Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 04, 1867, Image 1

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: " ' -T V
VOL 14.-NO. J.
Leaf by leaf i summer creeping.
Flower" by flower her glory reaping
Harvest of the rolling spheres;
Olond by cloud the sky U freighted,
And to every bud belated
They have stooped ia dewy tears.
Dtj by day the flocks are keeping
Watch upon the silent hills.
And the neon breese there is sleeping
To the cradle song of rills ;
Beam by beam the sun is stealing
Into the hearts of all the flowers,
And those crimson hearts rerealing
gametbing that's akin to oars.
Bird and bee hare spread the tidings,
Meadow-ward in goldea swarms.
And the season's first rude chidings
Wanton now in wealth of charms ;
All t6ing' worship, e'en the flower
Fold at eve its crimson palms.
M'iDth by month the moon's intrusion,
At spectre in the dark,
Moret in phantom-like illusion
All 'ha vernal bloom to mark ;
And tbe autre arch of hours
Measures eut the smmer's dowers.
Sight by night the sea of darkness,
Drifting shoreward to tbe sun
"Marks the earth with silent beauty
Ere the dusky round is run ;
And tbe eye beholds in waking
New perfections jusl begun.
Pulse by pulse our life is fleeting
Where unclouded mornings beam
lown the vale of yean retreating,
Like a white mist o'er a stream :
Soon a grave-mist will be roiling
All things in a long death-dream.
(rRKAT Natcral Cfriositt. The Sen
duel, published at Jacksonville. Oregon,
m the l'Jth ulL,saya : "Several of our citi
zens returned last week from a visit to the
wrest Sunkin Lake, situated in Cascade
Mountains, about seventy-five miles north
east from Jacksonville. This lake rivals
the iaiuous valley of Sinbad the sailor. It
i thought to average 2,000 feet down to
the water all round. The walls are almost
perpendicular,' running down into the water,
and leaving no beach. The depth of the
water is unknown, and its surface is smooth
and unruffled, and it lies so far below the
rarface of the mountain that the air currents
do not effect it. Its length is estimated t
twelve utiles, and its breadth at ten. No
living man ever has, and probably never will
Ke able to reach the water's edce. It lies
tilent, still, and mysterious in the bosom of
the everlasting hills, like a huge well,
fcooped out by the giant genii of the moun
tain ia unknown ages gone by, and around ic
the primeval forest watch and ward arc
keeping. The visiting party fired a rifle
cveml times into tho water at an angle l
lorty-fire degrees, and were able to denote
nveral 6econds of time from the report of
the gun until the ball 'struck the water.
Such seems incredible, but is vouched for
ly some of our most trustworthy citizens.
The lake is certainly a most remarkable
Cheap Living at Baltimore. The
Baltimore Commercial remarks : ' 'When
butter is twenty cents per pound, peaches
twelve cents per peck, and many other
things approximating the prices of these
articles in proportion, as they have been
ut late at market hours in Baltimore,
outsiders may begin to realize the advan
tages enjoyed by this city in having the fer
tile chores of the great bay handy, zr.d a
thousand 'pungys' more or less eon-f.ut-ly
running to Bupply our markets with good
and cheap produce. Remembering, too,
that during the past spring strawberries
were as low upon one occasion, as three cents
per quart, that the fact carries us back to
the pleasant and plenteous times before the
ar ; before wholesale extortion by war spec
ulators upon the necesitics of the people had
the effect of 'demoralizing, almost every
body else who had anything to sell, from a
ring of perch to a quart of blackberries or
barrel of flour. ' '
The New York TYnies makes the follow
ing ungallant observations: "Women seem to
tnalte poor hands of it when they get the con
trol of a newspaper. There have been half
dozen or more newspapers in the country,
within the last few years, Tinder the man
agement of women, including one at Wash
ington, and they have, without exception,
we believe, been discreditable to the sense
nd reason of the. female sex. Their nar
rowness of view," violence of" language, 11
manneredness and vulgarity have been pain
ful aDd shameful ; and though there are
occasionally women who do tolerable writing
in a certain order of papers, "when kept
properly in check, they seem incapable of
Wining editors.
