Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 20, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 13.-NO. 28.
I know it by the hyacinths ;
Which now begin to blow,
' - -and1 flitting voices strangely sweet ." .
And tremulously low. "
. By something purer in the gun.
And softer in the air.
And holier in the twilight stars,
That spring will soon be here. "
' The Almanacs are well enough .-
For gardeners and for cooks
I sees the seasons, in the sky, .' ' ;'
And find them by the brooks ;
I hear them on the breezy hills.
And. in the hollows, see -The
token Sewers and signs that speak
Their messages to me . . ( ..
And thus, I glean from gleaming isles
Of sunset in Uie West,
: From waving of untiring wings .; "
- That will not go to rest;.1 ' :
From spoils of fragrance spiced afar,
And peeping spears of green, ,
And silver bugles in the wind,
The advent of a Queen !.. .
I know it by the hyacinths , '
Which now begin to blow, .'
That Winter, on his icy bed,,
Is dead, or nearly so. '- -And
soon will come with flaxen curls,
Led by the laughing hours,
The blue eyed daughter of the Bun, .
In glorifying showers ! .
- i
At Dewitz, -in the" neighborhood of
Prague, there once lived a rich ' and whim
sical old iarraer who had a beautiful daugh
ter. The students of Prague, of-whom
there were at the time twenty-five thou
sand, often walked in the direction of De
witz, and more than one of them offered to
follow the plough in hopes of becoming the
son in-law ot the tanner. lh$ first condi
tion that the cunning peasant set on each
new servant was this: "I engage you," he
would say, "for a year, that is, till the cuckoo
sing the return ot sonn? : but it, from now
till then, you say once f hat you are jiot sat:
isncu, 1 wiii cut off the end of your nose.
I give you the same right, over me," ho ad
M, laughing. And he did as he said.
Prague was full of students with the end of
iheir noses' glued on, which did not prevent
3a ugly scar, and si till less bad jokes. . To
return from the farm, disfigured and to be rid
coled was well calculated to cool the warm
est passions. ' V , .
'A young man by the name of Coranda,
some what ungainly in manner, but coolt
adroit and cunning, which are not bad aids
in making one's fortune, took it in his head
to try the adventure."" The farnier.receive.1
him with his luual i?ood nature, and, the
bargain made, sent him to the field to work.
At breakfast time, the other servants wore
called, but good care was taken, to forget
CoranJa. . , At dinner it was the same. Co
randa gave himself 110 trouble about irM He
went to the house, and, while the farmer's
wife was feeding her chickens, unhooked an
enormous ham from the kitchen rafters, took.
huge loaf from the cupboard, and went
Lack to the field to dine and take a nap. ;
"Are you satisfied?" criedthejfarniert
iTien 'Tie returned at night " "
'PertbctJy satisfied,',' said Corandal "I
lave dined better than you have:" Z
At that instant the farmer's wife came
rushing in, crying that her-, ham was cone.
Corauda laughed and the ; farmer turned
paie. , , - ... ; .;
" "Are you pot satisfied?". ated Coranda, .
"A ham isonlyj a ham,' '..answered: his.
water. "Such a.' trifle does not trouble
me." But 'after that time he tookr good
nH to leave the student fasting. '.f .V' V
Sunday came."JThc farmer, and his wife
seated themselves in the waggon to go to
church, saying to Coranda, "It is your busi-f
"ess to cook the dinner, i. Cut up the piece
of meat you see yonder,1 with onions, -carrots,
leeks and parsley,' and 1 boil ' them, all
tocher over the kitchen fire.". . . : .r: -"
ll'ery well,'-answered Coranda. ; n
There wan . a little pet' dog at the farm
house by the name of Parsley. Coranda
killed him, skinned' him,cut. him: ap with
tue meat and vegetables, and put the whole;
o boil over t he i kitchen fire. When the
farmer's wife returned, she called her favdr
lts; but alas! -she saw nothing but the
Woody skin hanging by the. window, - - ; ,
' What hare you done?"-! said she to Co-
randa. -- "
"What mil trA(TPt mii rniarrPRS-'"1 "T have
boiled the T meat, .onions, carrots ,and leeks,.
