u ji ij C COL BY S. J. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1866. VOL. 12 WO. 38. K l V) 12$ 3i .217 41? ) t.ij : '.I) WI j y -7.tS tloS it si lBASURER'S SALE OF C53BATED LAUDS FOB TAXES ,or 1865 and previous years. IT ICE IS BBREBT CITES tht ID Act of Assembly pass- .t,VAn Aet'te .mend an Act d.reet ,h uiode of selling unseated lands. ;f-r.M county." and the several Elements thereto, there will be ex UpP, To Public Sale or outcry, the fol- t tracts of unseated lands in said ,1 for the taxes due and unpaid S at the Court House in the Bor .ttb of Clearfield, on the Second Mon- nvrfiARlA TOW5SHIP. n . tt-rrantees. etc. Taxes. rer. " Peter Miller, John Miller, Fred'k Hnbley, Jtin B i"nian, Fred k. llowuian, John Ben", 5 .V. Rillinirton. 120 61 II 11 in"'"" ... 1 1 i ,, Billineton, 12 37 70 Siril) Bimngiu", Philip Mysincope, 50 J..hn Mysincope, 82 John Funk, f'reri'k HulileT. Michael Musser, John Brady, Win. Uranv, ..8 m ai HO i ci 175 4i feO o 17 ;i6 T6 410 ;i0 Ji 40 M 40 JJl 112 Hi5 40 !. !16 $28 Gi 09 06 43 26 12 83 14 'JO S3 46 84 15 2 77 114 56 74 (Hi 82 04 49 08 34 40 152 32 08 49 in. jjrmii . M" J.BUin&E.Bhiln, 112 78 ... .... in: hi 197 04 185 94 112 17 44 81 65 58 48 91 86 80 37 1H5 62 57 101 04 91 18 101 03 29 90 119 11 214 04 21 74 35 16 145 17 14 81 Ji.liti Wit titer. Henry Winner, Win. Wilson, Herman Winner, -Tiilk K riif?. .-I lit: -i. tin Ilihsnn. i 73 Robert Wilson, it 91 Jeremiah Mosher, j 116 Peter Gets, i-M 1"3 MaitinFantz, rJo 125 Jacob Fantz, Jr. C:S 153 Geo. Miier, 7 32 Thomas Gibson, :-; .3 153 David B.inon, 4 'i 153 Jhn Fordnry, Brwn and r ulion, HO John Ketlaud, Jacob Krug, m t. V wi. I luimcii . 40 Jacob Musseramitb, 02 28 Win. Miller, 4 30 T0VH8HIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Henry Beck, $19 0 !J0 Henry Beck, 19 23 .Id Henry Beck, 80 59 Henry Beck, SI 35 US Henry Beck, 78 42 Henry Beck, 18 2d 97 Benrj Beck, 12 OS Jas M'Ghea, " 60 Benj. Gibbs. 113 3 29 Heory Beck, 34 43 Ira A. Scbins, 13 12 97 Henry Beck, 12 Oft 32 Nicklin Griffith, 16 45 123 Nicklin Griffith. ! 03 NicKlin Griffith, 14 42 US Henry Beck, 22 12 HenTy Beck, 24 21 Nicklin & Griffith. 242 12 Nicklin A Griffith, 2J0 90 Nicklin 4 Griffith, 224 33 Nicklin Griffith. 247 5 Nicklin Griffith, 233 75 Nicklin Griffith, 210 52 Nicklin JrGrifiith, 81 84 Nicklin Griffith. 61 54 Nicklin A Griffith, 2a 64 Nicklin A Griffith, 115 03 NicKlin A Griffith, 2fi6 36 Henry Beck, i 121 07 Henry Beck, t 89 21 As. 11 79 3 JO m as 113 93 .'HO 4:3 112 165 S3 1..2 31 90 171 :oo I lino 1000 IUO0 II 111) s:.o 2)3 I OK 767 1100 1000 63 I0GGS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Wairantees. etc. Taxes. 89 John Thomas, $8 42 2- 8 John Thomas, 45 59 :34 76 Joseph Drinker, 43 03 413 Wm. McCormlck, 98 57 110 Nncv Bopres, 107 93 4J'. 41 Malcolm U'Donald. 103 24 i'li 41 John Byers, 103 24 119 90 Barbara Snyder, 2i 60 1'- George llootman, 33 71 George Avres, 65 06 4-7 81 Wm. Troutwine, 65 GtS 4iK John Kean, 6t 5 T5 John E. Shaw, 13 86 63 Luke Kyler, 4 37 Kti Joseph Ball, 71 84 lit 61 John Montgomery, 39 39 95 143 Richard Thoinns, 25 64 49 Buhar Snyder, 11 75 AO Wm. Wilson, 8 25 2(15 Thomas Smith, 40 90 100 John Kephart, 15 43 3'K J. & Tbos. MeesM, 42 00 !0 Richard Waple, 14 04 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrai tees, ete. Taxes 3611 J"-90 "5;a Ac. 246 102 159 ?u to ti 75 id l' i ? W 23 295 3i3 100 50 i 111 Nicklin Griffith, 79 32 J. W. Smith, 49 99 John Seyler. 24 3d Geo L. Head, 12 19 Fenton A Spencer, . 2 05 Levi Cleaver. 26 51 KoherU A Fox, 25 03 ltM5 159 Huberts A Fox, 172 19 I Co Jaeob Bilger, 24 33 i.-'O DaWd Irwins Est.. 31 25 75 Neiper A Hartxock 9 9? 100 John P. Dale, 11 10 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes. 60 Hneh Ely, $52 92 35 John Campbell, 21 t Hall & Buck, 24 9b l&YMy & MLanho,48 23 SlaniakT, 8 J Wat." Slajrmaker, Wtn. GrahaiB, Jr. 16 79 J no. Banna, 16 79 Benj. OliTer, 14 97 Muses Boggs' Heirs, 4 80 Jai es Duncan, 33 71 Nebetniah Matnea, 16 66 Thomas Holt, 1 11 David Matnes, 9 28 , Joseph Powell, 6 85 Danirl Graham, ' . 