u 5 r .jr RAFTS if? S.'t Internal'; gournni CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 9, 1867. Beautiful Answers. A pupil of the t Abbe Sicord gave the following extraordina ry answers : . . What is gratitude? U ra tnuae is me, memory of. the heart I What is hope? Hope is the blossom of j happiness. What is the difference totwecn hote and desire? Desire is a tree m leal, hoi wa tree in flowers, and enjoyment is a tree in fruit. What is eternity? A day without yes terday or to- morrow ; a day without an end. What is time? A line that h.-s two ends, a path that begins in the cradle and ends in the grave. What is God? A necessary beiiiK, the eun of eternity the machinist of nature the eye of jostiee the matchless power of the universe the soul of the world. Does Go-" reason"? Man reasons because he doubts ; he deliberates, he desire ; God is omnipotent, he never donbts, therefore navcr reasons. i . . . . "Sambo, am you poated in de natural nciences?" 'S?artinryob course I is." Den you can tell me de cau.se ob de great rt in potatoes for de la.st many years gone by?" "Oh, dat's easy enough for dc me rest chile in scientific larnin'. De great rot in potatoes is all owing to de rot-tater-y mo tion ob de eartb." ' - " "Isu't it pleasant to be surrounded by so many ladies?", a pretty woman to a popular lecturer. "Yes," said he, "but it would be pleasanter-to.be surrounded by me." A-hem 1 ; '"' :- ' ' A Wabash, Indiana, paper, names a base ball club in that city the VHaul-up-and-hit-'em-quick-take-'etii-on-the-fly-and-go-in-on-jour-muscle base ball club." Why does the new moon remind one of a giddy girl ? Becaase she is too young to how much reflection. JJEW HARDWARE' STORE! PHIUPSBCRG, CENTRE CO., PA. , G. H. Zciglei & Co., Foreign and Domestio Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, Stove. Oils, -Paints, Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc., etc Tbr attention of Mechauics, Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen and Buyer generally, is invited to the fact that we are now! offering a bettor assort caent of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of the 3U . at prices to suit the times.' Our stock comp a general. assort ment of Tools and Materials UBed by Carpenters, Blacksmiths. Carriage and Wagon makers. Join er. Ao., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and'Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harncssmaterial a good assortment ; Ropes, Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saw; Enameled, Finished, and Plahi Hollow war in great variet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard. Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and aa extensive and good selection of Fine' Cutlery, Comprising a general saortnient of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and'pen knives, raiors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticles. Also, dessert; tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware Tn great Variety, and or the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be found buck-, ets of every. sis. u&cops, eil en. sprinkling cans, dotting pans, mineis' lamps; gallon, quart and pint meuuras, and many other articles in tin-ware line, which are wanted by everybody. Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Vicesi sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods' etc ; and with cast, shear, spring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers in the United States, or of foreign manutaoture. Carp enters And Builders will find in pur establishment a superior and complete stock of - Planes, ; Saws. Angurs, llatohets, , Hammers, Files, Chisels. Hinges, Screw, Locks, - - Bolts,- Pulley. V: -' Bash, Cord, Ao. -Farmers Will find everything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of-the latest and most im . proved pattern , Particular attention is direct ed to our very ea eufive stork of wood and coal :'r!i ': Stoves. Comprising pear's justly celebrated Anil dust eook and parlor stoves of all sixes ; Aleo, The Ni a gar a ook, Parlor cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew , drop, Artio, Egg and Picket stoves. . All of the above goods will be sold cheap for fada. '" A ; ! " O. H ZEIGLER A CO. ' J V- . . . , Philipsburg. Oct. 10th, lS55.