turn CLEARFIELD, PA., JULY 10, 1867. Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad. t rln leaves Tyrone at : : : : : 9.20 a m Arrives at Philipsburg at : : 11.20 a. m. Iiiin leaves Philipsburg a : : : 2.05 p m. Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : 4.00 p.m. Religious. Divine services will be held next Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows: By Rev. Sembower in the Baptist chnrch in the morninp ; . By Rev. Chambers in the Episcopal church, morning and evening. By Rev. Guver in the Methodist churcb, in the afternoon. By Rev. Harrison in the Lutheran church, in the morning. By Rev. Archer in the Court House, morning and evening. Rkad the notice headed ' 'Proposals," in .another column of this paper. The Clinton Democrat has been enlarged to an eight column paperand makes quite a neat appearance. TilK Waverly Magazine, Frank Leslie's Illustrated News, Gleason, Harper's Week ly, and other literary Magazines to be had at the Post Office. The Clinton Republican has been enlarge'd to an eight column paper. The Republican n a live paper and deserves a literal sup port from its party friends. SrPDE.v Death. We are informed that, on July 4th. Mr. Jacob Hubler, of Graham township, suddenly fell dead whilst at work ir a field. He was in the 67tli year of his aire. Forxn. A sheep-bell was found, several days ago, in the corn-field of Jas. L. Leavy, a short distance east of this place. The owner can have the bell by calling at this tfiiee and giving a description of it, and rayias for this notice. IV. J. Geissinger, Special Agent of the Xonh America Life Insurance Company, is now in this place, and will attend to is suing policies when called upon, and give such information as iiiay be requited on the subject of Life Insurance. Head flic adver tisement in another'column. The Show. Whitby & Co's consolida ted shows, menagerie and circus, will give two exhibitions afternoon and evening at this place, on 'Thursday July llth. TV.is claims to be the most extensive exhibition in the world, being composed of a most brilliant corps of actors, a large number of rare and curious animals, interesting birds, and large and small reptiles. The whole exhibition promises to be a rare treat. Appointments. We dip the following paRgrr ph from the Bristol (Tennessee) , -w, oi Juno ,tr:: 'lue I'ostiaaster j General has appointed W. K. Wilson, of j Baltimore, Route Agent on the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad, vice L. L. Tate, promoted. Mr. Tate has been appointed postal railway clerk, on the line from Wash ington to Richmond, with an increased ahiry. We congratulate friend Tate upon his promotion, regretting, however, that it takes him to another field of labor." Hydrophobia. An exchange paper nays: Now tlwt the "heated term" is near at hand, and an occasional mad dog may be expected, the following cure for hydropho bia will be apropros. '"Spirits of hartshorn in a certain remedy for the bite of a mad dt'g. The wound should be bathed cor stantly with it, and three or four doses, di luted, taken inwardly during the da.v. The hartshorn decomposes chemically the virus insiiniated into the wound, and immediately a'ters and destroys its deleteriousness." We have received the new catalogue and eircular of the State Normal School at Ed inUro. We are glad to see it improves j from year to year. Several vears ago we j nid we thought it one of the best schools in the State, and we think it has since eadi!y increased its reputation ar.d efficien-t-- In all points which male a first class chool it is unsurpassed. All persons who intend to teach should send for its circular. Address the principal, Prof. J. A. Cooper, Kdinboro.Erie co. ,Pa.- Erie Daily Dispatch. The Canada Thistle. In some sections of the country this "pest" has become so formidable that several of the State Legis latures have lately enacted laws to facilitate ,t9 destruction and eradication. In our own Legislature, it will be remembered, some five years ago, there was a similar law pass ed against this the vilest of all encumbran- of a farm mortgages scarcely excepted. ThU law provides, in effect, that : Hereafter any individual or corporation UcwiD the Canada Thistle to ripen seed on ais or their premises, shall be liable to a uDe of ten dollars tinon caoh pnmnl.