Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 04, 1867, Image 2
THE.,. VrV T- 11; tea I ?3 if':!'! if .. s -u- .. 1 1, fi .: ill-?'!- i2s 8 . '-a- Raftsman's ,MrnaI;- 9 r j"tji . l g. J. ROW, EDITOR ABD PBOPBIETOB. CliEARFIELD, PA., SEPT. 4, 1867. REPUBLIOA5 STATE TICKET. - FOR SUPREME JCDGE, - Hon.' HENS Y -W.' WILLIAMS, OF PITTBBrRO. ' REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR ASSEMBLY, Oapt. JAMES M. "WELCH, of Pike. , '' ' FOB SHERIFF, SANSOM B. LINGLE, of Goshen. i - . . i ir- i-.- J'OB TBEASOREB.1 ; , AETHTJE BELL, of Bell. - , . FOR DISTRICT ATTORI5KT, , JOHN H. FULrOED, of Clearfield. ; FOR COMMISSIONER. . DAVID DEESSLEE, of Union. FOR JURY COMMISSIOSBR, JAMES GLENN, of Ferguson. FOR AUDITOR, "JAMES IRWIN. Sr., of Lawrence. FOB COROSER, WILLIAM E. BEOWN, of Clearfield. , 1 What is to be Decided. : 1 - The Election in Pennsylvania, in October, is to decide more than the success of candi dates for State and county offices, says the Telegraph! Contests at the ballot-box now decide upon principles, whether political parties so will it or not" The people of the South who armed for the destruction ot the Government : were whipped on the" battle field. They resorted to the sword as an ar biter of differences which could have been adjusted without its aid, and they were de feated. . But , they are not satisfied with an overthrow in battle, they are not content with the logic of war. The ballot-box is now to decide still further the injustice of treason; the power and ability of those who believe in strong government. These facts are all important. It is necessary that the voter know there is as much force in a ballot as in a bullet, 'when the contest is be tween loyal men and traitors. The people of Pennsylvania must decide with the ballot as they did with the bullet, whether or not traitors shall control the government. We must decide whether Northern ideas of good government, of order, peace and observance ofthe law shall prevail, or whether the Southern idea of resistance to the law, en couragement of disorder, defiance of author ities, murder, arson and revolution, shall be established. This is the issue of the con test now waging in Pennsylvania. 1 1 : . , , The Object. The New York Herald, which has suddenly become . the favorite organ of the President, intimites that the object of the removal of the district com manders is to give all the disfranchised reb els an opportunity to vote at the approaching Southern elections in defiance of existing laws. This result is to be brought about by a general amnesty proclamation releasing all the secession leaders from the existing pen alties, and overriding, by an edict from the White House, the law3 of Congress. The Ilerdld contends that in this event it would become the duty of the district command ers to grant universal suffrage, and adds : It may be m anticipation of a neglect or refusal to perform this "duty on the part, of the original five military commanders of the districts that the President has thought fit to remove them,' or some of them, prior to the issue of an amnesty proclamation." The present indignation of the country at the removal of Sheridan and Sickles will be greatly increased it this conjecture of the object of these changes should prove correct. Execution of Winnemore. George W. Winnemore, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Magilton, of Philadelphia, was execu ted at Moyamensing prison, in that city, at 11. o clock, A. M., on Thursday, August 29th. He made a few remarks to thank those who had been kind to him. He would not - receive the ministrations of any pro fessors of religion, and protested his inno cence to the last At a quarter after eleven the" body was cut down, and it was found that death had resulted from strangulation. The brain was large, clean and active, with less of the vital fluids than usual. Before death Winnemore said, that at death, his spirit would remain in the world to haunt and disturb those who had persecuted him.. He died without professing religion, a con- firmed spiritualist,. There was very little popular excitement about the execution. The failure of the N ational Labor Con gress to accomplish much good is partially accounted for by the statement that its lead, era endeavored to engineer it for the benefit of the Democratic party. c. . Gold is ajjain on the advance,, the inevit able consequence of .the extraordinary Pres idential rwrforaances. . , A' Worthy Candidate. ' The loyal voters Ithe Common wealth ask . rio higher