-ly. NOT HER' BIO "FLOP! A wi. f. johssos. : : : : : : j. h. bailkt. Some two months ago it was formally announced that Pennville was "Right side np." Recent events have proven the announcement pieinature. Another "Flop" recently occurred, sad chief amongthe improved, "interesting, and important" phases presented, is the one portray ing TUB KltW, LAHtiB, AS If CoHMoDlOUS STGRB HoCSB, Of JOHNSON & BAILEY, who have just returned from the East with a large and i artfully selected sXori of seasonable rno'i of greater variety, and of better quality, than have heretofore been offered in this section of the county. Call at the New Store Rooms, and you will find : Dry Goods and Groceries, Hats, -Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Hollow ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Ready made Clothing, Clocks, Confectionary, Cheese, Flour, Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock ef Hardware will bear inspection, as it is full ana 01 the best quality Vur stoc. 01 tsoois ana ouuas is unequalled in quality awd low prices. To the ladies, we would say we intend to make the Notion and Dress department worthy their patronage Articles not on band will De specially ordered, to suit our customers. The striking feature m the "Flop," and the ne we would keen before the people is, thr vest LOW PRICES AT WHICH WEARS S SLUNG. The pub lic are invited to give us a call. ' Bring on your Produce, your Boards, Shingles. Grain, Pork, Butter. Eggs. Dried AppIes.Rags. Ac. Our motto, 'Chbapest A Best. JOHNSON A BAILEY. 1'ennville, August 28, 18(57. N E W SPRING GOODS. G. KRATZEll & SON, Are just opening at the Old Stand above the Academy, A large and splendid assortment of Spring floods, which they are selling at greatly reduced prices. Particular attention is invited to their stock of CARPETS, (Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil cloths, Window Shades and Wall Papers Especial pains has been taken in the selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, White Uoods, Einbroide ries aud Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoes, which they will sell at a small advance on city cost, Flour, Bacon. Fish, Salt and Plaster, AppK-s, Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. Also, some pure Brandy, Whigkey and Wines for medicinal uses . . Also iu store a quantity of large and small clover seed. We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will sell our goods as low as they can be bought in the county; aud will pay the very highest price for all kinds of country produce. We will also exchange goods for School, Road nd County or ders; Shingles, Boards and every kind of manu factured Lumber. . May 14, 1867. JSJEW SPRING GOODS, JCST HECEtVEI AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfally inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fish, Salt, Flour, Bacon, Kails, Paints, Oils. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware, Baskets, Tubs, Churns. Carpet, Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, all of which they will Sell CHEAP POR CASH. They wculJ also direct attention to their large stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer for s;ile at a small advance upon cost. KIRK A SPESCER. Lumber City, Pa., May 8, IS67. .. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hand, a general assortment of tsoots and bhoes, for men. women and children. . KIRK A SPENCER. mo THE AFFLICTED !! HEAD ! HEAD ! READ! THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. '-What shall, I do to relieve me ?" To such we would say, try the following invalua ble preparations, which have but recently been introduced to the public, although they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. ' ATHERICAtt VEGETABLbTbITTERS. This Vegetable Compound- id a certain cure for Dyspepsia; Disease of th Lfver. Carbuncles, E ruptionscf the Skin, Canker in the Stomach, etc. A benefit is 'always experienced from the use of e-wr bottle, and perfect cure warranted when the patient perseveres in taking a sufSoient quantity. In some oases from two to three bottles will effect cure. No change of diet is necessury. Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough of it. AMERICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds, Tightnesdof the Chest. Pain in the Breast, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc. This Medicine has a most happy effect in the above complaints, when taken according to directions. It can be taken at ail times, and under all circumstances, and the pa tient gener.-ikly experiences an almost instanta neou relief. It is worth a trial at least. . AMERICAN LINIMENT. This compound contains the most wonderful "medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It is a spedy, safe and sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Earache Toothache, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck, Spinal Disea ses, Pain in the Breast, Side and Kidneys ; Diizv ness. Burns. Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts. Braises, Sprains; Old Sores, Knnronnds, Felons, Cfeolera Morbus, Colic, etc. No family should be without it, as it is truly an indispensable and valuahl remedy. -. . r ' AMERICAN GOITER CURE. This is an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple fn its-composition, yet powerful in its effect. ; Us ed internal' and externally. Persons afflicted in this way should not hesitate to obtain the rem edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re lieved from their unplensant complaint. .. All the above remedies are prepared and Said hJ M. A. FRANK A CO". , . Clearfield, Pa." . t onntry Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices. . SURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in Lawience towmdnp. when not engaged; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Ponn a. March 6th, 1367.-tf. J MES MITCHELL: TJUSS' ST. DOIMNGO, Kubball's, Hooflanda ) German. Drake', and Hos otter's A Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by Jan 10 HARTSV. ICK 4 IiiWIN HORSES FOR inK -The subsctiber has a few HOUSES, BUGGIES, and CARRIAGES, which he will hire it resonsble ratea JA.Mta L. LtAi 1. Clearfield. August 21. 18fi7-2in. GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the lcadin.e hardy Tarioties of first quality. Orders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation, by A M. H ILLS. Aug. 21, '67. Clearfield, Pa. mo LUMBERMEN. A. H. Pierce, Spring Creek, Warren County, Peun'a. would inform the citizens of Clearfield county, that he is at all times prepared to furnish and fit up steam saw-mills, grist-mills, etc.. with all the necessary Machinery, of superior quality, on short notice, and liber il terms. For particulars in quire of Wm. W. Worrell, Clearfield, Pa. August 14, 18fc7-3mp. ; J ; p R O B I S O N & C O . , I" Wholesale Grocers, Pork packers, Dealers in Glass, Iron and Nails; Family Flourof best brands; Bacon, Hams, Sides nd Shoulder ; Lard, Mecs Polk, Dried Beef.and Cheese; Beans, Hominy and Dried Fruit ; Carbon and Lard Oil, etc. Red Frost, No. 255 Liberty Street Pittsburg. Penn'a. March 6, 1 857-1 y F LOUR! PROVISIONS!! Commission Merchant, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver or Flour, Provisions, all kinds op Pkoducb and Repined Oils, tc, c. rhpanont Flour House in Pittsbum. On hand all well known and reliable brands Quality of Flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal ers and prices current sent each week. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St. Pittsburg, Pa. January 23d, 1S67. H E G A R T Y & FULLMER, Manufacturers, And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. Imported and Do mestic Cigars, Michigan Fine-cut, Cut and Dry, and Fancy Smoking Tobnccos, best brands ; Lou isville Plucr Tobacco : Meerschaum and Wood Pipes of all kinds. 279 Liberty Street. Pittsburg, Penn'a May 22. 1807-ly. W. B. HEOAKTY. W. P. PULLMEK P OR S A L E, AT A SACRIFICE, The entire stock and fixtures of H W. Smith's DRY GOODS STORE. A rare opportunity is now offered to Merchants throughout the county. or any one wishing to go into the business, as the locality is one of the best in Clearfield, and a complete assortment of goods now on hand. Ap ply at the Store. June 5, 1867. c LEAR FIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the Second Scholastic year, will commence on Monday, Sept. 2d, 1867 Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and secoin plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge ' Terms op Tuition: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) 55 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Ilisto ry. $6,00 Algebra.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. $9,00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches. S 12,00 fiNo deduction will be made for absence For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. m. July 31 , 1867. Principal. AT E W . A R R A N G E M E N T. SHAW & SHAW, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, opposite the Court House,) Clearfield, Pa. The subscribers having entered into partner ship in the Drug business, and purchased the en tire interest of Mr. C. D. Watson, would respect fully inform the citizens of Clearfield ccuniy, that they are now prepared to furnish . DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, ' Stuffs, Tebaoco. Cigars; Confeationeries, Stationery, Ao. Dye PHYSICIANS Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete, and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices. ' SCHOOL BOOK3. Teacher and others will be furnished with class ical and