8 75 . Luciod Graham, 2 54 Horatio D. Hall, 85 . John Harrier, 8 18 ito Yaofba, 23 46 109 No. Ac. 492 303 3574 102 621 215 .W61 670 5377 5379 5381 '848 58RS 195 77 213 501 2009 650 13 521 110 370 80 100 25 100 50 1434 3G3 Ae. 303 303 290 3t:0 424 311 298 III 100 293 150 Ac 258 100 140 190 256 22 108 50 200 248 li'O 61 John G. Gray, 5 85 Andrew Pelltt, 29 99 BRADY TOWNSHIP. er. Warrantees, etc.' Taxes Win. Kirkpatrick,S37 32 34 Roberts A Fox, 31 89 Coumd l.or,g, 59 an J.B.Smith, 329 67 Henry Wykoff, 355 72 Casper Stiver 2 1" 13 CbriotUn Lower. 216 ;ii Roberts A Fox. 3i S: Chrii-iii'n Lower. 2 '6 u. CbritH Lower. St ti J. M. Mil er s hr"s 37 02 .1 W Smith. (W. p. II 45 Z. s. Welch. 10 95 Uaum, 23 10 McGairy, U 70 David Kennedy, 113 59 BTJRNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes John Jones, SI 16 25 James ''hapman, 116 2- Bt.j Irasmll. I"' 93 Jerre Wi li tmson. 101 '7 M:iry Caw ford 123 27 Town'd ."piickuian, 174 47 Rebecca Brown. 153 Sti Christian Stake, 3t 33 leontrd llollis, 17 55 John Birch. 60 02 John Cumuiings, t 30 71 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. James Ross, $50 13 31 Henry Pole, 48 22 Fulton, 32 65 164 Christian Roher, 78 82 Miller& Christ, 100 84 Miiler & Christ, 10 04 Jonathan Kephart, 27 05 Nicholas Hagy, 5 18 M"H-inYy & Mitchell, 4j bo John Tiirert, 20 70 John Breimeman, 23 32 II. & J. Br. th, 12 57 No. ISvJ t 1893 1940 3649 5367 5377 1941 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 640 72 Morris 4 Stewart. S75 42 4S3 47 Morris 4 Stewart. 57 07 175 122 Morris A Stewart, 20 6U 70 30 Morris A Stewart, 8 23 250 George Mead, 49 2o 1100 George Mead, 130 03 350 John Brtel. 12 52 133 Barmoy A Barnot, 9 87 105 J no. J- Pickardt, 15 16 80 Jno. J. PiekaHt, 11 44 127 Emery A Reiter, 9 03 Ac. 417 408 358 203 210 49 106 49 167 46 262 78 97 67 208 433 152 391 100 108 87 76 303 90 100 300 281 195 198 100 50 200 125 200 17 83 404 Ac. 233 433 58 4?3 74 150 50 loO 24 100 60 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Per. Warranties, etc 124 Thos. P. Cope, 137 Rich. Thoiii.is, 137 Jacob Downing, lo4 Hugh Ely, 70 Henry Drinker, Benj. Wilson, 115 Jos. Hamilton, 41 John Skyron, 138 Thos. C. Cope, Wm Montgomery, 1 Joseph Sansom, John Cai ixnii. Thonms Edmundson 107. Geo. Graff, 64 Wm. Sansom, 60 John Anderson, 60 Gilbert Vought, 159 Thos. Biilington, Thos. Stewaitson, Jacob Downing, 49 Joseph Sanson), 99 Wm.Sansom, 147 Thos. Edmundson, John Drinker, Jonathan Kephart, Casper Haines. Gilbert V-nght. Joseph 11 irrion, 80 Jonepb Harrison, W m. Hoover, Joseph Harrison, Jonathan Nesbit, A. J- O.-ns. Satiri. M Clirren, Jos-ph Sansoni, 136 Joseph Whitehall, Charles Risk. 200 Jonathan Neabit Taxes. $163 00 159 57 140 02 79 46 82 15 20 51 41 33 19 23 65 28 , 17 90 102 41 24 01 , 38 25 26 40 81 33 169 23 59 42 152 89 39 07 39 24 10 65 29 80 125 21 35 17 17 47 140 34 109 80 76 18 77 04 40 07 20 45 45 2 28 25 45 20 3 84 18 75 78 92 32 91 TERGTJS9N TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tax 159 John Hanibright, I"j3 Daniel Turner. Mattl.ias Slough, 153 George Ross, Lewis J ord in. A. Scott. Hiram P:is-niore, Abraham Odetl, Helir Swan. John Hambright, Benj. Hartshorn, $-4. 50 t 1 Tt 21 4 1 13 22 14 36 25 l.H. 94 04 57 5!i til 7o 5S 45 18 50 53 No. 4272 4200 4133 4133 41SI 4200 4182 4133 4241 4238 1531 1535 4242 39tf 4340 4393 4183 FOX TOWNSHIF. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tsxes. 425 330 140 200 495 610 990 200 937 947 20 600 293 872 183 216 350 100 90 62 107 60 Jas. Wilson. S-itl 9'. Jus. Wilson. Wel 2i Q Jas Wilson. Uestp23 11 Jas ' itson. 41 32 Jas Wilsou. West 151 72 03 2ii .las Wilsoii Jas VilMn, 126 33 Jas. Wilson. 45 2i Jas Vi!?n. 23". 11 Jas Wilson. 287 94 Jas. Wilson, 6 09 Jas Wilson, 132 55 Jas. Wilson. 90 63 Jas Wilson, 61 49 Jas. Wilson, 35 96 Jas. Wilson. 57 33 Jas. Wilson. 45 82 Lane A Uvde, 13 13 Balltown Lot, 1 1 82 HuletLot, 6 51 Firm an Lot, 11 ? Giles Lot. . 