T HI S ft A W S, k Q0 7 4) 0 ft HI Raftsman's afounwl ' ' " i ' ' - - - "Tlearfield, pa., no v. issc .i V!LV; pVnin.bur at : : 1100 a. m 1.20 p tn 3.00 p. m. lJ . t Tvrone at : J . Arrn -j Rtuoiocs. Divine services will be held xt Sabbath, in Clearfield Borough, as fol- By Chambers in the Episcopal tbnrcb,iuoming and evening; Bvev. Sembower in the Baptist church in tte erening; . St Rev. Dill in the Methodist church m theetioiag, but no services will be had in the morning. . - . Vj services in the Presbyterian church, a;:ng to the absence of Rev. Archer. One of the best places to obtain a thor ough and practical education, is at the State Normal School, Edinboro. ,- O S PERRi". f O-Sceola, announces in oor advertising columns that he has a fine fock ot eoods that he will sell to the ad vance of purchasers. Commissioned. Michael A. Frank.Esq. , of OearfleJu Lorough, has been comrais- wneJ .4e?.w of Internal Revenue for the iirth district of Pennsylvania. W e under- Jf-m1 he will enter up5n the duties of the cice about the 20th of. November. Fire. This, Wednesday, morning, almut Si o'clock, anioke was discovered issuing from the north end ot G. L. Reed's dwel ling house in our town, and upon examina tion it uas found that the girders passing through the chimney and a poi tion of the weather-hoarding were on fire, having been communicated from one of the flues. Con w'Jfrahle damage ws done to the house be fere the fire was subdued. Mai of Clearfield , County. The Messrs. Upton, assistants and agents of Mr. Pomeroy, are now delivering to .subscribers the map of ClearSeld county, which they were engaged in getting up during the pus minuter. The map is one of the finest we ever saw, the coloring and illustrations be ing unsurpassed by any county map extant. and, so far as we have lx-en able to learn, Li correct in all its details of streams, roads, surveys, houses, etc., etc. . We feel'confidcnt that it will render enrire satisfaction to the subscriber?,, and, as much promptness was otercised in getting up the maps, we trut that all will be ready u pay in an equally prompt : 'manner for the copies they have btirecJ to take. ' Phosphate of Lime am Ground Bone. We have been presented with samples of tbn above articles f.om the manufactury of llt B'i. Miller & Smith, ot K ending, Pa. Y: inland trying them next spring, and will then be able to peak from experience as to their effect on vegetation. Large qnar. t!t!ts rs ii-fl d"wn east with profit, and know of no country in which a cheap, con.vnrrHted and effective fertilizer will pay better d.n oar mountain region. Would k not be well for every farmer to try a bar J'! cr to, and wattth its effects on both fall i"i '("ring gram, roots, &c 400 lbs is suf hcient fur an acre of wheat. Farmers think ! One wagon load is sufficient to fcr tiliie five acre. The manufacturers arc re liable, and strive to have the very best arti cle in market. Price at the works : Ground bone. $40 00 ; Phosphate of lime, $f:0 0 ; Freight to Philipsburg, $8 00. Orders promptly filled. How They Feel. Wadfl Hampton, of South Carolina, re trntly delivered a speech of which the key note ii his declaration that ''shame would line to us forever if we admit that we have been g'lilty of treason." This is the con stant terror of Southern politicians the evil which, more than all others, they wish ward off iVoni themselves "and their pos-t-iitv. After raising their parieidal arms gtii. tluir country, and nieetiig with i-ach aci usliiug defeat that no alternative ilfft tint submission, instead of yielding jrrut-i ally to the decree of the stern arbiter ilicy invoked, thev are constantlv striving to pin a moral vantage ground by eulogies of tins justice of their lost cause, and declara lions that the war decided only that the North was most powerful, not that secession n wrong. Tho method .Wade Hampton adopts to efface the stigma of treason is the tie u-mal in his section, but his trank enun ciation of it is a peculiarly refreshing speci of rebel audacity. As nothing can be clear er than that one party or the other, in the ate war, were traitors, be cuts the Gordian knot by hurling accusations against the North and euloeizins the South for (heaven me the mark ! Hovalty I He asserts that 'had the North been half es loval as the