How to Treat a Lover. Some one
yiat knows gives the following prescription
for the treatment of alover : A lover should
be treated with the same gentleness as a
g'oTe. The young lady should pull him on
ith the utmost' tenderness at first, only
taking the smallest advance at a time, till
he gradually gains upon him, and twists
nim ultimately round her little . finger;
whereas, the young lady who is hasty and
to too great a hurry, will never get a lover
0 take her hand, but be left with nothing
fcM b.er fingers' end.
A lite San Franeisco letter says: The
vhinese are pasting into our State by whole
and practieally solving the labor ques
tion. Over 2,700 have arrived within the
jt forty-five days, and there are four ship
'Ma more already due at this port from
ng- These men do not lose an hour, but
so to work in the mines, on the railroad, on
nches, or in other industrial pursuits, as
t as they arrive -
In Washinjrton cittv rumor says that ne
gotiations are positively in progress for the
Viuisition by the United 1 States of , the
-Mwicl. Islandf.
Eemoval of District Commanders.
Headquarters armies or run U.S.. j
Washington, August 17, 18S7. j
His Excellency Andrew Johnson President
United States: Urn lam in receipt of your
order of this date, directing me to appoint .
Gen. G. H. Thomas to the command of the
Fifth Military District, Gen. Sheridan to
the Department of Missouri, Gen.. Hancock ;
to the Department of the Cumberland, and ;
also your note of this date, enclosing the in
structions to carry into effect the enclosed
order saying "I would be pleased to hear
any suggestion you may deem necessary re
specting the assignments to which the order
refers. 1 am pleased to avail myself of
this invitation to urge, earnestly urge, in
the name of a patriotic peojde who have
sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives,
and thousands of millions of' treasure, to
preserve the integrity and union of this
country, that the order be not insisted upon.
It is unmistakably the expressed wish of
the country that Gen. Sheridan should not
be removed from his present command.
This is a Republic where the will of the
people is the law of the land. I beg that
thetr voice may be heard. Gen. Sheridan
has performed his civil duties faithfully and
intelligently. His removal will only beye
garded as an effort to defeat the law of Con
gress. It will be interpreted by the uncon
stitutional element in the South, those who
did all they could to break up this govern
ment by arms and now wish to be the only
element consulted as to the method of re
storing order, as a triumph. It will embol
den to renewed opposition to the will of
the loyal masses, believing that they have
the Executive with them.
The services of Gen. Thomas in battling
for the Union entitle him to some consider
ation. He has repeatedly entered his pro
test against being assigned to either of the
ive Military Districts, especially te being
assigned to relieve Gen. Sheridan. Gen.
Hancock ought not to be removed from
where he is. His Department is a compli
cated one, which will take a new comman
der some time to become acquainted with.
There are military reasons, pecuniary
reasons, and above all patriotic reasons, why
this order should not be insisted on. I beg
toTeferyouto a letter marked "private,"
which I wrote to the President vr hep first
consulted on the subject of change in the
War Department. It bears upon the sub
ject of this removal, and I had hoped would
have prevented -ft. I have the honor to be,
with great respect, your ob't scrvt,
U. S. Grant.
Gen. U. S. A., and Sec'y War, ad interim.
To this communication the President re
plies nnder date of August 19th. He sums
up his reasons for making the change as
follows :
"In assuming that it is the expressed
wish of the people that General Sheridan
should not be removed from his present
command, you remark that this is a repub
lic, based, however, upon a written Consti
tution. That Constitution is the combined
and expressed will of the people, and their
voice is law when reflected in the manner
which that instrument prescribes. While
one of its provisions makes the President
Commander-in-chief of the army and navy,
another requires he shall take care that the
law be faithfully executed. Believing that
a change in command in the Fifth Military
District is absolutely necessary for a faithful
execution of the law, I have issued the or
der which is the subject of this correspon
dence. In thus exercising a power that
inheres in the Executive under the Consti
tution, as Commander-in-chief of the army
and navy, I am discharging a duty required
ot me by the will of the nation as formally
declared in the supreme law oi the land.