5 25 4401180 , Hyde.BidwellACo.13 13 T-'--,Daiiiown um, r i 1924. 1913 i 1390 W47 ; 5365 6366 ' 1929 186 ' MM 5376 5353 53 i7 1925 1926 l'.37 347 1929 1930 I.H8.1 1916 13.-7 1927 192-5 1-90 l34 19 7 i; 0 137 1916 No. 5239 5290 52U1 5325 ISUH 1912 1-84 1910 i'.i2i 1923 Mil 5321 5326 5327 53liU 6330 19U Ac. 297 149 145 103 109 250 382 348 100 41 431 336 100 50 100 66 1100 1100 1 100 315 153 123 194 30 134 771 328 3i7 53 4tl9 17 543 314 121 4;6 75 George Mrad, 103 07 George Mead, 100 54 George Med. 80 13 62 Morris A Stewart, 35 41 93 Morris A Stewart, 16 49 Morris A Stewart. 11 ''2 81 Morris Stewart, 8 76 22 Morri.-A Stewart. 3 72 Morris A Stewart. 16 6- 77 .Morris A Stewart. 86 05 22 Morri.- A Stewi:rt, 37 42 44 Mortis A Stewart, 43 f 0 79 Mitri A S'cwart. 6 67 Mortis A Stewxrt. 41 97 F L'eithaud's Fs't It? 75 Mori is A Siewart, 62 46 Morris A Stewart, 29 33 Morr.s A Stewart. 15 76 Morris A Stewatt, 57 13 Alotris A Stewart, 5 95 G03HEN TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees etc. 114 254 120 10 50 563 140 - 50 79S 300 330 4S3 1100 200 376 433 300 S33 100 152 1213 1100 Wm- Mapeg, George .Mead, George Mead. George Mead, George .Mead. Morris A Stewart. Morris Stewart, 153 Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart, 67 George Mead, George Mead. 1113 120 George Mend, 1100 George Mead, 1100 George Mead, 100 Morris A Stewart, Taxes S55 S3 118 3 167 99 :76 05 67 13 13 30 25 62 ,104 0? 114 92 II 70 55 82 242 o3 229 35 242 58 229 85 229 35 20 85 GSAHAK TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. Thos. P. Cope, $77 24 John Skyron, 47 16 T. Cope, 39 48 Jas- Milligan, 30 71 Geo. Moore, 38 53 J no. Fry, Jr. 66 98 Joseph Simons, 103 28 Joseph ll-jirison, 113 37 Charles Hall, 32 58 C. J. Allport, 16 38 114 Hynian Gratz, 189 30 111 Robt. Shaw, 146 71 Rol.t. Shaw, 4 71 J no. Skyron, 4 17 Jno. Donaldson, 13 88 104 B. D. Schoonovcr, . 9 14 GTJET.ICH TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 225 John Witmer, $101 61 31 64 Pigot Shaw, 12 62 305 48 lieu. Baker, 123 81 335 151 Benj. Wilson, 135 98 100 Richard Atherton, 40 61 48 114 Geo. Moore, 21 67 349 96 Geo. Moore. 141 86 134 Philip Gloninger, 61 53 158 John M Cabeii, 72 56 433 153 Edward Hand, 163 52 356 69 Erhanuel Reigart, 134 25 108 Geo. Moore, 140 74 260 John M'Cahen, 117 39 98 John Lampblack, 44 26 119 121 Christian Stake, 53 74 193 122 Matthias Young, 87 55 433 153 Christian Hager, 195 65 433 153 George Mnsser, 195 65 237 48 Tbos. Y.'dh-r, 107 01 210 Daniel Otl'ley, 91 83 215 75 Geo. Biker, Jr. 97 08 436 145 Timothy Paxtou, 196 84 433 153 John Bulge, 195 65 216 153 John Musser, Jr. 97 51 436 145 Js. Ashbright, 196 81 214 W. D. Hagerty, 58 44 400 Fox & Louther, 36 40 No 5673 5r74 5675 Oll'lt) 5067 42ii 42:54 41'J'J in 7 2 257 4902 4236 1225 4390 5061 5033 422.) 4231 2nn0 20.11 1 9 i ,S HUSTON. TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes. 200 J. G. Kidder, $76 73 195 David Caldwell. 66 43 1041 Moore A Delaney, 399 20 1041 Moore A Uelaney. 399 20 1041 . Moore A Delaney, 399 20 j90 Win. l'owers, 379 69 877 Wm. Power. 336 40 9'JO Jutnes Wilson, 171 40 990 Jnuies Wilson, 171 66 9111 James Wilson. 171 6i" 317 27 Moore A Delaney. 91 9i S83 15 .lames Wilson 237 99 420 Wilbelm Witlink, 143 12 49J James Wilson, 143 21 740 Janie Wilson. 2 1 fi 27 121 Wilhelm WiilinV. 22 63 1113 William Powers, 157 ?h 375 E. Shoemaker, 118 70 101 K. Mioemi-ker. 31 97 293 Wm Powers. 94 3i- 2i0 James Wilson. 73 07 500 Jame Wilson. 1 46 13 1020 Huberts Fox. 364 44 HM9 Roberts A Fox, 391 29 mm lioberts A Fox. 2J2 12 4 . '9 33 Roberts A Fox, 125 35 1000 Abel DuBois, 121 25 "o 433 433 433 274 202 103 433 333 43! 91 70 11.0 1 00 150 100 nUIllS T3WSSEIP. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. Richard Peters. $179 18 Fred t testes. 165 56 JohiiDunwoodie, 165 53 Adam Kuhn. 102 53 l.bduezer Brenham, 71 9 Adam Kubn. 41 12 Thos. Martin. 151 51 Robert Martin. 112 35 Uiehaid Martin, . 73 33 Pbi:ip Least, 25 39 Wm. Johnson. 19 47 Philip boast. 