tribute; to the worth and char acter of Judge Williams than the, following neat compliment paid.him by, the only daily Democratic paper of, Western Pennsylvania the day following hisnomuiation. It said : The ridminatioirof the Honi- Henry W." Williams as a candidate forjudge of the Supreme Court is a good one. lie was the best man named before the Republican con vention, and possesses legal and moral qual ifications for the responsible position to which he has been nominated. Both par ties have now presented their candidatesi An important duty, has been, faithfully,, dig; charged by the respective conventions. The campaign may now be conducted vcitliout personal aspirations, and decided upon the principles of the two great parties. , This is as it should be. It is an auspicious sign of the ' times, and if the county conventions are equally fortunate in the selection ot leg islative candidates, thero will be a stop put to the deplorable corruption at the seat of government under a new reign of honest men and conscientious legislators. Pitts burgJi l'ost, June 2$th, 1867. ; " C- The Post, in referring to. the above, on the 29th of August was pleased to say : "We-4iave nothing to take batfk or modify.- Of Judge Williams' private or legal reputation we have nothing but words of praise, and however it may suit some pug nacious and heady politicians, we cannot bring ourselves to view personal assaults as either wise or politic." , The Post, no doubt, speaks the truth in regard to the "legal and moral qualifica tions" of Hon. Henry W. Williams, the Republican candidate for Supreme Judge ; and yet, in the face of this positive testi mony of a candid opponent, the "pug nacious" small fry Copperhead papers per sist in denouncing Mr. Williams as a "hig gling, fanatical, curly-headed, - sour-faced adventurer," with "no reputation." All honest and well-meaning voters will view these "personal assaults" on the ."private" reputation of a worthy man ia their proper light; and, on the Second Tuesday of Oc tober, thousands will vote for Hon. Henry W.: Williams, who,: otherwise, would 'have supported his opponent. Let the people remember these facts, and go to the polls with the assurance that Mr. Williams will be elected by an overwhelming and trium phant majority. ' ! Grant's Indictment of the President.' The Detroit Post regards the letter of General Grant as the grand indictment on which Andrew Johnson "will be tried and convicted, and removed from office." In the language of Grant, he is charged with an "effort to defeat the laws of Congress," fot granting "a triumph" to the "unrecon structed element in the South those who did all they eould to break up this Govern ment by arms and now wish to be the only element consulted as to the method of re storing order ;" for "emboldening them renewed opposition to the will of the loya! masses, believing that they had the Execu tive with them ;" for removing Gen. Sher idan, though "he had performed his civi duties faithfully and intelligently ;" for dis regarding General Thomas's services in bat tling tor tne Union, and assigning him to relieve Gen. Sheridan against his earnest protest : for removing Gen. Hancock when tne puoiic interests demanded his services in a "complicated department;", for disre gardmg military interests, pecuniary inter ests, patriotic interests;" for defying "the expressed wish of the country that Genera Sheridan should not be removed," and the "earnest remonstrance of the General of the Army, who protested, in vain, aeainst it," in "the name of a patriotic people who have sacrificed hundreds of. thousands of lives and thousands of millions of treasure to preserve the integrity and union of this country. iu xerK3 county me Administration is turning out all the assistant assessors, and replacing them with Democrats of the real Copper ring. This is, of course, a cam paign measure, and may be followed up all over the btate preparatory to the election. We do not think the aid or friendship of Andrew Johason will help Judge Shars wood, nor do we believe that gentleman himself values it very highly. Once before it was attempted to buy up Pennsylvania with post-offices, but a disastrous failure was the result. This old Commonwealth, with its broad fields and substantial, indus trious population, is no ground for a "poor TTU-.LC uuuucian to onerare in. Judge Williams' Pkospects. Ac counts from Western Pennsylvania are most cheering. West of the Alleghenies Judge Williams' name is a tower of strength, and will rally to his