afaftemiw' journal w , CLKARFIKLP, PA.. APRIL "25, 1866. Z Tyrii ail Claarflall Railroad. tnni Tyrone at : : : : : .M . Tr" Arri it PbilipAarg at : : II M . m r-in leave Phiiipsburg a- : : : I P . W rrive, Tynnetj: : : 3 00 p.jn Divine Services. Kev. Archer will prea'-h in the Presbyterian church, morniDg siil evening, ou Sunday, April 29th. Kev. Seaibower will preach in the Bap tist chun-h, on Sunday evening, April 29th. Rev. Monroe will preach in the M. K. Clinch, on Snn-'ay niornin-, April 29th. Grp! Vines A fine lot of choice Tim cau be had of A. M. Hills at reJuced prices. AP' '1 25 2t' Gonicr's Laoy's Book. The May num ber of this Magazine i out, and is a very bea'i'ifu! one containing all the spring fashion. Sen ! f r it. Exkccted. ft-imr and Houser,the mur derers of Miss Paul and Miss Mundy of CamW county, were executed on Friday, April 20ih, at Kbcnsburg. Rafting. The copious rains on Monday hi ! the effect of raiding the river sufficient ly high fr raftin?. and a goodly number of rafts left, for the lower markets, onTuesday. Fire. Some two wcelts. since, as we are informed, the saw-mill of J. & If. McGee, of Bell township, was destroyed by fire. Loss about 4.CH0. No insurance. The fire was accidental. ' ' Whilst Mr. John Snyder, of Huntingdon, wai cutting wood in his yard, his axe cauirht in the clorhevline, and slipping from his ianJs, swung around and cut an ugly though not dangerous wcund between his eyes. t A boy named Weaver, residing in the Fifth Ward. Johnstown, was kicked by a j mnl at the Cambria Iron works. -The blow struck him between the eyes, crushing: in the furrhsnd and breaking the bridge of the nose. The boy will likely recover. Distillery Bcrnt. We learn that the dis'.i!lry of Mr. Jacob NefF. of Burnside township, was destroyed by fire about two weeks nirtce, together with a quantity of grain. The Ere is Bnppoed to have been accidental. Loss about $1,500. No insu rance. ' ' As Improvement. The Elk Advocate made its appearance in a new dress last week, and is now quite a readable paper. It is edited by John Cr. HaU, Esq., and published by J. F. Moore, both formerly of this place. We wi&h them success iu their new entetprise. A pound of copperas dissolved in a bucket of water is an excellent disinfecting agent. Ground coffee, sprinkled on live coals in a pan or on a Ahorel, will almost instantly re move any naifeating or disa.irreeble 5m!I fn m a room, and -nuts and mosquitoes are apt to pive it a wide berth. To Bots. A boy with a moderate Eng lish education, of sober and industrious habits, from, fifteen to seventeen years of "age, and who can come well recommended, can obtain a .situation to learn the printing business by applying at the Journal office, aoon. A boy from the country preferred. A Sad Affair. On Sunday morning lat. April 22, Miss Sarah Forcec, residing with her mother in Bradford township.shot herself with a revolver while in her room the ball taking effect in the forehead. From a'l the circumstances connected with this al occurrence, there is little doubt that the taral shot was accidental, whilst' carelessly handling the revolver. She was a very re -pemVic and intelligent young lady aged a omt 15 years. The community deeply nym-. pat with the friends in their sudden and unexpected bereavement. The Way to Select Floltr. An ex change says : In selecting flour, first look to the color. IMtisw i;e, with a yellow Mi. straw-olored tint, buy it. It it is white, win a blueish cast, or with white specks in it, refuse it. Second, examine its adhe siveness wet and knead a little of it be tween your fingers if it works soft and sticky it is poor. Third, throw a little lamp of dried flour against a smoothe sur ges, if it falls like powder, it is bad. Fourth, squeeze some of the flour tightly in our hand ; it it retains the thape given by the pressure, that, too, is a good sign. It is safe to buy flour that will stand all these tests. These modes are given by all old flour.dealers, and they pertain to a matter that concerns every body the staff of life. Drowned. We learn thatWm. M'Kee, Esq., of Knox township, was drowned in the river at Lock Haven, on Thursday, Apr. 19th, tinder the following circumstances: It aecms that in running a raft through the break, in the dam at Lock Haven, rY. M Kee and two other men were accidentally knocked off the raft by the front oar as it dipped in the largo md violent swell of wa ter, immediately below the dam the oar striking Mr. M'Kee on the temple with jrreat force, and disabling him -to such an j degree that he sunk to rise no more. Tha : tther two men succeeded in gettirg on the ! raft. Mr. M'Kee was a very estimable man ! nd kind neighbor, and his sudden and nn-onked-for death will be deeply mourned by lis family and Irieuds, and sincerely lames- j