Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 24, 1867, Image 3

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. -Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad.
I ruin leaves Tyrone at : : : : : rt.55 a m
Arrival at PhiliDsbnre at : : 11.00 a. m
itiin leaves Philipsbnrg a : : 1.20 p m.
Arrives at Tyrone at: ; ; : 3.00 p. m
Religious. Divine services will be held
next Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows:
By Kev. Archer in the Court House,
niornin? and evening; .
By Rev. Senibower in the Baptist church
jn the evening ; . .
By Rev. Chambers in the Episcopal
church, morning and evening
By Rev. Guver in the Methodist church,
ia the mcrning.
Sn'OW. For several days past the air has
beei quite cold in this region,and this morn
ing, Wednesday, as we go to press, the ground
is covered with about two inches of snow.
Storm. We had an unusually severe
storm, in this regWn, on Saturday last.
The wind blew quite a hurricane, and the
rain fell in torrents, intermixed with some
hail. No damage was done, however, so
far as we have learned.
OCR Churches. The work on the Pres
byterian church is progressing as fast as the
condition of the weather will perm it a
good portion of the foundation having been
dug out within the past week. The Trus
tees of the 31. E. Church are also having
stone and other material hauled for their
new building.
.Gone. Our friend, Mr. John Ptaszyk,
who has been engaged in tuning pianos in
this place, for the past two weeks, has left
town, but will roturn again in November.
Persons who failed to obtain his services
during his past vWip should not fail to do so
on his return, as he has the reputation of
being a proficient in his business.
The Senate Judiciary Committee.
In our advertising columns will be found a
notice from Senator Shoemaker, directed to
the Ju 1'rciary Committee of the Senate, sta
ting that the Committee will meet in Ilar
risburg on Monday, Miy 13th, at 1 o'clock,
for the purpose of investigating the charges
of extortion in freight and passenger rates,
alleged to be made. by railroad companies in
this State. Parties interested in the inves
tigation are also iuvited to be present.
Jefferson County. The house of John
J. Peted, of Burnett township, was entirely
destroyed by fire, with all its' contents, a
t-hort time ago Mr. Peted, his wife, and
three children, barely escaping Kith their
lives.. . . - .On the 9th, Jarnes hies, a
young man, was drowned in Red Bank at
Broken Rock. lie and another man -were
trying to eet a part of a raft off the dam,
when it suddenly gave way,anJ threw young
Ohles into the stream. All efforts to rescue
him, by those who were present, were inef
fective. Greene County. On Sunday night.
April 14rh, Martin Cane, of the village of
Mount 'Morris, attempted to kill his wife
and then committed suicide. He struck M rs.
C. two blows upon the heai with an axe,
unci then fled to the orchard and hung hiui-f-i
If with his su?penders. The first blow
terribly fractured the .skull, while the sec
ond seetned to have been warded off by the
anu of the woman. Medical aid was at
once summoned, and on the 17th Mrs. C.
was still alive, with some hopes of her sur
viving her injuries. Mr. C was a frugal
and industrious farmer, living with his son-in-law
at the'tiuie of committing the horri
ble deed, for which no positive cause is
known. He was over sixty years of age,
and his wife but a few years younger.
Centre County. George Miller, an em
ployee at Hunter's Dale 5 ills, met with a
fatal accident on the 12th. It seems whilst
encased in sawing slab3 iato lengths fur
lath, he slipped and was thrown upon the
saw, which caught biui just below the shoul-.
defof the right arm, mutilating it in a hor
rible manner part of the flesh and bones
being thrown across the mill. In his efforts
to get. away, his right leg came in contact
with the saw and was cut off between the
knee and ankle, and his left hand was al
most severed at the wrist. He died in about
five hours after the accident. . . . The house
and house hold goods of Mrs. Eckley, a
widow woman residing-near the Advent
Church at Milesburg, was destroyed by fire.
. The citizens of Bellefonte, last week,
contributed 'five hundred dollars to the
Storinstown sufferers.
