Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 17, 1867, Image 2

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Haftsntan s $0untal.
Adjournment of the Legislature.
The Pennsylvania Legislature adjourned
on Thursday, April 11th. The Senate, in
accordance with the provisions of the Con
stitution, before its adjournment, proceeded
to elect a Speakei, whereupon Hon. J. L.
Graham, of Allegheny, was elected the
Democrats voting for W. A. aliace, Lsq., j
of C!c:.rfield. Speaker Hall, before retiring
thanked the Senate for their support during
his term. In the House, resolutions of
thanks to SpeaWr Glass, were passed, and
he was also presented with china and silver
se'd, poid watch and silver salver from mem
bers of. both sides, and the officers. Speak
er Glass, in hi3 closing remarks, charged
the Senate with the responsibility of defeat
ing the free railroad law. At 12 o'clock, !.,
both branches adjourned, tine die.
During its session of sixty working days,
the Legislature passed one thousand six
hundred and fifty-two bills and sixteen joint
resolutions. Of these, one thousand two
hundred and eighty-six had beeu signed by
the Governor up to the hour of adjourn
mentmaking an average of nearly twenty
eight laws per day, as having ken placed
upon the statute books during- the past ses
sion. That many of the acts passed by this Leg
islature, are of public beneGt, and will be
approved by the people fpnlln iiierff is
no Hr"J j - Yet, in other instances, that
Lou'y failed to meet the wants or demands of
large communities in various sections of the
Commonwealth. Justice to the people in
the Southwestern part of the State would
have restored to the Connellsville railroad
company all its privileges to complete that
great thoroughfare, but the Legislature
thought otherwise. The mass of the peo
ple favored the passage of a general or "free"
railroad law, but their "servants" disre
garded that favorable expression and defeat
ed the measure asked for. That some of
the members will be held to a strict account
ability by their immediate constituency for
their action in reference to these two meas
ures, is manifest from the tone of their home
papers. This is right. If the people elect
men to attend to what they believe to be
"of the greatest" gool to the greatest num
ber," their wishes should be complied with,
iinW manifestly and radically wrons. If
the people's chosen representatives disregard
their will, then let all such be cast aside as
unworthy of conQdence, and in the future
emleavor to elect better men. Should this
course be adopted by the people, we should
soon have a Legislature that would be en
tirely above suspicion a Legi.-latuve that
would only look to.the best intererts of its
constituents, and the development of the
fitill hidden and inexhaustible lesourccs of
this great and growing Commonwealth.
IIcssian America. In another column
we publish an article in reference to the
soil, products, etc., of Russian America,
just ceded to the United States. The arti
cle will be read with interest, as it embraces
extracts from the pen of an' Englishman,
who in 1855 advocated its 'annexation to
British America ou account of its vast for
ests of timber, and its commercial advanta
ges on the Pacific coast. Whether Russian
America is as valuable as is generally sup
posed is not satisfactorily demonstrated as
yet. That it is of some considerable im
portance in commercial point, may be in
ferred from the fact the London Times and
Aeict exhibit much uneasiness on account
of its cession to the United States, and de
clare that England would enter a protest
aeainst its nurchace by our crovernment if
sue had a right to do so. But time alone
can demonstrate satisfactorily the wisdom
of tho purchase of this vast Northwestern
territory by our authorities. So let us wait
and see. .
Just So! The Philadelphia Inquirer
hopes the wholesale character of the gift
demonstrations by members at the close of
the legislative session is not to be considered
a precedent. If the members choose to
make the subordinate officers presents, well
and good, it is only the business of the par
tics concerned but a public display of mis
cellaneous merchandise in the halls. of the
Legislature, and making their presentation
a part of the publie busiuess, is not in very
good taste. Hereafter, such scenes had bet
ter take p!cca at the hotels, after adjourn
ment, where they would be entirely in order.
The Norfolk Day-Book says the cotton
crop of this year in that quarter is nearly all
in. Though a fine one, it will not compare
with the crop next season, judging frohj the
preparations that are making. m ..
