M fi n i I r r , CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 24, 1866. T TIE' MASON ft IIAMLIX -CABINET ORG AM Forty different styles, adapted to snored and secular music, for ?80 to 5800 each FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or oth er first premium awarded them. Illustrated Cat alogues free. Address. "MASON A HAMLIN. Bos ton or " MASON BROTHERS, New York. -New York, November 29 l8Si-1y STRANG?, BUT TBI'?.-Every young lady and gentleman in the United State can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the' undersigned. Those having fears of being hum bugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, ' THOS. F. CHAPMAN. Jan. 3. 1 866-1 y. ' - S3! Broadway. N York. ERRORS OF YOUTn. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debiljty. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the fake of suffering human ity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and directions for matting' the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, cnn do so by ad dressing JOHN B. OODEN. Jan. 3 lS66-1y. No. 13, Obambers St. N.Y. THE CONFESSIONS ANO EXPERI ENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNtf MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debili-. ty, Premature Decay of Manhood, iVc supplying at the same time The Means of Self-Cure. By one who has cured himself after undergoing con siderable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid ad dressed envelope, single .topics free of charge may be bad by the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq., Jan. 31, 1866-ly. Brooklyn, Kings Co. N Y. ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT WLI Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHIL. BLAINS, t.nd all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. : Price 50 csnts. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 eents to WEEKS A POTTER. Sole A gents, 170 Washington Street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of tbe'UniteJ States. June 6, H66,-ly. QN H I S O W N HOOK!! i . ' . Merchant Tailor and General Clothier. The undersigned having located in Clearfield Borough, would respectfully inform the publio that he has opened a Merchant Tailor-and gener al Clothing establishment, in Graham's Row, immediately over H. F. Naugle's Jewelry store, where he keeps on. hand a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting, which he is pre pared to make up to order, on short notice. - Particular attention will be given to cutting Mens'. Boys' and childrens' clothing, in the most fashionable styles. Having had a number of years experience in the business, be flatters himself that lie is able to ' give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their eustom. Give him a call. ' 71MS66. P-A.GAULIN. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nndersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by very simple remedy, after having suffered , several years with a severe lung affection, and that -r. dread disease, consumption is anxious to make , Known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he wHl send a copy of the prescription used (fiee of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find, a scrb citrb fob cojsunptiox, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, COCSH8, COLDS. AC. The On- ly object of the advertiser in sending the Prer acription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in formation which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, . as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg Jan. 3, ISttO-ly. Kings county, N Y ore MISS E. A. P. RYNOF.lt, Teacher of Piano Forte. Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, Guitar, ' Harmony and Vocal Music For the sole purpose of keeping inferior Instruments out of the county '- Miss Rynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos. Organs. Guitars . and Melodeons- As chief among a large list of good Instruments may be mentioned, Chickerings and Sons Grand, Square and Up right Piano Fortes. Lindeman's and Sons new - patent Cycloid Piano. Calenberg k Vaupel'a ; Grand and Square Pianos Mason Hamlin's - Cabinet Organ. Etiy's Cottage Organ. Tieat Linaloy's Organs and Melodeons Hall's Guitars, ke.. which she will sell at a very trifling advance on Manufacturer's prices, thus enabling purchas " ers to seenre Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater outlay of money than would - be required to get inferior articles that are "dear - ' Music Books, Paper. Guitar Strings and Sheet ' music constantly on hand at the store or Mrs. H. - D. Welsh. - September, 20. H65, H A RTS WI c K & 1 11 w 1 N ' . DRUGGISTS, ''-. CLEARFIELD, -A., ' Having refitted and removed to the room' lately ooeupied by Kiehard Mossop, on Market St., -now offer low for cash, a well, selected assortment of DFUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Medioines of all kinds. Paints. Oils, Glass, Putty, Dye-stuffs. Stationary. Touacco and Segars, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock . ' of varieties than ever before offered in this place, and warranted to be oi the best the market af fords. Inspect their stock before purchasing ; - elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying that . job will be pleased with the quality and price of - their goods , Remember the place Mossop's old stand, on Market St. . , Dej. 6. 