I m V, Y l 1 '1 ; JUftsmau':. journal CLEARFIELD, PA., DEO. 26, IS66. QO AND SEE MOSS OP'S MEN'S CLOTHING, BOOTS 5c SHOES, WOMEN'S CLuAKS, AND WOMEN'S SHOES, WHICH ARK SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE ! Clearfield, P., Not. 14. ISM. C LEARFIELD ACADEMY. Tha Second Sen ton of the present Scholastic year, will commence on Monday. Not 26, 186G. Pupil can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the eloee of the session. The coarse of instruction embraces everything included in s thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal baring had the 'advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that hie entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Tcmos: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) , S5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry. 89,00 Algebra.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. ftf.OO Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a boTe branches, $12,00 ITNo deduction will be made for absence. Tor farther particulars inquire of Rbt. P. L. HARRISON, a u. Not. 14,1666. Principal. 0 YES! O.YES!! O.YES!!! ' 20 PER CENT. LOWER THAU AHT WHERE ELSE I THE COUHTY. JOHN S. RADEBACII, Baring opened a new store at the Blue Ball, Clearfield eounty. Pa-, wishes to notify the public that he is determined to sell all kinds of goods . CBIaPib tuas the cheapest in tbe county. Sow is your time to call and examine his stock, while he is placing on his shelves a full assort ment of the best Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware; Drags, Oils and Paints, Ao. Hats, Caps. Boota and iW, of &tl kind, con stantly kept for sale. Also, a general assortment of ready-made Cloth ing for men and boys. He will dispose of his goods at a rery low price for eash, or exchange them for all kinds of mar keting. Sawed lumber and thinglos taken in exchange for goods. JOHN S. RADEB VCI1. October 24th, 1S63. pRICE CURRENT H. Y. Smith k Co. OF GREAT REDUCTION IN MERCHANDIZE. Prints that we sold af 25 cts. we now sell at 22 Unbleached muslins at 30 cts. ' at 25 Bed muslins from 25 to 50 cts. ' 25 to 40 Alpacas we sold at 45 to 80 ots. 35 to 65 All wool delaines at 60 cts. " at "55 Common delaines at 35 ots. at 25 Caaaimeres 10 peroent. abore eost, and all dress goods at the same ratio. BOOTS and shoes of No. 1 quality (not auction) at immense reductions. FISH, such as mackerel, herring, Ac. we will ell at eost!! HOODS, Nubias, Breakfast shawls etc., of ev ery description redueed. We offer our stock of Dry Goods, at the abore figures up to Jan. lst,I857. They are all A No 1, new and fashionable. Look at it ! an alpaooa at the prioe of a common delaine ! We make this offer in good faith, giving all aa opportunity to lay in their supplies at the cheapest rates. Best coal oil at S5 cents per gallon. Btrietly for cash. Not. 23, 1868. n. W. SMITH A CO. JJ ARK! WHAT IS THAT? GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY! The last goods of the season hare just arrired at Wm. F. Irwin's, on Second street, Clearfield, and will be sold at about eost and carriage. Now is the time to buy! And buy yonr goods at the Cheap Cash Store if you want bargains.! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at the cheapest prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before puTebaring elsewhere as ha feels persuaded none undersell him. His took embraces a well selected assortment of Dry-Goods and Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Drags, Oils and Painta, Glass. Hats and Caps, Baskets and Buokets, School Books and Stationary, Salt, Axes, Nails and Spikes. ALSO, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of the rery best makes, and at prices lower than heretofore. Also, Dried Fruits, and Canned Fruits, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of which will be sold cheap for cub, or ex changed for approved produce. Go te the "cheap eash store" if you want i buy goods at fair prices. Kov. 28. ISM. WM F IRWIN. N HIS . O W N HOOK W.F.CLARK, o Would respectfully announce to the citixens of Clearfield and vicinity that be has taken the rooms, formerly occupied by P. A. Gaulin, in Graham's How. immediately over H. F. Naugle's jewelry store, and will continue the tailoring bu siness in all its various branches. A full assort ment of elotbs. eassimeres, and Testings, con stantly on band and made np to order on the shortest notice. Particular attention will be giv en to cutting mens.' boys," and chitdrens' cloth ing, in the moat fashionable styles. Gire him a call. Dec. 5. 