'Wicked wretch VY ' cried' the farmer,
uad you the .; heart to i.kill the .innocent
creature that was the joy cf the house t" T
' "Are you not satisfied ?'i Baid Coranda;
Mjnjr hU knlfefrom his pocket. ' -' ' VlV
I did not "say. that,' returned the , far
toer, "a dead dog is nothing but a dead
do5. ' Bat he" sighed. .r;ir-"
A few days. after the farmer and his wife
went to TOaTket. Fearing their terrible ser
vant, they said to him, "stay. at. home and
do exactly as you see others do." :
.J-ery, well,", said Coranda;j.' .41'S "Si
tnere was an old shed n . the yard, toe
rof of which , was .-failing ito pieees. ;The
rpeutet earae to repair itj and began, as
usual, by tearing down, the roof; - Coranda
k a ladder, and nioutiting ihe oof. fA the
house,, whieh was quitei new, shingles, lath,
nail and tiles.-he took; offeTtmhibc, and
fered ihem all to the indtt -i When the
J i naive "obeyed yoTTnasf er;" answered
MV saw -Others do. Are you not satis
uand-he took ootiin koifeL ;-" t:
- afiod-Teturfredthe fatmer. "why
2014 Inot he aatisfiodT-A:"Jew' 1 shingles
.-,u9 PTi Jepa -wiU. not. rtuame' v Uut he
"teWwtraff? tfaMtterantrhtr'wifefiflTd
tT KthrricA .-'tff ' rnrncA'Wftk hnri'to the
fflaia U! sali h&Sl'wht new trick have
rid of the incarnate demon. As is always
the case with sensible people, they never
uiu anyining without consulting tneir aaugu
ter, . it being the custom in . Uohemia to
think that children always knew more than
their parents. ,
"Father," said Helen, "I will hide in the
great pear tree, early in the. morning, and
call like the cuckoo." You can tell Coranda
the year is up, . since tfte cuckoo is singing,
pay mm ana send mm away.
Larly in the morning the plaintive cry
or toe cuckoo was heard through the fields.
ne iarmer seemed surprised. . uo you
hear the cuckoo singing yonder? Twill pay
you, and we wnl part good mends. , -"A
cuckoo!" said Coranda, "that is a
bird which I always wanted to see."
lie ran to ths tree and shook ; it with all
his might, when behold ! a young girl fell
from the tree, fortunately more frightened
than hurt. ' - . " , :(.
. 44 Villain !" cried the farmer.
. 4'Are you not satisfied,'.' cried Coranda,
opening his knife. - ,.
retcn : exclaimed the larmer, you
kill my daughter, and you think I ought to
be satisfied. I am furious. Begone, if you
would not die by my hand!
; ' 4'I will go when I have cut off your nose,"
said Coranda. "I have kept my word, do
you keep yours.
. a ift . tit n . "
- top: cried tne tarnier, putting ma
hand before his face; '"you will surely let
me redeem my nose?"
"It depend ou what you offer,'? said Co
rands." . ,
"Will you take ten sheep for it ?"
-"No." - .', ' : . .
"Ten cows?"
".No; I would rather cut off your nose.'
And liesliarnened his knito on the doorstep.
' 4Father,' said Helen, "the tauit is mine;
it belongs to me to repair it Coranda, will
you take my. haiid instead of my father's
nose? - - .'. . : '
'"Yes," replied Coranda,' -; -"I
make one conditionT" said the young
girl. - 'Vre will make the same bargain; tho
Brat of us that is not satisfied after mar
riage shall have : his nos,e cut off by the
other." - . . .
"(rood,?, replied Coranda, "I would
rather it was the tongue; but that will come
next," -. ! .... . -
Never was' a finer wedding. -seen at
Prague, and never. . was there a hanier
household. Coranda and the beautiful He
len were a model pair. ; The husband . and
wife were never heard to complain of each
other ; they loved with drawn swords, and
thanks to their ingenious bargain they
kept for long yars both their love and their
noses. -. ' : ' .
The Pope's Admiration of America. "
Rev. Dr.. Xamv. . who went to llome to
tear the iroceedings of the. late council at
llaltiiuore. to the l'ope, writes hone; "The
Holy Father was rejoiced . and highly
pleased with the Council of .Baltimore, and
also to hear, many ' particulars I gave about
the progress, of .our, Church in' the United
States ; but what jdeased His Holiness most,
and gave him great consolation in the midst
of his, troubles with , which his paternal
heart was afflicted, was the letter addressed
to him . by the ifathers' of. the council. He
spoke of it in the highest term?.. ..'.His' exr..
pi ession was : iieauUtul-Ustter, most beau
tiful ; .. in a few sentences they have written
the history of my .life,'", On,. the j3d instant
1 had the honor ot serving tne-mass, and
assisting him at the altar. . I handed, him ,
myself the beautiful copy of the decrees.so
nicely bound, and he admired it very much.
lWhat beautiful things they make iu Anier?
ica 1" said tlis. Holiness, loosing at me voii
unie, turning it over, and opening iu a lie
late council at 'Baltimore pas produced a
wonderful effocti not only in Home, but also
in France and Ireland.' The other eveuing
his eminence Cardinal Barnabo said to, me :.