1865. g O M E T il I N G N E W IN CURWENSVILLE. , DRUGS! DRUGS !! DRUGS!!!; The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in the room recently fitted up in the house of George . Kittlcbarger. on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door West of Hippie k Faust's store, where he intends to keep general assortment of 't- 'v r Drugs,' Medicines, Oils, Paints i , ', Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per " . fumerv. Toilet Goods, Confectiona- ' ries, ' Spices, Canned ' Fruit,' Tobacco, "Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions ; ' Glass, Putty, etc. - The want of a Draff Store hs lone been felt in Curwensville, aad as that want is now supplied, the nndersigned hopes, py strict attention to bu- -,t aiaeaa, ts merit and receive a liberal share of pablie patronage.-' 1'Bis stock embraces most article "needed fn a community, is entirely new. and of the best aual- " ity. which he will dispose of at reasonable prices Call and examine the goods, which cannot fail to pleae. . JOSEPH R. IRWIN. Novembers. 1865. B ANNED FRUIT, for sale by .i MERRELL k gIGLER. , R TERRELL A EIGLER. Dealers in Hir,ii and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron J nare, Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. June '6S. J EVERY One should do their now soldering saving articles that by being repaired at once are made, new and avoiding trips to and from the tinners. For sale at Sept 26.1806. H. W. FMITH k CP's. FARM FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale bis property situate on Potts Run, Jordan township, consisting of 127 acres of land 16 of which are cleared. There are several good veins of coal on the place, and an excellent wa ter power which. If suitably improved, would drive asaw or grit mill most of the year. ' Will be sold cheap for cash. T LlDDLE, ( March 21, 18d9 tf. Clearfield borough. SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES A recent bill has passed both Houses of Congress and signed by the President giving a three years soldier $100 and two years' soldiers 550, bounty. Soldiers wounded in line of duty, who did not serve two or three years.are entitled ti the bounty. fSBounties and Pensions collected by me for thoe entitled to them - , .. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law.' Aug. loth, 18ri6. Clearfield, Pa. E ACJLE SHINGLE -MACHINE Thesub- scriber is manufacturing at the W est Branch Iron Works, in Williamsport, the best and most durable Machine for making 24 and 13 inch shin gles ever used in this country," also the EMPIRE MACHINE, which will cut IS inch shingles much faster, smoother and more f:om the same timber, than any machine in use ; also the best Saw Sett Mill Dogs for Gate and Mulay Mills, ever used in this section. A.T. NICHOLS. - Williamsport, Pa , Maya, 1865.-6ui. CLEARFIELD N UKSER V. ENCOUR AGE HOME INDUSTRY. The undersigned having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawton Black berrpr, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. 'Also SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhen barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug 31.1864. J.D.WRIGHT, Curwensville, NEVV FIRM. The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm name of Irvin A Hartshorn, for the transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber business. A large and well selected stoc'i of goods has been added to that already on hand at the -'corner store" in Curwensville.where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. E. A IRVIN. W. R. HARTSHORN. Curwensville. July 17, 1865 RANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE FOSTER, PERKS. WRIGHT A CO:, .. Philipsburo, Centre Co., Pa. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts discounted. Deposits reoeived. Collections made and pro ceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities constantly on hand. The above Banking House is now open and ready for business. Philipaburg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept 6, 1865. fi. L. REED. C.R.FOSTER, KOW. PERKS. i D. V. 6IRK. WTtf . V. WRIGHT, W. A. WALLACE, A. K. WRIGHT, RICHARD SHAW, JAS. T. LEONARD, J AS. B GRAHAM CLEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS ! The undersigned adopts this method of in forming the publio and the patrons of the late Wm. Gahagan. of Bellefonte, that he is carrying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in -the Borough of Clearfield, in all its various branches and will hold himself always in readiness to furnish those who call upon him, with all kinds of Ckmeteby work, suoh as Monuments, Box Tombs, Cradle Tombs, Spircg. OblUks, Grecian Tombs, Table Tombs. Head Stones, carved, sculptured or plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be had at any other establishment in the country. Thank ful for post favors, the nndersigned solicits an in crease ot patronage. . July 25, 1866. JOHN W. GAHAGAN. N. B. Persons who reside more convenient to Tyrone, will please call there, as he has also opened a shop in that place. JJ O M VI I N..DUSTEZ! BOOTS AND STIOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The nndersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citixens of Clearfield and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be exeoutnd with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. - - - June 13th, 1866. DANIEL CONNELLY CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. REV P. L.HARRISON, A.M. PRINCIPAL. The Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, September 10th 1866. - Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session . t . The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical ami ; accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms op Tuition : Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session. (11 weeks.)" 5 00 .. Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo tj ' " .. se.oo Algebra.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. V fSJ.OO Latin and Greek, with any of the above branches, r, $12.00 HNo deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. m. Feb. 23,1366. , Principal. IMPORTANT TO PENSIONERS. The Act of Congress approved Junefith, 1866. gives additional pension to the following class of per sons: 1. To those who have lost both eyes or. both ha cds, or are totally disabled in the same so as to. require constant attendance, the sum. per month, of . ' $25,00 2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con stant attendance, '-ui $20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or so disabled as to render them unable to per form -manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, the sum, per month, of $15 00 4. Persona deprived of their pensions under Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored." 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for their pension had been filed. ana oetore the certificate was issued, and who have left widows or minor children, will be enti tled to receive arrears doe at the death of the pensioner. 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. In all of thesa cases, new applications must be made The undersigned is prepared, with the proper blanks, for the speedy procurement of these pensions. . .: ,.y Claims for bounty and back pay, pensions, and claims for local bounty nnderStateaw, promptly collected. . H.B.SWOOPE,AtfyatLw, July 11, 1866. Clearfield, Pa. NEW GOODS.-J. P. Kratxer has just re ceived a general assortment of Fall Dress goods, at his new Ware rooms on Market street, opposite the jail. Oct 3, 1866.-lm. OAL. Whule. and Lind nil. Varnish andPaintsof all kind groundin Oil' for sale by - ' HARTSWICK IRWIN. ' FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers his farm of 53 acres, situate in Union twp., Clearfield county, at private sale. Thirty acres of the land is cleared and in a good state of cul tivation the balance is well timbered, with a good rein of coal underlying the whole tract. The improvements are a log house, bank barn, and otner ou:building, with a good spring of water near the house, and convenient ta school houFe mills. Ac There is also growing on the premises about 250 fruit trees, all bearing, equal to any in the eounty. Terms will e easy. Toi further information call on the subscriber residing on the premises, or address him at Rock ton P. O.. Clearfield county, Pa. June 27 1866. P- H. BOOZE. NEW ITARNESS MANUFACTORY. The undersigned desires to inform the publio that he has established a Harness Manufactory.in Kylertown, on the corner of cross streets, and ad joining Caruon's Hotel, where he is prepared to turn out all kinds of work belonging to his branch of business on the DO.'t reasonable terms to suit the customers and times. The cash must invari ably be paid when work is called for. All work made to order The public are respectfully invi ted to give him a trial before orderiig elsewhere, as he will do his utmost to accommodate those who will patronite his establishment. All work furnished as cheap as by any ether country estab ment. Come and see for yourselves August 8. lS66.