Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 05, 1866, Image 1

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    BY S. J. ROW.
VOL. 13.-NO. i.
'ALTER BARRETT, Attorney tLw'1I.'r"
field, rm. - , - J "
RVIX BROTHERS, Dealer in Square Sawed
Lumber, Dry Good, Orooer.es, Flour Oram,
Burnfid.P... Sept, 2-1. 1863.
' , -.. , t Mr .-
i 1REDERICK LEITZLNGER, Manufacturer of
. II ki.da of 6ton.-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or
i tuolicited-wholMale or retails Ja. 1. 13tf3
OBERT J. WALLACE.' Attorney at Law. Clear
' - . x r rtffi KIih'i new row. Market
; ,ypo.'te y.uSle- Jewelry stor. May 26.
t t NATJGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
! I dealer In Watches. Jewelry, Ac. Room in
l ' u v- .. Nov. 18.
iiihun i row, Market street.
. RPCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law. Clear-
1 I . field, ra. " w -Ti-
HOI '"
P KRATIER. Dealer in Dry-GooSs, Clothing,
Hardware Queensware, Groceries. Provi
n. etc . Market Street, nearly opposite the
C art Howe. Clearfield, Pa. Jone, ISfia.
TTeTSWICK IRWIN. Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines. Paints, Oils,Stationary, Perfume
Vm Goods, Notions, etc., etc. Market street,
Cm..P ;;;.D,e.,l8CA!
l KBATZBR A SON, dealers in Dry Goods,
( Clothing. Hardware, Queensware, Groce
W .ProriioD. Ac, Front Street, (above the A
liiimy.) Clea. field, Pa.; Pec 27.-1S65.
1 (TILLIAM F.IRW IN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
lV Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Xler
el aaJiae. Hardware, Qoeensware, Groceries, and
U tily articles generally. iov. 10.
UlIN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds oi
t Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
Be also makes to order Coffins, on short notice and
tends funerals with a hearse. ' Aprl0,'58.
DR. M. WOODS, Practiciso Phtsiciah, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
( ffiee, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
( trott. Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 18t3.
I THOMAS J. M'CTJLLOUQH, Attorney at Law,
Clearfield, Pa. Oflice, east of the ' Clearfield
Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
Vred with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
JB M'ENALLX, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
ovantics. OSoeinnew brick building of J. Coyn
t jo, 21 street, ono door south of Lanich's Hotel.
? !' ' " ' " ' ' '
"IICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
I , BMtie Dry Goods, ttrooeriea, flour, iiacon.
Liquors, Ac Room, on Market street, a few doors
wast ot JounndOfflee. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27.
DfcNTISTRY. J. P. CORNETT.Dentist, offers
bis professional services to the citizens of
Curwensville and vicinity. Office ia Drug Store,
orner Main and Thompson Streets. .
May 2d 186o. - .. - -
J BLAKE WALTER 8, Scriviner and Convey
. ancer, and Agent for tne purchase and sale
of Lands. Clearfield, Pa. Prompt attention giv
en to all business connected with the oounty ofu
. Offioe with W. A Wallace. ; ; Jan 3.
G ALBERT A BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods,
. Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Flour,
Bacon, etc , Woodland, Clearfield county ,Peiv'a.
Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum
bar, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th. 1S63.
at Law. Clearfield, Pa. Legal business of
all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. .
Clearfield, Pa., May 16th, 186S.
DR J. P BURCHFIELD Lale Surgeon of the
83d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having returned
from the army,' offers his professional services to
the eitixens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly attendad to. Office on
South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. 165 6mp. "j V
P A G L E n O T E-L ,
Curwensville, Penn'a.
LEWIS W. TEN EYCK, Phopribtor.
Raving leased and refittad the above hotel, he
Is now ready to accommodate the travelling pub
lla H is bar contain the choicest brands- of liq
aos. Ha solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11th, 1866.
This house having been refitted and elegantly
furnished, is now open for the reception and en
tertainment of guests. The proprietors by long
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
an satisfy a discriminating public Their bar is
supplied with the choicest brands of liquors and
wine. July 4th, 1366.
