BY S. X E0. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1860. VOK 12!-NO. 31 28 SO 61 109 96 176 47 244 144 25 70 232 J 50 60 166 62 100 76 80 410 210 592 81)9 40 839 40 231 112 165 4 102 116 162 11C 215 73 94 91 162 116 830 153 256 125 S28 153 74 32 433 153 433 153 44 $28 64 ' 69 66 ', 43 26 12 88 " 14. 90 83 46 84 15 rpBlJASUllER'S SALE OF U5SEATKD LAMM fob. taxes , For 1S65 and previous years. ..rm' n.o.av GIVC. that in purines of an Act of A ssem b 1 y p M s- titled "AB AOl TO amcui. .u . . l .aiUnff nnneated lands. L6narald county,'1 and the several .applements thereto, there will be ex pend to Public Sale or pntery. the fol iowia tracts of unseated lands in said iounty, for the taxes .duo and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Bor ough of Clearfield, on the Beeond Mon dyerJone, A.D. 180 : BECCAEIA ToWtfSHIP. j , Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. .Taxes. 58 Peter Miller, 141 43 John Mailer, 58 140 Fred'k Habley, ' 28 "John Bausnjan, ... Fred'k. Ilowman, John Beam, Jeremiah Mosher, Thomas Billlngton, 120 61 Thomas Billington, .'12 87 Sarah Billington, - 2 77 Philip Mysipcope, ' 114 56 John Mysincope, - 74 06 John Funk, 04 Fred'k Ilubley, 49 38 Jficnael Jtusser, 34 40 John Brady, 152 32 Win. Brady, 68 49 J.BIain&E.Blain,112 78 John Witraer, 197 04 Henry Witruer, 185 94 Wm. Wilson, 112 17 Herman Witmer, - 44 81 Jacob Krug, - -. 65 58 John Gibson, - 48 91 Robert W ilson, 86 80 Jeremiah Mosher, 37 96 Peter GetE, : 62 57 Martin Fantz, ' -101 G4 Jacob Fantz, Jr. ; " 91 18 Geo. Musser, ' 101 03 Thotnaa Gibson, .'. 29 90 David Barton, . 119 11 JohnFordney, ; 214 04 Brown and Fulton, 21 74 John Ketland, 35 16 Jacob Krair, - 145 17 Wm. Plunket, 14 81 Jacob Musseramitb, 62 28 Wm. Miller, 54 30 71 SCO 30 126 S00 80 40 So. 0613 42S7 4237 6783 42S7 mi 59n 6W 5SI9 42s 5904 6W6 5907 5915 5919 59U9 5911 !r.i 591 i 5921 5745 .12ao BELL T0WHSHIP. "Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc.' Taxes 101 Henry Beet, $19 70 79 120 Henry Beck,, - . 19 23 8:10 7S Henry Beck. ,.90 59 171 Henry Beck, j , 31 35 93 90 Henry Beck, f 73 42 113. Henry Beck, .; ' 13 26 93 97 Hears Beck, 12 03 500 Jas. M'(hee, ' 56 56 433 Bonj.Gibbs, 113 83 H2 20 Henry Beck, . ,34 43 155 Ira A. Hcbin, 18 12 93 97 Henry Beek, 12 OS 102 82 Nicklin A (irifflth, IS 45 31 123 Nicklin A Griffith, b 03 90 NicdinA (Triffith, 14 52 171 118 Henry Beck,' 22 12 100 Henry Beck, 24 21 1(100 Nicklin Griffith, 242 12 1000 . Nicklin A Unffith, 210 90 1000 Nicklin A Griffith, 224 33 1100 Nicklin AGriflith, 247 65 994 Nicklin Atiriffith, 233 75 920 Nioklin A Griffith, 210 52 300 Nuklind-Griffith,.8l 84 253 Nicklin A Griffith, 61 54 lurt Nicklin AGriffith, 25 64 707 Nicklin AGriffith, 165 4)3 1100 XioclinU,ffitb,2tr 36 1000 Henry Beck, i 121 07 663 Henry Beek. i 69 21 BOGG3 TOWW8HXP. Ac. Per. Wairantees, etc. Taxea. John Thomas, $8 42 John Thomas, 45 69 Joseph Drinker. 43 63 Wm. McCormick, 98 57 Nancy Bqggs, 107 93 Malcolm il 'Donald, 103 24 John Byers, ' 103 24 Barbara Snyder, 21 .60 Georgo Houtman, " 33 71 George Ayres, 65 66 Wm. Trou twine, 65 66 John Keau, , , 61 50 John E. Shaw, 13 86 Luke Kyler, , - 4 37 Joseph Ball, 71 84 John Montgomery, ' 89 39 Richard Thomas, ' 25 64 Barbara Snyder, - II 75 Wm. Wilson, ., . ,' 8 25 Thomas Smith, " 40 90 John Kephart, u .15 43 J. & Thcs.Meeao, 42 00 Richard Waple, - 14 04 29 208 234 413 440 429 42'J 119 132 427 427 400 75 53 266 158 95. 43 GO 205 100 300 160 70 41 41 90 31 61 146 3o. 5928 3590 -3616 Ac. 346 102 159 437 48 30 85 85 75 46 225 100 i 64 100 50 20 50 2 175 3LO0K T0W1TSHI?. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. . Taxes i Nicklim A Griffith, 79 83 322 J,W.Smithr A9 W 100 JohniSeyler, 24 38 50 Geo. L. Read, ,. ; J2 19 5 , Fenton A Spencer, 2 05 84 . .. Levi Clearer, , .28 51 111 Roberts A Fox,' 25 03 1005 159 Roberts A Fox, 172 19 100 - Jacob Bilrer, - 24 33 0 Daridlr wins Est.. 31 25 75 , : Neiper A Harttock 9 92 100 John P. Dale,. 11 10 ; BBABF0RD Xo'wHSHXP. " Per. . Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 60, Hugh Ej,Z $52 92 35 John CropbelV 1 69 HaUk Buck, ; ' ,14 96 17 Polly & M'Lanahan, 48 23 Mat. Sraynaker, 94 Mat. Shtymaker, ' 9 81 Wm. Graham, Jr. 16 79 ' Jno. Hanna, . : 16 79 . Benj. Oliver, ....... 