'RAFTSMAN'S' 21afteman'x SXournal. CLEARFIELD, PA., JAN. 16, 1867. T O MUSIC TEACHERS AND DEALERS. The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish Eheet Music, Strings. Musical Instrument, and Music Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates, wholesale and retail, from the largest iol lections in this country. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders, SIBERIA OTT, 681 Broadway, N. Y. QLOTniNG! CLOTHING!! GOOD AND CHEAP H! Men, Youths and Boys can be fuplpied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RK1ZENSTEIN BROS & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which bas been given, has induced them to increase , their a'ock, which ia now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's & Co., Pell goods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others. for these and other reasons persons should buy their'clothing at REIZESSTEIN BtiO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 13, 1b64 JJEW HARDWARE STORE! PHILIPSBL'RG, CENTRE CO., PA. G. H. Zeigler & Co., DEALERS I Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cuttlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods is our line than can be ftfttnd else where in this part of tt-e State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers. Join ers, Ac, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and'Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes, Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws;' Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hollow ware in great variet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns ; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea and tablo spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways on hand, among which will be found buck' ets of every size, tin-cups, oilcans, sprinkling cans, dutting pans, miners' lamps J gallon, quart and pint measures, and many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everybody.- Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Vices, slodgcs, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse sails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods' etc ; and with cast, shar, spring and blistar steel, from the best manufacturers in-the United States, erof foreign manufacture. Carp i- -i 4- - - And Builders will find in our establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes, Saws. Augurs, Hatchets, Hammers, - Files, Chisels. Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, Ac. Farmers Will find everything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, faming and raiting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and coal Stoves. Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Anti dust, cook and parlor stoves of all sizes ; Also, The Ni agara cook, Parlor cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will bp sold cheap for Cash. G.H ZEIGLER A CO. Philipsburg. Oct. 10th, lSdfi.-ly. GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leading hardv varieties of first quality : Concord, I year old 25 cts each, or S2rt 00 per 100. f J " ' iO" " 40 00 per 100. Rebecca. 1 ?' " 50 " " best white grape. Iona, I $1 50 best Amber grape. Any other varieties below nursery prices. Or ders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation. A M. HILLS. N. B. Vines ready for removal by the 15th of October. Clearfield. Pa., Aug. 22. 1865. RANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE JJ OF FOSTER, PERKS. WRIGHT fc CO., . Philipsburg, Centre Co., Pa. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts discounted. Deposits received. Collections made and pro reeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities constantly on hand. The above Banking House is now open and ready for business. Philipsburg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1865. 6. L. HEED. O. R. POSTER, - KDW. PERKS. J. D. K. GIItK. W . V. WEIGHT, W. A. WA'.LACE, A. K. WRIGHT, RICHARD SBAW, JiS. T. LEOSABD, JAS.B. GRAHAM R EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers the following valuable Real Estate at private sale: 153 acres and 113 perches of farm land, sixty cleared, and having thereon a good frame house and log barn. This is the very best coal land. Situated in Woodward township, one half mile from Puseyville. Also 100 acres of Timber Land, situated on Mor gan's run, in Woodward township, one and a half miles from Puseyville. Also, two acres, with a two-story plank house and frame stable thereon, situated in Woodward township, on the road leading from Tyrone to Clearfield town, two miles from Puseyville ; a good location for a tradesman of any kind. Also, two lots in Puseyville, with six houses and one barn erected thereon, the two- lots lyihg ad joining The first. No. 10, being a corner lot, with tavern stand, containing three-fourths of an acre, with over 300 fet of bank on Clearfield creek; rent worth Sl2o peryear. Second lot.No. 11, 60 feet on front street and 120 feet back, with two plank houses