JUL VOL 12.-NO. 31, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1866. BY S. J. ROW. niBEASUUEE'S SALE FOB TAXES . for 1865-and previous years. VOTICE 18 BBBEBT GIVBN, that in Ace of an Act of Assembly pasa p?rfV?j"d.yof Jan.. A. D. I3l: en- ?.lemod- of selling unseated lands, .'.waeld county." and the several 1B , ,,u thereto, there will be ex- P"4 10 " .tl lands in said I.WIDI "" . B V M . , . j n,j unnmii CuWID,y,; at the Court House in the Hor ,beren. at lue Second Mon- 46 109 No. 492 3674 541)1 5877 6S79 58sl sasa J I9J 218 2009 13 110 John G- Gray, 5 85 . Andrew Pvttit, 29 WU Ao 303 102 215 '670 EBADY TOWNSHIP. Per Warrantees, etc. Taxes Wm. Kirkpafrick,37 32 34 Huberts. A Fox, 31 89 Conrad Long, 59 80 J. B. Smith, 32y 67 . nrfield. on to BECCAEIA TOWNSHIP Ac. Pr- 68 HI 43 Si 1W 30 61. 176 4? 214 1U 2) 6 232 70 166 10U 76 410 210 U2 3'i9 3!t'J 231 Iti-i 162 K,2 215 91 M2 33i) 50 2 0 Warrantees, etc Wier M Hler, JohnMjilr, Frt-d k Uubley, John B"!"Mn, Fred R Huwuian, . John Beam, Jt-it-nnah Mosher, Thomas Billingion, Ti i.tins Bil'ingtun, SmliBillinguai, Philip Myaittcope, J. .tin MsicipJ, John Funk, Frert'k IIitMey, Michael Mnsser, John Brdy, Win. Braoy, Taxes. $28 64 69 66 43 'Mi VI 83 14 SJO 83 46 84 15 12i 61 12 37 2 77 114 56 74 06 82 04 4i 38 34 4U 152 32 68 49 1434 846 77 501 6i0 521 370' 80 100 25 100 50 363 Henry Wykoff, 355 7 2 Casper Stiver 24 13 CbnMian l.ower, 246 50 'Roberts Fox, 319 81 Christian Lower. 25A "2 Christ Lower. 84 A5 J. M. Miller's hr s 37 02 J. IV. Smith. (IV. p. II 45 Z. S. 'elch, 10 95 Raum. 23 40 Mciairy. II 70 David Keuuedy, 113 59 BTJENRIDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 303 John Jones, 3ii3 James '"hapman, 2'JO Bt.j iMsnill. 31 0 Jerre IViliaiuson, 424 . Mary Oi aw ford 311 Town'd Sp.ckuian, 293 Re becca brown. Ill Christian MaKe, 00 leoDitrd Mollis, 293 John Birch. 150 John Cuiuinings, Taxes 11 25 116 25 101 91 101 67 123 27 174 47 153 86 31 33 17 55 60 02 30 7T 103 07 100 54 89 13 35 41 16 49 11 52 8 76 5376 1100 George Mrad, 63-3 1100 George.Mead, 5357 1100 - George iHe.t, 1925 345 62 Morris A Stewart, 1926 1 63 93 Morris Stewart, 1937 123 Morris A Stewart. :ii47 1J4 81 Morris A Stewart. I929 30 22 Morris A Stewart. 3 72 134 Morris A Stewart, 16 as 771 77 Morris A Stewart. 86 05 328 22 Morrii, A Stewart, 37 42 37 44 Morris A Stewart, 48 .' 0 53 79 Mjrris A Stewart, 6 67 409 Morris A Stewnrt. 4197 17 F lierthaud's Es t If 75 543 Morris A Stewart, 62 46 314 Morris A Stewart, 2 38 I2i Morr.s A Stewart. 15 76 4o6 Morris A Stewart, 67 18 75 Mot ris A Stewart, 5 95 1930 InS6 1916 I8S7 1827 1928 -9il 1838 19 7 3H..0 I8S7 1916 No. GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. J. Blain &E. Blain, 112 78 40 40 112 HI :ic liti 73 si 116 153 2M 125 i-:S 153 74 32 433 153 433 153 44 71 360 30 126 SIX) 80 40 John IV 1 1 liter, 19' "4 llenr Winner. 185 94 Wiii.'lVilsiiti, 112 17 llrrni tii IVitnier, 44 81 Jaoli (Cruz. 65 58 John Gibson, 48 91 R.ler. Wilson, 86 8M .lert-miiih M Oilier. 37 !6 P-ter Gf i, 62 57 Mrtit. Fanis, 101 61 Jacob Fainz.Jr. 91 18 Mif.s.-r. 101 03 Thoinxs Gibson. 29 911 David B.non. J 19 11 John Fordttey, 21 4 4 Brown aid Fitlion, 21 74 J. Kftlaitd. 35 "16 Jacob Kruir, 145 17 It in. I'lutiket, 14 81 Jacob Musierstuith, 62 281 Wm. Miller. 1 64 30 Ac 253 UK) 141) 190 256 22 108 50 200 248 IttO 61 31 1C4 CHEST T0WN3HIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. James Rosa, $8 13 Heim Pole, 4M Fulton. 32 6; Christ Un Koher, 78 82 Miller & Christ, 1 84 Mi-ler & Christ, HJ 04 Jonatltaii K.-ilMrt, 27 05 Nicholas Haay, 5 18 M U .tt.-v c Mitchell. 45 65 Jol.nTie.-rt. 20 70 Jol.n'Bri-imemAn, 23 32 II. & J. Biclb, 12 57 52S9 5290 5291 5325 I'.HH I9H2 1-84 j 19:;. j ' IV2:i 1923 1922 5M24 6323 6327 5329 5330 1911 300 330 488 1100 200 376 433 Taxes Wni Map, $55 83 Ueorge .Mead, 118 3 George Mead, 167 99 George Mead. : 76 05 Georgn Mead. 67 13 Morris A Stewart. 18 30 Morris A Stewart, 26 62 200 1655 967 132 1097 ) 1096 ( 125 1097 25 . 1097 I 1096 j 50 1096 66 500 122 133 83 700 89 18 3466 1 3467 j 106 Wm. Michaels. 