14.97 M oaes Bogga' Heirs, . 4. 30 Janiee Ddbcu, . 33 71 Neheaiah Maines, 16 56 Thoma Holt, 1 - " 1 11 David MsTnea, ' . s 9 2 Joseph Powell,".8;; ; ' 6 35 Daniel Graham i l' , ' 6 75 Lucinda Graham,' 2 54 Horatio D. Hall, i . 6 So John Harrier, 8 18 John Vaughn, 22 23 48 John G. Gray, 5 85 109 . Andrew Pettit, . 29 99 . .. BRADY TOWNSHIP. No.' Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes ' 492 308 Wm. Kirkpatrick,$37 32 3574 102 34Roberts A Fvx, 31 89 626' 215 Conrad Long, 59 80 5861 670 J.B.Smith, 329 67 58771 5879 5881 846 Henry Wykoff, 355 72 6886 J 195 77 Casper Stiver, . 24 13 218 301. Christian Lower, 216 50 2009 650 Roberts A Fox, 319 81 13 521 Christian Lower, 2."6 02 110. 370 Christ Lower, 84 65 80 J. M. Miller's hr s 37 02 ' 100 J. W.Smith. (W. p. II 45 25 Z.S.Welch,- 10 95 100 Baum, 23 40 50 McGairy, 11 70 1434 363 David Kennedy, 113 59 BUBNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ae. 303 303 290 300 424 311 293 111 100 293 150 Per. Warrantees, etc. . John Jones,' : James Chapman,; ', Benj Trasntll, . " : Jerre Williamson, I Mary Crawford. ' i Towu'd Spackman, 2. . Rebecca Brown. . Christian Stake, Leonard Hollis, ' John Birch. John Cumunings, . Taxes $116 25 116 25 101 93 101 67 123 27 174 47 153 86 34 33 17 .15 60 02 SO 71 ; ; CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac.'Per; Warrantees, etc.. Taxes. 258, " I James Ross, $80 13 100 81 Henrv Pole, 48 22 140 "r i Fulton, i 32 65 190 164 Christian Roher, 78 82 256 Miller & Christ, 100 84 22 Miller & Christ, 10 04 108 .Jonathan Kephart, 27 05 50- Nicholas Hagy, 5 18 200 M'Uafley & Mitchell, 45 65 248 " John Tiirert, 20 70 100 : John BrVnneman, 23 32 61 H. & J. Breth, 12 57 ' COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 1891 640 72 Morris A Stewart, $75 42 1893 483 47 Morris A Stewart. 57 07 1940 175 122 Morris A Stewart, 20 66 3649 70 30 Morris A Stewart, 8 23 5367 250 George Mead, 49 25 5377 1100 George Mead, 130 05 350 John Briel. 12 52 1941 183 Barmoy A Bnrnot, 9 87 106 Jno. J. Pickardt, 15 16 ' 80 ' " Jno. J. Pickardt, 11 44 """'"127 Emery A Keiter, 9 03 Ac 417 241 123 408 358 203 210 49 106 49 167 4 262 78 97 67 208 433 152 391 10C 108 37 76 303 90 100 300 281 195 198 100 60 200 125 200 17 83 404 47 137 70 115 41 138 "! DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Per., Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 124 Thos. P. Cope, $163 06 John Drinker, 94 16 John Skyron, 56 09 Rich. Thomas, 159 67 137 Jacob Downing, 140 02 la4 Hugh Ely, 79 46 Henry Drinker, 82 15 Benj. Wilson, 20 51 Jos. Hamilton, 41 33 John Skyron, 19 23 Tbos. C.Cope, 65 28 Wm. Montgomery, 17 9 1 Joseph Sansora, 102 41 John Cannon. 24 01 Thomas Edmundson, 38 25 107 ' Geo. Graff, 26 40 64 Wm.Sansom, 81 33 60 John Anderson, . 169 23 60 Gilbett Vought, 59 42 159 Thos. Billington, 152 89 Thos. Stewaitson, 39 07 Jacob Downing, 39 21 49 Joseph Sansotu, 10 65 99 Wm.Sansom, 29 80 147 Thos. Edmundson, 125 24 John Drinker, . 35 17 Jonathan Kephart, 17 47 Casper Haines, 140 34 Gilbert Vaught, 109 80 Joseph Harrison, 76 18 80 Joseph Harrison, 77 04 Wm. noover, 40 07 Joseph Harrison, 20 45 ; Jonathan Nesbit, 45 20 A. J. Gss, 28 25 . Sam'l. M'Clarren, 45 20 Joseph Sansom, 3 84 136 Joseph Whitehall, 18 75 Charles Risk, 78 92 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 233 159 John Ilambright, $84 94 433 153 Daniel Turner, 50 04 68 Matthias Slough, 22 57 433 153 George Ross, 117 50 74 Lewis Jordan, . 24 63 150 - -A.. Scott, ; ,40 70 60 Hiram Pasmore, "13 68 100 ' Abraham Ogden, . 22 45 24 : Henrv Swan, 14 18 100 John Hambright, 36 60 60 -t Benj. Hartshorn, 25 63 No. 4272 4200 4188 4188 4181 4200 4182 4183 4241 4233 1534 1535 4242 4399 4340 4393 4400 FOX T0WNSHIF. 1 Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. l2i Jas. Wilson, SCO 99 330 ' ' Jas. Wilson, West 22 95 140 Jas. Wilsoa, West p 23 14 250 Jas. Wilson, .41 32 ' 495 ' Jas. Wilson, AY est 51 72 '660 ' Jas. Wilson, 63 20 990 Jas. Wilson, 125 83 '200 Jas. Wilson, " 45 28 937 i Jas. Wilson, 285 11 947 Jas. Wilson, -237 94 20 Jae. Wilson, - 09 - 600 ' Jas. Wilson, 192 55 .293 Jas. Wilson, 90 63 ,372 Jas. Wilson, " i 61-49 188 Jas. Wilson, 35 96 216 . Jas..WDson. 1 T : 5T. 38 100 Lane AHvde, 13 13 ; 90, Balltown Lot, - ,11 82 62 : Httlet Lot, . . . 