-3m. J.E.MOORE. W STORE ! ! NEW STORE ! ! ! Je Sfiaw k Sge, Have just returned from the east and are now finATlinff un Anrira n A or Q t rn lr i P intfi a in t Vr vnfim formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market C . V L . . rr . . 1 1 i - . . , Direct, non-U ioey now -oner 10 me puuuu ai lun lowest casn prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of utj (jroods. Groceries. vueensware, Hardware, Uoots, bboes.ilats. Caps. Bonnets. Dress Goods, Fruits-, Candies Fish, Salt. Brooms. Nails, eto. , id-fact, evervthintr usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. . - Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determi ned to lease all who may favor us with their custom. May !, IS66. ; J. SHAW A SON. H. IF1 . N A U G L "E , .WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old oustomers and the public. . that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large siockoi (,iocks, w atones and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a laree variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and eight, and Levers, lime, strike and Alarm clocks. IV A TCIIES a fine assortment, of silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain aDa iuii jeweiea. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk Holders SPECTACLES, a large assortmont, far nd near sigai, coiorea ana plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. ALSO, fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ler Knives, etc., piatea on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care- uiiy repaired ana v arruiued . A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. 2sth, 1865. H. F. NAUGLE 0 1 Tj O T H I 1ST G- 111 GOOD AND CHEAP!!! Men, Youths and Boys can be 'uplpied with full suimoi seasonaDie ana tascionaoie doming at RE1ZENSTEIN BROS' & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal ' satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase their i'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's k Co., Sell goods at a very small profit,' for cash; Their goods are well made and fashionable. ; They give every one the worth of his money. , They treat their customers all alike. . ..They sell cheaper than every body else. . ' Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others. For these and other reasons persons should buy REIZK.VSTEfV Run's v m Produce of every kind taken at the highest maraei prices. May 18, 1864. R 23 - IMC - O- T-A-Xi I Has removed to his new ware rooms on Market Street, and opened a large stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, etc. FOR LADIES, he has Cashmeres. Merinos. Ren- Delaines. Parmetto, Brilliant, Poplins, Alpaca Berege, Lwns, Prints Silks. Dustercloth. Ging hams, Nankeen, Linen. Lace. Edging, Velvet trimming. Uollerette, Braid. Belts, Dress-buttons, Hosiery, Veils, Nets, Corsets. Collars. Hoods. Nubias, Soarps,-Hoop-skirts. Balmorals, Coats. Shawls, Mantles, Furs, Notions. Bonnets, Hatsi Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes. " ' MEN'S WEAR, Such as Cloths.Cassimcre, Sati tinett. Flannel, Jean, Tweed, Cottonade, Muslin. Italian-cloth, Velvet, Plush, Check, Ticking, Drilling, Linen Crash, Serge, canvass. Padding' Linsey, Vestings, Coats. Pants, Vests, Over-coats, Shawls, Boys Jackets, Over-alls. Drawers, Cass niere shirts, Linen-Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Ac , Ao. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Such as Car pet, Oil-cloth Blinds, Curtains, Tassels: Cord, Clocks, Looking-glasses Lamps, Churns. Tubs Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Washboards, Butter-bowels, Selves, Flat-irons, : Coffee-mill, Bed-cords, Bags, Wall-paper, Carpet-chain, Cot ton yarn. Candle-wick, Work-baskets, Lanterns, Lmbrellas. Buffalo Robes, Carpet Bags, Axes, and Augers, Ae., Ac, Ao. , MUSICAL GOODS, Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifes ; HARDWARE, Queensware, Glassware, Stone ware, Groceries, Drugs, Confectiocarieg, Med icines, Flour, Bacon. Fish, Salt, Grain, Fruit. Car riage, Trimmings, Shoe Findings, School Books Nails and Spikes, Glass and Putty, Oil, Vinegar' Tobaeco, Segars, Candles, Spices, Powder, Shot Lead, Grinu-stones, Rafting Rope, etc., etc. - ' All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms and the highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce J. P, KRATZER ... Dec. 13. 