support thousands of oppo sition voters. His spotless integrity his unblemished reputation his unquestioned loyalty in the darkest hours have won for him hosts of friends. More than that, the ungenerous and ungentlemanly course of the Democratic press, in coarsely attacking his private character with, slander and false-; hood, has aroused a feeling of general indig nation that will tell powerfully next October. In a speech the other at Bangor, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin said there was no hour during the war of the rebellion when there was greater responsibility r.W.1 nnnn ,.a than rests upon us to-day. We r not n..t of our trials nor our dangers. - ' " A Pointed DEFixmnv "u it the meaning of Conservatism; but as de fined, it is worse than Copperheadisui. It 13 legislation without authority, and recon struction by usurpation. "ThaJ. Stevens' Jhe Issue in Pennsylvania. -? During theC rebellion certain Democratic PJllUCiaUS atv Ve, 1'ul lu ""Viuuu'iy lli ennsylvania -were, in active V sympathy with it, omitted no opportunity to render it assistance, were even nopeiui or its success, aiid no doubt were in some way;W other in constant communication with Jefferson Da vis and other public euemies.4?. Conspicuous among this '-class was Jere. S.' rJlaekv th leading spirit ot the i'emocratic party in Pennsylvania, and at present the chief ad viserotMr. Johnson, and principal insti gator of his alarming proceedings. Were we to attempt to characterize the. present actions' of Mr Johnson; we could io no way do it so fittingly a3 bj declaring that; hav ing submitted himself. to tb.e..aJ.visemeut.of such men as Black, he is acting up to the standard of Pennsylvania Democracy, of vorite and standard-bearer in the present canvass. , Black and Sharswood belong to the same school of politics, and it should be enough for the loyal people of Pennsylvania to know that the Democratic candidate, were he to speak now, would approbate warmly the course of Andrew Johnson and stimu late him to further steps in the same direc tion. - But - for the encouragement derived from this school of politicians in the North the rebellion would have- been put down at least three years before it was. And now- as then, true to their instincts and hympa, thics, they have in a sense organized anew, with Mr. Johnson at their head. We see. therefore, that the old issue of Lovaltv and Freedom has been thrust on the people of Pennsylvania. All ot a sudden, through this unholy combination and the desperate actions and still more desperate intentions of the ; President, which naturally result t herefrom, other issues have been cast into the shade and measurably set aside. This has been the peculiar work of Pennsylvania Democracy, led by Black with Sharswood for standard-bearer. Of the latter's sympa thyin common with the Democratic partv in the North with the cause of the South throughout the war ; of his support of the peace-at-any-price doctrine and the candi dates standing on that platform, there is no shadow of doubt. His contribution to the cause was tne opinion which he volunteered. with no motive but the damaging effect it might have on the loyal cause. ' That he is now, as he was then, in perfect accord with Black & Co., is indispntable ; and he there by becomes the representative of the ideas and purposes of Mr.' Johnson in his present desperate .attempt to prevent the perfect restoration of the country. I he. strong in dictment framed by Grant against Andrew Johnson applies equally to the tribe of Black, Sharswood fc Co. By them no word of alarm is spoken, no note of warning is sounded, although we have reached one of the gravest periods in our history. No in telligent man can fail to perceive that the Democratic party in Pennsylvania and the desperate cause of Andrew Johnson are so intimately connected that support of the one is indorsement of the other. ConiU , In the speech at Canton, Ohio, a few days since. Senator Sherman, after refering to the adoption ot the Constitutional Amend ment, said; "Even now, if the South, with "the spirit that actuates Gen. Longstreet "and others, would adont the amendment, "and elect loyal Senators and members un "der it, their admission to representation "would be easy. I know what I say to you "is true, when I declare that a majority of "the Republican Senators and members tlwould have admitted any Rebel State upon "its adopting the Amendment and comply ing with its terms." - President Johnson opposed that Amend ment. r Had he not done so the South would have accepted it, and might now have been in the Union. The worst of their present misfortune the Southern States owe to their persistence in taking bad advice. They will never get out of the ditch till they give up following a blind leader. A tabular statement prepared from offi cial sources by Governor Throckmorton,, and furnished the War Department and the military commander of Texas, shows that withiu the last two year's the Indians have murdered 155 persons, wounded 24, and carried into captivity 43 men, women and children.'