51 107 , Firman Lot, 1124 50 Giles Lot. 5 25 "100 Hyde.BidwellACoJS 13 , 25 Balltown Lot, 2 94 GIRARD TOWNSHIP 1924 . 503 190 Morris A Stewart $52 20 1918 114 Morris A Stewart, 16 26 1390 254 120 Morris A Stewart, 57 9.2 3647 10; Morris A Stewart, 115 5365 . 60 George Mead,. 6 23 6366 . 563 George Mead, s 64 15 1929 140 Morris A Stewart, ; 24 76 1886 60 Morris A Stewart, 2 27 5352 793 George Mead, 64 22 5376 5353 5357 1925 1923 1937 3647 1929 1930 1886 1916 1387 1927 1923 1890 1$;S 1917 3650 1887 1916 1100 George Mead, 103 07 1100 George Mead, ' 100 54 1100 George Moid. 89 13 345 62 Morris A Stewart, 35 41 153 93 Morris A Stewart, 16 49 123 Morris A Stewart. 1152 " 194 81 Morris A Stewart, 8 76 30 22 Morris A Stewart, & 72 134 Morris A Stewart, 16 68 771 77 Morris A Stewart. 86 05 323 22 Morris A Stewart, 37 42 3S7 44 Morris A Stewart, 43 50 53 79 Morris A Steward, 6 87 409 Morris A Stewart, 4197 187 F Berthaud's Es't. 10 7 543 Morris A Stewart, 62 46 314 Morris A Stewart, 23 38 126 , . Morns A Stewart, 15 76 456 Morris & Stewart, 57 13 75 Moiris A Stewart, 5 95 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. 52S9 5290 5291 5325 1903 1912 1831 1915 1923 1923 1922 5324 5326 5327 5329 5330 1911 Ac. Per. 300 330 483 1100 200 376 433 j 300 153 333 100 152 : 1213 67 1100 1113 120 1100 , 1100 ' 100 Warrantees, etc. Wm. Mapes, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart. Morris A Stewart, George Mead, -George Mend. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Morris A Stewart, Taxes $55 83 113 31 107 99 i-76 05 67 13 18 30 25 62 104 03 114 92 11 70 55 82 242 58 229 35 242 58 229 35 229 35 20 85 GEAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac Per.- Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 297 . Thos. P. Cope, $77 24 149 . John Skyron, 47 16 145 T. Cope, 39 48 103 . Jas-Milligan, . 30 71 109 Geo. Moore, 38 53 250 Jno. Fry, Jr. 66 98 382 . Joseph Simons, 103 28 348 Josoph Harrison, 113 37 100 Charles Hall, 32 58 41 C. J. Allport, 16 38 431 114 11 man Gratz, 189 30 336 114 Robt. Shaw, 146 71 100 Robt. Shaw, 43 71 50 Jno. Skyron, 4 17 100 Jno. Donaldson, 13 88 66 101 B. D. Schoonovcr, ; 9 14 Ac. 225 "II 305 335 100 48 349 134 158 433 S56 108 260 98 119 193 433 433 237 210 215 436 433 216 436 214 400 No 573 5674 5675 5066 5067 4263 4264 4199 6K72 4207 49H2 4238 4225 4S90 5061 5063 4225 4236 2000 2001 3592 1933 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. . Per. " Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 64 48 151 114 96 153 69 121 122 153 153 48 75 145 153 153 145 John Witmer, Pigot Shaw, Ueo. Baker, Benj. Wilson, $101 61 12 62 123 81 -135 98 Richard Atherton, 40 61 Geo. Moore, 21 67 'Geo. Moore, 141 86 Philip Glpninger, 6153 John M'Cahen, - 72 56 Edward Hand, " 163 52 Enintinel Reigart, 134 25 Geo. Moore, 140 74 John M'Cahen. 117 39 John Lampblack,- 44 26 Christian Stake, ' 53 74 Matthias Young, 87 55 Christian Hager, . 195 65 Georg Musscr, 195 65 Ttwrs. Yedler, 107 01 Daniel OBTrey, 94 83 Geo. Baker, Jr. 97 08 Timothy Paxton, 196 84 John Bulge, 195 65 John Musser, Jr. 97 51 Joa. Ashbright, 196 84 W. D. Hagerty, 68 44 Fox & Louther, 36 40 HUSTON TOWNSHIP- Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes 200 J. G. Kidder, $76 73 195 Jlavid Caldwell, 66 48 1 041 Moore A Delaney, 399 20 1041 , Moore A Delaney, 399 20 1041 Moore A Delaney, 399 20 9911 Wm. Powers, 379 69 877 Wm. Powers, 338 40 990 James Wilson, 171 40 990 Jauies Wilson, - 171 66 990 James Wilson, 171 66 347 27 Moore A Delaney, 91 95 83 lo James Wilson. 237 99 420 Wilhelm Willink, 143 12 490 James Wilson. 143 21 740 James Wilson, 216 27 124 Wilhelm Willink, 22 63 1113 - William Powers, 157 65 375 E. Shoemaker, 118 70 101 E. Shoemaker, 31 97 298 Wm. Powers, 94 32 250 James Wilson, 73 07 500 Jauies Wilson. 146 13 1020 Roberts A Fox," 366 44 10H9 Roberts A Fox, 391 29 900 Roberts A Fox, 252 12 429 33 Roberts A Fox, "125 35 1000 Abel DuBois, 121 25 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per.' Warrantees, etc. .. .Taxes. 433 153 Richard Peters, $179 18 433 153 Fred Beates, ' 165 56 433 153 John Dunwoodie, ' " Itb 58 274. Adam Kuhn, 102 58 202 Ebenezer Brenham, 71 9A 103 Adam Kuhn, 41 12 433 153 Thos. Martin, - 15151 333 Robert Martin. , , 112 35 433. 