SJaftsmati's goBrnal , , -rryron. and Clearfield KailrosJ. - ttiM Philipsherg 1 '! - : 1 20 p m. . .1 Tornrta at- ' 3.00 p- m A rr i pivixE SEE VICES. Key., rcner jhin tlte Presbyterian church, morning ad evening, t)n Sunday, Jnly 22L Rev. Monroe wi!Tpreacli'in -tlie M. E. Cfcorch, on Sunday morning J uly 22d. " Re. &B hwer preach in the Bap church, on '?unday eveniDgrJuly 22d. . i?nn"VHia.n Conntv Convention. . a 1 III . x - t- . Notice ia hereby given that a Republican Cmnty CoDvenlion will be held, at the Coart Hoaie in Clearfield, on Thursday the 19th day of July, for the. purpose of nomi ruUBg, a County ticket, and appointing Congrtwiotial and Assembly conferees ; and fin- transacting other business. All favora ble to the election of Gen. Geary as Gover nor, are inrited to attend. J. B. McEn ally. - Chairman Rep. Co. Com. Hot ! Louring Sunday and Monday last, the mercury had a decided upward tenden cy, io this region marking 93 and 100 in the shade. , . ..i- s ' Vacation. The Normal School at Cur wenville hts been closed for two weeks. It will be re-opened on Monday, July 30th, tcontinuesix weeks. "The prospect is good for a largely increased attendance at the re opening of the school. . - : , - ..-.. n.vBVtsnNO. We see that oor farmers i-e'baT cutting rye, as well " as making iay. The present warm and dry weather very farmable for this kind of work. A gvyJ rsin. however, would be quite au.pi tioui to the growing buckwheat, and other eivp?. - -- . Aorktltcral. The Executive ;Com tntre of the ClearfieM county Acricaltural Society, will meet atthe Register's office in the Borough of Cleaifield, on Saturday. July 21st, 1866. at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the pur pose of diftermininjr whether a Fair will be Leld this coming fall. By order of the President. I. G. Bap.ger. Sec ScBscarsE Now. We will send the Journal tn NEW suSscriliers, from -riow until the end of. October, for 50 "cent the cash to accompany the. order, invariably. A ctub of ten or more can be raised in every election district in the county, with a little eSbrt ' We trust our friend will present this .matter to their neighbors'who do not take the Journal. JTTpioPFlBrA. The Tones, published at Leeds, England, says that nitrate of sil ver (hnar caustie,) rubbed into the wound made by the teeth of a mad dog, will cure hydrophobia and prevent all injurious con sequences from the wound. The remedy should be applied as soon after the accident , asposrible, as the virus disseminates through the system in about six weeks, and then all hope is gone. ,Dr. Youatt, the well known veterinary surgeon, says he has been bitten eight or ten times and has always cured hluitclf by this means. A Mcrderer Arrested. Campbell the man who killed Constable Bair in Centre -county, and wounded Hugh Harpham, of Tyrone, whilst attempting his arrest in Woodward township, Clearfield county was arrested on Monday morning ' July 9th, in Knox township, Clearfield county, but Dot until he wat shot in the arm or shoul derbut not dangerously. From the Belle fonte PresA. we learn that ''Campbell was not armed when arrested that 'the -men who arrested him were his relatives, and a relative had also betrayed to the authori ties his hiding place and that it is sup posed the reward offered was the motive." The unfortunate man is now in "Bellefonte jail awaiting his trial. , Headley's History of the Rebellion. -We have been favored with the two vol umes (in one) of this excellent work, .and after a careful examination pronounce it rally up to the standard promised ,-fcy the publishers. It is well bound, neatly- print ed, and handsomely illustrated throughout, and maintains the high reputation of its author as a writer. Mr. Headleyis a gifted and fascinating writer, with a peculiar gift for desribing war scenes. That this bok will receive a wide circulation, there is no doubt- Agents, and others, who desire an entertaining history of he late rebellion, would do well to address the "American Publishing Company,; Hartford, Connecti on," and obtain a copy of Headley's book. Axicdotes - a.xd ; Incidents op the Great Rebellion. The publishers have favored us with a copy of thb:; interesting work.; It contains all the most thrilling, racy, and remarkable anecdotal events and incidents of the war, and ia hansomely il lustrated with over 500 fine portraits and beautiful . engravings, descriptive of the camp, the picket, ; the spy," the' scoot, - the bivouac, the siege, with many feats of dar iof daring the rebellion; and the assassina.t tion of President Lincoln. The Depart ment which embraces the "Words.