. 1 Of the latter 29 have been re-f claimed." In addition to these, it is known that in the month ot July past, seven others have been killed, four wounded and seven carried off captives. The official report of tne amount and value ot stock Jost is mea gre, out the lollow.ng is the total ot the re ports made. Horses, 4,781 ; cattle, 3i,838; sheen and goats; 2,430. This is far from being a complete statement of Indian den- relations on xexas. . . 1 n- f Tired of Generals. A. Democrat? Convention met at Cincinnati the other day and tried to , nominate a candidate for Con gress. The name of General Jacob Ammen was proposed, and a great cry thereupon went up, we want none of your Generals:" "we have had enough of military men." Some of the delegates were loud in their curses ot the soldiers, and the aremnpnt. turned after a while into a good old Demo cratic bout at fisticuffs. One of the hono rable gentlemen was finally dragged to the station house, and the rest ran away from the police : and bo neither Gen. Amnion was nominated nor any body else. J. P. Wickersham.Superintendent of (vim. mon Schools, having been announced in the "Salem Journal" forgery as of New England birth, issues a card in( which he says: "Al though it is removing myself from the hot of company. It is proper to say that I belong to one of the oldest Pennsylvania families, niy ancestors having" come from Ermln about the year 1684, and that I have never been out of the State more than six weeks at a time in my life. : If some peonle afraid of intelligent voters is not mv fault ' The Democratic papers of this St.it U not yet had the nerve or honesty to publish Generpl Longstreet's letters, in which that celebrated rebel soldier stated that "De mocracy had no issues any, more save those that were Staked on tho. war :in,l lnif" aud that the party w hich fought oit. the war iaa tne ngnt to determine the terms nf re construction. : Cannot a Democrat be trusted , with the ordinary -.fafs nf rent history? Is not this systematic wmn... sion of the truth of the statements? : j Not long since the lucid Andv l,vl.,..;i Congress was hanging on the vfirn nf i. Government i How far. from, the vere i his Excellency?- - l : ' , Washington City. Gossip. v ,; ' The important fact hagrraBspired;: from ah official quarter,'" that : ihe administration has under consideration a supplemental pro--clamatiqn of. amnesty. ?It is by no means universal in its' terms, though it will include military officers of the rebel army below the rank of? 5lajor General, and all of the navy below the rank of Captain, There areoth er important features which have not trans pired. it may be some days before it is issued. . Sectetajy ' McCuUoch's tenure of office, which promised a few days since to termin- afesuddenly " by" his resignation," has un doubtedly been prolonged through ,the in fluence of some of his prominent subordi nates, , including Treasurer Spinner and Commissioner Rollins, who persuaded him to retain his position, notwithstanding his desire to leave the sinking ship of captain Johnson and his copper-rebel crew. Nine regular army surgeons have died during the past three weeks, most of them of yellow fever. ; . 1 he President still refuses to allow the publication ot Lrrant s letter,- protesting against the removal of Stanton, but it has transpired that it embraces an opinion that the President could not legally remove Mr. Stanton, and that he says very plainly that although "an astute lawyer"- might be able to construe existing ' laws in such s manner as to give him that power, the peo pie cannot be convinced of the correctness of such a construction. - , It is reported that Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, had an interview with the Presi dent, during which the latter tendered the former the position of Secretary of State, It is not likely that Reverdy will accept the position. benator Lameron has had an lpterview with Gen. Grant : Cameron favors im peachmcnt. .. The