South has ever been, no war would have desolated our country." These doctrines re the natural offsDrine of a fatal recon Htruction policy, and while their absurdity may provoke a smi e at the Noun, tney un fortunatelv r-nntml the Southern sentiment. and surround with local odium and oppres sion the truly loyal men ot that section. Mr. Wallace, in his -"funeral oration" congratulates his political friends upon hav ng "almost carried the State" Ibis re minds us of an incident in the history of Simon Suggs, who was once almost married. "Simon asked Belinda to have him, and " Belinda she said 'No!' If Belinda she ' had said yes, Simon would have been married." So . with the Copperheads. They asked the people to endorse their can hdates, but the people they Baid Xo ! If the people had.. 6aid yet, then the Cops w,Ud have carried the Stat.. A-hetn ! ' - 'Clipping aai Seriby.ia;3. JB-Gold is quoted at $1,48 in N. York. 3ffaAnother freedmen's school house has been burned near Nashville, Tenn. iFFive thousand men were recruited for the regular army during the past month. agylt is estimated that the cost to Aus tria, of her receut war, will be $JO,000,000. : CSf-John II. Reasan. ot Texas, who was the Rebel Postmaster General, has written a letter favoring negro suffrage. JB53"Brevet Copperhead", is a new name by which the "Johnson" men recruited from the Union ranks are designated. iSPlt is said that a rattlesnake was re cently killed in Ohio, with one hundred and ten rattles, and that its body was as thick as man s thigh. fi3TAs the c ivil courts of Louisiana refuse to prosecute for the killing of treedinen, Gen. Grant has ordered the trial of one of the murderers. fiS?-IIon. Wm. Wright, United States Senator from New Jersey, died on the 1st of November, at Newark. In politics he was a democrat. , fiS?Soine astronomer has predicted a shower of meteors on the nights of the 13th and 14th November, similar to thai which occurred in 1833. SrCorn came down six cents a bushel at Chicago, one day last week. A crah is anticipated among the speculators. Consu mers will not be sorry. giTen. Geary will be inaugurated Gov- l P T TU ernor on the loth day oi .January, election for a United htatos Senator will take place on the same day. firu..Toin Taffe. Union, has been elected to Congress in Nebraska by an official ma jority of T4S. 1 he Union majority in the Legislature is jy on joint baaoc. ES-The Hon. Samuel Shellabarger. in a jollification speech, denominated A. .John- son as a political Lazarus, ana tne rreau-and-Butter gents as the dogs who came to lick his sores. ggCol. J. A. Long, of the regular ar my, and Private Secretary to President Johnson, was mairied lat week to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Hon. Henry I). Foster, of Greensburg. . v EivA man aimed Samuel Saunders has been swindling people in Bedford county by representing that he was collecting money to erect a State monument to the heroes who fell at Gettysburg. gSaT'Defunct the "Union Republican," started by IX Dunham, at Williamsport, in the interest of Andy Johnson and Hiester Clynier. We presume Dave's '"bread and butter" rations stopped after the election, and bonce bi "rush light" has gone out. Kay Mrs. Pry, Postmistress at Columbia, I'm . Ii:is ho. n removed and a rank Copper head ar.noiiiU.td. It must be a miserable " that demands the decapitation of women. Perhaps, however, it's the old grudge' that the copperhead got against the sex in the days ot Adam. SyA lady who arrived from Europe at Ttostnti l.v the steamer China, was discover ed to have concealed about her person about three thousand dollars worth of jewelry, which sh? was endeavoring to smuggle on shore. The detectives, however, were too clear sighted for her. MARRIED : On October 11th, 1SG0. by Elder W. B. nr.lv. Mr. John It. Fclton and Miss Mary J. Young, both of Burnside Tp. On Oc tober ISth. ISfiG, by Elder W. B. Purdy, Mr. Adam Beck and Mis Amanda Baum, both of Camln i.i county. Pennsylvaala Election Eeturea Official. Below is the official vote of every county in Pennsylvania, as returned to the Secreta ry of State. Gov. 18d.J Pros. 1S64. Gov. ISrid. COUNTIES. P I r ! 2'5S9: 29l7j 2fl2 3015' 1770S lliOVl 21519. 12114 31 4fS! 2977 i 3526! 321 1 Adam?. 2910; 3126 2(i5 II '12895 3758! 3073 3310! 