-unt that properly established ; and any one who jy fear the spread of the Canada Thistle Pon his premises from the lands of his arelejs or thriftless neighbor, may, after e days' notice.enter upon any lands where Je wed is found crowing, cut it, and re- L?1!11 costs for the labor and trouble." J "is is to the point, and in order that far 1ner3 may know it, the newspapers through W the State should republish the law or 'his article. If the people of Pennsylvania uld see to what a formidable extent this Ist ha taken possession of several of the jnterior counties of New York, say Scho- ne for instance, they would fly to arms rai'n5t 11 M tney wou against an invading Gen. Custer has been heard from. Ported death i? not true. Ilia A Cold Blooded McnDVR. The Indi ana Register gives the following account of the murder of Job a Bower-, of that couuty on July 1st : "One of the most cold-blooded murders which we have been called on to record, was committed on Monday morning, July 1st, at about b o clock, in Canoe tp., this county, in the vicinity of Washington, and near the Jefferson county line. The mur derer, Nicholas Van Devinder, is a man of oy years ot age, tall, straight and stalwart, and has always borne a blameless reputation. so far as we can learn. John Bowers, the murdered man, was a son-in-law of Van Devinder, aged some 30 or 35 years. The circumstancas ol the murder, as we learn them, are about these : Van Devinder has two daughters, married respectively to John Lowers and Lli Miller. Several years ago he divided ins estate, giving to Bowers the homestead farm, horses and farm imple ments, with the understanding that Bowers was to provide for and keep Van Devinder and his wile. Jrrom time to time Mr. Van Devinder continued to give various articles to each or his sons-in-law; and Bowers, becoming somewhat envious, found iault that he did not get all, or nearly all of what the old man had to bestow. This feeling having once possessed Bowers, he began to misuse his fathcr-in-law, exacting from him conditions and acts which the old roan could not, and would not submit to. lhis state ot affairs continued for a long time, until Van Devinder felt that he could not stand it any longer, and he resolved to bring it to an end in a summary manner. According ly, on Monday morning, as stated, when Bowers and his two boys, the eldest about 11 years old, had gone to the field to plow and work his corn, the old man took his rifle and followed after, and secreted him self behind the fence to await a favorable opportunity. In a short time Bowers passed the point where he was lying, and had got nearly opposite to him, when he took delib erate aim with the rifle and fired, the ball taking effect in the side jut about the low er ribs, liowers moved a tew steps and fell dead, without having uttered a cry. The boys, startled by the report of the rifle, saw their father fall, and their grandfather get up and hasten away. The lads raised the alarm as soon as thev could realize the con dition of affairs. The neighbors gathered to the scene, shocked and horror stricken. T il. . - f r -i-v a i m me meantime an Jjevinuer pacted a few clothes into a pair of saddle bags, and started afoot to flee the vicinity. About noon, Mr. Samuel Neal started in pursuit, and tracked the fugitive to Pluiuville, a dis tance ot upwards of twenty miles, where he overtook him, and after precuring a war rant, and securing the services of constable Thomas 11. Wyncoop, had Van Devinder arrested, and immediately conveyed him to this place and committed him to jail." Some workmen digging a cellar, in Polk township, Monroe count', Indiana, struck upon a subterranean chamber with a six foot ceiling, and eighteen by twenty-five feet within the walls, which are solid, neatly-seamed stone work. Ranged in rows, on rudely constructed platforms, were twelv3 skeletons, each with tomahawk and arrow heads at their sides, ear rings and bracelets ot solid silver, lying where they dropped, and piles of what appeared to have been furs in the centre of the platform, each pile crumbling to dust as soon as exposed to the light. A number of tools made of copper, and hardened equal to the best cast steel, were also unearthed, and fresh discoveries are being constantly made. An individual named John Long applied to the Mayor of Harrisburg. on Satuaday, tor power to secure possession ot his wife. ii iranspirea mat .uong had been serving the htate four years in the Penitentiarv for robherry, and his wife bearing that he had died in prison married a second time and was content to live with her second husband I he Mayor decided that John had disfran chised himself by bis four years' service as J a felon. I It is said that during the seige of Quer j etaro the women of the city carried food j and drink to the soldiers ip the trenches, at I the peril of their lives. Many thus fell : victims to their conjugal devotion. One , was shot through the breast bv a bullet. which likewise killed the infant, strapped to her breast. A second had her head taken off by a round shot. A third was -killed by a bullet in the plaza. Another Fenian outbreak in Ireland is anticipated. It is a pity that the brave peo ple of that land will persist in insane at tempts to free their country when there can not be the slightest hope for success. 'Such movements only bring disaster upon them selves and make them even more miserable. In a report of one of the late speeches of secretary Reward in Uoston he was made to say that when the President has served four years the people "can turn him out and put in a sauce-pan they like better." "Sauce pan" turned out to be a misprint for "suc cessor. " About forty foreigners and ex-confecler-ates held an informal meeting in Washing ton on the 7th. They propose to raise a companjc of one hundred picked men to proceed to Mexico and avenge Maximilian's tragic death. Five hundred f Maximilian's Legion of Honor arrived on Sunday at Mobile from Vera Cruz. It is said that they will be mustered out of the service in that city. Miss Craig has sued a Chicago merchant for $KX),000 damages for breach of prom ise. Nobody can say her figure is a poor one. It is estimated by the Agricultural De partment statisticians that the wheat crop will aggregate two billions of bushels. The Austrian Minister has declared that his government will have Maximillian's body, or declare war upon Mexico. Indianapolis is the Paradise of bricklay ers. They get five dollars and a half per day. CHEAP HOODS AND NUBIAS. 25 doien, of the best quality of Wool Hoods and Nubias, selling at from 40 to 75 cents each, at Dec. 12,1366. MOSSOP'S OHORTLIDGE & CO.," Proprietors of Bellefonte Lime Kilns, Beliefonte, Pa. Wood or coal burnt lime forwarded by Railroad, and constantly on hand and for sale, at the kilns. June 28. lS07-6mp ' MARRIED: Un bunday, Jane 30th, 18G7, by D. S i oore, hfq.t Mr. John Clary, and Misa i'lARy hiLLA. Hepburn, both of Penn t'wp Un J une 29th, 1 867, by J. D. Miller. Esq .!" Isaiah U. Hancock, of Pike t'p., and Miss Elizabeth Rafferty, of Penn tw'p. May love, peace, and plenty, ever be the lot ot the above happy coupl.. Please accept our inants ior the greenback.' On November 4th, 1866, by J. D. Miller, xisq., iur. xos bloom, ot fike tw o., and auiss oakau XiKiiARD, ot Knox township On xNovember 22d, lSG6,by J. D. Miller, fsq., Mr. .Lorenzo Bisnop, and Miss iuARY iicFF. both of Chest township. On April 18th, 1867,by D. Dressier, Esq. Mr. George W. Norris. nf Win; Lycoming county, and Miss Jane E. Par ley, of Huston t wp., Clearfield county. On June 29th, 1867, by D. Dressier, Esq., Air. Patrick Clark, late of Ireland, and I'-irs. H,L1ZAETH BURNS, Ol llUStOH t p. On July 3d, 1867, by D. Dressier, Esq., Mr. Mortimer A. Fart.f.v. of TTnst Clearfield county, and Miss Mary A. Good- ar, of Warsaw t wp., Jefferson county, On July 4th, 1867, by Rev. Alex. Patton, Mr. Wm. B. Whiteside, of Clearfield co., and ELMIRA I. K.NEEDLER. of Cherrr-tree. Indiana county. - i j , Pittsburg Prices Current, PREPARED WEEK LY FOR THE "RAFTS M A 3 JOURS AL,' BY T. C. JENKINS, Dealer tn Flour, Produce and Refined Oils. Pittsburg, July 8th, 1867. FLOUR. I KCGARS. Jenkins Eureka, S13 00 Brown, lli a 14 Jenkin s Billy, 5 2 75 Kenned, hard, 17 Jenkin's Eclipse 13 50 A Coffee, Ford's A Crossett's 11 7o'B Coffee, Rye Flour, bbl. 8 00 j Extra C, 00 a 16 00 16i 16 Corn Meal, bushel, 1 OulTua, Black, 75 a 1 20 SO a 1 75 Buckwheat flour, 3 3 Green, Wheat, 3 00 a 3 25 Syrups, 54 a 1 00 Rye, 1 30 Molasses 50 a 90 50 Oats, 63i Sorghum, Corn in ear, 90'ltice. Corn shelled, 1 GOjDried Apples. Barley. 1 10 a 1 25Dried Peaches, 10J a 113 12 2 55 1'otatoes, bbl. 4 110 Salt. bbl. Potatoes. P. Blows, 1 00 Candles, 14 a 10 viioni, ddi. o OiXap Hominy, bbl. 6 50 No 3 Mackerel.bbl 13 00 Timothy seed, 3 25 Lard, choice, 131 Clover seed, 9 00 Tallow, 0 10 flax seed. 3 00 Baccn. Sides. 11 Middlings, 1 85 a 2 35 Shoulders, 10 Beans, prime navy. 3 23 Ham, sugar cured, 18 Butter, prime roll, 15 Mess Pork. 23 50 Cheese, 20 Buckets, do, 3 25 Eggs, 17Brooms, dox. 3 25 Apples, hbl 8 00 a 9 OOjKefined Oil.white, 42a43 Cider, bbl dull, 8 00 1 Coffee, 22 a 26 PicKles, per bbl 17 00;lressed Hogs, 7i a 8 FLOUR! PROVISIONS!! T. C. JENKINS, Commission Merchant, 'Wholesale Dealer axd Receiver of Floor. Provisions, all kisds of Produce asd Refised Oils, ac, tc. Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburjr. On hand all well known and reliable brands Quality of flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal ers, and prices current sent each week. Checkered front, 273 Liuerty St. Pittsburg, Pa. January 23d, 1867. HE G A R T Y & FULLME R, 4 vrr 4 m-t'D ro o And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. Imported and Do mestic Cigars, Michigan Fine-cut, Cut and Dry, and Fancy Smoking Tobaccos, best brands ; Lou isville Plug Tobacco ; Meerschaum and Wood Pipes of all kinds. 279 Liberty Stieet, Pittburg, Penn'a fMay 22. 1867-ly. b. nEQARTT. : : : w. p. fcfllxer.' "DUMPS. Having located permanently in Clayville, near Punxsutawnev.I have. and intend keeping, constantly tn hand, and eady for delivery, yellow and white pine pumps, to suit wells of all depths. There pumps are well finished and painted, and are the best and moet durable pumps in use. I will also go and wake pumps, or bore and lay pipe logs, where ever needed the timber being found. For further particulars call upon, or address J. B. CONSOR. June 12, 1857 6m. Punxsutawnej. Pa. o R SALE, AT A SACRIFICE; The entire stock and fixtures of II W. Smith's DRY GOODS STORE. A rare opportunity is now offered to Merchants throughout the county, or any one wishing to go into the business, as the locality is one of the best in Clearfield, and a complete assortment of goods now on hand. Ap ply at the Store. June 5, 1S67. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. One door East ol the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, lludershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Neek-ties. Pock et ti and kerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimeres of tho best make, Fancy Cassimeres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, an t iricott uver-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made np according -to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer 4 Co's Sewing Machines. November 1, 1865. QLEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. The subscribers beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, that they have opened an extensive Marble Yard, on ttie South west corner of Market and Fourth streets, Clear field, Pa., where they are prepared to make Tomb Stones, Monuments, Tombs, Box and Side Tombs, Cradle Tombs, Cemetery Posts, Mantles, Shelves, Brackets, etc., eta, on very short notice. They always keep on hand a large quantity of work, finished, except the lettering, so that per sons can call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also make to order any other style of work that may be desired ; and they flatter them selves that they ean compete with the manufac tnrers outside of the county, either in workman ship or price, as they only mploy the best of workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an swered. - JOHN GUELICH. May 22, 1867-tf. HENRY GTJELICH- NOTICE. All persons knowing them selves indebted to the Estate of Mat thew Savage, on money account,' will pay the fame to me; and all contracts made by him. to be paid in wool, to be paid to J. B. fc C. B. Rich JAMES SAVAGE, Aew Washington, ju!7, '67-3tp. Adm r. TO CORPORATORS. There will e a . . . i . r . " corporators oi me 'Whitner Run Improvement Company," at An onville. on the first day of July next. Land owners are invited to attend. T P. B. MCRRILL, Jane 19,18fi7-3t. For Corporators. PAUTION. All persons are hereby cau tioned against purchasing or in any meddling with one horse and one wagon, now in possession of Joel Wolsoncroft, of Boggs township, the same belong to me and are subject to my order. 19, 1867-3tp. SAMUEL LAMBERT. PAUTION.-A11 persons are hereby cau tioned against purchasing or in any way meddling wiib the following named property, now m pasture at Thomas R ifferty's subject to my order, to wit: one iron gray mare, one bright gray horse, as the same belong to me. Jue 12, lS67-3t. G. B HOOVER. QAUTION. AJi persons are hereby cau tioned against purchashing or meddling with a certain red and white spotted cow, now in possession of Ellis Mains, of Boggs township, as the same belongs to me. and is subject to my order at any time. Jnne J6, ;67-3tp. JEREMIAH BTJTLtR PAUTION. All persons are hereby cau tioned against purchasing or in any way meddling with one yoke of brindle oxen and two cows, now in possession of Israel Wood, of Chest township, as the same belon g to me and have only been lrft with said Wood on loan, and are subiect to my order at any time. June 13, IS67-3t. L J. HURD. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau tioned against rurchasinr or in anv wav meddling with 3 red cows, 20 sheep, and 6 year ling hoes, now in the Tiossessinn nf KiMiarrl Phillips, of Decatur township. as the same b'long to me and have only been left with him on loan, and are subject to my order at any time. Jono is, i80-. DAVID r . COPLIN. QONCERT. The Cherrytrec Singing As- sociation. will eivn a (Yinrri-t in thn Presbyterian Church, on the Fourth of July, 1SB7, tinder the direction of Mr Wm J.Smith The performances will consist of National and Patri otic Songs, Glees. Choruses, quartettes. Ac ; to commence at 71 o clock. P M Tickets 25 cents each to be obtained at the stores. No tickets sold at the door. June 19. lS67-3t. Q OLDIER'S BOUNTIES. The new bill enualizinsrbo'unties has passed both Hou ses, was approved by the President, and is nw a law. A three years soldier gets $10(1 and a two years' soldier S-iO Bounties and Pensions are collected by me for those entitled to them. Brig forward your applications. J . Ii. Mcbj ALLY, Att'y. at Law. August 1, 1S66 Clearfield. Pa. I DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lot- ters of Administration on the estate of Robert Clark, of Huston township. CleurGeld co , dee'd, having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons, having claims against the estate are requested to present them properly authen ticated for settlement, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay. THOMAS HEWITT, May 22, lS87-pd. Administrator. p LOUGHS. The undersigned would re- snectfullv inform tlie rmi.lin that trio uave now on nana, at tneir foundry in Curwens vine, a lot or ploughs which thev will disDose o on the most reasonable terms. They are of a new pattern, and have given entire satisfaction to all who have tried them. Also a lot of Dloueh noints ana lanasiaes Kept constantly on hand. Old met al taken in exchange for castings. aiarcn o, JSt7.-ot UOBISON 4 SOJV n.LEARFIELD HOUSE. Clearfikld w r"A. ihe subscriber would resncctf'ullv solicit a continuance ot too patronage ot liis old irienas and customers at tne -UIearheld House. Having made many Improvements, he is prepar ed to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. Every department connected with tne nouse is conducted in a manner to give gen erai satisiacnon. uive Dim a call. -Nov. 4, 13(58. GEO. N. COLBURN 4.RAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leadine hardv varieties of first oualitv Concord, I year old 2o cts each, or S2D 00 per 100 " 2 " 50 " " - 40 00 per 100 neoecca, l " " ol) " best white grace Iona, 1 " SI 50 best Amber irrane. Any other varieties below nursery prices. Or- ers solicited as goon as convenient and filled in rotation. A M. HILLS B. ines ready for removal bv the 15th of vciooer. liearfield. fa.. Ani. 22. 1889 T II E W E S T E R N HOTEL Clearfield, Penn'a. The undersigned. hajii2 taken charge of the above named Hotel, generally known as -The Lanioh House," situate on the corner of Market and Second Streets Clearfield, Pa, desires to;in form the puolic that he is now prepared toaccom mod ate those who may favor him with a call The house has been re-fitted and re furnifLed, and hence he natters himself that he will he able to entertain customers in a satisfactory manner. A liberal share of patronago is solicited -June 12, 1S67. J. A. STIXE. IJIHE 'CORNER STORE,' CTRWENSVILI.E, PA- Is the place to purchase goods of every descrin tion. and at the most advantageous terms. A large and well selected stock of seasonable goods has Deen added to that already on hand, which we are prepared to sell to customers at prices as low as tne lowest. The highest market rates paid tor lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the pueiic is recpectfully solicited. E. A. IRVIN. W. R. HARTSHORN. Cnrwensville. July 17, 1865 0N HIS OWN "W. F. CLARK, HOOK, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity that ne nas taKen me rooms, formerly occupied by P. A. Gaulirj, in Graham's Row. immediately over H. F. Naugle's jewelry store, and will continue the tailoring bu siness in all its various branches. A lull assort ment of cloths, cassimeres, and vestings, con stantly on hand and made np to order on the shortest notice. Particular attention will be giv en to cutting mens.' boys ' and childrens' cloth ing, in the most