66 ) W. F. CLARK. JJARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, CLEARFIELD, PA , , Having refitted and removed to the room lately occupied by Richard Mossop.on Market St., now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment ot DRUGS AMD CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa'nts. Oils, Glass. Putty. Dye-stuffs. Stationary. Tobacco and Sega.-s. Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock of varieties than ever before offered in this place, and warranted to be of the best the market af fords. Inspect their stock before .purchasing elsewhere, and tbeyfeel warranted in saying that jou will be pleased with the quality and price of their goods Remember the place Mossop's old stand, on market St. Pes. 6. 1S65. EW STORE!! NEW STORE!!! J. SHAW&SON", Hare just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at the lowest eash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods. Fruits, Candies Fish, Salt. Brooms, Nails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept iu a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determi ned to Mease all who may faror us with their custom. May 9, 1866. J. SHAW A SON. N T E W A R II A N G E M E N T. The subscribers hare entered into co-partnership, and are trading under the name of Irvlo. Baily A Co . in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of Lick Run. They would inform their friends, ana the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of sawed or bewn lum ber, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opened A NEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season. con sisting ot every variety usually kept in country stores. Their purchases hare been made since the late decline in prices which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their euatomers- Ono ir ttiatr partner, ThvniM X. . railjr, vv1.1m near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the markets and make purchase on the most favorable terms. Call and see us. ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BAILY, Gosh on tp..Dee.6. 1395. LEWIS I. IRWIN. gO MET KING NEW IN CURWENSVILLE. DRUGS I DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in ibe room recently fitted np in the house of George Kittlobarger, on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faust's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medici ties,. Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona ries, Spice?, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions; Glass, Putty, etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as that want is now supplied, the undersigned bones, bv strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roasouable prices Call and examine the goods, which cannot fail to pleae. JOSEPH R. IRWIN. Novembers. 1865. JJ-E-lnI-O-'V-.A.-X, I J. P Kr&txer, Has removed to his new ware rooms on Market Street, and opened a large stock of Seasonable Dry Goods. Hardware, Queensware, etc. FOR LADIES, he has Cashmeres. Merinos, Rep Delaines. Parmetto, Brilliant, Poplins, Alpaca. Berege, L'wns, Prints Silks. Dusterclotb J. Ging hams, Nankeen, Linen. Lace. Edging. Velvet trimming. Collerette, Braid. Belts. Dress-buttons, Hosiery, Veils, Nets, Corsets. Collars. Hoods. Nubias, Scarps, Hoop-skirts. Balmorals, Coats, Shawls, Mantles, Furs, Notions. Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons. Flowers, Plumes. MEN'S WEAR. Such asCIoths.Cassimere. Sati tmett. Flannel, Jean, Tweed, Cottonade, Muslin. Italian-cloth. Velvet, Plush, Check, Ticking. Drillin?, Linen Crash, Serge, canvass. Padding Linsey, Vestiugs, Coats. Pants, Vests, Over-coats, Shawls, Boys Jackets, Over alls. Drawers, Cass niere shirts. Linen-Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Ao , Ac MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Such as Car pet. Oil-cloth Blinds, Curtains, Tassels. Cord, Clocks, Looking-glasses, Lamps, Churns. Tub,' Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Washboards' Butter-bowels, Seires, Flat-irons, Coffee-mill' HtA n A m Xnnm W . T 1 - , -1. - n . ' ton yarn, Candle-wick, Work-baskets, Lanterns, llmhrf.Ha) Rnffala Rnhjtt ParnatRini A va. J Augers. Ac, Ac, Ae. MiaiUiLUWUS, Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifes HARDWARE, Queensware, Glassware, Stone ware. Groceries. Drugs, Confeotiocaries. Med- iiiina, I. 1 D T' " 1. C i . - T. n riage. Trimmings. Shoe Findings, School Books. Nails and Spikes. Glass and Putty, Oil. Vinegar, s.i.vnuin. epreej, rowaer, enot, Lead, Grindstones. Rafting Rope, etc, etc. All nf whinh 111 k- u ' 1 " - - bviu no ius nio& reuona- "'."!" highest market prices paid for allkinda of country produce J. P. KRATZER. uiearaeld, renn'a. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Mens' Over-shirts, under-shirts, drawers and overalls, good sixes, for sale ehaap. at ' 3QT. 3, taoo WKIQHT A FLANIGAN'S. pwRUGS, MEDICIFES. GROCERIES. Notions. I I Ae. Ae Ae. at Mm.-. ti . . .' ' "FV. isiearneia eounty, Pa May 38. 1S68. THIMBLE -SKEINS and Pipe-boxe. u Wae ons, for sale by MERRELL A BIOLER F. N A U 0 L E, WATCH MAKES, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public that be has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. WA TCHES a fine assortment.of silver Hunt ing and open ease American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD rEXS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and disk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. ALSO, fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. ' All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care nlly repaired and Warranted A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. JStb. 1S65. H. F. NADGLE O THE AFFLICTED !! READ! READ! READ ! THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Persons subject to various si'ments, frequently ask the question. '-What shall. I do to relieve me?" To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which have but recently been introduced to the public, although they have been in use for a number of years as Family Remedies. AMERICAN VEGETABLE BITTERS. This Vegetable Compound is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver. Carbuncles, E ruptionsof tbe Skin, Canker in the Stomach, etc. A benefit is always experienced from the use of one bottle, and Aptrftrt cure warranted when the Fatient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity, n some cases from two to three bottles will effect acure. No change of diet is necessery Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough of it. AMERICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases. Coughs. Coldg, Tightness of the hest. Pain in tbe Breast, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc This Medicine baa a most happy effect in the aboveeomplaiots. when taken according to directions. It can be taken at all times, and under all circumstances and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instanta neous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAN LINIMENT. This compound contains the most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It is a spi edy, safe and sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Earache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Stiff Neck, Spinal I lea ses. ain in tbe lireast. bide and Kidneys ; Dizzi ness. Burns. Scalds. Chilblains, Cuts Bruits, Sprains. Old Sores, Runrounds, Felons, Cholera Morbus, Colic, etc. No family siould be with-. it. as it is truly an indispensable Snd valuil ' remedy. AMERICAN GOITER CURE. This is an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple in itscoin position, yet powerful in its effect Us ed internal'y and externally. Persons afflicted in this way should not hesitate to obtain the rt-m edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re lieved from their unpleasant complaint. All the above remedies are prepared and Sold oy M. A. tlU.k A CO Clearfield. Pa. Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale prises fl II E CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD M OS SOP, DEALER IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC OR Y GOODS. AC. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Rtad the following list of goodatid proftthrrrhy Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap" Cheap' FOR THE r.AniES. I Gooils Always on hand a largestock of La- j 0" dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, . 00 J II..... T. I ,i:fu ' Mood Prints, Chintz. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN. Goods Goods Goods Goods Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown G00d and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Good Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinets, Goodi x weeas, nam ana ancy v est- Goods ings. Shirting, etc.. etc etc. Guodt READY-MADE, tGoodt Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under-.Goods shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Goods Goods Good Goods Goods xoois, onoes, liats. Caps, Meek ties. G um Boots and Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD finnns . Such as Unbleached and Bleached "'' Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE. AC. U-oorts Gooils Goods Goods Goods Goods Is heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap 'Jheap .aui.iina .rrspiaes, manure Gooeii or other forks Saw-mill or other g00 j saws, Smootc eg irons. Locks, Goo1s Hinges, etc. go to Mossop's Goods where you n buy cheap. 