2385 2591 j 235 7I2P13288 Allegheny, Armstrong, Heuver 3037 205B! 213(1 2704 ! 005 12427 32-13 : 23S8 3237 2104 233 2752 3710 I32rt 32'J2 2i5JB Bedford, Berks, Blair. Bradford, Bucks Butler, 3520 2768 7134: 3091 6805 7399 354 41 30'" I 2643! 3295 6T22 62W 332S' 2164! 2714. 2954 fit(3i: 3054 ! 301)0 216 2119 3058 5493 686 3007 i 733.)' 2917 3036 232 2251, 3399 5187 2833 2801 2135! 34671 4526 4354; 42 0 2145 835 3723 412 62 3862 906 3074 2477: 2197 1877 6436' 3475! 2244! 325) 17211 2si7j 8446 1780 1516: 1666j 1914! 61411 3601 5445 3664, 348; 631 1 1 3221. 85! 3862 694! 1483; 33211 4320. 1820i 1437 Cambria, Cameron, Carbon, Centre, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, 374 1906 3092': 85oo; 1776! 1 650 1754 195iij 671 1; 4030' 5691' 3647! 376 ; 7237 1 36! 1O01 4293 775 1699 3243; 4453 20 15 1 1516 303 2339 3501 6221 2-13 2786 2337 3VS8 49-i9 4567 4301 2262 916 3951 ISIS '2.V.I3 15311 2483. Clinton. Columbia, Crawford, 1607, isoi ; 6141 3434 5065 316 2 33V '6759 3091 : 9l 3S76 76li 1484 3260 3981! 17541 1456 13341 3083 365SI 3696!. 19lli 3342 4236 4075' 3S75I 1789 722 32?0 37911 53! 3710; 1022; 29i0l 2I67i 1955 was! 1737! Cumberland,' unupnin Delaware, Elk, Erie, Fayette, 43)9 r orest. Franklin, 411)6 Fulron, 105S 3220 2239 21(19 1JI2 1314 G reene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, 1753 Lancaster, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luserne, Lycoming, McKean. Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, 7650 14409 8418 14it)2 1339 3J60 8590 . . '. . i-ii vino! o,ioi 2653 5526! 37301 39ft ' 277: 4194 i 7022s 9riti3: 3414;'336d! 7r,4i 10045; 3401 j.4207 767 652 3S71 4448 714 3757 1835 2899 8344 1523 6S70 3829 727 877 3907 1709, 6S4t 623j 1122; 34651 3103: 4220 3560! 4416 lhljii low I71i lliJ 27I2i 7489: 14471 6533. 3356i 5JOi 635i 269S 6872 7943 1130 1496 705 Montgomery Moutour. Northam't'n Nonhumb'd Perry. 723.il 1 130! 3359! 3331 3726 6914 2549 2328 3603j 2406 2146 2581 2491 44274 37193 55797;44032.54205j4SSl7 Philad'phia. rise. Potter, Schuylkill, Snyder, Somerset Sullivan. 270i 1470; 6506! 1758; 3064, 1184 20! llSOj 360 1084 619 8547 1331; 1738 7l3i 2932! 1617 1250 2979: 13S6 4371' 3152, 55S 1 1418 1346 ,419 620 785 I i 9540 8793 10514 1S12I 1326 it 1679 1363 2783. 369! 4203' 4673i 1945 38491 2541' 49511 22751, 46501 1 337 1 1719 660; 2959 1584; J352, 3062 436; 4429! 4791 1 1991! 4409 1759 761 2931 L 359; Susqnehan'a 4134 . 4 504 1 2024 3295 j 2274! 4627 j 2211 4494! 1379 5512; 1623 1237 3492 ltoga, Union, Venango, Warren, 3341 1505! 2687! 1572 Washington, 4579; 4977! 4712 39831 2357 2383 5977J 5046 6113 1402, 14A8 1499 8500; 6396; 8780 w ayne, Westmorlcd Wyoming, York, Dem. totals, S068! 5568 254,171 276,316 290,09) Ken. totals. 269.496 254.171 Majorities. 15,325 296 391 276,316 20,075 307.274 290,096 17,178 pARM FOR SALE. The subscriber of-- fere for sale his farm sit n a te on Potts Run Jordan township, consisting of 127 acres of land 16 of which are cleared. There are several gtfbd veins of coal on the place, and an excellent wa ter power which, if suitably improved, would drive asaw or grist mill most of the year. Will be sold cheap for cash. T LIDDLE. March 21, 138 tf. Clearfield borough pLEARFIELD HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old friends and customers at the '-Clearfield lfouse." HnriDZ made many Improvements, he is prepar ed to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. Every department connected with the house is conducted in a manner to give gen eral satisfaction. Give him a call. Aor. 4, 1385. GliO. N. COLBURS. D o B B N SOAP SAVES TIME ! SAVES MONET! SAVES LABOR! SAVES CLOTHES! SAVES WOMEN! AXD ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is used by cutting into small shavings and j disso'ving in hot water, then soak the clothes five to ten inioutes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of hard machine rubbing would do, .with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabric receive no injury. We can refer to thousands of families who are usinir it. and who i ould not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC s BOAl Sold by all leading Grocers throughout the State. Manufactured only by BBINS fc LOVE D O Wholesale Office : 107 Socth Fifth Strbkt, Philadelphia. October 31, 18(6-8tp. 2 yALUABLE TIMBER, COAL FARM LAND. AND Public Sale of Real Estate op Jacob Gearhabt, of Decatur Tf , oec'd, On Tui'KSDAr , November 22d, 1806. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of ClearSeld countv. the undersigned, adminis- L trator of the estate of Jacob Gearhart. late of De- CaiUr f.p , UeC U , Will UUVI lui sn-ic mn m (i- a . " tl. in the bnrouzh of Philinsburs. Centre county, P . the followins described Real Estate, late the estate of said dee'd.vix: r No 1. A tract of land situate in Decatur t wp county nforesaid, beginning at a post, corner of David Spotts, in the line of Jacob trearoart sur vey, thence by lands of Jacob Gearhart, and liardtnan Phi'ips. south 22 deg west 219 per. to a maple on the north side of the turnpike, thence following the course ot tne turnpiae west per. to a post, thence by land formerly of llardman Philips, north 22 deg. east 225 per. to a post in David Srotts' line, thence by land of David Spotts south 63 deg. east 73 per. and 2 links to. place of oeginnmg, ana cuuiaiaiog oud uuuurou ftauoiag acres, more or less, about iZ acres olearea, wun a bearing orchard thereon, the balance of the land being well timbered with pine, osk ana nemiocx The Beaver Kun passes through this tract, Suffi cient in size to float saw logs . - -i No. 2. Is a tract of land situate in Decrtur tp aforesaid, beginning at a stone heap, on the south side of the "Old State Road," thence along said road, south 37 deg. east 341 per. to a post, thence by land of Anraham Kyler, soutn 40 aeg. east ia u'er. to a iiost. thence by land formerly of Hard- 111 a u 1'bi.ius and others, south 58 deg. west 190 piT. to an Aspen, thenco by land formerly of llardman Philips, north 5d dug. west 106 per. to a hemlock, in the line ot James inompson ana David Spotts north 25 deg. east 239 per. to stone neap or pi ace 01 ueginniug, cuum, mug " at ' two bund red acres wiih an allowance of six per cent, for roads, .fcc. deducting however out of the above described tract 33 acres and 19 perches con veyed to W. A Wallace from said Jacob Gearhart, dee'd. and wife, by deed dated Ojt. 23d. 1865, re corded in t. learheld county, in deed uook .v.pago 353. The above described rjremisos having there- j on erected a two story plank dwelling well finish ed, witn a woi: 01 water convenient, u one auu ! half story log dwelling, spring house convenient, 1 and a bank burn H0 feet bv 40 feet. Also two i irnoJ bearinir orchards, with cider mill and press About 130 acres of this land is cleared and under ! irood cultivation, the balance is well timbered with pine and hemluck. The buildings are about ' one half mile from the Erio turnpike on the road . leadinz from said turnpike to Kylertown. aud about iwo msles from Philipshurg. now tho ter minus of he Tvrone fc ClearSold R K. School House within J miles, and grist mill within one : mile I No. 3. Is a tract of land situate in Morris tp Clearfield county afors.iid. beginning at a stone heap in the corner of the Jacob gearhart survey, and nn iniiiin?- the lands of the late Adam Gray and lieorge Shiuimel, tbence by land of said Gray north 521 deg. west 56 per. to a post-, thence bv lands of Georg'5 Sbiiumel north 9S1 deg. west 27 J per to a hemlock, thence by lands formerly of Geo. Sbimmcl and llardman Philips, south 26J deg west 1 1 1 per. to an old dead pine, thence by lands formerly of llardman Philips ami Jaiues Tbotnpson, (now Jacob Gearhart.) south 631 deg. east HI per. 10 a large stone on the line ol Jacob fiearbait's survey, theuce by lands of Jacob Gear hart north 261 Ue2. east 103 per. to place of-beginning. One other piece adjoining the above described piece or tract, beginning at stones at the road on line oi George.Shiuimel. dee'd, thence 7o along said road south 471 deg. east 30.2 per to a i rst, thenco souh 2-5 deg. west 2 S per. to a poau thence south 47 deg. east (5.2 per to a posi, thence north 25 deg. west 2.8 per. to a post.thence south 471 deg east 6.2 per. to a postthenee north 25 deg. west 2.8 per. to a post, thence south 471 deg. cast 23 4 per. to a stone in the road, thence south 25 deg. west 37.1 per. bv land of Abraham ! Kyler to rtones, thence north 40 deg. west by , 1.. 1 .. u 1' r, n ...... t n .Anari thence 1 north 52 dep. west alone said last described '.59' 5731 tract. 