Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 17, 1866, Image 2
'St t m : :r !; Ill He v it - l-v-. 1 ? I . Uv ii I 5 ft id Raftsman's $0ttrnal. ! S. J. BOW, DITOR ASD PROPRIETOR. CLEARFIELD, PA., JAN. 17, 18C6. The Fisheries of Pennsylvania. One of the most respectable assemblages of citizens of Pennsylvania, that has been convened m the Mate capital lor many yeais says the Ilarrisburg Telegraph, was . that of the delegates to the Fish Con vention which met in the ITouse of Repre sentatives on the 10th. Six hundred dele gates presented credentials as representa tives of different localities. It was compos ed of earnest and energetic men, met togeth er for the advancement of an object involv ing questions of almost vital importance to the masses of the people. At all times, the question of cheap food is worthy the at tention of the business man and the legisla tor ; and any movement calculated to secure this economy in the price of the necessaries of life, is deservieg the support of influen tial men of all parties. The opening of the Susquehanna river to the free passage of fish, by the alteration or the dams now obstructing that stream and its tributaries, has for years past been felt as one of ' stern necessity. When the corporations which now own dams in those streams, were allowed the right to erect such works it was never fbr a moment supposed that the result would be the destruction of the fisheries. Those streams were regarded as puouc ui2h-ways. vv hen their use was conceded to corporations, it was not con templated that from such u.-e, by other par ties, their products, which are really the gift of God, would be imparled and hopeless ly ruined. But such has been the case, Jbxteusive and valuable hhcnes, at one time employing many people, which created larsre revenues and afforded cheap food for the laborer, have been abandoned, because the dams thus erected in these streams pre vented the passage offish to those waters. Sci ence and mechanism have since demonstrat ed the tact that uams can b erected so as to afford the passage fo fish. It has also been established that dams can be altered so as to secure this object. Other States, by these means, have restored "fisheries im paired by this influence, and the people living along streams in Pennsylvania, which once abounded with fish, but which have been gradually drawn hence to other waters to spawn and multiply, now only ask for a restoration of blessings bestowed by God, as a free offering to all It is not for a mo ment' doubted that the Legislature will fail to pass the necessary laws to secure this great object. Election of State Treasurer. The re-election of William II. Kemble, as State Treasurer, which took place on Janu ary 10th, is a compliment to a faihful pub lic ofSccr, and the acknowledgment of the abilities and integrity of a financier who has never been excelled in the Treasury Depart ment. To-day, no State in the Union pre sents a clearer financial sheet than Pennsyl vania. Her debt is of course' large, but its prospective liquidation was never more en couraging, while in the face of this "indebt edness, and while its -reduction is steadily going on, the fact that the State Treasurer can recommend a repeal of certain taxation now resting heavily on the poor, shows how vast are our resources and how earnest are his efforts to put them to the best uses of the people. , Coal continues so scarce and dear at many points where even railroad facilities exist, that Indian corn is actually used as a sub stitute at various places in the West ! At Janesville, Ohio, according to the Gazette of that town, the Corn Exchange Company use corn for fuel as cheaper than coal ! When we know that thousands upon thou sands of laborers in our large cities are out of employment, it is surprising that wages and every necessary of life should have fall- en so little since the close of the war. Who can explain the cause? What is our home industry worth, if it cannot or will not be employed? A petition to Congress, now being circu lated for signatures, commences as follows : "The undersigned, wome of the United States, respectfully ask an amendment to the Constitution that shall prohibit the sev eral States from disfranchising. &ny oi their citizens on the ground of sex. ' The lobbies of Congress are now bilious with borers having in hand any quantity of ralroad projects. Congress is not the only legislative body threatened by this influence. One