Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 19, 1866, Image 3

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    TSSARFIELD, PSEPT. 19, 1866.
Tyrone and Clearfield BaUroad.
The true friends of the Union the
,i,cn who stood By the National author
ities during the late rebellion and pre
served the Union from destruction by
traitors, and who now favor the elec
tion of Gen. Geary as Governor of
l'cnnsylvania, will assemble in Mass
Meeting (in conjunction with the 'boys
jn blue') at the Court House in Clear
September 26th, I860.
Our friends throughout the county,
at well as all others who desire to hear
the truth, are cordially invited to at-
, Come one'. Come all! and hear the
lital political question of the hour free.
) aim iu y -lion.
G. W. Scofield, our member of
Dr. V. C. Doane. of Connecticut.
Capt. W. H. Snowden, of Virginia,
Prof. Leo Miller of New York,
1'apt.A. 11. Hutchison, of Bellefonte.
J. B. M'Enally, Esq., of Clearfield,
If. B. Swoope,-Esq., of Clearfield,
And others will be in attendance to ad
dress the people.
Sept. 12. Ch. Union Co. Com.
At a meeting of the Soldiers Geary
Club in Curwensville, on Satnrday eve
ning the 15th inst., it was proposed (at
the request of Clubs at a distance) to
hold a Soldiers' Convention at Clear
field on the 2Gth Sept, at 3 P M. pri
or to the general Mass Meeting in the
tvemng. It is requested that uelega
ions from the urmer nart of the court
r S r
ry meet at Curwensville, at 12 M. on
said day.
Divine Services. Rev. Archer wil
1 reach in the Presbyterian church, morning
i ud evening, on Sun Jay, September 23d.
Ifev. Monroe will preach in the M. E.
church, on Sunday evening, Sept. 23d.
llev. Harrison will preach in the uthe
tanchurch, on Sunday morning, Sept. 23d.
"Pilgrim" j-ours of September 8th, to
hand. Will try to give it next week.
J.'O. yours to hand. We have an arti
cle ou the subject.yoa refer to, which will
appear next week.
Query? When will Jleorge find space
in his patriotic (?) paper to publish a poem
in hnnor of the American flag ? After the
election, eh ? A. w.
-Soldiers, Attention. A full attend1
nce of the members of the ScEdier's Geary
Club is requested on next Saturday evening,
buiness of importance is to be transacted.
Fine Grapes. Our friend, Thomas
Rubins, yesterday evening preented us
with several bunches -oi Cencord f rapes
the largest and finest specimen we I ave seen
Tor some years. Thank yon, Thomas.
Fair! Fair! ! A story having been cir
culated, in various parts of the county,
thit the Agricultural Fair has been post
poned, we have been requested to state that
suoh is not the fact that the Fair will be
fidd u advertised.
Lady's Friexd. The October number
of this valuable and entertaining parlor
companion is already out, and is well wor
thy the attention of our lady readers. Dea
.wn k Peterson, 319 Walaat Street, Fhl'a.,
re the publishers.
Convicted ok Manslaughter. Wm.
' vampbell, who shot bamuel liair, a conM
able, in Centre county, on the 26th of
June last, and who was subsequently arrest
i in Woodward township, Clearfield coun
ty, was tried at Bellefonte week before last,
found "guilty of manslaughter," and sen
tenced to eight years solitary confiaement
in the Eastern Penitentiary. .
Srw Music. We have just received
'mm Chaa. M. Tremaine, 481 Broadway,
- Y., the following pieces of new music :
' Beautiful form of my dress" . by H. P.
banks "Banjo Galop by Mre. Parkhurst;
-.Bells in Distant Lands," a song, by Henry
iucker all excellent pieces, at SO cents
ach. Mr. Tremaine having purchased the
rneet Mn M
-luteal Merchandise branch of Mr. Horace
V iters business. resnectfnUv solicits a onn-
t'?uace of the patronage extended to Mr.
, ters iu his department of business, as he
ijS conducted it for the past five years.
Une Utac-t -a v . : i l i
111, uu uvBv in uoiu uwajs uu uauu.
' .j .... a. iuMmiuv x ' a-i uau
Are YOU Assessed? We again direct
attention to the assessment lists. We re
recently examined several suuh lists, and
found that the names of persons entitled to
vote were omitted whether accidentally or
intentionally, we are unable to say. Have
you examined the list of your ehtion dis
trict, and is your name on it ? If not, do
so at once, and if your name is not thereon,
go to the Assessor without delay and be as
sessed,, or you may lose your vote.
Bead Them. We give on our outside
some extracts from President Johnson's
speech at St. Louis, in which he defends
the" massacre at N ew Orleans, boasts of the
great number of Rebels he has pardoned,
threatens to "kick out" all the office hold
ers who do not swallow "My Policy," and
indulges in language that, to speak mildly
of it, is outrageously blasphemous. We
shall confess ourselves greatly mistaken if
such speeches do not disgust all respectable
people. .