56 per. to a post, thence by land oi Shim 733' 12357 me! north 25 deg. east 27.9 per. to place of be- th two last described tracts containing 73 acres and 100 perches. The said land has thereon erected one two-story log house and sta ble, with a good spring of water near the house. Also a good bearing orchard thereon. All the above lands are esteemed very !" ble as bituminous coal lands,inasmuch as they lie in the heart of the bituminous coal basin, besides the great value they possess as timber and fr.nj lands, with advantageouslocation, etc. The said lands all lie within about 21 or 3 miles of the ter minus of the Tyrone & Clearfield Rail Road at Philipsbu rg, Centre county. Pa. ' r. Sale to commence at 2" o'clock . P. M. on Thurs day; the 22d day of November, 1866. Terhs oif Salk. One third of the purchase k ;.i nnnArn,ar;n ..f ih. ale. one third "in one rear, and one thi'd at the death ot Mary Gearhart, the widow of said deceased, tn lattor two navmenta with their interest payable annually to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. CHARLES SLOAM. Oct.31,1366.-4t Administrator RTTSf? F. I.S of choice beans for sale by 200 IRVIN HARTS HON. B EST Family Flour, for sale at H W. SMITH 4 CO . Sept. 10. TOVES of all sorts and siies. on'""?,on hand-at jusbbilu jiiui WANTED, AGENTS ! WANTED ! ' " A great chance for agents 1 In every county of our glorious Union, to ell our maps, charts, and photograph. Good agents are making $200 a month. New charts iasued month ly. Everybody will find thU a respectable and profitable business .aa we offer large inducements. Send for circular and particulars. Addresa HAASiS A Ll'BltECHT, Oct. 31 X5. 2t. 108 Liberty St New York. QCIIENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. This medicine, invented by Dr. J.H.Schenek, of Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and make it into chyme, the first process of di gestion. By cleansing the stomach with Schenck's Mandrake rills, the tonic soon restores the appe tite, and food that could not be eaten before using it will be easilv digested. Consumption caunot be cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy ai.d the appetite restored, hence the Tonic and Pills are required in nearly every case of consumption. A half dosen bottles of the beaweed Tonic and three or four boxes of the Mandrake Pit's will cure any ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits in New York, Boston, and at his principal office in Phila delphia every week. See daily papers of each place, or bis pamphlet on consumption for his days of visitation Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of consumption, and the other as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all druggists and dealers, price SI. 50 per bottle, or S7. 50 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. SubancK's principal Offi.-e, No. 15 North Sixth St.,Phil'a.Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Demaa Barnes 4 Co.N.Y .; S.S.Hance. Baltimore, Md .; John D Parke. Cincinnati. Ohio: Walker A Taylor, Chi cago, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis. Mo. October 17, 1S6R-Iy. HI ftREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, XA.. New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. The undersigned having just returned from the east are now ooentne a full stocK of seasonable eoods. at their rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention 01 tne puo lic generally. Their assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is Deine sold very iow lor cash. Their stock consists in part of DRY GOODS of thebest quality, such as Prints. Delaines, Alpa ca. Merinos Gintrhams: Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimcrs. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods, lloop skirts. Balmorals, Ac . Ac. all f .i.h iil h anld low for cash. Also, a fine assortment of the best of MENS WEAR consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, -? . . 1 - j-. . . A isoots and bboes, iianuaercnieiu ur) Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltina Augurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc ALSO.jQueenswaro. Glassware. Hard ware, Groce riea and snices of all kinds. In short, a genera! assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, alt cheap for cash, or approved country P!JanClb. 