00, IF YOU WANT Goods Knives and forks. Butcher Knives. Y7.. It . V-.-l :i I Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla G00ds ana nemp ropes. inK, faper or Goods i-ens, rowaer, Shot or t,ead, Guods eto., buy them at Mossop's. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap irooat Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods IF YOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Soap, Starch, W all Paper or Win dow Shades. Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. (Jheap IF YOU WANT rw Good cxtra fn'y floor. White 1 ) Goods !(!ods G00ds Goods Goods ! Goods ' Goods Clteap Cheap Cheap brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson orblacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT Cheap.TUow candles, fine or coarae salt. Goods Citeap, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Gools Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- Goods Cheap do cracicers, call at Mossop's iGoodt Cheap where you can buy cheap. Good Cheap IF YOU WANT Gw,j Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacrnmen- Good.' Cheap', tal uses, Sweet Wine, old Monon- Goods Cheap gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry Goods Cheap mni Cognac brandy, buy at GW Cheap' Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Ch'apX lp you WA2iX Goods rMBtRai3ens' Fis" P'ones or dried Cur- Good Cea TDta' filberts, cream, pecan or Gods Cheao' Bronn nuts, candies. Liquorice God CAzd' or k'o;uor'co root, buy them Goods Ckeai ' MossoPa cheap and good. Goods Cheap IF YOU WANT "" Cheapi?0 huJ anJ other article cheap, be A j Ch.ap snr0 to 8 to Mossop, for he sellr j Cheap' cheaper for cash than any other fZ00' Ckev Pon in Clearfield eounty. , Che November 27. 1861. ap27'59. igg Approved tuntry produce of every hnd taJken at the usual mariet prices in exrhange for gnnds FIR SALE at cost 4 barrels of good family fleur. to close out the stock, at Jan. 10, 1S56. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. J.I. MERRELL BIGLER'S. H. HAIRS!" CHAIRS.!! CHAIRS!!! JOHN TROUTMA.N Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his shop located ontbelet in the reiroi his residence 00 Market street, and a short dist ince west of the Foundry, is prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a call, with every description of Windsor chairs. He has a good assortment on hand, to which he directs tbe attention of purchasers. They are made of tbe very beat material ell painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the timer Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield, Pa.. March 23. 1S63 G O AND SEE MOSSOP'S CLOTHING WHICH IS SELLISO AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE., JJ O M R INDUSTRY! BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Clearfiel J and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug More, where he is prepared to make or repairauytbi Jg iu his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. ' I have now on band a stock of extra frencb calfskins, superb gaiter tops. Ac., that I will finish up at thelowest figures. Juae 13th, 1SS. DANIEL CONNELLY G 10 TO MOSSOP'S FOR MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE. L W A Y S NEW, WITHOUT , FAIL. JOHN IRVIN, Has just received and opened at the rid stand in Curwensville. ;in ntire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he wilt sell very cheap fur casu. ii is stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boot3 and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made., clothing, etc. The public generally is respeefully irvited to give him a call : see his stock and hear bis pricrs. and purchase from him if you fin. I it will be U, your advantage, Nov. 15, 1S;G W OMENS' CLOAKS AND SHOES, CAN BE EOITCDT AT HALF THE USUAL" PRICE, At Mossop's Store in Clearfield. IFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Pcnn Muttial Life Insurance Co., . 921 CHBSTXlT5?TREiT, Phil'a. Insures Lives cn favorable terms, and will issue Policies on any of tbe approved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annual Jy., Lueses paid piompt ly Premiums may paid in cash: annually. semi-annuall) or'q'uartcriy ; r one-balf in c;ii.h, and one-half in note By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will pari ii-h-ate s.. .11 l e u 1 u i viimcuuB ur curpius. tcripccruucnfc up to January. 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of pre-r.iuins Agency, at the office of II B.Swoore. Clear field, Pa Dr J. G. Hartswick. Medical Exami ner . . . August 24, ISrt4. jyENS' CLOTHING, B03TS AND SHOES, ARE SELLING AT HALF THE USUAL, PRICE, At Mossop's Store in Clearfield. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, ; Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., One door East of the Clearfield House, Keeps on haid a full asortment of Gents Fur nibbing goods, such as Shirts (linen and woolen. Undershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Xeck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Hest Cloths, (of all shades,) Black )oe-skin Cassimeres of the best m;ike, Fancy Cassimercs in great variety. A!. French Coatings; Beaver. Pilot. Chinchilla, ani Tricott Over-coaling, all of wb'ch will be s.il. I cheap for cash, aud made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also aent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Sinrr i Co s Sewing Machines. November 1. 18i)5. JF YOU WANT' TO BUY WOMEN'S' CLOAKS AMD SHOES, AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE, GO TO MOSSOP'S STORS. p A Y ATTENTION !! GOOD BARGAINS AT. THE CLEARFIELD F0UNDEY. We hereby notify th public, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield., has t.een put in full blast, bv the nndersitip'l whnir aw . ... - . o ' -- - ' ab.iuj ,W accommodate tbe community with anything per taining to our line of business We keep con stantly on hand.a general assortment of stoves and castings. amng which are the following Cook, Parlor and Ten-Dlate Stovps." for burning either wood or coal ; Sala mander stoves, JNo. 4 ; Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4; -Wash-kettles, 16 and 20 gallons : Farm dinner- bells, two sizes ; Fire crates, 20 and 28 1 w- - - - 7 incaes; news and nInw-r.iKtinrr We are ftlso Drwrmrpd tn mara ll I : .. r To r-n a . a. .1 r-, T m a SB I is 1 0 iji VJ IV I O A and SAW-MILL IRONS..- anil special attention will be paid to the repairing of Xhbesbixo Ma chines. r, - Persons in want of nnnki. i- . , i dowel! to give us acalL, Every description of vut.irj proauce and old metal, taken in 'exchange for our manufacture. , market price. UARLEV A SONS. Clearfield. Nov 1.188jf. ., LEATHER a good assoitment for sale hy . MERRELL A BIGLER. December 14. 1814.: ;. Clearfield Pa. FALL STYLES of Bonnets and Hats just receiv ed at MR WELCH'S c TERMS OF TFIE JOURNAL. Tbe RarrsuAa's JorasAt, is published on Wed nesday at $2 00 pet annum in advance. If no paid at tbe eeirm'rj: ct tbe.esr. 52.39 will b charged, and VI. 00 if cot paid before the close o! tbe year. . Advertisements will r e inserted at $1 50 per s litre, for three or lets inncrlioiii Ten lin t (or less) counting a fquare. For every addittrnl insertioo 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No ubsoiption taken for a shorter time thai six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til! all arrearages are paid. except at the option ot thepub;Uher. S.J. ROW. A LARGE LOT OF GLAS:. white Uad. paints, on, eie.. mt i n v i t jc n A luutt. s A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of oolr of eve ry deacriptio sold as low for easb, as at any store in the eountv. hv Dec. I a"... IRVIN A H.ART5I10KN. GROUND AND UNGROUND SPICFS. Citron Enslirh Currant. Kniei ee ?iflee. and Vine gar ot the be."f qu.-liiy f.ir a'e by Jan 10. 11 Ait T.S WU'K A I R W I N TRUSSES and ab luminal supporter of every kind, and ot thu best iuiprovuienu. foi aale at the liu Store tf Jan 10 1J5 HARTSWICK A INWIN yILM FOR SALE. The subscriber of Kt.s fur a!e his farm situate on Potts Kun Jordan lownfhip. confuting of I 27 xcre of land lit of which are cleared. 1 li re are several fi'tod veins of coal on tbe pltee. and an- excellent wa ter power which, if suitably iihproved, would drivr a saw or grut tuill most Of the vear. Will be sold cheap for c .sh. T LI DDLE. M.irch 21. Hi', if Cleirfil.l hnrouib. GOLl)IEllS BOUNTIEIS. The new bill equtiiizinlMiiiiiiies has passed hofh Hou ses, was approved by the PresHent. ani is njw a law. A three rears' m.ldicr gets SI nil and a two years' sold ier $ 0 Muunlifi and Pebfion are collected hy inc for thore entitled to them. liri-g forward yuur applications J. li McEN ALLY, Att'y. at Law. August 1. ISftfl Clearfield. Pa. ( 'LEAK FIELD HOUSE, Cle.arfield, v y I'a. Tliu sulisoril.er would resjifctfully solicit a Cuntinunr.ee of the patmnaie if bis old Irien.ls and oiistom-rs at the -Clearfield l(ou;c." HaTiiig made many improvement, he i prepar ed to HL-cointno 1 i!e all wh in iv f tvor him tiih their cus'oui. tve-y dpar'wenl C'lnoeoted wi'b tbe hou-m is coudusted in a iu inner to X'vu gen eral s;iti.f.'c ioo. Give him a cill. -Nov. 4. I3 j it ty. N. COLBURN. QOLDIEHS' BOUNTIES A recent bill has ia.s.