u BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1866. VOL 12.-N0. 37. vil. -LW. I J. V TREASURER'S SALE . I OF TI53 EATER LANDS FOB TAXES i'or 1865 and previous years. NOTICE is nRBY cites that in tied "An Act to -mend an Act direct or the mode of idling unseated lands, ndearSeld count," and the several .Bpplemenu thereto, there will be ex ,oiid to Public Sale or outcry, the fol 'o.iDf tracts of unseated land in said 'iunty, for the taxes due and unpaid herein at the Coint House in the Bor ,b of' Clearfield, on the Second Mon U of June, A. 1. I860: BECCARIA TOWKSHIP A. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. Feler Miller, -io u John Mailer, 09 66 Fred'k Hubley, 43 26 Juhii Bosnian, 12 b3 Frndk. Howiuan, 14 90 John Bt?"i, 83 46 Jeremiah Mosber, 84 15 Thcnias BillingtoD, 120 61 Thomas rjillinetou, 12 37 SrliBiiHngton, -2 77 iiiilin Mvsincotie, 114 6tt 53 HI 43 8 140 26 V) CI ino 176 47 244 m 6 f Join My'sincope, 74 06 Jul n KiihIs. 82 04 J 50 lfi6 10W 76 50 t2 j-Ved'fc Hubley, 49 S8 Jtfiriiacl Musser, 84 40 Join Brady, 152 32 410 210 4W2 4'J'J 40 499 40 231 112 165 40 162 M6 1G2 116 215 73 91 162 116 110 153 293 1 25 118 153 74 32 4S3 153 433 153 U'ir Braov. t 4 J.fcUin&E.BUin, 112 78 Joha Warner, IIci ry Witmer, Wiii. Wilson, Hi-iiiian Witraer, Jac l Krtig, John Gibson, Eoheri W ilson, Jersniiah Mosber, Peter Uetz, Mi tin Fants, Jacob Faniz, Jr. Geo. Musser, Tli Jin as Gibson, David Barton, John Fordner, Brown and Fulton, John Kelland, Jacob Km?, Win. Plnnket.' 197 04 135 94 112 17 44 81 65 58 48 91 86 80 37 .G 57 62 101 Gl 91 18 101 03 29 0 J19 11 214 04 21 74 35 16 145 17 44 71 100 ao 3W SO 14 81 40 J-o,r Musserstnitb, 62 28 Wtu. 11 i liar, 64 30 IXtL TOWKSHIP. Per. Warraateea, w.J TaXM IJcnry Beck, ft TO 120 llenrr Beck, 19 23 At. 1(1 79 V.t 171 V3 113 93 1-90 4U 142 155 93 102 31 9l 171 ino 100 1000 1000 11(10 995 920 350 2i3 IDS 767 1190 luOO 663 ! 47 4U7 73 Henry Beck, 0 59 llnry Beck, 31 36 96 lUnry fceck, 7 42 Henry hick, 18 26 87 Hcnrj teck, 12 08 Jas. M'tiliee, 6 56 Benj. Gibbs, 118 83 30 Henry Bwk, 34 43 Ira A. Hcbins, 18 12 97 Henry Beck, 12 OS 52 NickliniliriEth, 16 45 123 NicklinA Griffith. 5 03 Jucxlin A Griffith, 14 52 113 Henry Beck, 22 12 Henry Beck, 24 21 Nicklin A Griffith, 242 12 Nieklinft Griffith, 210 90 Nicklin Griffith, 224 33 KicklinAGriffith.247 65 Nicklin AGrifitti, 233 75 NicklinAGriffith, 210 52 Nicklin-GriiCth, SI 84 Nicklin A Griffith, 61 54 Nicklin A Griffith, 25 64 Nicklin A Griffith, 165 03 NicKlin A Griffith, 256 38 Henry Beck, t 121 Henry Beck, i 89 21 Hit 42S7 tit 42S7 5iM6 tSf 5i07 1619 42M Wl4 iSuii 6907 W)H S19 Mo 6910 1311 W.3 1315 U2 t'M 4!;J E0GGS. TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Wairantees. etc. Taxes. $8 42 45 59 43 63 98 57 107 93 103 24 103 24 2i 60 33 71 65 66 65 66 61 50 13 86 4 37 71 84 39 39 25 64 11 75 8 25 40 90 15 43 42 00 14 04 S9 208 231 413 440 429 429 119 132 427 427 John Thomas, John Thomas, Jostph Drinker, Wm. McCormick, Nancy Bg?s, Malcolm U'Dona'.d, John Bycrs, 41 41 90 Barbara Snyder, Georgn llo.itman, George Ayws, Wm. Troutwino, John Kean, John E. Shaw, Luke Kyler, Joseph Bill, John Montgomery, Richard Thomas, SI 4U0 75 63 2G6 158 61 Si 146 49 eo 205 100 8u0 160 Barbara Snyder, Wm. Wilson, Thomas Smith, John Kihart, J. k Thos. Meese, Richard Waple, BIOCM TOWNSHIP. Sa. Ac Per. Warrar tees, etc. Taxes 32 295 Nicklin A Griffith, 79 32 3i2 J. W. Smith, 49 99 ino John Sevier, 21 33 50 Geo L. Bead, 12 19 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 05 81 Levi Cleaver, 25 51 3t 111 BoheruAFox, 25 03 3590 1005 159 KotwrtsA Fox, 172 19 316 100 Jacob Bilger. 21 3-1 250 David Irwins Est.. 31 2j 75 Keiper A Uartsock 9 92 100 John P. Dale, 11 10 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Pur. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 46 CO Hugh Ely, $52 92 102 35 John Campbell, 21 6S 159 Hall & Buck, . 24 96 437 l7Polly & M'Lanahan,48 23 48 M4t.,SlajDiakTV 8 EO MaU SUypwker, 5 Wm. Rraham. Jr. 16 4 9 $5 Jno. ilanna, 7a Rni. Oliver. 