Blair CouXTT. On Wednesday after
noon, April 10th, an old lady, named M un
fold, was killed in Altoona, by being caught
between two freight trains, whilst engaged
in gathering; some coal which had fallen
from passing trains . . . Mr. John Youns,
living on the Ilollidaysburg plank road,
whose poisoning we noticed several weeks
ago, died on the 1 2th. The poison was con
fined in some biscuit. The other members
f the family have recovered. . . . On the
"i','ht of the 13th, the store of Hemphill &
lieale, at Allegheny forge, was entered
through one of the windows, and about one
hundred dollars worth of goods stolen there
from. A man named Mike Smith, who was
tried in January, 1866, and sent to the pen
itentiary tor eighteen months, for robbing
he same store, and who was pardoned by
Gov. Curtin, was arrested for the burglary,
but succeeded ia making jbis escape from
he officers 0f tne jaw
of Joseph R. Irwin, Curwensvide, a lare
and full supply of oils, paints, varnishes,
brushes and glass; which will be sold cheap
for cash. ' . A p. 10-3t.
BiTLF.it County. On the night of the
14th, Sunday, the barn at the Orphans
Home, at Zelienoph, was burned to the
ground. Loss, $2,000 ; no insurance. The
fire was evidently the work of an incendiary,
as a barn was also burned on Saturday night,
and another on Monday night, in tie town.
New Books, etc.
A Lawyer's Tribute to the Bible, being
a Lecture on "77ie Literary character of
the JJible," delivered before the Wilming
ton Institute, at Wilmington, Del., on
the 8th January, 18G7, by II. Bucher
Swoope, Esq. Published by M'Kay &
Brothers, Phil'a. Bound in cloth. 45 pp.
We have read this beautiful and classic produc
tion of our townsman, with unmixed pleasure
It w highly spoken of, at the time of its deliv
ery in Wilmington, by the papers, and it fully
merits the encomiums passed upon it. It discus
ses the literary character of the Bible, in its llis
tory, Philosophy and Poetry pointing out its im
measurable superiority over all human produc
tions. Most of the works written about the Bi
ble, ave been the productions of CIergymen,who
view it entirely from a Theological stand-point.
The one before us, is a purely literary view of
the great volume, and will hnva the effect of caus
ing those who read it, to find new beauties in the
Inspired Book, and to refer to its wonderful pages
with newly awakened interest. TT.e work is for
sale at Hartswiek A Irwin's Drug Store
Pittsburg Chronicle, a Weekly paper,
by biebcneck & Collins, Pittsburg, Pa.
Price $ 2.00 a year in advance :
Tho Weekly Chronicle has been enlarged and
improved, and now contains forty eight columns.
It is neatly printed, and one of the best papers in
Western Pennsylvania The farmer, the .mer
chant, the mechanic, the old and the young in
fact, oerjbooy who desires a good weekly ne.ws
paper. will find something of interest in its col
The Lady's Friend. Monthly; Published
by Deacon x Peterson, .319 W alnut street,.
Phil'a. Price $2.50 a year, in advance.
The May number contains "The Recognition,"
a pretty and pleasant steel engraving ; the usual
elegant fashion plate ; a toilet for the Opera ; a
B:ill dress, patterns for boys and girls; Music,
etc The lite. ary contents are fine and entertain
ing fepelimen numbers sent ou receipt of 20 cts.
The Yankee farmers in Jaffa, after all, are
now reported to be doing very well, and to
be contented and happy. Wha; motive
could have originated the story of their
homesickness and destitution, it is difiieuit
to imagine. The ordv theory that covers it
is the lamous one embraced in the exclama7 i
tion of the fat Knight: "How this world is
given to lying !"
The Republican party continues to win
the most brilliant political victories in the
municipal elections in the Northwest. Not
only are Republican majorities increased in
the oI?l strongholds, but many gains of offi
cers elected are made in former "Copperhead
municipalities. The West is organizing for
the great national campaign of 1S6S.
The wonderful revival still continues in
the Silo:im Methodist Church, Philadelphia.-
Over eight hundred persons have
professed conversion fciiu e the revival com-
1 .-I,
inenceu. jo accommodate tnt; increased j
membership, a frame builuiij, 73 by 86 feet, I
nas oecn erected in vus micci, ayuie uuaiu
Avenuf. It will seat 1,601) persons.
A Washington dispatch dated -the 10th
says : Jrjnormous quantities oi Hiad an i ;
herring are being caught in the Potomac.
Over a hundred thousand herring sold yes- j
'terday for about fix dollars per thousand,
and twenty thousand sliad for about ten dol
lars per thousand."
Kextitckv. The Hon. R. T. Baker, U-
nion candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, on
April '.:!, was prevented from speaking at
.... .. c ..... .i ,.V...K.
njruiaiiLowii uy a gang ui ciuiijcj icuvis j
They threatened to mob him if he made ttj
attempt. Such is ''free speech." in Kvu- j
tucky. -
The New Orleans Picayune puts the ne
gro equality question thus; "It is ridiculous
for Liiy one to pretend that he is lowered or
disgraced fiv eoinar to the polls with a ne
gro, when he crowds in at the general deliv- j
cry with him to get a letter at the post of- !
At the beginning of the war the popula
tion of Texas was between 600.000 andrlOO,
OO0; it is now estimated at 1,200,000. Many
of the negroes, however, who were sent
there for safety during the war, are now re
turning to their old homes.
The Idaho Statesman savs the Indians
attacked a stage coach near Feruit'a Ferry 4
on the iltith ulL, and killed the driver, nam
ed Younger, and two passengers named Ull
man and Buchee. JThree other passengers
Young, the Irish rhymer, pensioned by
Lord Derby, has published a defense of him
self against the attacks of the press. One
of his statements is this : "From causes too
tedious to narrate, I was bom in the year
The Emperor of Russia has studied A
merican politics to more purpose than many
of our own politicians. The tender of his
American territory proves tnat he tnorougu
ly comprehends the Monroe doctrine.
A recent meeting of thCincinnati Pio
neer Association, was opened"with prayer by
Rev. Isaac Collard, who sixty years ago
helped Roliert Fulton put the paddles on
the wheels of the first steamboat.
The Chinese women who will wait on the
Chinese restaurant in the Paris Exhibition
were purchased in Canton ; they cost $50
apiece. The pick of Chinese women cost
only $120 apiece.
A meteor, which had light equal to a
thousand gas burners, recently fell at Helena,
It is believed that the coming wheat crop
will be the largest ever grown on this con
tinent. . -
On Wedncsda3'. April 17th, 1867, by J.
I . iarwe l,Lsq., Mr. Orange J. Michaels
trj-4 T r. Can... af V 1 -
n i.jisa OAttAU UATHCART, DOtil 01 1-iUni-
ber-city. .
In St. Joseph, Ma.,' at the residence of
Juugejolin 1. Iell, on Ihursdnv evening,
March" Nth, 1SG7, by Rev A. PForemsn,
Mr. Harry Carter, formerly of this coun
ty, aud Miss Adda Bell, of St. Joseph.
On the morning of the 23d inst., in Clear
field Borough, Sammie, infant son of George
and Mary Newson, aged one year and ten
Pittsburg Prices Current,
Dealer m Flour, Piodure and Refuted Ods.
Pittsburg, April 20th, 1S07.
Jenkin's Eureka, S15 50 Brown, lOi a 11
Jenkin's Lilly, 15 OO'Refined, hard, 16
fc'Gregor's choice 14 25 A Coffee, 00 a 15
Crossett's Crescent 11 00 !B Coffee, - 00 141
Rye Flour, bbl. 8 oOlExtraC, 14
Corn Meal, bushel, I lojlua, Black, 75 a 1 20
Buckwheat Flour, 3 75. Green, 90 a 1 65
Wheat, 3 0iia3 25;syrups, 75 a 1 00
B-ye, 1 50-jMol asses. 75 a S5
Oats. 65 a 70 j Sorghum, 55
Corn in ear. 90alOOiRice lOjalll
Corn shelled, 1 00Dried Apples, 10
Barley. 1 10 a 1 25Dried Peaches, 17
Potatoes, bbl. 3 25 Salt, bbl 2 85
Potatoes, P. Blows, 95;Candles. 15
O-iions, bbl. 3 75!Soap, 7 a 10
Hominy, bbl. 6 50'No3 Mackerel,bbl 16 50
Timothy seed, 3 25 Lard, choice, 13i
Clover seed. . 13 00 Tallow, 91 10
Flaxseed, 2 95 Bucnn. Sides, 12
Middlings, 1 85 a 2 25 Shoulders. 10
Beans, prime navy, 3 00' Hams, sugar cured, 16
Butter, prime roll, 32;Mei3 Pork. 23 50
Cheese, 21 a 22 Buckets, doz, 3 25
Egg?, IS: Brooms, doz. 3 25
Apples, bbl 4 00 a 5 OOj Refined Oil.white, 42 a43
Cider, bbl dull, 8 00 Coffee. 22a27
PicKles. per bbl 17 00 'Dressed Hogs, 7jaS
Commission Merchant, Wholesale Dealer and
op Produce asi Refined Oils. .c, tc.
Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. On hand
all well known and reliable brands Quality of
Flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal
ers, and prices current sent each week.
Checkered Front, 273 Liberty 3t. Pittsburg. Pa.
January 23d, 1S67.
" Opposition line to California.
Via Nicaragua, evejv twenty days, with Passen-
geis. Jb reibt, and Co ..lulls, on tne following
first-class steamships:
On Atlantic Ocean.
Uoiin,ffon "Pacific Ocean
Sailing days from New York,
March 30. 1;7, April 20. 18fi7, May 10 and 30.
lSrt7, June 20, 1807, and every twenty days there
after, leavins" on the Saturday previous when a
regular bailing Day comes on Sunday. For fur
ther information apply to the NO LIT H AMERICAN
STEAMSHIP CO. .V.vt. II. Wehb. Pres't., 54. Ex
charge Plaeo N. Y D. N. Carringtoji, Agent,
177, Wett St. cor .Warren, N. Y. Mar. 20.'67-3m.
A piaro worth $400.00 for SI. 09.
One hundred and fourteen dollars for $1 00.
Oneaolid silver fruit basket worth $30.00 for $1.
2 silver watches worth $2i.00 e ich $1 00 each.
200 gifts worth S2 00 each, for $1.00 each.
300 ifTfts worth St. 00 each.
94 gift worth 30 cents eaoh.'-
Slit.llil in greenbacks for SI. 00.
Making 600 gifts, tho number of tickets limited
tithe number of gifts Every ticket draws a gift.
Price of tickets one dollar only. Drawing to
take T-liiec in Bellefonto. May 1st. 18f7, under the
supervision of a committee chosen by the ticket
Thin erterprise is gotten up for the solo benefit
of a worthy but poor woman, the manager notre
ceivirg any benefit, not even for his time in at
tending to it. and it sball be his aim to se Jhat
everything connected with it shall be done iu an
honest m:d honorable manner.
Fort:cketnd furtherinformation address. with
etamp enclosed, the undersigned. nt Bellefonte. Pa.
Apr. 3, 1807. ' D.S. DUNHAM. Manager.
National Bank of Curwensvilfe. on the
morning of the first Monday of April, 1807.
Loans and Discounts. : : : : :
Overdrafts. ::::::::!
Banking House. :::::::
Furniture. Fixtures and Safes. : :
Current Expensfs & TaxeSpaid, :
Cash. Items aud Revenue Stamps, :
Due from Nat. Banks and Banker.
U. S. Bonds deposited with U S Tr.
to secure circulation, : : :
U. S. Bonds on hand, :::"::
National Bank Notes, : : : : :
Fractional Currency. ::::::
Specie and Legal Tender Notes :
Compound Interest Notes, : : : :
Total, ::::::::::
Capital stock paid in, : : r : : ;
Surplus fund. ::::;: r ;
S102.9U 15
: 321 81
: 2.441 67
: 1.432 SO
c 1.357 09
: 7Q7 00
: 21,035 70
Rt.flOO 00
: : 8io 00
: 2,100 00
: 520 05
: 24.400 00
: 4,830 00
"j2U 946 3T
$75,000 00
; ll .2i0 00
: 67,Mi0 00
81.W5 30
: I.3MJ 97
: 4.709 0ft
: : 25 03
Circulating Notes. ::::::
Individunl Deposits, : : : . : : :
Due National Bunks and Bankers, :
Discount, Interest and Exchange, :
Profit and Loss, :::::;:
, Total Liabilities : : : : : : $244.1'1 33
J hereby Certify that the above Statement is a
true abstract from the Quarterly Report made to
the Comptroller of the Currencv Apr. 1st. 1867.
Having just returned from the ast with gen
eral assortment ot goods, to which they deire to
invite the attention of their old customers and
friends. Their stock consists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries. Hardware.Queensware,
Tinware. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, which
they now offer at prices for cash to suit the
Theyalso deal in Grain, Pork, Shingles, Boarda,
and other lumber, wfaieh.wi!l be received at the
highest market prices in exchange for goods.
Persons desirous of. purchasing goods at fair
rates are respectfully requested to give us a call.
