51 ..!:- BY S. J. B07. 't CLEARFIELD, PA.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, I860.' .7 VOL; 12. NO. 52. fTALTEE BARRKTT, Attorney at Law, Clear- 4 V field, Pa. ' - 7 a JOOJ- ' . vrr RROTHERS'Demter In Square A Sawed I Lnmber. Ir Goods, Groceries, Flour, Grain, ),. Barnaida Pa., , . P- m63- i iREDERtCJC LEITZINGEK, Manufacturer of 'A Miolieited wholesale or retail.. . Jan. 1, 18t3 . .nnriiTJ W AI.T.ACK. AttorneTatLaw. Clear I I. iald. Pa. Office in Shaw'a new row. Market lMt,oppoite Nangle'a jewelry etore Ma.y M. '. v Kirar.K.Witek and Cloak Maker, and J I dealer in Watehea, Jewelry, e. Boom in I; ah'am'i row, Market atreet. Nov. 10. " If BrCDER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law. Clear I field, Pa. Offiet in Graham's Bow, fonrdoo 8 w rt of Oriham A Boynton'a store. Nor. 19. ; J P. KRATZER. Dealer in Dry-Goods7 Clothing, Hardware Qucensware,' Groceries. ' Provi a Bi, etc . Market Street, nearly opposite the C artHooJe; Clearfield, P.. . June 185. . aBTSWICK 4 IRWIN,' Dealers in Drugs, 1 1 M4'cinei. Paints. Otis. Stationary, Perfumer ! incT floods, Notions, etc., etc., Market street. wfiU. P. . . Dee. 6, 1365. t KRATZER A SOS,,"dealers in Dry Goods, I i Clothi"1- Hardare Qaeensware, Groce . 'iW.ions. Ao.. Front Street, (above the A -I I T 1 LLI AM F. IK W fN. Marketstmt, ClearBcld, IV Pa Dealer in Fo.'eisn and Doroeshc Mer- Nor ID. fi illy articles generally. -- OlIN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of t Cabinet-ware, Market street Clearfield, 1 a. l'e aisomakes to order Coffins, on short nonce, ana l tends funerals with a hearse. AprlO, $9. )tt, H.WOODS, Pbicticiso Pbtsiciak, and I J '- Examining Surgeon for Pensions. ( ffioe, South-west corner of Second and Cherry i trv k Clearfield, Pa."; ' January 21, 1863. I ilHOMAS J. M CULLOUGn. Attorney at Law 1 Clearfield. Pa. , Offioe, east of the -Clearfield o Hank. " Deeds and other legal instruments pre fared with promptness and accuracy. . July A. 1 B M'ENALLT. Attorney at Law, Clearfield J . Pa. . Practices in Clearfield and adjoining twenties. Office in new brick building of J. noyn- t ti, 2d street, one door south of f-anicb s Hotel RtCnARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestie Dry Goods. Groceries,' Flour, Bacon, Liquors. Ac. ' Room, on Market street, a few doors went at Jaurna.1 OKre. Clearfield. Pa. ' ' Apr27. "PvtNTISTRT. J. P. CORXETT.Dentist, offer It his professional services to' the citixena of Carwensville and vicinity. Offioe in Drug Store, eemer Main and Thompson Streets. May 2d 1868. ' ; " - ' T ELAKE WALTERS, Scriviner and Convey- f) . sneer, and Agent for the purchase and sale of Lands. Clearfield. Pa. ' Prompt attention giv n to all business connected with the county offi cii Office with W . A Wallace. Jan J. 1 ALBERT A BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods, Vf. Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Flour, Bieon. etc , Woodland. Clearfield county .Penn a Alto, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum- br, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici M. fi Woodland, Aug. 19th. 1863. WALLACE. B1GLER A FIELDING. Attorneys at Law. Clearfield, Pa Legal business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. Clearfield, Pa - May ICth, 18f6. WILLIAM A. Wll.LACB WILLIAM D BIOLEB 1 IU(I WaLTlRS rX' ' rRANK risxPtsGr DR J. P. BUBCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers bis professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and - vicinity.! ' Profes inl calls promptly nttrndsd to. Office on Sontb-East corner of 3d and Market Streot Oct. 4. 1S85 6mp.- H-. -;, .- ; - V A G L E H O TEL, CURWENSVILLl!, PENN'A. - ' " LEWIS W. TEN EYCK, PaopRiaroBr Baving leased and refitted the above hotel, he w now ready to accommodate the travelling pub He His bar contain the choicest brands of liq aors, He solicits a Share of public patronage. July Uth, 186. ... ., - , , . . . s C O T X , D3C O XT S B , MAIM STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. A. ROW i CO. RROFRIETORS. ?his house having been refitted and elegantly furnished. Is now epen for the reception and n ttrtainmest of guests, ' The proprietors by long experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they n satisfy a discriminating public Their bar is applied with the ehoioest brands of liquors and - July 4th, 1866. RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING ' AND JOBBING. " " ' HIT CASH ruiTAirniHtiirmnn. Subscription, in advance, 1 year, : : A4ia'r and Ex'rs notices, each. times, , Aaditor's notices, each, , .