTONE STOKE. lli.AKKr.TS! BLANKETS!! Gum Blankets, jlj i trey oianseis ana wnite Blankets at re a need prices at the KEYSTONE &TORE W ALL PAPER a Kot. 27-lm. large assortment at the KEYSTO&E STORE CARPET-OHAIN-Nov. 27-4t -for sale, very cheap at the aaisiuati sroKis WE are also opening a new supply of Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins, Flannels. Shawl. Gloves, Hosiery, Hoods, Nubias.Ereakfast Shawls Ladies' Coats, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Trimmings and x aucj uuous, ai prices mat aeiy competition. ' NIVUNO 4 SHOWERS, ' - ' "Keystone Store," . . Sov. 27-lm - Second Street, Clearfield. i iAtiiiUi.1. All persous are cautioned J A TTflim -evT " ' a mm v against purchasing or taking an assign meni or a certain promissory note, calling for Fifty Dollars. given by the undersigned to Charles Hensall, dated the 21st of November. 1867, and payable on tbe 1st ot March. 1868. as I will not pay the same unless compelled bylaw having received no consideration therefor. DANIEL LOW. Woodward tp., Nov, 27, 67-3tp. pURE BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to English white lead; Oils, Taints and varnishes or all kinds; Hold leaf in books, and bronses, for sale by " W. M. A A. I. SHAW Clearfield, October 23. 1867. nO PARTNERSHIP. George S. Perry anA O. V. UWtnn l.,vo tlo I1 16th, 1867) associated themselves, under the firm of Perry ft Hilton, for tbe purpose of conducting vtj uooas, Hardware. Lumber and Uenera Produce business, at the old stand of Q. S. Perry rbe books' of Q. S. Perry are in the hands oi ferry 4 Hilton for collection. Osceola Mills, ) . Clearfield co., Sep. 20. J " PERRY A HILTON. CUSQUKHANNA HOUSE. Curwensviile, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well-known Hotel, having been re-fitted and re-furnished throughout, is now open for the accom nidation oi travelers, and . the pubuo in general, ioarges moaerate. WM. M. JEFFRIES. Angast 14, 1S67-tf Proprietor , ' ..y. - -1 ' - - ' A GENTS "SVANTED-throughout the xx State of Pennsylvania, for the 1 UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO., . .. . of New York ; . ESTABLISHED IN J 850 . : Capital Assets about ?2,600t000. j. Apply to o. bardenwerpeK, ."- General Agent for Penn'a. Nov. IS, '67 2mp 422 Walnut St., Phil'a. Q I GARS AND TOBACCO. ADOLPH SCIIOLPP, ' - MaSCPACTCRBR A5D WoOLBSALB AND RstAtC pBALER in ClSARS AMD TOBACCOS, ' CLEARFIELD, PA., : Would respectfully announce that he has recent Iy commenced the above business, in-Clearfield and solicits a share of Datronasre. His cigars are made of the very best material, and in style of manufacture, will compare with those of any other establishment. For the convenience of the public he has epen ' b.w. bvbihi mim ... i . unug, aicraaam x allow ing eatabiishment.wbere all eaa be accommodated who may favor him with a all. ... , .;. He has always on bahd a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di recta the attention of ' lovers of the weed." ; . Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county supplied at tbe lowest wholesale prices. Call and examine his stock when you eome to Clearfield. - Nov. 20, 1S67. JEW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD II ILLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned, having opened a large and well sel:eted stock of goods, at Bald Hills, Clear field couiity. respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Their, stock embraces -Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard ware. Queensware, Tin-ware, Boots and Shoes! Hats and Caps, jeady-uade Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. They always keep on hand the best quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed. ' Alt goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. . Having also erected a steam Sav Mill, they are predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled. iOV. ZO, l07. JAMp IKWIM A SOUS. x A TEST 3TYLES for Fall and Winter, .'" Jlist received at the store of ; Mrs. II, D. . WELSH . & Co., Dealers in Fancy Ooods Millinerv. Notions. Toys. Aiusio and Musical instruments. Seeond Street, next door to First National Bank. , . Cleuriield, Penn'a.. They also make to order Silk and Velvet Bonnets for : : Straw Bonnets for ::::: All kinds of Hats for : : : : - ! SI 00 7 SO Materialifurnished rfa aa reasonable terms as they can pe Had in the county. Call and examine their stock before DurchasJrjs elsewhere. ' November. 