Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 31, 1867, Image 1

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    BY S. J. ROW.
VOL; 13. NO. 46
tjt gorfrij.
When the baby died,' we said,
With a sudden, Becret dread,
'Death, bemerciful, and pass
Leave the other" but alas!
While we watched, he waited there
One foot on the golden stair.
..One hand beckoning at the gate,
Till the home was desolate.
Friends say, "It is better so.
Clothed in innocence to go ;
Say, to ease the parting pain,
fEhaf'your loss is but their gain.
Jh. the parents think of this !
But remember more the kiss
Prom the little rose-red lips,
And the print of finger tips,
Left upon a broken toy,
Will remi-J hiui how the boy.
And bis sister, eti armed the days
With their pretty, wiusoine ways.
Only time can give relief
To the weary, lonesome grief
Ood'f sweet uiiniste rot pain
Then shall sing of loss and gain.
Was there ever such a jealous fellow,
always contriving soriio new test to subject
uiy affections too" tsaii Julia Ilarvy to her
sister, Mrs. Fauny Markham, as she handed
her a letter.
It was from Julia's lover, Captain Paul
Wilcox, an officer in an infantry regiment,
who wrote to prepare her to receive him.
He told her that she would find him much
changed, for he had been wounded in the
lop and tlost his left ana ; that lie had
felt it his duty to say that he should not
hold her to her engagement, though lie
loved her as devotedly as ever. Now it
happened that Juli:i had a correspondent in
the army; from whom she discovered that
the captain had received no injuries ; and
that his fctory was concocted purely as ah
additional test of the devoteduess of the
lair one,
We'll pay him off for this trick, Julia,"
paid Mrs. Markham. " Come with me and
1 11 instruct you bow to give him change in
ins own coin.
Shortly after the ladies had retired. Car
tain Wilcox pluming himself on his strata
gem, was alone in the drawing room. He
had buttoned his arm up in his 'coat, afcd
the left sleeve hung empty, whi'e he court
forfeited a halting gait, and put a large
piece of piaster on his left cheek to cover
an luiaginury sabre cut.
In a lew minutes Mrs. Markham appear
ed. "Returned at last" cried she, warmly
th'ikiiig his hand. " My dear Paul."
" There's nut much left of me littw
better than half," said the soldier. ' I left
my poor arm in the West Indies."
Pour, dear Paul," said the lady. 44 And
how is your leg ?"
" V ery poorly, I am troubled with daily
exfoliation of the bone."
" Poor Julia !" she sighed.
"Iiu wiil be much affected in the change
in uic, will she not?" asked the brave Cap
tain. "Oil, dear.no! I was thinking of the
ihamre in her."
; Oi.anein her?"
" What haven't you heard?"
" Not a word."
" Ah ! I see she was afraid to write to
you. She has lost all her beauty."
" Yes you know she was never vaccina
ted. "No and she has had the small-pox ve:
ry badly. Poor Julia. She has lost the
sight of her right eye. Her face is very
tnuc li discolored. Her nose is terribly red."
"A red noe?"
"Yes. Itdosen't matter so much about
her eyes she wears blue spectacles.
"I!lue spectacles and a red nose !" ex
claimed the Captain.
"lutyou don't mind that. Beauty is
nothing, " said Mrs. Markham. who was
ravihiiijfly beatif'ul herself. "You love
ou.iii lor her heart ; you always told her so.
And as you are so maimed and disfigured
yourself, why, you can sympathise with and
console each other, x ou will be a verry
Well assorted couple three arms and three
between you."
"And a red nose and blue spectacles!"
groaned the Captain. '
"IIuh! here comes Julia," said Mrs.
-laikham, " don't appear shocked. Julia,
dear here's the Captain."
The door opened and Julia entered. She
"M painted her face most artistically ; a
I air of blue spectacles concealed .her fine
Llaek eyes, but the marvelous feature of her
was her nose it glowed with all the
tnUiaiiey of a carbuncle.
.' "h, dear Paul," said she, 44 poor dear
aul : how much you must have suffered."
'1 have one arm left for you to lean up-
said the Captain.
, Jut y'U are lame. We can never danco
lt!thottische any more."