fashionable styles. Give him a call. I Dee. 5. "66.1 -W.F.CLARK. . L . , JJ O M K IN D U S T R Y 1 BOOTS AND SIIOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would resDectfdlly invite the attention of the citizens of Clearfiel i and vicin i ty, to give him a cull at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hsrtswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all worn warranted as represented. I have now on hand a tock of extra frencn calfskins, saperb gaiter tops, Ae., that I will unisu np at the lowest figures. June 13th, 1S66. lAMr.li wjjjilli CABLE CHAiNS for sale by good article, on hand and MERRELL k BIGLER. W AYS WITHOUT FAIL. J O H X I 1 V I X, Has just received and opened at the c!d stand in CurwetiFville. an entire new stoek of Fall and WinterGoods wbirh he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Jueensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. The public generally is respecfully invited to givo iiiui a can , aee nia stK and bear h i a eall : see hi and purchase from him if is prices. you find it will be to your advantage, ov. 15, ise J E W A R R A N G E M E N T. The subscribers have entered into co-partnership, and are trading utider the name of Irvln, Baity 4 Co.. in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of Lick Run. Tiey would inform their friends, and the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lain ber, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opened A NEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con sisting ot every variety usually kept in country stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their customers One if their partners, Thomas L. Baily, resides near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the marKeU and make purchase - on the most favorable terms. Call and see us. ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BAILT, Goshen tp..Dec..1S5. LEWIS I. IRWIN. JUST IN TIME! THE SEW GOODS AT W RIGHT & FLANIG A N" S , CLEARFIELD. PA., Having justteturned from the enstern cities we are now opening a full stocK f seasonable goods, at onr rooms on Second 5fteet to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our as.i-rtuient is unsurpassed in this eection. and is being sold very low for cash. Tho nock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such ns Prints. Delaincs.Alpa cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bieuciied and unbleached; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimcrs. Ladies' Shawls, Coats. Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals. ie . Ac. nil of wHch will be sold low for cash. Al.o, a fine assortment ot" the best of MENS' WEAR consisting of Drawers snd Shirts, Hats and Caps, ioots ana cnoes. lianaitercnielti cravats, etc. Also. Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltina Aneura and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lninps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc Also, Qucensware. f?l!ware. Hard ware, Grooe ries. and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assorttneiit of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap for caxt. or approved country produce. Nov. 28-ja10 AVRIOHT A FLANIG AN. JATEST FASHIONS J. V. Bradley' DEMAND -El KBRATBD PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (uRD0r2I.lt SPKISC) SKIRT. The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex El iiptic CKiri win ne experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, rail- roxd cars, church pews, arm chairs, for prome nade and houso dress, as tho skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small pi mo as easily and conveniently as asuk or muslin dress, an inval uaoie quality in crinoline, not tound in any sin gle spring sKiri A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort. and great conveDiei.ee of wearing the Duplex El liptic steel spring rkirt for a single day, will nev er atterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children. miscs and young ladies, they are superior to all others They will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect nd grace ful shape when three orfour ordinary ikirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only douMe springs, but twice, (or double)covercd ; preventing them from wearing owt when dragiBg 'down sto jps.sritirs.Ao The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines is the standard i-kirt of the fashionable world To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stvlish shape and finish, flexibilitv. durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W.Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you eet the trenuine article. CArno. To guard asaint imposition be par- ticalr to notice that skirts offered as "Duiiles" bave the red ink stomp, viz: "J. W. Bradley's Dnpl ex fciliiptic fcteel Springs, upon the waist band none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or douole) springs braided together therein, which is the se cret of their gexihility and strength, and a com bination not to be found in any other skirt. For sale in all store? where hrst class skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured ny the sme owners of the Pstent. WESTS. BRADLEY CiRY. 87 Chambers A 79 A 81 Reade Sts., N. Y May 1st, lS7.-3tn. GROCERIES May 29. -the cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S. PLASTER the cheapest in the county, at May 29 '67. MOsSOP' FLOUR the cheapest in the county, at May 29, 67. MOSSOP'S. DRY GOODS the cheapest in the county. May 2i. '67. MOSSOP'S. at IT'EED the cheapest in ? May 29. the county, at MOSSOP'S. BOOTS 4 SHOES tbe cheapest in the county, at " MOSSOP'S. AILS & SPIKES thecbeapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S. SOLE LEATHER A t lilJIMiS-the cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S CLOTHING May 29. -tbe cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S. IS1I, of all kinds the cheapest n the county, MOSSOP'S. t LADIES' CLOAKS the cheapest m the county, t SIOSSOP'S OIL 4 PAINTS May 29. -the cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S Q UEENSWARE the cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S. OATENT BROOMS, the best invention out, 43 XT doien just received and for sale cheap at December 12,1866. AlOssurs. S' ALT' SALT'.! A prime article of ground al um salt, put up in patent tacKS. for saleeheap atthe stoieof R. MOSSOY. A SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. T7MHRE SHUTTLE SEWING MA-- CIIINFS are sup rior to all others for fam ily and manufacturing purposes. Contain all the latest improvements; are gpee,ly ; noiseless; di rable; and easy to work. Illustrated circular free. Agents wanted. ' Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., nlit hroadway. New York Sep 4 C6-y. T7RRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervon Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by wbi -h he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad dressing, in perfect confidence. JUHN B. OGDFN. Mayl5. '67-ly. 42Cedar Street. New York 'JO CONSUMITIVES.-The advertiser. having been restored toheahh in a few mel J T? T'ry inpl remedy, alter having suffered for several years with a severe lung f fettion. and that dread dUease cons: motion fa anxious to make known to his fellow-rufTerer the means of cure To all whodesi-e it. he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of change) with (he directions for preparing and using tHe same, which they will find a sure cure for Con sumption. Asthma. Bronchitis. Loughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spivad information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve. y sufferer will try his remedy, a it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blesting. Parlies wish ing the prescription, free, bv return mail, will ad dress KtV. EDWARD A. WILSON. May 15, 67 ly. Williamsburg. Kings co N. ". GREAT DISCOVERY. One of tb liveliest and most useful di.Hiveri" i medical science was male bv the celebrated 3r J Duma-, of Paris. Chief Physician lo thelmpe rial Ii.firmary of France, iu ISfil. Jhosewho have been afflicted with the painful d iscnse known s the Piles, and effectually cured by the use of Dr. Dumas' Fncxrn Ph.k bALVi:. cannot speak to., highly of the beuefits conferred upon them b the use of this certain remedy. It bas nervr been known to fail in effecting a permanent cure in a tingle mse. In this rej ect it turpasses all other medicines of the kind It will do just what it is recommended for ; if not. the n.ony wi!'. be refunded. One or two boxes is sufficient to effect a rermai.ent cure in four or tix days, if the directions on the box are fcllowed. Prion oi, and two doUnr per box, according to sie. Sent by Mail or Kxpress to any part of Ibe United States or Canada Sold by Druggi.ts generally A liberl discount made (o the trade. - ddre-V D S. DUNHAM i CO.. V illiamsport Pa., wde Proprietors and Manuf.ietuins for tbe I'ciied State and Canada. $500 00 REWARD wi!l l.e pnid in g.baeV. to any person who has uedir. Dumas' Pil Salve according to directions and has not been cured Addrecs, D. S DUNHAM A Co Wi -i'P JL'0' lec. ith. IS.fiJ.