k -r-H 5t:i !: fit: is if! J- i.'t' ; i lis ft l CLEARFIELD, PA., FED. 20, IS6T H F. N A U G L E, WATCH MAKEB GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. ' The undersigned respectfully' informs his old customers and the public, that hehaa on hand, (and constantly receivingnew additions,) a large itockof Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large Tariety from the beet Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm docks. e WATCHES a fine assortmentof silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and fall jeweled. ' y " ' GOLD jVEiVS. an elegant assortment, of the beet quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders. . . , . SPECTACLES, a Urge assortmant, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. , . .. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set- . ALSO, fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Al.abata. ' All kinds of Clocks: Watches and Jewelry care nlly repaired and Warranted. . . - - A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, 1S65- H.F. NAUGLH rpo THE AFFLICTED,;! READ! READ! READ! THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES - - Persons subject to various ailments, frequently - ask the question. ''What shall, I do to relieve ine ?" To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which have bnt recently been introduced to the public, although they have been in ase for a number of years as Family Remedies. . AMERICAN VEGETABLE EITTERS. This Vegetable Compound is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver. Carbuncles, E ruptionsof the Skin, Canker in the Stomach, etc. A benefit is always experienced from the use of one bottle, and perfeet cure warranted when the patient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity. In some cases from two to three bottles will effect a cure. So change of diet is necessary. Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough of it. ' : AMERICAN LU5G RESTORATIVE. -This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases, Coughs. Colds, Tightness of the Ihest. Pain in the Breast, Asth ma, sronenitis, etc. mis Medicine bas a most happy effect in the above complaints, when taken according to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances, and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta neons relief. It is worth a trial at least. . AMERICAN LINIMENT. This compound cob tains the most wonderful medics! properties, and is superior to any other , liniment now in use It is a speedy, safe and sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Earache, Toothache, Sore Threat. Stiff Neck, Spinal Disea- . sea, Pain ia the Breast, Side and Kidneys ; liszi- , noes. Barns. Scalds. Chilblains, Cuts - Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores, Kuaronnda, Felons, Cholera Morbus, Colic, etc.. No family siiould be with"" it, as it is truly an indispensable and valual;' . . remedy. ...... AMERICAN GOITER CURE. This is an oof ailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple in itseompositrbv, yet powerful in its effect. Us ed internal'y ud externally.- Persons afflicted In this way should not hesitate to obtain the rem edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re .lieved from their unpleasant com plaint. AQ the above remedies are prepared and Sotd by il. A. FKANK A CO. Clearfield, Pa. Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices rpHE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD M OS SOP, - DEALER IS rOREKJN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOOS.iC, MABKST STREET, CLEARTIELD', PA. Read th following list of goodsatul proftttfierehy. Cheap FOR THE LADIE3. Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Always on hand a large stock of La Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laims, Giuithams, .Prints, Unints, Kerchiefs. Nu bres, Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown and urey Ctoths, Fancy and Black . CaaimerCs. Sattinets. Casinets, Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest- .fioods Li heap Cheap Goods ings. blurting, etc., etc. etc. 'Goods Cheap KEADY-MADE. Good, Cheap Cheap Cheap Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, ITndor-i""f ' u : . i . i I.' i - 1 - suiru, suu uiuer cmnuci suing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck . ties. Gum Boots and Shoes, and a variety of other articles. oods Goods Good it Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Such as Unbleached and Bleached 5"' Muslins, Colored Muslins. Linen and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. ear pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE. AC. Goodi Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Ksneap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap If you want Nails or spikes. Manure or other tors, aw-mill or other saws, Smootns ng irons. Locks, . Hinges, etc, go to Mossop'a where you ' n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, troW. Shoe and Stove black ine. Manilla Uroeds and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Goods . Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods etc., buy them at Mossop's. Goods TP YOU WANT Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Faney'0' Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or V.'in- Goods Goods Goods Cheapl Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap' Cheap Cheapl aow &naaes. Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Goods IF YOU WANT Good extra family Flour, White or' ""y tiMwn ancrftr ham, (iAnllan I'tOaS sides, coffee; Imperial, Young f.oodf Hyson or blacs tea, buy them I ,'.0"r atMossop's cheap for cash. ' . IF YOU WANT , fcj! Cheap Ctteap Cheap Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt.;G;ow, syrmp or moiaases, cneese, ancd GooJs apples or peaches, water or so- iGoods do eracers, call at Moasop's Goods where you can buy cheap. Gnod IF YOU WANT . Goods I, Heap Cheap Cheap CHeap CtAap Cheap Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacr:unen-jf"Mfo tal uses. Sweet wine, old Monon- Good gahela or rye whisity, Cherry - and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop'a cheap cash store. . Good Goads Good Goodi Cheap Cheap Cheap , IK" von w ivt . .. I Raiseni, Figs. Prunes or dried Cnr- 0,00'1 ranU; filberts, cream, pecan or y,'y Cheap Cheap Cheap O .wo, uau uui iw ( y , , T r : . . . ftanA or Lianorice root Knv tAn, at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap Cheap To buy ny other article cheap, b aZods Cheap Che nre togow mossop, i or be sells Goad. cheaper for easa tnan any other )rzJ. Dereon i Clearfield county. ZS Cheap K6vember27,18fll. p27'59. Iw, Citaap Approved etantry produt of every Irnui taien at the nsued marlet price in exchange for goods. QO'AND SEE M0 8ur -a . MEN'S CLOTHING, BOOTS 5e SHOES, WOMEN'S CLOAKS, AND W 0 M E N'SV'S II 0 E S, WHICH ARE SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL FRICE I Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 14. 1S6S. C LE A RFIELD ACADEMY. The Third Session of the present Scholastic year, will commence on Monday, Feb 11, 1967. Pupils can enter at aoy time. They will be charged with tuition from the lime they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Trmost ' " Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) 55 00 ' Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry. - S6.00 ; Algebra,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy.. Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping. Botany,-and Physical Geogra phy. . $Srt0 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches, $12.00 EXo deduction will be msfle for absence. For further particulars inquire of Ret. P. L. HARRISON, a . Nov. 14, 1868. ; Principal. Q YES! O, YES!! O.YES!!! ' 20 PER. CENT. LOWER. THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY. ; ; JOHN S. HADEB AC1I, Having opened a new store at the Blue Ball, Clearfield county. Pa., wishes to notify the public that he is determined to sell all kinds of goods CHEAPER TH15 TDE CHEAPEST in tbeCuUnty. Now is your time to cal I and examine his stock, while be is placing on his shelves a- full assort ment of the best Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware; Drugs, Oils and Paints, Ac. Hats, Caps, Boots and shoes, of all kinds, con stantly kept for sale. ' Also, a general assortment of ready-made Cloth ing for men and boys. . He will dispose of his goods at a very low price for cash, or exchange them for all kinds of mar keting. Sawed lumber and shingles taken in exchange Tor goods. : JOHN S. RADEB VCH. October 21th, 1SS6. " ' pRICE CURRENT II. W. Smith & Co.' OF GREAT REDUCTION IN MERCHANDIZE. Prints that we sold at 25 ets. wo now sell at 22 Unbleached muslins at 30 cts. " at 25 Bed muslins fironr 25 to 50 cts. 25 to 40 Alpacas we sold at 45 to SO cts.' " 35 to 65 All wool delaines at 60 cts. " at 55 Common delaines at 35 cts. at 25 Cassimeres 1 0 per cent, above cost, and all dress goods at the same ratio. BOOTS and shoes of No. 1 quality (not auction) at imraenso reductions. FISH, such, as mackerel, hairing, Aa.'. we will sell at cost '.! HOODS, Nubias, Breakfast shawls etc., of ev ery description reduced. We offer bur stock of Dry Goods, at the above figures up to Jan. 1st, 1357. They are all A No.l, new and fashionable. Look at it! an alpaeca at the price of a eommon delaine ! We make this offer in good faith, giving all an opportunity to lay in their supplies at the cheapest rates. Best coal oil at 85 cents per gallon. Strictly for ca.sh. Nov. 2H. ima. II. W. SMITH A CO. J J ARK! WHAT IS THAT? GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY! The last goods of the season have just arrived at Wm. F. Irwin's, on Second street, Clearfield, and will be sold at about cost and carriage. Now is the time to buy! And buy your goods at the Cheap Cash Store if you want bargains. ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at the cheapest prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he feels persuaded none undersell him. Ilia stock embraces a well selected assortment of Dry-Gcods and Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Drugs, Oils and Painte. Gloss. Hats and Caps, Baskets and Buckets. School Books and Stationary, Salt, Axes, Nails and Spikes. Also, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of the very best makes, and at prices lower than . heretofore. Also, Dried Fruita, and Canned Fruits, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the ''cheap cash store" if you wa,nt to buy gooas ai xair prices. Nov. 23.1866. WM F.IRWIN. FIR SALE at cost 4 barrels of good family flour, to close out the stock, at Jan. 10,1866. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. 23. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. Q HAIRS! : .CHAIRS!! . CHAIRS!!! JOnS , TROCTMA3 Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his hop located on the let in tberear ot his residence on Market street, and a short dinUoce west of the Foundry, is prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a tall, with every description of Windsor chairs, lie has a good assortment on band, to which he directs the attention of purchasers. They are made of the very-brnMnaterial. well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the times Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield, Pa., March 23. 1SC6 G 0 ANB SEE MOSSOP'S CLOTHING WHICH IS 8KLLINQ . " AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE. : " O M I n; d ustrti HOOTS AND snOES ; Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned wonld respectfdlly invite the attention of the eititens of Clearfiel i and vicin i IO give him a cull at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Uartswiek A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. ' ; Orders entrusted to him will be executed wfth promptness, strength nd neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calf skins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. . Jose 13th, 1866. DANIEL CONNELLY to; mossop's for men's boots and shoes, AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE. L W A Y S N E W, . AVITHOUT FAIL. j oh x irvin, : Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville, an jntire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he will sell very cheap for cash. His dtock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, -Hardware, Queensware, Boots.. v and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing," etc. The publio generally is respecfully invited to give him a call : see his stock and hear his prices, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage. Nor. 15, 1868 W OMENS' CLOAKS AND SHOES. CAS BE BOUGHT AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE, At Mossop's Store in Clearfield. LIFE INSURANCE AT. HOME. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. 921 Chestsut Street, Phiia. j Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue felicieeon any of the approved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71.: Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid' in cash; annually, semi-annuall) or quarterly; or one-half in casn, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to January, 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums Agency, at the office of H. B. Swoops. Clear field, Pa. Dr J. G. Uartswiek, Medical Exami ner Angust 24, 1864. M ENS' CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, ABC SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE, - At Mossop's Store in Clearfield. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., One door East of the Clearfield House. ' - . i - Keeps on haid a full avtortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, Undershirts, Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doe-skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres in great variety. Al. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, an I Trieott Over-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also aeut for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Co'a Sewing Machines. November 1, 1S65. JF YOU WAST TO BUY . . WOMEN3' CLOAKS AND SHOES, AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE, GOTO MOSSOP'S STORE. p A Y ATTENTION !! GOOD BARGAINS AT THE CLEARFIELD FOTJITBRT. We hereby notify the public, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, by the undersigned, who are now ready to accommodate the community with anythicg per taining to our line of business. We keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of stoves and castings, among which are the following Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves for b ' m. - mrning either wood or coal ; ider stoves, No. 4 ; Vase st Sala- mander RtAl-fto No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 16 and 20 gallons ; 1 arm dinner bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 28 inches ; Plows and plow-castinp-s. We are also prepared to make all kinds of GRTT and SAW-MILL IRONS, and special attention