I don't know how I can manage it, all
J'Ut the side steps and hops," said the Cap
ta'n. ruefully.
' ttut don't you find me hideous?" ask
w the fair one.
i;ot exactly," said the poor Captain.
1 ue tip of your nose is rather a warm col
Mo be sure."
Oh, the doctor says it will settle into a
Oh, he does; does he?" said the Cap
' abstractively.
J'uyou think I should look better with
1 rurTle nose?"
,,1'k not of it," said the Captain.
. 'Jut tell me, when you heard of my in-
were you not iuelincd to relinquish
y hand?"
, ,'ot for a moment. "
Caw a orsive my -deception," said the
wain. Here's my left arm as sound
as ever. l have no wound udoh mv cheek :
I can dance from dark till dawn."
' J low could you be so cruel !" said Julia.
It is my turn to ask you whether you are
still willing to fulfill your encasement with
44 With all mv heart," said the Cantain.
44 1 am grieved for the loss of vour beaut v.
I confess : but your heart and mind are
dearer than your person."
-hxcuse me for a moment, said the la-
! dy "I must retire for a few moments."
In an instant she returned, radient in all
the glory of her charms.
Paul, said she, How do you like me
44 You are an amrel." said the Cantain.
holding her in his arms. 44 How could you
treat me so cruelly with the red nose and
spectacles ?'
' JNotawordof that, said the beauty.
We have friends in camp who exposed
your jealous tolly, and it wa3 only 4 tit for
tat.' "
"I deserve it all," said the Captain;
' and here I avow I am cured of iealousv
When they were married, which followed
as a matter ot course, tucy were uronoun-
ced the handsomest counle that ever sub
mitted to the matrimonial noose.
Examining a Teacher.
Mr. Trustee Snickles was sitting in his
doorway, on day, when Saunders, presented
imiiseir teiore mm, a perrect stranger, m
search of a school to keen tor the winter.
'Have you ever kept a school?"
44 No sir," replied Saunders.
'What are your o uaiiScations ?" asked
' I have been through the rule of three
and interest, and can read and spell anv
word in the spelling book: and reckon
can flog any boy who wont mind."
Have you any recommendations?
U M I.I l.
xTO, sir, i tuougnt you would examine
me, and if I was qualified, I could hire out."
V. hat do you ask a month f
." What do you pay, old chaD?"
44 Well according to the Qualifications of
tne teacher.
44 I'd like to be examined then. If vou'l
bring on your books vou mav bee-in."
U, I can tell all about a teacher by see
ing him walk.
" Thats easily done." said the Candida te
with an air.
Well, then, said Snickles. "vou set out
and walk up the road, pointing in the di
rection which Saunders came, and when I'm
satisfied, 1 11 call to you to stop,
1 he teacher started oil at a brisk race.
and Snickles shut the door and went into the
When Saunders reached the top of the
hill half a mile away ; it began to occur to
him that his examination had jassed.
A Practical Joke. During the late
war, while the army of Tennessee, under
ben. Johnston, lay encamped near Hal ton.
the following rich scene occurred: There
was a very popular dealer in newspapers, a
perfect Urobdignab in size, rivaling Daniel
Lambert iii rotundity of stomach. A regi
ment was there alxiut to leave for Mobile,
and our massive friend had souie business
to transact with the Colonel. So, Miffing
and blowing, he came up a few minutes be
fore the train started. As he came up a
soldier spied him and cried out : Boys,
here he is." Instantly the whole regiment
was on the alert, and shout after shout went
up Here lie is, here lie is! Looking
dumbfounded, the fat man said: "What's
up gentlemen? What have I dorie?"
lou re the very man that stole our big
drum and swallowed it" went up simulta
neously. Struck with surprise, he did not
know whether to laugh or get mad, but fi
nally said : " Well, boys, if you'll stay till
evening, I'll eat you;"
Newspapers. Of all the . amusements
that can possibly be imagined for a hard
working man, after a day's toil, or in its in
tervals, there is nothing like reading an en
tertaining paper. It relieves his heme of
its dulness or sameness, which, in nine ca
ses out often, is whatdrives him to the ale
house, to the ruin of both himself and fam
ily. He is transported into graver, livelier
and more diversified and interesting scenes;
and while he enjoys himself there he for
gets the evils of the moment fully as much
as if he were ever so drunk, with the great
advantage of his money in his pocket, or at
least laid out in real necessaries and comforts
for his wife and family, and without a head
ache. Nay, it accompanies him to his next
day's work, and gives him something else
to think of beside the mechanical drudgery
of his every day's operations, something he
can enjoy while absent.