Sudden Death. On Thursday evening,
September 13th, John Selser, a resident of
Williamsport, who was engaged in selling
patent force pumps, died suddenly at John
ston's Hotel in this place. lie retired to rest
at 9 o'clock on Thursday evening, in good
health. Not appearing at breakfast table
on Friday morning, at about 9 o'clock Mr.
Johnson went to his chamber door and rap
ped, but received no answer. Mr. J. con
cluding there might be something wrong,
then got a chair and looked into the room
through the glass over the door, when his
suspicions were confirmed. lie at once
called in several persons and forced the door
open, and upon approaching the bed found
Mr. Selser dead. He evidently died with
out a struggle cause, apoplexy. An in
quest wa3 held by Coroner Park, and a ver
dict rendered in accordance with the above
mentioned facts. . The body of Mr. Selser
was taken for interment to Williamsport,
where his family, consisting of a wife and
five children, resides.
"Eelic3 of the Greely Eeformation."
For the Raftsman's Journal.
Mr. Editor : "Belies of the Greely Re
form," is the heading of an article in the
last issue of that Rebel sheet, the Clear-
field llcpuMican, in which a wholesale
charge, by implication, is made against all
returned soldiers, as being bank robbers,
incendiaries, &c.
We soldiers, while in the service of our
country, always considered that paper as a
rebel sheet,and.its editor as no better than a
rebel, for his sympathies were at ill times
during the rebellion with the rebels and
their cause ; besides, he has frequently been
heard to say that,every man who went South
to fight for the maintenance of this govern
ment ought to be killed and buried upon
Southern soil.
The editor, in his article, would fain make
the community believe that all concerned in
the Bank robbery at Clearfield on the Sth
instant, were returned soldiers. Such is not
the fact; for but one of the party implica
ted was a soldier; and if there are 'any
doubts as to the guilt of either of the three,
the soldier, on account of his known hon
esty and integrity heretofore, is entitled to
these doubts.
The two younger men implicated stayed
at home during the rebellion, an 1 they and
their friends were closely allied to the deser
ters and draft skedaddlers who flocked into
Knox township, giving them aid and com
fort in all their treasonable designs against
the government, countenancing and, for
ought we know, aiding these deserters in
foraging upon known Union men, in rob
bing pring-houses, hen roosts, and in ma
ny instances killing and appropriating to
their own use cattle belonging to. their U
nion neighbors. Is not such conduct
when countenanced and encouraged by a
party like the so-called Democratic party,
and its orgau the Clearfield Reuubliatn,
enough to demoralize all young men who
were brought within their influence I And
hence the deniorlization of young Erhard
and the j'ounger liloom.
And who, 1 would ask the editor of the
Republicans it that daring 1S63 and 1864
threatened to burn the property of Union
citizens, in this county, and in two or three
instances carried their threats into execu
tion ? And While writing, recollections
come into my mind of a till robbery which
happened several years since. I would ask
the editor of the Republican, under whose
iletorm was this act committed: Were
these crimes committed by soldiers?
VV e, as soldiers, at all times stand prepa
red to defend our reputations against all at
tacks and aspersions of the editor of the
Republican, a we defended our government
on the battle-held against the rebels ofvthe
South and their sympathizers at the North.
A Soldier.
Curwensville, Sept 17, 18G6.'
By Elder W. B. Purdy, Aug. 30, at the
residence of the bride's father, Mr. Eason
McEwen and Miss Sarah E. Hutton,
both of Burnside township.
OYS' CLOTHING. A full stoc k of boys'
coats, jackets, pants and Tests at
Sept. 57 18l6,-lm. 1. P. KRATZER'S.
CLOTHING. A large stock of ready-made
clothine. sellinz off cheap at
Sept. 5, ls66.-lm J. P. KRATZE'SR.
TRUSSES and abdominal supporter of every
kind, and ot the best improvments. for sale
at the Drug Store of
SALT ! SALT !! SALT !!! A prime arti
Cle Of eround alum unit nnf nn innatnn
aeKs. at $4 .25 per sock, at the cheap cash stoi e of
any store rn the county, by
RlLSS'ST,' 0"0. Uubball's, Drake's,
- . a a, vireen s
Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all kinds
for medical purpose, for sale by
ding some extra qualityof Bearer Over-coats
and a complete assortment of cassimere goods)
made up in suits to match for sale by
VX TlO.N. Whereas, by an Act of the General
Asseuiuij oi me commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled -'An act to regulate the General Election
within this Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the
Sheriffs of the several counties to give public no
tice of such election, the places where to be held,
and the officers to be elected ; Thkrefore, I, JA
X)B A. FAUST, High Sheriff ef Clearfield co., dt
itrrehy give public tiottcn to the Electors of the
county of Clearfield, that a GEN ERA L ELECTION
will be held on the Second Tttdav of October
voemg me js i.nn uay ot tne month) at tne
several election districts in said county, at whinh
time and place the qualified voters will vote
For one person for Governor of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania.