d by the community in which he resided. DIED t On April 20th. 1SG6, at her father. res iience in Nw Washington,. Martha Ma HAFFKY, airel 17 y.;ars. 6' months and 8 days. fSjTtJentre and Ly owning county papers are requested to OAT- I joxl artb-le. and verv cheap nf he kj ireoi w.M r. IK WIN Cl.!r' AUCTION EER. The undersigned having been l.iceued an Auctioneer, would info I'm the citixene nf Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sale, in anypirt of the county, whenever called upon. I'tiars moderate Address. JA.MK II TIIRNKR, Woodland, Pa., Clearfield Co., Pa March ZS. 1866 3t-p. - . imiTOR'S NOTICE. Thenndertigned Im. Auditor, appoiuted in open court to distrib ute the proceed, from tbe sale ft real estate, un der tvw rx No SI Sept. Term. 1865. in tbe case of Join Ferguson vs J bn Gregory, hereby (ries Doric that be will attend to the duties of said ap. ointment, on .ur lay. the iMYi dav of April. IBifi. between the b our of 10 oVncli A. M and 3oclovk P. M. nf said day, at his offi -e in tbe Bon.ugh ot Clt-arfield. wben and where a I par tie interested may attend if tbev fee proper. wm. McCi:llouuh. Clearfield. April 14th. 188 1 At. Auditor IJTULIC VENDUE. The unlernitned will Mil at pub'io iutcry. at hi residence in Roggs township on Aprii.2j-h. 1.-0S. the fo low iiig pers mal property, to wit ; One bor$e and yearling colt 3 frexh milk enwj. 1 heiffer. 4 bead young cattle. 7 hogn i sheep. 2 bureau j, bed steads. 2 breakfast tables -"3 o'lairs. rocking cbairs. 3 stands. 2 eookftorto Mud parlor s'.ove, one fet blaeksmith'a too!s. thrashing machine fanning mi I. 2-hore wagon bugTy. sled and timber li'ed. 2 plows, harrow, a ; .' straw, hay by the ton. side saddle arid nian other ariicl. ' too tedious to tit ion. Terms, wtiit-h are eav t- bem idj known ou day of aale Sale looouiiueiace at 9 o'clock on Kaid day pn" 4. I3i6- PETER iF. A RII AKT. riO TIIK SCIHHIL DIKFCTOItS or 1 CLEAKKIKI.bO-JliNTY: k-tlkm!: In purtuaT.ce of ;he forty-third section of tbe act of the 8tt of May, I8.i4, you are berehy u tinei t meet iu cooveDtP n. at the court home, in Clear field, on the fir.jt Tuesday in M ty. A L. Itsdti. be-, ing the first d:iy of tbe month, at I o'clock in tbe afternoon, and select vioi -.'by a ni:ij ri" of the whole number of d:rector present one person of literary and seicntitio acqui-emcat. and of skill and ezperiein'e in the art of teach ing, as County uperintendant for tbe three suc ceedinyears ; determine thj amount of com? en mtion for the s.ime ; and certify the resu t to tbe State Superintendent at Harrixburg. as required by the thirty ninth and fortieth sections of said act. . C B. SANDKORD. Co. Supt. V. It'reetor will bear in mind that the day of bol ling the election U ebtuged from tbe rst Monday to the fir? t Tuesdav in May. Clearfield Pa . April II, l"iCo.-3t IN THE COURT OF COUMON FLEAS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY. Joseph ) No 30 March Term ISAf vs j Ejectment for specific Per William Sirwell. J formanct-s. Sheriff returns William lecker. i J befeniUnts not found, and M P. Maria. J no person in possession of preuii.03 Now. 20th of March 1868. Plaintiff by his Attorney, moves for rule on Defendants to appear and plead to the action, and orderof pub lication in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Ataeinbly. II. B Swoopr. Piff s., Att'y. Now. 23 f f Mar. S 185. RoIb granted on ie fendint8 to apptar p'ead to the above stated action of ejecujent ior a certain piece of land lyicg on Anderson creek, in Clearfield comdy Fa., (being part of a large' tract known as War rant -Nn 57Sl.and tbe same premises which the Pltinliff Joseph Miiiikeii. :ire. d !o convey to ihn Defrml4His iu e Moderation of tbe sum of t'VMH by article of agreement dated the lich April. .-fio.) returnable at dune Term 18ft I. Hole to be published in one newspaper in the font ty of Clearfield sixty days before tbe return d:iy thereof, and inserted at least three times, in accordance with the provisions of the act of As semply iu rucb cases made and provided Mroo 28. IS63 By the Court. (W. C F ) QU AKTEKLY REPORT .of the County National Bank of ,'learCcld, Apr. 2d, lC6. HEKOUIlCtS. Notes and bills disconmed : : : : S7t4 .: 2i Kapftises and Taie-r :::::: 3.5 S3 n Iue from Ranks and Bankers : : 27,643 9d V S Bonds Deposited with Treasurer of U. S. to Hocure circulation : : : 75.000 00 V. S. Legal Tender notes on hand, : : IS..i7 00 National Banknotes r : : : : : : 6 5s.i 00 Slate Bank notes, : : : : : : : : 6.31s 00 Spetiiein hand. ::::::: I.6S6 58 Total : : : : . : : . : : : S2o33120 Lt tnil.lTlr-.S Capital otoc a paid in : : : : : SI 00.000 00 Notes in circulation :;:;:: 53.000 ' Due Ind. Depositors : : : : : : : 45.0-S9 91 " Banks- :::::::::: 4.707 5 Int. A Exchange, :::::::: 7.053 64 Total Liabilities :::::: S2983T20 I hereby certify that the above statement is a true copy from the report made to tha Comptrol ler of tbe Currency. Apr. 2d. 1 SB'S ' W. V. WRiailT, Cash QUARTERLY REPORT of the First Na tional tiauk of Clearfield, Apr. 2d. 1836. RtSOl'RCKS. Notes and Bills discounted ... S36.826 19 Over Draft 1.579 61 Furniture - - -- -- -- -- - "6s 61 'urreni Kvpenses ....... - 371 39 Taxes paid ..... ... .. fi04 92 Due from National Ranks .... 