Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 11, 1866, Image 2

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    Raftsman's irarnal.
ros oovBsaoB:
Maj. Gen. JOHN W. GEART, of Oumb. Oo.
The Connecticut Election.
The election in Connecticut, or Monday,
April 2d, has resulted in a complete rout of
the Democracy. Gen. Hawley, the Repub
lican candidate, beats English, Democrat,
by 599 majority; and the Legislature is
largely Republican, thus securing the elec
tion of a Republican United States Senator.
-:. The contest in Connecticut was attempt
ed to be made a test between President
Johnson an J Congress as to the best mea
sures to be adopted for the restoration of
the National authority in the States lately
In rebellion ; and it was hoped that, by load
professions of approval of the "President's
policy," the Democracy might ride into
power as the champions of the measures of
the Administration. . Mr. English, their
candidate, was not only a popular man, but
he was a so-called war Democrat, and had
voted in Congress for the Constitutional
Amendment abolishing slavery. All these
"favorable circumstances, however, proved
of no avail. lie has been defeated, and the
most determined attempt to overthrow the
party in power has failed in a State which
many considered doubtful. The result of
this election shows that the Republicans of
the "land of steady habits" couldn't be
gulled by any clap-trap professions on the
part of men who were the bitter opponents
of the war for the Union, the calumniators
, of the lamented Lincoln, and the inveterate
enemies of Andrew Johnson during the con
tinuance of the Rebellion. There is a lesson
la this which ought to have its influence
upon political affairs in other quarters.
Conservatism What ia it ?
Now-a-days we hear much said about
"conservatives, and hence the question,
. What b conservatism ? . Webster's diction
ary gives,
"Conservatism, s. The deslro and effort to pre
" serve what ia established."
Andrew Johnson, in tho United States
Senate, during the first session of the 36th
Congress gave the following definition : '
"Conservatism ! It is the argument of Ty
ran and despots, one that entails an existing
tnsttotion in its present form, whether it Le
fighter wrong."
Now, we opine, that Mr. Johnson's defi
nition is, in all probability, more applicable
to these latter days, than that of Mr. Web
' eter ; for it is an obvious fact, that the ex?
tremeists, whenever they wish to carry or
enforce any particular measure or policy, bc-
:. come the special advocates of, and prate
loudly about "conservatism." During the
progress of the rebellion this same class of
persona generally Btyled themselves "neu
i teals," and were disappointed in their de-
-trigns. The war over, they assume the so
briquet of "conservatives," aa a cloak to
hide their former duplicity, and to popular
ize their present detestable projects, "wheth
er right or wrong," or however detrimental
to the general prosperity of tho Union, or
the welfare of the people.
The Fenians.
Some of the New York papers got up
quite a sensation last week by a report that
Gen. Killian had set sail with some 5,000
, men for Bermuda, and that the war for the
, liberation of Ireland was about to commence
in earnest. There aro those who look upon
! the movement as a humbug, designed only
to keep up the subscriptions to the Feuian
bonds, out of which the leaders are making
rather "nice thing." Tfie Herald, how
ever, thinks that the hour of action of the
real military movement under President
Roberts and General Sweeney draws nearer
and nearer. Tb.e "sensation" caused by
. this will be of a peculiar character, and best
explained by a bullet lecture to her Majes
ty's red coats.
Tha United States and Mexico.
On the evening of the 3d April, Secretary
Seward : gave a handsome entertainment to
Madam Juarez, the exile wife of President
' Juarez, of the Republic of Mexico, at which
all the representatives of the Spanish-A-
merican republics were present, as was also
he Russian Minister. The affair is regard
ed fld a significant and important diplomatic
event, and a delicate official notification that
oar Government recognizes no other gov
ernment in Mexfe? than that of the Repub
lic ' The presence of the Russian Minister
aril) be understood by Louis Napoleon as a
waiter of the gravest political import in re
ference to the policy of Russia in both
hemispheres.' :'. J
1-' The Charleston Courier states that 3,200
freedmen have . lei t North Carolina since
January 1st to work in New England on con
tract at 20 per month, and. that more will
Jfr. Clymer'8 Record.