153 Richard Martin, 73 33 91 135 Philip Loast, 25 39 . 70 jr. Wm. Johnson, . 19 47 100 ' Philip Loast, . 9 05 100 -. 1 Jonathan Jones, . . 30 60 150 . Wm. Wilson. : : 23 45 100 Richard Martin, . 15 63 XARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Ac- Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 513 95 MorrisAStwart,$101 08 550 120 William Smith, 95 42 573 120 William Smith, 98 62 78 . Charles Willink, . 7 76 88 - - Charlea Willink, 13 11 No. 1944 1429. 3552 1093 1023 3475 j 638 147 Chaclee Willink, 1093 253 130 Charles Willink, 1095 -124 103 Charles Willink, 1096 885 Charles WHink,. 1097 j 436 113 Charles Willink, 3465 58 62 Charles Willink, 3466 259 113 Charles wuuna:, Charles wunnn, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, 1097 .-.100 I 100 1097 100 1093 : 79 3463 ) -3475 S52 59 : 43 . 5412 93 5412 1 Charles WilliaK, Charles Willink, J. R. M Cloekey, Arnold Custard, Win. Michaels, 62 8$ 30 30 12 23 75 17 50 27 8 21 30 82 14 15 , 5 55 13 65 ' 4 39 109 86 . 8 37 , 11 75 9 45 16 93 1655 1097 1098 1097 1097 1096 1096 3466 ; 3467 i 200 957 I 125 25 50 66 500 122 133 83 700 89 13 ! 106 Wm. Michaels, ' 16 65 132 HewsMyers,Fisherl35 43 Charles Willink, 19 09 Charles Willink, 3 82 Charles Willink, 7 64 Charles Willink, 95 W. Schnarrs.A Co. 69 38 Daniel Yothers. 16 93 Christian Brown. 18 43 Mary Eggans, 10 54 Willard. 33 85 T. A J. White, 4 94 T. A J. White, 1 00 Thos. Myers, 5 89 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 437 4S Reuben Haynes, $179 94 435 50 Luther Morris, 179 60 433 153 Joseph Billiard, 179 23 433 153 Robert Gray, 179 29 429 41 John Bringhurst, 178 60 433 153 Sarah Ward, 179 28 433 153 George Eddy, . 179 28 433, 153 Moore Wharton, 179 29 433 153 George Ash ton, 145 97 129 John Dofsey. 29 35 72 Thos. Jordan, . 2 73 25 Geo. Fox. 9 93 433 153 Isabella Jordan, 179 23 200 Silas Cox. 17 70 227 G. A M. M'Cormick, 55 38 90- Thompson AEgelman, ' 42 11 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 148 75 293 George Wostcott. 100 76 173 153 Robert Wharton, 60 39 433 153 George Seaff, . 143 75 225 John Boyd. 57 33 109 Susannah Ward. 34 03 255 G.AM M'Cormick, , 65 04 100 . Henry Trout, ' 43 20 14 George Bowman, 2.66 84 Charles Senate's estate, 3 85 75 Peter Whiteside, 2483 200 George Ashton, 33 30 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees. eto. Taxes 221 Hugh Jordan, $54 93 413 John Read. 102 63 52 114 Rudolph l.itx, 12 93 90 Robert Mitchell 39 29 6 " James Alexander, 4 50 6 L. J. Crans, 5 52 5293 726 George Mend, 52 95 5296 1167 47 George Mead, 10113 5297 1213 67 George Mead, 105 05 235 Wm. Montgomery, 83 93 36 JohnMcPherson, 7 91 74 J. M, Macumber, 16 25 9 M.W. Snyder, 1 63 41 J. B. McHnally, 5 22 41 J.B.Shaw, 5 22 153 E.Iriwn A Sons. 14 61 176 E. Irwin A Sons, 16 76 240 E. Irwin A Sons, 22 86 137 ' E. Irwin A Song, 17 40 . 490 Er Irwin A SonsT 45 33 MORRIS TOWNSHIP.' , Warrantees, eto L, Taxes. George Wetxel, I $100 41 Wm. Werts, 61 46 Christian Werta, 81,63 David Lauck, 93 13 Jesse Yarnell, ' 89 10 Joseph Turner, 109 89 Joseph Turner, 109 89 Joseph Turner, 109 89 George Uabecker, 104 64 - Peter Yarnell, 74 93 Wm. Drinker, 70 51 11. S. Drinker, 101 79 Richard Thomas, 35 73 John Road, 78 34 Michael Souder, 64 94 Patrick Hays, 42 47 Robert Glenn, 57 83 Francis Johnson, 32 39 Robert Rainy, 19 00 Thomas Morris, 108 29 William Morris, 103 29 Samuel Meredith, 103 29 William Miller, 103 29 Hetty Morris, . 108 29 Thos Fizsimons, 103 29 " Geo, Clymer, , 103 29 Robert Gray, 108 29 ' Patrick Moore, 103 29 Mary Morris. 108 29 Magnus Miller, 10S 29 Nalbio Fraiey, .- 103 29 John Houston, 99 90 Clem Stockes, 89 09 John Vaughn. 103 29 Jonathan Nesbit, 103 29 Blair M'Lanahan, 39 92 William Stewart, 93 02 James Wilson, 23 19 Robert Morris, 24 98 William Morris. 22 43 Richard R. Smith, 71 80 James Smith. 32 23 Christopher Baker, 30 49 Isaac Farlow, 29 40 Patrick Hays, 20 65 Conrad Swarts, 66 87 Nicholas Reidenour, 24 19 Robert Carson, 99 45 , Mathias S'ongh, 79 08 Joseph Hnbley, 55 24 Jacob GrafT,. 38 57 John Graff, 1 25 Frederick Hubley, 82 20 William Bigler, 14 70 ' Mott A Johnson, 8 85 Sioionfirati, , , 48 95 Hillary Baker, -19 92 Joseph Potter, . 