Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 22, 1866, Image 1

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    . ; , ft ?a, ? -x . ... v.
Bi' S J. RO W.
VOL. 12.-1V0.-51.
r ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law Clear-
field, Fa. . . "'J''
i , RVIV BROTHERS. Dealers in Squared Sawed
Lumber. Vr, Good; Groceries Klour, Grain,
; . Ac., Burnt ide Pa., Sept. 2i, 186 i.
1 . .11 kindf of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
i rtiolicited-wbolesale or retail. V Jan. 1,1863
iToBERTJ. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
I I field, Pa Offie. in Shaw's new row. Market
l i et. oppo9e Naugle'i jewalry store May 26.
. i F XAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
! I dealer in Watches. Jewelry, Ac. Room in
I ihm rw, Market street. or.lQ.
i i BUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clenr
I I field Pa Office in Graham's Row, four doo s
J J,of Grabam A Boynton'i store. Nor. 10.
T P KRATZER. Denier in Dry-Goods. Clothing,
I Hardware Queensware, Groceries. Provi
V It etc . Mrkot Street, ' neaily opposite the
C nrtUouse. Clearfield, Pa. ' . June, 18S5.
1 XRTWICK 4 IRWIN. Dealers in Drugs,
1 Htdicioes. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume
r, Fmcj Goodi. Notions, etc:, etc.. Market street,
CI8M. P - " - ,;;:.,Ieo., WS.
Clothing- Hardware. Queensware. Groce.
rl VrrorsioDJ. Ac Front Street, (ahore the A
. Liny.; Clei field, Pa. Dee 27JSf5.
"i J 1LLIAM F.TRWTX.Marketstreet, Clearfield,
'V Pa.. Dealer in. Foreign and Domestic Mer
V nji?e. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
fj tily articles generally. Nor. 10.
HIJN GTELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds bl
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
1' alsu mattes to order CoSns. on short notice, and
a h'nds funerals w ith a hearse. . Aprl0,'59.
1R M. WOODS, Practicing Phvsicias,
J ' Examining Surgeon for Pensions,
t ffi(, Bouth-weat corner of Second and Cherry
i troi t, Clearfield, Pa.; . January 21. 1863.
l nHOMAS J. M"CULLOUGH. Attorney at Law
1 Clearfl eld. Pa. ' Office, east of the ' Clearfield
o Hank. Deels and other legal rastruments pre
yored with promptness and aocnracy. July 3.
I B M'EXALLr. Attorneynt Law, Clearfield,
tl . Pa. "Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
ountiei. Office jn new brick building of J. rSoyn
1 -n, 2d street, one door south of Lanieh's Hotel.
71011 ART) MOSSO P. Dealer, in Foreign and Do
IV rnestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal Ofire, Clearfield. Pa. Apr27
Dr.NTITKY. J. P CORXETT.Dentist. offer?
his professional services to the citizens of
CurwenxTille and ricinity. Offioe ia Drug Store,
corner Main and Thompson Streets.
May 2d I Slip. . '
JRLAKF. WALTERS. Scriviner and Convey
. nncer, and Agent for toe purchase and sale
of Lands. Cleaifield. Pa Prompt attention giv
on all business conneoted with the county offi-
Office wiih W. A Wallace. Jan 3.
GALCERT BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods,
. Groceries. Hardware. Queensware Flour,
Bicon. eto , Woodland. Clearfield county. Penn'a.
AIo. extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
ted. vVoo.il and, Aug. 19ih . 1S63.
at Law. Clearfield, Pa Legal business of
all kin'ls promptly and accurately attended t.
Clearfield, Pa.. May 10th, JSfifl. . .
DR J P. BURt'HFTEID Late Surgeon of the
83d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having returned
from the army, offers bis professional services to
the citizens of Clearfield and ricinity. Profcs
fxm' rails promptly Htfnilad to. Office on
South Easf corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. 165 6inp. : ,
V A. G L E II O T E L ,
Cx-rvwrxsviTXr:. Penn'a. -
LEWIS W. TEX EYCK, Proprietou .
Uaving leased ajid refitted the above hotel, ha
it now ready to accommodate the travelling pub
lie B is bar contain the elioleest brands of liq
aor. He solicits a share of public patronago.