All the distil 'eries in . East Tennessee are
fo be closed by the government.
fc . tt'HiVx iN "Tv. jVJ this is penerallv tke ca.e with the south
ySrTS'' 'ri &J fcV. 'Iwind, which had been blowing for some
Sasrv"-- . 'i 'time, nothing was thought of it, least of all
Sl.si jC-iw5V- was there any fear ol what fi. Ho wed. Though
riZf4?!1 volcanic, the inland had not daring the pres-
Terrific Eartucrnake at Mytelene.
A correpRonrlent of the Levant Herald,
gives the following amount or tue destruc
tion of Myteleue by an earthquake :
On Thursday, March 6th, the weather nal
hopn olnse and nnwholesonielv hot : but, as
ent tenevation been visited by an earthquake
About G d. m , a sharp shock, lasting some
fifteen or eighteen seconds. vibratedthrough
out the town, and before the faet was well
realized, was followed by a second, longer
and much more violent one. I happened at
the moment to be down at the pier of the
Austrian Lloyd's agency, and nearly half a
minute before the "shock was felt on shore,
saw the sea heave and foam out in the port
as if a submarine explosion had taken place.
Little time, however, was left for surprise.
In much less time than I take to write it,
the double thrill quivered through the town,
and, reeling like drunken men, whole blocks
of solid stone houses collapsed as if they
had been card houses.
Up iu the town entire streets similarly
crumbled, burying their inhabitants by hun
dreds in the luins. - The fine old c .stle, the
cathedral, the Governor's kocnk, the prison,
the mosques, and, I believe, all the consular
residences, more or less yielded to the vio
lence of the shook, and are, for the most
part, mere heaps ut ruins. The very solid
ity with which the town was built has ag
gravated the disastrous effects of the calam
ity a LurHred fold, both as regards the loss of
of and destruction of property. The most
complete ruin has fallen upou the lower part
of the town, where the earth literally open,
ed and swaliowed a broad belt of buildings
right up from the sea to the slope inland.
At this point a permanent subsidence of the
ground has taken place, and the sea has ac
cordingly encroached far into what, on
Thursday afternoon, was one of the busiest
parts of Myteleue. In fact, to sum up the
disaster, more than half of our beautiful
town the prettiest ar.d most lively, per
haps, of all the Levant is a desert of ruins.
The worst part of the calamity is, of course,
the loss of life. As yet .we can only guess
at the extent of this ; but it is thought that
from S(M) to 1 .tKX have perished, while as
many more have been maimed and wounded
in every way. Up till to-day 120 bodies
have, I hear, been dag out of the safer
ruins ; buhow many more may be buried
under others which are too dangerous to be
approached can onl' be surmised. Such of
the houses as are still standing have all been
abandoned, and the whole surviving popu
lation is now scattered over the hiil-sides
and anion? the gardens outside of the town
a few of them under such covers as they
have been able to improvise, arid the rest
bivouacking without shelter of any kind.
Any attempt to describe the scene would be
useless. Heart-rending rrier, panic, and
confusion meet the eye o"n every side. Al
ready the want of provisions is aggravating
the distress, and only a speedy supply fiom
Smyrna or the capital can avert great loss of
life, ltut not the town ot MyUslene aloue
has suffered from the great calamity ; it has
scattered ruin and death throughout the
whole northern part of the island. Hardly
a village has escaped, and not merely prop
erty but life has been destroyed and nearly
tlie whole of Molivo ha fceen all but entire
ly demolished, and several hundreds of its
six or seven thousand inhabitants have, it
is said, perished in the ruins. It is, in fact,
no exaggeration to say that half the island
has been laid waste, with a sacrifice of hu
man life that may be reckoned by thousands.
No such disaster has'ever befallen Mytelene.
ington correspondent of the Herald says :
Some people ask what will England do a
boutthis treaty? If people who ought to
know are to be believed England will do ex
actly nothing. John Bui will put his hands
in his breeches pockets, shrug up his shoul
ders and assume art attitude of supreme in
difference. One of the attaehees ot the
British Legation, on being asked the other
day about the matter, smiled carelessly and
said, "Aw, yes, the Russian treaty. Aw,
we don't cire about that, you know ; It's
no affair of ours, you know." "But," sug
gested the pumper, "the Rus-ian Posses
sions will be of great advantage to the Uni
ted States." "Aw, yes, yes ; no doubt
very good for your people who want offices
up there, you know ; but it's of no conse
quence, you know it's of no consequence
to us," with an immense emphasis on the
Smnoun. The expression of this diplouiat
rToots, no doubt, reflects John Bull's sen
timents on the subject.
The Wheat Crop. The Cincinnati Ga
zette says : The new crop of wheat will
come upon a market more bare than has
been experienced for many years. This be
ing the case, it is particularly pleasant to
know that the wheat crop was never more
promising. In some sections the breadth
of land planted was not as large as usual,
owing to the great scarcity of seed, but
there is, nevertheless, a fair average of land
under winter wheat, and if the harvest
turns out as well as it now promises, we
shall have a large yield. The crop is of
course still liable' to suffer, but let suffice for
the present, that the prospects are excellent
and the season decidedly favorable.
A Charleston dispatch' says : At a meet
ing of the prominent citizens of this place,
on the 2d inst., it was unanimously agreed
that the Freed men should be entitled to run
some one of their own color on the white
man's ticket to the Convention and State
Legislature. The meeting was composed,
in a large proportion, of old Democrats and
secessionists, and General Hampton sent a
letter to it, urging the policy of giving the
negroes representation.
An unfortunate child of Kentucky has
been burdened with nine names at the bap
tismal font. Among them he bears George
I. Prentice's, and that old joker earnestly
wishes the boy may live to become a mem
ber of Congress ! What a cruel punishment
upon the mother to wish her son, with tlie
long name, such degradation.
ffVV Mr. McCullough expects
gold will fall below the present mark, and
that he does not take much stock in the ex
citement growing out of European war ru
A ruotion ttrike from the Constitution
of New Jersey the word white failed in the
House by a vote of 20 to 35. Thirteen Re
publicans voted in the negative.
Eussian America.
p-Wthp most satisfactory description
to be found of the vast territory recently
purchased from Russia by our Government !
is given in a pamphlet published 111 ISoo, by j
A. R. ROChe, Ot yueOeC. -HUS yampiuci.
("Russian America and the present W ar )
was written witU a view of urging the Brit
ish Government to aid in fitting out an ex
pedition for the conquest of Russian Amer
ica, and its annexation to the British pos
sesions, but the war with Russia came to a
close in the following year, and the project,
it ever seriously i-utertained in England,
was of course uo longer thought of. e
quote frofii the pamphlet a description of
some ot the features ei me luiiitu.j ju.-i
ceded to the United States :
" Ji'ith a coast upon the Pacific of some
fifteen hundred miles in length, indented by
numerous sounds and capacious harbor, and
studded with many large lslsnds. of consid
erable resources, it extends Lack, for about J
one tuousana Holes ot that coast, 10 a uis- j
tsnce of nine hundred miles, and for the j
remaining five hundred miles ot the coast,
to thirty miles, tae latter oeing tne portion
in front of our possessions which it cuts off
from the Pacific ; while the Peninsula)!'
Alaska, about fifty miles in breadth, stretch
es out in the Pacific for upwards of three
hundred miles, the whole territory compris
ing a surface of l ine hundred thousand
square miles. It is thus about sixteen times
the size of England. It contains many
mountain ranges of great height, and fii c
valleys, magnificently watered and fertilized
by larce lakes and rivers ; the mountain
ranges in the upper and broader portion of
the territory, having a transverse direction,
and therefore sheltering the valleys from
northerly winds, which in that quarter are
cold winds in summer, while, extraordinary
as it may appear to many, in winter they
invariably cause a rise in the thermometer.
At both these seasons southerly winds pro
duce effects directly opposite to the former,
being warm winds in summer and cold winds
in winter. A great portion of" this vast re
gion (in some places to within a short dis
tance of the Arctic Circle,) is covered with
forests of the largest and most valuable trees.
Even upon some of the islands of Prince
William's Sound, in 61 degrees north lati
tude, where it might, be expected that the
influence of the wind and sea would prevent
or retard the growth of tree, Cook found
the Canadian and spruce nine of a large
size ; and of the country adjacent to Norton
Sound, lying in 64 degrees and 55 minutes
north latitude, he savs: 'From the elevated
spot on which .Mr. King surveyed the sound
he could distinguish many extensive valleys,
with rivers running through them, well
wooded, and bounded by hills of a gentle
ascent, and moderate height. One of these
rivers appeared to be of considerable siz-3.
Some of the people, who penetrated beyond
this into the coutry, found the trees larger
the farther they advanced.' In speaking of
the resources of Russian America, Sir John
Richardson, in his work upon the 'Arctic
searching expedition,' quotes Bongard with
regard to one portion of it. who says that
the 'hill of Westvoi,' near Norftilk sound,
in north latitude 5S degrees, which is 3X
feet, French measure, in height, is clothed
to its summit by a dense forest of pines and
spruces, some of which acquire a circumfer
ence of twenty-one feet, and the prodigious
length of one hundred and sixty feet, and
that the hollow trunk of one of these trees,
made into a canoe, is able to contain thirty
men with all their household effects. Sir
John Richard adds : 'The climate of Sitka' '
(the name of the bay as well as the island
upon which is situated New Archangel, the
diief port of the Russian company, lying in
57 degrees north latitude,) 'is very much
milder than that of Europe on the same
parallel, the cold of winter being neither se
vere nor of long continuance. The humid
ity of the atmosphere gives astonishing vig
or to the vegetation, but although the forest
nourished by a very moist atmosphere and
comparatively high mean temperature, is
equal to that of the richest woodlands of
the Northern" United Spates, yet corn does
not ripen there. This humidity of the at
mosphere, which is occasioned by the sur
rounding sea, is doubtless the cause of c)rn
not coming to perfection at Sitka : for some
distance in the interior of the continent, as
I far east as the Mnckenzi". in the territory
occupied by the Hudson Bay Company, tin
cereals are successfully cultivated up to 60
degrees north latitude, "and occasionally in
some spots situated 5 degrees further north.'
In the neigh'iorhood of the Mackenzie, Sir
John Richardson says that 'Fort Laird of
the sixtieth parallel, may be considered as
the northern limit of the economical of
wheat,' as in the interior of Russian Amer
ica the climate must he of a dryer nature
than upon the seaboard, and probably mow
in the extreme, that is, colder in winter and
warmer in summer, much of the inferior
may be well adapted for the growth of the
cereals, although thev cannot le successfully
cultivated 51 the Russian establishments
upon the coast. The harbor of Sitka, and
several other, fine harbors are open during
the whole winter ; thus showing an extraor
dinary contrast to the opposite coasts of
Asia, which are ice-lmund for three parts of
the year. Even as high up s Behring's
Straits great difference of climate exists be
tween the coasts of the Asiatic and Ameri
can continents.
"In his 'Travels Round the World,' Sir
George Simpson remarks that, "although
at some points Behring's Straits are only
forty-five miles wide, in the general appear
ance of the two coasts there is a marked dif
ference, the western side being low, flat,and
sterile, while the eastern is well wooded, and
in every respect better adapted than the oth
er for the sustenance of both man and beast.
Moreover, the soil and climate improve rap
idly on the American shore as one descends,
and at Cook's inlet, (in 60 degrees N. lati
tude,) potatoes may be raised with ease, al
though they hardly ripen in any part of
Kainpstschatka, which extends nearly ten
degrees south. Thus, both in soil and cli
mate, the great portion of Russian-America,
bordering upon the sea, is not inferior
to the eastern coasts of America and Asia,
whether lying in the same, or in a much
lower parallel. Sitka, for instance, which is
in 58 degrees north latitude, has a climate
almost as temperate as that of London, in
51 degrees north latitude, (the mean annual
temperature of the former leing45 degrees
44 minutes, and that of the latter 49 degrees
70 minutes,) and it has also about as mild
a winter as the southern portion of Japan,
situated in a much lower latitude. The su
periority, however, .of .the soil and climate
of Russian-America, over the soil and cli
mate of the opposite voasCs of Asia, has
been observed from the time of Kotzebue
up to the present moment.
"But we have still more recent evidence
of the comparative mildness of the climate
upon the American sidi, even in a higher
latiruue. At Point Parrow, in 71 . degrees
north, where there is a large Esquimaux
village, and where Her Majesty's ship Plo
ver wintered in 1852-', her commander,
Lieut. Pullen, reported that during the en
tire in;er the fall of snow did ngt exceed
one foot' in depth, and that on the colde.-t
day the thermometer only m: ked 43 degrees
below zero; a degree ol cold not much
greater than that which was experienced
Queliec lat winter, where. hIki. the entire
quantity of snow which fell during that pe
riod was about fifteen times greater than
that r -ported as above to have fallen during
the winters of I?52 at Point Barrow, sir1
uated 20 degrees further north.
' Of the many large rivers which flow
through Russian-America, none of them
have been explored to their sources ; but
several of them, such as the Colville. the
Stikine, tlie Yuken or Kwichpack, and the
Kukokwin. are supposed to run a course of
upwards of one thousand miles, and to be
navigable for a considerable distance. From
their breadth as well a their length, and
the volume of water Vhich thev discharge
into the sea," they may certainly be included
among rivers of the first class. The Col
ville, which was dirfovered by Simpson and
Deesu since the Convention of l-'-W, is two
-1 - ... 1 - . t , . : .j .
- nines wiae at its mourn 1:1111? anit ci-.i
where Capt. McClure observed its influence
twelve or fourteen miles out at sea, the wa
ter at that distance being of a dirty mud
color, and scarcely salt. Tne Stikine enters
tho Pacific at 5o degrees 50 minutes north
latitude, where it is three miles wide, and
at a distance of CO miles from the sea has a
width of one mile ; but its source is in Brit
ish Territory. Of the Yukon, or Kwich
pack, Sir John Richardson says:' 'It rises
to the wet of the Rocky mountains, not
far from the .Union of the Francis and Lew
is, which forms the Pelly, flows tirst to the
north, and after receiving a large tributa
ry named the Porcupine, to the westward,
falls into Behring's Sea,' and that 'in GO
degrees north latitude, and 147$ degrees
west longitude,' which is about one thou
sand miles 'from its mouth. 'It is one
mile and a quarter wide. These three mag
nificent rivers, falling into different seas,
probably represent three distinct river sys
tems of the northwest corner of this conti
nent, each being fed by numerous smaller,
yet considerable, streams, and the three to
gether draining an extent of courtry much
larger than the whole of Canada. The Rat
River, mentioned by Mr. Ibister, of the
Hudson Bay Company's service, in a com
munication to the Royal Geographical So
eie'3 flows from Russian-America through
the Rocky mountains at ti e first complete
break in the chain in 67 degrees north lati
tude into the Mackenzie of the British ter
ritory, the latter having, according to Sir
Johu Richardson, a course of 3,SiHJ miles,
(Si0 longer than the jit. Lawrence ;) and
an unbroken navigation, fit for steamboats,
from its entrance in the Arctic Sea to the
Portage of the Drowned, a distance of from
twelve to thirteen hundred miles. In addi
tion to the Russian territory being every
where drained by the finest rivers, it con
tains many large lakes communicating with
the former, and is indented with numerous
deep and spacious harbors, and also by sev
eral extensive arms of the sea. Of the lat
ter, Cook's inlet, runs upwards of two hun
dred miles into the land, these lakes and riv
ers, and- these inlets and harbors, jnay be
viewed as very important features of the
country. They not only assist to temper
the climate (the former by draining the land)
which generally shapes towards the sea and
towards the Mackenzie, and the latter by
the salt atmosphere, which their waters dif
fuse through the interior, but they tend to
enrich the soil upon the banks, by a short
period of overflow in ' the spring, and may
be made to afford facilities for inter-communication,
tendering accessible the most re
tired and irost sheltered valleys, and for the
establishment and active prosecution of an
outward commerce.