In the State Senate, on April 12th, 1861,
on motion of Mr. M'Clure, the second read
ing and consideration of the bill providing
for the arming of the State of Pennsylva
nia was entered upon. . Previous to the as
sembling of the Senate that evening a tel
egraphic dispatch announced that the Union
tioops were engaged in actual conflict with
the rebels at Charleston. All the members
were in possession of the news, and each act
ed under it as his feelings and principles
The Senate proceeded to the discussion of
the bill, and upon the passage of each sec
tion the yeas and nays were required. Each
division produced a strict party result. Ev
ery Republican voted to put the State in a
condition of defense ; and every Democrat
voted against doing so. On every division
Mr. Clymer voted to the advantage of the
rebels. On the final passage of the bill the
vote stood :
Yeas Messrs. Benson. Boughter, Bound, Cor
nell, Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Hamilton,
lleistand, Irabrio. Irish, Ketchum. Landon, Law
rence, M'Clure, Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Pen
ny, Robinson, Serviil, Smith, Thompson, Whar
ton. Yardsley, and Palmer, Speaker 27.
Nats Messrs. Blood, Cltmer, Crawford, Mott.
Schindel, and Welsh 6.
This record, which Mr. Clj mer made at
the very commencement of the war, he
maintained with a marked persisteney,uutil
the close of hostilities. His principles, bis
sympathies, and his ambition, all seemed to
1 a 1 . 1 rt 1 V
lean towaras ine siue vi the icoeis. .tor
the truth of. these assertions, we refer the
reader to the "Legislative Record," where
his votes will be found recorded against ev
ery . measure calculated to quell the rebel
lion, and uphold the,' 'Constitution and the
The New Jersey Senatorship. '
It seems that the New Jersey Legislature
has adjourned, without electing a United
States Senator Mr. Scovell, the Speaker
of the Senate, who held the balance of pow
er, refusing to go into joint conventitn for
that purpose. Why Mr. Scovell, who was
elected by the Republicans, pursued this
course is unknown. ' Various reasons are
assigned as the probable cause. Among the
charges made against him is the following
from the Trenton N. J,) Gazette, of April
5th: . .
"We hard already demonstrated that Ja. M.
Scovell is a hypocrite, a turncoat, and a falsifior
a man of much pretension and little brains. It
would seeni that little more could be added to
this catalogue of vicioasness, but we have now to
add our solemn conviction that this man of much
conscience and little principle has been bought,
and has received a portion of the purcffkse
price, . . . When he came to theSenate this win
ter he was as poor as a church mouse, and the
circumstance that on his return from his visit to
Washington after the rejection of Mr. Stockton,
he visited Mr. Vanetta, tinman, of Camden, and
ordered a tin box made to contain Seven-thirty
United States Treasury bonds, using one of large
denomination for a measure and the ease is clear,
James hi. oeovell was bribed. . . . Alexander G.
Cattell, the finished gentleman and noble patriot.
is the people's choice; and, if not elected now,
he will yet be sent in triumph to tho United
states eonate
An Honest Confession.
Mr. Clymer in his seech to the Conven
tion that nominated him, in referring to the
qualifications requisite for a Governor of
Pennsylvania said :
'He should stand the avowed and nndoubted
champion of the Union of these States in its orig
inal purity, ready and willing, if need be, to sac
rifice life itself in defending from the assaults of
ail enemies. . . . who, (under the garb of loyal
ty and the guise of friendship.) would undermine
land destroy it. . . . J am paint it lly conscious of
XT own inability to approach this standard of ver-
t i i ' i
evimi ana potiiicai excellence.
Exactly sot No one feels disposed to doubt
your judgment in this matter. And since you
are "painfully conscious of your own inabil
ity to approach the standard" you have
erected, had you not better refer your po
litical friends to Gen. Geary? The Gener
al is the "champion" you have so glowingly
depicted, lie was "ready and willing to
sacrifice life itself" for the " Union of these
States in their original purity," as is attest
ed by his bravery and gallantry on many a
hotly contested field with the armed hordes
of treason. .
NoRxrr Carolina. The Raleigh Stand
ard, Gov. Ilolden's paper, says that "ultra
secessionists now fill every office in the State
from the highest to the lowest," and that
"the secession leaders arc determined that
the Union men shall never be permitted to
govern the State." It adds:
"The cause of restoration has been sud
denly arrested the State has been set back
to the point it occupied when the work was
commenced, and no ono can foresee when
the work will be completed. The generosi
ty of the President has been trifled with,
and the good he desired to do this people
has been neutralized bv these leaders. . vhn
have been actuated - solely by the love of
money and office. How long will it be be
fore they are rebuked, as they should be,
and made to knv their places?"