3.745 91 ' ' Banks and Bankers ... 2,072 13 U. S. Bonds deposited with Treasurer of U. S to secure circulation - - 100 000 00 Cash on hand Nat. Bank 1.225 Ort Specie 1 604 64 Legal Tender Notes 13 6n9 3S Compound Int. notes - - - - . . -H.ii'lO Oil Total" - - - - - . . - $J2li,437To - LIABILITIKS. Capital Stock paid in .... . S100.000 4)0 Surplus Fund .......... 1 IKt i 00 Circulating .Notes ...... 83.635 .00 Individual Deposits 2i i!3t 33 Dividends unpaid - - 384 56 Due National Banks . ...... 7.24s 16 Due Banks and Bankers ..... 31 40 Interest and exchange .... - 1 842 ' Total Liabilities $220,437 73 I hereby certify that the above is a true abstract from the quarterly report mnde to the Comptrol ler of tbe iJurreney. A C. FINNEY. Curb. UU VRTERI.Y REPORT f the First National Bank of Cut wensville, on the morn ingof Apr 2d. M6. RRSOPRCES Notes and bills discounted. : : : $37,273 5S Overdrafts. : : : : : : : ': : : : 214 Si Banking lloue. :::::::-: 2 441 67 Furniture and Fixtures : : 1 : i : 74 Current expenses. : : : : : : : : : 25 42 Taxes paid aiuce Jaa Irt :::::: 779 27 Remittances and other Cash items, I : 2.872 I" Due from National Banks. .: .:- : : H.404 57 U. S. Bonds debited with U S Tr. - 81 000 00 7-30 Notes on. hand. : : : : : : : 2.SO0 00 Cash on haud other N Bank Notes : 7,60d 0 State Banks : .: 424 00 Specie ::::::::::: : : Legal Tender notes. : : : : : : 13.500 00 - ft percent. : : : 16.750 00 Total, :'-: : :. : : : : : S227.II3 83 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock paid in. : : : : : S7Vo0 00 Surpiusfuid. :::::: : ;- : 7.50 oo Circulating notes, outstanding : : : 67.500 00 Due Depositors. : ; : : : : : : 6 47 29 Banks 7.39 58 Due Discount. Interest and Exchange 2 692 0 Profit and Loss :::::::: : 618 8S Total Liabilities : : : : : : : : : : $227,113 83 I hereby Certify that tbe above Statement is a true abstract from the Quarterly Report made lo the Comptroller of tbe Cur renoy Apr 2d. 1866. BAM i. ARNOLD, Caeh. CEWING ITACPINES.-P.rson. desirous Whli.;YuV ?perior Micbine. should buy I t , Wi? ln SUP' Ma. hines on hand. jRliJiSV,N'Ii- D,"M-' Cubb.ll-,. rTrakTI Moofiand s tJerman. k Uostetter's A Sre-n s Oxygenated Bitters, and pure of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by IlOSpSAMD JiOT.ES FOR SA LE. The undersigned is prepared to furnish, to tho-e seeking inveatmenU. Uovoramem and county bonds Also five per cent Government notes. Clearfield M.iy 4. 1864. . Att v at Law N Ware. ciifib .j,,, ' - ' v v 1 1 . i un rgwK:a or well m ide Tin Ware in the l - r J. an. roercnanis ana Dealers ate invited to sive us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Miil.L'iy A SMITH. a . .J? Market St . between 7tb A Hth. April j8. Ijjo -lm. rhiladelphia. rr,.,.E?lASO,V "MX CAJIINET KUXForty diff.,r-e MyJes. adapted J secular mus c. for SS0 to 5600 each FIFTY-ONE KLD or SILVERMhUALS, or oth er first premiums awaided them Illustrated Cat aloguesfree. Address. M S;N A IIAMi.IN ton or MASON EH0I11ERS. New York. ew lork. November 29 ISoi-ly rjLaiA",EIM "Ol'NK. CLEARFIELD V7 .rA- liie subscriber having purchased the turnitura and interest from U. H. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will be eor. !reted second to none in the county. He res pectiuily solicits a share of public patronage. July II. isiiii.-v - . iE. N.CfLBi:RN. . : 84TARM FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale his property situate on Potts Run. Jordan to;,.-l.ip. consittiug of 127 seres of land Irt r which are cleared, i htre sre several good veins of coal on the place, and an excellent wa ter power which, if suitably improved, would drive a saw or grist mill most of the year. Will be sold cheap for cash. T LIDDLE, M.irch 21, 186 tf. Clearaa'.J borough. eoriMtMTitiv lr u . A i , Hit. 3IARTIN, Wholbkalk and Rktail e (J hoc EH. corner ot Blair and Montgomery Streets. Iloi.nn ATSIcitc flair routny Pa.. Ia alw y on btid h ful! supply of Family Groce ries, such as Family flour, iihcon, Fi-h. .-alt, t.'offce, I eas. Sug.