16 79 14 97 46 M oaes Brtggs Heirs, 225 Jan-es Duncan, 100 Nehemiah Mames, i . Thomas Holt, 61 David Msines, 100 Joseph Powell, , t0 Daniel Graham, 20 Luclnda' Graham, M Horatio; D. Hs.ll, ?5 John. Harrier, 274 Joh Taof ba, 4 30 33 71 16 66 : 1 11 9 28 6 35 6.75 2 64 6 35 3 18 33 23 John G. Gray, Andrew Pcttit, 5 85 29 99 JEBATJY TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. No. 492 3574 625 5861 5877 5879 5SS1 5386 195 218 2009 13 110 Taxes 308 Wm. Kirkpatrick.S37 32 102 34 Huberts A Fox, 3189 215 Courad Long, 59 80 670 J.B. Smith, 329 67 S46 Henry Wykoff, 355 72 77 Casper'Stiver, 24 13 501 Chribtian Lower, 246 50 650 Roberts A Fox, 319 81 521 Christian Lower, 256 02 370 Christ Lower, 84 65 80 J. M. Miller's hr's 37 02 100 J. W. Smith. (W. p. 11 45 25 Z. S. Welch, 10 95 100 Bauin. 23 40 50 McUuirv, 11 70 363 David Kennedy, 113 59 1434 BUEKSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 3C3 John Jones, $116 25 303 James Chapman, 116 25 290 Bcr.j Trasnall, 101 93 3':0 . Jerre Wi lianison, 101 67 424 Mr.ry Crawford. 123 27 311 Towu'd Spacfcman, 174 47 293 Rebecca Brown. 153 S6 111 Christian Stake, 3133 100 1 em:ird Mollis, 17 55 293 John Birch. 60 02 150 John CuiUinings, 30 71 CHEST TOWNSHIP Pt-r. Warrantees, etc. James Ross, Ac 258 100 14(1 190 250 22 108 50 200 248 UK) 61 Taxes. $80 13 48 22 31 161 Henry Pole, Fulton. 32 78 65 82 Chris' ian K"her, Miller & Christ, Mi ler & Christ, JonatiiHii Kephart, Nicholas H!iy 100 81 10 04 27 05 5 18 M'H illrv St Mitche 11, 45 05 John Tieert. John Breiiiteman, II. J . Brctli, 20 70 23 32 12 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP No. 1S91 1893 1910 3649 5367 5377 1941 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 640 72 Morris A Stewart. S75 43 4S3 47 Morris A Stewart. 57 07 175 122 Morris A Stewart, 21 66 70 30 Morris A S'ewart, 8 2 250 George Mead, 49 25 1100 George Mead, 130 V 350 John L'rirl. 12 52 183 Barmoy A liarnot, 9 87 "J05 Jno. J 1'ickardt, 15 16 80 Jno. J. Pickarit, 11 41 12T - Oimery A Keiter, - 9 03 DECAICS TOWNSHIP. 45 109 Ac. Per. Wairantees, etc. Taxes. 417 124 Tlx.s. P. Cope, $163 06 408 137 Rich. Thomas, 159 57 358 137 Jacob Downing, 110 02 203 1d4 HiijrhEly, 79 40 210 70 Henrv Drinker, 82 15 49 Berj." W ilson, 20 51 106 115 Jos. If-tmilton, 4133 43 41 John Skrron, 19 21 167 138 Thos. C. Cope, 65 2S 46 Win. Montgomery, 17 9 262 1 Joseph Sansom, 102 41 78 Jbn Cat:non. 24 Ol )7 ThomasEdmundson, 38 25 67 107 Geo. Graff, 26 4.1 208 61 Wm. Sausom, 81 33 433 60 John Anderson, 169 23 152 60 Gilbert Voupht, 59 42 391 159 Thos. Billington, 152 89 IOC Thos. Stewaitson, 39 07 108 Jacob Downing, 39 24 37 49 Joseph Sanson), 10 65 76 99 Wm.Sansom, 29 80 303 147 Thos. Edmnndson, 125 21 90 John Drinker, 35 17 100 Jonathan Kephart, 17 47 300 CasjirT Haines. 140 34 281 Gilbert Vatight. 109 80 195 Joseph Harrison, 76 18 198 80 Joseph ILtrrison, 77 04 100 Wm. Hover, 40 07 50 Joseph Harrison, 20 45 200 Jonathan Nesbit, 45 20 125 A. J.G.'ss. 28 25 200 Sam'l. M "Clan-en, 45 20 17 Joseph Sansnni. 3 84 83 136 Joseph Whitehall, 18 75 04 Charles Risk, 78 92 200 Jonathan Nesbit 32 91 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 233 159 John llamhiigltt, $?4 91 433 153 l);nU-l Turner. 50 04 58 Matthias Slough, 22 57 433 153 George Ross, 117 60 74 Lewis Jordan, 24 63 150 A. Scott, 40 70 50 Hiram Passmore, 13 58 100 Abraham Oden, 22 45 24 Henry Swan, 14 18 100 John Hambright, 36 50 60 Benj. Hartshorn, 25 63 FOX T0WN.SHIP. Ao. 433 433 433 274 202 103 433 333 433 91 70 100 100 150 100 No. Ac. Pe 4 272 425 4200 330 4188 140 4133 250 4181 495 4200 6t0 4182 990 4133 200 4241 S37 4238 917 1531' 20 1535 600 4242 293 4399 372 4340 188 4:193 216 4188 350 100 90 V '62 . K 50 4400 40 - 2 . Warrantees, etc. Taxes. Jas. Wilson, S60 99 Jag. Wilson. West j 22 95 Jas Wilson, West p 23 14 Jas. V ilson, 41 32" Jas Wilson, West 51 72 Jas. Wilson, 63 20 Jas. Vil,on, 126 33 Jas. Wilson, 45 2!t Jas Wilson, 23 11 Jas. Wilson, 287 94 Wilson, 6 09 Jas. Jas. Wilson, J1 is Wilson. 90 63 No Jas. 1944 1 129 3552 1093 1023 3463 3175 1093 1095 1096 1097 3465 346 10D7 1097 1093 3463 3475 Jas Wilson. 