Large Crops Looked foil Those who
pretend to be wcathenvisc, predict that we
will be blessed with heavy crops the ensuing
season. It has been noticed, says the Frank
lin 'ositon. that whenever a heavy fall
of snow occurred about the time of full
moon, in February, large crops and an a
bnndance of everything ore sure to follow.
We trust that in the present instance there
will be no deviation from the custom. Rich
and poor will be gratified to see large sup
plies the coming summer.
nev of t
Schadc, of Washington, the Attor
I10 Andeisonville monster Captain
irz. has written a long letter addressed to
the American people in vindication of the
felon's memory. He may succeed in tick
ling the fancj' of the south,. but similar
writings Leaped mountains high, will fail to
create any better opinion in the northern
mind of the barbarous prison keeper, who
only partly expatiated his horrid crimes in
an ignominious death.
The Methodist conference in session in
New York city have adopted a report, dep
recating the increase of woi Idly amusements
among us such as dancing, attendance at
theaters, operas, circuses, negro minstrels,
and the taking of such diversions as cannot
be used in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Resolutions were unanimously adopted, call
ing upon all Christian men and women to
discountenance and refrain from all such
Tho drought in Cub i has greatly injured
the crops ; the planters will be content to
secure a two-thirds crop, and they cannot
realize even that much unless rain sets in
soon. A great many wealthy planters and
merchants have failed, and, as usual, polit
cal discontent follows social and commercial
disaster. Crime is very rife, and suicides
and murders are increasing with frightful
Foreign immigration into Virginia is des
tined to be a failure. The system of treat
ment practiced toward slaves is too deeply en
grafted upon the Southern mind to render
them capable of treating- white laborers as
they should. The present generation must
pass away before the South can adapt itself
to the requirements of white labor.
A panic occurred "in Philadelphia schools
on Friday over a rumor that colored chil
dren were to be admitted teachers being
informed that if such was to be the fact
their white pupils would withdraw.
A Singular Case. The Fort Wayne
(Ind.) Gazette gives the following account
ot the recovery of his speech and hearing
by a boy named Stanley Marshall, who lost
both in consequence of an attack of lung
lever about a year and a half ago:
" A week or ten days ago, George Lloyd
and others, who had for some time before
taken a good deal of interest in the boy,
conceiwd the idea of restoring his hearing
by means of souks violeut shock. They fired
a idstol over his head, ami within a few
inches of his car, but it made no impres
sion. Some one told him that a liberal use
of liquor would cure him, and taking a no
tion to try the experiment, last Monday af
ternoon he pawned his pocket-book for a
glass of whisky. Mr. Lloyd coming in (at
Strong's eating house) andfinding him tip
s'.", determined to carry tho experiment fur
ther, and giving him more whisky, until he
was quite drunk, and then commenced a
rubbing and shaking that shortly resulted
in return of hearing. He rubbed the ears
of the boy until the skin was broken, and
shook him until he was almost as tired of
the exercise as the boy was, or rather would
have been if sober.- Suddenly something
seemed to bieak loose in his chest or throat.
There was a report like the popping of a
cork from a bottle of mineral waterand
the boy 'called Lloyd a "fool"' the first
word he hud spoken for over a year, lie
soon began to talk more freelv, his speech
coming back in broken accents like tho?e of
a chiio. lie went to iea quite sick mat
nigLt. and woke un the next morning ouite
stiff and sore from the harsh treatment of
the day before, but able to talk and bear
nearly as well as ever, the boy says that
when his speech returned it seemed as if a
weight was lifted from his lungs he felt as
it something jn him had "busted" and got
in both cars.
The editor of the Christian Almanac for
1CG7 has compiled the following statistics of
the hipiscopal Church in the united states :
Dioceses, 34 ; bishops, 44 ;-,priests and dea
cons, 2.305 ; ordinations : deacons, 98 ;
priests, 07 ; candidates for holy orders, 226 ;
churches consecrated, ",0 ; communicants,
161.224; Sunday SchooU teachers, 17,570;
scholars, 157,813; contributions, $3,051,
669 64. .
A New York lady died some weeks ago in
a distant settlement near Lake Superior.