Washington Clironiclc remarks that, 'from the Atlantic to the Pacific, we hear but one " voice from the loyal people, and that is that the hero of Vicksburg and Ap pomattox shajl be sustained against Presi dential usurpations." ... uen. urant has issued a special order to the Commanders of Military Districts, in structing them to make no appointments to civil office of persons who have been re moved by themselves or their predecessors in command. It is understood that Commissioner Rol hns, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, is soon to be removed aud replaced by Gen Steedman. ' . fPl T - 1 , ...... ne rresiaent nas not yet decided upon the time that he will jetuove Pope, Holt, and Howard. J udge Black has had a protracted audi ence, with the President. The Republican Convention of. Columbia county asserts, among other good resolu tions adopted, the following, which contains the whole question of. the campaign in a nutshell : . i ' Resolved. That while we scorn to assail the character, either as a jurist or gentle man, of the candidate ot the opposition for the Supreme Bench, Hon. George Shars wood, we do assert that his known opinions as declared in his public and judicial acts make it unsafe to entrust him with a posi tion of so much responsibility and import ance. , .. , . . l The Democratic press is especially de lighted w ith that portion of the correspon dence between Andrew Johnson and Gener al Grant in which the former, denies the assertion of the latter that' the will of the people in regard to Sheridan should be res pected. It is considered by these modem oracles of a party whose name implies that it is specially devoted to a government by the people, that nothing can be more absurd than deference to their wishes. The Indian P eaco Commissioners have beenquestioningthe prominent military com manders on the Plains as to the number of troops and the amount of money likely to be requirea ior an eriectual prosecution of the war, and we hope the country will be grati fied at the results of their inquiries. With 00.000 men", three quarters of them cavalrv and an expenditure ef $500, 000, 000, we may De awe to conquer a peace in about 5 years. A few days since twenty-seven women; of iteaneia, iowa, decided to abate the whis key saloons ot that place, and thev did. Tt. .r. 1 -1 l O - xiitjf vicic anicu tiuu irica oeiore a jus tice of that place and acauitted ' Snhso, quently they were arrested again, and taken twenty-five miles before another Justice, where there were again acquitted, after three days' trial. Whiskev and copperheads are unpopular in that part ot the universe. 1UB -:vu ministration organs nnniin their opposition to "a military despotism", and to "the capricious will of a legislative assembly, "which means that they, desire a complete abrogation of the . military recon struction bill, and that for the will of the people, as expressed through their chosen representatives, the decrees of the accidental occupant of the White House shall be sub stituted. , ... ,- .... "... The President's 'organists informed -ns that the offense of -Gen. Sickles" was insub ordination in requesting a suspension of the revocation of his order No. 10. We learn, on excellent authority, that the order never was revoked, and of course no such offense was committed. What excuse will Andrew now invent for thisoutrage upon a gallant and faithful officers? Tribune. Mr. Seward says that he cannot be spared from the State Department on account of the pressure of. unfinished real-estate busi ness, which nobody else is capable of mana ging. He does not mean to resign until he has bought British Columbia and several other choice pieces of property, including, we suppose, St Domingo, Greenland, and the JSorth Pole. ., - if. - -r- --j T was removed ior reasons similar to those contain- cuHi ma prUer appointing a new City Coun Cit . f . t.-.f -: :' The National Intel li'neurjtr hka tlen tr publishing Rebel poetry. Rather bold for tne special organ ot the President; but af ter an it is no worse than supporting An drew johnsor, and it certainly is consistent. The Grand J ury of Bergen County have redeemed the character of New-Jersey by findi ng six bills of indictment against the monster Sigler, late Keeper of the Patter son Alms-house. the lenian prisoners, Cols. Warren and Nagle, it is understood have been released by the isritish Government. 