1866. WRIGHT A FLANIG AN ATEW FALL GOODS 1 C. KRATZER & SON, Are just opening at the Old Stand above the Academy, A larire and splendid assortment of Fall Goods which they are selling at greatly reduced prices Particular attention is invited to their stock of CARPETS, rCntrairo. common Inerains. arid superior En2 lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil cloths, Window Shades and Vtall Papers Especial pains has been taken in the selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, White Goods, Embroide ries and Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoes, which they will sell at a small advance on eity cost. Flour, Bacon, Fish. Salt and Plaster, Apples Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Vt ines for medicinal uses ' Also in store a quantity of large and small clover seed.- We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will sell our goods as low as they can be bought in the county; and will pay the very highest price for-all kinds of country produce. We will also exchange goods for School, Road nd County or ders : Shingles, Boards and every kind of manu- factured Lumber. March 14, 1866. An.MlNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of James Gill, late of Deccaria tp., Cleartlcld to., dec d, having been granted to tbe undersigned, all per sons, having claims against the estate are reques ted to present them properly authenticated tor settlement, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay. 1 " w n r t aj Oct. 3, '66 pd. J M. ajum, Aam r. rilEACIIERS WASTlil).-me ooard ot JL Directors of Jordan township wish to employ two teachers for the winter session. Male teach ers prefened. to whom liberal wages will be paid, according to grade 01 ceriiucaie. iui mi " formation apply in person, or by letter, to nen ry Swan, President, or J. R. Johnson. Secretary, at Ansonville, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 24th, 1866.-3tp. LARGE LOT OF CLOTHING inelu- a J. dingsomeextraqualityof Beaver Over-coaU, and a complete-assortment of cassimere goous, made n p in suits to maicn ior "l865. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. Deo. 6 F OR SALE at cost 4 good cook stoves, to close out the stock, at the cheap easn mu R. MOSSOP. Clearfield Pa. of WEST INDIAN, MISiILE.iuira. TATION BITTERS, for sale atMeta s.Glen - - a n r a W Hope, Pa. May autn. 1 000. ntlKS Piiuhind sword eanes 10 no nau . J J, MERRELL A BIGLER'S. V" J June, '66. U1NGLES kept constantly on hand at H. W. SMITH A CO's. Sep. 10. CJAI.T-a eood article, and very cheap at th N store of . ' WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfiet I. FISH, SALT AND PLASTER, for sale at Metz's, Glen Hope, Pa. May 30, 1866. aOi ft nnr re nvMiAa tiamefM. collars. Ac., for S sale at ' MERRELL A BIGLER'S. OIL, Puttyi Paints Glass and Nails, for sale Jn'ne .6s MERRELL A BIGLER'S. STABLE CHAINS a good rticW on hand and for sale by ; Mt,mn.Lii " ALMEU'S Patent unloading J V-ff'9-o be p; ORSE-SHOES and horse-nails. be ha at H Auit. 23. MKKKhU. of Bonnet, and Ilareceiv PALL Styles edat Pit 1 1 w RT.OCKS of various sises, to hadTt MERRELL A BIGLER'S. to be pMPIRE SIIUTTLE SEWING MA CHINES are up rior to all others for fam ily and manufacturing nurDoses. Contain all the latest improvements ; are speedy ; noiseless; du rable; ana easy to wort, illustrated circulars free. .Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed No consinuents made. Address EMPIRE S. AI CO., 61o Broadway, New York Sen 5 68 y. STRAY. Came to the premises of the subscriber in Goshen township, about the loth of October, 1666. one yearling bull ; a brindlr, with star in his face. The owuer is re queued to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. Oct 31st, lSfio3t. MATIllttV lAlt. t DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let- ters of Administration on the estate of II P. Thompson. late of Curwenville, Clearfield co .dee'd, having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons, having claims against the estate are requested to present mem properly antnen ticated for settlement, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delav. JOHN IRVIN. Oct. 10, lbot-p. Administrator. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., One door East of the Clearfield House,) Keeps on hand a fnll assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen. I'lidershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , 10 great variety. Of piece goods be keeps the I test Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doe-skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres in great variety. ANo. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, an I Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for Cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also a?ent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Co s Sewing Machines. Aovemoer I. isoa. TEW HARDWARE STORE! nilLIPSBURG, CENTRE CO., IA. G. H. Zeigler & Co., DEALKtlS IX Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cuttlery, Wood and Willow w are, Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Faints, Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is inviteJ to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of tbe State, at prices to sui the times. Our stock eoinprke a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters. Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers, Join ers. Ac., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Bailroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and eross-eu Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hollow ware in great variet ; Cables, Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selectioa of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carvin knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be fiund buck ets of every size, tiu-cups, oil cuns. sprinkling cs.ns, dutting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measuras. and many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everybody. Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows, Vices, sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods' etc ; and with cast, shear, spring and blister steel, trom the best manufacturers in the United States, or of foreign manutacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in onr establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes, Saws, Augurs, Hatchets, Hammers, Files, Chisels. Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, Ac. Farmers Will find everything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section or the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our yery ex eusive stock of wood and coal Stoves. Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Aati dust. cook and parlor stoves of ail sizes ; Ah o, The Nt Lagara cook, Parlot cook, Brilliant, Dawn, Dew- drop, Axtio, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will be sold cheap for Cash. G.H ZEIGLER A CO. Philipshurg. Oct. 10th, 1956.-ly. SEVERAL SET of heavy doable harness and borne made horse collars at the 1 store or Deo. 6, 1865. IRVIN A UARTaH'RN. mniw I IRON ! 'Bar i'on. for sale attha L store of MERRELL A BIG LER 8PECIAL ADVEETISEMENTS rpHE MASON & HAMLIN CABINET -- Organ. Forty different style tdapted to sacred and secular music, for SSt) to $600 each FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or oth er first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Cat alogues free. Address, Meu.n hajilib.dm ton or MASON BROTHERS, New York. New York.NovensberJS, 1&;.-Iy STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Every yoog tv nnl iy rifleman in the U. States can- hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned, those caving iers i dcihr Hum bugged will oblige by rot noticing this card. All otners will please address tneir ooeamm nnuu, UK'S. r. ttir.Bi'. Jan. 3 1866-ly. K3I Broadway. N York. TERRORS OF YOUTH.-A gentleman wl suffered for years from Nervous Debilit who' tr. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful ndlscretion. will for tbe sake of suffering human ity, send free- to all who need it. the recipe and rectinns for mailing the simple remedy ; ty which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience.' can do ao by ad dressing JOHN H. OGDEN, Jan. 3 ISriVIy. 