6. IS67. FOREIGN ATTACHMENT. In the Court of Common I'leas of Clearfield .county": k . - - John II. Wafrner and Win. C. Wagner, Partners trading and doing business under the No. 81, Jan. Term, 1363. style and firm of Wagner A I Bro., vs. PhilipC. Harmon. 1 Foreign attach m t. Clear field County, ss:; 1 be Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, SBAIa yxotbe&herin ofsaid county, UaEBTiaa: We command tna that von attach Philip C. Harmon.late of vour conntv. hv all and singular1 hii goods and chattels, lands and tene ments, in wliose hands or possession soever . the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Conrtof Common Pleas, to be holden at Clearfield in and for the said county, on the second Monday of January next, there to answer John H, Wag ner and William C Waenar. Partners, trading nd' doing business under tha tvli and firm of Wagner A Bro., of a plea of case upon Promises. Damages not exceeding S400U. And also that you summon the person or persons in whose bands or possession tbe same may bo found, so that they oe ana appear before oar said nourt, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be ob jected to them, and abide the judgment of the court therein I and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. Samuel Linn. President Judge of the fa id court at Clearfield this Fourth day of November, AD. 1867;.- J , . . ; - D .F'EI ZWEILER, Proth'y. The above writ-ia published in accordance with the Act of Assembly, by .-JACOB A. fcAUT, JNov 6-6t. Sheriff of Clearfield county. NRniT!jn'sn TmrrRnrrvn KPtres nitron. JT English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ol the best quality, for sale by . I , m .1 . . ,'cwtir ' a. T D W W ' iFHIi.il'. ri lAIMO" li a 8PECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS! INFORMATION. Inforrhatlbh guaran teed to produce a laxurifnt 2ro.wth" of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of pimples, blotches. Erup tions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN. .. . , . Chemist, 823 broad way. N. Y JURORS OF YOUTH.-A Gentlemitn n suffered, for years from Nervous Aebiiity, Premature Decay, and all the effects at ywintui indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need it. the TjC,1? n 'e,'on, for making the simple rem lj by ,whi th he was cured. ' Sufferers wishing' to profit by the advertiser's experience, can db to' oy addressing, in perfect confidence, - ' ' JOHN B. OQDEN. . May 15, '67.1y. 42 Cedar Street, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Rev, Ed ward A. Wilson will send(free of charge) to all who desire it, the piesoription with the di rections for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of lung affection and that dread disease consumption. His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription as it will vost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. May 15, '67 ly. Williamsburg. Kings co N. Y.' GREAT DISCOVERY. One of , the greatest and most useful discoveries in medical science was made by the celebrated Dr. J Dumas, of Paris, Chief Physician to the Impe rial Infirmary of France, in 1861. Those who have been afflicted with the painful disease known aa the Piles, and effectually cured by the use of Dr. Dumas' French Pile Salve, cannot speak too mgniy of the benefits conferred upon them bjaJ use vi mis certain remedy, it bas never been known to fail in effecting a permanent cure in a single case. In this respect it surpasses all othef medicines of the kind. It will do just what it is recommended for ; if not. tbe money will be refunded. .One or two boxes is sufficient to effect a permanent cure in fouror six days, if the directions on the box are followed. Price one and two dollars per box, according to sixe. Sent by Mail or Express to any part of the United States or Canada Sold by Druggists generally. A liberal discount made to the trade. Address. D,3. DUNHAM A CO.. Williamsport. Pa., sole Proprietors and Manufacturers for the United States and CailAda. $500 OO REWARD will be paid in greenbacks to any person who has lised Dr. Dumas' Pile Salve accord ine to directions and has not been cured Address. D. S. DUNHAM A CO.. Wil- liamsport. Pa. : Deo. 6th, 1866 .-1 y . Q HAIRS ! CHAIRS !! CHAIRS !!l JOnit TROUTMAH Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at hit shop located on the let in the rear ot his resident on Market street, and a short disUnee weft of the Foundry, is-' prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a can, wiin every description ot Windsor chairs. He has a rood assortment on hand, to which ha directs tbe attention of ourchasers. Thev art made of the very best material, well painted, and finiithed in a workmanlike manner, and will ba sold at prices to suit the times - Examine then before purohasmg elsewhere. Clearneld, fa., March 28. 18M ATTENTION! BUYERS!! WHIPPLE,: PATTST- if-.. if :i ; : naaxaas ia t . P0BEI6N AND DOMESTIC DBT-O00DS, 4WJ -i .slum sfBBBt, coawnvii.i.a,rA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire te invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry -Ooods, Groceries. Hardware. Queensware, - Tinware, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, whioh they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times. . . They also deal In Grain, Pork, Shingles, Boards, and -othef limber, which will be received at tha highest market prices in exchange for goods. forgone desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully rea nested to rive as a eall nememoer you can and as at tbe old stand en Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date custciaer with anything in oar line of business. Sept. 6. 1S65. IIIPPLE A FAUST f LOTH I N Q ! ' CLOTIUNOI! GOOD AND CHEAP H! Men, Youths and Boys can be 'utilDied with fall luits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at nfcl2ENSTI!IN BKOS' ft CO., where it is sold at prices tht will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which haa been given, has induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Iieizenstcin Bro's & Co., Sell goods at a very small profit, for caaV ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one tbe worth of his money. They treat their .customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body ele. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell oheaper tl an others. For these and other reasons persons should bay their olothing at ' ' f KEIZBXSTEIN BRO'S A CO. : Prod Cee of every iihi taken at th6 highest market prices. v May 18, Ib6. T IMPORTANT to 1'ENSidNERS. The Act of Congress approved June 6, J866, gives additional pension to the following class of persons : 1. To those who hsve lost both eyes or both ha tds, or are totally disabled in tbe same so as to require constant attendance, the sum, por month, of , S2S,00 2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con stant attendance,' $20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or so disabled as to render them unable to perform-manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, the sum, per month, of $15 00 4. Persons deprived of their pensions under Act of Maroh 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored. 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for tbeir pension had been filed, and before the certificate was issued, and who have left widows or minor children, will be enti tled to receive arrears due at tbe death of the pensioner. 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. , In all of these cases, new applications most be made The undersigned is pre-i-iied, with the proper blanks, for tha iDeedv '-neurement ol these pensions. . :, . ;. - ", i.iidi ror Qoanty ana oacx pay. iioobiuub. nm claims tttt looal bounty under State law. promptly collected. H.B.SWOOPE, Att'yat Law. . July II, 136ft. , , Clearfield. Pa. j OALTr SALT" A prime artiole of ground' al- O am salt, put up ia patent saaaa. for sale cheap J w Ty miji m ot ( ' iii ''-":oijf: INSURANCE AT HOME. The Penn Mutual Lue' hindrance .Co , VZl TaT, raiiA. ; insures Uveson favorable tertna aid will issue rolieieson any of the Approved plans of insurance Assets;.Iiahlc to losses Jl,221,2g9 71. Sur-plus divided Annually.'" Losses paid iroMd 7 ... rremiums may be paid in cash; annually, seml-annuall or quarterly; jr one-half in cash, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the cnarter. jiotes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificate up to January, 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums Agency, at the office of it. B. Swoora, Clear fieldj Pa Dr J. O. Hartawick, Medical Exami ner August 31.1864. Jj d l( E INDUSTRY! - Boots and snoEs Made to Order at the Lowest Rates: The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention Of tbe eitisens of Clearfiel J and vicin i ty; ia give bUn a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartawick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair auythicg in his line. Orders entrusted te him1 will be exeeutod with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on band a stock of cfitf'a frencfc calf skins, superb gaiter tops, e., that I will finish up at tbe lowest figures. - June 13th, 18B6. DANIEL CONNELtY KEYSTONE STORE, Second Street, Clearfield, Tsi. D R Y, GOODS! D R Y GOO D S!I DKY GOODS!!! DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMING S. Cloths, Cassimefes.Twteds and Vet-tings. "' Shaker, Opera, Dress, Shirting, Bed. Blue, lellow. aad 'White Flannels ' Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, ef all ' widtha and qaalitiea. TABLE LINEN, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. Hoop and Balmoral skirts in great variety.' Shawls and Woolen Goods in every style. J I. A DIE S C OATS. Gehtlemen's fufnishing goods. Threads and Sewing Silks, .' all klhds, and colore. " Window Shades. Floor and Table, Oil Clotks. COB D3,TASSELS, RUGS. COUNTERPANBM. Gloves, Hoisery, Collars. Cuffs, Braids, Ribbons,' and an endless variety of ' aaaall wares and fancy articles. " Ladies', Misses', and Childreos' Shoes, a large assortment. . r ALL OF WHICH it ILL' BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH. ' Call and examine the stock before inaatng your purohascs elsewhere, as we feel : assured -that wa can please ia . ..' ' both quality and prices. ;s "' It will be our aim to make the KatsfoKa - the popular place te buy Dry Goodsi NIVLING & 8HOWERS. Clearfield, Penn'a. ' ' Pept. 25, 18S7. 1 L TV, A Y S X. E W, " WITHOUT FAIL I . J O I I N 1 R V I NT, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensviile, an yMire new stock of Fall and u inter Ooods. which he will sell very cheap for -. uii aioea consists oi ; . , Dry Goodsr Grocerkj Hardware, Queensware, Bdots and ' . , , Shoe, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing etc . ; The public generally is respecfnlly invited to give him a call ; see bis stuck and bear his prices, and purchase front him if you find it will be to your advantage, Nov. 15, 1866 u s T IN TIM E ! THE NEW GOODS AT W R I G H .T & SONS CLEARFIELD, PA., A. Having justieturned from tbe eastern cities we are now opening ; a full stocc ef seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite. the attention ot the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this seation, and is being sold very low for cash. T he Hock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delaines. Alsa- eas, Merinos, Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached' and unbleachod J Drilltfigs Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassitners. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods, Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ac. Ac. all of which will be sold low fob cash. Also, a fine assortment ef the best of M.E.N S ! W B AR., consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hate and Caps. n . I" 1 II 1 1 - ' . . . TXMJia ana oaoes, nsnuacrcaiejii oravais, etc. Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope. Raltina Annn and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc Also, Queenswsre. Glassware, Hard ware. Groca ries, and spioes of all kinds. In ahnrt assortment of every thing usually kept In a retail mi., . wp jar tosh, or approved country produce.. ,'."...',-,.. .;.-' .. . jaltt-p13. WRIGHT A SONS. S H INGLES, for $5 CO per?h'oueand, at August 7. ... H. W.bMITH'S. TEST quality ot Printi, ler l6o per yard, at EST juguat . ... H. W. DMl In B. EATHEK-ra good assortment for sale by I .- .r , -. - . VRKKHI.L a BIGLERa LIFE le!Jhkr 14.Vn4. . . Clwteld Pa, C L E A R Ff ELD AC A DB M Y. The Feeotid Seseietf or the press nt Scholaatks year of this Iastitutioa'. will Oommeoowoa Mon day, the 2d, dYy ef PecJembir, 1SST. . , t ' 1 fpfls can edter at any tliSTs'. They will be charged with t'lifioe froin tie time tbTey eater te the close of the session. if. " . The course of instruction embraces erarytbing included' ,in a tboTough,': praotical aad'aeeosa plisbed education of both sexes. ... ' The Principal having had the advaff'kge ef" maeh experience in his . profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and" energies will fee devoUfl to the mental and tnorar training of the joita placed Binder hia charge. TaaW's or Tpinoa: Orthography, Read'ing, Wfitiftg and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (II weeks.) ('N Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo' y- $6,oa Algebra,Gometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. 6ur,yeing, Philoeophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physioal , Geogra, Pby. t9,00' Latin, Creek and French, with any of the a bove branches. SI 2,00' CPNo deduction will be made for absence! - FoY farther prfrtttaUra Inquire of" , Rat. P. L. HARBISON, a w'. July 1. 1867. - Principal." SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ. Or Al. Levari facias. imiimI ant nf the Court of CoinmonPIeasof Clearfield county.and to me directed, there will be exnose'd to aala r the Court house in the borotiirtv on MONDAT.the 23d day ef DECEMBER. 1867,tail following described Real Estate, to wit : . All tbOse certain two tracts or nieces or fand' situate iff Clearfield ctmfitv. Che bt fhem mrMr.' ed in pursuance of a warrant anted to John Buyer, dated the 16th' day of Ma v. A. li-vyo- beginning at a post, thence by Nicholson's survey S. 39 degrees. W. 260 perches to post, thence by land of Nathaniel Donald, S. 40 degrees, E. 2b0' per. to post, thence by Vacant land, N. 3W degrees' porcuea n posi, anu menee ey unriatiau Gettings' land, N. 40 degrees, W. 280 perches, id the place of beginning, containing 439 acres aad1 1 1 perches and aIIowance.be tbe same more orleas.- And the other surveyed on a warrant granted to Nathaniel Donaldson da.'ed the 16th day of May, A. D., 1793, beginning at a post, thence by Nicholseu a survey, S. 39 degrees. W.260 perch to a post, thence by. land of John Binghurstl ". 40 degrees. E. 23u perches to a post, thence by vacant land. N.39 degrees, E. 260 perches to post and thence by laud of John Buyer N. 40 degrees, W. 20 perches, to place of beginning, containing 439 acres and II perches and allowance, be tbe Battle, more or la-a. Seixed, taken in 'execution, and to be sold aa the property of Lewis Jamison' and Lofen A. Enaworth. .. . Nov. 13. JACOB FAUST, Baeriif. ftiFTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW . YEARS. A superb btock ol fine Gold and Silver Watches, all warranted to run, and thoroughly regulated, at the low price of $10 eactf, and satisfaction guaranteed. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches, 5256 to 31000 100 Magic Cased Gold Watehe. 256 ; 500 100 Ladies' Watcbea, enameled, 100 to- 300" 260 Gold Hg Chronom'r Watches, 25(J W 300' 200 Gold Hunting Knglish Levers, 200" to 250 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, 150 t4' 200 500 Gold Hunting AmericanWatehet,100 to - 250 500 Silver Hunting Levere. . 50 to 150 500 Silver Hunting Duplexes, 75 to 199 500 Gold Ladies' Watches, 30' to' 254 1000 Gold Hunting Lepines,' " SD'to' ' 74 1000 Miscellaneous Silver Watcbea ' 59 to' 1 100 2500 Hunting Silver Watches. -. 25 to' M 5000 Assorted Watches, all kinds. 