3)w Stfrcrttecmrnts. At vertixemeutsMt i ti ia rgt type,cuts,orout of plain style will be charged doxibleprits fortpaceoecupitd BbUUY f OK JsALE. An open buggy, as good aajiew, will be sold at a reasonable Drice. Apply to E. A. Graham, at his store in Clearfield, oP - Or to J. a. uKAUAM. S) A AAA AGENTS WANTED. A sample JfJJJ sent free, with terms, for any one to clear S25 daily in three hours. Business entirely new. light, and desirable.- Can be done at home or traveling, by both male and female. No gift enterprise or humbug. Address W. II. CHIDES- TK, 266 Broadway, N. Y. sep. 4,-lt, PAUTION. All persons are hereby cau- tioned against purchasing or in any way racuuiing wun one Day norse, one nay mare, one eow, norse gears, loq-eiea, cnains. buckwheat in ids ground, corn ana oats in tne ground, now in possession of .Jacob Thurston, of Ferguaon town ship, as the same belong to me, and are left in his care, subject to my order. A. M. YOUNG Sept. 4, 18t57-3t-due 50 cts. riAUTlON. All persons are hereby can tioned against purchasing or in any way uicuumig who one gray norse, eigne miiK cows, two 3 year old steers, four yearling steers, five acres of wheat, four acres of rye, oae wagon, and two set harness, left in possession of Abraham Matthew, of Bcccaria township. as the same belong ... i i.. r. . i. i i . . . . iw me auu Kio rcn tin 11 iiu suojecc n) my order Sept. 4. lS67-3tp. iSAll GATES. A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let- ters ot Administration on the estate of W jlbur Kobison, late of Pike township. Clearfield county. Pa., dee'd, having, been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to s lid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tnose having claims. against the same will pre sent them, properly authenticated, for settle ment. The bouks of the firm of J Kobison Son, are in the bands of J. Robison, or the under signed, fur immediate settlement. . APGAll ELOOM, Curwensville, Sep. 4. tS67-6t. Adtn'r. T OO K AGENTS WANTED J To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY; . (COMPLETE IM ON' E VOLUME.) This Dictionary embodies tho results of the most recent study, research, and investigation, of abont sixty-five of the most eminent and advanced Biblical scholars now living. . Clerzvmen of all denominations approve it, and . regard it as the best work of its kind in the English language. and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land, i , In circulating this Work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The nu merous ol'jcctions which are usually encountered in selling ordinary works, will not be encounter ed in this. But. on the conttarv. encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agent, making bis labors agreeable, useful, and lucrative. La dies, retired Clergvmen, School Teachers, Farm ers. Students, and all others who possess energy, are wanted to assist in canvassing every town and county in the country, to whom the mostliberal nducements will be offered. For partii'ulars.aD- ply to. or address. PAKMELEE BRO S.. sep 4-ot. 722 Sansom bt. Philadelphia. Pa. C IIERIFF'S SALE By virtue of sundty writs of Venditioni Esvomis. issued out of the Cou't of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to puhlicsalo. at the Court House, in the borough of Clesifield. on MONDAY, the 23d DAY OF SEPT.. 1.SG7, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit; A certain tract of land, situate in town ship, Clearfield county, Penn'a, bounded, begin ning at a nicKory corner, tnence ba perches to a white oak, thence west 125 perches to an ash, thence south 10-1 perches to a post, thence north 73 197 perches to the place of beginning, con taining ninety-nine acres, and bound by lands of liaruch Toter, Simon Rorabaugb, Isaac Sulley, and others, reserving and accepting ten acres out of the north east corner heretofore sold to Jacob Lmgnfelter Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John J. Smcad ' Also by virtue of sundry writs of Levari i7- cias, the following described Real Fstate : All thit certain piece of land situate in Penn township. Clearfield county, Penn'a. bounded aa follows: Beginning at a sugar tree corner of this and Jonathan Wain's land and extending by the same east one hundred and fourteen and seven- tenths perches to black oak, thence bv same lands souiu sixty-nve east sixty-nve perches to post mouue norm one nunarea ana twenty and live tenths perches to poet, thence south ninety-three perches to place of beginning, containing one uuuureu acres ana allowance, seized, taken in execution, ata to De sold as the property of John W. Rafferty. . . : Also all that certain saw-mill situate on the three runs in Kartnaus township, Clearfield ooun ty, f enn a, being filty feet in length and thirty icei in wicim. anu we lot oi ground and curtilage anu appurtenances to SBia DUUCling. Seized, t ken in execution, and to be sold as the property Also all that one story saw mill or building in ii.artnaus township, on the three runs in the atoresaid county .containing in front 30 feet, n. & a and in depth oO feet, and the lot or piece of ground-and curtilage appurtenant.