The Catholic .Church has a grand arena in
the United States of America ; it is very
consoling.'" . .. ;v
A rather strange affair has occurred in
Newark, N. J.J". Theresa "Weiss, a married
ladv becomine enrared at the conduct of
the wife of William "Muller, determined to
give that lady a chastisement : but,, for fear
of being arrested for the offense, she dis
guised .herselt in male attire, .ort Saturday
night,J 'si few weeks since, and set but on her
mission. ,Mcetihg 'the lady in ;one of the
public streets she .immediately set to work
fiogghig her.':'-Strange things do come W
Eass, and so it seemed in this case, for the
usband of Mrs. Weiss, happened, to pass
that ' way; observed,' as he thought, a man
beating a lady, and with true gallantry he
unceremoniously "pitched into" the sup
posed ruffian J After having roughly hand
led the assailant Of Mrs.' Mnller and helped
the latter to escape, he found to his surprise.
that he had been severely whipping his wit.-
Mrs. Weiss was- arrested for an assault and
battery on Mrs. Muller, and held to bad.' ;:
' . ' i . : r i i '. !
Death from UrcaoFliOBIA. A terrible
case of hydrophobia id chronicled in the De
troit papers. ; A little daughter of Mr?" Al
fred Woodbury, of the -town of Greenfield,
Mich., was bitten, some tone ago," by a aog,
but no symptoms of hydrophobia were at
first shown,-; oAt length rthapoisor, which,
aeting as, a sub-.cutaneous injection,' per me-
aved-every tissue jot; tne system, broke. ub
in a sovete, fwn,.fausiBa the.most intense!
fcuffering, iA-onsolutioo was held hy phy-l
fcicianiTWhoeewed. that, As the-sutferer
culd not'possiblytBurvife,: every eonsidera-
tionpt;:numaniiy?-aemanuea mat hersnt-;
ferings be'enddty spmfl means, iu accord
ance with which, during B severe paroxysm
the child was smot.hFatta-death-
'My.-. dear, -. -aid a -husband, to, his affec
tionate tter halfafter! a little-squabble
44you, liicertainlyaevef o permuioQ to
Heavejj7' 4Vhyr.ott f Because ,you
. : j. Eloqaent Appeal.
Paul Denton, a Methodist Preacher in
Texas, advertised a barbecue, with better
liquor than is usually furnished. When tha
people were assembled, a desj erado in the
crowd cried out, "Mr. .Paul Denton, your
reverence has lied. You promised not only
a good barbecue, but better liquor, r W here's
the liquor?' . ;
4 'There I" answered the missionary, in
tones of thunder, and pointing his motion
less finger at the double spring, gushing up
in two strong column with a sound like a
shout of joy from the bosom of the earth.
"There! ' he repeated with a look as ter
rible as the lightning, while his enemy act
ually trembled at his feet ; "'there is the
liquor which God the eternal brews for all
his children." ' ' '
'" "Not in the simmering still, over smoky
hres, choked with poisonous trasses.and sur
rounded with the stench of sickening odors
and rank corruptions does our rather in
Heaven prepare the precious essence of life
pure cold water: but-ht the green and
grassy dell, where the red deer wanders, and
the child loves to play there God brews it ;
and down, down, in the deepest valleys,
where the fountains . murmur and - the rills
sing, and high up the mountain top ; where
naked granite glitters like gold in the t-un,
where the storm cloud broods and the thun
der storms crash ; and away, far out on the
wide, wide sea, where the wind howls mu
sic and the big waves roar the chorus,sween
ing the march of God there he brews it
that beverage of life health giving water.
