Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 26, 1867, Image 1

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    BY S. J. now.
VOL. 13.-N0. 42.
Mtltti gottrg.
firing friendly, feeling friendly,
. Acting fairly to all men,
Seeking to do that toother
, They may do to me again ;
Hating no man, scorning no man,
Wronging none by word or deed ;
But forbearing, soothing, serving,
Thus I live and thus my creed.
Harsh condemning, fierce contending,
Is of little Christian use,
"One soft word of kindly peace
Is worth a torrent of abuse ;
'Calling things bad, calling men bad,
, Adds but darkness to their night;
:If thou wouUst improve thy brother.
Let thy gjodness be his right.
I have felt and known bow bitter
Human coldness makes the -world
Erj'bcsom round me frozen.
Hot an eye with pity pearled ;
BtUI my heart with pity teeming
Glad when others hearts are glad
And my eyes a tear-drop findeth
At the sight of others sad.
ilan is man. through ail gradation,
Little recks it where he stands,
In whatever walk you find him,
Scattered over many lands;
Man is man by form and feature,
Man by voice and virtue too
And in all one common nature
Sjeaks and bids us to be true.
T . 1 1" 1 . a er
it was a targe, ngtit room, wan Halt al
dozen maps haugiog arouud the walls, and
a few stitf backed chairs ranged in geomet
rical precision a room with not one home
association lingering in any of its four cor
. uers. You wight have told with onegiance
at its cleanly swept green carpet and coldly
poliched, curtainlOas windows, that it was
the parlor of a public institution; arid o,
iutleeo! it was. . -
The brisk and spectacled little matron of
the orphan ayluui sat leaning Lack in her.
wjuifortable rocking chair, while four or live
Jittle girls, with closely cut hair and down
cast eyes, tstood in a row before her, their
'long blue aprons and flaxen light hair giv
ing them an odd resemblance to a .row ef
blue-bells in a flower garden : while Mrs.
Philo Parker, iu her rustling robes of gulden
green silk, and the cherry colored bonnet
strings, might have passed or a gaudy and
lull blown specimen of tee tribe peony..
'I thiuk she'll answer tay pQrpose very
well," said Mrs. Parker. "What did you
say her name was Minnie '("
"Minnie Grove, Step forward, coild,','
said the matron, nodding encouragingly &t
a slender little creatur3 of about thiitetn
whose blue eyes ddated, and her 'cheek
blanched with a sort of thy terror. And
Minnie stepped forward under the full tire
ut .Mrs. Paikers s searching gray eyes.
t hope she hasn t any relations, went
3Irs. Parker. "I never want a girl with
forty uncles and aunts and cousins, running
alter her the whole time !
'"You will have no trouble in that re
tpect. EUid the matron with a sigh. I do
uot think Minnie has a soul belonging to her
in ttie wide world, tier mother died in
treat poverty about three years ago in New
York, and Minnie knows nothing whatever
about herself, poor child."
"That's just as it should be," said Mrs.
Parker, with a self satisfied air. "Poor
people have no business to have any rela
tions. Well. I guess I'll take her."
"You will be kind to the poor little or
phan, ma juii," said the matron wistfully.
"Of course I -shall," said Mrs. Parker,
loosing the cherry colored ribbons. "She
will have the best of homes in my family."
'"I should like to have her go to church
aikast once every Sunday, and "
"To be sure to be sure," said Mrs. Par
ser, risrng, as though she did n6t care to
Prolong the conversation. "She shall have
very opportunity; I hope you don't take
for a heathen. Is that child crying ? I
Wiethe is not one of tbe whimpering kind."
matron's cheek flushed a little as she
"hwiered one or two cheering words to
Minnie. - - ... ......
And so Minnie Grove's little parcel was
PekeJ, and her pink colored sunbonnet tied
fu, nd she meekly followed Mrs. Parker
out of the wide gateway that had sheltered
her orphanage so long. " " "
'Minnie?'" . .. V ...
hat are yea doing this morning? Why
havn't you cracked th nuts, at d polished
uie stove, and cleared the ashes out of the
parlor grate, when.you know we're going to
have company for dinner." j '
'I should be late at church, ma'am I
jjave only just got ready now, and the bells
havestopped rinsing. - I'll see that thework
U done when I return," " ' -Mrs.