-- . .'' Caations and Estraya, each. 3 times, "' .-' dissolution notices, each, $ times, , Transient Advertising, per square of 10 , lines, or less 3 times, or less, Tor each, subseeaent insertion, 3 vOeial Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or lesaS times, or less, : For each subsequent insertion, Professional A business eards, 5 lines, 1 y. eal notices, per line, I time, Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, ! S2 00 2 50 2 50 Advertising, 2 months. 3 months. 6 mo s. One square, (10 lines) S.oO Two sonares. ' , - i .,- 4.50 S4.00- 5 5.00 : 6.00 8.00 ' 8,00 10.00 10,00 12,00 : : 8 00 Three squares, . . 6,00 y-, Four squares, . ' "8.00 Tearly Advertising-, one square, early Advertising, two so: li ares. 13 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 35 Ml (arly Advertising, threeaqeares, i'A'j Advertising, one-fourth col Tsarly Advertising, one-third colnmn, t i i early Advertising, one-half column. ' umn. t?r'y Advertising, one colnmn. 60 00 Abe above rates apjly.only to advertisements tap pUin.. -Advertisements set in large type, t with eat, or out of plain style, will be eharg 4 doable the above rates for space occupied, f S-MksagUqaire,. , :J(4 2 50 o, 3 qires,er quire, i. ; :., 2 00 nM. qeires, per jairv ;. ; . : f ; 1 75 'nts. over 6 quires, per quire, i i : ; v., I 50 Hdbilla, eighth sheet. 25 or less, 1 50 "'. fourth sheet, 25 r. s.cv 2 50 - half eheet 25 -' " M - ' " ' wholesheet. - 25- r M f each ef above , at prep ertioaste rateat SEWING; MACHINES. Persons desirous of having a superior Mahine, should buy j neeier wuson e sample Machinea on nana. Clearfield, Feb. 23,46. HiV. N AUULE. Ag't. - 1 ? tt r- r-r- ' GROUND 'AND CNGROUND SPICES, . Citron, Englisl) Currabts. Ess. Coffee, and Vinegar ot the best quality, for sale by Jan. 10. . . ; a ABl'SWrCK A IRWIN. DR.'T. B METt. Surgeon Dentist, Glen Hope, Clearfield eounty.Pa. Teeth put np on gold, .silver, and vulcanite base. Fe.1 1 setts from five to twenty-five dollars. . Warranted equal to any in the 6tatet - May 30th. XaOS. CLEARFIELD IIOUSE. CLEARFIELD PA:--The-Bnbscriber-bavl'ngpnrcha8ed the furniture and interest from H. H. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran eient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will be conducted second to none in the county. He res pefltfully solicits a share of pu'olic patronage. . July lllSBO-y-. GE'JN. COLBLKN r:Atv.n FOR SALE. The subscriber offers I for si'e his property site ate on Potts Run, Jordan townsu.'p. consisting ot izi acres ot land 16 of. which are cifared.-.- 'iLere are several good veins of eoal on the pi?e, anil an - excellent wa ter power which, if suitoiy unprovea, wouia drive a saw or grist mill most pf the year. Will be sold cheap for cash. . T UDDLE, . March Zt, I aim tf. Ulearrield porongo. EA(i LESf I INGLE. HACHINE The sub scriber is manufacturing s.t the West Branch Iron Works, in Williamsnort, the best and most durable Machine for making 2-1 and 18 inch shin gles ever nsed in this country, also the EMPIRE JIAllllSb, wbicb wtll cut 18 inch shingles much faster, smoother and more f.'on the same timber, tban any machine in use ; alsi the best Saw Sett Mill Dogs for Gate and Malay Mills, ever used in this section. . A.T.NICHOLS. Williomsport. Pa , May 5, 1866.-6m. C CLEARFIELD N URSERY. ESCOCR J A(iR HOfK I VDI'STRY : Ttia nni,-sirnl fearing established a Nursery, on the Pike, about nait way between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnitb all kindsof Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf J Evergreen . "Shrub oery,urape ines, oosenerry, tiawton Black berry. Strawberry and Uaspbeiry vinee. Also. Sibrian Crb trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rheu- ac, urders promptly attended to. Address Ang 31,1864 , J, D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, BANJ NKING St COLLECTION OFFICE OP FOSTER, PERKS. WRIGHT A CO., Pbilipsblrg. Cestrb Co., Pa. Bills of Exchange, Notesand Drafts discounted. Deposits received.' Collections made and pre eeeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities constantly on band. J he above .banking House is now open and ready for business. ; Pbilipsburg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept ' 6, 1835. C. L. REED. . :' ' C. R. POSTER.' ' V.DT. PERKS. . J P. K. GIIIK. WT. V. WRIGHT, V. A. TAMACE, A. K. WHIGriT, RICHARD SHAW, J AS. T. LRO ARD, J AS . B CRAHAW c HAIRS CHAIRS !r CHAIRS !ir JOriN TROUTMAN Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his shop located on the let in therear ot his residence on Market street, and a short dist ince west of the foundry,, is prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a call, with every description oi Windsor chairs. He has a good assortment on hand, to which he directs the attention of purchasers.. They are made of the very best material, well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner., and will be sold at prices to suit the times , Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Ulearneld, fa., March 23. 