16 65 W00EWAS.D TOWNSHIP. Charles Willink, 19 09 Charles Willink, 3 82 Charles Willink, 7 64 Charles Willink. 9 t5 W. Schnarrs A Co. 69 38 Daniel Yothers. . 16 93 Christian Krown. 18 43 Mnry Kggans, 10 54 Wi.lard. 33 85 T A J White, 4 91 T. A J- White, 1 00 Thos. Myers, 5 89 MO 383 100 162 1213 1100 1113 1100 MHO 100 153 Morris A Stewrt,104 OH Morris A Stewart. 114 92 Morris A Stewart M 70 M' rris A Stewart, 65 82 67 Gto ge Mead, 242 08 George1 Mead. 229 36 120 George Mead, " 242 68 George Mead, 229 35 . Ueonee Mead, 229 3o Morris A Stewart, 20 Bo No. 1391 1893 940 3649 5367 5377 1941 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, eic. Taxes No. MIS 42-7 42a7 427 BELT. TOWNSHIP. As. Per. Warrantees, etc. 5619 427 Siliirt 654:7 5t'i 1 9 4 '-.6 uil4 1000 &9i6 1 000 5907 IOoO iLtlS 11.10 919 993 11 79 330 171 93 113 93 600 4:13 112 165 93 12 31 90 171 100 Taxes $19 70 640 483 176 70 2r.0 1100 360 183 106 80 127 72 Morris A Stewart. $75 42 47 Morris A Stewart. 57 07 122 Morris A Stewart, 20 66 30 Morris A S'ewart, 8 i. George Mead, 49 25 George Mead. 130 08 John Uriel. . 12 52 TUnnov A Barnot, V ST Jno J Pickardt, Jno. J. Piekar It, Emery A Beiter, Ac s 145 103 109 250 382 318 mo 41 431 33'i KUfc 60 100 66 15 16 11 44 9 03 5v i9II 53:3 5921 920 360 213 106 767 1 100 57n6 1000 4256 663 Henrv Beck. 120 Henrv lieck, 19 2.' 78 Henry Beck, 90 59 Henrv Beck, 31 36 96 Henry Beck, 73 42 Henry Bock, 13 26 97 Henri Heck, 12 o Jas M'Gbee. 66 56 Beni Gibhs, 113 83 20 lleurv Beek, M 43 Ira A. Sobins, 13 12 97 Henry Beck. 12 06 32 Nickiin A Griffith. 16 45 128 Nicklin A Griffith.. 6 03. SicKiin A Griffith, 14 52 1IO ll.. f-i It Henrv Iteck. 24 21 Nickliu A Griffith. 242 12 Nicklin A Griffith, 210 90 VXinklin A Griffith. 224 33 iicklin A Griffith. 217 65 Nicklin AtJriffitb, 233 75 NieklinAGriffith. 210 bi KicklinA-Griffith, 31 84 Nickiin A Grffi'h. 61 54 Nioklin Atiriffi-h, 25 64 Nickliu A Griffith, 165 0 5 Ninalin A Griffith. 2,S6 36 121 07 89 21 DECATTTK TOWNSHIP. Henry Beck. 1 HeDry Beck, i B0GQS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. IVatratitees. etc. John Thomas, John Thomas, JoM ph Drinker, Wm. McCormick, Nancy B'.eii. Malcolm Donald. J..'. it Byers, Birbara Snder, George Ilo .tnian, George Ayrea, IV in. Troutwiue, John Rean, John E. Shaw, Luke K ler, Joseiih Ball. John Montgomery, Richard Thomas, Barl.ar Snyder, Wm. Wilson. ThotnxH Smith, ' John Keibart, J. & Thos Meese, Richard Waple, 39 2ii8 234 413 440 429 429 119 132 427 427 4'H) 75 53 266 15H 95 49 60 25 100 200 160 Taxes. $8 42 45 59 43 63 41 41 90 31 61 146 98 107 103 103 57 93 24 24 60 71 65 66 65 66 61 oo 13 S6 4 37 71 84 89 39 25 64 11 75 8 25 40 90 15 43 42 00 14 04 BLOC If TOWNSHIP. . No. Ao Per. Warra tees, etc. Taxes 5SI26 295 Nicklin A Griffith, 79 32 322 J. W. Smith, 49 99 100 John Seyler, 24 38 50 Geo L Bead. 12 19 5 Fenton A Spencer, 2 05 84 Levi Cleaver. 26 51 3611 111 l-oher's A Fox, 25 03 2590 1005 159 Huberts A Fox. 172 19 3616 100 Jacob Bilzer. 24 33 250 ' David lrwins Est.. 31 2.1 75 IeiperA Uartiock 9 92 100 John P. Dale, 11 10 Ac. 417 408 358 :o3 210 49 10t 49 107 46 262 78 97 67 2' 8 433 152 391 100 108 37 76 303 90 100 300 281 195 198 100 50 200 125 2'M) 17 83 404 Ac. 233 433 58 43 74 150 50 100 24 100 50 Per. 124 137 137 lol 70 115 41 138 107 64 60 00 159 49 99 147 80 136 200 Warrantees, etc Thos. P Cope, Rich. Thomas, J icob Downing, Hm.li Ely, He.nry Drinker, Beij. IV ilson, J OS. Hamilton, John Skyron, Thos. C Cope, IV in Montgomery, Joseph Sanson), Joint Cat non. Tl.oniiisE.iiuundsoii, 38 G. . Graff, IVm. Sansom, John Anderson, Gilb. it Voujjht, Thos. BiM'mgton, Thos. Stewatlson, Jacob D"Wiiing, J-.N.-pli Sat.som, IVm. Sansom, Thus. E'lniuiitlson, John Drinker, Jonathan Kephart, Casper H lines. Gilbert Vaught, Joseph Harrison, Joseph Harrison, IV m. Hoover. Joseph Harrison, Jonathan Nesbit, A J G s. ShiiM. M Clarren, Joseph Sansom. Joseph Whitehall, t haries RNk. Jonatliai. Nesbit GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Thos P. Cope, $77 24 John Skynm, 47 16 T. C..p, 3y 48 Jas- Mtlligm, 30 71 Geo Moore, 38 63 Jno. Fry. Jr. 66 98 Jos.-ph Simons, 103 28 Joseph Harrison, 113 37 Charles Hall, 32 58 C. J. Allport, 16 38 114 Hyinati Gratz, 189 30 114 Rol.i. Sinw, 146 71 Robt. Shaw, 4d tl Jno. Skvron. 4 17 Jno. Donaldson, 13 88 104 B. D. Schoouover, 9 14 GUEI.ICH TOWNSHIP. Taxes. $163 06 159 5? 140 02 79 40 82 15 20 51 41 33 19 23 65 28 17 9 102 41 21 01 2 26 4o 81 33 109 23 59 42 152 89 39 07 39 21 10 65 20 80 125 24 35 17 17 47 140 34 109 80 76 18 77 04 40 07 20 45 45 2: 28 25 45 20 3 84 18 75 78 92 82 94 Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 225- . John Winner, . $l"l 61 31 64 Pigot Shaw, 12 62 305 48 Ik'... Baker, ,123 81 335 151 B. i j Wilson, 135 98 100 Richard A'herton, 40 61 48 114 Geo. Moore, 21 67 319 96 Geo. Moore. 141 86 134 Philip Gloninger, 61 53 158 John M Cahe-n, 72 56 433 153 Edward H md, 163 52 356 09 Emanuel Reigart, 134 25 108 Geo. Moor. 140 74 200 John M CahenT 117 3. 98 John Lampblack, 44 26 119 121 Christian Stake, 53 74 193 122 Maithi is Y-ounr, 87 55 433 153 Christian Hrger, 195 65 433 153 George Muster, 195 65 237 48 Thos. Y--dier, 107 01 MO Daniel Orlley, 94 83 215 75 Geo. Biker. Jr. 97 08 436 145 Timothy P ixioti, 196 84 433 1 3 John Bntge, 195 65 216 153 John-Mnsset, Jr. 97 51 438 145 Jos Vsltbright, 196 84 214 IV. D. Ilgerty, 58 44 400 Fox & Louther, 36 40 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. 437 43 Reuben Haynes, 435 50 Luther Morris. 433 153 Joreph Hilliard, 433 153 Robert Gray. 429 41 John Bringhurst, -433 153 Sarah Ward. 433 153 George Eddy. 433 153 Mo re Wharton, 433 163 Jieorge Aehton, 129 John Doiscy , 72" Thos. Jordan, 26 Geo. -Fox 433 153 Isabella Jordan, 2(10 Silas ('ox. 227 G A M M'Cormick, VD i homrsonAEgelman, 433 153 Caleb Foulk. 293 George Westcott. 173 153 Robert Wharton, 433 153 George Scaff. 225 109 255 100 14 84 75 200 John tiovd Susannah Ward. J.A.M M'Cormick, Henry 1 rout. George Bowman. Charles Senate's estate, Peter Whiteside, George Ashtou, Taxes $179 94 179 60 179 23 17 21 178 60 179 28 179 23 179 29 145 97 23 35 22 73 9 179 28 17 70 5 33 42 11 143 75 100 76 60 39 143 75 57 33 34 03 65 04 43 20 2 66 3 85 24 83 33 30 Ac. Per. Warrantee, eto. . Taxes. 43X 153 John Vaught, $177 15 456 159 John Walls, 186 55 433 153 John Roll, 177 15 100 " Wm. Wilson, 40 90 412 41 Jofin Cannon, 141 34 433 153 Israel Wheelan, 113 70 263 Samuel rmlen, 63 17 153 5 Peter Henny, 29 21 140 Hu-.h Ralston, 27 89 215 6 ' Thos. Keel, 33 10 263 Thos Maston, 33 40 355 Mary Neil. 88 53 300 Mary Connelly, 94 33 100 Berj. Johnson, 27 46 433 llegarty, 91 69 336 145 . M'Cabeo. 101 86 57 143 Mary Connelly, 17 41 100 Ro and Evans, 40 90 334 42 Pigot Shaw. 136 62 216 Sebastian Grnff, r3 32 433 73 Thos Edmonson, 179 15 436 105 Daniel Offley. 122 95 433 133 John Muser. jr. 122 11 121 Eli Ilootuian. 40 F3 163 Mary Sandwich, 20 17 433 153 Philip Loast, 146 49 433 153 J R. Howell, 146 49 433 153 Wm. Johnson. 146 49 100 63 George Beckham, 33 85 243 Charles Hight. 107 70 237 - Daniel Turner, , 103 00 170 Peiei Lowdcn, 65 26 91 Charles Lowd-.n, 23 ol 136 Mary Sandwich, 17 78 189 Isaac Wilson, 42 51 41 Mary Connell 18 83 85 George Ash ton, 6 00 40 John M'Conueil, 4 94 150 John Low. 17 53 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees . eto. Taxes 221 Hugo Jordan, S54 93 413 John Head, 102 63 52 114 Ku lolph l.itt, 12 93 90 Robert Mitchell 39 29 6 James Alexander, 4 60 6 L J. Crans. 5 .52 5293 72? George Meal, 52 95 5296 1167 47 George Mead. 101 13 52J7 1213 67 George Mead. 105 0-" 235 Wm. Montgomery, 83 93 36 JohnMoPherson, 7 91 74 J. M. Macumber, 16 26 9 M.W. Snyder, 1 63 41 J. B. McEnally, 5 22 41 J. B. Shaw, 5 fl 153 E. Iriwn A Sons. 14 61 - 176 " K. Irwin A Sons," '16 76 240 E. Irwin A Sons, 22 86 ' 137 E. Irwin A Sons, 17 40 490 E. Irwin A Sons, 45 33 M0BB.IS TOWNSHIP. No 200 196 5673 1041 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes. .1. G Kidder. $7l 3 David VaUwell. 6- 43 Moore A Delanev. 3i9 20 Ac 402 206 327 373 421 440 410 410 423 310 2-i2 407 143 349 260 170 272 I S3 133 433 433 33 3 433 433 433 433 43.3 Per. 6674 5676 5o6 j)K7 426 4264 4199 5672 4267 4902 4236 4225 4M90 5061 TERG 7S0N TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 159 John Hainbright, $-4 94 li3 Daniel Turner. 50 (.4 MHM Slough, 22 57 153 Georsie Ross, 117 50 Lews Jordan, 24 63 A - Scott, 40 70 Hiram Pasmnre, 13 58 Abraham Hideo, 22 45 lleitr Swan. 14 18 John Hamhright, 36 50 fc Benj. Hartshorn, 25 53 1041 1041 990 877 990 990 990 347 Ht3 420 490 740 124' 1113 375 101 293 2.0 500 Moore A Delaney. 399 20 Moore A Delaney. 399 2ft IV in. Powers, 379 69 Win Power!, 333 40 James Wilson, 171 40 James Wilson, 171 66 James Wilson. i 171 66 Moore A Delaney. 91 95 Ac. 246 M2 159 437 43 80 S5 85 75 46 225 100 A el 100 60 20 60 25 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Per.. , Warrantees, etc. Taxes 60 n.iith Ely, $52 92 35 John Campbell, 21 69 Hall & BiicK. 24 96 17 Pollv M'Lnahan,48 23 4409 Mat. Slaytuak.-r, 8 94 Mat. Sbjynukrr, 3 81 Wru Graham, Jr. 16 79 Jno. Haunt, 16 79 B. nj Oliver, ' 14 97 Moses Boggs' Heirs, 4 30 Jai es Duncan, . S3 71 Neheniiah Maines, 16 56 Thomas Holt, 1 U Dvid M .inea. 9 28 ..Joseph Powell, Daniel Graham, : Lbcind-i Graham, Horatio D- Hall, John Harriers 8 18 1886 Johi Vaoffcn, 22 28 58M No. 1272 4200 4133 4188 4. SI 42110 4182 4183 4241 4233 1534 153- 42124 399 4310 4303 4133 Ac 425 330 140 250 495 6f0 99 200 .937 947 20 00 93 372 188 216 350 100 90 62 107 50 100 25 FOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. Jas. Wilson. S6II 99 Jas. Wilson. Wet 22 9 Jaa Wilson, West p 23 14 V ilson. 41 Al Wilson, West 15 1 72 Jas Jas Jas Jas Jas Jas Jas Wilson, ll'ilon, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Jas, Wilson, Jas W ilson, Jas Wilson. Jas Wilson, Jas. Wilson, Jas Wilson. Jaa Wilson. Lane A Hyde, BaOtown Lot,. Hule.t Lot, Firman Lot, Giles Lot. Hy.le.BidwellACo.13 13 Balltown Lot, 2 94 63 20 126 33 45,26 28 5 II 287 94 6 09 182 55 90 63 61 49 35 96 67 38 45 82 13 13 II 82 A 51 II 24 S 25 5063 4225 4236 2000 1020 iOltl 109 3.92 900 1933 429 1000 James Wilnon. 237 99 Wilcelm Willink, 143 12 James Wilson, 143 21 Jame Wilson. 216 27 Wilhekn Willink. 22 63 William Powers, 157.10 E. Sbmiu tker, 118 70 .. :boeui.-ker, 31 97 Wm Powers. 94 32 James Wilson, 73 07 James Wilson. 116 13 Roberts A Fox. 366 4 Roberts A Fox. 391 29 Roberta A Fox. 2-2 12 33 Robarts A Fox, 125 35 Abel DuBois. 121 23 JORDAN TOWNSHIP, .-"o Per. Warrantees, etc. 433 153 Richard Peters, 433 153 Fred Oeates. 433 153 John Dunwoodie, . 274 Adnm Kuhn. 2t2 tbenexer Brenham, 103 Adam Kuhn. 433 153 Ths. Martin, 333 Robert Martin. 433 153 Richaid Martin, 91 135 Philip Loa.-t. 70 Win. Johnson, inn Philip Loast. 100 Jonathan Janes, too Wm Wilcon, 100 Richard Martin, Taxes. $179 13 165 56 165 58 102 58 71 91 41 12 151 51 112 35 73 33 ' 25 39 19 47 9 06 30 AO 23 45 15 63 1924 1913 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. 508 100 MorrisA Stewart 11.1 Mnrria A Stewart, ft ' 1390 i 254 120 Morris A Stewart, c t .n-, i ill iiiurna a .-ic 'j 15365 50 George Mead. . 53ii6 663 OeorveMea-1. 6 85 1929 i4o MorrisA Stewart, 50 Morris A Stewart, 796 Georje Msad, $52 20 16 26 57 99 1 15 6 23 64 15 24 75 2 27 64 22 KARTHATH TOWN 'HIP Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 513 95 MorriAStewart,$101 03 ;-. i fil William Smith. 9.1 42 ht j t in William Smith. 93 62 79 Charles Willir.k, ; 7 76 u,i Charles Willink. 13 11 CKJ . ' 3175 1 638 147 Charles Villink, 2a3 liJa vna.K 124 103 Charles Willink, 85 Charlej Williuk. 4:W 113 Charles Willink. 58 62 Char'es Williuk, 5.9 113 Chutes uuua No. 1944 1429 3652 1093 1 023 1093 1095 I b93 los7 3165 34 . 1097 100 Charles wi.nu, 100 Charles Wil link. 1097 100 Charles Willink, HW3 79 Charles IVil link, 3463 m . 3475 J '52 Charles Willnjic. 59 Charles Willink, 43 .-R M'Closkey, 5412 98 ' Arnold Custard, 6412 10 "Win. Michaels, 62 85 v 30 30 12 23 76 17 50 27 8 21 30 8 14 16 5 55 13 65 4 39 109 R 8 37 11 75 9 45 16 94 65 109 20 42 92 63 140 141 16 153 153 153 153 153 153 163 153 153 153 153 153 13 433 433 400 433 433 433 0 438 105 100 90 407 214 231 100 100 267 137 4s4 375 219 210 6 400 100 00. I 30 96 136 50 62 No. Ao 5951 i07 59H 647 5962 A3 16S 90 122 139 19 40 95 91 143 Warrantees, e.tc. Taxes. George Wettel, $100 41 Wm. Werts. Christian Wertx, David Lauck, Jesse Yajnell, Joseph Turner, Joseph Turner, Joseph Turner, George llahecker, Peter Yarnell, Wm Dr'nker, II S Drinker. Richard Thomas, John R' ad. Michael Souder, Psirick Hnys, Robert Glenn. Fran'cisJohnson, Robert Rainy, Thomas Morris, Wi ilium Morris, Samuel Meredith, William Miller, Hetty Morris, Thos Fitzsimons, Geo. ''"lyiner, Robert Gray, Patrick Moore, Mary Morris. Magnus Miller, Nat bio Fratey, John Houston, Clem Stakes. John Vanirbn. Jonathan Nesbit, Blair M'Lanahan, William Stewart, James Wilson, Robert Morris, William Morris. Richard R Smith, James Smith. Christopher Baker, Isaac Farlow, Patrick Hays. Connd Swartx. Nicholas Reb'enour Robert Carson, Matbias S ough, Joreph Hubley, Jacob Graff, John Graff Frederick Hubley, William Bigler, Mott A ohnson, Simon Gran .Hillary Baker, Joseph Potter, Francis Johnson, Joseph Nicholson, Joseph Potter. 61 46 81 63 93 13 89 10 109 89 109 89 109 89 104 61 74 93 70 51 lfll 79 35 78 73 31 64 91 42 47 57 83 32 30 10 00 103 29 108 29 103 29 103 29 103 2M 103 29 108 29 103 29 108 29 103 29 10 29 103 29 99 90 89 09 108 29 103 29 39 92 93 02 26 19 24 98 22 48 71 80 32 23 30 49 29 40 20 55 66 7 24 19 99 45 79 03 55 24 33 57 1 25 82 20 14 70 8 85 48 95 19 92 16 92 11 94 4 40 5 44 PENN TOWNSHIP Per. Warrantees, etc. Nieklin Griffith. Nicklin A Griffith, Elijah Heath 1 Greenwood Bell, D. W MOORE, Treas r. March 23. 1366-ts. Ac 100 20 140 156 300 43 rpREASUUER'S SALE OF KEAL ESTATE, Returned to the County Commission ers by the Collectors of theseveral town shins and boroughs lor the taxes due and unpaid thereon for the year 1365 and previous ye.rs. in pursuance m the Act of Assembly in such case jna.le and provided. In pursuance where.f thesaiJ Treasurer will expose ttio said property to public sale at the Ijourt House, in Clearfield, on the 2d Monday of June next, (the 1 1th day ) Bfct'CARl TwWNSBlP. Ter. To whom assessed. Taxes. B A. Byers, 511 8 Elvina Burge. 2 75 Jeremiah Cooper, 23 00 Ducv Donclass, 17 9i Thoa Weston. 171 07 James Gill. 7 25 BRIL TOWNSHIP. 100 Win. M Barrett, 100 John Chrtstman. 60 Samuel T .Hoover. 75 Mechtley A Pantille, BOGGS TOWNSHIP. 60 Blaki Gray, 164 Levi Sealy, ititAnirnRn towSsbip. One1n, Henry Underkoffer, One lot, Thomas Bu tler, 44 John Harrier. 2 Henry Underkoffer, BUR M SIDE TOWMSH1P. 100 Leonard llollis, W 100 Samuel nyder. 100 John Kirg s estate, 10 JamesMo Oreery, 4 . Sarah Oakes. brad? Towssntp. 36 Jas. U Adams, 31 Richard Arthurs. 323 Rohert S Cainers, 125 Alex Dunlap. jr. B2 Geo. bllinger s heirs, 100 Peter Hoover, 20 Samuel oelnct, 35 Henry Hand. 100 David M iiary, One lot, Peter Hoover, CURWRSS VIULK BOROOOH. 2 lots, James Locke. , IF WE KNEW. If we knew the eares and crosses Crowdiug tound our neighbor's wy. If we knew the little lossei Sorely g-ievous day by .lay. Would we then so oft n chide him For the lack of thrift and gain Leaving on bisbeart a shadow. Leaving on the heart a stain ? If we knew the clouds above us, J. Held by gent e blessings there. . Would we turu away all trembling, In our blind aud'weak despair? Would wetbrink from li'tle shadows, Lying on the dewy grass. While tis only birds of Ed'n, Just in mercy flying past? If we know tbesilentstory, Quivering through the heart of psin. Would our womanhood dare loom them I ack to haunts of guilt again ? - Life bath many a tangled crossing, Joy haih many a break of woe. And i ne cheeks, lear washed, are whitest- This the bles.-ed angels know Let us reach into our bosoms , For the key toother lives. And with love toward erring nature, Cherish good that Mill survives ; So that when our disrobed spirits Soar to realni'-of light again. We may say. dear Father judge ns As we juijol our fellow men. he te'st oath. Eeport of tlie Committes on the Judiciary r t t, a:... f 'r...a:r..: V Oath of Office. The report ot llcpre.-eiitativo Wilson, of Iowa Ai.ril 23il. from the Conimiuert oo tlie J tidii iaiy, on the iues.-are of the l'resi (it r.i'thn United Static traiihiintiiotccom nii,nicatit)ns Irjin the Secretary of theTreas ury and the Postmaster General, sugef-tiiiiJ a nioauieatioo op ti e tiaiu oi om. e juescoiiu by the aet ot Congres.s approved July 20, i.-sf.- rniitMOK the fiillwiii!f noints : The act presenting the oath was passed when thd nation wa-j in the uudst of a pt gantio war wa'ud against it by its own citi .n nntl (Vuktoss intended to establish by if a npriiianant rule of lublic policy which should exclude from the offices of the United Sit. fiverv citizen who had voluntarily abandoneil his allegiance to the Government and mined in the mad actcmnt or traitors to destmv it. The olSeial Dosittons which many of the leading traitors held under the Government while engaged in orgajiiii tr on the rebellion, were sources f power without 12 90 ... i ..i. .u- ,...,,1.1 v..-, l,iv IiAiii nt- h ii I'll lilt: nd. uuju UKfM , v w -" 12 90 7 74 9 63 8 53 14 71 10 89 4 77 9 76 4 77 27 45 23 36 14 63 3 51 1 47 6 31 23 70 7 59 17 55 10 77 11 70 5 85 6 15 17 55 5 85 10 95 PIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc 5781 750 5773 200 4262 990 4252 967 5777 .'SO 5777 510 5776 529 1429 70 450 145 184 185 4020 476 : 298 5779 lllZ 460 200 577A 276 5776 369 5776 475 John Nicholsoo, John Nicholson, James Wilson, James IVibon, 12 John Nicholson, 42 John Nicholson, John Nicholson, S. Blodget. Daniel Bailey, Thomas Jordan, . Thomas Msgee, Thomas Magee, Wm S Roberts, R W M'Xanb Bailey. Z. M'Naul. Rachnel Kralxer, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, 80 John Nicholson, UNION TOWNSHIP. Ao Per. Warrantees, eto. 125 Roberts 3698 380 No Roberta A FoX, Taxes SMI 02 133 80 13 53 39 03 Taxes $56 86 20 13 91 35 101 00 54 56 54 5A 48 91 14 00 30 64 42 35 43 27 49 13 39 44 16 79 6 27 26 06 11 50 15 ST 21 22 27 32 Taxes 52 01 147 35 CHEST TOWSSHIP. 53 ' David Michaels, 25 Nathaniel Noble, 50 John Wallace, . 97 John Byer. 20 Joseph lireth, 90 James Stevenson, 8 Wm telf ridge, DECATf tt TOWNSHIP. 50 David Kephart. Jr. 13 Jonathan Kephart, 10 John G. White. 81. Heury McMullin, FERGUS" TOWNSHIP. 03 IVm. Barrett, 50 Scott Curry. 150 John II. Ferguson, 200 Pul White. GIRARD TOWNSHIP. 100 Lusitr A Livcrgood, 100 Heury Martle, 109 Alex Wiard. 50 Thos Luiier 102 Abraham Lnnsberry, 100 . Wm Phoenix, 49 Tbos Stone, OttELICB TOWHSBIP. 135 Rohert II euderson, 338 Haslet, Turner A Co., joanA t .wsship. 50 Thos Owens, 400 VVm Pusey 2 lots, Joseph Wood. 1 23 Morgar. Orr A Co., 100 Tbos Rea. karthacs township. 80 Js. Askey. 200 Henry Culvey, 4.1 ElisbaTickner, 25 Jno. Haruock, 13ft Andw. Long, 50 Jno. M'Gonigal KNOX TOWNSHIP. 25 Wm.Uobison, 14 J. M. Chase, LUMBER CITY BoTODGH. HonseAlot, David Denmark, 2 lots, O. W Gray, KOKRIS TOWNSHIP. 50 Ason Jones ISO - Michael Quigley, ' HCV WASHINGTON BOROrflH. House 3 lots. Huh Gallagher. House A lot. John Irvin's estate, ' PENS TOWNSHIP. 57 . Wm. Beck. 12 John Flynn. 16 A K. Wright. UNION TOWNSHIP. 50 W. H. Booxe, 60 Leander Denning. WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. 50 J. K. Dyis. go James M'Kee, 1 lot. Truman Root, Api . 4- P. W . MOORE, TreasV. 4 27 4 23 18 53 12 45 2 06 9.47 5 15 17 93 A 81 4 00 14 62 15 40 A 55 24 57 26 20 9 05 12 23 10 77 5 75 14 03 11 73 6 91 17 09 92 28 9 Ot 79 21 2 37 23 24 29 87 10 35 17 20 6 46 4 10 18 65 6 6 11 10 1 39 4 36 13 05 9 85 1 06 2 42 8 23 13 32 7 05 8 46 1 41 rnenced. Those positions gave the conspirators a r .1 -u .V. O ...!,.. ... .no resistless lmiuencc; over me ouui nc. u uiaico, and sunnl'ied the means for organizing for ees that converted one-half of the Republic into battle-lieljs. on which loyalty and trea son contended for four years. If every om- er ol the. Government had uroved true to bis trust. - he rebellion could not have oc curred. This fact was properly appreciated by Congress and by President Lincoln when the act of July 2,""1S62. was placed upon the statute-book of the nation. They i-aw that treason derived all of its orioinal strength from the official positions ol t lie lead'uiir traitors. The baseness of the tiaitors who had gone from Congress, from the Cabinet, from the army and navy, t.i o-ivft -har:if.ror and organization and pow- i.r to iIih rebellion, was fresh in the minds ..f al!aboiifirticii.ated in the enactment of the oaihot ofiice. Tlie Vuleeletter.disclo.-ingtbe double villainly of the men whu conspired against the Government while holdrng its hiuhest offices, had been discovered and placed before the countryut a short time before the passage of tiie act or J uly Z, lOJ. ThatJe.uer did much toward convincing every true supporter of the Government of the necessity ot applying the test or uuiu teminted lovaltv to everviublic officer. fcJo niHiked was its effect then, that the com mittee deem it riroi.er to rebroduce it here as au argument in favor of maintaining the policy in the adoptui ot wUicu it materially aided. . . The committee understand that it is the deliberate purpose ot Congress to maintain the policy ot the act ol J my z. io, which i to keep the oihces of the Government in the hands ot loyal men. Treason is not to be made respecrable by the robes ot'otBce, and places ot honor, trust, power and .profit should be bestowed upon the loyal only. True men can be found in the insurrection ary States to fi 1 all such places, and none other should be selected. None of the laws of the nation ought to be so changed "as to render any other course possible, and in .his regard the committee entirely concur in the bold utterances made by President Johnson, both whiie the war was in progress aud after actual hostilities had ceased. The cominitU'e quote the remark of I resi dent Johnson while he was Military Gover nor of Tennessee, to siow his declaration were in eutire harmony with the policy es tablished by the act of J uly 2, 1 62 ; ad when on the 2oth of April, 1865, he assert ed that "it is time the American people hhould be taught to understand that treason is a crime, not in revenge, and not in anger, but treason is a crime and nouId be esteem ed as such and punished as Fuch, he ut tered an appeal for the continuance of the '"test oath" of such force that the couimit ..Mnnnt disregard it, and is constrained ti aid hitn in all proper efforts to reach so H -sirable a result : and the 'committee is of opinion that one "the most effective means of making treason odious, is to close all offi cial doors against traitors, and fill the offices of the Government with loyal men. and pur no traitors ou ?uard. This, in the judg ment of the committee, will fully make trea son odious and tend to produce harmony oi action l.etween the legislative and executive l.orm.V.Ad i-r tln firiirniiifjn r The committee docs not suppose that the PrPsidnt. when he declared, ' If there are i ... i,a..c,J oo in Tennessee Joyai to the Constitution, loyal to freedom, loyal to justice, those true and faithful men should control the work of reorganization and refor mation, absolutely, meant to !ie under stood as not fixing a numerical limitation. but rather as announcing .he doctrine that loyal men, however lewn numbers should be the sole depositaries oi political power aud official influence. This must be the true interpretation of his words ft ny other would lie inconsistent with his em phatic and often-repeated denunciation ot treason and traitors. . - . The committee further ouote Irons Presi dent Johnsou's speeches iu the Senate in March, IShl". n reviewing the letter or tne secretary of the Treasury, the committee tays the test oath was established by law, and no oi- ficer had any more rigl t to dispense with it than he had to dispense witn any oiner law. An oliu-er should know that the dis- nensinir rower does not exist in his Gov ernment, and that its exercise is disastrous and will not Je tolerated, n meaci pi ru- lv '2. lsfi stood in the wav of a proper ex ecution of other laws to the extent indica ted by the Secretary of the lreasury, the duty ot the President was very plain, it was not to dispeuse with I he law, tut to as semble Congress and ask for a removal of the obstacle. Had this been done in the spnnsr of 1865 the complications now existing in the at fairs of the nation would in all probability have been -avoided; tor with the viewsthen entertained bv the President relative to Hie power ot Con.Kress over the wibject