The Bond Robbery. The man who
was arrested for robbing Mr. Lord, of New
York, of $1,500,000 of government bonds
and other securities, tried to make a bar
gain with the detectives. He proposed to
divide with them the $200,000 offered for tho
recovery of the property. They assented,
and then arrested him. This he resents as
a breach of contract, and says they, may do
what they will with him, but be ' will not
disclose where thar hands are onnflealed un
til sure of half the reward and his personal j
ireeaom Desiaes. lie accounts his enter
prise a fair business transaction ; and, to
tell the truth, it is as honorable as many
transactions recognized as legitimate in
Wall street .. , f ,. , ... ,
.Every Democratic member of the House
of Representatives voted on Tuesday March
21st, against a bill to protest United States
officers for acts dona under nnl
m - wa luuuai V
authority iron prosecutions anl punishment
rJiink anv better of thi "I.monln MroKr.''
w v.... MMW4U0
tkfiQ they used to do,
The Civil Rights Bill Passed by the Senat9
r Dy a XWO-UUXU3 f UMJ.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburg Commercial.
WASmsoTOjr, April 6. 1?66 To-day has been
one of unexampled Congressional excitement.
An almost nndivided interest was entered in the
Senate and the House. In the former it was
well known that no adjournment would be affect
ed without a vote on the l'resiviea :'s veto of the
Civil Rights bill, while a vfle on the great con
tested election ease of Dodge vs. Brooks was also
anticipated in the House ,
The Senate presented the same dense mass of
speotators as on yesterday and the day before,
and so intense was the interest that it remained
filled to overflowing for six consecutive hours
Distinguished privileged characters were also
on the floor of the chamber and in the diplomatic
gallery. 'The contest opened atone o'clock, by
a speech from Senator Lane, of Kansas, in which
he declared very vigorously for a support of the
President, th us removing all doubts that were
circulatel in the morning as to tbe way he would
vote cn the veto when the question came up. He
was answered by Senator Trumbull, to whom he
in turn replied. Then came a long speech from
Doolittle in support of the veto, at tbe conclusion
of which a vote was anticipated. Speet itors
looked around for the heretofore absent Senators,
Wright and Dixon. The former was already in
his si at, looking in very fair health, and a thou
sand anxious inquiries were made, "Where's
Dixon V But he did not appear.
Then Garrett Davia spoke for an hour, notwith
standing the patience for a vote. When he
had concluded, Senator Yates arose and urged the
Republican Union onators to press immediately
onward to victory, and take a vote. Straightway
there was a seusation. Members of the House
came pouring' in on the Senate floor, and formed
a solid front of spectators aronnd the outer semi
circular row of senatorial seats.
It was now six O'clock, and the sparkling gag
jets were turned ;on from the ceiling, adding
great brilliancy to the scene. A rumor flew over
the Senate floor and up iuto the reporter's gal
lery that Senator Morgan had decided to vote
against the President. The general spectators
were not awaro ot tbe change, and busy bum
again ran through the galleries, '-Where's Dix
on?" But Dixon had. become aware of the
change, and his health was so very poor that he
did not enter the chamber at all, but returned
again to his room. Around Senator Mofgan
stood a group of Sew York members from the
lower house
"Question," ''question," shouted several Sena
tors There was profound silence as Vice Presi
dent Foster rose from the chair and said : '-Senators,
the question is, "Shall the bill pass, the
President's objections notwithstanding? Tbe
Secretary wi II call the roll." The heavy mono
tone of the Clerk, as each name was called, was
followed by the utmost silence to hear every re
sponse. The new Senator from Vermont Mr.
Kdmonds.did notanswer - '-Where's Edmonds ?"
"Send for .Edmonds," said half a dozen Senators
at once.
The excitement was now at its height Yea
and nay lists depended from every reporter's
seat, and fluttered , from many portions of tbe
spectators' gallery. In a moment the clerk call
ed Mr. Morgan. '-Aye," said the New York Sen
ator in a clear voice. All doubt was removed.
Instantly the spectators rose in the galleries, and
made the Senate chamber echo with applause.
On the floor the scene was but little less exciting.
Several Senators rushed np, and congratulated
Mr Morgan, as did also several members of the
House. On went the roll to the end. Mr. Kd
mohdscaine in and voted. The result was footed
up and handed to the Vice President, who said :
"The bill having received a two-thirds vote over
the veto, is passed."
The last word ii ad hardly dropped-when the
vast crowds of spectators in the galleries rose to
their feet and gave the most deafening applause.
In vain the Capital police sought to end the
tdfeult. .After three cheers, the visitors com
mencod to withdraw from the galleries. On the
Senate floor tho oonfusion was very great, and it
was some time before order was restored.
At length Senator Trumbull offered a resolution
to notify the House of Representatives of the re
sult, and then the Senate adjourned.
Washington, April 9, 4 p. m. The
House passed theCivil Rights bill, over the
President's Veto yeas 122, ndys 41. The
announcement by the Speaker, that the bill
had become a law, was followed by tremend
ous and long continued applause.
A Specimen op tiie Reconstructed.
The Richmond Examiner, of a recent date,
in an article relative to the trial of Jeff.
Davis, after informing the Committee on
Reconstruction that in the State of Virginia
'tlicy can easily find twelve times twelve
men who will eagerly undergo Mr. Davis'
imprisonment and all the peril in which he
stands, if thereby liberty may be purchased
tor him, elopes as lollows:
"When the man whom toe placed at the
head of our undertaking shall be tried for
his share in that or which we were all par
takers most of us more willing, perhaps,
than he every one will keenly feel that it
is only for him that is without offence to
cast the first stone. More than that, all
will be ready to repel the charge of treason
with indignant emotions. Allegiance was
due only to the State, and any duty arising
from the Union only bound the individual
through the State. The State absolved all obli
gations beyond her will, and all who obeyed
the State did nothing but what patriotism
.justified. The people believed this doctrine
before the war, and force has not chaneed
their convictions. Courts may instruct, but
as juries here have always exercised the
right to judge the law, even ia a matter of
dollars and cents, they will not forego that
privilege in a trial that involves the life of
their representative man and the commcn
honor of individuals and of States. The
Committee the whole world may rest
confident that Virginia gentlemen can under
no circumstances consent that Jefferson
Davis be made the scapegoat of the whole
people. No, neverV
The Sale op The "Shenandoah."
The London Times, March 23d, says : Mr.
f! V KVHiV-L- of thfl firm nf-1vlWL- i-
Co,, offered for sale, yesterday, at Liver
pool, the screw steamer tslienanitoah, 790
tons, net register, known as the late famotfs
Conterlerate r.rniser. Slif vertQ KniU of
Glasgow, on the composite principle, and
uas engines or one nunurca ana iorty horse-
Eower. She was put up at 10,000. The
roker remarked that the condition of sale.
wnicu required the purchaser or purchasers,
at the tiinn of dplivprv. to fiiirn a vrtifi,fa
- j , ci - . . 1 . k
or declaration that the vessel had not been
bought for any beligerent or warlike pur
nose, or for anv hp.lierirenr. nation, wna nn
f - I - 'J 1 ' ' UW
ID tended to nrevfint the numliase hv a cnk.
ject of any beligerent nation, but simply to
prevent ner . employment tor warlike pur
poses. There was a numerous attendance,
and for some time tho biddin? was Tom
spirited. She was at length knocked down
to Mr. M. It Wilson for 15,760. Two
and a half yaars ago she cost 35,000.
s Freedmen's Celebration in Richmovtv
A dispatch from Richmond, dated April
3d, says: "The freedmen here celebrated
the first anniversary of their deliverance
from bondage to-day. The procession, em-
from the western suburbs through the prin
cipal streets, with banners and music, to
Capital square, when an address was de
livered by Rev. Mr. Hunnicut. Good order
prevailed during the day."
The Democracy Badly Eouted.
The election in the State of Connecticut,
which attracted so.much attention through
out the laud, came off on April 2d, and re
sulted in a most signal victory for the Union
party, the vote for Governor footing up as
follows :
Hawley, -Republican, 43,847
EuglLsh, Democrat, , . , , 43,243
Ilawley's majority,' ' - 599
The Senate stands 13 Union to 8 Demo
crats, and the House 141 Union to 94 Dem
ocrats,giving a large majority on joint ballot.
Ehode Island.
Gen. Burnside was elected Governor with
but little opposition the Democracy know
ing that the hero of many battles would be
sure to win, no matter what effort they put
forth. The vote stands, Burnside 7,749;
Pierce (Dem. ) 2,456. . The Senate stands28
Uuion to 5 Democrats; and the House 65
Union to 7 Democrats,
Election in Cleveland, Ohio.
The charter election in Cleveland, on
Monday, April 2d, resulted in an unexpectly
complete and sweeping Union victory. The
city Uuion ticket was chosen by an average
of 500 majority the Republicans having
carried eight Wards out of eleven. They
also elected seven councilnjen out ot eleven,
securing a Union majority of more than two
to one in the next city council. They also
elected seven of the eleven assessors.
Election in Chester City, Pa.
The first election, under the new charter,
took place in Chester city, Delaware county,
Pa., on April 2d, with the lollowing result :
For Mayor, John Larkin, jr. , Republican,
had 480 votes ; P. Baker, Democrat, 346 ;
II. B. Edwards, Independent, 149.
Election in Cincinnati, Ohio.
At the municipal election in Cincinnati,
on Monday, April 2d, the Union ticket was
elected by 5,000 majority. Twelve Union
men, five Democrats, and one Independent
were elected to city council.
Case of Bradley T. Johnson. Balti
more, Md. , April 3d. Ia the case of Bradley
T. Johnson, of Maryland, late of the rebel
army, and who participated with police
marshal Kane at the commencement of the
war in the effort to repel the national troops,
and who was recently held to bail in the li
nked Siates District Court, in this city, to
answer an indictment for treason, the Presi
dent has interposed, ordering his bail to be
discharged, and the abanondmcnt of his
case. Johnson claims exemption under the
terms of his parole.
Senator Foote of Vermont died at Wash
ington, on Wednesday morning, the 28th
March, after an illness of several weeks du
ration. He was the oldest and one of the
most distinguished members of the Senate,
having been chosen in 1850 and served con
tinually ever since. Both Senators from
Vermont have died during the present ses
sion, and in their death, not only that State
but the nation has suffered a great loess.
The Providence Journal, referring to the
Rhode Island election, saj's : "Rhode Is
land thus heartily responds to the call jaf
New Hampshire and Connecticut, proudly
crowns her gallant Burnside with civic hon
ors, and records her vote in favoi of consti
tutional liberty and universal freedom.". .
The prospect for fruit in Wisconsin was
never better. An examination of the buds
has shown that the frost did no harm.
AtvTUmntsrt inlarfretype,-ruts,orout if plain
stylr. icill be charged double price for apaceorcjtpied
to insure attention, tho CASH must accompa
ny notices.as follows All Cautions and Strays,
with $1,50: Auditors', Administrator' and Ex
ecutors' notices, S2.50, each ; Dissolutions, $2;
all ether transient Notices at the same ra'es
Other arivCTtiaAtnnnrs atSt SO n en an Q
less insertions. Ten lines (or less) count k square
pursuance of the forty-third section of the act of
the Sth of May, 1354, you ara hereby notified to
meet in convention, at the court house, in Clear
field, on tho first Tuesday in May, A. D. 1363, be
ing the first day of 'the niontU, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon, and select viva voce, by a majority
of the whole number of directors present, one
person of literary and scientific acquirements,
and of skill and experience in the art of teach
ing, as County Superintendent for the three suc
ceedingyears; determine the amount of compen
sation fur the same ; and certify the result to the
State Superintendent, at Harrisburg, as required
by the thirty ninth and fortieth sections of said
act. C. B. SAND FORD, Co. SnpL
P. S. Directors will bear in mind that the day
of holding the election ia changed from tho first
Monday to the first Tuesday in May.
Clearfield Pa., April 11, 1866,-3t.
National Dank of Cuiwensville, on the morn
ing of Apr 2d, 18(8.
Notes and bills discounted, : : : $37,278 58
Overdrafts. : ::::::: 4 : : 234 32
Banking Houee. :::::::; 2,441 67
Furniture and Fixtures :::::: 748 19
Current expenses, : : : : : : - : : : 265 12
Taxes paid since Jan. 1st. :::::: 779 27
Remittances and other Cash items, 2,872 11
Due from National Banks, : : : : 11.404 57
U. S. Bonds deposited with U 8 Tr. - 81.000 00
7-30 Notes on hand, : :. : : : t : 2,800 00
Cash on hand other N Bank Notes : 7,600 00
" State Banks : : 424 M
Specie : : : : j : : ': ; : : t : 76 00
Legal Tender notes, : : : : : : 13,500 00
" " 8 per cents, : : : 15,750 00
Total, : : : : : : : ' : ; $227,113 83
capital stock paid in, ; : 7
u 1 r j ....
$75,000 00
: 7,500 00
67,500 00
66.407 29
: 7,395 58
- 2.692 08
618 88
ouuui iumi, ; r ; : : : ; ;
Circulating notes, outstanding . .
Duo Depositors,
3 - Basks : : ; : : :" :. :'
Doe Discount, Interest and Exchange
Profit and Loss : : : : : -
Total Liabilities : ? : : :
$227,113 83
T I berebv Certify that tho .h :.. .
. - " ' uMitiucm is a
true ibsvaot frnm lh Omrtui. R.. . -
the Comptroller of tho Currency Apr. 2d, 1896.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned,
Auditor, appointed in open court to distrib
ute the proceeds from the sale of real estate, un
der m. ex. No 34 Sept. Term, 1365. in tho case of
John Ferguson vs. J hn Gregory, hereby gives
notice that he will attend to tbe duties of said ap
pointment on Saturday, the 23th day of April,
1866, between tho hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and
3 o clocks P. M. of said day," at his office in tho
Borough ot Clearfield, when and where all par
ties interested may attend if they see proper
Clearfield. April 14th, 18C6 3t. Auditor.
tional uank of Clearfield, Apr. 2d, lg66
Notes and Bills discounted - - .