Trick of an Insane Man. Recently,
a Milwaukee police officer was detailed to
take an insane man to an asylum. The man
went along quietty until the end was reach
ed, when, instead of being delivered to the
officers of the asylum,he very quietly de
livered the astonished officer ; who, before
he had an opportunity for an explanation,
found himself locked up in a cell. and was
told that a strait jacket awaited him if he
made any demonstrations. It was some
time before the officer could get his story
believed and exchange places with the luna
tic, who went off boasting of his skill in out
witting his keeper.
The drunkard exhibits one phase ot a life
of pleasure. , He drinks for the pleasure
of drinking. The social glass is tho seed of
his life of pleasure. He drinks to friend
ship, drinks to myrth, drinks to beauty,
drinks to chivalry, honor and glory ; drinks
to pleasure in all lier forms. The slow-cutting
tortures that pierce him through tell
that pleasure is but a fading rose, which
serves only to hide long, sharp, poLwnous
A Kind-Hearted Tanner.
William Savery, an emiaent minister
among the Quakers, was a tanner by trade.
One night a quantity of hides was stolen
from his tannery, and he had reason to be
lieve that the thief was a quarrelsome
drunken neighbor, called John Smith.
-Next week the following advertisement ap
peared in tne county newspaper :
4 W hoever stole a quantity of hides on
the fifth of this month, is hereby informed
that the owner has a sincere desire to be
his friend. If poverty tempted him to this
laise step, tne owner will keep the whole
transaction secret, and will gladly put him on
the way of obtaining money by means more
likely to pnng him peace ot mind.
This singular advertisement attracted
considerable attention ; but the culprit alone
knew wno Had made the kind otter. When
he read it, his heart melted within him, and
he was filled with sorrow for what he had
done. A few nights afterwards, as the tan
ner s laimly were about retiring to rest,
they heard a timid knock, and when the
door opened there stood John Smith with
a load of hides on his shoulders. Without
looking up, he said : 44 1 have brought these
back, Mr. bavery ; where shall I put them I
41 Wait till I can get a lantern, and I will
go to the barn with thee, he replied;
" then perhaps thou wilt come in and tell
me how this happened. We will see what
can be done for the.
As soon as they were gone out.
prepared some hot cotlee, and placed pies
1 1 - m 1
and meat on the table. Y hen they return
ed f rom the barn, she said: "Neighbor
Smith, I thought some hot supper would
be good for thee." Ho turned his back to
ward her, and did not speak. Alter leaning
against the fire-place in silence a few mo
merits, he said in a choked voice : 44 It is
the first time I ever stole anything, and I
have felt very bad about it. 1 am sure I
did n't once think I should ever come to
what I am. Hut I took to drinking and
men to quarreling, ismce 1 began to go
.i lmi i i i
uou uiii, everyoouy gives me a kick, lou
are the first man that has ever offered me a
helping haLd. My wife is sickly, and my
children starving. You have sent them
many a meal. God bless you! but 3'et I
stole the hides. But I tell you the truth
when I say it is the first time I was ever a
thief." "Let it be the last, my friend,"
replied V llliaia .feavcry. "The secret lies
between ourselves. Thou art still young,
and it is in thy power to make up for lost
time. Promise me that thou wilt hot drink
any intoxicating liquor lor a year, and to
morrow I will emplov thee on good wages.
Thy little boy can pick up stones. Hut eat
a bit now, and drink some hot coffee; per
haps it will keep thee from craving any
thing stronger to-night. Doubtless thou
wilt find it hard at first, but keep up a brave
heart for the sake of thy wife and children,
and it will become easy. V hen thou hast
need of coffee, tell Mary, and she will give
it thee.
The poor fellow tried to cat and drink, but
the food seemed to choke him. Alter vain
ly trying to compose his feeliugs, he bowed
his head on the table, and wept like a chud.