16 92 Francis Johnson, - 11 94 Joseph Nicholson, 4 40 ' Joseph Potter. - ,5 44 , , PENN TOWNSHIP . No. Ac. , Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 5951 107 , Nicklin A Griffith. $10 02 6964 647 Nicklin A Griffith, 133 80 5962 63 Elijah Heath- 13 53 ; 163 1 Greenwood Bell, 39 03 Ac. Per. 402 205 327 ' ' - 373 421 440 65 440 109 410 20 423 300 -232 4 2 407 92 143 63 349 140 260 170 141 272 16 183 . 133 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 . 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433. 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 400 433 433 433 170 438 105 100 90 90 1 22 407 139 244 231 . 100 100 267 137 434 375 209 210 143 6 400 100 100 ; ' 222 150 96 136 50 62 19 , 40 95 91 FIXE TOWNSHIP No. Ac. Perl Warrantees, etc 57S1 750 John Nicholson, 5778 200 John Nieholsen, 4262 990 JamesWilson, 4252 957 James Wilson, 5777 510 . 12 John Nicholson, r 5777 510 12 John Nicholson, 5776 529 John Nicholson, 1429 70 S. Blodget, , 450 Daniel Bailey, " 145 Thomas Jordan, ' : 184 Thomas Magee, 185 Thomas Magee. 4020 476 Wm. S. Roberts, ' - 296 R. W.M'Naul, - 5779 111 . Z. Bailey. 460 Z. M'Naul, 5 : 200 ' Raehael Kratser, 5776 278 , : Johp Hichowen, 5776 369 : John Nicholson, 5776.475 80 John Nicholson, c . Taxes $56 86 20 18 91 35 101 m 54 56 54 66 46 91 14 00 30 64 42 35 43 27 49 13 ' 39 44 16 79 6 27 26 06 ' II 50 i 15 87 21 22 27 32 . UNION TOWN SHIP No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes . . T25 Roberts A Fox, 52 01 3593 3S0 Roberta A Fox, m 35 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Warrantees, eto. Taxes. John Vaught, $177 15 John Walls, 186 55 John Roll 177 15 Wm. Wilson,, . 40 50 ' John Caunon, 141 34 Israel Wheel an, 113 70 Samuel Emlen, 63 17 Peter Henny, 29 21 Hugh Balaton, 27 89 Thos. Neel, 33 10 Thos. Maston, 33 49 Mary Neil, . 88 53 Mary Connelly, 94 33 Benj. Johnson, . . . 27 46 Jlegarky, 91 69 M'Cahen, 101 85 Mary Connelly, 17 41 Ro'and Evaus, 40 90 Pigot Shaw, 133 52 Sebastian Graff, 88 32 Thos. Edmonson, 179 15 Daniel Otney, 122 95 John Musser, jr. 122 11 Eli Uootman, . 40 83 Mary Sandwich, . 20 17 Philip Loast, 146 49 J. R. Howell. 146 49 Wm. Johnson, 146 49 George Beckham, 33 86 Charles Uight 107 70 Daniel Turner, ' 103 00 Peter Lowden, ' 65 26 Charles Lowden, 23 01 Mary Sandwich, . 17 78 Isaac Wilson, 42 51 Mary Connell 18 83 George Ashton, 6 00 John M'Connell, ' 4 94 John Low. 17 53 . D. W. MOORE, Treas r. March 23, 1366-ta. Ac. Per. 433 153 456 159 ' . 433 153 ' 100 412 41 433 153 263 153 5 140 215 5 263 355 300 100 433 333 145 , 57 143 100 334 42 215 433 73 433 105 433 133 121 183 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 63 248 237. 170 91 136 189 41 85 40 150 Per. rjiREASUREIt'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Returned to the County Commission ers by the Collectors of theseveral town ships and boroughs lor the taxes due and nnpaid thereon for the year 1365 and previous years, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly in such case wade and provided. In pursuance whereof the said Treasurer will expose the said property to public sale at the 'Court House, in Clearfield, on the, 2d Monday of June next, (the 11th day.) BBCCARIA TOWNSHIP. To whom assessed. Taxes. B. A. Byers, $11 85 Elvina Barge. . 2 75 Jeremiah Cooper, fl 00 Duey Douglass, 17 94 : Thos. Weston, 171 07 James Gill, 7 25 BRLC TOWSSHIP. Wm. M. Barrett, '""""ITO John Christman.' 12 90 Samuel T. Hoover, . 7 74 : Mechjjey A Pantille, 9 68 ' V BOGGS TOWKSBir. ' . . - Blake Gray, -8 58 XeviSealy, , , , 14 71 BKADFORP TOWNSHIP. Henry Underkoffer, 10 89 Thomas Butler, : 4 77 John Harrier. - 9 76 Henry Underkoffer,, , i 11 BURS SI OK TOWNSHIP. Leonard Hollis, . 27 45 Samuel Snyder. 23 36 John Kieg's estate, 14 63 JamesMo Creery, 3 51 Sarah Oakes, 1 47 BRADY TOWNSHIP. Jas. H Adams, 6 31 . Richard Arthurs. 23 70 Robert S. Cat hers, 75 59 Alex Dunlap, jr. 17 55 Geo. Ell inger's heirs, 10 77 Peter Hoover, 1170 . Samuel Gelnet, 5 85 Henry Hand, 6 15 David M Gary, 17 55 Peter Hoover, 5 85 Ac 100 20 140 156 300 43 100 100 60 75 60 164 ' One lot, One lot, 44 100 100 100 10 ;4 36,1-1.. 31 , 323 125 62 100 20 35 100 One lot, CUBWENSVILLB BOROUGH. 2 lots, ' James Locke, 10 95 CHEST TOWNSHIP. 53 ' . David Michaels. i 4 27 25 Nathaniel Noble, 4 23 50 John Wallace, 13 53 97 John Byer, 12 45 20 Joseph Breth, . 2 06 90 James Sterenson, 9 47 8 Wni. Selfridge, 5 15 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 50 David Kephart, Jr. 17 93 13 Jonathan Kephart, 6 81 10 John G. White, 4 00 81 Henry McMuIlin, 14 62 FERGCSON TOWNSHIP. 93 Wm. Barrett, 1540 50 Scott Curry, 6 55 150 .bhn H. Ferguson, 24 57 200 Paul White, 26 20 GIRARD TOWNSniP. 100 Luzier A Livergood, 9 05 100 Henry Martle, 12 23 109 Alex Wiard, 10 77 50 Thos. Lazier, . ,.575 102 Abraham Lansberry, .14 03 100 Wm .Phoenix,-. 11 73 49 . j , , . Tbos Stone, , ; 6 91 GOSI.ICH TOWNSHIP. 125 " Robert Henderson, 17 09 338 Haslet, Turner A Co., ; 92 23 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. ' 50 - Thos. Owens, 9 08 400 ' 'Wm. Pusey, 79 23 2 lots, . Joseph Wood, 37 1 21 Morgan, Orr A Co., . 23 24 100 : . Thos. Rca, ; 29 87 KARTHACS TOWNSHIP. 1 80 Jas. Askey, 10 35 200 . Henry Culvey, - - 17 20 43 - ElishaTickner, 25 ' . Jno. Hartsock, 4 17 130 Andw. Long, 18 60 50 Jno. M'Gonigal .5 55 KNOX TOWNSHIP. ' 25 - Wm.Robison, 2 77 14 J. M. Chase, - - 1 55 ' TXVBBR CITT BOTO0OB. HouseAlot, David Denmark, Slots, O. W Gray, - : . MORRIS TOWNSHIP. 50 . . Ason Jones, -180 . Michael Quigley, : NW WASHINGTON BOROUGH, f Tr-ai. a 1L Hnvh Gallairher. " '2 22 House A lot, Johnlrvin's estate, 11 00 . pass TOWNSHIP. 57' s , Wm. Beck, .. U 5 John Flynn, 16 . A K. Wright- UNION TOWNSHIP. 50 : ; W. H. Boose, 60 I- . Leander Denning, - -WOODWARD TOWNSHIP J. K. Davis, James M'Kee, ; -Truman Root, 50 80 1 loV Apt. 1 39 4 36 13 05 9 85 1 06 2 43 8 23 13 32 7 05 8 46 r 4i D. W. MOORE, Treas'r. ' Select ?at tnj. THE ANGEL'S GIFT. Out among the sunny meadows With the sunshine in her hair, ' Binding into sheaves the shadows . That are falling here and there; Singing through the duskyjvalleys; Chasing echoes np and down, Goes the little maiden Lucy, With her locks of shadowy brown. Four sweet summer-times have risen - From the green lapTf the spring. And the beauty of their garments Has been over every thing ; Four times have the autumn meadows Been with golden fruitage ripe, Since" the augels left her lying 'Neath the pearly gate of life. Down and do wn the sunny future Lies the way that she must tread, Very fair it is and pleasant. With the sunshine overhead ; May the white bands of the angels Guide her gently where-the light Reaches to the far-off glory " : That is never dim with light! . PROCLAMATION OF PEACE ! ; The President Declares the Insurrection in the Southern States Ended. : By tlue President of tfte United States : ' Whereas, by proclamation on the 15th and 19th of April, 1861, the lresident of the United States, in virtue ot the power vested in him by the Constitution and the laws, declared that the law of the United States were opposed and the execution there of obstructed in the States of South" Caro lina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississip pi, Louisiana and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordi nary course of Judicial proceedings, or by the,powers vested in the Marshal by Jaw ; and n UETEAS,By anotl er proclamation,iuade on the ICth day ot August, in the same year, in pussuancc ot an act of Congress, approved July, 1861, the inhabitants of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee,-Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Florida, ex cept the inhabitants of that portion of Vir ginia lying west of the Alleghany moun tains, and to such other parts of the other States before named as might maintain a lo cal adhesion to the Union,and the Constitu tion, or might be from time. to time occupied and controlled by the forces of the United States engaged in the dispersion of, the in surgents, were declared to be in a state of insurrection against the United ctates, and Whereas, By another proclamation on the 1st day of July; 1862, issued in pursu ance of an act of Congress, approved "June 7th, of the same year, the insurrection was declared to be still existing in the States aforesaid, with the exception of r certain specified "counties in the State of Virginia, and - Whereas, By another proclamation, made on the 2d of April,' 1863, in pursuance of an act of Congress ot July 13th, 1861, the exceptions named in the proclamation of August 16, 1801,' were revoked; and the inhabitants of the States of Georgia,South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ala bama, Louisiaua, Texas Arkansas, Missis sippi, Florida, and Virginia, except the forty-eight counties of Virginia, designated as West Virginia, and the porta of New Or leans, Key West, Fort Royal, and Beaufort, in South Carolina, were declared to be in a state of insurrection against the United States; .and ' '"' '" Whereas, The House of: Representa tives on the 22d-of July, 1861 adopted a resolution in the words following, viz : Jiesolved, By the House of Representa tives pf the Congress ot the United Mates, that the present - deplorable, civil war has been forced upon the country by the disun ionists of the Southern States, now in re volt against the Constitutional government ana in arms around the capital ; that m this national emergency Congress, banishing all feelings of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty to the whole country, that this war is not waged on our part in anv sDirit of ODnression, nor for any purpose of conquest or aubjugation, nor purpose of overthrowing or intericring wim me ngu or established institutions of these States, but to maintain and defend the supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the Union with all its dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired, and that as soon as these objects are aceoaiplish ed the war ought to cease ; and ' And Whereas, The Senate of. the Uni ted States, on the 25th of July, 1861, adop ted a resolution in the words following, viz : Resolveil; By the Senate of the Congress of the United States, that the present .de plorable eivil war has been forced upon the country by the disuniouists of the Southern States now in jevolt against ! the- Constitu tional government and in arms around the capital; that in this national emergency; Congress, r banishing all ; feelings of, mere passion or resentment will recollect only its duty to the whole country ; that this war is not waged on our part in any spirit of op pression, nor for any purpose of conquest or subjugation, .nor for the purpose ot over throwing or interfering with right or estab lished institutions of those States, bat to maintain and defend the supremacy ;of the .Constitution and to preserve the Union with all the dignity, equality and, rights of the several States unimpaired, and that as soon as these objects are accomplished the war ought to cease. . ; . ,.: ' ; .- ; . And Whereas, These resolution, though not joint or concurrent in form, are substan tially identical, and as such, may be regard-; ed as having ."expressed the sense "of Con gress upon the subject to which they relate i. : And Whereas, By ray proclamation of the 13th of June last,' the insurrection in the State of Tennessee was declared to have been suppressed,' the authority of the U nited States therein to bo undisputed, and such United States officers a had been duly commissiond to be in the undisputed exer cise of their official functions. -'- -' ' And Whereas, There now exists no or ganized armed resistance of the misguided ki ucus ur oiucrs w me autnonty of the United States in the States of Georgia, South Camlinia. Virginia Vnrli i i . . leanessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas. i.xiussit,t miu i.-iriua, luiu . me., laws can be sustained and enforced thtwin hv nMwn. civil authority, State or Federal ;. and., the teotle of the said States nn ur..TI r7,-o1 fy disposed, and have conformed, or will conform, in their legislation to the condi tion af affaire growing out of the amemd- ment to tne tjonstituticn ol the . United States prohibiting slavery within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States: a t r w . asi v hereas, in view of the before recited premises, it is the manifest deter mination of thf Amorwvin ruvtnlA !, A state, of its own accord, will have the right or power ro go out oi or separate itselrtrom, or be 8eparated from the American Union, and that therefore each State ought to re main and constitute an integral part of the United '-fates ; And WnERtAS, The people of thesever al before mentioned States have, in manner aforesaid, given satisfactory evidence that they acquiesce in this sovereign and import ant resolution of the National unity; Axd Whereas, It is believed to be jl fund amental principle of government that people who have revolted, and who have been over come and subdued, must either be dealt with so as to induce them voluntarily to be come friendly or else they must be held by absolute military power; or devasted so as to prevent them from ever again doing harm as enemies, which last named policy is ab horent to humanity and freedom ; And Whereas, The Constitution of the United States provides for constitutional communities only as Stated; nd not as ter ritories, dependencies, provinces or protec torates ; And WnEREAS, Such constituent States must necessarily be and by the Constitution and laws ot the United States are made equals and placed on a like footing as to political rights, immunities, dignity and power with the several States with which they are united ; . - And Whereas, The observance of. po litical equality as a principle of .right and justice iswell calculated to encourage the people of the aforesaid States to, be and be come more and more constant and persever ing in their renewed allegiance ; And Whereas, Standing armies, milita ry occupation, martial law, : military tribu nals, and suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus are in time of peace dangerous to public liberty,. : incompatible with individual rights of citizens, contrary tp the genius and spirit of our free institu tions, and exhaustive of the JJatiou al re sources and ought not therefore to be sanc tioned or allowed, except in cases of actual necessity for repelling invasion or isuppresa ing insurrection or rebellion ; And WheheaS, The policy of the Gov ernment of the United States from the be ginning of the insurrection to its final sup- pressjon, has been in conformity . with the principles herein set forth and enunciated : therefore, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare that the insurrection which hereto- Carolina, North Carolina, Virginnia, Ten nessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas. Mississippi and Florida, is at an Chd, ana henceforth to be so regarded. - . . . , ;, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto "set my hand and caused the seal of the Uni ted States to Ikj affixed. Done at the City of Washington the second day of April, in the year tf our Lord J8M, ; and of the independence of the United States of America the ninetieth. . i. (Signed,) k Andrew JonssoN. " By the President: . Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. A punctual man is rarely a poor mannd never a man of doubtful credit. His small accounts arc frequently settled, and be uev cr meets with difficulty in raising money to pay large demands. Small debts neglected ruin credit and when a man has lost that ho will find himself at the bottom of a hill. he cannot ascend. . George N. Sanders, ; of rebel . notoriety, and accused of ebeing an accessory to the. as sassination of President Lincoln, has been arrested in London for debt. He; eem.- to have walked into tho good ' graces of his f rienda to the extent of aKont $50,0W : : i - Southerners" are buying" ' ffice reSTileTices in the fashionable parts of. Boston. Over twenty first-class houses there have JateJy been purchased by Southerners, who, aay they made fortunes -during -Ltlie ' war and have come North to Invest it . Two men were accommodated with lodg ing at one of the Philadelphia station houses last week,- who, ten years ago, were leading and influential merchants. . , Rum sent them to the watch-house. ' -v - .". ' . - General Nye, says Congress may be able to reconstruct the Southern States, but neither they nor the (levil will ever be1 able to reconstruct their women, ' they are par feotly owitf. ( . ;,,' -; ' - 'i G-on ; RntW hast rone to MasMJwb niiM in try a ease involving aT claim, of. $1,000,000, made by one Borrill agairwt the city of Bos ton for furnishing troops to &Uth.quota of thatcity.. ."" . . Under the head, of l ArmHfnt" r.hfl rt-tn. ten Transcrinl chronvoJp trie nromntarrival of a railroad train. It was an unusual event. unexpected by hackmeD, porters and hotel keepers. . ' ' , In Great Britain' th letter h if drawn from 'me, . form 'ope, from 'eaven, into hexile, hanguish, and hanxiety. n r- lij f'f' it f V ? h t r , t-- s nr