Subscription, in advance, 1 year, : : : $2 00
Adm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. 6 times, 3 50
Aaditor'i notices, each, ' ' , . 2 50
Cautions and Estrays,' each, 3 times, . 1 50
Dissolution notices, each, 3 times, 2 00
Transient Advertising, per square of 10
lines, or less 3 times, or less, ' I 50
For each subsequent insertion, 50
Offioial Advertising, for each square of 10 -,
' lines, or less 3 times, or less, - - ; 1 50
For each subsequent insertion,. 50
Professional A business cards, 5 linesl y. 5 00
Local Botloes, per line, 1 time, ' 15
Obituary Dodoes, over & lines, per line. 10
Advertising, - . 2 months, 3 months. 0 mo t.
One square, (10 lines) $3.00 $4.00 $5.00
Twct squares,-51 , J' 4.50 ' 6,00 w 8,00
Threw squares, (1,00: 8,00 10.00
Foursquares, 8,00 .10,00 12,00
Tearty Advertising, one square, : r : : 8 00
Taatty Advertising, tw Bqure, : : :U 00
Tearly Advertising, three squares, : 15 00
Tearly Advertising, one-fourth column, . 20 00
Yearly Advertising, one-third column, 25 00
Tearly Advertising, one-half column, 35 00
Tearly Advertising, one oolumn. 60 00
The above rates apply only to advertisements
setup plaia.. Advertieements set in large type,
r with cuts, or out or plain style, will be ch arg
ed double the above rates for space occupied.
BUnks,singre'q'ure5 : :,r :' : : 2 50
Blanks, 3 quires, per quire, : : : : : 2 00
Blanks, 8 quires, per quire, ; : : : : 1 75
Blanks, over qfcires, pet ttire' : " ' 1 ' ' ' 1 50
Handbills, eighth sheet, 25 or less, 1 50
Yj fourth sheet, -it 25 -7 V' - 2 60
half sheet." J i V 25 ' J " 1 ' 4 50
whole sheet. 25 " 8 00
0rr 3 ef esteb ef abdvc' at prepereionate rates.
Citron, English Currants, Ess. Coffee, and
Vinegar ot the beet quality, fur sale by
Jan. 10. ' ; UARrSWICK A IRWIN.
DR. T. B METZ, Surgeon Dentist, Glen Hope,
Clearfield county.Pa. Teeth put up on gold,
silver, and vulcanite base. Pull setts from five to
twenty-five dollars.' Warranted equal to any in
the State. . May 30th, lt66.
PA. The subscriber having purchased the
furniture and interest from H. H. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sient and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with his establishment will be
conducted second to none in the county. He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11, 1860.-y. GEO. N. COLBLRN.
PAR.H FOR SALE The subscriber offers
: for sale his property situate on Potts Run,
Jordan township, consisting of 127 acres of land
16 of which are cleared.- There are several good
veins of coal on the place, and an excellent wa
ter power which, if suitably improved, would
drive asaw or grist mill most of the year. Will
be sold cheap for cash. "f LIDDLE,
March 21, 1863 tf. Clearfield borough.
E AG LE S II I N G L E I A C 1 1 1 N E The sub
scriber is manuacruring at the West Branch
Iron Works, in Williamsport, the best and most
durable Machine for making 24 and 18 inch shin
gles ever used in this country, also the EMPI11E
MACHINE, which will cut IS inch shingles much
faster, smoother and more f:ui the sume timber,
than any machine in use ; also the best Saw Sett
Mill Dogs for Gate and Mulay Mills, ever used in
this section. A. T. NICHOLS.
Williamsport. Pa , May 5, li?b')Min:
AGE HOME IND1TSTUY- The undersigned
having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about
halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruft
trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrub
bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtm Black
berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also
Sibrian Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhau
barb, Ao. Orders proiuptlv attended o. Address
Aug 31, 1864. J. D. WRIGHT, Curwensville.
PmnpsBirno, Centre Co., Pa.
Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts discounted.
DeDosits received. Collections tuade and pro-
ceedsproinptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities
constantly on hand, ine aoove uanKiug nouse
isnow open and ready for business.