After awhile he ate and drank, and his host
parted with him for the night with the
friendly words, 44 try to do well, John, and
thou wilt always find amend in me. John
i i . i
entered into his employment the next day,
and remained with him many years, a sober,
honest, and steady man. The secret of the
theft was kept between them ; but after
John's death, William Savory told the sto
ry, to prove that evil might be overcome
with good.
The Cheapest Thing in TnE Mar
ket. Many articles in this world are dear,
says the iueiaphis JYvaianche. i'jggs are
1 1 ways dear about Christmas times, and
blackens in the first of the chicken season.
But however. high are meats, birds, fish and
vegetables, there is one commodity that is
always cheap, dirt cheap loyalty ! it
costs literally nothing. It certainly does
not cost money, for the poorest sot in the
lowest groggery who has not a copper to in
vest for his favorite grog, can prate about
his loyalty. Dr. Johnson verv truthfully
remarked that patriotism was the last ref
uge of the scoundrel." The same rtiay now
be said of loyalty, for the biggest scoun
drels the men who are producing strife,
disorder, disunion and anarchy, claim to be
the par excellence of loyalty, as is instanced
by the copperheads of the .North.
Every Word True. It is a ereat and
prevalent error, that children may be left to
run wild in every sort ot company ana
temptations for several years, and then it
will be time enough to break them in.
This mistake makes half our spendthrifts,
gamblers, thieves and drunkards. No man
would deal so with a garden let: no man
would raise a colt or a puppy on such a
principle. Take notice, parents unless
you till the new soil and throw in the good
seed, the devil will have a crop of weeds be
fore you know what is taking place. Look
at the poor children, and think whether you
will leave their safety or ruin at hazard, or
whether you shall not train them ud in the
way they should go.
"Mary," said George to his sweetheart
one evening as he met her at the door, and
before their usual embrace, "Mary, why are
we like the printers in the Journal office
when the matter for the paper is all made
up?" "Why, I don't know, George, dear."
said Mary, with a puzzled look. "Why, it's
because we are iust iroinc to cress," said
George, opening his arms with a confident
There is a great deal of permanent truth
in what Martin Luther said to his wife
Catherine, when she was weeping convul
sively, over the body of their dead daugh
ter: "Do not take ou so, dear wife; remem
ber that this is a very hard world for girls,
and say, 'God's will be done.' "
A Washington Story.
Mr. Gay, senior of the National Ilote
Washington, bears quite a resemblance to
me late Uen. Uass, upon which is told
good story.
A stranger who supposed that he knew
sir. uay well, put up at the National
oince this house has become a crack hote
at the Capitol, it is quite full all the time
and the new comer was necessarily for the
hrst night sent to the up-floor to sleep.
voming down stairs in the morning a httl
cross, met (jren. Cass there, who had a fine
suit ot rooms in the hall. He stepped up
to him and said :
I'll not stand it ! Yon hnvA nut mo nfc
me top or the house. 1 must have a room
somewhere else, lower down."
uen. Cass interposing nervously ; 4 Sir.
you are mistaken in the personage ; you are
addressing Uen. Lass, ot Michigan.
fctrancer. confusedly. 44 Bee vour nardon
General thought it was nivold friend Gav,
Beg a thousand pardons, sir. All a mistake
-all a mistake 1 assure you.
The General passed out of the building
but soon returned ; but as luck would have
it, the stranger met him lull in the lace
again, but iu another position. This time
he was sure he had met Mr. Gav. for th
Senator from Michigan he knew had iust
gone out. So the stranger stepped loldly
up, slapped the General familiarly on the
shoulder, exclaiming.
4 By heaven, Gay, I've got a rich joke
to relate. 1 met old Lass up stairs just now;
thought it was vou. and began cursing him
aoout my room.
General Cass, with emphasis, " Wei
young,x.ian, you have met old Cass agaiu.
btranger sloped, and he has not been
heard of since.
An Honest Answer. Recently a cler
gyman was preaching in belhist when s
young man in the congregation, gcttin
weary of the sermon, looked at his watch.
Just as he was in the act of examining his
time-piece for the fourth or fifth time, the
pastor, with great earnestness, was urging
the trut h upon the consciences of his hear
ers. 1 oung man, said he, how is it
with you?" Whereupon the young man
with the gold repeater bawled out, in hear
ing of nearly all thecongrregation, 44 A quar
ter past eight." As may be supposed, the
rvitjr of . the assembly was much, disturb
ed tor a time.
A clergyman in Boston recommends put
ting pictures into churches, asking the rich
to adorn them as thev. do their own dwell
mgs, and then open them to all. 1 he best
music in town should be the church music
a part of the debt the rich owe to the poor.
and bless themselves doubly in paying. At
the same time a unitarian clergyman, in
the interior of Mssachusetts. savs : "It is
doubtful whether, with our modern tendency
God can send upon society a greater com
bination of curses than a truely eloquent
preacher,- a ten thousand dollar organ, and
a superb opera choir."
A French, journal gives an amusing illus
tration of the familiar truth that "accounts
differ." By careful study of Cretan des
patches it has ascertained that the total loss
of the Turks during the present insurrec
tion has been one million five hundred thous
and men ; of-the insurgents, forty men. A
similar computation, founded upon the
Turkish despatches, gives a Cretan loss of
three million men at the lowest figures,
against a Turkish loss of five. One does
not often have to split a wider ftifi'erente
than that.
Old Dr. A-
was a quack, and a very
ignorant one. On one occasion he was call
ed by mistake, to attend a council of phy
sicians in a critical case. After considerable
discussion, the opinion was expressed by
one that the patient was convalescent.
When it came to Dr. A '- 'sturn to speak :
Convalescent! said he ; Why that S
notnins serious : I have cured (;onvahsreirf I
in twenty-four hours!"
He who is sore Dressed with temntation
need not flatter hiuiselt that by and by the
temptation will cease, and he is to be deliv
ered from sin ; for temptation will notecase ;
aud help must come, not from change in
outward circumstances, but from strength
given to the inner man, lifting the soul above
all temptation. Thus may help come, it it
comes at all.
Mrs. Partington cannot understand either
Mr. Gladstone or Mr. Disrally, that they
should be so anxious to pass a bill in Parlia
ment to trive the neople universal sunennar.
For her part she thinks there is suffering
enough among the poor people without ma
king it universal. Reform, indeed ! they
should reform themselves first, without
thinking to reform the people.
A good thinsr is told of the President in
Raleigh. While responding in a feeling
manner to the welcome given him he used
the expression. "Let us, my frionds, repair
the breaches" and before he could add
made bv the war." an old woman exclaim
ed, with perfect delight, "bless the dear
man, he has come home again to work at
his old trade."
If you saw a man digging for ores in a
snowdrift, you would say at once he was
crazy. Uiit m what respect does this man
differ from you while you sow the seed of
idleness and dissipation in your youth, and
exect elevated affections and good princi
ples in advancing years.
Once at a coronation scene, a person who
was linDressfiii with the maiesty of human
sovereignty, said to a gentleman beside him :
"Our emperor is very great." The gentle
man replied. "But God is greater." "Yes,"
said the sycophant, "but the emperor n3
young yet.'
gurittfjjjs girrctonj.
fT ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law. Clear-
field, Pa. May 13. 1663.
Jl TERRELL A BIGLER, Dealers in Hardware
LVL and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron
Tare, Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. June '66.
HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, &c Room in
Grahain ' row, Market street. Nov. 10.
HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear-
field, Pa. OfF.et in Graham's Row, fourdop'S
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Not. 10.
TEST. Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa., will
attend promptly to nil Legal business entrust-.
ed to his care in Clearfield aud adjoining coun
ties. Office on Market streot. July 17, 1SC7.
FORCEY A GRAHAM. Dealers in Square and
Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods, Qucensware, Gro
ceries, Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ac., Ac, Gra
hauiton, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct. 10.
P. KRATZER, Dealer in Dry -Goods. Clothing,
Hardware, tucensware, Groceries. Provi
sions, etc.. Market btreet, nearly opposite the
Court House, Clearfield, Pa.
June, 181)5.
HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Doalors in Drugs,
Medicines. Paints, Oils, Stationary, Perfume
ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street,
Clearfield, Pa Dee. 6, 1865.
KRATZER A SON, tfoalers in Dry Goods,
V J,
Clothing. Hardware, Quecnsware, Groce.
ries, I'rovisions, Ac, pront btreet. (above the A
eadeiny,) Cleai field, Pa. Dee 27, 1SG5.
JOHN GUELICU, Manufacturer of all kinds ot
Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa
lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59.
rnilOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law.
L Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the ' Clearfield
o. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
JB M'EXALLY, Attorney Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. 1'r.tctices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. OEce in new brick building of J. Boya
t m, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
RIC'UA RD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ae. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west ol Journal Ufiee, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
Physician and Surgeon,
Jj . having removed to George J.
Kyler s dec d,
near William's Grove, Pa., offers his professional
services to the citizens of the surrounding country
July in, is7.
I71RANK BARRETT, Conveyancer and Real
; Estate Agent. Clearfield, Pa. Office on Sec
ond Street, with Walter Barrett, Esq. Agent for
Plantation and Gold Territory in South Carolina.
Clearfield July 10, loo7.
on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen
waro, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1, 1303
TOIIN U. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear-
tf field, Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq.
over First National Bank. Prompt attention giv
en to the securing of Bounty claims, Ac, and to
all legal business. March 27, 1S67.
ALBERT A BRO S, Dealers in Dry Goods,
Groceries, Unrd ware. Queensware.Flour Ba
con, etc., W oodland. Clearoeld county, fa. Also.
extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland, fa., Aug. 19th, 1S03
TvENTISTRY. J. P CORNETT, Dentist, offers
I J his professional services to the citizens of
Curwensville aud vicinity. Office in Drug Store,
corner Main and Thompson Sts. May 2, 1&66.
T BLAKE WALTERS. Scriviner and Convey-
fj . ancer, and Agent for the purchase and sale
of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention giv
en to all business connected with the county offi
ces. Office with W. A. Wallace. Jan. 3.
neys at Law' Clearfield, Pa;., Legal business
ot all kinds promptly and accurately attended to.
uiearncld, fa , May 16th, lb66.
T-VR. T- BURCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the
J 83d Rcir t Penn'a Vols., having returned
from the armv. offers his nrofessioial services to
tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, frotes-
sional culls promptly uttendad to. Office
South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. lS65-r6mp.
Desires to inform his old friends and customers
that, having enlarged his shop and increased his
facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared
to make to order such furniture as may be desir
ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He
mostly has on hand at his -Furniture Rooms,"
a varied assortment of furniture, among which is,
Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor,
Breakfast and Dining extension Tables.
Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen-ny-ljind
and other Bedsteads.
Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs;
And common and other Chairs.
Of every description on hand, and new glasses for
old frames, which will ne pu: in on very
reasonable terms, ontnort notice.
He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair,
Corn-nuss, llair ana waon top iuatiresses.
Made to order, and funerals attended with a
Hearse, whenever desirable.
Also, House painting done to order.
The above, and many other articles are furnished
to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for an-
proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar,
Lin-woou ana ouier iiumoer suiiaoie lor the busi
ness, taken in exchange for furnitnre.
Remember the shop is on Marnet street, Clear
field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store."
December 4. 1S51 JOHN GUELICH.
LEWIS W. TEN EYCK, Puopbibtor.
Havinir leased and refitted the above hotel, he
is now ready to accommodate the traveling pub
lic His bar contains the choicest brands of liq
uors. He solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11th, lbO?:
J? all kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa, Or-1 . .. i he CO-partnership heretofore cxist-
rs solicited wholesale or retail. He also keeps ing Detween t,. K. Foster, J.- D. M'Girk, Edward
g c o t t nous E,
This houssJiaving been refitted and elegantly
furnished, is now open for the reception and en-,
tertainment of guests. The proprietors by long
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
can satisfy a discriminating public. Their bar is
supplied with the choicest brands of liquors a ad '
'" ..Vnly 4th, 1666.
Carriage and Wagon Shop,
Immediately in rear of Machine shop.
The undersigned would respectfully inform tho''
citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general,
that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on
carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds, Ac. on
short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Or
ders promptly attended to. WM." M'KNIGUT.
Clearfield, Feb. 7, l68-y.
. 1'a. The subscriber would respectfully
solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old
friends and customers at the "Clearfield House."
llavins made many Improvements, he is prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor him with
their custom. Every department connected with
the honse is conducted in a manner to give gen-'
eral satisfaction. Give him a call.
Aov. 4, 1S66. GEO. N. COLBURN.
. Clearfield, Penn'a. :
. The undersigned, hajing taken charge of the'
above named Hotel, generally known aa "Tha
Lanich House," situate on the corner of Market'
and Second Streets, Clearfield, Pa, desires tojin
form the public that he is now prepared toaccom
modato those who may favor him with a call.
The bouse has been re-fitted and re-furnished,'
and hence he flatters himself that he will be able'
to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner.'
A liberal share of patronago is solicited.
June 12, 1S6I. J. A. STINB.
ace Home Industry. The undersign-'
ed having established a Nursery, on the Piko',
half way between Curweusville and Clearfield
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit
trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen,. Shrub
bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black
berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also,
SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhen
barb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address -Aug
31.1S64. J.D.WRIGHT, Cnrwensville,
rp n
Is tho place to purchase goods of every descrlp-"
tion, and at the most advantageous terms. A large1
and well selected stock of seasonable goods', baa
been added to that already on hand, which' we
arc prepared to sell to customers t prices aa low
as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for
lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the.
public is respectfully solicited.
Cnrwensville. July 17, 1865
rents, U. U. Keed. Richard Khw A K Wlh .
J. T. Leonard. Jas B. Graham and W a w.i.o..-'
in the Banking business, at Philinshnriv rntr
county. Pa .fs this day dissolved by mutual eon
sent. The business will be conducted as hereto
fore at the same nlace. nndar tha tita r Vnmtar .
March 5, 1867.-m20.
The Raftsman's Journal Is nubliahed on
lies day t $2,00 per annum in advance. If nof
paid at the beginning: of thevear. S2.be will ha'
charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the elose ef
tne year.
adtkktisekbhts will be inserted at S1,M per"
square, for three or less insertions Ten lines
(or less) counting a square. For every additional
insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction
win te made to yearly advertisers
JNo subscription taken for a shorter time than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued an-
tiuau arrearages are paid.eicept at the option of
the publisher. 8. J. ROW.
n his
Would respectfully Announce to the citisena of'
Clearfield and vicinity that he has taken the
rooms, formerly occupied by P. A. Ganlin. in
Graham's Row. immediately over II. F. N ancle's
jewelry storo. and will continue the tailoring bn-
kiiiess iu an us various nrancnes. A tun assort
ment of cloths, cafsimeres, and vestinirs. con
stantly on hand and made up to order on the
shortest notice. Particular attention will be riv.
en to cutting mens.' boys.' and childrens cloth
ing, in the most fashionable stvles. Give him a
call. iDeo. 5, ;66. W.F.CLARK.
Made to Order at the Lowest Bate,
The undersigned wonld renectfullT Invite (h
attention of the citizens of Clearfiel d and wirin iw
ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St
nearly opposite Harts wick A Irwin'n J
where he is prepared to make or repair any thin
in his line. -o
vraers entrusted to him will be executed with
promptness, strength and neatness, and all work
warranted as represented.
I have now on hand a stock of extra french
calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will
finish up at the lowest figures.
June 13th, 1S66. DANIEL CONNELLY
The undersigned would respectfully annonnee
to the citisena of Clearfield county, that he has
opened a now store in Marysville, and that he U
now receiving a large and splendid assortment ot
seasonable goods, such as
Ilard-ware, Queens-ware, Groceries,
Drugs, Oils, Paints and Glass, Boots, Shoes, Hata
and Caps, Clothing, and Stationary
and in fact a general assortment of goods, snob
a are generally kept in a country store.
Desirous of pleasing the public, he will use his
best endeavors to kecD on hand the best of roods.
and thereby hopes to merit a liberal share ofpat
ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am
determined to sell goods at moderate prices for
cash, or exchange them for every description
of Lumber, at market prices,,
cop i. zt, ism. bxact V, THOMPSON