Over Drafts
Furniture-- " - - - . - .
Current Expenses .......
Taxes paid .........
Due from National Banks
" Banks and Bankers - ".
U. S. Bonds deposited with Treasurer
of U. S. to secure circulation - -Cash
on band Nat. Bank - - -Specie
- - - .. . - . . . .
Legal Tender Notes - - . - - -Compound
Int. notes - - -
$36,826 19
1.579 66
- 763 51
- 371 39
- 604 92
- 3,745 94
- 2,072 13
100.009 00
- 1,225 03
1,604 64
13.609 38
-8.0.1b 00
Capital Stock paid in - - -Surplus
Fund ......
Circulating Notes -' - - -Individual
Deposits - - -Dividends
unpaid ....
Due National Banks - - - -
Due Banks and Bankers
Interest and exchange -
220,437 76
- S108.000 00
- 1.909 00
83.635 00
- 26 296 33
- - - 384 56
- - 7.243 16
- - 81 40
- 1,842 31
Total Liabilities
$220,437 76
I hereby certify that the above is a true abstract
from the quarterly report made to the Comptrol
lerof tbe Currency. A. C. FINNEY, Cash.
CABLE CHAINS n good article, on hand
and for sale by MKK11 ELL BIGLER .
SEWING MACHINES. Persons desirous
of having a superior Machine, sbonld buy
Wheeler i Wilson's Sample Machines on hand.
Clearfield, Feb. 23, 66. II. F. NAUULE. Ag't.
RUSS .ST. DOMINGO, Uubball's, Drake's,
Iloofland's German, & IIos tetter's A Green's
Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquors of all kfnds
for medical purpose, for sale by
undersigned is prepared to furnish, to thoeo
seeking investments, Government and coanty
bonds Also five per cent Government notes.
Clearfield May 4. 1S64. Att'y at Law
ORGAN Forty different styles, adapted
to sacred and ceeular music, for $80 to SG00 each
er first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Cat
alogues free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN. Bos
ton or MASON BROTHERS, New York.
.New York. November 29. lS6.i-ly
AUCTIONEER. Tho undersigned having
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citixens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling sales, in any part of the county,
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
Woodland, Pa., Clearfield Co., Pa
March 28, 1866 3t-p. ,
PA. The subscriber having purchased tbe
furniture and interest from II. ii. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for tbe reception of tran
sicnt and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with bis establishment will be
conducted second to none in the county. He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11, 1860.-y. GEO. N.COLBURN.
17IARM FOR SALE. Tho subscriber offers
for sale his property situate on Potts Kun,
Jordan township; consisting of 127 acres of land
16 of which are cleared. There are several good
veins of coal on the place, and an excellent wa
ter power which, if suitably improved, would
drive a saw or grist mill, most of the year. Will
be sold cheap for cash. T LIDDLE.
March 21, 1366-tf. Clearfield borough. .
HB. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail
Ukotkb, corner of Blair and Montgomery
Streets. Hollioaykrcrg Blair county. Pa., bas
alw ys on hand a full supply of Family Groce
ries, such as Family flour. Bacon, Fish. Salt, Coffee,
Teas, Sugars. Syrups Chee.e. Lard, Soap. Brushes,
Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Fancy Articles, choic
est brands cigars, french confectionaries. foreign
nuts and candies, 4c. 'Feb. 14, 1866-3 m.
Has opened bis Music Store, one door west of
W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps censtantly
on hand Steinway A Sons' and Gaehles Piano
Manufacturing Company's Pianos, Muid A Ham
lin's Cabinet Organs and . Carbart. Need haui A
Co s' Mclodeons; Guitars, Violins, Fifes. Flutes;
Guitar and Violin Strings.
Musio Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower
Golden Censer. C olden Trio. Ac , Ac.
Sheet Musio He is constantly receiving from
Philadelphia all the latest musio, which persons
at a distance wishing can order, and have sent
them by mail at publisher's prices. . , :
r"I'ianos and Organs Warranted forfive years.
Those wishing to buy any of the above articles
are invited to call and examine miue before pur
chasing elsewhere. My pi ices are tbe same as in
New York and Philadelphia.
Circulars of Instruments sent promptly upon
application with any additional information do.
"red. . U. M. GllEEN,
Hill street. Huntingdon, Pa , One door West of
Lewis' Book Store. Dec. 6, 1805.
The Third Session of this Institution will com
mence on Monday, March 12th, 1866.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will bo
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the session. '
The course of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes.
Tho Principal having had tho advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to tbe mental and moral
training of the youth placed under his charge. ,
Terms op TriTion:.
Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary
Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) Sa 00
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetio, and History-
" 56,00
Algebra. Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration,
Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
and Book-keeping. $9,00
Latin and Greek, with any of the above
branches, $12,00
ItT So deduction will bo made for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
Ret. P. L. HARRISON, A. k.
Feb. 23,1866. Principal.
Havinr refitted and mmnnil t t ..
occupied by Riehard Mossop, on Market St., new
offer low for cash, swell selected assortment of
Aim. Pntant Ml arl ,1 i- . . n..
... , -- .wuc 111 Mt siuas. rain is, uiia
Ulass, Putty, Dye-stuffs, Stationary, Tobaoeo and
Sugars, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock
of varieties than ever before offered in this place,
and warranted to bo.of the best the market af
lords. Inspect their stock before purchasing
elsewnern unil tV. A r-..l .-.i : : .v..
jou will be pleased with the quality and prioe of
4heir fPfwvrla P n ... 1 u. 1 u - ,
etsnd, on Market St. - Doj. 6, 18W.
FOR SALE at cost 1 good 000k ot.
close out tit stock. at tho ehean eaih '
Of R. MOSSOP, Clearfield P?
Citron, English CnrranU, Ess. Coffee 7Zt
Vinegar ot the best quality, for sale by '
of Administration on the estate of Titos u.
Bailey, late of Bloom township, Clearfield eonZ.
ty. dee'd, having been granted to the underlie
ed, all persons having claims 'gainst the aetata
are requested to present them properly authtntj
cated for settlement, and those indebted to ni
estate aro requested to make payment wltw!
delay. V. BAILEY.
March 7,1866.. - - Adm i n istratnr.
PUBLIC VENDUE. The undersigned wta
sell at public outcry, at his residence h
Boggs township, on April, 23th, I860, the folio,
ing personal property, to wit ; One horse anj
yearling 00 It, 3 fresh milk cows, 1 beiffer, 4 heal
young cattle, 7 bogs, 24 sheep, 2 bureaus, 0 boj.
steads, 2 breakfast tables, settee, chairs, rockier
chairs, 3 stands, 2 cookstoves and parlor storr
one set blaeksmith's tools, threshing macfcW
fanning mill, 2-horse wagon, bnggyr sled itj
timber sled, 2 plows, narrow, slot of straw,, hn
by the ton, side saddle and many other arttcl'
too tedious to mention..- Terms, whloh ere easy, $
be made known on day of sale SaJotocemmeMe
at 9 o'clock on said day
April 4, 1866- ' PETER GEAktHABJ,
Eylertown, Clearfield oonnty. Pa.
This old, well established and favorably inoea
house is now. offered for sale. It is one the best
locations in the eonnty, and offers rare induce
ments for any person wishing to engage- in Oka
business. There is about ono acre of land av
taohed to the house, upon which is erected a large
frame stable and all necessary - buildings Tor an
establishment of this kind, together. with a com.
modious two story Store Home, well finished ana
in good repair.-- - -
Immediate possession given. ' Fof prloe and
terms of eulepply to, or address,
April 4, 1166-tf. Clearfield,
LIST OF LETTERS remaining-unclaimed
in the Post office at Clearfield Pa oa the 1st
day of April. 1866.
Ashcraft. Thos. Neieel, Miss Kate
Batchelor, John G.N. - Ogden, Moses
Boyorun, Docken Peterman, Miss Ann
Brady, Mrs. Robertson. Ales.
Brooks, Edw. W. Sweet, Geo. H.
Courtney, John Smith, Boardmao
Dickerson, Stael Strickler, Wo.
Fisher. John - . , Sheppard. Tbos. H
Hector. George ' Sheppard, Henry -
Hornet, Jewet G, ' Warren. Geo. W.
Mitchell. W. J. Wilson. George .
M'l'hersin, P. - Woods, Miss flare. JL
Nelson, isaao O. 2 ' "
Persons calling fer letters fa the above Has
will please say tbey are advertised. -
. ,, M. A. FRANK, P. SS
tion of the lot holders of tho Borough of
Clearfield is called to the following Seotton of
the -Supplement of ordinance of April 9ta, 1815,
relating to sidewalks." By a resolution of th
Town Council, passed at its last meeting, the said
section was ordered to be republished in the Be
rough papers lor three successive Weeks, and
then the Street Commissioner be required to
strictly enforce the same: .