61 49 Jas. Wilhon, 35 96 Jas. Wilson. 57 38 Jas. T.'ilson. 45 82 Lane A Hvde, 13 13 Balltown Lot, 11 P2 Hulet Lot, 6 51 Firman Lot, 11 21 Giles Lot. 5 25 Hyde.BidwellACo.13 13 Balltown Lot, 2 94 GIBABD TOWNSHIP. 1924 1913 1890 3647 5365 5368 1929 1886 3& 5n 100 Morris A Stewart $52 20 114 254 10 : 60 563 140 50 788 Morris A Mewart, in 120 Morris A Stewart, 57 99 Morris A Stewart, 1 15 r,f(ir?c Mead, 6 23 Georue Mead, 64 15 Morris A Stewart, 24 75 " Morris A Stewart. 2 27 103 07 100 54 89 13 5357 1100 George Meid, 1925 315 62 Morris A Stewart, 1926 153 93 Morris A Stewart, 1937 123 Morris A Stewart. 3647 194 81 Morris A Stewart, 1929 30 22 Morris A Stewart. 1930 134 Morris A Stewart, 1886 771 77 Morris A Stewart. 1916 328 22 Morris A Stewart, 1887 3s7 44 Morris A Stewart, 1927 63 79 Mjrris A Stewart, 1923 409 Morris A Stewart, 35 41 16 49 11 52 8 76 3 72 16 63 86 05 37 42 43 50 6 67 41 97 1890 137 F Berthaud sEs't-lf 75 188.3 543 . Morris A Stewart, 62 46 1917 314 Morris A Stewart, 29 38 3650 126 Morr.s A Stewart, 15 76 1887 456 Morris A Stewart, 57 IS 1916 75 Motris A Stewart, 5 95 Ac. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 433 129 72 25 433 2(10 227 90 433 293 173 433 225 109 255 100 14 84 75 200 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. 300 Wm. Mapes, 330 George Meud, 483 George Mead, 1100 George Mead. 200 George Mead, 276 Morris A Stewart, 438 Morris A Stewart, No. 5259 5290 5291 5325 1!UB 1912 1881 1915 1923 1923 1922 5321 532.1 5327 532'J 53S0 1911 Taxes S55 83 118 3l 167 99 o76 05 67 13 18 30 25 62 j 300 153 Morris A Stewart 333 Morris A Stewart, 100 Morris A Stewart 152 Morris A Stewart, 1213 67 George Mead, 1100 George Mend. 1113 120 George Mead, 11(10 George Mead, 1100 Gecr;re Mead, 100 Morris A Stewart, GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. ,104 03 114 92 11 70 55 82 242 08 229 35 212 63 229 35 229 35 20 85 5376 1 100 George Mead, 5353 1100 George Mead, Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 Thos. P. Cope, $77 24 149 John Skjrou, 47 16 145 T. C"ie, 39 48 103 Jas- Milligan, 30 71 109 Geo. Moore, 38 53 250 Jno. Fry, Jr. 66 98 382 Joseph Simons, 103 28 318 Joseph Mairisoii, 113 37 JtiQ Charles Hall, 32 58 41 C. J. Allpoit, 10 38 431114 HymanGraiz, 189 30 33ii 114 Roht. Shaw, 146 71 100 . Robt. Shaw, 43 71 50 Jno. Skvton, 4 17 100 Jno. Dm.aldson, 13 88 66 101 B. D. Scboonover, 9 14 5293 5295 5297 G7JEI.ICH TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 225 John Witmer, $101 61 31 CI Pigot Shaw, 12 62 305 48 lieu. Baker, 123 81 335 151 Bei.j. Wilson, 135 98 100 Richarrl Athcrton, 40 61 48 114 Geo. Moore, 21 67 319 96 Geo. Moore, 141 86 131 Philip Gloningcr, 61 53 158 John M Cahen, 72 56 433 153 Edward Hand, 163 52 356 69 Emanuel Reigart, 134 25 103 Geo. Moore. 140 74 200 John M'Cahen, 117 30 98 John Lampblack, 44 2G 110 121 Christian Stake, 53 74 193 122 Matthias Young, 87 55 433 153 Christian llager, 195 65 433 153 George Muster, 195 65 237 43 Thos. Yedler, 107 01 210 Dauiel OilTey, 94 S3 215 75 Geo. BHker, Jr. 97 08 436 145 Timothy Paxton, 196 84 433 153 John Bulge, 195 65 216 153 John Musser, Jr. 97 51 4-36 145 Jos. Ashbright, 196 84 214 W. D. Ilagerty, 68 44 400 Fox & Louther, 36 40 EUSTON TOWNSHIP. . Ac. 402 206 327 373 421 440 410 410 423 &0 2-2 407 143 349 260 170 272 133 133 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 No Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes. $76 73 63 48 200 J. G. Kidder, ly.i David Caldwell ifi73 1041 Moore A Delaney, 399 20 5674 1041 Moore A Delaney, 399 20 6675 1041 Moore A DeUney, 399 20 oOliti 990 Win. Powers, 379 69 5067 S77 Win. Powers, 336 40 433 400 433 433 4 33 4263 990 James W ilson, 17140 4204 990 James Wilson, 171 66 4199 990 J nines Wilson, 171 6.. 5672 317 27 Moore A Delaney. 91 95 4257 388 15 James Wilson. 237 99 4902 420 Wilhelm Willink, 143 12 4216 490 James Wilson, 143 21 4225 740 Jnnioi Wilson, 216 27 4390 124 Wilhelm Willink, 22 63 5001 1113 William Powers, 1575 170 433 105 100 407 244 231 375 E. Shoemaker, 113 70 101 K. Shoemaker, 31 97 100 100 5063 293 Wm. Powers, 94 32 4225 250 James Wilson, 73 07 4233 500 James Wilson, 146 13 2000 1020 Koberts A Fox, 366 44 267 137 434 375 269 2001 10S9 Koberts A.I1 ox, 391 3592 900 Roberts A Fox, 252 li 210 6 1933 429 33 Roberts A ox, IZa 1000 Abel Dubois, 121 25 400 100 100 2'2 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 153 Richard Peters, $179 18 153 Fred Beates, 165 66 153 John Dunwoodie, 165 58 Adam Kuhn, 102 58 Ebenezer Brenham, 71 96 Adam Kuhn, 41 12 153 Thos. Martin, 151 5t Robert Martin. 112 35 153 Richard Martin, 73 33 135 Philip Loast, 25 39 Wm. Johnson, 19 47 Philip Loast. 9 05 Jonathan Jones, 30 CO Wm. Wilson, 23 45 Richard Martin, 15 63 . KASTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tales. 150 96 136 60 62 No. 5951 5954 5932 No. 5781 5773 4232 513 95 MorrlsAStewart,S10l 03 550 120 Wiliiiim Smith, 95 42 673 120 William Smith. 93 62 7tf Charles Willink, 7 76 88 Charles Willink, 13 11 4252 5777 5777 5776 1429 633 147 Charles Willink, 62 85 253 139 Charles Willink, 30 30 124 103 Charles Willink, 12 23 865 Charles Willink, 75 17 436 113 Charles Willink, 50 27 58 62 Charges Willink, 8 21 259 113 Cbailes WilHn, - 30 82 100 ' Charles Willinkf-- 14 15 i1tKlJJ'' Charles Willink, 5 55 4020 5779 5776 5776 5776 100 Charles wuimx, mm Charles Willink, 4 39 79 ! ?52 Charles WillinK, 109 86 59 Charles Willink, 8 37 AA J. R. M'Closkev. 11 75 88 A mold Custard, : V 45 100 Wm. Mihhr. M W 200 Wm. Michaels. 16 65 1655 957 1097 ) 1096 j 125 1097 25 1097 1 1096 ) 50 1090 66 500 122 133 83 700 89 13 3466 ) 3467 106 132 HewsMyers,FUherl35 43 Charles Willink, 19 09 Charles Willink, 3 82 Ac. Charles Willink, 7 64 Charles Willink, 9 t5 W. Schnarrs.A Co. 69 38 Daniel Yothers. 16 93 Christian Brown. 18 43 Mary Eggans, 10 54 Wiilard, 33 85 T. A J. White, 4 94 T. A J. White, 1 00 Thos. Myers, 5 89 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes 43 Reuben Havnes. $179 94 50 Luther Morris. 179 60 153 Joseph Hilliard. 179 23 153 Robert Gray, 179 29 41 John Bringhurst, 178 60 153 Sarah Ward, 179 23 153 George Eddy, 179 28 153 More Wharton. 179 29 153 Geortre Ashton, 45 John Doitey. 9 35 Thos. Jordan, 22 73 Geo. Fox, 9 93 153 Isabella Jordan, 179 23 Silas Cox. 17 70 G. A M. M'Cormiok, 55 38 ThouirsonAEgelinan, 42 II 153 Caleb Foulk, 143 75 George Westcott, 100 76 153 Robert Wharton, 60 39 153 George Seaff, 148 76 John Boyd. 57 33 Susannah Ward. 34 08 G.AM M Cormick, 65 01 Henry 1 rout, 43 20 Georie Bowman, 2 66 Charles Senate's estate, 8 85 Peter Whiteside, 24 83 George Ashton, 33 30 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees. etc. Taxes 221 413 62 90 6 6 724 1167 1213 235 36 74 9 41 41 153 176 240 137 490 Hugo Jordan, John Read, 114 Rulolph l.ili, Robert Mitchell James Alexander, L. J. Crans. George Mead, $54 93 102 63 12 93 39 29 4 50 5 52 62 95 101 J3 47 George Mead 67 George Mead, 105 05 Wm. Montgomery, 83 93 JohnMefnerson, 7 91 J. M, Macumber. 16 25 M. W. Snyder, 1 53 J. B. McEnally, 5 22 J. B. Shaw, 5 22 E. friwn A Sons. 14 61 E. Irwin A Sons, 16 76 E. Irwin A Sons, 22 86 E. Irwin A Sons, 17 40 E. Irwin A Sons, 45 33 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. George Wetzel. $100 41 Wm. Wertc. 51 46 Christian Wertx, 81 63 David Lauck, 93 13 Jesse Yamell, 89 10 65 Joseph Turner, 109 89 109 Joseph Turner, 109 89 20 Joseph Turner, 109 89 George Habecker, 104 64 Peter Yamell. 74 93 42 92 63 Wm. Drinker, 70 51 U.S. Drinker, 101 79 Richard Thomas, 35 78 John R. ad, 73 34 Michael Souder, 64 91 Patrick Hays, 42 47 Robert Glenn, 57 83 Francis Johnson, 32 30 Robert Rainv, 19 00 Thomas Morris, 103 29 William Morris, 103 29 Samuel Meredith. 103 29 William Miller, 103 29 Hetty Morris, 108 29 Thos Fi'tsimons, 108 29 Geo. riymer, 103 29 Robert Jllray, 108 29 Patrick Moore, 103 29 Mary Morris. 108 29 Magnus Miller, 108 29 Nalbio Frasey, 108 29 John Houston, 99 90 Clem Stockes, S9 09 John Vanghn. 108 29 Jonathan Nesbit, 103 29 Blair M'Lanahan, 39 92 William Stewart, 93 02 James Wilson, 23 19 Robert Morris, . 21 98 William Morris, 22 43 Richard R. Smith, 71 80 James Smith. 