Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 22, 1866, Image 3

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l'.eJ" V, Phili.bar at -: U 00 a. m
: a m -"- w , ,
A--flT4tJI I
. Philiosbanr
: S.80 p:
f"'j . . . 1;;! -..OfTIIK J? " ' 'S'l
Will be held on tlut Fair Groumls tuasr the
Borough of Cleet'Md, Pa., on TueyLiy,.
i Wednesday,-TAursday und, Friday, ,
.j'tftU 2d,.$tt,4tk,brk day Oct. f .
TtrYlNE BERVJtJS Avev.- aimw
jch in the Presbyterian church,' morning
' d evening, on Sunday, August 26th.
p.ir Monroe win pnsacu m
,hareh, oo Sun4veaTngrAugiKt 26thj' J
ftev. semwwerwiiiirreauu iii i-uo bap
tist church, on Sundayjmorping, August 26.
Ct(Uas.-:J'.'Shaw,& Son have just re
ared a large lot of cigars. : They are good.
'e tried thcin. "Go and do likewise."
Fbost. Iii some parts of this - county,
there was, -quite a heavy frost on Friday
momin? 'last, bftt, we believe it done little
or no hurt to vegetation,
Horses Stolen. We are informed that
on Sunday night, August 19th;' ;two horses
were stolen from John Holt, , of Graham
township. . Also' one fromVrn.- Shimel, of
th fame township, on the same night. No
nicions exist as to who th thief may be. I
1 . : ; . ' f j 3; rt J f t f in
Soldiers Geary--Olct-b; A Soldier s
eary Club, was organized at Pcnnyille, on
Thursday evening," August, 16tiu . , Officers
elected Jos. G. Russell, IVesident f V. ;M;
('.off and James Hepburn, Vice Presidents ;
James' R. Martin, Secrefaryi 1 and'Tiobt.
Leech, Treasurer.'.; "7 ,";.", ..',.aU, , :.. , ;
Iysteriois DiSArpjyiiiANCE'W'cjearn
tht a German, nanied'Adolpli, Hahn!dis
nppeml rather! fliyfteriouslytiOinQ ,two
weeks since, white going fom Port Matilda
to Philipsburg. Hahn purchased a saloon
in I'liifjisburg antl had-sooe to Diillefonte
l'or the money to pay Tor the1 same. ----On his
return he got off ih train at Pprt ? Matilda
with the intention ofwalking tO;Pbilips-
burg. He left the former place in company
with a stringer, Mnce" which time he has
not been t-een -or ,head roix., Suspicions
arc cuteruined that Halm was murdered.
Another Soldieu's Club. A Soldier's
Geary Club .was organized . in' Clearfield
HoroughrOn Saturday evening, August 18,
1966. A" "constitution 1 and by-laws were
adopted, and Hignod by 33 honorably dis
charged soldicT.iJ The. following officers
were chosen Lieut. Thomas Liddell, Presi
dent; Corporal O. Conklin, Lieut.. A. Gibb,
.Iiiliu IiVtlc. Solomon M. Bailev. - Cant. D.
. I
Ali-flnni'lifv :iinl .Tnsonli Whitfi. Vio Presi
dents; Lieut. John F. Irvin and . Lieut.
Wm. It. Brown, Secretaries, and Col. A.' 31,
Smith, Treasurer.
'iisT crp Premiums. -,:
Class 1.
futpxta&esopen tb'all Breeds and Competitors;
Best Ball, $3 00 2d belt, $4 ,00 3d beet,, 1 3 00
Best Cow, :, i 00 2d best, 3 00 3d best; 1 50
- AH breeds come together in tbis class and com
pete with each other to be, judged by their good
points, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and
the stock the will produce. ' ' "
Judge- William pi own. j. v. uenmng, xavia
Class 1, Grade Cattle owned n the county.
Best eow for milch,$4 00 2d best, $3 3d best, SI
' Ueiffr,3y'old, 2 00 2d best, I 00 , , . . . ..
Heiffer 3y'soId, 2 00 2-J best, 1 00
' Calfunder8mo's,2 W . '
Ju&ges-rWm. Wise, John Peters, Jacob Flegal.
' Cr.ASS S. Ctxtn. ' ' ' '
Best Yoke of Oxen, S5 00 2d best, $3 3d best,' S2
Judsti David Holt, . Abraham Humphrey, a.
D. IlalU , -' ' -; ' ;
1 ' Class 4 Fat Cattle, '
Best fat bullock, cow or heiffer, S3 00 2d best,S2
Best fat ballockycow beiffer.over 2 years otd, S
Zd best. v -
Judges George Kettlebarger, William Evans
William Schwem. -' ' ,-.
Class 5. Thorough bred horses open to all.
Best stallion ' 1 " i i '- $3 00 2d best, f 4 00
Best .Mare and Colt !,..:. ' 1 00 2d best 3 00
' The premiums in this class are intended, only
for horses whose pedigree render them worthy,'
as the society wish io encourage the. raising of
improved stock.
i JiiJrtx Joa. Punthlnw&ite. 'D ' Whitmer.JuStitf
J. Pie. :i. - . ; : Ja: i jo-j - .. -
Class 6. Ridmsi. Draft, and Farm horses
, Political Prospects. . 1
The aspect of the canvass in Pennsylvania
is most prf?oiiraging. Recent events have
powerfully contributed to tifrite ltepublicans
of various shades of opinion, in a common
purpose. No reasonable doubt remains ot
the election of General Grart by a major
ity of thirty thousand. -It is reduced almost
to an absolute certainty that the ltepubli
cans will lose none of the Congressional dis
tricts they carried tw6 years ago; and. fair
prospect exist for their carrying one or two
districts that they lost then., A majority in
each branch of the Legislature' may confi
dently be depended ofi-; so that the political
complexion of the United States Senator to
be chosen as 31 r. Cohan's successor, would
seem not to admit 'rif debate. The omens
are decidly good. 'Republicans! close up
your ranks and matth forward to the grand
consummation. 1 Yttsburyh ' Gazr.tt c. .;
The following appointments have been
made by the Presideut, commissions to date
from 4th of August : Col. .Samuel McKelvy,
Marshal! of Western District of Pennsylva
nia; Jas. Lowry, Jr.i Surveyor of the Port
and depositary at Pittsburg ; Ferdinand K.
olz, Collector of Internal Revenue 22d
District of Pennsylvania ; Wade Hampton,
Postmaster of Pittsburgh ; Major Wm.
MeCandlass, Collector 'ol Internal Revenue
-3d District of Pennsylvania; Capt. Alfred
G. Lloyd, Assessor 23d District of Pennsyl
vania; A. L. Robinson, Postmaster of Al
legheny City, Pa. ' ., ;-. 'T". '.
The Richmond Enquirer is not pleased
with the doings at PhUadelphia. It thinks
Vallandighara should have been permitted
to enter ; and it isdisgusted with the "Hug
ping Scene" between Massachusetts, and
South Carolina. It has not had explained
to it that these things wero all for effect,
aud when it comes to understand this, the
Enqnirtr will think better of it.
"IIon'or to Whom Honor is Due.'
1 he Rebels cheered lustily .when . Hiester
C'lymer entered the Wigwam on Wednes
day last. That was but a just recognition
of the services , he had rendered to tliem
during the whole war. '
Lieut. Butts, of the Freedmen's Bureau,
was murdered in Jackson Parish,' La., a
few days ago. -. . . ;
t ' MARRIED : ,
On August 16th, 166, at the residence
of the bride's father, by Rev. GJ W. Dun
lap. Mr. Jacob D.. Snoke.- of Clearfield
trough, and 3Iisa Martha' Gearharx of
'radtord township.- ' ' -
At her residence: io" Decatur lownship.
n August 14th, 1866,-Nanct Kephart,
wife of Daniel Keghart, aged 66 years, 7
months "and 10 .day.' ' The deceased was a
uiember ot the Methodist charci, la devoted
christian, a kind -parent, a beloved neigh
bor, aiul beloved bj.awhoknew her.
icacetohcu-c'mains," '" ir t.lar-
Best saddle horse, $3 00 2d best, S2 00
Best single family horse, - '- - - - ' 1 00
Best matched carriage horses, 2 00
Beet gelding or inare for work, 2 00
Best span of draught horses or mres,-,-.i "-4 00
Second best. ' " 1 ' 2 00
liest colt under 2 years old, $2 00 2d best, 1 00
Best 2 year old colt, 2 00 2d best. 1 00
Best 3 year old colt, - 2 50 2d best. 1 60
The horse that moves the heaviest load on the
Stone boat,' according, to his weight, without a
whip. - Youatt on the horse, and $5 ,00
Judges'-Benj tJloom, M B. Conoway, Andre w
Pentz, Sr. ... '- . T .:"' ' - r. . .
Class 1.eTrotting korser, open to all.
Best time 3 in 5,trotting in single harness, S"!00 00
, Xo premium utiles seven entries are made,
each horse to trot against dine. Entrance fee, $30
Judges A. 11. Bhaw, John Patton, T. J. Boyer.
-1 . ' ' " Class 8. ' c 't
Sweep-Hales, open to aid. Pacmjs; in harness.
Best 2 in 3, mile heats against time, $100 00
So premium will be awarded in this class, un
less there are six entries. Entrance fee'. 1 5 00
Judge Hiram Woodward, J acob Wilhelm, H.
ll. Hard.
Class 9. Trottiuy Single harness for hor
ses owned in the county at lea-it 15 days before the
Best 3 in 5, mile heats, against time, $50 00
. No premiums awarded in this class unless there
are eight entries. Entrance tee, S.V 00
- The horse winning the premium in class 7, can
not compete for the premium in this class.
Judges Samuel Arnold, John 6.: Kadebaugh,
A. B. Shaw. . . , . .. . .
Class 10. Trotttug horses owned and raised in
the. county. '
Best 2 in 3 on time in harness S100 00
Mo premiums awarded in this class unless there
are ten entries, .hntranoe lee. So 00
Best Trotting Horse or Mare under saddle $3 00
second best, . 1 - '- 2 00
Best trotting Horse or Mare in single harness f3 00
second best, 2 00
Best Walking Horse or Mare $2 00 2d best, $1 00
Judges S. B. Jordan, W. K. Wrigley, Samuel
Class 11. Sheep and Wool.
Best Buuk, any breed, 52 00
Second best. Randalls Sheop Husbandry
Best Ewe, any breed, Randalls Sheep Husbandry
Best Sheep' fattened for mutton,
i Randall's Sheep Husbandry.
Best lamb, Randall's Sheep Husbandry.
Judges James Johnscn, John Stewart, Sr., Ja
cob Kunts. . . ,
Class 12. Sirine, open to all. ' '
Best boar, any breed, Young Farmer's Manuel, S2
Best breeding sow,any breed, &3
Second best, , r Agriculturist for one year.
Best hog, ' S3 00--2d best. S2 00
Best pig under ft mds. old. Agriculturist for one yr.
Judges W. -Brown, II W. Park, J. A. L. Flegal.
Class 13. Poultry
Best coop spring chickens not less than four,
Beamond American Poultry book.
Best 2 heaviest turkeys, Beamont Am. Poultry book
Best display of chickens. - Mine's Poultry book.
Judges A. P. Boynton, A. C. Finney, Thomas
Flemming.. .
Class 14 Plowing.
The man that plows green sward the best, 20 00
Jiuges Wm Murray .David Gearhart,U.Pents.
Class 15. Plows, Rollers, Drills; IT arrows
' and Cultivators. ,-:,'
Best plow for stobbU or sward , ' " '92 00
Best subsoil plow, Barry's Frait Garden and I 00
Beet clod crusher and roller combined, 1 00
Best grain drill; Gardner and 1 00
Best Reaper and mower, Agriculturist I yr. A 2 00
Best threshing machine. Agriculturist I yr. A 3 00
Best side bill plow, $1 00 best cultivator, 100
Best corn planter, 1 00 best harrow, ' 1 00
Best horse rake, 1 00 bestcorn shelter, I 00
Best fanning mill, 2 00 best ox yoke, 100
Best hay pitching machine 1 00
Best stalk and straw cutter, 2 00
Best horse power for general purposes. - 2 00
Beet original invention or agricul,implement,5 00
AU articles enumerated in this class not made
in the county, but produced upon exhibition if
worthy of it will be awarded a diploma '
Judges Alex. Murray, Wm. Tate, I. Donlap.-,
Class 16. Miscellaneous Farming Itnple.mruts.
Best bee hive, tfriinly's Mystery of Uea keeping.
Bestl doi.hand rakea.Sl 00 best grain cradleSl 00
Best stump macnine, 3 00 best potatd.digger, 50
Best lot garden tools. :"- The Gardner '
Best lot of Farming utensils owned by Farmer,S3
All articles enumerated in this class subject to
same rules as class 15- - s ,
Judges Joseph W. Powell Dj Chambers. Ar
thur Bell, , , .: , - , -
Class 17. Wheat, Kyr, Corn, Barley, Oats. lee.
Best acre ot winter wheat, -' St 00
Best acre of spring wheat, 2 00
Best field of wheat, 4 or lOMiorei.' ' 6 80
Best acre of rye,- $3 00 best acre ot corn, 3 00
Best field of barley, not less than 3 acres,' 3 00
Best acre of oats 83 00 best bushel corn ears, 3 00
Best 3 acres of buckwheat, , , , . 2 00
Best bushel of winter wheat, ' " ' 2 00
Best bushel of spring wheat : i - ' 2 00
Best i acre potatoes, S2 best J acre of beaus, 2 00
Best aJre of clover seed,- ' ' - ' 3 00
Beet i aero of broom oorn. . , -. .. . 2 00
Best J acre of sorguin, S2 best I acre peas, 1 00
Best iacre of rdtabagas,'- ' f- - '-' I O0
Best i bushelof timothy seed. 1 00
Best acre of carrots, ft best acre of turnips,"! 00
Bet i bushel of turnips, ' ) ' ' T , 1 00
Crops being equal, preference will be given to
thoae that yield the largest net profit. State-:
menu to be furnished by the exhibitors They
must be measured, or weighed, and a sample fur
nished at the Fair. - . ,
Applicants for premiums must furnish the com
mittee, 'with ' a statement signed by theniselves.
under a pledge of veracity, of the quantity of
grain raised on the ground entered tor a premi
um, and must state correctly ai he can the kind
and condition of the previous crops; the kind and
quantity of seed sown, and the time and mode of
putting it in the ground.
'- Persons entering field crops tor exhibition, or
intending to do so, may give notice to the Exec
utive committee at any time, and have the field
measured and examined by committee while
growing. ,- ;., ?' TT 1 a '
JjulgesViva. Bloom (0f Bcnj ) David Droas
Icr, John Thompson. vt VT .
Class 18 Bread and Cereal Food.
Hest loal of wheat bread, ? ? r . j" Diplom a .
liestluaf of rye bread. " ' " " Diploma.
Best loaf of corn bread. .7 . IMploma.
tawt pound cake, Dip.'- best sponge eake, Dip"
Ist fruit cake, ' Dip. best jelly eake. -. Dip
lst coffee cake, ' Dip. best Udv's eake, Dip
Best batchelor cake,' Dip. best eake, ' Dip
BeBt pte, any kind. Dip ' best jelly. ! Dip
Best preservesAjelty, Dip.' best ice cream.' Dip
Best display of jelly and prewerres Diploma.
Juitges.yira. Samuel Arnold, Mrs. Levi Fle
gal, Mrs. O. F. Hoop. " -
'' CtAss 19. Bitter stttd Cheese.. nV. :.
Best 5 lbs or more of butter, - . , ,.; .
I'"' " - " Mrs. Hall's Deuiestio Economy.
Best 10 pounds or more ot firkin Batter. ;
r .(. Mrs, Halt'i Domestio Economy
Best cboesearade br exhibitor, .
. jirs. Hall's Domestic Economy.
Judges Mrs. Jehn B. Hewitt, Mm. Martin
Nichols, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell.
Class 20. Flour. --' '
Best 50 pounds flour, $3 best 50 lbs rye fieur $1
Best 50 pounds spring wheat flour, , 2 00
Best 50 pounds corn meal, ' '' 100
Best 50 pounds of buckwheat flour, ' " '1 00
Judges S. i. Oswald Dan. A yers, T. Gartley. ,
'-.Class 21. Domestic Article. - '
Best box or jar of honey." i - i
Best lb pounds of maple sugar. Dip. or
Best peaches put up air tight, Dip. or 1
Best tomatoes put up air tight, Dip. or '
Best blackberries put up air tight, , Dip. or .
Best currants put up air tight, ' ' Dip. or '.; '
Best fancy jar of pickles, - Dip. or - 50
Beat gal, syrup or sorguni.or each, "Dip. or ''50
Best cured hata (cooked with mode :" '
. of curing. " : Diploma or f '-",'50
Best dried beef with mode ol curing,Dip' or 50
JiulgelTs.- Fred Arnold, ' Mrs. Robert Me
haffey, Mrs. Thomas II. Forcey "
Class 22. Domestic. Manufactures, i
Best 10 yards Flannel $1 best 10 yards sattinet $1
Best 15 yards woolen carpet - SI 00
Best 15 yards rag carpet, wool chain 1 00
Best 10 yardsclothf 1 best pair of wool blankets SI
Best woolen coverlet Ijbjest wool fringod jnits JO 50
Best pair, of woolen knit stockings ! '. 50
Best specimen of knoting, knitinj. or ;'j
needle work by Miss under 12 years ofd 50
Beist pound linen sewing-thread r r: n- - bit
Best pound stoflking-yarn' ' .'j I .-''. 50
Best foot mat - - $0 50 best tidy mat : 50
Jtidnrs Mrs. John Spackman. Mrs. Adam U ear
hart, Mrs. Thomas Henderson.
S Class 23.' Needle; Shell, Wax n-orl;c.' .
Best specimen of needle work Dip or SO 50
liest specimen needle work on machine Dip or 50.
Best specimen flowers in worsted Dip or 60
Best specimen embroidery in worsted Dip or 50
Best specimen eiubroideiy in lace ' Dip or 50
Best specimen eiubroidory in muslin Dip or 50
Best specimen of leather work . . 'i . Dip or 50
liest specimen of wax flowers ' Dip or 50
Best specimen of feather work - Dip or 50
Best specimen of ornamental work Dip or 50
Best shirt made by Miss under 12 years Dip or 50
Best patching and mending Dip or 50
Judges Mrs. Wm. Irvin, of Curwensvillc,
Mrs. Dr Lit, Mrs. Charles K Foster. '
Class 2 Millinery and Dressmaking.
Best millinery.. . $1 best dress making $1
Jiulges Mrs. T. J. Boyer, Mrs. .Nancy Stewart,
Mrs. Benjamin Hartshorn.
.' Class 25. Artistic Work:
Best painting in oil Dipbestportraitpainting Dip
Best cattle painting Dip
Best painting in water-colors ; ' ' Dip
Be t ornamental painting of any kind Dip
Best Daguerreotypes taken ou the ground , f Dip
Best am broty pes taken on the ground ' " Dip
liest photographs taken on the the ground Dip
Best land scape painting Dip best penmanship Dip
It L!,.... , J ' , v
ice l uruu 1 1 cv lu rit l mxn tug 1ip
Jades VLt. Edward Stoughton, Miss Mary A.
Irvin, Miss Koxey Tyler .'
, Class 20. Designs.
Best designs for farm house, barn, carriage house
and stable Sloans Ornamental Houses & $5 00
Best design for do.tr j home Manuel of me buuio
Best design for ice house (150
Best design for fruit house -' "-, 150
Best design for bridge with plan, span not ' '
less than 250 feet 3 00
Judges oseph Bnrchfield, John Beck, Chris
tain Emeigh.
Class 27. Metalie Frabries and Machinery .
Be t cooicing-stove, wood or coal, $:l 00
2d best cooKing-stove wood or coal, 2 00
3d beat cooking-stove wood or coal, - Dip
Best parlor-stove S2 best cast-iron fence S3 00
id best parlor-stove SI 2d best cast-iron fence Dip
Best specimen or lot of tin-ware $00
2d best specimen or lot of tin-ware Dip and 1 00
Best specimen blacksmithing ;. 2 00
Best specimen gunsmithing . . 2 00
Best specimen iron-turning 2 00
Best plate castings SI, best shower-bath 100
Best original invention in county 5 00
Best display of table and pocket c'uttlery. Aineri
can manufacture Diploma
Best display of edge tools Diploma
Best display farming and field tools Diploma
- The above premiums are offered for articles
manufactured in the county. Diploma may be
awarded for any of the above articles on exhibi
tion without regard to their place ot manufacture.
Jutlges Thomas Riley, W. T. Gilbert, Thomas
- . Class 23. Vehicles of all kinds.
Best family carriage $5, best timber sled $2 00
Best buggy ; 4, best horse cart 1 00
Best farm wagon 4, best wheelbarrow 1 00
Best sleigh 2 00
Judges Samuel Kirk, Miles Read, John Briel.
Class 29. Cabinet-ware fn county.
Best dressing bureau. $2, best sofa, $2
Best extension table. 2, best lounge - 50 cts
Best wah st.ind, 50 cts. best look' glass f me 50c
Best office chair, 50 cts best set pari furn'e . S-l
Best variety of chairs S2, best set chairs 2
BestDedstead 1, best centre table 1
Best display of cabinet-ware Dip. and' 2
Judges Harry Fleming, John W. Wright and
George Erhafd. '"
Class 30 --Cooperi ng and carpentering.
Best pine ware tubs, stands, Ac, Ac, Dip. and SI
Best specimen sash, 1, best lot buckets, , 1
Best window-blinds, - 1, best lot baskets, 1
Best pannel-door, 1 best set grain moas'rs 1
- Judges Conrad Baker, Amos Read, Charles S.
Worrell. ..,....,-..;.)..
Clas3 31. Roots and Garden Vegetables'. 1 '
Best i bush, c'arrotts, 50c. best 6 h'ds cabbage 50c
Best J bush, rutabagas 50c. best 2 h'ds caulifl'rs Dip
Best i bush, potatoes 50c. bestqt. Windsor bean 50c
Best i bush, tomatoes 50(3. best variety melons 50c
Best J bush, table beets 50o best vari. squashes 50o
Best i bash, sw't pota. 50c. best 4 ,talks.celery Dip
It must be shown that all vegetables have been
raised by the exhibitor.
Judges Vi. H. Moore, David Welty," Anderson
Class 32. Curriers, Satltllers and Shoeinalei.
Best gents boots and shoes . ..,, ..'2 00
Best . ladys' boots and shoes -100
Best display of boots aud shoes r . 2 00
Best ladys' riding saddle ' . ,2 CO
Best riding bridle and martingale 1 00
Best side finished harness leather J 50
Best robe made by exhibitor - ' 100
Bet tug harness - J S2. best carriage harness $3
Best gents' saddle .-2, best single harness 3
Bestdisplay of saddlery 3, best traveling trunk 1
Best calf skin ' 50o. best side sole leather 50c
Best side kip leather 50c, best side upper leath. ,50c
Judges Jainei Stewart,!. S.Cole, Geo. Bower-
ClAss 33 Tailors' and Upholstett' Work.
Best suit of clothes made by hand $2 00
Best coat made by a lady, '100
Best pants and vest made by a lady. - 1 00
Best husk mattress .' Slv best straw mattress 1 00
Best hair mattress 2 00
P Judges Levi Flegal. L. Speice, CyrenusHone.
' ' ' ' Class 34.- Printing ttl County. '
Best Handbill, Diploma, Best blank, Diploma
Best Card, Diploma, Best newspaper. Dip
Best Ornamental printing, Diploma
Judges Vim. Bigler, CKW.. Bnyder, H. B.
Swoope. . """ " ' , .. ,' ,.
Class 35 StonerWar.- '; - -"
Best assortment and best quality,1-'' - $5 00
Judges S. B. Wilson.' Henry Wright, Andrew
Wilson. , ; ; . . i jj r-t f (- .
Class Z6.CAe,inieals and CJeuueal action in Co.
Best available manure at moderate cost l 00
Best available manure for farm products ..I l 00
-- ri :ui-,.l .:. .";'
Best material for glue 50c. best tallow candles 50
Best vinegar, , 50e. best linseed oil,-. 50
Best specimen of soap 50a. beet writing-ink ' 50
'J-dges-thomm Waning,-Dr. Jefferson Liu,
Dr. R. V Spackmaa.
! Class 37. Wood and Stone.
Best dressed stone, SI best mill stone, ' $1
Beet grind stone. 1 best but. bowl. Dip. A 50e
Bestshingles-Dip or 50o best turned article, ; 50o
Best floorboard. wk'ed SI best wash'g machine $1
Best split or sh' vedhoopt.Dip. best butter ladleDip
Best weather boards, worked. SI 00
Judges Thot. Liddell, John B. Kyler, John
. Class 3f. Natural Minerals
Best suit of useful minerals of Clearfield eounty,'
' including coal. $2 00
Best cabinet of minerals of Clearfierd auJ adjoin
ing connties.to be the property of the society, $5 00
Best lime stone, 50o best potter's clay.50c
Beat fire clay. 50o best burnt lime.Sl 00
Bestcollection of tossils, 1 best coal, ' 100
Judges F-red Shefl", V. B. Holt, Sam'l. Clyde,
" ' ".' ' Class 39.Fnrit. '
Best Display and greatest variety of grafted ap
plesy summer ani wisrter. Husbandman on A -
merican Wines, and ' S2 00
Best display of pears. Cole's Am F't book A I 00
Best plums and cherries, Cole s An. Fruit book.
Best quinces, Manning s Fruit book.
Best specimen of apples.lp. Manning's Fruit book;
Best spec. Am'ioan grapes. Manning's Fruit book.
Best seedling grapes raised in county and
worthy of culture, j0c
Best domestio wine and mode of manu-
" ' facture, - Fuller's Grape culture
Best currant wine. Manning's Fruit book
Best Mack berry wino, r Manning's Fruit book.
Best gooseberries, Manning's Fruit book.
Judges Frank Flemming: Peter Hoover, John
Wright. rj
f j ! - Class 40-r-Horsemanship. S '
To the lady whb manages her horse best and sits
most gracefully, - Diploma.
To the gentleman who manages his horse best and
siU most gracefully, . Diploma,.
Best display of horsemanship, not less than five
couple, - - ... .. . Diploma.
Best driving in the course by a lady, Diploma.
Best company f cavalry.' . . . Diploma.
Best company, f infantry, 'J ' :. Diploma.
Best band with brass instruments. Diploma.
Best martial bind. Dip. best ten singers. Dip.
Judges-r-YtaA Irvin, W Irvin, James Irviu.
1 ' ' CLASS 41 J .Nurseries.' - ' r- '
Best nursery containing the greatest variety of
iruits and Rbrubs, cultrvated in tho most approved
manner, the applicant to furnish written descrip
tion, with the variety and mode of culture 3 00
Second best. - Barrv's Fruit Garden.
Judges Jus. Hughes, Wm. fate, Levi Dressier.
Class 42 General List.
Bes display and greatest variety of flowers, Dip.
jest display and greatest variety ot plants, Dip.
Best display of floral ornaments, Diploma.
Best basket boquet, with handle, , , : Diploma.
Best hand bouquet,- Diploni.i.
Juitses Miss Elizabeth Fullerton, Misj l'erks
Miss Martha Gearhart.
"Discretionary premiums will be awarded
for all articles of merit exhibited - by mechanics
in all the various branches, and it is hoped a gen
eral exhibition will be made. For all improve
ments useful to the farmer, and having valuable
properties. discretionary premiums may be award
ed by the Executive committee.
President, RICHARD SHAW, Jr
Execitttce. Committee, Josiah R. Read,
' G. D Goodfellow, George Thorn.
; t ' Jos. II. Jones. Ephriam Shirey.
Treasurer, A. M. Hills. Secretary, I. G. Barger,
Corresponding Secretary, D. F. Etzweiler.
The People's Candidate for Congress.
Col. Dan Rica ; Deab Sir: We, the. under
signed citizens of Girard and Erie county, in view
ot the patriotio services rendered the Govern
ment,' and the many thousands of bard earned
dollars you have expended to sustain and carry
on the war against rebellion: havinz Droved
yourself the true friend of the soIdier,and know
ing yom to be a true friend and supporter of An
drew Johnson and his administration in their ef
forts to restore the Union, and having confidence
in your integrity and abmtv to discharge the du
ties of Representative of the 19th District in Con
gress, we therefore request that you allow your
name to be used as the people's candidate for that
omce at the ensuing election.
Geo. Senyard,
E. J. Kenyan,
J. Gulliford,
J. Martin.'
W.L. Traut,
Wm. Piatt,
. II. Benham,
James Brawley,
Henry Ball,
A. M. Osborn.
Cbas. 11. Grant,
Louis Yeager,
S. D Cnckett,
John Brecht, '
Hiram Daggett,.
J. W. At water, .
K. Jewel.
E W. Clark,
' William Tyler, '
G. S. Gulliford,
John Hay. Jr.
J. L. Hart,
G. W.Stines,
A. Martin, '
Robert Wiloox.
i. E. PettibCne
A.Stone, '
-- James Callan,"
John II. Guilliford,
A. G.' Ely.
E. K.Smith,
Frank McCreary,
: Win. II Edson,
F. M Coats.
John Robertson,
D. Olin,
; John Kessell,
E. S. -Selknap,
W. D. Webber,
II L. Parr,
W. D.Martin,
J. T. Simmons,
A. White, '''
S. F. Miison, I
L. B. Chevalier,
Jas. L. Thayer,
S. T. Williams,
Geo. C. Martin,
C. W. Noyes,
D. Nason,
Maxon Godfrey,
H Kittleberger, Jr.'
Michael Schumaker, Jr.
Robert Calder,
I. D. Hart,
J. 3t. Murpbyv
J. Bender.
' Altooja. f a.. June 2Sfh. 186S.
"fo fHK Citizens or GiHARtV aSd" Eric county.
Pa.: Your letter, proposing to run me for Con
gress, is received. I would indeed be insensible
to the commonest impulse? of humanity were I
not filled with the warmest sentiment of gratitude
for the friendly expressions and persona' regard
that your letter contains, signed as it is by Re
publicans and Democrats, whom I know to be
staunch sopporters of the Government, and many
who have risked their lives for the preservation
ot thel mon. Such distinguished consideration
overcomes every natural objection I may have for
political honors, consequently I do accept of your
Kinu invitation to allow my name io ue useu, uui
with the understanding that I am not to be the
standard-bearer of either political party (Repub
licans or Democrats) but if nominated it must be
by a I'eople s Convention, as 1 belong to tue peo
pie. I he v are in v friends and patrons, and in
justice to them, composed as they are of all shades
ui puiiucai. opinions, a must cunuum w no iu
their esteem, and' labor to promote their happi
ness aud interests which has been the height of
my ambition for twenty-five years.
Respectfully, Yours, Dam Ricb.
-U dersigned is prepared to collect Bounties aud
Pensions for his fellow soldiers. '' .'-
- . i ALFRED M. SMITH. :
Aug',15. Late Lt Col. 5th Pa. Reserves.
morals. lJid velvet and lasting slippers, chil
dren's fancy shoes, fine calf boots and gaiters,
cheap at . J. P. KRATZER'S.
. and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron
j, Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. June '66.
UMM'ER SHAWLS Lace Mantles, Silk
coats, closing out for cost at
August 8, 1866. J. P. KRATZER'S.
GRASS SCYTHES, Patent Snaths, Scythe
stones, rakes and forks, for sale at
July 11. 1866. J- P KRATZER'S.
COFFEE Prime RiC, Laguyra, Java, selling
at the lowest market prioes at ,'
August 8, 1866 -lm. J. P. KRATZER'S. '-v
TOBACCO Natural leaf.cavendish.eongress.
-Spn roll, navy, flnw ant, choice' brands of
cigars, for sale at .-.-.. J. P. KRATZER'S.
CJPG ARS Cuba, sugar house, refined, white,
7- erusaed, granulated.- palvense. '"-"""
tndat .' , J P. KRATZERS.,
OOP SKIRTS the latest t?'1 'rt
andsiea.)at ii.KJuian.aa.cj,
. - i r - : : .. : - . - : . - t
CJ ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars. Ac. for
t? sale at .MEKKELL A KliiLtft &.
PPLLEV BLOCKS of -varions siiw to be
A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints. oils
white lead. etc.. at E. A. IRVIN'S
PANISll SOLE LEATnFR, French calf
siunsv tooroccod, tri minings and bindings at
July II, lfeflB. J. P. -SRArZER'S..
NOTIONS, Ae. Ae at Meti's. Glen Hope
Clearfield county, Pa May 30, 186V.
' jf T. 3D ,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Hats,
Caps, Furs, and Straw Gocds.No. 413 Market St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. - May 23 A,
The andersignex) aalopta this method of in
forming the pubho and the patrons of the late
Wm. Gahagan. of Bellefonte, that he is carrying
on the MARBLE BUSINESS in the Borough of
Clearfield, in all its various branches, and will
hold himself always in readiness to furnish those
who call upon him, with all kinds of 4jesietkrv
work, such as Monuments, Box . Toiubs, Cradle
Tombs, Spires, Oblisks, Grecian . Tombs, Table
Tombs. Head Stones, carved, sculptured or plain.
as cheap, h -ant cheaper, than they can be bad at
any other establishment in the country. Thank
ful for past favors, tire undersigned solicits an in
crease ot patronage. '
July -ia, 13156. JUU.N W.liiUAUA-t.
Jf. B. Persons who TesiJo mora convenient to
Tyrone, will please call there, as he has also
opened a shop in that prase. - . -
Their celebrated thorough bred Steed, '-cheapest
eor cash," the Peoples' favorite!
Remember this.' and when in want of beasosa-
price, call at the store of Kirk. A Spknceb, in
Lumber City. You will not fail to be suited, '
Dress Goods and Notions in great vatiety,
We study to please.
Lumber City, Pa.. July 1, 1865.
. E - IIVE - E - HVC - B - E - 3?t ,
Has Removed His Cheap Cash Store
To his now rooms, recentlv erected on South Sec
' ond Street. Clearfield, Pa., where he will be
pleased to have his old friends call to
see him, and as many new ones as
will favor him with their custom
The undersigned lias just received from the East
ern cities a .large and well selected stock of the
most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at
the cheapest prioes. His friends and custom
ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and
ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere
as he ieels persuaded none undersell him. . His
stock embraces a well selected assortment of
Dry-Gcods and Notions, Hardware,
Queensware, Groceries, Drugs, Oils ami
Paints. Glass. Hats and Caps, Baskets and
Buckets, School Books and Stationary, Salt, Axes,
Nails sad Spikes.
Also, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of
the very best makes, and at prices lower tnan
Also, Dried Fruits, and Canned Fruits,
And a great variety of other useful article, all of
which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex-
- changed for approved produce.
Go to the "cheap cash store" if you want to buy
goods at fair prices. - -
May 2, 1866. WM F. IRWIN. -
"R 1 ID G- E , ,
Market Street, Clearfield, Ta,,
One door East of the Clearfield House,!'
Keeps oo haid a full assortment of Gents' Fuv--,
nibbing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, '
Vtidersbirts, Drawers and SocwiNeck-ties, Pock-
rt Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , "
in great variety. Vf piece goods lie "seeps io
Best Cloth, (e-f all shades,)' BtacfcV
l)oe-6lxn Cassimeres of the best make, -Faney
Caimeres in great variety:
Also. French Coatfngs; Beaver, ntot,'Ch7nehiiIV-snl-Trioott
Over-coating, all of which will be -dd
cheap for cash, and made up according" to
the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also
aent for Clearfield eounty, for I. M.- Singer A '
Co s Sewing Machines. November 1, 1X65.
T TENTIO X I liu'V E US !f
Having just returned from the eat with a gen
eral assortment of goods- to which they desire to '
invite the attention of their old customers and -friends.
Tbcir stock consists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries". Hardwnre.Quocnsware','
Tinware. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Clothing. Notions, etc., in great variety, which
they now. offer at prioes for cash to suit the
They also de-al in Grain, Po'rk.Shinglcs. Boards,'
and other lumber, which will bo rcacired at the-
highest market prices iu exchange for goods.-
Persons desirous of purchasing goods at farr
rates are respectfully requested to give us a calf.
Remember you can find us at the old stand on
Main Street where we are prepared to Accomo
date easterners with anything -in our ' Una - o.
Sept. ft. lSlrj. 11IPPLE A FAUST.
g P R I N O G O O D S.
Are just opening at the Old Stand above the-'
A large and splcivlij assortment of Spring good's,
which they are selling at grcirtiy reduoed prioes.
Particular attention is invited to their stock of --
(Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng
lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil
cloths, Wiudow Shades and -Wall Papers
Especial pains has 'been taken in the selection.
of Ladies' Dress Goods1, White Geods, Euta-roide
ries and Millinery goods.
They hsve"aKn a large stock of Ready-made
clothing; and Boots and Shoes, which they will
sell at a small advance on city cost, ' .i
' Flur, Baon. Fish: Salt and Plaster, Apple,'
Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand.
Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wines
for medicinal use's
Also in store a quantity of large and enralf
clover seed.'
We intend' to make it an object for Farmers
and Mechanics to buy from us; because we will
sell our gootis as low as they can be bought in
the eounty;'and will pay the very highest price
for all kinds of country produce. We will also
exchange goods for School, Koad snd County or
ders; ShingTes. Boards and every kind of manu
factured Lumber. March 14, lHt6;
W. S M I T LT & CO.,
Market Street, Clearfield, Pa ,
O F E N 1" It'" G
Selling the cheapest and best line of Dry Goods
offerei in Clearfield county. Having been the
last to purchase, we have the advantage of the
decline in prices, and offer this advantage to all
our customers, and all others.
In ladies dress goods we bring only the latest
and most fashionable materials. Alpacas. (which
are-no -'so fashionable" in the East.) we have
good qualities as low as 45 cents, and good shades
and colors.
Yfff offer als j a novelty, which has just appear
ed in dress goods called Pcnale Robes." Tbey
come in patterns and comprise all shades and de
signs. Thev are all read v to make up : the trim
ming. being attached to the pattern. These goods-
possess also the advantage of being done up at
any time.
Fancy Dry Goods.!!es',T,ri.m'd.I)'
t -A,.Ja,.Jv:A m. ladies' Trimmings,
"-"l-W-'; V." v, Ladies' Straw cord.
Ladies' Lisle Gloves,
Ladies' Mohair Mitts,
Ladies' Fine silk Nets.
Ladies' Fancy Chenelle.
Ladies' Magio Ruffling,
Ladies' Lace Edgings,
Ladies' Straw Ornaments
Mens' Wear.
Fine assortment Fancy
rn.simeres iu Patterns.
", j .
Ladies' Thread Edgings, extremely Cheap.
Ladies' Silk Tassels, -
Ladies' Val. fluting, J Boots and SllOCS.
Ladies' Silk Scarfs, ,Mmg, 1Ioayy Monrocs
Ladies tancy Ties M , Fine Ca,f Boot
LRdfe Emb d Ha chiefs ng, Qoat m
Lad.es Stiched Han i kfs.'Meng, GXav6C Gaiterg
Lad.es LawnHan chiefs M , 0 SHpp0rg.
Lad.es Assorted Buttons ,M , Put 1thr' Boot8
Lad.es Kmp. U p Sk.rts,y h , and v , sh
Ladies' Skirt covers. L 8iic8 and styles
-,,' ' i rt Straw Hats, Hosiery,Kid
fehOC3 and CraiterS.,Glovos and Collars
Ladies' Lasting Gaiters,!
Misses' Lasting Gaiters, Stationary of all Kinds
Misses' Goat Boots, -I ; "
Ladies' Goat Boots 'Fniit3 Frtlit" ! !
r.l??,.M0T6 CaU0tJ!Seedless Raisins
Wer Raisins, "
........ , 'lr,,t9
Ladies' Shaker Hoods,
Ladies' Opera Slippers,
Ladies' Cant'n Sundowns
Ladies' Derby Hats.
Ladies' Split Hats, '
Ladies' Lnten Hats,
Misses' Lnten Hati,
Infants' Luten Hats,
Infants' Willow Caps,
Canned Pwaches, .
Canned Pears,
Canned Corn,
Canned Pine Apples,
Canned Sardines.
I Italian Maccaroni,
j Almonds. Figs, Cream
sjjfats. Filberts, Lemons,
Oranges Ae
(Super Extra Pickled
Crackers. Sugar crackers, Lemon biscuit. Egg
biscuit, Faney biscuit, Water crackers, and Butter
Oils and Spices, New Orleans Molasses, Super
Extra Syrups, Sugars. Coffee, Rice.Teas, Candles.
goap. Tobacco, and Cigars.
Hoes and mattes, tiraft Hooks and Trowels,
Mope, Oil eloths-Wlllow Ware. Fish, . Salt, and
Hams. r . Clearfield, Pa. May 9, 1866.
CARRIAGE WHIPS, Wagon whips, Riding
whips, raw-hides, lashes, fta in great varie
ty at ....... ., - .... J. P. KRATZEK b..
RON 1 IRON ! ! Bar iron, for sale at the
Lstoreof --. ,r MERRELL A BIG LER--i
E "W O O O ID 3 -
Have Just Received and Opened a Ssock of
Which were pnrchased'daring the present decline,
and therefore are enabled to sell very cheap-
Consists' in part of Merinos, Alpacas, Poplins
Wool, Arm trre, and common Delaines; Prints,
G inghams, Shawls. Hoods, Hosiery .Gloves. Nu
bias. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flannels,
Lades' Cloth, Sheetings. Muslins: Tower
ing. Ticking, Sontags. Breakfast Shawls,
Capes, Ac Also, a full assoRtstent oi ..
Among which are Hats. Bonnets, Feathers. Rib
bons. Flowers, Laces, Frames, Matiness, Vel
vets, Silks, Ctapes, Berages, Veils, eto.,
and a large stock of
Inclu-rf-tn-g' China, Bronia. Fpier M'acfle-. tisy
Rosewood Glass. Pewtfer". Wooden,
Parian and Candy Toys.
Such as Pomades, Oils. Bandoline. bloom of youths
and Paints, Rouge. Lilly White, eto.
Thankful for past favors, w solicit a continu
ance of the kind patronage of the fopTe of Clear
field county.
I5"Rememher the place Second Street, next
door to First National Bank. Xov. 2tf. 1865 '
New firm and new arrangement,
ant) new goods at very low prices'.
The underigued having foimed a copartner
ship in the Mercantile business, would respectful
ly invite the attention ot the public generally to
their splendid assortment of Merchandise, which
is now being sofd very low for cash. Their rtock
consists in part of ."',' V. ' . ; :
of thobest quality, such as Print", Delaines. Alpa
cas. Merinos. G inirh am s ; Muslins, bleached and
unbleached ; Drillings. Tickings, cotton and wool
Flannels, Cassimcrs. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu
bias. Hoods, Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ae.. Ac. all
of wHch will be sold low ron cash. Also, a fine
assortment of the best of
MEN S W B A ; R , -
consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps,
.Boots and btroes, iiandcercnieiu crevau, io.
Ar.an. Raft Rone. Don Rope, Raltina Aarars
and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and
Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc
A i.so.iOueensware. Glassware, Hardware. Groce
ries, and spices of all kinds.' Ia short, a general
assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail"
store.' all cheap for cash, or -7p roved eountry
produce.- ...a .
FOR SALE at cost 4. good cook' stoves,.
. eloM oat the stock, at the cheap eash sluo
of - . 1J&MOSSOP. CarfialA Ps
Mets a, Glea Hope, Pa. May 30l!6t.