For one person to represent the counties of Cam
eron, Clearfield. Elk, Erie. Forrest. Jefferson,
McKean and Warren in the House of Repre
sentatives of the United States.
For one person to represont the countieof Clear
field, Elk and Forest in the House of Repre
sentatives of this Commonwealth.
For two persons for the office of Associate Judgee
of Clearfield county.
For one person for the office of Commissioner of
Clearfiield county.
Forone person for theoffiae of Auditorof Clearfield
The electors of the county of Clearfield will
take notice that the said General election will be
held at the following places, vis :
At the house of Samuel M. Smith for Beccaria
Atthe house of Aseph Ellis for Bell township
At the house of James Bloom, Sen., for Bloom
At the house of Edward Albert for the township
of Boggs.
At the house of Jacob Pearce, for the township
of Bradford.
At the public house of R. W. Moore for Brady
At Young's School House for the township ef
At the school house near Simon Rorabaugh's for
the township of Chest.
At the court house for the Borough of Clearfield.
Atthe house of Jacob Mauror for the townchip
of Covington.
Atthe house of I. Bloom, dee'd, for the Bor
ough of Curwensville.
At Centre school house for the town7p of Decatur.
At the house of Thomas B. Davis for the town
ship of Ferguson.
At the house of John I. Bundy for the township
of Fox.
At Congress Hill scheol house for the township
At the public school house for the towuship ot
Goshen. .
At the houseof Jacob Hublcr for the township
of Graham.
At the school bouse in Janesvillo for the tewn
ship of Guelich. ,
At the house of J.AVilson for the twn'p of Huston. I
At the school houso in Ansonville for the town
ahip of Jordan.
Atthe house of B. D. Hall A Co. for the town
ship of Karthaus.
At the Turkey Hill School house for the town
ship of Knox.
Atthe court house in the Borough of Clearfied
for Lawrence township.
At the public school house for the borough of
.Luuioer city.
At the house formerly occupied by Thomas Ky
lerfor the township of .Morris.
Atthe public school house for the Borough of
ew wasnington. .
At the public House of Mi'o Hovt. for the Bor
ough of Osceola.
At the house formerly of Wm. W. Anderson for
tne township ot l enn.
At the House of I. Bloom, dee'd, in the Borough
vi curwensville tor rixe township
At the house of 11. W. Moore for thotownshio
c rr - r
At the house of Thomas Henderson for tho town
ship of Woodward.
A FURTHER Supplement to the Election Laws
ot to is Uommon wealth :
Whereas, By the Act of the Congress of the U-
nitea states, entitled '-An Act to amend the sev
eral acts heretofore passed to provide for the en
rolling and calling out the National forces, and
f.r other purposes," and approved March 3d. one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all per
sons who have deserted the military or naval ser
vice of tho United States, and who have not been
discharged, or relieved from the penalty, or disa
bility therein provided are deemed, and taken. to
have voluntarily relinquished.and forfeited, their
rights of citizenship, and their rights to be
come citizens, and arc deprived of exercising any
. " i . e . . i r '
rignts oi uiuzens tnereoi
And wherca, Persons, not citizens of the Uni
ted States, are not. under the Constitution and
laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of thesame,
That in all elections hereafter to he held in this
Commonwealth, it shall beunlawful for the judge
or inspectors of any such election to receive any
Danoi, or Dauots, irom any person, or persons,
embraced in the provisions, and subject to the
disability, imposed by said act of Congress, ap
proved March 3d. one thousand eight hundred
and sixty five, and it shall be unlawful for any
sucn person to oner to vote any Dallot, or ballots.
Section 2. That if any such judge and inspec
tors of election, or an one of thera shall receive.
or consent to receive, any such unlawful ballot, or
ballots, from any such disqualified person, he, or
tbey, so offending, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor, ana, upon conviction thereof, in any
court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth,
he shall, tor each offense, he sentenced to pay a
fine of not less than ore hundred dollars, and to
undergo an imprisonment, in the jail of the prop
er county, for not lets than sixty days.
Surrtox 3. That if any person deprived of cit
iiensliip. and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at
any election, hereafter to be held in this Com
monwealth, vote, or tender tbeofUcersthereof.and
offer to vote, a ballot, or ballots, any person so of
fending, shall be deemed guilty ef a misdemean
or, ana an conviction thereof, in any court of
quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall, for
each offense, be punished in like manner as is
provided in the preceding section of this act, in
case of officers of election receiving such unlaw-
lul ballot, or ballots.