-tis. syrups Cheese. Lard. Soip. Brushes. Brooms. Buckets, Baskets. Fancy Articles close ft-t brand cigars, freuch conleclionaries. foreign nuts and candies. Ae. - Feb. 14, IHB5-3 ui. MUSICAL I N STRF M EST S. -B M. GREENE lias opened his Music Store, one door west ft W. Lewis' Book Store, where be keeps constantly on hand Steinway A Sons' and liaehlrs Pisna M inuficturiog Compaoy's Pianos. Mau A liu's Cabiuet Organs and Carb.irt. Needbam A Cos' Melodeons; Guitars, Violins, Fifes. Flutes; : and Violin airings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower Golden Center. Golden Trio. Ao , Ac. v beit Music He is constantly receiving from Philadelphia!! the tales' music which person at a distance wishing c in order, and hare sent them by wail at publisher's prices. i tT Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years Tbu'c wishing to buy any of me above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere My prices"are the same as in New York and Philadelphia Circulars of Instruments sent promptly upon application with any additional information de ired. B.M.GREEN. Hill street. Huntingdon, Pa . One door West of Lewis' Book More. Dec 6. 1865 L E A R F I E L I ACADEMY REV V L. HARR1SO-1, A.M. PRINCIPAL. The Tbird Session of this Institution will 00m mence on M today. Mtrch litb. 161). Pupils cau enter at aiiy time. They will be charged with tuition from the lime they enter to the close of the session The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accompli-bed education of both sexes. The Principal having bad the advantage of much experience in his pr fesion. assures pa rents and guardians that bis entire aoi ify and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral traitiiug of the you'h pi iced under is ch ire. Tbkms or TriTin.N : Orthography. Reading. Writing and Primary ritbuieiic. per session. (II weeks.) Si 00 Grammar. Geography, . Arithmetic, and Histo ry $3.1)0 Algebra.Geometry. Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying. ' Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry and Book-keeping. - S9.U0 Latin and Greek, with any of the above brarches, H2.00 tr"No deduction will bi made for absence For further particulars inquire of Rbv P. L. HARRISON, a. m. Feb 23. 186S. Principal. JJA11TSWICK Si IKW.IN, DRUGGISTS, CLEARriELD, '., Having refitted and removed to the room" lately occupied hy Richard Mossop. on Maiket St.. now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment of DRUGS AND CTIEMICALS. Also. Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa nts. Oils. 'Slass. Put'y. Dye-stuffs Stationary To ihcco and .-ega s. Coi.fectiiinary Spices aiid a larger stock of r irieties iban ever before offered in this place, and warranted to be of the beet i.e market af ii rds Inspect their stock brfore pur?bas;ng elsewhere, and theyeel warranti-d in spying that .u will he pleasco with the qua iiy and price of their goods Remember the place Mossop's old stand, vu . arket St. Dei 6,1865. G It EAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, IA. NEW FIRM AND NEW ARRANGEMENT. AND NEW GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES. The undersigned having foiuied a copartner ship in the Mercantile busiuess. would respectful ly invite the attention ot the public generally to their nleudid assortment of Merchandise, which is now being sold very low for cash. Tbtir -.ock consists in part of PRY GOODS of thebest quality. uh s "rints. Delaines. Alpa c is Merit," Ginghams : Muslins, bleached and unb cached; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flanoe s. Caiwimcrs Ladies' Shawls. Coats. Nu bfiis. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. 'Ao . Ac all of wv icb will be sold low for Cash. Also, a fine assortment of tbe best of fi N S' WEAK consisting of Drawers and Shirts, flats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Uandkerehieftt cravats, etc Also. Baft Rope. Dog Rope. Raltina Augurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lump wicks and chimneys, etc., etc ALSOjJueenswar. Glassware riardVar.iroce- -1.. - i . , f n 1 1 l;-.i Tf, A.rl vaneral , asvrtraei t of every thing usu liy kept In a retail strre. ail citeap jor easti, of ipprotw wn- produce. . . Jan 10.1868. WRIGHT A FLANIGAN. GROCERIES, of all kinds, to be had at Aug 23 MERRELLA BIGLER S SEVERAL SET of heavy double hares 13 and hom made horse oollars at the store 01 PeV, lW. IHVLN A HARTSHORK. SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti cle of ground alum aalt. put up in patent aKa at S4.25 per aacK. at the cheap cash atoieof November 27 R. MOSSM WANTED $5 000 worth of c ur.fy bonds -.Those of longer! dates itt'errea Apply . WALTER BARRETT. tune 2.ls65. . Clea-r..