Philipsburg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept. 6,1305,
C. I.. REKD.
Harinff resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his
shop located on the let in the reur ot his residence
on Market street, and a short dist ince west of the
Foundry, is prepared to accommodate his old
friends, and all others who ma favor him with a
call, with every description ot Windsor chairs.
He has a good assortment on hand, to which he
directs the attention of purchasers. They are
made of the very best material, .vrell painted, and
finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be
sold at prices to Fuit tho times Examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Clearfield, Pa., MarohW.J366
H A I'PT & CO., at MUesburg. Pa . continue
to furnish castings of every description vat
short notice. They have the best assortment of
patterns in the country for steam and water-mills
of every description. AH kinds of machine . and
plow castings furnished. New World and Hatha
way cook stoves always on hand. They make 4
horse sweep-power threshing machines, with sha
ker and 50feet of strap for SIM and 2-horse
tread-power machines, with shakeri and 30 feet
of strap for $175. Warranted to give satisfaction
in threshing, and kept good to thresh one crop,
free of charge. June 23, lhB5-y.
Isaac HArfT. at Bellefonte continues to take
risks for insurance in onv good stock company in
the State. Also in New York ; the Royal and Et
na at Hartford ; and the Li verpool and London,
capital 56.000.000.
The subscribers have entered into co-partnership,
and are trading under tho name of Irvln,
Baily A Co.. in lumber and merchandise at the
old stand of Kllis Irvin A Son. at the mouth of
Lick Run. They would inform theirfriends. and
the world in general, that they are prepared to
furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lum
ber. an-I solicit bills, for either home or eastern
They would also announce that they have just
of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con
sisting ot every variety usually kept in country
stores. Their purohases have been made since
the late decline in prices, which enable them to
sell at such rates as will astonish their customers
One if their partners, Thomty L. Baily, resides
near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to
watch the marKets and make purchase! on the
most favorable terms. Call and see us.
Goshen tp.,Dec.6, 1865. LEWIS I. IRWIN,.
EDUCATIONAL. The undersigned in
tends opening a school in the Town Hall,
Clearfield, on the first Monday in June to contin
ue for a term of eleven weeks.
Thoroughness will be aimed at in all our' in
structions. "Not how much but how well" is the
principle upon which the exercises will be con
ducted. Particular attention paid to Penmanship and
- A daily register is kept of the attendance, de
portment and recitations of each pupil, which is
sent weekly to parents thus furnishing them
with constant information of his standing and
progress in school.
Public exhibitions- are not held at any stated
time, but parents and guardians are respectfully
invit-id to visit the school and observe the manner
in feich the daily work is performed. ,
Terms bp TciTroM. :
Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithme
tic and Geography, S4 00
Grammar, Geography, History, Arithmetic and
Book-keepi,,,,. . .$5 00
; Algebra, Philosophy, Geometry, Mensuration
and Surveying, $7 00
' Latin and Greek with any of the above bran
ches.' - . . ; - $9 00
For further information apply to '
' t C B. SANDFORD.' .
May 23d, I860. - Principal.
GOAL', Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family Dyes,
, Varnish and Paints of all kind groundin Oil,
for sale by HARTSWICK A IRWIN.
ORSE-SHOES and horse-nails, to he haiat
Aug. 23. V MJiKKELIj A BIGLER'S. '
1L, Potty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at
Jane "06; -. wttiKtLL. mfcx,.!-, -
of Administration on the estate of Zenas
Leonard, late of Girard tw'p., Clearfield coun
ty, dee'd, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons having claims sgaint the estate
are requested to present them propeily authenti
cated for settlement, and tbo.se indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment witho it
Aug. 15, 1866,-pd. Administratrix.
SOLDI EIIS' IJOUN TI ES. A recent bill has
passed both Houses of Congress and signed by
the President giving a three years' soldier $100
and two years' soldiers 350, bounty.
Soldiers wounded in line of duly, who did not
serve two or three years.are entitled tj the bounty.
LsBounties and Pensions collected by me for
thoseentitled to them.
Aug. 15th, 1806. - ,. "Clearfield, Pa.
jO rUin A YEAK mad by any
PwjUvV $15 Stencil Tools. Noei
one with
necessary whatever. The Presidents, Cashiers,
and .treasurers 01 tn ree banks indorse the circu
lar. Sent free with samples. Address the Amer
ican Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Vermont.
