fl- IK I IS is ..5 J :it If I 4 aftjsuintt journal CLEARFIELD, PA., MAV 9. IS65J STRANGE. BUT. TRUK. Every youna; lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage ly return mail (free of charge.) by addressing the nderst$ned. - Those having fear nfbeins: ham boeed will Oblige by not noHeinjr this card. All others will please addres their obedient servant, ,.!,.. - THOS. P. CHAPMAN. Jan. 3. 1866-ly. 831 Broadway. N York. TO D R ir N K 4 K lS. A reformed inebriate would be happy to communicate (free of cbarjre) to as many of-his' fellnw-heines as will address bim. very important and useful infor maiiun, anil place in their hands a sure enre for the lore of Strong Drirfk of any kind. This in formation is freely offered by one who has nar rowly escaped a drunkard s erave Address, ' SETH B. HENDERSON. ; Mar 28. 18i-6-3m No. 9 Broad Street. N. Y. TRROKS OF YOFTlI. A Gentleman who J suffered for "years from .Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all tho effoo'g of yooibful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering human ity, tend free to all who need it. the recipe and directions ' for inaicing the simple remedy by which he wan cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advenifer's experience, can do so by ad dressing - . - JOHN B. OiiDEN. , Jan. S 1&6!-Iy. . No. 13, Chambers St. N.Y. THE CCOiFES.SIO.VS AM) EXPKRI ; EJNCE OF AN' INVALID Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOINU MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debili ty, Prematuie Decay of Manhood. 4-0 , supplying at the same time The Meanenf Self-Cure. By one who baa cored himself after undergoing con siderable qu ickery. By enclosing a postpaid ad dressed envelope, single jopirs free of charge may be had by ttenthor. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, E.-q., . Jan. 31, 1b03-ly. Brooklyn, Kings Co. N Y. rilO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned X having been restored to health in af-w weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several yean with a severe lung affection, and that dread di.-en -e. comsuuintiou is anxious to make Known to Lis fellow sufferers the means of cure. -. To 51! who decire it, he will scud a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the name, which they will find, a kurk itrb fob jonslhptiom, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds. c. i he on ly object of the advertiser in sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afHicied. and prcad in formation which he coi.oeU-cs t be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cu.t them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. EDWAKD A. WILSON. Williamsburg Jan 3, ls6-ly. Kings county, N orK T1TISS E. A. P.RVMIKK, Teacher of Piano JiJL Forte, Meloieon, Cnb'net Organ, Guitar. Harmony and oeal Music. For the sole purpose of keeping inferior Instrument? out of thecouutv Miss Rynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos Organs, '.Juitars and Melodeons. As chief among a large list of good Instruments may be mentioned, 'Chickerings and Sons Grand, Square and Up right Piano Fortes. Lindeman's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano. Calenberg A Yaupel's Grand and Square Pianos Mason it Hamlin's Cabinet Organ. Etzy'g Cottage Organ. Tieat A Linsley's Organs and Melodeons. Hall's Guitars, Ac. which she will sell at a very trifling advance on Manufacturer's prices, thus enabling pnrchas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles that are "dear at any prtre.17 Music Books, Paper, Guitar Strings and Sheet music constantly on hand at toe store ot .Mrs. 11 D. Welsh.. ' September. 29. 1S65. g T II I N G GOOD s. C. KRATZER & SOX, Are just opening at the Old Stand above the Academy, A large and splendid assortment of Spring goods, which they are. nulling at greatly reduced prices. Particular attention is invited to their stock of CARPETS, (Cottage, common Ingrains, and superior Eng lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor and Table Oil cloths, Window Shades and Wall 1-apers , Especial pains has been taken in the selection of Ladies' Dress Good. White Goods, Embroide ries and Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoe, which they will Bill at a smalt advance on city cost. Flour, Bncon. Fish. Salt and Plaster. Apples. Peached and Prunes kept onmx.utly on hand. Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wines for medicinal uses Also ia store a quantity of Urge and small clover seed. We intend to make it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy from us. because we will sell our goods as low as they can be bought in the county; and will pay the very highest price for all kinds of country produce. Wc will also exchange goods for School, Road nd County or ders; Shingles, Boards and every kind of manu factured Lumber. March 14, 1S66. JT 33 G- O O 3D S . MRS. H. D. WELSH ft CO., Have Just Received and Opened a Ssock of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which were pnrohased during the present decline, ; and thereto: e are enabled to sell very cheap OUR STOCK Consists in part of Morinos. Alpacas. Poplins; Wool, Armure, and common Delaines; Prints, Gingbams.Sbawls. Hoods. Hosiery.G loves. Nu bias. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flannels, ' Lades' Cloth. Sheetings. Mu.:ins. Towel ing. Ticking. Sontngs. Breakfast Shawls, Capes, Ac- Also,a full assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Among which are Hats. Bonnets. Feathers. Rib bons. Flowers, Laces, Frames, Mai iness. Vel vets, Silks, Ciapea, Berages, Veils, etc., and a large stock of . CHILDREN'S' TOYS, Including Chiua, Bronte. Papier Macho Tin Rosewood Glass. Pewter. Woodon, . Parian and Candy Toys. . . . FOR - LADIAS, Such as Pomades, Oils. Bandoline. blocm of youths . - ar.d Paints, Rouge. Lilly White, eta. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continu ance of the kind patronage of the people of Clear field county. . ryUemember the place Second Street, next door to First National Bank. . Nov. 29 1866 ; 1 : CnEKSE a good article, just received at Xojrli.. MERRILL A BIQLER'S. . PULLEY BLOCKS of various ai cm, to be MERRFLL A BIG LEU'S A LA."G,E f TOOK or LASS, paints. oils 4 a aw it i cx icwii . nr.. ' K. A IRVl BrurFA "?ES Knee Blanket and - Horse Blankets, for sale at Noy 1 MERRELL4 BIGLER'S CABLE CHAINS good articl. on band and foral by MERKELL A BIGLER. At I RVIN BROTHERS, Dealers ia Square Sawed I Lamber Drj Goods, Groceries. Flour. Grain. 4o , Ac, Burnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1S63. w 1 1REDERICK LEITZIXGER. Manufacturer of 1 11 kind of Sronft-wsnt dnarfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail Jan. 1,1863 (RA5S A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear j field, Pa. May 13. 1S63. t. J.CRAsa. : : : w alter barrbtt. ) OBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear j field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market iiieet, opposite Naugle's jewelry store May 26. II F. WAfOLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and I . dealer in Watclies, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Uiaham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. I I BUCHER SWWPE, Attorney at Law. Clear 11. field. Pa. )fl5c in Graham' Row, fourdoo s wtst of Graham A Boynton's sUire. Nov. 10. i I ARTSWICK A IRWIN. Healers in Drags, J I Medioines. Paints. Oils, Stationary, Perfume ry . Pncy Goods, Notions, etc, to.. Market street, Clearfield, Pa, Dee.6, 1865. (i KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry Goods, j. Clothing. Hardware, Qoeensware, Groce ries, Provisions, Ac, Front Street, (above the A calemy.) Cleat field, Pa. Dec 27.1365. W 7 ILLIAM F. IRWIN, Markotstreet, Clearfield, p. . Dealer in Foreien and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, yueensware, orocencs, anu fau.ily articles generally. Nov. 10. JOHN Gl'ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, Pa. lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'5tf. DK M. WOODS. Practicing Phvsicias,' and Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry 5tro t, Clearfield, Pa. January 21. 1863. 'PHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, 1 Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of the -ClearfieliJ so Tank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3 JB M'EXALTir, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield, . Pi. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining ounties. OKce in new brick building of J. Boya . n, 2d street, one door south of Lanicb's Hotel. I " K'nARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do I mestio Dry Goods,-Grdceries. Flour. Bacon, l.iqnors, c. Room, on Market street, a few doors west o; JoMrnJOfief, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. rilllOMAS W. MimiBK. Laud Surveyor and Con- J veyancer. Office at his reidence. i mile east ot IVnnville Postotfice address. Grampian Hills Deeds and other instruments of writing neatly ..j i .... n . i. ij". i executed I II II V t 4 II I O'li'l J M. ALBERT A BROS. Dealers in Dry Goods. V t roceries. Hardware, (jueensware. Flour, Bacon, etc. Woodland. Clearfield county. Penn'a. Also. extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lum ber, shiugles. and square timber. Orders solici ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th, 1863. J BLAKE WALTERS. Scriviuer and Con veyancer, and Agent for the purchase and eal of Lands. Clearfield, I'a. Prompt atntion giv en to all business connected with the county .ffi ces Office with Hon. W. A. Wallace. Jan. 3. j. r. m'murrat. : : : : samuel mitchell. TII'MUKUAY A MITCHELL, Dealers in if J Foreign and Domestic Mcrohandiza. Lcm bkr Flour, Grain, Ac. New Wash ington. Clear field county, Pa. October 25, lS5-lyp. w fAKDLE, REED & CO., Wholes a lk Gkucrrs, and dealers, in I obacco, lea Jpioes. Ao ..North East cornei of Sixth and Mar- ket Streets, Philadelphia. teD!4 bin CHARLKS S. RF.P.I). GEOROB F. WARPLE. 1 All J. P. Bl'RCHFIELIK late Surgeon of MS the o.ird Kegt Penn a Vols, having return ed trom the army, offers bis professional services to the citizens of Clearfield bud vicinity. I'rot fofpionnl calls nromntly attended to. Office on South-East corner of 3d and Market streets. Ot. 4. Isiia 6m-pd. Al'CTlO.NEEtt.-The undersigned having been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield coui ty that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. - Charges moderate Address, JOHN M QL'ILKIN, May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. rCTIONEEH The undersigned having been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any art of the county, whenever called upon Charges moderate. Address. NATHANIEL RISHEL, Feb. 22. lSf5. Clearfield, Pa. N EW ARRANGEMENT!! The subscribers have entered into co-partner ship, and are trading under the name of Irvln. liaily A Co . in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of K I lis Irvtn A Son, at the' mouth of Lick Run.- They would inform their friends, anu the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order alt kind s of sawed or bewn lum ber. -and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opeuti A KEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con sisting oi every variety usually kpt in country stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their customers One if their partners. Thomas L. Baily, resides near Philadelphia, whose business it w be to watch the marKet and make purchase on the most favorable terms. Call and see u ' El.LH I RVIN, THOMAS L BAILY, Goshen tp.,Dec.g. 1965. LEWIS I. IRWIN. RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. ADVERTISING AND JOBBING. WET CASH CASH TO ACCOM HAS r ORDER. Subscription, in advance, 1 year, : : : $2 00 Adm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. 6 times, 2 50 Auditor's notices, each, 2 50 Cautions and Estrays. each, 3 times, 1 50 Dissolution notices, each, 3 times, 2 00 Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, 1 50 For each subsequent insertion. 50 umoial Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion. Professional A business cards. 5 lines, 1 y. LoenI notices, per line. I time, Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per linei 1 50 .50 5 00 15 10 6 mo's. $ 5.00 S.OO lO.i-O 12.U0 8 00 12 Oil 15 00 20 00 Advertising. z montas. 3 months. One square. (10 lines) $ 3 00 $ 4.00 Two squares. - 4.50 s . 6.00 " Three squares, 6.00 8.00 Foursquares, 8.00 10,00 Yearly Advertising, one square, : : : Yearly Advertising, two qa ares, : : Yearly Advertising, three squares. Yearly Advertising, one-fourth colomn, Yearly Advertising, one-third column, Yearly Advertising, one-half column, Yearly Advertising one column. 25 00 35 00 60 00 The above rates apply only to advertisements set up plain Advertisements set in large type, or with cuts, or out of plain style, will be charg ed double the above rate for space occupied. Blanks. single quire, :::::::: 250 Blanks. 3 quires, per quire,- : : : : : 2 00 Blanks. 6 quires, per quire, 1 75 Blanks, over 6 quires, per q aire, : : : : 150 uandDius, eighth sheet, 25 or lesa, 1 50 " fourth sheet, ,25 ' 2 50 " ' half sheet, '"' ';' 25 " ' 4 50 " whole sheet ; 25 , 8 00 Over 25 of each of above, atjroportiont rates A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goodf of every variety, sold as low for cash, as at any store in the county, by Dec 6. 1865. IRV1N A HARTSHORN, . SWA1MS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Discovery. Ilembold's Buebu: Bake's Cod liv er Oil, Jayne'i and Ayer's Medicines, for aale bv Jan. 10. HARTSWICK A IRWINI 33 "W S T O -tC -ti AT MARYS VI LIE, CLEARFIELD COUNTS', PAJ The undersigned wonid respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield county that be has opened a now store in Marysville, and that he is now receiving a large and splendid assortinant of seasonable goods, such as DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Groceries, Drugs. Oils. Paints and Glass. Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps Clothing, and Stationary and in fact a general assortment of goods, such aa are generally kept in a country store . . Desirous of pleasing the public, be will use his best endeavors to keep tn hand the beiit of goods and thereby hopes to merit a liberal share of pat ronage Call before purchasing clsewhere.as I am determined to sell giJs at moderate prices for crsh, or exchange them for every description of Lumber, ai market prices Sept. 27. 1S65. STACY W. THOMPSON. PAY ATTENTION!! GOOD BARGAINS AT THE CLEARFIELD FOUNDRY- We hereby notify thr public, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, by the undersigned, who are now ready to accommodate the community witn anytning per tainine to our line of business We keep con stantly on band a general assortment of stoves and castings, aming which are the following Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves, for burning either wood or coal; Sala mander stoves, Xo. 4 : Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 10 and 20 era 11 oris ; Farm dinner- bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 2$ inches; 1 lows raid plow-castings. We are also prepared to mase all kindsof (1SIST and SAW-MILL IRONS! and special -attention will be paid to the repairing ot iukkshing ma chines. Persons in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call. Lvery description of approved country produce and old metal, taken in exchange for our manulactures. at the highest market price. HARLEY fc SO.S Clearfield, Nov. 1, 1865 If. J? U II XITURE R O O M S. JOHN Gl'ELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities lor manufacturing, be is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his -i'ui niture Rooms,' a varied assortment of furniture, among which is. BCREAI S ANI SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book-casts; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, isreaktat and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts. Cottage, Jen ny-jjind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new gla fcr old irames. which will be pu :r. in very r-souabIe terms, os riiort notice. ' He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair. Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, L.in-woou ana otber Lumber suitable tor the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Market street. Clear field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December 4. ldiil JOHN OL'KLICU. L W A Y S An E A D !! BOYNTON, SHOWERS, A GRAHAM, Are now offering goods to the public at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety oi Dry-tioods. Groceries, Hard-ware. Queens-ware, I in ware. Willow-ware. Wooden-ware. Provisions, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, and Clothing. Ac. LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks. Delaines. Alpacas. Uingbatns. DucaK Prints. Me. riuos. Cashmeres. Plaids. Brilliants. Poplins. Se-reg'-. Lawns Nankins. Linen. Lace, Edgings, Col erettes. Braids. Beits, Veils, Nets, Corsetts, Nu bias, Hoods. Coats. Mantels, Balmoral shirts. Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers. Plumes. Ribbons. Hats. Trimmings. Buttons. Combs. Shawls. Braid. Muslins. Irish Linens. Cambrics. Victoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy I'assimeres, Cashmerets. Tweeds. Jeans, Cordu loys, Bever-Teen. Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc. Ready-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, c insisting of Coats, Pants. Vests, Shawls. Over oats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirta( etc. Of Boots and Shoes, 1 hey have a large assortment for Ladiesand Gen t emen. consisting of Top Boots, Brogans. Pumps Waiters, Balmoral Boots. Slippers, Monroes, etc Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee. Syrups, Sugar, Rice. Crackers, inegar, Candles. Cheese. Flour. Meal. Bacon, Hah. coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty. Japanware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes. Wire lad els, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc, etc Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes Baskets. Washboards. Buckets, Tubs. Chores Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc , Rafting Ropes, Augers, Axes. Chisels. Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets. N'ils. Spikes. Gri .d stones. Stoneware. Trunks, Carpet bags. Powder, Shot, Lead, etc. School Books, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. corv book. slates, ink stands, fancy and common envelopes. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines. Perfumery of various kinds, Fancy soap. Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and in fact very thing usually kept in a first class Store. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings. Glass and Patty. Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed cords and Bed screws. Matches, Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, etc, ' " They invite all persons to call and examine their stock and hop to give entire satisfaction BOYNTON. SH'UVEKS A UK AH AM . Clearfield. Pa . Sept. 6th. Ifi5 - OAA BUSnELS of choice beans for sale by mtJ IRVIN A HARTSHQN. FOR SALE at cost 4 barrels of good fam ily floor, to close out the stock, at . Jan. 10,1844. MERRELL A BIQLER'S. A LARGE LOT of Raft rope, small rope.and Pully blocks, for sale bv the coil, at a mull advacceon cost by . IRVIN A HARTSHORN. HI ACIII.NERV ! .MACHINERY !! We i"i are prepared to manufacture to order, and . : l ? r L. : ... : . . w . - repair kii B1UU9 ui luiwuiuci. iu u , oicti gines. Saw-mills. Mill works, bank cars and , steam, gas and water pipes and fittings. Steam pumps, etc Competent machinists sent out to make repairs M LAN AH AX A STONE. Dec. 13. Is65 6m. Holliduysburg. Pa. SEWING MACHINES Agency for Shaw A Clark's celebrated Sewing Machines, war ranted for five years, and fully licensed. Per sons in waut of a good machine should call on the undersigned Prico of mnchines, $-0 and $25. Machine with walnut table. $3t and S35. THOMAS W. MOORE. Pennville, Pa., March 14, IStSii-fim. . CURWKNSVILLE HOTSE. Curwenville. Pa - A J. Drai keu. having leased the Hotel recently occupied by Benj Bloom. Esq , is-iiow p rep i red to receive transient and . permanent boarders. Every department connected with his establishment will be conducted second to none in the county His stabling is ample for sixty head of horses, with good wagon t-heds and yards connected. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Dec. 6 I8tj5-tf. rn O THE AFFLICTED!! READ! READJ READ! THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES! Persons subject to various ailments, frequently ask the question. '-What shall, I do to relieveme ?' Tn ouch we would sav. trv the fllowiniz invalua ble preparations, which have but recently been introduced to . the public, although they -have been in use for a number of years as iramily Remedies. AMERICAN VEGSTABLE BITTERS. This Vegetrtble Compound is acertain cure for Dyspepsia. Disease ol the Liver. Carbuncles, L ruutionsof the Slsin. Canker in the Stomach, etc A benefit is always experienced from the nse of one bottle, and upereet cure warranted when the natient ter.cveres in taking a sufficient ouantitv. In some eases from two to three buttles will effect a cure. - No change of diet is necessary Our ad vice is, eat good substantial food and enough oi it AMERICAN LUNG RESTORATIVE. This preparation is a Vegetable Compound an Indian cure for Lung Diseases. Coughs, Colds, Tightness of tho i hest. Pain in the Breast, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc This Medicine has a most happy effect in the above complaints, wbenlukeu ceordini; to directions, it can be tukun at all times, atid under ail circuinstabccs and the pa tient generally experiences au almost instanta neous relief. It is worth a trial at least. AMERICAN LINIMENT. , This compound contains -the most wonderful medical properties, and is superior to any other liniment now in use It is a spt-edy, safe and sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Earache, Toothache. Sore Throat. Stiff Neck. Spinal I'isea ses, Pain in the Breast, Side and Kidneys : Dizzi ness. Burns. Scalds. Chilblains, Cuts Bruises, Sprains. Old Sores, Kunrounds, Felons, Cholera Morbus, Colic, etc No family should be without it. as it is truly an indispensable and valuable remedy. 1 . AMERICAN GOITEK CURE. This is an unfailing remedy for that loathsome disease, the Goiter, or swelled neck. Tt is simple iu its com position, yet powerful in its effect Us ed internal y and externally Persons aiSicted in this way should not hesitate to obtain the rem edy at the earliest possible moment, and be re lieved from their unpleasant complaint. - All the above remedies are prepared and Sold by .. M. A. FRANK & CO - Clearfield. Pa.' Country Dealers supplied at Wholesale prices r HE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. iC, MARKET STaKET, CLSABFItLD, PA. Read the, following It t of good and profit thereby . Uheap (Jheap FOR XHE LADIES. iTOOitS Good Kjiietip i G7eanjA,way on naDd a large stock of La-j . l .1 dies troods such as Culmr fl.th Goo'ls Gobdx Good. Cheap dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, lsheap Cheap Cheajt Alpacas. De Laines. (lingbams, Prints, chinti. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets. U loves, etc ' Good ! Good j Goo It Cheap FOR GENTLEMEN, Cheap Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown Goods Cheap and Ury Cloths, Fancy and Black Goods Che.ap Casimeres. Sattinets. CassineU, 'Good Cheapl Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest- - .Good Chrap ings. Shirting, etc. etc. etc. Good Cheap, Such as Coats, Pants, Vests. Under-Goods 7ii ' e ounu, uu uiuor t lannei suirrs, Cheap Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Neck Cheap ties. Gum Boots and Shoes. and Cheap a variety of olher artj0ie8 rhZPS HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Goods Goods Goods Goods r"A UKU " vuoieacoea ana uieacnea ...Pi Muslins. Cnlnnur Miwi;n. I Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods ChTJ'iA au cotton 'abieclothVoiicIoth, Chea, "ueu nemp towls. car- f r.j.i.i x ' , . . ..... w , www rt.. l - llAltnwiiiP tn s r Lr-uu ' ...-.- u-v. ' trOod CAeapUy wantNails or spikes. Manure1-,,, Cheap or other fork Saw-mill or other 'Ya '7. I Goods Cheap'. Hinges, etc. go to Mossop's Cheapl where you n buy cheap. Goods Goods Goods Goods K-neap IF YOU WANT f wio. UUltUCI HUIW.' SOOfl.f Cheap Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Goods 'heap and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or i i i ... . ! Goods 'Jheap Cheap i ens, rowuer, anot or L.eaa, etc., buy them at Mossop'H. Goods Goods Cheat) IF YOU WANT Goods Cheat .,, r cuuo jjiu-i r i-egs. raim or ranc ,Tap SoaP- Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancv'""' W V. 1 1 1 , Tl .. J . Goods Good Goods Godds Cheapi or Wicks. coal oil. etc -. n t yeap Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Goods iii i ii..JL Good extra familv Flonr. WliW. Cheap brown suKa ama. shoulders or '.""' Cheap S'des. coffee; Imperial. Young Y.'' -P .TM.!rA'e,buythfIn 1 Goods Cheapi " tucap ior casn. I-w CAirauiTallow candles, fine or coarse a.nr??..A Cneap Syrup or molasaes. cheese, dried iGood isfieap. piicii or peacnes. water or 80 Cheaoi do cracaers. call at Moasnn'a. Good: Good Chap where you can buy cheap. Cheap! IF YOU WANT " Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen Cheap' til uses. Sw.et wine, old Monon- Goods Goods Goods Goods Ckeap gahela or rye whisity, Cherry Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap vugiiu; uranay. ouy at Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap ri.eW xvu WANT .orooas (V?2r, Rai8en8 F, J?8- Prunes or dried Cur-!'' IP YOU WANT Cheap' ' u,oeru- cream, pecan or Goods Goods Cheav 6 uu canaics. uiquonce Cheaoi r Ll1uoric root- bay them Cheap ' Mo880P' cheap and good. Goods Goods Cheap . 1 YOU WANT Good Cheap-? boy ay other article oheap. b9 ri r-i..