will be paid to the repairing of Threshixo Ma chines. Persons in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call. Every description of approved country prod uce and old metal, taken in exchange for our manufactures, at the h market price. . HARLEY A SONS Clearfield, Not. 1, 1865 tf. LEATHER a good assortment for sale bv MERRELL A BIGLER. December 14, 1864.: Clearfield Pa, F ALL STYLES of Bonnets and Hatsjnst receiv ed at aitts. WELCH'S OYSTERS ! OYSTERS !! I ara always ia receipt of the best Oysters, which will be served up in the usual variety of styles. I have now a warm and comfortable room, fitted up for the accommodation of LaMXS, which de partment wi'l receive particular attention. " ; . . ROTE'S Oyster and Ice-cream Saloon, Jan 16, 1866-tf. Clearfield. Pa. VARM FOR SALE. The subscriber of fers for sale his farm situate on Potts Run Jordan township, contiftinsr of 127 acres of land 16 of which are cleared. -.There are several good veins of coal on the place, and an excellent wa ter power which, if suitably improve!, would drive asaw or grist mill most of the y?r. Will be sold cheap for cash. T LLODLE, ' March 21, 136Vtf. Clearfield borough. D OLDIER'S BOUNTIES. The new bill equalizingbounties has passed both Hou ses, was approved by the President, and is now a law. : A three years' soldier gets SI 00 and a two years' soldier $50 Bounties and Pensions are collected by me for those entitled to them. Brisg forward your applications. J. B. McENALLY, Att'y. at Law. Angust 1,1868 Clearfield, Pa. (CLEARFIELD HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old friends and customers at the "Clearfield House." Having made many Improvements, he is prepar ed to accommodate all who may favor uim witu their custom. Every department connected with the house is conducted in a manner to give gen eral satisfaction. Give bim a call. Nov. 4, 1S66. GEO. N. COLBURN. QOLDIER3' BOUNTIES. A recent has passed both Houses of Congress,; bill and signed by the President, giving three years' sol diers 3100 and two years' soldiers 550, bounty. Soldiers wounded in line of duty, who did not serve two or three years. are entitled to the bounty. OT1 Bounties and Pensions collected by me for those entitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 15th, 18d6. - Clearfield, Pa. WANTED. Agents, to sell a New Book. ' Now ready," '"Women of the War," by Frank Moore, author of "The Rebellion Re cord.'' The book will contain nearly 600 pages, includicg the pages of Steel Engravings. . It is having an extensive sale, and offers an op portunity for both men and women to engage in a lucrative and pleasant employment. "Forcircu lars address or applv to . EMERY A HOWES, Gen'l Agents, Jan. 16. 1S67: 68 Fifth Street, PittsburgjPa, CLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocr- ace Home Industry. The undernam ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kimlsof Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen-. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black' berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhen barb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug 31.1864. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, T 1ST OF PRICES FOR -LJ . ' MILLINERY WORK. Mrs. H. D.Welsh, respectfully informs her cus tomers and the public generally that the follow ing are her rates of charges for work in her line of business : ' ' For all Velvet. Silk, Crape, and other foun dation Bonnets : : : : $1 00 For Bleaching and doing up Straw Bonnets. 75 For Coloring and doing up Straw Bonnets, - 1 00 For all kinds of Hats, . : : : .: . 50 These prices will ' be rigidly adhered to nei ther more nor less. Jan. V. lSo7.-3m. iLKAKFIELD MARBLE WORKS. r V The undersiened adonts this method of loLurraiDj ine puono anu ine pntrons ot toe late Wm. Gahazan. of Bellefonte. that ha is curt-vino on the MARBLE BUSINESS ' in the Borough of vicarudiu, in an iia various orancnes ana will bold himself always in readiness to furnish those who call upon him, with all kinds of Cemetery work, such as Monuments, Box Tombs, Cradle Tombs, Spires, Obiisks, Grecian Tombs, Table Xombs. Head atones, carved sculptnrsd or plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be had at any other establishment in the country. Thank ful for past favors, the undersigned solicits an in crease ot patrrmege. , July 25, 186(5. JOHN W. GAHAQAN N. B. Persons who reside more convenient to Tyrone, will please call there, as he has also openea a enop ibat place. AfLSS R A. P. RTNDER. Teacher of Pi aito Forte, Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, uiii.inraiOTj ana ocai auupic. irortne purpose .of keeping inferior Instruments out of th-e count v Miss Rynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos. Organs, Guitars and Melodeons. As chief among a large list of g-vou meiruraenis may ne mentioned, Chickerings and Sons Grand, Square and1 Up right Piano Fortes. Lindeman'a and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano. Calenberg A Vaupel's Grand and Square Pianos Mason A Hamlin's L,aoinei urgivn. titty's Cottage Organ-. Treat A Linslcy's Organs and Melodeons. Hall's Guitars. 4c, which she will sell at a very trifling advance on aianuiacturer 8 prices, tbtra enabling purchas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater outlav of monev than vimM be required to get inferior articles that are "dear at any price.' ' Musio Books, Paper, Guitar Strings and Sheet music co.nsianuy on nana at tbe store of Mrs. II. l. eisa. September, 20. 1865. JATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's CELEBRATED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOCBLR SPRING) SKIRT. The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort ana pioasure to any lady wearing the Duplex El liptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, rail- ruau cars, caurcn pews, arm cnatrs, tor prome nade and house dress, as tho skirt can be folded wncn in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an inval uable quality in crinoline, not found in any sin gle spring skirt A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex El liptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will nev er afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies, 'they are superior to all others They will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace ful shape when three or four ordinarv skirt will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice, (or double) covered ; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops-stairs, &o. The Duplex Elliptic is a treat favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the standaid skirt of 4he fashionable world To enjoy the followinz inestimable advanta ges in crinoline, vii : superior qualitv: perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility. durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W.Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. Cactioi . To guard against imposition be par ticular to notice that skirts offered as "Duplex" have the red ink stamp, viz : "J. W. Bradley's Dupl ex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon tbe waist band none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the se cret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to be found in any other skirt. For sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of tbe Patent. WESTS. BRADLEY A CARY, 87 Chambers 79 A 81 Reade Sts., N. Y. January 23d, 1867.-3m. -(0AL, Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family Dyes, j Varnish and Paints of all kind ground in OiL for sale by HARTSWICK A IRWIIT. PULLEYBLOCKS of varions sixes, to be had t MERRELL A BIGLER'S. TO 'MUSIC-' teaciiers; .' .AND DEALERS. - - . The subscriber lawfully prepared to furnish Sheet Music, Strings, Musical Instruments,, and Music Books -of . all kinds at the lowest, trade rates, wholesale apd retail, from the largest -o) lections in this country; .. ,; , .. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders, . . .. SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, N. Y.h Q LOT II IN G! CLOTHING!! GOOD AlTD CHEAP ni Men, Youths and Boys can be tuplpied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at REIZENSTEIN BROS ft CO., - -r . . . . : . - - ' ,t- where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given.' has induced t'bem to. increase-their s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. ' -' ' lieizenstein Bro's & Co., Seli goods at a very small profit, for casb; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock t reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at - ; HEIZKX STEIN BKO'S A CO. ' Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. ' ' ' ' ' May 18, 1S64 ' JJEW HARDWARE STORE! rniLIPSBCRG, CENTRE CO., TA. - G. H. Zeigler & Co.j DEALERS I!f " ; Foreign and Domestic1 Hardware, ; ' 'i- .,. . , Cuttlery, Wood and Willow ware, , i . - - . . .; 4 it j - Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Taints,,, i Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc.- " The attention of Mechanics. Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that .we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers, Join ers. Ac, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad andlMining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes, Ch ains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hollow ware in great variet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carvin knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea ancLjfable spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be f-und buck ets of every size, tin-cups, oil cvns. sprinkling cans, dotting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measaras. and many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everybody. Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Vices, sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes. hore nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron. nail rods' etc;, and with cast, shear, spring and blistar steel, from the best manufacturers in the United States, or of foreign manufacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in our establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes, Saws. Augurs,- Hatchets, Hammers, Files, Chisels. Hinges, - Screws, Locks, - Bolts, Pulleys, Ssh, Cord, Ac. Farmers Will find everything in their line, and cheaper (han elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns ; Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and coal 'Stoves. ,. , Comprising Spear's justly celebrated And dust. cook and parlor stoves of all sues; Also,The 'Ni agara cook, Parlor cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew- drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. - - - . . . , i All of the above goods will be sold cheap for Ch. n tj ittnirp m '"P'barg. Oct, 10th, 1836.-ly. CANNED FB UIT, of best quality, for sale by Aug. 21 MERRELL A BIGLER. CHEAP HOODS AND NUBIAS. 25 doien, of the best aualitv nf Wool Honda anil NnK,' selling: at from 40 ta 7S moIh iiu.h t Dec. 12,1868. MOSSOP'S rp n E " O O R N E R . S T O It p " A " ClRWINSYTLLT, PA., Is the place to purcbae goods ,f every ari tion. and at themost advantageous terici AW" and well selected Jstoc of seasonable gnoit been added to that already on hand. hiek are prepared to !! to customers at nrir.. . . , ' as the lowest. : The highest market rat I...K.. f.n A Tl . . a? -i- R.- A. IRVIN, - W. R. HAKTSnORX . Curwensville. July 17. 1S65' .TT E $ Tl ON! BUYERS!! DKALCRS 15 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, c Mil 8TRT, COBWHSVlLLX,rA., ' - ' T " ' ' ; Having just returned from the east with eral assortment ot goods, to which they desist,.' invite' the attention of 'their old 'customer un friends. Their stock cosU of f Dry -Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queensvve Tinware, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Car. ' Clothing, Notions, etc in great variety, wii- they no offer at prices for cash to snH tit' times.- . -;. They also dal in Grain, Pork, Shinglei.. and other lumber, which will bo receive j,, highest market prices in exchange for goodi ; Persons desirous of purchasing goods at &ir rates are respectfully requested to give us a nil Remember jou can find us at tbe old stand t& Main Street where we are prepared to accent date customers with anything in our line business. Sept. g, 1865. illPPLE 4 FAUST A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goode or en. ry description, sold as low for cash, at any store in the county, by Uec. g. 13B5. ' IRVIN & HARTS flORX. IJIIIE BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO. P I; A N O , F O R T E S, WHOLESALE AGENCY. ' The subscriber, .late a member of this ' ' known firm has established a ; .VHOLESALE AGENCY', 581 Broadway, New York Citjv Where he will be pleased to receive the order, of his friends and the public, and especially to heir from those who have so liberally bestowed their ' patronage on the firm heretofore. He will cur ply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at the very Inv est Prices, Made with the Insulated Iron Rim and Fmw (cast in one solid plate.) They excel all oth ers in durability and superiority of tntx. and elegance of external a; pearaLce. All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, givin? in connection with the patent iron riui and frxue, Full Ronrui Powerful, and Street ITef!otc Taw. The Cases are elegant in appear&uce, aud em.! and safely handled. Warranted, to prove satisfactory, or tiie money returned. Addi ess all orders to SIBERIA OTT, 5"! Broadway Y V. s. D. & II. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS, The Most Perfect and Beautiful MUSICAL I N S T R U ME"T IN TIIE WORLD, FOR TBE AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE, B a . 5 TIIE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes home attractive, refines and elevates ths minds of all, beautiful in appearance and effect- SIBERIA OTT, 581. Broadway, New York City, WHOLESALE AGENT. The immense popularity of these Organs s their superior Musical Powers, is fast briig'cS them before the publio, as the instrument so IS desired in AMERICAN HOMES. And although the cost price ia but a trifle over the Melodic yet the musical advantages, beaaty of too ,9i quickness of touch and action are so far(op"or' that they are fast superceding the Melodion, Md becallis now almost exclusively for the AMERICAN ORGANS. ItiVadapted to any music, from the quick"5 most lively, to the heavy tone of the Chorch Or gan. And almost universally they are preferred to the Piano! by persons who have them, yet9"' ingles than half, and only taking a small mlt of room. ; ' " Send for disrripttve circular giving full 'par ulareandprxtset. . " i. I Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealer, J large discounts to the trade' and Teachers. dress all orders, " . "' '' " ' . :' SIBERIA OTT, Wholesale Agent. ' 581 Eroadway.New Trk New Tork, April 4th, 18S.-y.