Section 3d That all ditches now opened, c
may hereafter be opened, shall be kept openaai)
in repair by the respective lot holders before
whoso lots the ditches pass, and on default of any
lot bolder keeping the ditches in front of bis loU
open and in repair, that it shall be the duty of
the Street Commissioner lo give.Snch lot holder e
written notioe to open or repair the same withla
ten days, and on default of such lot holder to open
or repair the same - the btreat Commissioner shell
open and repair the same at the proper costs ead
charges of the respective lot holders, whioh shall
o collected, wita twenty per eearum added, sn
tho same manner aa is provided ia Section 4 of
Ordinance to which this is a Supplement. 8
order ot tne uonneil. Witt.- J. lUULKH,
March 21, 186A-3t.
Joseph Milliken,
; vs -William
William Decker, A
M P. Morse,
No. 30 March Term 16B
Ejeetmeot for epeoifio Pat
formanees. Sheriff returns.
Defendants not found, and
no person In possession of
premises Now, 20th of March 1866, Plaintiff by
his Attorney, moves for rale on Defendants i
appear and plead to the action, and orderof pub
lication in accordance with the provisions of the
Act of Assembly. 1L li. Swxxrt, PISTe., Att'y.
. Now. 20 of March 1866, Rule granted on De
fendants to appear and plead to the above stated
action of ejectment for a certain piece of land
lying on Andersons creek, in Clearfield coanty,
Pa., (being part of a largo tract known as Wrt
rant No. 5781, and the same premises which tfts
Plaintiff. Joseph Milliken. agreed to convey to the
Defendants, in consideration of the earn of f 300ft,
by article of agreement dated the 15th April,
1865,) returnable at June Term 1804. .
Rule to be published in one newspaper in the
County of Clearfield, sixty days before tbe return
day thereof, and inserted at least three times, iu
accordance with tbe provisions of the act of As
8cuiply in such cases made and provided. .
March 28, 1866 By the Court. (W. O. V.
J O It A C.E OB E E,L E V 8
; niSTORY op mE wau,
"Tbe Americas Cosricv," la Two YoacitnA.
Elegantly illustrated with 144 portraits on stead ;
numerous maps and diagrams of battle fields '
views, etc' 125,000 copies sold;
Volume I. of this History, published aimed
two years later tbtn the first part of nearly every
other, already includes among its patrons full 25.-
000 of the purchasers of those early works, and
is everywhere recognised as the highest authori
ty, even by the author's political opponents.
Volume II. will be ready in' a few months al
the earliest day on which a well-prepared history
of the war can be obtained. The entire wort,
inimitable alike in excellence of plan and detail,
will be vattly superior to any of those now com
pleted,' (most of which were "completed" Unf
before Gen. Grant's report was made,) and fa)
the most satisfactory History of the late stupen
dous struggle altogether unequalled for deaf
ness, fullness, and accuracy of statements, ooa
bined with candor and graphio delineation S
events. .:
If completed as designed, the work will be Mr
thority as to tbe events of the most wonderful -ra
in the history of the Country. A. G. Cubii
Governor of Pa. .. .
It wonld be difficult to place too high an eta
mate on the service Mr. Greely has rendered osr
country by the preparation of this volume.
1 wait the forthcoming of the second volume "W
eager expectation. William D. Kellbt, M
It bears the marks of labor, studied candor sd4
accuracy. William H. Seward, Socretarj
Stats. - , - -
The narrative is simple and clear, with so
of life and spirit in it that it is next to impost
ble not to read a whole chapter without (topplsC-
It will the and ought to be read by H
our eountrymen. Edar Cow ah, 17. S. Stnat-
Its accuracy gives it a value beyond any otbtf
history of that, eventful period. . Tbe great 1&
dustry and impartiality of Mr. Greeley will mat
this the text of all future histories of the Oreat
Rebellion. Thaddxcs Stbvkhs, AT. C.
. Of all the Histories of the Great Rebellloo
which I have examined, this one seems to be tke
best in the copiousness ef it antecedent and eon
current Congressional Keeords. as well as of ut
ereaU of the war itself Schvtlk ColtaX,
Spooler LT. S Hum of JEtys. -
Volume II. will be accompanied (without eft
charge.) by an elegant eopperplate Map of
Seat of War, worth St.OO. bold only by treat
ing agents. Address
O. D. CASE A CO. Poblkbevi,
Marok T, 1866-4t. ,- . Hartford, Coon.