-.. cure to tro to Mniun v. ..u. ." Goods -.!.! cheaner for naah ik.. - '.'rost Cheux perao in Clearfield county. Good .Goods fl.tuin' r ii, tool. ' anTT'SQ r . . --- irooas Goods Apvrvea ttuntry produce of every hnd taken at " y in erriane far r and HORSE-SHOES and horse'-nails.Vi behad it Ana. 23. MERRELL A Rrnr.M'a PROVISIONS. Flour, bacon, lard, ch'ee'g. dried beef, dried frnit. theHoreof I Mar. 22,1 J. P. KRATZER J A DIES FI'RS. and fients fur cap?.. fat i sale at the '-corner'' store. Curwensville. t-a TO HORSE OWNERS The undersigned having recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horse. known as- Hoof-bound." Any person sending SI in a letter, will receive Ly return mail s rec pe giving proper directions' as to the necessary treat ment. Address. JAC"BIKWIN. September 21, IStU-tf. Clearfield. Pa. Dti irin ATjGHEir, moTO .IVl U" OKAPilErt. havititr purt lia cd the Photograph establishment formerly'eon ducted by H. Indge. would respectfully nnnounce to the citizens of Clearfield and adj lining coun ties, that he has recently made additional im provements to butb sky-light and aparatus. and lie flatters h iuiself that he can satisfy the most fastideoirs taste in a tkie and lifelike likeness He also keps constantly on band a good assort ment c-f Guilt. Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all sizes and styles and an endless variety of cases, lockets etc . which he will dis pose of at very moderate prices, for cash. His gallery is in Shaw a row. (up stairs.) Mar ket street. Clearfield. Pa , where be is always rea dy to accommodate customers who may be in want of a good Likeness of themselves or friends. Particular attention paid to copying all kinds of pictures, etc. November 1. IS65 . po MUSIC TEACHERS AND DEALERS. The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish Sheet Music. Strings. Musical Instruments, and Music Books of all kinds "at the lowest trade rates, wholesale and retail, from the largest "ol lections in this country. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Addresa all orders. SIBERIA OTT, S81 Broadway, N. Y. rpiIE BOARDMAX, GRAY & CO. PIANO FORTES, WHOLESALE AGENCY. The subscriber, late a member of this well known firm has established a "WHOLESALE AGENCY, 58 1 Lroadway, New- York City, Where he will be pleased to receive the orders of his friends and the public, and especially to hear trom those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm heretofore. He will sup ply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at the very Low est Prices, Made with the Insulated Iron Rim and Frame (cast in one solid plafe.) They excel all oth ers in durability and superiority of tone, and elegance of external appearance. All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, giving in connection with the patent ifon rim and frame. Fall Round Powerful, and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases are elegant in appoarauce, and easily and safely handled. Warranted to prove satisfactory, or the monev returned. Address all orders to SIBERIA OTT. 5P1 Broadway. Y Y. . g D. & II. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS, ' The Most Perfect and Beautiful MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN THE WORLD, FOR THE AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE, B o ft S3 O c CD . - - . Mm THE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes home attractive, refines and elevates the minds of all, beautiful in appearance and effect. SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, New York City, WHOLESALE AGENT. The immense popularity of these Organs, and their superior Musical Powers, is fast bringing them before the public, as the instrument so long desired in AMERICAN HOMES. And although the cost price is but a trifle over the.Melodionr yet the musical advantages, beauty of tone and quickness of touch and action are so far superior, that they are faat superceding the Melodion, and the call is now almost exclusively for the AMERICAN ORGANS. It ia adapted to any music, from the quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone of the Church Or gan And almost universally they are prelerred to the Piano; by persona who have them. yet cost ing less than half, and only taking a small amount of room. .'." ; , ' ; ' ' Jaitd . Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealers, and large diacounU to the trade and Teachers. Ad dress all orders. - SIBERIA OTT. Wholesale Agent, 5S1 Broadway, New York. yw Terk, ApHI 4tfc, lftM.-y. TERMS OF TnE JOlTnjrYi The Raftiia!- Jor5aL in ruCiuUj esday at 2.00 pet annum in advance if paid at the beginning of the .ear. Sl.sfc-, ' --barged, and S3.0U if not paid before the J the year. . c,0,,f pvebtiseh kuts will be inserted at tqusre. for three or less Insertions Ten i'r or lew) counting a square For every addi -nsertion sO centa will be charged A dedL will be made to yearly advertisers. " No subscription taken for a shorter time .v six months, and no paper will be discontinued til all arrearages are paid, except at the ortirBBw the publisher. S.J.KOW NEW STORE D- CURWENSVILLE, J O H N 1HVI X. Has just received and opened at the old ftii in Curwensville. an -ntire new slock of Fall Winter Goods wbich he will sell very cheap f4 casa. His stock consists of . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Readj. made clothing, etc. The public generally ia respecfully ioviief , gyre him a call; see hisst.ick and bear hir pric,T and purchase from him if you find it will b . your advantage. Nov. 15. H6i irc insurance. MUTUAL FIRE INSUKANCE COMPa. NY OF YORK, PA. Insures against loss or damage br fire. It ii ft safest company in the State, and has made no 1 segments since its establishment, and faence it ia me mo?i economical a. j. now. Agent. June 21, lrifiA. Clearfield, IV COLUMBIA INSURANCEICOMPASY, Columbia. Pa., . Tisures against loxs by fire, on very nie.icrai tcrms either on the mutual or cash principle. Special rates for the safer class of farm property This is one of the oldest and beat companies 'a country, and bears a reputation for proniptD.-t and strict business integrity second to no othtr in the State. S. J. ROW, Agent. Dec 27i18S5. Clearfield, Pa. 1794. Chartered, 1794 INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOETH AMEEICA, AT PHILADELPHIA. The old est Insurance company in America. CaUl capital and surplus, over $1,715 OOO.OO. Seventy-one years Successful Business Experi ence, with a reputation of Integrity and Honora ble dealing unsurpassed by any similar institution. Losses paid since organization. SI7.5UU.0U0.UU Liberal Rates for all the safer classes of proper ty. Infurance for dwellings and contents, a cpa ciality. Brick and Stone buildings insured 1-ek-pktually, if desired, on terms of the greats conomy and safety to the insuied It is Wisih and Kcosuxr to insure in tb best companies, and (here is none bettkk than the oia I.NSLK ANCH COMPAM OP N'JKTH AaCKlCA. CHARLKS PT.ATT. j ARTHUR G COFFIN. Secretary. J Treasurer. DIBBCTORS. Artnur ti. Uotnn. Samuel W Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, William Welsh, . Richard D. Wood, M m E. Bowen, James N. Dickson S. Morris Wain, John Mason. George I). Harrises, Francis K. Cope. Edward 11. Trotter, KdwardS Clark, Wm. Curnmir.gj. T. Charlton Henry, Wm. BcrntER, Central Agent of Penn'a, S. J ROW, Agent for Clearfieldjco. Life Insurance at Home. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Ct., 921 Chestnut Street, Phil'a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will isit r'olicieon any of the approved plans of insumiiec. Assets liable to losses l,2il,28U 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; ani.uillT. seuii-amiuall or quarterly; r one-half in cAib, and one-half in note By a supplement to :ba charter, notes hereafter received will partieipa't in all Dividends or Surplus. Scripeertificatri ci to January. I say, inclusive, are now receivaMt in payment of premiums Agency, at the office of H B.Swoopa. rleir field, Pa. Dr J. Q. Uartswick. Medical i.xm: ier. Abgubt 24, IS4 eb Cattle Powflors. rr-tr Tin ln ;iriter.. r1" kni w i, iit i!-'-- br.tc-c-U n Ii'W-l-!:-i:l Iorv., by strei:jrti:: ciaj and ctrapirp: ti e vcoaiacli fciiU iui. tlues It is a suri? p--vrntive of s:l d--eases incint ' this animal, snch as LCNG PEVLR, Oi.AMJi.Tb, YELLOW WA TER. HEAT F.S, cnufiHs, iis- TEMPER. FE VERS, ForXDKR I.OrSH Of APPE- TITEAXD VITAL ! use imnrovei the iirliatiT- i i f I wind, increases the appetite- gives a smooth and irlosay sWiu and -if tranrorm$ the , miaenible skeleton into a flne-lor-king and fj-iriuJ borac. To keepers nf Cows tl:U iimnaT-ittlnn i fjivilunWa- It increase the quanti'y and improve!" tl:e tji::iMT of the milk. lti been pro tn by tual exiw-rimi-Nt i iocreaxe tlte )!iJn titjf oi reiik - cream twenty per cent, and m i butter firm tad sreet. In fatu-nint cattVt. it jrive an Bpetiie. luw-a tl.Ai. 1. 1 si.t e- makes tueai thri" much faster. In all diseafea of Swine, such aa CougtiS, I'ken is the Lllffltra f .icM- . a"5-, this article acts as a inK.-ciflc By putting f-om i one-half a pper ' w PPct in a .barrel of swill the ahove diseases will be eradicated . or entirely prevented. If jriven in time, a eertaia preventive and cure for the ling Cholera. Price 25 Cent3 per Pape-. o- 6 Pspeis for H. rHEPABIt) IT at' xbeib wnoTEsuK pnr axb mfdhir ditot. No. U6 Franklin St., Baltimore, I'd- For Sa W Drnejristi and Storekeeper -toreufV : e-it the I7niti S. For sale by HarUwiok t Irwin. mezUta, OWfiald, Pa. De IWw-y I V .11 a - v V