miscellaneous book by express, at short notice. - STATIONERY, , Consisting ef Cap, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neatstocc ot Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pas, Pencils, Ink, Ac. HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Poda, Soda Ash, Concentrated Lye Soap, Ac. LADIKS AND GENTLEMAN Are req vested te- examine our steek of Perfumery, Haiv Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs Toilet Setts, Ac. . .SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will find a full spply,tf prim Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Dmestie Cigar. Snuff, Fine-cut, Ao. - - -. ' CARBON OIL, Of the best brands, always en hand. '" ' LIQUORS. The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for uudiual purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully ompounded. August 7, 18(57. com WM. M SHAW A. I 8HAW. G UNS, Pistol and sword cane to be had at June, 9tt. . jwe.ttnc.ijLi sc ciuleK'S. COAL, Whale, and Linseed Oil, FamiW Dyes, Varnish and Paintsof all kind ground in Oil for sale by HART3WICK k IRWIN. s ALT ' SALT !! i-A prime article of ground al um salt, put up in patent saess. forsalecheaD at the stoieof R. tOSSOt. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Journal is published on Wed aesdayst $2,00 per annum in advance. If not naid at the beginning of thevear. $2.50 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close of ' the year. Advertisements will oe inseriea ai i-er gouare. lor tnree or less insertions icn use: (or less) counting a square, r or every uuujviii insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shoner time man six months, and no paper will be discontinued un- tilla.il arrearages are paid. except at tne opuop ui tnepublisner. a.J.ft'J". FOR SALE. One two-borse wagon, with ctivir.iT uo'it -rniri(irr KnvfS A V 1 U. Pjico, $175 00. Call on W, R. BROWN, July 10, 1867. . or Passmore & feon. rrOTIIE FARMERS OF CLEARFIELD A COUNTY. The subscriber has on hand n.l for sale 3-horse and 4-horse-power Threshing Machines, with haker attached, made or good material Machines will be delivered in Clear field. Orders promptlv attended to. Addres, STEWART WILbuN. Strattonville, Clarion co.. Pa B. SPACKMAN, Agent, July24-4mp. Clearfield, Pa. "OUM PS. Having localed permanently -- in Clayville, near Punxsutawney.I have, and intend keeping, constantly i n hand, and ready for delivery, yellow and whit pine pumps, to suit wells of all depths. These pumps are well finished and painted, and are the best and most durable pumps in use. -I will also go and make pumps, or bore and lay pipe logs, where ever needed the timber being found. For further particulars call upon, or address J. B. CONSOR, June 12, 1867-6m. Punxsutawney, Pa. THE WESTERN HOTEL, . Clearfield, Penn'a. The undersigned, bajing taken charge of the above named Hotel, generally known as :'The Lanich House," situate on the corner of Market and Second Streets, Clearfield, Pa, desires to.' in form thepuolio that he is now prepared to accom modate those who may favor him with a call. The house has been re-fitted and re-furnished, and hence he flatters himself that be will be able to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner. A liberal share of patronage is solicited. June 12, 1867. J. A. STINE. OOLEN FACTORY! Having purchased an interest in the Union Mills, in Union township, Clearfield county, we are prepared to card wool, manufacture and fin ish cloth, and do all kinds of work in our line on short notice, in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms. Flour, feed, aud lumber, also manufactured and for sale. Terms, cash. F. K. A J. R. ARNOLD. Rockton. June 25. 1857. N.B. Wool intended for carding ean be left at R. Mossop's or J. P. KraUer's, in Clearfield, which will.be taken away and returned when carded, on Saturday of each Ween. rj II E C II KAPEST GOODS " ' ARE SOLD BY RICHARD M OS SOP, DEALER 13 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. &.C.. M.IRIBT STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Read th$ following list of goods a ltd pro fittherrhy. (Jieup Cheap (JAeup FOR THE LADIES (roods (foods Always on band a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laine?, Ginghams, Goods (roods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap rrints, Caintx, Kerchiefs, Ru bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc Goods Guods FOR GENTLEMEN, Always on hand Black, Blue. Browu and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Casimeres. Suttiscts, CassincU, Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vet, t ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. READY-MADE. Good" Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap 'Goods Good Goods Goodt CVfejSuch as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under- Goods iutap shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Good. i,oois, snoes, uais, uaps, iecK Go mis Cheat ii ties, G uin Boots and Shoes. and Goods Cheap Cheap a variety of other articles. Goods (rtods Goods HOUSEHOLD GOODS, tylfctf l!c "i. l-l.7.,v,.l i m Muslins, Colored Muslins. Linen and ootton tablecloths. Oilcloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. Good Cheap Cltnap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Cheap Goods Goods Lyheap CheapH you- wantNails or spikes. Manure Cheapl 01 'her fork. Saw-mill or other Cheap 8aw8 SmootCi ng irons. Locks, Cheap' Hinges, etc, go to Mossop's Cheapl where you n buy cheap. Cheap IF YOU WANT Cheap Knives and forks. Butcher Knives. Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Vhra.p Shoe and htove hlackrng. Manilla roods G00ds .Good Goods ! Guods Cheap 'Jheap Cheap and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Perm, Powder, Shot or Lead, etc., buy them at .Mossop's. Ch eap IF YOU WANT Cheap, Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy ' Cheapl Soap. Starch, all Paper or Win- j''1 Goods ood iueapi dow fc. hades, Lamps, karap tubes Cheap or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Cheap Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Good Go mis G oods Goods (!ods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT Good extra family Flour, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or stttes-, coffee; Imperial, Young" Hyson or blacs tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples or peaches, water or so cio cracsrers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Port wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses, Sweet wine, old Mcmtn gahela or rye whisity, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap eash store. IF YOU WANT Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur rants ; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nuts, candies, Liquorice T ' . . . Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods' Goods' Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap, Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap or liquorice root, ouy in em at Mossop's cheap and good. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods IF YOU WANT To buy any other article cheap, be sure to go to Mosson, for he sellel nj. cheaper for eash than any other O00d3 person in Clearfield county. i30, rJovember 27,186l. ap2r5t. o00ds Cheap Awaroved country produce of every kind taken at the ttsMal market prices in exchange for go4s. 8 TOVES of all sorts and sixes, constantly on hand at Mc.rlKb.LL A BluLKK o IRON 1 IROFIt Best bar iron, for sale at the rtoreof MERRELL BIGLER. H ARSES?. Trimmings, and Shoe-find trig! for sale at MERRELL A BIG LER'S CANNED FRUIT, of best quality, for sal by Aug. 23. MERRELL A BIGLER. PALM"ER'S Patent unloading hay-forks. t had at MERRELL & BIGLER'S. . 1 1 1 ) i. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag ons, for sale by ; MERRELL. A BIGLER . HORSE-SHOE8, and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. 23.-,,, , MERRELL fc BIG LER'S. FODDER CUTTERS of a superior mak for sale at reasonat-le prfje. sf MERRELL and BIGLER'S. ClearfieM, Pa. :" , Not. t - . r. n - ' 1 Jl . ' ' I 1 I10R SALE at cost 4 barrels of good family flour, to close ou the stock, at . Jan. 10,1S0. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. RANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE OF McGIRK A PERKS. Successors to Foster, Perk. Wright A Co., Pbilipsburo, Centre Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banning House will be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 20. -tf. J.D.MGIRh' F.WD. PERKS. BO O K A G E N T S WANTED Vk Snltnif fils2r 4Yki a Vow lllnctfnt,1 J w va . a vi m 1 1 vat-V t tX UVVA l'.IDLE DICTIONARY'. (COMTLRTB lit ONE VOLIJSE.) - This Dictionary tmbodies the results of the most rcceut study, research, and investigation, of about ixty-5ve of the most eminent and advanced biblical scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations a; prove it, and regard it as the best work of its kiud in the tniriish language. and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in tuo land. in circulating -thi3 W ork, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The nu merous objections which are usually encountered in selling ordinary works, will not be encounter ed in this. But. on the contrary, eueouragemert and friendly aid will attend the Agent, making his labors agreeable, useful, and lucrative. La dies, retired Clergymen. School Teachers, Farm ers, Students, and all others who possess energy, are wanted to assist in cauvassing every town and county in thecountry.to whom the most liberal inducements will be one red. tor partioulars,ap- ply to. or address. PARMELEE BRO S.. - . . 