10 to 75 The above stock will be disposed of on' the pop ular one-price plan, giving every patron a fin Gold or Solid Silver, WaWh for S10, without gard to value Wnght Bro. A Co.'. 161 Broad way, New Yortf, wish to immediately dispose of the above snag, nificent stock. CectiGcates, naming the article, are placed in sealed envelopes.tnd well mixed Hold ers are entitled to the articles named in their cer tificate, upon payment of Ten Do'lars, Whether It be a watch worth $1,000 or oh Worth fees Tha return of any of our certificates entitles yon to the articles named thereon, upon payment, irre spective of its worth, and as no article valued Jess than S10 is named ou any eertifieate. it will at once be seen that this is so lottery, but a straight, forward legitimate transaction, which may Ee participated ia even by the most fastidious. - A single certificate will be sent by mail, peat paid, upon receipt of 25 cents five for SI. eleven' for S2, thirty-three and elegant premium for SJ. sixty six and more valuable premium for $10, one' hundred and most superb Watch for SI. To -gents or thuee wishing employment, this ii t raftf opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted bat; siness. duly authorized by the Government, and open to the most careful scrutiny., Watche sent by Express, with bill for (fblleclion on delivery so that no dissatisfaction an possibly occur. Try us. Address WRlOHT, BRO. A CO . oct30-3ci Importers, 161 Broadwsy.New York. T! R IE N N I AL ASSESSMENT AT A PEALS. Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of Clearfield county. Pa will meet at tbe following places, at 10 o'clock. A. M. 'of leach day named, f or tbe purpose of bearing -Appeals from the Triennial Assessment, to wit. For the township of Beccaria. at the house of P. Paulhatnus. in Ulen Hope, on Monday .Decern ier 3th, 1S67. , , For the townthip of Knox, it Ames' school house, on Tuesday, December 10th, 1867. For tbe township of Jordan, at the school house, in jnsonville,on Wednesday, December 1 ltb186. For the townfbip of Ferguson, at the house for merly occupied by John Gregory, on Thursday, December 12th, 167. For the towi.ship of Chest, at the school house near Simou ltorabaugh's, on. Friday, December 13th. 1867. For tbe Boron eh of New Washington, at the school houje. on Saturday, December 14th, 1867. For tbe township of Burnside. at the election house, on Monday, December 16th, 1867. For the township of Bell, a tbe election bonse, on Tuesday , December 17th. 1667. - For the Boron gh of Lumbar City, at the phblfa house of James Curry, on Wednesday, December Ilh, 1667 . ... . For the township of . Penn, at the house of B. C. Hepburn, on Thursday,- December 19th. 1867 ror the township of, Pike, at the house of Leah Bloom, in Curwensviile, on Friday, Dee. 20th, 1867. r of the Borough of Curwensvilla. at th t of Leah Bloom, on Saturday. Dee, 21st, 18o7. For tbe township vf Bloom, at the house of Al gernon Holden. on Monday, December 23d. 1967 For thetownsbipof Bradv.atthahonuinr tt Schwem. on Tuesday, December 24th. 186J.. For the township of Union, at the house of Daniel Brubaker.on Wednesday, Dee 25th, 1867. For tha township of Fox, at the house of John I. Bandy, on Thursday, December 26th. 1867. , .. For the township of Huston, at the house ef Wm... Wood ward, on Friday, December 27th, 1867. For the township of Lawrence at tbe Commis sioners Office, on Monday, December 30tb, 1867. For tha Borough of. Clearfield.' at tbe Commie aioners Office, on Tuesday, December 31st. 1867. ' An Appeal from tbe valuations of Ensealed Lands will be held at the Commissioners Office, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 4th, 5th, and 6ib days of February, A- D-. 1868, at which time all persons interested wt pieaae at tend, as no appeal can be taken ate that data. By order of the Board of CaouuiitfsTosars. .... - Nov. IS, IS67. W-S, EjRADLKY, Clerk. S OLE LEATHER A FINDINGS the cheapest ' ' ' MOSSOP'S f in the ooBty, at ' LOTniNGtaec-hsapastin' the county, at May Sa. . ' MOSSOP'S. ISH, oj aJk kinds the cheapest Ibe county. LADIESr(rLOAKS the cheapest in the county, at MOSSQP'8. OrhA PAtNTS the cheapest ia the county 'art - Mop.-.j