erected thereon, well suitable for mercantile or any public business. tirTbe above property will be sold at reason able prices and fair terms. C. J. SHOFF, Nov 22,6m. Madera.P. 0.,CIearfield co.Pa. Til PORT ANT to PENSIONERS. The Act of Congress approved June 6, 18G6, gives additional pension to the following class of persons : 1. To those who have lost both eyes or both hards, or are totally disabled in the same so as to require constant attendance, the sum, per month, of $25.00 2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con stant attendance, $20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or so disabled as to render them unable to per form manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, the sum. per month, of $15 00 4. Persons deprived of their pensions under Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored. 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for their pension had been filed, and before the certificate was issued, and who have left widows or minor children, will be enti tled to receive arrears due at the death of the pensioner. A. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. In all of these cases, new applications must be made The undersigned is prepared, with the proper blanks, for the speedy procurement of these pensions. Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and claims for local bounty under State law. promptly collected. 1. W Wt-J, All J ft I L,aw. July 11, 1865. Olearfield, Pa. rjlIIE TRUE POLICY OF ECONOMY, Buy Gotxls at the Cheapest Store. SHOWERS" & GEAEAM, Are now celling goods to the people at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety oi lry-Oood3. Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-wsre. Provisions. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. Ac ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST Carriage Triraraincs, Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty, Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed cords and Bod screws, Matches, Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, etc, Flavoring Extracts, Fatent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds, Fancy soups, Oils, Paints. Vnrnishes. and in fact every thing usually kept in a first el ass Store. School Books. Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink.eopy-books, slates, ink-stands, fancy and common envelopes. Rafting Ropes, Augurs Axes, Chisels, Saws. Files, Hammers, Hatchets. Nails, Spikes. Grind-stones.Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet-bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, etc Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes, Baskets, W ashboards. Buckets, Tubs. Churns, Wall paper. Candle-wick, cotton yarn and batting, work-baskets, Umbrellas, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty, Japanware. Egg-beaters, Spice boxes, Wire ladles, Sieves, Dusting-pans, Lanterns, etc., etc. Groceries and Provisions, Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar, Rice, Crackers, Vineg-r, Candles, Cheese, Flour, Meal, Bacon. Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Of Boots and Shoes They have a large assortmentfor Ladies and Gen tlemen, consisting of Top Boots, Brogans. Pumps Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, clippers, Monroes, etc. . Ready-Made Clothing, In the latest styles and of the bes.t material, con sisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, shawls, Over-coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linon Shirts, etc. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy ('aasimeres, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans. Cordu loys, Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc. LADIES DKESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaine Alpacas, Ginghams. Ducals, Prints, Me rinos, Chshmeres, Plaids, Brilliants. Poplins, Be rege. Lawns Nankins, Linen, Lace, Edgings, Col erettes, Br Aids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Corsetts, Nu bias, Hoods, Coats, Mantels, Balmoral sVirts, Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets, Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons, Hats.Triinm.iug3. Buttons, Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. They invite all persons to call and examine their stock and hope to give entire satisfaction. SHOWERS A GRAHAM. ilearfield. Pa.. Sept. 26th. 1S66. l'' T DOMINGO, Hubball's, Hoofland's German. Drake a. and Hostetter'sA Green s Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all kinds for medioal purpose, for sale by J-- - H ARTSt ICR A IRWIN. SEVERAL SET of heavy double harness and home made horse collars at the store of Dec. 6, 1866. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. A LARGE LOT of Raft rope aa.i small rope for sale by the coil. Pully blocks, at a small advance on east by IRVIN A HARTSHRN. s TOVES of all sorts and tiics. constantly on . i I mi i. i. -. J nana at, Mca.a.t.uLi a l,HjLi.ii o Q.0 AND SEE MOSSOP'S MEN'S CLOTHING, SOOTS 3c SHOES, WOMEN'S CLOAKS, AND WOMEN'S SHOES, WHICH ARE SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL TRICE ! Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 14, 1S65. c LEARFIELD ACADEMY, The Second Session of the present Scholastic year, will commence on Monday, Not 26, 186G Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical. and . accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge Terms op Tuition: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) $5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry. 56.00 Algcbra,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. Stf.OO Latin, Greek and French, with' any of the a bove branches, 12.00 t'tNo deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of - Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a m. Nov. 14,1866. Principal. 0 YES! O.YES!! O.YESl'M ZO xUSK. CE.M . L.UVliK THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTY JOnN S. RADEBACII, Having opened a new store at the Blue Ball, Clearfield county. Pa., wishes to notify the public that he is determined to sell all kinds of goods CHEAPER THAN TUB CHEAPEST in theCuUUty. Now is your time to cal 1 and examine his stock. while he is placing on his shelves a full assort ment of the best Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens- ware; Drugs, Oils and' Paints, Ac. Hats, Caps, Boots and shoes, of all kinds, con' stantly kept for sale. Also, a general assortment of ready-made Cloth' ing for men and boys. lie will diapose of li i n good sat & very low price for cath, or exchange them for all kinds of mar keting. Sawed lumber and Ehingles taken in exchange for goods. JOHN S. RADEB CII. October 21th, 1865. PRICE CURRENT OF a. II. V. Smith & Co. GREAT REDUCTION IN MERCHANDIZE. Prints that we sold at 25 cts. we now sell at 22 Unbleached muslins at 30 cts. Bed muslins from 25 to 50 cts. Alpacas we sold at 45 to 80 cts. AlUwool delaines at 60 cts. Common delaines at 35 cts. at 25 25 to 40 35 to 65 at 55 at 25 Cassimcres 10 per cent, above cost, and all dress goods at the same ratio. BOOTS and shoes of No. 1 quality (not auction) at immense reductions. FISH, such as mackerel, horring, Ac, we will sell at cost ! ! I100D3, Nubias, Breakfast shawls etc., of ev ery description reduced. We offer our stock of Dry Goods, at the above figures up to Jan. lst,lS67. They are all A Nol, new and fashionable. Look at it '. an alpacca at the price of a common delaine ! We make this offer in good faith, giving all an opportunity to lay in their supplies at the cheapest rates. Best coal oil at 85 cents per gallon. Strictly for cash. Nov. 2S, 1366. H. W. SMITH A CO. JJ ARK! WHAT IS THAT? GOOD NEWS .FOR EVERYBODY! The last goods of the season have just arrived at Wm. F. Irwin's, on Second street, Clearfield, and will be sold at about cost and carriage. Now is the time to buy! And buy your goods at the Cheap Cash Store if you want bargains. ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at the cheapest prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he feels persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of Dry-Geods and Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Drugs, Oils and Paints, Glass. Hats and Caps, Baskets and Backets. School Books and Stationary, Salt, Axes, Nails and Spikes. Also, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of the very best makes, and at prioes lower than heretofore. Also, Dried Fruits, and Canned Fruits, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. Nov. 23, 1S66. WM. F.IRWIN. COAL, Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family Dyes. Varnish and Paints of all kind ground in Oil for sale by HARTSWICK A IRWIN. ; PULLEY BLOCKS of varions siies, to be had at " MERRELL A BILER'S. QN HIS OWN HOOK. W.F.CLARK, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has taken the rooms, formerly occupied by P. A. Gaulin. in Graham's Row. immediately over H. F. N angle's jewelry store, and will continue tne tailoring bu siness in all its various branches. A fall assort ment of cloths, eassinieres. and vestings, con stantly on hand and made up to order on the shortest notice. 1'articular attention win oe giv en to cuttinz mens, boys' and childrens clotn in, in the most fashionable styles. Give him a '- . , -. . II' I, . 1 1 - call. uee. o, oo.j v r . uliaiv. JJ ARTS WICK & I R W I X DRUGGISTS, CLEARFIELD, PA. , Having refitted and removed to the room lately rununied hv Richard Mossnn. on Market St.. now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment ot DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa;nts. Oils Glass, Putty. Dye-stuffs. Stationary, To'oaeco and Segars. Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock of varieties than ever before offered in this place, and warranted to be of the best the market af fords. Inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying that you will be pleased with the quality and price of their goods Remember the place Mossop s old stand, on Market St. lej. b, l&tio. EW STORE!! NEW STORE!!! J. SHAW& SOUNT, nave just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market street, wnich they now otter to tae public at tne lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Mioes. flats. Caps. Bonnets, Dress (.roods, Fruits, Candies Fish. Salt. Brooms, Nails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determi ned to lease all who may favor us with their custom. May, IS66. J.SUAWASON. N E W A RRANGEME N T. The subscribers have entered into co-partnership, and are trading under the name of Irvln, Baily A Co.. in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of Lick Run. They would inform their friends, and the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lum ber, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opened A NEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con sisting oc every variety usually kept in country stores. Their pure bases. have been made since the late decline in prices, which enable them to sell at such rstte as will astonish their customers One if their partners, Thomas L. Baily, resides near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the markets and make purchase on the most favorable terms. Call and see us. ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BAILY, Goshen tp.,Dec.6, 1365. LEWIS I. IRWIN. gO MET II ING NEW IN CURWENSVILLE. DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!:? The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in the room recently fitted up in the house of George Kittlobarger. on Main street. Curwensville. Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faust's store. here he intends to keep a general assortment of . Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions ; Glass, Putty, etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville, and as that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual- -. v. - I. i : ' i j : f i i 1 nj. uitu win uispose oi nt roasonaoie prices Call and examine the goods, which cannot fail to pleaae. JOSEPH R. IRWIN. November H. Isoa. p-E-ivr-o-"V"--A.-iJ ! ns removed to his new ware rooms on Market Street, and opened a large stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, etc. FOR LADIES, he has Cashmeres. Merinos, Rep Delaines, Parmetto, Brilliant. Poplins, Alpaca. Berege, Liwns, Prints Silks. Dusterclothj. Ging hams, Nankeen, Linen. Lace. Edging, Velvet trimming. Collerette, Braid. Belts. Dress-buttons, Hosiery, Veils, Nets, Corsets. Collars, Hoods. Nubias, Scarps, Hoop-skirts. Balmorals. Coats. Shawls, Mantles, Furs. Notions. Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes. MEN'S WEAR, Such as Cloths.Cassimere, Sati tinett. Flannel, Jean, Tweed, Cottonade, Muslin. Italian-cloth, Velvet, Plush, Check, Ticking, Drilling, Linen Crash, Serge, canvass. Padding Linsey, Vestings, Coats, Pants, Vests, Over-coats, Shawls, Boys Jackets, Over-alls. Drawers. Cass- niere shirts, Linen-Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Ac , Ac. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Such as Car pet. Oil-cloth Blinds. Curtains. Tassels. Cord. Clocks, Looking-glasses, Lamps, Churns. Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Brushes. Baskets, Washboards, Butter-bowels, Seives, Flat-irons, Coffee-mill, Bed-cords. Bags, Wall-pnper, Carpet-chain, Cot ton yarn, Candle-wick, Work-baskets, Lanterns. Umbrellas. Buffalo Robes. Carpet Bags, Axes, and Augers. Ac, Ac, Ac. MUsIC 4. L GOODS, Such as Violins, -Flutes and Fifes HARDWARE, Queensware, Glassware, Stone ware, Groceries. Drues. Confeetiorariea Med icines. Flour. Bacon. Fish.Salt,Grain. Fruit. Car riage, Trimmings, Shoe Findings, School Books, Nails and Spikes, Glass and Putty, Oil. Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars, Candles, Spices, Powder, Shot, Lead, Grint-stones. Rafting Rope, etc., etc. All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms and the highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce J. P. KRATZSR. Dec IS. issa. Clearfield, Penn'a. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Mens' Over-shirts, under-shirts, drawers and overalls, good sizes, for s&Ie cheap, at - Nov, 2S, 1866. WRIGHT A FLANIGAN'S. DRUGS, MEDICIFES. GROCERIES, Notions. Ac. Ac Ac. at Meti's. Glen Hope. Clearfield county. Pa May 30, 186. TEIIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag- JJ F. N A U G L E, WATCH MAKES, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly rrceivina new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and LeversTime, Strike and Alarm clocks. Hr.4 TCHES a fine assortment. of silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY" of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. A LSO, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care ully repaired and Warranted A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, lSdb. H. F. NAUGLE. rpO THE AFFLICTED!! KKAD! READ! READ ! THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. '-What shall, I do to relieve me ?" To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which have but recently been introduced to the public, although they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. AMERICAN VEGETABLE BITTERS. This Vegetable Compound is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of tbe Liver, Carbuncles, E ruptionsof the Skin, Canker in the Stomach, etc. A benefit is always experienced from the use of one bottle, and prfrrt cure warranted when the Fatient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity, n some cases from two to three bottles will effect acure. No change of diet is necessary. Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough of it. AMERICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indiancure for Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds, Tightness of the t best. Pain in the Breast, Asth iii u, Bronchitis, etc. This Medicine has a most happy effect in the above complaints, wlien taken iccording to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances, and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta neous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAN LINIMENT. This compound contains the most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It is a speedy, safe and sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Earache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Stiff Neck, Spinal Disea ses, Pain in the Breast, Side and Kidneys ; Diszi ness. Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores, Kunrounds, Felons, Cholera Morbus, Colic, etc. No family should be withT. it, as it is truly an indispensable and valua:'.' remedy. AMERICAN GOITER CUR'S. This is an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple in irscompo8ition. yet powerful in its effect. Us ed internal'y and externally. J'ersons afflicted in this way should not hesitate to obtain tbe rem edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re lieved from their unpleasant complaint. All the above remedies are prepared and Sol d by M. A. FRANK A CO Clearfield, Pa. . Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices JillE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. &C. MARKET STREET, CLCAfi FIELD, PA. lle.j-4 the foil oiping list of goodand yrojittTirrfhri C- tup F03 THE LADIES. Cheat) A,W!ys on hand a large stock of La- Goods ' Goodt Goods '.Goods Goods Goods Cfte-ap Cli tap Alpacas, Pe Luines, Ginghams, 'Prints, Chints. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, 1 'ap Cheap Cheap Gnods Cheap Alwavs on band Blstck, Blue. Brown'Goojt Cieapl and Grey Cloths. Fancy and Black Goods Cheap, Casimeres. baltinets. Cassmets, Goods heap Cheap Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest - ings. Shirting, etc. etc. etc. Goods Goods Good Chean HEADV.M TiV. Cheap Such as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under- Goods Chap shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Goods wicwu. tioois. r-noes. nats. i ans. .. t- .urooas Cheap ties. Gum Boots and Shoes. and Ch-eap a variety of other articles. Good Goods Goods v.'r"i household nnnns. y'Ml Sh as Unbleached and Bleached lineup Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen iGoods neap Cheap Cheap and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth. Linen and hemp fowls, car pets, curtains, friage, etc HARDWARE. AC. ; LrJod j Goods Goods .Goods Ch eap C heap r T r . . : -1 w ' J Goods Uieup, " .'"u ui.iaiis ii spines, -uanure Q00,s Chev or other torks aw-inill or other cioods Cheapl ". Smootacg irons. Locks, Goods Cheap Hinges, eto, go to Mossop's Goods J u ouycnenp. .Goods IF YOU WANT (wands Cheap. Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, Goorf Cheapl Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods heap and nemp, ropes, Ink, Paper or Goods 'Jheapl Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods L.ttap etc, ouy mem at juossop s. Cheap if YOU WANT Cheap.Sho Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Gnnds (!od Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap ooap, oiarcn, v an raper or v m dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap L-heap IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap' CAii6ooi extra family Flour, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or Cheapi sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson orblacs tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF TOU WANT L'neap Cheap Cheap G'Aa; j Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt,1 Ciwan'. Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried ! Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap apples or peaches, water or so do cracKers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. . IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goode Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen- Cheapl tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon Cheapt gabela or rye whissy, Cherry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Cheap' Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap IP YOU WANT Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur-c-Aoapi rants; filberts, cream, pecan or iuap fSTonai nuts candies, Liquorice nLZi or Li9,uo"c root, buy them nt' at MosoP' cheap and good. ?A'?1 IF YOU WANT CheavF0 bn7 ny other article chean. be j Cheap to go to Mossop, for he sells Cheap cheaper for cash than any other XoVods Cheap - person m Clearfield county. XhoWds Cheap November 27. 