By his oath the Executive is solemnly bound
to the best of his ability, to preserve, pro
tect, and defend the Constitution, and al
though in times of great excitement it be
lost to public view, it is his duty without re
gard to consequences to timself, to hold
sacred and enforce any and all of its provis-
. .1 tii ii.i
ions. Any otner course wouia ieaa 10 me
destruction of the Republic, for the Consti
tution once abolished, there would be no
Congress for the exercise of legislative pow
ers, no executive to see that the laws are
faithfully executed, no judiciary to afford to
tbe citizens protection far life, limb and
property. usurpation would inevitably
follow, and a despotism be fixed on the peo
ple in violation of their combined and ex
pressed will.
in conclusion, 1 tan to perceive any mili
tary, pecuniary, and patriotic reasons why
this order should not be carried into effect
You will remember that in the first instance
I did not consider Gen. Sheridan the most
suitable man for the command of the Fifth
Military District Time has strengthened
my convictions upon this point, and has led
to the conclusion that patriotic considera
tions demand that he should be superceded
by an officer who, while he will faithfully
execute the law, will at the same time give
more general satisfaction to the whole peo
ple, white and black, North and South. I
am, General, very respectfully, yours,
"Andrew Johnson.
''To Gen. Grant, Secretary ad interim"
The political economists of the frontier
are discussing the question of the best means
of exterminating the Indian race. They
suggest in turn systematic killing.startation,
whiskey, depriving them of their horses,
inciting internal wars, and many other in
genious and murderous expedients. They
forget that history establishes the fact that
an Andersonville system is the easiest,
cheapest, surest, and most rapid method of
extermination. And besides, should foreign
n.nni tal Tvntinn to the whole
I JPOYCI Uiucuio --r . - -
; .rnu imnist nations, tbe De-
1 idea su u uuc . ,
j mocracy could prove it to be a humane and
'Christian institution. -
The Microscope in a Woolen Facto- '
rt. The following is an extract from a pri
vate letter in the Journal of Commerce:
While at Vernon I stepped into a woolen fac
tory. The most interesting object was the
machine for "napping" cloth, a cylinder,
provided with teeth like a carding machine, i
which, revolving against the cloth, "naps,
it It was, however in the construction of
the machine, and not the mechanism or use,
that I was interested. The teeth referred
to, instead of being of wire as one would
expect, are formed by placing in juxtapo
sition in iron frames great numbers of tea
sels, gigantic huckle-burs, the spears of
which, all curved in the same direction, as
sharp, strong and elastic. Upon inquiry if
the use of these burs was novel or economi
cal, I was told that they had been used a
hundred years, and no artificial substitute
for them had been devised.
The revelations of the microscope explain
the superiority of the teasel over the handi
work of man. Under the microscope, all
nature's points, the points of the thistle, for
example, are absolutely sharp, appearing as
sharp under a magnifying power of 6,000
diameters as to the naked eye ; whereas the
finest points made by man, as those of cam
bric needles, under the microscope are seen
to be b unt It is impossible for man to
make points as sharp as those of the teasels.
We may presume, therefore, that these or-
fyamc cards will be found in factories so
ong as cloth is napped.
A Mystery Explained. Rev. Mr. ,
of Lawrence, Mass., is a bachelor. Noticing
early in the season, that one of his mem
bers, a married lady, had not been at church
for several Sabbaths, he called to ask the
reason. As her reply was somewhat evasive
he surmised that she "had nothing to wear,"
and said, "you are waiting for your Spring
bonnet, I suppose." Weeks passed and
still she did not make her appearance. He
therefore thought he would call again. Ap
proaching the house, he saw her sitting at
the the open window, and blandly remark
ed: "I haven't seen you at church yet;
h&sn't that bonnet come yet?" "Yessir,"
she archly replied, "shall I show it to you ?"
"If you please," answered the wondering
pastor. Holding up a wee bit of a baby,
she said, blushing, "This i9 the Spring bon
net I was waiting for ; did I do right ?"
August Belmont's establishment at New
York is perhaps as striking as any one meets
on the drive ; at least, it is when, as often
he has out his barouche with four horses,
ridden by postillions. At other times he
drives a fine specimen of tandem. Mrs.
Belmont sits by the side of her daughter, in
a rich suit of brown, bonnet of the same
color, trimmed with autumn leaves. Miss
Belmont, in a silver gray cloak and round
hat, grasps with a pair of neatly gloved
hands tho reins which guide a pair of cream
colored ponies.
Two Irishmen were at work in a bog,
when one of them fell on a piece of quick
sand, and began to sink. His companion,
frightvned, nn for assistance, and finding a
farmer begged him to bring a rope and come
before it was too late. "He is already in
up to his ankles," exclaimed the friend in
despair. "Oh," said the fanner, reassured,
"then there is plenty of time." "Not a
moment, for you see he went in head 'first !"
Erie county has "335 schools, ecfctWred
over a territory of some 700 square "miles,
with its schools open about 150 days during
the school year. There are 297 school hous
es, 204 directors. 473 teachers, and 15,00
pupils. The estimated value of school
property is $226,148. Amount 'of salaries
paid teachers last year, $50,100.
A farmer wrote as follows to a distinguish
ed scientific agriculturist, to whom he felt
under obligations for introducing a variety
of swine : "Respected Sir I went yester:
day to the cattle show. I found several
pigs of your species. Thete was a great
variety ot hogs, and I was astonished at not
seeing you there.
The Copperhead papers of the South have
a story in circulation, which they claim to
be well attested, that J. Wilkes Booth is
still alive, and that the report of his death
was invented by the detectives to get the
reward. '
Among the false charges against Gen. O.
O. Howard is the accusation that he bad
unlawfully appropriated the unclaimed
bounty and back pay of deceased colored
soldiers, to purchase the Howard University
A lady complained ot the insolence of
nnmn v1 heavers. "To tell vouthe truth,
madam," answered the employer, apolo
getically, "we have failed in onr efforts to
get gentlemen to undertake the business.
"My friend," said one gentleman to
another, your nair is getting quite graj.
"Y. " col,! n "old father Time has been
sweeping up the years around me and the
dust settled on my head. . .
Punch Teports the speech of an Irish M.
P.. who thoucht Ireland was overtaxed:
"Take tenth of our income, sir. Ay, that
they do, and they'd take a twentieth if they
tKo offfti of Shen
dan's recerjtion in the North, has ordered
that he proceed direct from New Orleans to
his new command in the West
"I can't find bread for mv family," sa4
1 l : , "Vn-T " ronlied
an industrious miller, "I am obliged to wort
for it"
t 1 . t..t nn i,o (ili hv order
i i aiu spies are i." ,
of the President, of those members of VXn-
1 j a. . . '
VA VUW . AVa- -j
gress favorinc impeachment
ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear-
Beld, Pa. may ia, too:
MERRELL A BIGLER, Dealers ia Hardware
and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron
rare, Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. Jnne '66.
HF. NATJGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. e. Room in
Graham's rew, Market street. Nov. 10-
HBTJCHEH SWOOPE, Attorney at Law,Cleai
. field, Pa. Ottc inQraham's Row, fonrdoo'S
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 1.
I J Office earner of Front and Market 1
streets, opposite the 'Clearfield Hoose,'
Clearfield, Perm'a. J7 t,'o7-y.
I TEST, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa., will
. attend promptly to all Legal business entrust
ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining coun
ties.. Office on Market street. July 17, 1867.
FORCEY A GRAHAM, Dealers in Square and
Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods, Queensware, Gro
ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ac Ac, Gra-
h am ton, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10. .
JP. ERATZER, Dealer in Dry -Goods. Clothing,
, Hardware. Queensware, Groceries. Prori
sions.etc., Market Street, nearly opposite the
Court House, Clearfield, Pa. June, 18fij.
HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Dealers in Drugs,
Medioines. Paints. Oils, Stationary, Perfume
ry . Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street,
Clearfield. Pa Dee. 6, 1865.