- Seiaed, ta- n execution, ana to be sold as the property Also by virtue of a writ of Fiera Facias, the following described Real Estate; .. . AP the interest In two lots, in the Borough of vrucuia. Known as iots no a IZ3 and 12 in the plan of said town, having a plank dwelling house, a slaughter bouse, stable , and other, buildings mereon. oeizea, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Wm. Evans. Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Pa., bound ed as follows, vix : Beginning at a post, thence ii-si) an mat certain tract nf land situate in -orto .i degrees. West 20 perches tostones.thence South 1 i degrees. East 27 perches to stones, thence South 87 J degrees, East 20 perches to post, thence North li degrees, West 20i perches to place of beginning, containing 3 acres and 70 perches, more or less, being part of a larger tract war ranted in the name of John James. . There is a saw mill and frame house erected thereon. Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the nrotertv e 1 1 i, . i . - Also all defendant's interest in 100 acres nl land situate in Decatur township.Clearfield county, Pa., bounded by lands now of Isaac Ooss, on the North, on the South by lands of Hesser A Hile man, on the West by lands of Sa mufti M'OlitrrAii. aiid on the East by lands of Jonathan Eephart being the residue of promises hnniieathe.! H. fendant by Jacob Goss. after deducting fiftv acres conveyed to Hesser 4 II ileuiin, having about fifty i ciearea iana, a young orchard, alt story plank house and log barn thereon erected. Sei zed, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Abraham Ooss. .. . JACOB FAUST, Sheriff. PberiTi office, August 23, 1867. n. ' , 1 hfe anrenstructed of New-Orleans were CjwFriday.treafedto another of Gen. Sheri dan 8 surbrises. ' Th CXtv CnlWtnr 0 L ET A R FIELD AC A D K j Y The First Session of the .eeoni n. year, will commence on Monday, Sept. U ''. 3 Pupils ean enter at any time. They wi i ' charged with tuition from the time thev tb close of the session. ""J ! The course of instruction embraces evervtv included ia .thorough, practical ,nd plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the adv.aU , much experience in hi. profession, aM0re, f rents and guardians that hia entire ability, energies will be devoted to the mental and m training of the yomth placed under his eltn Terxs of Tcrrion: . Orthography Reading, Writing andPriW Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and ry. f :v ; ,t i r4 Algebra,Geometry,'Trigonometry,Mentnratic? Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemist Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geog v - tiro Latin, Greek and French, with aajof the bove branches S12.0O LrSo deduction will be made For further particulars inquire of f Wntt. Rbv. P. L. HARRISON JUiy di, lBOi. pr; a. rincipu. "REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice is utr --' Kit rl,tl, --o -. . vuiin iu anjoitet n interested, and will be presented to the next o, ?hans' Court of Clearfield couBty, tobe heldu the Court House, in the Boroagh of Cleartt'i commencing on the 4th Monday of Sept.. 1S67 ' ' 1. Final aeooant ot Edmund Dale one of the administrators of Henry Knepp. late of Bradfjtli twp.. Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd. 2. Account of Edmund Dare, administrator of John W. Graham, late of Bradford twp . Cfc-ir field county, Pa , dee'd.' - 3. Final account of Joseph McClarren.Ouardian of Levi T. Morgan, minor child of Thomas Mw gan, late or Decatur tw'p , Clearfield co .dee d. 4. Final account of Job-B-Russet, administrator of the estate of John II. Newpher, late of Peou tw'p., Clearfield county. Pa., dee'd. 5. Account of Sarah E. Smilev. admini.tr.,. . oi iue estate oi v m. 5 nmiley, late of Bradj tw'p., Clearfield county, Pa., dec d. 6. Final account of D. E. Mekel, administrator of the estate of George Ross, late of Pike tw'p Clearfield county. Pa., deceased 7. Final account of Richard Hugbesaod Siuion Kephart, administrators of the estate of titor Kephart, late of Decatur tw'p .Clearfield count Penn'a, dee'd. ' - . 