gleaming in the dew drops, shining in the
xa.sia ufvi i nuvib j. v i o m 1 1 1 1 1 j i &uuvv
clen, till the trees all seem to turn to living
jewels, spreading a golden veil over the sun,
or a white gauze around the midnight moon,
sporting in the cataracts, dancing in the hail
showers, folding its bright snow curtain soft
ly about the world, and weaving the many
colored ins, seraph s zone of the ky, whose
roof is the sunbeam of Heaven, all checked
ver with the celestial flowers, by the mys
tic hand of refraction, still, always it is
beautiful that blessed life water. .'No poi
son bubbles on its brink ; ". its foam brings
not madness and murder ; no blood stains
its liquid glass ; pale widows and orphans
weep not burning tears in its depths, and no
drunkard s ghost trom the 'grave curses it
in word of trnid tlorir 1 KiwaL- uut nip
friends, would you ever "change it for the
demon's drink alcohol ?" - "" ( '
A shout like the roar of the tempest, an
swered "No!" . .u.J
Ti;.t!Lie Thekk- and Coou I went to
the Legislature last year, said a Georgian.
Well, I went to Aguusta and took, dinner at
a tavern, . mgnt uesiue me at. tue iauw sat
a member from .one of the back, towns that
had neviTtakeO dinner. Jbefore. at a tavern
in hLs life. . Before his plate was a dish of
pep,H;rri,' and he kept looking at them...': Fi
nally, as the waiters were very slow bringing
on things.he up with his fork and in less than
no time soused one into hisijaouth: ;; As he
brought, his grinders down on it, the tears
came into his eyes. At last, spitting the
nenpfr into his hand, he laid it down by the
side uf his .plate, and with a voice that set
the whole j table in a roar exclaimed, ,'iJiL.t
ic there and cool. , ;f T ... ....
Good 'ADVtciirSome one says : 1 "Girls,
et us1 tell 'you a stubborn truth ! A young
woman inever looks so wen to a sensioie
young man, as when dressed in a plain, neat
modest attire, - without- a PHissle- ornament
about her person. She looks then as thom h
she possesbed worth, m herself, and needed
no artificial rigging .to euhauce her, value.
If a young 'woman would spend as much
time in cultivating her mind, training her
temper,) and cherishing.' kindness, i mercy,
and o-her.,good q'ialitie,r.as most of them
do in extra dress arid ornaments to increase
their personal charms, he would at a glance,
be known ainong a thousand-her character
would be read in her countenance. - - '
- - ' -'. r -'
- "State op Matrimony." The State of
Matrimony has at last been bounded and de
scribed v by : some out West btudent,,, who
says : 'It is one of the United States. It
13 bounded by hugirg and kissing on one
side, . and cradles and babies on the other.
Its chief productions are opulation, broom
sticks, and staying out late at night. . It was
discovered by Adam ,,and Eve, while trying
to find a passage out of paradise. Tlie.cli
mate is sultry until you cross the equinoctial
line of house-keepihgr'heh soually w athr.r
Beta in ' with such power as to keep all hands
cool as cucumbers. , f' For the principal Toads
leading to this interesting State, consult the
first pair of bright eyes you run against.".
' A ,4G6od" 1rescbiitio. "Have you
hbnen and ink ?" said tho doctor. 1 - " -! '
j "No," said the poor woman. , l-:-I
,4Well, I have lost my pencil give me a
piece of chalk.!!. " :.i r ; '
i And the doctor chalked a prescription np
pn tlie Jdoor, tQlIing the , afflicted female to
give" 'that to her pop wlieh.he awoke.'.
- Take it, 'ray dot uke it," said the old
womnn, lifting thfcdooi Irom-italnnges ana
earryuMrit to the sick youth, when
onerift'J. "I don t know how vou are to
it, I am Rure;'but me doctor says it is good,
and you had -better try U. 4 -T. j T
1 1.
New Boxrrs.' Ijondon Punch is' very
anxious to- record in, an appropriate niarrier
changes , of ; fa&liion, . The , latest achieve
ment is a picture of a fashionable and affec
tionate couple; tke" husband searching vig
orously inrhis waist' pockets, L The yoong
wife inquires, "have you lost yaur!watcnT
love?" and he replicsrNo darling; 'twas
a new Donnet'I had for you somewhere.".'
I l:ch ' 1 tn' " a.:dtl-i:-'
. i 1 T. l,)J .V,n ln inm-
a band of robbers. rc-J
plied : ' "Yes,' they have robbed the poor .
house of all it inmate' krtd theStiat rris-
. ' - -
A Little of Everything. '
I: Simon spells rescue thus
also spells easv in this wnv--i
An Irishman warns the people not to
trust his wife, because he was never married
to her. . : ; ; -
t-Wait for others to advance your inter
ests, and you will wait until they are not
worth advancing.. . . .