August 1st, 186L-3m.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or muddling with three
horses, three set tug harness, and one two-horse
wagon, now in the possession of Thomas Kyler
of Morris township, as the same belong to me and
have only been left with sail Kyler on loan, and
are subject to my order at any time.
August l,1866.-pd JACOB MOCK.
Equalizing Bounties has passed both Houses
and was approved by the President, and is now a
law. A throe years' soldier gets $100 and a two
years' soldier SoO Bounties and Pensions are
collected by me for those entitled to them. Bring
forward your applications.
J. I' MoLN ALLY, Att'y. at Law.
August 1, 1806 Clearfield, Pa.
IN Tfl E COURT of Common Pleas of Clear
Frederick Campman 1 ficl i county :
vs. J- A'in tttiitoetia sur.tfir.
Hester Campman. ; No. 167A JuneTerm.l S66.
The undersigned Coinmifsioner appointed in
open court to take testimony in the above case,
hereby gives notice that he will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at his office, tn the bor
ough of Clearfield, on Friday, tho 24th day of
August. ISttii. butween the hours of 10 o'clock, A.
M , and 3 o'clock, P. M.. of said day. when and
where all persous interested may attend and cross
examine. WM. M. McCULLOl G H,
August 1, 18!S. Commissioner.
IN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Clear
J. Wallace Long 1 field county.
vs. Snbwfia stir, divorce.
Phoeba Long. ) No. 10'J June Term, 1866.
The undersigned Commissioner, appointed in
open Court to take testimony in the above case,
hereby gives notice that ha will attend to the du
ties of his aDDointment. at his office, in the bor
ough of Clearfield, on Saturday the 25th day of
August, 8(fl, between the hours of 10 o clock, A.
M , and 3 o'olouk, P- M., of said day, when and
where all persons interested may attend and cross
examine. WM M. McCULLOUGH,
August 1, 1S66. Commissioner.
Made to Order at the Lowest Rates.
The undersigned would respectfully invite the
attention of the citizens of Clearfiel J and vicini
ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St.
nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store,
where ho is prepared to make or repair unythi ag
in his line.
Orders entrusted to him will be executed with
promptness, strength and neatness, and all work
warranted as represented.
I hare now on hand a stock of extra frcneh
calf skins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will
finish up at the lowest figures.
June 13th, 13R6. DANIEL CONNELLY
The Exercises of this Institution will be resumed
on Monday, September 1 0th 1806.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the session
The course of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes.
The Principal having had the advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians tnat his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed under his charge.
Terns op Timtiox :
Orthography, Reading, Writing aud Primary
Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) So 00
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo
ry. 56,00
Algebra,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration.
Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, . and Physical Geogra
phy. Stf.00
Latin and Greek, with any of the above
branches, , . 512.00
tNo deduction will be made for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. m.
Feb. 23,1866. Principal.
Act of Congress approved June 6th, 1866.gives
additional pension to the following class of per
sons : , - .
1. To those who have lost both eyes or both
ha nds, or are totally disabled in the same so as
to require constant attendance, the sum, per
month, of . $25,00
2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to
tally disabled in the same, so as to require con
stant attendance, $20 00
3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot,
or so disabled as to render them unable to per
form manual labor equivalent to the loss of a
hand or foot, the sum, per mouth, of $15 00
4. Persons deprived of their pensions under
Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ
il service are restored.
5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af
ter application for their pension had been filed,
and before the certificate was issued, and who
have left widows or minor children, will be enti
tled to receive arrears due at the death of the
pensioner. -
ft. tensions are extended to dependent fathers
and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters.
In all of these cases, new applications must be
made The undersigned is 1, reus red. with the
-proper blanks, for the speedy procurement of
tnese pensions..
Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and
claims for local bounty under State law. promptly
collected. H. B. SWOOPE, Att'y at Law,
July 11,1366.- Clearfield,?
FOR SALE. A Shifting Top Buggy.. Ap
ply to H. WT SMITH" A CO- '
Cleaarfield, Pa., June 6, 1868.