Before her death she requested that her re
mains should be interred in Greenwood:
and her husband carried her corpse several
hundred miles in an open sleigh to the near
est railway station, whence it was conveyed
to New York, and safely deposited iu the
resting place she had designated.
A negro school teacher has been appoint
ed register of votes under the Military bill
in Alabama, on the recommendation of
prominent white citizens of Jackson county.
Ristori will start on her return to Europe
on the 1 8rh of Mty, taking with her two
hundred thousand dollars in gold as the
profits of her tour in the United States.
The latest news from the Indian oountry
indicates a general Indian confederation and
bloody war with the whites. A council was
held at Fort Dodge on March 2d.
A' vertisemm txnetmta rgr type,euts,orout of pta in
ttyl'itnll be charged double price for space occupied
ters of Administration on the estate of
Daniel CroweM, of Heecaria township, Clearfield
co , dee'd. having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons, having claims against the estate
are requested to present them properly authen
ticated for settlement, and those indebted to said
estate are requested to make pa vmpnt-jrithcut
delay. ' T. li. -BREWER,
Apr. 17. 1S57. Administrator.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau-.
tioned ajraiust purchasing or in any
meddling with two mares, one roan and one bay,
a two-hore wagon, harness, one log sled, one
plow, one harrow, two milk cows, twenty head of
.-hcep, one cook stove and all the household and
kitchen furniture now in possession of Clark
Lyons, of Bra dy township, ns the same belongs to
me and have only been left with said Lyons on
loan and are subject to my order.
April 15. lSil7-al7. S. R. LO BOUGH.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received
uitil April o'.nh, 1807, for the erection
of a new Methodist church in tho borough of
Clearfield, in accordance with plans to be seen at
the f fGee of J. J. McEcally, Efq. Part of the
material is on the ground. l?v order of the board
ot" Trustees GEO. V RUEE.M.
Apr. 10, 1SA7. Secretary.
IN ART. Pine Grove Mills, Centre Co.,
Pa. J. E. TnoMAS. A. M . Principal.
This institution, organized in 1S52, will open
its Thirtv-fip.st session the Twenty-fourth un
der present control on Wednesday. April 24th,
181)7 and continue five months. Boarding and
tuition, English branches. SSO. Information giv
en on application. Apr 10, 1SI57. 3tp.
Would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear
field, and surrounding country, that he has just
opened a large and well-selected stock of Gentle
men's clothing, and furnishing goods. Youths' and
Boys' suits. Hats of latest style.Boots. Shoes, etc.,
in the well-known room on Market street, recent
ly occupied by Wm. Hoffman as a confectionary
aniValoon His goods ere of the best, and his
price? moderate. Call and see. Ap. 10-St.
The undersigned offers at private sale, his farm
situate in Jordan tp , Clearfield county. Pa., con
tainig 203 acres net measure, 'this land lies in one
of the best farming sections in the county, and is
in a high state of cultivation. About 175 acres
of the land is cleared, of which 125 acres are in
clover and timothy the whole under good fences.
The buildings areanew two-story frame dwelling
house, two 40 feet fronts shewed log barn, 64
by 50 feet a frame straw house adjoining the
barn, 3fi by 40 feet a corn and carriage-house. 18
by 26 feet and all the other necessary outhouses
to constitute it a desirable residence. The water
is convenient and good. There is also on the
premises an orchard of 125 bearing apple trees,
and some cherries. A good vein of eoal under
lies the land, and there is an abundance of lime
stone convenient thereto. Terms reasonable.
For fuithcr particulars address the subscriber at
Ansonville, Clearfield county, Pv, or call and see
the premises.
Apr. 10,1S67, 3mp. JOilN SWA??.
rjAUTION. All persons are hereby cau
tioned against buyina or in any way med
dling with four certain dark mules, one wagon
and harness, now with Jackson Test, as they be
long to me and are subject to my order.
A pr. 3, :807.-3f. O. S.PERRY,
UXS, Tistols and sword canes to be had at
N THE COURT of Common Plfa
Clearfield county Tenn'a. :
Flijab BrRSS, 1 S'o , JannarT Term 1
vs taamrf, '
Latisa Bm3. To Lmrma Burn.r.. .
. u are hereby notified, that Elijah Bnmahu d
It preoented his petition in the Court of ConsnwT
Plea of said eonntT. crariniF that, fnr ,k... "
pet forth in said petition, he may be divorxd ftal
the bonds of matrimony by the said liblnt
tered into with you, the said Lavina Burnt
ow, yon are commanded, to be and an... ..
4he next Court of Common IMeas fur said in..
to be held at Clearfield on the third Monday It
June. 1S7. and show cause, if any you hare irk
r-njan isurns snouia not oe divorced frons .j,'
bonds of matrimony contracted with yon.
Apr. 3, 1867. JAUOB A. rALST, Sh ff
Men, Youths and Boys can be Juplpied iri. ,,.
suits of seasonable and fashionable clothirj t
where it is sold at prices that will induct theij
purchase. The universal satisfaction which hit
been given, has induced them to increue their
s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any e:ub
lishment of the kind in this part of the State
Reizenstein Bro's & Co.,
Fell goods at a very small profit, forcajh;
Their goods are well made and fashionable
They give every one the worth of his money
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell cheaper than every body !.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stock : t reduce!
prices they can sell cheaper tl an others
Kor these and other reasons persons should bur
their clothing at
Produce of every kind taken at the hig'jeit
market prices. May 18, lsiil
G. II. Zeigler. & Co..
Foreign and Domestic Hardware.
Cuttlerv, Wood and Willow ware.
Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, liinK
Glas?, Iron, Nails, etc., etc.
The attention of Mechanics. Builder. Farirsn.
Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited ti
the fact that we are now offering a better assort
merit of goods in our line than can be founj e'-e-where
in this psrt of the State, at prices to suit
the times. Our stock comprises a general sirt
nicnt of Tools and Materials used by Carpen'er.
Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers Join
ers, dc, together with a large stock of
Iron, Steel, Nails.
Spikes. Railroad and Mining supplies; !a iJlerT
and Harness material a good assortment ; Rp,
Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-rut
Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Piain Hollow
ware in great variet ; Cables, Coat oil Lamps
Lanterns ; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricatirg
oils; and an extensive and good selection f
Fine Cutleiw
Comprising a general assortment of dining kuin
and forks, dessert knives and forks, and cirrit
knives and forks, pocket and pen kn.ves razor,
shears, scissors, shoe knives. nd many other ar
ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, acl
plated forks, in great variety and of the best man
ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-platel wore
In great variety, and of the best mariulacturl! al
ways ou hand, among which will be fiund buck
ets of every size, tin-cups, oil cuns. sprinkling
ctns, dutting pans, miners' lamps ; gallon. qurt
and pint measuras, and many other articles ic
the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everjM;
Can be supplied with Anvils. Bellows, Yi
sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, hurs
nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar irn
nail rods' etc ; an3 with cast, shear, spring n'
blifitar steel, from the best manufacturers in U
United States, or of foreign manufacture.
And Builders will find in our establishment 1
superior and complete stock of
Planes, - Saws.
Augurs, JiaU'hets
Hammers, Files.
Chisels. Hinges,
Screws, Locks.
Bolts, l'ulley
Sash, 'ord. Ac
Will find everything in their line, and chaff
than elsewhere in this section of the ?tate-c"""
prising Household, horticultural, farming ''
rafting implements, of the latest and most im
proved patterns Particular attention is dire-fed
to our very ex ensive stock of wood nJ taI
Comprising Spear's justly1 celebrated Attl d-"f
cook and parlor stores of all sies ; Also. Tne -agara
oook, Parlor cook, Brilliant, Ian. De
drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves.
All of the above goods will be sold cheap
Cash. . H ZEIGLER 4 CO.
Philipsburg. Oct. 10th, 1838.-ly.
PURVEYOR. The undersized offer
his services to. the public, aa a Surveyor
He may be found at his residence in Lawi
township, when not engaged ; or addrewed
letter at Clearfield, Penn a. ,
March 6th, lS67.-tf. J4.MES MITCHELL