Parker's eyes flashed balefully.
Take off your things, Miss, and remain
t home. I have had quite enough of this
Jmiing to chuich, and this shall be the last
of it. : - - - i. ;
Minnie's cheek flushed, and then grew
"But, Mrs. Parker, you promised
' don't care what 1 promised. You are
""Ma'un d to m until you are eighteen
Tears old, and I intend ihat you shall earn
Thrown living. Not another word, bnt
And Mr?. ParkeT : marched out : of the
o'P- ruouldy kitchen, with the air of a
lagedy queen, while Mionia-it down a
niong the pots and pans and cried bitterly.
vunng all her trials and tribulations the
e?.1 sunshine of the sabbath day had cast
"ght through ail the dreary ensuing
eek it had been something to look for-.
jrtito think of and to anticipate. Now
eDtle influence was withdrawn roughly
ana abruptly, and Minnie felt that she was
1Qed alone.
-bnnie was dusting the parlor chairs, the
Jt morning, as Miss Angeline Parker
cantered into the parlor in a tumbling silk
rinper. - . . - .. . ". .
Hucth,' -Ar drawled laiguidlyr"!
left my parasol down at Waters' on Satur
day. Can't Minnie go after it?"
"It's raining," said Mrs. Parker looking
doubtfully out of the window, "but "
"It isn't raining very hard, and I am a
fraid it will be stolen."
"Minnie," said Mrs. Parker authorita
tively, "put on your hat and shawl, and go
to Waters' lace store at once for Miss An-
geli ne s parasol
Minnie glanced out into the driving tor
rent of rain with sinking heart.
"If I might wait till after the 6hower,
ma am, sue pleaded in a low voice
"Obey me this instant," ejaculated Mrs.
Parker, with an imperative ttamp of the foot.
ao iHinme went.
"Mamma," said Angeline, a day or two
afterward, 1 didn t sleep two winks last
night with Minnie's coughing. I do wish
you would put a stop to it."
Alinnie! exclaimed Mrs. Parker, turn
around to the Dale young eirl. who was doI-
ishing the windows, "what do you mean by
disturbing Miss Angeline?"
indeed ma am, J. could not help, it
xaiterec poor Alinnie, but my cougn was
very bad indeed. I got so drenched with
the rain the other day that "
"I'ouh nonsense I it is all affectation.
every bit of it," aid Mrs. Parker petulant
ly, lhe idea or putting on airs, and pre
tending to be an invalid but I will not en-
1 1 -WW 1
aure any sucu trumpery, vo not let us
have reason to complain aeain."
All that night Minnie tossed to and fro,
trying to stifle her hectic cough in the scant
pillow, lest Miss Angeline s pampered slum
bers should be disturbed, and wondering if
til the world was as joyless and dreary as
the brier glimpse she had already had of it.
W hen she rose in the morning, pale and
inrested, with dark circles round her eyes
and a dizzy feeling in her brain, the snow
was piled hicli against the attic window
panes, aud the wind was thrieking in shrill
usts down in the street.
Minnie! Minnie! echoed Mrs. Parker s
sharp discordant voice up ths stairway, "get
your broom and the snow shoel mi clear
the snow off the side walk. Those loafing
men charge a quarter for doing it, and you
may as well save the money for me. Come
make haste."
. "It's very cold, ma'am," pleaded poor
Alinnie, and my head aches teinblv.
Stfff" exclaimed Mrs. Parker.
won t have any fine lady airs, the fresh air
is all you want. Be quick, now, and you'll
finish before it's time to set the breakfast
Half an hour subsequently, Mrs. Parker
was startled by a brisk peal of her front
door bell.
"Well, what's wanting now?" she de
manaeo, tvnttmff utr twas rap noDons eiti-
geriy into une snow. iiess me, wnat
the matter?"
For a stalwart policeman stood there, his
hat and shoulders thickly powdered with
snow, afnd a drooping figure supported in
his arm 8.
HIS . A H ,"
flatter i your girl s iamted away or
something. It's a shame to send such
white faced thing out in a storm like this.
Aim lrs. i arker toot poor Minnie in.
secretly gnashing her teeth at the idea of
boutid girls having mortal frailty and weak
ness. i'ruly, it was a great presumption.