13, Mhanbers M. r.. TTCII! ITCH!! ITCH!!! ITCH!!!! -- amiTrtt "t xmhttm !M! YVboaten's Ointment will cure the itch in 43 hours. Alsocures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CU4L. BLAlN.3and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SlvlN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists, uy sending 60 cents to WEEK A POTTER, &ole A gents, 170 Washington Street, Bostou, it will be forwarded by mail, Tree ot postage, to any pan 01 the United States. June 6, ls66,-ly. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ENCE OF AN INVALID PurdViiea fW the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOl NO MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debili ty, Premature Decay of Manhood, q-o , supplying at the Kime time The Means-of Self-Cure. By one who has cured himself after undergoing con siderable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid ad- eiressed envelope, single .-opi'S iree ot oaarge may be had by the author. P.vitlA?tlE.L. .iiAvrAin, r.sq., Jan. 3V, 1 8661 y. Brooklyn. Kings Co. N. Y. rrO" CONSUMPTIVES. TBc undersign, ed having Leon restored to health in a fewweeks.byasimnle remedy, utter Waving suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and thai dread disease, cuinsumption is anxious te-muKe known to his fcliuw sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used (fiee of charge), with the direc tions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find, A sukk ct its fob consumption, ASTHMA. BItONCUITIS, COfOBS. COLDS, tC. 1H On ly object of the advertiser in sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in torination whicn ne conceives to oe luvatuauir , and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tbe prescription will please address Itev. ED-WAhD A. WILSON, Williamsburg Jan 3, 1866-ly. Kings county, N.Yora MANHOOD I HOW LOST, HOW KF stored. Just published a JgTJtffl new edition ot Dr. CrLVBRWELL sjf i ml Jf? Celebrated Essay on the radical curcy (without medicine) of Spermatorrheoea, or totmi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lowes, Im potency,. Mental and Pbisical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc ; also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. rip ' Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. Tbe celebrated author, in this admirable e.say , clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' succes f al practice, that tUe alarming couseqwencer of self-abuse may be radicaMy cured without the : dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the kuife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con diton may be, may eure bimselt cheaply, private ly, and radically rg"Tbis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, jioxtpaiti . on receipt of six cents, or twe post stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO. 1 27 Bowery. New York. Oct If '6 ly. Post Office box No. 4,586. S. B. McElrot. Jas.Dicksos. Jso. T. S5. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. SKlTKMUER, ISCG. Mcelroy, dickson k co. NO. 54 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. PRESEXT THEIR falij stock:, NOW COMPLETE, And invite the attention cf Dealers to jheir CAREFULLY SELECTED ASSOItTJtEXT or B tt Y AND ROODS NOTIONS, 0FFEEED AT POPULAR PEI0ES. The frtjnriit ft net tat ion in ralue of all des criptions of Merchandise, render it a matter of especial propriety that purchases should De ire ouent and therefore the nearest market becomes the one best adapted to supplying rciau aeaier. with Goods they sell Purchasers from Western Pennsylvania, East ern Ohio and Western Virginia,are invited to vis it Pittsburgh and inspect this STOCK OF GOODS WHICH WILL BB KEIT FULL DURING THE SEASON. TERMS, NET CASn. PRICES REASONABLE. ' McELROY, DICKSON & CO. NO. 54 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. :. - September 3, 1866 3m. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goods XjL of every variety, aoio aa iow ior casn, as any store in tnaeouuiy. oj Dec 6. 186S. , IRVIN A HARTSHORN rTlKTSSES and abdominal supporter of every X kind, and ot the best lmprovmentSi tor 1 t the Drue Store of " Jan.10.IS6a. II ARTSWICK A INWIN - ODDER CUTTERS of a sups rior make for sale at reasonable pr'es. a MERRELL and BIGLER'S. ClearfiVi. Pa - " EATIIER an assottment for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER December 14.1864. Clearfield Pa, H ARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-finSings for sale at MEKKCLli A BlilLEK i. at