1365 HA HPT ft CO., at Milesburg. Pa , continue to furnish castings of every description at short notice. They have tbe best assortment of patterns in the country for steam and water-mills of every description. All kinds of machine and plow castings furnished, riew n orld and ilatna way cook stoves always on hand.' . They make 4 borse sweep-power threshing machines, with sha ker and 50 feet of strap for $160 and 2-horse tread-power machines, with shaker and 30 feet of strap for $175. Warranted to give satisfaction in threshing, and kept good to thresh one crop, free of charge. r June 23, 1863-y. Isaac Haipt at Eellefonte continues to take risks for insurance in any good stock company in the State. Also in New York ; the Royal and Et na at Hartford; and the Liverpool and London,' capital $6.000 000. '-, ' '., E W AREANQEMENT U The subscribers have entered into co-partner ship, and are trading under the name of Irvln, IJaily A. Co.. in lumber and merchandise, at toe old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son.; at the meuth of Lick Run. They would inform their friends, and the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lum ber, and solicit bills, for either home - or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opened l'1 -A JNHiW ZSTOUK. ; - r of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con sisting of every variety usually kept in country stores. . Tbeir purchases have been made since the late decline in prices, which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their eustomers One if their partners. Thomas L. Baity, resides near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the marxets and make purohase, on the most favorable terms. Call and see us. i - 1 : ; :: ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L.BAtLY, ? Goshen tp.,Deo.6, T86a, LEWIS I.IRWIN, 7-. EDUCATIONAL. The undersigned in tends opening a school in the. Town Hall. Clearfield, on the first Monday in June te contin ue for a term of eleven weeks. ,. ; . .- Thoroughness will be aimed at In all our, in structions. . "Not how much but how well" is the principle upon which the exercises will be con-, ducted, - ' Particular attention paid to Penmanship and Book-keeping. - . 'f A daily register is kept of the' attendance, de portment and recitations of each pnpil. which is aeni weexiy to parents thus rurmsbing tnem with eonstant information of his standing and progress in school. - . - V ' . ' -" Public exhibitions are not held at any stated time, but parents and guardians are respectfully invited to visit the school and observe the manner wfcl 0 ne daUy work is performed. '; !Vi- -. TBRMBOS'TniTrot. - ' " ' '; SP,J'' Reading, Writing, Primary Arithme tic and Geography, . , r ., ; ... , f. 54 o Oram mar. Geography, History, Arithmetic and rook-keeping.,. i,: . . k. $5 00 Algebra. Philosophy, Geometry,. Mensuration and Surveying. ..... (, .- , 0O Lstw sua ur wiu any ot tbe above bran ches.,.. I ! AO -n For farther tnformetion apply to ...'.',, " - --,. .- M C, B..SANDFORDJ ;, May 23d, lS6i. . ; OK. Principal.',. . COAL Whale, and Linseed OU.JFamily Dyea .Varnish- and Paints of all kind ground! a Oil. for sale by x t t HARTSWICK A IRWIN.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICEl-Letters of Administration on the estate of Zenas Leonard, late of Girard tw'p.. Clear Geld coun ty, dee'd, having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons having claims . against the estate are requested to present them propeily authenti cated for settlement, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make paymentwitho.it Aug. 15,1866,-pd. -Administratrix. CJOLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A recent bill has V.88 Houses of Congress and signed by the President giving a three years' soldier S100 ana iwo years' soldiers Sao, bounty.-; ' Soldiers wonnded in line of duty, who did not ejjefwo or three years.are entitled tsthe bounty. OTBountiea and Pensions " collected by me for iuucc ceil iiqu iu i a em . ..-.... i .. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at La w. ;. Aug. 15th, 1S86. , . Clearfield, Pa $2,000 A YEAR made by any one with ?15 Stencil Tools Noexnerience neoessary i whatever. The . Presidents. Cashiers, ana .treasurers oi in ree banks indorse the circu lar. Sent free with samples. Address the Amer ican Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Vermont. August 1st, lS61.-3m. . ' CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with three horses, three set tug harness, and one two-horse wagon, pow in the possession of Thomas Kyler oi morris iownsttip as rue same belong to me and have only been left with said Kyler on loan, and ."re subject to iny order at any time. August l,18C6.-pd JACOB MOCK. S OLIVERS' BOUNTIES The new bill Equalizing Bonn ties has passed both Houses and was approved by ti? President, and is now a law. A three years' soldier ge 100 and a two years' soldier SiO Bounties sad Pensions are collected by me for those entitled to tbem.' A?"tS forward your applications. ."'''' ' . j. a. MCJSJNALU, Att'y- at Law. August 1,1866. Clearfield, Pa. IN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Clear- rrederick Campman 1 fiol. county; ' vs; i ' Alia mbnoenu itir.div. Hester Campman. I No. 167 June Term. 18f8 The undersigned Commissioner appointed; in open court lo take testimony in the above case hereby gives notice that he will attend to the du ties of bis appointment at bis office, in the bor ougaof Clearfield, on Friday, the 24th day of August. lSbb. between the hours of 10 o clock, A M , and .1 o clock, P. M.. of said day. ' when and where all persons interested may attend and cross examine. W M. M. McCULLOl GIl, August 1,1 Srlft. - - Commissioner IN TIIE COURT of Common Pleas cf Clear J. W all ace Long 1 field county. vs. - nitfiptitua sitr. divorce. - Phoeba Long. A) No. 109 June Term, 1866. :. The undersigned Commissioner, appointed in open Court to take testimony in the above case. ntseoy gives notice tpat be win attend to toe du ties of his appointment, at bis office, in the bor ough of Clearfield, on Saturday the 2otb day of August, imn, between tbe hours of 10 o clock, A. M , and 3 o'clock, P.-M., of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend and cross examine, WM M. McttLLU juli, . August 1, 1806. Commissioner. 31 E I N D US T R Ir! ' BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of tbe citizens of Clearfiel i and vicini ty, to give bim a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Uartswick A Irwin's drug store. wnere ne is prepared to make or repair any thi og in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish np at the lowest figures. June 13th, 1866. DANIEL CONNELLY C LEARFIELD ACADEMY. REV P. L. HARBISO.-T, A.M. PRINCIPAL. The Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, September 10th 1866. - Pupils can enter at any time. ' They will ' be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session , i- The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough,' practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage. of much experience in bis profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. '-, , Terms op Tririos: Orthography,. Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) 85 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and llisto ry - ) . 16,00 Algebra,Gvmetry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveyingr Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry DooK-aeeping, uoiany, ana rnysicai ueogra phy. . ., i . . -4SUI0 Lstin and Greek, with any of the above branches, . ; .-' $12,00 ldfr"No deduction will be made for absence For further particulars inquire of ' ' i Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. m. Feb. 28, 1366. i , . Principal. TMPORTANT TO PENSIONERS. The M. Act of Congress approved June 6th, 1866. gives additional pension to tbe following class of per sons : ; -. . i i i ,.i it 1.' To those who have lost both evea or both ha r.ds, or are totally disabled in the same so. as to require constant attendance, tbe sum, per monin, or n-., i szaju 2. To those who have lost both feet,. or are to tally disabled in the same, so as to require con stant attendance,' S20 00 3. To those who have lost one hand or one foot, or so disabled as to render them nnable to per form manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, the sura, per month, of .:. - S15 00 4. Persons deprived of their pensions under Act of March 3d, 1865, by reason of being in civ il service are restored. . ; .: . , i. 5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af ter application for their pension bad been filed, and befdre the. certificate was issued,' and who have left widows or minor children, w'.ll be enti tled to receive arrears due at the death of the pensioner,'! ;i;' ''' 'i 6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters. In all of these cases, new applications must be made The undersigned is prepared, with the proper blanks, for the ''speedy procurement of these pensions. ........ Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and claims for local bounty nnder State law, promptly eolleeted..'; i ; H.B. SWOOPE, Att'y at Law. i Jely 11,1866,-j. Clearfield, Pk FOR' SALE A Shifting Top Buggy.1 Ap ply to ' ' H. W. SMITH A CO, Cleaar field, Pa June S, 1866. i vr ' ' h ri r-r-n-7 r-n 1 r TJALMER'S. Patent unloading bay-forks, to be X had at' MERRELL A BIGLER'S. 200; BUSHELS of choice beans for sale by , IRVIN'A HAKJ.-SI1'J5, ' What They Have in View. . It will be remembered that, after the col lapse of the Rebellion, Presiden t Johnson. while the Rebel States were under Provis ional Governments, required those States to ratify the Amendment abolishing Slavery, to repudiate the rebel debt, to annul ordin ances of secession,, and frame new, State institutions. With the eiceDtion of Ten nessee, we believe none of the State Con Btitutions were submitted to a vote of the the people for ratification. " It was believed by some of our . far-seeing: statesmen that, at 6ome future ; time, when it became their interest to $6 so,' those States "would take the ground that thee measures hacl been forced upon them', that their adoption was compulsary "an act of usurpation' and hence that they were ' not bouud by them.' The key-note of such a movement has al ready been struck in , .North Carolina, by Chief Justice Kuffin, who prolably fore shadows what will be the course of every Rebel State as soon as they can act for them selves on the questions involved in their restoration to the Un ion. Judse Ruffi n savs : ''I consider that this is no Constit.ntinnj because your convention was not a legitimate convention, and had no power to make a constitution for us, or to alter that which we Bad and have ; and that it cannot be made a Constitution, even by popular sanction. If itese positions be correct, it ought to be rejected i7 the people, as the easiest, sim plest and most', efficient method of setting the Doint at test, and avoiding: many per plexing and dangerous questions before the I judiciary. . I object to the organization or your may as a conveution, because it wa3 called without the consent of the people of North Carolina, by the President of the li nked States, or under his orders ; aii act of clear and despotic usurpation, ichich could not give tins body any authority to bind tie State or its iihabitants. . If it be said the President, or his satrap his Governor of a Jrrovince did not call, or rather constitute the convention, but the delegates were elect ed by the people', and thereby the boiy was auiy coubtiiuica, x aeny u airccuy ana pos itively! ..The delegates were not the choice of the people; for. in the proclamation call ing it, the qualifications or the persons who mignt pe eugioie ana inose or me persous wno mignt voce ior tnem are strictly pre sented in a manner variant from our fun damental law, and excluding from each class a targe portion some would say the best portions or our qualified citizens. In ma ny cases our people were not represented, but.' in fact, were misrepresented. The acts of such a body cannot be said to be those of the people or tre State. .They are not enti tled to obedience, and cannot be, or,at leant. ought not to be, judicially recoqnized. The whole proceed 'in q arose out of arbitrary as sumption, overthrowing all notions of popu lar government, and destructive of the very Jirst principles of Republican freedom. Mr. Johnson required a convention to perform certain specific acts ; to annul the ordinance of secession . and tender a return to the Union, orclaim itscontinual existence under the Constitution of the United States ; to emancipate the slaves and ordain that sla very shall never hereafter exist in thi3 State, and to repudiate the State 'war debt ' All these were done ; the two first promptly, and in satisfactory terms ; and the third, at the last moment, under subject ion and in confor mity to orders, after having once refused to adopt tlie measure. All was done, I say, that was required, and' Mr. Johnson pro claimed that he had got all he wanted ; that we were back as a State and might choose our representatives in Congress in conform ity to our rights as a State,- and to our law regulatiug elections, t Was there anything more for that convention to do ? Were they , chosen for any other purpose, even by those who were allowed to vote for members t How dare they, then, go on to frame a con stitution, a law for all time, whictr is to be binding on those who elected them for other ends, and also on that large portion of the patriots and heroes 'unpardoned rebels' who were not allowed to vote at all ? As far as they safely can, and' whenever they can, the people ought to resist that preten sion. This they can peacefully do, when called on and . allowed to vote ; and I trust they will do so.on this occasion without com motion, in support of the great principle of human liberty that a people have tne rignt to make their: own constitution, and not be made subject to one; imposed on them, by force or fraud, by any extraneous power or by a fraction of their fellow citizens." r:i The Doctors Puzzled. :' : The Democrat are sorely puzzled. . They do not know , upon what foundation their platform rests. They have made the John son plank movable to be shifted at pleasure for they place no confidence in the friend ship of their newly found friends. Men who have deceived others in all probability will again prove false' to those with whom affiliate, inasmuch a it is difficult to restrain treacherous instincts. -. The Democratic par ty cannot with impunity spurn these men. Their only hope for political supremacy is in coalition- . Within themselves they are powerless, and yet the price demanded for this questionable aid certainly destroys, the dream of success to their .own party.' In joining hands. witK. the Johnson men they sink: their own independence and take back: seats. The more they , labor to create dis- sention in the TTmnn Rermblican ranks,' the doser they unite; their opposition and the further they are away from political power.. Verilv t.Ttifl mm nf tVi TVmcwratic party IS a critical one and, will baffle the skill of their n tsest aootors.1 ,.s - ' r ns Chi had added four 'vessel to: her 'navy: Massachusetts and South Carolina. ; Our Wigwam "politicians are felicitating themselves extensively over the fact that the xuassacnusetts delegation ana tne Soutn Carolina delegation walked into the Conven tion at its opening arm in arm. x.ven Mr, Doolittle, with his usual profundity, thinks, or says he does, that if that sight could only nave been witnessed jby the people ot Mas sachusetts, it would instantly have worked a complete revolution in their political sen timents. ' ' ' ' " " ' - : ' Now, we must confess, it produces a very pretty stage-enect to see these gentlemen walk into the Convention in this loving and amiable style, and it showed considerable skill on the part of the managers to open the performance! in bo moving a manner. But we cannot help reminding our political wire-puners ot the . W igwam that it is no new thing to find a certain .class of Massa chusetts politicians walking arm in arm with those of South ( Carolina. It used to he done at every Democratic Convention,' even when South Carolina was imprisoning Mas sachusetts seamen and mobbing her com missioners sent to test the constitutionality of South Carolina's laws. Heaven knows we should be triad to see Massachusetts and South Carolina in perfect accord, but it will require f-ome thing more to accomplish it .1. : iTT- -, . . - man a lgwam promenade Detween a lot or Massachusetts dtiughraces and feouth Caro lina ex-Rebels. Massachusetts is not rep resented in the Wigwam. Some men are there who live within her , boundaries, but the brain, the heart, the sentiment. the mor al power of Massachusetts are not represen ted there. Messrs. Urr and Couch may perambulate up and down the Wigwam till doomsday, and it will mean nothing except a political by-play, unless the fundamental ideas which form the structure of society in their respective States can be brought into living sympathy and accord. . . : The great problem before our country for solution is well typified by these two States, and we wish that our Wigwam friends could be brought to see that it can never be solved by perambulatory performances, or spread eagle . speeches, or convivial conferences. The problem in our country is to do away with the antagonism between aristocracy and democracy, and to realize the true democrat ic idea in the whole structure of our society. Now look at Massachusetts and South Car olina. - Massachusetts is a true Common wealthi Its people stand on a perfect e quality before the law. It is a State mod eled after and fully realizing the true Amer ican idea ot a State.-- South Carolina,' on the other hand, is an oligarchy. " 1 he mi nority rules instead of the majority. - The masses of the people are disfranchised Thev are subiect to taxation without renre sentation. They are forced to obey laws which they have no voice in making. . There is no equality before the law. Her society is composed o privileged classes and op pressed classes. Her whole structure and framework of government is vitally antago nistic to the true American idea ot a btate. Still more. South Carolina having just been suppressed in a violent and long con tinued attempt to overthrow the Lrovern ment of the United States, iu which at tempt she voluntarily seceded from the U- nion ana aoanaonea ner relations to ner sis ter States, now demands to be re-admitted, uot upon terms of equality, but upon those of superiority. JUIie aslcs that each of. her voters may Itavc two and one-half times as much power in all national affairs as a vo ter in Massachusetts. She asks for five rep resentatives in Congress, when her voters only entitle her to two: In short, he de mands that her . oligarchial lorm ot govern ment shall give 'her voters two and a half times the power in the nation that they are fairly entitled to -wield. '; Now does Mr. Doolittle suppose that an tagonisms like these, going to the very foun dations ot things,' can be reconciled by the petty promenades of Messrs. Orr and Couch on the floor of his Wigwam ? Is that the extent of his political sagacity f Is that the lesson he has learned from our past history? The instinctive intelligence or the Amer can people tells them that this antagonism between democracy and aristocracy in ' our country must cease. They have sacrificed three hundred thousand lives to make it cease. They are not . now, through politi cal chicanery,to be defrauded of the just vic tory they have won. The democratic re publican idea triumphed on the battle field, and it must triumph in the halls of legisla- tion. Our Wigwam politicians, in the name of peace and union and good-will,' are in truth doing all they can to perpetuate antagonism and discord. They would lay up for our children, and ' perhaps for our- selves, a repetition oi tne ternme struggle through which we have .- just ; passed. So intent are they on political power that they would keep alive in the body politic ele ment of strife and discord, which is as sure to work out disaster and convulsion as any physical cause is to produce its natural ct fect. Philadelphia Telegraph. The Moukt Saint Gothard Tunnel. The tunnel to be made under Mount Saint Gothard, in France, according to a Pans journal, will be about 20 miles long, inclu ding several coverea passages rcuuerej ue cessary lest life should be exposed to ava lanches.' Only four air-shafts Vill be re quired, the deepest of which will not much exceed' 300 yards.- The southern entrance of the tunnel will be about 3,700 feet above the level of the sea, and the northern' exit very nearly the .same. . The expense of the tunnel is estimated at about $12, 000, 000. It is a grand under taking, and, when comple ted, will be a 'credit ' to the enterprise of Frances Just think of a railroad train pass ing through, instead t)t bver-or round a mountain, whose base is 20 miles; fXiynngeUii Centre, beats r the SpringfieW ornrstalk. It haVoue twelve " feet, high, corn anrl still prowin!r.: 1 r.Hl f , Queen Emma. A The New Yorkers have been having a sensation, on a small scale, - over a visit of hr most gracious and Pacific Mi,VfV Queen Emma, spouse in his day, t King Kamehameha Lililiho IV, deceased, whose brother occupies the throne ot the Sandwich Islands.' This King was gathered to his dusky, fathers some three years ago. Queen Emma has just been making a friendly and sisterly call upon Queen Victoria, where she was royally entertained, but her real mis--sion to England proved a failure. She went there to enlist the sympathies of the High -Churchmen of England, in behalf of that' Church in the Islands. 'Under the highest' Episcopal and aristocratic patronage,she at teuded meetings, public and private, in all parts of England. "The Bishop of Oxf ord has been a Pete, the Hermit, tor' rL-oL and here, there and everywhere," says the London Xonconjormist, .,has enlarged on the claim of the Sandwich Islands to the support of the High .Churchmen." The whole amount collected for her is but o, 000, in addition to another 5.000 toward a t. 1 4 e a ' - .nemonai uatnedral. As her Majesty hav been away from her country, more than year, her expenses must have consumed tbe greater part or the contributions. England has not done well for Twr mA her inisMon.' She fell in with the vmnv class of the English people. That is all and we are sorry, says an English raPer, but Doc surprised. t The struggle now at the Island Is wrntL. er the Roman Catholic Church, or ' the E-- piacopal extreme Jhurch, shall have con trol of spiritual matters. . : r The journals describe her as a han lsome, amiable, and accomplished woman. Sh in of dark complexion, but not black, yet not so light as a quadroon, but not black, but more of the Spanish cast. Her cheek honna are high, her nose aquiline, her face, as a whole. heavy. She has but little' style, and nothing of the air of royalty." ;' ' ' The maiden name of this Queen Dowager was Emma Rooke. Her father wa & Scotchman, engaged iu trade in Honolulu. fche was born m NewAovk, but taken in. early life to Hawaii, where she grew up and attracted theattention and finally secured the love of Kauiehatneha, the royal repre sentative of . the old Cannibal, Dynasty, tap whom she was married, and thus raised to be a Queen. .. . . " - She has been a week in New York ' cityj."1 where she has been feted, admired, writ den iip and generally entertained. The New. lorkers know how to do these things, hav" ing had considerable experience with royal ty of all kinds, from the J Vmce ' of Wale and Billy liowlegs to the Japanese Tommy and the No-Kamis delegation. Whether they will be more liberal in contributions to the Church than was England, remains to be seen. , New York is able and should give her at least $20.000 if it likes the cause for which Emma is laboring. ' " ' From New York she went to Washing- ton where she was the guest of the Presi dent, who, no doubt, entertained her with becoming respect. . From thence she goes to Albany, - and from thence to Mansacbu-; setts, by invitation of Gov. Bullocr, wh was personally acquainted with the Queen many years ago. when she was but a girLi She will then visit Niagara Falls, the Mam moth Cave, Kentucky, and other places.' including Pittsburgh. ' ' Copperhead Platform. i - 'I That our readers may know what sort of doctrines are held by Democrats in thia State, we give the following from theGreen'-" burgirK: ' ' ' .'' ' 3 -'; ' ' -''' OCR PLATFORM. ' "y ' Gives us' equality of States, or another war, and in that war we promise not to claim exemption. .... " . -'. j . . ,, Give us white men to vote and white men to govern white men. Give us equal taxation or general repudia tion, except the claims or soldiers, their' widows'and orphans. - trive us a representation ot every state in a Constitutional Congress,-or give us the; Abolition traitors assembled at Washington in a mock or rump Congress, that we may' stain the Capitol with tleir hot blood, as they stained the earth with the! blood of patriotic Democrats. . , Give us the bonds held by tbe New Eng- land thieves and speculators off the soldiers and manipulated legislaton, " that we may: make bonfires of them, h r V ; ' . . i G ives us more nerve in Democratic Ed itors,; that they may come ' boldly Tx the front and help to kindle the patriotic fires;, who believe in tbe final perseverance of. Democracy over the worjd, . the flesh , the Yankee and the devil. ' j ; ' - i nuJ r .' ' -.:';: r '.l 'A ragged old man was arrested at St. Jo-s seph, Missouri, upon the charge of vagran- cy, and upon examining his person full half a bushel of .filthy old rags were taken from' about his waist, and wrapped in the rags' was concealed $1,224 50 in coin and $229 jn. currency. , The old man declared that some, of the coin had been in his possesion for forty years. -,;tw .'t V. el tr.-t .- ''I . ' nil axaa ' " I Gold Combination. In New York a " combination is reported to haTe been lorm ed whose object ' is to ran gold up to two hundred, and it is believed they could carry) out their purpose were the Secretary to. rev duce the amount of gold in the 'Treasury' as suggested by certain brokers who recently petitioned the Secretary 'of-tLa. Treasury pn y y ; -, V- -' vHi doe hundred and eigUy-three thousand bushels ot eorn have besn distributedamoDj the desitute in Georgia. , r Aboutorty thou pnd person KCe the recipients,. ', r,h "GbV. vPonoek;n' SuperifendentH'tK? V.S.'Mirit has been fmovd.r-- .'tnr.rtt Hi