of the instructive scenes daily wit nessed in the South, is reconstructed con federates selling spelling books to recently franchised contrabands. There were sixty-two homicides and sixty rw suicide in New York during the past yeer. The Trial of Jeff. Davis. to-dav transmitted to the Senate a message 7 i i. ii VI a. in reply to a resolution calling upon mm w nforin'that body upon what charge Jeffer- son Davis is c .nfined and why! he is .not brought to trial. The" President encloses reports from the Secretary of War and At torney uenerai, and at tne same ume invites the attention of the SeDate to that portion of his annual message which refers to Con- cress the Question connected with the hold ing or (Jircuit Lourts ot the United states within the districts where their authority has been intercepted : War Department, Jan. 4, 1806. Sir: In reply to the annexed Senate resolutions, passed December 21, 1865, referred to me by you tor report, 1 have the honor to state f irst, lhat Jenerson Davis was captur ed by United States troops in the State of Georgia, on or about the 10th day ot Dlay, 1865, and by order of this Department has l J ? 1 T? . f I oeen ana now is cununcu in x-oriress i'iuu- roe. to aoiue sucn action as may oe iah.en by the proper authorities ot the united States Government. Second. That he has not been arraigned upon any indictment or iormai cnarge oi . r a i r crime, but has been indicted lor the crime of high treason by the Urand Jury oi the District or Columbia, which indictment is now pending in the Supreme Court of the said District. lie is also charged with the crime of inciting the assassination of Abra ham Lincoln, and with the murder of Un ion prisoners oi war. bv starvation and oth er barbarous and cruel treatment towards them. Third. The President deeming it expe dient that Jefferson Davis should first be put upon his trial before a competent court and jury for the crime of treason, lie was advised by the law omcer ot the Govern ment that the most proper place for such trial was in the State of V lrginia. That State is within the judicial circuit assigned to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who has held no court there since the ap prehension of Davis, and whb declines for an indefinite period to hold any court there. 1 he matters above stated are, so lar as 1 am informed, the reasons for holding Jeff erson Davis in confinement, and why he has not been put upon trial. f ourth, lieside Jenerson I'avis, the lol- lowing persons, who acted as officers of the i.iii i : J reuei vjuvci uujeiit, arc uuprisuucu, n ii. Clement C. Clay, at fortress Monroe, charged among other things with treason, with complicity in the murder ot Mr. Ian coin, and with organizing bands of private robbers, and murderers in Canada, to burn cities aed ravage the commerce and coasts of loyal States on the British frontier. D. L. Yulee, at Fort Pulaski, charged with treason while holding a seat in the feenate of the United States, and with inciting war and rebellion against the Government. S K. Mallory, at Fort Lafayette, charged with treason, and with organiziug and set ting on loot piratical expeditions against the United states commerce and marine on the high sea. Other officers of the so-call ed Confederate Government in reference to this prosecution, and that for alleged offen ces on their application for amnesty and vizi! .-i. iiivii vuvot ui v . .a m vuiiuiui secretary oi the ireasury: John A. Camp bell, Assistant Secretary of War; James A. Seddon, Secretary of War : John II. Rea gan, Postmaster General : R. M. T. Hun Ur, Senator; Alexander II. Stephens, Vice President, and sundry other persons of less note. E. M. Stantox, See'y of War, Attorney General's Ofeice, January 4, 1866. Jo the President : SIR: 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from you of a copy of the resolution of the Senate of the Uuited States, of date the 21st of December, 1865. In that resolution the Senate respectfully request to be informed on what charges and for what reasons Jeff erson Davis is still held in confinement, and why he has not been put upon trial I When the war was al its crisis Jefferson Davis, the commander-in-chief of the army of the insurgents, was taken prisoner, with other prominent rebels, by the military for ces ot the United btates. It was the duty ot the military so to take them. They have been heretotore, and are yet fceld as prison ersofwar. Though active