Mi -1 55 ; :r 9) 4; . 1 t'l CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL" 17, 1867. MINE PIPE AND CUP. Yen clouds are plack above, . Und mud ish plack' below, Tis den that I do love A cloud of smoke to blow. T takes tny meerschaum down, I takes my lager up, And cares not who do frown Upon mine pipe and cup. ' Mine frow f?he scolds a bit, Ven mine old pipe w seen, Because sometimes I shpit Upon her floor so clean. But dat ish like de rain, It does not last alvay ; She soon pets pleased again, Und so I schmokes avay. Ei-ropean War Preparations. The following statement just made by the Bel gian Minister of War is worthy of notice: "France is having 480,000 muskets made on the Chassepot system, not only in France, bufja Belgium and .England, and the great er part of them are to be ready by the 1st of March, 1SGS. In Prussja the arsenals are busily occupied in the, manutacture of arms, and 1.100 steel cannon, looking at the breech, have been ordered. Austria is transforming 600,000 muskets into Wanzi's system half of them to be ready by the end of theyear. Baden, Bavaria, Wurtem burg and Hesse-Darmstadt are adopting the Prussian musket, and are casting a consid erable quantity of cannon on the Prussian model. England has already transformed 150,000 Enfield muskets on Snider's plan, and will have 30,000 ready by the end of the year. She will also by that time have 426 rifled cannon. Russia is transforming 600,000 muskets "on Carle's system, and half of them will be ready by the beginning of 1863 ; she is afso making 000 cannon. In Denmark the Chambers have voted funds for changing muskets into breach loaders. Holland is transforming her s on Snider's Bystem. Switzerland has got 40,000 mus kets on Ampler-Milbank's system ; has or dered 90,000 on Winch(jster's,and has made, or is having made, 200 breech-loading can non. Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece are transforming their muskets, and Spain and Greece have commanded cannon of M. Krnpp, the celebrated cannon founder, of Prussia. Lastly, Belgium has trot rilled cannon on the Prussian plan, and is about to adopt the Prussian musket." Spain is in a bad way and no help for her except revolution with a change of the medicine being as bad as the disease. Jour nals are issued clandestinely which have a a large circulation. The Rdampayno, one of these, says: "Spain is disgusted and tired of being governed by military adven turers, who are never satisfied until they are gorged with blood and gold.' ' Each day new arrests occur, the prisons arc full, com merce is completely paralyzed, and every one is dissatisfied, from the highest noble to the poorest artizan. During tHe month of March passengers were landed at Castle Garden, by thirty-live steamships and nineteen sailing vessels. . The number of cabin passengers were nine hundred and six, and of steerage fourteen thousand one hundred and seventy-one, making a total of fifteen thousand and seventy-seven. The number of cabin passen gers during the yea has been two thousand six hundred and twenty-six, and of steer age passengers twenty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-four.' , Passengers on board the steamship Ger mania, which arrived at New York on Sat urday from Hamburg, state that that ves sel was nearly two days groping her way, through the icebergs ; that the fear of colli sion not only kept the crew constantly on deck, but many of themselves. One field was estimated to be some sixty or seventy miles in length', while some of the teres looked as high as Trinity C4urch steeple. Other vessels report similar experiences. . . It is estimated that fifteen hundred wag ons will be employed this summer to trans port Government freight from Fort Riley and the terminus of the' Union Pacific Railroad, to the different Government posts. Two hundred wagons, with a battalion of of cavalry, passed through Junction Citv on the morning of the 2Gth ultimo. They constituted a portion of the armyto.be sent against the Indians under Gen. Han cock. A piece of interesting intelligence comes to us by the last steamer. It is, that on the morning of the L'Sth of March, Messrs. Spiers and Pond, the contractors, dispatched sixty pretty English girls to Paris to serve in the saloons; thirty were blonds, and were for the English department ; the remaining thirty were brunettes, and were for the American department. The Drew Theological Institute at Oarmel. New Jersey, is now opened to colored per sons as wen as to wnite. la .European Sem inaries of learning no distinction of color is made, and quite a number of "American fentlemen and ladies, of African descent," ave received training in them. The frequent accounts of late of. child whipping, have suggested the idea of Soci ' etiea for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil dren. Probe