July 11th, 1866.
C O T T H O TJ S E ,
This house having been refitted aod elegantly
fnroiiibed, is cow open for the reception and en
tertainment guests. The proprietors by Iqng
experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they
ean satisfy a discriminating publio -. Their bur is
'oppliAl with the choicest brands of 1 qnors and
itie. July 4th. 1S66.
SET rtw r in rn ii rnapinrauiR.
5abicription, in advance, I year, : : :
Adm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. 6 times, ,
Auditor's notices, each.
Csution and Ustrays. each. 3 times,
uissniution notices, eaofa, 3 times,
Transient Advertising, per square of 10
lines, or less 4 times, or less, '
For eaeh subsequent insertion,
vffloial Advertising, for each square ef 10
lines, or less 3 times, or less,
For each subsequent insertion, -Professional
A business eards, & lines, 1 y.
Leesl notices, per line. I time, :
Cbiraary notices, ever i lines, per line, .
$2 00
I 50
8 me'a.
$ 5.00
' 8.M0
8 00
12 00
Ad rertising. 2 months. 3 months
One square. (10 lines) $ 3 (HI $ 4.00
Two squares, 4.50 i " 1.00
Three squares, r 00 ' 8,00 r
Fear squares, ' 8 00 10,00
Tearly Advertising, one Square, :- ; : :
Tearly Advertising, two squares, '
Trly Advertising, three squares, t
Tearly Advertising, one-fourth eoJomn; ;
Tearly Advertising, one-third oofomn,
Tearly Advertising, one-half eoluosu, .
'Mrlr Advertiaina. on column. :
15 t)0
20 00
25 00
35 00
60 00
The above rates apply only to advertisements
et up piaia. Advertisements set ia large type,
r with cuts, or oat of plain style, will be charg-
u aounie the above rates for space occupied
" nas . single quire, :, , : r. :
5'nks, 3 nnires. net ouire.
2 50
2 00
1 75
1 50
; oo
4 50
m Cs' 6 quires, per quire.
'nfcs. over 6 quires, per quire,
.-iU:'.s, eighth sheet.'.-,., .23 tr less;,, j
fourth sheet.' ".' . 1T '.: "
half sheet.
whjjXe shea'.,
S lit)
-a of. ep Qf'Mff 6-prtjp-t-r'ti'iat rat.
EWING MACHINES. Persons desirous
of havina: a superior Machine, rhonld buy
VV heeler A ilaon s Sample Machines on nana.
Clearfield, Feb. 26, H6. U. F. NAUGLE. Ag't. ..
Citron, English Currants, Ess. Coffee, . and
Vinegar ot the best quality, for sale by
Jan. 10. HAaiSWICK & IRWIN.
DR. T. B METZ. Surgeon Dentist, Glen Hope,
. Clearfield county.Pa. Teeth put up on gold,
silver, and vulcanite base. , Full setts from five to
twenty-five dollars. Warranted equal to any In
the State. ' May 30th. 1S63.
PA. The subscriber having purchased the
furniture and interest from H. II. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sient and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with bis establishment will be
conducted second to none in the county. . He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.1 - .
July U, lS6tt-y. - GEO, K. COLBLKX..-
for sale his nroDerty situate on Potts Run,
Jordan township, consisting of 127 acres of land
16 of which are cleared. There are several good
veins of coal on the place," mud an excellent wa
ter power which, if suitably improved, would
drive asaw or grist mill most of thtt year." Will
be sold cheap for cash. - " T ' LIDDLE,
March 21, 18S- tf. Clearfield borongh. '
EKii l.F. SII I Ntt LE M ACI1 1 N E. The suh
I scriber is manufacturing at the West Branch
Iron Works, in Williamsport, the best and most
durable Machine for making 24 and 18 inch shin
gles ever used in this country, als the EMPIRE
MACHINE, which will cut IS inch ahingjes much
fanter. smoother and more f-om the sume timber,
than any machine in use ; also the best Saw Sett
Mill Dogs for Gate and Mulay Mills, ever used in
thissection. A.T.MCHOLS,
Williamsport. Pa . May 3. I(i66.-6m.