1865. Clearfield, Penn'a STV AIMS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medieal Discovery, Hembold's Buchu. Bake's Cod Liv er Oil, Jayne's and Ayer's Medicines, for sale b- M. v x nt ion Lly XV A I K IV I w I . . . TJIOR SALE at cost 4 barrels of good fam jl u j nour. 10 ciose out toe siock, at Jan. 10,1866. . MERRELL A BIGLER'S. FLOUR. A large quantity Extra Family Floor, in Barrala. Kark'n and I sale by, , , Feb..22. 1865. ' W, F. IRWIN H. MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.,' One door East oi the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, Undershirts, Drawers and Socks .Neck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps tho liest Cloths, (of all shades,) Black )oe-skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres iu great variety. Also, French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, an.l Tncott Over-coating, all of which will be M cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Co's Sewing Machines. Novem'uer 1, 1865. T T EXT IO X ! BUYERS !! Sc FAUST DEALERS IN FOREIGN AlfD DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, AC- MAIX STREET, CCBWE5SVILLE, PA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment of goods, to which they desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queensware, Tinware. l)oots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times . . They also deal in Grain, Pork. Shingles, Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call. Remember you can find us at the old stand m Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of business. Sept. 6. IS65. HIPPLE A FAUST. p A Y AT TEN T I O X !! . GOOD BARGAINS AT THE CLEARFIELD FOUNDRY. We hereby notify tho public, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, by the nndersigned, who are now ready to accommodate the community with anything per taining to our lino of business. We keep con stantly on band a general assortment of stoves and castings, lining which are the following Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves, for burning either wood or coal ; Sala mander stoves, No. 4; Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 16 and 20 gallons : Farm dinner- bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 28 inches ; Plows and plow-castings. We are also prepared to mane all kinds of GRIST and SAW-MILL IRONS, and special attention will be paid to the repairing ot Ihreshins JlA CHINES. . Persons in want of anything in our line, would dewell to give us a eal 1. Every description of approved country produce and old metal, taken in exchange for our manufactures, at the highest market price. . HARLEY A SONS. Clearfield, Nov. 1, 1865 If. ' g P R I N G G O O D S. C. KRATZER & SON, Are just opening at the Old Stand above the Aiademy, A large and splendid assortment of Spring goods, wuiuu mejr are sewing at greatly reduced prices Particular attention is invited to their stock of CARPETS, (Cottsge, common Ingrains, and superior Eng- nsn ingrains, ami urusseis.) f loor and Table Oil- ciotns, W indow Shades and Wall Papers Especial pains has been taken in the selection ot Ladies' Uress tioods, White Goods, Embroide ries and Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoes, which they will sell at a small advance on city cost, Floor, Bacon, Fish. Salt and Plaster. Apples, Peaches and Prunes kept onsinntl v on hand. Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wines ior meaicinai uses Also in store a quantity of large and small clover seed. ' - W intond to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will sell oflr goods as low as they can be bought in the county; and will pay the very highest price for all kinds of country produce. We will also exchange goods for School, Road rod County or ders; Shingles. Boards and every kind of inaou factured Lumber. March 14, 1866. Q.REAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, CLEAHFIELD, IF.A.. NEW FIRM AND NEW ARRANGEMENT, AND NEW GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES. The nndersisrned hAvlnv fmmwl ir,a ship in the Mercantile business, would respectful ly invite the attention ot the public generally to their splendid assortment nf Munttiin.liu wk;h is now being sold very low for cash. Their nock consists in part of BUY GOODS of thebest quality, such as Prints. Delaines, Alpa cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimera. Ladies' Shawls. Coats No. bias. Hoods. Hoon abirta. Itlmn..i. i- of wHoh will be sold low fob cash. Also, a fine assortment of the best of M E N S W E A R consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hatg and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Handkerchieftt cravats, etc. - Also, Raft Rone. Tin sk. t?.i:. i and Axes. Nails and bpikes, Tinware, Lamps