8. Account of H. B Swoope. administraior u Lewis R. Carter, late of Clearfield co . Pv dee d. 9. Account of Hannah Moore, aduiiniitratr-.x. and James A Moore, Administrator, of the eun of (I'm L. Moore, late of the Borough of Clear field, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd. 10. The account of 'Samuel Kirk, adm'r of the estate of John Crowley, late of the borough of Lumber City, Clearfield county, dee'd. Register's 0f5ce, ) I. G. BARKER. Ulearfild, Aug 23, '67. J Register. ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO II0US. Be it tnactrd by the Burgess and Tou-n Count,! of the Borough of CfearMJ. and it is ktrrhu m. acted by the authority of the same, That it shall oe uniawtul Ior any swine, sbots, hogs, or pig, to run 'at large, in the Borough of Clearfield. And if any such swine, hogs, ah oats, orpigs. shall be found running at larze. the same shall be for feited to said Borough, to be sold by the High isonstaoie, at Publio bale, who is hereby authori sed and required to take up such swine. hon. shoats, or pigs, and make sale of the same, and remit the proceeds arising from said sale, after deducting expenses of sale and keeping tail swine, hogs, shoats. or pigs, to tbe Borough Trea surer, said proceeds to be appropriated for Ba ough purposes. In failure of the High Constable to take ns any swine, hogs, shoats. or pigs, found rauuiEjr at large, any citizen of tbe Borough is nutbomeU to take up and make sale or the same, io rannuat aforesaid. The said constable or other nerfocs c stir.' sale of said swine, hogs, shoats. or du' --V.jII r j allowed the sum of one dollar for sue'; .n!e. to gether with fifty cents for taking up eacli bag, shoat or pig. Be it also enacted. That tbe Chief Iiurjrc?.- at any time before the sale, remit the form's:1 of any swine, hoes, shoats. or pies. rrovtu'J, That on application of claimant he may deem there is sufficient cause for so doing. All former ordinances relating to hogs ia here by repealed. This ordinance is to eo into opera tion on the 12th of September, A !., 1S54. Attest: u. ruilAnr, 'Wm. Porter. Src'y. UfRses T 1ST OF JURORS drawn ior Severn- ORAND Jl'RORS. Beccaria Amasa Smith, jr., Jeremiah Cooper. Brady David Smiley Bradford Absalom Barger. Burnside Elliot King. " Clearfield John Baiclav. Chest Lewis .1 Hnrd. James Curry, jr. Covington Michael Kratzer, Arnold tJchnsrn. Decatur Curtis Reams. Ferguson Josiah Henry, William II. Smith Goshen H H. Morrow. Guelich David D. Hierh : Jord an Lafayette Bloom. Lawrence Martin Nichols, John A Thompson! George W Miles. Morris William Dougherty. Osceola George V. Rex. Penn James B. Clark, William Wall. Pike Darrins D. Ritter TBAVKRSK Jl'RORS FIRST WEKK. Beccaria John Lightner, J. H. Ureen, John Straw. Bell Arthur Bell, Homer W. Mott. " Bloom David W. Chilson. J. H- Howies. Bradford Robert Livergood, Joshua Graffius, David Forcee. - - Brady Jacob Pentz. Henry h. Weaver, John Eddinger, John Brooks. , Burnside John Myers, jr .Isaac Kerns, Joseph Mitchell. Chest Benjamin Klinger, Jacob Lingafelter, Hugh Gallagher. . Curwensville G. B. Hoover, William BarJ. . Covington Florentine Mignot .'Decatur Robert Matley. ' Ferguson Joseph Moore, Henry D. Straw. Girard Roberts. Stewart. Goshen Martin Catherman. . Guelich Henry Byers, David liinter, A. J Glasgow, Patrick Flynn. Graham George Narehood. Karthaus George Heckendorn Knox Jonathan Bowman, J. W. M Cullough. Lawrence Aaron C. Tate, Thomas Palmer. Lumber City James M'Divitt. Morris Abraham BrownJohnE. HockenberrT, Joseph Roth rock. ' Penn Thomas A. Hoover. Piko Philip Lone, Lafayette M'Clure. Union Joseph Harley, Nathan Lines. Woodward Aaron P. Shoff. TRAVERSK JURORS SICOSD IU Beccaiia Matthew Cowan. P. T. Johtfson, W. Dillon. Bell John M'Quilkin, Henry M'Ghee, Hiram M'CIincey, Benjamin Baird. - iiradtord William Graham, jr. Boggs Jacob Bnmbarger, Philip B. Mulles, Allen Cross. . Brady Wm T. Hamilton, Samuel C. Dunisp. Peter Soliday, Benjamin Carson. Chest John Uockenberry, Tarleton uunor Curwensville Daniel Faust. S. F. M Closk Covington William Kenus, Lawrence Flow Girard Nicholas Russelot. " Huston Samuel W. Bliss. Karthaus Wm Hoffer.Eyre Pile.Wm SSankey Knox John Fox. Robert Patterson, jr. Lawrenoe James Irwin, jr., Henry Krsmf Lumber City Wm. L- Moore, Peter Thomp Morris William ifoover, Charles M'Govern Pean Patrick Daily. Pike Q. B. Caldwell. s,"-" t.uc ""uvujg accountable, been examined and passed by me,and remain jva of record in this nffiu fnr ;nrou.: . . ra