hostilities have ceased, a state of war still exists in the ter ritory in rebellion. Until peace shall come in fact, and in law, they can rightfully be held as prisoners ot war, I have ever thought that trials for treason cannot be held before a military tribunal The civil courts have alone jurisdiction of that crime. The question then ris:s, where and when must the trials thereof beheld? In that clause of the constitution mention ed in the resolution oi the fcenate, it is plainly written that they must be held in the otate and district wherein the crime shall have been committed. I know that many persons of learning and ability entertain the opinion that the commander-in-chief of the rebel armies should be regarded as con structionally present with all the insurgents who prosecuted hostilities, and made raids upon the northern and southern borders of the loyal States. This doctrine of construc tive presence, earned out to its logical con sequence, would make all who had been connected with the rebel armies liable to tri al in any State and district into which any portion of these armies had made the slight est incursion. Not being persuaded of the correctness of that opinion, but regarding the doctrine mentioned as i doubtful, con- stitutionallv. I have thought it not proper to advise you to. cause criminal proceedincs to be instituted against Jefferson Davis or any other insurgent in the States or dis tricts m which they were not actually pres ent during the prosecution qt hostilities. Some prominent rebels were personally present at the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, but all or nearly all of them received military paroles upon the surren der of the rebel armies. Whilst I think that those paroles are not an ultimate pro tection for TWrRivnr.inn for hich trfiasnn. T have theught that it would be a violation of the paroles to prosecute those persons for crimes before the political rower of the Jxovcrnment has proclaimed that the rebel lion has been suppressed. it tollows, Irom what I have said, that aJn the Pinion tnt Jefferson Davis and others of the insurgents ought to be tried in some one of the States or districts m which they may be charged. Though active hostilities and flagrant war have not for some time existed between the United States and tbe insurgents, peaceful relations between the Government and the people in the States and districts in rerjelhon have not yet been fully restored. None of the justices of the Supreme Court have held : tvg states ana aistncis since actual hostilities ceased, vnen me courts are open, and all laws can be peace- ii i J A anfnrpwl in "those I" ."i" .... .1 nTU the hof thus ieace shall have finvM-nment. when thus peace come in fact and in law, the persons now held in military custody as prisoners oi and who may not have been tried and con victed for offences against me should be transferred to the custouy of the civil authorities of the proper districts to be tried for such high crimes and misaemean- ors as may be alleged against mem. . 1 think it is the plain auiy ui wc in dent to cause criminal prosecutions to be in tori Kfko tha nrnnpr tribunals, and at all nroner times, against some or me wuo were mainly instrumental in iuauguiuu6 nonductine the late r .- 1 . " Tintii;tipa. T should reeard it as a direlul calamity, if many whom the swoid has spa red. the law should spare also ; but 1 would aeem it a more aireiui caiamiy . , . 3- J.l I,;t. ctill if thO Executive, in performing his constitutional Antv of hrincW these persons before the .nr nf instil tn answer for their crimes, should violate the plain meaning ot the Constitution or infringe in the least particu lar the living spirit ot that instrument. 1 have the honor to be most respecuuny, James Speed, Attorney General Correspondence of the Journal. Belvidere. 