u.ad iwur nuaiauu vuuuneys, eio., eto ALSOJQueensware, Glassware. Hard ware. Groce ries, and spices of all kinds. Tn .hart .ni assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, ail cheap for eatk. or approved country produce. , . . Jan. 10.1850. WRIGHT A FLANIGAN, TCA'CCO-yNatural leaf.cavend ish.congress, Spun roll, navy, fine cut, choice brands of -Aawgars, for sale at J. P. KRATZER S F OR SALE atcost I rood cook stoves, to close eut the stock, at the eh eap cash stwo R. MOSSOP. Clearfield Pa. r of FISH, SALT AND PLASTER, for sale at Meti s, Glen Hope, Pa. May 30, 1866. LADIES FURS, and Gents' fur caps, for sale at the "corner" store. CorwensvilU, Pa. TO HORSE OWNERS. The undersigned having recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horses, known as' Hoof-bound." Any person sending SI in a letter, will receive Ly return mail a recipe giving proper directions as to the necessary treat ment. Address. JACOB IRWIN. September 21, 186t-tf. Clearfield. Pa. DMIHAUGHEY, PIIOTO . 1)1 T GRAPIIEK, having purchas ed the Photograph establishment formerly eon ducted b.v ll. linage, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining coun ties, that he has recently made additional im provements to both sky-light and aparatus. and he flatters h imself that he can satisfy the most fastidecus taste in a tri e and lifelike likeness He 8.1so keeps constantly on hand a good assort ment of Guilt, Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all sixes and styles and an endless variety of cases, lockets, etc.. which he will dis pose of at very moderate prices, for cash. His gallery is in Shaw s row, (up stairs,) Mar ket street. Clearfield, Pa , where he is always rea dy to accommodate customers who may be in want of a good Likeness of themselves or friends. . Particular attention paid to copying all kinds of pictures, etc. November 1. 1865 IJIO MUSIG TEACHERS AND DEALERS. The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish Sheet Music, Strings, Musical Instruments, and Music Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates, wholesale and retail, from the largest -iol lections in this country. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders, SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, N. T. IJIIE BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO. P I AN O FORTES, WHOLESALE AGENCY. The subscriber, late a member of this well known firm has established a "WHOLESALE AGENCY, 581 Broadway, New York City, f i i i , i . . , , . trom those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm heretofore. He will sup ply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at the very Low est Prices, ; Made with the Insulated Iron Rim and Frame (cast in one solid plate.) They excel all oth ers in durability and superiority of tone, and elegance of external appearance, All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, giving in connection with the patent iron rim and frame, Ftdl Rouh1 Powerful, and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases arc eleg-int in appearance, and easily and safely handled. Warranted to prove satisfactory, or the money returned. A Jul ess all orders to SIBERIA OTT. 5"1 Broadway, Y Y. g D. & II. W. SMITH'S ' AMERICAN ORGANS, The. Most Perfect and Beautiful MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN THE WORLD, FOR THIS AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE, THE AMERICAN ORGAN . Makes home attractive, refines an J elevates the minds of all, beautiful in appearance and effect. 1 - SIBERIA OTT, ' t 581 Broadway, New York City, WHOLESALE AGENT. The immense popularity of these Organs, and their superior Musical Powers, is fast bringing th em before the public, as the instrument so long desired in AMERICAN HOMES. And although the cost price is but a trifle over the Melodion, yet the musical advantages, beauty of tone and quickness of touch and action are so far superior, that they are fast superceding the Melodion, and the call is now almost exclusively for the AMERICAN ORGANS.1 It isjadapted to any music, from the quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone of the Church Or gan. And wlmost universally they re preferred to the Piano, by pejrsonsho'naye them, yet cost ing less than half, and only taking small amount of room. Seu for duerintim ularsaiutpnces. .j-.r-- Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealers, and large discounts to the trade and Teachers. " Ad- iress all orders. ' urr us wiu u pivafvu iu receive mo uruen oi ! .-".j. unc im oione uunamgs insured rn ... ,,. . . ,, . . pktcallv, if desired, on teruisoftherrcatej.il his friends and the public, and especially to bear conomy and safety to the insured. S""'"' feisiiii: .fa ' " SIBERIA OTT. Wholesale Agent, 581 Broadway, New Tork. New York, April 4th, 18M.