, Candor, in soma people may be com
pared to lemon drops, in which the acid pre
dominates over the sweetness. !" ''
An Englishman being asked how he
spelled saloon, replied: "With a hess, a
hay, a hell, two hoes, and a hen."
r, A London paper adverti;s that ladies
who wish to have muffs made of the genu
ine article "can select their own skins."
. Run not after the blessings, only walk
in the commandments of God, and blessings
snail run after you, pursue and overtake you.
A friend says he knows of but one
branch of employment which is very profit
able, and but little followed, and that is,
."Mind your c-wn business."
' Mrs. Partington wants to know why
the Cjiptain of a vessel can't keep a memo
.randuuiof the weight ot his anchor instead
of weighing it every time they go out of port.
-t A drunken fellow recovering from &dan
gerous illness, was asked whether lie had
been afraid of meeting his God. . "No,"
said lie, "I was only afeard of t'othor chap.'
' O n e of t h e S ia m esc Twins was d rafted by
the rebels during the war, but was at last
declared exempt, on account of having an
only brother dependent on him for support.
"You a dentist, Bob? I did not know
you were in that trade. , ''Yes," said Bob,
I follow no other business than setring
teeth in beef, bread, potatoes and such like.
' It is said there is not less than one hun
dred females now in the . hands of the sav
age?, lately captured from the frontier coun
ties of Texas, and constantly subject to the
grossest outrages. " ."
A firmer refused to hire an Irishman
because two previously hired by him had
died on hand. "Faith,", sail he, "I have
wrought in .many a place, and niver once
played sich a trick."
--A clodhopper hired himself out to la-
bm-for 4Her-tcictrt: ilollrif ft Tfe"r"irtOnth." with
an agreement : tl at he should have half his
pay at the end of every month, and the rest
when his time, was out.,-., v; ; --. -. . ,-.t: I
-p-'.'Do you suppose that a person can see
any better by. the aid ot glasses ( said a
man in company. "I know , he can." an-
sweifed a toper, "for after I have taken half
a dozen glasses, I can see double."
The ; Dailu j WuteonxiH tells of a man
hale and ricorous with a rifle bullet still ir
hi!jbi ain,'j-eccived at the battle of Bull Run,-
lie was in a hospital lor a yar, but can now
swing ah axe or scythe with anybcxly. ! .'
Independence is the locomotive which
carrie the car of society over tho rail-track'
of success. .The man that jumps out is ut-.
tcrly lost. H'Md.oa to yourhair when the
rate is rapid, but' never lose your scat.
A'reniarkable, and perhaps," unparal
leled coincidence is recorded in the civil reg
istry of Bar-sur-Aube, in France.- In 1866
there were inscribed there one hundred and
six births, one hundred and six dejiths, and
one hundred and f-ix rnarriaees. " T. ,
As' a gentleman was ' returning hoind
one night from a taslnona ble ' party, there
was an alarm of fire. He attempted to cry,
"Jr'i fi fi ,V but ft was no tise-hc, was
so drunk that he couldn't get it out, .so, he
gave a boy ten cents to do it for him. ' .
-A younfT wife' remonstrated with her
hnsband, a dissipated spehdthrift, 'on his
conducts - "My love,'., said- he, "I'm only
like the prodigal son ; I shall reform by-and4
by. 4'And i-wtii-rwhke the prodigal son,
too," phe replieil, r'.'fpr I will arise and go. to
my father," and accordingly plf he wenL.;
! An old -Scotch lady had , an evening
party.where a young man was present who
was about to leave for an 'oppointment in
Chin.vc!; As he was exceedinsrly extrava.
gant in his conversation about himself, the
old Jady said, , when he, was leaving, "Tak'
gud care 6 youriselt when ye' re awar; for
mind ye," they eat puppies in China !" - ' . '
'; "A W)rresp6ri lent ' tells of ai chap' who
wasdrinkin at the counter, and withal being
tolerably Jt'ght, after several , attempts - to
raise the glass to his lips succeeded in get- j
ting it high enough ta poor the contents in
side the shirt collar,- and set the' glass down
with the. exclamation : s - That'a'.god.U but a
little too much ice Mr. Bar Keeper.'' i
' A ilaW.WIn literature, strolling along ,
river's banki chanced to spy a ragged lit
iJ urchin fisfiinc, and stepping up, thus
addressed him ':- "Adolescence, art thou en
deavoring to entice the finny tribe to engulf
into their denticulate mouths a barbed hook,
upon the extremity -of-whieh- affixed a
dainty allurement "Novsaid the boy,
Tmfishin.; ; ,s.. ...i ...
