TBI f II !? 'I ; i Fl 1 rf siaftsman's journal. W . i Trrnnfl at fr:n ..J;.. Philipsburg at : 11.00 a. m. : 1.20 p m. : 3.00 p. m rrliB ieare. Philipsburg rrl! Arrive fitTyroneatJ ..-.j,, vtce3. Rev. Archer will J-hin the Presbyterian church, morning '.1 evening, on Sunday, July 1st. E. Rev. Monroe win preaeu in i-o T;nrch, on Sunday evening, July 1st. -.. Harrison will preach in the Luthe- anchurch.on Sunday morning, July 1st I Shaw k Son, have received I another U of good cigars. Try them. t The Crops. The weather has been very I .:, .o. ffTAtcInir crons durinsr the past ten days, and they all promise an abundant yield. Foo'D several days since, a pair of spread chains. The owuer can have the same by calling at the TostofSce, giving a eati:factory description, and paying for thus notice. . CurRNS. The right to manufacture and MH West's superior (5-minute) churn3 in Woodward township, can be purchased at a lowfi-ure. For further information apply at the Journal office. Coi'RT. The June term of our court comineucol on Monday a-week, and is still in session. Much business has been trans-ac-tul We will endeavor to give an ab tiTAd of the proceedings i.ext week. Tu.vsks. We tender our sincere thanks to tW-e of oar patron who paid their ae-i-jjidi weyk ; and we will be under like obl'iL-dlljui to -11 others to whom we for vardeJ billa lately, if they will remit ly mail; at an early day, the several amounts due us. Something New. Ladies, dress your l.ns. Patterns of Garribaldi, Zouave and French suits, or any other stylo desired. Kill be furnished on short notice, at reason able rates. Call on P. A. Gaulin, Graham's Row, over Nasties Jewelry Store. Clear field, Pa. Juue 6,-3t. A New Dress. The Washington, Pa., Reporter, last week, put on an entire new dress, and uow makes truly a very neat ap pearance equal to any other paper in the iMate. The Reporter is a stanch Republi can journal, edited with great ability, and worthy the confidence and patronage of the Union party in whoe midst it is published. To toe Editor of the Raftsman's Jtunal : Deir Sir: Please iusert the following jn your next issue : Tuos Tracy -.The ladies of St. Francis' Church, in this tow.i, intend holding a Pic Nie o;i the coming Fourth of July. It will U- Lt-ld on the same ground they used last mumer. They take this opportunity to i-turn thanks to the former guests, and in itc them once more, and as many otheroas vi.-h, to attend on the nest occasion. S"v Beck wheat. It is estimated that ti.t-re were lG0,t',)j.:s3 bushels of wheat on band lat harvest for the consumption of t'.e country, and that the quantity that will if on band at the comincr harvest will rva-Tt higher than 83,490,431 bushels. The (pietiun arises, whence will the defi ciency be supplied? The extra crop ot po tatoes which we are now almost certain of, as well as a good crop of corn, will go far to supply the lack of wheat. We' now urge all ftnuers to sow large breadths of buckwheat. This would contribute largely durig alout fix months of the year to supply the want of wheat flour. Taking our resources from potatoes, corn and buckwheat into account, we J.i not perceive why our laboring popu lation may not get through the next year as easily as the past, as far as breadstuff's are concerned. "Boys, Don't Swear." The editor of an exchange paper, on hearing a little boy not over six years old, who was standing on a ttreet crossing, swearing at the top of his vuiee in the most profane manner, truthful ly remarks: "Poor little fellow, no doubt he thought he was acting 'smart,' or ma king himself look 'big,' by re-iterating the oaths he hears daily troni the lips of men, about our streets. But how mistaken he was. Boys have no idea how little it looks, to grown persons, to see them trying to copy the bad habits of those older than them selves. An old man remarked to us the other d:ty, that 'when he heard a boy swear ing, he concluded immediately, that he had too little sense to know better,' and 'he would never amount to much.' And the old man was "right. Show us a boy that will swear, and we'll show you one that will steal or get drunk, or do any other mean' act. Such boys are not to be trusted, for one bad habit is as easily learned as anoth er. Boys remember this." On one little street in Galena, Illi nois, and within the epace of four blocks, were at one time the business places of five jor General A. IT. Chetliin, Brigadier Gen ial S. A. Maltby. ' Jeff Davis's fondness for onions, as man ifested in their great prominence in his bill of fare, has transformed him into a sort of Prodigious leek. This accounts for the dif Scalry la Lailing bim out. Jr$ey DaQy private citizens, now known as .Lieutenant General Grant. Major General John E. Smith. MaiorGeneral J. A. Rawlins, Ma MARRIED: On June 2Cth, 1SG6, by Rev. J. O. Arch er, Dr. Jas. I'. Buuciifield and Mia Em ily J. Alexander, all of Clearfield bor ough. The happy bride and proom have our grateful thanks for the wedding cake, and two-dollar greenback, that accompanied the j above announcement. May happiness ana I wmfAntrriPnfc pvfr r tritVi thfm mav true love animate their every word and action ar.d may peace and plenty be their portion to the end of life's journey, is our sincere wuh and desire. C ANNEO FRUIT, for sale by Aug. 23. MERRELL A BIG LER. CLE AUriELT) CO. MEDICAL SOCIE TY. A meeting of the Clearfield county Medical Society will be held on Tuesday. June 19h.at fi o'clock. P M . at the offise of br.Buroh field, in Clearfield, for the purpose of electing of ficers. 11 P. THOMPSON, May 23. 13S8.-2t. Secretary. A DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Robison, late of Lumber-city. Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to initke payment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. G. II LVTLK, May 16. 1S65, pd. Adtn'r. THE Building Committee of the Presbyterian congregation of Clearfield invite sealed pro posals for f trrjiihinsr ah i deliviring on or near the ground where the old church now stands, ma terial fur building a new church, viz : Stone.Ium ber, lime and sand, according to bills, e pecifica tioos and information to be had. seen and ex plained up to June 1st, 1305, at the offic of May 10, 18GJ. A. M. HILLS, Sec ty ot Com t. PROPOSALS Pealed proposals willbe re ceived by the commissioners of Clearfield county, Pa., at their olSie in Clearfield until the 3Mh day of June next for erecting a covered bridjre with good stone abutments across the mouth of Anderson creek in the borough of Cur wensville. rians and specifications can be seen at their of fice on and after the 4th dav of June, lstirt. AMOS READ. CONRAD BAKER. Attest. CHAS. S. WORRELL. W. S. Bradley, clerk. Comrs. J 1ST OF LETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post office at Clearfield Pa on the 1st day of June, 1365. Brown. K. J. Lightl yThomas I.i'inner, T. A. M'Cu'lough, .Tnoies L. Mcl'nnough. P. Patrick. Andrew liudth. D. G. Shanghncssey, John Shtpard. Henry Smith Levi Whelock, Annie Mrs. Williams. John D. Beard Isaac Clifton. Minnie Miss Clayton. John Crimtuings, James L. Cottorn. A. II. Donnell. James C I'onahoe. John P 2 Erapannier. Louis Kcph-irt. fatharine Mrs. Lee. I nomas Persons callinz for letters in the abovo list will pleaseeay they are advertised. M. A. FKAXIC, P. M. UNITED STATES TAX APPEALS Vnitfo States Assessor's OKFirr..l9th Dist Pa. ) Ofliee.Curwensville. Clearfield county, Pa J Notice is hereby given that the assessment lists, valuations and enumerations made and taken within the assessment district composed of Clear field county, by the assistant assessor, under the laws of the United States, will rem lin open to all persons concerned for examination for the space of 10 davs from the 16th day of June, A. D. 13tf6. at the office of Win. J. Hemphill, Asst. Assessor. 1st IMvision. at Curwensvillj, in the said county of Clearfield. AnJ. at the same place, the undersigned asses sor cf this collection district will attend on the 27th day of June. IStJfi. to receive, hear, and de termine all appeals relative to any erroneous or ei2cs;ive valuations or enumerations by the as sistant assessor. In regard to appeals, the law provides, '-That ' the question to be determined by the assessor ': on an appeal respecting the valaation or enu 'mcratioaot property, or objects liable to duty "or taxation, shall ho. whether the valuation 'complained of he or be not in a just relation or " proportion to other valuations in the same as sessment district, and whether the enumeration 'be or be not correct. And all appeals to the asse sor as aforesaid, shall he made in writing. " and shall specifv the pirticular cause, matter, " or thing respecting which a decision is request 'ed; and shall, moreover, state the ground or " principle of equality or error ennif'lained-of.'' DANIEL LIVINGSTON. .Asaepsor of the 19th Collection District. Mv 30th. lSfo. JJ O M E INDUSTRY! BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the" citizens of Clearfiel j and vjein i ty, to give him a call at hU shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick Irwin's drug store, where be is prepared to make or repair anythi ng in his line. Orders entrusted te him will be executed with prompt ess, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest fipures. June 13th, 1S. DANIEL CONNELLY. Q II AIRS ! CHAIRS ! 1 CHAIRS ! ! ! JOI1N TROPTJIAS Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at his shop located on the lot in the rear ol his residence on Market street, and a short dist tnce west of the Foundrv. is nrenared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who mav favor him with a call, with everv descriDtion of Windsor chairs. lie has a trood assortment on hand, to which he directs the attention of purchasers. They are made of the verv best material, well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield. Pa.. March 2S. 1S63 JJ IF . IST . TT G- E WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S ROVT, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and th public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clqcks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring auii Weight, ana evers, xime, oinno ana Alarm clocks. IVA TCIIES fine assortment, of silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD rEXS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES,, large assortmant, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. AISO, a fine assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry sare fully repaired and Warranted. A continuance of patronage is solicited Not. 28th, 1S65. H. F. NAUGLE FISH a general variety, just received andfor cal at MERRELL 4 BIOLER'S. TED $5,000 worth of eounty bonds f? Those of longest dates preferreo. Apply to- WALTER BARRETT, lune 2s. 1S65. Clearfield. Pa. A GENTS ANTED FOR THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, THE PICTORIAL BOOK OP ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OF tn REBELLIOS : Heroic, Patriotic. Political, Romantic. Humorous Splendidly illustrated with over 300 fine Portraits 4 beautiful engravings, Thi3 work for genial humor, tender pathos, interest, an attractive beauty, stands peerless and alone among all its competitors. The valiant and brave hearted, the picturesque and dramatic, the witty and marvelous, the tender and pathetic. The roll of "fame and story, camp, picket, spy, scout, bivouac, and siege; startling surprises: wonderful escapes, famous words and deeds of women, and the whole panorama of the war are here 'hrillingly and startingly portrayed in a masterly manner, ut once historical and roman tic, rendering it the mo3t ample, brilliantand readable book that the war has called forth Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, ener getic young men. and all in want of profitable employment, will find this the best chance to make money ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see our terms. Address. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. No. 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. June 6, 1366-1 m.p. J. Ef.Fi. WITH LIPPENCOJT, BOND 4 CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Hats, Caps. Furs, and Straw Gocds, No. 413 Market St., Philadelphia. Pa. May 2 !d. Hsi'ifi. JUMBEU-CITY RACES AGAIN !! KIRK & SPENCER KEEP THE IUSIDE TRACK ! Their celebrated thorough bred Steed, '-cheapest fou cash," the Peoples' favorite! Remember this, and when in want of seasona ble GOOOS, AT THE TLRr LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH puiCE. call at the store of Kirk k Spexcek, in Lumber City. You will not fail to be suited. Dress Goods and Notions in great vatiety, We study to please. KIRK & SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa , July 1, lsSa. 2 - v - v! - 33 - - -, TL1E CHEAPEST AND BEST GOODS ARE TO BE ITAD AT THE C II E A I CASH S T ORE. WILLIAM F. 1UWIN Has Removed Ilk Cheap Cash Store To his new rooms, recently erected on South Sec ond Street. Clearfield, Pa., where he will be pleased to have his old friends call to see him, and as many new ones as will favor him with their custom. NEW SPRINti GOODS. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, whichdie can dispose of at the cheapest prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he teels persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of Dry-Gcods and Notions. Hardware, Queensware", Groceries, Drugs, Oils and PsinU, Glass. Hat3 and Caps, Baskets and Buckets, School Books and Stationary, Salt, Axes. Nails and Spikes. Also, a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes of the very best makes, and at prices lower than heretofore. Also, Dried FruiU, and Canned Fruits, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex " changed for approved produce. Go to the '-cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. May 2, 1306. WM F. IRWIN. H. W. SMITH & CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa , AUE OPENING Selling the cheapest and best line of Dry Goods ofTerel in Clearfield county. Having been the last to purchase, we have the advautage of the decline in prices, and offer tb id advantage to all our customers, and all others. .In ladies dress goods we bring only the latest and most fashionable materials. Alpacas. (which are no -so fashionable" in the East.) we have good qualities as low as 45 cents, and good shades and colors. We offer alsi a novelty, which has just appear ed in. dress goods called -Ptnale Rohes." Tbey come in patterns an ! comprise all shades and de signs. They are all ready to make up ; the trimming-being attached to the pattern. These goods possess also the advantage of being done up at any time. Fancy Drv Goods.!!e9'Tri.m'd.:Derb" t j- v. , rl Ladies' Trimmings, "'""'"'".Ladies' Straw cord. Ladies' LisleGloves, Ladies' Straw Ornaments Ladies' Mohair Mitts, Ladies' Fine silk Nets. Ladies' Fancy Chenelle. Ladies" Magic Ruffling, Mens' Year. Fine assortment Fancy Cassimeres in Patterns, Ladies Lace tdgings, Ladies' Thread Edgings, extremely Cheap. Ladies h ilk Tassels, Ladies' Val. fluting, j Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Silk Scarfs, M , R Monroes, Laa.es t-ancy Ties ,M . taf BooUj Ladies Lmb d Ha chiefs , Lad.es fcticbed Han kts. , 61oTeCJf Gaiter3 Ladies Lawn Han chiefs M , - Slipper3. Lad.es Assorted nuttons ,, T '.vi, Rn, Ladies' Emp. U'p Skirts,: Youths' and Boys' Shoes, Ladies' fckirt covers. all sizes and styles Straw Hats, Hosiery ,Kid Gloves and Collars. Shoes and Gaiters Ladies' Lasting Gaiters. I Misses' Lasting Gaiters, Stationary of all Kinds Misses' Goat Boots, j Ladies' Goat Hoots. Fruits ! FruitS ! ! JSF'. MVe Cal0t!' Seedless Raisins 5.5- 1 ' Morocco Pumps, U Kaisi Child's' Moroccofchoes, prne? Ladies' Shaker Hoods. ;Gannej Peaches, Ladies' Opera Slippers, CanDed Pear3 . Canned Corn, bundowns. Canned Pine Apples, Ladies' Cant'nSundowns Canned Sardines, Ladies' Derby Hats. iltalian Maccaroni Ladies Split Hats, Ladies' Luten Hats, Misses' Luten Hats, Infants' Luten Hats, Infants' Willow Caps, Almonds. Fins, Cream (Nuts, Filberts, Lemons, j Oranges to iSuoer Extra Pickled Oysters. Crackers. Su ear crackers. Lemon biscuit. Egg biscuit. Fancy biscuit, Watercrackers, and Butter crackers. Oil and Snices. New Orleans Molasses. Super Extra Syrups, Sugars, Coffee, Rice, Teas, Candles, Soap, Tobacco, ana cigars. U.. H,ti draft TTnnk and Trowel! Mops, Oil cloths, Willow Ware. Fish, Salt, and Hams. Clearfield, Pa. May 9, 1S6(L ITIISH.SALT AND PILASTER, for sale at X' Mets's, Glen Hope, Pa. May 30, 1S66. vrpTinti Hisnr.ERSkPLA" V TATION BITTERS, for sale at Mett'G" Hope, Pa. May 3)th. 1W ALT a good article, and very cheap at th ' store of . WM. F. IRWIS. Clearfiel t HTLLEY BLOCKS of varions sites, to be had at MKBRELL 4 BIGLER'S PISH, Salt and plaster in large quantities at Mar. 22, lsdj-1 J. P. KRATZER PEATIIERS. A lot of prime feathers for tle at J. P KRATZER. June 6,1865. 1m PISn Mackerel, Shad. Herring in all sixed ackages,at " J P. KRATZEK'S PLASTEK Fresh Ground Plaster forsale by J. P. KRATZER June 6, ISriti.-lin. CABLE CHAINS a good article, on hand and for sale by MERKELL . BIG LER LEATHER an assoitmeot for sale by MERRELL A BIG LER December 14. 18S4. Clearfield Pa. FODDERCUTTERs4)f a superior maki for sale at reasonal le prires. a MERRELL and BIGLER'S. Clearfiel, Pa OIL TERRITORY AND, LEASES for s'eby II. B. SWOOPE, Clearfield. Pa., Mar. 22. 1365. Att'y at Law FLOUR. A large quantity Extra Family Flour, in Barrels. Satk's and Sarfen f,ir saie oy Feb. 22. 1805.) W. F. IRWIN. FLOUR AND FEED. Extra Family Flour, Bolted corn meal, rye chop, Ac. .for sale by June 6, 1366. Itn. J, P. KRATZER. SWAIMS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Uembold's Buchu. Bake'sCod Liv er Oil, Jayne's and Ayer's Medicines, for sale by Jan.10. HARTS.WICK A IRWIN. nPR"SSES and abdominal supporter of every A kind, and ot the best improvments, for sale at the Drug Storeof' Jan. 10 1365. nARTSWICK A INWIN SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent saKS. at 54.25 per eacK, at the cheap cash stoie of November 27. K. MOSSOi. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of good? of every variety, sold as low for cash, as at any store in the county, bv Dee. 6. ISfif.. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. GROITM) AM) UNUROl'ND SPICES. Citron. English Currants. Ess. Coffee, and Vinegar ot the best quality, for sale by Jan. 10. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. D!t. T. B METZ, Surgeon Dentist. Glen Hope, Clearfield county. Pa. Teeth put up on gold, silver, and vulcanite bage. Full setts from five to twenty-five dollars. Warranted equal to any in the State. May 30th, 1SGS. Rl'SS' ST. DOMINGO, Kubbail's. Drake's, Iloofland's German, A Hostetter's A Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by Jan. 10. HARTS'.. ICK A IRWIN A LARGE LOT OF CLOTHING inclu ding some extra qualityof Beaver Over -coats, and a complete assortment of cassimere goods, made up in suits to match for sale bv Deg.6,H6. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. SOMETHING NEW! SHAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING. The undersigned invites the attention of the public to his new Shav ing and Hair Dressing Saloon, in Grnham's Row. Clearfield. Pa Having several years' experience in the business, be flatters himself in being able to render satisfaction to customers. Terms rea sonable. Give him a call. May 9. 18fft. ' CHARLES PHILIPS. GRAIN CRADLES. The subscriber would respectfully inform the farmers of Clearfield county, that he has on hand a lot of superior grain eradle3, whieh he is offering for sale. The finders are perfectly water-proof and are warran ted to retain their position, which is not the ease with any other mate now offered to the public. Call and examine and be convinced of their su periority. THOMAS MILLS. Mav 30th. 1S68. kJU.uETIliMi 1M ULbliEriLLU: 3 CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work on carriages, buggies, wagons, sieigns, sieus, c, on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. 'Jr ders promptly attended to. WM. McKIGHT. Clearhcld, teb. , isoo-y YEV FIRM. The undersigned have this day 1 formed a copartnership under the firm name of Irvin A Hartshorn, for the transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber business. A large and well selected stoe't of goods has been added to that already on hand at the -'corner store" in Curwensville. where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices as low as the lowest, the highest marKet rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. . A. 1K l.N. W. R. HARTSHORN. Curwensville. July 17, 1S65 ITCH! ITCH !! ITCH!!! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itcli in 4 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHIL. BLA1MS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole A- eents. 170 Wasbinston Street. Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the tn.ted States. junets, ift'jo.-iy. QN HIS OWN HOOK!! j?. ?.. G-risr, Merchant Tailor and General Clothier. The undersigned having located in Clearfield Borough, would respectfully inform the public tbat he has opener! a Alercnant la nor ana gener al Clothing establishment, in Graham's Row, immeditelv over U. F. Nauele's Jewelry store. where he keeps on hand a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting, which he is pre pared to make up to order, on short notice. Particular attention win do given iu uunwiS Mens". Boys' and ehildrens' clothing, in the most fashionable styles. Having had a number of years experience in the business, he flatters himself that he is able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Give him a call. May 16,1S66. P. A. GAULIN. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT S. B. M. GREENE Has opened his Music Store, one door west cf W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand Steinway & Sons' and Gaehles Piano Manufacturing Company's Pianos, Mason 4 Ham- Iin s Cabinet Organs ana uarnan. jeeumui a, Co.s' Melodeons; Guitars, Violins, Fifes. Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower Golden Censer. Golden Trio. c, Ac. Sheet Music He U constantly receiving from Philadolphia all the latest musio, which persons at a distance wishing can order, and have sent them by mail at publisher's prices. PF"Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years! Those wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments ent promptly upon ' application with any additional information de. -! : R. M. GRKEX. Hill street Huntingdon,'?- , One door West of Lewis' Book btore.S H Deeg.1865. T "r. T ALARGE STOOK OF GLASS painuVfl white lea: etc.. at E. A. IRVIN'S TfTOOL WANTED. 10000 lbs wool V-. for which th city vr.rkpt nrice will be paid by ... ). P. KRATZER THE KIDNEYS. The kidney? are two in number, sit uated at . the "Upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and corisi?tin- of three parts, viz: the anterior,-the in terior, and the exterior. The anterior absorbs; the interior consists of tissues or veins, which servo as a deposit for the urine, and convey it to the exterior ; the exterior is a conductor also, terminating in a single tuke, and called the ureter; the ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts, vis : the npper, the lower, the nervous, and the mucous. The npper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, othets u rinate without the ability to retain. This fre quently occurs in children. To cure these affections we must bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. If they are neglected Gravel and Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware that, however slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect his bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Gout, or Rheumatism. Tain occurring in the loins is indic ative of the above diseases. They occur in per sons disposed to acid stomach and chalky score tions. The Gravel. The Gravel ensues from neglect or the'improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expel led from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish and sedimeut forms. It is from this deposit that the stone is formed and Gravel ensues r ji o p s y Is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the part affected, viz: wk en generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca : when of the abdomen, Ascites ; when of the chest, Hydro thorax TREATMENT. Ilelmbold's highly concentrated Ex tract of Euchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gou ty affections. Under this head we have arrang ed Iysuria, or difficulty and pain in passing wat er; Scanty secretion, or small and frequent dis charges of water; Stranguary, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine ; Gout and Rhematistu of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase of color or dark water, it was always highly recommended by the late Dr Physick in these affections. litis medicine increases tne power of digestion, and excites the absorbents into heal thy exercise, by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflamation, are reduced, and is taken by Men,Women& Children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, 1857. II. T. IIelmbold, Druggist: Dear Sir : I have been a suffer er, for upwards of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations ex tensively advertised, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this because I used all kinds of advertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determin ed to use no remedies unless I knew of the ingre dients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy As you advertised that it was compos ed of BrcHtr, tXBEBS, and jumper berries, it oc curred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and. with his advice, after an exam ination of the article, ami consulting again witb the druggist. I conculuded to try it. I commen ced its use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bot tle Iras astonished and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and arter using it three weeks, was a- ble to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to you vnd more satisfactory to me I am now able to report that a cure is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. "our Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system. I do not mean to be without it whet ever occasion may require its use in such affections M. M'CORMICK Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Vm. Bigler, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Thomas D. Florence, Phil'a. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. D. R. Porter, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Phil'a. . Hon. R. C. Grier, Judfre, U. S. Court. Hon. G. W.Woodward, Judge, Phil'a Hon. W.A.Porter, City Solicitor, Fhu, Hon. John Biler, Ex-Gov. California Hon. E. Banks, Auditor Gen. Wash ington, D. C. And many others, if necessary. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, II elm hold's Drco and Chemic-L Warehouse, 591 BROADWAY, (Metropolitan Hotel ) HEW YORK. . - SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE BEWARE OF COnaTefi'EITS. Kew York, November 1. 1865-ly. mBIMBLK-SKEINS and Pine-boxes. t r Jl Wagons, for sale by MERRELL BIGLER -inil.. WK.I. .nH T.initeod Oil. Family Dyes. J Varnish andPaintsof all kind ground in Oil, for tale by PART8WICaI 4 IRWIK H. MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Ta.,- One door East of the Clearfield House, J a Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Far-' Dishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen,' Undershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Uats, ete . iu great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the liest Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doe-skin Cassiinerea of the best make, . Fancy Cassimeres in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, an I Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be ' sold cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also airent fur Clearfield eounty, for I. M. Singer 4 Co s Sewing Machines. November 1. Ib6a. ATTENTION! BUYERS!! HI-3 5 FATJST DEALERS IS FOREIGN AffD DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, C. MAI.t STREET, CCKWE5SVILLE, PA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry-Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Queensware, Tinware. Boots, Shoes, II ats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, eta., .in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times. They also deal in Grain, Pork. Shingles, Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call. Remember you can find us at the eld stand on Main Street where we are prepared to aooomo-' date custcmers with anything in our line of business. Sept. 6. 1?65. flIPPLE A FAUST. gTRING GOODS. C. KRATZER k SON, Arc just opening at the Old Stand above the Academy, A large and splendid assortment of Spring goods, which they are selling at greatly reduced prices. Particular atten lion is invited to their stock ef CARPETS, (Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil cloths, Window Shades and Wall Papers Especial psins has been taken in the selection of Ladies' Dress Goods, White Goods, Embroide ries and Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoes, which they will sell at a small advance on city cost. Flour, Bacon, Fish. Salt and Plaster, Apples. Peaches and Prunes kept constantly on hand. Also, some pure randy. Whiskey and Wines for medicinal uses Also in store a quantity of large and small clover seed. We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will . sell our goods as low as they can be bought in tne county; and will pay tne very highest price for all kinds of country produce. We will also exchange goods for School, Road fni Connty or ders : Shingles, Boards and every kind of manu factured Lumber. March 14, 1666. N E "W Q- O O 3D S ERS. H D- WELSH -CO., Have Just Received and Opened a Ssock of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which were purchased during the present decline, and tbereful e are enabled to sell very cheap TT T, C! i r 1? r u l j j iv Consists in part of Merinos, Alpacas. Poplins? Wool, Armure. and common Delaines; Prints, G inghftms. Shawls. Hocds, Hosiery .Gloves. Nu bias. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flannels, Lades' Cloth, Sheetings, MuBlins. Towel ing. Ticking, Sontags. Breakfast Shawls, Capes, Ac. Also. a fall assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Among which are, Hats. Bonnets, Feathers, Rla- bons, I: lowers, aces, t rames, iuanness, i vets, Silks, Ciapes? Berages, Veils, ete., and a large stock of CHILDREN'S' TOYS, Including Cbiua, Bronse. Papier Mache Tl, Rosewood Glass, t'ewter. H ooaen, Parian and Candy Toys. FOR LADIAS, Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandoline. bloom of youths acd Paints, Rouge. Lilly bite. eto. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continue ance of the kind patronage of tne people oi Clear field county. ti ?"Remember the place Second Street, next door to First National Bank. Nov. 29. IS6S n R E AT EXCITEMENT COND STREET, IT ON SECOND STREET, CLEABFIELD, NEW FIRM AND NEW ARRANGEMENT. AND NEW GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES ine nnaersignea ssviiigiuiiuou -" ship in the Mercantile business, would respectful ly invite the attention ot the public generally to toeir Bpieuuiu ui v. ....... - , is now beine sold verv low for cash. Their stock consists in part of RRY GOODS of the best quality. Such as Print', Delaines, Alpa cas. Merinos, Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings. Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ac. Ac. all of wich will be sold low ros cash. Also, a fin assortment of the best of MENS WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Handkerehieftf cravats, eto. Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Baltina Angurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc ALSO.IQueensware. Glassware. Hardware, Groce ries, and spices of all kinds. In short, a generaV assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail atore. all cheap far task, of approved country nrodoce. . . . 0 VT7T5 , n rTT .TAWTAUT ijn . it. I ; iu . v., ,i uiu ui j? lao. iun.' pflEt'SE-s good article, jtu reoerv-wf ' VV Hot. I. MRRU BlGLER'S. FOR SALE ateost I good cook stoves, to elose oat th stock, at th cheap cash u f R. MOSSOP, Clears! 14 ? I; It; i'-f V