KRATZER k SON, dealers In Dry Goods,
y. Clothing. Hardware, Queensware, Groce
Ac Front Street, rabove the A
caderay,) Cleai field, Pa. Dee 27,1865.
JOHN GTJELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa
He also makes to order Cotnns. on snorc notice, ana
attends funerals with a bearse. Aprl0,'53.
rnHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH. Attorney at Law,
I LJiearneia, ra. umce, eastoi me - uicaruciu
o Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July X.
JB M EN ALLY, Attorney at Uw, ciearneio,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
wunties. OEce in new brick building of J.Boyn
t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanicb's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign ana vo
mestio Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac Boom, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal Offitt, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
DENTISTRY. J. P CORNETT, Dentist, offers
hia professional services to the citisens of
Curwensrille aud vicinity. Office in Drug Store,
exrnor Main and Thompson Sts. ' May 2,1866.
FB. READ, M D., Physioian and but geon.
. haring rtmored to George J. Kyler's dee'd,
mii;.m'i ftrna Pa. .. nffnm h is nrofessional
services to thecitiiens of thesurroundtng country.
July iu, loo.
BARRETT, Conveyancer and Heal
n tit.t. iMnLflMrlitld. P. Office on See-
ond Street, with Walter Barrett, Esq. Agent for
it. . .. , 1 . 1 J T . I L2MH ,1. r . pnli n
riamation ana vara erniurj iu ovmu .
P all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale- retail He alsokeeps
on hand and for sale aa assortment of earthen
ware, of his orn manufacture. Jan. I, .
JOHN H. FULFOKD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq.,
over First National Bank. Prompt attention giv
en to the securing of Bounty'ims, Ac, and to
...... t- nn luAT
an legal business. aiaron i, i-
J BLARE WALTERS, Scriviner and Convey
. sneer, and Agent for the purchase and sale
of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention giv
en to all business connected with the county offi-
oes. OJficc with W A. Wallace. Jan. J.
Ct ALBERT A BRO S, Dealers In Dry Goods,
tT-. Groceries. Hardware. Queensware.FIour Ba
con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also,
extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
tvooaiana, fa., Aug. iwin, mo
nevs at Law' Clearfield, Pa.. Legal businese
of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to.
Clearfield, Pa., May iota, isoo.
DR. J. P. BCRCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the
83d Reg"t Penn'a Vols., baring returned
from the army, offers his professional services to
the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly attended, to. Office on
Bouta-East eorner oi 3d ana naraet cireeia.
Oct. 4. 1865 6mp. -
SURVEYOR. The undersigned offers
his services to the public, as a Surveyor.
He may be . found at his residence in Lawience
township, when not engaged : or addressed ny
letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. T
-March 6th, 1867.-tT. J aaiaa jniv.iit-iu-
Desires to inform his old friends and customers
that, having enlarged his snop ana idchmto ...
r..;i:.: tin i nnw nreoared
1WII1UQB lor DIBDIUWVUi.i'Bi r i .
to make to order such furniture as may be desir-
. . - , . - - r Ha
ea, in good style ana ai cneap "i ,
mesuy a as on nana
a varied assortment of furniture, among which is,
Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor,
.Breakfast and inning "v
Common, French-posts, Cottage, J en-ny-Liind
and other Bedsteads.
Spring-seat Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs;
And common and other Chairs.
Of every description on hand, and new gls fer
old frames, which will oe put iu on very
reasonable terms, on ihort notice.
He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair,
Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses.
Made to order, and funerals attended with a
Hearse, whenever desirable.
Also, House painting done to order.
The above, and m-ny other articles are furnished
to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Fop lar,
Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi
ness, taken in exchange for furniture. j
Remember the shop is on Majraet street, Clear
field, and nearly .ppo.it. 'a rift CH
December 4. 1891 Jflf GUELICH.
equalizing bounties has passed both Hou
ses, was approved by the President, and is now a
law. A three years' soldier gets $100 and a tw.
years' soldier S50 Bounties and Pensions are
collected by me for those entitled to them. Tring
forward your applications.
J. B. McENALLT, Atfy. at Law.
August 1 , 1866 Clearfield. Pa.
Curwensville, Pa.
This well-known Hotel, having been re-fltted
aud re-furnished throughout, is new open for the
accommodation of travelers, and the public iw
general. Charges moderate.
August 14, 1867-tf
This house having been refitted and elegantly
furnished, is now open for the reception and en
tertainment of guests. The proprietors by long
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
can satisfy a discriminating pablio. Their bar is
supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and
wine. July 4th, 1866.
ace Home Industry. The undersign
ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike,
half way between Curwensville and Clearfield
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fruit
trees, (Standard and dwarl.) Evergreen-. Shrub
bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ten Black
berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also,
Sibrian Crab trees, Quinee and early Scarlet Rheu
barb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address
Aug 31.1864. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville,
Would respectful v inform the citiiens of Clear
field, and surrounding country, that he has just
opened a large and well-selected stock of Gentle
men's clothing, aud furnishing goods. Youths' and
Boys' suits. Hats or latest style. Boot, onoes. etc.,
in tbe well-known room on Market street,reeent
ly occupied bv Wm. Hoffman as a confectionary
and saloon Jlis goods are of the best, and his
prioes moderate. Call and see. Ap, 10-3t.
rriWO FARMS FOR SALE. The under
signed offers for sale two farms, describ
ed as follows:
No. I is situate in Boggs township, Clearfield
county, about iota mile from theKailroad, being
known as the I indsay Stone Farm, and contains
about one hundred acres--about 55 acres clear,
oO of which is in grass, and under good fences
with a log house and good log barn, and a young
orehMrd of cboioe fruit trees thereon.
No. 2 is situate in Bradford township, near the
Railroad at Woodland, and contains one hundred
acres 50 acres clear, of which 40 is in grass, and
under good fences a log house and frame stable,
and some choice trait trees ther en. The above
farms will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented
if desirable. Apply to. or address the under
signed, at Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa.
July SI, 1867-3m. JKRE. BUTLER.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Clearfield county, the undersigned administrator
will offer at public sale, on Saturday, August 24th,
1867, upon the premises, the following Real Estate
of Jamet Gill, dee'd, vis : A certain messauge or
tract of land, situate in Beccaria tw'p, Clearfield
county, being tbe homestead property upon which
be lived at the time of his death . and containing
about 37 acres, more or less ; about 35 acres clear
ed, having a good soil, in a good state of cultiva
tion, and having thereon erected a small log
house and barn ; aire a bearing orchard ou the
premises, and a never failing spring of water at
the door. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
when conditions will be made known by
July 27, 1867. Administrator
The Tenn Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
921 Cbbstsft Stbbbt, Phil'a.
Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will Issue
f olicieson any of Che approved plans of insurance
Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71.
Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt
ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually,
semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half ia eastt,
and one-half in note. , By a supplement to the
charter- notes hereafter received will participate
in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up
to January, 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in
payment of premiums
Ageney, at the office of H. B. Sw.opb, Clear
field. Pa. Dr J. G. Hartswick. Medical Exami
ner August 24, 1S64.
E W,
Has just received and opened at the old stand
in Curwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and
Winter Goods, which he will sell very cheap for
cash. His stock consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Boots arid
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready
made Clothing, etc.
The public generally Is respecfully Invited to
give him a call ; see his stock and hear hit prices,
and purchase from him if joa find i
your advantage, Nov. 15,1866
Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.
One door East of the Clearfield House, J
' Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur-,
nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen,
Undershirts. Drawers and Socks; Neck 'ties. Pock:
et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc ,
in- great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the
Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black
Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the best - make,
Fancy Cassimeres, in great variety.
Also, French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla,
an t Tricott. Over-coating, all of which will b.
sold cheap for CASH, and made up according to
the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also
agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Binger A
Co's Sewing Machines. Jioxemh 1, 1365-
The subscribers beg leave to announce to the
citizens of Clearfield eountv, that they have
opened aa extensive Marble ard. on the South
west eorner of Market and Fourth streets, Clear
field, Pa., where they are prepared to make
Tomb Stones, Monuments,
Tombs, Box and Side Tombs,
Cradle ToaiLs, Cemetery Posts," Mantles,
Shelves, Brackets, etc., etc.,
on very short notice.
They always keep on hand a large quantity of
work, finished, exeept the lettering, so that per
sona can' call and select for themselves the style
They will also make to order any other style of
work that may be desired ; and they flatter them
selves that they can compete with the manufac
turers outside of tbe county, either in workman
ship or price, as they only employ 'the best of
workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly aa
May2X 1867-tf. HENRY GUELICH
Act of Congress approved June 6, 1866,
gives additional pension to the following elasa of
persons : . l
1. To those who have lost both eyes or both
ha cds. or are totally disabled in the same so as -to
require constant attendance, the sum. per
month, of Z5 W
2. To those who have lost both feet,'br are to
tally disabled in the same, so as to require con
stant attendance, S20
3. To those who bare lost one hand or one loot,
or so disabled as to render .them unable to per
form manual labor equivalent 'to the loss of a
hand or foot, the sum. per month, of - S15
4. Persons deprived of their pensions nnder
Act of March Sd, 1865, by reason of being in civ
il service are restored.
5. Tbe heirs of ia valid pensioners who died af
ter application for their pension had beeo filed,
and before tbe -certificate was issued,, dnd who
have left widows or minor chiTHren, will be enti
tled to receive arrears due at the death of the
6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers
and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. '
In all of these cases, new applications must be
made The undersigned is prepned, with the
proper blanks, for the speedy - rceurement of
these pensions. ' '
Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and
claims for local bounty under State law, promptly
collected. H. B. SWOOPE, Att'y at Law, . . .
July 11, 1866. Clearfield, Pa.
Have just returned from tbe east and are new
opening an entire new stock of goods ia the na
formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market
Street, which they now offer to the pablio at the
lowest cash prices.
Their stock consists of a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods,
Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc.,
in fact, everything usually kept in a retail star,
can be had by calling at this store, 'or will b
procured to order.
Their stock Is well selected, and consists of tk.
newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest
styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash,
or exchanged for approved country produce..
Be sure and call and examine our stock befer.
making your purchases, as we are determined e
nlease all who may favor us with their custom.
May 3. 1S67. J. SHAW A SON.
Having just returned from the eastern cities
we are now opening a full stoca of seasonable
goods, at 'our rooms on Second street, to which
they respectfully invite the attention ot the pub
lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed
in this section, and is being sold very low f sir
cash. The tock consists in part of :
of the best quality, such as Print?, elarnies. Alpa
cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and
unbleached ; drillings Tickings, cotton and wool
Flannels, Cassimers, Ladies' Sbaw4i. Coats, .Nu
bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ac Ac. all
of wich will be sold low fob cash. Also, a fin
assortment of the best of
consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Cape,
Boots and Snoee, Handkerchief!! cravats, etc.
Also, Raft Rope, Dog Rpe, KaltHia Agur
and Axes. Nails and Spikea, Tinware, Laaape and
Lamp wicks and chimneys, tc., etc
Also, Queensware. Glassware, Hardware, Groo
ries, and spices of all kinds. In short, a general
assortment of every thing equally kept to a retail
store, all chtajR fbr rash, or approved country
produce. - '
EST GROUHD ALUM SALT for 3 25 at ' , '
August 7, 1867. M. w.BJina e.
FIRST quality ef Mackerel7 00 P I bbL at
A u gust 7. H. w. fcMlTH B. ,
H INGLES, for 55 00 per thousand, at
August 7. " oann .
EST quality of Prints, f.f 16c! per yard, as
August T tl. W.MUtll a. -
GENTS Fine French Calf Boots (warra nted) for1
$6 50, at , H. W. SMITH'S.
MEN'S Heavy Boots, for S3 00, at
August 7. ': ' : H. W.
VUi a . . .
GOODS selling at lessthaa present elty pHeeMt
August 7. H. W.SMrTH'B.