Remember yeu can find us at the old stand vn
Main Street where we are prepared to accomo
date customers, with anything in our line of
business. -
Sept. 6, 1865. HIPPLE A VAVisL
BARGAINS in all kinds of woolen goods,shawls,
blankets, coverlets. Ac, at
a O IOT T r t'DlT7V.R S.
Apr. o, ou . . x . ivikii
ISH. Mackerel, white-fish, and cod-flh- at
i mc7 r t Lru iT7F.R'b-
Apr. o, - j . i . iv
POTATOES for sale at
Apr A. iso-
RIED PEACHES, pared and unpared at
Apr. , loui. v - ...... -
TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of
Clearfield county, Penn'a.:
Elijah Brass, J No . January Term, 1807.
vs. ' V Snbpana tur divorce.
Lavixa. Burns. J ToLavina Burns.respondent :
Ti u are hereby notified, that Elijah Barns has du
ly presented his petition in the Court of Common
Vleas of said county, praying that, for the causes
set forth in said petition, ha may be divorced from
the bonds of matrimony by the said libelant, en
tered into with you. the said Lavina Burns.
Now, you are commanded, to be and appear at
the next Court of Common Pleas for said county,
tabs held at Clearfield on the third Monday of
June, 13n7. and show cause, if any you have.why
Elijah Burns should not Da divorced from the
bonds of matrimony contraoted with you.
Apr. 3, 1807. JACOB A. FAUST, Sh'ff.
Men, Youths and Boys can betuplpied with full
suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at
where it iSsold at prices that will Induce their
purchase. .The universal satisfaction which has
been given, has induced them to increase their
s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab
lishment of the kind in this part of the State.
Reizenstein Bro's k Co.,
Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ;
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one the worth of his money.
They treat their customers al I alike.
They sell cheaper than every body else.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stock ; t reduced
prices they can sell oheaper tl an others.
For these and other reasons persons should buv
their clothing at
Produce of every kind taken at the highest
market prices. May 18, 1864.
G. II. Zeigler & Co.,
' dealers ix
Foreign and Domestic Hardware,
Cuttlcry, Wood and Willow ware,
Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints,
Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc.
Tbe attention of Mechanics. Builders, Farmers.
Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited to
the fact that we are now offering a better assort
ment of goods in our line than can be found else
where in this part of tbe State, at prices to suit
the times. Our stock comprises a general assort
ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters,
Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers. Join
ers. Ac. together with a large stock of
Iron, Steel, Nails,
Spikes. Bailroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery
and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes,
Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut
Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hollow
ware in great variet ; Cables. Coal cii Lamps and
Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating
oils; and an extensive and good selection of
Fine Cutlery,
Comprising a general assortment of dining knives
and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carvin
knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors,
shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar
ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table-spoons, and
plated forks, in great variety and of the best man
ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware.
In great variety, and of the bc;t manufacture al
ways ou hand, among which will ho fund buck
ets of every site, tin-cups, oilcans, sprinkling
esns, dutting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart
and pint measuras. and many other articles in
the tyi-wareline, which are wanted by everybody.
Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Vices,
sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse
nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron,
nail rods eto ; and with cast, shear, spring and
blistar steel, from the best manufacturers in the
United States, or of foreign manufacture.
And Builders will find'in our establishment a
superior and complete stock of
Cord. Ac.
Will find everything in their line, and cheaper
ban elsewhere in this section of the State com
prising Household, horticultural, farming and
rafting implements, of the latest and most im
proved patterns Particular attention is direct
ed to our rery ex eusire stock of wood and coal
Comprising Spear's justly celebrate Anti dust
cook and parlor stoves of all sixes ; ADo. The Ni
agara cook, Parlor cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew
drop, Artie, Egg anil Picket stoves.
All of the above goods will be sold cheap for
Philipsbnrg. Pet, loth, lSS6.-1y.
SURVEYOR The undersigned offers
his services to the public, as a Surveyor.
He may be found at his residence In
township, when not engaged; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. .-,. .
March 6t, J367.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL-
KJ equalizing bounties lias passed both HoiX
ses, was approved by the President, and is now a
law. A three years' soldier gets 5100 and a two
years' soldier So0 Bounties and Pensions are
collected by me for those entitled to them. Brig
forward your applications.
J. U MCbALLY. Att'v. at Law.
August 1, IS;!?
Clearfield. Ta.
Pa. 'I he subscriber would respectfully
solicit a oontinuance of the patronage of his old
friends and customers at the '-Clearfield House."
Having made many Improvements, he is prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor him with
their custom. Every department connected with
the house is conducted in a manner to give gen
eral satisfaction. Uive him a call.
Nov. 4, 1385. OEO. N. COLBCRN.
rp HE "CO 11 X E R STORE
It tbe place to purchase goods cf every descrip
tion, and at the most advantageous terms. A large
and well selected stoc't of seasonable goods has
been added to that already on hand, which we
are prepared to sell to customers at prices as low
as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for
lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the
public is respoctfully solicited.
Cnrwensville. Jnly 17, 1S65
Wonld respectfully announce to the citixena of
Clearfield and vicinity that he has taken tbe
rooms, formerly ocoupied by P. A. Gaulin, ia
Graham's Row. immediately over H. F. Naugle's
jewelry store, and will continue the tailoring bu
siness in all its various branches. A full assort
ment of cloths, cassimeres, and vestings, con
stantly on hand and made up to order on the
shortest notice. Particular attention will be giv
en to cutting mens.' boys.' and childrens' cloth
ing, in the inost fashionable styles. Give him a
cnlL Dec. 5, Qtj ) W. F. CLAKK.
Having refitted and removed to the room lately
occupied by Riohard Mossop.on Market St., now
offer low for cash, a well selected assortment oi
Also. Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa'nts. Oils,
Glass. Putty, Dye-stuffs. Stationary. Tojacco and
Segars, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock
of v"irietietban ever before offered in this plaea,
and warranted to be ot tbe bust tbe market af
fords. Inspect their stock before purchasing
elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying that
j ou wilt be pleased with the quality and price of
their goods Remember the place Mossop's old
stand, on .uarkctSt. Dei. fi, 1365.
Have just returned from the east and are now
opening an entire new stock of goods in tbe room
formerly occupied by Win. F. Irwin, on Market
Street, which they now offer to the public at the
lowest cash prices.
Their stock consists of a general assortment of
Dry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware,
Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Donnets, Dress Goods,
Fruits, Candies Fish, Salt. Brooms, Nails, etc. ,
in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store
oan be had by calling at this store, or will be
procured to order.
Their stock is well selected, and consists of ihe
newest goods, isf the best quality, of the latest
styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash,
or exchanged for approved eountry produce.
Be sure and call and examine our f!tock before
making your purchases, as we are determi ned to
-leaso all who may favor us with their custom.
May 9, ISfift. J. SHAW A SOS.
K W A R RANG E 31 E N T.
The subscribers have entered into co-partnership,
and are trading under the name of Irvin,
Raily A Co ; in lumber and merchandise, at tbe
old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of
Lick Kun. They would inform their friend, auu
the world in general, that they are prepared to
furnish to order all kinds of sawed or bewn lum
ber. and solicit bills, for either home or eastern
They would also announce that they have just
of well selected goods, suitable to the season. on
si.sting ot every variety usually kept io country
Rtores. Their purchases have been made since
the late decline in prices which enable them to
sell at such rates as will astonish their customers
One if their partners, Thomas L. Daily, resides
near Philadelphia. whose business it w be to
watch the nuxruet and make .purchasej on the
most favorable terms. Call and see us.
Goshen tp.,Deo. 6,18(55. LEWIS I. IRWIN.
- E - 3VC - 0- AT--A--IJ !
Has removed to his new ware rooms on Market
Street, and opened a large etoclf of Seasonable
Dry tloods. Hardware. Queenswareetc.
FOR LADIES, be has Cashmeres. Merinos, Rep
Delaines. Parmetto, brilliant. Poplins, Alpaca.
Berege. L-wns, Prints Silks. Dustercloth-". Ging
hams, Nankeen, Linen. Lace. Edging. Velvet
trimming. Collerette, Braid. Belts, Dress-buttons,
Hosiery, Veils, Nets, Corsets. Cellars. Hoods.
Nubias, Scarps, Hoop-skirts, Balmorals, Coats.
Shawls, Mantles, Furs, Notions. Bonnets, Data,
Ribbons. Flowers, Plumes.
MEN'S WEAR, Such asCloths.Casslmere, Sati
tinett. Flannel. Jean, Tweed, Cottonade. Muslin.
Italian-cloth, Velvet, Plush, Check, Ticking,
Drilling, Linen CrnAV Serge, canvass. Padding
Linsey, Vesting. Coats. Pants. Vests, Over-ooats.
Shawls. Boys Jackets, Over-alls. Drawers, Cass
ruere shirts. Linen-Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hat
and Caps. Ac . Ac. '
pet. Oil-cloth Blinds, Curtains, Tassels. Cord,
Clocks, Looking-glasses. Lamps, Churns. Tubs,
Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Washboards,
Butter-bowels, Seives, Flat-irons, Coffee-mill,
Bed-cords. Bags, Wall-paper, Carpet-cbain, Cot
ton yarn, Candle-wick, Work-baskets. Lanterns,
limbrellas, Buffalo Robes. Carpet Bags, Axes, and
Augers. c, Ac Ac. ,-., j
MUSICAL GOODS, Such as A lolms, Flntesaad
HARDWARE1, Queensware, Glassware, Stona
ware. Groceries. Drugs, Confectiocaries. Med
icines. Flour. Bacon. Fib. Salt, Grain. Fruit. Car
riage, Trimmings. Shoe Findingsr School Books,
Nails and Hikes. Glass and Putty, Oil. Vinegar,
Tobacco, fegsrs. Candles. Spices, Powder, Shot,
Lead, Grindstones, Rafting Rope, etc., etc.
All of which will be sold on the most reasona
ble terms and the highest market prices paid for
all kinds of country produce .1. P. ICR ATZPR.
Dee. 13. 18(15. Clearfield, Penn'a
A LARGE LOT OF CLOTHING, including sorae
extra quality of Beaver Over-coats, and a
complete assortment of cassimere goods, made up
in suits to m ateW- for sale by
Pea 6,lftfift. IRVIN A IIARTSMORN.
f LATENT BROOMS, the best invention out, 43
v doien just received and for sale cheap at
Deoember 12.1868. MOSSftP 8.
THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes. I J Wag
ons, for sale by MERKELL A. BIGLER
SOMETHING WONDERFUL for tbe million.
All may be rich, wise, and happy. Agents
wanted. Enclose . stamp for particulars. H.
Camp, 142 Bleecker St., V y. Mar. 13,'67.3-m
cuines are sup rior to all others for fam-.
ily and manufacturing purposes. Contain all the
latest improvements; are speedy ; noiseless; du
rable; nod easy to work. Illustrated circulars
free. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed.
No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M.
CO.. 616 Broadway, New York Sep o6-y.
" scratch!!! scratch!!!!
Wheaten's Ointment will cure the itch in 43 hours.
Price 50 cents. For sale by alt druggists. By
sending B0 cents 'to WEEKS A POTTER. Sole A
gents, 170 Washington Street, Boston, it will ba
torwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of
the United States. June 6, 1366,-ly.
JltNEST D. PAPE. M. D. 1123 Broadway, New
Ji York, having for years made diseases of wo
men a speciality in study atd practice with mark
ed professional success, devotes his time now most
ly to office practice and correspondence with bis
numerous patrons throughout the United Slates.
Ladies can confidentially address him oa tha
most delicate subject, and receive proper and
prompt reply. Enclose stamp for postage.
March 13, lt67-3m.
Full information, with the hishbst testimoni
als; also, a book on Special Diseases, in a seal
ed envelope, sent free. Bb' scrk and esd tor
them, and yoo will sot recret IT ; for, as ad
vertising physicians are generally impostors,
without references no str inger should be trusted.
EncVseastnmp for post ige, ar.d direct to DR.
November 14th. 1fe80.-ly.
JL Itch Ointment, an immediate and certain
cure, 25 cts. It is also a sure remedy fur scratch
es on horses. Russell's Salt Rheum Ointment, is
unrqualed. SOcts. Russell's Pile Ointment. cures
after all other rf medirshave failed. These Oint
ments are certain, saf. and reliable specifics, as
thousands baveand are daily testifying. For aala
by all druggists and medicine dealers. General
Depot at Pin Cbot. Bruen A Ho hurt. Wholesale
Druggists, 214 Fulton St . (near Greenwich,) New
York. Sent by mail; Itch. 40c; Salt Rbeum.65e;
Pile. SI 60. March 13, 1887. 3-m.
greatest and most useful discoveries in
medical science was made by tbe celebrated Dr.