9 05 Jonathan Jones, 30 60 Wm Wilson, 23 45 Richard Martin, 15 63 XARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 513 95 MornsASlewart,l0l u3 J Per. 153 153 153 153 153 135 vsn l-0 William Smith. 573 120 William Stnith. 79 Charles Willink, S3 Charles Willink, GIRARD TOWNSHIP. 508 100 Morris Stewart S52 20 Vnms Meworl. It) in Morris A Stewart, 57 99 Morris A Stewart, 1 15 George Mead, 6 23 George Mead. 64 15 Moms A Stewart, 24 75 Morris A Stewart, 2 27 tteorM S1m4, U M No, 1944 1429 3552 1093 1023 AU4 3475 I 38 147 Charles Willink, 11193 253 139 Charles Willink, 1095 124 108 CliarleS W illink, 1096 866 Charles Willink, 1097 436 113 Charles Willink, 3465 58 62 Char'es Willink, 34-.S 258 113 Chailea Wlllina:, 1097 100 95 42 93 62 7 76 13 11 62 85 30 SO 12 23 75 17 50 27 8 21 30 82 1097 100 103 79 3463 1 3475 J 352 59 43 6412 93 6412 109 --ri,..!. WilHnkM4 15 j Willink. 5 55 Pharles Willink. IS 65 nh.rl., Willink. 4 39 1655 1 097 1H97 I u96 1096 3466 3467 200 Wm. Michaels. 16 65 957 132 HewsMyers.Fisherl35 43 125 Charles Willii.k. 19 09 25 Charles Willink. 3 if-2 ! 50 Churles Willirk. 7 64 66 Charles Willii.k. 9 5 600 W. Schnarrs A Co. 69 3H 122 Daniel Yotbers. 16 93 133 Chrisiian Brown. 13 43" 83 Mary I ggans, 10 54 700 Wi turd. 33 85 89 TAJ White, 4 94 18 T- A J. White, 1 00 i 1 106 Thos. Myers, 5 89 KNOX T0WNSHJP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. .Taxes 437 43 Reuben llavnes, SI 79 91 435 50 LmherMorris, 179 60 433 153 JoFeph Hilliard, 179 23 433 153 Robert Gray. 17.1 2' 429 41 John Bringhurst, I7S On 433 153 Sarah Ward, 1"9 23 433 153 George Eddy. 179 23 433 153 Mo re Wharton, 179 29 433 153 George Ashton, 45 129 John Doisey, i9 35 72 Tbos. Jordan, 22 73 25 Geo. Fox. 9 93 433 153 Isabella Jordan, 179 23 200 Silas Oox. 17 70 227 G A M. M'Cormick, 55 33 90 Thompson Egelman, 42 II 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 143 75 293 George Westcott, 100 76 173 153 Robert Wharton, 60 39 433 153 George Seaff, 14s 75 225 John Bovd. 57 33 109 Susannah Ward. 34 08 255 G.AM M Connick, 65 04 100 Henry J rout. 43 20 14 Georse BowmanC 2 65 84 . Charles Senate's estate, , 8 85 75 Peter Whiteside, 24 83 200 George Ashton, 33 30 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees. etc. Taxes 221 Hugh Jordan, S54 93 413 John Read. 102 63 . 52 114 Rudolph l.itz, 12 93 Kobert Mitchell 39 29 James Alexander, 4 50 L. J. Crans, 5 52 George Mead, 52 95 47 George Mead, 101 13 5293 5293 5297 90 6 6 726 1167 1213 285 36 74 9 41 41 153 176 240 137 490 67 George Mead, 105 05 Wra. Montgomery, 83 93 John MjPherson, 7 91 S. M, Macuuiber, 16 25 M. W. Snyder, 1 53 J. B. McEnally, 5 22 J. B. Phaw, 6 22 E. Iriwn A Sons. 14 61 E. Irwin Sons, 16 76 E. Irwin 4 Sons, S3 86 E. Irwin A Sons, 17 40 E. Irwin A Sons, 45 33 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Per. 65 109 20 42 92 63 140 141 16 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 Ac. 402 206 327 373 421 440 440 410 423 300 212 407 143 349 260 170 272 183 133 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 400 433 433 433 170 433 105 100 90 407 244 231 I no 100 247 1 17 4-4 375 2.'.9 210 6 400 100 100 222 loll 96 136 50 62 No. Ac 5951 107 59U 647 5952 63 168 91 122 139 19 40 95 91 143 Warrantees, etc. . George Wetzel, Wm. Wert i. Christian Werts, David Lauck, Jesse Yainell, Joseph Turner, Joseph Turner, Joseph Turner, George Hahecker, Peter Yarnell, Win. Drinker,. H. S. Drinker. Richard Thomas, John R'ad, Michael Souder, Patrick Hays, Kobert Glenn. Francis -Johnson, Kobert Rainy, Thomas Morris. William Morris, Samuel Meredith. William Miller, Hetty Morris, Tbos Fitxsioiocs, Geo. ''lymer, Robert Gray, Patrick Moore, Mary Morris. Magnus Miller, Nalbio Frazey, John Houston, Clem Stockes, John Vangbn. Jonathan Nesbit, Blair M'Laosihnn, William Stewart, James Wilson, B'.bert Morris. William Morris. Richard U. Smith .Limes mith. Christopher iiaker, Tsa-ic Farlow, Patrick Hays. Conrd Swart. Nicholas Uei'lenour Kobert Carson, Matbias S ongb, Joeeph