-ld. Pa. SOM E I'D I X ii X K W IX CLEF1ELI: CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform the eiTisens of Clearfield, and the public'io general, that he is prep -red to do all kinds of work p carriages, buggies, wagons, sleiaths sleds. Ac. on short notice and in unworkmanlike manner. Or ders promptly attenjfd to. WM. McKIGHT. t-'ltarlield, Feb. 7, iBoi-y UK. foi A. M. HILLS DFSIRES TO IX. orm his natrona that nrnfessiou - a' tusnss confines biui .0 bis office "ilWSSSi the time, and be will therefore be uu-'lLLttr able to make Profefsional Visits to any l bis ao customed pia e, this rummer; hut ma. be found at his uffiot on the southwest coraar of Front and Mam streets at all times, except when notice a -pear In tbe town pniiers to the contrary. Clearfield. Pa., July I. IS65. - . N. B. A full set of Teeth put in for f 20. CLElRFIELD N U RS E R Y . ES CnT: R AUET HOME INDUSTRY. The undersigned having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Curweusville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwarl.) Evergreen, Shrub hery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawfn Black berry. Strawberry and Raspbrtry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rbeo barb. Ao. Orders promptly attended o Address Aug 31. 1364. J.D. WRIGHT, CnrwensviHe. KEYSTONE MARI.LE WORKS. Woudland.Clcarfieldcounty.PS. J BINN DkIIA AS, respectfully informs the cit izens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that he has just received a fine stock of foreign and' domestic marble, which he will work into Monu ments. Tombs. Head and Foot stones. Door-steps. Window sills and - Lintels. Table Stand and Bu reau tops. Ac Ac. ou reasonab!e terms and rhort i.otioe. All persons in want of anything in his line will please call, or address him by letter, at Woodland. Clearfield county, I'a. Orders by jail will receive prompt attention. July26.'65-y. HVNKING ft COLLECTION OFFICE or FOSTER. PERKS. WRIGHT A CO., PuiLirsBUKG. Ckntrb Co.. Pa. Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts discounted. Deposits received Collections uiado and pro reeds promptly remitted . Exchange on tbe Cities constantly on hand. The above Hanking House is now open and ready for business. Pbitipsourg, Centre Co.. Pa , Sept 6,1865. o. 1. REF.n. O. R. FOSTER ICDS. PKKkS. J D M. GIRK. WM. V.-WHIOHT, W. A. WA'.LACB, A. K WRIGHT. KICHAKD SHAW, JAS. T. LKO.XARD, JAS B GRAHAM. HAUPT & CO., at Milesburg. Pa . continue to furnish castings of every ce.scription at short notice They have tbe best assortment of patterns in tbe country for steam and water-mil's of every description All kinds of machine and piow castings furnished New Worl 1 and Hatha way ci-ok stoves always on band They make 4 horse sweep-power threshing machines, with sha ker and i0 feet of strap for $160 and 2-hnrse tread-power machines, with shaker and 30 feet of strap for $175. Warranted to give satisfaction in threshitg. and kept good to thresh one crop free of charge. June 23. IS6 Wy. Isaac II aipt. at , Bellefonte continues to tnke risks for insurance in any goo 1 stock company iu tbe State. Also in New York ; tbe Royal and Et na at Hartford ; and the Liverpool aud London, capital $6 000.000. H. IB Tft X D Q MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., One door. East ot the Clearfield House, Keeps on band a full assortment of Gents' Fur niching goods, such as Shirts (linen and woolen. I'ndershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Ncck-ties. Pock ft Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Umbrellas. Mats, etc . io great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Uest Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doe-skin Cassimeres ,of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, ani Tricott Over eeating. all of which will be sol I cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also a ;ent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Sing-r A Co's Sewing Machines. November l, !S!i5. A TTENTION! BUYERS!! HIPPLE So FAUST DEALRRS 1.1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, AC. MAI5 STRBBT, CCBWBaSVILLB. PA., Raving just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to whieh they desire to invite tb attention of their old customers aud friends. Their stock consists of Dry -Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Queensware,. Tinware. Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions. ec. in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit tbe times 1 ' ' They also deal in Grain. Pork. Shingles. Boards, and other lunher. which will be received at the t'ighest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call Remember you can find us at tbe old stand n Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date easterners with anything in our line of business. Sept. 1S65. HIPPLE A FAUST. g O M E T II J N O NEW IX CURWENSVILLE. DRUGS ! D.RUUS !! DRUGS !!