-e'i Im?1j linn eof Cotisrress and signed by tbe President, giving throe years' sol diers 51 inland two year tulriiers $50. bounty. Soldiers wounded in line of duty, who did not serve two or three years areentitled tj the bounty 5Bonnties and Pensions collected by me for tho entitled to them WALTKR UARUETT, Att'y At Law. Aug. 15th. 1S6. Clearfield. Pa. pLEAR FIELD X UKS EllY. -Encour- ack IIomk Industry. Tlio unlerizn- ed h nvin established a Nursery, on the Pike, balfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs. i.- prepared ti. furniyh all kindsuf Krui' trees. iStuudird and ilwiirl.) Evergreen . Shrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, L.wt n llUck hc-rry. Strawberry and Kanpiw-i ry vines. Also Sibriani'rab treis Quince and early Scarlet Rhsu barb Ac. Orders proimitl v 'teiid-il 'o Address Aug 31. 1314 .I.R U'kliilir, Curueusville, p LEARFIELD MARBLE WQRKS. Thu undersigned adujits this nieilMl of informinjr ihe fiitiiu and the p.'trnna .f tbe la'e to iu. Gahaan. of lie: Icfonle. lhat htj i carrying on the M.AitULK ItllSlVhSS hi the Uorough of Cleaifield in ail its various bianct.es aud will hold himself always i rc.fliii'-ss tn furnish those who call upon him. with all kinds of Ck i etery woiiK.cuob as louiiiiivnts. Mux Tumk?, L'ra.lie Tombs. Spire. Obli.-ks. 'Jre.-iiu Tumh. Table Tomhg. Ueod S(onc carved suulpiurjd it plain, as cheap, if not rheaper. thau they can be had at any other esah!ishuierit in theeouuiry Thank ful for past f.iv.rs. the uu tersiued soiiciu au in crease ot pnt;onai;e. July 2i. IS.I5. JOHN W. G.AHAGAN. N. li. Persons who reside mors convenient to Tyrone, will please call there, as tie bus also opened a shop in that place. 1ISS E. A. P. RYNDEIt. Teacher of Pi--7 ano Forte, .Mflodeiii. Cal-iuft Otpan, Guimi Harmony and Vocal Mu.-mo. For the purpose of keeping inferior Instruments out .f thecouuty .Viss Ryuder has secure-1 agencies for tbe sale of really jrood and durable Pi inns .rg.ms. 'Juitars and Melodeoiis Aehii-f amon a large list of good I nstruuients may be mentioned. Chickerings and Son (irand. Square and Up riatit Piano Fortes Lindvman's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano Calonberg A Vanpel's Grand and Square Pianos Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Orau. ttzy 'a Cottage Or:an. Tieat A I.tnslcy s Organs and Melodenus flail's tiuiiars. 4c . wuicb she will sell at a very tiifling advance on Manufacturer's prices, tbu-i enabling puruhas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles tbatare -'dear at ail if prir?' Music Books. Paper. Guitar Strings and Sheet music constantly on hand at the store of Mrs. U. 1. Welsh. September. 20. 1 "65. T ATEST FASHIONS DEMAND aj, . J. V. lii-aulev's CEt EDUATED PATENT niPl.KX F.LL1PTIC (OR DOC BLR SPRING) SKinr. t The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex El liptic Skirt nill he exticiicnccd particularly in all crowded assemblies, opera, carriifca iail road ears, church p-ws. arm chairs, filr prome n de niid hcue dress, as the skntc.tn be folded when ic uc to occupy a uvaM place as easily aud conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an inval uable quality in crinoline, not found in any sin gle spring skirt A lady having onjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex El liptic neel spring skirt for a single day, will nev er afterwards willii.gly dispense with (heir use. For children, misses and young Indies, thty are so pt rior to all others - .They will not bend pr break like tbe single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graoe ful shape when three or foot ordinary skirts will havot.bt.-en thrown aide as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted tlir. ii.l m.l the botii.ni toils are not only douMe springs, but ior nouDiejcovereu ; preventing I hem fr.nn weiring nut when drag iu down stixips sriiin.,.vc The Duplex Klliritii; a re.it f.-iviril with ll ladies and is universally recuuiui ended by the Fashion Mag nines ai the stand d skirt of tbe f.ih ion ible wurl l To enjoy the followinz inestimable advanta. ge iu crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect liiMnuf-icture, etvlisli ohape and finish, flexil.il tiy. durability, comfort aud i-conoiny. enquire far-J. W. ISradley's Duplex hllipf ic or Inutile Sprin Skirt, anil be sure you get the genuine article. t-.ACTio. to guard naint imposition be par ticular to notice that skirts offeied ws "DunUr" have the red ink stamp, vix: -J. W. Dradley's Duplex Elliptic Meel springs." upon the waist band none others are genuine. Also nnnV ih.t every hoop will admit a pin being pnssed through tbe centre, thus revealinz tbe two inr . springs braided tojrether therein, whieh is tbe se cret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to be found in mi nth.. !,! 