ilubley, Jacob Graff, John Graff Frederick Hubley, William Bigler, Mott A 'ohnson, Simon Graft Hillary Baker, Joseph Potter, Francis Johnson, Jos-ph N'icholsQn, Jostph Potter. Taxes. $100 41 51 46 81 63 93 13 89 10 109 89 109 89 109 89 104 64 74 93 70 51 101 79 35 78 73 34 64 94 42 47 57 83 82 30 19 00 103 29 103 29 103 29 103 29 103 29 108 29 103 29 108 29 lOg 29 103 29 103 29 103 29 99 90 89 09 103 89 108 29 39 92 93 02 24 19 21 93 43 HO 32 23 30 49 29 40 20 55 61 7 21 19 99 45 79 03 55 24 33 57 1 25 82 20 14 70 8 85 43 95 19 92 16 92 II 91 4 40 5 44 2) 71 PENN TOWNSHIP Per. Warrantees, ets Taxes Nicklin-V Griffith. S!0 02 Nicklin A Griffith, 133 80 Klijah Heath 13 53 1 Greenwood Bell, 39 03 Charles WillinK, 109 So Charles Will in k, a J. R. M'Cloakey. !1 75 Arnold Custard, 45 Wn. Uiobaeta, M M PIKE TOWNSHIP. Warrantees, eto. Jolin Nicholson, John Nicholson, James Wiljon, James Wilson. 12 John Nicholson, 12 John Nicholson, John Nicholson, S. Blodget, Daniel Bailey, Thomas Jordan, Thomas Magee, Thomas Mazee, n S. Roberts, W.M'Naul, Bailey. lU'Nanl. Rachael Kratser, John Nicholson, T XT : nl tttlTl. 80 "John Nicholson, UNION T0WSSHTF. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eUs. 125 Roberts A tox . 3593 180 Roberts 0' No. Ae. Per 578t 750 5773 200 4262 990 4252 957 5777 ilO 5777 510 5776 529 1429 70 450 145 18 135 4020 476 296 5779 111 460 20ft S776 275 5776, 5776 475 No. Wm R Z Z. WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. ' Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 433 153 JohnVaught, $177 15 4.V 159 'John Walls, 166 55 433 153 John Roll, 177 15 100 Wm Wilson, 40 90 412 41 John Cannon, 141 34 433 153 Israel Wheelan, 113 70 263 Samuel t mlen, 63 17 153 5 Peter Hcnny, ' 29 21 140 Huh Ralston, 27 69 215 6 Thos. Neel, 33 10 263 Thos Ma? ton, 33 40 355 Mary Neil, 83 63 300 Mary Connelly, 94 33 100 Kei j. Johnson, 27 46 433 . Hegarty, 91 59 336 145 M'Cahen, 101 85 57 143 Mary Connelly, 17 41 100 Ro and Evans, 40 90 334 42 Pigot Shaw. 136 52 216 fcebastian tiraff, 68 32 43S 73 Thos. Edmonson, 179 15 43fl 105 Daniel Offley, 122 95 433 133 John Musser, jr. 122 11 121 Eli Hootman, 40 83 163 Mary Sandwich, 20 17 433 153 Philip Loast, 146 49 433 153 J R. Howell, 146 49 433 153 Wm. Johnson. " 146 49 100 63 George Beckham, 33 85 243 Charles Hight. 107 70 237 Daniel Turner, 103 00 170 Peter Lowdcn. 65 20 91 - Charles Lowdcn, 23 Hi 36 Mary Sandwich, . 17 78 189 Isaao Wilson, 42 51 41 MaryCotinell -18 83 85 George Ashton, 6 00 40 John M'Connell, 4 94 150 John Low. 17 53 D. W. MOORE, Treas r. Mareh 23. 1366-ts. rjiREASURER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Returned to the County Commission ers by the Collectors of the several town ships and boroughs for the taxes'due and unpaid thereon for the year 1365 and previous years, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. In pursuance whereof tha said Treasurer will expose the said property to public sale at the Court House, in Clearfield, on the 2d Monday of June next, (the 11th day.) BKWAitiA Township. Ac Per. To whom assessed. Taxes. 100 B. A. Byers. $11 85 20 Elvina Burge. 2 75 140 ' Jeremiah Cooper, 23 00 156 Duey Douglass, 17 94 300 Thos. "Weston, 171 07 43 James Gill, -.JL? BKLI. foWSSHIF. 100 Win: M. Barrett, 12 90 100 John Christman. 12 90 60 Samuel T. Hoover, 7 74 75 Mechtley A Pantille, 9 6S BOGGS T0WSSH1P. 60 Blako Gray, 8 53 164 Levi Sealy, 14 71 BRADFORD TOWXSHIP. One lot, Henry Underkoffer, 10 89 One lot, Thomas Butler, 4 77 44 John Harrier. 9 76 2 Henry Underkoffer, 4 77 BURSSIDE TOWNSHIP. 100 Leonard llollis, 27 45 100 Samuel Snyder. 23 36 100 John King's estate, 14 63 10 JamesMc Creery, 3 51 4 Sarah Oakes, 1 47 BRADY TOWNSHIP. 35 Jas. II Adams, 6 31 31 Richard Arthurs. 23 70 223 Robert S Cat hers, 76 59 125 Alex Dunlap. jr. 17 55 B2 Geo. Ellinger's heirs, 10 77 100 Peter Hoover, 11 70 20 Samuel Gelnet, 5 85 35 Henry Hand. 6 15 100 David M Gary, 17 55 One lot, Peter Hoover, 5,85 CUBWFNSVII.LE BOROCGfl. 