the thing to the bottom and you will find the chiu cause whisky, the removal of which will give work enough for the Societies. Silver Ore Discovery. The Elizabeth, West Virginia. Gazette, announces that E. S. Lockhart, Es., of Virt county, discov ered on his farm specimens of silver ore. ta ken from a strata of peculiar Btone. Mr. Lockhart designs to have the specimens tested. The Canadian press is in a bad humor about the Russian cession. That which on ly a few years ago, the British coveted as a possession oi so jrreat value, they now af fect to despise. The hunter and the juicy little rabbit over again. The San Antonia (Texas) Herald says the time will soon come when Texas instead of buying leather in Boston will sell it there Already some very fine specimens of Texas leather has been produced. F. N A U G L E, . WATCH MAKES, GRAIIAM'S KOW, CLEARFIELD The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he baa on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large Taricty from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. WA TC1IES a fine assortment, of silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLJ) PEyS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortmsnt, fur and near sight, colored and plain glass. - JEWELRY of every variety, from a eingle piece to a full set. ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata: All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted., A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. 2sth, 1865. U. F. NAUGLE rpO THE AFFLICTED!! READ! READ ! HEAD ! THE GEE AT AMEEICAN REMEDIES ' Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. What shall,! do to relieve me ?" To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which hare but recently been introduced to the public, utthough they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. AMERICAS VEGETABLE BITTEKS. This Vegetable Compound is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver. Carbuncles, E ruptionsof the Skin, Canker in the Stomach, etc. A benefit is always experienced from the use of o bottle, and a perfect cure warranted when the patient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity. In some cases from two to three bottles will effect acure. No change of diet is necessary. Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food'and enough of it. AMEKICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases. Coughs, Colds, Tightness of the hest. i'ain in the Dreast, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc. This Medicine has a- most happy effect in the above cotnplaints. when taken according to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances, and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta neous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAN LINIMENT. This compound contains the most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in uso It is a speedy, safe and pure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Earache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck, Spinal Disea ses, Pain in the Breast. Side and Kidneys ; Dizzi ness, Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores, Kunrounds, Felons, Cholera Morbus. Colic, eto. No family should be within it, as it is truly an indispensable and vaLi-i!;' remedy. AMERICAN GOITER CURE. This is an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple in itscomposition, yet powerful in its effect. Us ed internal'y and externally. Persons afllicted in this way should not hesitate to obtain the'rem dy at tho arlinst possibles moment, and be ru - neveu irom tneir unpleasant complaint. All the above remedies are prepared and Sold "J iVl. A. Jell A NR. 4 CO. Clearfield, Pa. Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices II E CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP, DEALER IU FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Read the following hu of good and profilth.ere.hy. lsieap Cheap F0K THE LA'DIES Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap, Cteap Always on hand a large stock of La- dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Good Alpacas, De Lames, Ginghams, Prints, Chinti, Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, eto. FOR GENTLEMEN. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Clttap ninujrsuu nana liiaeK, Jilue. Urown Goods , i s ... . ... ana tirey Cloths, t ancy and Elutk Goo-t Chea p vasinieres, eatunets, Uassinets, iruods Isheapi l weeus. riain and t ancy Vest ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. . Good Goods Kjiieap Cheap Chea n KEADY-MADE, Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Boots, Shoes, JIats, Caps, Neck ties. Gum Bootsnnd Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached an. I Bleached Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton tablecloths, Oilcloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. If you wantNails or spikes, Manure Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Ch eu p Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ch e.ap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods (roods Goods' Good Goods (roods Goods GJods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap or other fork. Saw-mill or other saws, Smootn: ng irons. Locks, Hinges, etc, go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Pens, PowdeiydShot or Lead, etc., bny them at Mossop's. I Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap, Cheapl Goods Goods Goods Goods Vhe.ap Cheap Cheap 'Jheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods VjHeapy IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods ( land Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Chetp Cheap Cheap Cheap ""Fi oiwtu, an raper or W in dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. CheapQd cxtra fami!y Flour, White or . . ' I nrnwn imrD. t. ....... . i , , Cheap ... u niMV, h II Oil 111 Arc r. . .a--' T ' ---.-3 ML Cheap Cheap Ch tap ImDerml Vm.. Hyson orblacs tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT llieap CVtaTallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Cueap yrup or molasses, cneese, dried Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- Cheap do cracKers, call at Mossop's Cheap where you can buy cheap. Cheap IP YOU WANT .Goods Goods Goods Good.' Good. Goods Good Good Cheap Port wino for Medical or Sacramen t. keszp j tal uses, t-weet wine, old Monon gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap cash store. 1,ie.ap Cheap Cheap, Cheap Goods (roods IF YOU WANT Goodi Goods Cheap , Prunes or dried Cur- Goods Goods Coods Goods Goods Goods Oheap rants; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nutB, candies. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them . at Mossop's cheap and good. Khea.p Cheap Cheap' Cheap Cheap Cheap iv iou want lo buy any other arti-lo uJLZooa. sure to go to Mossop, for he selll Zds cheaper for cash than any other 07 Derson in Cl.,fi.i.i "Vlner iGoods Cheap Cheap . - - tuuniy. Cheap u.viuut 41,1001, an27'59 , , 4 .J , '. - I'rooas i ....... y v,.lHcr. o every kind taken at the usual market prices tn exchaues for srond A LARGE LOT of Raft rope anolnll rope XV for sale by the coil. Hully blocks, at a umall advanceon cost by IRVIN A HAKTSHRX. i vwaiu i-MUJif... I'nea enerriesand applog for sale by WKIGU t 4 FLANIG AN. H. Q OLDIErtS' BOUNTIES. A recent bill has passed both Houses of Congress, and signed by the President, giving three years' sol diers S100 and two years' soldiers 550, bounty. Soldiers wounded in-line of duty, who did not serve two or three years. areentitled ts the bounty. lBounties and Pensions collected by me for thot-e entitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law, Aug. 15th, 1806. Clearfield, Pa. IVflSS E. A. P. PcYNDEIl, Teacher of Pi--J-L ano Porte, Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, Guitai. Harmony and Vocal Music. Forthepurpose of keeping inferior Instruments out of thecouutv Miss ltynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable 1'ianos. urgans, '.imt.irs and Mciodeons. As chief among a large list of good In&truuients may be mentioned, Chickerings and tons Grand, Square and Up right Piano Fortes. Liudeman's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano. Calenberg & Vaupel'g tirand and Square Pianos Mason fc Hamlin's Cabinet Organ. Etzy's Cottage Organ. Tieat & Linslcy's Organs and Melodoons. Hall's Guitars, ic, which she will sell at a very trilling advanco on Manufacturer's prices, thus enabling purehas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own, for no greater outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles thatare "dear at auyprlen,,, Music Books, Paper, Guitar Strings and Sheet music constantly on hand at the store of Mrs. H. D. Welsh. September, 20. Ifi5. SOMETHING N E W IN CUUWENSV1LLE. DRUGS! DRUGSi! DRUGS!!! Tho undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has ripened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the house of George Kittlcbarger, on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door West of Hippie fc Faust's store, where ho intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Taints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions; Glass, Putty, etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual- iiy. wuicu u win uisioe oi at ruusiiuaum prices Call and examine the goods, wbieh cannot fail to please JOSEPH 11. IUM'IN. November 8, 18(15. O P o s L S PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL LAND SCKIP FOR SALE. The Board of Commissioners now offer for sale 520 000 acres of Agricultural Land Scrip being the balance of the Scrip granted to the Common wealth of Pennsylvania for the endowment ol Agricultural Colleges in this State. Proposals for the purchase of this Land Scrip, addroasea to "The Hoard of Commissioners of Ag ricultural Land Scrip," will be received at the Surveyor General's office, at Ilarrisburg, until 12 o'clock, M., on Wednesday, April 10, 1SG7. This land may be located In any State or Ter ritory, by the holders of the scrip, upon any of tho unappropriated lands (except mineral land.") of the United States, which may be subject to sale at private entry. Each piece of scrip represents a quarter section of one hundred and sixty acres is issued in blank, and will be transferable, with out endorsement or formal assignment. The blank need not bo filled until the scrip is presented for location and entry, when the party holding itcan fill the blank ard enter tho land in his own name. Bids must be made as per acre, and no bids will be received for less than ono quarter section. lhcbcrip will bo issued immediately on the payment of the money to tho Surveyor General. On all bids for a loss quantity than 10,000 acres, one-third of the purchase money must be paid wutiin ten Uays, and the remaining two thirds within thirty days after notification of the accep tance of the bid or bids by the Board of Coiumi's sioners. J. M. CAMPBELL. Surveyor Gen'l. March 5, 1SS7. For the Board of Coui'rs. JATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. it . Jiuiiev S CbLLBKAIEl) PATENT DLTLKX ELLIPTIC (OR DOCTBLB RPKIXG) SKIP.T. The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort mm pleasure 10 any luuy wearing ino Duplex El liptic CMtirt will be experienced particularly in all . 1 A,l ...... . n. 1. 1 . - . . . . J . ... wn'ji-u asauiuui.es, uicrat carriages, rail road cars, church pews, arm chairs, for prome nade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small pjaco as easily aud conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an inval uable quality iu crinoline, not found in any sin gle spring skirt A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex El liptic sreel spring skirt for a single day, will nev er afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies, they aro superior to all others They will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace ful shape when three orfour ordinary skirt ;n have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, aud me Douom roas are not only double sprin s. but twice, (or double) covered ; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops.stairs ,tc The Duplex Elliptic is a ere at favorite wifK n ladies ami is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the standaid skirt f th fashionable world To enjoy the following inestimable mlvnnii ges in crinoline, vix : superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, tiezibilitv durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spriu Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine artii-u 3 Caution. To guard against imposition l .re ticular to notice that skirts offered as n.f.. have the red ink stomp, viz: "J. W. Bradlev'a Dupl ex Elliptic Steel Springs." upon the waist band none others are irenuine. Aisnnnti..i.i every hoop will admit a pin being passed thrmJi. thus revealing the two (or fi....r. springs braided together therein, which' is those cret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to bo found in any other skirt For sale in all store? where first class et-;. fold throughout the United States and elwhn.- wr r - . . l i il . , ii I-re . iuuuuiwiuicu vy me gne owners ot th Ptt.t WESTS. BRADLEY A CARY January 23d. lS67.-3m. '' ' ' ' LEATHER a good assoitment for sale bv MERRELL A BKJLER December 14, 13(54. Clearfield Pa, 1)ULLEY BLOCKS of varions ciies. to be had . at MLT.UELL4 BIQLER'S AND SEE MOSSOP'S MEN'S CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES WOMEN'S CLOAKS, A N D WO M EN'S SHOES, WHICH ARE SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL TRICE ! Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 14, l?6t5. c L K A E F I U L D A C A 1) E 51 V. Ihe Third Session of tho present Scholastic year, will commence on Monday, Feb 11, 1857. Pupils -can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the dose of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical und accom plished education of both sexes. The Priucyal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents aud guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Tuition : Orthography, Keadiug, Writing aud Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) Sj 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Ilisto ry. o,00 Algebra,Geometry, Trigonometrjr, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, aud Physical Gengra phy. 9 $9.00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches, " $12,00 t?Xo deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON. A m. Nov. 14, 1SC5. Principal. YE-S! O, YES!! O, Y E S ! ! ! 20 PER CENT. LOWER THAN ANY WHEEE ELSE IN THE COUNTY JOHN S. RADEEAC1I, Having. opened a new store at the Blue Ball Clearfield cuttnty. Pa., wishes to notify the public that he is determined to sell all kinds of goods CHEAPER THAN TUK CHEAPEST in theCoUUty. Now is your time to cal 1 and examine his stock while he is placing on his shelvos a full assort ment of the best Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware; Drugs, Oils and Paints, Ac. Hsts, Caps, Boots and shoes, of all kinds, con stantly kept for sale. Also, a general assortment of ready-madu Cloth ing for men and boys. He will dispose of his gpods at a very low price for cash, of exchange them for all kinds of mar keting. Sawed lumber and shingles taken in exchange or goods. JOHN S. RADEBACH. October 21th, lSf.S. j . : p II I C E II. CURE, E N T W. Smith & Co. OF GREAT REDUCTION IN MERCHANDIZE. Prints that we sold at 25 cts. Unbleached muslins at 30 cts. Bed rauslina from 25 to 50 cts. Alpacas we sold at 45 to 80 cts. All wool delaines at 60 cts. Common delaines at 35 cts. we now sell at 22 ' at 25 25 to 40 " 35 to 05 " at 55 " at 25 Cassi meres 10 percent, above cost, and all dress goods at the same ratio. BOOTS and shoes of No. 1 quality (not auction) at immense reductions. tlbli, such as mackerel, harring, Ac. wo will sell at cost!! HOODS, .Nubias. Breakfast shawls etc., of ev ery description reduced. a offer our stock of Dry Goods, at the above figures up to .Ian. lst,1807 They are all A No.l, new and fashionable. Look at it! an alpacca at the price of a common delaine ! We make this offer in good faith, giving all an opportunity to lay. in their supplies at the cheapest rates. Best coal oil at 85 cents per gallon. Strictly for cash. Nov. 23, ISSfl. II. W. SMITH A CO. JJAUK! WHAT IS THAT? GOOD NEWS FOR E VE R YBODY! The last goods of the season have just arrived nt V. m. i. Irwin's, on Second street, Clearfield, and will be sold at about cost and carriage. Now is the time to buy! AnH buy your goods at the Cheap Cash Store if you want bargains. ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The undersigned has just received, from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at the cheapest prices. Ilis friends and .custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he leels persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of Dry-Gcods and Notions, Hardware, Queenswaro, Groceries, Drugs, Oils and Paints, Glass. Hats and Caps, Baskets and Buckets, School Books and Stationary, Salt, Axes, JNails and Spikes. AtfJ, a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes of the very best makes, and at prices lower than heretofore. Also, Dried Fruits, nd Canned Fruits, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of which will be sold cheap forcpsb. or ex changed for approved produce.' Go to tho "cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. Nov. 28, 1308. WM f. IB WIN. TIARIES for IS67. for rale at j jnov. za. WRIGHT A FLANIG AN'S. 10 BARRELS New Dried Peaches chnlves) fo sale at WRIGHT A FLANIG AN'S. GREEN APPLES, just received at Apr. 3. 1S07. j. i KKATZEH'S. HAIRS ! CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!!!! JOHN THOUTMAJi Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his shop located on the let in therenr ot his residence on Market street, and a short dist ince west of the Foundry, is. prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a eall, with every description ot Windsor chairs. He has a good assortment on hand, tu which he directs the attention of purchasers. They are made of the very best material, well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the times Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Cloarneld, Pa.,' March 23. 1S05 G" AND SEE MOSSOP'S CLOTHING WHICH IS SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE. O M K I N I) U S T It Y ! II BOOTS ANI SHOES Mtwle to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Clearfiel i and vicini ty, to give him a cull at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatuess, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. Juuei3ih, ISfiij. DANIEL CONNELLY G TO MOSSOP'S FOR MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, AT HALF THE USUAL PIUCE. ' A W A Y S N E W , WITHOUT FAIL. J O Ii X I 11 V I N, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curweusville, an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he w i il sell very cheap lor CASsU. Ilis stock consists. of . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Quecrisware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing, etc. The public generally is respecfully invited to give Lim a cail ; see his stuck and hear bis prices, and purchase from him if you End it will be to your advantage, Nov. 15, lbCti OMENS' CLOAKS AND SHOES, CAS BE BOUOHT AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE, At Mossop's Store in Clearfield. JIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Tenn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 921 Ciibstnut Street, Phh.'a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue f olicicson any of the approved plans of iusurunce Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paitl in cash; annually. euii-annuall or quarterly; jr one-balf in casn, and one-half in note,. Dy a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate iu all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to .January, IS5P, inclusive, are now receirsblein payment of premiums Agency, at the office of H. B.Swcorn, Clear field, Pa. Dr J. G. Hartswick. Medical Exami ner August 21, ISot. M ENS' CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Al'.B SKLL1NU THE USUAL AT HALF PRICE, At Mossop's Store in Clearfield. I5I1IDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Ra., I One door East of the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such "as Shirts, (linen and woolen, Undershirts, Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc . in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Hest Cloths t,.r oil ti.o.i,, tm., Doe-skin Cassimeres of the best make Fancy Cassimeres in great variety. AHo, I rench Coatines: Beaver. Pilot. ChineMIl.i an I Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be soucneap lor cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent lor Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A vo s sewing iuuemnes. .November 1, 1S65. F YOU WANT TO BUY WOMENS' CLOAKS AND SHOES, AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE, GO TO MOSSOP'S STORE. A Y ATT E NT. ION GOOD BARGAINS AT THE CLEARFIELD FOUNDKT. We hereby notify tho public, that the Foundry n theBoroujrh of Clearfield-has been nut in fall blast, by the undersigned, who are now readv to accommodate the community with anything per taining to our line of business. We keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of stoves and castings, amng which are the following Cook, Parlor aud Ten-plate Stoves, for burning either wood or coal; Sala mander stoves. No. 4; Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 1G and 20 gallons ; Farm dinner- -bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 28 inches; Plows and plow-castings. We are also prepared to maice all kinds of GRIST and SAW-MILL IKONS, anH special attention will bo paid to the repairing of Tukeshisg Ma chines. persons m want of anvthing in our line, would doIl to give ns a call. Every description of approved country produce and old metal, taken in exchange for our manufactures, at the highest market price. H Alt LEY A SO-NS. Clearfield,-Nov. 1, 1305 ff. - : SALE at cost 4 barrels of good family ; Hour, to close out the stock, at Jan. 10, ISM. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. HORSE-SHOES, and horso-nails, to be had at Aug. 23. MEIiUELL A BIGLER'S. c gOLDIER'S BOUSTIK 8.-TW . ;;, equalizingbounticsliasp:iRf:A.l t,,i I, '"' ses, was approved by the President, nd u U' lw. A three years' soldier gets flon .Tj111' years' soldier $50 Bounties and l'en'- '" collected by me for those entitled to their d forward yonr applications. Cr'"g J- B. McENALLY, Att'y. s i , August 1, 1866 .. ClLra, pLEARFIELD HOUSE, (Wr l'A.-The Bubscriber would rS & solicit a Continuance of the patronage of h -friends and customers at the -Clearfield H Having made many Improvements, he is cr" ed to accommodate all who may favor hi " their custom. Every department eonoectei .' the house is conducted in a manner t :'k eral satisfaction. Give him a ran S,CP&- Give him a call. Nov. 4,1866. rp.HE "CORNER STORK- -1- CURWENSVILLF., V.K., Is the place to purchase goods of every dtv tion, and at the most advantageous terms 41 and well selected stock of seasonable eoJtF been added to that already on hand, whi-1, are prepared to sell to customers at price; ,1 as the lowest. The highest market ratei f lumber of all descriptions. The ratroDieof a public is respectfully solicited. E. A. IRVIX W. R. HAKTSHORV Carwensville. July 17, 1865 0 N HIS O W N HOOK. W. F. CLARK, Would respectfully announce to the citizen j Clearfield and vicinity that he has taken & rooms, formerly occupied by P. A. Gaalia u Grah am's Row, immediately over II. F. XubpVi jewelry store, and will continue the tailoring ta siness in all its various branches. A full asscn. ment of cloths, cassimeres, and vesting, con stantly on band and made up to order ca tt shortest notice. Particular attention will bt ri. en to cutting mens.' boys.' and childrens' cluUj. ing, in the most fashionable styles. Give him 1 call. Dec. 5, !C6. W. F. CLARK .JJ ARTS WICK 4 IKWI DRUGGISTS, CLEAHFIELD, PA , Having refitted and removed to the room U? occupied by Richard Mossop, on Market St .low offer low for cash, a well delected a.-ivrijitu 4 JDK UGS AND CHEMICALS. Als3, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa;n!j.V,!(, Glass, Putty, Dye-stuffs. Stationary. To jaccc tad Segars, Confectionary, Spices, and a lurcentock .' of varieties than ever before offered in :hi; plt?. and warranted to be 01 the best the market it lords. Inspect their stock before purebsir.n elsewhere, and they feel warranted in sayicg thm jou will be pleased with the quality anifrir-e4 their goods Remember the place Mus.-ofTs stand, on .viarketSt. De j. ti, 15. STEW J. STORE! I NEW STORE'.'! SHAW& SOTST, Have just returned from the ast and are to opc ning an entire new stock of goods in tho rom formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Mi-iet Street, which they now offer to the publicitiM lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment if Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware, liarJiT. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Bonnets, Drenioo4t. Fruits, Candies. Fish, Suit, Brooms, Nail, tic , in fact, everything usually kept in a retail (ton can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consist of -I newest goods, is of the best quality, of the Intra styles, and will be sold at lowest price tor ctrk. or exchanged for approved country projace. Bo sure and call and examine onr stock befui making your purchases, as we are determi nti Ic ileas-e all who may favor us with their custnm May 9. ISM. J. SHAW S'OI A U BA5G K M K X 1. The subscribers hav entered into cr-pr'rif-ship, and are trading undor the namo of Irvit Baily A Co . in lumber and merchandise at tne old stand of Ellis Irvin A Sou. at the tnca'h tf Lick Run. They would inform their friend, lot the world in general, that they are prepared to i furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn ln- bcr, and solicit b'Ms, for either homo or easiera markets. . . They would also announce that they have JBt opened A NEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the ewa sisting ot every variety usually kupt in coao'r" stores. Their purchases havo been made fief the late decline in prices which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their castoser One if their partners, Thomas L. Baily, rtfiiia near Philadelphia, whose business it w t ' watch the mariret? and make purchaso on tlt most favorablo term3. Call and see tn ELLIS IRVIN. ' THOMAS L.BAILT. Goshen tp.,Doc.6,1Sf55. LEWIS I. 1KWIX E - E - jVT - O - V - A - ! Has removed to his new ware rooms ocMarW Street, and opened a large stock of Sefoot.', Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, etc. FOR LADIES, he has Cashmeres. Mcriuo,H!' Delaines, Parmetto, Brilliant Poplins, Alp Bcrege, Lwns, Prints Silks. DusterelothJ. Gicg hams. Nankeen, Linon, Lace. Edging. Ve!' trimming. Collerette, Braid, Belts, Dress-battou Hosiery, Veils, Nets. Corsets. Collars. H" Nnbias, Scarps. Hoop-skirts. Balmorals, Cot Shawls, Mantles, Furs, Notions. Bonnete, Hi Ribhons, Flowers, Plumes. MEN'S WEAR, Such as Cloths.Cassimere. tinett.Flannel, Jean, Tweed, Cottonade. Jllm-Italian-cloth, Velvet, Plush, Check, Ticking. Drilling, Linen Crash, Serge, canvass. PadM" Linsey, Vestings, Coats. Pants, Vests. 0ver- Shawls, Boys Jackets. Over-alls. Drawers. C mere shirts. Linen-Shirts, Boots and Shues. a and Caps, Ao , Ac. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Such us Car pet, Oil-cloth Blinds, Curtains, Tase!s. Cord. Clocks, Looking-glasses. Lamps, Chnrns Tn Buckets, Brooms. Brushes, Baskets. Washboards Batter-bowels, Seives, Flat-irons, Coffee'1'-Bed-cords. Bags, Wall-paper, Carpet-chain. t"1 ton yarn, Candle-wick, Work-baskets. Lantern Umbrellas. Buffalo Robes. Carpet Bags. Axe Augers. Ac, Ac.. Ac. , MUSIC 4L GOODS, Such as Violins, IInte" Fifes HARDWARE, Queensware, Glassware, Hjm- ware, droceries. Drugs, Confectionary. icines, Flour, Bacon. Fish. Salt.Grain. Iriiii v-" riage. Trimmings. Shoe Findings. School Bo0"- Kails and Spikes, Glass and Putty, un. we- Tobncco, Segars. Candles. Spices. Powder, -aw, Lead, Urinu-stones. Rafting Kope. etc.ew. All of which will be sold on the most reaf""; ttlo forma mnJ lli. VM..1 ...W TiTli-PS palU 101 all kinds of country produce J. P."KR ATZtft- Deo. 13. 1SC5 Clearfield. Ten A LARGE LOT OF CLOTHING, ineludinzwo extra quality of Beaver Over-coat, a"1' complete assortment of eassimere goods, made r in suits to match for sale by v Dec.6,!Sf,fi. IRVIN A HARTSHORN PATENT BROOMS, tho best invention out. dozen just received and for aale cheap at December 12.1866. - MOSSOPa mUIMBLE-SKElNS and Pipe-bojes. t" X one, for tale by MERKLLL ABIGLt"- TP!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers