s I 14 nl Raftsman's Journal; S. J. BOW, BtHTOH AKO PIlOPirTOK.. i. frt-. CLEARFIELD, PA., AUGUST 22, 186G, UNION REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. : fob govkrxor: MaJ. Gea. JOHN W; GEARY, of Comb. Co. . REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. V , rocisscxBLT: : j Lt. JOHN M. OHASE.of Woodward Twp. . bubject to decuitm of conferees. . , .... " . 1 11 . : . - t ; : !, - REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. . " -!. . . ASSOCIATIS JCDflES ': J'. ABTHUB BELL, Esq., of Bell township. Lt.? TH0S. ; LIDDELL, .of Clearfield Bor. "' - COMMISSION P. R t ' ' - ' J JACOB HOOVES. Esq., of Lawrence Twp. JOHN.EUSSELL, Eaq.;jof Penn township. .! A! . A Poll Acknowledgment; The Clearfield litbubUcun of .the loth of Augast.'contains the following, which ex--i plains Itself: ' ' '-" j ' 1 -'"'-'-''-. As'Explanatios'. Two weeks ao, in a rather jocular manner, we Intimated that "W.A. W." Dad had hi satchel stolen on the cars, containing a number of papers and other valuables, and that the editor of the .lonrtuil was in the same; car as we presume there were ala. a score of other persons. The statement, though true, seems to hare offended oar neighbor tremendously. ' We had made the shoe to fit another party, intending to use the Journal editor as proof in the future, if necessary. We are surry that he has, in his haste of self-justification, "put his foot in it--' We did not then, nor do we now, believe that he it ok the satchel ; but, stfbmehow or other, his re fined and chaste mind has become highly in censed at what we said, and in his last issue noti fies ns to retract. This we certainly d'fc if, as he iutiinates, our language is offensive and slander ous to him. ' We do not want to misrepresent, or state that which may be - personally offensive to anyone; but we may sometimes be mistaken, or our language be uiUinterpretod, and in our un couth, backwoods manner, publish that which is offensive to the refined and educate! mind: ' This seems to be our misfortune not' our ' design at this time; hence, like Cot. Crockett's 'coon, -'we'll come down," so far as our lanzuajto appears per sonally offensive or slanderous, because nothing of tbe kind was intended. In political affair we acknowledge we do not draw a very fine sight sometimes, but in personal or private matters we always want to be right; and should we at any time give offence in this way to any one, we de sire to be notified of it, and the offenco poiutcd out, in order to apply tne corrective. That will do, George. Your "explanu- tioii ia satisfactory, f. i- ,-, . m , - Olymer to Withdraw ! -. It really looks as if Hiester Clyiner would be compelled to "withdraw" as a Guberna toriaj candidate. . A verjr strong pressure was brought against: him in the Philadelphia Convention, and the . compulsory "with drawal'' of Vallandigham, Fernando Wood, ana Henry Ulay iJean, whose records dur ing the war are not more objectionable than Clymej's, has given it peculiar force. The new party insist upon a new man of the "National Union" stripe- a Soldier, if one can be obtained, in CK'nier' place. It is eaid that ' Clyruer is to be offered a Foreign mission by Johnson, as a bribe to decline which considering his hopeless chance to be made Governor he will tyobably be glad to accept. ' So farjis the Republicans are con cerned,il makes not a bit of difference wheth er.. Clymer withdraws or not. Gen. Geary will sweep the field against any new candi date the Copper-Johnson's can trot out. .. .. . .. The Prospect. Hiester Clymer is by no means popular among the Democratic party leaders in the eastern portion of the State. Indeed,promi nent Democrats of Philadelphia have ' but little respect for the Berks county politician. and are not slow in thus expressing them selves. Every day Geary's chances of suc cea grow muck better, and if present ap pearances are to be taken as an index for comiig events, the soldier-candidate will be eloctHl by a majority even much larger than his warmest friends anticipate. " If any one yet supposes that the Philadel phia "National Union" Convention was not gotten up in the interest of the Democratic partly, he will probably be undeceived when tie reads that Hester Clymer was in Phila delphia "cheek by jowl" with the managers of the concern, aud was cheered upon mak ing his appearance at the Wigwaui. , u ., The fact that the texts of Gen. Sheri dan's dispatches to members of the Execu tive departments are withheld, must be ta ken as evidence that the original, garbled publication did him great injustice. . The same conclusion is reached by direct testi mony from New Orleans. Mr. A. II. Stephens was at Philadelphia, but was not allowed by the managers of the Convention to make himself .heard. Free speech was suppressed in order to deceive the people by a semblance of harmony. ; " .- . mmm.f- vThe President ha' issued a proclamation restoring the wrTtof habeas corpus, in Tex as, and declares that Texas is tranquil and orderly and entitled to all the rights of a State in the Union." On the 15th, Hon. Thaddeus Stevens was nominated for Congress by the Repub-" licaus of Lancaster couuty, by acclamation. . THE PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION. ;M On Tuesday, August ; 14tlv tie so-called 'National Union " Oouventioo assembled at, Philadelphia, and continued in; session for three days. An iinmense'Wigwam, ca pable of holding 10:000 persons, had been e rected for the accommodation of the parti-' cipants and spectators. The gathering was certainly the most miscellaneous affair that has been seen in this country for many years, comprising reconstructed Rebels from, the South, inveterate Copperheads from the North, and perhaps a tithe of disappointed, 4auJul,.anjlAdjcetursu3JL nowhere in particular. Every State, we be lieve," was represented,5 tut' many of the prominent nien, whose names had .hereto fore been used in connection .with the move ment, were absent ; Among those in attend ance were Gov. Randall, ' the two Blairs, DooHttle. Cowan, Turlow Weed;'1' Dean Richmond, Sunset Cox, Vallandigham, Fer nando Wood, Gov. Bigler, Judge Wood ward, Cornelius Wendell, Gov. Orr of South Carolina.' Gov. Perry, Wm. A. Graham, Ileverdy Johnson,.Garrett Davis, Alex. II, Stevens, and. others of the same stripe. ; Gen.' Dix, of New York, was chosen tem porary chairman, and Mr; Doolittleof Wis consin, as permanent presiding officer, with a Vice President and Secretary : from each State.; - y. i '. The managers of the Convention had ev; : erythiug "cut and dried", for . the occasion, and by a judicious manipulation of Vallan digham and Fernando Wood, succeeded in getting those two ' immaculate . patriots to ."withdraw" as delegates, though we can not see how this, act will rid them of the o diura of their having been 'nt there by the party to which they belong. There was any amount of cheering when ever any promiuent man made his appear ance, and great was the enthusiasm when the delegates from Massachusetts and South Carolina, headed by Gov. Orr and Gen Couch, were asked to come forward, arm in arm. On motion of Mr. Cowan, of Penn'a, a committee of two from each State and Ter ritory was appointed to prepare resolutions and an address. Mr. Cowan and Hon. Wm. Bigler represented Pennsylvania on this committee. ' , ' The committee ; on resolutions reported the following platform, or declaration of principles: ! r . The National Union Convention now as sembled in the city of Philadelphia, com posed of delegates from every State and Territory in the Union, admonished by the solemn lesson which for the last five years, it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the U ni verse to give the American people ; pro foundly grateful for the return of puacC; de sirous, as a large majority of their country men, in all sincerity to. forget and to forgive the past; revering the Constitution as it comes to us frqm our forefathers; regard ing the Union in its restoration as more sa cred than ever ; looking with anxiety into the future as of instant importance hereby u-suesand proclaims the following declaration of principles and purposes, on which they have with perfect unanimity agreed: . First. We hail with gratitude to Alniirrh- ty God the end of the war and the returu of peace to our afflicted and beloved land. Second. The war just closed has maintain ed the authority of the Constitution, with all the powers winch it confers and all of the restrictions which it imposes upon the General Government unabridged rnd unal tered; and it has preserved the Union, with the equal rights, dignity, and authority of tne stares periectand unimpaired. lhird. Representation in the Congress of the United States and in the Electoral Col lege isa right recognized in the Constitution as abiding in every State, and as a duty im posed upon its people, fundamental in its nature, and essential to the existence of our republican institutions; and neither Con gress nor the General Government has any poweror authority to deny this right to any btate, or to withhold its enjoyment under the Constitution from the people thereof. Fourth. We callupon the people of the United States to elect to Congress, -as 'mem bers thereof, none but men who admit this fundamental right of. repretientation, and who will receive to seats thereiu loyal repre sentatives from every State in allegiance to the United States, subject only to the ConJ stuutionai ngnt ct each House to judge of the election returns and qualifications of its own members. Fifth. The Constitution of the United States and laws made in pursuance thereof are the supreme law of the land, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. All powers not conferred by the Constitution upon the General Government nor prohibited by it to States, are reserved to the States, or to the people thereof, and anion" the rights thus reserved to the States is the right to pre scribe the qualifications for the elective f ran ch lse therein, which right Congress cannot interfere with.. ( No State or combination of States has the right to withdraw from the Union, or to exclude, through their action in Congress or otherwise, any other State or States from the Union. The Union of these States is perpetual, and cannot be dissolved. Sixth. Such amendments to the Constir tution of the United States may be made by the people thereof as they may deem ex- Eedient, but only in the mode pointed out y its provisions; and in proposing such a mendments, whether by Congress or by a convention, and in ratifying the same, . all the States of the Union have an equal and an indeteasable right to a voice and a vote thereon. - , , . ' ' Seventh. Slavrw ;a' prohibited, and there is neither desire nor purpose on the part of the Southern States that " should ever be re-established uponievery shape and form which great calami the soil or within the jurisdiction of the U mted states; and the enfranchised slaves in all the States of the Union should re ceive, in common with all their inhabitants, equal protection in every right of person and pro(erty. Eighth. -while we regard as ntterlv in valid and never to be assumed, or mado nf h I - - ... . - .....v... binding force, any obligation incurred or un- 1 dertaken in making war against the United States, we hold the debt of the nation to be sacred and inviolable, and we proclaim our purpose in discharging this duty, as in per forming all other National obligations, to maintain; unimpaired and unira peached, the honor and faith of the republic. ; Ninth. It is the , duty of the National Government to recognize the services of the Federal soldiers and ' sailors in the contest just closed, by meeting promptly and fully all their just and rightful claims for services they have rendered the nation, and by ex tending to thoseof them who have survived, and to the. widows and orphans of those ;who,'fell, the .most generous and considerate care. Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, who in his great office has proved, stead fast iu- his devotion to the Constitution and the laws, and the interest of his country unmoved by persecution and undeserved reproich ; having faith un assailable in the people,:and in the princi ples of free -government, we recognize a Chief :MagLstrate .whois worthy of the na tion, and equal to the great crisis "upon which his lot is cast, and we tender to him, in the discharge of his high and responsi ble duties our profound respect, and the assurances of our cordial and sincere support. The. reading of the resolutions was fre quently interrupted by bursts of applause, and at the close the audience rose en masse to give vent to their satisfaction. .The res olutions were adopted by a unanimous vote. ( ! The address was read by Mr. Raymond, who was frequently interrupted by applause. The document is' a very lengthy one,Tand mainly but au amplification of -the resolu tions. There are, however, a few para graphs which are important as showing the temper and purposes of the mauagers of the Convention, and we, therefore, give them, as follows:- - ' ; : . History affords no instance where a peo ple, so powerful iu numbers, in resources and in public spirit, after a war so long in its duration, so destructive in its progress, and so adverse in its issue, have accepted defeat and its consequences with so much of good faith as has marked the conduct of the people lately in insurrection against the Uni.ed States. Beyond all question this has been largely due flo the wise generosity with which their enforced surrender was ac cepted by the President of the United States and the generals in immediate com mand of their armies, and to the liberal measures which were afterward taken to re store order, tranquility and law to the States where ali had for the time been overthrown. No steps could have been better calculated to command the respect, win the confidence, revive the patriotism and secure the perma nent and affectionate allegianee of the peo ple of the South to the Constitution and laws of the Union than those which have been so firmly taken and so steadfastly pur sued by the President of the United States. 'And if that confidence and loyalty have been since impaired if the people of the South are to-day less cordial in their allegi ance than they were immediately upon tho close of flie war, we believe it is due to the changed tone of the legislative department of the general Government toward them ; to the action by which Congress has endeav ored to supplant and defeatrthe President's wise and betieficient policy of restoration ; to their exclusion from all participation in o'ur common Government ; to the withdraw al from them of rights conferred and guar anteed by the Constitution, and to the evi dent purpose of Congress, in the exercise of a usurped and unlawlul authority, to re duce them from the rank of free and equal members of a republic of States; with rights and dignities unimpaired, to the condition of conquered provinces and a conquered people, in all things subordinate and subject to the will of their conquerers ; free only to obey laws in making which they are not al lowed to share. No people has ever yet ex isted whose lo3-alty and faith such treatment long continued would not alienate and im pair. . And the ten millions of Americans who live in the South would be unworthy citizens of a free country, degenerate sons of a heroic ancestry, unfit ever to become guardians of the rights and liberties be queathed to us by the fathers and iounders of this Republic, if they could accept, with uncomplaining submissiveness; the humili ations thus sought to be imposed upon them. Resentment of injustice is always ami evcry '.tchrre essential to freedom; and the spirit which prompts the States and people lately in insurrection, but insurgent now no longer, to protest against the imposition of un just and degrading conditions, makes them all the more worthy to share in the government of a free commonwealth, and gives still firmer assurance of the future power and freedom of the Republic, For whatever responsibility the Southern peo ple may have incurred in resisting the au thority of the National Gevernment and in taking up arms for its overthrow, they may be beld to answer, as individuals, before the judicial tribunals of the land, and for that conduct, as societies and organized commu nities, they have already paid the most fear ful penalties, that can fall on offending States in the losses, the sufferings and hu miliation of unsuccessful war. But what ever may be the guilt or the punishment of the conscious authors of the insurrection, candor and common justice demand the con cession that the irreat mass of tho.s wlm became involved in its responsibility acted upon wnat tney belieed to be their duty, in defense of what they had been taught to believe their rights, or under a compulsion, physical and moral, : which they were pow erless to resist. Nor can it be amiss to re member that terrible as have been the be reavements and the losses of this war, they have fallen exclusively upon neither section and upon neither party that they have fal len, indeed, with far greater weight upon those with whom the war began ; that in the death of relatives and friends, the dis persion of families, the disruption of social systems and social . ties, the overthrow of Governments, of law and of order, the de struction of property and of forms and modes and of means of industry the loss of political commercial and moral influence in ties can assume, the States and tfeonl wh;h engaged in the war against the Government of the United States, have suffered tenfold more than those who remained in allegiance to its Constitution and laws. These consid erations may not, as they certainlv do nnt. justify the action ofthe insurgent States win, uu ju;i f-v-iiuiu-xs miuu win reiUSe to i them very considerable weight iu dotcrmin-' ut no just or generous mind will refuse to ing the iine of conduct which tho govern- j toward them; V ', ' J ;.,;' "'" ""We call upon you, therefore,, by every consideration of your own' dignity and safe ty, and in i the name of liberty throughout the world,' to complete the work of restora-: tion and peace which the President of the United States has so well begun, and which the policy adopted and the principles assert ed by the present Congress alone obstruct. The time is close at hand when members of a new Congress are to be elected. If that Congress shall perpetuate this policy, and, by excluding loyal States and people from representation in its halls, shall continue the k usurpation - by whk-h' the legislative powers of .the government are now exercis ed, common prudence comefc"us to antici jxite augmented discontent, a sullen icith dratrfd from' flit duties awT oblirjettions of the Federal Government, internal dissension and a general collision of sentiments and pretentions which map renew, in a still more fearful shape, the cirif icar from tchich we hnvejnst emerged. We call upon you to in: terpose your power to . prevent the recur rence of so transceudant a calamity, r We call vpo yon in every Congressional district of erery State, to secure the election of mem' hers, tcho, icliatever otlusr differences may characterize tJieirMtlitical action, will unite in recognizing tlie RIGHT OF EVERY State of the Union to representation in Con gress, AND WHO WILL ADMIT TO SEATS IN EITHER BRANCH, EVERY LOYAL REPRESEN TATIVE FROM EVERY LOYAL State in alle giance to the Govern ment, icho may be found by each House, in tlie exercise: of the power conferred, upon, it by the Constitution, to Jiave been duly elected, returned and quali fied for a seat therein. V -A committee was appointed to wait on President Johnston and present him with a copy of the proceedings, etc, after which the Convention adjourned. :' ' - THE INTENDED FEATJD. ' : The distinction between evidences of sin cere penitence and utterances coined in view of an eniergenc', and for a special purpose," should be borne steadily ib mina, more especially, in view of the high game being played at Philadelphia. The Convention purgod itself of Vallandigham and his set, solely because it would be impolitic to per mit them to sit as members. This act of the convention evinces the expertness of the managers, but the choosing of traitors and copperheads to go to Philadelphia was high proof of the actual state of things, and the real danger. ; However the convention may strive to cover this up and suppress all appearance of it there, the danger remains and will .grow, and is all the more to be dreaded J'or the attempt to hide it. A masked battery is more to be feared because more destructive than au open' one. 1 In the Philadelphia convention Louisiana has a certain number of mild-mannered gentlemen, consenting for the time to abate the habitual expression of treasonable sen timents, whereas the true, representative of Louisiana, a a reconstructed State claim ing equality in the Union, is the New Or leans massacre, the terrible fact that peace able aud orderly citizens are compelled to flee on account of their Unionism a state of things strikingly similar to that which existed in the early davs of the rebellion. ! It is a stupendous fraud the Philadelphia convention has deliberately undertaken to perpetrate. Governor Orr says the South accepts the verdict ot the war, is peaceable and loyal, deserves to be treated well, and would act as she should act if permitted to re-enter, in perfect equality,- the Union. How must the words, in view of the daily evidence of their falsity, blister his tongue! We refer not to isolated cases, to occasional disturbances resulting from a disordered so cial condition ; but to the glaring fact that al most the entire military force of the country scarcely suffices to protect Union men from the growing . rebellious, spirit all over the South. We refer not to irresponsible or distorted statements, but to the testimony proceeding from amoug officers and living witnesses in the persons ot fugitives fleeing for their lives, bringing with them warnings by Vigilant Committees and self-appoin ted "regulators," whose office it is to "clean out" Union men. Such facts' as these told us what was the Southern spirit immediate ly proceeding ; the rebellion they prove what it is now ; and they are no more to be disregarded or treated lighlty now than they were then. , . . Tho Philadelphia Convention is a stupen dons and de-perate scheme to mask the de formities of the South. But it would be as reasonable to attempt to mask a volcano by throwing a blanket over its mouth, as to un dertake to conceal the facts as shown in the eruptive rebelliousness prevalent and grow ing in ' nearly everv Southern State, with speeches and resolutions at Philadelphia. The fugitives and expelled Union men, ar riving in Washington, are the living wit nesses of a damnable truth which a thou sand Philadelphia Conventions, with ever so much clap-trap of South Carolina, and Massachusetts arm-in-arm, cannot blot out. I'ittsburgh Commercial. General - Howard Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, has wriuealetter in reply to some inquiries made by the Hon. Roswell Hart, member of Congress from New A'ork, concerning the operations , of the bureau. The General details the organ ization and work of the bureau, giving its statistics from June, 1865, to June, 1806, from which it appear that the number of persons receiving rations is decreasing, and that the poor whites dependent on Govern ment bounty are equal in number to the blacks. The letter closes with the opinion that, in the present condition of affairs, the bureau is indispensable. ; The legislature of Kentucky restored all rebels to the privilege of citizenship and they have manifested their appreciation of I he magnanimity of the government by e leetincr an out and nnt mKol of clerk of the Courts one who was irnDris- uijcu im svBtue uisioyany. . incy nave ut terlv overwhelmed everv anlirlaf vln even suspected of partiality to the Union. Tt- oraa Ar.vMw.nn Cr-. 1 1 11 . xv wmumu iui iucu canaiuates in tne. State to onhllsh eert.ifi and sacrifices in. the rebel cause to insure tneir election. s The old "Clucks' ! of the Johnson Admin istration have at last hatched out onq little "Chick." Colorado Territory has just elec ted A. C. Hunt, the Johnson eamiid.ir fnr delegate to Congress, over Chalicott, Re publican, lue Copperheads did the work. 'From New Orleans. Aug. 16, 1S66 King, the homicide, publisher of the New Orleans Times, asserts in Jetters to his friends that President Johnson threw Gen, Sheridan's dispatches under the table, and received his (King's)' as authentic A re sponsible member of the' Legislature de clares, authentically, that President John-. son expressed his regret . that all the mem bers of the convention had not been dispos ed of by the mob. ' Many of the Cons, from Berks went to Philadelphia last 1 upsdav in th limw or, A belief that they would see their friend Jeff l'avis there. It Andy Johnson had thought he could do his new rarty any good, of course he would have had Jeff there. He thinks if a little too -foonrand will leave the stern statesman to frreon mutton chops and fried oysters; a' short time longer. Heading Journal. ' " ' . " - " " They have a way of "putting things'" out west that, -to say; the least of it is" very -expressive. Among the resolutions of a lat Union convention in Illinois we tind the fol lowing: Jiesolced, That "treason must be made o dious," but it cannot be made odious by giv ing rebels seats in Congress, nor by feeding Jefferson Davis on poached eggs and fried oysters. - i '' 11 f ; One of the dupes of a New : York adver tising swindler, who sent the requisite a mount of fractional currency for the" pur pose of learning a "certain and quick mode of getting rieh, ' received the reply 'work like the devil, and don't spend a cent" AttverHrmtttsrtinlargtt(pe,rKts,er out of plain stglrwill be charged JovSlepriee forspacrorciipied To intare attention, the CASH muit accompa ny notices, a folio wr All Caution and Strays, with $1,50; Auditors', Administrators' and Ex ecutors' notices, $2,50, each ; Dissolutions, S3; all other transient Notices at the same rates Other advertisements at $1,50 per square, for 3 or less insertions. Ten lines (or less) count a square DR. M. WOODS, having decided to remove to a different location, would respectfully in form all person baring unsettled accounts with him. that he is desirous of making settlement at an early day. He will be found in his office in Clearfield nntil Sept. 8th, 1S68. Aug. 22. 1866. . , M., WOODS. DISSOLUTION OF PART."KKMUP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Jacob Kider of Snyder townshfp, HTiir county, and John W, Qabegan of Tyrone, Blair county, carrying on a marble yard in Clearfield town, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the firm -of J. W.Gabagan fc Co., is this day dissolved by con sent of both parties. JACOB RIDER. i ' " Aug. 18, lS(it$.-3tp. JOHN Vi. UAHAGAN.- GKAPJE VINES FOR SALE All tbe leading hardy varieties of firf t quality : i Concord, I year old 25 ctscack, or S2u 00 per 100. 2 50 " 40 00 pet 100. Rebecca, 1 " " 50 " best white grape. Iowa, 1 $1 50 best Amber grape. : Any other varieties below nursery prices.- Or ders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in rotation.'- AM. HILLS. N. B. Vines ready for removal by the 15th of October. ' Clearfield. Pa., Aug. 22. TEN Oil E.There will be sold at public out cry, at the residence cf tho subscriber in Pike township, on Saturday. Sept. 1st, lHi'ifi, the following property : One yoke of young cattle, well broke ; one good milk cow, six ton of good timothy hay, and oats and rye straw. Also, plows, barrows, On good log slod ond vind mill; together with a variety of household and kitchen funiiture. - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. when terms will be made known. Aug. 22, 18iiii.-pd. tiKOKGE A- BOAL. INFORMATION WANTED concerning Uufus X. iloliobaugb or George W. Scrautou, who is supposed to have enlisted in the 2d P:. Cav. Vols., Co. F, from Clearfield county. If this notice should reach the eye of Uufus D. Iiollo ba jgb or (ieorge W. Scranton, it will be greatly to his interest to respond to it. Any body know ing his fato will confer a great favor and be rea sonably rewarded by addressing A. B. Hutchin son. Bellefonte, Pa., or Capt. Martin Polan. Miles burg, Centre eouniy, Pa. Aug. 22. '68. 5 SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of VeiiUilioni H.rpoitas. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield couuty. and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on MONDAY the 24T11 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1866, the following described Real Estate, to wit: Two certain traots of land situate in Karthaus tp.r Clearfield county, Pa, one thereof bounded east by laud of Edward Mciiarvev, south by land of Jacob Michaels, and west and north by lands of John Vought, containing ten acres, being all cleared, and having a frame house and log barn erected thereon. ; The other thereof bounded east by land of James R ouch, south by Oliver Moore, west and north by lands of Isaac" McClos key, and containing one hundred acres, being un improved. . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Michaels. Also A certain tract of land situate in Mor ris tp., Cleai field county, Pa , bounded by lands of John Hill on the east, on the south by land of Peter Schwartx, on the west by land of John Hockenbury, and on the north by lands of Zacha riah Jones, containing siity-two acres, with forty-five cleared, and a log house and barn erected thereon. Seixed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Davis. -'- Also A .certain tract of land situate in Jordan tp.. Clearfield eounty, Pa , bounded on the east by land of Robert Patterson, south by land of Peter Patterson, west by lands of John Glasgow, and north by land of John McNeaT, containing about 119 acres 65 acres cleared, and having a log house and barn erected thereon Seined, taken in exe cution, and to be sold as the property of David Robison and Thomas Robison." - Also A certain tract of land situate in Penn township, Clearfield county, Pa. ' Bounded East by land of Read & Weaver. South by land of E. Fenton A S. Derrick, West and North by lands of E. Fenton, containing about 106 acres, with 10 acres cleared and having a frame house and log barn erected thereon. Seized, and taking in exe cution, and to be sold as the property of Georze Fullerton. . Also A certain tract ef land situate in Boggs township, Clearfield county, Pa. Bounded on the East, West and North, by lands of James B. Gra ham, and on the South by land, of Jacob Smeal, containing 1 1 acres, with li acres cleared, and having a small frame house and stable erected thereon. Seized, and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Enoch (J. Gray Also A certain tract of land situate in Wood ward township, Clearfield county. Pa. Bounded on the South by land of S. Shoff, West by land of S. Shoff, and 5orth and East by turnpike roads containing about 1 acre and having a large frame' house and stable erected thereon. Seized, and taken in execution, and to be sold as the proper ty of Nancy Henderson. ' Also A certain tract of land situate i n Beoca natp., Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded east by lands of Graham 4 Co , north by lands of Joseph Berge, south by Clearfield creek, containing about one hundred and fifty acres. Seised, taken In execution i;nl to be sold as the property ot Hen ry W. Kill mar. . .. , Also, by virtne of a writ of alia ft. -tho following described real estate: . ' A piece of land situate in Pike tp., Clearfield eounty. Pa., beginning at a white oak, thence north 94 perches to a post, thence east 5 perches w a hemlock, south 43 perches to a white oak, east 22 perches to a red oak, west 27 per. to place of beginning, containing 9 acres and 65 perches and allowance. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James A. Boal. Aug. 22. 1366. JACOB FAUST Sheriff. S T O AT MARYSV1LLE, CLEARFIELD COUNT F, PA. The undersigned would respectfully annoo to Ihe Citiien nf riffurfiolii annntw v . - J , . U . opened a now store in Marysville, and that he t now receiving a Urge and splendid assortmilt seasonable goods, such as M DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Groceries, Drugs, Oils, Paints and Glass, Boots, Shoes Rt and Caps, Clothing, and Stationary ' and in fact a genera .assortment of . goods, ti as are generally kept in a country store. Desirous of pleasing the publie, he will oM best endeavors to keep on hand the best of good, and thereby hopes to merit a liberal share of p ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhere, a i determined to sell goods at moderate prices fm csh,or exchange them for, every dsscripti of Lumber, at market prices Sept. 27, 1865. STACY W. THOMPSON. p A Y A T T E N T I O N n . GOOD BARGAINS i ' AT THE CLEARFIELD FOUNDRY. We hereby notify the publie, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in fail blast, by the undersigned, who are now ready i accommodate the oouimanity with anything per taining to our line of. business. We keep cod. stantly on hand a general assortment oltovet ind castings, among which are the following - Cook, Tarlor and Ten-plate Stoves,5 for burning either wood or coal ; Sala mander stoves, Iso. 4; Vase stoves, .No's 3 and 4; Wash-kettles, 16 jj : and 20 gallons ; Farm dinner- bells, two sizes ; JTire grates, 20 and 28 inches Plows and plow-castings. . We are also prepared to mase all kinds of GRIST ; and SAW-MILL IRONS, and special attention -will be paid to the repairing of TuaasHixQ M chixes . . . " , Persons in want of anything In our line would do well to give as a eal I. Every description of " approved country produce and old metal, takes in exchange for our manufaetures, at the highest market price. HARLEY A SOJiS. , Clearfield, Nov. 1,865 If. P URN ITU RE R OO 31 S. JOHN GUELICH, . Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be deair- ' ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. 11 mostly has on hand at bis "Fui niture Rooms." a varied assortment of furniture, among which i, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre, Sofa. Parler, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen . . ny-liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chain; - And eoinmon and other Chairs. L O O K I N G'- GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glaw ft? old frames, which will be put in on very r-SGanble terms, on rhort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, if air,: Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFIN'S, OF EVERY RIM), Made to order, and funerals attended wita a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are famished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved couutry produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for he busi ness, taken in exchange. for furniture. Remember the shop is on Marserstreet. Clear field, and nearly opposite tbe -Old Jew Store." Decchiber 4. ISSl - ' JOHN GUELICH. L W A Y S A n E A D !! BOYS TON, SHOWERS, A GRAHAM. Are now offering goods to the pnblio at tht) . , . LOWEST CASFI PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety t Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware. Provuioair Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, to. " ladies dress goods now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines, Alpacas, Ginghams, Ducal s. Prints, Jl rinos. Cashmeres, Plaids, Brilliants. Poplins. B rege. Lawns. Nankins, Linen, Lace, Edgings, Coi erettes. Braids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Corsetts, Na bias, Hoods, Coate, Mantels, Balmoral sXirts. II-' siery, Gloves, Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Rlbboni, Hats. Trimmings. Buttons, Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawni, Swiss, Bobinets, Malls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc Of Mens Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fane; Cassi meres, Cash m ere ts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord a loya. Bever-Teen, Linens. Handkerchiefs. Xefk' ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc. . Ready-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, e insisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shawls, Oret oats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc '. -,. Of Boots and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladies sod Gti tlenaen, eonsisting of Top Boots, Brogans, Pftmp Gaiters. Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, ete Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar, Rice, Cracker, Vinegar, Candles. Cheese, Flour, Meal, Bacon, Hsh, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. ' ' ' Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varie ty, Japanware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes. Wirs ladeis, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc , r : Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets. Washboards. Bncketl, Tubs, Churns Wall-paper, Candle wick. Cottos yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, ex Rafting Ropes, Angers, Axes, Chisels, Saws, Files, Hsn" Hatchets, Noils, Spikes, Gri-id stones, Stoas" Trunks, Carpet bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, et. V' V '. ' School Books, Writing and Letter paper, Faney note nlJJL , meroial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy slates, ink stands, fancy and common enreiop- ' ; Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kistt Fancy soaps. Oils, Paints, Varnishes, and in i very thing usually kept ia first class btcrs- Carriage Trimmings, .- Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty, Flat ir Coffee mills. Bedeords and Bed serews, Mates, Stove blacking, Washing soda and Soap,e, They invite all persons to call and exam their stock and hope to give entire satisfaction- . BOYNTON, SHOWERS 4 GRAB A liiearneia, Fa., Sept. 6th, 1865. PROVISIONS. Flour, bacon, lard, esser dried beef, dried fruit, received regal''! the store of 1 Mar. 22.1 J. P. KRAli N IT ORSE-SIIOES and horse-nails. t A ufi. 23. MERRELL A BUjLJ. - J-'JJsV