Ufmtt'jJ Journal CLEARFIELD,- PA.APRjl; 10, ,1867. Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad. I ip'ib lesves Tyrone at : : : : : Arrive t Phillpsburg at : : 11 00 a. m. " rrives at Tyrone at : : : ; 3 00 p.m. Rixroiocs. Divine eervices will be held abiaib, in Clearfield. a. follows: By Re Archer in the Court House, -vnina and evening; By Rev. Senibower in the Baptist churcn u the venine ; . . ' , . , By Rev. Chambers in the Episcopal cj,nrch. morning and evening " ' By Uev. Gayer in the Methodist cbarcb, Jb the uicrning. . IIoC3t Burned. -The house of Mr. J.;ci Campbell, of Bell township, with at of ita contents, was destroyed by fire, on Saturday, April 6th.. Loss about f 1,500. N'oTtct rut received at the Drug Store c Jveph K. Irwin, Curwensville, a large in J lull supply of oik ' paints, varnishes, I -a -lies and glass, which will be so!d cheap f,rcah. AP- 10-3t; M an Kl.LlED. We understand that Mr. George Hinton, of Oiceola, on Thursday, April .h, whilst engaged in rafting at the mouth of Mo-hannon creek, was so serious ly injured, by the rope catching around his tody and one arm, that he died in about an Lour after the accident. Lto Broken. Mr. Wm'. Kilmer, of Beeearia township, in this county, met with an accident, on Friday, April 5th,. whilst nubbing a raft at Sandy. It seeirs Mr. K. LuJ thrown a hitch around a stake, when mother person picked up the end of the ft.pe, for the purpose of assisting him, Vhcn, ly some means the rope caught trouud Mr. K'a leg and broke it. RrpiNQ W Coming. Notwithstanding ta c-Md and b!u.stery weather which still JlojeM amidst our mountains, robins and l!ue lml have made their appearance tmon?st ua, and their lively and familiar pong impressed us with the idea that spring i-i near at hand. But, as the weather has locn "o padly out of joint," of late, we da.e scarcely anticipate anything on the sub j :ct lest we 5nd ourselves mistaken. , So we will wait and see. Stamps on Notes. Promissory notes '-? HaMe to a stamp duty of five cents for fjch $100 or fractional part thereof. If a note contains any upecial agreement, such as waiving the stay of execution, right to in qnUmnn. appeal, cfr 'exemption, it is liable to au alLtionol duty of Eve'cents. Notes ei.vainin a confession of judgment are lia I'eto an aJJItionil duty of five cents. Notes 'containing a confession of judgment are lia ble to au additional stamp of fifty cents. Wortu Knowing. If people planting orchards would give strict orders to mark the north side of trees with red chalk before -they are taken up, and when set out to have thctrca put in the ground with tts north i Ah to the north, in its natural position, a Ia-g6 proportion would live. Ignorirg this law of nature is one causo of so many trans planted trees dying. If the north side is J exposed to the South the heat of the sun is tv great for ihzi nia of the tree to bear, - tad therefore it dries up and decays. "R.vftixo. The river being at a good i ratiiuz etaue, on Sunday and Monday a large j nnmber of rafts passed through this place on their way to market most of them go- lie safely ''through the mountains." On M nday near noon, however, a jam occurred : : the "Big stepping-stone." occasioned by one man running out of the course just a'ove. which caused another raft to swing ii close the channel ; but we have not, as yet, learned the loss occasioned thereby. B it if, as reported, from sixty to eighty raft, were jammed together there, the dam- ;o will 1h heavy, as it is not likely that so , rest z number of rafts could be disengaged at that point without losing many of them. A Little G ibl Drowsed. On Saturday frenir.g. April 6:h, at about 5 o'clock, our cii'.iens were somewhat startled by the an nouncement that Alice Foley, aged about U years, aod youngest daughter of lion. C. Foley, had fallen into the river. A large cumber of persons at once hastened t J her rescue, but they were too late she ta i sunk to rise no more. The facts in the cae, aj near as could be ascertained, are as f jIIo ws : Alice and a little daughter of Judge carretts had gone on a raft to watch the &tfi-wood floating by, and whilst thus en pel, anl wh mi near the lower end of the tjft. it seems Alice became dizzy and stag- i P.?ed backwards, until the stepped off into t'jtf water. The other little girl at once ive the alarm, and Mr. Foley ran to the re ' tci' of his daughter, but by tho time he . r-.ched the water's edge the swift current hi l carried her a considerable distance down the Mrean). Mr. Foley at once jumped in- bis t,ViS, and hastened to her relief she . as ill floating on the surface of the water -anl had approached almost within reach ,3' distance of Jjer, when 6he sunk out of 'cht Alice was a very amiable, loving and i jfereting child, and hence the grief of the J-uuily is deep and heartfelt on account of ; Vj Hidden and nnlooked-for bereavement. T'i satire community sineerly sympathise ": h the mourning family in their loss. A ihvizK erery effort has been made by etixeaa rewver the body of Alice, np to &s USKdf tiejr hn Wo uoruweeful. Ice CREA5I. An ice-cream festival will come off at Mra. M. A. Frank's, on Satur day evening next the proceeds to be ap plied to Home Missions, aod the use of the Baptist congregation. . Man DaowxED. It is reported that a Mr. Miller, of Morris township, was drown ed in Moshannon creek, on Saturday, April Cth, whilst engaged in rafting, but we have been unable to obtain any particulars in regard to the occurrence. . . . Pitteburg Prices Current, PBEPABID WEEKLY FOB TBI "BAPTSM A..M3 JOCItKAI.," BY T. C. JENKINS. . Dealer in Flour, Ptoduce arid Tiffined Oils. Pittsburg, April Cth, 1867. VLOCB. , I MCOARS. Snow flake. $15 00 Brown, II a U Jenkin a Lillr. ,4 00 ReBned, hard, 18 Spafford's choice 13 00 j A Coffee, Tornado, 12 75 B Coffee, Rye Flour, bbl. 8 2j ExtrC, Corn Meal, bushel, 1 Ort Tea, Black, Buckwheat Floor, . 3 75 Green, , 00 a 15 00 14 14 75 a 1 25 90 a 1 75 75 a 1 00 75 a 85 55 lOi a 11 10 Wheat, 2 75 a 3 00 Sjrrups, Rye, 1 40 Molasses. Oats, Corn in ear. Corn shelled. Parley. 1 Potatoes, bbl. Onions, bbl. Hominy, bbl. 57 a fiO Sorghum, 75 Rice. 85 Dried Apples, 10 a 1 25 Dried Peaches, 2 75 Salt, bbt.' 3 75 Candles, 16 2 85 15 alO 6 50oap Potatoes, P. Blows, 85 Timothy seed, 3 25 CloVerseed, 12 00 Flax seed, ' 2 85 No 3 Mackerel.bbl IS 50 Lard, choice, 13f Tallow, 101 11 Bacrn. Sides, 12 Middlings. 1 85 a 2 00 Shoulders, 10 15 Beans, prime navy, 2 75 Hams, sugar cured, Butter, prime roll, 32 Mess l'ork. Cheese. 21 a 22 Buckets, doz, 21 00 3 25 Eea. 20 Brooms, dot. 2 50 Apples, bbl 4 00 a 5 OOjRefined Oil.white, 42a43 Cider, bbl dull, 8 00 Coffee. 22 a 27 PicKJes. per bbl 17 00 'Dressed Hogs, 71 a 8 pLOURl PROVISIONS!! T. C. JENKINS, Commission Merchant, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver op Flour, Provisions, all kinds or Produce and Refined Oils, ic, AC. Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. On hand all well known and reliable brands. Quality of Flour guaranteed. Inducements offered to Deal ers, and prices current sent each week. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St. Pittsburg. Pa. January 23d, 1867. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Five hundred men, to act as salesmen for "CobMn's Illustrated Domestic Bible," comDris inr upwards of 1.500 erown quarto pages; a Com mentary of 17.000 notes from different Commenta tors ; "UO engravings; family photograph depart ment; extended concordance ; maps, biblical his tory, chronological tables. Ac. A book that al ways sells. Our average sales are 500 copies per day. s a standard bible for families, teachers, ministers, and all lovers of the word of Uod, it has no competitor. For particulars, address 11. A STREET CO.. April 3, 1837. Box 223, HarrUburg. Pa.- QUARTERLY REPORT of the condi tion of the First National Bank of Clear field, Pa., on the first Monday of April, 1867 : RESOCBCES. Notes and Bills discounted - - - $79,054 40 Over Drafts 2.85 63 Furniture 1,295 83 Kxoinsej, - - - - - 635 75 Cash Items and Stamps, - - - - - - 403 24 Due from Nat Banks 15,42146 Due from otber Banks and Bankers - 1,841 73 U. S Bonds deposited with Treasurer of U. S. to secure circulation - 100.098 00 U.S. Securities on hand ----- 2.350 00 Circulating Notes of other Banks,- - - 4.595 00 Legal Tender Notes and Specie, - - 16.135 72 Total 8224,591 81 $160,000 00 3,fl00 00 - - 68 00 86.187 00 - 2S.795 00 - 1.889 47 : 1.152 23 2.519 27 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in - - -Surplus Fund ------ Dividend unpaid - - - - Notes in Circulation - - - - Individual Deposits - - - - Due to Nat. Banks . - - - - Due other banks and Bankers, Interest and Exchange - -Profit and Loss - - - - . - - - 980 84 - . S224.591 81 Total Liabilities . - . I hereby certify that the above Is a true abstract from the quarterly report made to the Comptrol ler of the Currency. JONA. BOYNTON.Pres't. Q UARTERLY REPORT of tho County National Bank of C.earfield.on Monday, morniog, April 1st, 1867 BESOCRCES. Loans and discounts :::::: $100,933 32 Overdrafts. :::::::::: 3.71688 Furniture, and Fixtures :::::: 331 16 Current Expenses and taxes : : : : 821 52 Premiums. :::::::::": 1.930 10 Cash I'.ems. including Rev. Stamps : : 329 64 Due from National Banks ; : : : 15.126 13 Due from Banks and Bankers : : : 9.708 33 U. S Bonds :::::::::: 75.000 00 Notes other B'ks 44ract'l currency : : 3.412 80 Legal Tender notes and Specie, : : : 21.942 00 Compound Interest notes : : : : : 4 730 00 Total : t : ; $238,031 93 uimimn Capital stock paid in : : : : Surplus Fund. : : : : : : . ! Notes in circulation : : : : IndvHual Deposits : : : : Due Banks and Banker! : r Interest and Exchanges : ; j Dividends unpaid ; : : : Profitand Loss :::::: Total Liabilities : : : : $100,000 00 : : 1.037 00 65.750 00 : 59.349 1 8 : 1.304 27 ; : 5.056 52 . : 632 00 : : 4.872 96 $238,031 03 I hereby certify that the above statement is a true copy from the report made to the Comptrol ler of the Currency, April 1st. 1867. D. W. MOORE. Cash. ATTENTION! BUYERS!! MJPJLE 5c FA.TJST SEALERS 12 TOBEION AIJD DOMESTIC DBY-GOODS, AC- MAIN STREET, CCRWENSVIlLE, FA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire to invite th attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queensware, Tinware. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times v. They also deal In Grain, Pork, Shingles, Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices in exchange for goods. rersons desirous of purchasing gooas ai lair rates are respectfully requested to give as a call. Remember you can find as at the old stand oa Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of business. Sept. 6. 1865s. HIPPLE A FAUST. D RIED PEACHES, pared and nnpared at Apr. a, iso 4. r. K.KAiZEtt'3 FISH. Maekoret, White-fish, and eod fih. at Apr 3. 1867 J. P KRATZER'S. POTATOES for sale at Apr,lMT. j. T. KRATZER'S. JOnN H. FULFORD, Attorney at LaW, Clear field. Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq., over First National Bank. Prompt attention riv en to the securing of Bounty claims, Ac, and t all legal business. . , March 27, 1S67. TO BUILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received until April 4th, 1867. by the Board of School Directors of Curwensville Bor ough, for furnishing material and erecting build ings to accommodate the Schools of the Borough. Plans aod Specifications may be seen by calling on the Secretary By order of the Board. March 20. 1867. A. II. SEMBOWEft. Sec'y. ' pLOUGIIS. The undersigned would re--1" spectfully inform the puLlic that they have now on hand, at their foundry in Curwens ville, a lot of ploughs wbioh they will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. They are of a new pattern, and have given entire satisfaction to all who have tried them. Also a lot of plough points and landsides kept constantly on hand. Old met al taken in exchange for eastings. March 6, 1867.-6U ROBISON 4 SON. LEAR FIELD NURSERY.-Encocr- ace Home Indcsxry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen'-. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ton Blsck berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhea barb. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Address Ang 31.1864. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between O. R. Foster. J. D. M'Girk. Edward Perks. G. L. Reed, Richard Shaw, A. K. Wright, J. T. Leonard, Jas B. Graham. and W. A. Wallace, in the Bnnking business, at Philipsburg. Centre county. Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be conducted as hereto fore at the same place, under the title of Foster, Perks, A Co. RICHARD SHAW, C. R FOSTER, J. T. LEONARD, . J. D. M'GIRK. EDWARD PERKS, - J. B. GRAHAM, W. A. WALLACE, d. L. REED, - A.K.WRIGHT. March 5. 1867 -in20. 1867. .spwm 1867. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH A ARCH STREETS, PHIL' A, PA., Are opening for spring of 1367, 3 cases seleet shades ot silks Fashionable plaid silks. Bis mark, the new color silx. Best black silks in town. Plaid India silks, perfect. New spring dress goods. New style spring chintses . Org in dies of newest stvle. Steel-colored poplins, for suits. N. B. Staple house-keeping goods. Fresh stocc cloths, cussimeres. and tweeds fo' yeutfas. P S. Merchants In search of scarce and desi rable goods will find it their interest to call and ex imine our stock. . March 27, 1867. -6t. rpHE NORMAL SCHOOL. The Nor mal School will be opened in Curwens ville, on the 30th day of April, and eontinue in session eleven weeks. There will be an arrange-, ment made to accommodate all teachers and pu pils who can remain longer than one session, to be either under my charge or that of the Assis tant teacher, or of both. Tl'lTIOS : Teachers, per session, from $3 to $5 the more teachers in attendance, the less the tuition. Pupils, per session, who do not purpose teaoh ing. or are not competent to teacb, the coming winter, S6. Tuiti m to be paid in advance and apr ied to the payment of an assistant teacher. CPBoarding to be bad for S3 50 per week. G. W. SVYDER. Co. Sup t. N. B All pupils, who can enter the Normal classes, will be admitted. March 23, 1867. CHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Al. Vend. Exponent issued out of theCoort of Common Pleasof Clinton county, and to me direoted, tber will b exposed to at the Court-house in the borough of Clearfield, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of APRIL, 1867, the following described Real Estate, to wit: All of Defendant's interest in and to a certain tract or piece of land mtuate in Karthaus fwp., Clearfield county. Pa., containing one hundred and four acres, more or less, about eight acres of which is eleaiedand under cultivation ; having thereon erected a grist mill, saw mill, blacksmith shop, dwelling house and barn ; adjoining lands of John Eiselman. John Heis and others. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop erty of James Rough. March 27, 1H67. jauuu rAisr, .nerin. VORTII AMERICAN STEAMSHIP Co Opposition line to California. Via Nicaragua, evejv twenty days, with Passen- geis. rreigbt, ana l. s jiai's, on the loiiowing brst-class steamships : Cw Atlatitir (JcAan. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, SAN ERANCISCO. NICARAUGA, DAKOTA, Vonnrgon. PaeiJieOceatt AMFKICA. MOSES TAYLOR, NEBRASKA. NEVADA; PASSAGE AND FREIGHT AT BKDCCEP BATES. Sailing days from New York, March 30, 1867, April 20. 1867, May 10 and 30, 1867, June 20, 1867. and every twenty days there after, leaving on th Saturday previous when a regular Sailing Day comes on Sunday. For fur tber information apply to the NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CD. '.V. H. Webb. Pres't., 54. Ex change Place N. Y D. N. Cabrikgto. Agent, 177. Wett St. cor..Warren. N. Y. Mar. 20,'67-3m. RAND GIFT ENTERPRISE. A pinto worth $100.00 for SI. 00. One hundred and fourteen dollars for $1 00. One solid silver fruit basket worth $30.00 for $1. 2 silver watches worth $25.00 each 31.00 each. 200 gifts worth 52 00 eaoh, for $1.00 each. 300 gifts worth SI 00 each. 94 gifts worth 30 cents each. . $Hl 00 in greenbacks for SI. 00. Making 600 gifts, the number of tickets limited tthe number of gifts Every ticket draw a gift. Price of tickets one dollar only. Drawing to take place in Bellefonto. May 1st. 1S67, under the supervision of a committee chosen by the ticket holders. This enterprise is gotten up for the sole benefit of a worthy but poor woman, the manager not re ceiving any benefit, not even for his time in at tending to it. and it shall be bis aim to see that everything connected with it shall be done in an honest and honorable manner. For tickets and further information address, with stamp enclosed, the undersigned. at Bellefonte.Pa. Apr. 3, 1867. D. S. DUNHAM, MaBager. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni. Exponas, issued out tt the Court of f otnmon Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at tb Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, on WEDN EDSAT.the J7th DAY OF APRIL. 1867. at I o'clock. P. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit; Three certain tracts of land sitaate in Knox tp-, Clearfield county. Pa oie thereof beginning at a hemlock thence 40 W. 136 perches to stone pile. thence S 50 W. SI perches to birch. Setita 4U 186 percbes to hemlock, N 50 E. 91 perches to place of beginning, containing 100 acres and 39 perches. The second piece beginning at a birch, S. 40 W. 40 nerehes to hemlock. S. 61 W. 33 nercbes to pine. S. 67 W. 24 perches to post, N. 84 perchet , N. 30 E. 52 perches to beginning, containing J9 acres Thn third niece bevinninir at liantlnr.k. N. 40 W. 16 per. to post,N. 75 E. 42 per. to aspen, S. 50 W. 40 per. to beginning, containing two acres. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold a the property of John Mayer and Thomas McKee. March 27, 1367 JACOB A FAUST, Shff- CJURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in Law?D.ce township, when not engaged; or addressed Dy letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March 6th. !S67.-tf. . J 4.MES MITCHELL TriAT. WWIa nl 1 !n...1 nil VsmilvDVCS Varnish and Paints of all kind ground ini'ti, Q.RAPE VINES FOR SALE.- All the leading hardy varieties of first quality : Concord, I year old 25 eta each, or $20 00 per 100. " 2 " 50 " " " 40 00 per 100. Rebecca. 1 " 50 " best white grape. Iona, i $i jo best Amber grape 'Any other varieties below nursery prices. Or ders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation. A M. HILLS. N. B. Tines ready for removal by the 15th of October. Clearfield. Pa., Aug. 22. 1866. TERMS OF TIIE JOURNAL. The Raftsmas's Journal is published on Wed nesday at $2.00 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year. S2.50 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close of the year. AnvERTiscMB.fTS will be Inserted at (1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) oounting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued an tillall arrearages are paid,exeept at the option of thepuhluher. S. J. ROW. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers the following valuable Real Estate at private sale: 158 acres and 113 perches of farm land, sixty denied, and having thereon a good frame house nd log barn. This is the very best coal land. Situated in Woodward township, one half mile from Pusey ville. Also 100 acres of Timber Land, situated on Mor gan's run, in Woodward township, one and a half miles from Puseyvllle. Also, two acres, with a two-story plank house and frame stable thereon, situated in Woodward township, on the road leading from Tyrone to Clearfield town, two miles from Puseyville ; a good location for a tradesman of any kind.. .A lso, two lots in Puseyville, with six boutes and one barn erected thereon, the two lots lying ad ioining The first. No. 10, being a corner lot, with tavern stand, containing three-fourths of an acre, with over 300 .fet ot bank on Clearfield oreek; rent worth $125 per year. Second lot.No. 11, 60 feet on front street and 120 foet back, with two plank bouses erected thereon, well suitable for mercantile or any public business. CThe above property will be sold at reason able prices and fair terms. C. J. S 11 OFF. -Nov 22,6m. Madera.P.O.,Clearfield co.Pa. TMPORTANT to PENSIONERS. The Act of Congress approved June 6, 1866, gives additional pension to the following class of persons : 1. To those who have lost both eyes or. both ha tds, or are totally disabled in the same so as to require constant attendance, the sum, per month, of S25.00 "2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to tally disabled in the same, so as-to require con stant attendance, $20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one loot, or so disabled as to render them unable to per form manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, the sum, per month, of $15 00 4. Persons deprived of their pensions nnder Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason or being in civ il service are restored. ' 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter cpplication fur their pension bad been filed, and before the certificate was issued, and who have left widows or minor children, will be enti tled to receive arrears due atuthe death of the pensioner. 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. In all of these cases, new applications must be made The undersigned is prepared, with the proper blanks, for the speedy procurement of these pensions. : Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and claims for local bounty under State taw. promptly collected. II. B. SWOOPE, Att'y at Law. July II, 1866. Clearfield, Fa. T HE TRUE POLICY OF ECONOMY, Buy Goods at the Cheapest Store. SHOWERS & GRAHAM, Are now selling goods to' the people at the very LOWEST CAS1T PRICES; Their stock consists of a eeneTal variety o4 Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, I in-ware, Willow-ware. Wooden-ware. Provisions, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, and Clothing, Ao. ALWAYS;O.N?nA?iDjTnEBEST Carriage Trimminsrs, Sh be Findings, Glass and Putty, Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed cords and Bed screws. Matches, Stove blacking, Washing soda and Soap, etc, Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds, Fancy soaps, Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and inlact every thing usually kept in a first class Store. School Books. . : Writing and Letter paper, Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink.copy books, slates, ink-stands, fanny and common envelopes. . Rafting Ropes, Angwrs, Axes. Chisels, Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets. Nails. Spikes. Grind-stones.Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet- bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, eto. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets, Washboards, Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Wall piper. Candle-wick, ootton yarn and batting, work-baskets, Umbrellas, eto. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty, Japan ware. Egg-beaters, Spice boxes. Wire ladles, Sieves, Dusting-pans. Lanterns, ete., eto. Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrups, Su?ar. Rice, Crackers, V;n.... i.nilii CkMim. Flour. Meal. Bacon. x'ish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, eto. Of Boots and Shoes They have a large assortmentfor Ladles and Gen tlemen, oonsist;ng of Top Boots, BrogaO. Pumps Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, clippers, Monroes, eto. Ready-Made Clothing, In the latest styles and of the best material, con sisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, shawls, Over-coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, eto. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Faney tiassimeres, Cashmerets. Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu toys. Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., eto. LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaine. Alpacas, Ginghams. Duoals, Prints, Me rinos, Cishmeres, Plaids. Brilliants, PJjjIins, Be regp. Lau Nankins, Linen, Lace, Edgings, Col erettes, BtVids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Corsetts, Nu bias, Hoods, Coats. Mantels, Balmoral irts, Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Hats.Triinmius. Buttons. Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. They invite all persons to call and examine their stock and hope to give entire satisfaction. SHOWERS GRAHAM. Clearfield. Pa.. Sept. 26th. 1866 RUSS' ST DOMINGO, Kubball's, Hoofland'i German. Drake's, and Hostetter's A Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pare liquors of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by Jan. 10. HARTSi ICK A IRWIN. TTJRDER PITTTERS of a superior make for Jt" sale at reasonable prises, at MERKELL and BIGLER'S. Clearfiei,Pa. Kor.U,. SALT' SALT!! A prime article of ground al um salt, put np in patent saexs. 'B"'P atthestoie of - R. MOSaOi. Q00 BUSHELS of choice BEANS for "leal the fV tore of I K F. N A U O L E, . WATCH MAMB, , GRAHAM S ROW. CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully iuforme his old customers and the public, that he has on band, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks,' Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring aod Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. , WATCHES a fine assortment, of silver Hunt ing and open case Amerioan patent Levers, plafu and full jeweled. .. GOLD rESVS. as elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and dsak holders SPECTACLES, m large assortment, far and near light, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full set ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. AU kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care ully repaired and Warranted. A eontinuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, 1865. Jl. F. NACOLK - . rp O THE AFFLICTED ! READ ! READ ! READ ! THE GBEAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. "What shall, I doto relieve me To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which . have but recently been introduced to the public, although they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. AMERICAN VEGETABLE BITTERS. This Vegetable Compound is acertain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver. Carbuncles, E ruptionsof the Skin, Canker in the Stomach, etc. A be aefit is always experienced from the use of one bottl. and a perfect cure warranted when the Fatient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity, n come eases from two. to three bottles will effect acure. ; No change of diet is necessary. Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough ot it. AMERICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation in a Vegetable Compound an Indian care for Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds, Tightness of the t hest. Pain in the Breast, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc. This Medicine has a most happy effect in the above complaint; when taken According to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances, and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta neous relief. It is worth a trial atleass. AMERICA LINIMENT. This compound contains Jhe most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It is a speedy, safe and sure cuTe for Rhe-ainatisa Neuralgia, Earache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Stiff Neck, Spinal Disea ses, Pain in the Breast, Side and Kidneys ; Dini nesa. Burns. Scalds. Chilblain. Cntm. rtrniuM Sprains, Old Sores, Kunrounds, Felons, Cholera Morbus. Colic, eto. Nor family sbould be within' it, as it is truly an indispensable and valuafa.' remedy. J AMERICAN 60ITEE CURE. This is an unfailinjr remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple n itscompotntion, yet powerful in its effect. I s- ed internaby and externally. Persons afflicted in this way shotrM not hesitate to obtain the rem edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re lieved from their unpleasant ootspJaint. All the above remedies are prepared a-nd Sold by ... . M. A. FftANK A CO. Ulearbelri, if. Com n try Daalers supplied at Wholesale prteea. rjUIE CITE A PEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD M OS SOP, SEALER III FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODSAC. MABKKT STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ReaJ the folloieingliat of goods and profitOierehf Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap EOS THE LADIES 1 Good Always on hand a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas. De Laines, Ginghams, Prints, t'hinti, Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, eto. FOR GENTLEMEN, Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Casimeres. Sattmets. Cassmefs, Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest in gs. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. KEADY-MADE. Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods C(at Snoh as Coats. Pants. Vests. Under CheapX shirts, and other Flannel shirts, i . T , . . 