111.. Jan. 2, 1866. Mr. Row: The weather has been very fine here most of the winter having had only about four inches of snow. It is much more pleasant to sit here by a warm nre. than hauling timber in the hills of Clear field : and I would advise my mends to move to the west, where they can live with much less hard labor than among the moun tain pines. My boys raised, the past year, fifteen hundred bushels of' oats, ten thou sand bushels of corn, and three hundred bushels of wheat Oats brings 20 cents a bushel, corn 30 cents, and wheat from 50 cents to one dollar. You arc aware, no doubt, that I was a little unfortunate last year, in Clearfield, on account of not get- tmz mv timber to market : but it no ui- untoreseen misfortune overtakes me now, and mv friends will have a little patience, shall soon be able to satisfy their claims, Hopine that you will give these few lines a place in the Journal, 1 remain jour menu, Simon Rorabauqit, Graduated. At Duff's Mercantile College, Pittsburg, Pa : Luther S. Dickey, Tarentum, Pa. James M. Watt, Indiana, Pa. Robert Ash, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Jacob Ash, Mount Vernon, Ohio. T. II. Mohr, Erie City, Pa. Andrew Paul, Beckman, Pa. Charles II. lull, Mount Gilead, Ohio. Elmore A. Barnes, Rochester, Pa. Benjamin II. Linton, La Grane, Ohio. Wm. P. Gault, New Concord, Ohio. A. R. Collins, Greensburgh, Pa. GeorgeJII. Lybarger, Monroe Mills, Ohio. D. Irwin Myers, Indiana, Pa. James W. Fletcher, Whitestown, Pa. Jas. W. Pennel, New Alexandria, Ohio. Max Koch, Alliance, Ohio. Samuel Creel man, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Sam'l S. McNaughton, Little Rock, Ark. Robert Swartwout. N. Y. City, N. Y. Samuel C. Keibler, Freeport, Pa. John A. Nichol, Bridgeport, Ohio. J. G. Durning, Maple Grove, Pa. Q. S. Feeny, Wheeling, West Virginia. All of whoai passed the usual searching examinations of the College satisfactorily, and who will, no doubt, herealter distin guish themselves by an honorable proficien cy in business, tuach graduate was award ed the beautiful diploma of the College, as a credential ot his proficiency, ot his indus try and of his exemplary deportment dur ing his course or study. Ho ! for the South. We begin to dis cover indications that the tide ot emigration from this and other northern States towards the South is to set in the future with a strong current. Its fertile fields and salubrious cli mate present strong temptations to North ern capital and enterprise. By the abolition of slavery the labor interests of that region are undergoing a radical change. Men of enterprise and means will either purchase or lease the plantations and enter upon cot ton and sugar growing with an energy and will that must entirely revolutionize the in dustrial interests of that region. The bene fits of tree labor will be realized at an early day. In this way the South is to bejeclaim- ed in all its interests and brought into har mony with the rest of the Union. - One million five hundred pounds of cot ton orirood staple, have been raised m the vicinity of Carbondale, Jackson county. Il linois, the past season. The gins are in op eration at the prrsent time, preparing the cotton for market. Preparations are beine made in the county of Jackson, to devote a large breadth of land to the growing of cot ton the coming season. Illinois farmers consider at the present prices it is the most profitable crop that can be raised. In addi tion the State produced in 1865 one hun dred and seventy-seven millions of bushels of corn, twenty-five millions of bushels of wheat, eight hundred thousand bushels of rye, one million of barley, and twenty-eight million bushels ot oats. A letter from the Chief Clerk of the Uni ted States Government Farms, St. Mary's county.Md., states that the "Freedmen there have raised during the year six thousand bushels of corn, with wheat, oats, and that in addition to six barns of 'tobacco and the usual amount of ' 'truck. " Out of the corn and oats raised, we have fed our teams and cattle, consisting of eighty-two horses and eighteen oxen. There has been a large a mount of hay secured in addition to the corn fodder and the farms present a marked con trast, showing the difference between com pensated labor and slavery. The ice on the Missouri river is so strong opposite Atchison that the Atchison ana Pike's Peak Railroad Company are crossing cars and locomotives upon rails laid upon it for that purpose. Congressional Proceeding. In the Senate, on January 8th, result of the late vote in Washington on the suffrage nnestion was presented. A resolution was adopted calling ou tne rresiaeni ior informa tion in regard to an order issued iorDiaaing the exportation of arms across the Mexican frontier, and asking whether the order was not a vioiauon or neutrality witu lueuw. Another was also adopted asking why the commission to investigate the claims for compensation of loyal slave owners, whose slaves had joined the Union - army,. uaa not been appointed. Adjourned. Intheuouse bills were introduced, and referred, ior tne disposition of Government lands m the Snnthern otates as homesteads: to amena the act for the establishment of a freedmen's bureau; to establish a railway between Wash ington and iNew i. ork. to acertam and ad- just claims or injury to, or destrustion or, tiropertv. bv tne military, during tne rerei- Iion; to grant additional bounties to soldiers who enlisted in the early part ot the war. A resolution was adopted calling for infor mation in reeard to the kidnapping of the child ot an American lady, by Maximilian, in the city ot Mexico. Another was also adopted instructing tne Committee on Naval Affairs to report on the property of accept ing League Island as the site for a Navy- vard. A resolution declaring that the na tional iorces shall not be withdrawn irom the lately seceded States until Congress shall deem their further presence there un necessary was adopted. A bill was report ed from the Ways and Means Committee providing for the funding of obligations of the United Mates. The bill denouncing polygamy, ucc.anug .?l, m iw i i . -i : .v.,. i; t. . ... , . ,. i ter, slavery, u snouia oe swepi irom ine Territories, and pledging the power of the Government lor that purpose, was passed, Adiourned. In the Senate, on January 9th, Wm. J. McDonald was, by resolution, appointed chief clerk. A resolution, offered by JUr. Sumner, directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire whether any further legislation is necessary to prevent the kid nanpine of freedmen and their importation to other countries, was adopted. No other business of importance was transacted. In the House, the special committee on the bill establishing a railway between Washing ton and New York was announced : Mr. Stevens is chairman. A long discussion here ensued in relation to the bill passed some days ago, to facilitate railroad commu nication between the fetates ; Jlr. W ash burn charged Mr. midwin with saying that the bill was intended not as a blow at railroad monopolies, but for the purpose of relieving the Illinois Central Railroad from certain obligations. Mr. B. acknowldged that he had made such an assertain, but did not intend to charge the gentleman from Illinois with practicing deceit Mr. W ash burn and others disclaimed that the bill had any such design. Oa motion of Mr. Uoutwell, the .senate was requested to re turn the bill to the House. A resolution was adopted instructing the Military Com mittee to inquire into the practabiuty ot converting the Arlington estate into a home for wounded and disabled soldiers, with, the view of establishing an invalid corps to manufacture army and navy stores. Mr, Voorhees resolution endorsing the Presi dent's message, and asserting that the States lately in rebellion are still States of the Union, was taken up. Mr. Voorhees made a speech, and was replied to by Mr. Bingham, of Ohio. The latter offered a substitute, but the whole matter was re ferred to the Committe on Reconstrution. ls the o en ate, on January tuth, a memorial of colored citizens of Savannah, asking for suffrage, was presented. A bill was introduced to increase the regular army, There are to be seven regiments of artillery, ten of cavalry, and sixty of infantry. Of the new regiments, one of artillery, two of cavalry, and ten of infantry shall be colored persons. The cavalry and artillery are to be organized as at present, and all the in fantry regiments are to be organized on the basis of ten companies each. Part of these last are to be composed of men who have been disabled in battle, and will be officer ed by officers of the Veteran Reserve Corps, Several departments are reorganized, and the signal department is made a part of the regular organization. The bill to regulate ine elective irancnise in the uistnct ot uo- lumbia was taken up and amended, and then sent Pact to tne committee. A resolution declaring that provisional governments were necessary for the wants and necessities of the lately rebellious States was offered and debated, but no result was arrived at, and, after an executive session, the Senate ad journed. In the House, a bill for the sup port of the navy was introduced. The Committee of Ways and Means were in structed to inquire into the expediency of revising tte svstem of income taxes Resolutions were offered expressing the con fidence of the House in the President, and calling for mfonr ation why Jeff Davis and others are held in confinement A bill was introduced to . punish counterfeiting with death. A long debate ensued on the bill granting the right of suffrage to colored per sons in the Districtot Columbia, after which tne nouse aaiourned. In the Senate, on January 11th, peti tions were presented from citizens of Michi gan against renewal of the Reciprocity Trea ty, and from a colored Baptist Convention for universal suffrage. The bill to author ize the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint assistant assessors of Internal Revenue was called up, and Mr. Sumner offered an amendment that the Secretary should ap point noooay wno could not take tne oath re quired by law. Mr. Fes3enden and Mr. Howard commented on the admitted viola tions of the law in this resneet hv t hA Raa. retary, but suggested that an admonition to him should take the shape of a resolution. Mr Sumner withdrew his amendment, and the bill passed. Resolutions, were offered providing extra pay for certain officers and volunteers; asking information about march ing U. S. troops through Mexican territory; inquiring as to printing official advertise ments in the Washington papers,, how much it costs and what law there is for it, and providing for printing 10,000 copies of the diplomatic correspondence. The first was laid over and the . last two . adopted. Mr. Trumbull, from the Judiciary Commit tee, reported back the bill to enlarge the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau, and to protect civil rights in certain States. Mr. Howe's resolution for the appointment of Provisional Governments for the Rebel S totes came up. Mr. Reverdy Johnson made a very long speech on it, and the Sen ate thereafter adjourned. In thi House, resolutions were adopted directing the Seo- retary of the Treasury to report how much money had been spent on the Philadelphia xs avy-xardf to provide the Committee on Militia with a clerk, and inquiring into the expediency of repealing the Utah Territo rial Act so as to divide and distribute that territory under other Governments. Mr. Stevens reported the army, appropriation bill fbr the ensuing fiscal year, and ii was made the special order for next luesday. Mr. Morrill introduced a bill for an increas ed tax on cotton, which was referred. The bill to extend suffrage in the District of Columbia was taken up and debated by Messrs. Rogers, Kelley, Farnsworth, and Marshall. - Without concluding, the House adjourned. i Atlantic & Great Western Rail Roat. At a meeting of the Directors of the Western Central and Atlantic & Great Western Railway Companies, at Meadville, on the 2d and 3d January, it was decided that the line through Pennsylvania be put under contract as early in the spring as possible. The purchase of the Reading and other railways was ratmed, thereby guarranteeing w-k. . Ill I t . . XT' r 1- to rhiladeipuiaequaiiacuiuesioitew iork. It is the intention ot the Atlantic Great Western Company, to construct a narrow, as well as a wide gauge track the entire length of the line, from Philadelphia to Cincinnati and Cleveland. A topographi cal ftnrns of entrineers arrived at Brookville last week, and commenced at the mouth of Sandy Lick, with the intention ol following ud the line surveyed by CoL J arret, ine two parties will meet in the neighborhood oi uiearneia 0ne of the Fenian, captives convicted at nv-; , , u u i 1A"Z urt by an lusion to a forthcoming exchange of pris- oners. AdvertteinfHts.sftintargetvv,etits,orout of plain xtylt teUl be charged double price tor $paeeoeckpiea Tffinsure attention, the CASH mnst accompa ny notices, at follows: All cautions ana strays with $1.50: Auditors'. Administrators' and Ex ecutors' notices, $2,50, each ; Dissolutions, $2; all other transient Notices at the same rates Other advertisements atSl,50persqaare,for 3or less insertions. Ten lines (or less) count a square QUARTERLY REPORT of the County V3t, National Bank of Clearfield, Jan 1st, 186b RESOURCES. Loans and discounts :::::: $74,990 94 : 75,000 00 U. S Bonds Deposited with Treasurer of U. S. to secure circulation : : Due from National Banks : : : : " other Banks and Bankers : 23,107 23 1,930 20 : 1.129 24 7tl 5i Premiums ::;::::::: Expenses and Taxes :::::: Specie en hand, ::::;::: U. S. Legal Tender notes, : : : : : 8,309 00 : 1,834 00 546 50 Notes of other banks, : : : : : Remittances and other cash items,: : Total :::::::.: $187,623 66 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in : : : : : $100,000 00 Notes in circulation :::;:: 41,995 00 Due Ind. Depositors ::::::: 39,913 35 " .National Banks : : : : : " " ether Banks and Bankers : : 1,555 02 ' Discount and Interest : : 4,020 29 " " Profit and loss, : : : : : 150 00 Total Liabilities :::::: $137,628 66 1 hereby certify that the abore statement is a true copy from the report made to the Comptrol er oi me currency, jan. 1st, lsno. W. V. WRIGHT, Cash SPECIAL NOTICE. " Great Oaks from, little Acorns grow? xne worst aiseasos Known to the human race spring from causes so small as to almost defy de tection. The volumes of scientific lore that fill the tables and shelvrs ot the medical fraternity only go to prove and elaborate these facts. Then guard yourselves while you may. The smallest pimple on the skin is a tell. tale and in dicatoj of dieease. It may fade tnd die away from the surface of the body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. Magqiel's Bilious. Dtspeptir and Diarrbka Pill euro where all others fail While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, Miggiel's Salve is infal lible- Sold by J. Maooiel. 43 Fulton street. New York, and an Druggists, at 25 cents per box. a LARGE LOT of Raft .m.n a il Fully blocks, for sale bv thii . . ..n avance on cost by ikvin & HARTSHORN TnKOVf SHINS Flnni- t.Mn ' 1 vwwvu, .w.v., dried beef, dried fruit, received regularly, at tne store oi Jiar. zz, j. r. KrtArZfc.lt. fJROUND AND ITNGROUND SPICES citron, inglisn Currants, Ess. Coffee, and vinegar ot tne best quality, for sale by Jan. 10. IIAftTSWICK A IRWIN. SOMETHING NEW ! CARRIAGE AND WAG OX SIIOP, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that we have entered into partnership, and are prepared to do all kinds of work on carriages, wagons, sleighs, sleds, c. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch. lOrders prompt ly attended to. - JOHN K, ROTE, Clearfield, July 5, 'y. WM. McKNIGHT- Thankful for past patronage, I would still so licit the favors of my old customers, and ask ma ny new ones to give us a call. I have associated with me in the above business, Wm. McKnight, who is an experienced workman. If you want a good carriage or timber sled, give ns a call. - J. F. Rote. SOMETHING ISTEW IN CURWENSVILLE ! DEUGS! DRUGS!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in the room recently fitted sp in the house of George Kittlebarger, on Main street, Curwensville, Pa one door West of Hippie A Faust's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of. Dnigs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, ! Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, .Tobacco, Cigars,' Books, Stationary, "Pencils, ' Pens, Inks; and a general variety of Notions ; Glass, Putty, etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in CnrwensvUIe, and as that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by gtsict attention to bu Biness, to merit and receive a liberal share of publio patronage. His stock embraces most artioles needed in a community, is entirely new, and of the best qual- r Wi , wiU disP0e of roasonable prices call and examine the goods, which cannot fail to pleae JOSEPH K. IEWI2J. November 8, 1865. FOR SALE t cost 4 barrel of good fa. ilj flour, to eloee oat the stock, at Jan. 10, 1S66. MERRELL A BlQLER's, CO AL. Whale, and Linseed Oil, Family ITe. Varnish and Paints of all kind ground in Oil' for sale by I1ARTSWICR A IKWIX. ' "CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution. y ed against purchasing or meddling with on dark bay and one sorrel horse, and two settlors gears, now in the pof session of Stanley Miller, of Uuelich township, as the same belong to me and e i-abject to my order at any time. Jin 10, I866 pd. DANIEL FL'LKERSON. QUARTERLY REPORT of the First S. tional Bank of Clearfield, Jan 1st, 1S6S. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, - - $80 348 a Over Drafts 2,603 2 100.flo M U. S. Bonds deposited with Treasurer of C. S. to secure circulation - - Specie and Legal Tender Notes - - - - 1.3S5 - 6 Sfi3 00 - - 5.259 41 - - 1,227 21 - - - 500 00' - - 1,906 7i - - - 365 43- - - 708 51 - S219,16a35 - $101,000 00 73.596 r - - 35.2S8 77 - - 2,402 02 - - 1,166 54 ' ' 02 - $219.165 35 Bills of other lianas - - -, - - -Due from National Banks - - - " other Banks - - - - - V. S. Bonds on hand - - ... - Expenses - -- -- -- -- - Taxes, paid - -- -- -- -- Furniture - - -- -- -- -- Total - - j LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in - - Circulating notes - - - -Individual Deposits - - -Due National Banks - - - Dae Banks and Banker Interest and exchange - Total Liabilities - - - - -1 hereby certify that the above is a true abstract from the quarterly report made to the Comptrol ler of the Currency. A. C. FINNEY, Cash. UUARTERLY REPORT of the First National Bank of Curwensrille, on the morn ing of Jan. 1st, IS66. RESOURCES Notes and bills discounted, : : : $72,116 04 Overdrafts, ::::::::::: 87 43 Banking House. :::::;:: 2,426 21 Furniture and fixtures :::::: 6i is Current expenses, and taxes paid : : 1.639 22 Remittances and other Cash items, : : 2.2V9 78 Due from National Banks. : : : : 23.329 7y U. S. Bonds deposited with U S Treasurer to secure circulation : : 81.000 OA 1.600 00 1,050 oa Other United States securities ou hand Cash on hand -other N Bank Notes : " " State Banks : : : 1.373 00 : 24,310 20 "$211,897 S3 75,000 00 ; 5,000 00 : 67,500 00 ; 52.033 62 : 3,397 ii : : 458 53 : : 8.50S 10 5211,897 Si Specie and Legal Tender notes : : : Total, ::::::;: LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, : : : : surplus fund, :::::: Circulating notes, outstanding Due Depositors, ; : : : ; : National Banks : : " " Other Banks : : : Profit and Loss :::;:: Total Liabilities : : : : : I hereby Certify that the above Statement ia a true abstract from the Quarterly Report made to the Comptroller of the Currency Jan. 1st, 1866. SAM'L ARNOLD, Cash. This Bank has declared a Semi-annual Divi dend of 5 per-cent, free of tax, also carried S2, 500, to surplus making the Surplus Fund $7,500. Jan. 2d, 1866. SAM'L. ARNOLD, Cash'r. THE LUMBER-CITY RACES AGAIN! KIRK & SPENCEE SEEP THE INSIDE TRACK Their Celebrated thoro bred Steed, "CHEAPEST FOR CASH," the Peoples' favorite !! . Remember this, and when in want of seasona ble GOODS, AT THE VERT LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH price, call at tbe store of Kirk A Spesckr, is Lumber City. -You will not fail to be suited. Dress Goods and Notions in great vatiety, We study to please. KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., July 1, 1865. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAIL0E, Market Street, Clearfield, One door East of the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, Undershirts, Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doe-skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres in great variety. Also, French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Tricott Over-coating, all of which will bo sold cheap far cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Alro agent for Clearfield county, for. I. M. Singer Co's Sewing Machines. November 1, 1865. ' NEW STORE, AT MARYS VI LLE, CLEARFIELD CO. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, that he has opened a now store in Marysville, and that he is now receiving a large and splendid assortment of seasonable goods, such as- DKY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, GROCERIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPSr CLOTHING, AND STATIONABY, and in fact a general assortment of goods, tacb aa are generally kept in a country store. Desirous of pleasing the publie, he will use hi best endeavors to keep on hand the best of goods, and thereby hopes to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhere.as I sb determined to sell goods at moderate prices far csh, or exchange them for every description of Lumber, ac market prices Eept. 27, 1865. STACY W. THOMPSOX PAY ATTENTION! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS ' We hereby notify the publie, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast by the undersigned, who are now ready accommodate the community with anything Fer" taining to our line of business. We keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of stoves an castings, among which are the following : Cook, Parlor and" Ten-plate Stoves, for burning either -wood or coal ; Sala mander stoves, No. 4 ; Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 16 and 20 gallons; Farm dinner bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and inches ; Plows and plow-castings. We are also prepared tolnase all kinds of GRIST mi JpAW-ltlLL IRONS, and special attention will be paid to the repairing of TaBEsmse Mi chikbs. Persons in want of anything in our line, would do well to give na a call. Every description approved country produce, and old metal. I4 n exchange for oar manufactures, at the hins market price. HARLEY 4 S03- . . Clearfield, Nov. 1, J8C5 tf. '