2 lots, James Locke, 10 95 Taxes 556 815 ; 20 18' 91 35 101 00 54 56 54 66 46 91 14 00 30 64 42 35 43 27 49 13 39 44 16 79 6 27 26 06 11 50 15 87 213 J7 32 Taxes 52 01 147 36 53 OS. 50 97 20 90 S 5rt 13 10 81 93 50 150 200 100 too 109 60 102 100 49 125 333 50 400 2 lots, 123 100 80 200 43 25 130 50 25 14 4 27 4 23 13 53 12 45 2 06 9 47 5 15 17 93 6 81 4 00 14 62 15 40 6 55 24 57 20 20 9 05 12 23 10 5 14 11 6 17 09 92 23 9 96 79 23 2 37 23 21 29 87 10 35 17 20 6 46 4 10 18 65 5 5 FAITH. Have confidence, dear friend, in love, And let tby doubts depart; 'Tis born in the bright realms above. Close keep it to thy heart. 'Twill soothe thee, when distressed with pain To know loved ones are near. 'Twill drive pale sorrow from the brain, And dry the falling tear. Oh. trust in friendship's storied might, It hath strange healing powers ; Its flow of sympathy e'er bright Will soften life's glad hours. Cast not the precious pearl aside, Friends are not easy won But follow her, whate'er betide, Her light's a radiant sun. Center thy faith in the Divine. Look t'ward a home on bigh, Wnerejoy and peace serenely reign, Where friendships never die. In Heaven's ark of safety rest Till summoned hence away. Then mayst thou dwell ninoug the blest, ' And bask in endless day CHEST TOWNSHIP. David Michaels, Nathaniel Noble, John Wallace, John Byer. Joseph Breth, James Stevenson, Wm. Selfridge, DECATt-R TOWNSHIP. David Kephart. Jr. Jonathan Kephart, John G. White. Henry McMullin, FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Wm. Barrett, Scott Curry, John H. Ferguson, Paul White, GIRARD TOWNSniV. Luxier A Livergood, Henrv Martle, AlexWiard. Thos. Luzier. Abraham Lansberry, Wm Phoenix, Thos Stone, OflELICH TOWNSHIP. Robert Henderson, Haslet, Trrner A Co., JORDAN T IWNSHIP. Thos. Owens, Wm. Pusey, Joseph Wood, Morgan, Orr A Co., Thos Rea. KARTHAfTS TOWNSHiP. Jns. Askey. Henry Culvey, EIUhaTickner, Jdo. HaTtsock, Andw. Long, Jno. M'Gonigal KNOX TOWNSHIP. Wm. Kobison, J. M. Chase, LUMBER CITY BGT0UGH. Housellot, David Denmark, 2 lots, G. W Gray, MORRIS TOWNSHIP. 50 Ason Jones. ISO Michael Quigley, V WASHINGTON BOROUGH TTnnuA 3 lota. Huzh Gallagher. 2 22 House lot,. John Irrin's estate, 11 00 PEXK TOWSSHIF S7 Wm. Becl 12 J' JobnlTlynm.- A a.. Wright. UNION TOWNSHIP. W. H. Boose, Leander Denning. WOODWARD TOWSSBIP- J. K. Davis, James M'Kee, Truinan Root, D. W . MOORE, Treas'r. 2 1 11 1 4 36 13 05 IS 60 50 80 1 lot, Api- 8 23 13 32 7 05 8 46 1 4,1 A Funny but Sensible Speech. The Wisconsin Legislature Lad formally considered a proposition to abolish all laws lor the collection of debts. The mover of the bill, Mr. Eltnyre, is a preat wag, as evinced by the following extract fiom his speech on that subject : The speaker proceeded to review the pres ent system of collecting debts. It was all a humbug and a cheat, a matter of technical ities and legal fchufiling. Lawyers gave ad vice in order to obtain lees and encourage litigation. Judges made blunders and mis takes, lie had a little experience in law and that was rich. Laughter. He would give a little history of it. The speaker then related how he had purchased a yoke of ox en about fifteen years ago paid fifty dollars lor them a lew days alter, tte son ot the man of whom he had purchased the oxen came to him and said they were his. lie insisted on having pay over again, and com menced a suit before a justice. The jury didn't agree. Finally, through the Bass wood Justice of the Peace, the case went against him. He appealed it to the Circuit Court in Milwaukee. I here I lost again. and said to my lawyer : 1 will give you ten dollars to quote Pennsylvania law to Judge Miller; aud get a new trial ordered, threat laughter. 1 lie took the ten dollars and per- lormed his dutv. A new trial was then granted, and the ve nue chanced to Walworth county. Judge Irwin was then on the Jjench. Any man who wanted to gain a cause in hiscourt had either to co hunting with him and let the Judge claim all the game that was shot, or else pat his dog. I patted bis dog. Laugh ter, f I fed that dog crackers. Renewed laugnter. The case was decided in my fa vor. When I heard the decision I thought the dog had followed me long enough I turned round and gave him a kick. Laugh ter. The yelp of the dog had hardly sub sided ere I heard the Judge say : "Mr. Clerk, this judgment is set aside and a new trial granted." Great laughter. Mr. Speaker, that kick cost me $200! You have no doubt seen a suit in a justice's court in the country? There is time spent by ju rors and hangers on, besides other costs, at least $50, besides the ill feeling and disten tions caused by it. It is all a cheat. The litigants had better sit down and play a game of old sledge to decide the case. It would be more sure to settle the dispute justly. A Lesson for Fast Young Men. A short time ago a man named Doctor John W. Hughes, was hanged at Cleveland, Ohio, whose fate teaches a salutary lesson. He was a man of good family, well educated, had an honorable profession, and, at one time, a good social position. But he seems to have ruined himself by liquor and bad company. Under these influences he be came thoroughly demoralized. He was held by no conscience whatever. Having a good wife and a child, he married another woman almost in the presence of his family. For this crime be was tried, convicted, and sent to penitentiary. His injured wife procured him a pardon for this, but instead of being grateful to her, he abused her in the most false and heartless manner, and went, off to seek the woman he had injured. Having found her, he deliberately shot her through the heart because she refused to live with him. Tor this he was tried and hanged. On the scaffold he alluded to his advantages in life, his education, the wealth and posi tion of his family; but all these, he said.he had allowed to be overcome by indulgence in drink and bad com pany. What a lesson ! T.vtthv. Children Sleep. We earnest ly advise that all who think a preat deal, who have to work hard, to take au ine sieep they can get w ithout medical means. We caution parents, particularly, not to allow their children to be waked up of morn ;ncs let nature wake them up, she will not doit prematurely but have a care that they go to bed at an early hour ; let it be early, until it be found that they wake up themselves in full time to dress for break fust. ud early, and allowed to en- traee in difficult or any studies late and just before retiring, has given many a promts iDg and beautitui cnild the brain lever, or determined ordinary ailments to toe pro rl notion of water on. the braiiu-" ' Let parents make every possible effort to have their children go to tleep in a pleasant humor. Never scold or cive lectures or any jsray wound i child's feelings as it goes to bed.-Let all banish business and every worldly care at b?d-time, and let sleep come to a mind at peace with God and all the world. Good words oosE nothing, but are worth much- . Making the Most of a "w"ife.' In one of the western towns there is a character known as "Joe Backstock," al though that is uot his baptismal name. The other night a crowd met in the tavern as usual, and from war and the hard times the c nrt ration turned upon lailroud disas ters, and what had been realized from them. A hundred of examples were cited of pcr sous who had laid the foundation of a for tune by money received from railroad com panies as the price of broken limbs and lacerated bodies. After a while Joe. opened: "Well gentlemen," said he, "I got a thousand dollars out of a railroad company out West about twenty years ago and didu't receive no danger LVuui the smashing up, neither." "How was that, Joe?" inquired the landlord ; "I don't see how you can make tnat out. "Well," returned Joe. "I had inst almnt one of the laziest and most or'nary wives a poor ienow ever trot stuck on. Jhe wasn t wuth shucks, fche would work till she shivered, and eat till she sweated. Hows' ever the poor criter's gone under now, and I don't know as I oughter say any thing anin her. Well about twenty years ago her and me was traveling in a train out West. 1 was dreffuly down in the mouth. Jest as I was m in' to fix on to some method of raising the wind, suddintly the train was brought up all standin" and the splinters was flying in every direction. In two min utes passengers was laying around loose, groanin' and hollerin' lor help, nud there was an orful time generally. As luck would have it, neither me nor the old woman was hurt mite, but as I looked at her, the idea suddiutly occurred to me there was a chance to make something off of her, So says i, "Ieb, you' ye never bin no' count to me, and I think it is high time yer was. I have got a chance to make something onto yer now, and a'ni goin' to do it, and hope yer wan't make no fuss about it, but stand up to the rack and take your fodder like a wo man. Here goes !" and as I spoke I fetch ed her an old socker plum on the nose and squashed it as flat as if a cartwheel bad passed over it. "Xow," sez I, "howl, lleb! But remember, you 'ceived year damages from a flying splinter, and not from my fist!" Sbe tuck my advice, and that lick fotched us a thousand dollars damages." "But," he said, , heaving a deep sigh, "wot was the use of all?" The money's all gone now, and I'm as dry as ever. Who's going to Iicker ?" Anecdote op Dr. Emmons. A Pan theist minister met him one day and abrupt ly asked : "Mr. Emmons, how old are you ?"' "Sixty, sir, and how old are you?" "As old as the creation," was the answer in a triumphant tone. "Then you are the same age with Adam and Eve?" "Certainly; I was in the garden when they were. ' ' "I have always heard that there was a third person in the garden with them, but I never knew before that it was you." A dubious landlord, at Cobleskill, a short time since, was complaining that his sugar drawer was overrun with ants. A "setter" ever present propo.-ed that if Boniface would treat that he would inform him how to get rid of the ants in a very short time. The landlord accepted the proposition, when the "setter' 'Vooly advised Boniface to "kill an ant every tin e he took a drink." Unlawful Marriage. "fs there any person you would particularly wish me to marry?" said a widow expectant to her dying spouse, who had been somewhat of a tyrant in his day. "Marry the devil, if you like!" was the gruff reply. "Oh no, my dear," retorted the wife, "you know it is not lawlul to marry two brothets. Mind Your Stops. A clergyman was depicting before a deeply interested audi ence the alarmine increase of intern porance, when he astonished his hearers by exclaim ing : "A young woman in my neighbor hood died very suddenly last Sabbath whila I was preaching the Gospel in a state of beastly intoxication 1" A "western soldier, who has been through all the campaigns, and shared in many of the fiercest battles of the' war, writes from his home that he never realized the horrors of war till he got home to Indiana and found bis girl married to a stay at-home dry goods clerk. A seven j-ear old was recently reproved for playing out of doors with boys ; she was "too big for that now." But with the greatest innocence she replied: "Why, grandma, the bigger we grow the better we like Vm ! Grandma took time to think. Sincerity. No man who has been con sistently true and sincere has failed to win the confidence and favor of other men. . No man in whom truth and sincerity trave been wanting, has ever long possessed their con fidence and favor. A land speculator, in describing a lake on an estate in Cumberland, says it is so clear and so deep that by looking into it yoa an see them making tea in China. LvAb Irhh editor, in Bpeaking of the. mis eries ot lreiand says : Her cup of misery has been for ages Overflowing and Is notnit full . . ...- : The one talent some men hav, consist in swelling and blowing as if they bad tei. A military definition of a k: at headquarters." 'At is !: lU- ii l. : nr