I ADIEU'S Patent unloading hav-forks. to be
i had at ; : MERRELLA BIGLER'S
OTii BUSHELS of choice beans for "sale by
Official Correspondence Between the CiTil
and Military Authorities in New Or
; leans and President Johnson, Gen.
Grant and Secretary Stanton.
The following is the official correspon
dence relative to the late riots in New Or-;
Office U. S. Military Tel., IIeadq's
WAR Dkp., New Orleans, July 27, lSCfi,
His Excellency 1'res't John-son: Sir: Gov.
Wells has, in compliance with the proclama
tion of II. Ii. Howell, president pro. tent.,
signed a writ of election to till a vacancy in j
the convention of 18G4, and iorwardedthe
name to the office of the Sec'y of State.
... Albekt Yooruies, Lt. Gov. La. j
.xVxbuew J. Hebron, At'y Gen. La.,
Office U. S. Military Tel., H'd. Q'rs.
War Dep't. - New Orloans, July 2S,lS6(i :
1 'resident Johnson : Radical mass meet
ing, composed mainly -ot larf;e numbers of
negroes last night, ending in a riot. The
committee of arrangements of said meeting
assembling to-nijrlit. Violent and incendi
ary speeches made ; negroes called to arm
themselves; you bitterly denounced ; speak
ers, Field, Dostie, Hawkins, Henderson,
lleirward and others. Governor Wells ar
rived here last night, but sides with the
convention move. The whole matter before
grand jury. Contemplated to have the
members of the Convention arretted under
process from the Criminal Court ot this dis
trict. Is the military to interfere to prevent
process of court?
Albekt Vooriiies, Gov. of La.
Andrew J. IIerron, Att'y Gen. La.
Executive Mansion, Washington, D.
C, July 28, 1SGG. To AlUrt Voorlytx,
Jjit-.ut. Guc. of La., yfio Orleans: The
military will be expected to sustain, anl uot
to obstruct or interfere with the proceediugs
of the court. A dispatch on the subject of
the convention was sent to Gov. Wells this
morning. Andrew Johnson.
Executive Office. Washington, I. C,
J uly 28, 1SG6. To JIi Exc-dlency, Gon.
Wells, Xew Orleans, La. : I have been ad
vised that you have issued a proclamation
convening the convention elected in 1864.
Please inform me under and by what au
thority this convention can assume to repre
sent the whole people of the State of Lou
isiana. ...... Andkew Johsso.n,.
Office U. S. Military Telegraph,
H'd. O'rs. War Dep't. New Orleans,
July 2S, lSGtj. President Johnson: Your
telecram received. 1 have not issued a
proclamation convening the convention of
1S64. . This was done by the President of
that body, by virtue ot a resolution adjourn
ing the convention subject to his order, and
in that case also authorizing him to call on
the proper officers to issue writs of election
in unrepresented parishes. My proclama
tion is in response to that call, ordering an
election on the 3d of September. As soon
as vacancies can be ascertained, an election
will be held to fill them, when the entire
State will bo represented. Your obedient
servant, J. M. Wells, Gov. of La.
Office U. S. Military Tel., H'd Q'rs.
War. Df.p't. New Orleans, La., July 2S,
lSGft. lion. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary
of War: A convention has been called,
with the sanction of Gov. Wells, to meet
here on Monday. The Lieutenant Govern
or and city authorities think it unlawful and
purijpse to break.it up by arresting the del
egates. I have given V10 orders on the sub
ject, but have warned the parties that I
could not countenance or permit such action
without instructions to that effect from the
President. Please instruct me at once by
telegraph. A. IjAIRP. B'vt. Maj. Gen.
Office U. S. Military Tel., H'd. Q'rs.
War Dep't. New Orleans, July ), 1SGG.
The President of the United States : We
are in the midst of a terrible riot, caused by
the assembling of the Convention. Owing
to the mixed condition of affairs aniong the
State officers' I see no hope of quiet with
out you give us a military Governor. Can
not uen. Granger be sent here.