1 IT . X , Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap ties, G um Boots and Shoes, and Cheap Cheap a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, eto HARDWARE, AC. If you want Nails or spikes. Manure or other forks Saw-mill or other saws, Smootning irons. Locks, Hinges, eto,. go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla G&ods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Good and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Pens. Powder. Shot or Lead. Good eto., bny them at Mossop s. jOoorft tr TOTJ WANT Good Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy!'?0'"' o t:. v. tt.ltV.... ..Wl.. I(mo Good dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tabes or Wicks, Coal oil, eto , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. Good Goods Goods Goods Goods IF YOU WANT SfGood extra family Flour, White or Cheap Goods Cheap' Cheap brown sugar, hams, shoulders or Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods sides, conee; Imperial,, Young Hyson oc blacs tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. . IF YOU WANT Uheapl Cheap Cheap Cheap C n rap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ceap Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples ec peaches, water or so da cracaers, eall at Mossop's where yon ean buy cheap. Goods Goods Goods IF YOU WANT Cheap'. Port wine for Medical or Sacramen Goods Goods Cheap tal uses, Swet wine, old Monon- Ufinap Cheap Cheap Chap Cheap1 Cheap Cheap gahela or rye wnisxy, unerry and Cognao brandy, bay at Mossop's cheap cash store. IF TOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur rants; filberts, cream, fwn or Good Goods Good Goods Goods ground nuts, eanaioa, liquorice or Liquorice root, bay them Cheapo Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ckap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT . To buv any other article eheao. be Goods sure to go to Mossop, for he ellsg00 ouespvi r ebsu iuid m-DJ oLuer j Goofls person in Clearfield county. srj. November 7, 1861. . .p27'59. loZlds Cheap A mrroved eauntra vroduet of ewerw Innd talm at tki usual marJtet prices in exchange for rood: A LARGE LOT of Raft rope ana small rope for sale by the eoil. Pally blocks, at a small advance on cost by IRVIN HARTSHRN. ANNED PEACHES. Dried cherries and apples f for sale by WRIGHT A FLANWAN. H. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMETHING WONDERFUL for. the- soUllea. i "V wise, and happy. Agent wanted.' Enclose stamp for particulars. H. Camp,U2BleeckerSt.,Nr Y. Mar. H,'7.S-cs. - T7MPIRE SHUTTLE SEWINU MA--Li CHINI8 are snp rior to all other for fam ily and manufacturing purposes. -Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy ; noiaelesa ; da rable; and easy to work. Illustrated circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal disceuntaJlowod. No consignments made. Address EXMEJiS. M. CO.. 616 Broad way, Near York - Sep 5 6t-y. TTCHl ITCH!! ITCH IU ITCH till A , scratch!!! scbatcii!!!! Wbeaten'a Ointment will cure the itch ia4d!towra. Also cures SALT RHEUMS ULCERS. CHXL. BLA1NS, and all ERUPTIONS OF TUB SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggUtsv By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole A gents, 170 Washington Street. Boston, it Fill be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. June6. Is66,-Iy. ERNEST D. PAPE, M.D. 1123 Broadway. New York, having for years made diseases of wo men a speciality in study and practice with mark ed professional success, devotes his time now most ly to office practice and correspondence with his numerous patrons throughout the United States. Ladies can confidentially address him oa ibo most delicate subject, and reocive proper and . prompt reply. Enclose stamp for postage. March 13, lSW.-3m. REMEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR gPKCIAL CASKS, ' NO. 14 BOND STREET, NEW YORK Full information, with the bishkst TesTiuw!- als; also, a book on Special Diseases, in a stall ed envelope, sent free: 15 scaa asi semd -row THEM, AND TOU WILL SOT KKGRET IT; .for, SS ad- veitising physicians are generally larcsreas, without references no stranger should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for posUge. and direct td IR:. LAWRENCE.NO 14 BOND STRx-ETEW YORK. November 14th, 1866.-ly. 1"HK WELL TRIED REMEDIES. Russell's Itch Ointment, an immediate 'and eertsia cure, 25 cts. It is also a sure remedy for scratch - es on horses. Russell's Salt Rheum Ointment. V- unequaled 50 cts. Russell's Pile Ointment cures after all other rtmedira have failed. These Oint ments are certain, safe, and reliable specifics, as thousands have and are daily testifying. For sale by all druggists and medicine dealers. General Depot at Prn CheC Bruen A Hobart, Wholesale Druggists, 214 Fulton St., (near Greenwich.) New York. Sent by mail ; Itch. 40c; Salt Rhenm,C5c; Pile, f 1 60. March 13. IS67. 