mwT n i i if '8 'II It' Ml CLEARFIELD, PA.,' AUGUST 22, I8C6. r. HANS IN A FIX. Ven r lavs myself down in my lonely ped room. fjct dries vor to bleep werry soundt. .. . Do tremns oh, bow into mine het tey rill gome, Till ,1 wih f, was under de grouudt', ;.-:- Sometimes, ven I eats too pig supper, I treaina'j Tat my schtomack la flit full of Whfones. , Untoutin myschloep.'like ter TuyfeDI schreems,' Unt kick off ter ped-giose,.unt groans ! . . . Oh. vat shall pe tun ror a boo r, in a u like me ? Tot Tor do I Hf such a life ? " . , ; ( Some say dere's a cirte ror droublea.of ine ; i . Dinks I'll dry it,, unt kit me vou yife !. . . '. The Lock port, N. Y., Journal p ublishes a rich joke in tho shape of a call for a Con yentioa of '' who voted for Harrison ani Tyler, Taylor and Fillmore, Lincoln and Johnson, and who approve the course of Tyler, Fillmore and Johnson, in carrying out the principles of. their kmenttnl prede cessors (aud none other."). . ,. -It U apparent from the tone of the South ern Journals that the : rebel leaders only wait the consummation of, tho President's Tolicy to inaugurate a reign of terror, hav ing for its object the driving of all white U uion men out of the eleven receding States. E STRAY. Strayed away from the premises of the sobsuriber in Attoona, Blair county, about the 1st of August MAS, a light red cow.' with star in face, and ends of horns battered off. Any information as 'o her whereabouts will be thankfully received, and a suitable reward Bven. - R. L. MILES. Aug. 8, ISO.. Altoona, Pa. 7VOTIC E. The co-partnervb ip heretofore ex 1.1 isting between A. Ji. Long & bona aud A. S Sturtevant in the manufacture of sawed shingles, planing business, etc.. at Osceola, is this daydis solved by mutual consent of the parties A. S. Sturtevant withdrawing from said firm. ' A. B LoG t SONS, August 1, ISfiC. A.S. STUKTKVANT. X. B. The business wilr be continued by A. B. Long i Sues, at the o'd plana..' "All accounts will be sot'Jed by the unieraignej. and all persons knowing themselves indebted will please call and settle and save trouble. Augusts. laCit. A. IJ. LONG A SOXS. EW HAUXESS MANUFACTORY. Il The undersigned desires to inform the public that he has estibhshed a Harness Manufactory, in Kylertown, on the corner of cross streets, and ad joining Caruon's Hotel, where he is prepared to turn out all kinds of work belonging to his branch of business on the most reasonable terms to suit the customers and times. ' The cash must invari ably be paid when work is called for. All work made to-order The public are respectfully invi ted to give him atrial before ordering elsewhere, as he will do his utmost to accommodate those who will patronize his (MabUshnsont. All work furnished as cheap as by any ether country estab ment. Come and see for yotinelvcs August 8, lS5ii.-3ni. J. E. MOORE. FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers his farm of 63 acres, situate in Union twp., Clearfield county, at private sale. Thirty acres of the land is cleared and in a good state of cul tivatioit the balanue is wall timbered, with a food vein of coal underlying the whole Lruet. he improvements aro a log house, bank barn, and otner outbuilding, with a good springe! water near the house, and convenient to school hou-e mills, Ac There is also growing on the premises about 250 fruit trees, all bearing, equal to any in the county. Terms will i e easy. T-u further information call ou the subecriber residing on tho premise, or address hiiu at Kockton P. oZ Clearfield county, Pa. June 27, I.fltt. , F. II. BOOZE. rrrq discharged soldiers Notice X is hereby given, that all persons who are en titled to exeinptionuuder the late act of Assembly, and have failed to present their discharge papers at this office, will please attend to this duty on or before the 23th day t.f August next, as the Com missioners are determined in i-liwn nut ih, H..!!,.. tors' accounts by the 1st day of September next. Those failing to respond will be compelled to bear the penalty incurred by neglecting this notice. The discharge papers can either be presented in person, sent in by a friend, or transmitted through the mail to this offlee. whereupon the cx euiption papers will be made out and delivered to the proper parties. It will then becomo the duty of those claiming exemption from bounty tax to at once present their exemption papers to to the proper collector, so as to onable him to set tle his duplicate without delay. By order of the Commissioners. Y S. BRADLEY, Clearfield, Pa , July 13. 