"Vrhat a pity that iVinne should take it
into her ridiculous head to be sick at such a
time as this," groaned Mrs. Parker as she
took out her silver and cut glass for the
decoration of a gala dinner table. "And
that rich East India client 6f your father's
coming to dinner, too.
"Isn't Minne any better to-day ?" asked
Angeline, j awning.
"No, I suppose not ; any way, she won't
get up."
Pshaw! said Angeline spitefully, she s
as well as I am, if she only chose to say so."
"Your father was saving something- about
sending for a doctor if she didn't get better'
i ladlesticks ! said Angeline. A doc
tor, indeed ! it s only that she likes lying in
bed better than working. Mamma, what
dress shall I wear? It's a great shame that
Minnie can't curl my hair for me." "
Put on your blue silk, Angeline, with
the white lace trimming ; it is so becoming
to your fair head and delicate complexion.
Those old bachelors are uraccountable crea
tures, and there is no saying but that he
will put the whole of his business into your
father's hands if you succeed in making a
favorable impression."
. Accordingly, Mrs. and Miss Parker were
attired in their best that afternoon, as the
door opened and the two gentlemen came
in Mr. Parker tall and thin, with green
spectacles and a cadaverous countenance,
and Mr. Elliott a portlyr brown-faced man,
with fiery black eyes'und a mobile mouth,
but partially concealed by a heavy gray
moustache. '
"Delighted to see you, I am sure, Mr.
Elliott, said Mrs. Parker, sweetly, while
Angeline courtesied nearly to the floor.;
"Pray take the easy chair."
"es, yes, I I dare say," spattered the
East Indiaman, beginning a nervous trot up
and down the room, "but I don't want to
sit down. Parker don't keep me in sus
pense any longer."
Mrs. Parker looked at her husband in
surprise. Mr. Parker was . polishing his
spectacles. .
"My dear, here's a very singular state of
things very, indeed. Mr. Elliott has been
making inquiries, since his return, after an
only sister he had somehow managed to iose
sight of married against his wishes, I be
lieveand he learns that she died in this
city about five years
"How very sad !"
ago, in very indigent
sighed. 31 rs. Parker,
Leaving, went on
Mr. rarkcr, "a
to the Medbrock
daughter, who was sent
Orphan Asylum." "
'Mrs. Parker opened her. gray eyea very
And who was namfid Minma n finr
Grove." "
m "Minnie Grove 1" ejaculated Mrs. Parker
in a sort or a scream.
"Our Minnie 1" echoed Angeline.
And now, interrupted the choleric
stranger, bringing his foor emphatically
uuwn on me velvet tulips and lilhes of lhe
neartn rug, "I want my niece, Minni
where is she i
iurs.irarK.er siooa rooted to the noor in
aisconinture and amazement, while Ange
line sank back on the sofa, not forgetting to
ue as picturesque as possible m the midst
ot her dismay and chagrin.
1 say where is she ?" roared the East
Indiaman. "I want mv neiee."
"She she isn't feeling very well to dav,"
faltered Mrs. Parker, "and she is up in her
own room, i advised her to rest awhile.
"Then take me to her."
"Yes but I'm not exactly sure that is.
I think she ought to be kept perfectly qui
et," stammered Mrs. Parker thinking of
poor Minuie s carpetless floor and ricketty
cot bed, with a thrill of apprehension.
"Perfectly quiet ! I tell you I will see my
niece I 1'arker show me the way to her room
or l ll hnd it myselr.
Mrs. Parker looked annealinglv to her
husband, but that gentleman's sharp legal
eye saw no outlet of escape.
My dear, show Mr. Elliott ud. he said
meekly, and Mrs. Parker had no choice but
to obey.
It was a dismal little attic room, with a
sloping roof and one dormer window, half
hidden with high piled snow. And unon
the narrow cot bed, entirely alone, lav the
only relative that Walter Elliot, the wealthy
East Indiaman, could claim in all the wide
She did not turn her head as thev entered
Mrs. Parker approached the bedside with
an insinuating voice.
Minnie dear are you asleep?
Asleep yes she was a.sleen. but it was
that deep dreamless slumber that never
knows waking to mortal trials or sorrows.
uood heavens! shrieked Mrs. Parker,
recoiling, "she is dead 1
Dead! screamed Miss Angeline.