F. J. IlERRON,LateMaj.Gen. U.S.A.
Executive Mansion, Washington, Ju
lv 30, 18(jG. To Andrew J: IIerron, Ad
jutant General of Louisiana,Xeto Orleans:
You will call on General Sheridan or who
ever may be in command for sufficient force
to sustain the civil authority in suppressing
all illegal or unlawful assemblies, who usurp
or assume to exercise auy po"ver or authori
ty without first having obtained the consent
of the people of the Stale. If there
is to be a convention let it be composed of
delegates chosen fresh frem the people of
the whole State. The people must be first
consulted in reference to changing the or
ganic law of the State. Usurpation will not
be tolerated. The law and the canstitution
must be sustained, and thereby peace and
Office U. S. Military Tel., IId. Q'rs.
War Dep't. New Orleans, July 30th,
1S66 : To His Excellency, J 'resident John
son : Convention met. A riot broke out
in the city. So far the police has the
upper hand. Several white and colored
persons killed. Called en General Baird for
assistance.which is cheerfully tendered. In
tense excitement. Convention broken up. :
Albert VooRHiES, LU Gov. of La.
Office U. S. MilitaryTeL.;II'd. Q'rs.
War Dep't. New Orleans, La., July 30,
9 P. M., 1866: To the Secretary of War :
A serious riot has occurred here to-day. I
have been in full consultation with the city
authorities, and have kept my trotps well
in hand for such an emergency. The riot
commenced unexpectedly, and before the
1.4 .As-.Va - Via crvnp nf action a
tillp.l and wounded.
T l.tro fu tn. ,Wljir martial law, i
and have appointed a military governor 01 ,
the city. All is iuiet now. Several prom;
inent gentlemen connected with the conven
tion are killed or wounded. A. 1aird.
Urevet Major General.
H'd. Q'rs. Dep't. of La. New Or
leaus, July 30th, IStiG. To Hon. EJicin
M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Washing
ton, U. V. : Sir: I have the honor to in
form you that a very serious riot has occur
red here to-day, 1 had uot been applied to
by the convention for protection, but the
Lieutenant Governor and the Mayor had
freely consulted with me, and I was so fully
convinced that it was so strongly the intent
of the city authorities to preserve peace, in
order to prevent military interference, that
1 did not regard an outbreak as a thing to
be apprehended. The Lieutenant Govern
or had assured me that, even if a writ of ar
rest was issued by the court, the therilT
would not attempt to serve it without per
mission, and for to-day they designed to sus
pend it. I ordered a steamer to be at Jack
son Barracks, three miles below the city, at
an early hour in the morning, and a tug to
be ready to bear orders to the commanding
officer of the 1st Infantry, stationed at that
point. At 11 o'clock, A. "M. Lieut. Gov.
Voorhies, came to see me, and after conver
sation, he feeling confident at the time of
the ability of the police to preserve order, I
proposed to bring to the city four compa
nies, one hour in advance of the supposed
meeting of the convention, at 0 o'clock, P.
M., to be kept near by, in case they should
be required to keep clear the streets in the
vicinity of the hall in which the convention
was to meet. He agreed with me that it
would be very desirable, but left me, not ap
prehending difficulty. At 12 o'clock, M., I
drove tosee Judge Howell, president of the
convention, to request that arrangements
mi;rht be made to keep any crowd that might
assemble, to molest the convention, out of
the streets,so as to. avoid an accidental collis
ion. When I reached his house I learned
that the convention was to meet at 12 o'
clock, M., aud that he had gone ta if. lie
turning to my headquarters, 1 soon received
a letter from the Lieut. Governor informing
me that large parties ot negroes were collec
ting from all quarters and coming into the
centre of the city, yet he was not sure ot his
information. However, 1 at once sent lor
the troops. Very soon afterwards I learn
ed that a riot had taken place near the con
vention hall, and 1 sent a staff officer to in
vestigate the facts. On his return he re
ported having met Judse Howell, who said
the convention had adjourned tor want of a
ouoruni, but would meet again at 14 o clock
P. M. " This reassured me ; but I again sent
to hasten the arrival of the troops. Imme
diately after this the riot assumed a serious
character. 1 he police, aided by the citizens,
became the assailants and, from the evi
dence, I am forced to believe, exercised
great brutality in making their arrests. Fi
nally they attacked the convention hall, and
a protracted struggle ensued. Tne people
inside the hull gave up. Some who surren
dered were attacked afterwards and brutal
ly treated. Quite a large number were in
jured ; I cannot now say how many. Gov.