-y : ' TERMS OF THE JOrRji, 1M KATTSMAB JOrmifAt is publiffclT uesaayai 2.0V pet annum in adraee t paid at the beginning of theyear. S3 5b" ' eaarged, and S3.00 if not paid before tk. , 1 k. Apvertissbekts will be inserted it ti. J . square, for three or less insertions T.Ti Jr (or lessj counting a square, for every :" iiiscruvu menu win oe enarred a a i will ha m! tn ....1. .A A a J mj NT.iuKn isosuoseription taken for a shorter b. , sixmontha. and no paperwill be disconti. till all arrearages are naid.excent . .i.- " ' v the publisher. 1 onto. S. J. Sow w " ISTEW STOEE IN. 0UBWENSVILLE J OH N I li VI N Has just received and opened at the oM -!f..Curw?,1STi116' n new stock of Fai! Winter Goods which he will sell ye-, eh. ? cash. His stock consists of 7 Cb,, ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing, etc. The public generally Is respecfuljy jntited give him a call : see his stock and hear hitpriJ; and purchase from him if you find it will bTi your advantage, . Nov. ij, MUTUAL FIRE ISrKACE COMPa NY OF VORK, PA. Insures against loss or damage by lire, it i, a, safest company id the State, and has mads o . sessments since iu establuhment, and bene, it l. the mo5t economical . S. J.ROW.Am.l Je 21, 1865. Clearfield, P. COLUaiBIA INSUBAWCErcOMFAHY, Columbia. Iisures against loss by fire, on very moderin terms either on the mutual oreash prinoipit Special rates for the safevlass of farm property This is one of the oldest and best companies ia country, and bears a reputation for promptnars and strict business integrity second to no other in the State. S. J. ROW, Agent. Dec 27, 1365. ClearfieldPa. 1794. Chartered, 1794 ISSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, . AT .PHILADELPHIA. .- The oldest Insurance company in America. Cats capital and surplus, ever $1,715 000.00. Seventy one years Successful Business Expert, enco. with a reputation of Integrity and Hoiora bledealing unkurpassed by any similar iueliiuti. a. L.ossespaia since organisation, S17.5UO.U00 U( Liberal Rate for ail the safer clase of proper ty, lufuratice for dwellines and contents, a . . H;ai:. n:i i . i -. . - . 1 " " o ana tcosour to insure in tb sea companies, and there is sose bettjcb than ibe ul Imlua.nck cohpa.it or North America. r ki' .. .... . . . . . CHARLFS PLAIT, I ARTHUR G COFFIH. Secretary. TreatBM, DIBfcCTOBS.' Arthur G. Cotfiu. . 8. Morris Wala. John Maeon. 6eorge 1. Harried Francis R. Cope. Edward H. Trotiei. Edward S Clark. Wm. Cumminge. T. Charltoa Henr Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor. Ambrose White,' William Welsh, Richard D. Wood, Win E. BoVen. James N. Ilicksnn! Wm. Buehcer, Central Agent of Tena'a. S. J ROW. Agent for Clearfield co. aer2. Life Insurance at Home. The' Penn Mutual Life Iii5urance Ce, 921 Cbkstxct Street, Phil'a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and mill inie Policies on any of the approved plans of iiisn rant. Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Lusses paid pimrt. ly Premiums may be paid in caib; encujllj. semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half ineirii, and one-half in note. By a'supplemeut u:be charter, notes hereafter received will pariiriiu in all Dividends or Surplus Scrip eertificnei e to January, 1859, inclusive, are now received ii payment of premiums Agency, at the otBce of H B.Swoors. fields Pa, Dr J. G. Hartewick. Medical El" ner. . ; August 24, 136 FOUTZ'S. Hdtsd Mil Cattle Poite T'.is nrrimnitife, r&Z&Z Sm l"u anJ tavu.-i.r rkrokcn-dosn low spirited Lew, by trt)jrt!ir3" anil clransinf Cfrwacli and iii' iiltes It is a enre r tix tire of "' -o incirf rl ! this animal, such as LCXS fEVKK, CLA.VrEa, YELLOW WA TER. II E A V K 8, COUGHS, PIS TE JI PER. KE VER3, J'OUXnKR ; LOSS OF APPK TITE AND VITAL f ENEKti Y, to. Iu use improves the wind, increases the appetite- givr a m o t fa and miserable skeleton Into a Cae-looking sa f?"1 . horse. , Ta kcnra rf fun tl,a imMmiiM ia iorsfK'- It increaaM the ejaanUtv and laeprorce the e"1' been prorm T tual exrna""1 lncrr.se tt- lc" V ' ' t Zr cream tV P" OT.t end "' "J butter frm sveet. In f cattle, it FTZZ anar-1' their Buch faster. the Lnnirr, Liver, . , kc, this article - acta as a iiwdt, . By putting from .- nn-f)lf s .w. - j iu a - ; barrel of swill the . aoore eieeaees " will .at ..J . .... uscaumicii ," nji ltd A iL iinrei prvrcnua. ik , ; preventive and cure far alia Hog Oiolera. Price 25 Cento per Pape-, o S -a peri lot PECTAEED ET ' AT THEIB mmr wnoiEstiE Dure as mwmi Brr . No. 116 Franklin St, BaltimoreJS For Sale by DruerisU asd Storekeper tw" ot the United Ptaf ls For sale by Hartswiec TrZi,T71Xl Clearfield, Pa. ; ; '