Section' 4 That if any person shall hereafter
persuade, or advise, any person, or persons, de
prived of citizenship, ana disqualified as afore
said, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to the officer
of any election, hereafter to be held in this Com
monwealth, or shall persuade or vise any such
officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any
person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified
as aforesaid, such person, so offending, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, in any court of quarter sessions in this
Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner
as is provided in the second section of this act, in
the case of officers of such clestion receiving such
unlawful ballot, or ballots.
AN ACT regulating the mode of voting at all
elections in the several counties of this Com
monwealth. Section I. Be. it enacted by, the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That the aualified voters of the several election
districts or this Commonwealth, at all general,
township, borough and special elections, are here
by, hereafter authorized and required to vote, by
tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and
partiy written, severally classified as follows :
One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges
of courts voted for, and to be labelled, outside,
'judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names
of the State officers voted for, and be labelled,
"State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of
all county officers voted for, including office of
Senator, member and members of assembly, if
voted for, and members of Congress, if voted for.
and be labelled "county;" one ticket shall em
brace the names of nil township officers voted
for, and be labelled ''township ; one ticket .shall
embrace the names ot all borough officers voted
for, and be labelled "borough ; nd each class
shall be deposited in seperate ballot boxes.
all persons, except Justices of the Peace, who
shall hold any office or appointment of trust, un
der the government of the United States or of
this State, of of any incorporated district wheth
er a commissioned officer or otherwise a subor
dinate officer or agent, who is tr shall be em
ployed under the Legislative, Executive, or Judi
cial Department of this State or United States,
or any city or incorpoated district, and also that
every member of Congress and of the State Legis
lature, or of the common or select council of any
-vf, or commissioner ot any incorporated dis
iru-i, are by law incapable of holding or exer
cising, at the same time, the office or a point
ful ot Judge. Inspector, or Clerk of any else
lion of this Commonwealth.
And the Return Jndsrea of the resrtective dis
tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court
V . ' Tne tsorougn ot tearneia, on tne rtrst
rnday next after the said Second Tuesday of No-
eiuoer, men and there to do those things required
,t .k A. i ,
v. mem vj iaw.
G1VFV nnda. w,w Vanil An1 Mttl f PtaA..ll
this Twelfth day of September in the year of our
uuruone thousand eight hundred and sixty-six,
and of the Independence of the United States the
Mumietn. JAUUli A. t'AU&r, Sheriff.
AH honorably discharged soldiers in the
County of Clearfield, are requested to as
semble in County Convention, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Clearfield, on
Wednesday evening, September 26th, 1SG6
to adopt such measures as will promote the
election of Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, the
soldiers candidate for Governor ot Penn'a,
as also the success of the other candidates
of the Union party. We believe in stand
ing by those-who stood by us while fighting
the battles of the Union and its flair.
1st Pa. Rifles.
149th P. V.
1st Pa. Eifles.
1st Pa. Rifles.
149th P. V.
1st Pa. Rifles.
1st Pa. Rifles.
1st Pa. Rifles.
G4th P. V.
1st Pa. Rifles.
17th U. S.
SSth 1. V
17th TJ. S.
149th P. V.
149th P. V.
149th P. V.
I99lh P. V.
149th P. V.
149th P. V.
1st Pa. Rifles.
105th P. V.
1st Pa. Rifles.
149th P. V.
1st Pa. Rifles.
4th i;. V.
Sth Pa. Res.
5th Pa. Res.
1st Pa. Rifles.
149th P. V.
97th P. V. .
1st Calafornia
Ene U. S N
1st Pa. Rifles.
55 th P. V.
9th Cavalry.
58th P. V.
84th P. V.
9th Cavalry.
1st Pa. Rifles.
9th Cavalry.
104th P. V.
11th Cavalry.
5th Pa. Res.
Sth Pa. Res.
58th P. V.
9th Cavalrv.
104th P. V.
lstPa. Rifles.
Col. R A. Irvin,
Col. John Irvin,
Jno. P. Rard,
Frank A. Fleming,
Newton Reed,.
John B. Brink,
R. J. Bard,
R. R. Fleming,
Wm. B. Hemphill,
James F. Ross,
Frederick Caldwell,
I. W. Hancock,
Samuel W. Fullerton,
FA. Livingston,
Harvey Smith, -Wm.