-anJ peeda of Woman," is au exclusive feature ia its pages, and will secure for the work a universal popularity Address, "National Pablwhing Co,'n No. 507 Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa.4'- See advertisement in oW column of thia paper. . , -.. - ' r DlVIDEN'D. The Directors of the vv:nty National Bank of Clearfield, declared a div idend of Six,per cent. bn their.. Capital stock on July, 2d, 1866. ..-liv 2 i 2t . ... W5L ..y Wright. Cask, j I DxyiDEND. The , director of, th First ; National Bank; of Clearfield have this day (July 2d,) declared a didldend of Five per cent, on the capital stock (free from Gov ernment tax) out of. the profits of the last six mouths.' ' ' ; ; ;A. C. FiSJrEY, ' July.18,' '66.-2L -,. Cashier.' , Nominated. At the primary election on Saturday last, the , Democracy of this county made the following nominations : For Assembly, T. J. ! McCullough, subject to the District conference ; Associate Judges, Samuel Clyde and Jacob" Wilhelm ; Com missioner, Henry Stone ; Auditor, J. A. L. FlegaL . ' On May 29th, 1866, Peter Beal. of Beccaria township, in the, 37th year of his age. . On the 13th of March, 1866, JohxG". Sm th. of Becoaria township, aged 22 years, i n"nn md 7 1.-',ra. G I'NS. Pistols and wor? ene o hd t June. M. jlc.ttKr.Lli x tiiULLit g. S TOVKSof!! eorts and sixes. eonnfly oa hand at ilERRELL A BIOLEB'3 IAPIE S GLOVE KTO OXITERS Br J mora's Kid tpIt and lasting flipper, ebtl dren" fancy tboes, fin cIf boo's nl eiferi, cheap at J P. KRATZER S. MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN. PA. A. ROW & CO., RRbpRIF.TORS. Ibis br,n.e having bern ri red, and lent'y furni.-bed, is now open f-r ibe reep'ion and en tertainment of guets. The proprietors by long experience in bote' keeping, f.-l eor6denJ they cao Wl a disnrtniiiatin( pnbHo Thttirbar i FBPpliUaJrlth the choicest bran 1 of I qar nni wine. - Ja'y 4ih. 1803. DMI.MSTR TOft'S NOTIC h-Mtra of Administration on the etate f Jjm lu ry. la'e if Girird tp . Clerfiell counry dee d. h.iTici; been granted to the undersigned, all per wns hariu;; cUims against the estate are request ed to praeeottheni proper y authenticated fur set tlement, and thos- indebted io said estate are re quested to make settlement witbonf delnr. G. F. H'P. Adm'r July Ith.lSSS. Phi!ipburg. Pa. CAUTION. s.ll p'rsonsare hereby eiationed ajoinst I ur.'hHihinj; or me itj'in with the l. i' ir.)5 propertv ; to wit : All the interest and rldim in tea f land, one set blaoKsmith tMi's. hve bo.;?. 3 bend of cows and cvtle. one c.iok store, all th bedo and br.idicg. and alt the household and kitehe furniture in '.he houe and on ir-e prete m occnpiel by tonas Mrkrl the time having been purchaseii hr me and hre only been 'eft in 'he cre i.f said Market, and are i subject to my -order at any t me. June IcGJ JUAA. LSTO LJi. T7VUI 'OR S1LE The subiier offers I hiit furrn of S3 a.r flilutA in ITni.m f vvn . C-earoeld eount.r. at oriFte sIe. Thirty acres of the iiind i? e'eared and in a eooi sta'e of cnl tirjtio?! ihe biltnee is wll titubjrel. with a (tod vein of coal under'yin the who'e tract. The improvements are a In houe. bnk b irn and otner ou .buildings, with a gno-1 spring of water near the houe. and jjonven ent t scbd hu-e mills. Aa There is a's- growing on the premises about 250 fruit trees, all bearing, equil to any in the county. Terms will e eiy. For farther information call on the subscriber residing on the premises, or address him at Rockton P. O.. Clearfield eoonty.Pa. June 27, ts6. P. U. BOOZE. JJ O M V. I N D DSTRY! BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rate. The undersigned would respectfully inrite the attention of the citizens of Clearfiel i and risin -ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drag store, where he is prepared te make or repair anythi og in his lice. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I hare nw on hand a etoek of extra freneh calfskins, superb gaiter tope, .Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. Jane 13th, ISoo. DANIEL" COSN"ELI.Y QN HIS OWN "HOOK!! Merchant Tailor and General Clothier. "'- The undersigned baring located 'in Clearfield Borough, would respectfully inform the publie that he has opened a Merchant Tailor and gener al Clothing establishment, in Graham1 Row, immediately over H. F. Naugle's Jewelry store, where be keeps on hand a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting, which he is pre pared to make up to order, on short notice. Particular attention will be given to cutting Men9-. Boys" and children! clothing, in the most fashionable styles. - Having had a number of years experience in tbe business, he flatters himself that he is able to give satisfaction to all who may. favor him with their custom. Give him a call. Mayl6,185. P. A. GACLIS. Q L O T H I N Q 111 , C00D A3D CHEAP 3 . Men, Youths and Boys ean be snplpied with fall suits of seasonable and fashionable clothiaj- al RE1ZENSTEI.N BROS' A CO where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. Tha universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase their s'ork, which is now not surpassed by ary 'estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro's k Co., t-H goods at a very small profit, for casfc ; ' - - Their goods are well made and fashiooabl. ' . They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customer! all alike. They sell cheaper than every body elae. Their store is conveniently situated.'. They having purchased their stock 1 1 red used ' prices they ean sell cheaper tl an others. or these and other reaaona persons should bny thetr elothing at KEIZ-SSSTEfN BkCS A CO. r?'1', at Tfr7 Ua taken at tba highesa market prices. - - MyI8.1M. FOR SALE -A fhiftingTep Buggy Ap Vl?, t, t "WSMlTilACO. Cleaarfield. Pa., June 6. IS8S. DRTGS. MEDIC'I.NES, GROCERIES NOTIONS. e. it it Mett s. Hope Clearfield eonnty. Pa . May la, is IRON ! IRON I ! Bar iron, for sa'e at th tor of - MERRELL A BIGLER. FISH, Salt and plaster in Iarce" quantities t.TV 'Mar. 22,1855.1. , J. P. KRATZER . j - .J FEATI1ERS. A lot e,V prime feathers for saleat J. PKRATZER'S. Jane6.itt6o.lm. PISn Mackerel', fchad. Herring in all e4 -pack ages. at- t . J P. K.KATZKR'5 JLASTHIL Fresh Ground Plaster forsaje by , J. P. KRATZER June 6, 13 j&.-i'm C ABLE CIlAISS a good artielr. oi hand and for sale by MERRELL A BIOLER LEATHLR an assoi tment for sal by ' , MERRELL, A BJLER December 14. 184. Clearfield Pa, FODDERCUTTE RS of a sup-'rior m ak .for sale at reason) ie pr'tes. a MERRELL and BIOLER'S.Clearfie'i, Pa '. o - . FLOl'R. A 'large quantity Extra Family Floor, in Barrels, bark's aad i Sacks 'for aaleby Feb. 22, 1S65.1 W.F.IRWIN. FLOUR AND FEEDl Extra Family Flour, Bolted corn- meal, rye caop. Ac .for 'sale by JuBe-6, 1566. lm J. P. KRATZER. SWAIMS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Discovery. Hem hold's Bocbu. Hake's Cod Liv er Oil, Jayne's and Ayer's Medicines, for sale by Jan. 10,. HARTSWICK k IRWIN. TRUSSES and abdominal supporter of every kind, and ot the best improvments. for sale at the Drug Store of Jan. 10tS66. - HARTSWICK A INWIN SALT! SALT !! SALT !!'. A prime arti cle of groand alum salt., pat np in patent ia"K8. at S4-25 persacK, at the chearp cash slot e of November 27 R. MOSSO . A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of good? of every variety, sold as low for cash, as at any store in thcounty. hv Iee . IRVIN A HARTSHORN. T ANTEO n"1 wo'th of er-npty bonds Those of loti:et dares preferred Applj , WALTER BAKU r.T r. tune 2 lci. Clenrfttd.Tt. Rl'SS ST. DOMINGO, tlnbbair. Drake s. Uoofland's uerui-n. A Hos fetter's A tireen s Oxygenated Bitters, an-l pure liquors cf all kinds fot medical purpose, for sale by Jan 10. H ARTS i. ICK A IitWIN A LARUE WE OF CLOTHING inelu dirgionieextvqualityof Beaver Over-eoat. and a complete asrtment -of cassimere goods, made nr in suits to maih for sale bv Dec 6.lai. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. 5 ITCF! I1CP !! ITCH!!' SCR ATCII ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATuN'S OINTMENT Will Cure the I'di in 43 Hour. Als.--a.-es SILT RHSU'M. ULCKK-. CMIL ilUH-l ll EtLVTIONS O? THE SKIN . Prioe 55 cents. for ale by all drui?5itr By sending Si . euts to WEEKS 4 P )TTER." Sole sen's, 17 Washington S'rect. Boston, it will be forwar Je I by mil, free of postage, to any part of the Unite! States. June 6. H ia.-ty. tKV FIRM The nndursined have this diy il formed a dpar!uer.-hip under tbe firm name of Irrin A Hartihorn for the trans-iction of a gen eral merchindie and lumber businf. A larjre and well selected S'oc t of goo is has been added to that atready on hand at the --corner store'' in we are now prepared to show customers a complete a"ortment. with prices a -low a the lowest. The highest marker rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the pubiia is respectfully solicited. E A IRVIN. ' " W. R. HARTSHORN. 'n rwensville July IT. lttS5 MIT S 1 C A L I N S T R F M E N T S -U M. GREtNE lias opened his Music Store, one door vert f W. Lewis' B,k Store, where he keeps ernstantly on hand Steinwar A Sons and Oaehles Piano Manufacturing Company's Pianos. Man A Ham lin's Cabinet.Organs and Carhart. Needham fA Co.s' Melodeons; Guitars, Violins, Fifes. Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower Golden Censer. Golden Trio. Ac , Ae. , Sheet Music He is constantly receiving from Philadulphiaall the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing ean order, and hare sent them bv mail at publisher's prices. ryPianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Thoe wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing else here. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments sent promptly npon application with any additional information de sired. B.M.GREEN. Hill street. Huntingdon, Pa, One door West of Lewis' Book btore. Dec. 6, 1S83- A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, THB PICTORIAL BOOK Of ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS or THB Br.BEI.LIOl : Heroic, Patriotio Political, Romantic. Humorous Splendidly illustrated with over 300 fin Portraits A beautiful engravings, This work for genial humor, tender pathos, interest. an attractive beauty, stands peerless and alone among all its competitors. The valiant and brave hearted, tbe picturesque and dramatic, tbe witty an I marvelous, the tender and pathetic The roll of fame and story, camp, picket, spy. scout, bivouac, and siege; startling surprises; wonderful escapes, famous words and deeds of women, and tbe whole panorama of the war are here thrillitgly ' and startingly portrayed in a masterly manner, -it once historical and roman tic, rendering it tbe most ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has tailed forth Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, ener getie young men. and all in want of profitable employment, will find this the bet ehanee to make money ever yet offered- Bend for circulars and tee oar terms. Addre. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. No 507 Minor St.. Philadelphia, Pa- July 4, 1353 31. - . JJ P. NAUGLli, WATCHHAX2B GRAHAM'S KOW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs bis old customers and the public, that he has on band, (and constantly receiving new additions,) large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS. large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-boor spring auu Weight, and Levers, Tim, Strike and Alarm clocks. - WA TCHES a fine assortment. of silver Hunt ing and open ease American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled- , , GOLD rEXS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also. in silver extension aad dtsk holders ' ' ' SPECTACLES, a larre assortment, far and near eight, colored and plain glasa. JEWELRY of every variety, fro ma single piece to a full set . ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Fork, bat ter knives, eto., plated on genuine Alabata AH kinds of Clock. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted " " ' A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. yffr. 1885. II. P. N AUGLK SALT god article, and very rheap a t.rof ... Wy -aUKWIJ.ClatrSs-'j. WOOL W ANTED. 16000 lbs wool wanted, for which th city Market price will "he paid by ; J. P. KRATZER; 200 BtTSIIELS of choice beans for sale by - IRVIN HABTSHON- THE ..KIDNEYS. 7 The kidriey? are two in rmtDberj' sit uated at the - upper part of. the loin, Burrounded by fat arid " consisting of three parts, viz:" tire anterior, the in terior, and. the exterior. , . . . -The anterior absorbs;, th interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a depoait for th nrine. and eestvey it to tbe exterior -r th exterior s a conductor also-, terminating in a single tut, and called tbe areter; tbe ureters are-connected1 with the Madder.. ? - , The bladder is composed of various coverings er tissues, divided into parts, vix ; the pper, tin lower, the nervous, and the ' mucons. Tbe upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, othei s n rinate without tbe ability to retaiu. This fre qoently occurs in children. . . To cure tlese affections we must bring into action the nrnscles. whieh are engaged in tneir various functions. If they are neglected Gravel and" Dropsy may ensu; ... ; , The reader must also be made aware that, however slight may be the attack, it Is sore to affect his bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. ... Gout, or Rheumatism. Pain occurring in the loins is indic ative r.f the above dieaes. " Tbev occur in per sons disposed to acid stomach and chalky seer tions. The Gravel. The Gravel ensues from neclect or the improper treatment of the kilnev?. Th rg;Ti hein? weik..lh" wafer ia put expel led from the bladder, but allowed to remain: it becomes feverish and e-limnt forms ' It i from this deposit that the stone U formed and Gravel ensues T) Tl O T? S Y Is a collection of water in some pflvt? of the body, and bears different name, according to the fart affected. vi: wl en zenerallT diffused over th body, it is called Ana.aroa; when of tbe abdmen. Ascites; when of the cheit, iljdro thorx . - , ' .. TREATMENT. ! Ilclmhold's hijrhlv concentrated Ex tract of TJuchu is decidedlv one of the bet rrmdies f Tdiseaws of the bladder, kidneys. ravi"'. impscM swe'lne. rbumanm. and gon tv affeetions. I'rder thi bead we have arrang ed Dysuria. or difficulty and rain in pawing wat r: Scan'v secre'ion. or small and frequent dis cbares of water; Straoauary. or stopptnj of water; Iliernaturia. or bloody urine ; Gout and Rhemati-m of the kidneys, virhont anv cbanee in quanti'y. but inrae of color or dark wa'er It was always highly recommended by the late i)r Physical in these arjjotior.e. . This medicine increases the power of digestion, and excites the awrent? into heal thy exercir. bv which the waterv or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargement. a well as pain and inflamation, are reduced, and is taken by . . . , . MenYomen& Children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, 1857. II. T. Helmbold. Drujrdst: Dear Sir: I have been a suffer er, for "upwards of "twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been under tbe treatment of tbe. most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. .- ' Having seen your preparations ex tensively advertised. I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchn. I did this because I used all kinds of advertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determin ed to use no remedies unless I knew of the ingre dients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy As you advertised that it wag compos ed of nrCHP, ccbebs. and jusipbr berries, it oc curred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and. with his advice, after an exam ination of the article, and consulting ngain with the druggist. I conculuded to try it. I commen ced its nse about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the firt bot tle I was astonished and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and arter uring it three we?ks. was a ble to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect eure. knowing then it would be of greater value to yoi end more satisfactory to me I am now able to report that a cure is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. : Yog r Buchn being , devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nte tonic nd rnviratr of tbe eytm. I do not mean. o be without it whei ever occasion may require it use in uch affjfion M M CORMICK ' FhouM any doubt Mr: Mccormick's statement, he refer to the following gentlemen : . lloa Vm. Bigler, Ex-.Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Thom is B. Florence, PhU'a. . Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Phi la. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Phila. Hon. D. It. Porter, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. R. C.Grier. Judge, U.S. Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge, Phila Hon. W. A.Porter, City Solicitor,PhiL - Hon. John Bigler, Ex-Gov. California Hon. E. Banks, Auditor Gen. Wash ington, D. C. -v And many others, if necessary.;.-.... PRINCIPAL DEPOT, ; "; IltLUBOlD's Dnco axd Chkbical Wakcbovsk, . 53 1 BROAD WAY." (Metropolitan Hotel) SOLD BT DRUG til 5 IS EVEKiTrnKB4 bcwars or cc?!re.r:iT. 1 Kew'York. November 1. lMS-ly IHTEST INDIAN. IsnLER9lLN TAT10N BITTERS, for II il at Mets"s. tea Hop. Pa May 30th-1 soa. Wagoaa, for aal by MERRELL A BIGLK : SPECIAL ADVEBTTSEBENTS sKANXSS. BPT "TRt'B. EvWy . young O Jady.and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail free of chargo.) by' addressing th 1 . J . . - , T-V V - " ... . .1 u u u ru ui aau uvu xeara ex oeing nam bugged will ' biigr by not noiicii,g thu card. -All others will please adaress their obedient servant. . iuuj. r-utirMAi Jan.-3 lgpij-ly. 831 Dmadwaj. JJ York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from' Nervous Debility w Prematsr Decay, and all th effects of yonthful indiscretion, wrll for the sake of suffering human ity, send free to-all who need it. Ike oip anf- directions tor maaing tbe simple remedy by woien ne waseurea. conerers wisning to-promt by the advertiser's experience, can do so by d- dressicg ; JOHN B. OGDEN. Jan. 3 ISSVIy. ' So. 13, b ambers St. N.Y. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ENCE OF AN lNYALIDPuBli-hed for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUXO MEN androthers who strfferfrom Nervoni Debili ty, Premature Decay of Manhood, are-, supplying at tbe same time The Mesas' of Self-Core. By one who baa cured himself after ondsrjroinr con siderable quackery. ' By cnelosie at pusrpaid'ad ctrereed envelope, tingle -pies' free of charg may ee bad by tne aatnor. v NATHANIEL MAVFAIR, Esq., . Jan. St, 36-ly. Brooklyn. Kings Co. N.'-Y LOVE AND MATRIMONY : Ladies 'atid. Gentlemen if yon wish to marry, address th ndersigned. who will send yoa. wrthcot money and without price, valuable information that will enable yoo to marry happily and speedily, irre spective of age, weal rn . or be ant j This infor mation will cost you nothing an 1 if you wih to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly conidential. The desired information snt by return mail, and no reward asked. - AJdrcs. B LAJ13KP.T. Greenpoint. Kings Coi; N Y. KEYSTONE l K I.LK WORKS, VVodland. CVearfield oonotjr. Pa j BIXN Dall AS. respeffully informstbe eit isenr of Clearfield, and a Ij iiuia counties, that he bar just received a 6n-Miok of foreign aud domestic marble, which he will wek into Mntitv meuts. Tumlxivilead and r'ont si..ue. Door-ftepa Wiudow Kills an-1 l.uitftla. 3a.V e Stjod and Hat re top. ! Ao.. on reason ibe terairand thort tio ive. All persons in want of ai.jtLii gin Lix I Hi will please call, or addreshim bv lettrr. at Wixidlan i. Clearfield county, Pa. Orders by .jail will receive prompt attention .- Jul.v2'5 fio-y fill) COVSTMPTIVI'S. TLe ct.deisigred J. hivinHeeu restore i tobelth in af- w weeks, bj a very m nple remedy, after- .avsng suff- re-i s-veral y-rs with a severe lung affecsinn.aiijth? dread disease, orimramntioir is anxious la make known to his fellow sufferers the meu ofecre. To alt who dorire it. be will send a cojy of 'he prescription used (fiee of charge), with the direc tions fvr preparing and Being the yaine. hi.-b they wiH find.- a sr?R crac roa; WiNSCWPTios. ATH. BRosriirTlfi. roisfms. cobDS, C. The on ly object of the advertiser in senilis:; the P:- criptiun is to be neat the aH'Cteo. and .-prea 1 in formation which he conceives f be inra nuble and he hooes everr sufferer will trv his remedy as it will co?t tbem nothing, and may prove a blessing.- Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Kev. EDWALD A. WIL.SOX, Williamsburg Jan 3. IHtiS ly. Kings conn ty.N YorK GRAIN t'R AOI.ES. The subscriber would reepec'fully iuferm the farmers of Clearfield county, that he has on hand a lot of superior grain cradles, which he is offering for sale. Tbe lingers are perfectly water-proof and are warran ted to retain their position, which is not the ease with any other make now offered o the public. Call and examine and be convinced of their su periority. May 30th. 1S. THOMAS MILLS. K. A. M. HILLS DESIRES TO IN 17 form his patrons that profession al business confines him to Lisofec all tbe time, and he will therefore be un able to make Professional Visits to any of his ac customed pla es this summer; but ma; be found at his office on tbe sonth west corner of Front and Maw streets at all times, except when aotiee a v pearf in th twn papers to the contrary. Clearfield, Pa., July I, lb66. N. B. A full set of Teeth put in for S20. ; m . MISS E. A. P. R YN D ER, Teacher of Piano Forte. Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, Guitar, Harmony and Vocal Musio. - For the sol purpose of keeping inferior Instruments out of the county Miss Rynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos. Organs. Guitars and Melodeons. As chief among a large list of goad Instruments may be mentioned, Chickerings and Sons Grand, Square and Up right Piano Fortes. Lindeman's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano. ; Calen berg AVaupel's Grand and Square Pianos Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Organ. Etzy's Cottage Organ. Tieat A Linslcy's Organs and Melodeons. Hall's Guitars, Ac. which she will sell at a very trifling advance on Manufacturer's prices, thus enabling purchas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles that a re dar at ani prre." - - , Music Books. Paper, Guitar Strings and Sheet music constantly on hand at the store of Mrs. H. D. Welsh. September. 2. Is65. H RTSWICK k IRWIN, - DRUGGISTS, - Having refitted and removed to the room'lately occupied by Richard Messop.on Market St., now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also. Patent Medicine of all kinds. Pa'nta. Oils, (Ilass. Putty, Dye-stuffs. Stationary. To jaceo and Sega.-s. Confectionary. Spices, and a larger stock of virieties than ever before offered in this place, and warranted to be of the beat the market af fords. Inspeit their stock befor purchasing elsewhere, and they feel warranted in sayicg that .u will be pi ease j with the quality and price of their gopds Remember the place Mos.op's old rtand. on .narket St. Dei. ft. 1S6.". g O M E T n IN' G NEW - ix CTRWENSV1LJLE. DRUGS! DRUGS !! DRUGS!!! The undersignel wou'd respectfully announce to tbe puhic that he hu opene 1 a Irug ture. in the room r:ently fitted up in tbe hoae of ?eorre KittUbargr. on Main street. Curwensville. Pa., one do r West of Hippie t Fault's strtre where he intends to keep general assortment of - Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicire. Per fumery, Toilet Goods. Confectione ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Station-try, Pencils, , , Pens, Inks, and a general variety , of Notions; Glass, Patty, etc . Th want of a Drugstore he long been felt in Curwenvil!e. aad as that wsnt is now supplied, tbe nndersigned hope, by strict attention to bo sineM. to merit and receive ft liberal chare of public patronage. ; V. - -.. ' ' - His stock embraces nsost artftles needed tlr comma nit v, ia entirely new. and of the best oual- .. . I Til . - icy. wbicb n win aispoje or at roawnaoie prices -Call and examine the roods which cannot fail to plea. - . JOSEPH R. IRWIN. Novemn'r.-TK5. ' ' SEVER L. SET of heavy doab! har-H and home made horse collars atthe store of , Doe. . .1885. IRVIN A HARTSH RN. C ANNED FRUITi for ! by Aug n. MERBSLL A BIOLER. ET Xf S T" : AT MARYS VI HE;-; - ' ' 1 CLEARFIELD COUNTT. PA." The undersigned would respectfully annonhe to the riU'sens of TIearfield'couaty. that he Has opened a bow store in Marysvill. aadthat he i now receiving a large and splendid aator&fiabtoi seasonable goods, such a' , ' . ., .. . r , DRY-GOODS AND XOTlQS&tl Hard-ware,' Queens-ware, - Groceriesj Drugs, Oils. Taints and Glass, Boots: Shoia, Hats' and Caps, Clothrng-, and Stationary 1 and- in fact a general assortment iT goods.' soch" M re generally kept in conntry stor.' f ' ' Desire ua of pleasing the public, be will best endeavors to keep on hand the beet of ge4i. aad thereby bone to merit a liberal share of pr rooage. Call before purchasing elsewhere. I aSn determined to sell goods at mnderkte prices for; crsh.or exchange them far- every daseripti' of Lumber, at market prices - - t Sept. 27. IS5. STACY W. THOMPSOlf. ! , T I J p. AY A T: T EX t IO !; GOOD BARGAIN li AT THE CiaASrrailFrOlTTOB.T: - " - W hereby notify the public, that the Fondry in th Brngh of Clearfield, hu been put in full blast, by the undersigned, who are now ready to accommodate the oumtnnnitv with' anything per- tainiug to our line of business. W keep cost stantly on hand a general assortment of stove atrdV caatings, amng which are the following . Cook, Parlor ami Ten-plate Stoves; for burning either wood or coal Sala mamltr stoves, No. 4 ; Vase stoves, ; No's 3 and 4; Wh-kettles, Iff ' arrt 20 gallorrs ; Farm dinner- " bells, two sires ; "Fire grates, Sttan-i 23 inches ; -Ptows anl rrlow-csstinss.' " Wae-ao wrermre-t to make a'l kinds of GRI5T aal SAW-MILL IhOXS. anrf epeoial attentiea will be paid to th repairing of laB&saise Ma. CHI E , Persons in want of anytbing In our line wtynVl' do well to give as e e-ill I very dcripfir.ii at anpreved country protooe and old m-tal. tke in etAbange f r our manutacture at the hiehasi market i.rice. ilAHLEY A SUNS. CiearfiW, Nov. 1, 1583 if. p.UKSITDRE R 0 O X S JOHN CUE LICIT, - Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased bit facilities fur manufacturing, he is now prepared to snake to order tuch furniture a may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. II mostly has on hand at his --Furniture Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, amotig which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobe and Book-cases; Centra. Sofa. Parlor, irekf&st and Duiing extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-iana ana otner i;eo steads. ... SOFAS OF ALL KIND. WORK-STANDS; HAT , . RACKS, WASU-STAXDS, Aa. ; Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, aad Parlor Chairs; And eommun and other Chairs. LOO K I K GJ-G LA-S S E S . Of very description on hand, and new gleafcr " eid iramea, which will be put is, on very r!scia"ole terms, osrSort notice. He a'iso keeps on hand, or to order. Hair, Corn-hDsk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses COFFINS, OF EVERT RIND, J Made to order, and funerals attended wit ' Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting dob to order. The above, and many otber article are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Map!. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable forth busi ness, taken in exchange for forciture. Remember the shop is on Market street, Cloax field. and nearly opposite the --Old Jew Store ,v -December 4. 1S61 . JOHN GUELlCn. L W A Y S A II E A T IT BOYNTON. SHOWERS, A GRAHAM, Are now offering goods to the publie at the ' LOWEST CASH PRICES- Their stack consists ot are n e ral . variety ry-Ooods. Groceries, Hard-ware. Queens-war, i in-ware, n il low-ware, n ooden-ware. rrovMioasw llats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. A. LADIES DRESS GOOD now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy filki. Delaines, Alpacas, Ginghams. DucaU. Printa, Ma rin oa. Cashmeres. Plaids. Brilliant. Poplins. Ba rege. Lawns. Nankins, Linen, Lace. Edgiags, Col erettes. Braids. Beits, Veil, Nets, Corsetu, N biaa. Hoods. CoaU. Mantels, Balmoral sYirts, Ho siery. Gloves Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbon, HaU. Trimmings. Buttons. Combs. Shawls. Braid, Mnstins. Irish Linens, Cambrics. Victoria Lawns, Swiss, BobineU, Mulls, Linen Handkerchief ate. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths. Plain and Fancy t'aasimeree, Caahmerets. Tweed. Jean. Card. loys. Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchief. Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarf, eto.. etc? Ready-Made Clothing In the latest stvles and of th best material. consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Shawls. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and. Linen fcairts, eto. Of Boots and Shoes, - 1 hey have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen t'emen. consisting of Top Boots. Brogana. Pumps t'5 aiters. Balmoral Boote, Slippers, Monroes, eto Groceries and Provisions Soeh as Coffe. Syrups. Sugar. Rice. Cracker. inegar. Candles. Chee. Kloar. Meal. Beon, tub, coarse and fine Salt. Teas. Maatard. eta. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty. Japaaware. Err beaters, Spre box. Wir lad els, Sieve. Daiia pane, La&toroa. ete . etc Carpet. Oil-cloth, ' ? Rrooni Brushes Basket. Washboard. Bark eta. Tubs. Chains Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cotton jarn and Batting. Work baskets. L'mbiellas, eto. Ilnftmg Hopes, r Aur!r. Axe. Chels. Saws. Files. II a mm era. Hatchets. N its. Spikes. Gri.d atones. Stone r. Trunks. Carpet bag. Powder. Shot. Lead, etc. School Books, - Writing and Letter parer. Fancy aete and eem aaereial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, slates, ink stands, faney and common envelope. -- Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicine, Perfumery of various kinds, Faney soaps. Oil. Paior. Varnisbee. and ia feet very thing usually kept Is a first class Sure. . Carriage Trimmings, ghae Findings, Gia and Pwtty. Flat irons and Coffe sail 1- Bed cords and Bed acre w a. Matches, Saove blackitg- Washing soda and Soap, etc, Tfaey invite all perteaa to. call nd exaaaia . - their stock and hop- to give entire eaUsfastl -" BOlTNTON-SH mERa 4 GRAHAM. Clearfield. Pa., Sept. 6th. ' ; IJKOV1SIONS. Floor, haeon. lard, ehees. . dried beef, dried lruit, received regnlariy. at the store of Mar. TZ. J. P. KRATZER. HORSE-SHOES and b arse-nails be baiat Ang. 13. MERRELL A BISLITR In