AGE HOME INDUSTRY. T.he. undersigned
having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about
half way between Curwensville and .Clearfield
Boroughs, is, prepared to furnish all kindsof Fruii
trees, (Standard and d wart.) Evergreen-. Shrub
bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black,
berry. Strawberry and Raspbei ry vines. Also
Sibrian Crab trees.Quince and early Scarlet Kbeu
barb.Ac. Orders promptly attended 'o. Address
Aug SI. 1864 J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville
O or
Philipsburo. Centre Co.. Pa.
- Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts diseounted.
Deposits received. Collections made and pro-
reeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities
constantly on hand. The above Banking House
is bow open and ready for business.,
i Philipsourg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept 6, 1S65.
a. 1. REKO.
Haying resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his
shop located on the let in the rcur ot his residence
on Market street, and aslrort distinee west of the
Fvundry. is prepared to accommodate his old
friends, and all others who may favor him with a
cull, with every description of Windsor chairs.
He has a good assortment on hand, to which he
directs the attention of purchasers. They are
made of the very best material, well painted, and
finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be
sold at prices to suit the times Examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Clearfield. Pa., March 28. 1863
HAUPT & CO., at Mileshurg. Pa . continue
to furnish costings of every description nt
short notice. They have the best assortment of
patterns in the eountry for steam and waler-inllls
of every description. All kinds of machine and
plow castings furnished. New World and Hatha
way cook stoves always on hand. They make 4
horse sweep-power threshing maehi nes. with sha
ker and 50 feet of strap for SlflO and 2-horse
tread-power machines, with shaker and 30 feet
of strap for $175. Warranted to give satisfaction
in threshing, and kept good to thresh one crop,
free of charce. June 2S. lw6T-y.
Isaac Haitt at Bellefonte continues to take
risks for insurance in any good stock company in
the State. Also-in New York r the Royal and Et
na at Hartford; and the Liverpool and London,
capital S6.000 00 . '
The subscribers have entered into co-partnership,
and are trading under the name of Irvin,
Baily & Co . in lumber and merchandise, at the
old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the mouth of
Lick Run. They would inform theirfriends. and
the world in general, that tbey are prepared to
furnish to order all kinds of sawed or hewn lum
ber, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern
They would also announce that they have just
of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con
sisting ot every variety usually kapt in cerantry
stores. Their purchases have been made since
the late decline in prices which enable them to
sell at such rates as will astonish their customers
One if their partners. Thomas L. Baily, resides
near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to
watch the mariceb- and make purchaset on the
most farorable terms. Call and see ns.
Goshen tp.,Deo.6, 1S65. LEWIS I. IRWIN,
EDUCATIONAL. Th undersigned in
tends opening a school in the Town Hall.'
Clearfield on the first Monday in Jane to contin
ue for a term of eleven weeks. .
Thoroughness will be aimed at in all onr in
structions. "Not how muoh but how well" is the
principle upon which the exercises will be con
ducted. Particular attention paid to Penmanship and
A daily r.frister is kept of the attendance, de
portment and recitations of each pupil, which is
sent weekly to parents thus furnishing them
with constant information of his standing and
progress in school.
Public exhibitions are not held at any stated
time, but parents and guardian) are respectfully
invited to visit the school and observe the manner
ia. which tie daily work is performed. ,
i ' " Terms or Tuitiox. : ...
' Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithme
tic ftnd Geography, ; r . . . - . . , 4 00
Grammar. Geography, History, Arithmetic and
rook-keeping. tt, $5 e0
Algebra. Philosophy, Geoicotry, Mensuration
and Surveying. ...... $7 00
Latin and Greek with any of ae above bran
ches. , - 53 oq
- For further information apply to
- , C B. SAXDFORD. '
Mav3.Ti..lS. JVifcciniil.'.
io l; wh
lie. and. Lin:-ec.i '
'i!- Family Djea, J.
Lua jjroucdin OH. '7
for sei by.
of Administration on the estate of Zenas
Leonard, late of Girard tw'p.,' Clearfield coun
ty dee'd, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons having claims rgainst the estate
are requested to presentthem propel ly authenti
cated for settlement, and those indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment witho.it
Aug. 15, 1866.-pd. ' Administratrix.- '
SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A recent bill has
passed both Houses of Congress and signed by
the President giving a three years' soldier S100
and two years' soldiers 950, bounty. . '
Soldiers wounded in line of duty, who did not
serve two or three years. are entitled tithe bounty.
Lj" Bounties and Pensions collected by me for
those entitled to thcui!' '
Walter barrett; Att-y atrW.
Aug. 15th, 1866.
Clearfield, Pa.
finn A YEAR made by any one with
SP&fXJlfXj $15 Stencil Tools No experience
ne'!esrary whatever. The ' Presidents Cashiers,
and Treasurers of th ree banks indorse the circu
lar. Sent free with samples. Address the Amer
ican Stencil Tool Works, Springfield. Vermont. ,
August 1st, 1S6L-Hm.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing' or meddling with three
horses, three set tug harness, and one two-horse
wagon, now in the possession of Thomas Kyler
of .Morris township, as the same belong to me and
have only been left with said Kyler on loan, and
are subject to my order at any time.'
Angustl.1866.-pd JACOB MOCK.;
Equalizing Bounties has passed both Houses
and was approved by the President, and is n)w a
law. A three years' soldier gets $100 and a two
years' soldier Soil Bounties and Pensions are
collected by me for those entitled to them. Bring
forward your applications.
J. li McEXALLY, Att'y. at Law.
August 1, 1966. Clearfield, Pa.
IN THE CO U RT or Common PleaTof Cieai
Frederick Campman J fiel county :
vs. Alia mbpoetia XKridiv.
Hester Campman. J No. 1671 JuneTerm,l8B6.
The undersigned Commissioner appointed in
open court to take testimony in the above case,
hereby trives notice that be will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at his office, in the bor
ough of Clearfield, on Friday, the 24th day of
August, lbbti. between the hours of 10 o clock, A.
M , and 3 o'clock, P. AJ.. of said day. when and
where all persons interested may attend and cross
examine. WM. M. McCCLLOl'GH,
August 1, 1366. Commissioner.
IN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Clear
J. Wallace Long fiold county.
vs. SiibjMifita stir, divurct.
Pboeba Long. ) No. 109 June Term, 1S66.
The underi-igned Commissioner, appointed in
open Conrt to take testimony in the above ease,
hereby gives notice that ha will attend to the du
ties of bis appointment, at bis office, in the bor
ough of Clearfield, on Saturday the 25th day of
August, lsfih, between the hours of 10 o clock, A.
M , and 3 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when and
where all persons interested n.ay attend and cross
exnmine. WM M. McCULLO'JGII,
August I, 1S66. Commissioner.
Made to Order at the Lowest Rates.
The uhdersigncd would respectfully invite the
attention of the citizens of Clearfieliand vicini
ty, to give him a call at bis shop on Market St.
nearly opposite Hartswick & Irwin's drug store,
where he is prepared to make or repair anything
in his line.
. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with
promptness, strength sni neatness, and all work
warranted as represented.
I have now on hand a stock of extra french
calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will
finish up at the lowest figures.
June 13th, 1866. DANIEL CONNELLY
The Exercises of this Institution will be resumed
on Monday, September 10th 166.
rupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
tne close ot tne session
The course of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes. . . '
lbe Principal bavin bad the advantage of
much experience in bis profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the. mental and moral
training of the youth placed under his charge.
J.ERHS op IrtTiox:
Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary
Arithmetic, per session. (11 weeks.) Si 00 j
braniniar, tieograpby, Aritnmetio, and rlisto I
ry $6.(10
AIgebra,Gometry, trigonometry, Mensuration,
Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra
phy. ! . $a.oo
Latin and Greek, with any of the above
branches, ' $12,00
tSTSo deduction will be. hTade for absence.
For further particulars inquire of '
Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. . .
Feb. 23. 1866. . Principal.
Act of ffepogress approved JuneCth, 1866.gives
additional petosion to the following class of per
sons : ,
1. To those who have lost both eyes or both
ha rds. or are totally ciisabled in the same so as
to- require constant attendance, the sum. per,
month, of : $25.00
2. To those who have lost both feet, or are to
tally disabled in the same, so as to require con
stant attendance, $20 00
3. To those who have lost one hand or one toot,
or so disabled as to render tbeni nnab'e to per
form manual labor, equivalent to the loss of a
hand or foot, the sum. per month, of $15 00
4. Persons deprived of their pensions under
Act of March 3d, 1965, by reason of being in civ
il service are restored. -:
5. The heirs of invalid pensioners who died af
ter application for their pension had been filed,
and tmfore the certificate was issued, and who
have left widows or minor children, will be enti
tled to receive arrears due ait the death of the
pensioner. - .
6. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers
and brothers, the same as to mothers and sisters.
In all of these eases, new applications mast be
made The undersigned is prepared, with the
proper blanks, for the speedy procurement of
these pensions. - . ;
i Claims for bounty and back pay. pensions, and
claims for local bounty understate law. promptly
collected-.- H. B. SWOOPE, Att'y at Law.
July 11, 1866. - - t Clearfield, Pa,.
FOR SALE. X h;;Ong Top Buggy. Ap
ply to , H .W. SMITH As CO..
Cleaarfield, Pa., June 6, 1S6S. A .
A I. TIER'S Patent unlonJing hay-forks, to'be
I .'bad si t! ' MESRELL BIJLER'S.
BUSHELS of ehoiaa beans for saJe by
The Observations of a Personal Witness of
the iot. .
Insane Thirst for Blood and Massacre. .
rerociona Character and Brutality of the
. i . ; Mob. :
The following account ot the New Or
leans massacre is from 1 the pen ot the cor
respondent of the ' New York Times, a pa
per which has been making ' apologies for
the riot, and the course of the Mayor and
others? 1 : .-, h
"With the origin of the riot on July 30th,
readers are well aware. The appearance of
the colored procession on Canal street, com
posed of , about one hundred freediuen, was
the signal for its comuienceutent. -Some
white by-standcrs attempted to take away
the national flag which thev were carrying,
and a shot was tired. The blacks claim that
the whites tired it. The whites tell a con
tradictory story.' I have seen responsible
men who were present, but they tail to give
an authoritative statement about this tirst
shoe. Immediately after it was . fired, a
bright yellow boy commenced huranguiiig
his comrades in the procession, advising
them to clear the streets of the "white ."
He was arrested by an aid of the Chief of
Police. This was the tirst arrest made.
The procession then moved on, and turned
into Dryades street, halting in front ot the
Mechanic's Institute, now ued as the State
Capitol, where the Convention was in ses
sion.. They were met with vociferous cheers
from friends of both colors. They gave
their version of . the disturbance abave men
tioned, and were creeted with remarks of
approval when, they claimed to have repul
sed their assailants. They were encoura
ged to t:ike a iirm stand for their "risrhts,"
aud told to arm themselves and be ready for
any emergency. Ihese things I heard my
self, aiid for the first time I felt serious ap
prehensions of a riot. The merchants com
menced closing their stores, and 1 started
from the building for the telegraph office,
A f-uad of policemen were gathered on
rJaronne street, in tne rear ot the Institute
and soou marched toward it.
1 lie procession disturbance naa neen re
ported to Police Headquarters, where, an
tieiDatiuc trouble, a large reserve force was
stationed. Orders were iiutnediately issued
to arrest the negroes engaged in it. fcher
in (ex-rebel Ireneral; Hayes accompanied
tne force to the scene ot action, and foun
Dryades street, in front of the Institute,
thronged with freedmen and their white
friends. It was useless to try to get into
tlie building while such a crowd remained
in iront ot it.
In the-meantime, an immense concourse
of people had congregated at the junction
ot JJryades aud Canal, and were looking to
ward the capitol, somof them shouting
and blaspheming terribly. The whele city
was in a tremble. Such excitement as the
citizens exhibited I never witnessed before.
The crowd just mentioned comprised men of
every grade in society.iucluding many young
in years, who were brandishing revolvers in
the air, and were seemingly anxious to be
led on to the destruction ot the Convention-
ers and all of the freedmen, near and in the
building. A similar crowd had also assem
bled in Common street, at the other end of
the block in which the Institute is located.
Many members of the police force were
mingled with these crowds. lhey soon
commenced firing on the freedmen in front
or ine uuuuing ana drove tnem into it.
w nen me ireeamcn, memoers or tue
Convention, spectators and others,had been
driven into the building, the police advan
ced to the entrance and forced their wav up
stairs to the door of the Hall of the House
of Representatives, where the Convention
had been assembled, and into which they
and the freedmen had retreated. Several
different tales are told as to what followed.
Certain it is that one policeman was mor
tally wounded in the hall,while,as be claims,
he was attempting to arrest a member. It
is claimed by a member who was wounded
by this policeman, that he tried to shoot,
but his pistol being knocked up, the ball'
sped harmlessly in the air,N whereupon he
seized the weapon by the barrel and struck
the member on the temple with the butt
end. It is said that all hands in the hall
fell on their faces, and after the police had
expended their shots got up and drove them
out of the room with chairs, c. After
this, II. King Cutler is said to have deman
ded that every armed man leave the room.
Captaiu Burke.f'ormerly Union Chief of Po
lice, did so.and received a slight flesh wound
in the side while passing out. Another
version of this assault is, that the police
men, without demanding the surrender if
any one, poked their pistols through the half
open door and fired promiscuously at the
crowd inside ; this, while a flag was being
displayed from a cane stuck up on the
speaker's platform. It is certain that so
much confusion prevailed inside that each
of the stories may have some foundation,
for with the hubbub occasioned by the fi
ring and the shouting of the one hundred
or more m,en in the hall, no one could 6ee or
hear everything or be able to tell exactly ;
what occurred.
The mob and the police filled the side
walk, and the stairway of - the building.
Shots were fired through the windows from
both in and outside, and bricks, paving
stones, clubs and other, missiles were thrown
from both directions. A gentleman named
Fox came down stairs and was" arrested ;"
but on stating that he was merely a specta-,
tor Was released. " and walked across the
street; where he shielded himself on a door
stepjlProm his position he could see in
side the building which he had just left.and
he states lW nnlr one netson after him
caweont Trithont fceingliHed or badly weun-
ded rs they came down fctairs'by the pcitce '
and the rnhh of rioters c?0Tjirnr-2 hn- "
Got.: Hahn, who is lame and walks with a
crutch, was met on the stairs as he came
down, and escorted out to the curb-stone by
two policemen. On reaching the side-walk
he was surrounded by about twenty persons,
who beat him on the back of the head with
clubs, and be received a severe stab in the
back, also a pistol shot from behind. It is
firobable that this shot was tired by a po
iceman. On reaching Canal street he was
placed in a carriage, and uuder the charge
of the Chief of Police was taken safely to
the lock-up. He owes his(life to the Chief
and his squad, as they prevented him from
being lynched. Fish. Henderson, Shaw
and other members "were treated likewise.
On reaching the foot of the stairs tbey were
beaten by the police and the mob, and after
being rendered insensible, were dragged off
to jail. 1 An attempt to lynch Fish was made
on Canal street, but the police in charge of
him prevented it, although they nearly kill
ed him themselves by beating him with the
butts of their pistols. But few freedmen
were arrested coming out of the building,
as they were nearly all shot dead at sight.
The Rev. .Mr. IIorton,. a clergyman from
New Hampshire, now in charge of a church
in this city, officiated as chaplain of the
Convention. I heard his prayer at the open
ing, in which he asked fervently that the
lives of the members might be spared, and
thanked God that peace had been declared
in Europe, praying for the same blessing in
this country. : In a habit peculiarly minis
terial, one which distinctly marked hit a a-s
a clergyman, he came down stairs with a
white handkerchief on his cane intending to
surrender himself peaceably. He was met,
knocked down, trampled upon, kicked and
lieaten nearly to death, while begging for
mercy. The police and their rioting friends
were his assailants. Dr. Dostie. intending
to surrender himself, also came down. He
was shot, stabbed, and treated in the same
manner as Horton, although he implored
the ruffians to take him prisoner and spare
his life. It is probable that both Horton
and Dostie will die. These details suffice to
show how the arrests were made. 11. King
Cutler and Judge II. K. Howell escaped
without much injurs and chancing to fall
into the hands of humane policemen, were
conveyed to prison aliuost uninjured.
On Common, Baronne, Dryades, St.
Charles, llampart and Carondolct streets
freedmen were murdered by the police and
the mob in cold blood. Standing in the
door of the telegraph office on Carondolet,!
saw alout two hundred men chasing one ne
gro along the sidewalk. Six policemen
were nearest to him. and in advance of his
pursuers. They emptied their revolvers in
to his back, and finally another one. when
he was near enough to his victim to lay his
hand on his shoulder,shot him in the head,
and he fell dead iu an alley. Another
freedman trying to escape from the Insti
tute was climbing over a fence, when I saw
him fall from a policeman's shot. As he
struck the ground at least a dozen police
and rioters surrounded him and fired their
pistols into his head and breast, at the same
time pounding him with clubs aud canes.
The blood flowed from wounds in his scalp,
covering his entire face ; but they contin
ued their brutal assault until he breathed
his last, although he several times raised
his feeble and wounded arms to gesticulate
for the mercy his tongue could not ask for.
I saw a white man draw a stiletto and strike
it into the heart of a dying negro on Com
mon street. The blood spirted out in great
red jets, staining the murderer's clothing,
face and hands. He got up and displayed
the gory marks as though they were proud
emblems of a praiseworthy deed. These
and other incidents which I saw, suffice to
show you how the ireedmen were treated in
a majority of cases. It is due to justice,
however, to say that some ot the policemen
treated even the freedmen with moderation,
and rescued them from death at the hands
of the mob. ; ;
The police behaved, as a general rule.
with extraordinary bravery and extraordi
nary crueltj. Probably fifty of them were
wounaea, several mortally. iney were
nearly all doubly armed, and used their
arms with great effect and indiscriminate
execution. As I have before remarked,
some of them did their duty in protecting
their prisoners, and all the prisoners who
are now alive owe their lives to this tact.
The mob would have lynched every white
man in the building, and brutally murdered
every black man, had it not been for a few
gallant and chivalric policemen. From
what I have already said, however, you
must know that some of the force were the
worst rioters present. A gentleman of my
acquaintance spoke to one of them in the
act of killing a freedman, asking him.
"Why don't you arrest him? Don't kill
um. Ihe reply was, Shut your mouth,
Till Ml t
voa nigger loving , or i li kiii you.
The force seems to be a mixture of coward-
Iv brutes and respectable men. The few-
officers that I have conversed with since the
riot do not" pretend to deny what have
here stated about them, and I am willing to
affirm that I have toid nothing but the
truth. i en
The Institute is now undergnard of Com
pany A, First United States Colored Troops.
It is a large turreted brick building, located
as I telegraphed yon yesterday, on Dryades
street, between Canal and Common. Since
the destruction of the Capitol building at
Baton Bouge,it has been by used the officials
of the State Government for offices. The
main hall in which the Convention met,
was canable of holding about seven hundred
persons being in the second story, and em
bracing the full extent of the structure,' ex
cept a large "doublostairway in front.' The
hall was erected for the use of public meet
ings, and , therefore is surrounded on ; all
sides with low" windows, ' which reach, up
nearly to the ceiling. At the rear end of
the hall is an elevated platform, on which
the Sponger's desk' is located. ' The fiirni
tir in the room consisted of ordinary cane-
bottom arm-chairs and a few desks for sec
retaries. A railing, called the "bar of the
house,,' divides the room ia half, partition-; ;
ing off the, lobby from the spare in which
th men: hers had their seats. The office of
the Goveruor and his retinue are in the first
story. Yesterday morning everything about
the building was scrupulously clean. At
night it wasDlood-staincd and smeared with
clots of human gore from one end of it to
the other. The stairway, the halls, the of
fices, in fact every apartment,' shows con- i
elusive evidence of the desperatiou of 'the
mob and the cruel violence of their slaught
er. Tangled ad bloody knots of hair and
crisp wool show how whites and blacks died
together, struggling agaiut infuriated and .'
implacable enemies. .The sidewalk m front ;
of the Institute aud on both sides of the
street along the whole block is also bespat
tered with blood and brains, and the fences,
and even the hides of some ot the dwelling-. . L
houses, are in the same condition. Are
freshing shwwer which fell this morning
wabhed away some of the marks, but enough
remain to shock even the casual passer-by.
The chairs and furniture in the, ball , are ,
broken in pieces, aud the window panes are :
shivered aud shattered from the perfect rain
of bricks. The building stands now, 'smok
ing under the rays of the hot sun which baa
followed the rain, a monument of disgrace -to
the city, the States and the country in
which such scenes can be enacted.
It is asked, was the riot preconcerted ? It
plainly was 1 There was no regularly organ
ized premeditated attack at any one point
or time, but there was a general understand
ing amt.ng all ot the young bloods about
town that a riot would occur, and they :
promised each other to be present and do
their "duty' when the time came. 1 heard
for days beTore the occurrence just such talk
in the hotels and restaurants, and ou the
streets. I did not think the speakers werti
in earnest, nor do I now believe that they
were ; but circumstances happening just as
they did, they started for the Institute, re
volver ia hand, on the impulse of the mo
ment, and the whole affair seems now to -have
been regularly prearranged. Just be
fore one o'clock, when the tiring had pro
gressed but a short time, the fire-bell rang.
A man in the street cried at the top of his
voice, "Now the devil is to pay." Another
said, "Look out for hot work." What au
thority those men had for the statements,
I know not, or who rung the bell. , The po
lice were partly taken 0tf.jdntfL.the night be
fore, and wer armed better than usual.
When the fire bell rang the Fourth District
force appeared, moving toward the Institute,
aud in a short time every available police
man in the city was on the ground. Young
men deserted their business everywhere.and
hurried in the scene of action. The signal :
intended for the police was adopted by the
The afiair commenced at 12:45, and last
ing three hours, ended at 3:45. It did not
end until every negro and white man in the
Institute had been either killed or wounded
and captured, with the exception of three
or four whites. . As there were about a Hun
dred men of both classes in the building, '
and about fifty wounded outside, the total
casualties will amount to one hundred and
twenty-five, of whom fifty were killed or
have since died from their wounds. . This
estimate is moderate. .
The military force was encamped at Camp
Jackson, five mile from the scene of the
riot, and in the morning were told to be
ready for any emergency. They did not ar
rive until quiet had been restond, and it
was only restored wHen there was nothing
left to kill or maim. It is certain that some--body
was very derelict in ordering the troops
into town. Gen. Sheridan was not in town,
and Geu. Baird had command. I -understand
that one ot his staff' reported every
thing quiet when, at the time he was mak
ing his report, the massacre had begun and "
progressed for a quarter of an hour. Thia
dereliction should be investigated.
The police impressed the baggage wagons
of an express firm in the city to eary off the
dead; one load, consi.sting of eight or ten
bodies, had two living men at the bottom.
They were wounded, and perhaps would
have died ; but they had life enough left in
them to struggle for air. An eye-witness,
whose name I can furt.ish; says that a police
man mounted the cart, and shoving his re
volver down between the bodies on top,
killed the poor fellows, with one shot for
each. The fiendish thirst for blood which
seemed to possess stime of the rioters was
too brutal for even the imagination of a sav
age. Their eyes gleamed with it and rolled
in their sockets : their tongues protruded
from their mouths, parched and shriveled,
and their voiees grew husky from demoniao
yells. I have uo.doubt but that some of the
Colicemen and rioting whites were wounded
y members of their own party, as some of
them seemed possessed with a desire to shoot
at human beings regardless of caste, color
or sex. No females were hurt that I know
of. . Houses were pillaged, but the outrages ,
were confined to the immediate vicinage ot '.
the Institute. One man in a livery stable -deliberately
took up a rifle and killed a ne-,
gro who ran through the door looking for a
place of refuge. -
In Richmond, a few days since, there was
a concert and tableaux for the benefit of the
poor. The tableaux, among other things,
represented Knoch Arden as he came back
from his voyage, looking sadly in the window
of his olL home to find that his wife had .
married and wasCQipt something , in" the .'
Arden business for that otherman T Wiks,
all was still, the audience'silentas the grave,
the one who represented Knoch tuml his :
face to the crowd awl slowly asked : - Who's'
bin here since Ish bin gone?'' The effect
was electrical beyond power of description, .
and the storm-of applause- that followed the
KirV ..L4 ' . 1 l.
happy for a rnoEth. and even forced a lai
cut ol. HiiIflicKer Snieksnack?r hjne.J,
V t
1 1
T '