II. Stage,
J. P. Cornett,
James McDowell,
George L. Way,
J. Elliott Kratzer,
Charles E. Iloel,
Win. G. Derrick,
James K. Hancock,
Win. G. Addleniati,
Newton Bailey,
Georee 11. Sweet,
M. J. Caldwell.
James S pence,
O. B. Welsh,
II. P. Towns,
Wm. Green,
R. A. Ingles,
John Lemon,
Adolph Kschieschang,
Daniel W. Smith,
Moses C. Norris,
John II. Brady,
Lalaj-ette Caldwell,
Alex. Robertson,
E. A. Hoover,
Thos..W. Hemphill,
John A. Sneady,
Harvey F. Passmore
G. B. Hancock,
II. A. Addleman,
Samuel Caldwell,
Seyniore Ross,
D. O. Crouch,
Wm. M. McEntosh,
E. P. Trout,
John Irvin,
J. Thompson Kirk, Co.
Jacob T. Lines, "
Edward M. Daily,
Joseph Shusarts, "
J. II. Ileasley,
C. W. Blanco,
James Clark, "
Daniel Heiges, "
Joseph Kritzer, "
J. S. Griffin,
J. W. Barber,
W. Kevs,
Henry Shaffer, "
Andrew Walls,
Jno. R. Shaffer,
R. V. Williams, "
Pcry H. Gelnett,
L. B. Carlisle,
David Waltiorn, "
J. Milton Carlisle, "
John M. McIIenry, "
B. F. Rolls.
Jno. II. Reed,
Joel G inter, "
John Hoffman, "
Henry L. Weaver, "
Francis Kreamer, "
John M. Shaffer.
Joseph W. Ridden, " J
Jno J. Rishel,
George Depp,
George A. Hilburn,
Martin Ashintblter,
Nicolas Fars.
Jno. M. Miller,
Charles Berry,
Lewis II. Botlinger,
Malcom A Cameron,
C 5th P. R.
B 149th J'. V.
II 105th P. V.
K 57th P. V.
E 172d P. r.
II 149th P. Y.
B 149th P. V
P 5Sth P.
K 84th P.
I 103d P
C 7Uth P,
F 58th P.
I 105th 1
I 149th 1
I) 105th P.
. V.
. V.
Miles Miller,
Nathaniel Catherman
James Lingle,
Wm. II. Strickland,
T. M. Lingle,
G. W. Lingle,
Enoch Conoway,
C. C. Conoway,
Daniel Graham,
Allen Coupler,
John Luzier,
Robt Graham,
Wm. Krise,
Wm. A Nelson,
S. B Lingle,
Isaac Smith,
I 14th P. V. C
G 5Sth P. V.
F 145th P. V.
G 4Sth P. V.
I) 201st P. V.
A 105th P. V
A 105th P. V.
G 12th P. V.
K 105th P. V.
K 105th P. V.
E 172d P. V.
F 1 1 Oth P. V.
E t2d P. V.
172d P. V.
E 172d P. V
" 13 78 P. V.
,5 E 18th U.' S.
" C. 29th P. V.
" G 48th P. Vr.
" F 105th P. V.
" F 105th P. V.
A 105th P. V.
" C 1st N. II. V.
Co. K 84th-P. V.
. " B 29th P. V. .
" C 5th P. V.
" F 191st P. V.
' 44 E 45th P. V.
44 C5thP.R.V.C.
K 84th P. V.
II 29th P. V.
K 84th P. V.
K 84th P. V.
E 149th P. V.
K 84th V. V.
C P. 11. V. c.
II 62d P. V.
A. D. Iloel,
Osborne Hoel,
W. D. Iloel,
Irvin J.- Crick,
Jos. S. Harley,
S. M. Bailey,
Wm. H. Clowser,
Wm. Shull,
John A; Scofield,
Casper Gelnett,
John Keiseigle,
Michael Hubert,
John Jlayjiee,.
D 105th P. V.
D 105th P. V.
D 105th P. V.
C 105th P. V.
C 105th P. V.
C 105th P. V.
K 84th P. V.
K 84th P. V.
73d Pa. Res.
T. J. Thomson, 1 90th P. V.
J. Wilson Straw, 9th Cavalry.
George W. Gregory,
John C. Bloom, .
Win. Thomson,
Oliver P. Ball,
John A. Dillon,
Arthur B. Straw,
Sth Cavalry.
9th Cavalry.
9th Cavalry.
9th Cavalry.
9th Cavalry.
9th Cavalry.
John M Chase.
Thos. Hockenburger,
Joseph Riegle,
T. IL Barnett,
R. A. Goss,
Lloyd Goss,
Ed. I). Goss,
Wm. A. Whiteside,
C. II. Hensil,
Wm. Bisseker,
John M. James,
Joseph Alexander,
Isaac Hegarty.
J. F. Stam,
Harry II. Miles,
Joshua II. Davis,
Wm. O'Harron,
149th P. V
5Sth P. V.
45th P. V.
78th P. V.
63d U. S.
45th P. V.
149th P. V.