"Dead 1" sternly repeated Walter Elliott.
growing very pale. "Dead, and in this hole !"
It can t be possible! exclaimed Mr.
Parker. "It must be a mistake." 1
But there was no possibility of mistaking
the seal or the great Destrover unon that
white forehead, around the marble hps.
W alter ijlliott s wealth had come too late.
Solitary and unfriended, Minnie Grove
had passed into the land where God's chil
dren shall nevermore say "I am alone."
o he was buried under the most solemn
mausoleum that gold could purchase, with a
chisled angel bending over her dust, as if it
mattered how or where she was laid to rest.
nd Walter Elliott went back to the tropics
without placing his business in Mr. farker s
"You have murdered my niece !" he said
sternly, when the various reports ot Mm
nie's wretched life reached his ears reports
that would not be suppressed, in spite of
Mrs. Parker's endeavors to still the tongue
of popular gossip.
Ihus ended the brief, sad life of Mmnte,
the orphan. Would to Heaven there were
not too many such lives in our midst I
Sligiitlt Mistakes. The following
story is told in relation to the popular per
nicious vice ot fortune telling : Not
many evei ings since, it is recorded that a
sinner who had escaped hanging for lo these
many year?, was in company with several
ladies. The subject of fortune telling was
introduced. Several of the "angels" plead
guilty to the soft impeachment of having
written to Madame This and Madame That
to furnish leaves for their future history.
Instances of some remarkable developments
in a certain case hereabouts were mentioned.
Old R was asked for his opinion. He re-
flied, 'So far as I am personally concerned,
know more about myself than I wish to.
I don't think any good tomes of these things.
I had a friend who dressed in lady's apnarel
and called upon a celebrated prophetess.
He did net believe ohe would discover the
disguise, but he heard what made him ex
ceedingly unhappy.' Here the old repro
bate ceased. A lady who was much inter
ested asked:
'What did she tell him?'
'She told him be was to marry soon, and
become the mother often children.' "
Never Kissed a White Girl. Some
time ago a planter, a short distance from
Memphis gave a party to the young folks in
the neighborhood. It was a gay -one, and
in the course of the evening the boys and
girls played forfeits. While this was going
on, it chanced that a son or the planter, a
nice, modest fellow, had to claim a forfeit of
some of the girls, but ' was overcome with
diffidence. "Go ahead, John," said the
Elanter, "and kiss some of the girls." John
itched from one foot to the other, blushed,
and finally blurted out, " I never kissed
a white girl, father." The laughter that
ensued may be imagined.
A Paris paper has this clever satire on
the present high prices: "A devout lady
who attends the .church of St. Roche, has
been in the habit of giving a half franc
every Saturday to an old man who sits at
the door with a box to receive alms. The
other day when sbe proffered the usual sum
to him, he said, 'I beg your pardon, Mad
ame, during the Exhibition it is a franc "
Albert Pike has performed one great
achievement. In a recent editorial he pro
duced a single sentence of two hundred and
ten words without any other stop than a
few commas. '
If one could be conscious of all that is
I said of him in his absence, he would proba
bly become a very uodest man, indeed.
For the "Raftsman's Journal."
Education is cultivation, discipline, infor
mation, und training.- It relates to the
growth ot the body, as well as the mind.
and must be imparted to the youth with a
view to tne development ot both, and con
sequently the necessity of its being based on
uysioiogy, or the laws ot health.
The successful teacher knows the necessi
ty ot haying a joyous activity maintained
among nis pupils, and this can only be ob
tained by a careful attention to th'e health.
comfort, recreation, and exercise of those
placed under his charge. Attention must
be the ruling force, happiness the constant
It is to be lamented that the schools, in
most country places, are in the condition in
which thev are too often found. N
of children are crowded, for six hours in the
day, into small rooms, badly lighted, worse
ventilated, and, in a majority of cases, de
void of comfort, beautv. and attraction.
Here they are cramped in tiresome positions,
ami study till learning becomes a wearisome
task ; and, for weeks and months this mo
notonous work goes on. with the loss of
health and ambition, and the pupil, while
at school, is devoid of all that is attractive
to youth.
lhe teacher ought always to study the in
terest of his pupils, and change the exerci
ses in such a manner that thev will take
pleasure in their studies, and look upon
them as a pleasing recreation.