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to tbe public that be has opened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the house of George Ki'tKbarger. on Main street. Curwensvrlle. Pa.. odc do-r West of Hippie A Faust's store, where he Intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per . turnery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks,' and a general variety . of Notions ; Glass, Putty, etc. - The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt In Curwensville, .and as that want ii now supplied, tbe undersigned bopea. by strict attention to bu siness, to merit anq receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, ia entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roasonable prices Call and examine the goods- which cannot fail to plea,. . , JOSEPH R. IRWIN. November 8. 1865. c A N N E n PRUIT, for sale by Aug 23. MKK.KE.L.U FLOUR A large quantity f Flour, in Barrels, task's and sale by Feb. 33, 14-J , W- Iw. SPECIAT, ABVKTI?SXENTS OTRAAG .BUT TUU'.-Everr joung 5 lady and gentleman n the United States cau bear something very much to thoir advantage 'y return mail (free 01 ehare.) by ad Iressiu the undersigned. 1 hose having fears f beinic Oaui bujred ill oblige by not iioicit.g this card. All others will please ad Ireas tlieir obedirnt aervnet TH'x F. CHAPM ' ' Jan. 3. 1856-ly. S3l Broadway. N Crk. ' p I f V N K A It OS.A reformed inebriate JL would be happy to cammuiiicA.e (free of charge) to as many of his fellow-beings a will address bim. very important and useful infor mation, and place in tlieir bands a sure cure for the love of tr..tig Drink f any kind. This in formation is freely offare I by one who has nar rowly escaped a drunkard a prave Address. SET II B. HENDERSON, Mar 23. l8S6-3m No. Broad street. X. Y. ITKKOHS Of YOUTH. A Gentleman who J suffered for yeyr from .Nervous Debility. Prematura Decay, aud all tue rff?ot of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering'buuiau ity send free 10 all who need it. the recipe a ad directions for waning tue simple remedy by ohicb he was cuied. fuffVrers wishing to pivfit by the advertiser's expel ieuoe, can do so by ad dressing JOHN U O.JDEN. Jan 3 1365-ly. No. 13, 0li;imlr8 St. N.Y. rflllE CONFESSIONS Al EXPFRI X ENCE OF A.N. INVALID PubliVhed for the beuefit and as a CAl 'l ION TO YUNt MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debtli ty. Premature Decay of Manhood. 4-c . su( plying at the same time The Means of Self-Cure.. By one who has cured himself after undergoing con siderable quackery. By enclosing a pos'paid ad dressed envelope, single :opis free of charge may NATHANIEL MAYFaIR. Efq . 1,1866-ly. Brooklyn. Kings Co. N Y Jan. 3 rpo COXSUMPTIVES. Tbe undersigned M haviug been restored tobealth iu af w weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered veral years with a severe lung affection.and that dreau disease. cmsumition is anxious to make knowu to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. be will send a copy of the prescription used (fiee of charge), with tha direc tions for I reparirig and using the same, which they will find, a sums cure tor cossctfi'Tto. asthm v BnaM iiitis, rorons. colhs. ac. , The on ly object of the .'i.iYtrtircr In scndir.g the Pt soription is to benefit the atH cted. and spread iu form a' ion which be coi.eeivcg t- be invau-ible ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cont them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will plense address. Rev. EDWALD A. WILSOX. Williamsburg Jan 3. 1865-ly. . county. N ora MISS E. A. P. RVN I) KK, Teacher of Piano Forte. Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, Wuitar. Harmony and Vocal Music. For the sole purpose of keening inferior Instruments nut of thecouu'v iss Rynder has secured ageucies for the sale of' really good and' durable Pianoa Organs. Uuitacs and Melodeons ( As chief among a large list of goon 1 ti8trume.ils may De mentioned, Chickeriugs and Sons rand, f-quare and' Up right Piano Fortes Lindeinan's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano C,aleuberg A Yau pel's frana and quHre fianos Mason A . Hamlin s Cabiuet Organ. Etiy's Cottage Organ. Tieat A Linsley's Organs and Melodeons Hall's Guitars. Ac , which sJie will sell at a very ttifling advance on Manufacturer s prices, thus enabling purchas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure o own. for no greater outlay or money than would be required to get inferior articles that are "lUar at mil prim." Musks Books. Paper, Guitar Strings and Shcot music constantly on hand nt the store of Mm. li D. Welsh. . September. 2ft , M55. 1JULLEV BLOCKS of Ttrions rises to be had at ili UiitLi iUHlFR'8 A LARUE STOOK OF GLASi, paints. oils ' white lead. etc.. at K. A IKV1NV A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goodr of every varty. sold as low for cash, as at any store in thecouuty. by Dec. 6. late. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. SWAI.MS PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical ... Discovery. Hembold's Buchu. Bake'sCod Liv er Oil, Jayce's and Ayer's Medicines, tor sale by Jan. 10. HAMtM Ilk 4 JLU1N. g P R I N G GOODS. C. KRATZER k SON, Are just opening at the Old Stand above tha " Academy, . A large and splendid assortment of Spring goods, which they are se ling at greatly reduced prices Particular atten ion is invited to their stock of CARPETS, (Cottage, common IugraihS, and superior Eng lish Ingrains, and Brussels.) Floor mad Table Oii cloths, Window Shades and Wall Papers Especixl pains bas been taken in the selection of Ladies Dres iJoods, White Oooda, Umbrui Je ries and Millinery goods. They have also a large stock of Ready-made clothing, and Boots and Shoe, which they will sell at a small advance cost, ' Flour. Bacon. Fish. Salt and Plaster. Apples, Peaches and Prunes kept eonstantly ou band. Also, some pure Brandy, Whiskey and Wioes for medicinal uses Also io store a quantity of large and small clover seed. We intend to raaka it an object for Farmers and Mechanics to buy-froiu us. because we will sell our goods aa low aa they can be bought in he county; and will pay the-very highest price for all kinds of country produce. We will also exchange goods for School, Road and County or ders; Sningles. Boards and every kind of manu factured Lumber. March 14, 153. N OO.O 3D S UBS. H. D. WELSH CO,' Have Just Received and Opened a Ssock of SEASONABLE GOODS. Which were purchased during tbe present decline, and therefo are enabled to sell wry cheap O D R ST OCK Consists in part of Merinos. Alpacas. Poplins; Wool, Armure, ar d common Delaines'; Prints, Ginghauas. Shawls. Hoods. Hosiery .Gloves. Nu bias. Baltnrsl and Hoop Skirts, Flannels, Lades Cloth, SbeetiogB. Mus.ius owel ing.Ticking.Soniags. BreakfastShawls, Capes Ae. Also, a full aasortmeut of MILLINERY GOODS, Among which are Hats. Bonnets. Feathers. Rib bons. Flowers, Laces. Frames, Mat mess. V el vets, Silks. Ciapes. Berasres, Veils, etc., and a large stock of . CHILDRENS TOYS, Including China. Bronae. Papier Macho. Tin, Rosewood Glass. Pewter. Wooden, ' Parian and Candy Toys. . FOR LAD! AS. Such as Pomades, Oils. Bandoline. blocm of youths ard Paints. Roage. Lilly White, ete. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continu ance of the kind patronage cf the people of Clear field county. Ew"Ketneiuher the place Seeond Street, next i door to lira National Bank. CIIEVSE a good article, just rec'ived at Nov. 15. MERRILL A BIQLEB'S BUFFALO ROBES. Kne. Blanket., .and gtismcas JHrcrtont. IRVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square A Sawed Lumber Dry floods, Groceries Flour. Grain, is , Ac., liarnside Pa, Sept. 23 1863. . f tEDERICK l.KITZINGER. Manufacturer of ' . II kinds of Stone-war. Clearfield. Pa. Or derssolictted wholesale or retail Jan. 1. 1863 (1RANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Cleas- field. Pa. May IS. IH63. t. j.cbaxs. : : r : : : waltkr bxrrctt. ROBERT J.WALLACE. AUorneyat Uw. Clear r fiuld. Pa nfiice in Shaw's new row. Market meet, opposite Nauglo's .ewulry store May26. F. NAVGI.E. Match and Clock Maker, and I . dealer In Watches. Jewelrv. Ae. Rooaa.i isham's row, Market street- Nov. 10. I I BCCIIER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear II. fir'd. Pa. ct inGraham's Row. four d 00 it of Graham A Boynton's store. Nor. 10. k I ARTSWICK IKWIX. Dealers in Drugs, I I Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume ry . Fincy Gimds, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street," Clcai field, Pa -. . Deo 6, 1865. (1 KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry floods, . Clothing. ' Hardware. Queensware. Groce. riis. Provisions. Ae . Front Street, (above tha A- ca lemy.) Clsai field. Pa. Dee 1865. Wl LLIA M F. IRW I N, Market at reel. Clearfield, ! Dealer in Foraiirn and Domestic Mer- j.'mn.lisr. Hardware. Cueensware, Groceries, and fan ilv articles eenerallv. Nov. . 10. J.H1N til'ELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds ot Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa. lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, aud tu.'ud luncrals with a hearse. AprlO.'SO. I)" M. WilODS. Practicio Phjsioias; nd 'llii South-weat corner of Second and Cherry otrei t. Clearfield, Pa. January 21. 