1 For sale in all store where first class skirts are rold throngbout the United Stales and elsewhere. Manufactured by the de owners of tbe Patent. ot rM. vV ESTS' BADLtY A C iRY, r, . ? Cn'Dher A 79 A ttl Reade Sts., N T October 17th. Mod -1m. ' FWOER CCTTERS-ofasop.riormak.w- fV ..r,,?' l re,ni' ' Tr ies, at MEKRKLLnd "VERJgCIearge' i. Pa. Nov.14, TADIE3 FURS, and Gents' fur caps, for sale at J tbe -'enrner'' store. Curwensville, Pa ' - DATENT BROOMS, th bm l., JL doien just received and for 1, s Decern ber 1 2.1 868. M n" V PATENTED MAY 29, 1868. This is an article for washing without rabbir exeept in very dirty places, which will rtoui,?' very light rob, and unlike other preparan.1 fvred lor a like put pose, willxot bot tbi clotbii but will leave them much whiter than ordmt methods, without tbe usual wear and tear It removes grease spots as it by magic tEj is tbe dirt by soaking, so that riming UJ) dinary cases entirely remove it. ens or Ti is powder is prepared in aeeorJaocs vi chemical science, and upon a process ptcnli4u itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. een in uc for more than a year, and fcsipmtj if.-elf an univeral favorite wherever it hkitj? usd. Among the advantages claimed art i' following, vis It saves all tbe expense of soap usually axd u cotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbiag, tn W61t and tear. Also; for cleaning windows it is Oniurpitsj With one quarter tbe time and labor Bfuallv tt. quired it imparts a beautiful glos and liutrt much superior to any other mode. No wa!r r.' quired except to moisten the powder. Directions with each package. And can be readily appreciated by a iis', trial. The cot of washing for a family cf fiTt c. six persons will not exceed three cents Tbe manufacturers of this powder art swir ' that many useless eotnpi unds have been intrv dueed to the publie which have rotted the c'ux't: or failed in removing tbe dirt. b it knoeicg iu intrinsic excellence of this article, they eocdcci. ly proclaim it as being adapted to meet a dcotU which has long existed, and which has bersu fore remained unsupplied. Manufactured bv HOWE A STEVENS. 260 Broadway. Boitoa. Also, manufactorers of family dye colon Ut sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. Oct 10. I S80 3m - rpnE BOARDMAX, GRAY & CO PIANO FORTES, WHOLESALE AGENCY. The subscriber, late a member of this vtii known firm has established a WHOLESALE AGENCY, 581 Broadway, New York City, Where, he will be pleated to receive tbe orders J his friends and the public, and especially to bur from those who have so liberally bes:owed tfcoit patronage on the firm heretofore. Il will sup ply these superior instruments to the trsds Wholesale and Retail, at the very Low est Prices, Made with the Insulated Iron Kim and frnt (cast in one solid plate.) They excel all oth ers in durability and superiority of toe, and !egance of external a-pearanc. All these Pianos have overstrung Sealej. firing is connection with the patent iron rim sr. 4 frame. Full Round Powerful, and Sieeet Mrlotc Tin. Tbe Cases are elegant in appearance, and ttit'.j and safely bandied. Warranted to prove satis factory, or the money returned. AJdtesf all orders to SIBERIA OTT. 51 Broadway. T T. g D. & II. W. S M I T U S AMERICAN ORGANS, The Most Perfect and Beautiful MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN THE WORLD, KOB TUB AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE, THE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes home attractive, refines and alevatsi ts minds of all, beautiful in appearanos aad . SIBERJA OTT, 581 Broadway, New York CitJ. WHOLESALE AGEST. The immense popularity of thess Orgtnf. ' their superior Musical Powers, is fait brinf them before the public, as the instrument l"! desired in AMERICAN HOMES. And sitliWi' the eose nrice hut a rM vr ths Melod'' yet tbe musical adranUges. beauty of ton fll quickness of touch and action are so farst?'5,5 that they are fast superceding the Malodioa. the call is now almost exclusively fortbs AMERICAN ORGANS. Itis'adapted to any mnsie, from the quickest n most lively, to the heavy tone of ths Church Or gan. And almost universally they are preUrr1 to the Piano.' bv neraona whnhave thera-T c'' Ing less than half, and only taking a small smtl, of room. Seiuifor disrrtptive drtuiar giving full J iclai sand prices. , Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealer. large discounts to the trade and Teaetr- ' Ireaa all orders. SIBERIA OTT. Wholesale ""v 5&1 Broadway. S r Xew Terk April 4th, 1 -7' swi 2 wmmm it i 1 L l m m : iS-"