Hahu, Dr. Dostie, Mr. Fish, and perhaps
other members of the conveutiou among the
number. On the arrival of the troops I
soon cleared the streets and quiet was re
stored. From the evidence of bad feeling
on' the part of the citizens and of sympathy
with them on the part of the police, I felt
compelled to declare martial law in the city
and to appoint a military governor, from
which 1 hope good results will eusue. I eu
close herewith copies of my correspondence
with the Mayor and of a dispatch which
the Lieutenant Governor claims to have re
ceived from the President. 1 rvgret that 110
SDectlullv vour obedieut servant, .
A. Baird, B'vt. Maj. Gen. Com. Dep.
State of Louislna, Mayoralty of
N. O., City Hall, July 25, 18G6. Brevet
Maior Gen. Baird. Commanding Deitart-
meut of Louisiana : General: A body of
men claiming to belong to the convention
of 18G4, and whose avowed, object is to sub
vert the present municipal and State gov
ernments, will, I learn, assemble in this city
Mouday next. The laws and ordinances of
the city which my oath of office makes ob
liiraiorv unon me to see faithfully executed,
declare all assemblies calculated to disturb
the nut lie peace and tranquility, as unlaw
ful, and as such to be dispersed by 1 he May
or, and the participants held responsible for
violating tho same. It is my intention to
disperse this unlawful assembly, if found
within the corporate limits of the city, by
arresting the members thereof and holding
them accountable to existing municipal
lawsfc provided they meet without the saue
tion of. the military authorities. I will es
teem it a favor, General, it, at your earliest
convenience, you will inform me whether
this projected meeting has your approval,
bo I may act accordingly. I am, General,
respectfully, ' J. T. Monroe, Mayor.
Nat. Bcrbank, IstLt. and A. A. A. G.
Headqcrters Department op Louisi
ana, New Orleans, La., July 26, 1866.
Hon. John T. Monroe, Mayor of Seio Or
leans:' Sir: I have receive ! your commu
nication of the 25th inst., informing me
that a body of men claiming to be members
of the convention of 1864. whose avowed
object is to subvert the present municipal
and State governments,' is about to assem
ble in this city, and, regarding this assem
blage as one of those described in the law as"
calculated to disturb the public peace and
tranqmlity, and therefore unlawful, you be
lieve it to be ypor- duty, and that it is your
intention, to 'disperse thi3 unlawful assem
bly if found within the corporate limits of
the city, by arresting the members thereof,
and holding them accountable to the exist
ing municipal laws, provided they meet
without the annrobation of the military au
thorities.1. You also inquire' whether this
reply to my despatch to you ot Saturday has
yet reached me. General Sheridan is stiil
absent in Texas. I remain, sir, very re-
projected meeting has my approbation, so
that you may act accordingly. In reply, 1
have the honor to state that the assemblage
to which you refer has not, so far as I aui
aware, the sanction or approbation of any
military autl ority for its meeting. I pre
sume the gentlemen composing it have nev-,
er asked for such authority to meet, :as the
military commrnders since I havet oteu in
the State have held themselves strictly aloof
from all interference with the political move
ments of the citizens of Louhiaua. For my
own part, I have carefully refrained : from
anv expression of opinion upon, tither tide
ot the manv questions relating to the reeon-
b .i . w
srrucnon or me orate eoeruiucni. new
asked if I inteuded to furnish the conven:v
tion a military guard. I have replied, "No;
the Mayor and his police will amply protect
its sittings." . If: these persons assemble as;
you say ia iutended, it will be, I presume,
in virtue of the universally couceeded right
of all loval itizeus of the United State to
meet peaceably and discuss freely questions
concerning their civil government, a right
which is not restricted by the fact that the
movement proposed might terminate in a
change of existing institutions. If the as
semblage in question has that legal riht to
remodel the State government it should be
protected in so doing; if it has not, then its
labors must be looked upon as a piece of
harmless pleasantry to which no one ought
to object. As to your concept ion of the du
ty imposed by your oath of office, I regret
to differ with you entirely. ' I cannot under
stand how the Mayorofthecitycan undertake
to decide so important and delicate a fjnes
tion as the legal authority upon which a
convention claiming to represent the people
of an entire State, bases its action. This
.i ...i .1 .. .:ii i. .1 ... i :.. j
W K 1 1 I L 1 V - III t JH. 1 1 111 VI Li V I
bv the legal branch of the United States
Government ; at all events, the Governor
of tho State would seem to bo moie directly ,
cnlled upon tn take the initiative in a step
of this kind, if it was proper and nncossary.