1 ...... .- . . ' . ..I", , . 1" sep 4-01. j ransom 01 . rniiaaeipnia. ra. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO., NO. 54 'WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA., Now offer to dealers their FALL STOCK, At Low Prices fcr Cash. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Sept. 11, 1867. 3ra. p LEAR FIELD NURSERY. Encoc a- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fruil trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrub berv. Grape Vines. Gooseberry, Lawtfn Black berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also, Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early bcarlet Kheu barb. Ao. Orders promptly attended to. Address . Aug31.1b4. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let ters (f Administration on the estate of Wilbur Bobiaon, late; of Pike township, Clearfield county. Pa . deo'd. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to iid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tne same win pre sent them, iironerlv authenticated, for settle ment. The bot.ks of the firm' of J Robison A Son, are in the handsofJ. Robison, or the under signed, for immediate settlement. APGAR BLOOM, Curwensville, Sep 4. 1867-fit. Adm'r. ED. W. GRAHAM,. DEALER IN r n y- g o o u s-,. DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL-CLOTH3, WINDOW-SHADES, CURTAILS, .WALL-PAPER, CLOTHING, - - BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND' CPS, QUEENS-WARE, HARD-WARE, GROCERIES, SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH, MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. Mat 10, 1867. rtOTTlTRTtS TIOTTNTTES. A rooontl ha passed both Hooves of Congress.and BIJUOU VJf L 1J U a io.i.VJLlV, t,IU 111 I JCKIB QUI Ai arm Htnt) and two vpam' anIHinra S.Sn hnnntv- - Soldier wounded in line of duty, who did not serj-etwo or three years. are entitled to the bounty. OTBounties and Pensions collected by me for those entitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 15th, 1866. Clearfield, Pa. pLEARFIELir HOUSE, Clearfkld, Pa. The subscriber would resptJcttully solicit a continuence of the patronage of his old friends and customers at the "Clearfield House." Having made many Improvements, he isprepar ed to accommodate all wbo may favor him with their custom.' ' Every department connected with the honse is conduoted in a manner to give gen eral satisfaction. Give him a call. Nov. 4. 1866. GEO. N. COT.BURN. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. haib recipe for the removal of pimples, blotches' It! ' lions, etc., on th. gkill, Ug the tZti clear, and beautiful, can be obtained witC; charge by addressing TUOS. F. CHAPMAN . , Cbemistbaa broadway. S. Y. JRRORS OF TOUTn. A Gentle youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of so ing humanity, send free to all who need it'tU rtcipe and directions for making the simple r,a edy by whi ;h he wag cured. Suffertrs wih to prfit by the advertiser's experiencv. nu do by ad dressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B . Ot;rE .. ll?6.71- 42 Cedar Street, No, y'tk WO C'ONSU.MPTLVES.-TI,e Rev 1 ward A. ilson will bend'frce(f char to all who desire it, tie prescription with rhodV rections for making and using the simple rea by which he was cured of luug affection f dread disease eensumption. His ou!y oW l to benefit the 'afflicted and he hopes sufferer will try this prescription m it win e ' tbem nothing, and may prove a blej?ine Pl. address . REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. May 15, '67 ly. W illiamsburg. Kings co K. T. A GREAT DISCOVERY. One "tfrte -4--1- greatest and most useful discoveries ia medical scienae was made by the celebrated I J Dumas, ef Paris. Chief Physician to the Impe rial Infirmary of France, in IStil. Those have been afflicted with the painful disease'knoij as the Piles, and effectually cured by the u(' Dr. Dumas' French Pilk Salvk. cauuotepeaktc highly of th benefit conferred upon them bv the use ef this certain remedy. It has nevtr been known to fail in effecting a permanent cart in a single case. In this respeot it surpass! a ether medicines of the kind. It will Jo jut what it is recommended for ; if not. the monry will be refunded. One or two boxes is eu&cirat to effect a permanent cure in four or six dy. if ' the directions on the box are followed. Price on and two dollars per box, according to tize. Sent oy juau or express to any part of ibe United States or Canada Sold by Drueiri.ts lrcDemliw . A liberal discount made to the trade. -MHr...'