' ''ftnrr'! Rail 1 Patrick, robbing his head
ith deliffhtat the prospect of a present frpm
i;a pvfts f n" emploveri 'I always mane to do my du
.tl ty-" -"I believe you," replidd his employ-'
er, and therefore I ehall maksfyqu a present
of all you have stolen from ; me,. during the
year."" "I thank yer honor, replied Pat;',
"and may all your. friends and' acquaintan
ces treayoi as jiberally.V; ao-ni7' c mT
A ' young; lady . the. other-. dayr!in the
course" of a lecture,, (after the,nianner, of
Miss Anna E. Dickinson) eaidu'Get mar
ried young" men, and be quick ; about it too.
Don't. wait Jbrtbe ijnillenram, hopmg:hat
the girh may turn to angels before yoUitrust;
yourselves - wkh-one -of- them A pretty
tViIno- .-.'A Vw.'1nirl0 n nBCliL'WOU ldH t
you-vou hrute ? ' Don't wait another day,
but right now-r-this ryery. nigntas, iwui?
nice, industrious' girl to go wWVpartnereMp
with" ymi,U6 'cfear-your tlnroyof thohi
i . . , . a r
gujimf g ivrctorij.
CT ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear
l V field, P. ; , May 1863.
IRVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square t Sawed
- Lumber. Dry Goods, Groceries. Floor, Grain,
A j ,to., Bnrnido P., : ., -. Sept. 23, 1863. .
TERRELL BIGLER, Dealers in Hardware
L.TX and manufacturer of Tin and Shoet-iron
fare. Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Jane
11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa.. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 18A3
HF. NAUGLE, "Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Rim in
Graham's row, Market street. --- Nov. 10.
i ;
HBUCHER EWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clcar
. field. Pa. Ofilct in Graham's Row, fourdoo s
west of .Graham & Boynton's store., , , JSoy. 10.
FORCEY &. GRAHAM. Dealers In Sqnarc and
Sawod Lumber, Dry-Goods, Quceuaware, Gro
ceries. Flour, Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ao , Ao, Gra
ham ton, Clearfield county, Pa. - ' Oct. 10. '
J P. KRATZER, Dealer in Dry-Goods. Clothing,
1 Hardware. 'Qucebsware, Groceries. Provi
sions , eto., -Market Street, nearly opposite the
Court House, Clearfield, fa. -, June, l ;. .
HARTSWICK & IRWIX, Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines. Paints. Oils, Stationary, Perfume
ry . .Fancy Uoods, rtotiona, etc., etc.. Market street,
Cleai field. Pa ' Dee. 6,
(.-KRATrEK A BON, dealers in Dry' Ooo.la,
. Clnthine, Hardware,' Queensware.; Groce
ries. Provisions. Ac, Front Street, (above the A
cademy,) Cleai field, Pa. Dee 27.1SS5.
Wl LLI AM V. law IN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
hanlije. Hardware. Queensware,- Groceries, and
family articles generally. ; ; . .. -' Sot. 10.
JOHN flVELlCil.- Manufacturer'of all kinds ol
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa
'' also makes to order Coflins. on short notice, and
teids funerals with hearse. - Aprl0,'59.
rilIOMAS J. M'CULLOUGU, Attorney at taw.
X Clearfield, Pa. ' Office,- east of the ' Clearfield
o Bank. " Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. . July 3.
J-'B M'EN ALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
Kiunties. OEoe in new brick building of J.Boyn
t m 2d ttmL BM daa aamhof JUanich's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal Offit. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. -:
r : 1 : : . .- -
DENTISTRY. J. P CORNETT, Dentirt, offers
v his profesrional services to the qitiiens of
Curwcnsville aud vicinity. Oflice in Drug .Store,
cjrner Main and Thompson Sts. May 2, lsoo.--
. :t . t .' 1
rN A j FU LTHJN. Attombt at Law. Cnrwensrtlle
k. Pa Offine in M'Bride's buildinr, Ion Main
Street -Prompt attention ' given to the aeouTing
andeollection of claims, and to all legal business.
. November 14, -186-uip...J 3- ,.-. -: ,
J BLAKE WALTERS, Scrivlner and Couvey
. ancer, and Agent for the pttrchaso and sale
of Lands," Clearfield, Pa: ' Prompt attention giv
en to all business connected with the county offi
ces. Office with V: A. "Wallace.- ' " ' Jan. 3.