1st Pa. Art.
165th P. V.
138th P. V.
10th P. V.
149th P. V.
ri'.K i
inn 1 .
55th P.
1 10th P
5Sth P.
78th P.
Thomas Liddell,
John W. Ogden,
Joseph Shirk,
Wesley B. Miller,
Theodore Shirk,
Henry C. Owens,
John Lytle,
Alfred M. Smith,
Jos. Ammerman.
Natnan B. Trude,
Alfred Smith,
S. M. Bailey,
Richard Shirk,
Cornelius Owens,
John W. Gahagan,
Smith li. Williams,
Jacob Burge,
Jno. F. Irwin,
W. C. McGonigal,
C. E. Washburn,
Rudolph Litz,
M. S. Law head,
Jacob Stine,
Wm. R. Haines,
Andrew Peters,
James A. Ilarlev,
Joseph W. White,
John W. Owens,
Isaac Conklin,
Oliver Conklin,
R. J. Shaffner,
J. G. McCcnnell,
Z. C. McCullough,
Win. R. Brown,
Miles II. Haney,
David Litz,
R. S. Young,
R. A. Mitchell,
J. S.Showers,
G. W. Luzier,
Jas. W. Irwin,
David McGaughey,
Parker J. Gardner,
J. M. Macumber,
Joseph Collins,
James W. Owens,
R. J. Forrest,
W A Ogden,
Wesley II Shirey,
John Dorvit,
J. B. Ferguson,
R. II. Jamison,
James H. Ferguson,
'John II. Ferguson,
O. J. Michaels,
T. J. Garretson,
Casper Hockenberry,
Louis Hoover,
John M. Addlemau,
L. D. Ilile,
J. G.IIill,
James Glenn,
John Henry,
Milton McClure,
G. Williams,
D. L. Ferguson,
W. B. Ferguson,
A. II. Farwell,
A. G. Jamison,
J. C. Ferguson,
I. Hudson,
84 ih P. V.
84th P. V.
84th P.. V.
84th P. V. '
84th P. V.
84 th P. V.
84th P. V.
1st Pa. Rifles.
1st Pa. Rifles.
1st Pa. Rifles.
1st Pa. Rifles.
1st. Pa. Rifles.
14Jth P. V.
159th P. V.
149th P. V.
2d Pa. Cav.
2d Pa. Cav.
2d Pa. Cav.
100th P. V.
57th P. V.
100th P. V.
Louis Warren,
Joseph G. Russell, Co. B 149th P
C. M. Goff,
John Brady,
Robert Leech, "
J. B. Martin,
Adam T. Murphy,
G. P. Dougliman,
Jason Kirk, " 44
G. W. McDonald, 44
Alex McDonald,
Albert Wall,
Amos Wall,
Wm G. Derrick,
John Clary,
Joseph Whitman, "
Z M Bailey,
Hugh Leach,
C A Woods,
John KendLc,
J li Snyder,
Isaiah McDonald,
Edward Strokes,
James Hepburn,
F 190th P. V.
I S4th P. V.
I 58th P. V.
B 149th P. V.
G 148th P. V.
K 1st Pa. Rifles
E 149th P. V.
K 100th P. V.
K 190th P. V.
K 76th P V
B 149th P V
B 190th P V
C 105th P V
B 149th P V.
K 1st Pa Rifles
C 100th P V
F 58th P V
44 G 148th P V
44 K 1st I'a Rifles
" K 1st Pa Rifles
44 G 5(th P V
" I 84th P V.
James Cathcart, Co. F lOOtl
John Mayor,
John Baughman,
J. L. Rex,
David A. Cathcort,
Denton Beeman,
P. V.
H 53d P V
P 100th P V
B 149th P V
1 9th P V
II L Snyder,
John Davis,
James Maflit,
James McGuire,
Samuel J Burge,
W A llaight.
Anthony Raymond,
Emmitt Sayers,
W m Patterson,
Miles Zimmerman,
Beccaria township.