1 am ot the opinion that two-thirds of
the trouble teachers have in governing their
schools, originiate from the above mention
ed evils.
In school rooms which are not properly
ventilated, the pupils become dull and lan
guid., and hence their uneasiness and ina
bility to remain ouiet ; they become cross
and illnatured. And the same is true in re-
nrd to the teacher. The pupils become
inattentive and restless ; the teacher threat
ens, scolds, and flogs, all for want of proper
attention paid to the physical necessities or
the pupils. ; Most teachers seem to think
they have nothing to do with the pupils in
this respect, and allow them to form habits
of sitting and standing, just as it happens.'
lhe results of such carelessness, on the
part ,ot the teacher, are truly, lamentable.
It is easier to maintain an erect position than
any other, while it is more enndacire to
tieaiMK It should be the chief care of the
teacher to see that every pupil maintains
proper position ; that is, they should stand
with head erect, chest brought forward, and
shoulders thrown back.
The teacher, who will attend to the posi
tion or his pupils, will nnd that they spea
plainer and more distinctly, while in this
position, than in any other, for the more air
inhaled and retained in the lungs, the fuller
and more sonorous will be the voice : conse
quently the necessity of attending to the
expansion or the chest.
Great care should be taken that the pu
pits pronounce each word distinctly, giving
each syllable its full sound.
lhere is one thing more in which the
teacher should not forget to instruct his ou
pus Morality. It is the base on which the
principle of the man, in after life, is found
ed. He should teach them obedience to
God, kindness towards their companions
and love For their country. "W. A. 8.
There is one old man in- the Kansas pent
tentiary, pious and conscientious sentenced
tor thirty years. He is named Joseoli
Drummond. He was a soldier in the Union
army ot .lennessce. lie came to Kansas
after the war, having buried his wife, who
died during the terrible scenes of strife
in the Border Sta'es. Ho married again of
late, and found to his misery that he had
made a mistake, nis wife was faithless.
and her paramour threatened him, the hus
band, in his own house. An accidental dis
charge of a gun, for which the husband and
tne het raver weie contending, killed an in
nocent third party. For this, a Kansas court
gave the old man thirty years. The villain
who causfiil it. all is livinff with the wife.
TheGovernorw.il pardon Joseph Diummond
in a short time, and then the old man will
walk away as calmly as he entered, innocent
all the time, tree and innocent hereafter.
He is allowed the largest liberty, being
frequently permitted to visit Leavenworth,
guarded only . bv his suit ot stripes and a
, The Chicago journals having failed to
clearly establish the density of the popula
tion of that city by calculations drawn from
election returns, now fall back on a recently
published Directory to claim 267,309 inhab
itants. The aforesaid directory contains
89,103 names, which multiplied by 3 gives
the result stated.
A young limb of the law, lately married,
said to his wife : "My dear, here is to-night's
paper, I am tired ; if there be any news,
please read it.?' Wife "An exchange pa
per says : 'The girls in some parts of Penn
sylvania are so hard up for husbands that
they sometimes take up with printers and
lawyers.'" "
The new Dominion of Canada wants a
design for a flag. A large number of our
Irish fellow citizens suggest a field of green
with a golden harp in the centre as the
most appropriate banner for that country.
They have the will to force such a flag on
our neighbors, but lack the way to do it.
The Boston Post facetiously remarks:
"Thad. Stevens is whetting his teeth to de
vour Attorney General Stanbery, having
failed to masticatePresident Johason with
impeachment sauce." In the milk of hu
man kindness that berry might prove pala
table to lovers of small fruit
Hanging, in Montana, la styled "Climb
ing the pin limb,"
To Prevknt Rlts is Roads. The art
of road-making is yet in its infancy in this
country. The roads are not laid out, made,
or repaired with reference to economy of
draft in using them. Deen ruts are soon
worn in them by the common vehicles that
pass over them : and these grow worse and
.i . ii
wuioc, mini mey are aimosc lmpassaoie in
pnng. liroad cart tires are a partial reme
dy for these. Loncer vnkes. bofh for oxen.
and for double horse wagons and carts, com
pelling the teauis to walk in the same line
with the wheels that come after them,
woum pe a still better remedy. On most
country roads there are two toe-paths and
two ruts, and it is noticeable that the toe-
paths are alwavs in much tho better onfor.