1S61. ap27'59. cZds Approved etnniry prod u re of ever kxnd taken at the usual market prices in exchange for rood. F OR SALE at cost 4 barrels of good family UOUr. tO Close nnt tha atnok t Jan. 10, 1866. M ERRELL A BIGLER'S. H0RSE-SH0E8. and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. 23. MERRELUA BIGLER'S. , pATEST BROOMS, the bert invention 0M a uuicn just received ana tor sale eh,,, December 12.186. M' nip PATENTED MAY 29, 1866. This is an article for washing without rabbi, except in very dirty places, which will rtqai very light rub, and unlike other preparation, fored for alike put pose, will sot eot this curgZ" but will leave them much whiter than ordit, methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spots as if by magie.aBJA. ens the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing iil ordinary cases entirely remove it. ' This powder is prepared in accordanea -i chemical science, and upon a process jeculir . itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. Itut -een in use formore than a year, and ha prorM itself an universal favorite wherever it au b used. Among the advantages claimed art tu following, via. It saves all the expense of soap usual:? used u eotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor ef rubbing, and wu and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is un$urpuij With one quarter the time and labor usually quired it imparts a beautiful gltfss and Itutrt much superior to any other mode. N wttar r! quired except to moisten the powder. Directions with each package. And can be readily appreciated by a sicr'e trial. The cost of washing for a family of fivt or six persons will not exceed three cents. The manufacturers of this powder art av,-, that many useless compi unds have bn jctTt. dnced to the public which have rotted the clo-.i or failed in removing tbe dirt, but knowing tU intrinsic excellence of this article, they cocfidect. ly proclaim it as being adapted to meet a dtniti which has long existed, and which has hert fore remained unsupplied. Manufactured bj HOWE A STEVENS. 260 Broadway, Bokcb. Also, manufacturers of family dye colon fct sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. Pot 10, 1866.3m ' IJIIIE BOARDMAN, GRAY CO. PIANO FORTES, WHOLESALE AGENCY. The subscriber, late' a' member of thii 1 known firm has established a WHOLESALE AGENCY, 581 Broadway, New' York-City, Where he will be pleased to receive the orders i his friends and the public, and especially to b? from those who hare so liberally bestowed ihair patronage on the firm heretofore. He will top ply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at the very J.vrr- est Prices, Made with the Insulated Iron Rim and Frasa (cast in one solid plate.) They excel all oth ers in durability and superiority of tot, and elegance of externnl a-pearasee. All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, girlkj in connection with the patent iron rim and frame. Fall Round Poirerfid, ami Staeet Mellow Tjiui. The Cases are elegant in appearaaee, and a'j and safely handled. Warranted to prove satisfactory, or lie money returned. Addtess all oiders to SIBERIA OTT. 51 Broadway, Y T. - - - - i . ' A g . D. & IT: W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS, The Most Perfect and Beautiful MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN THE WOULD, FOR TBS AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE, THE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes home attractive, refines and elevate! th minds of all, beautiful in appearance and eff- SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, New York City, WHOLESALE AGENT. The immense popularity of these Organt their superior Musical Powers, is fast bring18" them before the public, as the instrument so lon desired in AMERICAN HOMES. And althoof11 the cost price is but a trifle over the Melsii yetihe musical advantages, beauty of tons quickness of touch and action are so faisape' that they are fast superceding the Melodios, 4 tbe call ia now almost exclusively for the AMERICAN ORGANS. It is'adapted to any music, from the quickest ltd most lively, to the heavy tone of the Choreb Or gan. And almost universally they are prelerr1 to the Piano, by persons who hare them, jet'" ing less than half, and only taking a small smos1 of room. fc - Send for descriptive circulars gin? ftillfa ulars and prt ets. Exclusive Agencies.secured to Dealers, sn large discounts to the trade and Teachers. Ad dress all orders. SIBERIA OTT, Wholesale Afrtt 561 Broadway, Sew Terk New York, April 4th, 18M.-J. . : l-lf-Er'-rVn E