J. D. Hoover, Co. C 7Cth P V
David Hunchbarger, 44
Daniel Fister, 44
C It Williams,
M A Brown,
John Shimmel,
Abr'm McPherson,
Daniel Cuiley,
John A Green,
John A Morgan,
Thomas Deviey,
Wm Strawser,
C. C. Ball,
Thomas Flick,
William Beers,
Jacob Burge,
J. W. Smith,
W. M. Smith,
J. II. Bobbins,
John Shay,
J. 8. Kough,
J. L. Davis,
John Warrick,
Isaiah Warrick,
W. P. Ileverly,
Charles Ileverly,
Joseph Troxel,
Joseph Vernormer,
D. II. Paulhamus,
Wm. II. Hopkins,
Robert Cowen,
L. A. Hopkins,
John Fister,
Stuart Cowen,
John Snider,
II 110th P V
44 K 3d Pa Art
44 G 3d Pa Art
44 C 7Gth P V
44 II 111th P V
44 D53d PV
44 B 92d P V
44 B 82d P V
" A 107th P V
44 F 70th P V
44 E 125th P V
44 A 100th P V
44 C 205th P V
44 E 3d Pa An
44 E 125th P V
44 58th P V
44 3d Pa Art
44 G 3d Pa Art
44 D 105th P V
44 A 190th V V
" II 110th P V
44 E 111th P V
44 A 76th P V
44 C 13th Cavalry.
44 II UOth P V
" II HOthP V
ORSE-SIIOES and horse-nails, to be ha at
Aug- 23. JME-rcrLr.L.L a. iuuli.11!).
w-IODDJiRClTTTERfJ oi a superior makt
H r... ..u itrauonalla riifi MFRRPU.
ad BIGLER'S, Clearfiefd, Pa
BLACK UKSS UUATS, Cassimere busi
ness coats, black doe-skin cassimere pants.
corded silk vests, at J. P. KRATZER'S.
Clearfield County Agricultural Society.
D. F. ETZWEILER, Chairman.
H. W. Smith, Harrj Bigler, A. C. Flanigan, J.
P. Kratzer, Brit. Thompson, John F. Irwin. Jas
Thompson, Jonathan Boynton, Andrew Addle
man. Taylor Kowles, A. C. Tate, John A. Read.Ja
eob Guelich, Wm. Albert, Wm. Fullerton, -George
U. Hall. Gary B. Hoover. Richard S. Carr.A. Wal
ters. John McClellan.L. R. Merrell, Register Gear
hart, Mrs A. M. Hills, Mrs. A. C. Finney. Mrs.
Frank Short. Mrs. Wm. C Foley, Mrs. Juha V.
Thompson. Mrs Harvey Fleming, Mrs James
Thompson. Mrs. David Johnson. Mrs C. D. Wat
son. Mrs. Henry Bridge. Miss Mary Jane Hoover,
Miss Jennie Mitchell. Miss Agnes Lanich, Miss
Louisa Morgan.
Martin Luther. Wm. Tucker. G. W. Uorton. Jo
seph McKee. A. W. Lee, Wm. F. Johnson. Jacob
Mock. David W. Holt.John Lawshe, S P. Wilson,
J. W. Potter, C. R. Foster. Milo Hoyt, Isaae
Goss, A. P. ttarger. Ellis Irwin. Samuel A. Cald
well, lieorge W. Caldwell. (M. D..) John Patton.
M ui. Ten Lyek, James R. CaldwellJ. B. Walters.
James Wrigley, J. O. Loraine. Joseph C Brenner,
Hi rum Woodward. Jobn B. Hewitt, Jacob M.Kep
ler. P. A. Gaulin, Al. Graham, U W. Park, Mrs.
Lewis I. Irvin, Mrs J. O. Loraiue.Mrs K.J. Wal
lace, Mrs. L. R. Men ill. Mrs. John F. Rote. Mrs
J. B. Walters, Miss Luc Logan, Miss Alice Bar
rett. Miss arah McBride, Miss Bertha Wright,
Miss G. Ward. Mies Mary Jane Colburn,
Marshall. L. W. TEN KYCK.
Chief of Police, William C. Folk. '
LEATHER an assoitment for sale by
December 14, 1884. Clearfield Pa,
SWAIMS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical
Discovery, Hembold'a Buchu, Bake's Cod Liv
er Oil, Jayce s and Ayer's Medicines, for sale by
Jan.10 liAKTan lUKa llvulji.
Family T.ckets. ::::::: s $1 00
Single Tickets during Fair, : ! : : : 50
Sing'e Aduiisfioii Tickets, i : i : : 2i
Children under 10 ycarsold.when accompanied
by their parents or guardians; free.
Checks will be given at the door to persons de-"
siring to pass out during exhibition, but will not
admit the holder to any other exhibition each
half day counting an exhibition.
The number aud class, and the number in the
class,-with the name of the article will appear on
the card attached ; but the name of the exhibit
or will not appear.
' Premiums and diplomas will be paid on nd af
ter the first Wednesday of' November, and until
the 1st day of January, 18H7. after which all mon
ey premiums unclaimed will be considered as a
donation to the Society. The officers of the Soci
ety and members of the Committees of Arrange
ments will wear a badge designating their office,
and it will bo their duty as well as pleasure
to attend to the expressed wishes ami wants
of exhibitors and others, if it is in their power
so to do. A select police force will be in constant
attendance for tbe preservation of order aud pro
tection of property.
The trotting course is level, well graded, and
one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange
ments will be made for the oonvci.iunce of spec
tators. Children under ten years f age not admitted
unless accompanied by their parents.