1863. f nilOMAS J. M'CULLOUGU. AKorr.ey at Law. 1 Clearfield. Pa. office, east of tbe -Clearfield in Deeds and other legal iustruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. J. B M EN ALLY, Attcrneyat Law. Clearfield, Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining oui.UeS. ORce :n new brick building r.i. Iioyii t ii, 2J street, one door south of Lanich s Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do 1 metie DrxOoods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ae. Room, on Market street, a few door west Jourtt'J ()$rr Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. fpllOMAS W. MOORE. Land Surveyor and Con 1 veyancer. Office at his residence, i mile eart of Prnnville Postoffice address, (irampian Hills Dee-Is and other instruments of writing neatly executed. ' June 7ib lii-ly WM ALBERT A BROS. Dealers iu Dry Goods; t roceries. Hardware, t)ueensware, HoUr, 'iacon. etc.. Woodlan'. Clearfield county. Peuu'a. Also, eatensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lum ber, shingles, and square timber, iirders sotiei' ted. Woodland, Aug. ltfth. 1863 - JPLAKE WALTERS. Scriviuer and Con veyancer, and Agent fortbe purchase and sal of Lands. Clearfield. Pa. Prompt attention giv en to-all business connected with the county offi ces Office with Hoik W. A. Wallace. Jan. 3. j. it. 11 'wcitRAT. : : : : samitkl hitch ell. 1 'MURRAY A MITCHELL, Dealers in It 1 Foreign and Domestic Merchandise. Luif Cr.n. w"our. Grain, Ac, New Washington, Clear field county. Pa. October 2, 18rt5-lyp: WAKOI.E, KEEI) & CO., WnoLesiLB GHofKHa. and dealers, in Tobacco, Tea, Spices. Ae , Nor:h East cornet of Sixth and Mar ket Streets. Philadelphia.' ' febU 6m. ounce r. waRDLB. : : rsAsm w Dll J. P. RURCIIFIELD. late Surgeon of tbe t:rd Kegt Penn'a Vols, haviug return' ed iroia tbe army, offers his professional services to tr,e :itixensof Clearfield and vicinity. Profit.- calls promptly attended to. -Office on Soutn-East corner of 3d and Market streets. Oct i iiO Oui-pd. AUCTIONEER. Tbe-undersigned having been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform .-he eititens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN M QUILKIN, May 13 Bower Po.. Clearfield Co.. Pa. UCTIONEER Tbe undersigned having been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform :be citizens of Clearfield eounty that he will at tend to calling aalea. iu any artoflhe county, whenever called upon Charges moderate Addres. NATHAN TEL KTSHFL, Feb. 22. trtrto. Clearfield. Pa. 1TE W ARRANGEMENT!! J-i -r . The subscribers have entered into eo partner ship, and are trading under the name of Irvln', Baily A Co . in lumber and merchandise, at tbe old stand of Ellis Irvin A. Son. at tbe mnarb of Lick Run. They would inform their friemia. ana tbe world in gcs-'eral. that they are prepared to furnish to order all kindsof sawed or hewn Iu in ner, and solicit bills, for either home or eastern markets. Tbey would also announce that tbey hat Just opened , A NEW STOCK of .well selected goods, suitable to the season, con-si-ting o- eveiy variety ui-ually k'pt in country stores. Their purchases have been made rlm-e the late decline in prices which enable thera t sell at such rate as jrill astonish their rus'otners One if their partners. Thomas L. Baily, resides near Philadelphia, whose buaineas it w be to watch the marKet and make purchase on the mu4l favorable terms. Call and see us ELLH IRVIN, TIIOMA" L. BAILY, Goshen tp .Dee 6.1S65. LEWH I 1KWIN. - RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. RATES OF SUBSCRIPT ION. ADVERTISING AND JOBBING. Kr.TCA.SH CASH TO aCCOMPAUT OBDKR. Subscription, in advance, 1 year, : : ' S3 00 Adin'rs and Ex'ra notices, each. 6 times, 3 Auditor s notices each, . 3 Cautions and Estrays. each. 3 tim, I Diaanlution notices, each. 3 times, 50 50 50 09 Transient Advertising, per square of It lines, or less 3 timea. or less, For each subsequent ftisertioo. Offioial Advertising, for each rquare of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, Foe each subsequent insertion. ' Professional A business cards. 5 lines, 1 y. Local notices, per line. I time. Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line. Advertising. 3 months. 3 months. One square (10 lines) S 3 OU 4.00 Two squares. . 4.50 6 00 Three rquares, 6.00 A.OO Foursquares. 8.00 10.00 Yearly Advertising, one square. : : : Yearly Advertising, two squares, : : Yearly Advertising, three squares. Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yearly Advertising, one-third column. Yearly Advertising, one-balf column, Yearly Advertising, one column. 5t 50 I 50 50 h 00 15 It 6 mo's. S 5.00 8.00 10.UO 13.00 8 00 12 00 15 00 3ft 00 35 00 35 00 AO 00 The above rates apply only to advertiremeuU set up plain Advertisements set in latge type, or with cuts, or ot of plain style, will be oh argu ed double tbe above rates forspaoe occupied Blanks single quiro, : t : : : : : 3 50 Blanks. 3 quires, per qu re, 5 s : -Blanks 6 quires, per quire. ; ; Blanks, over A quires, per qnir. : : ; Handbills, eighth sheet. 35 or less, fourth sheet. 35 " 00 74 50 50 50 50 half shuat, .35 whole sheet, 35 8 00 Over 35 of eachatf above, at proportionate reus. FISH, Salt and plaster ia larir aaHtI , iv .qs 1 3 p KRATZER. j i IL TKRKITORY AKD "ASIM foa If, i f. a nr