. D.S.DUNHAM A CO.. Williamsnort. P. u Proprietors and Manufacturers for h I'nit. States and Canada. $500.00 REWARD will be paid in ereeuUcii to any person who has uted Dr. Duuias' Pile Salve according to direction n l has notW cured Address, D. S. DUNHAM A CO . Hil. liamsport. Pa. Doc. 5th. ts1fl.-i. MANHOOD : HOW LOST, Hmv RK new edition of Dr. Culverwell a A JUzt W Celebrated Kssay on the radical cureLJr (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea, or .--tuii:il weakness. Involuntary isemmal Logics, Impotta cy, Mental and physical incapacity, luipediuianu 10 marriage, etc. ; also oonsumpnon einlrpry, and fits induced by self indulgence or .tiual extravagance. rnce in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. Tbecelobrated author in this MdmirubleeK.iv. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year's u cescful practice that the alarming ctiinueiict "f sen aouee may he radically cured without tts dangerous use of internal medicine, or the appli cation of the knife pointing out a mode of cur at once simple certain, and euectual. by meant tf which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be. may cure himself Cheaply, private ly, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every mau in the laud. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain fl ed envelope, on the receipt of six cent, r t post stamps. . Address the publisher, CUAS. J. C. KLINE A CO. 127 Bowery. New York. Oct. 10. '66 ' ly. Post Office Box A3,. CONSUMPTION CUKAHLE BV DH. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. To cure consumptica. the system must be pre pared so that the lungs will heal. To aejomplua this, the liver and stomach' must first oe cleansed and an appetite created tor good wholesome food, which, by these medicines will be digested prop erly, and good healthy blood made; thus build ing up the constitution. Schenck's Mandrake Pillseleanse the stomach of all billiousor inucu ous accumulations; and by using thu Sea WeeJ Tonie in connection, the appetite is restored. Scbenck's Pulmonic Syrup is nutricioutas cil as medicinal, and, by using the three- rsuitditi. 'all impurities are expelled from she system, and good, wholesome blood made, which will repel .l disease. If patients will take ttti-jo mvlicinei according- to directions, consumption venr fr fluently ia its last stage yields readily to ilieir action:- Take the Pills frequently, to clcanie tt liver and stomach. It does not follow that bcai the bowels are nof costive they are net rrq-Jire-i. 1 or sometimes iirdiarrbea tbey ara nevcrMurj. The stomach must be kept healtdy. and an appe tite created to allow the Pulmonic Syrsp to fl on the respiratory organs properly arid liy irritation. Then all that is required to perwra a permanent cure is, to prevent taking so!i ercise about the rooms as much ai po."-iblf. e;.4 the richest focd fat meat, game. snd. in f"t anything the appetite craves: but l.a parricii'ar and masticate well. OotlT. IsM 'X E A O L E II O T K L. Curwensville, Iens'a. LEWIS W. TEN ErCK, Pkopmiktc. Having leased and refitted the tbove boul. ia now ready to accommodate the travelling p' lie His bar contain the choicest IraBdi of liq uors. He solicits a share of public patriiJ5- July 11th, 1866. .. QHORTLIDGE & CO., Proprietor , of 0 Bellefonte Lime Kilns. Ifcliet'ont;, Pi- Wood or coal burnt lime forwarded by Railroad, and constantly on hand and for sale, at thekllBI Jnne 26, 1867-6mp BUGGYTOR SALE. An open buggy, good as new, will he sold at a reaonabl priw Aprry to E. A.Graham, at his ft ore ua"M Sep. 4. or to J. B- GRAJUAM, LEATHER a good assottment-for sale by - merrkll A biglbk. December 14, 1S4 Clearfield Pa, GROCERIES the cheapest in tb . wjnty, ' May 29. MOSOfo PLASTER the cheapest in the county. , at May2tt'67. K M0sfe0j J71LOUR the cheapest In th county. .at a j May2y, '67. KtoaOP- D! RY GOODS the cheapt in tb eoMty, ay 29, '7. FEED the cheapesCro the county. at . May 29. MUffJL-. gOOTS A SHOES the cheapest gJJ"!''' N AILS A SPrKES-the cheapest '" at OLE LEATHER A INDINGS-the cb SOLE 1 inth e eoanty, at CLOTHING the cheapest in th e.0n.,J;J, piSH, cf all kind the cheapest VsoTS' J-ADIES'CLOAKS the cheapest iJp"!?' OIL A PAINTS the cheapest in the "'t' MayW. ;M"g QUEENSWARE-the ck.apest i'tftf' DIARIES for X87. for fal at Ml3r Nov. 28 MIUIWW'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers