Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 17, 1867, Image 3
RAFT'S (MN8 4&&ISAt ftenn'js gournat. HkAEFIELP, PA., APRIL 17, 1SG7. " Tyrone and CIsarSeli Builrcad. leaves Tyrone at : : : : : H.55 a m " drives at Phi'ipsbnrg at : :11.00 a.m. v3re Ph::ibiTg a' : : : 1.20 p m drives at Tyrone at : : :.: 3.00 p. m. r-;,tlor.s. Divine services will be held -ext Sabbath, in Clearfield, a follows: " jjv Rev. Archer in the Court House, -.iriiiHS and-evening; - . " Br Kev. Semhower in the Baptist church z m m:in ; . ' I;., iter. Chambers in the Episcopal -I r li. morning and evening " I,- Rev. G-r er in the Methodist church, ja the morning. Xotice. Just received at the Drug Store ci Joseph Tv. Irwin, Curwensville, a large .nA full surely of oils, paints, varnishes, hmis and glass, which will be sold cheap for cc?h. Ap. 10-3t. pRE-The house of Israel Schucker, of T,;.n-j township, with part of its contents, wa destroyed by fire on Tuesday, April 9th. The fire criminated from a stove-pipe. Loss about $300. IUftisg Halting had been suspended on account of the low water, but this ( Wed ue.day) morning, there is a high rafting flood." TherJ is, however, but little timber ;.. run, as most of it got off on the last flood. The Weather. The prevailing mild air, and the slight rain on Tuesday, have had I-eiit to start vegetation from its long 'jer, and already the fields look quite .rein. We anticipate a favorable, as well y early season. r.RoKF. Loose. Tha Mariettian says tiic; vas a "break loose" at that' place, on Tfc'irs'tay la-t, but that all the rafts except t'.ght were again secured. Of the eight, tix went to Columbia and two lodged on the rub in the falls. Conferee!). We learn that Edmund l.'.rr, K-.p. of Osceola Mill, this county, r - t frc-iti the University of Michigan, i' la-r cMiim encctnent, the degree of L. L B. (I itclijlor of Laws) a compliment vh'-rh wiil be highly appreciated by Mr. S's r...-i!iy friends in this coutifr. 7" " rn We loarn from the Mariettian, if.;.; ; nt few tales of timber have, as yet, inn n ode, there being a "stand off" be lt'A the buyers and sellers the former 1.::. drtri mined to reduce the present J.'ti-.-, vh'ilst the latter "stand firm" and ::! maintain the rates asked bv them. f7uE LraxF.r. On Saturday, April ", h. the house of Si!t-n Cares, togeiher if contents, situated in the village of lise, was burnod to the ground. Mr. C"s Is is, perhaps over $1,000, which will :o severely felt by him. as it was his ail. i,a f-e originated from a stove pipe, pas : in? through the porch roof. No insurance. Bnp.n Kil.v Burst. On Saturday A;ril I3th, at about 11 o'clock, the ' vi,-. 1 Jviln of George Thorn, located in the . ir.'lK-ast part of our Borough, was discov- & to be on fire. It cofitained about 12, -Ji.etof boards, most of which belonged : t'" I'-iyreriar' church and W. W. .:n. By the prompt efTorts of our citi- 'he adjoining building?, and a large lot ' Su-ubcr, wa saved from the devouring ii- u h-j kllu being left to its fate. Loss TV: v I' t.vd. The body of Alice Folej', . :'. ci rl who was drowned in the river V i; lay a week, was found on last Suu (noon, at aboat 3 o'clock, near the c i the west side of our borough, ' " r:: - five hundred yards from where she ' : t.ths river. On Monday, her remains '.rt'-rrtd in the cemetery on the hill, ' they were followed by an unusually concourse cf our citizens, and the ;rs of the Sunday School of which she 1 ! "'en a member. Peace to her remains. -'treCocxtt . A torrible fire occurred ' ' vil'age of Stormstown, Centre county, ".::-Jay, April 7th. The larger portion " i town, and that which constituted ' u:nes part, is now a mass of ruins. 'r -!! houses, with their contents embra- ""te!s, stores, shops, and residences r ' ' icnriyed. Most of the owners of the V ' ".V bnT;.t would like to re-build, but -- are unable to do so,- as the fire render e' -l 'a pennylesk The fire left them :'- -ho-iies, money, provisions nor cloth--v- he only thing saved was the clothing 'Y:" "Shacks. Aid should be rendered -: by those who are able to do so, as - are really in a suffering condition. f.T'T-'N ('ounty. Aaron Snyder, son v auol Snyder, of Wayne township, Cxu-zr, a youn? man abcut nine ; r-ar of age, was drowned in the river ' below Shamokin dam, oa Fri- :r,;r:(r April 5th. lie was going -"i a rf j,n.l on the morning men- : ;:';(? crew had rien very early and r, :r 7T v quite dark, in order to make an rt j.nd in the hurry of preparation '' - t i.ij wst'kfd ofT the upper end of '-"-'I 'a,- i'j-.lanfiy swept under an i 1 y.r. Johii .Y'ning. pilot of the " " :!.-ii 'J at the pr.int and diligently ' ' " i i n the l Jy during all the ensuing i- ' wi;hout success. Mr. Snyder was 9 ' 7 esteeiuti'l for "h:j inre'ditrenee " tnnt3 worth, and bis untimely end will laiat 1 by who knew him. ' - Are Vol Issckei'? is a qHLstior. of great importance to terjr piopeity owuer. If your property is n t insured, have ic at tendtd to at the earliest possible hour. S. J. Kow, is agent for the -litna, York and Columbia insurance com panics,, three of the best in the country. Call and have your ap plications filed at once. Delays are dan gerous. Printing Office Burned. We deeply regret to learn that the office of the Record of the Times, at Wkesbarre, was totally destroyed by fire, on the 9th April. The Record was one of the best weekly papers in the State, and the office very valuable. We sympathise with Mr. Miner in his loss, and earnestly hope that he may be enabled to resuscitate his valuable Journal at an early day. uenkral jail ueliverv. Hie Ameri can Standard, (Uniontown,) says : "A few nights ago we had another exit of prisoners. Escapes have become so general of late that we did not think it worth while to mention all of them, but to show what a smart Sher iff we have, we relate the following : The Sheriff went into the jail to attend to some business, but forgot to lock the door after him. He had occasion to go into a cell, and while in there the prisoners pulled the door shut and bolted it, which made the Sheriff a prisoner, and before he could give the alarm they had all escaped, and have not since been heard ofl We give them credit. " Correspondence of the "Joumnal." Forest City, March 30, 18G7. Dear Kow: This beautiful morning finds me still alive and able to digest fat prairie lowls and ginger bread and hoping that a good appetite and plenty to eat and drink may be the happy lot of all hands, "and cook," of the Journal ; and may they always be able to supply spicy rations for the whole nest of "Snaix." When the great doctor of the reptile race has ceased to squirm, after being swallowed up in his own greatness, may the Journal yet live to re cord the death of the last yellow spotted "hanimal." The Cop3 of Nebraska are in a terrible dileu.ma ju-t now. Their every day prayer is "nigger;" they swear "nigger," talk "nigger," and their every thought is "nig ger,'' and yet they -can scarcely think of swallowing the less dnngerous dose of "nig ger votes." On the State Constitution question they have succumbed at last. Good reason, eh '! This has been the longest, sevarest and closest winter that has been experienced here since that of 1856 7, snew lying, at times, to the depth of from 1:? to 16 inches in the vicinity of Omaha and the lower Piatte. And West of the lOUth meredian from 4 to JO feet deep; the snow never having entirely disappeared from the raviues and other drifted localities since the begin ning of the present year, but the weather tor the last few days has been very uiiid, and the snow is fast disappearing under the warm rays of the sud, and from present prospects the grouud will be sufficiently dry and warm for thereception of seeds iu a short time. Emigrants ale pouring into this coustry of promise at a rate far in excess of any former period since my arrival here, and I hesitate not. to predict that our population, in a year hence, will be near two hundred thousand. There are comparatively few who are not fully satisfied with the country in general, and proceed to make it their home and abiding place. A few, however, are disappointed, and they invariably prove to be such as started westward with hopes and expectations wrought up by an imagina tion bred with fiction, and after tasting a reality, founded on principles of reason, they become discouraged and return, to clothe a country that will not enrich a sloth ful man, in the darkest shades of disgust. There is but little doiug on the Union Pacific liai'road, as yet, but the company expect to commence operations in the course of a few weeks. The locality for the bridge across the Missouri lliver has not yet been fully decided on, but the present prospects indicate its location at Bellvue, the- county seat of Sarpy county, and will, consequently, leave Omaha to be supplied by a switch or branch road. The populace of Nebraska are strongly in favor of the removal of the State Capitol to a more central part ot the State, probably Lancaster City or Fremont, but this may not occur for a few years yet. Prices of produce are tending upward, and are as fol lows : Wheat, $1 40 (4 $1 60 ; corn, 65 80o pr. bu. ; bats, 5 (rf 60c ; potatoes, per bu., ?2 00 $2 50; rye, $1 10: eggs, per doz. . 30c ; butter, per lb 45 55c ; bacon, 15 0c. Dry goods are slightly on the decline since the iron horse has again re sumed his journe3Ts to and from the eastern markets. Groceries are also declining in r rices, and more rapidly than dry goods, jutnber is being shipped to Omaha, and prices falling at a rapid rate, but as there will be an unprecedented demand for that article, the coming season, it may. not de cline as rapidly as the consumers might desire. Prices for the present are as fol lows: white pine flooring, ready worked, $75 00 (? $30 00, per m ; siding, planed, $40 $45 U0 ; paneling, $95 (w, $100 00 ; culled lumber, pine, $45 - $50 00 ; cotton wood lumber of all descriptions, $20 $27 00 ; walnut $37 $42 00 ; maple flooring, $40 00 ; Basswood siding, $25 Qt. $30 00, per m feet ; cord wood, delivered at railroad, $6 (m $S 00 per cord. Wages are good for all kinds of work and range about as follows : brick layers, $4 $6 00 per day ; plaster ers, $500 per day; carpenters. $3 50 $4 00 per day ; blacksmiths $4 ( $5 00 per day; all other tradesmen at proportionate rates. Day laborers, $1 50 to $3 00 per day according to labor and board arrangements; month lalwir on farms ranges from $20 to $35 00 per month ;. boys, of from fourteen to twenty years, also demand good waees on farms, ranging from $13 to $25 00 per month. Respectfully yours, Pilgrim. The Newman (Georgia) Herald says that two widows and their families in Cowell countv, occupying the same house, were re duced to such destitution as to compel an allowance of only three mouthfuls of corn hread at each meal. In consequence, one one person has perished from starvation, Burned t: Death. The York Irue vemncnit says : A sad and painful accident took place in New street, in our borouffh.on uuoy rvpru oiiuvy wuicn a nttie girl agea about ten years, the daughter of a widow lady by the name of Leader, was so badly burned as to occasion her death twenty-four iiours afterwards. Ihe mother, it seems, who at times coes out to work for ot hnr peo ple, had left the girl at home to take care of two smaller children, and had given them some walnuts to crack for their amusement and entertainment. Having done this and taken out the kernels she attempted to throw the shells from her apron into the fire, when it caught from a spark in the stove, and in a few moments her whole clothing was in flames. The ffirl ran crying into the yard, and attempted to get out on the street through the eita. when her shrieks attracted the attention of some of the neighbors, who arrived, however, too late to save the little sufferer. Her clothing was burned entirely from her body, and she presented a pitiful and heart-rending spec tacle. She lingered until the next day, when death relieved her of her sufferings. Much sympathy is felt in the neighborhood for the widowed mother, who is overwhelm ed with grief at her sad and terrible be reavement. . . MARRIED: At the residence of J. H. Heasly, Esq. in West Liberty, Brady tp., on Tite-da-, April 9th, by Rev. B. II. Fish, John IIeberlixg. jr., to Miss Lemistixk Kiiixer. both of West Liberty, Clearfield county, Pa. Pittsburg Prices Current, PREPARED WEEKLY FOR THE "RAKTSVf ASS JOURNAL, BY T. C. JENKINS, Deatrrtn Flour. Pioluce and Rt fined Oils. Pittsburg, April 13th, r867. FLOrR. I SUGARS. Jenkin's Eureka, S15 00 Brown. 11 a 14 Jenkin's Lilly, li 75 Refined, hard, Id M Gregor 8 choice 14 50;A Coffee, 00 a li Cro??ett's Crescent H 00 B Coffee, 00 14 Kye Flour, bbl. 8 oO ExtraC, 14i Corn Meal, bushel, 1 lojl'ea. Black, 75 a 1 25 Buckwheat Flour, 3 75, Green, .90 a 1 75 Wheat, 3 00 a 3 25 Syrups. R3-e, 1 50 Molasses. 73 a 75 10 1 00 a v 5 55 a 1! 10 1(5 2 S5 15 a 10 Oats, 57 a 60, Sorghum, Corn in ear. 75, Rice. Corn shelled, . 1 OO.Dried Apples, Barley. 1 10 a 1 25. Dried Peaches, I'otatoes. bbl. 2 75 Salt.tbl O-iionS. bbl. 3 75 Candles, Hominy, bbl. 6 50oap, Potatoes, P. Blows, 85 No 3 Mackerel.bbl 16 50 Timothy seed, Clover seed, FIa.i seed. 3 25 Lard, choice, 131 12 no Tallow, 10J II 2 85 Bacon, Sides, 12 a 2 00 Shoulders 10 Middlings. 1 85 Beans, prime navy, 75 Hams, sugar cured, 15 32 Mess Pork. 24 00 22 Buckets, duz, 3 25 2U Brooms, doz. 1 50 Butter, p'riine roll. Cheese, 21 Apples, bbl 4 00 a 5 00' Refined OiLwhite, 42 a43 Cider, bbl dull, 8 01) Coffee. 22 a 27 PicKlea, per bbl 17 Oti'Dregsed Hogs, 7i a 8 riOUE! PROVISIONS!! Commission Merchant, 'Wholesale Dealer axd Receiver of i lol-r, Pkovisions, all kisds ok Produce asd Refined Oils, tc, 4C. Cheapest Flour House in Pitubnri. On hand all well known and reliable brands Quality of Flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal ers and prices current sent each week. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St. Pittsburg, Pa. January 23d, 1S67. (QUARTERLY REPORT of the condi--c tion of the First National Bank of Clear field, Pa., on the first Monday of April, 1&67 : RESOURCES. Xote snd Bills discounted ... S79.054 40 Over Drafts 2.858 8 1,2115 83 - 635 75 - 403 24 15.421 46 1,841 73 Furniture Kxpnses, - -- -- -- -- Cash Ttenis and Stamps, Duo from N'at Banks Due from other Banks and Backers U. S. Bonds deposited with Treasurer of V. S. to secure circulation - -IT. S. Secuiities on hand - - - -Circulating Notes of other Bnnks - - 100.060 00 - 2.350 00 - 4.595 00 lfi.135 72 Legal Tender otes and Specie, Total ------ - $224,591 81 - $100,000 00 - - 3,000 00 . - - GS 00 8B,187 00 - 28.795 00 - - 1.839 47 : : 1.152 23 2.519 27 . - - 9S0 84 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in - - - Surplus tund - -- -- -- - Dividends unpaid ------ Notes in Circulation - - - - - Individual Deposits ------ Due to Xat. Banks Due other banks and Bankers, : : Interest and Exchae - - - - Profit and Loss - Total Liabilities - S221.5tU 81 I hereby certify thattho above fs a true abstract from the quarterly report made to the Comptrol ler of the Currency. JON A. BOYNTON.Pns't. r T T A RTERLY REPORT of the County National Bank of Clearfield, on Monday, morning, April iau io'm. TiKSOURCES. Lnnoa-and discounts : : : : ; Over drafts, :::::::: Furniture, and Fixtures : : : : Current Expenses and taxes : : Premiums, ::::::::: Cash Items, including Rev. 'Stamps Due from National Banks ; : : Due from Banks and Bankers : U. S Bonds :::::::: Notes other B'ks & fract'l currency Legal Tender notes and Specie, : Compound Interest notes . ; : : Total ::::::.::: SlOn.933 32 ; 3.716 8S : : 331 D" : : 821 52 : 1,930 10 : : 329 61 : 15.126 13 : 9.708 3-t : 75,000 00 : 3.4 12. so : 21,942 00 : 4.70 00 : : . : : : 5238,031 93 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in : : : : : $100.000 00 Surplus Fund, :::::::::: 1.037 00 Notes in circulation :::;:: 65.750 00 Indvidual Deposits ::::::: 59,349 18 Due Banks and Bankers : : : T : 1.304 27 Interest and Exchanges :;;::: 5.0S6 52 Dividends unpaid : : : : : : . : 632 00 Profitand Loss :::::::: : 4.8729f Total Liabilities :::::: $238.031 93 I hereby certify that th above statement is true copy from the report made to the Comptrol ler of the Currency, April 1st. 1867. D. W. MOORE. Cash. QUARTERLY REPORT of the First National Bank of Curwensville. on the morning of the first Monday of April, 1867. RESOURCES, Loans and Discounts. : : : : : $102,941 15 Overdrafts. :::::::::: 321 81 Banking House. :::::::: 2,411 67 Furniture, Fixtures and Safes. : : : 1.482 89 Current Expenses & Taxes paid, 1 : 1.367 09 Cash Items and Revenue Stamps. : : 797 00 Due from Nat. Banks and Bankers, : 21,935 70 U. S. Bonds deposited with U S Tr. to secure circulation, : : : : Bl.009 0 TJ. S. Bonds on hand, S00 00 National Back Notes, :::::: 2,100 00 Fractional Currency. ::::;:: 520 0J Specie and Legal fender Notes : : 24.409 00 Compound Interest Notes, : : : : : 4.83U 00 Total, :::::::: : :S244.946 36 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, : - : : : : : $75,000 00 Surplus fucd, ::::::;:; 11.250 00 Circulating Notes. ::::::: 67,500 00 Individual Deposits, :::::: 84.905 30 Due National Bunks and Bankers, : : 1.306 97 Discount, Interest and Exchange. . : 4,709 0ft Profit and Loss. 275 03 Total Liabilities : : : : : $244,946 36 I hereby Certify that the above Statement is a true abstract from" the Quarterly Report made o the Comptroller of the Currency Apr. 1st, 1867. SAM'L ARNOLD, Caen. JOHN H. FL'LFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa. Oflice with J. B. McEnally, Esq , over First National Bank. Prompt attention giv en to the securing of Bounty claims, Ac, and to u 'egal business. March 27, 1867. TO BUILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received until April 4th, 1SC7, by the Board of School Directors of Curwensville Bor oub, fur furnishing material and erecting build ings to accommodate the Schools of the Borough. Plans and Specifications may be seen by calling on the Secretary By order of the Board. March 20. 1867. A. H. SEMBOWER. Sec'y. pLOUGIIS. The undersigned would re spectfully inform the public that they nave now on hand, at their foundry in Curwens ville, a lot of ploughs which they will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. They are of a new pattern, and have given entire satisfaction to all who have tried theiu. Also a lot of plough points and landsides kept constantly on hand. Old met al taken in exchange for castings. Mafch 6, 1S67.-6L ROBISON & SON. ' Q LEAR IT ELD N URS ERY. Excour Y, A(.E Home Industry. The undarsign- ea having established a Nursery, on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Kruil trees, Standard and dwart,) Evergreen-. -Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawt n Black berry. Strawberry and Rnsnberrv vinn. Also SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rheu- oai o. ic. Orders promptly attended o. Address Aug 31.1864 J.D. WRIUHT, Curwensville, W A X TED IM MEDIATELY. - Five hundred men, to act as salesmen for "Pn)il,ir,'o T 11... i .. I Ti . : tj:i , . r . w 0 utur.iintuia iuiuc.'.lt; jjiuiu, CUmiHiS- inir upwards of 1 .500 crown quarto pge ; a Com mentary of 17,000 note. from different Commenta tors ; 7J0 engravings ; fauiiiy photograph depart ment ; extended concord.incd ; maps biblical his tory, chronological tables Ac. A book that al ways sells. Our average sales are 5J)0 copies per day. s a standard bible for fa.inil:es. t-arhfir ministers, and all lover? of the word of (iod, it has no competitor. For particulars, address 11. A STREET A CO.. April 6, 13J7. Uax 222, Ham burg. I'a. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The co partnership heretofore exist ing between C. R Faster. .1. I). M'Oirk. Edward Perks, (i. L. Iter-d, Richard Shaw, A. K. Wright. J. T. Leonard, .las B. rabam.and W.A.Wallace, in the li.mking business, at Philipsburg. Centre county. Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be co...luct.-d as hereto fore at the same place, under the title of Foster, Perks, A Co. RICHAl'D SHAW, C. R F )STKR. J. T. LEONARD. . J. D. M GIRK. EDWARD PERKS, J. B. GRAHAM, W. A. WALLACE, G L. REED, A. K. WRIGHT. March 5, 1S67 -iu20. 1867 sriT 18G7. EYRE k LANDEUj. FOURTH A ARCH STREETS, PHIL'A, PA., Are opening for spring of 1867. 3 cases select shades ot silks fashionable plaid silks, rsis mark, the new color sile. Best black silks in town. Plaid India silks, perfect. New spring dress goods. New style spring chintzes. Org in dies of neweststyle. Steel-colored poplins.for suits. N. B. Staple house-keeping goods. Fresh stocK cloths, cassimeres. and tweeds for youths. P S. 'Merchants in search of scarce and desi rable goods will ficd it their interest to call and ex tmine our stock. March 27, 18Q7.-6t. rpiIE NORMAL SCHOOL. The Nor- mal School will be opened in Curwens ville, on the 30th day of April, and continue in session eleven weeks. There will b ai arrange ment made to accommodate all teachers and pu- Eils who can remain longer than one session, to e either under my charge or that of the Assis tant teacher, or of both. thition : Teachers, per session, from S3 to $5 the more teachers in attendance, the less the tuition. Pupils, per session, who do not purpose teach ing, or are not competent to teach, the. coming winter, S6. Tuition to be paid in advance and appjed to the payment of an assistant teacher. !3?"Boarding to be had for 53 50 per week. . W. SNYDER. Co. Sup t. N. B All pupils, who can enter the Normal classes, will be admitted. March 23, 1867. "VfORTII AMERICAN STEAMSHIP Co. Opposition line to California. Via Nicaragua, evejv twenty days, with 'Fassen- geis. rreight, and U. b Mails, on the following first-class steamships : Un Allaiittr Urean. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, SAN ERANCISCO, NICARAUGA, DAKOTA, Co ii n V n Ta cific Ocea it A Mr RICA. MOSES TAYLOR, NEBRASKA. NEVADA. PASSAGE ASD FREIGHT AT REDUCED RATES. Sailing days from New York, March 30, 1867, April 20, 1867, May 10 and 30. 1867, June 20, 18C7, and every twenty days there nfter, leaving on tha Saturday previous, when a regular Sailing Dav comes on Sunday. For fur therinformation apply to the NOH'l'H AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. Vm. H. Wbiib, Pres t., 54. Ex chance Plnco N. Y D. N. Carrisgton. Agent, 177. West St. oor .Warren, N. Y. Mar. 20,'67-3m. G RAND GIFT ENTERPRISE. A pinto worth S-100.00 for $1. 00. One hundred and fourteen dollars for SI 00. One solid silver fruit basket worth S30.00 for SI. 2 silver watches worth S25.00 e;ich SI. 00 each. 2i:o gifts worth S2 00 eah, for SI. 00 each. 300 ifts worth SI Oil each. 91 gifts worth 30 cents eaali. ST. i. 00 in greenbacks for SI. 00. Making 600 gifts, the number of tickets limited tthe number of sifts Every ticket draws a gift. Price of tickets one dollar only. Drawing to take place in Bellefonto. May 1st. 1867, under toe supervision of a committee chosen by the ticket holders. This cnterpriso is gotten up for the sole benefit of a worthy but poor woman, the manager not re ceiving any benefit, not even for his time in at tending to it. and it shall be his aim to see that everything connected with it shall be done iu an honest and honorable manner. Forticketsand further information address, with stamp enclosed, the undersiened.at Bellefonte.Pa. Apr. 3, 1867. D. S. DUNHAM, Manager. ATTENTION! BUYERS!! HIPPX.E Sc FATJST DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DBY-GOODS, &C- HAIX STREET, CURW ENSVILLE, PA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment of goods, to which they desire to invite fhe attention of their old customers and friends. Their istock consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queensware, Tinware. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times. They also deal in Grain, Pork, Shingles, Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the bighest market prices in exchange for good. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call. Remember you can find us at the old stand on Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of business. Sept. 6. 1865. flIPPLE A FAUST. CHEAP HOODS AND NUBIAS. 25 doien, of the best quality of Wool Hooda and N ubias, selling at from 40 to 75 cents each, at Dec 12.1866. MObbOf D RIED PEACHES, pared aDd unpareil at i -J- - Apr. 3, 1867. J. .P. KRATZER'S ' rjRArE VINES FOR SALE. All the y leading hardy varieties of first quaKtv : Concord, I year old 2 cU each, or $20 00 per 100. " 2 50 " " - 40 00 per 100. Rebecca, 1 " 60 " " best white grape. Iona, i si 50 best Amber grape Any other varieties below nursery prices. Or ders solicited its soon as convenient and filled in '"'"''"i' A M. HILLS. N. B Vines ready for removal by the 15th of ctober- Clearfield. Pa., Aug. 22. 1866. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsk as's Joubxal is published on Wed nesday at $2.00 per annum in advance. If not paid at ib beginning of thevr. S2.50 will ! charged, and 53,00 if not paid before the close of the year. Advertisements will be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers . No subscription taken for a 'shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un- uiiaw arrearages are paid.except at the option ot the publisher. S. J. ROW. JEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers the following valuable Reel Estate at private sale : 15S iiensund 113 perches of farm land, sixty cleared, and having thereon a good frame bouse and log barn. This is the vry best coal land. Situated in Woodward township, one hulf mile from Puseyville. Also loo acres of Timber Land situated on Mor gan s rua.in Woodward township, one and a half miles from "useyviile. Also, two acres, with a two-story plank house and frame sUblo thereon, situated in Woodward township, on the road leading from Tyrone to Clearfield town. to miles fi.uu Puseyville; a good location for a tradesman of any kind. Also, two lots in Puseyville. with six houfes anil one barn erected thereon, the tivo lots lying ad 'jining The first. No. 10, being a comer lot, with tavern stand contajnin; three fourths of an acre, with over 300 fret ol bank on Clearfield creek; rent worth $125 per year Second lot. No. 11", 60 feet on front street and 120 feet back, with two plank houses erected thereon, well suitable for mercantile or any publ ic business. l?The above property will bo sold at reason able prices and fair tprms. C. J. SilOFF. -Vov 22, t'.ui. .Midera P. O.. Clearfield co.Pa TMPORTANT to PENSIONERS. The Act of Congress approved June C. lSti('., gives additional pension to the following class of persons: I To those who have lost bo'h eyes or both ha i Js. or are total!.ifcisailcd in the same so as to require constant attendance, the sum, per month, of $25 00 2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con-, stant attendance, $20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or so disabled as to render tbem unab'e to per form manual labor equivalent to the loss of-a hand orfo t, the sum. per month, of $15 00 4. Persons deprived of their pensions under Act of March 3d. 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored. 5. Th heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for their pension had been filed and before the certificate was issued, and who have left widows or minor children, will be enti tled to receive arrears due at the death of the pensioner. 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. In all of these cases, new applications must bo made The undersigned is prepared, with the proper blanks, for the speedy procurement of these pensions. Claims for bounty aVid back pay- pensions, and claims for local bounty tinder State law. promptly ootloatod. ' II. B. SWOOPE, AU'y . W. July 11, 1866. Clearfield, Pa. T HE TRUE POLICY OF ECONOMY, Biry Goods at the Cheapest Store. SHOWERS & GRAHAM, Are now selling goods to the people at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stoek consists ot a general variety oi Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware. Provisions. Hats. Caps, Boots, Sjoes, and Clothing. Ac. ALWAY.S;ONH AA'DJTII E. BEST . Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings, Glass' and Putty, Flat irons and Coffee mills, Bed cords and Bed screws, Matches, Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, eta, Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds, Fancy soaps, Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and in fact every thing usually kept ia a first class Store. . School n;oks Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ick.oopy buoks. slates, iuk-stands, fancy and common envelopes. Rafting Ropes, Acgnrs Axes. Chisels, Saws. Files. Hammers, Hatchets, Natis. Spikes. Grind-stoues.Stoneware. Trunks, Carpet-bags, Powder, tihot, Lead, etc Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets. Washboards. Buckets. Tubs Churns; WaM piper. Candle-wick, c-tton-yarn and batting, work-baskets, I'nibrellas, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Co-l oil Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty. jHpanware. Egg beater, Spice boxes. W ire ladles, Sieves, Dusting-pans'. Lanterns, etc., etc. Groceries and Provisions. Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar. Bice. Crackers Arinin-r. Cundlrs. Cheese, Flour, .Meal, Bacon. Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Of Roots ami Shoes They have a large assortment for Lndiesand Gen tlemen, consisting of Top Boots, Brogans, Pumps Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, clippers. Monroes, etc. Ready-Made Clothing, In the latest styles and of the"best material, con sisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, shawls, Over-coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts,' etc. Of Men's Wear fhey have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and ianey Cassimeres, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu- loys. Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck ties. Hosiery, Gloves. Huts. Caps. Scarfs, etc., etc. LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks. Delaine,, Alpacas, Ginghams. DucaU, Prints, Me rinos, Cashmeres, Plaids. Brilliants Poplins. Be regp. Lawns Nankins, Linen. Lace. Edgings, Col erettes. Bi xids, Belts, Veils, W Corsetts, Nu bias, Hoods, Coats Mantels, Balmoral sirts Ho siery, Gloves. Bonnets. Flowers Plumes. Ribbons, Hats, Trimmings, Buttons. Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins Irish Linens, Cambrics, ictoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets. Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc They invite all persons to eall and examine their stock and hope to give entire satisfaction. SHOWERS A GRAHAM. Clearfield. Fa., Sept. 2Sth. 1866. TV W, German. Drake's, and Hostetter's A Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all Uinds for medical purpose, for sale by Jan. 10. II ARTS. ICK A IRWIN TTIODOER CUTTERS of a superior makt for P sale at reasonal-le pr'tes. at MEKKELL and Ip'.'.1 BIGLER'S. Clearfield Nov. 14 SALT' SALT!! A prime article of ground al um salt put up in patent saKS. for salecheap atthestoieof R. M0S8. rvoo miSHKT.S, ..r hoi-. REANS for sale at the Z store of IRVIN A UARTSUON. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMETHING WONDERFUL for the million. All may be rich, wise, and happy. Agents wanted. Enclose stamp for. particulars.' II. Camp, 142 BleeckerSt., N .Y. Mar. 13, 67.3-m jV-MPIRE SHUTTLE SEW1KU MA- .1 1.1 1.11 Rib .-U. 11V. ' . V. 1UJII - ily and manufacturing purposes. Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy ; noiseless; du rable; and easy to work. Illustrated circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made. Addresa EMPIRE S. M. C0.. 6i6lroa4w,yiyew York Sep5 66-y. TTCII! ITCH!! TTCII!!! ITCH!!!! scratch!!! scratch!!!! Wbeaten's Ointment will cure the itch in 48 hours. Also cures SALT RI1ECM. 1,'LCERS. CHIL. ULAl-VS, and all ERl'FTfuNS OF THE SKIN. Trice 50 cents. For sale by all tiruggistc. -By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER. Sole A gents, 170 Washington Street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of omiea. June 6, ISoti.-Iy. TjIRNFST D. PAPE.'.M .D. 112S Rroadway. New lli York, h aving for years made diseases of wo men a speciality in study and practice with mark ed professional success, devotes his time now most ly to oflice practice and correspondence with his numerous patrons throughout the United Spates ljidios can confidentially address him on the most delicate subject, and receive proper and prompt reply. Enclose stamp for postage. March 13, lS67.-3m. E 31 E D 1 A L I.N'STITL'T E FOR SI'KCIAL CASES, , NO.lt BOND STREET, NEW YORK Full informati.ai. wiih the hi.jhkst tkstimgni ai.s; also, a book on Si-kcial Diseasrh. in a scal ed envelope, sent free. Bk stre asi jeno for Till., A-l VOU WII.I. SOT KKKET IT 1 for, 88 0(1- veitising physicians are generally impostors,. without references no str-uigcr should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, ard direct to DR. LAWRENCE. NO 14 BOND SIRtET.NEW YORK. November 1 4ih, lS6.-ly. f piltf i. ltd WELL TRIED REMEDIES Russell's ten Ointment, an immediate aud certain cure. 2j cts. It is also a sure remedy for scratch es on horses. Russell's Salt Rheum Ointment. uncqualed 50cts. Bussell'f Pile Ointment.cures after all other ra media? have failed. These Oint ments are certain, safe, and reliable specifics, as thousands have and are daily testifying. For sale by all druggists and medicine dealers General Depot at Pin Chot liruen A Hwbart, Wholesale Druggists, 214 Fulton St . (near Greenwich.) New York. Sent by mail ; Itch. 40c; Salt Rheum.65c; Pile, I 50. March 13, IS67. 3-m. A GREAT JHSCO VERY. One of the -1 greatest and most useful discoveries in medical science was made by the celebrated Dr. J Dumas, ot" Paris. Chief Physician to the Impe rial Irfiruiary of France, in 1861. Those who have been afflicted with the painful disease known as the Piles, and effectually cured by the use of -Dr. Ditmas' FiiF.Kcn Pile Salve, cannot speak too hijhlyof the benefits conferred upon them by the use of this certain remedy. It has never been known to fail in effecting a permanent cure in a single case. In this respect it surpasses all other medicines of the kind. It will do just what it is recommended for ; if not. the money will be refunded. One or two boxes is sufficient to effect a permanent cure in four or six days, if -the directions on the box are followed. Price one and two dollars per box, according to sixe. Seat by Mail or Express to any part of the United States or Canada. Sold by Druggists generally, A liberal discount made to the trade. Address, D.S.DUNHAM A CO.. Williamsport. Pa., sola Proprietors and Manufacturers for the United States and Canada. $500 OO REWARD will be paid in greenbacks to uy person -mho hu used Dr. Dumas' Pila Salve according to directions and has not been cured Address, D. S. 1CNHAM A CO.. Wil liamsport Pa. Dec. 5th, 1868.-ly. THE GREAT-CAUSK OF MISERY. Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price six ets. A lecture on the nature, treatment.' and radical cure of Seminal Weakness ur sper matorrhea. Involuntary emissions, sexual Debil ity, and Impediments to marriage generally. Nervousness, consumption, epilepsy, and fits; Mental and physical incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse. Ac By Robert J. Culverwell, M. author of the "Green Book." Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable lecture, clearly proves from his own experience Ibat the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation, bougies, instrument, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by. which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cuto himself cheaply. privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain seal ed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Cul verwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 eents. Address the publishers. CilAa. J. v. hbi.M. a 127 Bowery. New Yoik, Oct. 10. '66. ?y. Post Office Box 4588. ScTlENCKIS PULMONIC SYK- u UP. This great medicine cured Dr. J. H. Schenck. the proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable, ii is physicians pronounced his case incurable.--when he commenced the use of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored in a verv short time, and no return of the disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quick'y disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred pounds. Since his recovery. he has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure of consumption. nd the diseaf.es which are usually complicated with it. and the cures effected by bis medicines have bean very numerousand truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where he has a large concourse in patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out of their carriages, and in a lew nionins neaitny, roousi persons. Dr Schenck s Pulmonic Syrup, sea-. Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills are generally aU required in curing consumption Full direc tions accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to see him. He gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Respiroineter his fee is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that the twQ likenesses of the Doctor one when in the las stage of consumption, and the other as he now is.' in perfect health are on the Gouernment stamp. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Price $1 50 per bottle, or 57 50 the bait alozen. Letters for ' advicesbould always be directed to Pr. Schenck 'a principal olfice. No. 15 North 6th St., Fhil'a, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Deuias Barnes A Co.. N Y .; S. S. Hance. Baltimore, Md.; John D, Park. Cincinnati, Ohio ; Valker A Urcs., St. Louis, Missouri. Oct. 17, IS6-J. 3 R. ORISON & CO.. Wholesale Grocers, Pork packers, Dealers in Glass, Iron and Nails; Family Flourof best brands ; Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shoulders ; Lard, Mess Pork, Dried Beef.and Cheese; Beans, Hominy and Dried Fruit ; Carbon and Lard Oil, etc. Red Frost, No 255 Liberty Street Pittsburg, Penn'a. March 6, J867-lr. B ANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE of: FOSTER. PLP.KS A CO., Successors to Foster, Perks, Wright A Co., Philipsburg, Cestre Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banking House will be transacted promptly and upon the most lavoraoie terms. C. R. FOSTER Mareh 20.-tf . rwn. perks. J. D. V'GIRK. ( f )AL Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family Dyes, j arnia ish and Paintaof all kind ground in Oil, for sale by JlARTSWICK mWIN. HUMAN as