GALBETRT" A r.R0"S. Dealers 5n Dry Goods,
. Groceries, Hardware-.Quoensware.Flour Ba
con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also,
extensive dealers in atl kinds of "sawed lumber,
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. ...
i Woodlaad, Pa., Au-. 13th, 1S63. ,
neys' at Law Clearfield, Pa, Legal businets
of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to
Clearfield, Pa., May Itith, - - , : ' . i. .:
. . . 1 1 1 t . . .' i ' n l i -
I . . . . , . ,
DK: J V. BDRCHFIELD Late Sdrgcon Of the
83d Ueg't,Penn'a Vols. having returned
from the army," offers his professional services to
the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. "Profes
sien.al caHs Dromctlv. attendad to. Office on
South-E&it corner of 3d and Market Streets:
, Oct. 4. 165 6mp. , .... " .
U "R. N I'T U 'R E - R O 'O M S.'
Desires to inform hisotd friends and customers
that, having enlarged his shop and increased his
facilities f..r manufacturing, ne is now preparuu
to make to order such furniture a may badestr:
ed, in rood style and at cheap rates for cash- He
mostly has on hand at his -Fujnitare Kooms."
a varied assortment of furnitara, among whichis,
Wardrobes and Book-cases -r Centr, Sofa, Parlor;
Breakfast pn.i Dining extension labies.
Common, Frenqh-poats, Cottage Jen-
ny-Jjind and otner lieasteaas.
i Spring-ieat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; a
l -..And common and other Chairs. r , ,'
vs.L O O K IJ.CG L A S S E S --
Of every description on hand! and newglajw fcr
' 1 old frames, whlcB wn oe pui in jn very
; iscaable terms. On short notice.' ' . . .
He also keep oanacJ. or furniaaes to order, Hair,
Corn-buisk, wair ana motion iop ';?ri
Made to order," and funerals attended with a
-- I ( Hearsa! believer desirable. ;.-!i .
Also. Housa painUng done to order. ,.
The above, and many other articles are furnished
to customers cheap or cash or exchanged for ap
proved couutry pro-luce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar,
Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the bust-
nesa, taken in eicnangwir lorcuure. ' - -
;ld. and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store.'.'
Deoesaber 4, t861
i ALMEll'S PateErnnlbading hay-forksrto be
had at . i i MERRELL A BDJLER'8. r
LADIES FURS, and Gents' fur caps, for sale at
the "corner" store? Cjurwensville, Pa.
FLOUR A quantity of EltraFamily Floar.in
Barrels, for sale by -.V - - WVF IRWIN.'
IKONi: lROFIi-Best bar "nW for sale-at the
; store of . . MERRELL A BfGLER-
"VlL, Putty. PainU Glaarand Nails, or sal at
Vf Jane -op. acuixlii
i , : f . . t-i . r 1 1 I;
TrimminetJ and Shoe-fimdings for I
II sale at
E A L E 11 o T E L,
CrRWKNsrvi'iLLE, Penn a; i II. ! J
LEWIS W. TEN EYCK, Pkopbietok.
Having leased and refitted the above hotel, be
is now ready to accommodate the trmgariing pub
lic U is bar contains the choicest brands of liq
uors. He solicits a share of public batrenaee.
- July 1 1th, 18ofi. . - i u . .. - .5
Carriage and Waeon Shop,; - '
Immediately In rear of .Machine shop., 7'
. The undersigned would respectfully inform tba
citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general,
that he is prepared to do all kinds -f work a
carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds, Ac, on
short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Or
der promptly attended to. WM. M 'KNIGHT.
Clearfield, Feb. 7. 18ti8-y.
c c o t t ii o u s e;
rlhis house having been refitted and elegantly
furnished, is now open for the reception and en
tertainment of guests. The proprietors by loutf
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
can satisfy a discriminating; public Their bar is
enppliod with the choicest brands of honors and
wine. . .- ; ... -a-.. July 4 th, 1886. !
Their celebrated thorough bred Steed. CBurtat
. por cash," the Peoples' favorite I -,
. Remember this. nd when in want of rbasowa
price, call at the store of Kirk A Spbsceb, ia
Lumber City. You will not fail to be raited."
Dress Good and .Notions in. great vatiety,
,We study to please- .
Lumber City. Pa., July 1, 185. ' i
. . . . .i .- . .- .
