UU CLEARFIELD, PA., AUG. 21, 1867. Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. 'I tula leaves Tyrone at : : : : : 9.M a m Arriref at Philipsburg at : : 11.20 a. m. uia learee Philipsburg a : : : 2.05 pm. Arrives at Tyrone at : : ; : 4.00 p. m. Religious. Divine services will be held i text Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows: By Rev. Sembower in the Baptist church in the morning. - , By Re.v. Chambers in the Episcopal 'church, morning and evening. ' By llev. liuyer in tne iuetnoaiat cnurcu, fr the afternoon. By Rev. Archer in the Court House, morning and evening. Admission to the Lunatic Asylum. To correct a misapprehension that exist, in regard to the admission of patients to the 'State Lunatic Ilospital, we are authorized to announce that recent cases of insanity, or those which have been insane less than six months, and are not subject to epilepsy, will be admitted into the Hospital at any time on complying with the regulations re lative to admission. . Demorsst's "Young Amkrica." Young America has really found a represen tative in this brilliant little periodical, which ia as Toll of Tories, pictures, puzzles, toys, and fun as any little boy or girl could desire. It ia, moreover, not only entertaing, but in structive ; containing hints and information ou all sorts of subjects, and capital sugges tions, introduced in a way to interest chil dren, and make them follow up the subject for themselves. Parents will find it a valu able auxiliary to their efforts for home amusements. Address W. Jennings Dem urest, 473 Broadway, New York. ' Elk Coiintt. -The Elk Advocate is re sponsible for the following : "On Wednes day, August 7th, Henry Yale, of Hellen, in this county, while 'out on Boon's mountain after Huckleberries, with two small broth ers, came upon a den of Rattlesnakes and found themselves surrounded by them. The boys were on a rock. ' Before they could get away they killed fifty-seven snakes and piled them on the rock. All the snakes were fe males, containing from eight to twelve young ones inside,' making a loss of snakes of from five to six hundred. . The boys say they killed about half the snakes. The balance taking refuge under. the rocks." . Republican County Convention. ' Pursuaut to notice giveu, a number df the Republicans, from' the several districts in the county, met in the Court House in Clear field, on Thursday, August 15th, for the purpose of nominating County ticket. On motion, Lieut. John M. Chase, was chosen President of the Convention ; Ar thur Bell and John B. Hewitt, Esq's, Vice Prc-idcnti-, and Geo. B. Hancock and S. J. Row, Secretaries. On motion, the Chair appointed Jos. B. M'Enally, Jotn Russell, Philip Antes, Jo seph A. CalJweff, And Luther Barrett, a committee on resolutions. On motion, Keaalved, That A. C. Finney, J. B. Hewitt and M.V. XJatherman, be the Representative Conferees from thi9 county, (with power to substitute,) to meet alike number of conferees from Elk and Forest counties, and hominrte a candidate for the legislature. The conferees were then, on motion, re quested to urge the nomination of Capt. James M. Welch as the Legislative candi date, in this district. The Convention then proceeded to nonii nate a County ticket, as follows : For Sheriff, Sansom B. Lingle ; For Treasurer, Arthur Bell; For District Att'y, John II. Fulford; For Commissioner, David Dressier; For Jury Comm'r, James Glenn ; For Auditor, James Irwin, Sr.; For Coroner, William R. Brown. H. B. Swoope, Esq.) was then called upon to address the Convention. His remarks, though brief, were pertinent to the present canvass tor Supreme J udge. He urged up on the Republican party the importance of electing Henry W. Williams by a trium phant majority on the Second Tuesday bf October next, as the precursor to a still aore glorious and decisive victory in 1868, for President. ' The Committee on resolution! then made the following report, which was unanimous ly adopted: Revived, That the thanks of the whole iwpie is due to the Republican members 01 toneress. for the firm and patriotic wurse they have pursued all the slanders w oppo8it;on of the late rebels and their nends, and the still more serious opposition recreant President, not being able to oeter them from the discharge Of their duty w eir country. WPkM?" oU ,we "eocwv ,mPe Sa lp SMndui n.d H2; MY M '-tailtOn fnr fhni Mnnt anil ;fV,fl car. I Kesoivni, That we especially commend anton for their patriotic and faithful ser . under circumstances demanding the "ehest conraee and abilitv. Thev deserve. we believe will receive, higher honors i 'frateful people. Kaolved, That Gov. John W. Geary has ?ven himself to be an efficient and patri- .r cmei magistrate, worthy the State and oP'e by whom he was elected. - eofr7 Tk i-ii J Ration of Hon. Henry W. Williams as ft, f?nddate for the Supreme Bench, aa a ton ,n V1 .Pects qualified for that posi . . deserving the support of every cuiren ot tne state. - KzolvetU That having this day presented county ticket worthy the suDDort of tho f"Pie, we ask the independent electors of 'Qt RMnt. 1. . r . .... iw- , J w B1Te tnem oucn a vote aa tneirl v"uj deserve. 0d n motion, the Convention adjourned.'. Read the "Notice," published ia our ad vertising columns to-day. Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie, Pe terson, Godey, Demorest, and all the mag- azmes ana weemies lor sale at the post 1 V A- a omce. . Base Ball Game. The "Cbinclecla moose Base Ball Club," of this place, played the first game of the season yesterday. T 1 ., ' t .i ii oeiow we give ine game ironi tne score book." Considering that the thermometer stood at 88, and being the first game of the sason, we think it worthy of notice FIRST HIS. , C. W. Smith, c. 2 7 A. W. Walters, p. 1 8 F. Fielding, e.s. & 4 J. L. Ward, lb. 3 5 L. Morgan, 2 b. 3 5 J. W. Wright, 3 b. 3 3 Miles Beers, I. f. 4 3 SECOND HI SB. Wright Graham, e. Oscar Moore, p. Frank Mossop, s.s. T-. 11. Wilson, 1 b. J. A. Stine, 2 b. J.G.Hartswick,3b.3 Ed. Bigler, 1. f.N 5 A. C. Flanigan, e.f. 4 Smith Wilson, r f . 4 A. I. Shaw e.f. 2 2 H. F. Wallace, r.f. 4 4 27 41 27 32 Innings, Scores 1st 9, Scores 2d 9, 12 3 4 & 7 8 9 1 8 12 0 Fly Catches, Walters 7; Moore, 2. Foul Balls caught, Smith S ; Graham 9. Home Runs, Walters, 2. Umpire, T. J. M'Cullough. Scorer, J. L. Leavy. Serenade. We see by the following ex tract from the Huntingdon Journal of the 14th inst, that our fellow citizen, H. B. Swoope, Esq., received the compliment of a serenade, on a recent visit to his former home : H. Bucher Swoofe, Esq Our friend and former fellow-citizen, II. B. Swoope, Esj., of Clearfield, visited this place on Friday last, and stopped at the Morrison House over night, lie was serenaded by the Silver Cornet Band, accompanied by a large number of personal friends. After re peated calls from the crowd, Mr. Swoope appeared on the balcony, and acknowledged the compliment in a brief, but very eloquent and well-timed address, in which he paid his compliments to Judge Sharswood. the Copperhead party, and his Accidency, An dy Johnson, showing the importance of the loyal people of Pennsylvania carrying the State this fall, thus rendering our success more certain in the great struggle for the Presidency in 1868. Mr. Swoope has the reputation of being one of the best speak ers in the State, and is ready at all times to do battle for the party that saved the coun try when assailed by traitors. His remarks were received with evident satisfaction, and on retiring from the stand he was warmly cheered by the crowd. The Lady's Friend, for Sept., 1867. "The Village Doctor," an expressive pic ture, is the title of the Steel Engraving in the September number of this popular mag azine. A beautiful steel fashion plate, with numerous other engravings of the fashions, follow, and the usual piece of popular Mu sic, worth of itself the price of the number. Among the Literary matter we have an ar ticle on "Skeleton Leaves, or the Phantom Boquet," a fine story by Louise Chandler Moulton, ."How a Woman Had Her Way," "Orville College," "Dora Castel," "How to Make Wax Flowers," &c. We would suggest to our lady readers who desire to get a Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machine, that the Lady's Friend offers one of these machines as a premium for thirty names, and that it is not a moment too soon to com mence making up their lists for next year. A beautiful steel engraving will also be sent gratis to every single ($2.50) subscriber, and to every person sending the usual clubs. Specimen numbers of the magazine will be sent for twenty cents. Price (with engrav ing) '2. 50 a year ; four copies (with one en graving) $6.00. One copy of Lady'sFriend and one of Saturday Evening Post (and one engraving f 4.UO. Address .Deacon & Pe terson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Take the Hint. The following, taken from an exchange, should be posted up in every Postofhce : Always deposit a letter in a letter box, and never take it to the delivery unless you desire to ask some questtdn relating to weight, directions, etc Even some busi ness men hand their letters in at the deliv ery, as if that act would secure their earlier transmission. Every letter placed in the letter box is sent up to the very moment of locking the mail bigs. Never write "in haste" on your letters. The Postmaster is in duty bound to transmit all mail matter as speedily