Longer yokes would bring the paths and
ruts together. The feet of thf tpam wnnl.l
break down the sidesjof the ruts, and fill
them as fast as thev were formed. This
would improve the road I'ed, and make the
draft of loads easier. We cannot shorten
the axle trees without increasing the danger
of upsetting, but we can lengthen the votes
with safety. Agriculturist.
The N ew Orleans IlttiulAicun propounds
me following:
Why is General Sheridan a hard laboring
Because he follows the trade of boring
Wells, and when in Virginia was at his work
Early in the morning.
The Kansas papers express much alarm
for the crops in that section, as the army
grasshopper is steadily gaining strength.
At Ieaveuworth a day of tasting and prav-
er will be held to beseech from the Almighty
an early deliverance from the plague.
The feeling in Ireland for the Fenian
cause is evidenced in the imposing funeral
demonstration, at Waterford, awarded a
victim to the recent riot. Fully five thous
and persons, wearing the green, followed
the corpse to its last resting place.
A number of silver coins, several gold
pieces and some articles of jewelry, have
been found on the farm of James Jones,
near Downington, Chester county, Pa. The
coins were all over 100 years old.
The following curious advertisement ap
pears in a newspaper in Paris: "Agency,
general, for international marriages. Hap
piness guaranteed ror a year.
Tbe New York Constitutional Convention
has got fairly to work. Among other radi
cal measures proposed is that of rendering
education compulsory.
The Cable of 1 865, severed by an iceberg
some weeks ago, has been recovered, spliced.
and communication through it to Europe
A "great brute of a husband" advertised
ru the morning papers for a stout, ablebod-
icd man to hold his wife s tongue.
Uoston has 200.000 inhabitants,
accommodations, for 50,000, and
regular attendants.
Five bank officials, in Mobile, were poi
soned with ice cream that had been made in
copper freezer.
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln has given $600
to the association for the relief of destitute
colored women.
There are one thousand
acres of straw-
berries on the line of the
Illinois Central
Watermelons can be bought at Columbus,
Georgia, for the refrigerating price of $4
Nearly all the battle fields around Rich
mond are sown with grain.
The Raft8a's Journal is published on Wed
nesdav at $2.00 pet annum in advance. If not
Daid at the beeinnine of thevear, S2.50 will be
charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close of
the year.
Advkbtisements win De inserted at i,ou per
sauare. lor tnree or less insertions xen lines
(or less) counting a square. For every additional
insertion SO cents will be charged. A deduction
will be made to yearly advertisers
No subscription taken for a shorter time than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til! all arrearages are paid,except at the option of
tbe publisber. a. j.nuw.
This house having been refitted and elegantly
furnished, is now open for the reception ana en
tertainment of guests. The proprietors by long
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
can satisf v a discriminating: public. Their bar is
applied with thehoicest Dranas or liquors buu
wine. juiy aid, iouu.
V ace Home Industry. The undersign
ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike,
- ' I , J oi " .
half way between uorwensvuie mu vwearueia
Boron irhs. is i) re Dared to furnish all kiadeof Fruit
trees, (standard and awari, .evergreen, enrao
berv. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ton Biaok
D ' ' . ' . .
herrY. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also.
Sibrian Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhen-
barb, Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Adjlresg
Ag SI, iao. j.v. TK-iuiil, iTwensville,
ne oetweeB x osier, J . D. Ji uirk. Edward
- r - , wva,vavrAW VAID
Perks, G. L. Reed, BIchard Shaw. A. K. Wright.
T. Leonard, Jas B. Graham. and W.A.Wallace.
in tne catucmg business, at Philinsbnrp. Centre
cobhij, ri., is mis aay dissolved by mutual con
sent. The business will be oonduoted ae hereto
fore at the same place, under the title of Foster,
Perks, A Co.
Jtfareh 3. 186T.-j2flr '
gustos girtrtorg.
V ALTER BARRETT, Attorney atLaw. Cl.ar-
T field Pa- May 13, 1663.
l TERRELL A BIGLER, Dealers in Hardware
Lt L and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron-rare.
Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Jrnae- 68.
HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room ia
Graham's row, Market street. Not. 10.
HBTJCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law,Clear
. field, Pa. Ofe in Graham's Row, four dooi
west of Graham A Boynton's store.