!The undersigned wcmld respectfully announea
to the citizens of Clearfield county, that be ha
opened a now store in Marysville, and that - lie fa
now receiving a large and splendid assortma&tci
seasonable goods, uch as i' -- ..T,-.. f
Hard-ware, Queens-ware, i Groceries,'
CkMss. OUa. Paiata uA AltM,. Boota.'ShMa, HataT
. and Caps, Clothing, and Stationary , ,
and in fact a general' assortment of good, such,
as are generally kept in a country -store.
Desirous of pleasing the public, be will use hla
best endeavors to keep on band the best of goods,
and thereby -hopes to merit a liberal char of pat
ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhereaa I Spa,
determined to sell goods at moderate price "for
coeh.pr exchange - them for every description
of Lumber, at market prices. . i '
Sept, 27, 1365. STACY W. THOMPSON:
. Are just opening at fhe Old it and above the .,
A large and splendid, assortment of Fall Goods;'
which they are selling at greatly reduoed prices.
Particular attention is invited to their stock of
.- .-" . CARPETS, ..; :. j , , r.
(Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng-,
Ifsh Inffrairs. end Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil
cloths,. Window Shades and Wall Paper ' "!'-
!,i : . . ... - . ' t . '
Especial pains has been taken in the selection .
of Ladies' Dress Goods. White Goods, Embroide-'
ries and Millinery goods- ... r .. i -t
'. They' have 'also a large 'tock of Ready-made
clothing, and Hoot and Shoes. whicH ,'tbey will ;
eell at a .small advance on city cost, '
Flour, Bacon, Fish. -Salt and Plaster. ApplM,t
Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. , ,
: -Alsd. some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wine'
for medicinal use .v- 'r.!--;--! ' o Tt ' -Tt r -;:
! Also in . store a quantity of large -and small f
clover seed. '. .'-'- -' ' ' ' "
Wo intend to make it an object for Farmers ,
and Mechanics to buy from us. because we -will '
sell our goods as low. as they can be bought in
Ihe evunty; and will pay Ute very highest pries
for all kinds of country produce. We will-also-,
exchange goods for School, Road nd County or- '
ders .- bhingles,-lkards and every kind of umoO
actnred Uxmber. . , . Marck 14, jlSfifi.-
.T. "l
IlaVc just, raceiyetl ' another., scpply tf
', ; ": , Fall and Winter Qootts. "
i i " . .1 .1 ,'- v-' - ;' Vi-'ii
I Having jus returned from: the easferV ritfek
we are now-opening a full stocs: xf, seasoMUlo .
goods, at our rooms on Second street, to' which
they respectfully invite- the attention -oi 4be"pa.b- i
lie- generally..,. ; Our assortment t Aiusnrpajxed
in this section," and is being sold very ' low for '
cash. The nock consists ia part at" ; : ?.
of the best quality, suck a Print. Defainei A7pa-
eas. Merinos, Gingham ; Muslins, bleached. aad'J
unbleached; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool ,
Flannels, Caseimers, Ladies' fc awls', Ooat,' Kn-
biaa.. Hoods, Hoop skirts, Balao orals, Ae.f A..lt a
of wich will be sold low pok,cash. Also, a fine
assortment of the best of " 1 ' I'l.-.
4 ft
consisting of Drawer and Fhiru," Hats and Cpg, i
Boot and Shoes, HandkerchiefU cravats, etc
Also, Uaft RopeTDog"ifope7"Raiyn An gar
and -Axe.' Nails and Spikes, Tinware,- Lamps and
Lamp, wick aod chisneys, clonic r.jjt -r '-.r.. is
: XlsoC Qneensware. Glassware; Hardware, Oroce- '
rie, and pioe of all kind.; , rABkert. gewcrUil
awortmet.t of ertry thine usuaUy kept in retail T
store, alt theapi fo vashS- or tf f) roved eotfotry 1
produce.) ., a . -relf ,f -ft .(,..nif
, Nov. 23-jal " ' WEIGHT FLANIG AN. . ,
' ' ' ' 1 . a i . m t o - . mi ' i' nil a
x.ugiiBn currant, cssance Lioneewana vine
gar of the best quality, for sale byr -r r
' r ) I ' . ' ' yi ' 1 . n ' II'.1' ui 'T
BANNED PEACHES, Dried cherrie and apples
Kj for sale by WRIGH t A FLAIfEGAN. !
1 V.
I- -4,
Will De waniea as jrmfsucjt.wwwrF'i mv i
on of its ictim&.'V r.fi in iffinr-p-;.Vi i ana pun re wnn jurwero.