-y. TJ",)-9.!tI;AT OF HUMAN . il I M-.it 1 . J ust i-uWHied, m n sealed env lope. Price six cts. A lecture on the nature, treatment. o , ctmi.iai eanijii or sper matorrhea. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debil ity, ana Impediments to marriage generally Nervousness, consumption, epilepsy, nd fits; Metjta and physical incapacity, resulting from Setf Abuse Ac By Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of the ' Green Book." Ac. The world-rcnowncd author, in tins admirable lecture, c.carly proves from his own experience that tbe awful consequences of Self Abuse may be efitctually removed without medicine, aud without dangerous surgical operation:-, bougies, instrument, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain ami efieetuul bv which every sufferer, no matter wh.t Lis cot.di tion ir.-iy be. may cure himself cheaply, irivatelr and radically This lecture will prove a boon i,' thousands and thousands. ent titidcr seal to anv address in i ed envelope, on tbe receipt of ix m.. n.. l'V?K" """P- Also lr. t ulverweire -Marriage uuide, price 2S cents. A.idre,s the publishers' CHAS. J. C. KLIXK A f. rvt t-i -r , 27 Bowery. New Yck. Oct 10 -0 ly. Postoffice Box 4686. gCUENCIvS SEAWEED TON Hi . TMs medicine, invented by Dr. J. II. S,-hei.ck. ot I lulaoelphia, is intended lo dissi.Ivo the fowl and make it into chyme, the first proct ss of di gestion. By cleansing the stomach with Sehenck's .luuuruKe I'llis. tne ionic soon restores the appe- me. ac-i jootl that could not be uing it will l.e easily digested. betore Consumption cannot be cuied bv Schenck a 1 uiinoniu Si-run unless the HrmH?l awl tin.. made healthy ai.d the annetitA roatnr..) k.,.. the Tonic and Pills are required in nearly everT exse of .oonMimpHon. A half the .Seaweed Tonio and three or four brxesof tha Mandrake Pil's wiil cure anv or)irirv r ypepsiH. Dr. Svberjck makes trofc;;ir.n! ti-.ts in V. ork. Boston, and at his principal office in Philn delpbia every week See daily papers of each place, or bis pamphlet on cotsuinntiou for his dsys of vmtatioa Ptexse obrve, wh en purchasing, that the two ikenes-es of the I'octor. one when in ih. lr stage of consumption, nnd the other as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Government staruD. Sold by all drnggis!s and dealers, nri-e Sl.irt per bottle, or 7.Ml the half dozen. All lotter for advice should be ad-lrecsed to Dr. .-'hr.ex's principal Offi.-e. No. 15 North Sixth St..PLiI"a.l'. leneral Wholesale Azetts: Demas Barnes A Co .N.Y.; S. S. Ilnnr. Baltimore. MJ , ; John D. Parke. Cincinnati. Ohio; Walker . Taylor, Chi cago, III ; ollms Bros., St. Locis. Mo. I'ctoher 1 1 , ISiifi-ly. A LARGE LOT OF rLOTIirNG. Mic!udiDgsoo.e extra quality of Beaver Orcr cent.. and m. complete assortment of casiinere goods made cp in suits to match for sale bv Dec 6.IS6H. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. GROVND AND L'NG ROUND SPICES. Citron. English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best quality, for sale by J"n 10- UARTSWICK IRWIN. SWA CO! AIM'S PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical Di- :overy. llembold's Buchti. Bake t Cod LIvr Uit. Jayte s and Ayer s Medicines. for sale by Jan. 10 HARTSWICK4 IRlVljf. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT or good or eve ry description, sold as low for cash, as at any store in tbe county, by lec. 6. 1866. IRVIN 4 HARTSHORN. RODDER CUTTERS of a superior mak.- for if?aJtfJ rMOI",He Pr?ies. at MERRELL and BIGLKK'S. Clearfield, Pa. Hot. It A LARGE LOT OF GLASS, white lead, paint oils, etc.. at IRVIN 4 llAKTSHORN't 200 BUSHELS of choice BEANS for sale at tbe gtor of IRVIN A HARTS HON. C ANNED PEACHES. Dried cherries and apples for sale by WRIGHT A FLANIG AN. TROXt 1R0F!! Best store of bar iron, for sale at tbe MERRELL 4 BIGLER. HARNESS. Trimmings, and Sboe-finding for sale at MERRELL 4 BIULER'S CANNED Ft UIT, of best qntlity, for sale by Aug. 23. MERRELL A HIGLER . I)ALMFR7S Patent unloading hay-forks to be . had at MERRELL 4 BIGLER'S. S ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars ie., for ale t MERRELL 4 BI6LER S. GUNS, Pistole and sword canes to be had at June, '66. MERRELL 4 BIGLER'f. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, t.-r W.g ons, for sale by MERRELL 4 BIGLER TMHREE NEW BUGGIES for sale cheap, at tbe J Corner Store. Carwecsville, Pa. jl2. . 3-i is