18 V. Clerk. ' JJEW STORE !! : NEW STORE !!! IIave just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offor to the public at the lowest cash prices. ' Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies Fish, Salt, Brooms, Si ails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of ihe newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are,deterini ned to please all who may favor us with their custom. May 9. IStiS. J. SUAW 4 SON. C O T I 3ST GOOD ArTD CHEAP!!! O il! Men, Youths and Boys can be uplpied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RE1ZENSTEI.N BROS' CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase thefr rock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind In this part of the State. "' ' Reizenstein Bro's i' Co., Fell goods at very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. t They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. . .. They sell eheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock ft reduaed price they can sell cheaper tl aa others. ' A. , ."!. nd othr ns persoDj should buy their clothing at V AEIZENSTEIX BRO'S A CO. Produce ol every kind taken at the highest market prloea. May 18. Ib64. HARNESS, Trimmin?s, and Shoe-findinesfor sale at., f ... , t JJEifREH. X BIOUSU'S . GV US, Pistols and sword ' canes to be bad at June, -6.. MKRRELL 4 BIGLER'S. FISH,' Salt and plaster in large quantities at Mar. 22, 1S65. , - J. P, KRATZER. , F EATflERS. A lot of prime feathers for sale at J. ZKri'S. I7.ISII. Mackerel. bhadTnerring in all siied ?. packages, at ui ;t'j P. KRATZKR'S . PLASTER. Fresh Ground Plaster for sals by J. P. KKATZER June 6, lSSS.-lm.' CABLE. CHAINS a good article' on haad and Tor sale by MERRELL f JGLER' V RA'FfTKH an !iiwifmpnt for finlA hv JLj MEtiRELL A BIGLER 7 t December 14. 18i4. nr. Clearfield Pa; FO DDE R 1 1' TTE RSof a supe rWr ma for 'sale at reasons le prites. a MEKKELL and BIG'LER'S. Clearfiefi.Pa ' i., F LOI'R. A large; ioTjantitylEitra Family Flour, in Barrels, hack's and k Sacks for sale by Feb. 2x. 1S55 W. F. IRWIS. - FLOUR AND FEED. Extra Fara ily Flour, Bolted corn meal, rye eaop. 4c. for sale by June 6, 1366. lm. J, P. KRATZER. SWAIMS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Hembold's Buehu. Bake'sCod Liv er Oil, Jayne's and Ayer's Medicines, for sale by Jan.10. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. TRl'SSES and abdominal supporter of every kind, and ot tho best improvments. for sale at the Drug Store of . . Jan. 10 ISrtS. HARTSWICK & INYIN, SALT! SALT 11 SALT !!! A prime arti cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent sacKS, at $4.23 per scck, at the cheap cash stoi e of November 27. R. MOSSO. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of good? of every variety, sold as low for cosh, as at any store in the county, by ;'"' Deo. 6, 18-U IRVIN A HARTSHORN. WANTED So.000 worth of county bonds Those of longest dates preferrea. Apply to, .... - 'WALTER BARRETT. luna 23.1ft!5.' ' Clearfield. Pa. RITSS' ST. DOMINGO, Uubbairsi Drake's. Iloofland's German, & Uostetter's i Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liqnors of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by Jan, 10- . - , . ,HARTSICK 4 IRWIN A LARGE LOT OF CLOTIIING-inclu-dingsome extra qualityof Beaver Over-coats, and a complete assortment of cossiiuere .goods, mude up in suits to inat;h for sale by Dec 8, ltS65. . IRVIN & HARTSHORN. VEW FIRM. The undersigned have this day i 1 formed a copartnership nnder the firm name of Irvin & Hartshorn, for the transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber business. A large and well selected s(oc' of goods has been added to that already on hand at the -'cornor Ftoro" in Curwensvifle. where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. ' ' K A. IRVIN, W. R. HARTSHORN. Curwensville. July 17, 165 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT S B. M. GREENE . Has opened his Music Store, one door west cf W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand Steinway & Sons' and .Gaehles Piauo Manufacturing Company's Pianos, Maunn &. Ham lin's Cabinet Organs and Carhart. Needbam A Co'.s' Molodeons; Guitars, Violins, Fifes. Flutes ; Guitar and Violin Strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower Golden Censer. Golden Trio, Ac , to. Sheot Music He is constantly receiving from Philadolphiaall the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing can order, and have sent them by uiuil at publisher's prices. : J"l'ianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments sent promptly upon application with any additional information de. sired." B. M. GKEKN. : ' A Hill ptrect. Huntingdon, Pa , One door We?t of Lewis' Book Store. Dec. 6, 1865. JJ IF- 1ST -A- XJ O-X TB , WATCHMAKER, . ; GRAHAM S ROW, CLEAKFIELP. The