aa possible. When you ask for a letter give the full name distinctly, and don't apply for a letter for any of the "Thompsons. - When it is possible, get your mail matter into the office about half an hour before the mail is to be closed. When you stamp a letter always place the Btamp at the upper right corner or the en velope, as in the case with all government stamped invelopes. . Stamp your letters , yourself. Do not leave a letter and three cent piece at deliv ery and then run off leaving the rest to the postmaster, lie is not oDiigeu to receive letters in that way. Don't ask for a letter for Lucy Smith, and when the postmaster runs over the S ask if there thiDS for Wm- Samson, nn.... t . J and when the postmaster runs over the S's When vou are disaDDointed in not tret- ting a letter, don't swear at the postmaster, for in nine cases out of ten he will swear back at you. " ' We would add another:' Don't stand at the letter window, and chat with the clerk about matters not connected with the busi ness of the department, and keep others who are in a hurry waiting. Do ycuf busi ness and leave. . MARRIED t On Thursday,. August 15th 186?, by Rev. Wm. M. Burchfield, Mr. John A. Dillok and Miss Martha J, Straw, both of Jordan township. : OIEO: in Covington township, on Augdst 7thj 1867, Mart Rider, wife of Joab , Rider, aged 34 years, 2 month, and 1 day. , Pittsburg Price Current, raar abbd viuLtroint "aarrsMaas jocaaai.," BY T. C. JENKINS, Dealer im Flour, Product and Refined Otis. Pittsburg, August 17th, 1867. TLOVK. SUQABS. Dayton SnowflakeSll 50 Brown, 11 i a 14 Jenkin's Lilly, 11 50 Refined, hard". 18 Granto.a.Kentuckyj I 75 A Coffee, Ford's A Crossett's 11 00 B Coffee, Rye Flour, bbl. 8 00 Extra C, Corn Meal, bushel, 1 lOlToa, Black, Buckwheat Flour, 3 75,Qreen, Wheat, 2 00 a 2 lSSyrups. 00 a 17 oo m 16 75 a 1 20 80 a 1 73 54 a 1 00 50 a 90 Rye, ' 1 25, Molasses. Oats, 65 Corn in ear, 90 Corn shelled, 1 05 Sorghum, 50 Kioe. 101 a HI Dried Annies. 7 Parley, 1 10 a 1 25 1 Dried Peaches. 12 rotatoes, bbl. 2 00. Salt. bbl. 2 55 Potatoes, P. Blows, Onions, bbl. Hominy, bbL Timothy seed, Clover seed, Flax seed, 1 00 Candles, 14 3 50 ! Soap, 7 a 10 6 50, No 3 Mackerel. bbl 13 00 3 25 9 00 Lard, choice, 13i Tallow, 9i 10 Bacon, Sides. 14 3 00 Middlings, 1 85 a 2 35 Shoulders, 12 Beans, prime navy, 3 25 Hams, sugar cured, 21 Butter, prime roll, 20 Mess1 Pork. 23 50 Cheese, 18 Buckets, dos, 3 25 Eggs, 16 Brooms, dos. 3 25 Apples, bbl 8 00 a 9 00 Refined Oil, white, 42 a 43 Cider, bbl dull, 8 00 Coffee. 22 a 26 Picales, per bbl 17 00 j Dressed Hogs, 71 a 8 PLOUR! PROVISIONS!! T. C. JENKINS. Commission Merchant, Wholesale Dealer and Recbivkb op Flops, Provisions, all kinds or Produce and Refined Oils, ac, ac. Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. On hand all well known and reliable brands. Quality of Flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal ers, and prioes ourrent sent each week. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St. Pittsburg, Pa. January 23d, 1867. TTEGARTY & FULLMER, x Manufacturers, And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. Imported and Do mestic Cigars. Michigan Fine-cut, Cut and Dry, and Fancy Smoking Tobaooos, best brands; Lou isville Plug Tobacco ; Meersohauni and Wood Pipes of all kinds. 279 Liberty Street. PitUborg. Penn'a I May 22 1867-ly. . a. heoartt. : : : W. P. FCLLUER. M I S S II. S. SWAN'S School For Girls. Clearfield, Pa. The first term of 22 weeks, will commence on Monday, September 2d, 1867. TERMS OP TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lessons, Primary Arithmetic, and Primary Geography, per half term (of 11 weeks) $5.00. History, Local and Descriptive Geography, with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, $6.50. Algebra and the Sciences, $9 00 Drawing with any of the above, $11.00. July 24, 1367. P O It SALE, AT A SACRIFICE,' The entire stock and fixtures of H W. Smith's DRY GOODS STORE. A rare opportunity is new offered to Merchants throughout the eonnty. or I any one wishing to go into the business, as the locality is one of the best in Clearfield, and a complete assortment of goods now on hand. Ap ply at the Store. June 5, 1867. L W A Y S N E W, WITHOUT FAIL. ' sa si i sr JOHN IRVIN, nasjust received and opened at the old stand in Cnrwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he will sell very ebeap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. The public generally is respecfullv invited to give him a call ; see his stock and hear hie prices, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage, Nor. 15,1860 N E W ARRANGEMENT. The subscribers have entered into co-partnership, and are trading under the name of Irvin, Baily A Co.. in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of Lick Run. They would inform their friends, and the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lum ber, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. . They would also announce that they hare just opened A IJEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con sisting of every variety usually kept in eountry stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices, which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their customers One if their partners, Thomas L. Baily, resides near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the maraets and make purohaset on the most favorable terms. Call and see ns ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BAILT, Goshen tp.,Dec.6,1865. LEWIS I. IRWIN, c LEARFIELD academy. The First Session of the Second Soholastie year, will commence on Monday, Sept. 2d, 1867. Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything ineluded in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of buch experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardisAs that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his eharge. Terms or Tciiioh: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 Weeks.) $5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Hist ry. $6,00 Algebra,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy,' Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. , . $9,00 Latin. Greek and French, with anv of the a- bove branches.. ' $H,00 tT"No deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of t Re. P. L. HARRISON, a-. . Jotyl,lg67. " ..Principal..'; gOLDLER'S BOUNTIES. The new bill equalizing bounties has passed both Hon - p-. w approve or tne President, and is now a law. A three years' soldier gets SI 00 and a twe TUM Militu. ca T .r 1 n - . m ""'O'er so counties and rensions are collected by me for those entitled to them. Bring rww.j .... - uu jour applications. - J. B. McENALLY, Att'y. at Law August 1,1866 Clearfield. Pa. s c o t t House, MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN. PA. A. ROW & CO., RRO PRIETORS. This house having been refitted and elegantly j furnished, is now open for the reception and en- I icruunment of guests. The proprietors by long experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they can satisfy a discriminating public. Their bar is supplied with the chotoest brands of l.quors and wtne- July 4th, 1866. PLEARFIELD HOUSE. Clearfield. Pa. The subscriber would respectfully ouuuii a continuance oi tne patronage of his old ,, n.a" ana customers at the "Clearfield House." Having made manv inmrnvemenrs. ha ia nnmr ed to accommodate all who mav favor him with their custom. Everv den&rrmAnt nnn nffti with .1 , . , - - 1 - - ' nouse is oonauoted in a manner to give gen- ' Baiisiacuon. uive mm a call. Z4' 1866- GEO. N. COLBURN. P. LEAR FIELD NURSERY. Encour- Y ace Home Industry. The undersign- half wav between Cnrwenavilla inil niirM Boroujrhs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof UVnit irees, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreen . Shrub pery, urape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black DVr7 owewberry and Raspberry vines. Also, SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhea barb, Ac Orders promptly attended to. Address Aag 31,1864. J.D. WRIGHT. Cnrwensville, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an Order of the OrnliAna O.nnrt. nf Clearfield county, the undersigned administrator win oner aipuoiic sale, on Saturday, August 24vh, 1867, upon the premises, thefollowins Real Estate oi .james uiu. deo d, vis : A certain messauge or tmioi iana. situate in ueccana two. Clearnelrf county, being the homestead property upon which ud uvea ii toe time oi nis aeatu . and containing about 37 acres, more or less : about 35 acres clear ed, having a good soil, in a good state of cultiva tion, and having thereon erected a small log house and barn; also a bearing orchard ou the premises, and a never failing spring of water at the door. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. when conditions will be made known by J.M SMITH, July27,lS67. Administrator. "TJEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI."-A Complete History of the New States and Territories, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Bv Albert D Itiohardson. Over 20.000 copies sold in one month. Life and adventure on Praries. Mountains and the Pacificcoant; with over 200 Descriptive and Photographic Views of ine pcenery, uities. iana, Alines, 1'eopie andCu- nosuies ot tne JMew a ates and Territories. To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far West," this History of that van and fertile region prove an invaluable assistance, sup plying as n does a want long relt of a full, au tfaentic.and reliable guide tochmate.soil, products, means oi travel, etc., etc aoexts wasted. eena tor circulars and see our terms, and a full aescription of the work. Address. NATIONA L PUBLISHING CO., . July 31, 4t. 607 Minor St . Philadelphia Pa. T1WO FARMS FOR SALE.- Kicnpil nfTira fnr cnlo tvrn fai The under signed offers for sale two farms, dfisorih- ed as follows : - . No. 1 is situate in Boggs township, Clearfield County, about iota mile from the Railroad, being known as the Lindsay Stone Farm, and eontains abont one hundred acres about 65 acres elear, 60 ef which is in grass, and nndor good feooes with a log house and good log barn, and a young orchard of choioe fruit trees thereon. No. 2 is situate in Bradford township, near the Railroad at Woodland, and contains one hundred acres 60 acres elear, of which 40 is in grass, and under good fences a log house and frame stable, and some choice lruit trees thereon. The above farms will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented tr desirable. Apply to, or address the under signed, at Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. July 31, 1867-3m. JERE. BUTLER. TT BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. One deor East of the Clearfield House, J Keens on ha.id a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, Uudershirts. Drawers and Socks :Neck-tiea. Pock. et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety, uf pieee goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the best make, r ancy cassimeres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Bearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, an.l Tricott Over-ooatine, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made up according to tne latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also a-rent for Clearfield countv. for I. M. Sinirfcr A vo s oewing Machines. JNovemoer 1, 1865. J(EW ARRANGEMENT. ROTE & SilAW, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, opposite the Court House.) Clearfield, Pa. The subscribers having entered into partner ship In the Drug business, and purchased the en tire interest of Mr. C. D. Watson, would respeet- tuiiy inform the citizens of Clearfield county, iai uiey are now prepared to iurnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Dye Stuffs, Tobacco. Cigars, Confectioneries, Stationery, Ac. PHYSICIANS Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete. ana a i a very slight advance on eastern prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will be furnished with elaa ioal and miscellaneous books by express, at short notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and renamed Note Pacer, also, a very neat stocc ot Mournintr Nota Paner and Envelopes on hand. I Pens, Pencils, Ink, ic. HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda. Soda Asn, Concentrated Lye. Soap, o LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery, Hair Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps. Brushes, Combs, xouet setts, Ac. SMOKERS AND CH EWERS Will find a full snnnlv.of prime Chewiner and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Domestio Cigars, ouuu, x ine-cut, Ae. CARBON OIL, Of the best brands, always en hand. , ' LIQUORS. The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for mcdioal purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and earefully j ovuipoaaaea. asgub i, tout. . JOBK P. KOTB ------ - - A. t SBAW. SALT ! SALT " A prime article of ground al um salt, put an ia patent saeas. fbrsaloeheap at tha stoie of ;....:.! R- MOSSOt. INSURANCE AT HOME. The Perm Mutual Life .Insurance Co., il VHESTNCT STREET, PHIL A. insures Lives on Xavorable. terms, and atill, Issue oucie on any ot tne npprored plans of insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus. divided Annually. Lvsses paid prompt ly Premiums mav ha nuM in rim' mnn.Hv semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half in cash, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the fnrter. notes hereafter received will participate iu jsiviuenaa or surplus, fccrip certificates up to January, ,1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment oi premiums Agency, at the office of H.-B. Swoops, Clear field, Pa. Dr J. G. Hartswick, Medical Kxami- ner August 24, 1864. flLOTHING! CLOTniNG!! GOOD AND CHEAP!!! Men, Youths and Bors can be f unTnled with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothinst at RK1ZENSTEIN BROS' ft CO., . where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's & Co.", Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers al I alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store ia eonvenieatly situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they ean sell eheaper tl an others. for these and other reasons persons should bn their elothing at KEIZKNSTEIN BRO'S A CO. Produee of every kind taken at the highest maraei prices. May 18, 1864 JEW HARDWARE STORE! rniLIPSBURG, CENTRE CO., PA, n tt rr i o IT. 1. LkQlfnQX & (JO., ' DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery. Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used bv Carpenters. Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers, Join ers, c, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes, Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-eat Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hellew ware in great rariet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns ; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture 1 ways ou hand, among which will be found buck' ets of every sise, tin-cups, oil cans, sprinkling eans, dutting pans, miners' lamps ; gallon, quart and pint measuras, and many other articles in the tin-ware line, whioh are wanted by everybody Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Yices, sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods' etc ; and with east, shear, spring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers ia the United States, or of foreign manufacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in our -establish meat a superior and complete stock of Planes, Saws. Augurs, Htttcheta, Hammers, Files, Chisels. Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, As. Farmers Will find everything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and eoal Stoves. Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Anti dust fbok and parlor stoves of all sites ; Also, The Ni agara cook, Parlor cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew- drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods ill be sold eheap for H ZEIGLER A COK CasB. g Philipsbarg. Oct. 10th, 1866.-1 y. COAL, Whale. aasT Lhsaaed Oil, Family Dyes, .Varnish and Paint all kind around in OIL for sale by , HARTBWICK A IRWIN. CABLE CHAINS A gaod article, on hand and for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. fX LFE 1 TERMS or,7"HB JOURNAL. The BAFfSHAa's JovaaaL it published aa Wed nesdayat S 2,00 pet annum in advanee. , IX B4t paid at the beginning of theyear, $1.60 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the eloaa of the year. . . , - AovaansBaasrs will be inserted at SI, 50 par square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. ; For. every additional insertion 50 cents will be, eharged. A deduotioa will be made to yearly advertisers .s ,., No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued, un til 1 all arrearages are paid.exeept at the option of the publisher. 8. J. ROW. "POR SALE. One two-horse wagon, with spring seat, complete boxes. 3i by 10. 1 4ic. 9K9 uu. van on w.K.HKunn, July 10, 1867. or Passmore A Son. rpo THE FARM ERS OF CLE ARFIELD COUNTT. The subscriber has on hand and for sale S.horse and 4-horse-power Threshing Machines, with 'baker attaohed..made of good material Machines will be delivered in Clear field. Orders promptly attended to. Addres, STEWABjT WILSON. Strattonville, Clarion oo.. Pa , B. SPACEMAN, Agent, m July 24-tmp.) Clearfield, Pa. pUMPS. Having located permanently in Clay ville, near PunxsuUwney, I have, and intend keeping, constantly n hand, ana ready for , delivery, tbllow and whitb pine pumps, to suit wells of all depths. These pumps are well finished and painted, and are the best and most durable pumps in use. Lwill a ho go and make pumps, or bore and lay ; pipe logs, where ever needed the timber being found. For further particulars call upon, or address J,B.CONSOR,, June U, I867-6m. PunxsuUwney, Pa. T HE WESTERN HOTEL, Clearfield. Penn'a- The undersigned, baring taken charge, of the above named Hotel, generally known as "The Lanich House," situate on the corner of Market and Second Streets, Clearfield, Pa, desires toTin form the public that he is now prepared to accom modate those who may favor him with a call. The house has been re-fitted, and re-furnished, and, hence he flatters himself that he will, be able to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner. A liberal share of patronage is solicited. June 12, 1887. J. A. STINE. O L E N FACTORY! Having purchased aa Interest in the Union Mills, in Union township, .Clearfield county, we are prepared to card wool, manufacture, and fin ish cloth, and do all kinds of work in our line on short notice, in a workmanlike manner; and on reasonable terms. Flour, feed, a pd lumber, also manufactured and for sale. .Terms, cash. , F. K. A J. R. ARNOLD. Rockton. June 26. 1857. N.B. Wool intended for. carding csn be left" at R Mossop's or J. P. Kratier's, in Clearfield, which will be taken awav and returned when carded, on Saturday of each weea. JHE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BT RICHARD MOSSOP, , DKALEK IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DR Y GOODS. fcC. MAKK.KT 8TREKT, CLEARFIELD, tX. Ro4 the following list of goods and proJillAsroif Cheap 70S THE LADIES Goods oacaa Good Good Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Gobi Ckeav Always on hand a largest ock of La- Cheap Cheap Cheap aiea goou sue o. as Uoburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Chints, Kerchiefs, Nu bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc FOR GENTLEMfeN Cheap Cheap Always on hand Black, Bjue. Brown sheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap', Cheap Cheap ana. urey Cloths, Facy and Black Casimeres. Saitinats, Caasinets, Goods a weeas, nam and rancy nest ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. KE AD Y-MADE. . Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Sneh as Coats, .Pants, Vests, JJner- sniru, ana oiner runnel hirts. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jeck tiea. Gum Boots and Shoes.and. a variety of other artioles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. is neap Cheap Goods Goods Isheap Cheau Such as Unbleached and Bleached Goods Muslins, Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. ear pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE. AC. Goods Goods Goods Goods tsksap Is neap Cheap Chrap Goods Goods Goods Ukeap Cheap Cheap, If you want Nails or spikes, Manure or otner torks. taw-mill or other saws, SmootO! ng irons. Locks, Hinges; etc, go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. j IF YOU WANT I Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Vheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, bnoe and btove blacking, Manilla and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, etc., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goodt Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Shoe- Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy' t: i i , n in- ' Dup, i'i.iuu, nmu riper or nio dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. tv vnn wist GbddS Cheap Good extra family Flour, White or Goods fjheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee ; ImperiaJ, Young Hyson or blaca tea, buy them at Mossop's eheap (or cash. IF YOU WANT "... Cheap Cheap Vheap Cheap Vheap Cheap Cteap Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Goods oyrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples or peaches, water .or; sp- -do crae iters, call at Mossop's where you ean buy eheap. Goods Goodt Goods Good's Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT Ckeap Port wine for Medical or Saeramen- Cheap Cheap tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monoa- gahela or rye whiscy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop s cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Rabens, Figs, Prunes or dried Car rants; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nuts, eandies. Liquorice or Liqaoriee root, bay them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Cheap, Vheap Cheap Cheap Cheap, Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods' Goods ' Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Vnrap Vheap Cheap To bay any other artiele cheap, be Cheap sure w gu w juossop, ior ae sells Cheap cneaper tor easa than any other Goods Vheao person in iiearneld county Cheap Novembers!, 1861. apzT'SO.,', Goods Approved esttnim produee or ever tinA tulen. mt tie usttal marlet prices in exchange for goods. s TOVES of all aorta and siscs. constantly on MERRELL A BIGLER'S hand at IRON I 1KOF!! Best bar iron, for sale at the , store of MERRELL A BIG LEE. H" ARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings Tor ale at MERRELL A BIGLER'S. CANNED FBUIT, of best quality, for kale by Augji- MERRELL A BIGLER. PALMER'S Patent unloading hay forks, to be had at MERRELL A BIGLER'S. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag ons tor sale by MERRELL A BIGLER HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. 3a. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. FODDER CUTTERS-ofa superior makr for sale at reasonable prises, at MERRELL and BIGLER'S. Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 14 T7HR SALE at cost 4 barrels of good family i: near, to close eat tns stoca, at Jan. 10,1866. MERRELL A BigLEJf tit if 14.