J Dumas, of Paris. Chief Physician to the Imp
rial Infirmary of France, in 1S61. Those whs
have been afflicted with tbe painful disease known
aa the Piles, and effectually cured by tbe use of
Dr. Di-mas' Fkeuch Pile Salve, cannot speak too
highly of the benefits conferred upon, them by
the use of this certain remedy. It has never
been known to fail in effecting a permanent cure
in a single case. In this respect it surpasses alt
other medicines of the kind. It will do just
what it is recommended for ; if not, the money
will be refunded. One or two boxes is sufficient
to effect a permanent cure in four or six day, if
the directions on the box are followed. Price one
and two dollars per box, according to sise. Sent
by Mail or Express to any part of the United
States or Canada Sold by Druggists generally.
A liberal discount made to the trade. Address,
D.S.DUNHAM A CO.. Williamsport. Pa., sola
Proprietors and Manufacturers for the United
States and Canada.
$500 OO REWARD will be paid in greenbacks
to any person who has ued Dr. Dumas' Pile
Salve according to directions and has not been
cured Address, D. S. DUNHAM A CO.. Wil
liamsport. Pa. Deo. bth, I866..1y.
MISERY. Just published, fgW
u a muwi i.'fjv. A I II.D BIA Via. f
A lecture on tbe nature, treatment. iL
and radical cure of Semiaal Weak Dear or sper
matorrhea. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debil
ity, and Impediments to marriage generally.
Nervousness, consumption, epilepsy, and fits;
Mental ar.d physical incapacity, resulting from
Self Abuse. Ac By Robert J. Culverwell, M. D.,
author of the ' Green Book." Ao.
5 The world-renewned author, in this admirable
Fucture, clearly proves from his own experience
that tbe awful cocsequeuces of Self Abuse may
be effectually removed without medicine, and
without dangerous surgical operation, bougies,
instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a
mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by
which every sufferer, no matter what bis Condi
tion may be, may cure liimeelf cheaply privately,
and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to
thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, te any address, in a plain sort
ed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or Two
postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverweli's '-Marriage
Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers,
127 Bowery. New York,
Oct. 10, '6 ly. . Post Office Box 458S.
OMEL. These Pills are composed of various roots.hav
ing the power to re st tbe secretions of tbe liver
as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercu
ry, and without pro- ucingnyof tbostisagree
able or dangerous effects which often follow the
use of tbe latter.
In all billious disorders these Pills may be need
with confidence, as they promote th discharge of
ritiated bile, and remove those obstructions from
the liver and billiary ducts, which are the causa
of billious affectations in general.
ScheDck's Mandrake Pills cure Sick Headache,
and all disorders of the liver, indicated by sal low
complexion, coated tongue, costiveness. drowii
ness. and a general feeling of weariness and las
situde, showiog that tbe livar is in a torpid orob
tt reeled condition.
- In short, these pills may be csed. with advan
tage in all cases when a purgative or alterative
medicina is required.
Please ask fur -Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills,"
and observe that the two likenesses or the Doctor
are ou the Government stamp one in the last
stage of consumption, and the other in bis pres
ent health.
Sold by all druggists and dealers. Price, 25
cents perbox Principal office. No. 15 North 6th
Street. Phil'a., Pa
tieneml Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A
Co., 21 Park Row N. Y. ; S. S. Uanee, 1V8 Balti
more. Md.; John P. Park.N. E. eorner of Fourth
and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A
Taylor 134 and 133 Wabash A venoe.Chicago.Ill.;
Collins Bros., southwest cor." ol Second and Vina
St., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 17, 1866. 4
x" Wholesale Grocers,
Pork packers, Dealers in Glass, Iron and Nails;
Family Flourof best brands; Bacon, Hams, Sides
and Shoulders ; Lard, Mess Poik, Dried Beef,and
Cheese; Beans, Hominy and Dried Fruit ; Carbon,
and Lard Oil, etc.
Red Feokt, No. 255 Liberty Street Pittsburg,
Penn'a. March 6, 1867-ly.
Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., '
Pbilipsbubo, Cestui Co., Pa. .
Where all. the businesa of a Banning Housa
-will be transacted promptly and rpon the moat
favorable terms. March 20.-tf.
C. B POSTER. KWD.PF.RK8. J. D. '(;
COAL-Whale, and Linseed oil. Family Dyes,
Varnish and Palntsof all kind groaM in Oil,
tha best quality of Wot ) Hoods wd Nubias,
selling at from 40 to 75 cents each, at
Dec. 12,1866. JJOSEOP-'S.