Not. 10.
FORCEY A GRAHAM, Dealers fn Square and
Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods, Queeniware, Gro
ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ao., Ac, Gr
hamton, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct. 10.
P. KRATZER. Dealer in Drv-Goods. Cloth fn.
Hardware, Queensware, Groceries. Ptoti-
mons.etc.. Market Street, nearly opposite the
Court House, Clearfield, Pa. June, 1865.
HARTSWICK A IRWIX, Dealers fn Drags,
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume
ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., eto.. Market street.
Clearfield. Pa Deo. 6, 1865.
KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry Goads,
Clothing, Hardware, Queensware. Groce,
nes. Provisions, Ac, Front Street, fabvre the A-
cadeiny,) Cleai field, Pa. Dee. 27, 18to.
Wl LLIAM F. IRWIN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestio Mer-
han lise. Hardware, Queensware,
Groceries, and
iamiiy articles generally
.Not. 10.
JOHN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds ef
Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield. Pa
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
atteuds funerals with a hearse. - Aprl0,'59.
alHOMASJ. M'CULLOCGH, Attorney at Law,
. Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the "Clearfield
o Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
I B M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law.
Practices . in Clearfield and adjoining
wuuties. Office in new brick buildine of J. Boyn-
t n, 2d street, one dour south ef Lanich's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon.
Liquors, Ae. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
all kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. He also keep
on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen
ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1, 1853
JOHN H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq-
orer First National Bank. Prompt attention giT
en to the securing of Bounty claims, ana to
all legal business. March 27, I-8G7..
ALBERT A BRO S. Dealers in Dry Goods.
Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Floor Ba
con, etc., W oodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also,
extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. .
wooqiana, fa., Aug. itfth,IS63. -
DENTISTRY. J. P CORNETT, Dentist, offer,
his professional services to the eiticena of
Curwensvillo aud vicinity.. Office in Drua Store.
cjrner Main and Thompson Sts. May 2, 1866. .
J BLAKE WALTERS, Scriviner and Convey.
. ancer, and Agent for the purchase and sale
of Lands, Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention civ-
to all bun i ness conaected with the eoenty ofi
ces. Office with W. A. Wallace.
Jan. 3.
neys at Law' Clearfield, Pa.. Leiral business
fall kinds promptly and accurately attended to.
uiearneia, ra., Jttay 10th, 1S00.
DR. J. P. BCRCHFIELD Late Surgeon of rho
83d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having returned
from the army, offers his professional sorvices to
the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly attended to. Office on
South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. 1865 6mp.
Desires to inform hisoW friends and customers'
that, having enlarged his shop and increased bU
facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared
to make to order such furniture as may be desir
ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. H
mostly has on hand at his "Furniture Rooms."
a varied assortment of furniture, among which Is,
Wardrobes and Book -cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor,
Breakfast and Dining extension Tables.
Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen-
ny-Jjina ana otner .Bedsteads.
Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs;
And eommon and other Chairs. -
Of every description on hand, and new glanmefor .
old frames, wnicn wni be jmt fn on very '
reasonable terms, onfhort motto.
He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair.
vorn-uusa, ua.ii ana voiion top mattresses.
Made to order, and fnnerals attended witk
uearse. whenever desirable.
Also, House painting don to order.
The above, and many otiar articles are faroiefee
to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for p-
E roved country produoe. Cherry, MapU. Poplar, ;
in-wood and other Lumber suitable for the buai-
ness, taken in exchange for Atrcituro.
Remember the shop ia on Marret street. dva '
field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store.".
iseeember 4, ihai juuih uifKirlCH.
Ccrwensviixe, Penh 'a.
Ilavinr leased and refitted the above hotel, he
is now ready to accommodate the travelling pob- ;
lie - ilis oar contain me cnoicest orands of lid- -
aors. lie solicits a snare oi public patronage.
July 11th, 1868. . .; '
Carriage and Wagon Shop, .
iuiBimn!ij in rear or jxiacnine nep.
The undersigned would reioectfullv inform tha 1
citiiens of Clearfield, and the public in - general. -
that he is prepared to de all kinds of work cm
carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds. A., e
short notice and in a workmanlike Banner. Or
ders promptly ttended to. Wit M1KI0HT-
Caoejssold, Fob. T,18M-,y