32 23 Christopher Baker, 30 49 Isaac Farlow, 29 40 Patrick Hays, 20 55 Conrad Swartz, 66 87 140 141 16 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 90 90 122 139 19 40 Nicholas Reidenour, 24 19 Robert Carson, 99 45 Mathias S'ough, 79 03 Joceph Hubley, 55 24 Jacob Graff, 33 57 John Graff, . 1 25 Frederick Hubley, 82 20 William Bigler, 14 70 Mott A Johnson, 8 85 Simon Gratz, 48 95 Hillary Baker, 19 92 Joseph Potter, 16 92 Francis Johtoson, 11 94 Joseph Nicholson, 4 40 Joseph Potter. . 6 44 95 91 143 PEKN TOWNSHIP Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 107 Nicklin A Griffith. S10 02 647 Nicklin A Griffith, 133 80 63 Elijah Heath 13 53 80 200 43 25 130 60 25 14 163 1 Greenwood Bell, 39 03 PIKE TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. John Nicholson, John Nicholson, JamesWilson, James Wilson, Ao Taxes $56 86 20 13 91 35 101 00 54 56 54 66 46 91 14 00 30 64 42 35 48 27 49 13 39 44 16 79 6 27 26 06 11 50 15 87 21 22 27 32 750 200 990 957 10 510 529 70 450 145 1S4 185 476 296 111 460 200 276 12 John Nicholson, 12 John Nicholson, John Nioholson, S. Blodget, Daniel Bailey, Thomas Jordan, Thomas Magee, Thomas Mazee, Wi m S. Roberts, r. W.M'Naul, Bailey. 57 12 16 sT 60 7.. M'Xaut. Kachael Kr'i John Nicholson, 369 475 80j6hn Nicholson, UNION TOWS SBTP-" No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. i 125 Roberts A fox, SMS 2S0 Rbera A Fox, 50 80 Taxes 52 01 14T 39 1 lot, Apt WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 433 153 456 159 433 153 100 412 41 433 153 263 153 5 140 215 6 263 355 300 100 433 336 145 57 143 100 334 41 216 433 73 436 105 433 133 121 163 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 63 243 237 170 1 136 189 41 85 40 150 John Taught, $177 15 John Walls, 186 55 John Roll, 177 15 Wm. Wilson, 40 90 John Cannon, . 141 34 Israel Wheelan, 113 70 Samuel Emlen, 63 17 Peter Henny, 29 21 Hugh Ralston, 27 89 Thos. Neel, 38 10 Thos. Maston, 33 40 Mary Neil. 88 53 Mary Connelly, 94 33 Benj. Johnson, 27 46 Hegarty, -l 69 M'Cahen, 101 85 Mary Connelly, 17 41 Jtoland Evans, 40 90 Pigot Shaw, 136 52 Sebastian Graff, 88 32 Thos. Edmonson, 179 15 Daniel Offley, 122 95 John Musser, jr. 122 11 Eli Hootman. 40 83 Mary Sandwich, 20 17 Philip Loast, 146 49 J R. Howell, 146 49 Wm. Johnson. 146 49 George Beckham, 33 85 Charles Hight. 107 70 Daniel Turner, 103 00 Peter Lowdcn, ' . 65 26 Charles Lowden, 23 ol Mary Sandwich, 17 7S Isaac Wilson, 42 61 Mary Connell 18 83 George Ashton, 6 00 John M'Connell, 4 94 John Low. 17 53 v D- W- M0'5RE, Treas r. March 23. 1866-ts. rjiREASURER'S SALE OF HEAL ESTATE, Returned to the County Commission ers by the Collectors of the several town ships and boroughs for the taxes due and unpaid thereon for the year 1865 and previous yenrs, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. In pursuance whereof the said Treasurer will expose the said property to public sale at the Court 11 ouse. in Clearfield, on the 2d Monday of June next, (the 11th day.) , BECCARIA TWKSHIr. Ac Per. To whom assessed. Taxes. 100 B. A. By era, $11 85 20 Elvina Burge. 2 75 140 Jeremiah Cooper, 23 00 156 Doey Douglass, 17 94 300 Thos. Weston, 171 07 43 James Gill, 7 25 bbli. Towxsnrp. . 100 - . -,Wm, M. Barrett, 12 90 100 John Christman. 12 90 60 Samuel T. Hoover, 7 74 75 Mechtley A Pantille, 9 63 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. 60 Blako Gray, 8 53 164 Levi Sealy, 14 71 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. One lot, Henry Underkoffer, 10 89 One lot, Thomas Butler, 4 77 44 John Harrier, 9 76 2 Henry Underkoffer, 4 77 BlfRNSIOE TOWNSHIP. 100 Leonard Hollis, 27 45 100 Samuel Snyder. 23 36 100 John King's estate, 14 63 10 JaraesMc Creery, 3 51 4 Sarah Oakes, 1 47 BRAPT TOWNSHIP. 35 Jas. II Adams, 6 31 31 Richard Arthurs, 23 70 323 Robert S. Cat hers, 76 59 125 Alex Dunlap. jr. 17 55 62 Geo. Ell inger's heirs, 10 77 100 Peter Hoover, 11 70 20 Samuel Gelnet, .5 85 35 Henry Hand. 6 15 100 David M Gary, 17 55 One lot, Peter Hoover, 5 85 CURWF.SSVILLE BOROOGB. 2 lots, James Locke, 10 95 CHEST TOWNSHIP. 53 David Michaels, 4 27 2J- Nathaniel Noble, 4 23 50 John Wallace, 18 53 97 John Byer, 12 45 20 Joseph Breth, . 2 06 90 James Stevenson, '9 47 . 8 Wm. Selfridge, 5 15 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 50 David Kephart, Jr. 17 93 "13 Jonathan Kephart, 6 SI 10 John G. White. 4 00 81 Henry McMullin, 14 62 tBRGCSON TOWNSHIP. 93 Wm. Barrett, 15 40 50 Scott Curry, 6 55 150 John H. Ferguson, 24 57 200 Paul White, 26 20 eiRARD TOWNSHIP. 100 Luzier A Livergood, 9 05 100 Henry Martle, 12 23 109 Alex Wiard, 10 77 50 Thos. Luzier, 5 75 102 Abraham Lansberry, 14 03 100 Wm Phoenix, 11 73 49 Thos Stone, 6 91 eOELICH TOWNSHIP. 125 Robert Henderson, 17 09 333 Haslet, Turner A Co., 92 28 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. 56 Thos. Owens, 9 96 400 Wm. Pusey, 79 23 2 lots, Joseph Wood, 2 37 1 23 Morgan, Orr A Co., 23 24 100 Thos Rea, 29 87 . to KARTHACS TOWNSHIP. Jas. Askey, 10 35 Henry Culvey, 17 20 ElisbaTickner, 6 46 Jno. Uartsock, 4 10 Andw. Long, 18 65 Jno.M'Gonigal 5 6 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Wm.Robison, 2 77 J. M. Cbase, 1 55 LUMBER CITT BOTOOGII HouseAlot, David Denmark, 2 lots, G. W Gray, MORRIS TOWNSHIP. 50 A son Jones. ISO Michael Quigley, 11 10 1 39 4 36 13 05 HEW WASHIXGTO BOROUGH. HonseA 3 lots. Hugh Gallagher, . 2 22 House k lot, ,John Irvin'e estate, 11 00 i PBNN TOWHSH1P. : Wm. Beck . , J John Flynn. V"' f A K. Wright. ?J ' TNION TOWNSHIP. - W. H. Booze, Leander Denning. WOODWARD T0WN8BIP. J. K. Davis, - James M'Kee, 9 85 1 06 2 42 8 23 13 32 7 05 8 46 Tram an Root, 1 41 . 4. D. W . MOORK, Treas'r. juried goctrg. , THE PLACE TO DIE. How little recks it where men lie, When once the moment's past In which the dim and glazing eye Has looked on earth its last Whether beneath the sculptured rn ; The coffined form shall rest, Or in its nakedness, return Back to its mother's breast Death is a common friend or foe, As different men may hold ; And at this summons each m a. t go The timid and the bold ! But when the spirit, free ani warm, Deserts it, is it must, What matters where the lililess form Dissolves again to dust? The soldier falls, 'mid corpses piled. Upon the battle plain. Where reinless war-steeds gallop wild, Above the mangled slain. But, though his corps be grim to see, Hoof-trampled on the sod. What recks it, when the spirit free Has soared aloft to God'. The coward's dying eyes may close Upon his downy bed. And softest hands his limbs compose, Or garments o'er them spread; But ye, who shun the bloody fray, Where fall the mangled brave, Go strip his coffia lid away, And see him in his grave. 'Twere sweet indeed, to close oureyes, With those whe cherish near, And wafted upwards by their sighs, Soar to some calmer sphere ; But, whether on tbe scaffold high. Or in tbe battle's vain. The fittest place where man can dis IS WUEKB HB LIVES FOR MAS ! Wise on the Rampage. Recently, on the occasion of the anniver sary of the death of Stouewali Jackson, "General" Henry A. Wise made a speech, which Ls of value as indie iting the real spirit which still actuates the Rebel leaders. Among other things he said : "I don't know that I am a prisoner. (Laughter. ) I aui bound by no chain. Jhave a pass to go where I please upon the soil of my native land. At least General Grant says so. I may be arrested, but I want no man living to tell me whither I might go. (Cheers. ) I have the proud satisfaction of saying that I fought until we had won the privilege 01 being paroled. (Applause.) There is no authority here or elsewhere to arrest rae or to stop my mouth, so long obey the conditions of that parole ; and as I up on that parole 1 .snail stand so long as 1 live. (Applause. ) You call ine a prisonerof war; 1 am not a prisoner of war. If -prisoner at all, I am a prisoner of peace. Amoug the last shots fired by inlantry at Appomattox were those fired by the troops that I had the honor and pride to lead ; and there at Appomattox peace was brought about." "You call Out cause lout; it is not lost. Jf it is lost, tli ca use of civil liberty is doom ed, for it, too, is tost. There was a Paradise lost and a Paradise regained, and there will be a Paradise regained in this country. The blood that has been spilled is to pre cious. I should not believe in God if I did not believe that a special providence would yet give victory to and secure the triumph of civil liberty in this country. One thing can be said, there was one man who could not be driven to do that which he did not consent to do. As long as one man in this Commonwealth (a voice, "What I Commonwealth?") What Commonwealth? There never was but on Virginia. But I tell you. Old Virginia is not at home. She will come Jack some of these days, and then the devil will take the hindmost I am watching, and will tell her when she comes what has been done in her absence. , I'll say, "Mamma, your children did net do that. It was done by impostors and preten ders." Again, I say, there is but one Vir ginia. They have taken and are wielding her powers. If I am a traitor, let them make the most of it. If I am a traitor, why don't they try me and hang me? I have lost my lands and property, but I would clean boots, on your streets sooner than bow usurpation. If I had trimiphed, J should have favored stripping them nakett. (Laugh ter.) Pardon! They might have appealed for pardon, but 1 would have seen them damned before I would luzve granted it. For myself, the boot being on the other leg, I take no oaths 1 I ask no pardons (Pro longed cheers. ) I give you that brigade the old, the lasting, the enduring Wise brigade. ' (Cheers and applause. ) Ever Loyal, Ever True. The Mobile (Ala. ) Tribune refers editorially to the sub joined card, which is published in its adver tising columns, as coming from one "noted as a skillful officer and lor indomitable per severance and pluck :" To the Public. The undersigned has been pained by the circulation- of slanders con cerning her loyalty to the late Confederacy. She takes this means of pronouncing them all false and without shadow of foundation. Those who desire a refutation of them can see her at the. Battle House, and those who persist in circulating them will do so at their personal peril. Mr?. Loretta J. Decauxp. Formerly Lieutenant T. Buford, C. S. A. If the copperheads had a" majority in Con gress they would at once make peace with the rebels, they say. Why not? They never had any quarrel with them, i They have nothing to settle,' j' When Lord Erskine heard that somebody had died worth two hundred pounds, he ob served.', "well, that's a pretty sum to begin the next world 5fith." . It has been a-ertained that the Govern ment will lose between ; two hundred and three hundred thousand dollars by the fail ure of Culver, Pena & Co., the New York bankers. Interesting Information. - The United States Bank Kxmb,o, pointed by the Controller of theTunS; on the cummon principle of locking thTU-ble-door after the horse is stolen. Las Lade report upon the recent failure of the Mer chant s National Bank of Washington! Thm SSfe h in ?aS tbev? "Pennon of Bayne & to. of Baltimore Bayne & Co. having got deeply into speculations, and so on. The circulation of the bank is fully as sured, so that bill-holders will lose nothin which is a comfort. The United Stalls Government, however, is the creditor of tha bank for $762,312 37, the most of the mon ey coming from officers of tfie Pay IWrt ment. Lieut Colonel Paulding alone depos ited over half a million. To meet this de ficiency the Government holds securities of the bank to the amount of $100,000 There can be little objection to any officer of the Government debiting money iu du ly authorized banks. Some of 1 hese depos its, however were made by Governnlent agents for the purpose of "saving" the bank. Ine Lxannner mentions that at a meeting of certam friends of the bank it was stated that unless Bayne & Co. "could secure from $150,000 to $250,000, without delay they must fail and that this failure would involve the failure of the banl" At this meeting, held April 20, Lieut, Col. U L. lau ding, Paymaster U. S.A., wasprea- .1 p.roceded nexf y fc place $200,. 000 in the bank, two other offieers of the V hen the failure came, it was found that Col. Paulding had $500,857 76 in the bank, the others having, drawn out the best por' V" ,ot ,th,eir dP-slts- The amount of in dividual deposits was only $38,610 89- of Ws, $115,000 ; while there was due to other batiks and bankers only $G5,S72 26 ro make this plainer, we find a bank.cer tauily not regarded as particularly "safe" by the people, nor even by other banks (as we way sue from the small amount of de posits and credits,) permitted, upou a cap ital of $306,000, to issue $180,000 in notes, and receive $7rt2,312 57 from the Govern! merit m doriosils. The Treasnry Depart ment, or rather the Controller of the Cur rency, permits a bank to run over $600,000 in debt to the Government, when the least inquiry would have shown that this debt was being incurred to help the house of "Bayne Tr.Vn a t,mre, which house alone had 01 ine money of the bank, or rath er the money ot. the United States, obtain ed through the bank,- and 'gone, Heaven knows where I Tribune. .... "Old Cooper" is a .Dutchman, and like many another man.of.wJiatever nationality has a wife that is "some." One day the "old man" got into some trouble with a neighbor, which resulted ma l ,f ncinlor was getting the better ot the 'old man," which Cooper's wife was not slow to see. The "old man" was resist ing his enemy to the best of his ability when his wife broke in with, "Lie still, CooDerl lie still. If he kUJs you 1 11 sue him for damages !" Bills Signed. Th 1 , . - - .m, u uM mail ed the bill amendatory of the Habeas Cor tus act. and fnr thA rrninAii.in r.f rT,;n . ' " t - UIVVUUU v viuuu officers from suits for acts done by military order durino- tli war Thnu l,;ii. c . , . - m.iiv us Litio VI which votes have been predicted by those pretending to be in the President's confi dence. The Kiwoml . 1 wva-avv VU; WM especially necessary to protect our officers 4 rrT, 1 f1.A i-lnJI.t...,. . .. j f . 1 r. iiu me . iiiuiuivc ircratxruuons 01 tue IteO- eis ior acts done in their official capacity. General Fiske has gouetowork to rebuild the school-houses and churches destroyed by the mob in Memphis. It is intimated that the city will have to foot the bill. We should hope so. Fuller details of the oper ations of the mob 6how its outrages to have been indescribably fiendish. Congress has appointed a committee to investigate the whole matter. A young clerk at St. Louis, on Sunday, undertook to kill himself by shooting, be cause a gentleman would not let him marry his daughter. He went into a lumberyard, and commenced a preliminary prayer, when three of his young friends surprised him, took away his pistol, and advised him to elope with the girl. The Democratic party was ushered into existence by the treason of Aaron Burr, in endeavcring to found a Southwestern Con federacy, while it wa ushered out of life by the treason of J eff. Davis, endeavoring to found a Southern Confederacy. Thus the Afphia and the Omega of Democracy is the same Treason. "That's a stupid brute of yours, John,' said a scotch minister to his parishioner, the peat dealer, who drove his merchandise from door to door, in a small cart drawn by a' donkey; "I never see you but the crea ture is braying." "Ah, sir," said the peat dealer, "ye ken hearts warm when frien'i meet." A Scotchman, putting up at an inn,-mi asked in the morning how he slept. "Troth man," replied he, "nae vera weel either, but I was muckle better aff than the bugs, for deil ane o them blinked an e'e the hale night" -. . " "Ah doctaw. does the choTewaw awfect the high aw awda?" Ho, replied the doctor to the exquisite, "but Hi's death to fools aadgpou'd better leave the sitty at once.". "Well, Bridget if I -engage yon I'shair' want you to stay at home whenever I shall wish to go rut.' ' Well ma'am, I have no objections provided you do the same when I wish to go out." ' A tax that : Congressmen - never tnflit upon us Syntax. I 9" I: K. 1 s S j i 3 -w 4 a 6412 6412 Omtm Ma4. 64 22 nr