ot re construction, the executive and the lcjrisla tive departments could have worked togeth er with little or no friction. Instead of call ing Congress tocether, the executive de partment ot the (jovernmcnt eieotoa to dis pense with the law of JuW 2, 1SG2. an 1 the Secretary of the Treasury presented the House with an exhibit of officers appointed under this dispensation. The Committee, after lurtuer argument, say in conclusion : "If the.test oi th should be so far modi fied as to enable an i-rcbel to Uike it, the octal influences which nowjoveiawe loyal iikmi would still nut them out ot the way, and force the Government to bestow its of fices on the disloval. This would not make treason fidious. nor would it punish traitors. On the contrary it would increasathe odium which now attaches to loyalty in ttie oouu. ern States, and punish men because of their faithfulness to the Government, a com munity that will not respect an officer of the Unned States because he has been sufficient ly loya' to the Government to allow of his taking the test oath, does not deserve to have the advantages and conveniences of the postal services extended to it, but does de.-erve to have the feveuue laws enforced against it, by the services of such officers as the Government may be able to pecure. . There are thousands of loyal men in the Southern States who can lake the test oath, and to such should the offices in thte State be given. . "Let the Government recognize their tlaims in this regard, and loyalty and re spect for the laws of the United States will soon be strone enough to overcome the so cial power which now frowns upon every Union man who stood by the flag of" the lie public throughout the whole course of the war. Ti niporary inconvenience should not turn the Government aside from this poHcy. The unhappy condition of the Southern States cannot be improved by chancing laws which may be opposed to the views and feelings ot those citizens wht fought for four years to destroy the Government. They must learn that oldience to the law is a duty not to be lightly regarded, and that loyalty to.the Government is a virtue which ennnot be destroyed by local power of the disloyal When these end are secured, it, may be expedient to modify 'he test oath, but not till then. The committee, there fore, ask to be discharged from the further consideration of .the subject." They have been finding gold in tlie hite Mountains of New Hampshire tind the Greco Mountains of -Vermont. In Lisbon, N. IF., th-?y are said to nave rocicy peans which yield to each ton of vein-stone $23 ,"n iJni.J.fltm .iTid in silver : while a vein of white quartz in that town has yielded (a little of it) $S67 per tun in gold and 159 in silver. Une batcn ci samples jiciuc-a $1,500 per tun. There ore similar reports from various parts ot Uanaaa anu itu Scotia. - . Sand Patch Tunnel. A letter to the Somerset (Pa J Demacmt says that the op eratives on the Sand Parch funnel, ot the Pittsburg and Connelsville railroad succeed ed in opening the headlines of the tunnel on the I. Mi inst. The day following the miners were traveling through the tunuelas far as shaft No. 2. A day or two since, Mr, Hiram Mclntire, of Illinois, who was visiting a brother at Dover, Dutchess county. New York, while practicing with a revolver, fired at a dog house, in which two little daughters of his brother were placing, killing one of them iustantly. ' A raid was made on the 21st inst, on five or six of the heaviest lottery policy dealer, in New York, at the instance ot a victim, who alleges that he has lost over $42,000 by their fraudulent and illegal transactions. They were arrested and held to tail. "The Mexican Times gives the following estimate of the population of the six larpest towns of the Kmpire": Mexico, 2O0.000 ; Puebla, -65,000; Gu; dalajara, 70 000; Gu artajan. 00,000; Quaretaro, 4S.0O0; Mata moras, 4 1 ,000. Twobovs were recently playing "war" at Paw liw, Michigan, with a revolver which was supposed not to be loaded. One barrel, however, contained a charge; and one of the two was ehot and nwtanUy killed. nr