undersigned respectfully informs his old casromers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CIjOCKS, a targe variety from the best Man ufactory, eansfsting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring aud Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks! .... W"A 'VCIIES a fine assortment, of silver Hunt ing and opon case American putont Lovers, plain aud full jeweled. ,,. . .,, .. ; ,. . GOLD rEIVS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. : Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large ssortmnt, far and near sight, colored and plain glass: , JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set ; ' ; AfjSO, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, bat tor knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care ully repaired and War runted. A continuance -ofpatrouage is solicited. Nov. 2-th, ISI5. il. F. NAL'GLK. - IE - WL - O - AT -A. ILi I Has removed to his new ware rooms on Market Street, and opened a large stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, etc. FOR LADIES, he has Cashmeres. Merinos, Rep Delaines, Parmetto, Brilliant. Poplins, Alpaca. Berege. Ltwns, Prints Silks. Dusterclothj, Ging hams, Nankeen, Linen. Lace, Edging. Velvet trimming. Collerette, Braid. Belts. Dress-buttons, Hosiery, Veils, Nets, Corsets. Collars. Hoods. Nubias, Scarps. Hoop-skirts, Balmorals, Coats, Shawls, Mantles, Furs, Notions. BonneU, Hats, Riobons, Flowers, Plumes. MEN'S WEAR, Such as Cloths.Cassimere. Sati tinett. Flannel. Jean, Tweed. Cottonade, Muslin. Italian-cloth, Velvet, Plush, Check, Ticking, Drillin?, Linen Crash, Serge, canvass. Padding Linsey, Vestings, Coats. Pants. Vests, Over-coats, Shawls. Boys Jackets. Over-alls. Drawers, Cass mere shirts. Linen-Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Ac , 4c. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, Such as Car pet. Oil-cloth Blinds, Curtains, Tassels. Cord, Clocks, Looking-glasses, Lamps, Churns. Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Brushes. Baskets, .Washboards, Butter-bowels, Seives, Flat-irons,-' Coffee-mill, Bed-cords. Bags, W all-paper. Carpet-chain. Cot ton yarn, Candle-wick, Work-baskets, Lanterns, I mbrellas. Buffalo Robes. Carpet Bags, Axes, and Augers. Ae., Ac Ac. MUSIC 4L GOODS, Such s Violins, Flutes and Fifes HARDWARE, Queensware, Glassware, Stone ware. Groceries. Drugs, Confectiocaries, Med icines. Flour, Bacon. Fish. Salt.Orain. Fruit. Car riage, Trimmings. Shoe Bindings, School Books, Nails and Spikes, Glass and Putty, Oil. Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars. Candles Spfceg, Powder, Shot, Lead, Grindstones, Rafting Rope, ete-i etc. -AIlofwbich wjllbe so don the most reasona- ?i?er?' Vd th h,Bheft market priees paid for all kinds of country produce J. P KRATZER Dee. 13. 1865. Clearfield. Penn'a. WOOL WANTEDnoOO lbs wIoTw.nted; for which the city Market price will be P'd by . J. P. KRATZER. SALT a goed article. and very cheap at ih store of WMi F. IRWIN, Clearfiel I. . THE -KIDNEYS. ; The kidnejX are two in number, sit uated at the . upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and "consisting 'of three parts, viz : .. the anterior, the in terior, and the exterior, " ,f '';'" : The anterior absorbs; the interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the urine, and convey it to the exterior; the exterior is a conductor also, terminating in a single tule. and called the ureter; the ureters are connected with the bladder. . : , . . -. ' - , ,- . The bladder is composed of various eoverings or tissues, divided into parts: vix r the upper, the lower, the nervous, and the mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, otbei s u rinate without the ability to retaiu. This fre quently occurs in children. "." ' . To cure these affections we must bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. If they are neglected Gravel apd Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware that, however slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect his bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. . , ... Gout, or Rheumatism. Pain occurring in the loins is indic ative of the above diseases. They occur in per sons disposed to acid stomach and chalky secre tions. : V - The Gravel. The Gravel ensues from neglect or the improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expel led from the bladder, bat allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone ia formed and Gravel ensues , r n o p s y I a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the part affected, vie: wl en generally diff used over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the abdomen,' Ascites ; when of the chest, Hydro thorjtx TREATMENT. Ilelmbold's highly concentrated Ex tract of Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for disposes of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gou ty affections. Under this head we have arrang ed Dysuria, or difficulty and pain in passing wat "er; Scanty secretion, or small and frequent dis charges of water; Stranguary, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine ; Gout and Ithetnatism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase of color or dark water. It was always highly recommended by the late Dr Physick in these affections. rr " This medicine increases the power of digestion, and excites the absorbent into heal thy exercise, by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as wen us yaiu ana innamation. are reduced, and is taken by- Men, Women& Children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, 1857. II. T. IIelmbold, Druggist: ; Dear Sir : I have been a suffer er, for upwards of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney affection?, during which lime I have used varioua medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most emincnL physicians, experiencing but little relief. , ' Having seen your preparations ex tensively advertised. I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchu. 1 did this because I used all kinds of advertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting welL and determin ed to nse no remedies unless I knew of the ingre dients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy As you advertised that it was compos ed of buchu, ctrBKBS, and juniper, berkibs. It oc curred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, ajd. with his advice, after an exam ination of the article, and consulting again with the druggist. I oonculuded to try it. I commen ced its use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bot tle I was astonished and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and arter using it three weeks, was n ble to walk out.. I felt much like writing you a full statement of my case atthetime. but thought my improvement might only be temporary and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfeet cure, knowing then it would he of greater valae to yon vnd more satisfactory to me I am now able to report that a cure is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. . Vour Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system. I do not mean to be without it whet ever occasion may require its use in such affections j M. M'CORMICR ... .... Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hoa. Vm. Bigler, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. lion. Thomas B. Florence, Phil'a. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. D. R. Porter, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Phil'a. . Hon. R. C. Grier, J udge, U. S. Court. Hon. G.W. Woodward, Judge, Phil'a 'Hon. W.A.Porter, CitySolicitor,Phil. Hon. John Bigler, Ex-Gov. California Hon. L. lanks, Auditor Gen. Wash ington, D. C. . -And many others, if necessary. : PRINCIPAL DEPOT, us Helmboid's Dauo and Chemical Warehouse, 5 59 BROADWAY, (Metropolitan Hotel ) ' xkw vork. . .,- , SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE beware or counterfeits -V New York. November 1. 1885-Iy. WEST INDIAN, MISIILERS& PLAN TAT10N BITTERS.'for sale atMeti s.Glen Hope, Pa- May 30th. i 866. r. :r- t . m ' I f , , - T HIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes. trVr Wagons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS STRANGE, BUT TRUE: Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can bear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being hum bugged will oblige by not noticing this card.. All others will please address their obedient servant, - r r.v THOS. F. CHAPMAN. , Jan. 3. 18tl6-ly. 831 Broadway, N York. ERRORS O VOUTII. A Gentleman who suffered for years, from: Nervous - Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, wilt for the sake of suffering human ity, send free to all who need iU the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy . by which be was eared.: Sufferers . wishing to profit by the advertiser's.' experience, ean do so by ad dressing ' JOHN B. OGDEN, Jan. 3 ISOS-ly. No. 13. Ohambera St. N.Y. GRAIN CRADLES The suberP-er would respectfully inform the farmers of Clearfield county, tbat he has on band a lot of superior grain cradles, which he is offering for sale. The fingers are perfectly water-proof and are warran ted to retain their position, which is not the case with any other maRe now offered to the public Call and examine and be convinced of their su periority. - ., May 30th, 1S63. THOMAS MILLS. TUB CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debili ty, Premature Decay of Manhood. o . supplying at the same time The Means of Self-Cure. By one who haseured himself after undergoing con siderable quackery. By euclosing a postpaid ad dressed envelope, single -opirs free of charge may t-e had by the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq.,' 166-ly. Brooklyn. Kings Co. N. Y. Jan. 31, 1S66 ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCII ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHIL. BLAIXS, ani all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists.. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER. Sole A gents, 170 Washington Street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. June 6, lSttS,-ly. 0 N HIS OWN II O O K ! ! Merchant Tailor and General Clothier. The undersigned having located in Clearfield Borough, would respectfully inform the- public that he has opened a Merchant Tailor and gener al Clothing establishment, in Graham's Row, immediately over H. F. Naugle's Jewelry store, where be . keeps. on hand a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting, which he is pre pared to make up to order, on short notice. Parlicuhir attention will be given to cutting Mens'. Boys and childrens clothing, in the most fashionable styles. Having had a number of years experience in the business, he Uatters himself tbat be is able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Give him a call. May 16, 1S66. : , . P. A. GAULIN. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in af'W weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, comsumptiun is anxious to make Known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used (fiee of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find, a sure curb yoa consumption, A.TUVA, MtovoniTis, .coughs, colps, c. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in lorniauou wnicn ne conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cot-t them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wflliamsburg Jan 3, 186-ly. Kings county. N ont H1ISS E. A. P. R V N I) ER. Teacher of Piano 11M.- Forte. Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, Guitar. Harmony and Vocal Masie. For the sol purpose of keeping inferior Instruments out of thecouaty Miss Kynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos. Organs, Guitars and Melodeons. As chief among a large list of good Instruments may be mentioned, (."bickerings and Sons Grand, Square and Up right Piano Fortea. Lindeman's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano. ' Calenberg 4 Vaupel's Grand and Square Pianos Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organ. Etzy's Cottage Organ.' Tieat A Linslcy's Organs and Melodeons. UU's Guitars, fce., which she will sell at a very trifling advance on Manufacturer's priees. thus enabling purebas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles that are "dar at any prire." Music Books, Paper. Guitar Strings and Sheet music constantly on hand at the store of Mrs. H. D- Welsh. s . September. 20. I5. . r- ft-t . ; ART S W I C K & I It W I N , DRUGGISTS,- i . . . . - 'f - CLEABFIE-LD, , Having refitted and removed to the room" lately occupied by Richard Mossop, on Market St., now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment of DR (JGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa'nts. Oils, Glass, Putry. Dye-stuffs. Statienary. To jacco and Sega.-s. Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock of varieties than ever before offered in this place, and warranted to be of the best the market af tords. Inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying that job will be pleased with the quality and price of (heir goods Remember the place Mossop's old stand, on .Market St. Dej. 6, 1865. g O M E T II I N G N E W IN CURWENSYILLE. DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the house of George Kittlcbarger. on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faust's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona- ries, Spfces, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, cigars, uooks, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety oi motions; lilass, i'utty, etc. The want of a Drugstore hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as tbat want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. ... Bis stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at reasonable prices Call and examine the goods which cannot fail topleae. JOSEPH R. IRWIN. November S. 1 865. :-y , .. t SEVERAL SET of hevy doable hsrne's and home made horse collars at the store of -Deo. 6. 1865. IRVIN A H ARTSH'lRN. CANNED FRUIT, for sale by Aug. as. MERRELL A BIGLER. OIL, Putaty, Paints Glass and Nails, lor sale at Jane '66. MERRELL BIGLER'S. ' i ; i i LADIES FURS, and Gents' fur caps, for tale at the -corner" store. Curwensville. fa fpO HORSE OWNERS. Tks undersigned X having recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horses, known as- Hoof-bound." Any person sending 1 1 in a letter, will receive by return mail a rec pe giving proper directions as to the necessary treat ment. Address. JACOB IRWIN. September 21. iSn-t-tf. i t f i , Clearfield. Pa. D TIpnATJGHEY, PIIOTO i 1Y1 IT; GRAPHEK, bavin purchas ed the Photograph establishment formerly eon. ducted by H, Bridge, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining coun ties, that he has recently made . additional im- Erovements-to both sky-light and sparatus, and e flatters h imself that he can ' Satisfy the most fastideous taste in a tuck and lifelike likeness ' i He also keeps constantly on band a good assort ment tT Ouilt. Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all sixes and styles and an endless variety of cases, lockets, eto . which he will dis pose of at very moderate prices, for cash.' - His gallery is in Shaw s row, (up stairs.) Mar ket street. Clearfield, Pa , where he is always rea dy to accommodate customers who may be in want of a good Likeness of themselves or friends. Particular attention paid to copying all kinds of pictures, etc. . . - November 1. 18C5 "JO MUSIC TEACHERS AND DEALERS. .The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish Sheet Music, Strings. Musical Instruments, and Musio Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates, wholesale and retail, from the largest iol lections in this country. , Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. ', Address all orders, SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, N. Y. IJUIE BOARDMAN, ! GRAY & CO. P IAN O F O R T E S, WHOLESALE AGENCY. The subscriber, late a member of this well . t known firm has established a WHOLESALE AGENCY", 581 Broadway, New Y'ork City, Where he will be pleated to receive the orders of his friends and the public, and especially to hear from those who have o liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm heretofore. He will sup ply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at the very Low est Prices, Made with the Insulated Iron Rim and Frame (cast in one solid plate.) They excel all oth ers in durability and superiority of tone, . and elegance of external appearance, AH these Pianos have overstrung Scales, giving in connection with the patent iron rim and frame. Full Round Powerful,' and Sweet Alellow Tones, The Cases are elegant in appearance, and easily and safely handled. Warranted to prove satisfactory, or the ... money returned. Address all orders to -V SIBERIA OTT. 5P1 Broadway, Y , Y. g P. & II. W. SMIT II 'S . ' AMERICAN. ORGANS, The Most Perfect and Beautiful MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN THE WORLD. . ' ' .. . .. . FOR THK , AMERICAN. HOME CIRCLE, V3 THE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes home attractive, refines and elevates the minds of all, beautiful in appearance and effect. SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, New York City, WHOLESALE AGENT. The immense popularity of these Organs, and their superior Musical Powers, is fast bringing them before the pnblio, as the instrument so Jong desired in AMERICAN HOMES. And although the cost price is but a trifie over the Melodion. yet the musical advantages, beauty of ton and quickness of touch and action are so farsdperior, that they are fast superceding the Melodion, and the call is now almost exclusively for tho ' ' AMERICAN 'ORGANS. It is adapted to any music, from the quickest and most lively, to Ihe heavy tons of the Chnrcn Or gan. And almost universally the; ars preferred to the Piano, by persons who hay them, yet cost ing less than half, and only taking a small amount of room. "...'.".;' " ' ....... j ----.''''. : ;. . .tl t - , uU,ti!dpneJrFtlVe eire,dar?eimn& full parti Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealers, sad large discounts to the trade and Teachers. Ad iress all orders. ' ,. . it SIBERIA OTT. Wholesale Agent j 581 Broadway, New Terlt. ew York, April stfe, ISM.-v - ' ' ' TERMS OF TTlE jnrp. .. uesaav at mi j paid at the beginning of the year, tVki the ear'. ' ' " 1 "' ,h Advetismsts wilt he inserted at ti ... square, for three or less Insertion-. T.r!.',f (or less) eountinr asoaarej v.. . IUM. will be made to yearly advertisers. . "ti(j ' No subscription taken for a shorter . six months, and. no paper will be diseontiantJ til all arrearages an paid, except at the the pnbHsher.; ; . ,: S J. ow" ' NEW STORE IN; CUBWENSVILLE J OHN il R V.I N, Has just received and opened at the old in Curwensville, an entire new stock of rti Winter Good, which be will sell very eh.1'.1 cash. His stock consists of; ... Dry Goods Groceries, :, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Read. " : made clothing, "etc. The public generally is respocfully iBTitej give him a eall ; see bisstuek and fae.r his PriL. and purchase from him if you find it will bTl your advantage. , , , Nov. 15, 18ft? din gnuraucf. mwrini in cents win Be ekarrul a j . . -v '. 'IPARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COIPa. MY OF: YORK, FA. Insures against loss or damage by fire. It U iv. safest company in the State, and has made nosV sessments since its establishment, and henee hi. the mort economical . .S. J. ROW, Aesat. June 21. 1865. Clearfield, Pa COLUMBIA INSrBArTCE COUP AIT. Columbia. Fa., Iisures against loss by fire, on very moderate terms either on the mutual or eash prineiplt Special rates for the safer elass of farm property This ia one of the oldest, and best eompaaics u country, and bears a reputation for promptat and strict business integrity second to no thtr in the State. " S. J-ROW, Agent, Dee 27, 1S6S. . Clearfield, P. 1794 Chartoed, 1794 INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, AT PHILADELPHIA. I The oldest Insurance company in America. Cast capital and surplus, over 91,715 000.00. Seventy one years Suecenful Business Exp. ence. wiih a reputation of Integrity and lloort ble d Baling ansu rpaased by any similar institutiua. . Losses paid since organisation, S17.50U.0UD.ihi ' Liberal Rates for all the safer elasse of prorsr ty. : Insurance for dwellings and contents, arps ciality. Brick and Stone buildings insnrvd rsa. petcallt, if desired, en terms of the greatMt. conomy and safety to the insured. It is Wisdom and Ecosomt to insure in the seal companies, and there is koms better than the oil iMSURa.NCa COM PANT Or NoRTH AMERICA. CHAR LIS PLATT, I ARTHUR O COFFIt. SecreUry. Treasurer. OIRSCTOBS. Arthur O. Coffin. S. Morris Wain, Samuel W. Jones, : John A. Brown, " Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, William Welsh, - Richard D. Wood, Wm. E. Bowen, James N. Oickson. . loon dlasoa. George D. Harriroa, Francis R. Cope. Edward H. Trotier. Edward S Clark. Wm. Cumminjjs. T. Charlton Henry, Wx. Bceblbb, Central Agent of Paoa'a, S. J ROW, Agent for Clearfield eo. dw Life Insnraiice at Home. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 921 Chcst5et Strkkt, Phil'a. Insures Lives on favorable tarws, aud will inn Pol icies on any of the approved plans of iutnrsnc. Assets liable to losses 1,221,89 TL Surplus divided Annually. Loases paid pioiupt ly. Premiums may be paid in cash; ancuailv, enii-annuall or quarterly; .ir one-half ia eats, and one-half in note. By a supplement to 'Jit charter, notes hereafter received will partiript in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates is to January, 1459, inclusive, are now reeeivabliia payment of premiums . Agency, at the office of H.B.Swoore. Heir field, Pa. Dr J. G. Hartswick, Medical Kxsal' ner. ' : August 24, IW- ;.;;;Tf ojjTt z'q . eCLEDBATSS HflTse ana Cattle Powte This prrpiraiiw!. long Ht froro!f known, will oiitiil.v rit6o' lo-piriu.d lor?rr. mni clraomng ti Moniach aal tinrs. It is a iiu rciitive of all e5f inciarl FEVtlt, GLA.VPMa. this animal, such as IXSG YELLOW-WA-TEK, U KATES. COCttHS, DIS TEMPER. ' FE VERS, K01X11KR LOSS OF APPK TITE AND VITAL EX ERG T, tie. Us M improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives rlossv skin and 4irIL miserable skelrtuu lnto'a6ue-looking ndfW'4 horse. - To keepers of Crs tliis preparatiso is inrtl It increases the nuantitr and hrnimrM .eiq llT of the B:IK. " becD p.-ot5 T sua! espentowm incrra.Hr U V tity of milk cream twrnir f ctcl. and utter trm swet t. In cattle, it i,"T . tbrir H'21 . Btakes the- " much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such a Cm( nsSk- the Lung, Liver, Ac, this article . . acts as a specfec. By puuln? from eoe-half a yaper ' ; te a paper so a . barretof swill she above diseases will be eradicated Or entirely prevented. - IT . afwa tn Uni . 1 preventive ana cure for the Hog- tn. g. Price) 25 Cents pe Pap-, o- Pspti : &.';JkL troxrrvr; nno WHflXFStLE DRfs 51 MD1CT5K P". i Ho. 116 rnuotlin. St, Baltiinore. ; .. . For Stale by DrasreiMa and Sloreksepm tkrfV . out U. Cnited 'States.- v Tor sale hy Harwrwiw Trwin, ISr Clearfield, Pe, .. . . L tfrfr.