Every person wishing to be enrolled as a mem
bcr of this Society must apply on or befoie the
first day of the fair, and on the payment of one
dollar to the Treasurer shall receive a certificate
of membership containing the name of the ap
plicant and endorsed by the Secretary.
Every person becoming a member as above sta
ted shall, on the presentation of hi certificate,
receive a ticket which will admit him free during
the fair. Any person complying with the above
regulations and paying 10. shall become a life
member, and shall be exempt from all contribu
tions, and shall annually receive from the Secre
tary a free family ticket.
All persons must be provided with tickets,
which can be had from tbe Executive Committee,
Treasurer or Secretory, or at the office on the
ground Persons acting as judges are expected
to become meuioers ot tbe society. Persons from
other counties can become members by complying
with the above rules. Ladies can become mem
bers by making application as above, and paying
into the Treasury fifty conts when they will re
ceive a ticket to admit them free.
Exhibitors must become members ef the Soci
ety and have their animals and articles entered
on the Secretary's books on or before the 2d
day of October; and all animals and articles, ex
cept horses, must be brought within the enclo
sure as early as Wednesday, at 12 o'clock, M., and
all persons entering animals and articles for ex
hibition will procure cards from the Secretary
with the class and number of entry of said arti
cles, previous to placing said article on the
ground. Hay and straw will be furnished gratis
for all animals entered for premiums, and grain
will be furnished at cost for those that desire to
No horse shall be entered or allowed a premi
um unless he is free from disease. Horses will be
received until Wednesday noon, but must be en
tered previously. All persons who 'ntend to ex
hibit horses, cattlo, sheep or swine, or who intend
to offer stock or any other article for sale, should
notify the Secretary of such intention. onor before
the -tith of Sept'r, and have with bim a list and
full description of thesame.
Persons intending to exhibit blooded stock must
produce authentic pedigrees, and are earnestly
requested to furnish the Secretary, by the 2'ilh of.
S 'r with a list of their stock, and the pedi
,v.ees of each, this will faciliate the preparations
of entries and in case of deficient pedigree, will
afford the owner time to correct the same.
IssrifLCTioNS to JtDGics. Xo animal to receive
an award in more than one class.
Judges are expressly required not to award pre
miums to over-fed animals. No premiums are to
be awarded to bulls, cows or heiffers, which shall
appear to have been fattened, ouy in the class of
fat cattle, the object of the Society being to have
superior animals of Ibis description tor breeding
Fat Cattlk. The judges on fat cattle will give
particular attention to the animals eubraitrnd for
examination. It is believed all otber tilings being
euual those are the best cattle that have the great
est weight over the smallest superficies. Tbe
judges m411 require all in this class to be weighed. -
and will take measures to give tne superncies or
each, and publish the result witn their reports. .
They will also, before awarding any premiums,
require of tbe competitors full statements as to
tbe manner find cost of feeding as required by
the regulations of the premium list.
V ben there is but one exhibitor although be
may show several animals in one class, only ouo
premium will be awarded, that to the first, or
otherwise as the merits of the animal may be
lbe superintendent will fake every precaution
in his power, for tbe safety f stock and articles
on exhibition after their arri.al. and arrange
ment oc the grounds, but will not be responsible
for anv loss or dam a ire that may occur. The So
ciety desires exhibitors to give personal attention
to (heir animals and articles and at tbe close of
the fair to attend to their removal as the Societr
connot take further care of them.
Rules op Plowikb The name of the plowman
must be given as well as tbe kind of plow to be
used, at tne time oi entry
The quamty of ground to be plowed be each
team to be i arcre.
The time allowed to do the work will be three
hours. The furrow slice in all cases to be lapped.
The teams to start at the same time and each
plowman to do his without a driver or other as
The premiumsoffered hv the Sneietv will be a-
warded to the Individuals, who, in the judgment
of the committee shall do their work in the best
manner, provided the work is done in the time
allowed for its performance.
tach plowman to strike bis own iana, ana piow
entirely independent of the adjoining land.
Within the one-fourth of an acre plowed eacn
plowman will be reuuirod to strike two back far-
rowed lands and finish with the dead furrow ia
the middle. ' ' .
An information required in regard to matters
of the Society can be gained by addressing the
Executive Committee or m secretary, wno wilt ,
be pleased to give any information in their power V
at any time.
Anv article not ennumerated in the above
classes and placed upon exhibition, if worthy of
notice, will be suitably awarded.
Tbe Executive Committee reserve a diseretiona
ry power to award Diplomas in any case for 2d '
best articles, or for articles not entitled to premi
ums by the rules.
All articles may be entered free of charsn. ex- ,
eepting horses ior pleasure, and for the trotting ' ,