What we most want at the present time is
the maintenance of perieet order and the
suppression of violence. If. when yoy speak
of the projected meeting as one calculated
to di.-turb the public peace and tranquility.
1 am to nndorstand that you regard the
number oi persons who uitler in opinion
from those that will constitute tho conven
tion as so large, and the lawlessness of their
character so well established, that you doubt
the ability of your small ' force of police, to
control tlkein, you liavo in tlutt onue .only" to
can upon me, ana i win pring to j our assis
tance not only the troops now present in the
city, but, if neees-ary; the entire force which
it mav be in my power to a-scnible, either
upon lard or water. Lawless violence must
be suppressed, and in this connection the
recent order of the Lieutenant General,, de
signed for tho protection of citizens of the
United States, deserves oareful considera
tion. It imposes hih obligations for mili
tary interference to protect those who, hav
ing violated no ordinance of the State, are
cugaged in peaceful avocations. 1 am, sir,
very respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. Baii:i, Bicvet Maj. General, :
Commanding Department of Louisiana.
YT T?rnr5AXK'. T.r anA Aofin A A (i
From a New Orleans newspaper of Monday morn
ing. July 30ih. 18(56.
The military expect to sustain, not to ob
struct the proceedings of the courts. The .
following despatch from President Johnson
to Lieut. Governor A'oorhies is one from!
which, in the circumstances that called it
forth, satisfactory deductions may be drawn.
We cannot doubt that the President gives
no countenance to tlie pretensions of those
members of the defunct convention of 1864
who are endeavoring to reinstate it; and
we can only believe as commander-in-chief,
he will see that on proper occasions the ju
dical and other authorities of the State, aA
now constituted, will be protected bv tho
military against violence from within aul
without: , '
Wa suinhton, I), c. , July 23, 1 866.
To Alhert Voorhies,.' Lieut. Gov. of Louisi
ana: The military will be expected tosus:
tain and not obstruct or interfere with the pro-,
feedings of the courts. A dLspatch on the
subject of the convention was sent to Gov.
Wells this morning. Andrew Johnson.
Office. U. S. Military Tel., IIeapq's
War DEP't., New Orleans, La., July 31st,
1SG6: Hon. EdtcinM. Stanton, Secretary
of War : All is now quiet in the city, but1,
I still have the troops under arms, and bhall
keep them so for some days. Nearly all
unite in attributing the chief blame to the
police for the troubles yesterday. Thirty
seven persons are reported as killed, all be
longing to the convention or friendly to it.
A. Baird, Major General.
Ofkick U. S. Military Tel. IIeadq's
War Dfp't, New Orleans, La., July 31st,
1S0G: To the Adjutant General U. S. Ar
my, Washington: Comparative quiet has
been restored in this city by the military,
who still occupy the streeta There is, how
ever, apprehension of slight disturbances in
the lower faubourg of the city. ' In oonse-.
quence of the limited force at my command,
1 am compelled to make use of the city po- .
lice, whose conduct in the riots of yesterday
is most reprehensible. There is every rea
son to fear the imminent peril to which the
lives and property of Union nien of this city ;
will be subjected by restoration of the reina'
of power to the present civil authorities oT
the city. A- Baird, Major General.
Office U. S. MilitaryTel.,1Td.Q'r8.
War Dep't.. .New Orleans, La, July 31,
1SC6: Maior (Jenral O. O. Tlovcard:
The riot Las been- suppressed. I Lava de
clared martial law in the city. About forty.:
persons have been killed and a large nuin-
ber wounded, nearly all being friendly to the
convention. ., A. Baird, Mai. Gen. -..
Office U. S.-Military Tel., IIeadq's5
War Dep't New Orleans July 31st. I860:- '.
His Excellency President Johnson . Your