3-ra. A GREAT DISCO VERY. -One of thr greatest and most useful discoveries iu medical science was made by the celebrated Dr.. J Dumas, of Paris. Chief Physician to the Impe rial Infirmary of France, in 1861. Those whe have been afflicted with the painful disease known as the Piles, and effectually cured by the ae t f Dr. Dumas Frehch Pilb Salve, csnnot speak to highly of the benefits conferred upon them by the use of this certain remedy. It has never been known to fail in effecting a permanent cure in a single case. In this respect it surpasses all other medicines of the kind. It will de just what it ts recommended for ; if not the money will be refunded. One or two boxes is sulficient to effect a permanent cure in four or six days, if the dhreetions on the box are followed. Price one and two dollars per bex, according to size. Seat by Mail or Express to any part of the United States or Canada. Sold by Druggists generally. A liberal discount made to the trade. Address, D.S.DUNHAM A CO.. Williamsport. Pa., sole Proprietors and Manufacturers for the Unite. States and Canada, . $500 00 REWARD will be paid in greenbacks to any person who has used Dr. Dumas' Pile Salve according to directions and has not Iks a cured Address, D. S. DUNHAM A CO.. Wil liamsport. Pa. Deo. 5th. IS66.-ly.. rPHE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN niSMii. just miDiiauea. jmm Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price six eta. jf-m A lecture on the nature, treatment, i and radical cure of Seminal Weakness or Mr- matorrhea. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debil ity, and Impediments to marriaKe generally. Nervousness, consumption, epilepsy, and fits; Mental and physical incapacity, resulting from. Self Abuse, ie By Robert J. CuWerwell, M. D., author of the '-Green Book," Ae. The world-renowned author, in this admirable -lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine,' and without dangerous surgical operation;, bougie, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing oat a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, bv which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon te thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain scri ed envelope, on the receipt of six cent, or twe postage stamps. Also Dr. Culver well's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO. 127 Bowerv. New Yerk, Oct. 10. '68. ly. Post Office Bex 4586.' CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DB. V SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. To cure consumption, the system must be pre pared so that the lungs wiil heal. To accompli, this, the liver and stomach must first be cleanMd and an appetite created tor good wholesome food,, which, by these medicines will be digested prop erly, and good healthy blood made ; thns build ing up the coiiititutiun. Sohenck'a Mandrake Pillscleanse the stomach of all billious or mnjs ous accumulutions; aud. by uing the Sea Wesdr Tonic in connection, the appetite is re'tored- Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup is autricioasas welt as medicinal, and, by using the three remedies, all imparities are expelled from she system, and good, wholesome bjoud tuade, which will repel all disease. If patients will take these medicines according to directions, consumption very fre quently in its last stage yields readily to their ac tion. Take the Pills frequently, to cleanse the liver audstoiuach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive they ere not required, for sometimes in diarrhea they are neccessary. The stomach must be kept healthy, and an appe tite created to allow the Pulmonic Syrup To act on the respiratory organs properly and allay aa irritation. , Then all that is required to perloria a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cold. Ex ercise about the rooms as much as pcible, eatall the richest food fat meat. game, and, in fact, anything the appetite oraves ; but be particular and masticate well. Oct 17. ISM (21 T 1ST 0F PRICES FOR -J MILLINERY WORK. Mas. H. D. Welsh, respectfully informs her eas terners and the publie generally that the follow ing are her rates of charges for work In her line of business: -For all Velvet. Silk, Crape, and ether foun dation Bonnets : : . f I For Bleaching and doing up Straw Eon nets, 7i For uoionng and doing up btraw Bonnets, 1 00 For all kinds of Hats, i : : : a These prices will be rigidly adhered to set. ther more nor less. Jan. 9. 1567. -3m. R ROBISON & CO., r " UVbWALl. USWUW1 Pork packers, Dealers in Glass, Iron and Nails ; Family Floor of best brands; Bacon, Uatns, Sides and Shoulders ; Lard. Mess Pork. Dried Beef m l Cheese; Beans, Hominy and Dried Fruit ; Carbon. and Lard Uil, etc. Re Froxt, No. 255 Liberty Street Pittakars;. Penn'a. March ft, IB67-ly JJANKING & COLLECTION OFFIfJli FOSTER, PERKS A CO., ' Euoeeisort to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., PHLLirsarao, CxjtTRa Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Bailing Haass will be transacted promptly end poa the most favorable terms. " March 20.-tf. C. R. F08T ,fxaxs. - J.D, U'oiltm df Id'.: