u 'fat R ft P.T 8 Cffl ft BS - 4) 0) H & 1 ft BSS t'Hii a 1 ;1 J f.S U i if 1 1 13 r! -Ssftsman's Ifoornat SSSfIELD. PA., JUXE 20; 1666; T-rene and cl leave Tyrone at i ,. t rr" 11 no a. m. . :.- at rni'ir'""' fn:a leave Ph.l.pb-J8 ; ; ; ' m 1:1 Arrives it TT""" at . . TlEaviCE3. Rev. Archer will icb'i" the Presbyterian church, morning F, 1 evening, on Sunday. June 24th. tnRev Monroe will preach m the M. E. Church, on Sunday morning June 24th. Pev embower will preach in the Bap ti?t church, on Sunday evening, June 24th. Tvr. nr-Indies, dress your dr vnjBfcjuw" j - r r;rM; 7ounve and c Kirs, l atterns ui uani.-i - - . Frih suits or any other style der.red, will be furnished on short notice, at reason .L Call on P. A. Gauhn, Graham s r . fil.. Row, over Nauj les Jewelry orore. v.. June 6,-3t. field, Ta. To Boys. a oy a - .(. fch elucati'on, of sober and industrious bibif, from fifteen to seventeen years of we and who can come well recommended, tin obtain a situation to learn the printing business by applying at the Journal office, a boy from the country preferred. Ruv We have been favored with quite rtpious rains during the past week, and the growine crops are looking finely. Grass, especially, is growing rapidly, with a lair Direct of an abundant crop.. Wheat, rye. e corn and potatoes, also promise a good Sf.w Mrsic We are in receipt of the following new ciusic, from Horace Waters, the wll known publisher at 481 Broadway. New York: "Oh, you must be a Lover of theUnl." 'Ml marry no man if hedrinks." '30 cents each, and "Sun'ight Polka Bril liant." 40 cents--all most excellent pieces, rythat popular writer, Mrs, E. A. Park- Jmrst. Fatal Accident. James W. Walker of Snow Sho Centre county, on Friday Sth. Lot himself whilst out surveying, in com pany with another person. The pun was discharged accidently in passing thronsh the woods, in Mr. Walker's hands, and in flicted a mortal wound upon himself. lie died in a few minutes after the occurrence. The Brigade. We noticed, on Sunday ...nlniytict at onf of our churches, that tlie roinlu briqmle was arain in attendance. evidently having added several ivcrni's to their nuinVr, during the week. I heir cm duct around the church door, before the elo-e of . services, as well as alter, was any thin? but pent!ena!y. Would it not be advisable for the borough oflleers to k( e;v an eye on the brigade, and have some of theui arrested? A hearing be ft re Julg.-Linr-, we think, would have a tendency to top their rowdyism. An Outrage. A correspondent unler date of Jane 11th, writes a. follows : -Some time during lhe week et din-r June flrh, the JK'th-idist church on Ea-t Ridge. Burnide town-hip, was entered by some unprinci- pk-d persons, who carried off a look ca-e J containing about trvtnty-fict duVmrs worth of Sabbath School books, and the pulpit Bibie and Ilvmn book. The books have rut been f uad as yet, nor is any one suspected of doinc the deed." Such scoundrelism de eerves the severest punishment of the law, and we hope the thieves may be detected aa l receive their just rewards. Notice to RegimentalCommandf.r3. Late commanders of Regiments of the 14th military district, composed of the following counties, to wit: Juniata, Mifflin, Hunting don. Centre and Clearfield, will please for ward to me at once, the name and post of fice address of all the Color-bearers and guards, in their respective counties to en able me to forward to them passes on the Kailroads to Philadelphia and return, that they maybe present to bear once more their oi l flags, at the Flag Presentation, on the 4th of July, Philadelphia. B. X. Blair, Capt., Chairman of the Committee of Transpor tation for the 14th Military District, Hunt ingdon Pa. The Lady's Friend, for July. The July No. opens with an unusually handsome and suggestive engraving called "The Dis tressed Bachelor." In the Fashion Tlate, tasteful and attractive as usual, is a charm ing bridal dress. Then there is a wood cut of many piquant faces illustrating ,4The Hair, "The Pointalide Veil," "Zouave Jacket," and a plate consisting of seven fig ures of ladies and children, showing the new est and prettiest of the Summer Fashions. Music "Idora Schottish." The Toilet Novelties and Work Table are as usual pro- fasely illustrated ; and in the Editor's De- partment are uook: notices, ivece.pt.s, meet- ing tne want3 oi tne sea.son, aesenpuon oi Fashions, &c Price $250 a year ; 2 copies $400 ; 8 copies (and one gratis) $16. Speci men numbers wiil be sent for 15 cents. Ad dress Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut Street Philadelphia. " - Piecentry, conrentions of lhe various re ligious denominations have been held in the ieveral Southern States. At nearly ail wlty to giv him . his shop - M rkft t 1 . i J r.,,rtr riii H V firtT)o-"i Maftswick A Trw'n's drug stori taese steps were taen lor me eu.iu,. tue I reed men, eacn sect pro viaiai? tor ine r - j l - .f ,. religious and secular instruction of the col- , m 1 T .1. oreaiuemuers or tne cuurcu. Among me -ealous leaders in this movement is Bi,hoP Quintard,ftf tha EpUtiopaJ Piw of Tn MARR'ED:. On Thnrsl3V. June 7th. 166. by Elder W. B. Purdv, Mr. Wm. II. II. Campbell, of "hest township an 1 Miss Martha 1 ixa LING, of Burn.side township. On Janarv 21 st, I . by Elder W. Ti. Purdv, Mr. "Jnnx T. Solley and Mis Nancy V. Campbell, Loth of Clearfield county. r T.. intl. iar.fi hv Elder W. B. Purdv, Mr. Harrison Lowmax. of Cam-j I Mrs. Rebecca Beeman of i bria cuntv. an CleartlPlil COnntV. On M.iv 31st. 1 SfVA. by Elder W. B. Pur- j Mr Pari McG ARVEY and M !s El.IZA- ,;. ' i'.u,niu.,fiJ,lniiMtr n estover, both ot UearheM count. BETH n., l-ltb isr.fi. at the residence of the bride' father, bv Rev. L. Ia. Lnse. Mr. Samuel Snydf.r, and Miss Jane Potter, both of Salem. Pa. ANNED FRUIT, for sale by Aug 23. MERRELL A "SIGLF.R. 7OR SALE. A Shifting Tor. K'-egy. h ply to H ' SMITH A CO Clearfield. Pa , June 6. 1S66. Ap- T1LF'tFIKLT CO. MKDICAL SOCIE- a I TV A meetins of the Ulearnfia couu.jr Medical Society lllili of ft -k' 1 i4 )t ill be held on Tued:iy. June P M . at the office f Dr.tJurcn field, in Clearfield, for the purpose of electing of ficer; H P. THOMPSON. M ay 23. 13o6.-2t. Secretary. AllMlMSTRATOltS XOTIC K. Letters ir Admii.tHtration on the estate of Thomas Rnhison. late of ' umber-city. Clearfield county. Pa deceased, having bten granted to the under signed, all persons Indebted t'i said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for "'j May 16. 1S65, pd. Adm'r THE Tiuilding Committee of the Presbyterian congregation of Clearfield invite sealed pro-po-alsf..rf rnishing and delivering on or near the ground where the old church now stands ma terial for buil iii g a new church, viz : StoDe lum ber, lime and sand, according to bills specifiua .,,.1 ir.r.triuution to be had. soon and ex- plained up to -June 1st, 186.5, at the offic- ot May IS, IS-'.d. A. M. HTLL. Sec ty ol Com't ecty PROPOSALS Sealed pror-o(ls will bp re ceived by the e mmi.-iner of Cearfie'd county. "J ' their on 5- in i.iexvuei.i Uu .. ...c 30th dav of June noxt loi er-cung a cver-.i bridge wi h good stone ahu'ments a-ros the mouth of Anderson creek in the borou-h of Cur wensvilie. . Plans and specifi-jations can be seen a their or fice ou and after the 4th dav of June. 1865. AMS KF D CON'RAO nKKR, Atfost. CIIAS. S. W'lRUVLL. W. S. r.radlev. c!erk Com'rs rI;T OF LETTERS remaining uneliime-l 1 in the Pnt "ffi :e t Clearfield Pa ou th Mt dv f 'mi? ISM Brown K J. ''rl I'nr Clifton. !;!. ie Mif3 PUvinn 'hi. Criri'tn'Ii-J5 l.rlTM L ..UO'Tl V 11 Tioiuh'II Jam'" Oon'e. Jol'it P 2 Kra'arii:i-r. f.m. W (Cnbrt. ''srh i-ine Mrs l.e" Th in w!Jl pleis. si. they are i LigStl yThoraas I.it!nnr. T A M""ir'.iu b ! I 'M L M-'i i.'h n V i t i 'k ' 'rew !??:. ' Sn ;i r i -iiry ".i h Levi 'VSp'rvV. nnie Mn V! ! i.n I S - . ?'-r in t'ne b'Te list .tvertior-d. . V. A. Fi' AXK. P V UNITED STATT.S TAX A PP EAT,? ITviTF' Iirwoi-V'-I e . Clearii"1 I Cou-:-v. I't ) rln io.s ArA w!tl,in the s"5ra nt 1i-rt eointto-e i ot :r-,r i , i i.l ,.f tt.el'nit.-l MV illr'meiwi " ' ....... f.,r et imint'ion f-rfh :ice of 10 d v.- fr- in the 'fi'h i of June D IS!i nt fbe Pi ,f Wm .1. lfmrbill. Asf- esnr ! T t ! v i -i -n. at Curwensvills.in the said county ofClenrfie'i , . . i .k-nli-e th nnderi2n1 T rf hi- eolleetion di-trist wUl attn I on the -,, nf June li to wive and de- trn.;ne ill anneal-, re'atie to iny -rron..i or exesive riluations or enuuieranons o.y sisnt Mir. . t Tn regird tnltm'i!" he nw nmn. the n.ie-tv.n o be determine 1 bv the aeor - ' .nneil reine-ng fh vain itin or nii mention ol pmr-er'T or -s linble t doty or tsxvion. -b-P be wb-h-r bo venation .Pmt.Uin 1 of or n nor -n i yi . , . : . ,f. rn m. - pronor'ion to otp-t th u i'i . c.mTit -litrt an i n he or h n corr-t nd all snpeiN to the ... ...... f irii 1 .lii'l hmil in writing j r.,.if the pir-iffn'-" -me. mitter. or thin" rejecting whieti a a-Mion rtr .A .Vi.tl moreover, sate the eround or -principle of equaMt -- "1' A.enr of the 19th Collection District. 5Iav 30th. ISM. TTE1ENT OF TIT F, FPfAN-'ES of the C linronsn OI vieirnci'i i" J a B April. Ifi5. Orders were drawn during the year : For work on street? daring tne year oo. no For wrrK on streets during tne year iw, For work on river bank, For lumber, ' For b'acksmith's bill. For jnd 'ment agiint boroiign. For high constable's services. For removing nuisances, For preparing duplicate, 1 24 00 1.V 27 13 73 14 00 12 no 2 00 2 SO S936 15 $220 - 189 19 r no 273 30 ASSFTa Due from collators for 1S64, Dae from collector for 1S65. Due on Lanberrr judgment, Excessof Liabilities, S595 75 LMnlLITIKSI OutstandingorderforyearendingFeb'Sg, S31 i5 OntstandingorderforyearendingFeb 61. 3 Outstanding order for year end-ng Oct. 62 Outstanding order for year ending Apr 6,. SO 44 Outstanding order for year enaing Apr Due on fi dmiiing, I ft Duefrora Ex Treasurer. ' "J Due on outstanding bond, $695 75 W D BTGLER. Secretary . . . : , ::r:e o..,r.m wonb . Tbe .Mewj-isfl Having -xatninen in- .t -- , . . : i i u An artifv them correct as anove sta. ted. and tht the ahnve exninu, '"'-" "' " , .T,nt..,i8ht dM.r. and thirtv cens. June I3:h, 1.368. W. S. BR ADLr. . Auditor T O M INDUSTR Y BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The nndari7ned would rnecf iHT invite tbe attention of the eitiens of Clearfiel i and vicin t- .rl. nnnru!'. tltaaulr tr.in'. drilT tore;.. . . W . Piuh Silt, ana ... . whe n; it prep,M to mvor repilirnytbi.? . jn hi 'me. i Orders entrusted to him will be escnod with nMmI)t... .-.h and neat-,. ani aM wrk t r . .... wrMi)''i i- "pte et Vaiter k of exri fre . Ac . tnat I cb i'.l - finuh up t the lowest msvr. T v WANTED $5.000. worth of county bonds Those of longest dates preferrea.. Apply to. WALTER BARRETT. fune 2S. 1QS. Clearfield. Pa. G E N T S W A N T E D FOR THE NEW AX1 BEAUTIFUL WORK, TRB PICTOKML BOOK OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OK TUB REBBI.LIOS : Ileroic. Patriotic Political, Rnuiantie. Tlnmoroos Splendidly illustrated with over 300 fine Portrait 4 beautiful engravings, This work for eeni.tl hamnr. tender Btlin, int..rr - .l an. attractive bemtr stands peerless and alone rniongall it coinpeti-or. The valiant and brave hearted, the picturesque and dramatic the witty and marvelous, the tender and pathetic he ro-( of fame nd gror camp picke,. epT. scout. Iiivouac and siee: startling urpries wonderful eac tpes. fitnous words and deeds of woiueu. and ibe whole pmoramaof ibe war are here 'hrillingly and startingly portrayed in a masterly manner, it once historical and roman tic rendering it tho most ample, brilliant and readab'e b'-iV that the w.r has tailed (or.h lUal!ed offi -ers and soldiers, teachers ener getic y ung men. and all in want of profitable einploi meut, will find this the hest chance to make money ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see our terms Address. N ATION AL PUWI.ISlUXfl CO. No 507 Minor St.. Philadelphia, Pa. June 6, I3f6-1 U) p. J. P B E A B D WITB LTPPEXCOTT. B O X n 0 O . Manulacturers and Wliole4le liea'frs i.-i l!a Caps Furs and :raw irntds No 1 i .1 M irket ! Philadel.hi. Pa 'AlJi ' 'JS TUMBER-CITV BACKS AGAIN KIRK & SPENC-BE KEEP THE IXSIDE TSAC2! Their celebrated thorough bred Steed. roa cash,"' the Peoples" f ivuri TKEPr.sT e . Remember this and when in wnn? of n"i BLK GOODS. AT THE VtRV LrfiWhsr f."?.l'tl.K VVf- phick. call at the tore of Kikkl A Si-r.Ni-Kt. i" Lumber City. You will nut fail t-i be siiil lres liooJs and Notions iu great valiety. We study to please. KI'uK A Lumber City. Pa .July I. Ist.. ?PENCEll THE CHEAPEST AN'H BEST GOOD3 AKK TO UK H AO AT THR CHEAP CASH STORE. WILLIAM F. IRWIN Has Removed ITis Cheap Cali Store To hi new toom. rccentlv er-eted on "onth ee m.,! strt ( leaifiel l. Pa where he will be r.'e.el to have bis old friends rail to see him an t is nnnv new ones as wilt t av-T b im wi'b thi ir cuuiu new Nivt! ;;!' MS. ui. :er-:..;i,e i b.i-Ju.,: t-.-i-tit ed from the Ewl C.M, a Ure and el! eelerled stock of th ; ,i.-b!e g'Mj-i.-. wbieli he can dip-sc of a- cb4pt! price. JI if friends and euituin rn inn. he ers tre uivUe.l to examine :iis i,e-ii i 5--.,i i-ccnin the j. rices before purchasing elsewhere tn'he leels persu ided none undersell him. Hir iiy embrace a wJJ selected assortment of pr, iSeod and Notions. Hardware, Queeu-wire. Groceries. Orus. Oils and Pr.if;t,. ill.!,. Hats and Caps. Baskets and Buv-kets. School ft"ik and Stationary, Salt, Axes, Nai!s and Spikes. Alo. a largo ae-or'rait of Boots and Shoes of tiie very best makes, and at prices lower than heretofore. Also. Dried Frui's. and Canned pruits, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of hioh will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. ;o to the - cheap cash store" if you want to buy od at fair prices. May 2. ls-ift WM F. IEWIX. hi. W. SMITH & CO., Market Street. Clearfie' J. Pa , ARE OPE N l" G St lling the cheapest m 1 best line of Dry floods .ffjrel in le ir5ei i c unty Having be, n the la-t to purchar, we h" tbe a 1 vnMnge of the decline in prices, and offjr this advantage to all our customers, and all others. In ladies dress goods we bring only tbe latest and most fashionable materials. Alp ic is.( which are no -so fashionable' in the East.) we have g.eid qu ilities as low as 45 cents, and good shades and colors We offer als a novelty, which ha. just appear ed iu dress go Is called -Pi-r.a'e i'oVi." Tbey come in patterns aul n.xoprise all shades and oe J;,.,.J Thv ra :ll re-iv to make up : the trim- uiTng beiiig :tsobed to the pattern. fhse goods possess also the aJvajilae of being done up at any time. F infV D--V Goods Undies' TrimM Derby, JT.tnCJ UIV UO M3. Ladies' Trimmings. Ladies .-Mip r Kid loves LA.JitfS- s;traw Cord, La iies uisleiiioves. Ladies Straw Ornamen'f La lies .non air .nuts. Ladies' Fine silk Sets. Ladies' Fincy Chenello. Ladies" Magic Muffling. Mens' Wear. Fine assortment Fancy Ladies' Lace bdgii'gs. Canine ros in Patterns. Ladies Thread Ed,inss, extremely Che ip Ladies' Silk I asels. j Ladies' Val. fluting. Roots ait'i Sho 'S. ! Ladies Silk Scarf. Mn ;leavv Monroes. Ladies' fancy i lea M(,u,. Fil,e c,if H.M, Ladies fcmb d lla chiefs Menj. ,(t Silpp,is. Ladies' Miched Han i kts MeIlg-,i!OVe Calf Gsiters Ladies' Lawn Han chiefs Mens ,-,er, iiPI,rr. Ladies' A-s .rted ..uttons MeJa- p:M L-tl.r ::-M.i. Ladies' Emp H pkirts. YouIn a(l B.,vii-Shoes. Ladies' Skirt eovers. - ajleg 8,'j!es 'Straw Mats. Hosiery Ivi l Shoes and Gaiters. Gloves and Coii irs Ladies' Lasting Gaiters. . Misses' Lasting Gaiters, Stationary of !. Kin is Misses' Goat Boots, i " ( Ladies Goat iioots FniitS ! FfditS i Ladies' Gbive.Calf Boots. aeedless Ra'tsir.s Uild s' Morocco PumP-'L4ye' Kaisinr., vnnas jy'T""." Prunes. L K h.ker ii.kis. . Ve.MheSi Ladies Opera Slippers. Canned Pears. Canned Corn, 1 ,m,l bundowns. Canned Pine Apples, Ladies' ant'n Sundowns Canned Sardines. La-lies' Derby Hats. Italian Maccar-jni, Ladies "split Hats. Ladie' Luteu Hats. Misses' Luten Hats, Infants' Luten Hats, Iufania' Willow Caps. - Almonds. Figs. Cream ,Nuts, Filleru-, Lemons, Oranges Ac Super Extra Pickled .Oysters. Crackers. Sugar crackers. Lemon biscuit. Egg biscuit. Fancy biscuit, Water cracker, and Butter cr-kc Iters til. and Spices. New Orleans M .'asses suoer Kxira Syrups. Sjgns. Coffie. Rice, Teas. CanUies Sosp. f nhcco. an I Cigars nV.. .r,.l H.kes. Graft Hook and Trowels. H.mJ'NMv- CIeartd. Pa May 9 e at F'm ..... . w t . vn Pi.iTHi. tor f . , I .1 , . . ... - . -' . . . . i .... :. v-, .ti av ,iv. rrr.sT ixor vx . w - . V C TI V PI, . , i 1 Hope, Pa. SALT-a good article. and very cheap at th store of WM. F. IRWI?f. Clearfie' t PVLLEY BLOCKS of Tarions rises, to be had at MERRELL A BWtER'S FISH, Salt and plaster in large quantities at Mar. 22. ISSi l J. P. KRATZEK IT'KATIIEUS A lot of prime feathers for sale at J. P KRATZER'S. Juneo.lsoJ im. FISH Macke packages, at rel: fc'bad. Herring in all siied J r. KKA Iii-U S FLAST Kit. Fresh Ground Plaster forsale by J. P. KRATZEK June 6, Ho6 -lin COUPLE Cn.AINS a good article, on ba J and forsale by MERRELL A BIULER band LEATIIEIl an assoitment for sale by MERRELL i BIiJLER December 14. 184. Clearfield Pa. f70 n I) E It C It TT E IIS-of asuperiormaki- a for sale at reasonal le pr. tes. a MERRELL and KM LEU'S. Clearfie' i. Pa fVL TEltUITORY AM) LEASES for sale bT II. B. SWOOPE. Clearfield. Pa., Mar. 22. 1SS5. Att'y at Law FLOI'R. A large quantity Extra Family Flour, in Barrels. Satk's and i Sacks for sale by Feb. 22. 1S65.1 W. F. IRWIN. FLOUR AND FEED. Extra Family Flour. PlieJ cirn meal, rye caop. Ao .for site by June 6. 1834 Im J. P- KRATZER. IMS ?VNU'E4, Kernedy's Medical !.-:iivitv iein'J.i'.'i s iiuctiu. Lsaae t.o-i i,it- er i ..iiut'taiJ Av-r's Mr'i'-iiiPi. for sle bv i;.Al;ltU in i. IRW1X f : USSES and al l'.f.iina su''j"tter of every 1 kin.i : u t i.t tt'i best iujprovinents. for sale ai the lru .store i f Ju 10 is' It IT.TSWICK A- IXWIX Ai-T! SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti O cl ,.f ground aluui i-a!t. put up in patent wks. ut '4 2": per s-K, at the cheap Mb stote of R. M'S . COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of jroodr COMPLETE ' !' utrv v iri-. ty. '. l as low for cash, as at : tLc oouu'r by I Vi. IRVIX A HARTSHORN. Gstor.ND AM) ITNGROl'NO SPICES. Citron. English Currants. Ess. Coffee, and Vinegar ot the best qualitv. for sale bv J a n Jity HARfSWICIC A IRWIN. D't. T B VKTZ Surgeon Dentist (Jlen Hope, Clearfield county. P. Teeth put up on gold, silver. n.l vulcanite bxge. Full setts from five to tcntv-five dollars. Warranted equal to any in the Sute. May 30th. 1S66. jrI'SS' ST. DOMINGO, Ilubball's. Drake s. Ii ll.)fland"s German. A Hosietter's A Green's Oxvgenatei Bitters, and pure liquors of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale ny Jan. 10. II ARTS. ICK A IRWIN 4 LVRGE LOT OF CLOTHING ineln- j'l diiiwftieextraqnalityof Beaver Over-coat-, and a complete arttnent of caimere goods mide uo in suits to niath for sale by Dec S.lsfij. IRVIX A HARTSHORN. CtOHT!ll'! NEW! SHAVING AND 3 H IR-liKESSING The undetsigned invites the attention of the puhlio to his ne w mg and Hair Dresing Saloon in Gr-'ham's Row ClenrSel.l Pa llnvine sever,! years experience n the I, nine-. be Hirers himself in hei-g able to render satii-facion to customers. Terms rea sonttile. Iuve him a call. M a v 9. 1S6 V C II A R LES PH1LIK3. if4 It 1 ( V I'll 4 FILES. The subscriber would r respecfully inlorm the farme'S of Clearfield nty. Ibat he has on bund a lot of superior in cradles, which he is offering for sale. The cu fingers are perfrctly water-proof an I are warran- ted to retain their position, which is not the ease with any other mane now offered to the public. Call and examine and be convinced of their su periority. IUUMAS.MILLS May 30th, 186! V 1 . 1 il .vi. ir.,:o siuiP e7 V -i lOii.K'" " "--: !- . immediately in rear of Machine shop. The -ndersigne.j would '"ully inform the niM Ol i,ieMi. .'. m l' " Sv...... thnt he i nreP Ted to do all kinds or Vlir. .ID earrin re i,n ?i?ies. waeons. sleighs sleds V?n hnrr i, r.t ice and in a workmanlike manner. Or ders promptlv attended to. WM. McKIGHT. Clearfield. Feb. 7. 1 S65y TV E W 1 1 M. The undersigned have this day 1 1 formed a copartnership under the firm name of Irvin A Hartshorn, for tbe transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber busin-ss. A large and well selected e'oc't of goois has been added on hand at the -corner stole"' in Curwensville.where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices as i..- ... i, 1, ,..t The highest market rates paid for lumber of ail descriptions. The patronage of the public is respoctfully solicited. V - E A IR.VIX. W. R. IlARTSnORN. Cnrwcmrville. July 17. 1S65 HCH! ITCH !! ITCH!!! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Ttrh ia 4S Hours. iir.. s t I.T RHEUM. ULCERS. CHIL. BL.V1NS. and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggist! By .-.!;., R.i ,.nt tn WEEKS A PATTER. Sole A -r,t. ?7(i Washinirton Street. Boston, it will ba for ward e 1 by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. June o, iaoo.-iy: o X II I S OWN HOOK!! v ! Merchant 'Tailor and General Clothier. I Th. ,,,lerit.e,l having located in Clearfield S'V.i'i b wiiiH reioe-tfully itiform tbe public ; tint ,ie ba- opened a Merchant Tailor and gener- a! Ciothinj estnbi'shment. in 'Jrahain's How. ii,..ti;.,.!. Nnuil- 's .lewelry store. . .i ... i.- h-.nn a full assortment of - , i .'-Mtnt-rus an-I Ves in,j. which he is pre- narsi to make up to order, on abort notice ' r,it'i ul .r attention will given to cutting . V..... hil Irens clothing, in the most '':.-! o!i;ip: ST !eS. i ii i. ,.i n i.i.mh. r of rear experience ia ! the hn.ine... he flatters himself that he is able to i .ike .,twf .ciioi. to all who may favor him with i their ci. -torn. Give him a call. P. A. GAULIX. M ay ! 5 . 1 "T l S l C A L I.NSTR IT MENT S. IV I It M. GREENE it ., nnened bis Mu-mc Store, one door west cf W !.-., R.w.ir s,rn where he keeps constantly on hand Stcinway A Sons and Gaebles Piano Manufacturing Company's Pianos. Maon A Ham lin's Cabinet Organs and Carhart. Needham A Co s' Melodcons; Guitars Violins, Fifes. Flutes; (init.r and Violin Strings .Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower Golden Censer. Golden Trio. e , e. Shet Music He is constantly receiving from Phi:,l.,lT,hi.ll the Ktest music, which persons at a distance wishing c in order, and have sent them hv mail at puSlisher's price rPi!.no and Organs Warranted forfive years. Tho-e wishing to buy any of the above article are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia Cirenlars of Instrument sent promptly upon application with any additional information do sire-1. - . ' Hill street. Hnntongdon, Pa,, One doer " .- T. X 1W3. lw' HnA a r,ror. ' jr A LAKgSTOOKOFGLASS,i J m white lead. etc.. at r.. n . vyrj.iA :r., t; S-T " lorwnienme 0.17 nT7.ER T' t ; . : THE KIDNEYS. The kiJney? ar two in number, sit uated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded, by fat, and consisting of three parts, viz: the anterior, the in terior, and tlie-exterior. The anterior absorbs; the interior consists of tissues or veins, wo ten serre as a ucj'u mr me i urine, and eonre it to the exterior: the exterior Ua is a conductor also, terminating in a single tule. and called the ureter; the ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts, vis : the upper, the lower, the nervous, and the mucous. The nDDer expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, otheis u rinate without the ability to retain. This fre quently occurs in children. To cure these affections we must bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. If they are neglected Gravel and Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware that, however slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect his bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Gout, or Rheumatism. Pain occurring in the loins is indic ative of the above diseases. They occur in per sons disposed to acid stomach and chalky eecre tions. The Gravel. The Gravel ensues from neglect or the improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expel led from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone is formed and Gravel ensues DROPSY Is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according I J . . . ,, , r, ,1 to the part aUected. via when generally diffused over the bodv. it is called Anasarca ; when of the abdomen, Ascites; when of the chest, Hjclro thorax TREATMENT. TT , , , i, i , , , . i -r I Ilelmbold S hicllly concentrated Lx- tract of Bliclm is decidedly one of the 1 best remedies fordiseases of the bladder, kidneys. aravel. dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gou- tv affections. I'nder this head we have arrang ed Dysiiria. or difficulty and pain in passing wat er: Seantv seetetion. or small and frequent dis cbarges of water: Stranguary. or stopping of water: Haematuria. or bloody urine : iioutand Rhemati-m of the kidnevs. vithout any change in nujinti'T. but increase of color or dark water. It wns always highly recommended by the late Dr Fbysick in these atlections. This medicine increases the power of diirestion. and excites the absorbents into heal thy exercise, by wh'ch the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, a well as pain and inamation, are reduced, and is taken by Mcn,Women& Children, Tj:rectjons for use and diet aCCOmpanj. I e, PnTLADFLPHiA. Pa.. Feb. 25. 1857 TT. T ITflmeold. Dru(T?-ist: I ' T - Dear Sir : I have been a suffer- Bpwanl3 of twenty Tears, with , ... I . I. nM.lnr OTirl L-l.lr.nTT OTTr.OTir.TlsZ during which :ime I have nsed various medicinal nralAn o T, .1 ti n i! p r tho Treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing "but little relief. Having seen TOUT preparations OX- tensively advertised. I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Lxtract liuchu. I did this because I used all kinds of advertised remedies, and had found tbem worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determin ed to use no remedies unless I knew of the ingre dients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy As you advertised that it was compos ed of Bircnc. ct-BEBS. and juxiper berrirs, it oc curred to me and my physician a an excellent combination, and. wuh his advice, alter an exam ination of the article, and consulting again with the druggist. I conculuded to try it. I commen ced its use about eightmonths ago, at which time I was confined to my room, rrom tne nrst nni tle I was astonished and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and arter using it three weeks, was a- ble to walk out. I felt mucft nice writing you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to yon and more satisfactory to me I am now able to report that a cure is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Vnnr Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigoratof of the svstem. I do not mean to be without it whet ever occasion may require it use in sucn acectiona 31. .n wniUiva. Should anv doubt Mr. McConnick's statement. he refers to the followins gentlemen: Hon. Vm. Bigler, Ex-Gov. Pcnn'a. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, Phil'a. Hon. J. G. Knox, Judge, PhiFa. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. D. II. Porter, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Phil'a. Hon. R. G. Grier. Judce, U. S. Court. Hon. G.W.Woodward, Judge, Phil'a TTnn. W.A.Porter. CitvSolicitor,l'hil John Bigler. Ex-Gov. California Hon. E. Bants, Auditor Gen. Wash ington, D. C. And many others, if necessary. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, Hel-bolp's Dbco amd Chemical Wakehocsk, 591 BROADWAY, (Metropolitan Hotel ) kew Toaa:. "- - SqlJ) BY DRUGUISTS-TIVElir WHERE 1 BEWAaE OF COCSTEEr KITS. ; N(. Tork w.irfr 1. IR6S.1t 1 i ' - J -7 BIQLEK i r j I -.r a w.i T.tr,.-.t Oil Family Dyes OAL, Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family Dve Itjmh I f l. b- for aale by I,ATwicjl . A LARGE LOT of Raft rope, nnall rope.aa' ra. Pully blocks, for sale by the eon. ai a mw- - J . - K IUVIV II A HTSHORN. IRVIX A HARTSHORN. . ..ww w J rniiE MASON ft HAMLIN CABINET J. ORGAN Forty. differed styles, adapted to sacred and secular nmwe.tor 5 so to vin eaca FIFTY-ONE tiOLI or SILVER MEDALS, or eth er first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Cat alogues free. Address. M ASON A HAMLIN. Bos ton or MASUX BROTHERS, New Yetk. New York. November 29 ti-ly OEWING MACHINES Ageney for Shaw A Cl.rk'seelebrAted ewlng acaines, wr- - . . - ted for rtva tars. and fully licensea Per- . . . , a ti . sons in want of a good macnine suuuiu the undersigned Pric- of machines. 520 and- machine wita winui wi-, - THOMAS . wiui. Pennville. Pa,., March 14. ISftd da- Cl'RWENSYILLE HOl'jfc, Curwensville, Pa A J. ImiriEt. having leased the Hotel recently occupied by iienj Bloom. Esq , is now preptrea to receive transient ana permaocu boarders. Every department connected with his establishment will be cenduated second to none in the eouuty. His stabling is ample for sixty head of horses, with good wagon -eds and yaras connected. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Dee. 6 lS6fr tf. rp o TIIE AFFLICTED!! READ! READ! READ! THE GREAT AMERICA!? "REMEDIES! Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. hat shall,! do to relieve me : To such we would say, try the fallowing invalua ble preparations, which have but recently been introduced to tne pudiic, annougu ur been in use for a number of yean as family Remedies. AMEBIC AN VEGETABLE BITTEBS. This Vegetable Compound is acertain cure for Dyspepsia, Disease of tbe Liver. Caibnnclea, k- ruptionsot the tain. lanker in me ciomacn. wio. . . . . i . A benefit is always experienced irom mo ustui on bottle, and arrr cure warranieu wucn iu patient perseveres in taking a sufficient quantity, i In some cases from two to three bottles will effect a cure. No change of diet is necessary. Our ad vice is. eat good substantial food and enough of it. AMERICAN LUNG BE8T0BATIVE. This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases. Coughs. Colds. Ti.-htijess of the hest. Pain in the Ureast, Asth ma. Bronchitis, etc This Medicine has a most happv effect in tho above complaints, when taken ' , - . .. .. , - , . - 1 1 tccording to directions. It caji be taken at all times. ai:d under all circumstances, and the pa tient generally experiences an almost instauta neous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAS LINIMENT. xnis compound contains tne most wonaenui medicai properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It is a speedy, safe and sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Laracbe, Toothache. Sore Throat. Stiff Neck, Spinal lisea-- ses. Pain in the Breast, ide and Kidneys ; Dizzi ness. Barns. Scalds. Chilblains, t uts uruises, Sprains. Old Sores, R unrounds. Felons. Cholera Morbus. Colic, etc. No family should be without it. as it is truly an indispensable and valuable remedy. AMERICAN G0ITEB CURS. This z an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. It is simple in itscomposition. yet powerful in its effect, "us ed internal -y and externally. Persons afflicted in this wav should not hesitate to obtain tbe rem edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re lieved lrom tneir nnpiensant compiaini. by All the above remedies are prepared and Sold il. A. tfiA.Nh. uu. Clearfield, Pa- Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale price. TU E CHEAPEST ARE SOLD BY GOODS I . T . - r rt liiUilAltU jSX o at, DEALEa I- tnncir.il inn nnMCCTir. navr.nn')'! 1C. I r o biwiv r. . vw., m- . . w .... ' . KAKKtT fliaK-T, CLEARflELD, pa. I " 1 Read the folloimng list of good,' and profit thrreky. V!"''1 FOB THE LADIES. Goo'tt r'C' Always on hand a large stock of La- (roods Goois Goods Goods Goods Goods I Cheap """""";.' Cheap Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams. ci'lp I'nnts, cnintz.Kercnieis, .u bies. Bonnets. Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, ''"P Goods Alwavs on hand Black. Blue- Brown. Goods Ctrjpi and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Goods CVcn Casimeres. Sattinets. Caasineu,- 'Goods CJiwpi Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Goods Cheap ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. Goods Cheap READY-MADE, 0"' CAijSueb a Coat, Pants, Vests. Under-.ooa ChMinS .hirt. .nil nthor Plannai shirt. Goods Cheap Boots, Shoes. Hats. CapNeck- Goods I Ii l ,.a llnm KitAtamn hM.aftd ,17WWT(. Cke.ay s variety of other arSicle. Cheap IIOITSF.HOLD GOODS. Goods Goods Goods ChtapSaeh s (-bleached acd Bleached ""J. Cheap Cheap r. r Ainsiins. ooioreu .iiujmus. x.ucu Goods Goods Goods Goods and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc Cheap HARDWARE. AC. Goods Cheap ft,,' It yon wini..lH'B)lra. mauuic trooas Ln.r"ri ' ,v- r,w. ti.w.mill or other f: r. Cheap saws, Smoot Eg irons. Lock, Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Hinges, etc, go to Mossop Goods where you n buy cheap. Goods IF TOU WANT Goods Cheat)' Knives and forks. Butcher Kmvea'.'Goo- r . ... . Vf,.:n- s 1 - hetiot -oe ana .tore uia.UK- uui. , ww Cheap and hemp ropes, tn, raper or Good 'Jheap Pen. Powder, -hot or Lead, Goods Goods Goods Cheap etc, buy them at Mossop a. Cheap Cheap IF TOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy ooa' Soap, Starch, W all Paper or Win- &ood.t Cheap Cheapi , dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tube Good G00ds Cheapi or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Cheap Moasop's cheap cash store. Cheapi TP vtm "WANT Good Goods Goods .""'iGood extra family Flour. White or aodt ks wj,. hf.Bn nam, snouiaeri or Cheap Cheap sides, eoffee; Imperial, Young Uaodt Hyson or bl tea, buy them Goods at Mossop cheap for cash. Qoods IF YOU WANT G00ds Cheap Cheap Cheap -.a 1 at Tallow candles, line or coarse sa1t,'Goo f..,n Syrop or molasses, cheese, dried 'Goods Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- .Goods Cheapi do cracaers, call at Mossop' jf;0o Cheapi vrhere you caa bny cheap. G00ds Cheap IP YOU WANT Goos ('im Pwt fr.e Medie.al or Sacramen-!ooa' Cheap tal nse. Sweet wine, old Monon- Goodt Goods Goods Goods Good Cheapi gabela or rye wntsity, unerry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Cheapi Mossop cheap cash tora. Chiap v YOU WANT Cl'tP Raisen, F-g, Prune or dried Cur-jGo Goods r "; niberta. cr.. v. Good, Cheay ground nuta. candies. Liquorice Goods Goods Goods Chap ( Mossop' cheap and good. Cheap rv TOU WANT Goods CMap. , . ether article en a an. ba r. 9A P "re to gt to Mossop, f or b e sell Good 9.lJL cheaper for cash than any other !W Cheap Feron ia Clearaeld Coaety. i Goods) A pprtf V' fsntyvpradue c hnd taken m . ' . the nrut m-triet price in oatehamfs for rd -y rl ROC-KIES, of air . e caa at OT Aug 23. MEKKELLA BIGLER'S. SEVERAL SET ef heavy double harneea and home made herae collars atthertore of Dee. , I. XKVLK itABTBKwRS. til II Hi i i; -i I if as - s III ,1 Hi m rnr